MILAN EXCHANGE. W. A.WAKE. r4itriMl 1'w.alUker. SlBHrKirTiO K4TU. Two dollars a yean onedollar foraig months: ifty nu for three mccih, ixvabiablt im ao- ADYEKTINIXe R1TEH. f ?l? ; x f g S" i " 2 . p- 3- S S S a ! " 2 : : f One Wwk 1 00 Ti 2 4 r. 7 5, 12 00 T-o Weeks., 1 SO 2 T 8 7f 7 25 II 2M J " 1 hree Warms. 2 il a &i 6 W 9 ;Y. 15 H 2 ) Oae Month ...I t SU 4 50 2i 12 ( 18 75 il i Two .Month . 4 tin T CXI 1 ' I-4 3n no 4X 0 Three M -nlb- 5f) S 75 12 i 2S 7i S7 Hi At 0(1 fix Month ..I 8 W 14 ( : W 3MJ W 0" '. fK IM MlllUlS. W lt 17 iJ HI 41 ..' Til W Ono Tear TJ il 21 0" TO " ' w 144 ' LoUdlc-colurLn lve-ti-' :n nU, 10 per cci.t. ad vance on I he abnve rates. Triple-column adcertiinients. 20 prcnt. nl vance on Uie above raw. Advertisements to OTiinjr sne-Ul position. 1) prr ent. advance on the above rns. "Lo-nl Noti"." 'in the came type as Inmi reeding natter.) 2j per cant, advise on tb above rales. Obituaries, 1 ribotss. of Rerct 'except such a come official! from charitable societies, and remark) on marrucn, one-half of rrgular ' Locml Xotie " rates. Simple announce ments nf marriage? and deatbr inserted gratis. All trantient !idvertiementi muM be paid for in advance. Yearly advertisement, quarterly in advanoe. THURSDAY.' NOV. 5. 1874. THE RESULT. The election Tuesday resulted in a general victory of the Democracy in many of the States and gains in oth - t 4. .v r m ere. In this state there was a fadinc ling off in the vote of nearly twenty-five per cent; but the indications are that we have elected nine out of teu Con- rressmen. with the tenth in doubt. Z y . . 1 t 1 aone '"' sl'gnt damage on account 0f The Legli-lature is overwhelmingly ; thc fmvarJjlec;5 of lhefc r Democratic Maynard waa beaten in , progresses rapidly, one-lii to tw Lis own ward, city and county. I thirds of the crop '.ing already hous Massachusetts has elected CJaston, ! and the fitsh is expected on the Democrat, Governor, and has elected j .of, November for the uplands, r, t, . t i , i . lanaiK'fwre Clirtmas on the liottoni Ben. Butler to stay at home, by a , 1;iml, The unprtlented drouth of large majonty, besides electing fever- j the past summer has evidently injured al Democratic Congi-cssmen. Hurrah j the crop to such an extent that the for the old Bav State! Louisiana has picking season will not repair dected a Democratic Legislature and lho dima According to our cor , . . , fc . . : resix.ndence, the vield is estim:ited at five out of hi Coiressmen, notwith j (rum tw(.ll(v.fjve 0 fiftv;x )(,r ceIlti standing the army was there to carry j a decrease "average of "firty-.-ne per the State ICadica!. Many of thc ne groes voted with thc Democracy. Alabama, also, has gone Democratic. South Carolina, it is thought, has elected thc fusion ticket. New York has elected a Democratic Governor, two-thirds of the Congressmen and twenty majority iu the Assembly. Kentucky has elected ten Congressmen Democratic, all of them. Virginia cudi up five Democratic Congressmen, and possibly two others. Texa? sends six Democrats to Congress. It is im Ohsible at this writing to tell how the next Congress will stand, but wc Loje fir a Democratic majority. Grant and Lis civil rights miscegenation par ty is as dead as Hector, with no pros pect of resurrection. This effectually kills his thin! term aspirations. This is certaiidy the most glorious and suc cessful revolution we have witnessed in years glory enough for this year! Hurrah for our tide! Crow, Chapman, crow 1 Alexander Selkirk, in his Kolitude, f iiihc-d f t th w ings of a d ive. Wnde, .f the Milan Exclianfe, si0'hs for the wings of a chickra. Huni'w'dt And Rivers sighs like a furnace f jr j the w in&B of a du-:Jc. Caa't torn i of j the Humboldt girls have pity for him? Tk: negro Cauntec, who was elected Circuit Court Clerk of Hay wood, was rome our against his party and says the Republicans are not friends of lL ! negro. iK-rcupou the. lJrownsyuie republican devote considerable nac i to Lie abuse. i Daniel W"bstcr h:ip accepted a po tation on the New Yoik io!ice, and it is h:reftre inferrad that his tiictiouarv ' has not proved a sJCoe. Enrnvvir. We didn't know that Daniel ev-ir f con:j'iIel cr puMis!iel a dictionary. Hadn't Grant better withdraw Lis thscksgiving pr lamatioa anl issue orifl for fating and prayer for his part -irty? The Democrats cn heartily ! , . Ji epice wit.1 thankgiviag sad pre. rrjjice wit.1 thankgivi3g sad pre. Hay wood county is jubilant aiid Trefidi-nt Grant has it uf-i his pi claaiatioa eetling apart Thursday, November 26th, as thanksgiving day. Louisiana has much to be thankful for, we don't think. In M gc phis the independent bolters' ticket was ignomiaiously defeated. Ditto everywhere else. We hope it will U a warning to Sjre-htada in tLe future. The election excitement is over, and verybody is glad. Now let us all go to work and develop our resources knowing bo party for the next two years. Chicago staiidtioe show that 30,000, 000 buskyj. of ecru have been ship ped eastward tHVough Chicago alone ernce the beginning of the year. The aet amount, ft til as that which haa gone by other rorju and to other maraete, bae netted the farmers of Iowa and Illinois probably thirty oen'.s per bathd aal on the eontt .irg over UU,UUO,lw outiicla oi raiacd in the two (katea has probably givea them from J6,000, f, 000,003 mor prpSt than usual on tbe corn Bold with la th last seven or tight moutiag. A g3Eg cf hJghsrayraea reecnfJy emitted Xiev. 11. F. Bucknttr, oi Texas, b the robbery of a tinge load 4f jxuFengers, biau- he was m prwaMMrf ls tfa following couplet forth to oi ynunana, ivy., n. i we.ny-nrsi knw.k Ujth of t,u.m (low,u iIe the world. We coagralulat her. t'ali "V naB' ai f.J ' tI,tm. with the assistmce of cand th. Hod HmSre, o'er W dark SuTJ 1 oil T' V'"' De0erae,tHumph..oldlUyaJUf! . A" " u ,T e h. " took them to jenLurg, and l.Kiged CK4r MTATIMTICm. Keextr of Ik Sexe Orls-aer " a-xeteaMr t'ammtllr es Mtai la tin a4 iBfaraaaiaav. New Orleans, Octoltcr 29 The cotton exchange committee on ctHtw tics and information "submit the fol lowing crop rejiort fir Octolten Louji iana Our It iters from this 8tite d:ite from the seventeenth to the twentv third inclu.-ive. Frost, flight: only reported in one parish, Tengipahoe; weather uuiverally r p ited f.tvorali'e and very f.ivorahle; u little over !ia!t" the crop u rejortfd as having leen picked, and with the continuance of fa vorable weather the crop will be picked out by the tenth of Ocller to thefii.H of Deoemlier; the yield, as compared with last year w ill bescmowhnt great er, our answers to this inquiry aver aging an increj of nearly ten pr cent: thet.iple h:isleen injured ly dry we t i'T, which at the same time has cnablrd the crop to be picked cleaner and brighter. Mk-issippi thirty-one letters from twenty counties rejiort little or no injury to the rotton plant fiom frost; the weather almost uiiex ceptionably favorable; from one-half to two-thirds of the croj pickel, and with good weather picking will I finished lietween the fifteenth and twentieth of November. The majority of the reports estimate a decrease in the yield, as compared with last year, of Aitout tweuty-tive jxr cent Jlost of the reports complain of the quality J of the crop, the lint being light and j fill()rt. .aJ consequently a le-ss th:i usual yu ld of lint trom the gin is hn ,. e fc . mn ha.i from a stated quantity of eeed-cotton. Arkansas Universally favorable weather for picking Is reported by all of our correspondents. The frost on ! tober loth and 14th fcems to have j cent compared with last year, thouirh it is exjK-cted the late planting in the river bottoms will be better than at present represented. STATE 1EUUEKV AaSOU ATIO.V. In accordance with the aunounce ment of the papers, the nflicers of the teachers' ass -iatiou met in the office or Ji. L tJniltorne. in Nashville last Friday, Dr J. B. Liudsley 111 t lie ! chair. In the a!scnce of the secreta j ry, Kcv. H. S. Bennett whs chosen to j that office pro tcm. A full and free , discussion of ail the asjiects of the ' sthwJ question took place, in which the alsoriiing topics were those which related to the practical thing to be done. It was doci lad that the regu lar annual-meeting of the association le hell on the twentieth aud twenty first of January, 1870, at thc capitol. It was decided that the programme for the occasion should le announeed at some neartuture date. The policy of the association was freely discussed, but nothing definite enough for the public was determined upon, except that the present school system was thc btet that could be devised, and mu-t !e fupported by every friend of education in the State. The question of a normal school for the State was freely discussed, and took practical shajx' in theapiHiiutmcnt of a com in it See to receive ofi'ers of grounds and uuiMings ano runds trom the various pLces competing for the location, to ! be presented to the next legislature, j The names of the committee will be ! annouueed in the rejsirt of the next i meeting of the executive committee, J After coucludin-r to cill a me -tin - ut an early d ite, to perfect the arrange- i menu iix i!i." meeting of the associa- npvvi'TT Secretary pro tem. BI.OOD VTII.E Ht'.Uj. tstx Th'insKii I Italtar 4'ewa. Yxim, Kt.. Oct. 2M. The short horn cattle sale of V. G. Bedfon which took plac at the fair grounds near tMs city to-day, is the largest sa!' ihilt hRS ,,ora lu:u'e !n Kentucky. I lwenty-ore oowsand lir-ifers weresoM at an average of cl.'JOo, and fourteen btdls at an average $1,135 a tot.1 of 858,625. Thc sale wat large ly attend ed by traders from all puts of thj United; s and Canada. The l - V TV V l ' ,u JlKU "lu 8 s ljcht!ss IX.. to iarLs k;.(..00; principal anm ais f u i were lxmiou Joaa kenned v. of !-,.. kr, .(,00: Lm Ion I)n;-h VU., at 85.100, auJ nd- Dachess XL, at $ 1,400, to T. J. McGibh.n, ! Afterwards, Messrs. Hall & Bedford sold twenty -seven cows and heifers at an average of 5-112. and sixteen bulls at an aveage of 258-total) lu',0C2. The rtrasia HeOonald t atian Claim. 6uit has lieen entered in Washington by Judge BartW and others, for par ties who claim 567,000 of McDonaM, of Mcmphii, for teviees in procuring evidenoc and suiierintending the prosecution of claims for McDonald, before the Mixed Cointnlssicn of Bnt isb aad Ameiican claims. Tliis is a claim of ovtx a quarter of a million dollars, which, after the award was mad, wes believed by the officers of the Government to have been based alfwoat entirely npon false papers. Under the treaty, however, which ma4e all awards "final, the Treasury ha fth obliged to iay the Bum, but the intention is to represent the 'facts ia the cse to the British Government, ia crder that the money may not be p id tt those t htiruiug it. Not loag since a gentleman who car riea the keys of one of the bank vaults in Nashua, was returning immolate :t night, alivn he was accosted by two spkriour-or'.king ir.dividu-'!s. The bankera dojj, a large New feu dlnd, wiHkse preoLtsu.' is u.iaou, for, immcdtKtcl to;k a pot it ion ketweca the niffiaos and ha master, which po sition he maintained until bom was reached. Toe fce .tkman has owta 1 the df for years, and what iasim i.l .. 3ror .ure kir: iiiai to waa.l;:r away fr m the h uij atnilst or zatset ilia oa the way boot. . TESXCWEEXEWa. I t a . I A liscn countv issuoi twentv-three marn.sge licenses for the week endinrr UctolMT JOth. The Brow nsville girls vi-it the cotton factor, und the eiiit r of the States wants to wort there, so that they will 1 .. I. I ' yK at liuiL The Allien" Post tells of a man who shot at the bark of a d ig one dark night and found hint next morn ing dead, shot in the throat, and says it can't lie beat. The Huntingdon Times says that on the 20th of Octolier Mr Stephen Taf, Sr., of McKenzie, was seventy -live years old. On the 10th a son was born to him weiirhinir twelve iv.uud?. 11 N (Jountee (colored ), having resigned a Clerk of the Circuit Court of i lay wood county, EMjiiire Itnyncr the pre;nt incumbent, has beeiiquali and entered upon the duties o: the o'lice. Last W ednesday was a gala tiny among the Grangers of Marshall county. A grand picnic was given on the Fair Grounds at Lewlsburg, under the auspices of the order, ami was attended by some three thousand persons. The meeting was also at tended by representatives from every Grange in the county. The Times says Huntingdon was made quite lively Friday night by some young men from the country, who became noisy and loisterous. Deputy Marshal McCracken, wit1-, a jtosse, tiied to arret! them, w they successfully resisted, scleral shots being exchanged before they made their 4sc.q. A S;ato's warrant was issued for thtir arrest, A. E. H. Itolerts and Thomas Manier. -used of being participants m the breakini? into the iail of 1'ut- nam county recently, and releasing from confinement several persons therein confined on the charge of inurdeiing Dick McKinley, colored, and putting to death Frank Hall, one of the ersous who had confessed the crime, have been jailed at Nashville. The Johnson City Times learns from the agent of Messrs. Hunter & Grost, of Fredericksburg, Va., manu facturers of the celebrated "Farmers Friend" Flow, that the firm cou tem plates establl-hing a branch factory at Johnson City. The timlier used in the manufacture of this plow is ship ped from Ohio, and may be obtained in any county in East Teunessce. They also desire to use the Carter county metal. The G; llatin Tennesseean ravs: A correspondent informs us that the case j fl ecks of sheep on account of the rav of Uncle Peter Suttle, before the Baj-j ages of wolves, a large mimlor of list Church, for being a niemUr oi' the I sheep having la-en killed duriug the Grange, came up for hearing on the ! nast summer. Sheep husbandry was FJtli inst., ami it was decidedthat lie lecoming quite an iniKrt;int branch could not hold his membership in the viiuieii, iiiKi uii me same linn; ueioiig .A t I t. i.. i to the onler of Patrons of HusIkiu dry, L nele Peter called for a letter, but failed to get it. The church prooses trying him thc third Saturd iy in No vemU'r, as a rcbcllioi-s ik h b r. Fayctteville Express: Thc Memphis and Charleston railroad has leased the Winehe.-ter and Alabama railroad to Hiekerson & Co., of Coffee county, for six years, at SSOUO per annum. The new lessees will take possession of; the road the first day of November, j and we feel confident that under their i it .. :tl .i:i.. ! lii.uitit-tiieiiL it nin c-jtejiiv gain inis good will of the iieople. We are'not . prepared to say whether any changes will be made iu the officers of the road, I as the new proprietors have given no intimation of their intentions in respect, Jackson Courier-Herald, 31st: Lost Saturday light, about dark, near Carroll Station, in this countv, John Aiiiiis and tjreorge Morgan tailed D. 1,. urisweu out oi ins orotners house, where he was living, aud asked hint I,ai!'1'; ,ie replied "that he did n t knmv them," ami w;-s starting kick int0 tJie LoUf:c- An,i'3 finHl slt him with a iouDle-larreled shotgun, loaded buck-shot, wounding him in tin? siic-uldcr One of the shot went iu at dt"r l'iercel the heart of a little lioy five or six years old, who was standing inside of the house, in range with thc door, stantlv. killing him lii- Jackson Whig: L:ist week Mr William Walker, of Haywood county, accompanied by a negro servant, started from his home to Reel foot !, where lis proposed to spend a few days in fishing and hunting, j While passing through Dyer county, j the wagon was halted by two white I men armed with shotguns. Mr i Walker had placed loaded guns in his wr.gou, but, with a view .of pre venting accidents, had left them un- o!ip?)ed. 'i his circumstance made his j firearms useless for sudden conjunc tures; but, instead of tamely surren dering, as he was expected to do, he seieed a hammer, and, leaping out of his wagon, attacked his enemies. As he did so, one of them fired at him, iuit ruined him. In a moment he hui UIKKT. The Austrian Government has in form'd the Porte of it3 intention to conclude commercial arrangements with the principalities, and has inti mated that it considers the discussion of the snbject closed. Turkey is en deavoring to secure a stipulation that the principalities shall obtain the Porte's sanction before concluding any arrangements; but to this Austria declined to sgree. Germany and Russia have informed the Porte that they approve of the views of Austria, ut do not say whether they intend to follow her example. Le Norte, the organ of the Russian Government, says the Montenegro outrages cannot be ovei looked. Tur key must mete out speedy jus'ice to the perpetrators, and make reparation for tf ir crimes. The Porte has been advi'd to tike this course. A dNpntch from Cattara says the Porte has refused the request of thr Montegrans that counsel of th f rei.;. i'owers be allowed to ptiticio.te i: the inxestigatioii of ouin-.ges. Th:: i y News sys llu-sii a;,-' Gerniar.y liave also :.o:itied the Port tl:at t.'.'-y intend to m .k c-tuiiut-r :',. c!iv( atioi.s wiili the Dan ubian pii:;-f-palius. Frcsidiujt Grant has sent a congra: ulatory note to the Emperor of Hit. si . ir, to a loiter :;rnoueci:i t!' t.i' Grand Duke Yiuia n2r to the Duch'.-ss cf Moclcuburg t?cliv.r.. l a vesekal xews. envious person, who was not ! An invited to be present at either of the i Grant weddings, pronounces them "S.irtor-llonore affair?, anyhow." j There are fifteen hundred persons : sick with typhoirt lever in the crtuntv 1 i T . T.- 1 1 .. of Lancaster, tngland, more than one-sixteenth, of the entire opula tion. The cotton crop in the presidency of Bombay promises to le the largest ever recorded, and a fortnight in ad vance of last year. Ticking h:is fairly commenced. The transfusion of blood from a l iriTT into the veins of a consumptive patient was tried at Fall IUver, Massa- , eiiusett, recently, and seenw likely to prove successiui Hon. Jeremiah White, one of the owners of the Houston (Texas) Coun ty Ih niocnit, was shot and killed by John H. Hubbard on Friday last. Tiiii act was deliierate assassination, no offense, it is alleged, having been given. In Harrlsburg, Va., a Mrs Nancy Dougherty, aged 70 years, has during the last year built herself a cabin, cleared 12 acres of land and fenced it and, using only a hoe, raised 2(H) b sheLjofcoru. Houor to the fre old Granger. Attala county is th banner Grange comy of ML-y.sMppi. At the last meeting of the State Grange she cast tweiuy- three votes one for each Urange in the county while the next highest number cast tor any one county was nineteen. The New York Express says it seems somewhat of a -pity that the Icelandic people, who are said to be enterprising and highly civilized, and are used to cold weather, do not un dertake the job of investigating the north pole and its surroundings. Col. J. V. Gedis, commanding the 1st Artillery, writes to the Adjutant General of the Army that, owing to the prevalence of the yellow fever iu the city of Charleston, S. C, be has removed the troops under his com mand from Charleston to Summcr ville. It is state! that an exceptionally large group of siwts Is now visible on the surface of the sun. They may be I perceivetl with smoked glass, without thc aid of a telescoiw. According t'j Mr V, F. Denning, of Bristol, Eng land", thc spots cover an area of nearly 78,000 miles. Many farmers in Riceeounty,Miun., h ive lieen comi)elled to dispose of their of liusiness in that section, and no be I klV. i : i iuue kiss nu be fcit if it has to abandoned. A movement v again on f ot to unite the maritime provinces of the Dominion under one Legislature and Governor. Divided as they are, the provinces make a iwor showing. j being overshadowed by their more ! powerful and jxpulous niighlxirs, j Quebec and Ontario. Union would ' greatly increase their influence in ; Dominion affairs. j Hon. E. Rumsev Wing, United States minister to Eanador. died at Quito, October ISth. He had been in bad health for some time, and sev- eral months ago resigned his position, but was unable to start upon his journey home. He was the youngef-t man that ever represented this gov- ert.meiit in a foreign missian, leiiig ; o:ilv tli'u ty at the time of UU death, i A man at trncttd attention in Troy by his queer demeanor. He seemed to j see something interesting in the but I tons on Luli'.'sj drc&sc-, and iu sever.:!' i instances was ini:ortinent in his dote J examinations. Finally he found a dress f rom which a button was gone. ! He seized the wearer, pulled from his p. cket a button, and compared njwitn those left on the dress. It nvrtched. She was his piisom r. He was a detec tive, and she had stolen thc dress. Information leecived from South western Nebraska shows that thou sands of people are in a starving condi tion. Oue saw many who hail noth ing' to eat but baked squash and pumpkin and salt. Others had lived on baked flour and water, one meal a day for weeks. Ten thousand people in that Sttte will need aid sufficient to keep them from starvation and freezing to death this winter. Hun dreds are naked and on the verge of starvation, villi no means to leave the State. It is certain that Gen. Sherman's friends are movinir actively in his be- i.uii. and makinir arraiiLcments to biip.g him foiward for thc next Presi- delicv. i rom the nature oi the fteps tikui. it is inferred that the plan of Gen Sherman's friends is to run him as an iiuleK'iidehtandidate. At the same time, it is liclicved that there is a plot on foot by some of Grant's friends to sccuic legislation ' that will make Sherman go luck to Washing ton, to be snubbed, or resign his com mission as General cf thc army. A squaw sat down on the curb in front of the post-office in Austin, Nev., and, unrobing a bundle of calico, commenced the manufacture of a d.ess. In less than an hour the dresa was fnilshwl; and putting it on over h'r old clothes the squaw pulled out a pin here, a peg there, and untied a ti ing in another place, made one step and, presto! the old clothes lay iu the gutter. Gathering up the regs just shed, the noble daughter of the forest catt one look of triumph- on the spec tators aud skipped gracefully off in tlie direction or the Indian camp. A prominent citizen who was an interest ed witness of the transaction mildly rernai kid that he would cive f 30 if Mrs P. C. could sheil herself like that. Gen. Jackson, when President, said to one of his fiercest newspaper oppo nents, ". id me your newspai ex. I know that you are opposed to rac, but then I should like to see your paper every day. I want to see how many lies you c m tell of mr.r "General,"" said the editor, "I think I do right in or ing you, and I shall continue to i.i with ali the ability of which I tin master." Here was a man after . kOjs ownjucit, and he replied ith :a t ath, "Sir, -send me year pa ter, for asi.'e from your abuse of the your jiajier is a good one. Besides, I aever taw a neweprtper in which I could not find something worth read ing." Just so. No man can pick up newspaper without finding something fin'er'. You may tale ;h pa pox .u.d t ar it into rraftnei't , and in e.ich fragment 'you wi 1 sw -ljxw or iusti uct yuv. aioCang to yjjg Indiana editors are to make an eAursion South durins the Litter part ' of February, or the first week . in March. Thc design is to visit Mem phis, Little Hock, Jackson, and Vicksburg, Missis-ippi; New Orleans, Mobile, Jackson, Jacksonville, Savan nan, Atlanta, Montgomery, Rkh mond.Charreston, Knoxville, Chntti-1 nooga, Nashville, Mammoth Cave, ! Louisville, Evansville, Vincenaes and Terra Haute. . I A clfrgymau's cat at West Spring field, Mas., has shown some remark able symptoms of natural depravity. After giving birth to seven kittens recently, of various colors, she removed thc two blackest from the group and utterly refused to take any notice of them. No sooner were they restored to her nest tluu she again and again ejected them, and death finally relieve tiie little waifs. And this iu deSanre 01 the ritteentn Amcudrient, Which tl) tU ,! .l I j: ucvbut.a tu lucit o-.ail uc uu UIM1IIC- tion on accou'1.. of color. o other than a M-sachusetts cat would have dared thu3 tu offend the majesty of the law. THE KELIUIOl'M WORLD. The Sexton of Grace Church, New York, has made Ws christanity profit able, and siived 5250,000. Queen Charlotte, wife of the king of the Friendly Islands, is a Metho dist class-lea jer. The king is a li censed lcal preacher. A dispatch from South Bend, IndL ana, announces the death of Father Lemmor, president of Notre Dame uni versity, Thursday night, after a lin gering illness. Dr John Hall, remarking that in England they distinguish people into two classes. Churchmen and Dissen ters, thinks that in America they might be divided into Churchmen and Absenters. The Methodists of Murfrecsboro have divided that city into missionary districts and placed each district under j the superintendence of oue or more Sabbath School teachers. "The idea Is to thoroughly canvass the town, iu order to bring under religious instruc tion children who do not attend any of the Sabbath Schools." The reason assigned by the Chicago j Tribune for thc rejection of Dr Sey- mour for thc bishop of the Diocese of Illinois, was because of his supposed Ritualistic tendencies. The Issue be tween Ritualists and anti-Ritualists is thus squarely raised, and it not im-; probable w ill result in a schism iu the Episcopal Church of America. The American missionary, Bishop Wiliiams, was receently found in a Japanese boarding house, in Yedo, in a room nine feet square, without any furniture except a pail filled with ashes r.nd a little coal. In a corner were two blankets, w ith one of which the bishop wrapped himself, while he slept upon the other. There was the Bishop found, sitting upon the floor, engaged in the work of translation. An ex-Methodist minister by the name of Norman is said to have arriv ed in this country as a Mohammedan missionary. He professes to think if Mohamedanism were only under stood in christian countries it would make converts rapidly. Mr Norman avows his intention of going west and operating somewhere in the Chicago region, believing that they are more progressive in that part of the count ry than nearer the Atlantic. The Jewish Messenger, reviewing the recent Councils and Conventions of different Christian bodiis, intimates that the Jews may iii some respects take pattern by them. The editor says: "We wish to assist in uniting all thc Jewish congregations of New York city in a council, or convention, which shall take a broader survey of the condition and wants of bur denomina tion; and, 'excluding mere doctrine, promote the spiritual prosperity of the entire body." The momentous question as to the right of clergymen not of the Church of England to be called reverend, has been suddenly settled. Bbdiop Wordsworth having denied the right, has caused a letter to be written to Mr Punshon, the Wcsleyan minister well known in this country, and the letter was directed to tho Reverend Wm. M. Punshon. It is therefore decided by the highest authority, that Dissenters may wear the title. It is now to ie hoped that thc land will have rest on thissul ject. A clerical pa per published in Naples, says: "The miracle of St Januarius w going on favorably. Yesterday, after eighteen minutes prayer, the blood liquified, as it did the day before, after having lieen exposed twenty-three minutes. The faithful are flocking into the diocese in great . numbers, and their belief in our holy religion is by no means diminished by the ravings of a satanic sect." And this is the enlightened nineteenth century! What rogues these fellows arc! Does Arch bishop Manning lielieve such lies? A letter from India Is published in, a recent nuniW of the Loudon Chris tian, which gives an interesting ac count of a remarkable and extended revival which prevails among the va. rious regiments of the British army stationed there. The awakening 1- gan at Calcutta, and spread from theuce to other stations, reaching, in its - quickening progress, Durapore, Luck now, Cawnpore, Meerut, Cnick rcta, Sabotha, Allahabad, and other military stations. Many officers are taking, an active part id the move ment, and already some of the regi ments count scores of earnest converts. Earpa BreaelstaXa. The Msvk Lane Express eay : With less rain and a colder temrature, the weather here and on the continent has been favorable for potatoes, sonin j, and all kinds of field work. In France the potatoes are abundant and free from disease. The tendency of the wheat market here is rather upward. In some cases there has been an ad vance of a shilling. The markets of France and Belgium have slowly fol lowed those of Great Britain. The ilea in Fa -land during the week show a diminution of 10,000 quarters which makes evident the reluctance of growers to accept the present rates. Freight in Hungary are declining though they are yet too high to admit of the shipment of waeat to England. Southern Russia k beginning, however, to ship, despairing of duing better for pom time to come, and supplies are r p d S "vrtirg It is thought that ciu wilt soon interfere with khipmenta from America by doting rivers and cao&b, when some improve-, meat in prkfe is expect exl t The Fulton stre. t (New York) d i1 v prayer meeting has just ccle' its seventeenth anniversary. The m ing pre.-erve all their vit-.lity, and un attended by great num'iers. The hi tory of this meeting, in all it. n-sul if written out, would nvike the Lirgc.-t volume in the world. The secretary of the treasury h:is directed the assistant treasurer at New York to sell one-half milli .n dollars gold each Thursilay during the nvmth of Novemler, the aggregate h mount of which will be two million dollars. XEtt' ADVEUTISEMEXTS. Music for November. VOCAL. I Whera birds iinf tb sweeten. Son and cao. Danki. 5 t r . .. i i .i t . . . .... 1 knew by lhuoke. S..i dcbo. Prey. 35 No tiili . froj ,:r Lha . Suns aad cka. ftewart Ju Memories of home. Ballad. Cnae. 36 Nora. Ibe pride oi Kilkre. r-ouarbo. Tiara, 40 lollie .Vlt-tiuir. hone and rbo. Hay. 40 Katblren Marbree. tonc and eao. Stewart, 39 'i wilixbt i hadowi . Tenor rone. Chae, & Had we met in brighter boar, fiallad. Lrey,.iS Out in lha moa. J-on and ebo. Hays, 4U liire nie, uarlin. one iweut lbs. Ovot and rbn. l)itk, 3& Anr-l., guard uiy little on. Song and ebo. Hays. 40 Poor old grandpa. Song and cho. Ilaya, 40 INSTRUMENTAL. Freninf Bell. Moreaaa. Wiloa, SO 'TaUig-tit. oeturne. MayUth, SO Gntce et eoauetrie. lorceau. 1'acher, . 'Jt Neptaae. .tlazurka. lai", 44 swwtheart. MeloJie. Maylath, 40 In our boat. Mereeau, WiUon, 36 Vbious of Parsdie. Murccau. Maytaik, 4U Air rallca. Nocturne. " . iu Golden hours. Melodie. Wilon, 36 Awakeninr of the birds. Melodie. " 40 We'tward Ho! .Ualop. WiLvta. 76 ', Merry bun Umtt. Moreeau. Wilson, Su Faufare. tiaiov. MaylaOi. SO Trembling leaves. In: trumcntat. Kinkel, oO 'Pearl of Amerira. Caprice, kinkel, it Pieces marked bare picture title-page. Mailed post-paid on receipt of marked price. ' Address. J. L FETKHM. oc-V-lm 69 Braad way. New t aria. J. M. Robinson. 0. T. fiutfield. C.C. Norton. G. II. MOURNING, with J JJ ROBINSON &. Co wholesale DRY-GOODS & NOTIOXS, 211 and 213 MAIN ST.. COR. SIXTU. S24-3m Louisville, Ky. S. F. RANKIN, ATTORN E Y - A T - L A W SOLICITOR IX CIIAXCER Y, . MILAN. TENN. Will pratiee in (iibsnn and adjoining eoaatier. Ovi u a : First Joor over Jordan's Drag Sure. mar-Vly. HtNBT STIX. WM. 1TIX, Of (ire, ml CO.. Jacob IlKucsr. Memphis, Tena. ALEX. ROULSTONE, STIX.KROUSE& Co., wholesale CLOTHING & CLOTH HOUSE Nortbwet Corner of Third k Race Streets. Cinolxmntl, O. S'm.l w York l Sleet 17 Wairt St. LOUISVILLE & CINCINNATI Short Line Railro'd FOR Cincin'ati & the East . The QUICKEST, BEST, and ONLY ROUTE running a Doable l)aily Line of Pullman Draw'g-Room Sleeping Coaches FROM LOUISVILLE TO : Columbus, Pittsburg, Harrisburg, NEW YORK, And otbor Eastern Ciiie?, wkhont Change. THE 03XTX-5T XaXZOTS W" ith which passenger- from the Fnnth make direct cscncction at Louutille witn THROUGH AR FOR KEW mi Aroidinf from seven to sixteen hours' delay incident to, and arriYinf One Train in Advance or ALL OTHER LIXES. Time from Louisville to New York, ONLY 31 HOURS. , This tine is stone ballasted and entirety frei. frm dt. Ueing enipped with the celebrated r-tiuKhoti-e Air-crake, precludes all possi biiiiy oi cullUions. Only All-Rail Route Between Lonimlle ana Cincinnati, passing orer the Great Ir.a Railway liridceat Cinein- caii, raaaing nirert ronoeriion wiia ail irasi lines North and south. but- Tii-krts fr cale "Via LecTille and' the Short Line at all ticket oifirif in the south ana oathaet. CEO. SKINXEH.Gen'ISWl P. . PARKER. Uen l PWr k Ticket Art. aiayi . Lower Than Ever! -T.TT-E WOULD CALL ATTENTION TO V our Larst and Well-selected Stack of FALL 1 WINTER GOODS!! Ceniiitinf of the best line of STAPLES, The latest and most durable CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, Notions, &c, &c., &c. All of which are will sell at Rock Bottom ! ! Call at tit Store ef Bryant, Jackson & Co. epSa-tf A. J. DAVIDSON, ,r AsciACTUREa or axd dealir! BOOTS fdb Plain 113. rWa sewed Calf for Corded top. bos toe. sewed, SIC Ua the veered Calf for SW. very best mrtensl, Keuiririg cheaply and pilyirMra. Wert PKte jfaaW Ttse.t. iila. ST cobxeb or KIXTal xxn WALMT (.TRIITS. oiKroijisfATi, o ri i o . I pride myself in providing for my (laosts the lirsr Liri.;, Oi.g irr ll. tsg and II. .a ClK'. las money than aay other Hoa-e in ibe eity. O'VK AXU SKK 1 1 B- XAAa,i&. tT. 0tvAavOT Proprietor. HAVING MOVED INTO THE Commodious Formerly occupied by E. A. Collins, and having negotiated for very extensive stock on very favorable terms, we feel warranted in saying that for cash we can offer the trade such inducements as cannot fail to GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. We shall keep the stock in all departments up Full to Overflowing of Desirable Goods and only ask an examination by those who wldi to buy for ri.-h to cur in tee a sale. Our arrangement having lieen made with "sjieci.l reference to a reduction of expenses, we feel confident that we can make Prices Suitable to the Hard Times. STONE & MILLS. Having closed out my stock to Stoue fc Mills, I feel warranted in recom mending them to my old friends aad patrons as honest, reliable and attentive business men. I shall keep my office in their store, where I shall always le pleased to see my friends, either oa business er in a social capacity. aug27 E. A. COLLINS. BILL AN WOOD WORKS, IVXlleEtxi, Tonri. rTAYIN- JUST PUT TP. IN CONNECTION WITH OUR MILL. AX EX TIRrl NVw 11 set of l'lanini Mill Macbinoii, we are now prepared to furuirh lumber ot every dtscrip tion, in the rough or drewed. FRAMING-,- CIELING, - BRACKETS TURNED NEWEL POSTS AND BALUSTERS FLOORING. WELL CURBING, MOULDING, LATHS, BY TIIE THOUSAND OR CAR LOAD, WEATIIERBOARDING, BOXING. SCROLL WORK, FARING, ROUGH OR DRESSED. Plow Beak, Sawed Felloes, Wagon Hounds, Bolsters and Ttnes, Hariri a luna experience- in the waron and implement tiuinr. we are aaiiAa wrran ft 1 1 a want lona felt by waaon and plow manufacturers tor timber in the right e and h inaa area! deal of valuable time and tiober. Our facilities fur rereivinc anil i-hiinr timber i- un-uri a ej by any place in W est Tennessee. To parties harina timber for sale on the lima ..f the V Central and Memphis and LouisTille Railroad", we will nv the lt ri. e mr it in the Inir or bolted four feet lona. Ke Aateaito lr Ileit is t-alrnt Mirrl lruu L rbcape.l aaa ssiMt alarnwle reef bbmmb. For further particulars, atidreu PH i I.F. P K A- o., jnne25-ni Proprietors Milan WiHd Works. .Milan Tenn -1 . . L.W. Deshong FIRST DOOR A LOTS E. A. COLLIXd. MAIN ETXEXT. xwx xxjact, raaaa-xo'.i Dealer ia Gexeral, Staple A Faxct GROCERIES, Confectioneries, TOBACCO, -CIGARS - i . t e , . WHISKIES. A specialty made of supplying the country trade, and take in exchange for goods all coun try products, allowing the highest price for erery species ot country barter. Having bought entirely for Cash, will sell the same way. and at the "horltit profits admissible. Soliciting a rail from the peWw. he will be pleaded at any time to price good a. ' sikrMn GO NORTH AND EAST LOUISVILLE & GT. SOUTHERN KAILKOAD USE. This ib the Great Direct and Through Line, and the only All rati Koute from all points in Till', Aagaaaaa. Lorii-w. Mtsaisairri, ALABAMA IUKHM U the North and East. Pullman Palace Cars Run vim this Line both ways, as follows : Lwilll ie Sew vrleans Hbeait Xantaiwillo f Hemahls wNbeal rttmmwr Ma.Laiisr te Memphis ? rlis)aia:e. LaMvill ae JLittl Kascli wlthvai r is aver ye. No Change of Cars From Jfempbig. Montgomery , er Xashvilie to OUXSVZZiXiZI. From LoaisTille 'ear connecting Line ro t I r . . L. ... L" .. . era Cities without rhaage. mak ing a Urea Through Continuous All. Rail Route East Avoiding all Ferriea and Trantfrrt. MAMMOTH CAVE, "he errata of aaiaraj evrieeiliee, M loeatad im rbU kna Pu..u..l..iutrall fcasw. a isiibi taearigwsasw '5 ... ' For ewsaplevw nfbrmevfew PTt odationa and eenneetioaa. an4 .'. aaore fol th Lognwitu V."J. .21 iTJi! MMrraLTRAtLwsr Spina. It eoataiwe erlgi- --Irndrrltirl I '" maUer.a well aa railentsU Jer k j - L -T -wva . i. : "-ai-- : . S - i " wx -m nriw-rr wj Fire-Proof Brick Buildin or NasMls .le, Chattanooga AND St. Louis Eailway. TRAIXS RJ'X.TO AXD TROM CHURCH Street DVpot, Nashville : Leave. bait tneMa;u Tralna. Arrive. :lia.m. (Sundays excepted.) I ll' p.m. :Up.m. (Unily.) l;Ha.m. Leave. Kblby ville Trwlna. Arrive. 3:30 p.m. (Daily, Sunday excepted.) 9:5tia.m. This route it 78 mUet Sliorttr to 3fm jjhii than via Deectur. The only route with through Sleep ing cars to Memphis ; more than 100 miles shorter to St. Louis than via Louisville. Time to St. Louis, V hoars. Emigrants for Kansas, Arkansas and all parts ef the VSest will save money by purchasing ti' kets by this route. Connec tions at for Mobile. New Orleans. Galveston amr intermeiliitte points, and connects at I nion City for St. I.nuis and all point Wet and Northwct. The trains conne-t at Ch.'ittnrioogs for Kouie, Atlanta aud all principal nuthm citie-. Passengers for U s hington City, Laltircnre. rhilndciphi.-i. New ork ami i;.,.-ton. wfll as all points in Eat auu irgii.ia. make connections through. This is ttie Short Bods East And the enly direct route to tbe youth and Southeast. Pangers for McMinnville and Mn-heter. W inchcter ami AliitMma or tbe Jasper branch Railmads, will tike tbe H:Vt a.m. train. For through tickets and further intormntion, apply at City Trasl'er Office. Maxwell iloue. and at Chattanooga lrjvt. Church ftreet. JXO.W. THOMAS. W. L. DaXLEY, Gen l .-up't. Gen'l P. Jc T. Agent. . juneln G. S. Cunningham, AC.IXT 0 Paducah Marble Works crARtT:r.s satisiFACTIox IX QUA LIT V AND PMCE.S! apl8-1y W. B. GUION, PHOTOGRAPHER, MILAN. TEXX.. I prepared o make all kind of PICTI' I! F.3 at the St, Louis (ialk-ry. niaro-Iy j. t. andersonT JUMrrACrrgra ad dbalxb i. Stoves,Tinware, Lamps OO-A-Xj OIIi, Country IIolIcw-ware, Ac., Ac. mattVly. " MILAN. TEXX. wTM; McCiLL, Attornoyeitt-ljow, All LAX. TEXX. ViTff nrartkw iw all the Caorte of Law and Inrty it tbe eaantir of O;reoo and t arroll. ad ra UM Ceartr at Union City, t peris I u i rjollertions. marjy DB. J.F.SHARPE, (Late of Memphis DZNTIST. Offers bis prfe-"i' net errice to thf ci Irtr.t at laiWn and nrronmiir.g conMry. m k rosy xreteg acruunu. TfryxTTfj Mm a aIL gjarilj era MiwJw.Mw-r