Newspaper Page Text
i-finT-ifir THE EXCHANGE THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1878. It was not .Jefferson Davis, but Jef rrson C. Davis, who was reviewed in f all uniform by the Mexicans. The Detroit Pree Press building was destroyed by fire lart Monday morning. Loss about $30,000. In surance for $42,000. The General Conference of the M. Church, South, met in Atlanta T jsterday. It is thought two or three .wvr BLbops will be elected. McLin and Dennis the Florida re turning board thieves, have made a lull confession of what everybody be lieved them guilty in the recent Pres idential election changing the re- t.imt so as to carry the state for 1 layes. , The New York Sun says there have been rumors for some time past that fficeraof the Russian navy were in fiat city negotiating for steamships to i-e fitted cut as privateers Jn the event .f a war between Russia and England. It is known that the Messrs Alex andre, owners of the Havana line, were recently visited by a gentleman who asked particularly about the jirices demanded for their steamships. Whether he was a Russian agent or not the firm say they do not know. Among the vessel known among ship ;ng nien to have been examined by ( )resuniable) ageiits of the Russian Government are the Oregon of the Portland line, that made the voyage io Calfornia in the short time of 54 lays ; the City of Washington, the City of Merida, the City of Vera t'ruz, and the city of New York of die Havana line ; the City of Bavan jiah and the City of Macon of Com inodore Garrison's line, and two new .'teamships that are beiug built for Commodore Garrison. fTATL ITEMS. Columbia had a ten thousand dollar fire Monday. The 'f ciinessee press association will meet at Knoxville cn the twentieth of .Tune. The Tennessee Grand Comniamlery f Knights Templar meets in Na.-h ville to-day. Au amateur operatic troupe from ?Iemphis will play in Nashville to night and to morrow night. The Southern Baptist Convention ill meet in Nashville next Thursday, delegates from nearlj pII the South fin states will be present. One 1. li. Millard was expelled from the Memphis bar on account of Ms having palmed himself off as a magistrate in a mock marriage. Dyersburg Gazette; We are pained to announce the death of our young mid promising fellow-townsman, Mr. Sam'l R. Hill, which sad event occur r -d in our town last Thursday evening. W. F. Yurdley, a former candidate fr Governor, has commenced the publication in Knoxville of a weekly j jper called the Examiner. It is devoted lu tlie advajicemeut of the ih It-re ts of the colored race. Dyersburg Gnzctt?: Mr. Frank Vaughn died in Dyersburg last Tues l.iy, regret'vl by al! who knew him. lie was buried with the honors of Odd Fellowship, of which order he was a worthy and cons-indent member. Erin Review; A tramp shoemaker, )iamed Wilson, from Memphis, on his way to Louis ville, had his iog broken by falling from the platform at the de j jt, hist Wednesday night. IT-- is being c :rcd f r at the Reyjiol-Jri House. Jacksou Dispatch; Mj. IL Jt. Hurt, who has been absent several necks in Memphis, under treatment f.r cancer of the rye, returned to the vity this week. Wc are glad to learn t m he Is somewhat improved and imjie he may soon recover entirely. Ala mo Ken tincl; In the Frog J ump i!cigljlxrhood in this county, on Mr. J. li. Parker's land, tliere is a pojjar tree thirteen feet in diameter one foot above ihegionnd, and appears to lie alxHit the fame ze some distance up. It is sup posed to be the largest tree in the State. Brownsville Bee; Mrs. Martha Oulin; mother of Mr. Arthur Duliu of the Stotes, died on April 18th after a Jong attack of heart disease. She was 3 years of age. During tlie latter part of her life shs was a eouistrut Christian and a member of the Episco jal church. TheafUicted family have nur tincerest condolence. Memphis Appeal: The programme for the Fourth of July eclebra'ion will include a parade of all the military c unpanies, a test for a prize by the fjur fire engine companies in throwing water, etc., and a pyrotechnic display ot immense magnitude on the bluff, by Prof. Samuel Jackson, cf Philadelphia. The display of fireworks will consist cf twenty one exhibitions, continuing eorue two Lours, and ranging from a flight of rocket to a grand allegorical device typifying Memphis la the glory f her prosperity. . . Jacksou Dispatch: Oa Monday, nbout 3 o'clock, a meteoric stone fell from the hea7ens in a corn field about 0 miles north of this city. Tliere was no cloud visible at the time of this won derful occurrence.but the heavens were clear and cloudless, while this phenoni cun went hizzing through the air with A uoise like the roar of distant cannon n a battle field, causing no little ex j ifement and conjecture by those who. saw and heard it. Its course was from south west to north east, and has been a subject ofj conversation on our streets since it gained credence. The facts are Touched for by the most reli' able citizens of the county. - The stone, as found in Mr. Amis' field, has been placed before the faculty of the 8. W. B. University for scientific investiga tion. Alamo Sentinel: We learn that a terrible etorm passed through the county between this place and Browns ville last Monday night, doing a con siderable amount of damage. On Mr. Frank Smith's place, seven miles from Brownsville, the houses were torn all to pieces and two negroes were killed. Tajlor's mill, seven miles north of Brownsville was badly damaged. It then came on end blew the roof off of D. P. Williams' house, thrcwdownthe fences, damaged his mill considerably and also killed a negro in that neigh borhood. The storm then ranged out in the direction, and near Maury City. We have not learned the extent of damage done by the wind, but it must be considerable, judging from what it did in the section through which k passed near us. Somerville Falcon: Mr. Wm, Boyd, son of the late Whitfield Boyd, was killed last Saturday by a negro named Richard Crawford. His skull was fractured in three places by blows dealt with a fence rail. There were no witnesses to thL foul murder find all that is known is what has been told by the murderer himself. A Mr. Thomp son saw the two men together and also saw the negro come up out of the gully in which he found Mr. Boyd a few minutes afterward with life almost ex tinct. The" negro has blade' several statements in regard to the deed. At one time he stated that Mr. Boyd was trying to shoot him and that he push ed him into the guily and when he ffll he struck his head on a rail, and with such force as to cause his death, but no weapons were found on the person of Mr. Boyd and it is evident that he had none. We learn that the negro now says that be struck him with the rail and killed him to save his own life. These are the facts as near a; we can gather them. Crawford was brought to town Sunday and lodged in jail. LETTER FROM TEXAS. Vanmckle's P. O., Hunt Co., ) Texas, April 20, 1878. Jylito' Efbangf I The weather is fine, with plenty of rain to make it seasonable. Farmers are plowing their corn over the sec ond time. The first planting of cot ton is up and looks very pretty. A part of the wheat crop looks promis- ! war. while another part lias oeeu choked out by the rapid growth of weeds. The finest prospect for all kinds of fruit ever known in this prai rie country. Grceubackers seem to be the order of the day. The money question is producing considerable excitement among the laboring classes. Clubs j have been organized in nearly every j precinct, and some able speeches de i livered in behalf of the laboi iug man's j interest. At our recent county coun ! ty convention delegates were elected to the state convention, which meets in Audio on the 15th of May, for the purpose of promoting the progress of the movement at large. Though the Murphy movement hasii't reached us yet, the cause of temperance is receiving considerable attention. Hon W. B. Young, the uoted stale temperance lecturer, and loved by the people of Texas, paid us a pleasant visit last week. His ad dresses were earnest, eloquent and ef fectuali . Many of the greatest ine briates of our country were induced to take the pledge. Local option, a law prohibiting the use of iutoaicants of any kind, except in cases of extreme necessity, prevailed in this county till about two months ago, when a re election was ordered, and the law was defeated by the voters for prohibition staying at home on the day of the election. When will the advocates of temperance rise and assert their power? The law would have been sustained had its advocates bten on the election ground. Tho people will never be redeemed from this curse till they wake up to their duty. We consider the cause of temperance as the true sister of religion and the pro moter of intelligence, morality and all the virtues that tend to raise man kind from sin and its associate miser ies, and to lead to prosperity and hap piness in this world and eternal bliss to come. Then itbehoovesus as lov ers of liberty, as lovers of happiness aud prosperity in this world and the eternal glory of the next, to exert all of our power to stop the ravages of intemperance, which are becoming alarming in this lair land of ours. .. With great surprise and sorrow we read a notice of the death of Dr. Pur ley. We knew him long, as a good neighbor, kind and Christian gentle man, and an excellent physician. He was a promising man, just in the prime of life, and he leaves many friends, even on the. grassy plains of Texas. But the Master hath need of him. Oiir Iups is his gain. ; While the church, Sundayvschoo! an3 neigh borhood mourn his death, he has gone to shake hands with the redeemed on the hills of sweet deliverance and peace. Farewell, Doctor.- We will meet you again with other ties we loved and cherished here. May the blessings of God ret upon his bereav ed family, and may they, with us all meet again to part no more. " Hke Ufa, wili iu toil mud iU cares) are nut Jn Ood'i oa cannon mny we meot at last. A nA with the anrclie choir oar voices ri. ' SiugiDt U tid iuraal anthem of prais" A I -DEBT C. Moore, Oar .et Congressman. From the Dyernbort Gaxette. With this issue of the State Gazette, it is our pleasure to announce Hon. Wm. W. Vaughn, of Hay wood comi ty, as a candidate to represent this Dis trict in the 40th Congress of the Uni ted States. PerscflaHy, we have no feeling in this matter. To subserve tire best interest of the people should be and is our highest ambition. We know of no object more worthy there cer tainly is none more dignified or neces sary jf accomplishment than to relieve them of their burdens And if you will present any other man in our di. trict that is better calculated to produce this result, name him and we w ill glad ly support him. Weknow Col. Vaughn as a self-made man; and there are those in or county who knew him ) ears ago iu Wilson county, naming him only to praise. He is the sou of & Curnderland Presbyterian minister. Raised up" oil the farm, by dint of honest industry and an energy that triumphed over every obstacle, his own exertion has made hira what he is. He is honest, faithful, competent and experienced. He is a man of practical results. It was remarked to us the other day that through and by his public and private labors, over one thousand teen, worneh aud children ha7e been fed, clothed aud cared for through the two oppres siveyearspast and gone. (Jol. Vaughn was the author of the Memphis Custom House, now bcifig erected, which will bring fre?n the United States Treasury notices than one half million ofdollarsi While representing the Memphis dis trict with splendid ability in the 42d Congress, he relieved judgments and collected claims fcr his constituents to the amount of ?70,000. We sent froin this town a petition to him, through the Chamber of Commerce at Mem-, phis, to see if something could not b& done for the Forked-Deer river from Dyersburg to the Mississippi river, and although it was but a few days before Congress adjourned, he succeeded in getting an appropriation of five thou sand dollars, with which, onr readers will remember, the river was surveyed. It elected to this Congress, as he surely will be, he will succeed in having the Forked-Deer clecmnl out from Dyers burg to the mouth. Our Dyer county people will see from the above that they have already found an old friend in Col. Vaughn. His bill, making it a p nal offence for Marshals or their deputies to go out of their own counties and make arrests, but forces all pre liminary trials for violations of the rev enue laws to come before a countv commissioner and if guilty then to be bound over to the Federal co'irt, is greatly needed. But wc haven't time now to even sketch all the good he has done. We can safely say there is no taint of high taxes nor sympathy with the bondholder alwut him. As the field now stands, Col. Vaughn is the decided choice of the great majority yf the people of Dyer county. I lis feal ty to the people is unim peached. His ability to fill the place of Congressman from the 9th District has bven anply exemplified during one term in Con gress. He now r.sks this district to re turn him to the place he has qualified himself to fill. Ills record is spotless. He is a brave and fearless gentleman, a ready debater and a finished orator and will always bo at his place in Con gress to fight for the best interests of his home people. Attention, Assessors! The Assessors recently elected by the county court would do well to per use carefully the following section of an act passed by the Legislature atiu last session, touching the assessment of property : Be it further ena ted, That the As sessors hall complete their assessment on or before the first Monday in J une of each year, and on that day shall meet at the court-house of their re spective counties, and shall orgauize as a Board of Equalization, and when organized shall make such examinas lions, comparisons, corrections, aud al terations as may be necessary to pro duce a fair and just equalization of the assessments in the several districts and wards in said county. NEW Al) VER TISEMEXT8. Non-Resident Notice. IX CUAXCERY AT HUMBOLDT. John O. Shepherd r. II. It. Richnrd.son ct als. IT APPEARIXO FROM THK BILL FILED in this caue, which is sworn tn, that the defendant, H K. Richardson. Is a non-rt.-idciit of the Mate of Tennessee: It is therefore or dered by the Clerk and Master that publication be made in th Milnn Exchange, ucwgjinpcr published in Milan. Tenn., for lour eon xet U live wcuk. commanding the durendunt, li. K. lUchardFoii, to appear at the court hnnsc in the town of llnDiliolat, liibson county, Tenn., on or before the firt Monday, in June next, and plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same will be taken for confessed and set for heiring ex parte as to him. j.J. WILLIAMS. C. 4 M. Rankin k Rhodes, Sol's for (Jotnpl L !unJ-4t Dissolution Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX istiug between J. II. Dickinson and W. H. olcy. under the name and style of Coley Sc Dickinson, in tho drug business, io Milan, Tenn., has this drty been dissolved, by mutnal consent, J. II- Dickinson withdrawing and V , I. Coley assuming all the debts of the firm, aid the business will horeaftcr be carried on by W. II. Coley, at theold stand. COLEY 4 DICKINSON. April!. 1S78. In withdrawing from the firm ft CVlcy & Dickinson, I bcspeiik for Mr. W II. Coley a eo- tinnatinn of the liberal patron-ice harctnfore extended to the firm of ddey Si Dkkin.-on. W. II- Coley i also authwrucl to wind up the outstanding business of Coley J' Dickinson Respectfully, J. li. DICKINSON. Insolvent Notice. -VT0TlcK 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE aI insolvency of tbe estate of Olios. MeClcl lan. colored, deceased, has been suggested to tho Clerk of (iibton County Court- All per sons having claims Against the estate of said deceased arenotified to file them with aiil Clerk on or before the 1st of September, f" P rata distribu!ion or thev will he earred. p4-lm H. 8. CUNNINGHAM, Adm'r. EVERT TKX3rE.SEE FASHEK who is alive to hieowa interests and Would se cure fair remuneration for the products of his industry, should not be with out the NASHVILLE AMERICAN. As a cosiness investment, it trill roy him hundred times tho pric of subscription, be- - : V ; i. v.n.tod In t im morV.t r.U. , Ik nil. ' f m.ih r mu .hv u.. quotations, o as a producer, he niuy . i . I : . i. . I. - IIINWDVIMI,IVUIIU " ilU ll.u P JJV ' I ill "I iu knowing the state of the market, lie will not then be dependent on his neighbors for that knowledge which is money in his pocket. He will be also constantly advised of tbe current of eveuU, political and otherwise. He will LnAM wli.l in tho vi.rlil ml h in constant communication with it. It will add to the Intelligence of himself and honsebold, lice CRS a naii.T man, ine larmcr snouiu oj an i 4i.A a n w k ...i. i UlCKIT 11 U 11IO JT,1! II,1, "111' 11 "111 eost him lea dollars per year, including too postage. If ho cannot get tbe daily regularly, Ihes be should toko the Scini-weekly Ameri can, price 4.i) per year, postage incluaod. Arid fcemnnot conveniently obtain either of .1 .l.M. . ..... llv Urn the Weekly Asuencan, which has alt thesiark et aaotatioiisof the week, including those of . i. j .r t 1, . ..1. :n . i. : only two dollar: a year, postag frrrpal. by the publishers. It is best to nave tho Dally if yo f - . i . ... r.ttuitt. k... i -. nave m 1,.""!?'.T , . B v yon should hare tao eckly Amenewn, If yo try it one year, yen will ovr step it ed never jotjiet ii- Arnold & Lamar, Frnit & Vegetable toft Stflb Wtr tiL 11 Dearborn St( CHICAGO, ILL. Coni?nfcAt solicited sad retarn made frovnpUr- fM-lr W. B.GUION, PHOTOGRAPHER! Milan, Tenn. ALL KINDS OF PICTURES MADE, COPIED, AND ENLARGED. def6-ly W. M. McCALLj ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mltan, TenIL Will prarffco in fl tho CjonrU of tnw and Equity in the couDtie ot :h?on ind mr roumiiiiK counticn, tn the Supreme Ctrnrt at Juckon nnii in the Federal Court. au3 8. F. BASK!. Jl r RHODES. JIANKIX & RHODES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Milan, Tenit. t ill prvtice in S ibson and adjoining counties. door over Jordan's Drug .Store. V, L. WAR.- 8. VILMAMSOX. H ARE fr WILLIAMSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW, and SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Milan, Tenn: Prompt attention given to all Uu'.-ihefii en trusted to their cure, aug4-ly Vt'isK A. t'oDPKit, Trenton. Tenn. K. J. Kith t!.AN. Alamo, Tenn. Jso. K. Walkkb. Troi.ton, Tenri. Cooper, Buchanan & Walker, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Ot rirRs Taylor Block. College Street, Trcn tnn, Tenn-. atiii wfer C Montgomery's Store, Alamo, Tenn. apl-lv M. D. L. JORDAN, Physician and Surgeon IVXllnxi., Tenn. Office corner Main and Jacksou ftrect stairs. ; julyl W. R. CHRISTIAN, WILLIAMS '& LAWSON, IE au-ly (A Walnut st, CINCINNATI.). L INCH'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, (Kurt.pean Flun,) Nashville, Tenn. Adjoining L. 4 N. R- R. Pepot Onr hoiipe i new and tbe rooms elogantly furnished- The bar in supplied with thechoie est luiuors, cigars, etc., and tho table nnsur passed. liath rooms free to guests. W. T. L1XCK 4 CO.. Je-lf Proprietors. 8. M. JOXK8, Late of the Richmond Vf. W. WHITE, Late of the firm ol I'.iilnenh. Kc. WhiteACoi. Formerly of City Hotel, Nashville. WORSHAM HOUSE, Memjilm, Tenn. ft-This house Is situated in the heart of tb.6 biifrines inirtion of the citv. is most convenient to tbe various Railroad Depots and places of amusement, rare goed, ana at reasonable rates. Street carl pass every few tnlnutos to all part ef"the city, This bouse is but a short dielUbr iVoln the em phis and Little Kock Railroad Depot and the River lcb.5. B. M. JOX l.H '.. Prp"r MILAN HOTEL Milan, Tenn. MRS. S. FLACK, rrojiridress. This well-known Honse is neatly fitted sp, Servant" v-o'iite and attentive, and the Table furnished at all times with the best the country affords. Kates reasonable- The patronage of Ine pub ic i solicited. nianVly J. Y. CRAWFORD, triLI. VI8TT MILAN ON THE THIRD ?V Monday In cverxmonth and remain du ring the week. Office at Milan Hotel. AU work dene in the mojt careful manner. apfi-ly DR. J. B. JOHNSON, DENTIST, Offers his professional service to the citiiens of Milan anil vicinity. OfKce corner Mala and Jackson st.-ee's, tip stairs. apll-ly LOUIS WAHL, Of Xklllaxi! IFRNTSIIE? TnE BEST SEW PI A SOS J at Factory Prires. Also, TI NES and REPAIRS at satisfactory rates- tnar CHAS. KESTNAR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Next Door to Fost UUice, MIT.AX. TJINS.. It prepared to make all kinds of Roots and Shoes at the very low est prices. French Cat f Boots, Fewed. f ft " pegged, 7 " hw, sewed, 6 pegged, 4 e V i t- tng done a d.-al cheaper Lg ever done Milan. ,ri aTv 1 1 Feed and .Sale Stable, c. 1'. TtAtrr, Corner Mala nd Chairh Streets, MILAN, TENN. ORSES and hnpgies, and saddle horses for hire. Urivors tvirnu-nea wnen re quired, fctable roon forany number of norses. bupplv of good feed always on hand. Creiul and attentive bertiers ia ttendanca : ALL CHARGES hall be as low m tho lowest' Tbonkful for past patToaig. K5v9-lv Repa V-w J tlia 'i In P 1 We take plefts&re in annotinci'nfr tbat otif Sprfn Pfock is now open, and is one of the largest and most desirable erer opened Jn thw place f and the rnosi Low than we can mean business. Goods, Cord interesting paft h, in these hard times, our prices are WW Cnougn to satisfy all. e made rrreparauons lift a large iraae, ant, ii wu vu i iu PRfCES are ant object to you, wc will succeed. We mean what we say When we advertise that no other store caa sell you more goous. or oener piw at same orices and We atk you to be cftrtatn to give the Wanner otoke a ch.mce belore von toy your oprinfj uiunif ana oe sairsneti mat . . T . . t, i, t ti ,i i i ......r. ... . ft:i i r ri t. t niiij vi;j. tnr stock consists in part oi i nnis, urown Jomesiic uieacneu ixjiuesues, vution i i;ni. vAitinaut.-, tjrtrsa xiuvru. um ed Piques,- Lace I'i)nes, Honeycomb uiltSj biin ts, 1 bread, Uattnns, I'ins, Paper ami liieu Uiiars tor Ladies and Vients, ioTseis m great IVofnor'a iVpolth fir rsnt Miisnftnders. Ladies Neck Weuf. latet stvks Gent's Neck Wear. Handkerchiefs, ail kinds, Kid CJlovcs, Htisiery, the prettiest and lowest in the city, Table Oil Cloths, Parasols, Pans, the best assortment and cheapest m the city, t-ilfc fckifl .levators, nne Etoc oi AotKns, ine best and latest style H.tiS, the largest stock of Ladies' Gent's Misses' and Children's Shoes la this market and at prices to satisfy all. CLOTHING. We make a specialty of, aud have the' largest stock in the place, and very best st vles and St beautifully. When you meet a man who has a nice suit on and it fits well, you may know he bought of the Banner Store. Our Mr Mills and Mr Townes will take special pains in showing yoil through the Clothing Department. Business Suits Professional Suits, Suits for everybody. Nobby and nice and at low prices. An elegant new stock of Dress Goods received this week. We have a new line in Ladies' Hats, very ldw. Give uj a call. The Ladies are especially invited, A beautiful Chroma given to each customer who buys a pair of shoes from us. Salesmen Eli Stone, Dave Mills, John Towsks, , I.I.V. .1, ... pit H. G. HOLLENBERG'S GHKAT SOUTHWESTERN MUSIC HOUSE, - No. 294 Main St., Memphis GtXERAI. AGEXCT FOR THE Mli.TII1VK.Vr T.OR THE CHICKERING AND STEIWWAY PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS, Peloubet, Pelton, Loring and Blake. The largest assortment of Piano and Organs sold on easy monthly payments. Old Pianos and (rimns Ukcn in trade for new. hheet nniWc, music hooka, iuiio. tragi Hm Silver Hand and other musical instraments, and frterchandise of every description in the line at bulesnre and Ket.-iil at rate lower than any hcrave iu the r-uuthwtst, aud quite aS low a Loms any other western marfcet.4, A NtBKTITlTE FOR LIFE IN SI II- AMlv oJU'.iSIi:fi. Widows' k Orphans' Mutual Aid Society op oxxici. Organined .fnlr 4, 1877, under the law of tho State of lllinn!... Copyrighted July 9, 1877, under Act of Cougresa- OFFKKRN. N. B. Til ISTLK WOOD. President. Man. P. A. TAYLOH, Vice Preeident. J. A. (iOLDSTl.Mi. TreaFurcr, 1m. J. J. (iORIxiN. Medical Adviser, THOMAS LK WIS, S-icretary-For further particular, or membenhip, apply at tho home office, Cairo, III-, or to any mem ber of tho society, or at the Exchange Office, Milan. febl4-3m "VTO FURTHER EXCUSE FOR GRAY HAIR with those who prefer it being the former color, i". W. Oreenbalge'a (Nahviille, Tenn.) RESTORATIVE docs not gum the hair dispense with the ne cessity forth lmpooing tiy keeping tho hair and acnlp nice and clean, which will save yoo mora money than the Restorative cost." you; isnnex qiiisito dressing; nicely perfumed: peed ily re store gray hair to it former color) cleanses the head of all dandruff, itching, humor, etc-: pro mote growth of the hair; prevents its fulling ofT.and render it o ft. glo.y and more beautiful than ever, bold at the very reasonable price of 50 Cents Per Bottle. The bottle hold a much a the dollar b.-d tic of other kind, and tbequalit) i guaranteed equal in all respect to anyin use. a nothing but strict ly 6 rst-cla article enter it composition. Give ii a trial, and if it fails to satisfy you, be nre to return Hand get your money. Drugstore north west corner Public Sqnnte. Liberal discount to dealer. T r i 1 i K E X 1 1 A U i E S S I H E C I H K FOR NEURALGIA. For sale by COLEY DICKINSON. oc6-ly A. G. ROULSTONE, WITH- Stix.Krouse 6 Co., Manufacturer and Jobbo s io FIXE AND MEDIUM CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, CixlOlUXXCktl, O. New TorkOffica jan2t-5m 104. Church Street- B. F. SMITH & CO., Cotton Factors, PKDt K AND J NO. 252 FRONT STREET, MKMPHIS, TENN. In addition to tho sale of Cotton, we handle all kinds of Produce. tep7-tf Two Fine Farms FOR SALE ! Ill AVE two tracts of land which I am de sirous of selling. One lying ono and a half miles west of Milan, containing one hun dred acre, food residence and oat-houses and sixty acre clearedt tbe other Iying8 mile west of Milan, containing 10 acres, 80 acres clearea, a Una residence and pood out-kooses. fine prif, good land and in excellent neighbor' hor.d. Convenient to churches, schools and snilla. Terms ea he ascertained by addroas- g9-tf Milan, Tenn, g4-8i-8su inhiszi$ &mimbi '" Psifiii i&m$4 mni i I OF NEW GOODS AT THE I ' - . ' LOUISVILLE & GT. SnUTHEON RAILROAD LINE. TRAIN No. 1 connects nt Lebanon June, with Knnsvillc Pram-h: at Cave ity to and fro til MrtlntilOlh Cave I at il-ow Juyc. to and from Glasgow; nt Nashville with Aash' ville and Chattanooga Railroad : at l)ei-atur with Mciuphi' and Cborleton Kailrond : at Calcra with S.. K. ic l. R. R. i nt Galbiie with lit. Louis and. Southeastern K:.ilway: at Mi-K-.riio with Na.-hvilie and North western Kailwayi at Montgomery with Mobile and Montgomery Railroad, for l'ensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. TRAIN No. 3 connects at Nashville with Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad) nt Io ralur with Memphis and Charleston Railroads at liirminithem with Alabama and Chatta- ! niMiga Kailioad: at Calerawith Selinn. Rome 'and iiultoti Railroad: at Montgomery with Western Railronil (of Alabama). .Montgomery rid Eilfola Railroad, and Mobile and Mont gomery Railroad; at Guthrie with St. Lou ia and Southeastern Railway; at Milan with Jackson Route and Mobile and Ohio Railroad; at Memphis with Memphis and l.ittlo Rock Railroad for Lilllo Rock and all points in Texas and Arkansas. TRAIN No. from Montgomery connects al Calcra with Selma. Rome and Dalion Railroad at lc-atur with Memphis and Charleston Rail road for the West. No. from Memphis con aci'ts'nt llnmboidt and Milan for the West, al.o from points South fur Louisville: al Uuthriewith St I. H E R'yi Lebanon June., with Knoxville anil Richmond ISranches: tt Cincinnati June with L C & L R R for the Forth and East: at Louisville with the lT. S, Mail Iloats for Cinrinnati. and with O A M Ry and .1 M A I R for the Nurth, E:ist and West. TRAIN No. 4 roTi daily from Montgomery and daily except Sunday from Memphis, hav ing direct connection from Little Rork, and all points in Texas to Louisville: rotinevtsat De catur with Memphis A Chnrlesion R R; at Guthrie with St I. A I. R R for the North and East, at Louisville with O A M aud J 11 A 1 R for the North, East and W'et. TIIAIN No 6 from Memphis connects at Me Kenie with NC4SIL Ry for the Southeast. From Rowling Green it will be run as accora nxdation to Louisville, making same connec tions as No. 4, PULLMAN PALACE CARS Fnn both way. WITHOUT CHANGE, from NEW ORLEANS to LOUISVILLE via Milan, ou No. and No 3. LITTLE ROCK TO LOUISVILLE via Memphis, on No. 4 and No. 3, MEMPHIS TO NASHVILLE via McKeirio, on No. (i and No. 6. For information ahontj'ickets and Emigrant iutes, address C. P. ATMOREi Gcn'l Pass. A Ti k. Ag't. LnuUvillc, Ky. A. VT. LOVING, Agent. Milan. EDW. COLEMAN. Ticket Agent. When Yon Travel Remember the Great Central Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis B. R. THE great connecting linV and artery of trade and travel between the Great W est and the Southeast. To the business man, plea sure seeker, families and tourists, tbi rouU offer unequalled ad vantage? in beauty of ceo ry, comfort, elegance, aeeurity and safety of equipment, saving of time and money. THROUGH" CARS, No midnight delays and steamboat lntarlude. The SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTB to Cairo, St. Louis, hieago, Little Rock. Texas and all tbe vast West. THK ONLY DIRECT ROUTS to Richmond, Petersburg:, Norfolk. Lyachburg, Daaville and the VirginiaSprings, as well as to Knoxville, Bristol, Rome. Atlanta. Macon, Angusta, Savannah, Charleston., Columbia. Wilmington, Raleigh, Greensboro. Charlotte, Jacksonville and all intermediate point. Paseners can purchase tickets to Louisville and Cincinnati yia Nash villa at sasa price as hyMy other rout,. y Genl Pass. & Tk't Agent $I7'7 f7' "ot 'Uy earned la these f I g tine, but it can be made in three 1 1 1 nontbs by any one of either sex, in any part of the eonntry who I willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. 86 per week In your own town You need not he away from home over night. You can give your whole time togthe work, or only your spare moments. e have agenta wh ar making tM per day All who engage at once nn make money fast At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and $i oot f .free. Addresa at on, II.1Ul.lktt A Co-. Portiad, Marno. jryK-ly - .. . . . . . . . Proprietor oi the i -ncfTi A-TIT.TWTTTTTI I3V lOOOt TEMPLE OF MUSIC, 65 Union Street, Nashville, Tenn TifnOLKPALfc and RETAIL AGEN"t fVr the afo of tho XVorld Renowned PIANO of STEIN WAY, K.NAtEand l'1'.N HAM, together with the nation's favorites, BACON M KAP.R. tliacoii A Raven.) J. A f. FISCHER. 1IAIXES BROS and the "M"DEL PI A NO.'' price SIT-..- Orrr." Agency of MASON Ji 11 AM LIN. HI RDKTT. NEW KNDLANH ORGAN C.- tlElf. A. I'RINCl. .V CO-. all pronounced by tbe Music Profession fJ be 'he bst"niade, G EN I" IX E MtJALS rtceived from Exhibition in Etro and Amcricit. Comretition in gen nine I not bogti.-.l I nsfruilicnN meet with prirr s and terms to suit the times. S1IEKT MISIC forth M tLLfON a OS E CENT pef paxS ind upward. Largesl Stock of S':ings and small musical gooils at lnet porsiblo figures. The Prolessjonj Schools, ami Rook seller furnishwl at Eastern discounts. The proprrctor res.eettTlly announces to tbo public that he has added the Agency for the sale of the MGHTE A ERNST PIANO, which ii explained to be the gt-nuine LKiflTE PIANO, iu the forwing correspondence? Madisos. ist., I. 27th,-1877' To FoiroR Mcsto Ta init Rgvtrw. N.- T. . W ill you plea-e send me thoso back Knmbrr of yonr Riviaw, which eontain the expT sure of tho f.auduU-nt pian ., whieh bear the name of good old makers (.lead now), but which made good and no'ole instruments in teir tune. This rsirt of the eonntry i canvassed by druuimtrs, trying to palm off worthies in MrcmHits en the public, farmers esK-ci,illy, as real and genuine so and so's make, produc ing lists and ciri utars of tbe same, and asking from four to eight hundred dollars for tbeso bogus instruments. Many of thesojdd ni.-ikcs are well known flronnd here, and throagft Kevtueky. a first-class, and these scoamlrcls, who can not do legitimate business, are trying to swindle the people. Ono of inv friends paid i-'0 cash, for a LlGlifE i. CO. that is not worth' over iV. and I hear the l'.RslH'RV is ut tks same, it' not worse. Pleas paljlish this iu your able jourul, and sava coaio of those about to be swindled. Respectfully, . . . J. MERRILL JALTSON. (The Light Co,, i a fraad- LtGIITE k ERNST fnake the mly genuine LIGIITE PI ANOS. Rcwiire of all Rradbary Pianos' Many of them are now taatie kv Hale, llardman sad others. Ed' Mi . R.) The abote should be a warning to a'l purehnscr of PI.AN'Im ot OftflAN?, a there ar ! many persons offi-rine these "Hin;ra" ifistruiiieiits. giving varius names to look like th I old and genuine ntkesaiid of course he nobl for less than genuinecaa be made for. Cnrrespund ! encc solicited, to shew many ease? of fraud- J- A. Mi t'Ll RE, jus Watchmaker AT QAIUO'S MILAN, TEjST!N". A STOCK. OF WATCHES. CLOCKS AID JEWELRY OX II.15D. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Jan3-3m IfULAN .WOOD WORKS, jkETJL7 Tenn. XXAVIN'J JUST PVT IP. IN CONNECTION WITH Ol'R MILL. AN ENTIRs! Nklf I I et of Planing Mill Machinery, we are now prepared to furnish lumber of every descrip tion, in the rcugh or dressed. FR AMINO, CIELING, BR.1CKETS, TURNED NEWEL POKTS AND BALUSTEILS, FLOORING, WELL CURBING, MOULDING, LATHS, P.Y THE THOUSAND OR CAR LOAD, WEATHERBOAKDING. BOXING, SCROLL WORK, PALING, ROUGH OR DRESSED. Flow Beams, Sawed Felloes, Wagon Hounds Bolsters and Tongues. Having a long experience In tho wagon and want long fell by wngon and deal of valuable tiino and timber. Our facilities plow ip.iiiulacturers by any plane !n West Tennessee. Central and Memphis and LuuUville Kailroail. we will pay tho bet prices for it in the log. or bolted four fi-at long. Hole- itgrals for U-ll' I'airat Sheet Irm KaoBng, tbe I hcapeit mill niosit dnrstble.rof mwele. , . i . , j i x or miner particulars, anuress no MILAN EXCHANGE Haa large and increasing circulation ia Gibson, Carroll and adjoining counties, besides handnorue lists in other states. Parties who have relatives living in other localities can send them all the local news much cheaper by sending them the Exchange than by writing letters. We will furnish it to subscribers at the'fullowing rates : Single copy 1 year, $2. Five copies, $8.75. Tfln Copies, $15. Twenty Copies, $20. Will fiud the Exchange a first class medium for reaching dealers and con sumers, and at much less cost than by any other means. You can thus make your business known to a greater number of persons in a single day than could be visited by a dozen drummers in a week. BATES ARE "VERY LOW FOR CASH. The Job Printing Office Is'supplied with thenatfetim proved machinery and most fashionable type, and we are prepared to execute all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING , .. .1. BANNER STORE. rcaier in genuine gooo on:y and Jeweler, DBl'O HOKE, implement business, we are satisfied we can Sll a for receiving and shipping timber is unsurpassed tor 1 1 inner in tnerignt snape ani saving a great m Tn parties having timber lor s-vle on the lines of the Mississippi QEOROE C3A.3333. Proprietor, Milan. lenn.