GENERAL CRETITTES. Ax ostentations undertaker of Troy, liavinr -li;irp-e of an srii-tocratie funeral lately, niouiiU-d the altar steps and deliv ered the followinjr address : " Ladies and rreiitlenien will please keep their M ats till the corpse parses out." For eleven months has James McClunjr of Staunton, Vt., teen dumb, without any explicable cause. Two Sundays a?o, however, he entered the sittii"room ol liis house and saluted his family with a cheerful "rood inorninr,' at the Mine time nearly faiiitinjr. lie lias conversed sis well as ever since that, lie says that just as lie t-oke Sunday, he experienced a convulsive movement" of the muscles of the throat and a tense of concussion in the head. A HorsK full of children composes as jowerful a jrroupof motives as ever moved a heart or hand, and the secret of many a tnirrle and triumph in the world's battle may be found throned in the mother's lap at home, or done up in a little bundle ot white llantK 1. A nation's hnc, In-fore now, has lieen found in a basket of bul rushes, (jet ready to le airaid of the man that children are afraid of. and be s ure that he who hates them is not him self worth loving. Ix a case now jtcndinjr in the Tennessee Supreme Court, in which $5,000 is in volved, the sole question to lie determined is whether a certain letter on a promis sory note is "1" or "J." In type the dif ference between the letters is plain enotijrh, but when written they are identical. Was the note executed to .T. Blanekensee or I. IJhmckensee to .Julius Iilanckensee or Isaac Iilanckensee V The representatives of both parties claim the money. A stkoxg mind always 1iok-s, lecauseit knows the mutability of human ntl;iirs, and how slight a circumstance may change the whole course of events. Such a spirit, too. rests upon itself; it i not coutincd to par ticular objects, awl it. at last. all should tie lost, it has saved itself its own integrity and worth. Hope awakens courage.while despondency is the last of all evils; it is the nbandonment of pood the giving up of the battle ot life with dead nothingness. He w ho can implant courage in the human Eoul is its best physician. A iiovt a thousand years ago a colony of Icelanders was planted on the western coast of Greenland. They were hardy people, inured to cold and meager living, and there seemed to te no reason whythej; should not take root in the frozen soil ot their new homes. They built a stone church there and stone houses to live in, of which the ruins are still lobe seen. liut what became ot the builders is a question that has never lx-en solved, and never will le. They vanished from the fat; of the earth, aiid that is all that is known. Whether cold, or pestilence, or starvation took them oil', or whether wandeiing sav ages killed them, no man can tell. Their M-ttlement is known in history as Lost Greenland. A cheat variety of articles, including grain bags, wagon covers, lloor covers, rojM's, sails, etc., are made in Ilussia from the inner bark of the hasswood or linden tree, a million trees licing destroyed annu ally in the manufacture, and the value of the articles prodiu-ed amounting to'.!,-100,-(KKI. The bark is collected by the jM-aants in May and June, when the ascent of the sap renders peeling easy. That of the lower part of the trunk, generally cm ployed (or rooting, is obtained in pieces about i by :i feet, and is warmed and pres-ed to prevent its curling. That of the upper part of the trunk and the branches is tied in bundles and rolled under water until Scptcmhcr.whcn it is dried by the aid ofheat and separated into thin, delicate strips, suitable lor weaving into matting, and varying in weight according to the use to be made til it. The San Francisco W suggests that the following additional sections Ik added to the ordinance recently passed by the I'.oard of SiiTvisors of that city ' pro hibiting cheating, or fraudulent or dishon est practices at card-playing :" "S'ction 3. In playing a game of draw-poker a tlush sequence' shall be deemed to le a iM-tter hand than four cards of a kind; and the party holding the 'age' may pass and come in again : and every player when raised lieyond his means to respond, shall lie -ntitli'd to a sight for his money. Sec tion 4. In the game of euchre, jack shall Ih considered the highest card in cutting for deal, anil in case the dealer is ordered up by his partner, said dealer shall have the privilege of playing alone ajid scoring four points if he can. Section 5. In the game of pedro, the game shall be counted high, low, jack, game, and pedro. Sec tion ". Any' ersoii deciaringthat he holds nineteen at cribbage shall lie deemed guil ty of a violation of this ordinance." The Kitf.ct or Shakespeare Traxs-1 l.ATF.n. " ShakuspcniV works." says a I'.'-rlin correspondent, " are admirably given here, but the translation of words often gives a most ludicrous impression, and every one has experienced how at the very moment he should be the most sober and" decorous, an uncontrollable desire to laugh convulses his whole body. In l.'omeo and Juliet' imagine a lover wish ing he wen- a 'liandsehiih' on the hand of his fair lady, that he might touch her backe,' or 'wange.' The tender parts in this play are so excessively tender in Ger man that, during a whole scene when all the ladies around me were bathed in tears. 1 was biting my lips ami almost choking myself with my handkerchief in order to drive back a laughter fiend who had taken complete possession of me, but Romeo's 'IielM-, sui-se Vuliah,' and the nurse's long drawn out 'fraulicn. fraulien,' came very near ruining my reputation as a sympa thetic, well-behaved woman.'' AVhex the anaconda was on exhibition here, says the San Francisco A Ifa, it was customary to feed him with a rabbit every few days, jsiid the reptile throve on his diet. When the snake was taken to Sacra mento for exhibition it was uncertain how long the show would stay; but the patron age ot the Scramentans was generous, and the agent at once telegraphed for his showy posters to "bill the town." The dispatch read: "Send 'Jul cuts immediately," but when received it read : "Send 200 cats im mediately." It was a little bit of a sur prise to the agent in San Francisco when he read the message, but he reasoned that rabbits were scanr in Sacramento, aud it was necessary to substitute cats for the regular provender, so lie started out an army of boys to catch all the stray cats. Iy "the afternoon train ho sent a crate of r.lcat., with a letter s.iying: "I send 75 cats by this train, and wiil forward balance to-morrow, but 1 am afraid that number ol cats will cat the snake, if they get loose, instead of being eaten by him."' Ax audacious trick, says the Court Jour nal, was lately played by a "sneak thief" at a London club, lie entered the hall without attracting the notice of the porter, and proceeded to empty the pockets of the great coats he found ranged in a corridor. Vhilo selecting a few ol the liest. he was interrupted by a memlter, who in astonish ment asked hhn what he was doing "Oh. this is my regular business." he said. "I am employed to clean the gentlemen's coats in several clubs. 1 take all the grease out of their collars." "Indeed." said the gentleman, interested, thinking he had got hold of one he could turn to account. "How long do von take ':" "Why, I will Ik-back with these in an hour.'"' "If so you may as well take mine," s:ud the mas ter, adding his coat to the heap, and es corting the "sneak thief" past the jiorter. "What great conveniences you have in London!" remarked this country gentle man to a group of his friends. "I have just given my coat to a man I found in "tin corridor, who cleans coats for the club." "To whom d you sav?" cried two or three. "The man I found carrying the coats out. Wait 1 have his card."' But the knowing ones did not wait ; they hurried out to liud the pockets of some "great coats empty, and oilier coats alto gether gone. Storing Wt Coal. The London Medical Record says that eople who store wet coal in their cellars expose themselves to the dangers of sore throats and other evils, Even ihe tire damp which esejies from coal mines arises from the slow decomposition of coal at temperatures but little above that of the atmosphere, but under augmented pres sure. I!y wetting a mass of fre-hly bro ken coal.'and putting it into a warm cellar, the heap i heated to such a degree that carburet ted aud sulphuretted hydrogen are given oil lor long eriods of time, and pervade the whole lions'. '1 he liability of wet coal to produce mischievous result under such ciren instances, may be appre ciated from the fact that there are several instances on record of the spontaneous combustion of wet coal when stowed in the bunkers or holds of ships. And from this cause doubtless many missing coal vessels have perished. A SOTABLE TTEDDLSG. J .... Th Man-tare of ths Prenidvat's ln(blrr-A Ctrnnd Dlaplay at the nii iioaarTne Trooimeaa, frt- at, K-., el. A lady corresnondent irives the follow ing description ol the grand social event of the season at the National Capitol the marriage of Miss Nellie Grant and Mr. Algernon C F. Sartoris. of England : lief ore 11 o'clock- this innminir iMav 21 carriages liejran to fly merrily toward the W hite House, bearing the fortunate guests who were to witness the marriage of the President's only daughter. About 170 in vitations were issued on thick cream-color ed pajter, without letter or monogram ; in large cnp was the following : The Pbksidevt and Mrs. Caaxt Request the Pleasure of Your Company j ' at the j Marbiagb or THEIR DAlGnTIR, : At Executive Mansion. : on Thursday, May il, at 11 a. m. The cards inclosed were a large and plain one bearing the name of "Nellie W Grant," and another "Algernon C. F. Sartoris." THE EAST ROOM. The ceremony took place in the E&t I.oom, wnose manv windows, lace draped. were conservatories of rare flowers. The decorations of gold and white looked par ticularly brilliant and chaste under the el feet of the blazing gas-jets from the crys tal chandeliers, each with forty burners, The east window was a floral bower, and in front was a raised " dais" covered with Turkey carpet, over which hung a mar riage bell of white flowers 6o large that it reouircd the strength of four men to carry it from the green-house to the 'White House, un either side the dius stretched white ribbons, which divided the guests iron) the bridal part'. TnE GRAXD EXTRV THE TOILETTES. The entrv into the Fast llooin was as follows : 5lr. Sartoris and his best man to the foot of the dais, where thellev. Mr. 1 many, pastor of the Metropolitan Meth odist Episcopal Church, awaited the com ing of the bride, and afterwards performed a simple ceremony ; next Miss Conklmg, Senator Conkling's daughter, in white silk trimmed with tulle, and broad white sash, fastened by a spray of pink flowers ; with her was Senator Frclinghuysen's daugh ter, in white silk trimmed w"ith tulle, and white sash, caught by pale blue flowers. Then Miss Lizzie Porter in while and blue and Miss Minnie Sherman in white, with pink trimming; .Miss Drexel. blue and bright piquante ; Miss Madge Dent, pink. Last, Miss Fish, blue, and Miss Barnes, Miss Grant's favorite companion, in white and pink. Iheu entered THE BOXXIK BRIDE, leaning on her father's arm. Her dress was of the costliest white satin, with a train over three yards long, trimmed with two pointe d'Aleneon flounces half a yard deep, headed by fleecy puffings of tulle, in which were imbedded wreaths of orange blossoms. lielow the lace was a satin flounce a quarter of a yard deep, box-plaited on, with graeetul folds la-tween the plaits. The waist was high, trimmed to match the skirt, the sleeves reaching to elbows. Her veil was of tulle, crowned with orange blossoms. Her pearl and diamond orna ments, presents from the groom, are val ued at $10,000. She carried an exquisite bouquet of white flowers in a dainty carl and silver holder, set with jewels, and a jM-arl fan, with point-lace cover and her monogram in jewels. Mrs. Grant's dress was black Antwerp silk, embroidered with lilac spr.ij-s, and large deep purple vel vety pausies and pulls, of black illusion. The groom was in lull evening dress, and Fred Grant, his best man, in full uniform. The ushers also were in lull uniform. THE 11KEAKKAST TABLE luxuriated with every conceivable floral product wrought into every imaginable torni. Mottoes in flowers, "Success to the President," "Success to the Supreme Court," and "Success to the Navy and Army,' were conspicuous at the table ends. The m?m, printed in blue letters, on a white silk riblton, fastened to a heavy pink paper background by a white knot, was laid at each plate. At VI in. the bride disappeared to don her traveling dress, which was a rich brown silk skirt, and elaborately embroid ered camel's hair cloth polonaise, hat and rloves to match the suit. 1 lie " lenna," one of the handsomest palace cars ever made, bore the voting couple to New York, where the- will stay until Saturday, when they take a steamer lor England. Ihe car was profusely trimmed with flowers and gay-colored banners, and English and American nags. TWEXTV-FIVE TRUNKS. Mrs. Sartoris leaves her native country with only twenty-live immense trunks, in which she carries her modest wardrolie, to say nothing of the boxes which it will re quire to shelter the flood of gifts rained upon this fortunate young damsel ol nine teen years. Although her dresses were all niadebv a New York modiste, they are ex- qui-itely beautiful, and reflect credit on the kill ol our countrywomen equal to the far-lamed notoriety of Worth. In her trousseau are six black silk walking-suits, variously trimmed, one with straw, with silver, and lace, anoth r with jet andjace ; three long black silk dresses and twenty embroidered white muslins, some to be worn over colored silks, others as watteau morning dresses ; an evening dress of silk plaid with two waists, one high, the other decollete ; one dress, which looks like a beautiful dream, is ol pale lilac, trimmed with plaiting of crepe lisse of the same col or, and covered with masses of almost fragrant violets. Another has a petticoat of white silk, with puttings of crepe lisse and a court train of white silk, brocaded with white and purple lilac blossoms and pink moss rosebudsat the left side, and ex tending entirely around the train is a wreath of the same flowers. Then there is a tairv-like blue dress, trimmed with dainty straw and lilmy Valenciennes flounces, and another of white silk, trimmed with black Brussels lace and flounces. Then there are India shawls, so sort and fine that they can be slipped t hrough a finger-ring; aud tiny slippers and shoes for every dress, and parasols with lace covers and mrcly-carvednandles; ex quisite and costly sets of black ami white laces, given her by her fattier, and lingerie that is as dainty and as richly made as if for some undine or nymph. WEPDIXG I'RESEXTS. As to presents, nothing like them, either in elegance or profusion, hs ever been seen in this country. The up-stairsroom, denominated the library, was literally packed with gifts, aud tables groaning with ihe precious weight, stood on three sides of the room. The sight was perfectly daz zling and bewildering. A very conspicu ous present, standing as high as the room door, in a leather case lined with pink satin, was from Mr. G. W. Childs, the Philadelphia banker. It was a solid lus terless silver fruit set, lined with gold, con sisting of an elaborate einrgne, plates, and seven dozen sjHwns, forks, and knives. Another costly affair was the present ot Mr. I trexel, another Philadelphia banker, which was a solid silver breakfast set ot ten or twelve pieces, in a case nearly as large as the one just described. Senator and Mrs. Stewart donated a beautiful bur nished toilet mirror with monogram on top, and toilet articles to match. A card cae of native silver ore came from f;ir-ofl Denver. Col. Some beautiful and rare moonstone earrings, sent from some other distant place. Governor Shepherd sent a magnificent set of pink cwal. Then there were several costly point-lace handker chiefs, some Valenciennes flounces, fichus, and sashes; a large emerald ring, set on either side with diamonds, an aigrette, the design being a peacock graspingln its feet a pearl of great price, its body emerald, its tail glistening with a hundred tremulous brilliants, aud an emerald and pearl set costing S4.000. There were numberless necklaces and lockets, and several elegant gold watches, niomentoes from the brides maids, and a solid silver ice-cream set; fans of every description ; gold bracelets, one espociaily superb with monogram "N. W. G." in diamonds and rubies ; diamond lings, punch-bowls, gold salt-cellars, nut pickers with saucy little squirrels cracking golden nuts on the handles ; glove boxes in every stvle aud of every material, and jewelry and riches euongh lb rival Tifli-ny's or Ball & Black's establishments. The only other marriage which has ever occurred at the White House was thatol Miss Marie Monroe, in 120. to a Mr. Gov erneur, of Ne York, but it could never have approached the present one in magnificence. Ice-Water. One'of the most fruitful causes of dys pepsia our national disease is, unques tionably, traceable to the excessiv drink ing of ice-water. We use far more ice in this country than is used in all the world Ieside. While we are Inclined to boast of this as a luxury, we forget that, like many other luxuries, it does a deal of harm. The temperature of the stomach at which di pestion takes place, is from 93 to 100 (Fahrenheit). Consequently, the effect ot swallowing ice-water, which must for a while reduce the temperature from 30 to 40 at least, cannot fail to be hurtful, and if habitually indulged in, to insure the dis order so widely prevalent and so distress ing in character. In cities and large towns we are perpetually drinking ice-water in winter as well as summer. We drink it before our meals, with our meals, after our meals, on going to bed and on getting up. In fact, there is no hour when we are awake that we do not drink it. If you ring the bell at any American hotel, the servant who answers it brings you a pitch er of ice-water, supposing that you want ttiat anyhow, and that you must swallow a certain quantity before you are prepared to make your other wishes known. If you go to breakfast on a bitter cold morning, the first thing the waiter places before you is a goblet of ice-water; and the chief ener gy he displays is in keeping the goblet full to the rim. Although he may not get you anything you order, you can depend on hifn for a bounteous supply of the freezing liquid. Immoderate drinking of any kind is al most entirely due to habit. This is par ticularly true of ice-water, which, by spon taneous reaction, tias the eHect oiexciung, rather than allaying thirst. The more we take of it, the "more we want. The man who begins with a pin a day, wilk before a great while, crave half a gillon, and im agine that he cannot do with less. M can while, Jiis food will have no chance to digest, and temporary indigestion will in due time become chronic. His deranged stomach will alfi-ct his head, and the in dulgence of a foolish habit finally result in unhealthy action of the brain, and possible disturbance of his mental and moral facul ties. The objection is not to water in any reasonable quantities, but to the ice that i"s put into it. Water that is allowed to run for a while through pipes, or drawn from a well, is as cool, even in summer, as is consistent with perfect health. After drinking it for a time the palate will not ask for ice. It is advisable to vary water with cold tea, coffee, milk or lemonade, since the interchange of these has a ten dency to diminish the amount of liquid wanted ; and health generally is better preserved by little than by large drinking of any kind." Scribner'a Mouthly. Transplanting Strawberries. We have more or less inquiries every season about transplanting strawberries in summer or autumn, the nest time. etc. We would say that the best time of all to make new plantations is in the month of April, or in late seasons, in the early part of May. But there are circumstances that wnl justify transplanting the latter part of the season. Jt the owner ot a garden has no bed of strawberries to bear next sum mer, we would advise setting one just as soon as good plants can be obtained, and the ground is moist. There is great difficulty in procuring plants for setting in August or Septem ter. Every grower of r.ants for market knows that to dig up before the season of growth is over will probably destroy many, unless a great deal of care is exer cist'd. Every runner that issues from the original plant, will start leaves and strike root every few inches in its growth, and continue to do so, if not broken, until growth is arrested by cold weather. Af ter new plants have formed along the run ner, it soon ceases to depend upon the original plant, but draws its sustenance troin the latest ones formed ; hence, if we dig up the first roots, leaving two or three of those most recently rooted, the runners will continue to grow and strike roots, nd none be destroyed by the tugging. lint this requires a great deal of care, and greatly augments the cost of digging, so that nursery men must have much higher prices for their plants, to compensate them for their extra labor. New plantations made in April, if well cared for, ought to be able to furnish good strong plants this month, and we would advise any reader who wishes to plant a bed for family use to prepare it well, im mediately engage the plants, and when the first rain conies set them with care. If everything should prove favorable the piants would become well rooted hetore winter, and i tertians hear half aeronnext summer. Ii not transplanted before the 20th ot September the plants will not be likely to become so deeply rooted as to be able to resist the heavings of the win ter or spring frosts, should they he unfa vorable, and the next summer's crop of berries would probably be ligtit. Ameri can Rural Home. in The Intelligence of Bees. The following illustration of the power possessed by insects to communicate their experiences to one another is given by a lady correspondent ol the London specta tor: "I was staving in the house of a gentleman who was fond of trying experi ments, and who was a bee keeper. Hav ing read in some book on bees that ttie Itest and most humane way of taking the honey without destroying the tiees was to immerse the hive for a few minutes in a tub of cold water, when the bees, being half-drowned, could not sting, while the honey was uninjured, since the water could not penetrate the closely waxed cells, he resolved on trying the plan. I saw the experiment tried. The bees, ac cording to the recipe, were fished out of the water filter the hive had been im mersed a few minutes, and with those re maining in the hive laid on a sieve in the sun to dry. But as by bad management, the experiment had len tried too late in the day, as the sun was going down, they were removed into the kitchen, to the great indignation of the cook, on whom they revenged their sufferings as soon as the warm rays of ttie lire liefore which they were placed revived them. As she insisted on their being taken away, they were put back into their old hive, which had been dried, together with a portion of their honey, and placed on one of the shelves of the apiary, in which were five or six other strong hives full of bees, and left for the night. Early the next morn ing my friend went to look at the hive on which" tie experimented the night before, but, to his amazement, not only the bees from that hive were gone, but the other hives were also deserted not a bee re mained in any of them. The half drowned bees must therefore, in some way or other, have made the other bees understand the fate which awaited them." The Right or Left Arm I The question, whether a gentleman walking with a lady should give her his right or left arm, is frequently discussed. Custom and written etiquette are rather in favor of the right, although there are ex cellent reasons in behalf of the left arm. Either one or the other, permanently re t lined, is vastly better than the awkward and absurd habit of changing arms, so as to place the lady on the inside of the promenade. One advantage of giving the left arm is that the person on ttie right naturally takes the lead, so that, in the country or city, in the sm et or park, lie ihus readily directs the way, instead ol waiting to consult with his companion, or causing a jostling by each of them trying to move to opposite "iKints. Another ad vantage is, that in a crowded thoroughfare, such as Broadway, for example, where the sidewalk is invariably encumbered with merchandise and thronged with people, a gentleman needs his right arm to remove obstructions aud keep rude or careless folks out of the way. "Home and Society,'1'' Scribner'i for June. Amoxg the real solid accomplishments of the young men of the period, to ttie elaboration of which some of them give up their whole minds, the following are noted as especially prominent: Parting the hair at the equator, wearing prodigious neck-ties and gold-headed canes, and blow ing "wings" of cigar smoke. In real artistic dovelopment of talent not to say genius this last accomplishment caps the cli Eax of intellectual exploits. A Torter county, Indiana, young lady has the ambition to raise two thousand chickens this season. How much nobler it would le. says an exctiange, were she to devote tier heaVen-born energies to poetry, pianos and croquet, HOME INTERESTS. Powdered chalk added to common gl ue strengthens it, Maccarooxs. 1 pound sugar. I round blanched and pounded almonds, whites of 3 eggs ; sprinkle sugar on paper; drop in little cakes. Dr. Daxverxk recommends the use of lime water to relieve the burning sensation produced by the sting of wasps and bees. This remedy is frequently at hand when ammonia is not to be had. To cure a felon prevention is better than cure. When a soreness is felt, immerse the finger in a basin of asties and cold water ; set it on the stove while cold, and stir it continually witheut taking it out till the lye is so hot that it cannot be borne anv longer. If the soreness is not gone in half an hour, repeat it. Calf's-Feet Jelly. Wash and prepare one set of feet, place them in 4 quarts of water and let them simmergenuy o nonrs. At the expiration of this time take them out and pour the liquid into a vessel to coot. When cold, remove every particle of fat, replace the jelly in the preserving kettle and add 1 pound ot loal-6ugar, the rind and iuice of 2 lemons: when the sugar has dissolved, beat 2 eggs with their shells in 1 gill of water, widen pour into the kettle and boil 5 minutes, or until per fectly clear; then add 1 gill of Madeira wine and strain through a flannel bag into any form you like. . Cherry or Damascene Eoll. Boiled pastry should be prepared with as much care as that meant for baking, the propor tions ot butter, lard, and nour the same, viz., i pound to a quart, if you wish the pastry rich. For a family consisting of from eight to ten members 1 quart is a large enough quantity el flour to give out. Stew the cherries, or whatever fruit you design, with a little sugar ; roll out the pastry into a thin sheet the thinner the better ; spread over a thick layer of ttie truit, and then, commencins at one side, roll carefully until all the fruit is inclosed within the paste; pinch together at the ends, and tie up in a strong cotton cloth ; then drop into a pot of boiling water. The Morelloor sour red cluster cherry is the best for this purpose, or some other fruit possessing acidity. To be served with sweet wine sauce." Boiled Wheat. Excellent dishes for breakfast, dinner or supper can be made from unground wheat boiled. The fresh est and cleanest wheat, with the plumpest kernels, should be selected. The white and the amber-colored wheats cook the most readily, and they are also preferable on account of having a thinner skin. Time is saved, in picking it over, to have it first run through a smut machine and then washed, though ttie cooking over is indis pensable. Put it to boil with five or six parts water to one of wheat, by measure. Cover close, and after it begins to boil set it where it will barely simmer. Cook it four or five tiours, or until the kernels mash readily between the thumb and fin ger. Hard wheat of any kind will re quire still more time, and some kinds may be cooked all day without softening. When done it should be even full of water or juice, which thickens and becomes gelatinous on cooking. Salt and send to the table warm, to eat with meats and vegetables at dinner. It can also be eaten by itself, trimmed with sugar or butter, or both, or sirup, or milk, ft molds nicely, and may be served cold at breakfast 6r supper, or it may be steamed up and served hot at breakfast. The long cook ing it requires, of course precludes its be ing served fresh at that meal. After it has once cooled, however, it cannot be made so soft aud liquid as at first by any sub sequent cooking. Like other starch, when it once sets it loses its liquidity. Marvelous, if True. It is a curious fact, it steamboatmen be not misled, that the Mississippi is con stantly moving its ctiannel further east The world, revolving from west to east, may force the great volume of water to im pinge more violently against the eastern, than its reactionary motion against the western shore. Earthworks erected in the extreme northern portion of the bights on which Columbus, Kentucky, stands, on which Bankliead's battery was long en camped, have long since been swept into the Gulf of Mexico. So with those at Fort Pillow aud at Randolph, of which not a vestige remains. The pretty plateau of 1SC1 at the water's edge in front of the navy-yard, on which there were ten or twenty old thirty-two-pounders and bar barous field-pieces of the olden time, now pave the ocean's bottom, and nearly sixty acres in front of Memphis have drifted out to sea. Ttie same state of facts obtains at Vicksburg ami Natchez, and it is only at Helena, and for a very short distance, that the uplands on the western shore of the .Mississippi are at all or anywhere visible. From Cairo to the Balize the river is ap parently moving toward the east. The same facts and the same influences, civil engineers luve often asserted, affect rail ways that extend from north to south. The eastern rails are worn away more rap idly than those on the west side of the trackway. Thereniustbesonieunsecn force tilting each locomotive toward the rising sun, and we would Ite pleased to learn whether these (ironically speaking) " crea tures," are addicted to the ugly habit of tumbling over and smashing things toward ttie east. Do a majority of little accidents occur on the eastern side of the great high ways connecting Chicago and Mobile and New Orleans? and do river pilots find it difficult to prevent steamers sticking their noses into the eastern bank of the river? The facts as to the conduct of the river are as stated, and with singular impatience we await a sot ut ion of ttie mystery at the hands of the Lotos Club, or of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dumb Brutes, or at the hands of the woman crusaders, who must take a deep interest in this question affecting the fortunes of the " Big brink," as the Chickasaws called the Mississippi. Memphis Appeal. Dox't Tamper with a Cough. Perhaps in the whole category of diseases to which hu manity is susceptible, the couh is most neg lected in its early stage. A simple euugh is generally regarded as a temporary affliction unpleasant and nothing more; but to those who have paid dearly for experience, it is the signal for attack for the most fearful of all diseases Consumption. A cough will lead to consumption if not checked so sure as the rivulet leads to the river, vet it is an easy ene mv to thwart, if met by the proper remedy. Allen's Lung Balsam is the great cough rem edv of the age, and has earned its reputation by merit alone. Sold by all good druggists. Means What He Says. Though "eonfimations strong as proofs of Holy Writ" and as numerous as the sands on the sea shore, were produced to prove that the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy is in earnest and means what he says, when he offers $ 500 reward for any case of Catarrh which he cannot cure, yet there would be some skeptics and fogies who would continue to shout "iMm65f."' " Ht'MBt'G ! !" "It cannot be, because Dr. Homespun savs Ca tarrh cannot be cured." "Now, this Dr. Home spun is the identical, good natured old fellow who tionestly believes and persists in declar inz that this earth is not round or spherical, but as flat as a " slap-jack," and does not turn over, othewise the water would all be spilled out of Ieacon Bascom's mill pond. But as tronomical science has positively demonstrated and proven that Dr. Homespun is wrong in supposing the earth to be flat and stationary, and medical science is daily proving the fact that he is no less mistaken and behind the times in regard t- the curability of Catarrh. In short it has been positively proven that this world mores, ana that medical science is progressive the opinion of Dr. Home spun to the contrary notwithstanding. That Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will cure Ca tarrh, thousands who have used it attest. Thrn buy it, untl use it, in doitht do not stand, Ycu will And it in drug btorea all over the land. From the Catflkill R-corder of Nov. 15, 1S72. GOOD REMEDY. We invite attention to the advertisement of Sage's Catarrh Kemedy. Our readers will bear us witness that we never knowingly commend humbugs of any name or nature, and a large portion of patent medicines may safely be classed as impositions upon public credulity. But having witnessed the benefi cial effects of Sage's .Remedy upon the mem bers of our family and others, in Catarrhal eases, we unqualidedlv pronounce it a valua ble medicine, entitled to public coHfidence. The proprietor could easily obtain in Cats kill many certificates of its merits. The Great Family Medicine. Dr. Wil hoft's Anti-Periodic or Fever and Ague Ton ic! No case of incurable Chills has yet pre sented itself, where this scientific and safe medicine has been employed. No catte has been found so obstinate as to resist its prompt ! and masterly action. o man nas been so re duced by malarial influences, but with its use has come up perfectly reconstructed. ' No pills or purgative required with this medi cine. Wheelock, Fixlay & Co., lToprie tor. New Orleans. For Sale by all Druggists. Through all the ages of study and investigation which have marked the path of scientific discovery, " one especially al luring object has tempted! the inquiries and speculations of philosophers. It is what the wizards and witches of olden time, the iugglers of India, soothsayers of Arabia, ilagi of Egypt, necromancers of Turkey ana the Orient, and alchemists of civilized Europe have sought, but sought in vain a vegetable non-poisonout . Elixir, which, by cleansing the blood, removing from the system all impurities, strengthening the nerves, the muscles, and. the brain, and vi talizing every fiber of the system, should bid defiance to the corroding hand of dis ease. Dr. Walker, of California, discovered an herb, the properties of which, if they do not entirely fulfill all the conditions above mentioned, have at leat proved themselves efficacious in all of them ; this herb Doctor Walker has made an ingredient in his fa mous Vixegar Bitters, which can be ob tained of any wholesale Druggist through out the country. More than a thousand Phvsicians recom mend the National Surgical Institute of In dianapolis. Indiana, and direct their patients there for treatment for Physicians in general practice have not the apparatus, appliances, and facilities to do them justice. This Insti tution, with $500,000.00 capital stock, treats thousands of cases of Paralysis, Diseased and Deformed Joints, Crooked Legs and Feet, Piles, Fistula, Catarrh and Chronic Diseases. Address the Institute for Circular. There are several kinds of worms which trouble horses; the pin-worms (pointed at both ends) are the most common and most dangerous. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders will in a few days eject the worms, and the horse will begin to tnnve. Factories and machine shops should not be allowed to run a day without Johnson's Anodvne Liniment. In case of a sudden accident, an immediate use of it may save weeks obsutTering, and perhaps a limb, or even lire. Attexd to the first symptoms of Consump tion, and that disease may be cnecKeu in its incipiencv. Use immediately Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, a safe remedy in all diseases of the lungs. The Atlantic Cable is a national benefit, so are SILVER TIPPED Shoes for children. Never wear through at the toe. Try them. For Sale by all Dealers. Gopey. The illustrations in the June number are fully up to the standard of this mag azine, and the literary contents are also of the usual excellence. A new story by Marion liar land " Mrs. Hillier's Queer Whim" is begun in this number, and will be finished in the next The June number completes the eighty-eighth volume and forty-fourth year of this deservedly successful publication. Many extra good things are promised for the July number. An excellent story by Caroline Orme, entitled "Country Homes in New England a Century Since," will be commenced to run through Ave or six num bers. In addition to the other attractions will be given another of those handsome chromo illustra tions. Published by h. A. Uodky, Philadel phia, Pa., at $3.00 per yearj four copies $10.(0, and a beautiful chromo to each subscriber. Thirty leant' Experience of an Htl Xursr. Mes. Winplow's Sootitino Stticp Is the prcscrlp luit of nut; cif ..lie btst Female Physicians aud Xurs-es .:i V.tC I'nited SUU-3, uutl lnu been used fur thirty .jus with nrver-iiuliiipr s tft ty ami success by mill- lis of motlit rs and cltiWri u, from the feeble Infant if oue week old to the adult, it corrects acidity ol l.o :amiach, relieves wind co'le, recalates the bow and jrives rest, hoalth, and comfort to mother and :.:ld. We liclirve it to be the Dcst and Surest Home ly in the World in nl cases of liYSEXTEUY anu ): .!:l:lfEA IX CMIL.)1:F.N', whether it arises from !'..( tiling or from any other cause. Full directions -r i:siny wiil accompany each bottle. None (Jenu;iit .idi sst:ic fac simile of CCIU'IS & 1'Eliii.lNS is on !:e out -.ide wrapper. Eoi.u iiy aix Medicine Dealers. . Children Often Look Pale and Sick v'rom no other cans?: than liavi: r worms in the stoin .cli. llliOWVS VKRMIFtf HE COMFITS .vi!l d-stroy Worms without ih Jury to the child, bcini frrtly wniTK. and free from ail coloring or other i:ji'iious higrtdicuts usually u.-id in worm prepara ;ons. CUKTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, Xo. 215 Fultou street, New York. Slilbtj Zrngqhtf v.ttft Chmizt. and Dealer in .l.-i.-iHf. t TwK.VTY-KVE I JvJiTS A Box. w HEX writing to advertisers please mention the name ot this paper. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDIES. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLEE AND ATiTiEU'B LUNG BALSAM ! AND Why They Should Be Kept Al ways Near at Hand. j Paln-Killer Is the most certain cholera core that medical science has ever produced. 2j Allen's Kuni Balsam, as a cough remedy, has no equal. 3. Pain-Sillier will cure cramps or pains In anypart of the system. A single dose usually effects a cure. 4. Allen's Lung Balsam contains no opium in any form 5. Paln-Killer will cure dyspepsia and Indigestion If used according to directions. C Allen's Lung Balsam as an expectorant has no eqnal. 7. Pain-tiller has proved a sovereign remedy for fever and ague, and chill fever; It has cured the most obstinate Jises. 8. Allen's Lung Balsam Is an excellent remedy for curing bronchitis, asthma, aud all throat diseases. . Paiu-Klller as a liniment is nneqnaled for frost bites, chilblains, burns, bruises, cuts, sprains, etc. 10. Allen's Lung Balsam will cure that terrible disease, consumption, when all other reme dies till 11. Patn-Klller nas cured cases of rheumatism and neuralgia after years' standing. 11 Allen's Lung Balsam is lamely indorsed by phy sicians, druggists, oultlle speakers, ministers, and the press, all of whom recommend its use In cases of cough, cold and consumption, and commend it in the highest terms. The above reasons for the nse of these valuahh! and standard medicines are founded on facts, and thousands will connnn what we have said. The de mand for them Is Increasing dally, and large sales are made in foreign countries. J. N. HARRIS & CO., Prop'rs, Cincinnati, Ohio. For sale by all Medicine Dealers. HOUSEHOLD I "lvul You s"1 BiVJ fYP To aii persons Buffering from Rheumatism, Keuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or stom ach. Bilious Colic, Pain In the back, bowels or side, we would say Th HorsEHOu Pahacea ajtd Fajiilt Lisimest Is of all others the remedy you want for internal and external nse. It has cured tha above com plaints In thousands of cases. There Is no mistake about It Try It. Sold by all Druggists. FAMILY LDmtENT. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA aitd FAMILY LINIMENT. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS AS ELEGASTM B0l7il CAXV.4SSING BOOK for the best and cheapest Family Bible ever pub lished. will be sent tree of charge to any bookairent. It contains Over 700 nne S'Tfpture Illustrations. an-J afceins are meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Address, slating experience, etc., and we will show vou what our agents are doing, NA TIONAL PUBLISHING Co.. St. Louis. Mo. mnm Ot the Multitude whose avocations restrict hem to a sitting posture, more than two-thlrdssuffer from Constipation. Do they not know that an occa- iiRRANT'S seltzer aperient would prevent all their misery i Its regulating prop erties are unparalleled, for sale by all dealers la medicines. ssaVAGKVTS sertfl e. for sample oV thel finest collection of Novelties ever oiiereo. i-nco list free. Si-iclaie Co. ,539 Broadway, it . 14 DR. WHITTIEE. c""rr:.,:S.L.u,m- tyMir: eii a- '1. ! urfv-'.t pityUlmuol UN ac. .,! - F....II.M-' ll-O. Cll..lrll tiiiiw 25 cis. with address'-s of 5 orders and VI 11 I recetve'MKtnaida line Chromo. 7xi. worm rjnr 1 J"1. and instructions to clear t u J i.J. rSw'ls Pll-xj & Co.. ion South 8th 1'hila Pa. ANTED.' .3.000 AGEVTS. 3300 pr irnifTH. lnd stamD for )articnlars, or 50c. for sample, to DANIEL SHL'NK,Perfumers,cor.OakA lstbt.,Bath,Ill. DR. SAM'L S. FITCH'S FAMILY PHYSICIAN Will be sent free by mail to any one sending theii address to 7U Bkoadway, New loak. ST. LOUIS ADVERTISEMENTS. Tuu sc ro jvrni sv . Send for Trie l17 A l H. FviXTl1TllTi ce List and Catalogue H-rod SL. nt. PATF.XT LEU AXD IMS. Atredneodrtrleea. Price list free. Address L. LOCKWOUD. 700 N. th St.. St. Louis. 3 SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED In each county for the Spring and Summer. Er Mint h. Send for circular giving full partic ulars. A McCTKDY, St. Louis. Mo. IITIXH OR DK A D. Send name and address 1 of ' Hedges" heirs to Engllah leraey. Object, prosecution. Address Hedges A Co., St. Louis. Mo. Cfjrk a week. Ag'ts wanted eTervwhere. Clr'ls C 0' A samples tree. F. A. Ell. Charlotte. Mich. CPUnni ntClfC best deslgnsatlowet cost. OwflUUL U CO Iw Send for circulars. Nation al School Furniture Co., Gutit hestnutst., St. Louis. Hivrni for the rw book by m mniYf.v Sendfor tlUOU UllilJIiiUk) clrriilnrsj "IVtBtBOIIT'll PRIKB" .l TLB MS U Continental I'ub. Co., Bl. Lout, Mo Profitable Employment. Work for KverrlMidy, (Joot V.(f. Permanent Employment. .vfen mm W omen wanted. S'n 1 1 nartlenlars tree. Address W. A. H EXDKKSON A CO., Cleveland, ).. or St. Louis, Mo. $25 Per Day ptiaranteedMtngenf Well Auger SCHOOL DIRECTORS "rS! 11. H. LK.WIS, 9iH Washington av., St. Louis, Mo. J?ICPrdav. l.lXW Agents wanted send stamp TSlO to A. H. ELAIti CO. f-. Louis. Mo. ;-. EACH WI.I K. Agents wanted. Partlc 5 I 1 ulars tree. 4. Worth A Co., St Louis.. Mo. WE And Our NEIGHBORS" is the latest and raciest work by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Th Minister's Wooing," "My Wife and I," and other powerf ul stories, each the liter ary sensation of its period ; an d this etorj promises a like pcuuine and uholcsorru sensation. It bears directly on eocia topics of interest, embracing the romanct of youthful companionships, the bright ness of happy home-life, the spicy com plicatfriis of neighborhood associations and such follies and profound domestic miseries as have led to the widespreac Temperance movement of the day. Mrs. Stowe is now in the prime of thai peni us which wrote ' Un cle Tom" ripeneo by years of study and observation. Hei novels are immensely popular, " Cnd Tom's Cahin" alone out-selling by hun dreds of thousands any edition of any original work ever published save tht Bible. Her book two years ago, "My Wife and I," outsold every contemporary Such a pure and ennobling story as " We and Our Xcighbors" should be read in every home. This attractive Serial is just beginning exclusively in the Weekly Family Xetcspaper, THE CHRISTIAN UNION, HEX It J! WARD IiEFCIIEIi, EDITOR. 4, In religious matters this paper is Evan gelical and Unsecttiriau ; in political af fairs, independent and outspoken. It con tains the best articles, and both short and serial stories, from the foremost writers; It aims to maintain the highest standard in Keligion, Literature, Poetry, Art, Mu sic, Science, News, Politics, Household and Family Affairs, with Stories, Rhymes, Puzzles for the Children, etc. Nothing is spared to make it a complete Xcicsriapcr for the Family, pure, attractive, wide awake, and up with the times a journal interesting to every one in the household, young or old. It is A MARVEL OF CHEAPNESS. For less than one cent a day, it gives every week reading matter enough to fill au ordinary ?1.25 book of over 3i)0 pages; and in a year 52 such volumes, . e., 05.00 worth cf matter! To each is thus riiESEXTED A COMPLETE LIBRARY. Its form, 24 pages, large 4to, pasted and trimmed, commends it to all. The well-earned popularity of this paper is now such that of its class it has the Largest Circulation in the World, and readers by hundreds of thousands. An Illustrated Number, containing the opening chapters of Mrs. Stowe's admirable story, wiil be 8EXT FREE to every new and renewing Sti!seriber. If you are not already a Subscriber, send at once and secure it under these LIBERAL TERMS. The pnpor may be hail either with or with out the attractive premiums offered : viz., the CnRISTIAX UXIOX, One Tear, only $3.00. Or, with premium pftt'r French Oleo graphs, "Ottr lttiiis" (size. Hi 13J inches each,) cherminpr in design and execution, mounted, sized, varnished, ready for framing, ItiliixreU t ree 83.50 Or,witli large premium French Oil Chro mo, "The Lord is Hisen," a beautiful Cross and Flower-piece, which sells in art stores for fo.00, (size, 11 1 16 inohs. mounted, sized, varnished, ready for framing. Delivered 1'rte 3.50 Specimen Copras sent free by mail on receipt often rents. f Money must be sent by Postal Money Order.Chcck, Draft, or Registered Letter. Otherwise it is at the senders risk. Address J. B. FORD Sl Co., Publishers. 'H Park Place, New York. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. The immense circulation of the CTtrtsffnn Tnion has been built up by active ennraxxrrt. No other publication compares with it for auiclc and rtrofiitabte returns. The public eairerness for Mrs. Stowe's new story, tbi popularity or tno paper, tne friendly support of thousands of old subscribers, the art if tit premiums for immediate dfliveni, lisrht outni and complete "instructions" to besrinDers, as sure repeated success to agents, and offer active intelligent persons unusual chances to mak money. All who want a safe, independent btisi ness write at once for terms, or send $2 foi chromo outfit to J. B. FORD & CO., New York fcwton, Chicago, Cincinnati, or San Francisco Wi Incorporated In 18. Its frifnds and patrons are fruin every Uind and speuk every tongue. It has outlived all rivalry. It has conquered the prejudice that was justly caused by all tuo metal trusses. It has grown stronger and firmer as the years have marched apace, aud, like a giant. Its arms encircle the world. Thera roust be some potest reason that has produced this wiinar-rful result. That reason is the simple fact that tha Elastic Truss Is worn nyrht and day, with comfort, retaining rupture In perfect ease, causing no inconvenience, can never be dis placed by the hardest exercise ; yielding and adapting It.-lf to every motion of the body, but always hold lne the runtnrsaafelv.and soon effects a perfect and TMfrmanentcure. This new and wonderful invention has prodused a radical revolution in treating Rup ture, and has absolutely driven ont of nse all the wretcnedmutal fluger-pad anasprlnir trusses that for merly cunteil the cummunltviand made life a burden to so many thousands upon thousands of suffering ones, who now are happily enjoying ouce more the bless ings and comforts of exigence. The I'nited States Government and Sargeon-Gen-eraj at Washington have arranged with the Elastic Truss Co. tosunply theirnew Truss to such Pension ers, Soldiers, etc.. as areeutltled to a Truss and may desire it. Such persons may apply to any one of the U s. Pension Surgeons tfcrontthout the country. Full descriptive circular, with directions, etc, sent free on request, and the Trass Is sold cheap ana sent by mail to all parts of the country, by TUB ELlASTTC TRl'SS COMPANY, 683 Broadway, -Vew York. NOVELTY PRINTING PRESSES. The Beat Vet laveated. For Amateur or Business Pirr pose. and unsurpassed for general Job Printing. Over 10,000 In Fse. m&'A l Z. f U BFXJ. O. TVOODS,'Mannfacturr VJ ' 7 7 -xl ana Jieierm every Description of J'-ii'-- t FP.rSTtSG MATERIAL. f ; Federal and IV JLneelaud "J-' atresia, Boston. i-,.",viS aoists: n'E. F. MarEnsictt. .MutTT-(it..yew York: Kelley, Ttow-'l I.wlwlg, 917 Marlcet-st., Philsdelpt ia ; P. P l:cnnd. iTS .M'jnroe-st., Chicago. tysena for l;. :-'..a njue. rlrant TSnsinrw for LADIES, selling oar p. rf urofi i:u'it)'-r Good., f or terms, address piSFT3LEi licBBSB WoEks, 7 Oreat Jouea &U, X. Y. - : Si ue. Tie Elastic Trass Co I- I ' i , 1 IBUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THE DYING BODY SUPPLIED WITH THE VIGOR OF LIFE THROTJQH DR. RAD WAY'S Sarsaparillian Re solvent, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ONE BOTTLE Will make the Blood pure, the Skin clear, tha Eyes bright, the Complexion smooth and transparent, the Hair strong, and remove all Sores, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Tetters. Cankers, etc from the Head, Face, Xeck, Month and Skin. It Is pleasant to take and the dose Is small. It Resolves away Diseased Deposits; It Purifies the Blood and Renovates the System. It cures with certainty all Chronic Diseases that have lin gered to the system live or ten years, wheth er It be Scrofula or Syphilitic, Heredi tary or Contagious, Bl IT StATCO I ni a Lungs or Stomach, Skin or Bones, Flesh or Nerves. CORRUPT D?G TIIK POLIP9 AND VITIATING Tllit FLUIDS. IT IS THE OXIT POSITIVE CXBE FOR Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Crlnary and Womb Diseases. Gravel, IMabetes.Pmp sy. Stoppage of Water, Iucontiuenre of Vrtne. ltrlghCs Disease, Albuminuria, andln all caseswhere thi-re are brick-dust deposit; Chronic Rheumatism, Scrofula, Glandular Swelling, Hacking Pry Cough, Cancerous Affections, Syphilitic Complaints, Bleed ing of the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Water Brah, Tic- Doulou reux, White Swellings, Tumors, L'lcers. skin and Hip Diseases. Mercurial Diseases, Kemale Complaints, Gout, Dropsy, Rickets, Salt Rheum, Bronchitis. Con sumption, Liver Complaints, l'lcers In the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system. Sore Eves, Strumorou Dlwharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin Dl'ae, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, King Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne. Black Spot, worms In the Flesh Cancers in the Womb, and al weakening and palnfnl discharges. Mght Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle are within the euratfve range of this wonder of Modern Chemistrv, and l few d.-'-s' use will prove to any person using It for either of these tonus of disease Its potent power luK:ure them. Sold by Druggists. $1.00 per Bottle. RDWAY'S READY RELIEF! The Cheapest and Zest Medicine for Family Use in the World! ONE BO-CENT BOTTLE WILL CURE MORE COMPLAINTS AND PREVENT TIIK SYSTEM AGAINST SI DDKN ATTACKS OK EPIDEMICS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES 111 AN ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS EXPENDED Milt OTHER MEDICINES Oli MEDICAL ATTEND ANCE. THE MOMENT RADWAVS READY RELIEF IS APPLIED EXTERNALLY OH TAKEN INTER. NAI.LY ACCORDING TO DIREl TMNS-1'.MN FROM WHATEVER CAUfeK. CEASES TO EXI&T. IMPORTANT. Miners, Farmers, and others resid ing In sparsely-settled dlftrkts. where It Is difficult to secure the services of a physician, RA D A i s READY RELIEF Is Invaluable. It can be used with positive awurance of doing good In all cases- where pain or discomfort is experienced ; or if seized with Intluenza, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Bad louahs. Hoarseness, Bilious Colic. Inflammation of the Bow els. Stomach. Lungs, Liver, Kidneys . or with I roup, Ouinsy, F ever and Ague; or with Neuralgia, lle:i.l ache, Tic-Donloureui. Toothache, Earache; or with r...h.r., P.lntntht Ksu'k.or Rheumatism : or with Diarrhua, cholera Morbus or Dysentery : or a ith Burns. Scalds or Bruises: or with Strains. Cra-iips or Spssms. The application of RAD WAV'S If.ADi RELlfcr will cure you 01 mo worst ui mcso com plaints In a few hours. .... , , Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will In a few moments cure ( KAMI'S. SPASMS. soCR STOM ACH, HEARTBURN. SIC K HEADACHE, DIAR RHOEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers Bhnulil alwavs csrry a bottle of R AD WAY'S READY RELIEF with 'hem. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or ps'its from chantre of water. It Is better than French B.-andy or Bitters as a stimulant. Sold by Druggists. Price, 50 Cents. DR. RADWAY'S REGULATING FILLS ! Perfectly tasteless", eleeantlv coated with sweet mm purge, repu late, purify, cleanse and strentrt hen. UAl-Sr tt A i s PILLS, tor me cure or all uisorners ot tne Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation Costiveness, Indi gestion, Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflam mation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. W arranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, lnineralsor deleterious drugs. CifObserve the following symptoms rcsultingfrom Disorders of theDigestlve Organs : Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood m the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust of Food, Fullness of Weight In the Stomach. Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Wehs bef ore the Sight, F ever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency f Perspiration, Y'ellowuess of the Skin and Eves, Pain In the Side, Chest, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes ot Heat, Burning in the Flesh. A few doses' of RADW.WS PILLS will free the system from all the above-named disorders. Price 25 cts. per Box. Sold by Druggists. Read "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter-stamp to R ADWAY CO., No. 33 Warren street. New York. Information worth thou sands will be sent you. Natos's Great Rsmedy voa au THROATandLUNG DISEASES!! It Is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, Lr which its highest medicinal properties are retain"!. Tar even in its crude state has been recommended by eminent physicians of every school. It is confident! y offered to the afflicted for the following simple reasons; 1. It curbs, not by abruptly stopping tht couh but by dissolving the phlegm and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation. In cases of seated COwsum ptiom it both prolongs and renders less burdensome the life of the anlicted sufferer. a. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated sur. face of the lungs, penetrating to each diseased Part, relieving pain, ana subduing inflammation. j. It rvftiPiss and enkichg the blood. Positive ly caring all humors, from the common pimple or MtrrnoN to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands of affidavits could be produced from those who have felt the beneficial effects of Pins Tree Tax Cordial In the various diseases arising from impukities o THE BLOOD. 4. It invigorates tht digestive organs and restarts tht appetite. All who hav known or tried Dr. L. Q. C. Wit hart's remedies require no references from us, but the Barnes of thousands cured by them can be given to ny on who doubts our statement. Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and Worm Sugar Drops have never been equalled. For talc by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at ' Er. L a C. W133A2T'S C2ee, As. 232 A. Ateeoiul fit, I'hUnd'm. The Bert Inthe World. BLATCHLEY'S OSIIZOTAI. 'Trotrr8 lrTir-r.) With the aid of tliiM Freerep a most delicious dessert of Ice Cream Water Ice. or . 1 wt.. u . 1 ui., ubmi u, v . , ui.J ua irumi ill jrOMl 5 to 8 or 10 minutes, at the will of the operator, with almost no trouble and but trlrlinff expense. Itlsac knowledgtd the "Best Freezer in the World," and a luxury no family should be without. Slzei, 3 to 40 ots. For sale by the trade fceneral'y If you want th Brnt. inquire for BlaUhley's Freezer, aud tf not for sale In tout town, senn direct to C ha.. Blatchley, Jlanuft'r,506Couimerce-i.,i'bila. pO.TAT EMPlrfYMKT.-AT ITOMK. j Male or Femaie. . 0 a week warranted. Nucap Ital reqalred. Full particulars and a valuable sample sent free. Address, with 6-cnt return ' aino, A. D. VOL'Xd.'tiO Fifth Street, uilauisuurgh, X X. 40 RATS KILLED m.. k.. a.iDanrinCttriT PHr'V. A.r yonr storekeeper tor iu J""-' r-"c--,"",;"- iew York. JCHNSOSI, HOLLO WAY Co.. Pbi.a. t ml VI sendlnjr s the address of ten person., with All 1 1 lv cts.. will receler- a beautliul 1 hromo I hutMi-tlnna Ki.w f I . uwl r ft nnflUti. ( 3(1 E' cut ri, Co., lt couth 8th fcl., i'iilla. TEA America. I THA- AGTTTfl wanted ta town and eouutry to sell TEA. or ret up elub or ders for the lanreit Tea ComnanT In Importers' prices and ndoceoienta to Arents. end tor cireniar. Andrew B0BifIWELLS.4YeejSt..K.Y. P. a loz EXl THBE1D for tout MACHME. Dr. 4. Walker's Calilbriii.i i'i 'Car Hitters are a purely Veireta'.o preparation, niailo cliietiy from the na sive herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of i'u!if.r aia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tin; us ef Alcohol. Tho question w alnn-1. iai." fked. - What is tin; cause ot the inpa -'.iieieil success of Vixr.f. vi: li r mis?" Cur answer is, that they rean-v the cause rf disease, and the paii.-nt re covers his heirlth. They arc the ieat hlood purifier and a lit'e-ivimr principle, a perfect Henovator and Invifrorator of tho syfein. Never before in the 'listory of tho world h;u a medii-iae In 1. 'tmiunli'il possesMn e "the remHiKuMe !iaiities of Vinkoar HrrntR in healine the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a p.-ntlit" Purpitivc as well as a Tonic, relievmif Congest iou or Ir.thniunation of ihe Liver ntul Visceral Organs, in Kiliou Diseaaes. Tho properties of Dr.- "Walker's Vl.M-liiAK r.n-TKKs are Aperient. Pinphoretie, Carminative, Nutritious. Laxative, Pinretie, Sedative. Couiiter-Irrituut, Sudoritic, Altera ive, an l Anti-llilious. IS. II. MrlMIV Ml) tT CO.. lnipirist antll'Ien. Airts., S;wi Frnnciseo. (.'1if.niia. md eor. of Vns!nntn ami Oiiirlton St.. N. V. Soll by all Druggists ami IKalers. "THE THRESHER OF THE PERIOD." This is the famous Vibrator" Tiirf.shfii. which liaa oreatel such a revolution in the tr.iMe and become so ri i.i.r f.s r aui.ism)- a the "leailinjr T hresher" of this l:iy un-l ifi-nerilion. More than seven lttouanil pitrchns4-rHiiil ninety thousand irniin miser pronounce thete machine kntirki.t I NKQI AI.I.KU f'T K"1 saving, time savimr, anl nmnrr nirtkinr. Four alxra made, viz: 21-lneh, 2S-liK-li. 32-iiM-li, and 3i-iiirl ryliiidera, wltli O, 8, M and 1 i-lloriw 'fluiinted'' Pswrn. A Isio Krpnralurs "alone " ri-lr-Kly lor Meam l'er,"d 1 111 proved roll I A ISLI; M K l.H tGIM S for Steam .llttfhlnea All per-on niii-ii'line to bny Threshine Ma chine, or scji;t tutors ulnr.-," or lire l'"tvers "al:ne," as well as obaim Uaim- kh and Fahv EArt .it nniu inrir ni:n mn-nnel, snvcl :in-l cleaned to the bet al anliiire, are invite. I tocii-l for our new f'rtv pin-e l!ltitratei P.-tmphlct and Circui;tr (trnlfrrr) jrivinsr full jviriicuhirs aliout t!te-e Iin-,nove l Machines unl other intor mntioti v.-tluuljle to fitrmi.-rs ami thre.lieriucn. Address, NICHOLS, SUEPARI) ft CO.. battle ( rets, n. C 0." 3 S i - Battle Crete, .r X PI - M Ul w 2 g n-tOVri-o1- r-r CJ 2 rr-?T S 0 0 3 t c FLORENCE C2 The lAma-rmitrittrd. Suit nt thrn i FLO K KM 14 MAHMJ M v iiINK t'O. aaainsttbe Sinner. Wnecler A, i and Gruver A iiaker l!umrnies, invulring orer Is finally UrcideH by the Fupmue Court of the Vuitnl Statrm in furor of tha U.OKENCK, whn h " ha liroken the Monopoly oHiyli Vrieet. THE NEvTfLORENCE la the OS I. T machine that inri bnrk srard atiri fonrarit, or to right and 67?. bimvlrst - Cheapest Jiest. Bold fob ahh Oni.t. SfFrtAi, TERMa to & I.I 114 and DKM.KKM. April, 1H74. Florence, dfaxn. 810, 330, 875 and 8100. Good, Durable and Cheap. Shijpsi lui fi: Use. ' Mnnnfactnre.l by .1. IV. CHAPMAN &. HI., M AUIsti.-i, l.L. tySend for a Catalogue. WOMAN" to the RESCUE. A STOBT or THE -SEW tKCMDC TO I TlinrrrrriJO latest and reatet book, oa Ut iLnillUU 0 the mont remarkable nprininira of modern tioiea a oitinRieqm-l to hi "M 4-TAr" and "TEa-SioHTs.' w 11 aruwein pmpit ne a mm pHblart, and sell like wildtire. Published at a low price to insare rapid sales and imroen-e circulation. Friends of temperance; ta-lp to circulate it. Com plete arnt s ootlit mailed on receipt of Qcua Citi Pcsusaiaa Co., Cincinnati, O. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye. Possesses qualities that no other de does, itsei feet is instantaneous and It Is so natural That It can not be detected. It Is harmless and easily anti!l-d, and Is In General us-? anion- the fashionable hair dressers to every larite. sit. Prtt-e fl.iai a box. Sold everywhere. Oifice, 40 CortUndt St.. N. V. Barnes' Foot and Steam Power Scroll Saw. For the entire ranee of Scml! Sawing, from the Wall to thel r nlce Bracket, 3 in. thick. .vcry AVood-worker should have one Fouryears In maraet UiousaniL osiitf? them. Persons ont of work, or tMt have spare time, can earn mtli one of these foot-power ni; chlnea from 40 to duels, per hoar. It Is a Dleasure o run one. har where yon saw this, and send for full dearrlptlon to W. K. & J.Babnzs. Kockford. IVinncbsicu 1 n.. ''I. AGEVTS WA5TFD to sen otir JnatTr-eelebrated Articles for Ladle wear. Iudlnnahle and :th solulely necessary. IO.OOO SOI, I) .MOV1 II L.Y. They rytve comfort and satif-v nun. NS LADY CAS DO H ITH11IT THEM. Pampie sent oa recelnt of S 4.00, I'llKE. bend for lUu trated Circular. Lli PEKLr. BflJBKi: , tlO ( hamnrrs iret. York. LAXE &' IJODLKY, MAXLTACTl-REIUJ OF The Bet Portable Farm Eir.rrr. tev, ad twelve horse rowEB. mounted oa a btrong YYayou au-l ready tor use. Our Improved Spark Arreter Is the best In i-. Pi nd order direct. Illustrated Catalog ues i"rn:a- ed 011 aopllcatloa to LAKE & BODLEY, JOHN WATEB STS., ClXCttTJf TI, O. A hlKKHKK KCHlOVMMP'IIOli Gnrntcd to any art teted by nstne my consumption remedy. X snncrea 0 v.r two years rrom iunyui.eaiie, but snffr no more. Partlcnlars free. GK'iIUjIi W. FHAZIER. ! Ontario si nc. Cleveland, Ohio. A GEXT9 WATTED, Men or "WoTien. f?t a il weekortioiforf-it-d. T Hrrret frre. Writs atoncetoCOWF.NCO., Eighth street. New Turk. a.-n.a... a.lw XO-H uu .1 . - ".1. 1 ui 1-1, --1. u ui b.Micaa ia fjBfir-u'arior -aai-Aj- Ma imi JT B 1 mm --2 r? Bn 3 I'Jft 0 sr C-l CT a-T w 3 Ann-, 3 f 2.o . 3 ?H.f3:g