Newspaper Page Text
'THE EXCHANGE W.A.ltAPE, Ecfiiarf FatIlhr. Kt iwcBtrnos VLkttJL Two doifrfrs a year; ne dollar for six atonOif; fifty cents fr three months, UfiuuLl ta A- sca RAILKOAD flHK TaffeM. miK.fti. f Kw Orleaae B. K. Train leare Milan at follows a and after Ar. 13.177: rASPtscta Taiixl. No. 1, feoHfc. lTtat.. Ne.H. " No. 2. sooth, " raciCRf ffcitffg; So. S, north, leaves t , 4 .10 M 4 :4o aiB 1 1 :S5 am ,.11:3) pm .1. I'M ro. . No KOIlth, .12: pffl , pm 2:40 urn jvp. 8, Tims about fifteen ml tin tea slower than town time. J. C, LOPEZ. A rent. F. CH ANII.ER, J. C. CLA RKK. . lien I 'rm. A rent, Oen'l Mitnacer. to. B. MuKEi , . l. MASN, ien'l lH-ket Arcnt. (Superintendent. lAaUville akbTiIU (. S. K. K. Trains leave Milan at follows ! " r AfcHEXCFt TSAINS. No. I.annta. leares at 3:3) art ....12:15 pm .... 4:15 m 3:10 am No. 2. north. " .4. ' FaKinRT ttA!a No. Ti Math, lenre at ..... - I2r am 11 '19 am 4:13 am .No. S, " N o. 8. north. " No. li. " " - : pm A- W . lOVi.M. A rent. C. P. ATMOBE. EH. COLEMAN'. Urn. 1'. k T. A. Loral Ticket A't COtXTT AI CITY DIHECTORT. COCNTT OFFICSM. J. B. Arnold, Sheriff. M. C. Holmes, Conntr Court Clark. K. E. Kainei, Chancery Clerk, Trenton. T. i. W illiam. Chancery Clerk. Humboldt. Wat., Circuit Clerk. Trenton. M- II. Johnson, Law Court Crwk. II unbolt. Ions. Williams, Coroner, f. C. Lone. Trai.Ua. JosUU Cooper, County Surveyor. J.H. Carrey, Superintendent Peblls Schools. V. II. Cox. Better. rrrv officers. H. F. Rankin, Mayor and Recorder. Jno. 1). Lufk, City Marshal. R. E. Edwards. J. II. Dickinson. W. E. Keere. K- A. Collin. J. H- Blank ioihlp and D. C. Renter, Aldermen. CHtRC&ES. baptist Church street. J. P. Wearer, PaMor. rrerbins:nTiSandeccondSunlayeacb month. Trayer meeting Thwrsday erenina. Sanday Khnnl 9 a. tn. Methitdit--Norlh Main ftret. A. L. Pritch ftt, Paotnf, Preaching second and fourth Sun days each month. Prayer meeting Tueaday tvening. Sunday-school 9 am. Prot -rtant Episcopal At Clark' Hall. Main ttrret, J. R. Grey. Rector. Service the third Sunday in each month. Cumberland Presbyterian At Friendship, 3 mile east of Milan, J. A. Duntan, pastor, f orvid-s fourth Bunday in each month. Cumberland Prenbytcrian Rev. T. W. Can non pastor. ervices at the Metbodiat ehurch It Sunday each month. r. Oi o. v. 4 Milan Lodaro. No. 155 A. Duffy. 0. R. Y. Moore, V tJ. J. II. Dickinson. Secretary. W. A. Wnde. Treasurer, Lodge meets erery Hcdnefilay nigbt. MASONIC. MilnLodre.N'o.ll Meet! Saturday 10 a. At. before the 'id Sunday in each mouth. Ir. Mi 1). L. Jordun, .iaatrr, II. L. Iickincon, Lavitun Chspter o.5ft-MeclJ Saturday b' fore the 3d Sundny in each month, hi. I). L. Jordan, II. P. II. L. Dickinnon, Recorder. I. avinia Council, No. :t Mel Friday night on or before each full moon in March, June, r-etcuiler and December. M. 1). L.Jordan, T. 1. M. 6. II. Hle. Recorder. K. OF H. t.iWrty LwIrc, No- 4M. meeta firt and third Kridarniehtn in li mouth at their ball in Milan. M. li. 1.. Jordan, UicUWr Vi. K. Imuunon. Hci'ortcr. a.o.c.w. ftonewull Ln.lire, No. 30 Mectn lt and 3d Turs.Uy muhtc i:i cHrh innntli in Maaenie Hall. A- W. Loving, M. W J. C. Lopez. Recorder. AXXOl'XtEMEXTS. To CaiididatcR. Tlie following scale nf price has been arrocd on by the papers of this county, and will be Ktrictly adhered to : innonartuifal. for Conrresn, 110 CO or Judee and Attorney General, 7 Ml For l giltiirc, R 00 For County Officer. n 00 For Iihlrict Oflicor. 2 50 CnlU for person to become candidates, 4ve rents ier line. t Icetloa Tlrkcta. Pingle thousand, $2 00 Two thnunnd or more (in aam order) 1 40 Terms Strictly ca.h. Trent-ox Miaaon, Ill'HBOI.nT IIkkalp, Hi oldt Wasui Jocbfal, MlUK EXCHAKUI. SOVKXBtK ELECTIOST. Jr t trm. CALDWELL. -We are authorised to an noanc Hod. Robert P. Caldwell, of (lib eon. a a candidate for Congraes in this (the tilhj Congrewional district. VAl'GHAN. W are authorised to an nounce lion. W. Vi . Vauyhan, nf Browns ville, r Congress from this ttbe I'li) Congre aioual Uinirict, composed of the counties of Weakiev, Obion, Lake, Dyer, G ibsnn.Crockctt. Jli.vwooJ. Lau erdale and Tipton. Subject to the action of a Democratic convention. COIXTV ELKCTIOM. THURSDAY. ArSrBT 1. Circa it Coart Jadsxe. C ARTH EL. We are autherised to announce John T. Carthcl, nf Trenton, u a eaodi data for Judge nf the 13th Circuit- READ. We are authorised to announce Edward J- Read, a citixen of Crockett countr and member o' the law lira of K. J. k J . C. Head, of the Brownsville bar. as a candi date fur Juiice of the l-Jth Judicial circuit of the State of Tennessee, composed of the coun ties f llavwood. Crockett. Gibson and Dyer Election the first 1ay of August, 1S78. Skier iiC ARNOLD. We are authorised to announce J. It- Arnold as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Gibson county. BLAKEM0RE. We are authorised to an noance J. II. Rlakemore as a candidate for Sheriff at the next election. "T FEFLEY. We are authorised to announce 11J.II. llefleya r as a candidate for Sheriff at the next election. wanly Cwwrt rierk. CARNE. We are authorised to announee John I. ( arne as a candidate for Clerk of the ( ouaty Court of Uibeoo ownnty at the next election. nOLMES. We are authorised toaanonnoa M- C. llnlinc as a candidate for re-election to the office of Coaaty Coart Clerk of Gib eon eouny. LANDRl'M. I offer my name to the votera of this county as a candidate for Cointy Clerk- bhould you favor me with your euf frage. you will find none more grateful and willing to attend and discharge the duties of the office with pmmitneM and fidelity. Very Respectfully, . J. M-, Bradford Sution. Trmate. T- 0XG .We are authorised te annnonncw J . JC. Long a a randii'.ata lor re-election t the office of Trustee of G ibsou county. KraTiaier. BOLIX. I offer my name a a candidate for Keiister of Gibson county at the next elec tion. Lthaabeeu my misfortunenevertowaJk. ao I ass aaaUle to make living by labor, aa ether met. 1 hope the voter wiilUkesoycase into roafidcrationand give ma their aid- I was born and raised in Gibwa county, dist. N'o. 1 respectfully. James L. Buur. GVISKS We ana authorised to announce P. Guinea, of Humboldt, an a candidate for Register of Gibson eeanty. THOM AS. We are aulhoriaad and iwawested to announee Sam H. Tbomaa. Esq.. of Dyar relation as aeandiuate for Kesiater al the io tion next Augnct lerk. of Hwnatvwlelt Law Oasxrt. D ICKIXSON.-We are ant tnonsed to an- . of Milan. aa,j nounoe J. H. Dickinson. candidate tor Clerk of llomboldt Law Court. TOHNSON We are authorised to announee vj M- U. Johnson a a candidate for Clerk of tb finaboldt Law Court, at rat next siactien VOLUME V. SMALL CllAXCl!. Jleni EH Stone'i insurance local. Ocley's Jack fYost "oda fountain is ifl full blast. Read the ftn-rwldent notice iu an other col uma. The Express office has bcefl fainted a handsome drab color. Demorest for May has reached us. It is a charming number. A number of changes have been made in our city Directory. Hon Jan. E. Dai ley has our thanks for valuable public documents. A number of beaux went to the May-day picnic at Trenton yedtertjay. Why is it that the Memphis Ap peal of Sunday never reaches us until Monday afternoon f For some of the biggest, richest strawberries we ever saw W. II. Al gee ha our thanks. John Smith has been found at last. He is now working out a fine for va grancy on our streets. "A Country Ilunkought to know that we do not publish communica tions when uuaccompauied by the name of the writer. Vre publish iifthe first column of this page time-tables for both our railroads, and will correct them care fully when changes are made. Our euterpri-ing friend, W. II. Bcallorn, Esq., has just made up an other fine club for uh at At wood, for which we earnestly thank him. Henry Daisy (and not a very swect- nmelling one, either), for peddling bo gus jewelry without license, was fined seven dollars by Mayor Rankin hist Monday. Dr Harris has the thanks of our better half ior a splendid strawberry treat tent to her last week. They were Very llne-lookiug. When he sends us tome we will give him a puff. Jno. Coulter, of this city, has tc- ceived the contraci to make the hrick' for the new hotel. We believe he Is to make four hundred thousand in sixty days. He will do a gotxl job. The popular fruit and vegetable house of Arnold & Lamar, Chicago, are getting nearly all the shipments from here. Some of the berries sent from here sold for 5605 per case, and all sell at good prices. A. S. Davis, a miller from MeLe moresville, yesterday showed us sam- ; pies tf wheat taken from twenty fields between here and that place. It was all more or less affected with rust, and will not average half a crop. About the largest and sweetest strawberries yet received by us were presented by Mr George Cade last Saturday. They were tremendous fellows, and would have commanded a fancy price in a city market. Mrs. Cruse has our thanks for a kind invitation to attend the straw berry and ice cream entertainment at the Central Hotel last evening. We hear that it was a pleasant occasion, and regret that we were unable to at tend. Two of our enterprising houses are advertising in the Jackson Tribune & Sun. We refer to the establishments of Mrs E. A. Duffy and A. Jordan, The readers of that paper will find both to be first-class houses as good as any in Jackson. A young lady proposes to have a strawberry eating match with the ed itor of this paper he to furnish the berries. When they get down to five cents a quart, if we can borrow five dollars, or some one will present us with one or two cases to begin with, we will accept the challenge. Up to last evening over eight thou sand quarts of strawberries were ship ped from here about twenty-five hundred yesterday. These were pick ed from thirty-5evcn acres, and will net about f 1600, averaging over $43 dollars per acre, and the crop is not near one-half picked. What do you cotton men think of that ? Monday, May 6 th, a rare solar phe nomenon will be visible from a little past ten o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon. This will be a transit of the planet Mercury across the sun's disc, an occurrence which will not take place in many years again. IThose who are curious enough to see it can, by looking through a smoked glass, watch the planet as it crosses the sun. Redaction in Railroad Fare. The Central road has recently reduced its rates of passenger fare to four cents a mile where the traveler buys a ticket. If he pays on the train, five cents will be collected. The company deserves and will re ceive the thanks of the public for this reduction, for it is a great accom mo tion. When will the other roads fol low suit? Steamboat Explosion. Trainmen on the L. & N. passen ger from Memphis last evening re- ported that the tow-boat Liberty No. , , . , .. . z exptooea in me miaaie oi tne river at Memphis yesterday, killing several people. H Railroad Items. Railroad business is dull in the freight line. Fitigerald is laying steel rail on his s jction, east of town. The pay car on the Central road ran up here and paid off last Saturday. Monday morning it went up the road. Tom Scott's private car pas-ed up the Louisville road last Saturday af ternoon, occupied by a numberof Ex pressmen returning from Xe w Orleans. A prominent official of the South em Express Company says that Mi lan is the best shipping point for fruit and vegetables in America. Immi grant, take notice. Friends of the Texas Pacific Rail road say the prospects of the passage of the bill guaranteeing Hie payment of interest on the bonds of the compa ny, etc., are continually improving. Ed. Coleman, ticket agent and tel egraph operator for the L. & N. at this place, was last week called to Louisville on account of the serious illness of his mother. O. F. Cant well takes his place temporarily. Memphis Appeal: The Louisville railroad company is about to erect a new depot at the head of Main street, to give place to that old shed which has Ixmmi used as a dejot for years past. A fine depot at this point is very much needed by the traveling public. A three-mile ride on a freight train, susjKJnded by his clothing from a hook on the side of the car, was the experi ence of a tramp the other night at Ox ford, N. V. There was not a scratch upjn him when rescued, but his men tal suffering was intense, as he expect ed momentarily to bedashed to pie2es. He had been stealing a ride, and at tempted to jump off while the cars were in motion. 1'orsoual. Capt. S. II. Thomas, a very prbm inent caudidate for Register, tailed on us last Friday. He is making an ef fective canvass. Judge Read, candidate for Circuit Judge of this district paid us a short visit last Saturday. He mixes well with the people, and makes many friends. Judge II. J. Liviugston.of Rrowiu- ville, was-in town last Mondttv. He!tiw in the city ot iNashviUe . and - ....I. 1 C 1,. 11 . is the aide Chancellor of the Browns ville district, and certainly ought to be re-elected. Capt. M. C. Holmes, County Court Clerk and candidate for re-election, I was in town yesterday, shaking hands generally. The man who beats him w ill probably be Clerk. Major B. G. Ezell, of McKenzie, is anuounced as a caudidate for Judge of his ci.'cuit. He is an able man and conservative lawyer. If elected, he will do honor to his constituents. Hon. R. P. Caldwell, Gibson coun ty's candidate for Congress, honored us with a visit last Saturday. He is putting in some fine work in the work in the district, and will be a hard man to beat. Dr James Harrison, of Middle Ten nessee, is here on a visit, and may possibly conclude to locate in this vi cinity. He is a talented man and a very pleasant gentleman. P. S. We are pleaded to announce that he has moved to the Durley neighbor hood, six miles west of town, where he proposes to practice his profession. We earnestly recommend him to the good people of that section. - District Conference. The Paris District Conference met at Camden last week, with only a few delegates present. Rev. J. II. Witt, Presiding Elder, wa3 in the chair. The spiritual condition of the church was reported good. A Sunday school convention was called to meet at Huntingdon on Thursday and Friday before the third Sunday in July. The preachers and superintendents, are delegates, besiJes one from each thirty pupils or fraction thereof above two thirds. Rev Dr Scruggs, Rev A. L. Pritchett and Hon A. G. Hawkins were appointed a committee on pro gramme for the convention. J. M. Alexander, of Saltillo, Fisher, of Benton county, A. G. Hawkins, of Huntingdon, and Dr Irion, local preacher, of Henry, were elected del egates to the Annual Conference. I. IL Bell, of Lexington, and Hudson, of Paris, were elected altern ates. Huntingdon was selected as the place for the next meeting. May-Day Barbecue. Cale Haun yesterday gave a bar becue dinner to about twenty-five gentlemen, in eating which we had the pleasure of participating. Two fine pigs were served up in a delicious manner, with all the appetizing trim mings. Short and happy toast? were delivered by Messrs. Hallstrora, Weaver, Loving and Dr Boyd.. On account of a press of more important matter the press representative was too full for utterance. It was a most en joyable affair, and we hope similar af fair.; maj be repeated often. LAN MILAJN, TENNESSEE, MAY 2, 1878 TitE.Yroff. The? Baptist Sunday School Insti tute will hold a meeting in Trenton next Sunday. The Trenton Herald made its bow to the public last week, all smiles and pretty words. May it continue hap py and prosperous. From the Trenton Mirror. A soiled dove from Humboldt was lodged in jail here this week. It is not safe for them to attempt to ply their vocation here. .C. I'. McGimsry, a few years ago a soap maker and dealer iu this place, now lies in jail at Ashville, 2f. C, to await trial for the murder of a negroJ there. After a quarrel with the negro boy, MeCiimsey got his pistol and fired repeatedly into the body of his vic tim. Mr W. F. Blakemore showed us," a few days ago, several specimens of the currency of the revolutionary period dated 1778, just a century ago. Both the papjr and printing were of the rudest character. The bills were of the following denominations, one for $2,000, one for 15 pounds, and one for 5.00. One of the bills read ns follows, $ Spanish milled dollars or the value of thereof in gold or sil ver to be given in exchange for this bill at the Treasury of Virginia, signed II. Cocke, A. Craio. John G. Ferguson, a boot maker, while beastly drunk, beat his wife in an outrageous manner hist Thursday, for which offense he was arraigned be fore the Recorder and fined twenty dollars. Such an outrage was never before committed in this community. And while we would not as a general thing advocate the execution of Judge Lynch's decrees, if all we hear in this aggravated case should prove to be true, we would gladly record the fact that this wife whipper had received thirty and nine lashes from an indig nant community 1 Since writing the faregoing Ferguson has been again arrested for a similar, but more ara- vated offense, and fined for;y dollars, j In default of bail he now languishes j in jail. From the Trenton Herald Miss Mollie Redman, for sometime (ast the accomplished organist of the .piscopal church in Trenton, is teach ing a music class at Lebanon, Tenn. The funeral of Mrs. Bettie Lou Jones will be preached by Rev. Jne McLesky, at Oakland church, 1A miles east of Gibson Wells, on the first Sun day iu Mar. The attorneys for the city of Tren ton in the suit against the holders of bonds and the lennessee Central Rail road Company, have been taking depo- have the bonds declared void. The Murphy movement has been inaugurated at several places in the county by Messrs. John W. Cox, Geo. B. Hicks, George E. Glass aud others, assisted by John R. Smith, secretary, and J. D. Hill, chief singer. The first meeting was held in District Ko. 6, at the "Shelter." Sixty five signed the pledge. Mr. J. W. Taliaferro was elected president. The next meeting wasat Brazil, where one hundred sign ed every card that was carried out having been signed. Mr. Andrew Donaldson was chosen President. At Eaton though the weather was unjileas hundred and forty-five signed the pledge. Mr." W. H. Davi Ison wxs elected President. On last Sun day a meeting was held at Eldad. At first it seemed very dry, even to Mu' phys, for water was scarce, and it takes a great deal of it to run a Murphy meeting. But after six or eight good speeches were made, and fourteen or fifteen songs were sung, the ranks were broken, and fifty-one signed the pledge mostly grown men. Mr. llenry Harper was then made President. Weekly meetings will be held by these organizations. IIINTIXGDOX. From the Iluntingdon Republican. Luther, little son of R. H. Carter, had his face severely burned by fooling with powder on hst Monday. A movement is on foot to organize a new theatrical troupe at this place. We have not heard the name of the new troupe. The hew church, about two miles from old Mt. Zion, called Kyle's Chap el, is about completed. It is a nice church house. There was a man in town on Mon day wanting to sell 1,000 pounds of honey. Another citizen of the county has the same quantity. From the Iluntingdon Vindicator. The following peraous have married since our last : James Carter and Susan Franch. B. F. Hatch and E. V. Hatch. S. W. Williamson and C. Walker. Dock Watson, colored, who stabbed John Harris, colored, about eighteen months ago, and ran away from here to escape punishment, returned last week. Harris died from lock-jaw produced by the wound. It now re mains to be seen what will bo done about it A little son of Mr E. G. Bennett's died with a congestive chill yesterday morning, near this place. Eighteen months ago his eldest son died with the same disease, at which time a coffin was selected, but was found too short and was put aside. To day the cold form of his youngest son fills that coffin. Last Monday morning about nine o'clock our citizens were startled by a terrific explosion, that made the windows rattle and the earth tremble for a moment. The noise seemed to come from the heavens, and was dis tinctly heard all over this and adjoin ing counties. Many theories were advanced by our scientific men as to what it was ' busted," ranging from a steam saw mill to an aerolite. It was probably a meteor, but the heav ens were overcast with cbuds aa to hide it from view. Ill'rf BOLDT. Ffffm tSe Hsmbotdt Journal. A rlegro woman fell on Main street, last Friday, with an epileptic fit, and while thus affected tore all her clothes off. Elder IlIggiDs was brought up on the 20th for an assault upon one W. F. Murray, and also for carrying a pistol. Elder had been trying to play officer, and for his kind attention and much love of law and order, by bring ing criminals to justice, his honor, the recorder, thought he ought to pay the sum of 625 as a privilige. A committee at Hopewell Pres bytery, consisting of Rev A. E. Coop er, who will preach the installation sermon, Rev. J. N. Dunlap, who will preside and give the charge, and El ders Wi D. Fisher, of Humboldt, N. Patton, of Trenton, and B. F. Bob bitt, tf , Dyer Station, will meet at this place on the first Sabbath in May. On last Friday night about one o'clock, Mr C. II. Ferrell was aronstd by some dogs after his sheep. He rushed out and found what he thought to be two dogs running akng his fence. He waited until both would get in range of his gun, and then fired, killing the foremost, while the one be hind leaped the fence and went off un hurt. He went up to rejoice over the slaughtered cur, as he thought, but found it to be a fine lamb. Three little boys at Gibson John Yandell, John Lave and Allen Love, having become tired of home and al lured by the imaginary idea of mak ing their fortunes away from the pa rental roof, rau away on last Sunday. When they were missed Messrs. Ker sey and Love went in search, and found them Monday morning, fast asleep, on some bales of cotton, at Gadsden. They told that it was their purpose to pick strawberries at Gads den until they got money enough, then they intended to go to Illinois. As the South-bound freight came in on the M, & O. road, Friday, a nejiro boot black boarded the engine to have a little ride. After several kind words, Mr Murray, a brakeman, pursuaded him off bv the use of a cork-toed boot, which created no lit tle excitement. As Murray refused to be arrested, and as he was very anxious to see a cousin in the suburbs of town assoou as possible, he started on double quick time, but the mayor, with a large force, soon overtook him, and compelled him to repent at the recorder's office. Fine and trim mings, $9.00. The following should have appear ed in tiur paper last week, but failed to reach us on time : Como, Henry Co., Tenn., ) April 21, 1878. j E'litor Exrlmnqe-: I write you in accordance with my own suggestion to you. I left Milan the 16th inst., in company with my friend D. D., and traveled out via Shade's bridge and thence on up through the Spring Creek country in Weakly county, touching the second day the Spring Creek cotton mills, owned by Messrs DiuwiJJie, and we were there permitted to go through and examine its machinery and its various departments. It is quite an extensive manufactory and would be a big acquisition to our town or any other to'tn or city. W had the pleasure of forming the acquaintance of all the members of the firm, whom we found to be affable, nice gentlemen. From thence we proceeded on to Paris and from Paris to Buckhanon, in the extreme north and east part of Henry county. There we met with some nice gentlemen of whom I may men tion Major Tom White, Col. Jo. Wil son and. my old friend Bob Wilson of old time tobacco peddling notoriety. We then decamped and went out northwest to Conyersville, which place has evidently seen a much better day, but which has some amiable citizens, of whom we only formed a limited passing acquaintance. I called on my old friend Rufus Ward, of war in timacy, but found that he had been sent to Hickman by the Sheriff for the notorious Rhea, who committed several nameless outrages some time since, near Conyersville, of which you remember, no doubt, of seeing published in various papers not long since. The community around that section seem to be greatly moved with a spirit of revenge, and I feel satisfied they will call into requisition Judge Lynch's services to try him. From thence we went down the Kentucky line and back via Cottage Grove to this place. We found throughout our trip the farmers very much discour aged on account of the low prices ot tobacco and the universal damage to wheat Wefecl certain that wheat will not make an average of more than half a yield, and many crops we saw can't makeanything. We don't think we saw in our whole trip a single crop that did not have rust upon it more or less. My friend D. says that we started with a thousand mile ticket, and he feels very much like the las. numbers are about punched ; but I tell him that I expect to have bim a new ticket ready by Monday morning. Mr H. H. Lovelace has shown us to day his fine stock, of which he is proud and which would compare very favorably with any of Kentucky's best. He has improved short-born cattle, imported Berkshire hogs, aud model imported horses, and is making more money raising stock, Ac., than our best farmers are raising cotton. Como is beautifully located with a fine surrounding country, and all it needs is the. Evansville railroad, which should run from Milan to this place, thence en to Cottage Grove and'out by Crossland, on the state line, and Murry, Ky. Como has a thrifty, in telligent and thriving community, and Murphy s by the hundred. P. C LOTXJkCE. CHANGE. COrXTT SEWS. Rutherford has a lyceum. Dyer Station ships fowls and cattle to New Orleans. Snoddy & Briggs's store was robbed at Dyer Station a few nights since. Loss about 8100. Prof. J. W. Stilwell proposes to publish an educational journal in Yorkville at an early day. Alderman W. E. Barton, a promi nent citizen of Rutherford, died with an attack of pneumonia a few days since. Our farmer friends are still troubled with the gloomy wheat prospect. On every side we hear of the rust and the fly, and it now looks as if the crop would be seriously damaged some1 kij one-half and others one-fourth. We hope, though, it will not be so bad as they fear. We have heard of one or two farmers plowing up their wheat. Cotton Shipments. During the month of April 63 bales were shipped on the L. & N. and 55 on the Central, making a total of 118. Shipped previously, 4538. Total to May 1st 4656. LOCAL XOTICES. An Astonishing Fact. A large proportion of the American people are to-day dying from the ef fects of Dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses ot intelligent and valuable peo ple is most alarming, making life act ually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. Ihere is no good reason for this, if you will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of druggists and your friends, and try one bottle of Green's August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. Ihree doses will relieve the worst case. Pos itively sold by all Druggists on the Western Continent. For sale by W. II. Coley, Milan, Tenn. The North British & Mercantile Iusurance Co. paid her losses at the Clarksville fire in less than 10 days. Insure with this prompt company. Eli Stone, Ag't. Just received from New York, all the latest styles of hats, bonnet., and other millinery goods. Will sell as low as the lowest. O II Hallstrom. Bankrupt Store ! The BANKRUPT STORE has removed to Williams, Smith & Co's old Stand. To My Friends and Patrons ! I wish to express my many thanks, not only for the patronage which you have so liberally extended to me ; but for the kindness and sociability which you have shown to the stranger who came into your midst not many months ago. I can say that I have spent as pleasant a winter in Milan aud vicinity as I ever hope to spend anywhere. Now I have thought, where a winter can be made so pleas ant with its gloomy days, how nice it will be in summer, when the trees and flowers bloom, and I had such good luck here in Belling so many goods that I had to go after another stock, and had to get a larger store room. You will find us at Williams, Smith & Co.'b old stand where we will sell goods cheaper than the cheapest. I am not waiting for large profits, be cause I will sell low and turn the money over and make it come in that way. I have a nice stock of Dry Goods, White Goods, Grenadines, Embroid eries, Irish Linen, Table Linen.Crash, Lawns, &c I have also a large stock of Cloth ing. Its equal is cot to be found this side of Memphis. We are manufac turing a great deal of Clothing our selves, therefore have the advantage above others that have to give the manufacturers any. profits. Ours Shoes and Boots are nice and good. Also, an immense stock of Ladles' Hats and Gent's Hats, &c. Mr Hilliard Williams and myself will be glad to wait on you, ana re collect tSat we are here to show goods. Come and see us, one and all, at the popular Bankrupt Store, Williams, Smith & Co.'s old stand. The BANKRUPT STORE has removed to Williams, Smith Co's Old Itand. NUMBER 9. THE MP0RIUE We are all O. K. this week. Our goods are all fresh and nice. Prices temptingly low. Since our last notice, we have re ceived and sold most ofi our second lot of Ladies' Suits. The balance on hand will be sold very low and the third lot to arrive in a few days, will be pret tier than ev er. In a line of goods for the ladies we always work for the blue ribbon, and if pretty goods, and low prices will run, we will certain ly get it. Nice New port Ties for Ladies, Mis ses and Chil dren. Our second lot of these goods to arrive in a day or two. The stylish Boots and Shoes for arentrmen so C-7 inucii inquir ed for are to be had at our Store. Pay 1'enr School Taxt All persons indebted to us for tui tion are herebv requested to come for ward promptly and settle their ao count?. W e must close op our busi ness entirely by the 14th of May, at which time our connection with Milan College will cease." As we expect to leave immediately thereafter, we will be compelled to tura overall unpaid accounts into the hands of an officer for collection. ResDcctfulIy, Ftv net & Paschal. DAVIE & CO. Keep pure Whiskies, Wine and Brandies for family and medical pur Parties wishing to buy real estate or rent houses, at a bargain, will do well to call on O. II. Hailstrom, Milan, Tenn. A splendid lot of fashionable new Jewelry for ladies and gentlemen has just been received by E. A. Duffy at "The Old Reliable." Robertson has just received thia day, by Express, a large stock of Ladies Misses' and children's Spring Hats direct from New Yoit. For sale cheap. Large stock of Boots and "Shoes just in to-day from - Boston, which will be sold very low. Call and. see before you buy, at R. J. Robertson's. Special to the Ladle. Miss Mary Wade is prepared to re shape and press hats in the latest and most fashionable- styles. Charge moderate. Give her a call. A Cross Mark f n the margin of your paper Indi cates that your time ia out, or will ex pire with the next paper, .ueraember our rule cash alw ays in advakcx. Send your orders for pianos and or gans to H. G. Hollenberg, 294 Main street, Memphis. He has the best and fullest assortment and sells as low as a genuine article can be bought. Bismnrk, Gladstone, Oortscha kotr and Andraasy Prepar ing to Conrene the Eu ropean Congress. Notwithstanding the great pani. and suffering in Europe, the prices of Coffins, WagouS, Buggies, etc, ar. still falling, and Holt is prepared to sell you a wagon or a coffin at lower figures than ever. Plain wheel bug gies, ?90. Sarven wheel buggies, 8120. Hacks from 85 to M00. No. 1 wagon for 550. Coffins from 92 to 8100 each. Horse-shoeing at SI round, he furnishing everything but the horse, and, the blacksmith is one of the prettiest and cleverest men in the state. Repairing of all kinds done at short notice and at the very lowest prices. He olso requests ev erybody who has borrowed tools from him especially screw drivers to bring them home. He needs them. Most Beautiful ! The elegant stock of Ladies' Ties, Jabots, Collarettes and Cuffs, Rainbow Crepe Lace Scarf, Opera Sl.awls, Sea-foam Handkerchiefs, etc., just re ceived at E. A. Duffy's arc simply munificent If you want the best whiskv, yon will have to go to Haynes y,uhodes , tor they keep none but the best. forget to call and examine th. New American Sewing Machine at E. A. Duffy's- Spring Hats, Spring Bonnets, and Spring Flowers in the most fashiona ble styles, just received byE A Duffy. Linen Suits! E. A. Duffy has a beautiful ine of ready-made suits for Ladies, Misses and children, at prices ranging from 81.50 up. Fans from 5 cents to 5 dollar at E. A. Duffy's. Parties stealing the word "JJtxH ealed," simulating tho bottles and labels of Dr. McCabe's Medicated Blackberry Brandy, whether a myth of the Professor or otherwise, are fraudi. Genuine at Coley & Dickinson's. Hallstrom has the latest and most fashionable Ladies' Dress Goods, Mil linery Fancy Goods and Notions ever brought to Milan, ami defies competi- tion. Call and see for yourself. Just received from Boston : The most complete,' cheapest 6tock of queensware that was ever broughtato this market. Haynes & Rhodes. Don't be picked by advertisements of cheap pianos, if you can't pay more than $2o0 for a piano, send your money to II G Hollenberg, and h. will 6ell you something good for th. money, but won't humbug you int. saying its worth 8650, New style Baby's Lace Bonnetts at E. A. Duffy's. The attention of the ladies ia espec ially called to the beautiful new styles of Bourctte Grenadines and - Linens at E. A.' Duffy's. Have just received a fresh lot of German millet at Haynes & Rhodes'. Go to Douglass's for the pure, un adulterated Globe Whisky. - Haynes & Rhodes will exchange grocerie for country produce, but they sell very cheap for the cash. I a - n sasai aj - Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains I Go to llallstrom's for the cheapest goods in the market. . No mistake. . -German JHillet. Hale & Vanheok have a fine lot of German Millet Seed in stuck, and are ready to sell ital the lowest rates. ' CABINET MAKERS : .? : " ' , . AXD Funeral Undertakers ! "VlT'E bare opnd a bj and stora room am V V i'mut Row. where w km-p on hand a rat ply BlorTinaaf riu!rrr(le Rosewood, Wal But.Poplar.ete.. ail niadftaaxi finished ia the Wat manner, aad at bottom ricc for cash. We are aim pT'i ared to do Cabinet Work in Hi rarioa branch Can Chair Bottoming. M?T.din. Varuuh'ag, etfl.. ia the best style. Call and ti u and our tvk. We alo make bog; Mm ia tho ver beet yle. stf : i , . PA&IISH Jk-KICBAZnoir.