i MILAN EXCHANGE. HWJIWULUJ. County Directory. n.HLRO.tn TIME-TABIdC LoaiTlHr mn nrmpltin Railroad. TRAINS NU TH. ARKilFi. lit:' F.T. '.':'," . M. l'l l l 4. M. : A. U. W 1'v Tim e. N ule r.:. rc. TRAIN. NORTH. New Vn.k Ei.rc.-. ".: f. r. . ":'.'i p. v. i iiv;;: Kiiir.'.-s. V:4'. r. . f :i.i A . V. I."l.ij. Agent. Ml .l!?pl ( onlMl EiIroal. NOllTH. Dr Express. Ss-'i . a. v. I.ixLt LAprcsi', :Ai i'. u. 0: 1-. li HHT1I. I'.iy Erprr-., :27 . . ": !". a. m. Xi.ht Hinets, 1. e. -i. li:(n, p M . 1. II. HAW KS. Awl. ' Tr.iia on filter ro , i. il n -r.-ea, y, uu;t ii'f aa ii-.iir lur train vii liie other. for the Milan Exchange. PASH1X- .soirs. Time is the fortune-teller of all hu man events, and how true the words of inspiration, ''There is nothing hid that shall not be revealed." The mrdcr of T. J. Caverhill, at Rutherford Station, on the night of Arrive fr:u tiir South and Ale, t at fi:t p. ru. From the La-t. Vt-.Ul p. 8 40 a. m. Depart North and Ea-t. t:V p. IB p. ui. .- outh. !:)., a. in. J. (i. Doyd, I'oituiaster. SPARKS. Excnnlou. Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. The Milan Sabbath school Eieur- Thcrc vill be a social Lop at Ganl- sion for Cairo will leave Milan pre ner to-morrow night. J cicely at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, the 2Gth Several Trentouites were out last j inst. Those desiring to go must first Thursday thootiag frogs for break-! procure tickets. Members of either f'4" J school can procure tickets for them- There are f ur miles of side-track selves and families at E. .V. Collins' hre, and we don't see that there is ' store on Tbuwdav, Friday and Satur-! tbc 12:h Las- ha9 1x211 tho toP5c cf ! any t.x much, cither. - .lay. Iled tickets will only admit j conversation since the attrocious crime A suing lud has been organized in! members of the schools and their fum-;Tad committed ia consequence cf j thi- city, consoling of tight member?. Hies. Price of tickets for such per-1 lbo mT&tCT7 surrounding it. Mcon ; 1YC ihiil-y i., teacher. " j sons, one dollar each. j wIJle the friends of humanity and I Nearly half our popuhtion went a- j Provision will be made for a limit-j--60 Trcrc constituted, tid rosa, a fishing la,t week. We have n't heard ed number of persons not connected ! committee to investigate the signs of j ,i . i , i with the schools. White tickets have been provided for such person?, and can be bought at E. A. Collins.' at at one dollar and fifty cent each, on Saturday only. The management being desirous of For Ui Milan Etehanrr. rnun he-mttckt Soil l.r p.-OHr if: ven r.,Tc cl- v is ti ir- . Alii May's set flower? i-nt the ile y air ; NOTICE OF ! Stockholders5 Meeting, j j Or'n nr M's. rrTTr. Rmoin Cn., 1 V atkii V i.i.ir. Mi.-"-.. A pi:!!". l7t. A friml ni:ft:m ( t'if St,ickln'!'lT of te : th.it many fi-h were caught. We k-arn from a re;ide:it of West Carroll that a fine rain full in his neighborhood last Sunday n:xht. .,.., Li'.'ht -mptv bottlaa were sent in to Arrival khiI Drpiirtiir of thr 5II1. -, Krmii the i" rth. .1:39 the times in order to get a clue, if pos sible, to the pf rpeira'.ors of the dark deed. The body was exhumed yes terday by order of the coroner and an inquest hoi 1, as t!i3 course adopted by the magistrate acting at the time of i:s tOl'STV Or TICTR.-. June. W;'.l:a !!. Sli'rifl". M. C. II -1. IK--, t'uunty l'..urt "ijrk. li.. U .j i' Chancery Cuiirt t'!:tk. V.'ui. M-.-e. tir- u'.X ( .,u.t Cleik. A". M. Uifor J. ('tin'iipr. J. U. AI Tni Uv. C i. Allvn. Ta C,U.-. t.,r. J. A. W. Ilf , ;ii:ity ;-"ur ryor. A. H. t'nr . y. .!.: i:iten !cut 1 ui.lic PL'hou'n. W. V.. O.i. U-vi-lir. city ,rnci:?.H. A. Jur lin. Maynr nnj l'. rin Jer. J. L. V'illiaiii-'in. "ity Attui ncy. J. 1.. M, H,.::al.i. "ny Mar-li.il. Ir. J. i. linyd. M. I.. I'.aii.l. '. iNuii Wiilinn f 'ii. 5. 1'. lUnkiu, V.'. J. II .ii-e. J. 11. Dickiii mo, Aiui-jcn. J'apiit - r'.mri a - tip"'.. J. P. Weivpr. fs t r. FrcR- liinevery .-i:: Iny iu,'iii:ij: a:t l cvt i i:!.';. riyi r mn'.iiii- Tliur.- !.:" i voii:.:;. Sim.lay- ho,l a. m. Mci.li,i Nr'!i Main m-i-i t. II. I'. Vo!,K, . t,,r. rre.i"!iiiiir e rry :-a:i,l.:y ii!,.rrii.r nr. I fiiiiii. l'rayer nic -tii.s Tu.-.I.t- evt-iiiiis. 4..:u::y-r i uo-iK1 a. in. Mrlhii li-t At j'riiu.l 1 if. t!,7:'- in!!" ra t ,f ViL.ti, J. W. J..;ir.a ia-l.r. I'rea l.ing t,,iu:ii ibuirlay in c:t li iimmiiIi. :tt Tl a. in. tli S.1:j! IVwi.ytrriati-Dr. J. E. n.il.t. a-t,r. Sen in Sii'ul.iy j'i ra-h in i.sli. I Cuiu!crla!ul r:c-:Iyt--iiai At K:it-:i'i i,it. 3 mil 's t: i "f Milan. J. J. tiray. patl.ir. l-cn-irt-t tuiid a'jlaib niruii. au-i tvcuiDi; ia caoh ; tu-.-ntli. I. 0. 0. F. j Milan I.O.V. I. T. A !fr,in. X. il. II. !'. llaun, S.-'-ri-tary. Lvil.e ui.-oU every AVciaeJay iii'at. S:..-.n I...ls. No. l:l-Mf- A'.',-,li,?-Jsy J;i a. tu. after ea:'!i fuih iu..,,n. W.M. Si.tcr. Mas ter. U. Lewter. St-"iary. L n inia 'liapt r Nu.." j Meein 3": i lay nia'ut ii ,,r oetiire pa h lull in i.in. "J. I). I,. Jji:lan, li. I. W. I.. Ilmacr. i;-, (n.:, r. I. at i,.;a t'a'iin !!. N. '.i Meei KiM iy nij !:t u.i or b'f ,rc-pa 1. fall in ni. M. 1. L. Jvi Ja-1, T. I. .'!. S. ll.1la!e. Ke ,: l. r. i PA1II0XS OK I! I'.-lMXDUy. Milai, :ra::srX : .-f, -M.-. tl'ri i:iy l. -fire tl.e tliiid San ! .;., at .; ..;!,,.. l!is:i. i:. V. Mn.. Ma-!--r. I i "-it it. -r.'l.i-y. Wain ; i.'nif C ran::". X-. ! ' -Mw, I ri !.ir r enini; !". ro::- the t ii.-l .:'anua ia i-a. ii in ,i:t!i. P.. II. tJuoJiuan. Ma. -.-.-. I. .M. II ,l:ar--. Se -i.tar. i I. O. pi If. 1'. I Ti :ei.,l-l::p I.o !p. N,. 1 ." Ic t'- at I'rii i; 1- ' f iii.p. -t :r:Ii'ti t :rt i f Milan, eve -y l.-t an '. -.1 .at.ir.lav. ui 7 p. in. la:ne, I.tv. oi;.-.-:iy. V. 4". T. I. 1.. Atkir.-aa. Sen-jlry. I.jilr.M I.oiIkp. X',. . - .M.cry eery Zl .irl 4 , li Saur lay. at 7 p. la. making the excursion truly one of : 1:,t"rm"nt 's regawea as ratner pre- i n'easure. will of conr vil ! mature- It sc-ems that facts, startling , 4 X t"" the mpict that they be tiken in ex cha;iger a liottle of snuif. A drop or two of oil on each well- j order, and will u.-e every exertion to take good care of those committed to pulley in t nvn would slop a very un pleasant noise, lie-ides saving the pul- levs a grout ileal of wc.:r jiuJ tear. Try it. An unaccountable and fatal disease is 2i!eeti:)g the cats in and around Mil in, numbers of them dying aiV-r a few hours from the time of attack. ! lu'l'll' s.-T' it III pr;r-r! j A deaf mule sl.'pt at the Milan Hotel one night list week. It was 1 amusing next morning to see obbie ls"7l. at 12 oYl vk M.. f,.r th p'rpc.e of takin a,-tion npon an aereeint'tit f-r l!ie ponoliilatioD of aiH t ompnny nitti thp New o-Ieaiii. Ja:-k-on Jt tire?t Northt-rn liailroa,! Cunpany. ami the proetfiii.iti of the l.oanl of Director la I ret-'iern'e th''ie'o. Uy or.ler of tac Pre.-iJiIit anil Pi"-HPtnr. ! A. M. AV KS T. : K. T. NEEDY. i're-i lent. fri'itiary. api.-tiui f.icLs, Avcre de2xised before the coro ner's jury yesterday, and the whole their charge, and especially the little ! country awaits with disgust and in the ones. All persons are expected to ! njU"t 01 iremsnaoua excitement tne provide their own dinner, which wid ! C0UrC h investigating be eaten at a point selected bv a com- C0Ult to-be h('1J tllU monnug. Suf mittee now up the ro.id for that pur- j fice !t to sn-v' for the liine at lose. All those holding tickets will j loast' that -Irs- Caverhill and a Mr. meet on the platform at 6:30 o'clock, j CVulc3' (1 rother-in law of ths murder that they mav be provided tvillt seals eJ ,"a,0 are ,low uutk'r arrest antl : i t i . . . i i in uoou nine, x osmveiv r.o tickets i will le sold after Saturday. trying to wake him by knocking at his d it and calling hii;i. I A prominent lawyer of this city might hive been s.en one day la.-t week wit'i Ixjipiet about iis hirge as a Avatcr bin ket, the gift of some fair damsel. Afier an elicit, he got it up into his ofii w One of our city beaux called en a yenng l.u-iy one r.Jght la-t Aveek. Witt u hi' started hoiue i;t 12 o'clock she a Led him if he would n't stay to breakfast, lie declined, but v. ill t .he a I iVuit and candle Aviih him next time. Our kin.l-hcartel friend, Mrs. Ar nold, sent us a fine lot of new snap- j II S. Kennedy, J. F. Paekek, R A. Collins, General Managers. For Ladies' Dress-Good, call on Williams, Smith & Co. il beans a few days sin." ; but before Ave got a chance to cat them some hungry i . . . . r ' wretcn stole rtiiA iuaI; away AAitn them. Iv'vertluless, tlie has our thank: fr her thoughtfulae. Day y nr choice teas, colle,:-? and sugar; from 11. J. Ror.;:i:Ts.':. A i vo.H SZurU On the ma-L-iu of vo.-.r naprr indi- c.ites that your time is .a;i. or will ex- i 'ire v. i; li the next ;i:-r. Some of; our sub-bribers eonclu lel to try us j three iiioi.th--, Ahen. if they !ii:vd the ipar,t? w ilil .?-.f run way, they! aaouI-,1 rene w, l-'ri -lids, your time is I ab.mt o :t. Will von renew? Let us j Annual Elimination, Mi.nrt oi;op. THfRSDAY. Grograjihy, Ii el is.-., 8 to 8:30. Morals and Manners, f :30 to 0. Spelling, 4th Grade, 3:0.3 to V:2o. Heading, i'ruf. Parker's class, ):30 to 10. Spelling, 2d Gralo, 10 to 10:20. English Grammar, 10:20 to 11. Arithmetic, class A, 11 to 12. AFTERNOON. Speaking, ith and (ith Grades. Chemistry, 2 to 2:4"). Mental, 13 class, 2:43 to 3:15. A'iihmotic, C class, 3:20 to 3:50. Latfn Gra.minar, 4 to 4: 45. Spelling, 13. class, 4:45 to 5:13. IEIDAY. Physiology, 8 to 8:45. Ctesar, 8:45 to 9:30. Ma-ia, Cth G ratio, 9:30 v; 10:15. (icograj.hy, A class, 10: 15 to 11. Mu ie, ll" to 11:15. Arithmetic, 13 class, 11:15 to 12. . FRIDAY EVENING, 8 OVLOCK. (At the Baptist church.) Closing exercises, consisting of orr.- AAhat is regarded as strong evidence says that the murder was the result of deeply laid, premeditated plans, and for the purpose of obtaining mo ney in Caverhill's possse.-ion, obtain ing the policy he had on his life and to gR.tify heated pascion. Alas, for the present ccneration. Ciini.sof the most direful character are of common occurrence, and neith er human law or divine disapprobation are regarded as possessing terror suffi cient to arrest attention and cause re- ' flection a hen some personal or sensual appetite demands gratification. I am J glad that there is a just God and that there is to be a judgment of justice in the future. Dry weather is complained of noAV by most f.irmers. Wheat is certainly suftviing for Avant of rain, and com r.nd c4ton cannot come up to a stand while it r; mains sc dry and cool. The health of our town and vicini ty is good. I write you in haste and am re mLidcd that you admire "brevity" and nothing but the "news." More j anon. Occasional. Dyer Station, May 1'Jth. i Analine Dyes of all colors. Any i Iki'Iv can use them. Cheap and for ' Ftr the Eichanef. i IN MEMORIAV. St. Charles, May 14, 174. j Our fruit crop sustained considera- J ' titi.-f or thh iksiaved m s:c rents on ble damage from the recent heaw i mi.s cuLtsiii. frosts, though we still have enough ' left for home consumption if no f ther damage is sustained. i All miurr hrhe4 and .tut. no un.i i hftiri 1 ?.i-t?vs-,.ri'1 ,r,V- ii"-Ky.DO..M-! Till. ftpn,a V. . , lf Save, hcweinl note, of men.H-tnrnnlhira I AN will be hel.l at ihi- oitce on lhe farmers have about one-half Whft..rft. , , nr ., :,,, , , irnvntv or-.u ap Ar.v ti,oJr ti n .. ::. :r : . : , , -.lf om w , "vju nauieu. A. lie SOU IS VCrV iieiius wiu tue etpe o; our mourning Dana. dry, and vegetation is beginning to ; . -T,- " ' To all. e:wh ralliil v'lei-k nn,l tpurfal eve tliu-5t tor ram. i I:ev,,, lhe rM Fii,fK. Several of OUr Citizens IiP.A'O Inld ! -'r broken bvarU tUat vainly stcivc Ti--t in-3l,nM.J T" i 1 li? trinMi-is Voi:-e ia hunit'k-not,-.- ,-f t ral-c : cows to go mad this spring. Tne last W1 , ... , , , ' , o , hi a D;e:n 1 1":. e, -t -o b: vh;.u:i!:l.l a throsp and most exciting Case Was a COtV : ArouuJ toe heart anil eliei k iu- ri iv.i souk. owned by Larkin Yandcll. For twe-n-' r. f,. L i ii. ' ell may wcwi-cp. th. mprh tcari lint feelilvfhnw ty-four hours she canvassed the town, j Thl .,,,, pri(,,, ,,1C f ,lulillltl w.,0 attacking everything that came in her ! "r ,Ti''!.' e inuiu-n a ttaeher tl.-ar we view cl , . . . 1 The I roken ties of lov injr friemHiip, too. aamv. one wa9 shot thirteen times in (.-.. .. , ' , " j r. en now , e t aee the hii;.py moment!" flul, the head and body before being kilied. j Wheu thy ri. n t ,n our i'ceMer voi. es lei We had a temperance lecture atlt'VTl'r:- . f.. . . i et lie er toru;ul ul lair tneimslup s name, the Christian Privilege church Satiir-j L'maoveJ alike Lyeul-gy or faiae. day night for the purpose of organiz- j j i. i'rect n memory stall taniliy Keep Till dtath lulls rv'ry la: ulty to sleep; THE Eight persons signed o, may e row thy earthly foot...tv s trace, AipI taste I ke thee the joys of heavenly graec! t ntil the Lattle 's fo-ajtht. the viet'ry won Ami all lii'a'i cliuies nell aa.l noiily June, larewelll O death, why dij?t ihou choice The fruitful inc. the barren tree refuse? mg a JotJge. the pledge. Consonant Grange No. 701, of St. Charles, hud a called meeting last Thursday for the purpose of conferring the fourth il , , n " Low iii the wet the ,-un i: sinkinc, while brethren, and to consider the question ! . iiir s pemiy teais minsio with bis parting of organizing a grange store. They Fri' Ue' ,., . . , , . ' And eveninif kindly lends her brightest star (lid not arrive at a filial conclusion Oil To lead oarsad and and-rins thouehts afar, the last named matter, but left the j To world hut yesterday to thee unknown, , .,ta ,- a v. ! r Wbilher thy (,-iiileles" sjiirit now hath flown : suliject to the consideration of a com-1 - v, !lt.,.e ,Iull f,s,, or infwraeai!lte eiud. iuiltee composed of John Woodruff, ' Can e'er the dear Kedi-emv-r'e rv.-nec hr.n.." I. D. Woodruff and T. C. Davis, who 1!? '"T" x f " ufe,t :t':1 ''IV"1'"11 in m ' fcteraal pnu-es to our heavenly Kniir. wid make their report and settle the Mayi ith.i-ci. Aunu. I'lokks. matter at the next regular meeting. A fishing party from town yes-ter- Call at K. J. Ko'iertson's for your day Avere so unfortunate as to severely ; smrt- collars and scarfs. 1 1 burn Mr. William Hall's face, by throAving an ale bottle full of powder, Executor's Notice. Tersons ind- h'ed to the estate nf p. A. Will ianiMtu. v. ill plea - ? settle ip t,y the I"t!i of May next, i rwe ill'i la, theelaiau-iu thehandj cf an oSieer for eolle: ti,m. A. M liROAVN.Fx'r. W. V. WILLIAMSON Aim. Ap m. Musical Instruments. "T P- PARKER. MILAN, TEXX.. WILL J fj sell you a riANO OR OIUJAX a cheap or cheaper than the i-heapest. pla-.'m W. I SHEPHERD, AT HIS OLD STAND. COR. MAIN A FRONT STULETS. PEALKIt IS Staple & Fancy GROCERIES Plantation Supplies. Milan Exchange I AY ill be published erery Thursday rnoroinr . the offu e on the AA'est Shhs of Main Street, oor ; the store of Haird A Sims. The lubsoriptioa i rrice is, invariably ia advance. S2.00 A YEAR. SL00 SIX MONTHS. corked and well sealed around the fuse, into the creek for the purpose of blowing out fish. J. W. On Keep i-onstantly on hand a full supply of tlro eries. boixbt at bottom pi jets for I a.- h, and sells at Cio to Stone & Mills and buy a late style Hat cheap for cash. A fine stock of men and boys' sum mer clothing, just received at 11 K. J. IIobertson's. I'alnful .trcIiD-nt. i-e lerietl,,- I, .-,1 I I MeD maid, A.iiie handling a ri-t d i Small Profits for Cash! 1 4)UC AUiuuiJi iviun x tits. x-t Sunday, accidentally shot himself; ; in the han-i, causing a painful avouihI. i i We warn law-breakers, though, that j J I he is still on tlutv. (live Iiini a e;i!l bEfjre purpha.siua elsewhere. marl2-ly "Hrlht l iowen." ; For the List few days our office has : been filled with the aroma of stveet ' flowers, presented by fair hands. We return many thanks fjr the kind remembrance.!. sab by U-lm M. D. L. JoKDAN. TVAI.M T Ulai: ITEM?. fiie grang; rs of Walnut Grove, in el 'I . tleorp rr:r..-;-r. Sert-Iry. li. .pi- li;;; Lo.i.ue. No. a-; u th oii-l fitirtti Saturday riyii's in r -b mt :. I. Cb-:.5,vss, C. T. J.l,-.i AV. La rf tiry. AA'almit tireve I.o-tre, No. . Met- ev-ry IhuriJay nitht. AV. !. (luodtua:i. AV. t". T. L . F. T. M ilati Comuil.Xo. 71 -Me't5 every Fri'-iy tiiht at Odd I'tllows" iiall. ..li. Ja- kson. !). li. W. V. AV. II. .M-e.-. Sr-r.taiV. Announcements. hear JV myou promjly. Ihi.i. laber ,3 Adams. AV. C. o;ir ride CA-li ALWAYS IN A!)VANCT:. If not r-'neAvi d, we take ii for granted w. you lin not want the pvper any longer, ' and your i:nni; a iii be drop.'-i i'i.m our list. V'e intend to publish the i best paper in West Tennessee, and ! the more subscribers Ave get, the bet- ter Ave cv'.u m.ske the paper. Let CA"e ! rv o.;e renew and brinjr another v ith 1 biro. elo-iair exercises. II. S. Kennedy, Pres't. A si'hmdid assortment of new: hoc? or luiie: 11 and gents at cost at E. A. Collins'. Go to 11. J. Ilo!crtsoiis for vour Our ttrr.i -, an:fu:tciij (in.lL'ut- fjr auntj ojfcn are fie uV'cir?, ai.avays IS ADVANCE elHiice trroeenes. 11 1 LGAllli:. WALL AVe are i VI .AVai-.n lie f-r Joint lie TON'LS.-AVe ar. eat - l . .i .,n a a ft tlio A as lt elc PcriMiiiMl. C. 1. John A. Gardner, of Weakley county, was in Ioavu la t Monday. Prof. Sharp, formerly of the Lcx ; iaatoa lh-porter, the lighinu.g calcu lator, is in toAvn. j Judge Al van I lav. kins, of Hunting ; don, and C- n. Camjibell, of Jitek-on, j pa.-sed through our city ci the cars j list Tuesday. . j . il,. v arey, t ienerai 1 asscnger ana i.el lo anr.oil-oe J. lTi,.t:(.t .r..nt fie fl.o X'..v 11 I mna tnoidata lor 'Tax Ciieee-r i '"' ' ' ' Jackson and Great Northern liail- piiie-!e ! to aiin-'ii'i-e II. irnrv , . unity, a- a p ii' Or -e iia.ivo't.oiij l!i:- eoijr.ij :- ,. t,o-t,n. t airili. veakiv ri.l Jivnry, i:, iljp TOxt IrV'lTHl A'-,-ia!.'l . sal je-: to t'ie i, .-li ,!l el' a -.'ii -.eiitio!!, il" ei. a be dceniLd i '.e.-; ::ry Into-party. TAX COLLFC H Jit. COUNTY Till'STEE. j road, passed tlirough yesterday, on T.rTeKAVKN.-W. i-.ilt:i J A i Mefaraasa ty fru lee. at the Au-o t i! irize.l to aieo-inrc i li late lor Coun-ti-.-ri. !:is return home. tions, cssaA S, selections and tlrelama-1 tions, interspersed with vt.cal and in- this :tmnty, are in a very prarous st n '.mental music. j ondidon indeed, and are deing a work The pui lie are earnestly rcauasted 1 w",)rt,,.v ,if imitation by their brethren to be present at our examination and overywhore. Walnut Grove (.range, No. 43, i; now building a handsome two-story frame house 50x30 feet i no loAver room is to he used as a Methodist church, and the upper as a Grange Hall The citizens are also alive to the advantages of good schools. They have now in course of erection a sub stantial school house 18x30 ftet in size, U) be used for public school pur poses. The Avheat crop in this section is looking well. Prospect for peaches and rpples good. Planters are through juitting in their corn and cotton, and everything seems promising. Democratic ouvcnl.'oii. Whereas, The Democratic commit tee for the 9th Congressional district of Tennessee called a conventi n to meet at Humboldt the 12th of An-. " gust, to nominate a Democratic candi- j A l"'1-'-"" indebted to the Corpo date for Congress for said district, and ' !;lt!-in "f .the t',''vn of Iila" l.v li reoiiestedtlieeonntveomniiif.'e totnle 1 imposed since the 1st of January, are proper steps without delay, to secure ""t'hVd toome ibrward and pay up I J'-spateii. n in I liunnitii-in Trnni i'ii miiTirv t sai l convention to secure this a con vention for Gibson county is called to meet at the courthouse iu Trenton the 1st Monday in June to nominate dele gates to attend said district conven- vention. And in order to secure a i full and fair representation it is re- quested that each civil district in the D. JAMES,! i Manufacturer of HACKS & WAGONS, : ave fui ther cost. A. Jordan, Mavor and Ilccord-or. MARKET REPORTS. .Ai nil uinr. Strict middling, Xcav bonnets, hats, rib! ems, etc., just received by Mrs. E. A. Duffy. 12 Near! Drowned. One day List week W. L. Maik- h.tm cam? very near los 1. life a bile fi-hing in Obion river at the bridge, near Shady Grove. He was on a raft in the middle of the river, when he was attacked with vertigo and fell overboard in ten feet water. He h ul sunk and rose twice and amis on the jxiint of sinking the third time when his father ami a companion, Frierson Langston, who were fishing a short distance away, reached the spot and saved him. One TIioiiokimI Dollar a I.'y. No time -for sirnniiinir knivns; or We were pleaded to meet this week , ,,:1V;.1, marlJt.3 at liryimt, Jackson TpLV. We are aii'b"i :i 'l to iinr ! i.v a- a randi la'e for Tru.-tee next A USUst. oii;-ce J. I at the eie Mr. P. F. Smith, of the Avell-knoivn i bou.-c of Stl !en, Hicks c; Co., Mem phis. He has a h-t of friends in ! A; Co.'s Hotel hanRC Our old friend, Key. Acton Young, L .1 . i- I , l. M. 1 . ; lAft 1 i "tu Vl' lilt il l, HV.. WV. L'' A "4 1i, : and around .Milan and ri presents one , r. . , . ,r , , , , , oMj.-AVenrea '.ihori.- .itoa-inou-.ee.i.c. i 4-,i i , ., iiti : Icit lifre Iitt Monday to take cliarire I mm a a.a i. ' e L-!-. ,., i',o -u s t t lie best cotton and wholesale gn-: - , 4l , x Tr , ,. l C e .: ,,, " ' . , . , r, .. .,. '' l of the Southern Hotel at Hum! ol It, , ccrv houses in the Llull C it v. . ,, . . COUNTY COL'IIT C I.FIIK'. W . AVe are auth'.rlf to arr.ounee t'ai t. - Tiiiis. ; t af (.a..:!,, .:,ie ler County I'ouit K i k a; t!,e Anu.i , ie -lioa. CALM". AV0 .1,'I N D. t wlien oil Li-"o tV rr. . 1 rofti. on.l ( ai t. Ld Arnold, f Martreesuoro, , , . . , , .... , , ' the best attention am!1 find lum in fu- iias lieen visiim .orc several davs. i ir , . , . , ' itire. lie nas Kent m, re noli is anei He says Milan is the mo.-t nourishing toAvn he has seen in ali his travels Avhicli have been extensive in the of mak- . Ate me antliorj.e. I to anuonnep 'km.. ol lii-aO ., !.'. a e.-nidi- : Krvmli l it..!, ne! !,n tl.ti-l 'iveti-ia. i .r l,s Lome here. We aa ill welcome him. rpj l UK "TKi;s ol-" t;i A- III i t'nt s :- 1 1 a in? by tin me w till pe o fitfNTY. fiiends, I have utter eoiisiiltatiiiii 1 n iroia a an., i,- pa ts oi theeoui ty. Mrs. 11 A. Duifv is receiving iicav 12 .1e. i le.l t,, l,p .one a eaa.li ian- for re- l.-.-lloil j Ullllltiei v giMHIS VA tTA V.CCK. t- the ofliee "f i'oiiiiit t'ourt t'levk. and in mi l--i-.i. 1 hereby reOirn yon my m,.-t sineei-e i t'aa..s !.r y,-t,r kind e,u.siuera;i,oi i.i,.l jri-i:er- j iu palror.aire in tiie pa-t : teelimr that inti- j mate a ',iiiain!.iiie.'d,ip vi;h t':e loiti:i,-s , ( llt. I i-rii'-e !:-q.ialitie.i me fori: iiiii'r,.a duties, 1 resp-, tiuliy n;pe! to n :r, io-i ms pul.Jie for J il fuii.afe at the e-isuiac ele--i mn. em bejo-ai se: vant. t M. f. 11'iLMr.S. ! for SHFIIIFF. Sew Art vertiste-mruto. Dr. Lew tor offers his residence sab- clieap for cash. See notice. A iiKtting of the stockholders of Milan College is called, lb-ad it. Wclister's Unabridged Dictionary is advertised in another column. VJTILLIAM-. so ( oi n - -to tiii: vormis ok r.iu- I A . 1 li,n I t,,,ijA flip riA for SiieritT two years jpo, 1 aniioun.-e.l to some ct my irien is iaat.it re-ele ie.l. I would not ofter for the same p. --;tior. lialn ; fcat. in eor.e- Jueilee of urreul ilalioi. tnon lual.v trie ml. Iiave coiisenti-'i that in narrje shall 'again I e iied a.- a eaiidiaate i'.ir the , to,-,-. 1 ,-i tint it weuoi be Hiijrra". : ui i ,i me' o r-fue :.!l.,w my frien d to ue my I. uu :a the ra v. am i hvi:ic boeu lai porti-d by Lieut i i my two I is) r-i-os. JOXS. S ll.LIAMS. Cay j our spun cotton from It. J. Pobcrtson. 11 CIRCUIT COUKT CLF.Ivlv. MOORE.-We are au:'.'"ri,-p, to announce AV. W. Movra?a candidate for re-eiee-t-on to the o'hee of Ci.-euit Court Clerk at the Aurust eleelion. i'. v. EiViorr. oi Trenton, as a candidate j i, i,; ; M.mmi,;, : rrovLsion house bciii near by. the forCouutylUrisi.rattbeAui.-u.ti-lettion. M,".uu,j, .u K mura, j - - names je;u;ueti it, uuu uumeu ine rooi, but by faithful effort its contents were saved. If you want clieap gools, go to KLGlSTlTv. . AVe are authorited to announce Prerliins:. Ilevs. Joseph Mclx'skey, W. W. Estill and others, of the C. P. Church, Avill hold a sacramental meeting at the Methodist Church here on Saturday aud Sunday, 30th and 31st of May. If you v.a.ut to save money, buv your goods ftm Stone & MaiA A I'alae Rumor. We fxe informed that the rumor of ' oriSinatl,d from a e0 PI fed more peojile than any man we know of. He never turns a hungry man empty atvay. Give him a call. Splendid ladies, misses and child ren's hats at cost bv E. A. Collins. For cash, Willi ims, Smith it Co. sell the cheapest goods. 11 EAVIMA ITEMS. Mn. Editor: Ncavs very scarce and weather very dry in this com munity. IIoAvever, the champion whisky drinker was in this place again this week a gent, from near Trcze vant and emptied i:ine glasses of whisky iii about seven minutes, and Avould have dm in eel more, but his purse was drained. Friday night Dr. Bigham, of Mc- j Lemoresville, and Mr. W. W. Moore, of our toAvn, lectured at the Methodist Ch urch on temjieranec. Their speech es Acre well-timed and full of pith and purpose. Preceding and at the close of their lectures Ave had delight ful music by Prof. Louis Raymond, of Jackson, Miss., who is the best organist ever ia this portion of the country. B. 11 12 14V lti 17 171 JIII.-ui Cotton n.-srkrt. Milan, May 2), 171. Ihccipts f..ir OS bales havinir county, without delay, hold primary , l,w.n slopped. P.uvcrs arepavin the conventions to appoint delegates to at-' f1))vvh,,r f.,,urftl . fnn1 1 1 ir cnii f.nnt ponvfiitiiifi nn.1 ' to secure this the "following named Ji "1"' gentlemen arc appointed to announce , the primary conventions i" tneir res- ; . pective districts for the purpo.c afire- j L'.' '""'dlmg, said; to-Avit: Dist. No. 1. Wm. Shane. o Tl,.,.,,,, A'.,ll-e A 11' MU .i.- 1 ? lilrvv 1 . " " 3. J. N. Lannon. " " 4. A. W. Moody. " " 5. Louis Wade.' " " 6. .T. C. Patterson. " , " 7. James Russell. " " 8. Johnce Hall. " " 9. J. W. McDaniel. " " 10. Stephen Bovett. " " 11. David Phdan. " " 12. J. A. Jackson. " " 13. Z. G. Jackson. ' " 14. John Martin. " " 15. F. G. Goodman. " " 17. Wm. Smith. " " 18. II. C. Burnett. " " 19. J. F. Penn. " " 21. Alex. Greer. " " 22. John Gibbs. " " 23. Brickhouse. " " 24. A. B. Hargctt. The above namctl gentbmen are respectfully requested to take, at once, the proper and necessary steps to se cure a full representation from their respective districts to attend the gen-; Tor sale chenp cral county convention to be held at Trenton, as before stated. Respectfully, Jxo. II. Glass, Ch'm Ex. Com. Gibson Co. At bis new Shop, on WEST ?UE OF MAIN THEET. 211 LAX, TEXX., the pii Mir it.-nriM I!y t: rive him a jm-i ex iitnifio Li-i .-t' -k iM-fon imivlifisintf r hrre. Ail k ni' Is itf I;.-; -a trin a: l :ie w i'h rifatnee aud A pwo i u-:o; tm-nt of C I-1 F I X S ! Always cn hun.Is at rchiocj ratt.. AUn j MITALK Bl'R! II- CASTS, j ry 1t. A pofi.1 H'vtr-e rvaJy wr.en called j ! Having ju.t recoire4 freon the afi.4af itu entir new outfit of th LATEST STYLES (iood middling. ; lpi:!!)i "larkrls. I The cotton tn.-rkel Monday vtas active, at the following li?iir"s : I Inferior, ; ordinary. 1:', "ill: pood or, ii- r.ary, lis, e !; ,: w iaid!i;', IT' , IT' luid d!in?, IS; strict iniddiii:?, Is;a: pood uii-I-dlina. . '.'urn s old at '.Up. Oats quiet at ',n for mixed. Corn meal was more active; sales at SI. 23. Esgs, I2. ( l.V. Batter, we:tein table .l." !o.e WHITE & THOMAS, Barbers & Hairdressers MAIN STREET, MIL AX, TEXXHSSEE. THEY AVILL DO ALL RENDS oF WORK IX T1IL111 LINE IN THE BEST STYLE. AX l AT KliAsON- ALi.i-: rmoEs. Are nrcnaml to Sliamnoon til's Ilxir li 11 new prore, r:il!i! --.s- ! I'mn. etitirr'v li.irui!e. ( ieaua ' llio Se.il3i nrninotv"t a SK'.-iiliiy Crouili or I tic II dir. a: M;ir.. Livery & Feed Stable. Haun & Williamson, MAIX STREET, MILAN, TliNN. addle and Harness Stock always on tln.-.d hand. A larrc f-apply of Undressed Lumber ap-10-ly M. D. L. JORDAN, Large assortment of bleached and brown muslin and prints just received, for sale at cost by E. A. Collins. 11 r. O Go to Williams, Smith Co. for cheap Clothing, Hats and Shoes. 1 1 Welii ter'n 1 u.ibriiled Dirt ionar.y. This Ls beyond doubt the liest and most complete distionary of the Eng lish language ever published. The lab ir and research bestowed by the editors iu its revisi m are apparent on every page. On the whole, as a dic tionary and repository of useful infor mation, it stands without a m-ah j X(ul rifle Dispatch Large line of desirable sju ing and summer clothing for men and boys to close, at cost at E. A. Collins'. 11 Great bargains at Stone ii Mills's. Ladies spring and summer puits ready made, at cost by E. A. Collins. Borued. On Friday night, the loth inst., Mr. HoAvard Herron's house, situated six miles north-east of Milan, was consumed by fire. The fire, it seems, The unfounded. That city has certainly W. W. Wilkisoii is ! suHered enough, without such uiali- selling gun, pistols, j cious rumors as this being started. revolvers and manv other things nt cest. 5-tf New Stock Latt Stvle LdieV Hit et 6xtr lz M-uh. & Time f to Cairo. All the pretty girls arc going to Bryant, Jackson ti Co.'s to buy cheap droit goods, slwuy&c. 12 Williams, Smith & Co. 11 All goods at cost and no ioking, by Jailed. A man named Syder was arrested Sunday for stealing a watch from W. Y. Williamson, at the Central Hotel. He Avas tried Wednesday before Eqs. Jordan and Dickinson, and sent to jail in default of a 5?1,000 bond re quired. Columbus Harlan, colored, arrested on the same charge, was re leased, he having turned State's evi dence. Calico 10 ceuts, and other goods marked down to bottom prices. 8-tf Stoxe & MIels. Insane Asylum. The commissioners to locate the In sane Asylum for west Tennessee met in Humboldt last Monday and re-located it at that place. This was done over the Governor's veto. Dr. Rosr ers cUssented. The whole matter will be referred back to the Legislature, wo understand. Large and well assorted stock of ladies' collars, collarettes and other neckwear, ribbons, laces, odging, in serting?, &c., &c, at cost at 11 E. A, Couxxs'. Call for a District Convention The undersigned, appointed by the Chairman of the Democratic Execu tive Committee of Gibson county to announce n primary convention in the j 13th civil district of this county, re-: quests the citizens of this district to i meet at the Odd Fellows' Hall on ; Wednesday, May 27th, at 10 o'clock i . a.m., to appoint delegates to attend j IriLi 1 U1J 1 0JlTO, ! the Democratic County Convention at i ; Trenton June 1st. j 1 Z. G. Jackson. ! j '' ' . ; il-'utir y I In i r St Ttiot li Hriiilxs, My entire stock of drv-goods, cloth- i . ing, hardware, queensware, ghissAvaro, ! silverware, hats, boots, shoes and tar niture must be closed cost. (11) E. CENTRAL HOTEL, Milan, Tenn., JV.S'. ,S". FLACK, Proprietress OrposiTE Tin; M. &. L. xt) Miss. Cestrai. Pt- rOT AND f.'llNVFXlrNT TO Tils: III iilNESS I r.viiT of Tint City. j Thin wrH-Iinof n House is ne.-i'Iy fitted up. Servants polite tind attentive, and the l.-d lei fiirni-hed al :,ii nines with the i.-est the country nrt'ords. j Bates reasonable. The patrotiaK- of the pub- i lie is s.,li -ited. maii-Iy j and the v"H ir I'lmcl ia Mm Job Frinlinj Presses, GEO. K. FOOTE, A TT0 J: X E F- A T- L A W, VAT ill praetiee in the Courts in this State. Ofliee in the Ci: Com t room, over Dr. .Jordan'? Drug Stoic. Liuio-ow. A. J. DAVIDSON, MAXl'FACTUREB OF AXD DEALER in nOOT3 tSa 3T:o!S3. Plnin pec-irel Calf for ?1H. Plain sewed Calf for Si'l. Corded top, h, )x toe. sewed, ill. i seslhe very best iiiatcrinl. Kepaii iiir eheaply and promptly done. West tide Main street. Milau, fc-nn. maii-ljr wear prtr4 First-Clas3 Printing. f all kio-e. n i4a Dr. W. W. Yandell TTndlAITtaS ' i.FfKr.S III.-? PROFESSIONAL PERV II t I V. i'-.stot!ieeiti,ensof.AIii;oian,lMi.-round-ti.vwawMvj ( iiisr eountry. in all its vnriou-I'ran, hes. n,;r ; Most Reasonable Kate? Ui"T"o fivor .It-nitin? Urucr Sturu. I on HIiiM-iin strt-tf. Williams, Smith k Co.. ! MILAN, TENN., 1 -TpvFAI.EI..-? IX DHY CiOiS. NOTIOX3. , f 1 f lia's. 1 Hps, Boots, Shoes. Qneen-ware. J i Hardware. A,-. 'lernn sir'n tly an, I i-'-iiivel.T : C:i.-h or I'reduee. oimill Quj .i,eiu at )!rant, ! , Jjl1.-,,h ,V ( o.' oi l stand. niaii's-ly I I i are, giiissvwuc, , iMieiy, Fancy TcilslMicles, A. Collins, i ; 1 Do n't be DIeooraoI. Now that we are not to have the ! "p "X7AjrfOc Asylum, let's turn our attention to j C VV lilUk) and Liquors other and more essential enterprises. It will never do to give up m despmd-1 ency no, folks, never. Let us now ; devote our attention to the building j up of our town in earnest. Enc urno e i the young folks to get married and build us up a population here of our OAvn, regardless of extraneous pressure and influence. We can do it. Ilum bMt Journal. Well, friend Rivers, suppose you get the example. It do'nt sound well, you know, for aa old stag like you to be giving such advice. If you can do it, why don't you? MILAN, TENN. t- Physicians' Preseriptioct Acenrately CoDU-iiundeii marti-ly Parties wishing to rent houses or 1 my property can get bargains by calling on O. H. Hallstrom, Milan, Tcnn. 1-ly Burned. A small child of R. Y. Moore was badly scalded last week by putting it3 hand in a pan of boiling water. The ladies will find some rare bar gains in fine drees goods at cost at 11 E. A. Collins'. ClrOLKri3 COMAL BIGS LUE0PEAX PLAX, j SinsrJe MceiI 30c- orl2 for S3. Ho. 1 Rooms for $1 per Day, C. S. ODI.E, Flint Clerk, martj-ly I. C. OATES, P prictor. J. T. ANDERSON, MAM VII Tl RFB AVI) DEALER 11 .Stoves, Tinware, Lamps j COAIi OIXi, ' Country Hollow-Avarc, ic, &c. I mari-ly. MILAN". TEXX. j V. M. McCALL, i -Vttoi-iey-at-rjaw, j MILAN, TEXX. ! Will pr.ietiee in all the Courts of t.aw and I r.rinny in t!ie eounties ot t, i),w,in aiol . arroll. . ! and in the Courts at l r:ion City. S-eei:il al- j j teal ion iiiven to Ciiil-.-ctiona. uiani-iy , ! DR. J. F. SHARPER ; I (Late of Memphis i I 3DEKTT2S T. , Offer bis profe.-si.m.-.I servi-e to the citizen ! ' of Miian aini un-oiindi!'a eouutry. Hill' I IN eo-sT 1,1 U1IC bUlLDIMG. tj-eiive hiui a call. uiarS y G.W.WEBB, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, MAIS STREET. 2 (Tilt xx, Touile ar5-ly W. B. GUION, PIIOTOGRAPOEK, MILAN. TENN.. In prepared o rsake all kinds of PICTCRES at lhe St. Louis (iallcry. marf-ly J. H.V7EAKLEY, S IGN PAINTER, MILAN, TEXX. RerpeetfnllT lelieiU the pt,ti-ona of all 4 vinaiuc work la im .100. uce mx B'Ji 1 1 rit ircp- 44r i Give us n Call, i A Home Enterprise! T