OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, November 09, 1853, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1853-11-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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W. J. FRANCIS, PnornwrR 6Oro- our . t ti. TERMS$2 1N ADVANCE
TWO IOLI.LA HtS in ailvance. Twit DlI:tr
anit Fifty Cents at tie expiratimn tfiix nitnths,
-or Three Doll rs at til eni of' the year.
No paper moi ti ln till it nrren:irazes
are rA I n, ttiless at the optioin of tihe 'ropri.-icir.
35: Aieriseentstt intsertedl at S i.t-;N l'Y
FIVE CentA p'r siamire, (1'2 lines or Iess.) for
the first, nittd half that sumnt for eC suh.tinmt
Z -;' LThe nuniber oif isertiions to) be markeld
onl nil At vevriti'e tit or they will het ptitl ii.eil
until ordered to be iiisconutinned, and charyd
Z-; ON I', )OL,AR per seitare for asint
insertion. tr y u 31inthly i veri:e
nient: will hie chiar..ett- -aim, :I singlv inl
sertion, andsemi-mt o li i ly lt e sun as nw ot:se
. t .( 1. !
From the Smouthern .prrieud ur st.
Th4e Onl.aira~~tin ol' itt ar-~sl
The presi et mfth. thouhuth.
S thll, ben tepo rlni h pill
ign hebaed we deem it
wnCeissay. It give its ition (a0 t
its cul ti 4iire midltl *-lioial uswsv h
an5ter.). ItL has) I Long 1, een a '
a in t uiI Is. ta t I Ie th sm II
grais f d be cuI It I I I:vd t t-h
oth t avv thwoe whi-ch wONht fully
inlattn-e and I e f .1 e:,)p from-n t lw
w~iint.-r inoi.-ture idf the car(!h. The Cre
unlit fillort. oIt Ar pt: [ a d thI,
liter varih ties of v.':sat, :(d anisembh.
BAr.ley, when it i propely ScohIt-d
dow1n, wilt i tsll i grain ealy inl
Alay. and tI:1.Ny be coun :l b
a sa rlop. I t, i . oi ri4. ; I 4' t' 1 v
:1 t I 11 I -1 t e lt A i) t .' L'I Z41 i1:1t ,1:11
a wtiarm inat as't th lihani: neesi
ed it fr aoinll '.yt.- oth r parts of iri
c tiand Spaing-It aotmledik ill Syria.
.'id the w or i i t lations if the I-'.I-t
1in oy sa tly ie t d it a, t11O h;:i ir,
of its origin. In Arabia antil I* l'-,:I.
as well as 1pon h 11 illte Tarturitit
61-vpp.3-, it is now aglmuliae,
.aod is the Chief, food)( for) o1-a1 :lnlt
beast. 11. is eiv I tt e I t lt uish
wheriever- the cereal cra s e hob
grwfim frn itS pe4uli:tio ,
iatilty, w\hichtaats i as weis ;t
behr ping)weat er-se Ot'enot
bto toii its growth-in i the tem elottind
justa-trs;owical re n t :dre . .(1
Ilie t f litti. (1, e il1 ll afl e .
\\' IIV 1b1n iubir:tv I a-tu! w
Itt, v fron t h T r. 11" ,o .
lidn, 1hr the pt; it It o tod
f tidithat t ai n-a iS/t /:. III is ,inn.
P1 the esiliarte I t " i tt' 11il.
i4 calh d 1/.S 11 ". :111 w - 41 ]
hv M . .\. Ilu (II; .;,Enni
b1o F1ia o, andl ill 1 I i yn wthib
whitil'cl we hbn-e Iwr''t,-n- :-so n I~gt: lth,
mp'tisocetio atWlI.4r )'t4t thi roa- ind
Ihure abnee - w: etw It I a O.
"Black Chlletba-i" hie i a.t11141
.also seen bevalliall sbtn ahe ard
Iess barII e , fr'nlik Nepa l if5 of ill
Giog ia 44, Sinid i lrin theset inst t .neesf'4:i
should be at graini tit univervsad enit.
tivaio t-is srictly cor-rect. Th.-six
roIed Or witer vaiety, is t he properT
hllY itd ot ilwl in cthber, N veiInbe,
4n ,111(1 Ce MA. Thli is at. kinl-i nit
liable to be winter ki*I, and it till.
rabI 'll 111ilg from F a Il ! .it
mowhe ingof' icadtInllk
itowel with goo vd comos o'i~ r cot
e"' in t 4 inie of sowing IIl, afterIK
November, make 1from even to
tl d INy dilit.elclive inl tlhl inaturin'g (f
he (cro .--\' -n ve b)- een acens, 4eined
1 i -!1m onr1 ilidlo.o4d to see bI'arI.v
NOWn i' si ilinig horse's and cat le, ai1
thIinlk it uinquloiled Iy :tny (t ler grain
it., s. , on. i 5 4 is h age ab1le to
theL p1arte :nid hablit. of' thle hor1se, and14
,ill start his c't. s er than.11 o h
44' thod4. u. hieb.4 (e1n be4 given4. in prng
'or milch cows it is tilri valled 1n1d
|hr Shlver, swin(e and 1.n ry, it, is .
i 1al 4he . As so16n tas it. is il iniik it
is lit. Inr tile hei' s,: Itiil t4ltv 44iever 1l't*
ll41 it. as' ltolig its a *l4:414 1;844 141
11 41. 1 t 34t( :1 ! ' I I t e IIt VCI* I *.i4
I I4I I Iii : t- c. I t'1ill t 1 Illl I II c .I I I a
t'Iled 4rt .- . IrI.v v 1 e4
14'(1 by 4' i nll ilig, lite \44 ter or 5 it is
tile l t, ''41d bw 1rill l \\ \ lt. av
eVer f* d. as it imi :its g- reat .vgr
1A lili i. o 114 lit' l 4 1 ) ;til t at. p4: r 1.th
IIill 1 d I n I . 1r 1, 010 . i t'' 4 1 t incti
lis w" li I I. lli llinl i'. 44 in : 1 s 4 t. 1
.\m ;Iv i I the 4.r-11 wa, b :6d I hy. In,
I s1iii (4 1:1 : 1 the v I 1 \4 ;- \ 41 II
|Ill ' '14 i1i4 'ra. : hi'v rt 1il \4it4l
Ib I i v d. I i f* t h. hI e
j' t I ' I l 411: J I l:4 i it i ':il \ v jilI
It Il t i ' Pij' 1 . \will :1 \41 vs nI;
Thi'1)vl er bet v prI Ic d I un ',
it til 1 '171 ;11 1 it :-r r I ll h r v i
he ll. This. 41\1.' 1 ' w I vn i I Iv
t 4', I 1 " %l 14 11 114. r- vI
:l44t. iti lim I'.Io. \4 ; I .; W .t' i
hc !Thal it' it wee pa ts lto :Il ex.
itlit S' 41 i til !-- I 1 "! ;'c :It 444 t I.
der t i d 14i t | d h4 4wns. Inl T ''rk v.
iw re 1. I i 41411 44 '4il il 44y art. ; '4
144 1 a I st'rt I4f I4 '4'. The
''!4 iet' :lCs llealI\- i r: v ill .Xt .-llt.
n 1r 1 th y di'.e I I n in y r ~ e tl_ 1,1
pile t:Mip i t 1 hv. h i t u t chI :m i : ' 1.1
4 '*- 1 ;%\ 0 (2t:'~ 44: 1- v I) eri t 4.
Ili nle t y -l is thn11! lk, winnowad will
ill, i sitin !l\ I lit h , 1;1!1.
I v. :' I 44I4 WO 4
. C . :.I ) . ..I\ I '- --
c ' v'. . - -
* - n '' 1.. . li i
- j.7 t I r ti;4 ,i3 , 1
4 4n 1!1i . V ar :.[
2 . ~ \ . Il 1 e v ri lt 1
h 11 w : ii t' \ 'v Iw t ;I l i li
pli 1t1 o 1';4 4t p hm : N. - 11 : , . "*- I . "
As ltll itt wv w aI ll! tine de i l I
n . ' ll h k 1 t.
Ist l Ia~t. n ! \ I I : I I Il a tl ' I l I ti
' - '4h4ell 4 li-. r m 'l. if', t
-4. 44is 11111 13 toIr rv 44I''
44114':114344 '' ill 4444' 411,4'
i3 113. ill' l t t (i 4I ' 1 i 4ity, (42'le 2444ve'
:uio! the'4' 1!' , r % a4e i e i th,
( . .n i . 1; i i. 1pe4 a i 1.11 (v.
tilr4 in4 l l 42:'.:' 444''..' ('r4. '44, ti' ii v lin
el4444len:' (4 443411r 41h.
L. All highl onenrae anim'
n'u)'lunr-es 144 are increased, in4 vaue a1' n.1
t'ei 14 it prtlonged , 41bnis art
ri t f ol, hat is not w it'l it
8. Sub- II iling' s'am4't1l hl,:.3 that is4
hind 41tha s not1 e~t 1s minently414' co14
1. A~3'4ll rain erop gshonht l be har14''
i'11. hiver~, a1: s well4 as the gra
1e41, intende ishr11 444 hay shoui1ld b 1move43
12 . Sandy' 41 huu tl I~ be metlit.g
tnall improve(Itd by 144 ela,~~ When2 sue)4
ht ls rinire p lim1ing .'~, marling,24 th(
pilied, when424 44nade1 into4 compos44t wit
el(ay4). Ini slacki ig lim41e, salt b Irini
1 :. The1' ('hopp)1ing andl( gind41ing<
graini, to be fed to stoc(1k. (pra1tt
14. Drainlinhig of weot lan:ds an
ma41rshes!! adds- to) 4140 va~in4e., 1by I makini
them114 prodn4 iee 1ruore andc htt.er crlo~
1)y pro'dn4cing them14 earl'ier', and1( I
1 himnoving the4. health uo"oiborhu'd
15. Io ililillire or- lil' Wet, 1;[111k is
tol thirow inai f 41re 4 inig(44It t 1.4mraw\a .
1i . ShaillowV plo Ing sto
impilrove the soil, while it decreaises
17. Biy staling and shiedding stoc(-k
duringlo the winiterl, at sayving of, (tne.
61hurth1 of1 thle 1bd many be effeccted
- taiit, is, (ie-fo1rth less thn i wIl
a1swer thai when suh stock may Ib
expo.d to toenec *if the 4cwaI.
18. A iIhel (of' pin-ter per nere.
sown broadcast over cloVer, will 100
Per cent,1 to its prodnele.
19. Prodical appliention 4-, I'lh
e-; tend4is to) keep lip te litie'grity '
Soil. byN. sulppl ing 4iiu st, iW uot a111, oft
tit(e fil'g:Ilil lb tilet
20. Theirm44,1i, 1 1)r p- :: r-:,. t i or! 41, 1ii1 is
a l l 4 1 i 4l ~ 4 . 4 4n t , 4 44w~ l t if e .l ' cs . ', l
A2,I. k A ladi t crss callilst, be
'.44 1r ' i ait. iLIe'es\i4 ill 44? ( 'ars 1 ll4S e
~I M :t41444 (I 44' (':14444 1 )4c
c.nO' I"! tal1li1 to pn0a\Ivil anid ;t p y ;all
4'lj'i'V:11lellt 4ir I Iii 4Ill4-,t:4nle''s e4Il'4iedt
.:I the band in the 1 prodnets girown4
2-2. T. r, e ille:llows in li,'i
pro4n. liveiess it is 4lnev -1ry ti4 hI:
l' I h eii el 'Vr sect.44la4 :ltitilll, a 141IV
:- etl - 1:iv. 1O44Illd kl4dI.
2 -.A II 1ifi claIy : me benefit ted bWy
Ii a .41 i inte ' i %lin n ; but sh il
I414 . Ite jr h we \\ !' I ti h y11, "!' (w4et.
I I' . st;Ilt .l ,L,( .wilig ,4 l i \ 1 44lwbe
Illit ll d1 e pen!, t l. , 1 i ; , lr.l 1r
21. Vonoltg ,tok .ihonl be nander
I L I' i4 w ith g " ' il . iln i te' %% 4 i4 1 er. ::II4i
ai -r. I n-i44ng i'. nithil tat p thel
ill ' 44 111 44.14444410 IIil. 1144'o lot4,
1 1411 1i i:1 lA V i ar.
25v\i - e w-, in winter. -h.,nbl
Iw \Ihe 1 i "i ry, > - l w: i Il, but
well ventilitld <inarters, he regular
I t : will waItI e red, t r e : t irnes
a I:y Iabed t wic.e mr three till s
weeok, hI- w ha L.' vbelk~ curid
.5 y.:nol in inlition to lteir king Pre
4.h- , th4r h4 l ll receivte sneen5lnt
44 14. i1 1 44i il1.i 44Ill . (* Ind
';. ''ull c444in4!bn1nt s of tonis ain
14 n 44l1 bt 14 I~i st 4)li l \ art ; ti441
\- e l~e t il h si zlece i ol, fill,
)".:I ca l lot 'I1
-4144 \44141 4.44 s . 11 Ill \.
b 44 . \- 1 4 i4 -~ g 'il lts i
.t4 I II 1a,':l li4:44 t '-t44441t
lo iti
\Ion l4llit] 1:4111 Si tllo
i ~ ~ ~ I l l ..-t !!t t ;. it %.
rncph- anvid -nilova
4 4 e b'I 1 bj Ve 44 4 l' ii-;il V i
* * e
he:l-I 4. 4('.4 rye 1:a4-. 444144 harl :V
- i n V T 41 li l ei \V V t-' l, 4 ' 11 11t 0 it, :I
44 401 ', Ow'e alww Ny,
!w :.I i l'Vr -i11"lig I l tti) bet\v( li1
-e a s -miI n ve r h't poor
* I 1.'u 1.i , S if e4 It 41'4.\Vil 14a't.' .
4 i I 1:4I11Irt 4 140 . S,... I ,i ;I L1 .111.44
1 1 . i't 4 (el is , Ilne(1 i I - : j
tii h Il 4l e t.- 4IlaI 1:41141 1(te'4 i:till,
bi- 4l b4 phnted in' cn. al tha1
lot-14 :0 4 111:1
'.r444 4 l' 1 ro4 44t in th hoe1141 rang~..e 44
.1 14 4 i 11144 144' he '444asin tiv,'4
hal bei 444e:1tor 44444l. 4 Th 4e so i h 'nhl b4'
444114uen4ces' ofI the sun4, thle (dews.
-14 4444 44441 and 4th air -and4 the~ bar ofi~'
4144' 4trees' shi4 il1) l he k41t in4 a 14ea41 lifn|
4 condition b44 V 5cring414, when''i nece.'4
- .ar,'i1 :niv y1alkaliu1 wa-lhing.
, img Cabhs::.mi a the Win.
A IrienId 44n41(' 44orresp1ien ('4444
14:11. ph 4in to 4u, thati his cabbaI41g4' 414'n44
1(4( a dc44nip414t hiead41; a441l 'ilnp~iie wha ,141
istat4~ u' he 4:4 ualtiine, and44 if' they' a44
not4. snillei'nt ly) Ithr44ned then, .t4 gi v
hi ter, by, a4dopfting the4 follo4wing pI44:
4.4i a tren'4ch on4 .4 the 1 s idof a hill
4- say4, a1 44(4t wide and4 two deep)f. I et,1i
bi 544 slp dhownV hill1 soll11iien4t ly to4 drain4 (of
5 any4) water(1I 114441 may bace444C. to fin4d it
Cf Put a4 layer' of' -traw'4 on4 the b44t
5 toiin.-Poll 14 the cabba4ges up1 by) th4
e roo4ts, (close the1 laves' togther1)4, a444
lace'4 1444 4 ther ihe trench(1I, headl~ down,4,
d and4( roo4ts upj.--ac so14 ine(44( stra by44, 4
g I weent themi an4d thle sides. oft h le I renell
'4, Then11 aike a1 coule (of board4s an44
y set the 1 over 144 the~ trench0 soQ as- Lio forl
. j . roof' n41o4 cu-m. te Wholo o..,
w~ithi ealrtIi. III tis waV weVt ltinve evlt.
bagie.i LoI I'twil gtt I] i'fti' (i g tI Iv
'4'4ti.. and take' I iwill1 out fill 11-;e~ Ill
I ltv4 sJ il ig. By pVttin tii l t l.-iitI downi
"s tII, you jIr.'vc.at y dit Al ro
go.'iuig ill am in th le'ave.s. If ulit'
waorges ill 11 I aldig.,;tel
.4lv ll I' i n an-r f cr.iig -
Th I )I"wl i lt'4 1-esdilltt er ''. all.
iii-i V 'i ithoi A ilat Ilic uj'ti ii1 Co mecal
I-ve ti : We'iiV IL knt i
II' Mar gh *;:III C4: 1 . a s i' adbl 1 Jia
(11v'ii I. 11 ' by Iv e tpl!i :Iit , pct'vtiptilah.
lite4 I I li' t L~tc ir iti tu il witilt.
1110. :1 i1 tt4 t it *~~ lo'fo'*m" ld h i l t IL U:
I it' tli I 111t' -11'ktu . Iitu.tA p rubly
it- il wdoi iiItk~ i ittlli, li
\% : II I II k vd I whicht.'i aI t ' I~t
111 :1 1 hc: 0 .11 4 IrI ; v I I vllli 4
I~~~~~~~l Flora'ilI i 1 t (411 ida is
wa44 'l 1;; I lieto I nagI t 1:1
j~~lt 11444Ove til 110' 1 tii t1i liks
:1:1 a li I l (, 1 I* fllt- I I 11 's creV' 1 an
L% 'I k 51. -,1 l~'~'vsitll u. 110ig N.t ihi I
woavinga.. n l III'
v I il ll th ('l rS L i , ( (Illit Whi n
r lho I.-;u aiudw- iui thewt'i~lt.
Froml~ thle I ltmn- Ji rr.
lProlcesslir Lieber, of'Soutth (.,rolimp
i-,hi chiatt Ireat ise on1 -,civil Imp.
r'ety .11141 Se l( Gvern n icii t,' (just pubii.
4'I "t-iilriniig the Jlartlininig 1t))v
Iw elijI - ix th rii m iit. tile. U ~i t ilI
Stalo,. re ceive's a paId4 ill befttire his
'eilll i, tll' iIlll ti)llis IS ll 44 2 ill six;
f ~iipi i n ( e ill five; ill' (:'lillectiet
"h i niII . eticul In iri ia, 1) lle ''ini
litlYA"; il Nu'ix44liC IMP cin ct: li
1)%(nv; Awbole mle 4illvigh; ini
Ms sia' IIte. IMP int rOet4 i 1011
tia. cmvi i I I'1 Cig se _SOV II; ( . ) . 011V
cft 1, ete., Cet et. This Sityllli'lir
I hlut. great is 'ilt ice is i] 111t. i tile'
AINt'lest: il" til 1 -14.2 ;'i i ntig i(J\V r.
iiiliit apals i~i. ~al'! I f)s: Iw csaltigir
a ,I lh ic -'tie bi it ii' tile 4411' Ct-illtiQ .
cll has "'Illy oute chancule ill tliity-six:
aliui i l ie c i's his- i'4.dii~l 1
-1 i' ! ca HOW Mt
llr nn te j 14 it SVuiu, he 6,;O~i
b ta lle ,, *,f 4a ini~it "Thist (1ti '
n derl jCi Il~ nuul~i system 1(11 I.'I i 3
*iAt :w ics o til. i t bo4Atli' ct. dircly o
th'Ie townv or tll iw whic te sit
jtiti w -I1 I l fill- ( Itis eas tog gelt
l1101. 111 sl ie 4)1 le tliiilg wh ll tir V '
a ta df.- oflei~ 'p.lligp Jord '.I'tI. They4
g11 1) poii 'l !', till I ll t.'. t S -pl i
:lti':1s c2llth ilspetible itizes, orf'i
il Vi a Sttcon'slii . lIt Iisfic 1'-:t giti
has the iis tS imseti i i'i thei veriy
1060 WL tinc~ li lieu t'i' sci icSto it11
i ilt" t . p~ c to'h- i d i'i
Ow1tiiid t The' illktl il ic
twas arq'. i a m tirtIds .tilm, i m id
ckv! liet \v aii th li it i th ili'c . ..'.t
i.0)ip t 11lIt itS. iug i lt arel ItiC (
1)ill tthicev'st ii~ II~ t1. p i )le will
I..-it(. I lil 01 sV~l.~O till ortri 1111 ll ti
lilt' l.'l1tltilid hvs auvll t t-il'l e 1si'eili.
vl (( ill t '' titli. lll tatc ie cas,
wasvitl \\sith prd t ueilluliia llaior'
l:.;llI~ thit I 0
41c.3111 fit I lie idthl it Stla.' t' i
a!)"(11 li IC Io I tiv alitd Ow' th e ad ii
t.I*ti ltIati, w..s; t a i v wliit. Ihe c i
tlh is C 11111-11:- ? 1 0-11 litid i t I e s~~i
t, c( iii i t I I hei tet\li i tI -()it is
ci 1.1 'go lfos:)1
4~t l *1 it -CmCi t)t
I gtathIlrI \ r it )Stll vo h i't I I3 sh
tiutt, icilitte iiL tit ("Ilie fotit is
1)1 I'.'.; hitl. iei hei the k t'iSti why
That it contain a s1iifielnt ailien:DI
(if klinowleIdge of tle law, its bearil
andtl ebject.
That it enjoy the full confidence e.t
liese grelat lijects, it is believedl.
can be bltained blly a h)0ardl of pirdnu.11.
colisisting f a pro per num,er of inem
her's--say Iiine (inl the reptiplic ( Gel
i Va it conlsists-4 of this miulniber,) Witlh
one mf two indges a1,7--n1 tilem, to be"
appolitehl by lit legislature, with a1 pe.
riodical partial renoivation (n-at hid
liaviing every three ye s,) alid with
these farther provi.-ions:
That the board sit it certaii por
tin (if tihe year-ia' twice.
'That certain' and distiet groundls
IDum1st be stlt( to every ietition f1r
parlhm; and tiat. witihout them, all pse.
Otitons, ever st) respectably and numer
Ony sige , he no reeived* .
'That parde n can be grainted by tilie
gov%*U1ien'r 41n ily len du1ly recorimemit-li(l
ed by the lIarl; and Imiust le graitel
it the board recoinmend it a secondl
time, aiter the goVerir has returned
the recinmeiidation, with his reasctus
a it. l it
That pardoll be rcr ended
without adveising in the counlty
wiere the Cllinviet has lived previ'us
to his imprisinent. ainI where lie has
ctoolliitted his crime, that the hoard
have inl view to reeDiimenid hit to
panhI.ni, and wilit'lith giving proper
Lirne to act upon the tivrtisemn..
That io pardon lie gnlintcd withllt
i:forining, likewise, the w:iden of the
prisi, 0r prisoNS, inl which the subject
of the iteiled pi(ii is, o'r hits been.
ilarceralcd, of the inteitioi of the
I (nd.
That no pardon be granted witlhout
pr1enons ulnl piry of [ie court which
ha.1i set-1ectd tihe Convict.
And that the reasins of the pardon,
when granted, be julished."
the decision were left at once to the
whOe! assembly, it would 1)e ini
pSible 0to .give 'that dogrbeeof. at
tentie eaminutiot to thdetailsof
Relh' iak ihki T7itiiature reqmhres.
and a party f'eelfing wbold frenctent
ly warp i decisioni which could be
just illed only on ii the ground of the
higlist and of essential justice. It
the cage Were first given to a ciml
mittee (as we may imagine a standing
collitiiittee of pardon). and the legis.
lature regulni ly to ifidlow the decision
of the1C cotlinittev. tle latter step is use
less.; if the legislature, however, were
iot t pll - w ip.llicitly this decision,
we have the incng'ruities just indi
eIt ed. As- to tle Iorming a board of'
pardoun ofjndges alone, we think the
1Se W4104.D!d be egnajilly inicolgrninis.
The busir ess of he judge, his duty,
11n1d his li abit, ef thinkiig, ire strictly
to apply tle law. lie is a valuable
ingistlrate only So lIng as lie is
Litlifil organ of the established law;
butii, inl the cae oW pardon, the object. is
neithler to lake n1or to apply a law,
!ut te (efeiat its iieration inl a given
andl peenlliar. ca.
Irom the National Intelligencer.
A mcmet ippeared in lie year 1770,
uhich was car-efily %. observed fir feur
liue elths. Pinigre. ill caleilalting the
le ients (i its oirbit, "s'spected" that
its Iildt might be elliptical. ir.
I .eXed'(DIli DIun by' his cotii1lations that
ilts period was abouit five years and1 at
hlf~l .)Dr. liiIk1hardoht r(ep'elt ed till of'
Lex l's ca:leniaLtjtin;, and ceonfDimedI his
colul'IIsicon . It has ne(ver' bleen augaii
.e'tn; and4. it is callIed "Lexe/'s loist com.
iDr. flrewterD, as~ appearsi by: the ari
title coetiats, (Fde in, Enicycel.) enideaiv
IIIs teo accoIut tfer thll dii-a~ pearanllce
thle I wVo new p lanets, Ceres andl Pa'llahs.
lIe funn id liat the node oIf Letxl's,
coemet waS exactly b ~etween the niodes
eel Ceres andu~ Pallas; and Ceires and
Pllas have itnnuenilse atmoi~sphelires.
Thles e is, how~ever', at mrett p rev'alent
theelry. I )r. BDhakhardt hjounid ini taae
in~g the orbit ofethlis ce-t that it luist
have' hpassedl very innar tee Jnpijiter ini
1 '779. l Ie t herefte coneljectu red lint
the action ofi Ju 1 Dpiter riay have ialtered
the form i of lie com'net's oibit so as te
mailke it~ iinvisiblet. lIn the woerds o:
"A pathlessR enmet and ia enrFC,
Thec troutble of ihe universe."
"Theeigh Encke's, Biela's, and liial
Icy's do I rvolve," say'~s Pr-oof, N ichol
"in fixed periods, this ci rcumrstancc
must he regardied in the light ofanti ac
eidenit, thiir orb i ts having little assur21
anlte of' stiablility'; for as they eross t h
plantetariy lpathis ever-ly one0 ofl themi mia'
unditergo e ie tl of' Lexel's which, b'
the unioen of Jupijitert wa.s first twistee
fi-om its dIiverginig orblit, into a shor
eclipse; and t lben aifter- making two cori
secutivec revolutionis round the sun, a
that it might begin to deem itself s
denizen, was, hy the samte plIanet, twis
ed back agatin, and sent off, never it
revisit us, on thie cill abysses.9
' There is ,a nlotioa ni oi, soidd
4 trapiarr~'thn~t' i. tatilnta tI
ets aid forced to i evolve airilmr'd tief:
instead o(i tile sil. Prof. Le.-lie, i
;I Edinburgh jomizanl, speaks of our
1011 as having oce been at camiet,
-'the ajpproxirait iuun of , hich Ito ,our
eIatrLh by raising stil 1peno0s tid-eA
would have occasiole(d one of those
INverwhelmed .Cnsf ubhirns m bich this
he appenrs to have repeaitedl stffer
ed." We eontimme to quote: ",But the
nlew satellite would 'ooii luse its fkiery
co insistence nnd congliimerate in a'.sol.
id iinss. and in its subsuitent prog: ss
t wohuld assiime its pI esent nit tyii
appearanc2 ;'.' the process of cons.olidat.
:ol go on, "amnd la when it shall have atv
I ained the ultimate ter i of iniliornAl,
Ie moon will no longer cheerour
inights by her s'oft and ilvery bei
By Pro'. Leslie's aoutint the 'oniet
which "made,14u mll"aue .at-.
first a swiupendius tide. So the del uge
hast, been accounted fmr, by a blow fromn
a coiiet. "Sippose tie" (we quote
fronl Silimanr's Journ-lal) "-suddenlly
stayed ior clieked in her dimlnal mo
tiI, ilte Pacifieocetil wol1 d a'4.it W16
ruelitd over tie Andes and Ailegha.
nies into ti( Atlaitic, and the Atlan
tie a tthe same time would be sweep
ing over Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Such is the precise eflcet to be e~1e1.
ed it' the earth caime in ontact with a
Dr. Hally attributes t he cause f this
"floid"' to. a biiw f a comeot. .Ne
suggtsted tha it a c'haget id been 'eflctA
ed on the axis of th en1ith by a blow%
Whis'ton altm st proved tihat this wa
the case; and t hat befoie the 'fod- -e
f4re the earti wis thus ruithty jostl'd
-the earth's wvas exetly 360 days,
having been pushed off from the sun
so as to increase the year to 3h,17
The frat mentioned in a former -pa
per, that Sir Isaac Newton belicved
that comets were fbel bea s to
sun, has been questioned. Ot;locidng
baek-to theauthloraty in whigh f6 te
etntd made d that"yoie
is' r i h
malfes the purest, and subtiivmi-fata. k
best part 'of our air coies principal ,
from comets; that comets are the.ce c ,e
servators of the moisture of the planet
that the fixed stars wjhich hid 'beenI
gradually wasted were resupplied with
fuel by cornets, and acquired inew
splendor, aind are taketi for new stars
Dr. llersehel also considered comets
as instruments for salutary purposes;
"whether they restored to the sun what
the stn loses in light and heat he would
not affirm or den'.
We will close our article with a quo
tation from Seneca: "I am not ot the
common opinion nor do I take a comet
to b& at sudden fire, but esteem.. it'
among the eternal works of nature."
Hinuband And Wife.
M; I-. Dennison, in one of her capitaLI
editorials 6hr the Olive Branck, pres.
ents the oillowing contrast between
two loiles and two husbands:
"I wish I could see a pleasant fice
when I come home. Tired ! yes ! thatts
always the cry. I never get -tird-:
ohI no I Customers to please-C
to overiaul-aounits to cast U
Iluih ! I shall hate that child.
walk the floor and spoil him; Bill."
hunt up my slipp-ers. Alary, dra 'w tip
the ritekin'ge'hlair. Other ien have
these things ready for them. Th"e_- m '
Saundereus, het takes comforit. Ihis ivi'e~
is as handsome as the day she wai
miarried. If' ther'e's any thing I ha
it's a fadted woman. Light the latnj
and( give mc miy niewlspa per. If. II Can t
read here in peace I'll go over to Santi
derst' ."
'Mary, dear, howt tired you look
Give mie that great strapping bb5'
No wonder your arims ache. Oh ! ne
er' miiid me. I'mi always 0. K. at ho'me
y'oui kntow. Talke the r'o'Kift.C-alr
yourse~/f and just he comnforitabIe
Ain't. I ti red ? Why'. yes,lar ama
little, hilt theun I hatve fe'astedson fresh
air and sunshine to dlay. which oti
hatvn't. Betsides, I don't! have stichpa.
Ihuiiip of' perpetual mlutoin as this te
.Bless myi) soul-how do you J ive
these hot days ? Never mind the roomn
everything ho' ks well enouz~ih-you in' n
cludeti--except. that y'on are lnukihgf
tr'ifie better thanu wetll. hov d6~y1~
mnaniage to look so wvell and prettf,ebt
nie wif'eT'
W ell might the shiling' a Iis
"the e'freshness and fulbnesis qf~a -
band's love keeps iny heart gree'
Capt. West, iof the Atlai~ eha
quite a chaiacter on bo
I the pei'son of' Pat-.O01~'s~t,
voyaige, the following soliloq~v
- place:- -
W hiehj~ way-does, sh
.West isouth-westha
t westerly." " 'yij 1
tha 'lld
* ':~O

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