Newspaper Page Text
V Milan Exchange. -n ,ii; XIV. MILAN, TENN., DECEMBER 31, 1887. NO. 44. V N I RAILROAD TIME TABLE. GREAT JACKSON ROUTE. iLLIXSlI ClIIITBAL RaIL10. Ifter My 21. 1187. trains will leaf Man m followi: SUOTB. WORTH. . 1. at 5:35 itm No. J. t 5:. am . 1. at 2:.H pm No. 4, at 1:21 pm . 5at.51p. m. No. 6 it f.Oo p.m. K. M. Brown, Ticket Agent, a. . IUno, (Jen'l. Pat. Agent, Chicago, . J. W UokRMAii, Ass'l. (i. P- A.. Nw ltass.La. ; LOUISVILLB k 8 ASUVILLB R. K. drains leave Milan ai followi on and after ty 29. 1887. PAaamiaat tbainb- . I, south, leaves at .. " i-i. north, " .4. " . I learei Milan at rives at Memphis . 10 leaves Memphis 1:13 am 12:45 pm 2:15 pm 1:47 in 5. Si) a. m, 9.00 a. in. i W p. in. S.5C p. in. rrive at nilaa. Beta trains run daily. r . V AH i n faLLi, llcxei Agem R.C. A 6t. L. NlihTllle Ar McKeati 7:15 in " " 11:45 pm T:a&m " " 12:15 pm IgTBflVXB. .,, 05 pot Ar Nashville 7:49 pm i: in " 7:05 am . O.F.CANTVTELL. Agent. CITf DIttECTOUY. : C1TI OFFICERS. ' 10. H. Rtone. Mayor. W, B. Bryant, City Marshal. R. B. Mitchum, J H. Blankinship. R. I. aun, R- E. Edwards. U. W. Harmon and ; A. Taylor. tldermea. CHURCHES. t tctptist Church stieet. J. P.'Weaver, pas r. Preaching every Sunday morning and mine. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening . nilny-scnool 9 am. dethodist North Main streetE.B.Graham, ; itor. Preaching every Sunday morn ng and enini. Prayer meeting Wednesday even i. Sunday school 9 atn. . . , v'umberliind Preibyterian South Main it JD. Lewis, paster. Preaching every Sun Jt morning and evening. Prayer meeting, P 1 eidy evening, Sunday ichoel 9 am. 'I' MASONS. Milan Lodge, Ne. 191-Joslah Claybroak.W. L; R.E.Edwards, Secretary. MeetiMMon ,,.y sight ia euoh month. T -4. V -isiW. ft. V.nhsok. tatjr: TDJantson. Reporter, fcodgamceti '.taatkir4 aridity mgnisio eacamomu. ::--- k. ef p. ,; wpore. Udo. No.24-H.VT. Lovli.g.C. 0. vY. Williamson. K. R. S. Meeti every tarsday night. . A. O.U.W. nr.,.. Vn Sfl A . CYi ambers M. . w. n. I. Jordan Rocorder. Meets third df-' Friday nights. K. andL. f H. n. I.T..I-. r OH Drat ml thir ,ody nighti In each month. T. J. Uordon. U w.A. Wade. Secretary. AGRICULTURAL WHEEL. Gibson County Wheel meets the first Thuri iiysln January. April. July and October. i. W. Pitman, Pres., M. B JohnBon, ee., utberlord- , . . Orove. So. R5. meet! Snturdayi be- J 'ire the &Tft aa l third Snudays in each Lj onth. L. W. Pitman. TyoreUry. f No. lit meets the lt rres , . iv. "icioj, it SJ Satunliivi in j.w i icn mnnm. o. u. hu i JjV'. ir.. Secretary 1 piffi.S.o. 79. meet Hufcbes.FreMdent. J. v Catiirr1a hnfnr thm It inVon 'ti eaoh month. W .O.Chapman Pres .T..hn3,n School-House Wheel. No. 52. is Thnrsdiiv nlaht bufore the full moon in vch month. J.u. Jones, rresiuem, u. ones. Secretary. . . i . . . , xi ALL CHANGE. Good-bye 1887. Welcome 1888. Will you "turn over a new leaf to borrow ? " A light snow fell here last Monday, iut soon melted. Service was held ouly attheMelho' Jiil church by the whites last Sunday, hen a large congregation heard ap jroprirtle sermons moruing and even ug by Bro. Hayes. j Dr. W. E. Stone had a leg badly jiroken last Thursday by a team run iing away with him. He was ruov ng his mother, and was about getting In the wagon when the team started. A dining was given at the residence if Mr. R. Y. Moore last Tuesday when about thii tvsix members ef the family and relatives, besides He vera ther guests, enjoyed a bountiful and Vltt;ant feait. jJ.'m Cole, colored, stole a bottle of 1 '""Jat Thompson'! sal'wn Wediui '.'put in tlie lockup Thursday hi J', surted to jail yesterday "morning in charge of aon of deputy 'sheriff Chapman. On the road b juutird the rope ,iih which he was Ixiuod and made his escape. The Christmas tree at th Baptist church last Monday night was a suo cesa. The proceeds, $22.10, and ten oads of wood, were donated to the poor of Milan. The liiwhop has placed Rev B F Pee- plea in charge nf Trezevant circuit, in place of Rev. J. U. Witt.wh was made presiding elder. This change ia much better for Bro. Peoples, as he has a home here and will not hare to move his family. While there was very little drunken ness on the street Saturday, yet large quantities of liquor were sold, mostly to couatry people. Wallace Lusk sold four barrels of whiskey, besides other iquors. At night the usual mischief wis indulged in, 6re-works burned, etc. The following named' trainmen on the L. & N. may now be claimed as nart of Milan's population. Those f th ;' ccommodHtiou train have their families here and stay here every night. The freight crews stop over here, two each, every other night and spend Sundays here. The accommo dation crew is Sol. Buck, conductor; O. Slusser and Mr. Elmore, engineers; Messrs McUrath and Scott, firemen, and Mr. Murray baggage and express messenger. Messrs. B. Skates and Wm. Savery are conductors of the ocal freight between here and Erin, nd Messrs. J. Waddle and G. Tib- betts Bre conductors of local freights between here and Memphis. We did not get the names of the engineers anaWother members of the crews on the freight trains Besides these local freight crews, a large uumoer of other crews gft their meaU with Mrs. Kate Boyd, at the Milan House. , THE TEAK'S W0BK. Following is a list of new houses built in Milan this year. This does not include the lance number of houses repaired, additions built t) them, etc. J. W. Coulter, one-story residence on Cemetery street. J. D. Sites, one-story brick residence on Mill street. Unfinished. Horace Mobley, two story frame aesidence on Mill street. Unfinished. Wm. Hicks, one-story frame resi dence on Jacksou street. P. B Martin, oue story frame resi dence on Jackson street. E. A. Collius, two-story frame resi- denceon Dickinson street. Chas. Kestnar, one-story brick bus iuecs house ou Maiu street. A. McDonald, une-story brick bus iuPHS housaou Maiu street. W. C. Ii:g & Bro., one-story brick butuueti house on Main street. Edwards A Shepherd, two two sto ry brick busiuess houses eu Maiu street. D. A. Taylor, two-story brick bus' in ess house on Main street. E. Keileber, one story brick busi uess house on Front Row. W. A. Wade, one-story brick busi ness house on Front Row. J. White, twostory frame shop on Main street. J. E. York, one-story trame livery stable on Williamson street. Material is being hauled to build a four-story roller flour mill on the L. & N. Ii. R , aud Mr. Ackerman is preparing to bu.ld his houses for his wood-working factory. He hopes to Have his machinery up ready for busi iuess very sooa. In ttie meantime, he is already buying timber to work on While Milan does not claim to be ou a boom, yet we do claim to have a healthy growth, and ths prospect for the coming year is very bngbt. V itb the two new railroads coming in here and a few more factories, we expect to see Milei) Mn in the lead of all the town around here. Miss MaudColey spent the holidays in Memphis. Miss Camilla Cole visited relatives in towu this week. Vernon Rust, ot Medina, was in the city yesterday. Mr. R. C. Adams, of Trenton, was in the city last Wednesday. Miss Mai Jjrdan visited lelatives in Pais since our last. A. V. Loving spent several days of this week in Memphis. Miss Marai Cunlifl, et Jackson, is visiting Miss Alice Holt. Mr E L. Dickson spent several days in McKenzie this week. Miss Lillie Glenn, of Nashville, is visiting Dr. J. M. Glenn's fa mil v. Hunter Richardson, of Paris, spent the holidays with his parents here.. Miss Edna Haun spent a few days this week with relatives in Gibson. Mr. J. W. Taylor and wife, of Gib eon, visited relatives here this week. J. D. Williams, one of Bradford's live merchants, called on us Tuesday. R. B. Harris spent three or four days in Crockett county since our last.. Mr. fiance Blanks, of Trezevant, spent last Saturday and Sunday here. W. A. Townes, of Nashville, spent several days here visiting his parents. Rube House, of Stanton, visited his father's family several daytjjthis week. - - Miss Bessie Collins spent the week in Brownsville visiting relatives aud friends. . ' John Gibbs, Esq., a IN ash villi mer chant, visited Capt. OwajriVfaVilv ouuuay. Rev, "J. P. Weaver, of Nashville, spent several days with his family in this city. Mrs. A. M. White and son, of Al amo, are visiting the family of Mr J. W. Coulter. Mr. Bailey Moore and wife, of Mc' Kenzie. visited Mr. R. Y. Moore's family this week. Mr. J. D. Herron, wife aud little son, of McKenzie, visited Mr. R. J. Burrow's family here. Miss Mattie Fowler, of McKenzie spent the holidays here, the guest of Miss Maggie Mitchum. Missesrlosa Pope, of Jacksou, and Anna McCallum, otBeech Bluff", are visiting Misses Sallie aud Nora Muore this week. Misses Emma Hillsman, Nina Hurt and Ella Uutcherson, of Trezevant, speut the week here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Headly Boyd, the live aud pushing editor and publisher of the Tennessee Trihuue, Paris, called on us last Monday. Miss Ssllie Cat hey, of Milan, is spending the lnlidays at Mr. Walter Cat hey 's, four miles north of this city Jackson Whig. Misoe Nina aud Ula Holloway, two charmiug youag ladies of Milau, are visiting Mrs. D. A. Lyeria, on Smith street. Jackson Whig. a iMamie Uutcberson aor Mick in Haiifiiro left IhbI Tuesday for Pari., where they will be the guests of Miss Emma Hutchersou. Misses Etta McDowell, of Arling ton, Ky., and Bell Thompson, of Trenton, made the hearts of some of our gallants happy by spending last Sunday here. The carrier's address to the patrons of Neal's Slate Gazette is a handsome pieee of printing usually Usues. such as the Gazette G to S. M. Rhodes' Tin Slop and M for Good Tin Ware aud you will jet it. The Board of Mayor and Alder men met pursuant to adjournment. Mayor E. N. Stone presiding. Mar shal, W. B. Bryant. Aldermen pres ent; J. H.gBlankiuship, R. B. Mitch um, if. t. Haun, W. ii. Harrison, D. A. Taylor and R. E. Edwards. Ilia minutes of last meeting were read and, on motion, were adopted. The ollowing acounts were allowed and ordered paid, vu :J Jas Johni.eemetory aceonat. (Taxes) 50 175 25 650 UbO li. inomason, street work Us K. V 11 f , UlUDi E. D. Lusk. burrinc doc T, K Edmonds, extra police service and cost, A. Taylor, hall rent to date, B. Davie (use of Owen A Co.) and 17 ethers, election offlcirs SI each. J. A. Boyd (use E. N. tftone), P. Brodigan, J. M, Towaei, R. H. A- Jea, Lee Turner (use taxes, llaun ), . T. Williams, U. tt. Mitchell, W. C. Cresswell, J. W.Sullivan, R, J. Burrow, Will Haun. T, W.Oliver, Simioo Taylor. VV. B. Reeves, J. , A. W. Mathis.W. Y. Williamson (uia taTm Haun). V. A. Hit. Jno Mason (use taxes, J. II. B.) cem 18 00 1 00 4 90 2 35 1 00 1 00 is oa etery account, T. Spellings (use T. W. Adams), Street work. W. A. Wade, nrinrin. Oip. Jonas, account cemetery, (ase ,, Mayor), Ike Pearce, account cemetery. n uion neathcock and nupert Jackson, R. B. Mitcbutn ifc Co., hauling, etc.. 11 7 50 2 75 41 75 1 25 uoo Dianainsmp, oaiaaoose repairs, J. M. Dawson, cost, JV. II. Bryant, delinquent cost. W. B. Bryant, board of prisoners. 1133 75 The officer! made their several semi-annual reports to this date as followi: E. N. BTONE, MAYOR. T a rat ree'd from fines. f 134 35 privilege!, 6U0 55 cemetery. 20 00754 90 Or. July '87. By bal due him en set. 1106 9s Iec. 27 . ny n mo salary mayor, 100 01 " Ua ' I ' . . ... J By d'lau'teostto date. 45 0U By amt pd treasurer ai per voucher. Bal dae him. Ml 00-832 91 78 06 J. H. BLANKINSHIP'8 (CITY TAX COL LECTOR) REPORT FOR 1886. July To hat aneolteeted for 18SS, pm laatsetlra't. tXB 55 To taxes assessed bv him, added to book, 19 20222 75 Or Dee 36. By amt pd treas ai por voucaers, - 12 DO By com on same, 7 50 By releasements. 50 20- 1S2 70 Bal uucollected for 1886, 40 05 h. blankinship' s (City Tax Col lector for 1887) report. To amt ef tax book for 1887, $2217 25-2217 25 Ox- Dee 26 By amt pd treas at per voncber, 757 93 By com on 1757 91 at 6 per oent. 45 46-903 38 Bal uncollected for 1887, 1413 87 Bal for 18!. as above brouKht dnwn, 40 05 Total unoolleoted taxes for 1886 and 1887. 1453 9) r. F. haun's (City Tax Collector for 1884-5) RKPORT. July 87 To bal per Ian let'm't S584 04-584 04 Or Dee 26 By amt pd treas as per vouchers, 9210 00 By com on $210 10 at 6 per cent. 12 60 By releasements 49 60-272 20 Bal uncollected taxes in his hands, 311 84 r. s. edwawds' (Treasurer) report. X3r July 87 Tobal oa hand as per lasisettlement, 9186 90 To amt reed u( E. N. Stone, .Mayur. 581 GO 'lo auU reed of R. F. Uaun. City Tax Col 210 0C To amt reed of J, U Blankiaabip.C. T. C. 882 92 To amt reod frm oth er sources, 24 25-91805 07 Or Deo 20 By amt pd out as per vouchers cancelled. 91229 43 Bv com on same, 49 1791278 SO Bal oa hand, 616 49 , The foregoiug official reports of the several officers were eacb audited by the Finance Committee and tiy them approved, and on their endorsement were adopted by the Board The regular business of the Board having been transacted and before the final adjournment of that b:idy the following resolutions were unanimous ly adopted, by a rising vote, aud or dered spread upon the minutes: Resolred, That we, the Board of Aldermen, fully appreciate the servi- ces of our retiring mayor, K IS. Stone and the kindness shown us, do regret that our omcial relations have lieen dissolved by theexpiratiun of hi terra of office, and that we tender to him our best wishes tor his future success, Resolved further. That as !he term of J. H. Blankinship has expired, we desire to expra.s our appreciation o valualsle services rendered us in the faithful and very fffiViant dixcharge of every duty as alderman, aud we regret that our pleasant relations have ceased. Resolved further, Our Marshal, W. B. Bryant, has performed all duties imposed upon by the by-laws and or dinances of the town in a faithful manner, and to the entire satisfaction of this body. . A committee from the Board of Al dermen having procured a gold-headed cane as a preseut to Mayor E. N. Stope, W. G. Harrison was elected to make the presentation, which he did in the following manner : Kind Sir : in behalf of ray fellow, aldermen I have the bonor to present to you this cbbc as a token of our appreciation for yeu as an officer. Kind Sir : We desire to impress upon your mind that the friendly re lation that baa existed between us as officers will continue to follow you through all your private relations of lite. And we regret very much that by the expiratioa of the term of your office our official associations shall cease, but we are proud to say in your behalf that you have been to ui a faithful aud vigilant executive. In your retirement we trust that we will not entirely lose the benefit of your wise counsel, when the best interest of our town demauds it. When Milan shall have giown to be a city, and you should need this as a stuff for your support, we trust and kuow that you will have na cause to regret any of your omcial acts. In conclusion, we hope that the same Buccess may at teud you iu your private relations of life that has crownd your efforts as an officer. With this, we bid you an affectionate farewell. Mayor Stone accepted the gift in a few well-chosen remarks, expressing his gratitude not only for the pres ent, but for the sentiment aud good will that prompted the act. The Board then adjourned. Milan, Tenn , Dec. 27, 1887. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen -met. Present, aldermen, R. B.. Mitchum, W. G. Harrison, R. E.Ed wards, and aldermen elect, Jehn D. Loving, R. F. Haun, and D. A.Tay lor were duly inducted into their of fice for the regular term of two years. The official being administered by A, .1 ... ....... 5 joraan, justice ut tbereace. Mayor elect, J. P. Rhodes, presen ted himself aud the oath of office was also administered tohim by A. Jordan, J. P, Thereupon the mayor convened the lionrd in regular session, lhere appearing no business to transact the Board, on motion, adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting on the 2d Monday in January, A. D. 1888, next, at 7 o clock p. in. J. P. Rhodes. Mayor; Troirea'y at McLeinuresviHe. We learu that Harve Richardson, formerly of Milan aud John Dtiltoa, both colored, attended a Christmas tree at McLemoresville last Saturday uight when they got into a row and Rich.. ardsou cut Dal ton's throat, resulting in death. Richardson skipped.and lias not been arrested. Whiskey. Christmas at Lariala. The Juvenile Society, of the Meih. odist Church at Lavinia, bad a Christ mas tree Christmas eve at the resi dence of Dr. Atkinson. The tree whs beautifully decorate 1. The exercise consisted of prayer, songs, recitations aud distribution of presents, each member receiving a nice gift, after which they all partook of an elegnut supper prepared by the lady manager, Mrs. Atkinson, to whom they were indebted for the entertainment. The society is in flourishing condition. This office is now prepared to do all kinds of jb work neatly aud quickly. Bring your Work around aud try us. We guarautee a neat job. Holiday I xrnrsions. The I.C. R. R. will sell round trp tickets from Dei:. 22nd to 25th inclu sive, food until Jan. 2nd; and fnuu Dec. 29th to 31st inclusive, gNd until Jan. 5h, 1888, at oue fate for the round trip. For information in reeard ti what rtoints tickets will ln i sold see E. M. Bi own, ticket j;ent. 1