OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, January 11, 1853, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1853-01-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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TV 0OLLAIS ins: lvance, T-o udthur
and pfty Cents at the expiration of als fsalnas,
No paper discontinue id.litu all arrea.i-gea
aft: I1, tut'lea at the uption of the Proprieutor.
FI Cents Iter siuare, (1It rtnt-a or leps.) for
- e first, and half hat umn foir tenl subsequent
Th uibber of inversions toh'b merked
-An AtIvertisemenia-ir they will he publisahed
Inll ordered to be dbscunifsaeed,-aul chargeti
ONE. DOILAt per vqiurefisra eindle
b -tfrttly -and Meutltty AMvertise
ments Will belcharged thte :anse as .a-vsingle Ite
erlioii %d sini-monthly the ane na new one
tb8Iie Gvernamsent.
The Iolowing is an abstract of an
actnkiappropriatitns for the year
commenocing in October, 185.: .
FxEcuTivi DkUrAITENr
Salani of the Governor, 8 ,5.0
Private' Secretary, 0
Messenger 25'
Contingent Fund of Executive
Departinent, 7.000
Rent of Govornor's Iause, .
Pay members of Legislature,
Attorney General and Solici
tor, . 21,001)
Clerk of Senotg'anid Husy of
Representatives, $1,000 each, 2, 00
Assistmt Cletks of do.. $250
each. . . . 500
Two messengers & two Door
keepers, each $250, 1,000
Keeper of State Ilouse antid Li
b 1rian, ' - - 700
Reading Clerks of Senate anid
H~se, of Representative*.
- eah $250, 500
EngiOssing Cewks, 200
Printers -of Senate and Mouse
of -Representatisves, 9,000
Printers of Journals and Docu
Be.4art, for AContingent -I;x
penses, . 1,200
Stationary, Fuel, Distributing
Acts, Elections Returns, 1,400
Purchase of Books for Library, 500
Repalruf State House and
Grounds, 500
Extra Session of Legislature, 5,000
Salaries of ten Judges at $3,000 30.000
Attorney General, 1,100
Five Solicitors, 4900 each, .4,500
Clerk of Appeals, Columbia, - - I00
Messenger, 250
Librarian, 200
Books for Library, 500
Firewood and Fuel, 50
Aerk of Appeals, Charleston, 600
Messenger, --250
LibrariaN, 200
Firewood and Fuel 60
Books fer Ubrary, 500
Salary of State Reporter, 1,500
- Pay of Jurors and Constables, 40,000
Salary of Cnptroller General, 2,000
Clerk of do.75
Treasurer of L~. Division and
Qertkir.ei ' 2,000
Treasurer of U. Division and
Clerk hire, ' ,600O
Assessor for St. Phillips and
St. Mitchaels - 200
* Salary of the President :i,000
Seven. Profiessors $2,500 each 17,000
Treasnrer 500
Librarian ..600)
Secretary of Bouard of Tus
the. 200
Mairshaal . 400
Ex ' mses of one studient sent .
by Orphand innio. 400
Books for the laibrary . 20
Buildaug a new Chapel -. 15,000
Co~ n'gent Acoounts of Up per.
.ugiasion - -: 25,000
Contingent Accont s of Lower
Division . 13,000
Commnissioner of l'nbalie Works 150
Pensions and Annuities 3.000
Claims admitted- by the Legisla
ture . '10.000
Supr't of Free Schools 74,500
Educatior of the Deaf, Dumb
and-Blind 5,000
Refunding 'Taxes . 200
Payment of other claimas 3.125
Coirap'nsation fojr sl'ves execut'd 2,)00
Salalry of Adjutant amil liuspee
tor G~eneral 2,500
Arsenal Keeper, Chatrlesten 1,000
Arsenal Keeper, Coluna bia - 400
Physician of Jail, and Alagazine
GadCheston 500
Arsenal and Military School,
Charleston - 16,000
Arsenal and Military School,
Columbia 8,000
Military Accounts 100
Military Contingencies 5,000
Quartermaster General 500
Secretary of State, issuing Mili
tary Comamissonms 800
Additional appr'riations for Mi!
itary Academies at Charles
ton and .Culumnbia, 2,000
Transient Poor of Charleston 4,300
Port Physician at Charleston 800
Execution of Quarantine Laws
at Charleston .1,000
Suaperintendetnto fire proof buil.
ding - 100
Transient Poor of Georgetowni 500
Pilot of Harbor of Georgetowna 300
Ferry on Elliott's Cut 100
For Court Ilouse and Jail at
Abbeville -. j3;000.
Improving Court House at Or..
auigeburg 3,500
Portieo to Court Ihouse at Pick
.ets ~..2,000
Rleaiabilening Court H ouse at
AMdtulspn:. 2,500
Additltiul for building Court
1lodset; lairion. 2,500
iegresentativen 300
Buildingftok Lutnid A mns30
Fire Lheif 44iiig sit a(~w
Ex~uildinibr xiltiina S. b
Ollee rent df Commissionrsoni
Shetail1; Clerk ndrdinayi, of
Newbeorry .Distrjiv - . 5
1. le it enacled-by he, Seiate and
Iixse of Represetatires. now met and
sitting in General Amsembly, and by
the utiority of the smee, That the
charter otf the Planters' and Meehai
ics Bank (of South Cairolina be id the
sane is hereby renewed for the. terin
oif twenty one years from and aifer
the first .day of Jauiary -naxtt, which
will 1be- it :the yeir of otie.. 'Lord
one thotand eight .undred ld .dilig
t hreo -
11. That said Ban-k shall,:duilng the
said term of twenty-one years, lie per
sititted to enjoy sall tie prvisieges
rirhts,.powers, iliiiti iind hene
lits' whicl it now cijys er te ex
isting chatter of said Bank1 and: 1li
said Bank shall be subJect hi all -the
provisiin4 of um Act, -pattkied oi the
I eighteenth dity of December, in the
year oif ur Lrd n'ie thousaind eight
hundred, and forty, entitled "An Act ti
provido agaiist (e snspendn 44f
specie Ti payments by the Banks of this
State," aid also 1t anohr reguatins
:and(] restri.tions 'aS the-tegislatue
shall I.rft in'e to time Im pose.
I11 That thfn capital stodk arad other
property of the said Plaiters' and Me
ehanis%ql' , mit *nsI ll the ot B1&anks
herehy. rehartered or inb'rporated,
sha:l1 be liable to taxation in the same
manner. ns the capital stock and proper
ty of individalis and .of other coirpira
tions. Prouided .That no miun'ipal
.COrporatioi -hiall tax the capitlsl stok
'e iiissfits of said Banks; without al
timrrty first had anmd obtained from
tie Legislature. -
IV. That in case oIf the failtir of
said Bank, each stekholder,. copart
nership or body politie, having a hare
or shares in such Bank, at the time ol
such fuilire, or who shall- have been in
tcrest-ed therein at aiy time withini
t welve montlis previous to sus failure,
shall hbe liable and held lutnd individ
illy for iny suim not exceedin" twice
the amount oatfis,.tber or their share
-or ishares.
V. it shll n'ot. be- lwfl tuir the
said Bank, except in seotkncast's with
other Banks, to pay hr delivder not it
payient or satisfiation if any &-itanid
ttion it, or bsy way sif loanwor diasint,
anyi hill, note, chee-k or-(ithesr paipei- it
anyv other Banik. And for e'~l1u-h ad
every visulation11 ot this section; the
said ihank ahall hbe u sihje&t to. the
payment iuf one buntdred ~tlai-s, to
b e recovered hv ac-tio n of debt, -at
the suit of the State, andappropriaitcd,
oneC halt to the uSsito the Staite, and(
the othecr half to) the iniibemzer.
VI. The'bills oi- ~notes of the said
iBantk shall lie .receivabile by the
treasurers, tax collectors, -mad other
pulic oflieers, in paymient fo'r taxes
and other moneys due to thes State, noa
tlinger thans while the said Bank shall
prompn~tly pay, on. demand, gold anud
silver current coin) for their niotes; hut
whsenever the said banik shall refuse or
dlelay to pay any:;sf their nostes ini
giuld or silver eirrent coin; or whtenev
er there shall be a protest on anty of
the bills or noterof the said Banuk' t'r
non-payrment in specie, it shall be the
duty of the Comspt roler -Geiieral to
toarbid the receipt ot'the h ills or notes
of the said Banik for taxes stnd othier
public dues. unless satisfaetory reais
onis he shownt by the said Banik -foir
contesting, in a Court of Justice, the
panyment of sucht protested ..bills o
notes. ..
Vli That the charters of the Uiiion
Blank of South Carolina, and the Comi
mierciail Bank ofs Gilumia, So 'uth C'ar
olinia, he also renewed, from the period
at which their charters respectively ex-.
pirte, for the same time and with the
same rights, privileges and iobliga
Lions, and subject to the same riegulah.
tilns and restrictLsions, as .lhereiin be
fore provided in relaion. to the said
P'lanters' and Mechanies' Banik.
V Ill. TLhait the following eight Banks
are hereby incorporaited, to lbe named
and knowns as t'illows, to wit: Otto
in CZolumbia, to be known as the "Ex
cliumge Banik of Colnhibiai, with a capi.
tal of five hundred thousand dollars.
and with the privilege of increcasing it
to one million; one sit Charleston, to
le kunowii as the "Fasrmers' and Ex.
change Banik of Charhestotn," with a
capiitail of one million of dollars; oiie
at Chester, to be styled the "Bank of
Chester, Soth Cairolina," with a capi
tal of three huandred thousand dollairs;
oine att Newhevrry, to hie styled the
"Bank of Newhberry, South Catro'li."
with a capital of three hun slred thous
and dollars; one at Winnshloro,' to be
styled the "Planters' Bank of Fair
field," with a capital of three hundred
thousand dollars; one at Anderson, to
bes styled the "Western Baink ofSout..
Carolina," with a capital of three hun.
dred thousand dollairs; one sit Susster
ville, to bo styled the "Batik of Stum
ter-villc,'l with a capitai, of three hun.
huindred thoussanid .-4ollark,' and: -one
sat Charleston, to be styled the "Peo
ple's Bank of South Cairelinai," w ithI a
capital of one million dol4lars; which
said Basnks shall have and poisess .the
same rights~ and privileges; and be. su1..
jeet to the same d'uties, liabilities oLfi
galtionis, regtulations,- and restrictis
herein prsovided' for the said: :Plate~r's
;smi- M.s-hi.miea~ 1151nt an n. i '' i l:nko
Neach of wthe aid eight -BItks
Jx.'Ul.-C nq>.Jrilor 'Gener(I 9hall
be:Ndyris-Opiasp lit fit nxl p OWp
piireandmiailosuusira uhC-0, ii
hie may-deCdieto'pen smseriptions,
bet-ween the first day: Iof April': mid
tledirst-day-of July. 'e.xt,'to the? .
tal stock of' the vight lihmks respective
ly liahed in the fenegoing section, and
too rekluire fivb dollars on each share
from subseribers in 'peqie. or nmtes. of
tecie paying Bullik.of thii'fatoj 1d
shall deposit, tlie same in $it mlan1k as
-a majioritv of the subs'cribers ala de-.
s4igliute, for lie use t it the respective
Ilatikii,n tm.te first mieeting of the sub
scribers-. That as soon is the subcrip
0m.n- shall resejiveIy e 4 t o
the artat -f te cpita stckof*
each of the slanla respectiveiy .hre
inlbefore inmed,' it. sh I be the duty of
the Comptroller General to notify said
subscribers to meet, who sinali. there.
:11polnb bIcomne a' body cirp-rate, with
the stile qgivilei zemnd.rights :.1iThe
sitesddlers'-<f 5''Es ~-Whose -hAar.
.terasare'hereby renewed, and make
all by-laws not inconsistent. .with
the I tlawst-of ti land,' to pr . to;
tIhietimii -46 ilierei the- divi4ro of
th. esital! f1,ek fII shtraid, the
paynienmt of 'the subsritionms,'ni
all a+aogements to: put into opera
tiho the charters hereby granted. Pro
d4d, J aIt no one of the Banks here
by inerporated fior the first time, shall
issue any bill or note or traisat biiio.
ness until satistfietury.priof shall be
given t-- the Comptroller..General that
one-lialf f the-capital stock of each
'iank-hai-bien paid, in one iiet y
in huotes of specie p'aying Bainks. Aid,
P.roided,furter, liat in case of o.v
er-subscriition to the stock of any of
the foregs ing anks, the sai4 sub'-ip.
ti.n shm1all be reducei pru raid, )..t no
subseription tof ivia shares or un.
der shall be reduced;.and. it shall nst
be lawful for ally person to subscribe
fMr shares in the naine of other persons.
X. No loan shall be made on pledge
of stock ofiany of the said Banks until
one year after the m hole capital shldl
have been paid in. -:
XI. The dffiers f' tihe Banks a
bove named shall not 14Ce ex-nel
from militia duty or from serving'
telligenti..orresposndent, r-esiding Wic
Greenock, iavors-us with the .'.!low.
ing curious communicatiomr '
'A stiort time since I had 4ecoaskitq
to v isit (itifpbeltown, .distant about
seventy nles fIrom this plice;- .a4 (i
mv .return 1V tihe steaac-, ,sd Mhe4
opposite Carridale, (on-athe -coast of
Arg.yleshire, and about i mile from
the shore, a boat camioff to. us. with
passengers. .At taiis moment iy:-u'a
-ten n ;was drawn to .'goo-se :whicha
was hraaing the swell, .ad kollowiig
-the btoat; ammd I was told taitt thiu bird'
was' pieked 1p (On thme: shore byi the
ownmer of the boat, svrpe fears since,
almioest lifeiess; tiint h4K4Lo it .>mue,
andmihaving pilacetd it in.fwuarm situa-.
tiouds . uhi d iIt witt ie- f'ood,
it recovered, antd (strange tuo stay!) that
ever sincee it followis -him -wherever- he
goes. r -
As soon1 as lhe eiaters hmis boat it
takes to the water, amnd 1:ever qumits its
element until lie returns to the shore.
Thea boat is frequently manuned wvit homut
its pre4erver, but the sagacious bird
nievdr follows it unle.As'le ~irilis one
of rhe crew I was fhrmher told that
wheni he left home, at anyv tinme ihr a
great distimee, lhe was obliged to have
it testened ug; and that in one inmstanace,
hie wenat to iieit'own on usnss
a dlistanie~ of twecnt y m iles, uanmd 'while
in a house thetre he heard the accus.
tomed cackliingoutside, and ont open
ing the& door, titund thmat his old friend
bad traveled all thmat distance in search
of him.-Gmateshead Observer.
E'x ioronims *r w r Tua.-Accord
iing to somie Italitan J ournaals,. a niew
organized being' has been -discovered
in the interior of'Africa which seems
I)tort anm immnediate link between
vegetable and aniuml life.. This sin
gnlar producetion omfi nature has tihe
shape1' of a spot ted serpenmt. It 4drags
itselfaloing on thme ground,-ipastead of ag
head has a fhower-, slhaped like a bell,
wich contains a vicious liquid.
Flies and otimer insects, attracted bay
the smell of thu juice, enter into time
flower, whmere they are caught by the
adhesive matter. . Thei flower theni
closes and remuains shut until the pris
onuers are bruised and trandse memd inat
chyleI. Thme inadigest ibl)e po rt in, such
as tho head anmd nm ings'are a barown out
by asp'irai openings. Thle vegotable
serpent has a skin resernibling ieaves a
white anud soft fleshm, and instead of a
cartilaginomus frarme, filled with yellow
mmarreow. Thue nautives conisider It deli
eious food.
Fes.--A 'gentleman of color'
whoe left New York oin a WVestern tour,
and,( fmnding himseslf in Bmmlfalo wmithiout
anything to eumploy his ti me, thought
he would. send a telegraphie despatch
hack home, inquiring of his partner as
to their buasiness. 11e sent this mles
sage: 'How is things?' To this in
terrogatory his partner immediately re
plied:-Tiuigs is - fine.' Resting on
this, he was ina no very good temper
when he9 returned home and found his
partniec d sold out- all the -goods,
pocte'4 thp money, shut ump time store,
anid run 00'Nith hmis wife!
Ilusiness.-Tfhe newv letter -envelops;,
with the single and double stam ps;
will sooni be'ready. Then every steam
.er, every railroad train, ecvery stag,
every exprss -line, and every man, is
made a mail carrier by act of Con:
gress. Letters, in the govermnment en
oeope,- can-be sent in any -way, .by
J. ~i 9~kpy mm
TUoSDAo mana& a.
C-- drIEsIION, -an. 0th. 488
Thecre hatbeen againa 'agse~it ad
variee since our last suport;.:an!1r1we
n. quot6ee*tremos at ffrini 7 3-4 to
g We Vail the -atesstion 'effe.tme
of our - renders, wishing to poqsess
themselves of' Ayrsliire and Durham
-Citt;I.io tl ie saIl!y -.. & L. T. L.wis,
.of the svod keldyging to 4be Estate (if
Jon C. SmEoito take 1ae at
Gadsden to.morrow.
The lon..J, L. OaR atnd J. 'A.
W OODWAaD -w1 jdeICnse .necL t our
t'hanks 'for-aluablo pubile'doauments.
Tis useu. and entertaining .pu'bifica
tion eomes .eguluriy 'to hind once a
week- and is aver , received Rvwi,tJaptic
sure. It itpbli;hed y 'Nessrs M
Elrath and Lord New York *t tJie .ow
rate of *2,50 per year. .The words
appear to be devoted te Ihe moral
improvements .' the i:ge, atd should
have ajlae in every fteme.
BiLACKWoWisb Emsnenon - MAGA
zisz TIhe. ieeimNer .u.wuher of thiS'
valuable magazine cnitin a coutinu
at ion of . Bulwiirs. lnt aid best tale
"ifmy Novel, on rarieties in Englioh
life." ad much ;otier intruct ive and
entertainingmattei. ie w4k is 1--oo
well known to gain anything -from
our poor praise.
Desmsriifc' Free -Press.
This-is the titlo of' a-newpaper pub.
is'heal at Wilm'ington N. C. by L.
Badger'Esq., itwiIll'be deioted to the
inter eat of the Democratic party, ,dud
Southern Rights. We wish those
conneeted with this niew enterprise
every suc'Cesjtud eardially welcome
tre EVsi r tn t'ia pen jend scisisors fra
..yije!ti 'sir Vouagrese.
Our citizen ill hear In muind, that
the election ft'a niimber-br thisCon
gressional' A *t il tlke plitte in
the fimurth.viy yji k4ubr1t4ry1nex!t.
A represedai ' i-W the. National As
seinmly 'is'f ulissnfu,'tri omatter; 80
ket thewm be plypaiired .1 .t iur vote~s
Cn hafday. Chvisi~
It is with ggt. .ph-asure. that we
learn fromu the Charleston papers, :and
other reliable souarce, that- the reports
of th exite ''1ffasiktie chiolera ini
that laceare ery uch exagerated,
and of the tw~entyv-two de-athls reported
the-week before the last, naear,1y alla oay'
he attribunted to scomec -imprudenice in
die't, auad excesses consequent upon the
ChJritmas Feasts, and the citizens are
particularly 'warned against eating
oysters, which iroe said to. have bceen
injured by the hirge quantities of f'resh
water flowing intivthe harbo r f'rom t he
he~avy f're.-hets in the up country. Tlhere'
is something ini those oysters,ftir mny
of'our own townsuieti, whlo have iundulg.
ed in the luxury of a plate this scaton,
have been niteked with a disease,
which the t'ears of a large commnity,
exposed to epidemuies might hive easily
magnified into the dreaded iasiatie
MIIsodiqt CosateresabCe.
This biody assembled here on Wed
ncsday last, and will continie in ses.
sion1 until to.:normw, whent it is ex
pee'ted, that they will adjounrn sine die,
and the appointments foir the ensuing
year~ will be made public.
The South Carolina Conferece Mis.
sionary Society hold a meeting on
Saturday night, at which a collection
in support~ of thet cause was taken up,
which we are infoirmed exceeded $1100
s4howing a just appreciation, by our
citizens, of the eff'orts' of that body in
propagating the G~ospel.
EIghsti of Jaumuary.
This day wais -ee'lebrate'd by the
Sumter ifilemen, who in their neat
anud well assorted unuiformn paraded
through ouar stets under corn nd of'
their Captain, J. B. N. MAau-r Esq.,
After performing sundry mano v res,
which proved their well taught skill in
tacties military, and some close target
shooting, at which the plume was borne
off by CI!arLIIa - WnLR, Esq., they
adjourned to a sumatuous Barbecue pro.
v'ided by the oflieers, where tiey w'ere
joiried by the Claremont ro~op un'tldr
CapLt.-J. IT. Ganas, and Beat, Company
No. 2. unde' ( ptain 'aiUiLs,' .also
the Colonel awl Staff' of the44th Nlegi
ment,.to all of wiinin arnvate
been eten'dd4.' Much' f.un, .j'oll~ty,
and good hiumior pt'evailed, and some
Lmat mamm~pia to the day and ee.
easion wr
-etion. -. .
,tg~fice'e stf~toh N
-e , ig stf St,
Ihe bily:Perw tYt"erns ttj iuu t 4.0,%
elusiveof books, v+e ., ia nr
the erin of 'fforn to 42w*J
*I52 to bhi.puW ,'" #' '
aidvaned- this sndoee o.eiwi
wh h.yaduatea t
Theo~loid :.dephtifn n t hder
neucerment i i Agst last, were Joils(
.. A.EAxRosii qf Charleston, L.AG
NtS C61ou of '*Bendfort, and Jwusut
IlUMPniREvs of tlhiiTfiWt. ' 'The al
nutual cominenc ent-will tako pe'. ewn
the Wudnes day before ou th-ut
.urdayr in June. . ,' ~ , -t
For tihe Sumter .anner.
Holes ef Toaspemasse. -
The following ge'tita'nu'tn.euwere (01
Wednesdy.. last inntaled as tofficers of
heso 14lunter Ddiie, N. .. of
8,ms-ei -T~gnd .rde .cns i-Ig
term -- -
LUMr !S.:HVDSOn, . W'i. P.
4. W. Jh.AeK, W. A.
.J.--R.-Havswoanrn;:.. -
K 'W. G Auanwr~r, A:" u. s. -
A.. A sannson, F. S. ' * -*
T. E. F:.OWNIvan, -
W. A.-11. DAvis, A. C.
- W. 1. vLtrisoN, . S.L
JAMSBE1.l., 0..
NOA . Ltwzs,
Hoss. J. A. Woodward.
We .Live receiv da o)) of thi
gesvtlemans spee& d- Ti-veregAi . I s
IIm;e of Repreiutativcs Dee. 10th
1852. the proposition o Mr. -Bros to
raise a seleet corlninttea onthe Tar
being under consideration . It is
able document. and one t throws,
imuch -ight. si the subject fibjjpe
sent. t iadge ts11.u!d, le uppj
to lay it ir 1id41 helbre- our 'adtws,
did the limits. of tis4 paper .#1ld.
ir. WiVJs evh9 d'4 to'the .riii'
ty of a fixed systeni :471 irnJ'ou4s, and
of a permannt
bitory whieli the tariff i'-1840 4s
od " ' 1,4d taze ette.
wardi 'npee iaahrej Iat
fying andap roiai~tepreto
of tha, of Mpe;. iinminitrics
surp.assing it. A riaeric~an " pi-dln are.
lowering, and Am ericaun econmyi
imupruoig. Trhere are very fe thinugs
we cou-Id' not inake -as hea~p as tha*e
are inade abroad. But just .in pro.
[sir iuti as our. ('apacIity ';3?gjpu4egg
ture cheat' rv onees. uso must .duneAs
fall progressivel~y. he principle'/of
low dluties mrust beC as iireogres.sive a<
Anmer~itmskill arnd Aitmericaun machline
ry. nr -etse your tarid' wijJ becomei
his is undeniAble, andi as to apgri.
euultural art ieles heu ge (lit tO s.ay, "W
are 'the produirs of almost-tevery
inug,:ur edga~uble of bingt so. Wh~at
that is produced in any other cotiri'
try is not prouced, or cnpable of
beiing produced, its United States?
Tell nie what articles 'of raiu'fhet.,
u.n hrad, or whaut of theL agricultur.
-al pr.oduuet~ a fJhurieigpu elin meare n:ot
anlso produteod- in the l' ited -States,
or likely soon to be? Cosffee, tea, andt
some few tropical fruits, aire niot y t,
I helieve, founud in the United States,
butt almoust every other productioni ies
Tlhere is,:,ini the. Unitod States,: thi.
side (If' the tiynutlsrne t
anutof territory cjnal to. thue thuree
IStates of Mdississippi, "Alab~ama, 'and
l.ouishmua, of prod~.igins fertiity and
remnurkabte. tGaibrhuy, Whlich liet su.uth
Iof the sotuthernu extremnit 'v .d6f . Eumpe
It evrends evenu further south than the
Baurbary States of A frien; anud though
not oif the same teniperature.. yet, .it in.
known that.the in&egriaity Is not ~s
great as to vary ini zumy conisiderale
degree its agricultural capabilitie.
T[hue Unlted 8 ates are a great Zoll-Ve
rein, exctendinag fromtu the~highest unuth.
ern to the lowest souitern latitude.
Should .Cuba. h~eeme a portion of
themi, there will bie ahno'sL n.thuing.
produced throughuit the world that
will unot have its representative or ant
alogue ini the United States. I amu
told that in the deserts of' California
they actually find the gum acasia, ta
commutodity tho~ught' indigenous onlyv
in the sanud seas of Africa.
in our day, alnmost every thing in
mnanufactured by mneauns of macieury.
.A railroad Jlocomiotive, of five-.hos
power, inferior in quality and tumee:.
lain ini its operationi, and requiring to
be tinkered every trip of fifly 'or oneo
hundred miles, fteenu years agro, to myv
knowledge, cost .'1,0 . You now
get una engine of six times that power,
three times the speed, amud as reliable
for its operation as the' vising itf the.
sun and moon, for $6,000, or $7,000.
Whui will pret4nd.thiat permanent du-l
ties are appropriate for that iifticlet
If a strict estimate be mande, it will be
found that rairoaud. kuoomoutives have
been cheapenied ninety per. cent.1. and
that is the ressort whpi~ailroad *stoek,
which was Bold a' few years backlfur
~thirty cents the dotlar, us tihs' ton4u
htundred anud thittt. I st'ate this to il.
InJusrate tho f-wt tfi't A uin~'uf nMIl Is
l, 141
~edioiin 4 dV o rtl a it It
has~,geal eniialyveburt
barr0l'Ile -
f 0, , dlaf:
~ Te lE~) D*ON AMflft
Wf, kel Cawf "d ot h411431fi48 l.ii4rqy
ie3rd, instt. I ie was tone oft h.9 mo~st
atate. at
SThere has lbeen.amiows aff'ray.
;At ld3i4a~k~ ~ia
. tweetn,:hs v(4 1LT.'hci~ ( ets. bnitm
if not hinotam! 11 ia d A
7T1 A ary of the wprr(krn
ls%ceri'rwl0 &.0 0 fnns
w~id 116.t~:ilird i wd uji
tion of I S G0,000- frifle.s, II.-- -.,-...
$141,000,h~J~~-~w~,' i
lzv Thc li in. 'D'A*NiKL..k ACLAV, K.
1emOea" 'iarg -agivin a vtiddate.
for Coingress.
ROA.-By 'ie; Clacrai& (iuMzkto '
leari i thtthd trn c' 'fltRir
hits lweiia neardy.. c.nnplotv, nmal 'tia
13. Ard t'f Di i4e16ir wa1~tsraiz
rmute, (infltisu P~th, 1lta iiiad 14th. in--:
tahlt, -at lDnrlingrio Cacurt Ileae So,
i1 (.,pre- firs t 9 Iark alrevady iiindde'by
Ocrzsviisi desireops vf' gett' ig c"Intrd IctS;,
foor at cm in ni int n tig11.l A'i
SMALl. iAlBL -B 1lW'5hlutnk
ll;k an' t It C- .p kte d*1 1, Q d
n.I, 'u ,ml"is inuf'e~ic ~ 'i~'~ it1l -li mariS',
as wef84?lc ' all. Al sonetialik't t'
It n -N 1 ;
5 .~'v
U~ts~aV-r.4s I1
*.~~~~ - .p-(~
11~ s Irv
,a;itid up lrex4.nt sAy.
qirrev~tbag uaa4 it 'a asaj
*,~1ain40A 4.44 r- Ih~lflU
,ws.,cq ti~ tsed 8a ?
A f fim~1u 4 rnad.eii il ti a, 0,it
isus( zally.) b tl ~j~ua.a u
Ii~~~ p~ela f r., flw
it us. light. ln it: g.t.Iau . v :autilMa
ta'at'a'~'* Mr St~ail~'~. iicdiluK f , L 'r
114t is ma. :u.s j~sa'z~e~,a
.%ir lu i ti -hzii'tjit .'a.r.j lhjtrhvii,':
liiia~o, that thi tl~ittiD~t i
Duhe e ol' ijA*'! vstPi4~p'AA
-weiii thlh r Ihe' ativ - & .iut. t~ aa
-btvxc~v~*-. a s v.1 us.42 I hi 11
0ie ev .'fthe 4iqhItlicl~~
-rws - '-'--ml .
~ aj. ;~~ ;niasr ! tha.
I~~Q Iimw
vhs'ai 4to aau dem .,.~ trqsy.l'atM .'
Ile 6i'Is)vIj''; ddn4,s~ hoa

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