OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, April 05, 1853, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1853-04-05/ed-1/seq-6/

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rroex th*th rn 4Stieuld..4
p:_e eop a 'Plum
anhete Jeannot."
to make a pudding In which
n delights,
t now laId eggs you must take the
4, 17i0RA basin till they thoroughly
11 yu chopthe suet up particularly
ax pbutid of well-stened raisins and a
: of wheaten flour,
S nst themn to settle for a quarter of an
ThentIe the mixture in a cloth, and put it its
like the water cold, and some pro
".,tItopgh I don't know which of these two
plans I ought to praise,
.11how it-ought to boil an hour for overy pound
it weggs.
'610 if I were Queen of England, or still better,
Pope of Rome,
I'd have Viast plum-pudding every day I dined
t home
Allit*6tk'heould have a piece, and if any
did remain,
gNet morning for my breakfast I would fry it up
It's "4Oh, for a Quiet Spot."
It's "Oh, for a quiet spot."
A place where the waters sleep,
&little farm and a ihltered vale,
4A home in the forest deep.
"A dog for the woodland game,
A dollar to spend or to keep,
--A black and a brown and a brindle cow,
A horse and a flock of sheop.
A duck and a guina hen,
gpose and a gander too,
A turkey proud-the poultry king,
A pAir of doves to coo.
A pig and a yoke of steers,
A cat and a bird to crow,
ZA. lace for the comfort of thern,
And a place for the rake and the hoe.
An are for the lordly tree,
A plough for the at ubborn soil;
A faith in the promise of good,
And a strength and a will to toil.
pd akind and gentle wife,
- ittle irland a boy
dh, what can equal in life,
The farmer's fire-side joy ?
What a source of pleasure to him,
Hip fathers rarely knew
TW'phper" ready for use,
And that paper "paid for" too.
It's Oh, for a quiet spot,"
A place where the waters sleep,
A little farm in a sheltered vale,
A home in the forest deep.
THE BAnaR's GROST.-The follow
Ingstory is an old, but a precious good
one. We laughed heartily over it
"longtime ago," and presuming many
of our readers never heard it, we serve
it up for their edification.
ngoltleman travelling some years
since in the upper part of this State,
callddt'd tavern and requested en
terleimnent for the night The land
loid ned,.:ts %. it Wus our
_L rffr to accommodate him, as
- ~ aso was already full. He per.
*sind in stopping, as he as well .u
his .horse were almost exhausted with
travyelling. After much solicitation
the landlord consented to his stopping,
provided lhe would sleep in a certain
room that had not been occupied for
a long time, in consequence of a be
lief that it was haunted by the ghost of
*a ba'rlie, wvho wvas rep~orted to have
bedn' murdered ~in that room iisomo
years before "Very well," sasthe
ter having refreshed hinmself, lie in-.
quired of the landlord how and in
what manner the room in which lie
was to lodge was haunted? TIhe land
lord replied, that shortly after they re
tiredl to rest, an unknown voice was
heard in a trembling and protracted ac
cent, saying, "D~o you w-a-n-t to be
Bh-a'ved?" "WVelh," replied the main,
"if he iomes lie may shave mec."
Hie then requested to be shown to
to the itpatmAent; in goitng to which hie
was'donducted throtugh ai large room
where were seated a great nmber of
persons at a gamubliing table. .Feel
ing a curiosity which almost every
cno possesses after- haviuig hieard ghiost
stonies, he carefully searched every
conrof' his room, but could dis
cover nothing bhut thme tusual furniture of
the apartment. IIe then laid down, but
* did not elose his eyes to sleep immedi
ately, and in a fewv mzinutes he imagin
ed ho heard a voice saying, "J)o you
w.aent to be sk-a-v-ed?" Ile arose from
his 'bed and searched everiy Jpart of thle
rooni; bnt could discover niothling. lIeI
again went to -bed, but no sooner had
he begun to comipose hiimself to
sleep than the question was againi re
peated. lIe again arose aind went to
the window, the sound appearing to
proceed from that quarter-, and stood ai
while silent-after- a few umments of
anxious suspense, he atgain heard thme
sound distinctly,aund coniviiced that it
wvas from withotut, ho openeid the
window, when the qjuest ion was re
peated full ini his ear, which at artled
him not a little. Upon a minute ex
amination, howeveri, he obseirved thait
the limb of a large oak tree, which
stood under his window, projected so
near the house, that every breath of
wind, to a lively imag nation, mazde a
noise resembling the ini terr-ogation, "Do
you w-a-nt to be sha-a-ved?"
Itaving satisfied himnself that his
ghost was nothinig more nor- less thanm
the limb of a tree coming itn countact
with the house, he again wvent to bed
and attempted to get asleep; but lie
was now interrupted by peals of laugh
ter and an occasional volley of oaths
aud-ecurses from the room where the
gamblers were assemrbled. Thinking
that~hhould turn the late discovery
to hikown advantage, he took a sheet
from the bed and wrapped it round
hun, and taking the wash basin in his
hand land throwing a towel over his
arm, proceeded to the room of the
g'arnblcrs, aud suddenly opening the
door, 8tlkc -n xcamngi: tcu
vous vlce, "Do 'you w-a-nt to, be,
*ha-iI-ved " Terrilied at the sudden c
appearance of the. ghost, the gamjlers
were thrown into the greatest confu- c
sion in attempting to escape it; somo
jumping through the windows, and oth.
ers tumbling head over heels down C
stairs. Our ghost, taking advantage I
of a clear room, deliberately swept a ,
large amount of money from the table t
into the basin, and retired unseen to i
his own room.
The next imorning he round the
house in the utmost conifusionl. ie
was immediately asked if lie rested
well: to which he rested well: to I
which he replied in the aflirmuative.
"Well, no wonder," said the landlord, I
"for the ghost. instead of going to his I
own room, made a mistake and ciune
to ours, firightened us out of the room,
and took away every dollar of our
money." The guest, without being the
least suspected, quietly ate his break
fitst and departed, many hundred dol
lars richer by the adventure.
Kra The Lantern thus shows up
the 'dear delights' of the 'honey
moon' -in a series of illustrations,
compiled by one who has been
through the 'misery.'
Second day- Speechless extay
bliss impossible to be expressed.
Fifth day-Bliss still in the as
cendant--appetite begins to 'look
Ninth day-Lady eats her dinner
without being kissed between every
Twsh!.'a day-'Oh! you naughty,
naughty boy!' not said quite so fre
Fifteenth day-Gentleman fancies
a walk soluts-comes home and dis
covers his charmer in tears.
Sixteenth day-Gentleman and
lady having returned to the world of
sighs, gentle chidings, and a promise
'ncter to go out alone in future,' are
invisible nearly all day.
-Eighteenth day-Lady is present
ed with a magnificent breast-pin
gentleman consults her about the de
tails of their domestic arrangements.
Twventy-first day--Gentleman and
lady fancy a 'little change,' and go
to church.
Twenty-fifth day--Lady begins to
'pack up,' preparatory to returning
from her wedding tour--gentleman
assists her, and only kisses her once
during the operation.
Twenty-eighth day-On the jour
ney-gentleman keeps his'lady bird'
very snug.
Twenty-ninth day-Commit the
dreadful faux pas of falling asleep in
each others company.
Thirtieth day-Arrive home
greeted by mother-in-law on the
threshold-mother-in-law hugs her
dear son, and vanishes aloft with
ugt~--bueouu, unaiug a enuI
ance in sitting-room for twQ hours
already feels savage because the
dinner is getting cold, and spirit be
gins to rebel against the mother of
his Amelia. Amelia presently de
scends, looking very charming -hus
band brightens up-dinner put on
the table--mother-in-law drtinks wine,
and is alfeted to tear-s-Amelia con
soles her clear 'Ma'-eveniing wears
on-mother-in-law leaves-Augustus
returns inward thanks, and goes to
bed, determined to be at the stoire
very early in the mor-ning, and 'wake
up' the clerks.
Time Viue of Preision~ in
Doeri ptiota.
Thle Editor of the 'Leadcr,' an
English paper, quotes a story which
may serve to elucidate this:
Tfhe Mayor of Falaise having one
night run foul of a citizen of the
good town of Fal aise-in those days
there was neither gas nor oil lamps
tho Mayor gave orders next morning
that no citizen should go out at night
without a lanter-n. TIhe following
night, the Mayor, going his rounds,
ran against the sanme citizen:1
'You hiavn't read the or-dinance,
you stupid fellow,' said the Mayor in
a p~assion.
'Yes I have,' said the Norman,
'and there's my lantern.'
'But there's no candle in it,' re-i
joined the Mayor-.
-Thme ordinance saidl nothing about
that,' replied the scrup~ulous citizen.,
TIhe next dlay appeared ai new or-i
dinance, enjoining the citizens to put
candles in their lanterns. At night-.
fall the Mayor, anxious to see wheth
er his orders were obeyed, went his
round again, and onice more run foul
of the luckless bourgeois.
'I have you this time,' said the
Mayor- in a fury, 'you have no Ian
'Excuse me, hero it is.'
'But no candle in it.'
'Oh, bunt I have, and here it is,'
and out of the lantern lie pulled a
candle unhighted.
'lint it isn't lighted, resumed the
exasp~eratedl Mayor.
'You said nothing about lighmting
the candles,' quickly rejo.ined the
So another ordlinance had to be
issued, enjoining the citizens to light
candles in their lantorns.
A Lucky .Escape.-A dandy felli
in the fire on Tuesday night, and I
being unable to rise, his head was
entirely consumed-luckily there a
was nothing in it of value.
lig What things increase the ja
more you contract them? DE21BTS
TwzUHuNa 'You have two
hidrenv' said . or
I have four,"vas the reply; "two foi
t earth and two in heaven. ne
Thus spoke the mother! Still here!- cu
1ly 'gone beforel' Still remember- to
d, loved and cherished, by the he
earth and the board; their places not its
'et filled; even though their succes- fo
ors draw life from the same faith- co
ul breast where their dying heads te
vhere pillowed.
"Two in Ihcaven!"
Safely housed from storm and temn- B,
iest; no sickness there, nor drooping
weads, nor fading eye, nor weary c
eet. By the green pastures, tended et
)y the good Shepherd, linger the fit
le lambs of the heavenly Ibld.
"Two in Ileaven!"
Earth less attractive! Eternity
learer! Invisible cords, drawing the
naternal soul ipwards. -Still small
roices, ever whispering 'conic," to the
,vorld-weary spirit. 01
"Two in ieaven!" C
Mother of angels! Walk softly! ho- h
y eyes watch thy footsteps! cherub ir
'orms bend to listen! Keep thy spir
t free from earth taint; so shalt thou
To to them, tho' they may not re. n
urn to thee. F.iNNY FsI. 01
- t tl
O ATnalS.-"I lhd rather," Says
3ir Francis Bacon, "believe all the fit
Lles in the Talmud and Koran, than that (
this universal frame is without a d
mind. God never wrought miracles to c
:onvince Atheists, because his ordina- Jj
ry works are sullicient to convince S
then. It is true a little philosophy in
clineth men's minds to Atheisin; but
depth in philosophy bringeth thei C'
back to religion; for whilo the mind of,
man looketh upon second causes seat
tered, it may sometimes resist on
them, and go no further; but when iti
beholdeth the chain of them confedera
ted and linked together, it inut
needs fly to Providence and Deity."
"Mother," asked a little girl, 'while
listening to the reading of Uncle e
Tom's Cabin. "Wh don't the book n
tiever mention Topsy's last naime ? I
have tried to hear it whenever it spoke r,
of her, but it has not once spoke." C
"'hy, she had no other name, child." t]
"Yes she had mother, and I know it."
"WN hat was it." "WN hy, Tourvy-Top
sy Turvy." "Yoi had better go to bed,
my dear," said the mother. "You are
as bad as your old grandmother, 16r
she cai't say pork without beans for
the life of her ."
PAINT FOn nitmcx loUsics.-A cor- a
respondent of the Ohio Farmer has y
rsed a cheap and very durible paint 13
fbr the exterior of brick dwillings,
which has already stood several years,
and is now quite as fresh as whein first
applied. It consists simply of lime
wash, with a sulphrate of zine as a fix- -1;
ing ingredient. Any requtsite shade
is given by adding the colars used by
house-painters. A clear and rich
cream color may be obtained by ap
i" 4sru j Vus ucit: LO LIMu common j
iew brick livelier and warmeri shade -
will lie added by a little Venetian red.
B~urnt sienna may likewise be used.
J'his paint is far chieapei' thlan oil paint
~osts but little more thamn coimmoin
whitewash, and nothing w ill remiove it (
ut the severest f'rictioni.
ON TnE 'iACK.-Oii Monday last
Jetweeii Elkton and Wilmington, a
nani sat down'i on the rail road triack,
anas a train (of cars approaecd,
)laced his thoimb on his nose, aind gv
'ated his lingers at the locomotive.
l'he whistle was blown, the bireaks put
lown, and the dr'ivinig-w~heels rev'ersed,
ilt thei'e he defiantly sat. The con
luetor and a brakesman jumiped ofi S
mid ran ahead, and sat him i quietly ini J
he mud in the side dlitchi, and the
rain moved oii. ie was drunk, of' -
Tm F'IUTnis CoL'svass.--The Cin
:ineinnati Sun says Lola Montess of'
Landsi'clt, on the 17th, severely beat
>ne Johnm Jones, who was acting
is triavelling agent fhr her. She is
Ieseiied s havinig sprung on lie
atfortuinati. ,Jones with the comibined
'uy of severiah wild eats, anid that ap ai
'endage joine'd to "lier' little ar'm,'
isual ly sty led in plain Eniglishl a
'ist, strtuck t he defeneeless gent lemani
blow somiew~here in the v'icinuit y of' ,
lie uipper' story', si heca vy that. lie
',as pitched several feet.
They have someC Cute dai'kies out
n California. A latter writer say
--'As I sat at breakfast this mnorn
n1g, in the hotel, I asked one of the
.saiters, 'pray tell me; m y boy wh y
s it that these rolls, whiech shoul be
tot are always cold?' Tlhie little fel.
ow grinned,~ , as he replhiedl, 'D~on't
now, mnassa, unless it be that them
>iscuiits ai'o made of Chili (Chilly)
One of T1om Moore's obituaries:
Here lies John Shaw,
Attoi'ney at Law,
Antd when he (lied,
T'he Devil cried, I
G'ivc us your paw, 411
John Shaw,
Attorney at Law.
Dit. Tow' ~ N'sEN say',s that all that It
s r'equtired to niake a f'ortne is, t
car Go-d and patroniz.e a niewspaper
n otlher words, be honest and have- E
ourage to adIver'tis. th
A Pat1N~m out West, whose office
s half a mile from any other bml.
ng, and who hangs his sign on the
mb of a tree, advertises for an ap.
rentice. Ho says, 'A boy from the B
ountry would be preferred.'
WVhat makes more noise than11 a pig
imed in a gate'?
Ans...-Twno nigs
We had roJatedato go eoth.
day as anc 01gf an old lai;dY vho'
-inally "eiirtained travebIers in a
ighboring cokisy. Before .her guests
inmenced a mcl it was her cus
in to ask a blessing. She delivered
riselfin this wise: Oh! Lord, mnake
truly thankful for the food be.
re us. Nancy hand round the
rn bread first and then the biscuit af
Why is the sun like a loaf of bread?
Caluse it is light when it rises.
WV by is a young widow like a poets'
ait Because 7she wants to be re-pair
A Western poet in speaking of the
(Poln said : "She laid her eheek up.
ia cloud like beauty on a young
an s bosom."
Cost qf Suiezing a Lady's Hand.
-A man in Pittsburg has been fined
to dollar and sixty-two and a half
mnts for squeezing a young lady's
md. In this section, it costs noth
g. The girls like it.
3- Punch, (tile London one we
can,) gives certainly an example
tile very accommodating order, ill
le fullowing:
politely) -'Beg pardon, sir; please
an't smoke in the kab, sir; ladies do
miplain o' the 'bacca uncommon.
etter let me smoke it fur yer, out
dC, siI'
C.F' It is stated that the annual
st ut'the army and navy of the Uni
A States per head for the population,
sixtv-seven cents;. The expense
rthe ainIe establishments to Great
ritain and Ireland per head, is $2 56.
o France *2 10; to Germany $2 28.
'John, I wish it was as much the
Lshions to trade wives as it is to trade
orses.' "Why so, Pete?' 'I'd
icat somebody shccking bad before
The ounly thing that will break a love
t, is hard work and "biled pork."
o0d advice and idolence only makes
litigs "wilss."
di1)arlecstonl 'Aubertis rlluents.7
Gantt, Walker & Co,
Receive and sil Cotton, Corn, Flour,
id all other articles of Produce, and give
rsonlal atLenhon to tie selection U1 Fami
Commnission for selling Cotton, Fifty
eits per bale.
Reference-Col. F. 1. Moses and R. C.
ichardson, Esq.
August 24, 18-52. 44-Om
D. U. Kemne,
[ERle C 1T1' TA 'L 01R,
une 15, 1852. 34-ti
W. J, Jacobi & Son,
Impoi ters and Dealers in
'orc(iuln & Dohlnestic Dry Goods
Of-' t :r czuoers are ensured Mfoderate
a:es and a strict adhe:uce to the One Price
.an. 6, I1852. 11-t i
Wll1o01 'sAL AND) RETAIL
Clothing Warehouse,
No. 238 King street,
Nay 2hz, 18351 30 tf
Clothing and Out-Fitting
hO. 28 Kinig-stre~et, corner of
Vent11 worth, Chiarlestoni, S. C
Pulrchasers v..ll thi at al times a full
Id coinplete 'tck of Gen 4t's.
-A. ErT-! C.. H. hifenr.i.
Stores N. 1V.
I'If l! IN A NID Z of;8.UAI,
Importer of
coi:tre, Singn ot the I .re,
C'harleston, S. C.
Charl:etonm, S. C.
Marehp 1-'.1-52 10-ti
[~eil~-st., CIanrIestonu, S, C
SIptemb~er 1t;, 1851 47-tf
For Wright's Bluff lYur
IEntersanedfinte Lu adinlgs.
(.'u 'The lteruer I ):KALBl,
T U jO.N inaster, wdjl leave
-Th (:irlest el asi abohve, ahont
li o ( ) tuber. For Freight airrange.
1:,r to( I on floardl, o'r to
(O'N 12, li LL & KENNEDIY.
ST Wtchan cpy.Boyce's WVhar(.
SIJL 27, 18~52. -49
utter, Lard, Bacon & Corn
PRIME Mount ain Butter. (in imall Firkins)
do. do. Leaf Lard, do.
~orthi Carolina Bacon,
do. CORN.
TIE Subscribers having purchased the I
are now opening a Large, chutce, and well se
PERFUMERY, (of every kind.)
Thomsonian AndP
CGF All of which will be sold on reason
o7 All orders fzom the country promptly a
Sumterville, January 18th, 1853.
OFFERS for sale, for cash, or an approved cret
and wELL SELECTED assortnent of EABT INDIA
Drugs and
TiIostrONIAN 3lEmc1NEs, LA3P AND
cnuine Cot
Together w
Agent for the 1
April Oth, IS52.
Through Fare from Charles
TON T() BA LTIMORE 817.50 ;
LEAVING the Wharf at the foot or
Laurens.st. daily at 3, p. n. after the
arrival of the Southern cars, via VL
.INGTON, N. C., froi which poit
two daily trains fare dispatclhed at 8 A. Al.;
and 2 '. Mu.; the S o'clock only contiectincg at
Weldon with Ih Ines to Petersburg,
Richmond, Washington, Iiore, Pla
delphia, and New-York. The public is
reepectfuy mormied that the steamers of
these iles, are III lirst rate condition, and
are naviratod by well known and ex.
perienced coi:nanders; the Rail Roads
are in line order, (the Wilnington
and Wcldon, as well as the Seaboard
and Roainoke having recently been relaid
with heavy Trail) thereby securing both
safety and despatch. By these routes
passengers avaiing themselves of the
FlRE'T TRAIN tmay reach Baltimore in
40 hours. PhiladelphIa in 45 hours, and
New York in 50 1.2 hours; and by the
SECOND TRAIN they arrive in Bal
tiinore in to hours, Philadelphia in 50
hours, and New-York m 01 1- l urs.
Throh Iic kets cnn alone ho hadl from
E. vVINSI.0hv, Agenit oftd~Wilniingtan
aind Ialeigh Itai i lloadit Ct.mapinyi"t the
oflice of then Couany, foot of liturens
sitreet, Charleston, S. C., to whom please
a pply.
Mlarch 2.3. 1852. -22-.tf
Improved Cotton Gins,
Thank fiul for Ipast favourslI' the stubscriber wvish
es to inform te11 pu that he still nnufac
tures Co'uttoni Gins at hits estabulihment in State.
burg, on the mouist imiproved and1 approved plan.
w ich lie thu:ink that then cottOn ginned on one
of those gins~ of flhe late~ imaprovemnuat is worth
at Ileast a quarter of ia cent iuure than the cot.
ton ginnied on the onldinary gin. le atlso man
niactures themi on the imiot. s.ilii construction,
of the iianest Ilnish and of theu best materials ;to
wit, Steel Saws and Stee lPlaiedi Iihs case
hardened which lhe wsill ielI for $2 per Saw.
iie also repairs old giins tand pmsit themn in comn
piete order at tine sho~rtest lntire. All orders for
Gins will be paromiptly atnd Itunctually attendieud
to- \WII~.I EIllSON.
Slttburg, Sumter Dist, S. C. Felb 17, 20.
AT TIlE Ot.D STANI; OF S. & J. GIlLnpnT.
* 8. & 1E. M. U 1 LB1 ER'T
contintue the CA'-.RI L(GE
' JUSINVESS at the above
.staind-No. 35 and 410 Wenutworth-.street,
Chareston--where thuey will be pleased to
exhibit to their oh! frienuds and customers
at very extensive Stock of \'chicles, comn
prising thii.e of thei.r owno manufacture,
Ioevther wvith vari. us~ ithier sty!ecs usually
fouind in: this niairlet. Thei'ir loniu neaquaint.
ance1 withI thn~ilad tulw as manituetnrers
anzd deal1 ers will cuaici them io Iolyer great
maoucemets~i- t) p'ur cser both in .styles
August .21, 132. 44-tf
Encourage Home lYfanufac-'
r[l1I Subsc riber, gratle!til for ihe liberal
m at rioniae lit lf o re bestowedlt ipon
hirn, takes thi.. methlodl of in forming thu pe ople
of Sumster and the adjiniing I )istriels, that he
s till conntius Iio carry ,hn ite CA RlilAGE and
11 A RtNEISS 31iA l I *.t busnines.s in alil its vari
oui. bra nches, aa his stan in Olhishaopviile, S. C.
lie is ainig largp :ibdliions to his Establish
mient, 1.0o1 a, to inabh- him an anfac~tuar, every
thing wa nted, in hii.. linea, at lie ishortest notice,
undi in a st'yl if work ianuship equtal to any in
the Soutaherii States. IIie has ini his employ ex
pierie~nced1 workImien. and is n elI i uphedl with
thu beh ea .oi nid tizber ; aso with Tlrinuniings
and M,.auinin- of th l atst style,.
Alll nion w.ork doniie ill hix fine will lbe watr
ratnted l' aumonths andl wpaired alhot chaarge.
if it fail in that time... I ie will dIo repairinag'at
the shiorlieItanutice, anid in. case~ iany persoan living~
ni :a dh1iir-tanc shoubti wa:.nt repairig dlone,if they
ill w1srite to that. ,ihea, lie will send for the
job, and retuarn it when done.
N..-liis -rr.anas are as reasoniable as any
pe'rson couald export.
Bishopville, S. I ., alc 9, 852. 2-ly
t:gr Black Rtiver Watchan will copy Six
months. J. WV. A.
TI.\KlES this method oh
ainformninir the citizens of
~'l~'"'-t.L~ Smunte.rville ianad vicinity that
lie ihas openedi in Siutersill. epposite thae now
P'resbyterinun Chur'lb, a CA IINET WVARE.
RtOO31, where hew ~ill keep for salo, cheap, all
suchn furnitaure a conies und.er this deparunet~o
or ais trade, which ho ns ill warrant of good
material ; and will furnish for cash, at Charles.
ton prices, all descriptions of Furniture miado.
Re iring executed at the shortest notice.
~Iahogany and plain Cofmis furnished with
out delay.
Having procured the services of 3Mr. C. W.
DAVIS, he is prepared to faurnish Mletallic Plates
engraved in any style. .
All the subsrzher asks is a fttir trial,;it
hopes by punctual attention to business and
easy terans, to merit public patronase
te.sryn * 1 A~52.%i
-NTIIRE STOCK of Dr., I. S. M eit
lected -tomck of,
BRUSIIES, (of every kind.)
atent Medicines.
ble terms.
ttended to.
Jonx W.DAnAaN.
N, S. C.
lit, AT THZ LOWzST MARKET Ricas, a large
I AND CAmrniita, &c. &c.
I Liver Oil.
ith every article
nost approved
Whatever concerns the heahh and happiness
of a people is at all times of the most valuable
importance. I take it for granted that every
person will do all in their pots er, to save the lives
of their children, and that every person will en
deavor to promote their own health at all sacri
fices. I feel itto be my duty toeoilemnly assure
you that Woasts, according to the opinion of
the most celebrated Physicians, are the primary
causes of a large majority of discases to which
children and ad ults are hable; if you have ant
appetite continually changeaible fromin one kind
of food to another, ilad Breath, Pain in the Sto
mach, Pickingi at the Nose, Hardness and Full
ness of tite Belly, Dry Cogh, Slow Fever,
Pulse Irregular-remnember that all these denote
W onss. & you should at once apply the renmedy
Ilobesastek'4 Worns Syrup.
An article founded upon Scientific Principles,
compounded w ith purely vegetable substances,
being perfectly safo when taken, and cart be
given to the most tender Infant with decided
beneicial elTect, where Bowel Complaints and
Diarrhaa haive made them weak and debilitated
the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are
such, that it stands ithout an equal in time cata
logiue of mnedicines, in giving tone and stren th
to the Stomach, which'*makes it an Infallatle
remedy for those afilicted with Dyspepuia, the
astonishing cures performed by this 8yrup after
Physicians have fisiled, is the best evidence ofits
superior efficacy over all others.
This in the most difficult Worm to destroy of
ull that infest the human system, it grows to an
almost indefinite leng h becoming so coiled and
fatmmei to time Intestines and Stomach elfecting
the health so siadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance,
vitp, A- ythat. thase,. n-4.~'e.
Anspect that it'i Tape hsteim 16.
au early grave. In orderto destroy this orm, a.
very energenic treatment mtust be pursued, it:
would thereforo be proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pilisso as to renmove all obstructions, that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm,
which tmust lie taken in doses of 2 Tablespoon
fuls 3 times a day, these directions followed
have mnever been known to fail in earing time
most obstinate case of Tape Wirm.
Ilobenmtc k' LI ver PU i.
No part of time system is more lialie to disemase
thanm time LIVER, it servimng as a filterer to puri
ytime blood, or giving time proper secretionm to
the bie I; so ihat anly wrmong action of the Liver
eflects time othmer ammportammt pairts of the system,
mamd results variously, in Liver Commplaimnt,
Jaundirce, Dyspepsia, &c. We shtould tierefore
watchm every symmptom that mighmt indicate a
wrong aotion of time Liver. rThese Pills being
composed of R oo-rs andI PLA wrs furnished by
uature to heal tihe sick: Namely, Ist. An Ex
PEcvoR A NT, which augmem.ts time secretion from
the Pmulnmonary mucus nmemnbranme, or promnot g
the dischatrge of secreted matter. 2nd, An A L
R EN ATvE,1 which bimanges in sne inelien
ble andl insenisible amnner thme certaina morbid
action of tihe system. 3rd, A ToNmc, whiich
gives tone aind streng5th to mime nervous system,
rentewinmg hmeahhl and vigor to all pars of the
hodly. -imh, A CA-rnan-ric, whlicht acts in per
fect hanony with the other inigredlients, and
operaitimg omn thme Bowels, and expelling time
whole mass of cmrruzpt andm vitiated matter, and
putrifyinmg time Blood, wvhichm destroys disease and
restores hmealtih.
Yon will find thmese Pills an invaluable medi
cimme in many comaplainth to whmichm you are sub
ject. In! obstructions eithmer total or partial, they
have beenm fmmd of inestimable benefit, restormng
their functional airran gemments to a health y mac
tion, purifying the blood amnd other filuids so
efliectually to ptto flighmt all complatints whmich
nmy arise from femaale irregmatarities, as head
ac-he, giddintess, dimness of sight, pain in the
side, hackt, &c.
None genuine mness sign~ed J. N. HIoEnrsA C,
all othmers bmeinig base Imnitation.
PilWCE-E A C:11 25 C TS.
GT Agents wishing tnew supplies, andi Store
Kee pers desirouts of becoming Agemnts must adl
dress time Proprietor, J. N. IIOBENSACK,
Philaidelphia, Pa.
F~or smale by all Druggists and MIerchants in
the 1'. 8.
P. hI. ComnEN, Chmarleston, Wholesale Agent
for the State..
August 10thm, 1852 42-ly
The Corn Exchange.
-By 'Thomas
Who keeps constantly on h!and a lot of
D)O.MEI'ICS nt tihe lowest rates. G RO
CIUiSs at Charmleston prices for cash
Blacona, Lard, Hlams, flutter and a large sup
pily of time best CIGARS and TOBACCO
which lie will soil chmeaper thamn anmy tmer
chmanit ini town, nlhmo just received 410 barrels
North Camrolimna floutr.
Negro Shoes.
Tbic submscribmer hmas mamde arrangements for
time mianutfactumre of from Four tmm Five Tlhouisnd
p'airs of time above article by the FA LL. For
reference as to qualhity, lie wvould respertIfually
refer persons who nay be dispose d to purchamse
of htim, to thome who patronized him last year
Am. to price, lie wvill guarantee them as low as
cnn be afforded .
Mlay 22 2 if J. hIOR A N
A LL persons are forwarnmed trading with or
trusting my wife, ANNA 51. DEAN , on my
account, na she has left my bed and hoard with
out cause or provocation.
I ';j
Prepared from REzNNFir, or the fotihlip
f th Ozr, after directions of Baoi iei ti
great Physiological. Chemsiot,'bly, J. 8; mpygarr
roP, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa.8
This in a truly wonderful remied .ior
Lion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver' n g~
Constipation, and DbltyCrn
lure's own method, by Natures's own* Ag
Gastric Juice,
la h r a teaspoonful of Peparinii, Ie
inatr, will digest or dissolve, Five ..OX*U
gf Reast Berf, i aboul two hors, btu of
st omach. Y
Pepsin in the chief element,dor treat Di ge
ing Principle of the Gastric Juice
She Food, the Purifying, Prserin, ammed
Stimulating Agentof the tomachaudInte.
tines. It is extracted from the Digellive-Stom
ach of the Ox, thus forming an artificial Diges
tive Fluid. precisely like the natural Gastric
Juice in its Chemical powers, and fuinishing a
Complete and Perfect Substitute forit. By the
aid of this preparation, tho pains and evilsis
Indigestion and Dyspepsia are reinove-' jlit a
they would be by a healthy Stouilach. It is d6
ing wonders for Dysr-ptlcs, curing cases of 1We
bility, Emaciation, Nervous Declie, and Ijs
peptic Consumption, supposed to be on the verge
of the grave. The Scientific Evideice upon
which at is based, is in thu highcst degree Curi
ous and Remarkable.
Baron Liebig in his celebrated vork bnhAni
mal Chemistry, says: " An artificial Digistime
Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, maybe
readily prepared front the mucous.nmembranedf
the stonioh of the Calf, in which variods arti
cles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened,
changed and digested just in the same manner,
as they would be in the human stotnach.' .':
Dr. Combe, in his valuable wdtings on tdt
" Physiology of Digestion," observes that " p
diminution of the due quantity of tie astie
Juice is a prominent and all-prevailing cause c
Dynpepsia;" and lie states that "adistinguished
professor of inedicine in London, who. was se
verely afflicted with thin complaint, finding
every thing else to faill, had recourse -to the
Gastric Juice, obtained from the stomachs of
living animals, which proved complctelfeue.
cesstully - -
Professor Dunglison, of the JefersonrCollege
Philadelphia, in iis great work on Human Phy
siology, devotes more than fifty pages to an Iest
aminatiori of this - subject. Ilis experiments
with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric JuIce obs
tained from the living human stomach, and
from animals, are well known. "In, Ases
he tsays, " digstion occurred as perfectly in the
artificial as in the natural digebtions."
Dr. John W. Draper, Professor of Chemistry
in the Medical College of the Univeisity of
New York, in his " Text Book of Chemistry
page 386, says,: "It has been a question w -
titer artificial digestion could be performed-bat
it is now universally admitted that it may be."
'Dr. Carpenter's standard work on Phy lo
which is in the libiary of every physician,
is used as a Test Book in all the Colleges, i
full of evidence similar to the.- aboi, r
spct u thmarkable DigestiVV power of Pepa,.
em, and the fact that it may be ireadily separa-"
ted fromnth'e stomach of the calf or Ox, andvudi
fur imentsin Artificial Digestion, oreas a
crion of GastrieJuick.
Calon the Agent anid get a desorptive
Circular, gratis, giving a hlarge amnount-of al
entilic Evidence, similar to the'above, together
with 1u4ports of Remarkable Cures, frona all
parts of the United States.
Dr. Iloughton's PrsiN has produced the
miost muar'vel lous eflects, ini curing cases of Uie
bility, Emaciation, Nervous Itechne, and Dys.
peptic Consumption. It is impossible- to'give
the details of cases in the limiitn of this advrer
tisemtent; btit authetnticated certificates have
been given of moure titan Two Ilundrud itemark
able Cures, mi Philadelphia, New York, and
Boston alone. VTese wecre nearly all desperanse
cases, and thme cures were not only rapid and
wonderful, hut permanenit.
It is a great Nervous Antidote, and i rticular
ly useful for tendency to Bilious disorder, Liver
Complaint, Fever anid Ague, and tdhe Evil efreets
of Quiininie, Mercury, and other drugs upon tlie
Diges'tive Organts, atk-r a long sickness. Also,
for excess in rauinmg, and the too free use of ar
dent spitits. it alimost reconciles HIealthkpritib
There is no form of Old Stomach Compilats.
which it does not seemi to reach and-rem~ove as,
once. No amatter how bad they'may be, It give.s
instanit ridiej'! A single dose remotves all the
unpleAvaunL sym'plomns; and it only needs to be
repeated for a short ttme to make; thes& e
eltects pernmat. Furity of .Bloodar and
of Body follow at once. It in particular exee
lent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramji ,
Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after
eatinig, low, cold stale of the Blood, Heaviness,
Lown,.ss of' Spirits, Despondenicy, Emaciationi
Weakness, tendency to lnsanity, Suicide, &e
Dr. .hloughiton 's Pesin, is sod by neatly all
the dealers ini ine drugs and Popula'r Mediclnes,
thsrotughout the United States. t is repared-'in
Powder and in Fluid form-and in'Prescriptioai'
vials for the use of Physicians.
Private C:ircuilars for the use of Physla,
may be obtainted of Dr. Hotughton or his Aeit
describing the whole process of preparati6d
giving the auth orities upon which' the claims of
this new remedy are based. An it is nto isecret.
remedy, no objec tion can be raised against .its~
tine by Physicians in respectable standinig andSs
regula r practice. P'rice, One Dollar per bdti
Eg Onsrexvs -ruis-Every bottle of the
genuine PEPSIN bears the written signature of
J. b. 11 ovun-r os, M. D., sole Proprietor, Pih.l
adlelphia, Pa. Copy-right and Trade Mark- se
E9 Sold by all Druggists and Dealers iut
For sale in Sumterville by
December 16, 1851. 8-1y.
Jewelry!1 Jewelry! I
Harmng just retturned front Uhnrieslh,.
the subscriber has alreuidy un band, anti is
now receiving, a neat. and -well selected
stoeck of
Wautchies, Clocks & Jewelry,
of all desbriptionis, which ho will sell at a
very moderatte promfit. 4
EF Come on Ladies and Gentlemen,
and examine for yourselves. A call is all,
ask. , C. Tr. MASON.
Nov. 15 1852 3
Camden Bazaar
JiUSTr received a new supply:n Wka
T ER GOODS, censisting. ofi gret,-'
riety of Dry Goods, nentest'style4d i~.
rg, Bonnets, hlatu, Boote,:*apde ~hoes,
G roce ries', Ha rd ware and Cutlery,9Crnelle
ry and China WXare, &c., &c.'
Soiling at Charleston prices.
M. DRUCKli' CO *
Camden, Dec. 21, .l85.2 k8-if
In aeFloui!,Floar!!
-utreceived a lar oeq~alitity tnd hav.
in aearrangemoiet k continuomus
suipply if flouir,[ lwill sell to the citizens
of Sumter District chteapier lhan thof ar
- Eb. Th, NA OCONd1

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