.r-.'-- MILAN EXCHANGE. W. A.WADE, lxliior and rblihrr. M RMKIPTIOV R.4TF.S. Two dollar m year; onp dollar for ix monthf ; tfty cent for three months, isvibiablt is d- TAXOC. THURSDAY, MAIiCII 12, 1874. DEATH OF FILLMORE. Ex-Frei(lcnt Millard Fillmore died in Buffalo, X. Y., last Monday morn ing, of paralysiij. This is a fcliock to the lnle countrv, for there were few Ix'tter. purer men than he. He was thirteenth President of the United j States. He was lorn in Cayuga coun ty, New York, January 7, 1SO0; com menced" the study of the law in 1819, nnipracticed the profession with suc- eess until 1837,-when he was elected ! Comptroller of the State. He went i to Congress in 1832, and was a member j ."1 4 0lt T O I L 1 - .V.4.,.l Vice President, with Gen. Taylor as President The death of Geu. Taylor made Mr. Fillmore President of the United States on the 10th of July, 1849. Ilia administration was charac- j teriied by wislom, prudence and con- j ervatism. He retired from the Presi- leucy the 4th of March, 1803, with no taint attached to his name and no stain to disfigure his reputation. In manli ness of form, says the Memphis Appeal, in well-proportioned stature, limbs and bulk, in fine frontal development, in intelligent ami lcncvolent phyMogno my, and iu ca.-e, grace and kindliness f manner, Mr. Fillmore was a perfect model. Goodness and amiabilitysecin ed to pervade his heart and emanate from his countenance, r.nd they cer tainly found utterance ia the gentle tones of his musical voice. He was an honest politician and statesman, high alwve trickery, intrigue and dc Tption, always acting with a single eye ami a single heart to his country's good, lie was a good man; jut while he was generous. He was ambitious without wlfi-hness, consistent without olh-tinacy, dignified without haughtiness, and ge nial in his ltoaiing to all, without la miliaritv to anv. The people of the ! Soiitheni States will hear with honest sorrow of Mr. Fillmore's death. How ever many may have differed with him in jtolitics, all must agree that as Pres ident of the United Suites Mr. Fillmore was the earnest, unyielding and con sistent friend of thc South; that he condemned the war that was made up on her constitutional right, and that Mnce the war he has done everything in his power to alleviate her troubles and mitigate her suffering. A7;ir n.ivrsiiiL'E. The New Hampshire gi,Vrnat(rial lection took ilaee last Tuesday, and j . ..i: I the returns ut this wriiing indicate a li.-.-ii-v di.nii.-r:it u i-:Mll If tbev lltlVO " , .1 ... i. , r ' not can-nil the tate. Returns from i i.-.-. t-o. i trot !,. I csioil. o,e..-i,: jiiaeKait'i, i-'-i. i publican i:et loss, 215-S. There may Ik? no eh-iieo for (overii'T 1-y the j pvople. ( -hirhm Sumner di.-J at Id- residence ! io Waslr.ngton vctcrdav afternoon at i ...v.r'rr t.. ibr..p .',, k I lix ji-e 1 wan sixty-three rears, two months and i ' ! five dav-i T..'-n , f mv ,.;v;l n;i I Suth America jimpiise to erect a ! m muinent to Com. Maun-, in the shape j of a light-house, to be placed in borne j d.iirable jxisition uiion one of the great ! i : a... ... .. . r .-,.1 l . l 1 ! 1111:11 iiff ! 11. i tri. iiii-i 1 j t ji.i...v. 1 nfter him. He was an Ameiiciii, and u true representative of Aimrican i-i-?i il-.'v t, learning and courage, whoe iriuie and f-;ne is familiar to the shijv ;i:ig interest of every country in the v.oil l; but it Is left t fv.ieiya lands to di honor to his i!icniorv. Tho t it-gram from F,ulh7t., X. V., Miiiouncing Lx-Proideiit Fill morcV d'ath, says: " Fx-Pre.-idcnt Fillmore died at his residence in this city at ten minutes post eleven o'clock to-night, j .Ight bill" were ab.,ut Lis last words. :.ttcm.tcd, notwitfistandmg an otler of . to a Lne 01 one tnousai a : rs, or more e 01 A1. ence for thc church that wa, ever which hec!fci.nc,t. exhibit. 11c goes to j We have not time nor spn to go into teen thousand Cobars rowan, oy tne : i "-n,, r a -u - - j " J v Io lir.(,nlil i,el public services among i. hrstians i ne.r me - 7 " V" V; Small Profits at . , ,. , '-iw 1 duty of anv otfxcr of the law to enter . . - . seems niMiirht but a constant prayer, ! x...on ins cbriosiiKs ar.i rne l mrtieular this wwk. ....m. , . . i ami ctr.uient punlv ol character t. the . . . . ti t . .t. rn.niMit tn mm 'vn-L- nnn nrtd i iui a.m. A citi.cn of Portland was walking ; forcil y .necessary any such no use on kf j cxp ilf t f rrninn- - - SS thoroughly explore the entire cave and ii, -.1. .c.i.i. .,..,.,.,. o.. t.fr, ir...v,. ; down town one muriumr. when a stran-: complaint of any person, and arrest l.nHl bevond the davs oi mourmng in . . , t, , i : mmmtnina .f vt.h,ittr It w ! lu i A- 1, J. K Jle was tMi.scious to the Jt.st. Ateightlccpt iuikev; tvr in 110 other country "clock, in reply to a question Ly hu ! jjhvsi.-ian, h.: said the lioiiii-hiaent was jialatahle. Those were Lis la-t words. HLs dat!i was p.iiae .-."' A dispatch from Washington says: i Senator Sumner to-night (Tues-lay) had two ts-iious uttaeks of arylna jfc-i.fi-i-, which have rtiioiisly alarmed his friends. The senator Ls now sleejiing quietlv, with several friends at Ids led ndo. II is a recurrence of a former disease, anil is thought to have liccn brought on by his iccciit cifoits iu the tseuate chamicr." Hie Methodist ministers of Xew York arc tiking strong grounds iu fa vor of the temperance movement, one clergyman wanting to expel menilx'rs who derive any benefit whatever from the traffic in liquor. The United States supreme court, in fcssiou at Washington, TuesiLty, afi-r nnnouncing nevend ojiinions, adjourn ed at ua early hour, out of resjiect to the memory of Ex-President Millc.nl Fiilmore. Memphis is straining every nerve to secure the insane asylum for this di vision of the Suite. The commission er,? are to meet and decide the matter next Moadsy. " G EX ERA I. SEIffl ITESIS. Of the 15,000,0CK) inhabitants of Spain, 12,000,000 can neither read nor write. The mayors of four thousand village, towns and cities are unable to sin their' names to public documents. The Government is gradually reel ing out all foreigners who hold diplo matic and consular positions abroad, e peeially in Germany, where a few year? ago, nearly every American Consul Kras a native of that country. There is no minister from the United States at Coomassie, King KoSee's caj'i t&l. The posttion i.- not generally sought after, for the fastidious apj.li- cants for plenipotentiary honors prefer champagne iu a pahice to Kofll-e in a shanty. A quarrelsome couple were discussing the subject of epitaphs and tomtatoncs, and the husband said:" "My dear what kind of a stone do you suppose j they will give me when I die?" "Brim- j -fonsi in- n M-Oa tllrt ! fTi "ft ll ill 1 1 ' rcply. Dr. Schmidt, of the University of Athens, has just completed a map of j the moon, on which he has been at work thirty-four years. Ex. It Ls to be hojed his very able and laborious re searches in the cause of astronomical . science will not render him a lunatic. j railroad jiu Mississippi for the location It is rumored that certain inhabitants i of a colony of Mennonites, a class of j of Fayal have addressed a petition to : Russians who, like the Quakers, have a President Grant, praying for the estab-! religious aversion to war. lishment of a protectorate by the United Savannah News: The woods of Flor Statcs over the Azores, and that the ida are white with the snowy flowers of President replied that the era of popu- j the dogwood, the borders of the swamps lar will has replaced the era of conquest. : golden with the yellow jessamine, and Iu the market-place of Coomaoie j stand a monstrous basin of brass, w here in a pebble is placed whenever the Ashantees eo to ficht. This ba-in is now po full that the stone commemorat- i Missouri Legislature making it imlaw ing their inva.-ion of Fauteeland had to ' ful for a druggist to sell or give away be placed with the greatest care to ! vinous spirits in less quantities than or.c avoid overthrowing the pile. Ivan Koscherkcrhof-ki was recently ! charged in Chicago with assaulting Ma rian Kalfskerriski, but when the justice say that Kalf.-kcrrl-ki was compassed alxnit with a cloud of witnesses, among whom were John Rosinsonskie, Cordel- lar Marchinksokie anl Mary Kosiuhos- kiwor-kie, he promptly ilisnu-sed the ; Case. The California Legislature is coa-id- ""; "4" w i.vo.- fc..i...-,-...ri. i, , contemplates a graduate scale, bascl j on the business alone, ranging from J S2,0(K) in San Fiancisco to S2")0in Sac- j ' . i rw. ii i . i A I.. ! innntik r-. ri I v I M r If 1 rameuto, and ciou in smaiier places. ... . The arj-umcnt in if. favor is that gam bling cannot be suppressed, and that it can lK-.-t lie kept under control by li censing and severe punishment of fraud. Dr. Beke, the English traveller, rc jxuts that he ha discovered the true Mount Sinai. It is situ:itd a day's j,,un"'-v i'-rlheast .f the village afAka at an altitude of five thousand above the level of tae sea. Jtke siv.- et ys j be found the remains of animals that dis had been sacrificed, antl he :dso ........ covered Sinnitie iuscriptiens, vhieh he copied. The noton'iius Vasquoz nnd his gang : of outlaws have been aaki hoard from. Tli-v roblx'tl the passcmrei's of the Los i . . Ang.-I.is stage, near S.lidad, Y rid.'V, : and Lrot three hunlrel dollars. Xo iht- U" ')' '"- At S,li'l:,i lu-y roh!eda store and sP.le six horses j 1 '" !l ai.ie, rotinoii a icani-i-T, ami ""ted tlie mountians. .M, organ-1 . .... .1 . , i"' d pursuit oi llie gang nas vet oeen ger midressed him: "Do you know j where the jtuffu-e is?" " Ves," an-1 swered the Portlander, affably, and i walk.il on without further juirh y. Af-1 trr -mx-eiHlin" ttbotit ten stens he look-: - 1 r- 1 1 til Imck "Whv? and enquinnl in his turn, j Did vou want to know ?-' i 'Xo,r replied the victim with earnest- j ness; and then the account having j balanced the two shook hands gravely : and walked oh". j A writer in the Victoria Magazine, ! of which Miss Emilv Faithful is thc j editor, ays; " Ciermsny, in spite of its j military successes, and thc sjilendor of its triumphs in the realms of science, j stands lower in the scale of civ ilization j than any other European country ix-! d's woman occujiy so ignoble and ser- ile :i jvo.-ition. Iu Lnlantl women are treated with resieet. It France and America, t long as they nre young and pretty, they are worshiped. In Germany they are simply utili.il.' Tho Xe w York Sun urges that cvery mun shoidd be a miniature fire depart ment in himself. It says tluit "at in tervals we are called to record the death of women by the contact of their liht drapery with the flame. The two most notable instances were those of the wife of a celebrated si'.rgeon in Iy.udoii and ' rythiug get out of the way for the great the wife of one of our own poets. Fire ' t"VL'I,t- he.v s'1)' that" the crowned 1 , 1. ...i.i. .e v 1 . 1 . . . heails of Euroix and the lnanufactur mnkes quick work f light clothmcr, . , 1 .1 ., 1 . c . ' eas nnd trailers all fiver the world are but we hear a suggestion which might j looking upon thc preparations with the be acted on to advantage. Every man ; inteiisc-.-t interest, every item pertaiu hus, or should have, a sharp knife in j ing to them is -copied by the foreign Ins pocket, with which he could rip the , ., e , . ... clothes of a burning woman nutti:iu ,,,.. 1 the etlge of thc kuile out, of course,) from her neck to the bindings of her skirts, leaving them on the floor, while his ow n w.H.len clothes would tin ted h"m from harm." The Mclvenzie Times hears it rumor ed that A. G. Hawkins, Esq., of Hunt- indou, prciioscs to ruu for the office of State Senator from the counties of Carroll and Gibson. The St. Crisping are on a istrike in New YorL sorTii r.mi sews. " " Helena, Ark., has two Cliinese res taurants. Hernando, Miss., had a sulphur shower last week. A vein.of rich iron ore has be?n li-s- coverotl near Grenada, ML-. The Grenada (Mi.) Sentinel has a j beet seventeen inches long and seven jx)unds weight. The Sonatobia (Miss.) Signet thinks there will be more con: and less cotton iJantwl this rear than List. The granite Confederate monument ! therefore moved that the fccnate ad erected bv the ladies of Atlanta is re-1 jwra. ceiviiig ita finishing touches. j Senator Sherman inquired what pre- I'at R.vle, section master of the Mis- cedent there was for such action, and, sissinm ami Tennessee railroad, had his though he was willing to follow the es- right lg broken by the wheels of a car near Sonatobia a few days ago. The Grenada Sentinel learns that work will soon commence upon the Grenada and Starkville and the Grena da, Louisville and Meridian railroads. The Church Union stylos "hotter and hotter" the fact that the First Pres- byterian church at Baltimore has had for its pastors, iu the order named, the Rev. Messrs. FurnLs, Bellows, Sparks, Blazup and Burnop. Col. C. II. Fonda, agent, is prospect- ing on the line of the Mobile and Ohio the farm-houses buried in a lied of peach and plum blossoms, while the w arm air is burdened with the fragrance. A bill has been introduced in thc gallon, except upon the certificate (f a physician, or the certificate of the pur- chascr that it is required for meehauical or culinary purposes. Li:chburg Republican: Ye learn that the Rev. Dr. W. L. Munsey has leeii appointed by Bishop Pierce to fill ;.. 1. l...i:....! a acuuc ui Vu,Vn ut u.e ica.u, r.. nurcn .ouin in ugu.-ia, ua., ! i vol in, i .,.,.1, t.,...l "L " at;n OI f1,owo. ji m umia.-riuu that his health luis greatly inniroved of I IP 1 I I'll H' U 11 'I'l'lli I II" 111'" 1IMI , i i tendered him. The editor of thc Piedmont (Va.) Virginian .pops the question to the idol ,.f i.:. i :.. i.r. r. ii. ...-;-. ; i ju.-.-om m 1.1:11. m, 1. , , ., , 1 through the columns of hi, paper: ' "We are under many obligations to lady friends f.-r kind favors during the past two weeks; but esptei illy arc we indebted to the sweetest yi u ig lady in the place oue for whom we have a tender feeling under our vest pocket for nice pudding, cake and pickle, made with her own dainty hands, and sent to us as a birthday present." The bill to repeal the social evil feu- i ture of ttie city charter ot M. liouis ! hiw been informally Lid over iu the State S-cnate, on motion of one of its most prominent friends. Another bill was introduced yesterday, the main futures cf which are that any person keeping or in any way interested in any kind of house of ill-farce, or who shall r(,Ilt au-v ,M'use f"r SU,'h a J'l"T"i all I fined five hundred dollars, or mi- ppi-i--.i si. ......n...-, ... ... e I ....:.... .. ....... person ioumu viixxxn iun " . tt4..:..l i... ..1...H 1, It ii lo t-veej.i on mm i.u i.u.-i.i.-s, .-u..i, .... n...-. every ) arson found withut; r.nd any ollicer failing to do this shall le fined one thousan.l dollars and be disqualified from holding any oiiice under the laws of the State. All phv.-i' iar.s or other persons having knowledge f the i.ict shall ii.iniedi.delv report to the Board 1 of Health or County Court any person aiilieted with any venereal di-eaec, and, failing to do this, he shall !e fined one thousand dollars. All phy.-ioians prc- scribing for any venereal disease shall write the true name and residence of the jtcrsoii api'lying for treatment, and also a true staicment of the disease 111 jihiiii Kcglidi, and sin his name thereto, mid prescription to le filed iu a Look, which will be subject to public inspec- t:on. I'hilndrlhln'n Hig Show. The Philadelphia newspaj-crs talk alnuit nothing but the Centennial. Says the Press: " Xo one can fail to be ' impressed by the simple grandeur by w hich a real ly great historical enterprise like the centennial rises above the din and con fusion that often fills the atmosphere of tlii- lower wovl 1 of ours.' The PLiLidelpLums have i.lready Ijogun to talk alioiit building immense new ho tel, widening streets and making eve- ! I'-'rrs, all tne oxmiutorsat lennaare (going to Phihulclphia, and even the i t 1 f 1 v .. ; 1 ,,1,0 Juis pronounced his lcncdictioii ; ou the enterprise. It is proposed to ! celebrate the Fourth by a parade of j troops, embracing a regiment or two ! Ilolu e "' exhibitions OI Civil Bicietios and iicrformances by an im mense onJiestra. Statues of distin guished Americans will also be exhibit ed. It is further projiosed to solicit an i act by Congress authorizing the Presi- eat to invite European nnd Ascitic ! veivigua to he present with smalLde- 1. - .. ... j ucnuieuLs 01 tr'Kps, whne ttie rtgular army Is to be represented by a body of troops under the command of eli-tm- guished officers, and thc navy by iran vessels as jxistihle." " WASHIXliTOX. Death f Ex-P.rrNtclent Fillmore nra. mifre from the PrexlUent Iroresdliis I In Virir of thf Kad Kf rut. IX THE SESATE. W.onxviTnv .,r. h 0 3..nK, Fen ton said that intelligence of the j kath of Ex-rresident Fillmore had j lieen received, and though it might not be the time now to make suitable rtv , , , . , marks, he thought it appropriate that llie rcnaic snouia aojourn in respect to lie memory of the illustrious dead ; 'he -i r. . 1 1 1 1- . . taitlL-hei jireceacut, ne aui not linns the example a wise one. lie enter tained every respect for Ex-Prcsident Fillmore and his public services, and would yield to no oue in doing honor to his memory. Senator Blair said the Senate ad journed upon the death of Ex-Pre.-ident Buchanan. Senator Anthony said Cor.grcss ad- j journal upon the death of General AVa-hington, and it was ujxm that occa sion that the phrain; "First in war, first :,. .o..o ,i fli ; it.,, li.-wri. .,f i,u III in,atV umi iu Hi.ai HJliilLl ill. II. iO UtltIK.'l. Senator l entous motion was agreed to and the Senate adjourned. TX THE hovse T ' , , Mr. Dawes announced the death of Lx-1 'resident 1 nlmorc, and said that the death of a man who had held such an exalted position in public and in private life made it the duty of the ' . . J ,. 1 louse to arresi ns iuruier iroceeuings and take some proper notice of such an event. Mr. Cox moved the following reso- lution : Tiiis House having received w ith be- j coming sensibility and sorrow inte'li- j gence of the death of Millard Fillmore, i. r: i c K.,t t n..o-.i.. v v l,fK ;.wt.,t ' this does hereby resolve, First. That the rncmlxrs of House, of which he was a distinguished Wn,l,h.r mf in ,..,omW . 'Bi ti.e purity oi nis private cnaraetcr, , .. . , ?... i jirobity, ability and patriotic motives which illustratwl his public career, and , bIU.V iv ui.lit i . - j the retirement of the latter years of his i life. j Second As a token of honor to the mnnvrirtn-s mil ilie r.nil tiiiviite. of the ill'rimis statesman who,e death in the . ,. , , .i ripeness of his nge has arreted the at - attention of the nation, the Speaker i." . ,t - 1- . i :o.. .i.,..,.n i,.w ,io.,i. In flo requ.sted and authorized to appoint a n.mmitt. of rra niondtofM to nttr-nd the funeral of Mr. Fillmore on behalf of the House, ami to communicate a copy of these resolutions to the relatives of the deceased. n- u- i -.. i r i , i . , , , spoke of the private chamcter and pub- I no services oi ju. l lunmre. j Tho resolutions were agreed to r.nd a I . . committee appoiruen, cc:iM-iiog oi Mc-. rs. Cox, Dawes, Maynnrd, Tyncr, Whet 1-r, Wells and Darnel!. The House then adjourned. tXIXCTIVK ASNOt Ml.MriXT. lie fallowing was issued this lr.orn- inir: Exm-Tivr. Ma:cs!ix, ) Washington, March 0. I. ( Tt :.- uilli it. .fin rnrrl-f.t th t r I'rpsi- " " -i - r-- .. . (1(,nt ,.nR(mn to the people of the I , ... . i i .l i- m mi . i i.-:ti , i nivt-l states ine ieain oi iUiu.irn x i;i- . . . ,- 1 ,1 i r .1,1 wtn. li the nation wi I fie thrown Py the . . , . 1 1 event winch is thus announced. As a mark of respect to his n:e.m,r; . on end that the executive mafi.-ion and , , , . . .ii-. 1 :..,... 1 !. . 1 - . ...,.ii,i. ui. w.v . . . ... 1 oe ui.iiK-it in in.-o iiniii ui.." - - 01 tne anv JU1 . " . 1 1 1 .1 1 .1... ! I"?' '!," " 7 ,. f i Slls.lU'lll'.fl till I hi l:iV OI UlC I Llltt'l HI. ' t - Jt is Ultuorn.ore or.urea ui.n and navy departments can-; h'.iiPililo military and naval hoflors to Is- j.aid on the occasion to the memory of taeenii ncnt citixen whow. life is now (Led. V. S. Gu.iNT, President. Hamilton Fish, Seen t iry of State. iv thi: m:nati:. Washington, February 10. The chaplain, in his prayer, said an honor ed son of tliis great jMi.plc lies dead among us, and bo night Divine Provi dence tn le gracious, to thc t-hadowed household of the de.-iasetl, mid the ihe In reaved city where bin renin inn he; that the nation might bow beside its deceased son, nnd ' chasleiied into the humility of reverence ln-loi-n Al mighty (JihI. St nator C-onkling, nft r slinking of the life and chanuier of the late F.x President Fillmore, otlerfl a res .lution, which was siocoi.ded by Senator Km ton and adviK iitisl by Senator Hamlin, and finally uiiai.imously adopted. The fbliowing is thc resolution offer ed by Senator Conkling relative to the death of Ex-President Fillmore: .Vo-xVed, That the Senate ha heard with d"op regre t of the death of Mil lard Fillmore, former chief magistrate of the United States ami Vice Presi dent, and that a eoiamliee of three senators be appointed by the chair to attend his funeral on behalf of thc Sen ate. The chair appointed, as the commit tee to attend the funeral of Ex-President Fillmore, Senators Fentem, Ham lin and IJavard. Henry Ctmnors, age thirty-five, . A 1. W.f....l.T. made a wager m cw lor, .u ". .,, j tv.lt jiC C0UJ drink a pint ot wmKy j ' , of in on h0Ur. He fc , , c-, Ar von thc wager end died We morn- i ning. THE SEVENTH ADVEXTIVTJ. I ItrtM.llnnVIUlrUImutof A" 1 ' P"ple. ICinfpouJenc of the Courier-Journal 1attle Cheek. Mich.. Mar. 5. A,.,m.,t,.,t,wt,wv.,,i;.,. 1.,,,, ,! . --- r" ----- . . modern reliirionistsare the Seventh-elav Adventists. ' Unlike, in many respects, any other sect, their singular character iti,,s 1,re i"deel interesting. Though "Ti T .T ? i T nnd. theref .re, dinerent classed ot ixs ijL.v,.r:? hi ,h(. faiti. perhaps the most i. i . u.. . r . . . ... numerous wing of the sect is that which ecu tere at Kittle Creek, Mich Here is the Advent village, which lies im mediately adjacent to the business por tion of the city, and forms an incor poratcd part thereof. Before giving the jKvuliarilies of the Adventiets and of their faith, we will give the reader a faint idea of the appearance of this nlxnle of the saints. Passing from the j we.-t side of the citv to a slight eleva- tion.you are made aware of the unusual cleanliness oi me urrouuuinj;a. ino- houses nre built in plain, modest style, not wholly unlike those of other people. In the center of the village stands the church, hieh is a model of plainness. Near this Ft;mds three good sized brick buil li::ts, built in a very substantial manner, and all alike. These comprise the publishing house, which is the larg est in Michigan. The printer, upon entering one of these buildings, is caj tivated with the scrupulous cleanli- I nws urd order around him. ine ' I lv.ro .fi.n opriiMiivi nrrl Mmnrfi . ;ftni ,ho ()f thc 0IJcrjtiVWf uhii 4s of the pl.onest kind, at ouce arrests your attention. Here, as elsewhere, m-.nv of whom are employed, dress in , ... . ,-....:!., -,i ti,,, t,,i j c.r.,,.ro H g!e hhow of gayness or ijcvrlry is prohibited. This is a part ! of the faith. Beside the va,t amount filch are here published is : printed Ihe "Advent Review and Iler- Jf. Mil ll III rt'llll.'I lil.-'Ill' mi. fcv , j tho nrincmal orsran of the sect in j tij,, Fniteii States, the "Advent Tic-. j dendo," a Danish monthly; t'.ie ' "Youth's Instructor and Health Re-1 I former n-ontfilv I, and the irue jn.-- ! ionnry. No less" than S200, (XX) worth i i . i ii.. OI WorX IS llinieu OUU ui:nuaii, j though the inhnl-itants of the city and j ! adjoining country scarcely realize the ! extei-t t this branch ot industry. ' hie of tie--e buildings is leing tempo- j I rarih- aj.propriuted for the use of the ! celle'.'e which is aliout to 1 started. Thiis 1-e a sectarian school, for the ! education of young men for the minis- try. lf!"S building Ik Only 10 lie US0,l until ,, ,11W hiiildinir can be ereet- i until i.n- nu t: , . . - . f tho,,c.,I1(, j.lr!. juv., )t.cn pledged." Resides, there is the water cure. If mav be the host known fact that ' ,t .i,.,u,i;.-t. -ire 4-11 hv-'ei --td Thi- r cu;0j ail(1 a vihit. thmugh it departments is f;:ll j ,,f jK.rl;'iar f,l-rrvations. Order and tl-r tiet(iit. elcnnhncss are every- This ! whapparent; while the attendants n"d Tihv-'ieia"s alike rreser.t thearrcar- 1 JVhe mtt thorm,ghoi, '.levo - j h'iir !1(i0ptefi The f;xl ; - j 1 w i"r-i :?noarent: while the attendant i ;., c x.he.l without salt, and mostly of. i ( Ifih.ot.i corn meal. I'ruits. ore - ! served and green, are extensively used : v.hi'"' neat, the sarni iu with old Ad - j . , ontirelv ignored. j ('(n,rfj,.11tlv the Advent is known bv I his -.ih- face and sallow skin, ' which, .i.-,.M. 1, .,vf,:,..I c.l.rii.ti.- ,.;..(S I-;,,, the semi-aiiDearauce of a J"!:, I MHI l V.IIL 111 1 tlllllt It was the intention of this letter t-) n!0r(1 ,mr,jcularlv f the Adven - ; ist oeiici, as regarocu in me ogtu m a rehcien. The pnncipal feature ot the belief is that of the second coming ,.f i h,;.t wIimi. ..il-.-oTit nT.r.n pmtli it .nta'rilp f.v,iPf.tr.l T!lO sniltd US ' - . .... . I .C., sceilin LU ue (lite OI IIIC lliosi rnei.1- mil incentives to induce constant rever- .... ... . A. i ..f.-4-un ... ...fi..i..f- ' y.nira couiu innoomcrwity oe iiii.uee.i. , , lhustar, we iiavcaiscoveretinoiian ! t,wn'the usual chara,teristies of the strangest feature of . . !.,.... 1 an is me oenci 111 a leitti.i'j nil iuoot, iv'ifw.. u-.l U -.-erriv1inr!sni,!,,..;o.l to w . .......... . ...... -11 1 i i , ,i, 1 knnn . m- ItLilJil'.'.l a.' lilt lliti:v.-t intitnii ti.i tlmrilv. This person is Mrs. Ellen i. White, formerly a resident of I .. ... , T . . 1 ' I V.ivL- h tt u 1 1 mo t u TPVer- ... t,n w,.t i-iin K'l 1111 . 11 it-.1 .. . of monomania, and the persistence! with which .-he secured the confidence of her followers is remarkable. In structions direct from the Iord ure sujijHwed to coins through her by means of visions, w hieh, if we nre to judge, arc exceedingly mundane in the ir nature. For instance, if an ad vent mother has a son in any way dis tasteful to thc church, that mother re ceives instructions to send him from her houe, and he is invariably sent. If a daughter desires to wed, the pro j.het is eoiiMilted; but, if thc occasion is MipjioMil to entail any burden upon the church, her desires are made second to Iter datie to the church. Thin re ligion tranquillity is evoked where worldly indiscretion might prevail. Smic years since an extensive foun dation for one of the largest medical institutes of the state was laid, near the present one. The building to le was the pride of all, both in ami out of the church. When a portion of the briek wall had been laid, work ceased, nnd ere loug the imagined strue-ture grew less, the foundation was torn up, and to-day the spot forms a portion of the yard of the old institute. Should it be said that a single vl-ion did all thW From that time murmuring among the church have been heard, and though suspicions of the fallacies of the-e visions have been bred, they are by some still as well regarded as ever. A vision bearing upon this point was invoked. This is called the "Third Angel's Message," and directly com mands nil "niurmurings against the church to cease, in deference to those who bear the special burdens and afflic tions in the church.'' These ytiocs, which occur at the most convenient in tervals of tho church difficulties, have all lieen printed, and from them the daily codes of life are educetl. To attempt a description of the prophetess, her per sonal appearance and dejiortment, we would le tempted to resort to the ludic rous in order to cynvey the first im pression one would have of her. She is a small person, walks in a f-lii'htly stooping pwturc, with head i the faith of "the Jews, Saturday is re-1 the inscription: iure M- i i' i'. V ' Itr'edns the Sabbath, and 'strictly r,.." He clso found a scabbard, richly j ,'V, v . vt rVi-vV: rn S !Tb I kept. This commences at rundown, ! Drv-Go:; n';,;, ri at ' ! U"i 1-ndav nurht, and lasts until Mitr.rday 1 h ' 1 " o-..v.. ( . VT Ticcqc:,". m night k the same time. The belief of! The pi u-e K.re evident traces of many ; j,;, "ZZnT icini.-l's coming, and the destruction I I-coi'l'- ling there at some previous , 1,3 ,1 p7.V v r UT 1 f the earth, the death of P.I1 sinners, . t;me, nnd that they exec ltd , mining , .Sllh a scialtv at i i lwiUAtl !?i li.il.Itiid mvikwiw f. ! ... ............. ...vv..-., " : tr"'e l,lx'n CT stolid COUnti'liailCC j the look ot hvpiR-risv would I e diiiicult : for one not acquainted with her call-1 incr. !"Hie ha irrown uuite o I. nn;l m ! .:i: ... i i.i. . ' 'i ... i. ! ,"., x..xu, xxxy . . , husband, who is the rriiuiml mule leader of the sect, with his wife's a.-- J sistance. Bv means of the faith ilac- od in Mrs. "White, the vast property which v.e have descrill has m.wtlv Ikmmi accumulated, Whether from faith or duplicity, wealthy jieoplo have lieen induced to move to Battle Creek, whsoe riches are soon eked out in support of the church. When all yojHTty is gone, a message from the lyord induces the brother to move to other parts, which is only to make room for the new comer in their imdft. Thus there is a continual change of ele ment, and thus. too. the danger of ma- tiuous charges against the s.iints are precluded. For when a brother, no j matter how important hw Mtion, be-; i iuin'. nunvrMini tuii ine working oi the church, he invariably yields h'is place to another. An unbroken faith and deference, however, is accorded Mr. and Mrs. White, whose positions in the church ore alone permanent. At the world's conference, held iu Battle Creek recently, a committee to npiinted to induce "proper persons" to c mc to that city, as we have descril ed. Men of more than ordinary talent accept the proffered terms (probably with or without conscientious motives), but seldom are ther allowed to remain longer than property will jermif. At I each conference lauding resolutions j-f j the genuineness of Mrs. White's visions are passed, and thus is bolstered up what may readiiy be deemed a most .,.,..,r,,i fV ) ....u.. In their worldly dealings they are invamMv honest nut very clo-e. Their reh'iriom schemes seem to be a growth of ordinary human hyjocrisy, j from which larger denominations are i not always exempt. There is no free- I d .in in the church; all is arbitrary and ! j exacting; and though there may 1 ; enough sincere followers of Mr-. White to comprise a creiiiiao.c reugious spci, : we are loth to bdicve the leaders ' .i-,.rti... n'ti...;. fi.ii......i.:.. vin-.-. in mwi -i.otiinji. Llahivai.. JI.TMrlo of n XoTintisin ( nirrn, John McCorgurdal, a pr'spe-tor. i carae in yesterday evening and report- cd a most wonderful di.-oovery in the ' Aquari u mountains. We give his j tory; believing it to be true. He lias , . .-i. run uiig in at a ixii.t tiventy-hve miles from this place, and in passing up a canyon he ' noticed the formation r, I showing signs oi as tvjms peculiar . f recent travel, j ' On Li return through the same canyon j ; t-aund a tr.sh living stream running j down the middle of the gorge, which : evidently been ojienetl bytheshw-k i "f an earthquake or by the heavy r.iin : bursting out from some underirround jsage On i. owing the -pnng to .--oarct- i.e etnnd a r..-ure 1:1 tiie ! recks, out of whieh the stream seem.,i to com. Providing him.-elf with torches, he forced hinic!f through 1 the li.-sure, wat.ing the stream tor one j hundred yards, when he came to an im- 1 mensc cave or cavern,. Here he found ! "M niining relics. such w ci, ks, shovels, j et,, ma.lo out of stone and copper. On j one tide he found what he considered i to lc torn! stones, v.uu numerous tali- I h'ts and hierotrlvpiuc pictures ami writ- in-. Oneofthese ablets, made of - ' copper, he tire off and drought with ! him. It bears the inscription. ".if W t - - - i"," :; : s;-oae "e n oi-k.c oj-m mm : f"iind sonic very ancient coins. On j : some or iiiem tne worn " rzzo can oc V'hlinlv lllluL (Hit. An,.t!,P t.,l.l..t ; 1 1 .. .!..,.! Tl.. ..I..' ;!iiif.i..:f-:iii iif-i-.'o. .1 I. i L. fir ; i- I - - -- i j carried away other valuable articles! - . . v ; ;,r.nr , -'o.. ... ,,1,. I wealth buried seme place in the cave. Many r-.rn are fitting out to n;ako a !vr-..pi f..r thP wo ihr-m. vr fe- ; - - .7- - - - i t orguldal tcclssr.fe m hoK.inglus secret. ... . . , . 1 1 ;s storv mis created me ltcuksi ex - . rr I eitement among those to whom he tnl-i ; it and exoiMte.l specimens. J rm-t 1 ,..,. .rA f,.,.v- ' l f'' i . ;rr. 1 1 - A negro at St. CI diaries, .Mo., has been sentenced to the penitentiary f.-r ninetv-nine years, and thc St. Eotus t:... 1... ...:v. t, , that, under the law in regard to good liehavior, he stands a chance of getting out 1:1 seventy-four years r.nd three months. That is verv eonsciling. AT .1 1) 'Eli TISEMKXTS. Br.W.W.Yandell FFKi;S PROFESSIONAL SKRV V-- i's tu thi citi7cn of Milan ani s-urruuud-insr country, in nil ir.-s rariuu branfli'!. 0i! c over Jonlan's1 Vrug Store. ii,o-tI(no on William mi n t ret t . m ar 1 in LASTCALL! THOsE TNPFBTEP TO THE fX-d.-riiitroj. without ei" tioa, are bi'rol.y uctiiinl tiiul tht-ir uccuuuU iil bo IS THE n ANDS OF AN OFFICES for collection after thc Grst Jay of April, IsfTl. Ki.srctfu!!y, marl-tin V.'. B. IiICKIX?ON CO. W. 1 AT III? CT.T PTANP. COR. MAIS FROM cXRiiiTs. Staple &. Fancy GROCERIES PlantationSnpplies Kpcp ?ontmntly nn hand full narr'y of Oro cerief. bought &C bottom price f-..- Cfh, and tcih at Small Profits for Cash! fiirc Mm a call bEfore purchasing elrcwhcre. marl-Iy f If A I f? . -- -" " - - . ,. 0 . , . , . ... . . A. V HUXTIXG IfOX. i'D'X Will iv? promjt atieotlon a lnn in- irUflea L. Ll , Mr. k Mrs. Hallslrom T TIIKIR OLD STAND. THE " RED i 1 V. MVht, a large -r:mont . LuVDIES' & MIS.-ES' HAT;, LADIEtf. PRESS GOODS, LADIES' NOTIONS, LADIES SHOES, and ljADlF GOUDS OF ALL KINDS 1 Too nnmiroua to mention, yourself. Go nj lix.k for uuul'J- ty Shepherd & Harrison dealers in DEY GOODS, fv --EF.P CONSTANTLY OX HAND AN' r.Bbortuivut 1 1 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, t rT- ini.M,.,,)r "A1S , t A f, tIA.I AKh, QULl'SWARE, &c, Ac, wlii'h tlicy -ri!I n it '.. l"i-t '"h friT. IVi !! ih::-K s-ni buDuxlv will finil it to tnrir iiitt-ri-.: c. c-itll U.i'.r .up h.,. it. ir ilwhre. thtjir h'i'p.Ih nrc ii.ar&fi a? j.- i'ury caa t.-oll. 'lheir Ictiti.. are Strictly Cash, or its Equliralent. ,., , i;.,in, t, .,;..,.,, j i.-tcaaut(siaaiiii:!sc-.l. j They take jreat i ,(ilxl Mi'i-i MAIN STRKET, CORNKR JACKSON ST., j mtr'.-ly BEYAHT, ii & GO.'S NEW STORE, MILAN. TE.NN. i (),, fli 0(f lc ! v ' 1 i. H v Always Complete! I '; O 0 T R ?I S 0 T, R ha ts t xo TOA'.S. cnts line rancy mi it.- at BR V A XT, JAt KSOX & CO.'S JACKSOX & CO.'S j iacksox & co.'s SOX &. CO.'S t, ,:, ..1 1. . . 1 1 ohte l. lei k. at , piv 'T TfTn' -fft' LAX i . JAC LKLm i. CO. . j; J" ' LUA.M, .I.VIK. &. marS-lv : 1 s a , yf CJ3 in , w II IX O n o i vx 1 V i B 1 - lf - C-3 - I I I , ft u; - - - V . o j K. H lft o r o fA T a ; I 5 O tx u Pa Ss S Posters Cards, Dodgers, Cironlars, AND AIL KINDS OP FB1NT1NB DONE AT THE IXGHANG OFFICE t: n ! i-aduiuii urn jiUA mill : ; j x r y x r t " .' s b " ' s r I '1 1 t cc mills, mil a:;, tksn, ash Ijv DEY-GOODS "n mm n ninn HARDWARE, IROCERIES, &lc, R. G. WHISKY iVt "VJi.")lc.sii.I. I Don't ask for Credit -, licit that trade. -mo d r.of so- Bargains! Bargains!! Da i ii SHI 1' iviriir ilflprniine 1 1.) ri!;irf .'r m tf.c bu- i. ' Entir Her :' My St.-ok is itr',' f-'r.o:i n'.'i'' s- o rhaupo for piiri '.iaMnir. .1 ..;-;.! :.. I til. t :t r.i-i- I staple eeoos & mm VVii: I,.- ., ; t corPLETi: Ai..l m.M t'ntil t'.;.- S'-i. it . .in .1 ..ut. A SPECIAL BARGAIN W- i:! 1 l.e off.-icl ci: ni-.nlf Sto.-k. My Uu.wii"- Hot--, tin- Mo k i? ii..;n-.-o.: Tliis ii'1-t-n.u i.. hti.ii;e-.? tuna. ruar.Vtf i- I' K. . V. i:. Ve COLLI .'o V. I!. Itit.it. i , f? 1 7 T,, j H0,i0- ? ailUQuH PROVISIONS. I Field and Garden Seeds, nplemeO'S, inn DOOPw, SASH, IiLINDS, Jt. ,T R TKRMS! ARE c A si! OR PROPfrt-r. 11 SlrlcrU- fl....l ..li-il ltr.v i-r.--iil lis.' iir Jlork will nlwa!. bu l..iin.l t.-mi'liie u:.a ki I i..... : f;;" ... . , ... M miD-iy BAIRD & SIT.', dcal'-r.-i ia Groceries, Queenswarc, , Tinvare, Liquors, Wines, & WEST SIDE MAIN" ifTilEET, Rsrtor takon in ex'-hnne for anything ij th houfff. TEBJIH STRICTLY CASH. marVly S. F. RANKIN, ATTOIINEY-AT-L A V," AND Solicitor in CliftJicorj', MILAN. TENS. Will prati-e in Gili'on and 'IJ"'':;-''"",','"' m.irvly. FOR SALE. I. O. O. F. Hall and Lot, MILAN, TEXN. For Terms apr'.y to thc'inil'-r-iEP'-'I Cumaiit tee. W. H. roi.hV. W.fc- K Vl KIT. J.il. ULAMi.rIIH . March 5-2m. J.J.RICHARDSON, Physician & Surgeon, (OSee at Jordan' Store,! MILAN, TENN'. marS-Jj- Stone j UuvUp Agricultural