MILAN EXCHANGE. County Directory. " KalXBOAD TIME-TABLE. LoatsTillr atxl Jlemplii Railroad. TRAINS pourn. 8:1.1 A.M. t-.V k. H. 10: Air. h. I"3Q. M. iiiu. TRAINS NORTH. S:I ft. K. ?:T) . M. S:o p. a. 6:Ul p. a. A. W. LOVING, Agent. Erprrsa, Mad, Xw rlas, SC Loala astd Cliieafo. EOCTH. Mas!. 7:40 a.m. (W a. m. Liprcsf, 10:00 P. M. 10:00 r. K. XOBTH. Express. 7:M.w. 8-00 a. a. Mail. :40r. a. 6:56 p. . P. H. UAWk.8. A rent. Trains on f-itlwT rsd. if aeneieary, wait half an hour ir trains ea the other. Arrival awd Departure of the Xalla. Arrive from the outa and Went at 6:i5 p. m. From the East, 11:3U p. m. From U North. f:4.'. ra. Depart North aad East. 6: .. Wast. 11:30 a. m. South. :4i a. m. J. O. Boyd, r?traatcr. COCNTY OFFICERS. Jons. Williams. Sheriff. M. C. Holme?. County Court Clerk. R. E. Haines. Chancery Cort Clerk. Win. Moore. Circuit Court Clerk. W. M. llaUorJ. Coroner. J. G. M wro. Trustee. 1. Allen. Ti Collector. I. A. W. lie. County Surveyor. A. 8. Currey. Superinteadeat Public Schools. W. II. Coi, Regit-ter. CITY OFFICERS. A. Jorinn, Mayor and Recorder. J. L. Williamson. City Attorney. J. L. McDonald. City Marshal. Dr. J. (J. Iioyd. M. L. Bawd. Wilson William ron. 8. F. Rutin, W. J. House. . H. Dickin son, Alderme. CHCRCIIES. Baptist -Ch arch street. J. P. Wearer. Pa. Preac hing every Sunday morning and evening. Truyer meeting Thursday evening. Sunday school 9 a. m. Methodist North Main street. B. F. Peebles. Pastor. Preaching erery Sunday morning and evening. Prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Suinlay-.fliool 9 a. m. Methodist At Friendship, three miles east of Milan, J. W. Jones pastor. Preaching fourth f unday in ra'-h month, at 11 a. m. Old School Presbyterian Dr. J. K. Bright, paxtor. Set ices 2d Sunday in each month. Cumberland Presbyterian At Friendship. S tmiles east of Milan, J. J. Gray, pastor. Serv : cm third Saturday and Sabbath iaeach month. i. o. Q.r. Milan Lodge. N.13-J.H. riolt. 5. 0. W. V WiIi.imon. V 0. R F Haun. Secretary. Vt II Coloy. Treasurer. Lodga meet vry Wednesday night. MASONIC. Milun Lodge. No. 101 Meets Wednesday 10 a. ti. -f t n"li fuli moon. Dr. M. D. L.Jordan, M i te . O. Lewter. Secretary. Luvinia Chapter No.56 Meets Friday aiglit ci or before ta-b. full moon. M. D. L.Jordan, II. P. V. L. Horner. Recorder. L.i vi iiia Council, No. 'W Meets Friday night on or before each full moon. M. D. L.Jordan, T. I. M. S. H. Hale, Recardor. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Milan i range No. HS Meets Friday before the f.irl Sunday, ct Odd Fellows' Hall. S. II. H.ile, M.n-ter. Robert Nesbit. Secretary. New Hope . nee No. 90 Meets 2d Saturday in c:i h month, at Friendship. B. A. Hurt. Mater. J. S. Cunningham, Secretary. W.ilnut Grove Grange. No. 43 Meets Friday evening before the tdiid Sunday in each month. 11. II. Goedoian, Master. I. M. II dm. Sec retary . I. 0. of G. 'I4. Triend-hip Lode, No. 1.1 Meets at Tricnd thip, S milos east of Milan, every 1st and 2d Hit lr.lny, Pt 7 p. m. James Lcnenberry. W. .'. T. P.' L. Atkinson, Secretary. Lavinia Lodge, "Nd" . Meets every Jd and 4lti Saturday, at 7 p. m. Banks Adams, W. C. T. George Fringcr, Secretary. Hope Hill Lodge, No. 351 Meets the second and fourth Saturday nights in each month. W. P. Childress. W. C. T. John W. Buna. Sec retary. Valnut Grove Lodpe. No. . Meets every Thursday nicbt. W. U. Goodman, W. C. T. r. f. t. Milan Council. No. 71 Meets every Friday nipht at Odd Fellows' Hall. W. J. House. W. P. II. L. Dickinson, Secretary. Announcements. Oar ( run for announcing candidate trc-mntj njfixs are five dollars, always IN ADVANCE. FLOATER. WALL We art requested to announce II. V . Wall, of Henry county, as a candidate f r.l iint Representative from the counties ot ;il)in. Carroll, Weakly and Hnry, in the nevt tieneral Aswmbly, subject to the deeif ion t a convention, if one be deemed necessary by the party. llautbaldt 'auvss(Uss. The convention met yesterday and orpmizod. Worked until late l:ist iiiht,anl In J made no nomination when we went to press. T Majs;iiraies. We keep 0:1 hand a supply of wr ra( nnd execution?, which we will ell at seventy-five cents perhundred. Call at R. J. Rolertion'8 for your phiits, eo'lars and fciirfs. 11 00 tue I'racit. A freight traiu bound south Sun 1 ty morning ran ofl the track between (ii!on and Humboldt, caused by a broken axle. The train was delayed a few hours. Nobody hurt and but Utile dannge done. ral lies w Wiing to rent house? or buy propertv e-'.n get Imrpiius by calling on O. II. ft illstiom, MiLin, Ttitn. 1-ly lo rurmera. As money is scarce and times are hard, we w ill for the next three months take almost any kind of produce in exchange for our paper. Bring in your but ter, eggs, chickens, etc. Kow I your time to pay for the EXCHANGE and never mi?s the money. Doors, tNish and Blindp, cheaper ihan ever before offered in Milan. II ale, YAsnooKA Co. I irenlea f Sw rlsaa. We understand aa excursion train ill leave Faducah fsr Xew Orleans Monday, November Oth; returning, leave Friday, tl 13th. Fare for the round trip has been fixed at 56. We 4-uppose a full delegation of Milanese will be on hood. Military tojapaay. Recent developments in this and other States indicate the Becesstj of wrae orgacired police or military force ia every community. It is suggested by a number of oar leading citizens tiat A3 organisation of this character be gotten p at once, and good citi-z-ns arc re'juu.te-2 toiaaetattlie court XAX)i t-di7- fcr.tttKs. Tlirce Chinamen passed p the road for Milwaukee last Monday One hundred and two ia tie shade last Mondavi IIow high ish dat? Dr A. C. Tearce is erecting a fine two etory dwelling ou Third street. Anderson, the tinner, has jost re ceived a new stock of wares in bis line. We understand a lodge of colored Masons has been organized in this city. The pay train on the M. & L. road passed up last week, and the boys are happy. We think the city fathers should have the rubbish en Railroad avenue removed. Tuesday "saw" Monday's 102 and "raised it" a coupl". We are complete ly cooteL Prof. Kf nnedy and family returned from an extended northern tour last Saturday night. Rev. J. R. Graves preached at the Baptist Church Tuesday night to a large congregation. Work on the Tennessee Central has played out completely. Dr Lea has made no report yet. Canl srwaebody establish, an ice house here? Consumers pay five cents per pound in this market. Mr. P. II. Hawks has adorned his dwelling with a new and beautiful voranda and an adJitional roozs. The trestle on the Central road, near the City hotel, caught fire from a passing freight train Monday, but was discovered and pnt out before any damage was done. Tke timber on the ridges in tha vi cinity of town is dving, and we are informed by the formers that the for est in many places resembles a "dead ening," being literally parched. A young "counter-hopper", return ing from his sweetheart's house, walk ed off the platform at the depot the other night. It is oidy alwut five feet high. He ought not to be star-gnzbg at such places. A house on the demjets farm, two miles south-west of town, occupied by J. W. King, was burned Saturday night, with -.11 its contents. Mr King and family were alent nt preaching at the time. It is thought the house was plundered and then set on fire. Mr King is a good citizen, and h is the rympathy of the entire communi ty ia his lo??. Jim Biiliiriton and Tool Little took a little tjo much crusade corJL! List Tuesday. Mayor Jordan only charged each of them fire dollars and cost for the prescriptions. Not hav ing the change about them, they were kindly sent to the calaboose. For want of other employment, they took a fiieudiy fight. BuUington was bad ly bruised. A party cf young poople left cur city last Friday morning for a fishing frolic and dinner in the woods. The party consisted cf Mr D., Miss M., Mr A., Mi-s B., Mr R., Miss T., Mr G , Miss M. They say that they spent a day long to be remembered with pleasure. They returned late in the evening1, all looking fresh and full of life but not full of h. Mr W. L. Anderson, brother of J. T. Anderson, of this city, is unfortu uate. At the first great Chicago fire he lost about 50,000 worth of property. Just before the last fire, he returned to that city and leased a large house. He had just completed the fitting up of this house, with the intention of go ing into business, when that was swept away. He says he is disgusted with that city, and intends to stay away from it in future. We received a letter, too late for publication, from Rev. J. M. Holmes, stating that a nine days' meeting had just closed at Pleasant Plains. We make an extract: "It was truly a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Thirty-eight souls were happily converted to God, among the number an old man 60 years of age. Twelve accessions to the Church aud a number of penitents left at the alter." Clothing guaranteed ten per cent, cheaper than any house in the city. 15 " Stone & Mills.. Ml Ian 'a Inrreaae. The er.6us of 1S70 shows the pop ulation of Milan civil district to be 1-54S. Last Thursday 497 votes were polled here, and there were at leflbt fifty not polled. There are now about 530 voters ia this district. Es timate the population at six to each voter and we have 3300 inhabitants, an increase of 1752 in four years, lu 1870 the town of Milan had about 800 population. Nearly all the in crease of the district is in the town. Allowing only 1500 of the increase to Milan, it gives us a population of 2300 to-day, and many of our citizens claim 2500. What town ia Tennessee can make as good a showing as this a gain of nearly two hundred per etui, in four yean? This is indeed encour aging. Now, if our land-owners will reduce the piices of lots to something ear the figures of other towns around as, we know of no reason why we can cot double the population during the next year. Many mechanics and la boring men wish to locate here, but cannot, oa -account of high rents and high prices of iota. Times are hard now; trada will probably not be so good next winter because of the short crops, and we must male trade, by bringing iu more people. Let us en courage everything ia the shape of manufactures, from making an axe hclve to the manufacture of a lxoa tivo. We .3 vwtrwk aw. ' corirrr Eixcnoa. The c-leeti'Mi passed ofF rery quietly here last Thursday not a single knock-down or ' drunk aud disorder ly," There was some pretty heavy log-rolling by the partisans of Yarioua candidate?, but good humor charac terized the occasion throughout Through the kindness of M. Neil, Esq., of Trenton, we have been far- ftished with the official rote of the county, wrhich we publish below. B,low we give the vote of this (13th) district: tfarnj Arnold 309; Williams 181. Arnold's majority 123. Cntrdy Gntrt Oert. Holmes 248; Gay 83; Wood 13C; Carrey 10. Holmes' majority over Wood, 112. Trvtter. Long 419; Fly 24; Mc Ewcn 33; Vcscy 3. Long's majori ty over McEwen, 3SC. Tax Collector. Jones 392; Witt 61; Landrura 4; Runs 2; Campbell 3; Dunaway 1 2; Haste 1. Jones' major ity over Witt, 331. Ilegitter. Cox 173; Barton 82; Hatchet 21; Elliott 74; Maj. The in ns 42; McDearraon 1 1; Bob Thomas 44; Cheatham 18; Anderson 2; Mc Cutchen 2; Landrum 1; Selvidgc 1. Cox's majority over Barton, 91. Clerk Law Court. Johnson 34G; Northcot93. Johnson's majority, 253. ConstMe. Moore 322; Hancock 154. Moore's majority, 1C8. School Commisskmr. Jordan 203; Brown 194. Jordan's majority, 9. The following is the ofScLd vote of the county : Sheriff. Arnold 2373, Williams 2310; Arnold's-majority, fC3. County Court CleiL Holmes 2253, Wood 932, Gay 16G3, Currey 201. Holmes' majority over Gay, 590. drculi Court Clerl;. Moore 1328, Landis 705, McLinn 1299, Simmons 78. Moore's majority over McLinn, 29. Trustee. Long 1921, McEwen 1427, Fly 715, Blackmun 152, Vesey 843. Long's majority over McEwen, 434. Tax (XSettor. Witt 1454, Jor.e? 1 41 1, Raines 385, Dunaway 293, Haste 310, Glisson 108, Hulford 311, Lan drum 435, Campbell 155. Witt's majority over Jones, 43. ejirfo-. Cox 1439, EHoU 952, Hatchet 353, W. R. Thomas 324, McD;armoa 280, Cheatham 177. McCutcheu 124, Wood C3, B. B.iker 7. IWo Thonr-s 40?, P.. Sdvidgc Cox's majority over Elliott, 467. Ctrl of Iaiw Court at Humboldt. 1st dl-t.:" Johnson 125, Northcott 52; 3d dist.: Johnson 435, Northcott 77; I3ih dwt.: Johnson 313, Northcott 93; 18th dist.: Johnson 95, North cott 121. Total: Johnson 1031; Northcott 313. Johnson's majority C3. . Fresh supply of sugar and molas ses, etc. Hale, Van-hook & Co. Persocal. Capt. J. C. Arnold, the very effi cient nnd popular agent of the South ern Express Company at this place, with his wife, left yesterday for a "breathing spell" in Canada. They will return about the 1st of October. IIow we envy them thLj hot weather! Mr E. C. Spence.of Bjwling Green, Ky., ha3 taken charge of the Express office during Capt. Arnold's absence. He is.a pleasant and accommodating gentleman. Hon. R. W. Robertson, of Browns ville has been in our city several day, visiting his brother. 1 Ie is not an as pirant for politic tl honori, but the people of his district will do well to return him to the Stnat. Dr Wright, once Surgeon cf the Tennessee Brigade in Virginia, was in town Monday, locking as natural as ever. Col. II. W. Wall, cf McKcnzie, was iu town Tuesday. Parties who have purchased Wash ing Machines from 1 laic Vanhook & co. , can return them, if not satisfied. Hale. Vanhook: fc Co. FROM TItfcXTOX. We cull the following from a pri vate letter dated at Trenton last Friday : Yesterday quiet, with the exception of an exciting race between City Mar shal Hill and a negro. The negro, having committed an offence, attempt ed to escape, when the marshal pur sued him, both being on foot, and fired at him four times, finally suc ceeding in capturing him unhurt. Great many people in town yester day. Vote of Trenton district 749, largest vote ever pollc-d in this district. A fine stock of men and boys' sum mer clothing, just received at 11 R. J. RoBnrrrsos's. Igla!atlT. In another column a card is pub lished from Zach Bryant, Esq., in which he announces himself a candi date for the Legislature, subject to the action of the convention. Mr. Bry ant is well-known in this county, and would represent us with honor and honesty if elected. We hope his claims will not be overlooked. From the Memphis Register we kftra that a difficulty between the whites and blacks occurred Monday at Bead en Sta., Fayctta county, in which A. C. C. Burlin, tha negro candidate for the Legislature, was mortally woosdod. No pariijnlars given. By your spaa rx' frora K. JL Sat to llUaa Ixcbaare SAKlTART, Some time since I wrote a short ar ticle in reference .to the health of Mi lan, at the time hoping that some one of our "god-like" profession would give us an article on the sanitary con dition of the city of Milan. After waiting a long t;me, and sx-ing so much danger around us, and knowing as I do the danger we are in, I must say a few words about it Every physician and every intelli gent person recognizes the fact that to take care of tbtir own health, they must take care of whole classes, too ignorant or too weak to take care of themselves, The pestilence generated by the filth of ill-ventilated and ill framed slums and sinks will poison the atmosphere of a whole communi ty and infect quarters at a considera ble distance, whose inhabitants may be properly observant of all the con ditions of health. To this extent, at least, we "are our neighbor's keeper." And as Carlisle's sory goes of the poor women whom rich men refused to recognize as members of the human fifrarJy and to succor, and w ho finally proved thfir sisterhood by infecting seven of them with Typhus fever. This has a sanitary as well as a moral lesson for us. From thee facts we see the vital importance of strict san itary regulations in towns, cities and communities regulating those things which are of vital importance tohe health and well-being of all the inhab itants. Now, good folks of the city of Mi lan, let us look to our sanitary affairs. It is sickening to observe a great many things about our city, and to think of the bad sewerage and recking soil through which the water jercolates to its foul bed; and it is high time that a v'gorous crusade should be brought to bear upon them. . The earth, it is true, is a gtxvl filter and and disinfectant, and will protect from contamination a long while, but it be comes saturated with decaying animal and vegetable n. alter and is no longer suited tj perf m m this office, and the water in mary well? m"r become im pure and dar.gcrous to health. It has been said by an eminent chemist that "for one aitl lo of impure and dan gerous food, a thousand samples of impure water may be obtained in any part cf the ccuutrv." More anon. R. W. S. Co to R. J. Robertson's for you. whwice groceries 1 1 ToWra Seizure. R. F. Haun, Deputy Collector of! Internal Revenue for this (7th) dis trict, seized 15 boxes of tobacco last Fridflj, which- was bt-ing transferred from the M. fe L. to the Mississippi Central read at this point. The to bacco was manufactured ly Burton & Colby, Danville, Virginia, and was I being shipped to New Orleans. It was seized on account of being illegally stamped. 100,000 cypress shingles for sale by Stone & Mills. Money In It. If some man, while the weather is favcrabl?, wiil haul a few hundred cords of w ood nnd buy a lot of coal and establish a wood and coal yard in Mi lan, it will be equal to a littlo mint next winter. It would be a great con venience to cur citizeus to be able to get a load of wood or coal at any hour, in all kinds of we::tler. To Tbe Vvirrit of S.ibooit ( nim'j-. Milan, Tens., Aug. 7, 1874. Having been so.icited to become a candidate to represent the joople ol Gibson county in the Lower House f the next General Assembly, I refer the matter to the Convention that proposes to nominate a candidate for the position. I am in favor of proper assessments; I a:n in favor of low taxes; economi cal administmiion of your State Gov errment in every department. The machinery of State must run and must have our support in preference to all other expenditures. I would willingly do something f f the bond holder if I could, but iu our present condition, with the drouth that is on us our crops ruined it looks to me as though the bondholder mutt rest on his sofa and smoke cheaper cigars and drink cheaper whisky, while we poor farmers must follow the plow and smoke cob pipes filled w ith oak leaves; otherwise our children must cry for bread. Your obedient servant, Zach Bbyant. Buy your choice teas, coffees and sugars from R J. Roblktson. - e m ( est I t out ! Coal I Mrs Duffy is offering her large and select assortment of straw bonnets and hats at cost for cash! Now is your time to secure bargains. Call quick, or you may mis" a chance. minis CoIIrg;e. The regular fall term of this insti tution commenced last Monday, all the faculty and one hundred and eleven pupils being present This is a splendid showing for opening day and very encouraging. We have no doubt but a larger number w ill be en tered this collegiate year than ever before. People at a distance will do well to send their children here, as the course of study is thorough, the teachers competent, and tuition and board very lew. I Local option was ne of the issues in Kentucky IaL Hwdzj, and in many jhcsrs?oea rtrjK61 UP 10 the jcii cf lsidj as they ooulvi hc& &n4 v 9te3 against the grutitiag of license to sell liquor. For the Milan Excbanre. TUE PROFCSftOR ABROAD. The Professor concluded to go to the springs. He was not an invalid, but had an inquisitive mind and thought that a watering place would afford a good opportunity to take items. On bis way he passed through a little city, and stopped to give it a call. After interviewing a book agent and a newspaper man and wan dering about the streets for some time, gazing alike into the windows of stores and at paseers-by, he proposed to himself a ride on the street car. Satisfied w ith his ride, he thought how nice it would be to jump off while the car was running. Unfortunately, just as he made the leap the driver struck the horses and the dignified Professor came to the ground on all- fours. When he arose horror of herrors! he saw a great rent in the knee of his pantaloons these, few, his onbj, and he on his way to the springs w ith just money enough to pay his expenses. It is a part of the Profes sor's principles always to carry out w hat he undertakes; so ha would not be outdone. He would go on to the springs. The ladies would no doubt be so charmed with the brilliancy of his intellect that they would notice no deficiency in his toilet. 'On his arrival he registered his name with great ceremony and w;s referred to No. 9. He tlun sought a private interview with the porter and told him that he had a few dimes left which were at his disposal if he would find some one to sew up the "horrid chasm." Closing the blinds, he dis robed and sat him down t "patient waiting." The pants ?ame, but what a seam ! It was little better than the rent had been before, and constituted now the thing of prominence in the Professor's personal appearance. The Professor soon made his ap pearance in the parlor and was intro duced to the ladies, who received him with most gracious smiles. Under his ardent gaze their eyes would in variably rest upon the torn trowsers; then the smile would continue, but the Professor thought he could see a change in the nature of that smile. Our hero thought to get a scat in sonic dark corner, and thus avoid un pleasant inspection, but imagine his distress when one of the ladies pro posed to walk out with him and show him the famous springs. With martyr's resignation It 3 acquiesced, trying hard to banish tli5 forlorn cx-pr-ion from his face. How beauti ful the springs ! IIow interesting the crowd gathered around them ! There were sulphur, and freestone, and lime stone and chalybeate waters, panacere of human ills, gathered in crystal pools; there was the grand old moun tain overhanging the silver lake; the neat, white cottages, and oh ! so many pairs of bright, mischievous eyes, all looking at the Professor. But all these things (alasl for human weak ness) had no charms for him. One absorbing idea filled his mind that auful team. At supper, in the parlor, ia the ball-room (the Professor don't dance), all through that long evening it haunted him, a real Banquo's ghost, occupying the seat where other thoughts were wont to sit. But miseries and joys alike have their end. The Professor retired to his room and sat down to meditate. 'C. C." P. S. I would advise no one whose weight is less than one hundred and seventy-five pounds to question the Professor in regard to his visit to the springs. I got these facts from his private memorandum. "C. C." August, 1874. It anted. Chickens, eggs and butter. 15 Hale, Vanhook &Co. The Way 10 lluild I p Silan. The way to build up Milan is to run down and browbeat and drive away its citizens, and drive off all the money you can to other towns and communities. To those who pronounce me a "humbug" in the eye business, I say it is very wicalled-Jor and ungenerous, and it is not only wronging me, who never interfered in your business in any way, but it Is driving avay mon ey from your own town that would be spent here in your business houses. It has been nearly three years since I came to this community, and I can say, without fear of successful contra diction, that I have cured every ease of ore eyes that I proposed to cure, and many cases of ears. You are not only damaging me and your own town, but you are impeaching the veracity of many of the best citizens of West Tennessee and Western Kentucky, as the following testimonials will show; of which I can produce hundreds of the same sort : MAYrncLD, Kv.. Not. 24, 1S73. Wo, tlie nncliTi't(rnel. hereby certify that Dr A. A. bavidsoD has hail greater success, and performed wonderful cures and surgii-al operations on eyes and cars than any man that has ever bon in Western Kentucky. C C Coi'LTSR, Attorney at Law, Tuos J Li.vdsum, Attorney at Law, O Matfield, Drupiti.-t, Kobt T JoHNSTO.f, Attorney at Law, T L Ritxolor. Dental Surgeon, Ervhi Andebsos, Attorney at Law, B F Baltics, Editor Banner of temperance. We hereby certify that tbe abore named gen tlemen are men of high standing and entitled to great credit. C J WtTMORE. Clerk of GraTes County. J ArsTi.f , I'lerk of Circuit Cour. We, the undersigned, are aciioaintrd with Dr Davidson as an Oculist and Opthnlmic Surgeon and know that be has won a high and justly deferred reputation in that line of practice, and confidently and cheerfully recommend him to tht afflicted. Ber 11 y McLrsiT. BrownsTiU. Tenn.. Kcr M Lilbs, President of L'niveri-ity of I uion City. Tenn.; Key IUmii.tos Parks, Newbern, Tenn.: J P McGei, M D. late Surgeon of Cheatham's Division, A T; J M Cut'LTkB, State Senator of Tennessee. , , Mayfield. Ey.. Doe. I. W73. Dr A. A. Daridson, Dear Air: My daughter's eyes are very much better, acd almost entirely restored, which entitles yon to my gratitude and fullest confidence; for I had entirely des paired of her sight ever beig restored, inas much a thecal had baffled the skill cf sou of the most skillful ahyaicians in this country. Toerw never was tbe slightest Improvement ia the eas, bsrt. on fb contrary. U grew wots nntil v?u took it- If thu was the ory ee I hjl heard of ia the country, my confidence would not be so st'oug in you, but on tbe con trary, you have been remarkably successful in the treatment of eree and ears in this section of the country, riea&e accept my kindest re tards. Jons Eaiik, Pree't Uayfleld Manufacturing Co. A. A. DAVTDeKVy. A CrwM Mark On the margin of yo'Jtr paper indi cates that your time is oui, or will ex pire with the next paper. Remember our rule cash always in advance. If not renewed, we take it for granted you do not want the paper any longer, and your name will be dropped from our list We intend to publish the best paper in West Tennessee, and the more subscribers we get, the bet ter we can make the paper. Let eve ry one renew nnd bring another with him. 1BKET REFOJBTS. Milan Cot tern Jlsrkst. Milan, July 22, 1874. Receipts small. Good demand. Buyers are paying the following fig ures: Low ordinary, 8 Ordinary, W Good ordinary, 12 Low middling, 13 Middlinr. 14 Strict middling, 15 Good middling, 15 J Grocery and Prodmev narkrC Bacon, per lb., Hams, 13ai6 Shoulders, 1012 Sugar, A coffee, 12J(314 " brown, 12(l2i Coffee, good Rio, 253i Lard, 15 Flour, 34 Meal, per bushel, 100. Butter, 1820 Chickens, per dozen, S3.00 Eggs, " 12J Eli Srosr. B. D. Mills. Stone & Mills, MILAN, TENN., TH Cheap Cash Store roa DEY-GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, &c, &c. We would ask the public to come and examine our goods and prices, as we are determined not to be undersold. Don't ask for Credit we do not so licit that trade. maro-ly NEW HOUSE! NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! H. L. DICKINSON IS NOW TtF.rKTVISQ AND OPENING AN elegant stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, &c, &c., At the New Uriel; corner Slain Street and De ct Square, Where ha is determined to SELL CHEAPER TUAX ANYBODY. -junll-tf CALL A R. J. ROBERTSON'S, AXIIazx, Tenn., A ND EXAMINE HIS LARGE AND Xo. varied assortment of iUple and Fancy DRY GOODS, SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &c. Always on hand a choice supply of FLNE FAMILY GROCERDZS, which will be sold Low for Cash, Cotton or Country Produce. Highest market prices paid for cotton. mayU-ly W. El SHEPHERD, AT HIS OLD STAND, COR. MAIX t FRONT STREETS. Staple & Fancy GROCERIES Plantation Supplies. Keeps constantly en liar da full snprly of Gro ceries, bought at botUm prices for Cub. and sells at iV.maU Profits for Cash! Sire him a rail br.fore enrchasing c! jew here. marl2-ly Milan College, MILAN, TENNESSEE. t"pHI3 EXCELLENT rNSTITCTIOX HAS I a full corps of firt-cias teacbera for all department. It U a FSEE GRADED MCnOOI. for all who am. under the law. entitled to free school privilege. For all others. Mm rate will be found twenty-ftre prr cent, less than what is nsualiy charge.! ai s-hools of similar amwle. A thorough Classical wd Commercial mssrs taught. Young ladies will find the beet Music Teachers and good instruments. Good boarding in private families ca l- se eared for $14 per aaouU. everything farmshesl. Session Opens Aug, 10, 1874 For farther particulars, adJreeg H. R. Ef NNEDY, Prauaest. july33 E. D. JAEIES, itinafacTvrW HACKS & WAGONS, At kit mew Shop. o WEST SIDE OF MAIN STREET MILAX, TEXX., Would solicit bis old friends and customer and the public generally to gire him a call and ex amine bis stock before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. A soed assortment of COFFIN9 Always oa hands at reduced gate. Also H ETA LIC CrCIAL CASES. Very low. A axtod Hears ready wnen called for. All Work Warranted. saart-ly . CENTRAL HOTEL, Milan, Tenn., MRS. S. FLACK, Propridrm. Or rosiT tbi M. ft L. amd Mim. Cixtsal Dt ror mi CoaTKfficxt to th Btiixim Pat or TM ClTT. This well-known Hons is neatly fitted no. Senranta polite and attentir. and the Table furnished at aitl time with the best the country arTords. Rale reasmabl. Tbe patronage of tb pub lic is solicited. mari-ly EC. PITS, AGENT FOR Bliss. Valley Insurance Co, MEMPHIS, TENN.,. junelS-m Livery & Feed Stable. Haun &. Williamson, MAIN STREET. MILAN, TENN. Good Saddle and Harness Stock always oa hand. A large supply of 23xriols., Tsi m e,Ocmont Undressed Lumber For sale rbean. apO-Iy S. F. RANKIN, A TT O R N E Y-A T-L A W SOLICITOR IX CnAXCERY, MILAN. TENN. Will prat'u-e in Gidson and mlioining counties. Off n:r : Fii it door over Jordan's Drug store, maro-ly. JKO. T. CABT3.. U. SI. KIIL. CARTI1EL A NEIL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TRENTON, TENNESSEE, --T7ILL FRACTICE IN OIMPON AND V adjoining counties. Special attention given to the collection of Claims. m irS-6m W. J. HOUSE, manufacturer of and dealer in Saddles, Hra, Collars, &c. In fact, everything usually kept in a First Class ."hop. teirOrders for Fine Work solicited. South Side Main Street, marC-lT. MILAN TE.VS. Dr. A. A. Davidson, t ith Nineteen Years Experience in the Practice of Medicine & Surgery, Offers his serricas to the citizens of Milan and surrounding country. Special attention given to the Eye and Ear and Dueasea of Women. Office at Lewter's Drug fctore. Reidtnc, Doxn's house. junel8-3m A. J. DAVIDSON, M ANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER ia BOOTS c& SHOE3. Flain refgecl Calf forSW. Tlain sewed Calf for $13. Conled top. box toe. sewed, SI4. le the very bert material. Kipsirirtg cheaply and promptly don. West bide Main street, Milan, Tenn. maro-ly Williams, Smith & Co., MILAN, TENN., "TEALERS IN DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. I J lists. Caps, Loots. hoe. Queanrware, xiaruwarv, a L . lormi fin' j auu fj.Tiu.vij f..k a. P.i4mm Van will iK.n, .t Rr...t Jackson A Co.'s old stand. nar26-ly J. T. ANDERSON, XAMCFJlCTCEia A!fD DEALS! I Stoves,Tinware, Lamps OOAIi OIXj, Country Hollow-ware, &c, &c. st :y. MILAN. TENN. V. M. McCALL, MILAN. TENN. Will praitic lu all tbe Courts of Law and Equity in the counties of Gi!ou and Carroll, and in tbo Courts at I rion City. Special at tention giren to Collections. nar6-ly DR. J. F. SHARPE, Late cf Memphi' DENTIST. Offers Lis profos:onal f.rvtres to tha eitlnni of Milan and mrroucuirg country. or: ice 15 fost orricg biiidiso. stJ-Give him acalL narS-Iy W. B. GTJION, PHOTOGRAPH ER . MILAN. TEN Is prepared o make all kiads of PICTrRES at the St. Louis Gallery. maro-ly J. H. WEAKLEY, SIGN PAI NTER, MIL AX, TEXX. Respectful 1 J elicits IU cf all wisoing worl id ; in. U nous Ps amia-Iy in rajtaoEKY at,M"Cm boxst. July Rule. lSTi. H. B. WeUs vs. Alright k Raave t ai. IN THIS CAUSE IT AFPEARINO TO th Clerk and Maatar, from the bill cf com plainant, which is sworn to. that defendant ttouert xtai veiri aon-resuient ef th Mats of lenne., so that the ordinary proceas of this Court cannot b served pa bias : It is there fore ordered tha! pubiiot-.oa L made for four consecutive wek in the Excbanse. a newspa per published in th tow cf Milan. Tena.. notifying the said defends. Robert Harvey .to make hi appearanc at tb next term ef tbia Court, to be holds in tee Court Lloos at Horn bold t, Tenn., oa the first iioodry of December. 174. to plead, answer or demur to eemplain ant'a bill, or th sam will ha taken for roa fessed aud set for bea-ing ex part as to kirn. This the 13th day of July. 1STJ. T.J. WILLIAMS. C. k M. Williamson k McCall and llaxrigan k Walk er, bolicilora. julylft-K Strayed or Stolen, -TT1ROM THE SUBSCRIBER. A CHEST ,1? a at Corral Uorsc.aboavt rateea hand aiga and aaoat va juara oki. lim is fail an roes tb aoe aad ha oa hi back a lump. caard by a saddla. Whea last aoc. he aad a a yoke, (ko w aaderlngi - s4ick- Anyintonn ation may btlt't Exca cieOcerwit& ta.owa-r. DrL. L.'mc ililst.m miU nerti- M of Aiilasi, c. zl. lUuntircdo to L yalyS&-la KSURANCE Iasur rttr nupity la th Equitable, or Nashville. As liberal rates givea as aay First-Class Company W. A. WADE, Ag't, Milan, Tenn. THE Itlilan Exchange Vill I published erery Thursday the office on the West Side of Main Street, over the store of Baird A Sims. The subscription price is, invariably ia advaace. $2.00 A YEAR. $1.00 SIX MONTHS. 50c THREE MONTHS Eavingjnet received from th a.jaufrt aa ectix aaw outfit of tha LATEST STYLES and tit newest improvement la ligtifniigJol)'Prinliog:Pr8SSj ws are prepared t d First-Class Printing, i 2 klada. ai tha Most Reasonable Bates 3rive 'tis a Call, tad ttttatitsw A Home Enterprirs stcxjaattM w