nrnniRDS. A rdr.inJ pinrd in !vr case. Her n mte mre refill 1n the Ti,:lr- tree. And ratio! from Lis a ry aTioiora;-r-: CVrr.e Tip to mis corn rm to tre !" Xbi rir, rr.l 1 frri.'R onr f ast .lull trace ; Thf nr-fts re many, our wiprs a: e Cit, An1 m'.l the vn-W Is ru.", a I Uce For tm toVing in, hhJ love in, Seoi ! Tin1 'i'ver wires w tc erne! anil i-tr;iiK ; No hoart wa trreier, to pt t !if r fro. Unw crrt'd sfce answer hor inte'is sweet sen?, " Corr.o i p to n-.e, mat tip to me I" Tfco iih rmrry wiih fori; lirrls fmll, On trunnions branches ovrr-;,ea-1 ; But heard no more is the rcdbirl's call For ere Las vanished and one i dead. SirJ.-U. IIO'.Y A IU'KKLAR 1V0KKS. Ilia Tcol nixl l?l OIst aclt How to AinH I-Ilm. Tho Sin Francisco Call thns treats of a Bubject which Lr.s a degree of inter est in thefe brad times, when thieves have bo multiplied : Nearly every day vre tike up onr morning paper now, vre rea l of pome unfortunate havirg bren btirgkrizoil. Crime is a disease, ami, like ninny other diseases, appears to be epidemical. To any one acquainted Trith the skill and andacityof the class rf men who take to house-breaking for a livirg, it ia a mattir of airrr're, not "that fo many burglaries are committed, bnt so many more are not attempted. In onr cut districts tho honses seem to be actually built with the intention of aiding to tin utmost the efforts of any person de sirous of effecting an entrance. Ve randas, that serve no earthly use, run along the front of hundreds of our houses, and it is quite easy, having gained the veranda, to lift np a window Bash and thus ( fleet an entrance. The locks on the majority of t'.ioso doers are of the poorest description, and offer little or no resists nee to the burglar. Many people, when they lock their door at nicht. havo a habit of leaving the key in tho lock, unler the icprension that it will prevent any imisou using n pick or t-ktleton key to open the door, and so it will. But in this cape the thief lists neither of these instruments, He introduces iLto the key hole a very strong, though lifht, forceps, and rseiz irg the extr. rnity of the key, opens the door with a single turn cf l is wrist. Then, if yon h ave a key in tho lock, let it be one that d-ics not open the door. the r.rnr.LAr. s Toons. There is but little difference In tvreen tho tiro's of a first-clans burglar and those of an honest locksmith, for the latter is often called rpon to pick locks and to open s.-.fen when keys are lobt and t'.me is pressing. There are some instruments, of course, such ns a dark lantern r.nd a revolver pistol not re quired by the honest trudiemnn in hi.; business, that are nli important to the pr.ifeHsior.ul bvr.lar. A firs' class outfit comprises a durfc-Lnitern, silent-matches, was-t-iptT, revolver, a large pruning knife, usefr.l for cutting ont-door pant-Is ; a pallctle -knife, thin and pliant, tor opening windows (by in sertion between the tashcF, so as to push back the epiii g-fastening), a jimmv or small crowbar about a foot in length, and splayed or crow-footed af ore end ; skeleton keys with wards at each end, cilUd " double-enders ;" wires to lift lock tursbh rr?, r.nd a center bit. This is a complete set cf ordinary tco'.s, and maybe carried v; itli ease in a small carpet Imp-. Hall-door locks are large, massive, and usually a very large and apparently complex-warded key ; but the burglar is wtll aware that many of these wards are superlltious. If he wants to make a key for such a leck he cuts out a blank key in tin, one side of which ho covers with vit.x. Wards being simple obstruction Used in the locks, he has only to carefully insert the blcnk and turn it gect?y to receive an impression cf then out cl them on the wnx. Frcm this impression a key is ea-iiy forced out of strong iron wire. Of com bp, it is much simpler than the original. Sometimes tic ore aro opened with the pick-lock, which acts by working outside tho. wards, reat-hiug IV bolt that way ; but it re quires more dexterity thin tho other, and is successful nly i.-i tho h.mdb o.r tho practical thief. s.ur.s. The success of the bnrg'ar when p erafiiig on warded locks, c.used th-m at length la be dwcanlfil from luoks and mouey-heiMreH, in ravor of the lever or tumbler lock, and the thief's fckele ton keys fonnd themselves bent onto effect in endeavoring to open them. Ha the locksmith had to bo eircum vcntel by fresh means, and the jiek-in-thc-box was iuvtr.ted. lis object was to break the lc:l ell er to rc-nd the care so that the bolts miht be drawn, back. This wa.i acsoiuplished by in serting a T shaped bedt of iron in tht lack, and then by means of the jdck (an adaptation of tho principle . f tho lever and screw), rcndi'.g open the lock. This pi ten wan prevented by introduc ing very smuil keys, rr;I pl.eing the tnmbhrs, etc., cho'.o the key-hoh. Having ben tb-feated a for lens while ct the etifevlock, tlte-y r.i. longih tli'covertd anew ph-u. vhioh to attach the hlnnt s, pressing them i ff by lucarn e ! powtifai lover?. In this ra..n::er the fufo of it !arg- firm in London w.'.e j eiv. d, and an immenfe aroornt .f va! mibh'S f tcl- -!i. The t'r.u brutifht 1:11 a?tion sg -inst U o sufo makevj who hsid s .1.1 ti.- m the sfo ,;s ti.itf Toef, !o t: -cover damiifc-s ; and f;r t::;; dtf. t-sr, the burglar, who lad teea capt;irci and smteii!'.-'!, wat phiefd on th., and deposed that thero r- saf; made that cot.M ru f.t; pro.p erly mada on its hicget. ATier this trial tho safe-m-tkers cvunti r their hinges, and at the prefect time- wo mi safely sty that tho tici has l!io v,erst of the lutilo. tils. r "rn .TTTrr. Afte-r the lock has I ee; eve room? tV bnrglar i-.r.s oftor. to ririoie ;h'-r b'dts. To do this it is sometimes neevs:Ty tt cut out one of tho panels. Ti is uiC 1 to 19 tfTected by news of Nov, an intnjTvv. nt. c.dh d a p :roi e'.tt tcr is used. A tr - -it w nil a g.m let point is ihnrtt- isda tho centra i f .h' panel. Thtoigh th'u t!ca tlids a cross-bar, carrying at one tx'rexaity u rdia: c.i'ting teol, which cvi b.. nd ju.ded to move at avy ve j -ir.d At the head of t?-e s.'.o:a ii a doable r-rmed lever, which works the whe machine tr-r;.ent will mako r. J:t le in a few miuutv b alnut the barghu's crmer tl," bo ly of a fimall boy, a.d tho door iu qnieli.y nn fahtcnol. The only safe-r..uds aro to have the doe-r lined with sheet. iron cr ttuddod with irregularly deposed, now the Jon is rrr vr. Evtrbudy knows th.i: the thief sel dom, if ever, breid;s into a home 0:1 al! the? particulars cycernirg which ho i-. not well pe.sted. Ho Ino-vs how many people live ia the house, and tho rooms they sh-. i in, and the hours they re tire to re.-i. Women r.nd chth'rcn watili during i'u-1 oe.y, prvl this watch will b? tept up far diva and 1 ighti nniilr.1 neceesary inform tion has beenobtaint d. The barglar., who generally go in threes, select tho time when the police o facer Las just passed on his weary round, to commence operations. If you hive a watch-dog, it is drng-jed ; if you Lava a corrupt ecrvant, he Las been, perhaps, bribed. A mold has been taken of year house-key ; a panel is removed or perhaps entrance is effected through lie windows opening on your veranda. The burglar, who has pulled on thick stcckirga o-er hia boots, moves rapidly anl without toise. Tlate and money are his two great desires, but he will take almoft e.nj thing rather than go em )ty-l aEded. So cleverly managed is the whole sfi.iir, that the polico offi cer may pas3 by a doer cut of which a'l La been replaced with a sheet of painted or gr&ioed peper provided for that purpose. O a! side a comrade is on guard, auel the burglars ara carc-fal not to leave tho hou?a until the signal that the const is clear. Immediately on reaching their quarters the thievea change their clothes ; the next thing fo do is to get rid tf the plunder, than which nothing is easier if it be plate. Jewels are also readily disposed of, but not so profitably for the robbers. With all that has been said, there is bat little danger where proper pre cau'. ions ure taken. It is a curious fact that theEe raen who inform themselves eo carefully as to vthat and where they can steal, venture little willingly, and they aro cartful to learn whether your bars alone protect your house property. Keep a goad dog inside your honsi and a revolver at ycur hand, anel you'll have bat little trouble from burglars ; and if they do corce, never bring down a light when you go to see what is the matter. Young Stick to It. There is a deal of regret expressed in speeches, letters to agricultural papers, and in editorials by kind-hearted, well iiatentioned cdiixrs, that the boys are leaving tho farms. Xo doubt many young men have reatizad the fact that farm life is no harder than city life. Many have been wise encur-h to return to the farm after testing tho realities of life in a city. Bnt the boys who leave the firm for the ci'y or villages fellow the example.? t-f elder men. Th num ber of well-to-do farmers who have re alized beautiful homes, reached middle age and h?.vo told their farms, bought vuiage or city lota and settled on them with a view of "taking thing3 easier," is not a Fmall one. These men do so with the same or similar motives with which young men leave tho farms, and they rre as often disappointed in the results. Wo know farmers, both young wnd old, who have abandoned profitable and beautiful farm homesteads, removed to tho village, invested their capital in trade, got rretty thoroughly ' cleaned oat" in a business in which they hael no practical experience, and have bought baek their homesteads at an advanced price, running in debt to get pesressian of them, and working hard said con tentedly to pay again for what they once posse-t-sed. Some of theeS men have said to ns within tho last two months, " a farmer is a fool who sells his f.irni thinking to have an easier and happier time in a village or city." The eTct t.f such reaction in the caso of these examples upon those who stick to the fnrni is exceedingly wholesome. It rendeisthem content. They have not waved their substance in "putting up stakes" tnd re-moving from " the old landmarks." They have been steadily accumulating as farmers and gathering about their homesteads all the modern appliances for the conservation of com fjrt and content. Tho farmer who " sticks fo it" is sure to win what city inide money readily purchases inde pendence, hr.ppinos", and a sense of se curity whh is the result of well-eloing. I2i'.rtd 2'cw Yur7: r. Vt ill W hisky Fretze? It was ht ly stated as an example of iater.fe cold that in Montana, on the night of the 13th instant, tho mercury in the therraoan.ters all froze small quantities cf mereuiy ia vials became congealed, and proof whisky placed out of eleors froze solid in half an hoar. Th:.3 last item is the only one which Las elicited nu expression cf incred ulity. Tho proof whisky that froze iii ladf an hour is regarded by a con temporary as beyond belief. The freez icg of the mercury happens at thirty or forty degrees below zero, but absolute alcohol, ii is declared, has never been frozen, though Prof. Farraday found it lockeel a little turbid wheu subjected to a temperature (artificial) of ICO degrees Velow zero. High wines contain 7o per cent of sdeohol. Proof spirits of government standard placed at 50 p v con, alcohol, end a? the Nowaih (S. J.) Advertiser remarks, the alcohol this Montana whisky contained would have separated from the? wuter in the progress of freczirg like the "core" in a fre-ztn barrel of cider. If it actually frcz? solid it was a harmless variety cf w'-isky. Ia the severest cold of the Arc tit; explorations proof spirit never u-o?. though there a burlesque about the men in Parry's exj edif ions chopping tho brandy oi;t of the cask with r.n ax. The probable explanation of tho Marfan phenomenon i3 that the spirits were ?vt aside in an open vesse', wi-ca tho whisky evaporated rapidly a k! kit the compoaeut water frozen. Cold Paris in llio Winter Time. Tie Tar 'sin ns da not know how to rr. y snow. Snow-bell parties end sledding are unknown, and young and ..hi go v.oji!!y about tho streets half bi'Lt end heavily, n.3 if just ready to ivo way beneath tho burden cf this great!icticn. There rre many rea so:.s for this dread of t.ncw, but the ..Mile f ia probably economy. Fuel is ,--o;!(,e ind dear. A majority of the pro; ! do not buy thick woolen clothing for the few cold days that wc have dur 'v.j ti e winter, and within tlsry crouch ai.-ti.dly b fore tho little &ratc3 in ivhi -h one cr two Fuia'I spiecos of wod arc bare ly k"pt alight, and throw out rio 1 r;d. The contrast between the r. u-iog fires e njoyed by onr c:mmon hd.-r rs and those kept up by tho weli-to-do bourgeois of Paiia is very striking. Iv on the larger ebateaus are miserably v.varv-1, and it is a U-ipele.-s task trying to take tho chill off your room with the Utile f i--'s given vol; for the pvrposo II. o poor cannot think of huviigthe luxury of a fire, and the little handful .f charcoal or hra!; used to prepare the et if., or tho pot an :, is itnme eliatc'y extinguished wlieu tho meat is prepare cl. Hero cold weather entails a vast a'i-'or.r.t of misery, autl snowy elajs regard-. d as nllhctlona which must bo beri e, but whicu cannot fail to have a depiet sir.g it ilaeueo upon tho mind. Thr heavy grades cf leather ma1o in this country are so lar Bnpcrior in rpaal itv to thoro raatiufacttuml iu Ki trope, ihat nn efi' irl. is about being made to ii.treidiioo them in Go many, in winch country our leather can ba delivered below the cost of tliat made ia Europe. FAltM AND PLANTATION TOPICS. From the Bural Carolinian. DEIED PLANTS AKD THE IB TEACHTNGS. AJfrienel who had devoted much atten tion to vegetable physiology, especially in its relation to agriculture, lately fchowed ns two interesting specimens of dried plsnts. One was the common oat, which the botanists c'ass among the Oraminccc, or grasses, and the other vetch, a leguminous plant, allied to the garden pea, th9 bean, the lupines, and the cloveis. The plants had been grown in flower pots, from which the ball of earth had been taken and carefully washed away frcm the roots, leaving them unbroken ard entire. The oat plant, or, rather, clump of plants, pre sented a mass of roots which would be likely to astonish the nnobseiving farm er and open his eyes to the necessity cf giving his crop breadth and depth of soil, as well as something to feed upon. The bulk and weight of the roots was, we think, two to one at least as com pared with tho parts growing above ground. In the vetch, on the contrary, the proportion was reversed the roots making not more than one-third cf the ent ro bulk. Now tha vetch, like the clovers, is found to be exceedingly rich in nitrogen, and therefore very valuable as a green soiling crop. When plowed under, it enriches the soil by snpplying 'he required nitrogenous plant food. Where and how this and similar plants get tho vast amount cf nitrogen, which they siore up to enrich the soil, is, per haps, an open question. It was former ly believed that plants like vetch, gar den peas, buckwheat, etc., whose roots are comparatively small and of limited extension, absorb ammonia directly from the atmosphere through their leaves. Late experiments seem to show conclusively that this is not the case. They get it through the roots exclusive ly, but it still appears certain that it mc3t be the atmosphere that supplies it. Tt is (iu its elements) in the air, the rains and the dew which permeate the soil, and in that laboratory of nature, and decomposed and made available in the form of ammonia. These facts, thus briefly and imperfectly stated, teach several lessons of immense practical value to tb.3 farmer. 1. That different classes of plants have different modes of feeding, as distinctly shown by their roots. 2. That certain leguminous plants, and probably all of them, in a greater or less degree, are great pur veyors of nitrogenous plant food, and should therefore be made use of as green soiling crops to enrich the land for the grains and the fibre bearing plants, tho lime and other ash elements being cheaply obtainable to complement them. 3. That in view of the fact that the fertilizing elements which ere elab crated in tho soil come so largely from tho atmosphere, it is cf the utmost im portance that the land bo well broken up and iho soil kept loose and porous by judicious and frequent cultivation, so that air and moisture can freely pene trate it. IMPROVEMENT OF CLAYEY SOIL.1?. Ono of the principal defects of clayey soils, especially where thpy rest upen a subsoil cf the same nature, ia tho ex cess cf water which i3 held in them. The only effectual way in a majority of cases to get rid of this is by thorough underdrawing. Thi3 draws eff by im perceptible degrees all the excess of water and opens the soil to the free ad mission of the air, which in iis passage through it imparts warmth and such fertilizing gaes aa it may contain. Open drains or ditches, though less effectual, are useful. In some ca?es water furrows, terminating in some ravine or ditch, Fervo a good pupose, Lime is exceedingly useful as an ameli orator of clayey soils, inducing chemi cal combinations, the mechanical eifoc of which is to break up tho too great tenacity of the clay, while it adds, at the scree time, an element of fertility which may perhaps be wanting, Ovp- sum, or pdaster of Paris, has the same effect in a still more powerful degree. Ashes, coarse vegetable manures, straw, leaves, chips, etc., aro also very useful, ad ling new materials to the soil, and tending to separate its particles and de stroy their strong cohesion. Clayey iand3 must never be plowed when wet. (T.OVElt AS AN ACCXUrXATOIt OFKITUOOEN. We find it stated that Dr. Voelcker, by a series of the most exhaustive an alyses cf soils and of plants, has discov ered and established tho fact that an immense amount of nitrogenous food a?curaulates in tht) eoil during the growth of clover, especially iu the sur face soil ; amounting, including that in tho clover roots and tops, to three and a half tons of nitrogen per acre; equal to four tons and a third of ammonia, If this bo a fact, tho wonderful effects of clover, vetch, and similar plants on the soil ceaso to be mysterious, and the farmer need no longer buy ammonia in uis commercial fertilize!?, but only add to tho soil the lime and other ash e! ment3 required, which can be cheaply tarnished m available forms. CHEATED THE BUOMCS SECAMSUS SWIN DLE. Sometime ago a specimen of wheat, in which there were a few grains of chess, or cheat, was presented to tho Fiiilade-phin Academy of Natural It peemed at first as if the scientists wero to bo confourded and nature made to contradict herself. The specimen laid before the learned men of the academy was a head of wheat, to which email branches cf chess were united, and apparently in a very natural manner. Tho specimen waa finally re ferred to the " micro-copical section," who report that the thing was a trick. The chess was nearly inserted into the wheat stalk, and held thero by a sub stance " which tho committee believe to be giim tragncmf h." WINTER PLANTING IN TEE SOUTH". In ordinary seasons, onr winters in tho lower couth, cr South Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions, are t o mild that the hardier vegetables grow finely, and ro ma!;i uninjured during tho coldest months December and January but, occasionally, severer freezes occur, and the gardener must be content to take some risks, even in the caso of the hardiest tpecies. This, in tho limited operations cf the family garden, he can well tifford to do, for failure costs mere ly a littlo not unpleasant labor and a few sseds, and success rewards him with cn early and execltei-.t crop. An ox : -liontcwutrivaaco f r securing plants ia rows against frost consists in two boards, a foot wide, nailed te getiier at the edges iu the form of a three-eor-n red trough, made of light thin bonrd3 ; these aro easily handled, and a few such protectors will bo found very useful. It is better that tho ends should ba closed, though the mere shel ter of the lateral pieces will Ijo enfiielent iu case of light frotts. In planting seeds of any kind at this seasou of tho year, it is ln?st that tho rows should be slightly tkvatv-d above tho gc-neral sur faee, ai d the covering bo light. A good fay ia to saw tn t ho rnrface, and then scatter sift c-ver them a littlo vegeta ble mold tr light soil. CAUSATIOX OF INSANITY. A Physician Who Does Rot Believe in "tmo; tonal Insanity.' The New York Tribune publishes a lecture delivered by Dr. Gray in Belle vue Medical College, New Yorfr, of which the following is an extract : The lecturer referred to the long list of ex citing causes, and said that, whatever they might be, they finally inducted insanity through discorded conditions of the brain. Ho deprecated an at tempt at dividing them into moral and physical causes. If one moral cause was competent to induce insanity by giving rise in the mind to exciting or depressing ideas, then any cause may do it, and there will be no limit. All the circumstances of human life could be enumerated under causation. The speaker referred to causes found in books and reports of asylums, as often of the most frivolous and inconsequen tial character. He spoke of the fact that all the so-called moral causes the exercise of normal human pas sions and emotions arising in the circumstances of social life. He said the rage of jealousy and the passionate grief of disappointed love were only the intense expressions of natural feelings, and that the trage dies growing out of them only Tent to show what humaniny might be and yet not be mad. Insanity was not simply a disturbed reason, but a profound disease of tho brain ; not a burst of passion, but a loss of identity of rela tion of persons and thing's ; not a mys terious intangible something, but a dis ease which writes itself over the whole physical man, and which, if not arrested, advances steadily in his deterioration to death. He maintained that the doc trine of causation carried with it the treatment that as some maintained, if iasanity was a diseased mind without diseased brain, the wholo question might be relegated to priests and un professional men. Only as a disease was it brought within the scope and duties of tho medical profession. Being a disease it was of the greatest import ance that the law of causation 6hould bo well appreciated, that the patient bo put under medical care at the earliest possible moment. Dr. Gray presented the following conclusions on this point: 1. Whatever causes operate to pro duce insanity, they only do so through their final interferenca with the physi cal conditions of the brain through physiological laws. 2. So-called moral causes are incom potent in themselves to induce insan ity, except through tha physical failuie which ensuo from loss of sleep, lack of nutrition, undue strain and consequent less of rest and nutrition of the brain and nervous s stem. 3. All these adverse conditions a?so ciated cannot prodece insanity except with the final agency of physical lesion. For Love of an ianpr?s. Lucy H. Hooper writes to tho Phila delphia Press from Paris: "I have heard lately the following melancholy and romantic little story relative to a royal lady whose personal charms and sweet and graceful manners have ren dered her as unconsciously dangerous to her masculines adherents cs ever Mary Stuart was of yoro. It appears that during tho latter years of tho em pire the attention of tho empress, who ever has been distinguished aa an intel ligent and munificent patroness of art, was called to the works of a rising young painter a Spaniard or an Italian by birth who had just completed his studies and had achieved admission to the salon. She was pleased with his pictures, purchased several of them, and gave him a cominissiou for two or three others. Finally, at his earnest solicitation, she consented to sit to him for her portrait, which proved to be a striking likeness and a most admirable work of art. From that timo forward the young painter haunted assiduously every public place where ho could ob tain a glimpse cf his fair and royal patroness. When she went to the the .tre or opera he invariably occupied an orchestra strll in front of the impe rial box, and when she drove out he sought to cress her path in order to ob tain from her one of those graceful bows and one of those sweet, melan choly smiles which she alwa; s bestowed with such courtesy upon fhoso who saluted her. At last came the war and Sedan and the republic, and park and theatre and opera-box kcew that fuir face no more. Deprived of even those passing glimpses of the imperial lady, the young artist becamj morose, gloomy, and misanthropical ; ho shut himself up in tho solitude of his studio, and employed himself chiefly in reproducing his portrait cf tho em press a wotk which met with ready salo among the friends of ioiperialism in Tdria from its intrinsic merit no less than the fidelity of its likeness. The other day he was found lying dead in his studio, with a pistol shot through the head, and. with the discharged pis tol still clutched in his lifeless hand." What the Miah's Visit to England Has Done. Tho Cologne Gizetto states that the shah's visit to Europe has occasioned many alterations in the external appear ance of the upper anel middle classes in Persia. Shoes aro worn, the baggy trousers are reduced, the chin is shaven an innovation obnoxious to tho ortho dox Mohimmedau the cap is not so high, and tho whole dress is a mixture of Armenian and European fashions. Put chairs aie not adopted ; they arc used only for European visitors, while the natives fold their legs on the cushion or foot-stool. In religious matters the old fanaticism is less frequently dis played, and tho missionaries enjoy great liberty. Tee numerous Armenian Chris tians are conscious of the protection of the B isaian ambassador, and their in fluence is materially inei eased by many of tho foreigu residents marrying their daughters, as European wives often go to Earope, and are a burden rather than a comfort to their husbands, while tho Armenian women are not inferior iu Ioek3 to their Eaglish Bisters, The old abuses in the government still exist Tho army is a real plague spot. Iron Furnaces in Alalmnaand Georgia. Tho following is a list c f tho furnaces on the lino of tho S;lma, Homo and Dalton railroad : Kami-. tnc.vrios. TIN. Eii! "0 Valley it 'inp, (a ! OH .K:j -l-.tna, fit 12 ' B "Sinui.'wa!1 Sior.owall. A'.l H II 1! TKMITIiKh TtTUTTISe:i, Alii 'S'i tf I! ilmk Kim Griffith, A! 10. ...III! Woocnl'cii Ai!', istol), Ala 11 HI! Shelby N i. 1 t'ohiuaiana, Ala 14 II ii S iclr.y Ni. '2 Or-Iurul.'i.'.L.i. A'a I'l II I: r.riartit'U KriHrfiPlci, At 0 . ... 1 1 ii A'abama bilt Crwk. Ala ..20 II II C.ruwi 10 ' 1! 1'oucil Mountain - "J C U The two last aro on tho Coosa river, below lijme, G.i. The above furnaeos are all chireaal those m irked with a () are out of blast. There is at tho present (hue stacked up at these furnaces, ready fi-r shipment, nearly 1,000 tons cf iron, which in the i?greeate is worth nearlv half a million dollars. The sale and improvement of this iron would be a considerable item of freight to our railroads, and the return of that amount of money would cause many a smile to radiate over faces that are new gloomy and despond ent. Chattanooga Commercial. Second Best are Yery Good. A great many stock breeders go on raising very inferior animals year after year, because they have not the means to purchase fancy animals at fancy prices to breed frcm. They have not the means to purchase $10,000 heifers or $30,003 bulls ; and so they buy nothing and keep on using animals for breeding purposes that cause their stock to dete riorate rather than improve. There is no necessity, in raising cattle, ' for run ning to either extreme. If a farmer cannot have the best stock, there is no good reason why he should havo only the poorest. In many respects a sort of middle course is the best and the safest ono. If a man wishes to make money as a breeder of fancy stock, and has the means to do it, there is no doubt about the way ho should proceed. He should purchase tho best animals to be had, whether in this country, Canada, or Eu rope. In this way he will produce finer animals than have ever been produced, and there seems to be no limit to tho prices that stock fanciers will pay for superior animals. Tho breeding of short-horns, especially, has become a sort of elegant pursuit, and men of means have adopted it, not only as a way of making money, but of gratify ing their taste. In England, thort horn breeders from a class midway be tween those whoso tastes lead them to study literature, art and science, and those 'Klio give themselves up to pleas ure. If, on the other band, a farmer wishes to improve his stock with a view of get ting more milk from his cows anel more and better beef from his steers, it is not necessary to purchase animals that com mand the price stock fanciers are willing to pay for them. They can accomplish the ends they desire in a much cheaper way. In truth, the progeny of a $10,000 bull will be too valuable to use for giv ing milk or making beef for the butcher. The bull is too valuable to use on any thing but thorough-bred anicrals, and for this purpose alone he should bo kept Farmers can always obtain very gocd bull3 for the purpose cf improving their stock at very reasonable prices. Some times they can obtain them at an almost nominal price. This is the case when professional breeders have an anim-i! that has some slight defect, which would disqualify it in the eyes of thos looking for the best. Professional oreecters, wlicse establishments are ited by buyers, do not care to keep such animals in their herds, and are often glad to dispose of them at almost any price. The slight defect might dis' appear in the next generation, and it may not bo of a nature to injure the form of an animal either for giving milk or for making superior beef. During the past few years, color has had much to do in determining the valne of fine stock. Fashion, which is but another name fcr folly, demanded that a short horn should be rod iu order to bring the highest price. Boan or spotted short-horns were worth much less to sell to professional breeders, while white animals of pure blood, fine pedigiee, and faultless shape could not be sold at all to breeders. In truth, the breeders and owners "cf these white cittle did r.ot want them on their es tates, for the reason that they gave the impression that their stock of fashion able color were likely to produce ani mals whose color was not fashionable. They wanted herds of uniform red color, or at last no further departure from red than i3 roan. Now white cow.! will giva as ranch milk as roan ones ; and white stfers will bring as much as red ones will. They are as likely to bo good breeders, anel possibly after a few years whito may be the fashionable color for short horns, Indeed, tho pre judieo against whito as a color for short horns is fast disap pearing, end those who bought white animals a few years Rgo and fed them properly aro now receiving large div idends ou small investments. Some of them have very fair herds cf pure bloods, and lare numbers of cattle iu which short-horn blood predominates We have mentioned these as a few of the ways by which farmers of smali means may, by a little tact ami a small expenditure cf money, improve their stock. By changing the bull every second or third year all tho evils of in and in breeding may be avoided, and his change may often be made within the circuit of a few miles without the expenditure of any money. If one farmer has not a sm'li?ient number of cows to jastify hirn in buying a blooded bull, then several farmers iu the same neighborhood should unite in tho c terpiise. The Brain. Oliver Wendell Holmes, writing in tho Atlantic, upon the brain, says : "No sound .Tcrkiiig brain, without enough good blood to build it, repair it, and furnish the materials for those molecular charges which are tho condi tions essential to all nervous actions, intellectual and volitional, as well as those of lower grade. No good blood without a proper amount of proper food and air to furnish materials, and healthy organs to reduce a sufficient quantity of these materials to a state fit to enter the circulation. No healthy organs, strictly speaking, except from healthy parents, and developed and maintain A by proper stimuli, nourishment, and use. No healthy parents no help for it. We are, of course, applying the term healthy to the brain, as signifying much moro than freedom from disease. A healthy brai i should show, by the out ward eigns cf clear, easily-working in telligence, well-balanced faculties, and commanrling will, that its several crgttES, if such thero be, or its several modes of action, if it works as a whole, are properly developed and adjusted by themselves ami ia relation to each other. "If we could only bespeak a brain for ono of tha freshman class cf IS00 as we lay out for sn unborn colt to run for a enp in two or three years ! But we havo to tako the brains as ti.ey come, and tho range of difference is so enormous-, that one is tempted to my there is no such thiLg in iho abstract as a good education. Havo we not seen young men who had been for tbree years rained on with professional teach ings of all kinds, upon whom the auxioms of science had bo::n dropping long enough to wear hollows in a atone, and who havo coeae out of 11 e showers of instruction with intellects as dry of knowledge as if Mr. .Mackintosh Lad furnished each of their brains with su impermeable rtura mater ?'' USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Cabbage Worm. After trying vari ous remedies, we have found boiling hot water from a watering pot, the simplest, easiest, and most effectual mode of destroying the cabbage worm. If applied quickly and not too long on the leaves, it produces no injury. It is easy repeated as occasion requires. Family Glue. We make our glue in the following way ; Crack up the glue and put it in a bottle ; add to it common whisky ; shako up, coik tight, and in three or four days it can be used. It requires no beating, will keep for almost any time, and is at all times ready to use except in the coldest of weather, when it will require warm ing. It must be kept tight, so that the whisky will riot evaporate. The usual corks or stoppers shcrald not be used. It will become clogged. A tin stopper, covering the bottle but fitting as closely as possible, must be used. The United States of America pro duce annnally about 275,000,000 bushels of wheat, or about G bnshels per cap ita. Of this amount they consume over 230,000,000 bushels, or about 5J bushels per capita; and have about 42, 000,000 surplus left for sa'e, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland produces annually about 95, 000,000 bushels of wheat, and consumes 190,000,000 bushels, or about Z bush els per capita. It has therefore a de ficit to purchase, amounting to as much, of wheat, as all it proeluces, or 95,000, 000 bushels. Thus, England has two bnshels of wheat to buy where we have ono to sell. Stair Carpets. To prevent the pile from separating at tho edge of the stair and wearing off, pads are used ; these are made of a low grade of cotton, cov ered with the cheapest muslin. A quilt or comfort that has seen service will answer the purpose of stair pads. In additien to increasing the lease of use fulness cf the carpet, the pads prevent noisy clattering of feet, and, in case the baby should fall downstairs, the injury received would be materially lessened. When first laid down the carpet shculd bo several inches longer than needed, that it may bo disposed of after each shaking so that a fresh place may come to all the edges. A wisp or small dusting broom is tho best for sweeping stair carpets. After thor ough sweeping a wet cloth may be used to good advantage in removing all dust. A m:VAIlOS DEATH. The Speech ot a Jtlan on the ' Tolil In Aevida, - An astonishing display of bravado on the scaffald was made at Carson, Neva da, by John Murphy, on the 29.h ult. To watm his feet before he left his cell he danced a lively jig cn tho iron floor, and said : " Don't forget, I am not a Tom Paine man ; I believe in God and spiritualism." Arriving at the scaffold, Murphy monuted the stand, and eeatirg himself with his legs crossed, waited calmly. The sheriff read the lengthy death warrant, the condemned man smiling the while, and at the utterancs of the words, " Dead, dead, dead !" gave a hollow laugh. Daring the read ing of the warrant Murphy walked across the scaffold for a drink of water, and, the officer pausing, he said: "Go on, sheriff, I hear you." Murphy had asked for an hour to speak, and by his preparations it was evident that he in tended to occupy all the time allotted to him. He proceeded to say that he had killed his adversary in self-defense, and accused one cf his lawyers of fatal ineomreteney. 113 then entered on a loDg protest against capital punishment. After reading extracts from the works of Judge Edmunds, he asked foi a chew of tobacco, and repeated a poem of great length in the Scotch dialect, said to have been dictated by tha spirit of Bcbert Barns to Lizzie Dolan, spit it ualistic lecturer. Murphy walked un easily to and fro upon the scaffold dur ing tha delivery of the speech, and pointing to tho motley crowd cf men, women, hoodlums, Indians and China men congregated on tho hillside to wit ness the execution, s sid. " Well, they havo come to see mo cff." Kneeling, he rea 1 a prayer from lr's book, and rising, said to the sheriff, "I am ready." He stood up under tha fatal noose, and held up his clenched fists as if in defiance. The sheriff approached and pinioned his arms. During the opera tion Murphy remarked: "I'd like to give those judges a little rub, by Seeing a friend in tho crowd, he sacg oat, "Hello, Sweeny!" and then has eye o night that of a reporter, and he said, " You are a reporter?" " Yes, Murphy," answered tho reporter. "Well, just tell them that you've seen mo in a tight place." The sheriff was then adjusting the fatal noose. Those were his last words. Jewel robberies. Mr. Jehan Valter, a French journal ist, relates, apropos of tho robbery cf the Du.iley diamonds, several anecdotes about jewel robberies, no tells how a speculator presentee! a report to the directory making out that the celebrated church oi Lorette contained 10,000,000 worth in diamond, etc. B.irras and C irnot informed Bonaparto of the fact, bnt tho 3 oung general refused to march on tho place because he would have to expose a corps of ten thousand, and would probably find nothing when he got there. In time he did manage to seize on tho church, and found that all the diamonds had been replaced by rd.iss. M. Valter also tells how tho mother of the late French emperor, the Q:teen nortense, when she was leav ing Franco after the invasion by the allies, was stopped on tho high road by tho Marquis do Maubrenil, who searched her carriage and took away 20,000 worth of diamonds, which have never b?en heard of. This stc-y is all tho moro remarkable as there was a great fuss made about this Marquis de Maubrenil toward the close of tho second empire. He hael a lawsuit with his wife, anel aa an outcry was raised against the marquis continuing a mem ber of tho legion of honor. It then came out that he was one of tho royal ists who had aided the Prussians to pull down the statne of Napoleon from the top of the column of Vendome, and that while engaged in this act ha had tied an order of the legion of honor to the tail of his horse, and dragged it ia tho mud. Yet toward the end of the reign of the Third Napoleon he woro the red ribbon una was in receipt of a government pension. Weather Signs. A French naturalist Las recently grouped, for public convenience, a num ber of his observations npon animals, showing that many members of the brne creation may bo useful aa living barometers. Bain or wind, ho says, may bo expected when tho spidets shorten iho last thread by which their wel'3 aro suspended ; fair weather when they lengtheu them ; and the daration of either by the degree of contraction or expansion observable. When swal lows sweep near the ground, tittering plaintive cries, rain is at band ; when they mount up, fly from sido to side, and play together, fine weather will fol low. When a single magpie leaves its nest in the spring it is a sign of rain, but the reverse is the case when two parent birds leave it in company. Bain is near when the peacocks utter frequent cries, when parrots chatter more than usual, and when geese are uneasy. It may not be possible to procure sand enough for mixing with large quantities of roots intended as food for stock. The next best thing to be done is to keep them secure from frost, light and air, and to prevent heating and fer mentation by the use of air flues. Car rots, rutabagas, beets and mangolds should be Btored before they are dam aged by frost, as they never keep well after being frozen. Western Rural. Poetet is spoiled by the addition of a single word. A young lady, after listening to her lover's description cf the setting 6ud, exclaimed : " Oh, Alphonse ! Alphonee f what a soul you have for art 1 You were meant for a great painter !" Her father, unexpect edly close behind, r.dded, " and glazier." Will Wonders Never Cease? When Dr. Walker ptoclaimed that he had pro duced from the medicinal herbs of Cali fornia an elixir that would regenerate the sinking system and enre every form of disease not organic, the incredulous shook their heads. Yet his Vinegar Bitters is now tho standarel restorative of the western world. Under the oper ation of the new remedy, dyspeptics re gain their health ; tie bilious and con stipated arc relieved of every distress ing symptom ; the consumptive and re mittent levers ate broken; the heredi tary taint cf scrofula is eradicated ! Skepticism is routed, and this von ler ful preparation is to-day the most pop ular tonic, alterative, and blood depnr ent ever advertised in America. We don't sell mm under the guise of medi cine. We advertise and sell a pure medicine which will stand analysis by any chemist in tho canntrv. No r.sE of any longer taking the large, repnMve, priphipr. drantio and tiaueoiis nil!, composed of cnulo a:nl bulky ingredients, and put u in cheap wood or pai-te-bc ard boxen, when we can. hv a careful application of chem ical science, extract all the cathartic and otlir medicinal properliOH from the niont valuable roots and herb, and concentrate them into a minute Grannie, scarcely larger than s'min tard BteJ, that can bo readily swallowed by those of the motjt soimilive htouiacbe-t and fastidious taetei. Etch of lr. Pierce's riean ant Furgativo Pellet repreHcn's. in a mont concentrated form, as much catliaitic power as ia embodied in any cf tho large pills found for Falo in the urns t-tores. 1'iom their won derful cithartic power, in proportion to iheir Bizo, people who hao not trio 1 them are apt to tjiippo.-e that they aro harHh or dra-aic in effect, but Biuh is not at all tho cae, the dif ferent active medicinal principles of which they are composed beinc; so harmonized, ono ly the others, as to produce a mo-t woarchinR and thorough, yet pently and kindly operating cathartic. The l'ellots'are told by dealers iu medicines. An Kx-C'onlf lcine Iu Lurk. J. C. I'orlean, residing at Happy Jack. Lou isiana, who pave an arm to the "Lost Cause." won a 63.000 piece of property in Col. J. E. Foster's Oct. Distribution at Houston. Texas. Lonisiuiiana aro investing largely in the Sec ond Distribution, which takes place March 3d. An Irishman called at a drug store to get ft bottlo of Johnson's Anodyne I.inimei't for tho liheumttiem ; the druggist asked him in what part of the body it troubled him most, "Be mo soul," said he. "I have it in ivory uom ana corner er me. For loss of cud, horn all, red water in cows, loss of appetite, rot, or murrain m cheep; thick wind, broken wind, and roaring, and for all obstructions of th) ludners m liorsos use Sheridan's Cavalrv Condition Tow- ders. Go to Eiverside Water Cnro. Hamilton, IU. Dr. TiiII'.h Fx pceioran t is tli most vain able L'iiiH Halt-am ever llereil lo MiM'jTrrs fron? I'ulmouary disease?. It is plejaut to take. vfc;i;taki,e piliojiauy hai.- N1M! Most approved. ri'liabieatifi well-known rem edy for Conrih, Colds & Consumption. (, t the o -nine. Price $1;hiu&11 5-JV. Cutlkr Uiioa.& (.!., 11ohoij A den's. Chan t'hanir s l!s at sUlit. NVrps-iry an -on p. tiO( ds fr. o 'iiii i Iuiuk M t u .il'istoii. C-J iLiiRhi) "Rt-Of l;ttf w-r rat ret Bounty by wruini; t. C. K A I'-.NOL D. t'n;ri mint i, ). VM-I'KN I'K( I! KKI.1KHT. Ssfrly hymtfl.ft . :irrular irce. L. 1. Ammh:, art ha;. Mo. $75 A M'K.r-'K. Airrnt va::teri every wIhtp. For OUIliLiC. I'iil iCll &, i;ii to Ohio. SOfi per day at home. Terrm fre-. AOOre vl" H fc t'o.. Portland. Mali' $200 tnon'h to iijfiit-i cv rywherp. A1dro t KlTKLs .on ,M y (i lo., l:uelianuiif M icli. V OK NTs WA TKI Men and women f-i a wi'i'H orfI"-ri forl't'iiod. Tin MM-ret free. Writi &t once to CO WE N A CO., Mil street, New York S OilKTIIIMI FOIl YMU. Sent! ntKiii pel u. f r'e i aw AU'in -s JIUKST ct CO., 75 Na snti s;ree IS'ew York. C Daily to A eenH. K" no-x ar'icles anil tht t. f nest family I'.iper in mriea. wan i Jocnronios, tree. Am MT Co.'tfHi Kruaiway, N. O 4) r"C PKK OA V commission or S'JU a wek imdfj fwtiary, aim expenses. Weofter it and wtl pay ii. Apply now. (i.W chhrd:( o, Marlon.o ( Onboxof Cary' ToJ"rtt Cnk Towdrr wHlmake-apintof HKF f M.A U lN4i in mniutM. f l.Urvrdi., tl.libj mail. IU U.O. Cur, Zunvillr.U. ) Omsnnf En;p'tnjntrnt At lionio, mal or female w. weeK w ri an td. ocapital ru'i red. Pnr ti.'Milars and val'.i ib.e srn;p!es - ent ir.'e. Adl'"is with fit re nrn siamp, i '. liirsy, Wiliiani-burKh.N. V GUNS. 111 At t o . 1" l .N jili rvlr.ei St Iannis, Mo P3 TH K A ltTot 'Krrret or (y tilif r Wiiiliu'.,hT3 C-uj him! n i o 1 P'-tl r wic yer lor ti t"ty eoril CCj '!'in-si " VhNTI LA'JO!'." Jilt-niiim C"3 Pjlh ton. We t Virini. aiuple cepies lie.-. CT"3 catarrh mm, Piml utamp for i tin liiiormn- i . etf. fo MIAMI -COL.H1V. JL 4 OVKRTiSKItM Serd cts. to Oko. P. 1'ow Z kli. A ( 0..41 rark K"w. N. V ., for their v 1hitot 1 OO j'rtf.T, coniH'ninff lists of H.uhj newt ie.i'irs, artn est; mat n fr w n.c 4t oi m ri AGENTS WANTED S, -ejni lor Sj er men pa," h aiI onr ejcira terms fo Ohio, or M em pli !.-., Tei; n $250 A KUXril.-AK'-nh u-a!itM evTy w liPTe 1IU.-.I rH--s li nori'.tiip i 11 .1 Hrst Clx-. Pliri-'-iilnrs scut trt-.. jvHreH wosl il A St. lout-.. Mo. rsV IS phji'T 1 1 printed witli iiik uriusli-it i; 1 lrn :ei Hl-U J 'Im '! Co.. Vtl So. 1'ifl fo., I'l:1!aleliliia a- i O'.i .n:l- sir." t Nv York 1'T mile i'l 1 i :uhl 2"i m hy si it TH r.HN N'KWs !. l'KU U.VIu.N. liviiie Tenn. ItlFf.l.S. SHOT-M'XS. PISTOr.SxrKEVOI.Vr.ES, K J" Af Tiwn'i tTrvV'rul- Sefirl dtniin I'll ( nlf I" CM. A' urcus nd Piftt-vi tVoika, I A I K JtHiJII, PA.. COTTOX! COTTON! r II M K earliest arnl nittst 1'roliiti- ('niinii in thr 1 win Mak-s from in : hale5 pir here. fo;r week prlier i ruin ;xn v ut her ot ton Semi fo.- rir r:i!am. Aliress W. il. LIoJAULY, l arro lion Carroll ro'inty, ! isb. SENT FREE A Hook expoBin the mysteries of WIT T Ptn tml low sur mm may op-rate sue- II null uli dcssl illy w ill a i npi al ol .riO or $ IOIIO. o n nVip in-trtl' Pons -'i:1 illu-ti Atiolis lo ..l,v a.l.lres.1 TlMliltlDeil'.&tK. I'.ANKKKSailO HltoK f.KH, i VV.. Il uri et. jvew oru. SONGS OF JOY ! A -KV.W (1)1,1 K'TICV fP HYMNS Is' I ) TUNK8 1 i".n.y adapt i'! lor rrayvr aiel Camp M.'eiini'H, Chr'Rtirtii Ass.M-ia' ions a'i'l Family Worship. Ity .1. J!. Tkn s icy. lloarils. :ii'cnl : Klejthe lolh :ii eenlK. Soiil no; pV.I on rc.-oipt rr t!.. i rv,. I.KK & I1KI'AHU, lintton. TlltC IiKHT in the Wot M. Ii li i I ii i v.'rsnl -. tlisr'ai: ion. VKI.VDKHKn, Kiiiiioinjr. niloM. roor.. 're id lo iioi . t-ionr S.WKS HUiS,&,V. On, v cur's aviu' .vii l lo v a row XO MOKK MM'H I'.Uh.Ml. V. t-Ufr MiO'IT. . a i 1 -r lictirr. KVC ltV ltlll I'mUrs It. Tll l-ol'l-s Hlei.ll 1" lover. I . it. SKI. I. S like llirri AUKS i-t! --fllil ut I;T .Ml. l(i ':. V. (iltAM, v. fit., 170 11 italic hi.. Aev 1 ork. tl KLVV BC6.K SLL I ALL fflfi liyMf. St. il:. u v.: tr t f Salt I,kM it, f'.rtfi . . ) n M'HMi'.n lli-li PiiiPt. It U.t . n fi.r" MiuinniiU'in" u-iil'-- n tt." hnrtt, 1'tire mill it vt 1" - k f'iit, mill tmtlU -nil etlu n M :it!t'Tn phv " '.'. wj"t i. ;nt- if. W't wntit ..' -mtn-r 1 i:,tI Outfit. Vrrv to n'l wrrn Wiil .U (nil J nrticilnrn, ut tvr.,i;iii; t j., CINCINN onto. tiu .MV s-.-l v. C-iiivrus. I !:.:-: j.-'n: C:;y i a:. C OUKfcSlMKXUKM'K ISM I b I WilhperNors (i('rf:i;; lo v Xih iik' 'on' h ru We t-oi J, all !.. h prefiauil ei )(:;,. i 'li i'l'in'm proi tiK-i fr I'lVt.sloifi IM M I mi. pr peny, nii'i 111! I ililir ri'Sl! M'il HH l" Vil'H KM It I 1 1 1 1 1 I ' I ' t M i lieOlS K-.H it r. 1 I KH V II I N' V t 'llSi I- lr-i- hiv r-taiie. u .r-.srnle nil it a - t !n p r'at-i -1 'ig ro title' ! n tj ete. il. ii. Wa i !!- i.f-, T !i vi"t i n tj A (Mt, ol " Pi tie m r-e t, f-t. Lou h, M o. Iili's ii mi v kind I' t . I .oil pri.i-en v. r. i ';.nn- 115' Table Knives and Forks of ALL KINDS AMI OlUulftAXlA i-XCXCMSfc MAKU14 V ml And eTdnsive maker of the "Pulent lT-ry or Ollu'-lrl KnIO. Tlio mil DiirnMt W hit lla mile union 1 ti Ir!inoT n never eel loose, are not Ri7....ea njr liol wairr. Aireli lor Dm - Trade Maik." llKHIUhN I't'TLKKI lll ft on me i.ia'le. Wrrnil ""' ",a liy all dealera in Cutlery, auO by Ifce MKKIUKN I'L'TLKIt V CO., I'.i e liaiiiltera ilreet, .V-w t ir. Waukesha Water MINERAL ROCK SPRING, CnnM Dropsy. PyMpopila, IMahUB, t'f nntlpalhin, t J ravel. Jaiiiid-rV, Biiniifn, IdwaM mmftilr., Fever Par. h, Femlflf Wrnkne,iD all 1 1 lortiift, all iipases of the Khlneys at d Itver. Pric k fhirrelH, (1-; hair do 7; rai a Jnir. deml Johns and bjtt e-, h cm per gallon ; par k g- ex tra. Money must Heminpiuiy the on er. Hend Rtamp lor our hook of pKtt, giving description of the above diatev c. c. olin & CO., Waukesha. Win. $5 TO 920 PFTl P4Y wwHmadbf ..... U'.. Hul. K..a,. riils allow thetyuntry to sell our Fin rUd Knirrvin(fii, Chmnioa. t 'rayon Irir trurH. IiItiminlHiri-. i'tii-t"rrih1rf7.. ta We now publish Ui liMtMtafitortment nvtr phwrd h('r the puhhc, and our pri Are niArLtnl ilxwit no low mm Ui dnfj all ronii,M'tltlTi, TtiM who c&imot tjtie the hml-nt-aa thir ti"le tlntA, or ffo far away fmra Imnm, can add a banil-teime lit tin mm t ititir Income hy worklug (or aa In their own local ttiii during t lir tMre tfrnn. We have matiy old awnta at work (or un who have made oaDTawinitr for Umkii, pnini. eto.. tbir huaHttMe for years, and they all reHrt tUat they ran rotvke mucb more money at work for ua than at anythum Jm. Our pricHe are ao low tlit all cn affi-rd to ptirt.hae, and therefore Ilia plottirea at 11 at ultf ht at a I mow t every Ixxtae. Kew b"piDer do aa well a acenta wtio have hut lar-ra xpotienre. for oar tauUful inhjecU and low pric mm apprrcUtea hy alL To make liirne aalna ereryw here, all an mttaut ha U do tt toatiow the pl turt fnra bonae to boaite. IKwi't leKik. for work elaowht-re until you have anen what irreat Induot-'raenla we o0r you Ut make money. W have Dot taoe to eiplaln all hnre, but amid OS your adtlrmw and we will amid dill particular-, frwe, by matL lont delny if you want pmlitmhLe work for y'r leisure hours, or for your whole time. Now la the favor able time to engage In this biialne. Our ph'turae are tho liuntt and nioiit plAaatria to thta conn try. and are io d rsed hy ail th l)&4lius papira. 1ncluellii the Snw York BraiL Tliee who cannot art the huiurMwa tliir mi tire attention, can workup their own localities and make a bandnome aura tdthont ever boing away from ticme owe nhdit. Iet all who wantplAaaant. profile tle employmeDtk witiiout rlnklna capit-al, amd ua tiietr addreeaee at onoa, and larn all about the buameaa for tiMUidv, I'leaae ftate what paper you saw this adverUaecueut lo. Addreas GEOUOi; HTINSON Ac CO., Art PablUben, Fur t land jliaUDr B 1 B B D OKI I'M A NT I DOT K - -IUso.vere.1 l.y a nirTerer Hiiiolreds onre.l tlie !an ear o min elllt stamp to 11 ilrt. V. M. ljivaiport. 1ml CLAIRVOYANCE, The sp ritual Myn prr, the Medium. Hrret. Mp (liuni itiip, Mater'iallattou, tauicht lu f'ff ho.ks. hy th- w riil fanie l s.r. lr I' H. Haiiduipli. 1 rire l',u' bn!U work.. 7i eents. Address. K. COK-ON, Fuoilsr er, Toledo, Ohio. TIN WIRE RINGS. .Will liol Kn-t nr make I he ',m JlU('. Kri'. s v jk.iruwnrr uuBlem Hr 11 Itlom. llmi'tr. 1.0O: I'm Hu..p, r ix.c v.opper..l llmtoi, .'Hle.s I tiugH, 1 .jr,: hy nia,l Tn.rttpiiio. Cireulam l,;o. II. H - II IU A t u. lcciur.Ill. VUt) wish a Tiiouoruil preparation fr IjUsIiiobs, wi 11 find superior ail vantages at Moore's Southern Business UNIVERSITY, A: la it a, Ga. The latffBt and Itent rrnctieml ntiMnma Hrbofd in the South, jitr Htudcnts can enter at any time. 4s-Sond for catalogue to B. F. MOORE, PfCa't t lie A me i-lra u ,r vpaprr I nlon nnn hers 3Ter 1 ,''" papa rs, aeparatt-d in to Hcvrn an hd i via ir. tib. Foraepirato liat aud vi.mtt t alert i address ii. I'. BANBuKN 1H iicuruo Bu. CUicatfo 'his t.iw Ti u 'W Is worn w Hi! porffi-t v mti r i U;ht ard day. Adant its.'il' to every mo tun of the hfM'y, retulliltii; Knpture ii' ili r Hi I n -? t e erri e fr , VtTf-vt f ; 1 1 1 until rr I taneotly ruled. Sold Elastic Tniss Co. i;s:t llroaitnav. IVfiv link I'll)-. . t l.y mull i hi! . i s !,.) lor eir. -u. ai aii.l i.e riire.l ,m, THE GREAT SOUTH. N f, K S M ii A 7. 1 N K fr 1 -71. M0 IV tea, ami CO it I Lld'vrR ATMI,1 I he MiO-t itnuJi!fi fUi work ver p ilil h tied in t lio oo; n ry. Jn-I t tie th 1 ok f r mml hei n aei! ts Kvei NO'iiliiin mat) will m ish t A imi fold in i ontof to a i:h kI.'vh or alore tf do .rnl tie peioln) Sie I Kiiravinif Horn .lulht's reinm-ned t)tl I'ai tlin ' nl ii id ' Lib' I M i-ei in if of ( eu m , c it .! i- k -oui ' S-mlf.T dr.iiar to AMKitl' AN l'1'M..I-JI IX! CO., llr Kai flolph hlri'., ( Iiii hi;'!. Ill TEXAS LAiMD BistrWici!, $175,000 Wcrll And $2 5.0 00 'n fo!d. nt HmiMoti. Tt-ira -, Mun i. ;i ; e oio se.l hy tin' ity 'ounril, A himhh voininl f. irouiur. T.'j.i Map- a d .i!n p!i lt.s M-nt fre d-lrfsi.f. K KdsT" K. 1 1 on ''on. T nt ru r.n lurfitm wtth t'-r TjoAon. H'tyfif A" J.'t kirtt tit any oi- r xhnt art n' rfni.. WATKKS' MOW SCALE I'M MIS t''i'' lel itiadrt r f ffnrri lilrf fi ol tt tint f Itiir titf !. ow'r'tit pti re -m-f fi r-i iV A I liiiS' l r It I'd OlCU 1 4 am-; ' Vrii-f lhl ti Ioiik") ht aiit)t they 'f t iaf)iii pe It tun. 7'fi nnrr r I o o i fl r tiiU ff ll'f llitfMMii i-lre. I'ltli K l it K l KliV I.IIW r-"- ihhIi ltrliu (III loitlli- IM on I ti I v I iilliirnie ifrvnl( on I'lnnoK. at 1 U '" $ M ortoiiiK, 1 1 t irrid) liniitl I Mni'ir .1 fo SI, mnirthlv nltrr Ard leMlt. AJe. AM I). A lttei-4l iiivinmif tt T'-ftt t .lni-'v.'o-f. fiKlAn rrrr'n, l.o it , t tr. etrrHf HI liicrliieof f tliO flitile. Illliitiatet Hlelu-seoea Inilt-rl IIOKA' K i A I r II &, ls ISroaitway, Jr v a ork H"i i-x ' standard American Billiard TaWcs. NKW WK.SIC'H. Pittrnlfd Jiuir 6, 171, Dm'inhrr 25, h7l H. V7. COLLENDER, Ilidiin V CJolIondor, No. 7M lWHr, : York ; 1. I), tin I . 17. CIci'lis. BrI'r. rn. . ftn'1 -vcrvihlic S) rmlnlii to liil iHpli hi luttpNl prii ei. Jl!; utmli'ifi. s-iH by muii. 3J: IK PUEE COD LIVEE OIL AND LIME. VIIIora t od l.ivf r Oil and I.I me. e taons who Jiav- hri'n aV "i i,i ver un in oe pienreii to ha' n thai Itr. Wdhor f-aa an r' dcd. frm dirt c- lienn of M'veral pi ot s lortal K''t,tl'iueii, In com bining the pore (; nd Inn" In Mirh a manner that it I t p. oh ii!t lo th" last" and Km lle;t in Inn c.!iip!Ain n ar- tr i y wonili-nui. ory itif.ny m i moiis wliie -a e. wiie pronoi:nred hrtpeleHH a-.( a h hc-d t:-k ti the i:-ar )( for a loin: limt- wnti out niark'P 1 eifwi, l ave Icon entirely rured uhuX t In -i priiprat'oii. Itf mire and i;t t tie ki nu in. Ma ii ra'- urc I only ly A. It. Wi i- !'. t IjojitU!, hoiilon. -Sold hy all druKKiti. BR. WHITTIEIi Vo. 617 St.!e3 Street, SU Lozls, Via. intinarn to trfat aU mm nf nirI- in inr lr' ii i iiriiic", (.) ii m ut r M ' fo,h r-iulia fn-i ii. li-T.-iioa or ifij rii-i. ti- , mik rpml!,i'"i eiie-'-' Or. -.' t"-tit)li tnirti m ttmrUT"! hr th.' Mitf -a- 'il, !. fuuu.l. 1 mil ht l0 i-Hf -OilnhM M - a r. r.-T!iri mi t niil,Jn r. .tt t. HOi ir-t-oU v.-ral DH'tl'Ai r..M-- , i1 r.'.v-nr r I p- if loftR r.i fiif.. i..f,. !,r. in lu l " i I" h uo jwrMt .-. mt'ti.'ff Mini an -tn ,1 hi x,l th- ,, .m.a Br- l.iu tr mi- I i o i ol ' j-r .-vert H ! 1. 1 r whi 'ii'- "r J f"H tli" t o ir. r. r vt '" ' i4 t.iM"4 t) .i, I a;. tr low. fipsr , i fM!l .. Ufb-b I, ft. ! . t(3AL?FAGS guide, I K;- i ; . "I .r ! ro-tl ifl'.uM l f I t -t tr. It ' -r liauti tiln. turn1 ,. u . "i ' "I H i' IN 1 1 oi I 1 1 1 I " " rr an. !. - e. - ' yft , (he i- - ii...f lr W tf t-l th-mn-hi it-m : U K-.i' t ' '" : " ' H ile-l. f.-l r"t 1 t le . P I (IOIA"i V, or rrtul i t niB M . , . i.U.i im.) I- o, O- .mIi.h' " 1 " 1 . , , , , , f ,( , . IU , till I ., tit- I 1I I I V. I II lUII I I i i. ., i .. I,. .!. " . . . ..f tf, ti.. i mi y i ! '! , ,:,,.:! ! . ..r ir , - f I ' A I .'"', ! ' A t, ., i ;.. . v. a ' i -. I . H i i.l I m a o , i-iit I'liiu.uipii.. fcL T ROSS. MA . Dr. 4. WalkorN Calii'oniiii ln. "CTiir Ililll'I'H iiro a pnn ly Vi v' iinii;ir;itii!i, :n:nIo diici'v Im'M t iio na tif lifi Un iiuuul on tin- Ji'wi r i .'litres ij tin Sirrni N'i'Vii.I i I;ii;i nf CiIifiT .li;l, the l;uij:i 'li :l ! l t i H ' which in ctr;i tml l!i.!cl!iMii v. ill mi! llin ti.i if Alcohol. Tin' lion i iilnnxt .laily iisKcil, " i the cm . of tha !in';ll'.'l!lcle.l nili'i'i-.-t 4 t' 'im:i;!1 I5tT t CKsf Oar ,!iisM r i-, thev ivmova tin care of i!l. ' ;r e. aiui the 'a!'int TP-coc-s his health. Tin aie tlii'irrout hlooil juirii'cr ai'.l a l::e i!i-r pi incijilo, a pel ted i;'iin at'.r ainl l:i i oratur of tho Kys'.ti'iii Never In l.n. ill tlui li.ti.ry nf the tm!l Ii m ;i im 1 1 i v.iA l.eon I'uinli.ill'iiti'.l i.i e Uj! ti e I. " ilkiililn 1 11. ill I ir.-i lit' V IN H. I! I 'I I'll II" i'l I II!:' tln ii'k of ei ry ili-e.i e In in i - I I". Tlii'jT ire a pnlle l'in'tl..- vi-ila- .1 Tuiue, ri'liex inir t ;i o :i or! cini' lii.ti 'l iliu l.ivi r uinl i.-i i.i lhlioiii I li.M'llMi'S. 'flu' propi'H ies f I i:. W ai tent's I'lKtilAK I'll I rU an Ajierelit. I i,i; linretie, t'linniiuilive. N ut rit i..UM. ilive. Inuretiii, Se.l.ilive, lutiiiter liril.i il, .i...nli. , AlUT tive. Hint . nfi-l-'kiiiu.. (iratiTul TliousaiHls proel thu Vih. Umti:j:s the ni".-t won.!. ; I'ul In. vifrorittit thut t-vir m.t.iiar.l tl..i hinkiiif Ft0111. No Person can lako 11m'si IWIIorf according to direct ion .:, and remain long unwell, jirovided their holier are not do Btroycd by mineral poison or otlici means, ami vital organs, wasted beyond repair. Union. I'eniitlent ami Inlcp IllillOIlt Fovrrs, vhidi nro k prera- lent in tho'-ns of our peat t iven tliroilghout tho I'liitcd States, esperi;illv thosoof tho Mississippi. o!ii, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Ciiiid'eiland. Arkan pas, lted, Colorado, MnuoM, Hin Ur.mdo, l'earl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, lUt anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our ontii'o cotiutry during tho Sunniier anJ Autumn, and remarhably hd dm innsea 8oii3 of unusual lieat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de ransetitcnts of tho stomach and liver, viscera. In thOir treatnu'nt, a purgative, cxertimr a Iow erfal intluetico upon theso vatiou or gans, i.i essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose, erpial to l)n. J. Walkkk'.h ViNKii.xt: IWitkiui, as they will Fpeiilily remove tho dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels nro loaded, at tho fsamo tuie Btinuilatin tho secretions ( f tho liver, and Renerally restoring tho health funetions of tho digestive oruans. Fortify tin' lody airainst ilisonsc by jnirifyintr all its thiid.swith Vixnuu ifi i ri:t:s. No cpidetnio can t.iko bold tifaKsteni thus fore-armed. Dyspopsla or Indiesl ion, IIenl aehe, I'ain in the shoulders, Couh Tightness of tho Chert, lii:ess, Sour Kructations of tho Sloinaeh, Ihul TartO in tho Mouth, r.i'.inui Attache, l'alpltar tation of tho Heart, of the Iams, I'ain in tho reyioti of tho KK1 neys, and a hundred other painful pymp toms, aro tho c!h prill.-.;! of 1 spcyw Ono bottle will pmvo a better .'a. irarUiO of its mcfit.s than a len-thy advertiso tnent. Scrofula, or linirs llul. Wh'To 'Swelliniis, I Ii er , layMjn l.i, S eile.l N k k. (iiiilre, MT(iiiIein lull. hiiiii.iM. ns. Indolent Iiill.niiin.'iiiuii :, A (! I inn, Old Sores, la iiiilinns of lln, JSorn lives, I'tO. Intlie e, m in nil nllu r cmi ti!uti..iil Inn eases, A'.i.k lac's Vivi'iu havo kIiiiwii tln ir pretit .inalivo i'imii ia tha mo t olrlinufi) u 1 1 1 iiihai 'till ile i -es. For Inflammatory anil Cltronlc JMtctimatiMii, emit, ihLou'. Iteniit tent and Intermittent I'evers, I iseaKciol tl.o J;l 1, bivir, Ki.lnevH nml bluliter, tl.p n r.itti ri ,:iv Ho eij'iiil. Sin ll l)in:aoH lire 4 :111 i-.l ly ili.iti'.l iliiMi.l. .Meclianical IHsraso. ivrsnn on fraed in Paints and Minerals, Bucb aa I'lilliibers, Tyi.'i'-M t'i iM, t ; I I heaters nrid Miners, ru they aiUi'iun ia hie, mi mbjee to Jiuralv: of t!m IhiueW. Til g'l.ird nj-'aaist tlii-. tn'.o n ihi-n ,.f W'a'm u'b Via l.i I A H KlTTl'wS lie -.1 - inl lill !y . ForSK'in Pivascs, F.nipiion,Tct- ter, Siilt-J.'lieian, In , Sjii 1 1. riitij)lev, l'listulcs, It.iils ('allium ! , b'in, Senld lieail, Son Kyi ', layMj'i l.K, I'j.h, SeiuTs, ln-eoli. rati. iiw of the .-km. llnri.orf ami HN-asr of th" SKin of w Ik. fever nimo nr nature, aro literally ilni n i niel rmrn'A ent of tlie f Vftem ia a : bolt tain) hy tho U..0 of the-o Palters. Fin, Tape, it ml oilier Von:i, till killlt ia the M'rtelll of Ml 1 1 1 It 1 1 ' t 111 .IlKill.lrt, uru rlleetnally ih'f trnyeil iin.l rennA piL 't M'stl'lll of llieilirilie, im VM'Miil'ii(!es, 110 Ml tiielniinities will lieu the f-jX.Mii Inmi worms hko theso Hitter. For I'Ymafc ('ontl;tinf, in young or oltl, marrie d or Mii.'le, nt the i! iw 11 of w lilillihoml. or tho turn of hie, Ilie O Ionic liitter di!ay hi l--i.I.-.l nu iiifiwuc Uist iiiiiriive!iieiit ii (ipmii jiiti i'l'til.1". Cleansollio Vitiafi'il KImh1 when ever yo'i l;!ul its imptu it Imr tini; thrnnnh tho t-k in in rimples, Krnjitioiis, or SnrJt cleaiiMi it nl.en yon fail it oh trnetiHl ana Fhictri ll in thn veins; I h .ni-n it when it U f.iul i your lei liiiL's w ill tell on w hi ii. Keij tlm hloi.'l pure, aiel tho heaftli of tho Hjvteiri will lnlliiw. it. ii. Mt ro., IrniB;it "telle'ii. Aeli.. S i:i Ir inn .Calif mi autl e.,i. !' V .,." ii, -T. .n mi. I I liinli..'i sr N If. Hoi'i ,:i Hi nui! l-i. iml 1) ltr , Habit Cured A c-rlalft ftll.l Nlirr ruri.. lOetnt lin-,lllrrlil'hi', ftll'l Hi ll.'lllll. All HMll.l',1.1 tllllt Nt.lll.U p.lH'lr Oil IU null Hu nt. tv'Uil for In fjiiiiri. i ly luni.',.liin ill Cftr yt-t trtlhlnrj). r.ilil ill hi liff I . 1 1 1 ii. ill. . ef lilllitlrfU lli:il h iv li;. ii .riiiiiiii'iiOir cii.'l. 1 i' I I in In Imvrt (IIm-.ivi re I anil ir...1iiri' I llin in r. 'inula a I, AMI O.NLr M'HK ll'll FOR (.I'll W KATIMt. Ilt. H. It. COM.I :, .n fori. Iml. D.M. OOLKV, Sole A g I. Situ I hrrn Mulrt, A I iMnlii, tim. II Mil PI (Jlil-t t lliHiin. N'l I'nl.ilrlly. l.rie. iri.MlerHln. WH B ! I.'il Hll' . .'-. I '.'M rilN-t .wM .4lHJlllrriiu.. AU Ir."Ir.F.l;. M irli.V,iliic.MIi !i. f O f nml vt r.'-CH n Hi h to in- mn. A.MruM A. L. MOl'l'Al.ll, Jim. .Wile, Mult i0KPHtr.E HABIT .i-rii? ui. .1 I , Oi . I k i. nl uii.l utiir li.inmi. M ii a n; i: trolrxif ut uutll curwl. Cull mi nr iMr.'M DR. -3. C. BECK, tl.HI.MUll, onto. 112 iohm Stffrt, "li KT m iIUiii to a1vriiwr i, !.-, n.nili i I li ikiiiw of I III. i ir Nu ft n. N. I'. HARKIAPiEGniDE'HS lllna- l Vm.miiI.:i. Iitli.rnekl It r llu- let M' lemrrlwl t.r ( Ie.eil tie ,.'t i 'i ..... Ii Ii . til l.jr n.i. Oil Hulls" I'I'I'lIi'Ahl. IJ htiitii ithiri hum. hi. lion!. Ma i PIUM OP for r