Newspaper Page Text
"Nothing, nswered W eon says tfal Vait'a girt* ialf-adotea 'The old Jei (he next tic blister her fi it going?" "Theaoh< " What, fi borne went fbe Daily Nat, gt mid contain* ,ngrei"8 up to ti The Oflico of teen D and E. lily papor*-for no square, ( Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do A liberal di koto wlio advi liutfM to. do. mMJ" .Hf? i* publiahed every even report* of the proceeding* of i o.'ttlvclc. iiou is ou Sevonth atrcet, be it montha - - . $5.00 tihug in Daily. one iuaertion . . - $0 60 three inaortiona - ? 1.00 onoweok .... 1.50 two weoka . - . . 2. Ml one month .... 4 00 two montha - . . . fi.oo three montha ... 8 00 long advertiaeinents, and to 1 longer time. i'rojN, p. c. Natinul In. FROM MY SUMMER WlTHJlR. SINGLETARY." Chap. VL THE SKIPPER'S STORY. "Well, what's tsUe news below?" asked the loo tor, of his bouaekeopcr, m she came home am a gossipping visit to the landing, one after loon. "Whatnew piece of aoandal in afloat ow?" HH what oonoerns yourself" Watson, tartly. "Mrs. Nu ve been to me her neighbor .,t's sick with the measloe and never bo maoh as left a and she should like to 's goml for without physio. ituit Brown's wife would 'd minded her, and let her mgh wort tea, and pat a of her itomach." would be the beet thing for with a wicked grimace. Let her look out for herself gets the rheumatism; I'll to heel. But what elm Polly Piko is at the landing." lor ? The one Tom Os I met Tom down street." Doctor, witb emphasis. .. ? )*borno's pruyera are answered, will <eeher son bo Core she dies." kQd preoioua little good will it do her," said th* housekeeper. " There's not a more drunk en, sw?ario& rake shame in town, than Tom Osborne." "It's too trui\" responded the Dootor; "but he's her only son. and you know, Mrs. Watson. I the heart of pother." The widow's hard face softened?a tender ?Oadow passed over it?the memory of some Old bereavement melted her; and as she pawn ed iite the house, I saw her put her oheoked apron to her eyes. By this time, Skipper Evans, who had been ?lowly working his way up street for Bome min ?Us, had reached the gate. "Look hare," said he, " here's a letter that \ by the Polly Pike, from one of your old , that you gave over for a dead man * From the other world, of course," said the ??I t exeotly, though it's from Labrador, fthfi last pi .toe the Lord made, I Dick Wilson'" "Sartain," said the Skipper 1 he ? " [kicking! I tell yon what, Doc and blistering are all well m; but if you want to set a fel . he's kinder run down, there's t fishing trip to Labrador, epecial I bothering himself with studying ?och like. There's nothing , hard hunks, and sea fog, to ioutofhim. Now this ohap," i gave me a poke in the ribs, _?iation,) "if I oould have him 1 beyond sunset, for two or throe come back as hearty as a Bay I would like to try the j him as skipper, I begged history of the case he had spo The oM fisherman smiled complaoently, hitch loooa, took a seat beside us, and, 9 a jack knifi' from one pocket, I >f tobaooo from the other, and do plying himself with a fresh quid, , apologetically, that he supposed heard it all before. f timf i," said the Doetor; 44 but, a good storv yet. , flo ahead, ?aid the Skipper, "this iM down here from Hannover f m, aj lean as a shad in dog studied himself half-blind, and got into brains. So the Doo him with his potioary stuff, with her h.. Im, but all did I somebody advised him to down East, and *o he per him aboard my eobooner. I in the wuy, and poor oom for all his (Jreek and Latin; thing, I've noticed that yonr rap away their eomm>u sense and make a mighty poor bar l, he brought hie hooks with 10 them ao olotis that I wax ,ve to slide him off the plank way to LaHr *dor. 80 I just that it wouldn't d >, and that 1 kill himself ashore I'd no ob In't do it aboard my e'en jest a mind,' Rays I, ' to overboard A Ashing-vessel's _j; they'll spot I all our leek, 'king a Jonah of yourself down , but get upon deck, and let and go to watahing the sea the inlands and the fog and the Mrds, for natnr,' ; 1 give hearstys, hut is al the Gospels.' nee talking. There he'd lay _ his books about him, and I to drag him on deck to snuff ?, ono day?it was the meon?after we left the . _ running down the Out sight of the (Jennet roeks. I'll show him something in bis htbdM. Ho I goes 'j and when he got on and if DAILY_ NATIONAL ERA^ j G. BAILEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. VOL. I. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1854. ' ' NO. 2. ever I saw a chap wonder-struok, be was. Right ahead of us was a bold, rooky islaud, with what looked like a great snow-bank on its southern ?lope; while tha air was full overhead, and all about, of what seemed a heavy fall of snow. The day wan blazing hot, and there wasu't a cloud to be aeen. ' What in the world, Skipper, does this mean ?' Bay* he. 'We're Bailing right into a snow storm, in dog-dayn and in a clear aky!' By this time we had got near enough to hear a great rushing noise in the air, every moment growing louder and louder. ? ?It's only a storm of gannets,' says I. "'Sure enough!' says he, 'but I wouldn't have believed it possible.' " When we got fairly off against tho inland, I fired a gun at it, and such a fluttering and screaming you oan't imagine. The great snow banks shook, trembled, loosened, and became all alive, whirling away into theuir like drifts in a nor'wester. Millions of birds went up, wheeling and zigzagging about, their white bodies and black-tipped wings orosaing and Te orossing, nd mixing together into a thick gray ish-white haze above us. " ' You're right, Skipper,' nays Wilson to me, "Nature is better than books.' "And from that time ho was on deok as much as his health would allow olj and took a deal of notioe of everything new and uncom mon. But, for all that, the poor fellow was so siok and pale and peaking, that we all thought we should have to heave him overboard some day, or bury him in Labrador moss." " But he didn't die after all, did he V said I. " Die, no!" cried the Skipper, " not he!" " And so your fishing voyage really cured him?" " ( oan't say as it did, exactly," returned the Skipper, shifting his quid from one cheek to the other, with a sly wink at the Doctor. " The fact is, after the doctor* and the old herb women had given him up at home, he got oured by a little black-eyed Fronch girl on the Labra dor coast." "A very agreeable prescription, no doubt," quoth the Itootor, turning to me. " How do you think it would suit your case 1 " " It doesn't become the patient to chooee his own nostrums," Haid I, laughing. " But I won der, Dootor, that you haven't long ago tested the value of this by an experiment upon your self!" "Physioians are proverbially shy of their own medioines," said he. u Well, you see," continued the Skipper, " we had a rough run down the Labrador shore, rain-storms and fogs so thiok you oould out 'em up into junks with your jack-knife. At last, we reached a small fishing station away down where the sun doesn't sleep in summer, but just takes a bit of a nap at midnight Here Wilson went ashore, more dead than alive, and found comfortable lodgings with a little, dingy, French oil merohant, who had a snug, warm house, and a garden patch, where he raisod a few potatoes and turnips in the short summers, and a tolerable field of grass which kept his two oows alive through the winter. The coun try all about was dismal enough; as far aB you oould seo, there was nothing but moss and rooks and bare hills and ponds of shallow wa ter, with now and then a pfttoh of stunted lira But it doubtless looked pleasant to our poor sick passenger, who for some days hail lieen longing for land. The Frenchman gave him a neat little room, looking out on the harbor, all alive with fishermen, and Indians hunting sea's; and, to my notion, no plaoe is very dull where you oan see the salt-water and the ships at anohor on it, or scudding over it with sails set in a stiff breeze, and where you can watoh its changes of lights and colors in fair and foul weather, morning and night. The family was mads up of the Frenchman, his wife, and his daughter, a little witch of a girl, with bright, black eye4, lighting up her brown, good-natur ed face like lamps in a binnacle. They all took a mighty liking to young Wilson, and were ready to do anything for him. He was won able to walk abont, and we used to see him with the Frenchman's daughter strolling along the shore and among the moavs, talking with her in her own language. Many and many a time, as we sat in oar boats under the rocks, we could hear her merry laugh ringing down to us. " We staid at the station about three weeks, and when we got ready to sail I oalled at the Frenchman's to let Wilson know when to oome aboard He really seemed sorry to leave} finr the two old people urgod him remain with them, and poor little Lucille wouldn't hear a word of his going. She said be would be sick and die on board the vessel, but that if he staid with them he would soon bo well and strong; that they should have plenty of milk and eggs f.?r him the winter; and he should ride in the dog sledge with her; and she would take care of hius as if he was her brother. She hid hie cap and great-ouat, and what with crying and scolding and ooaiing, she fairly carried her point. " ? Yon see I'm a prisoner,' says he, 4 they won't let me go.' 44' Well,' says I, 'yon don't seem to bo troubled about it. I tell you what young man,' says I, 'it's mighty pretty now to stroll round here, and pick mosses and hunt bird s eggs with that gal, but wait till November oomes, and everything freeses up stiff and dead eioept white bears and Ingens, and there's no daylight left to speak of, and you'll be sick enough of your choice. Yon won't live the winter out; and it's an awful place to die in, Where the ground freezes so hard that they can't bury yon.' 41' Lneille says/ says he, 1 that (rod is as near ns in the winter as the summer. The fact i^ Skipper, I've no nearer relative left in the States than a married brother, who thinks more of his family and business than of me ; and if it is O.rf's will that I shall die, I may as well wait His call here as anywhere. I have ftwnnd kind friends here; they will do all they oan for me; and for the r?*t, I trust Providence.' ? Lucille begged that I would let him ?tay, for she said God wonld hear her prayers, and he would get well. I told her I wouldn't orge him any more; for if I was as young as he was, aid had ??oh a pretty nuree^to take oare of m>, I should bo willing to winter at the North Pole. Wilson gave me a letter for his brother, | and we shook hands, and I left him. When we were getting under weigh, he and Lucille stood on the landing-place, and I hailed him for the last time, and made signs of sonding I tho boat for him. The little French girl un derstood me; she shook her head, and pointed to her father's house, and then they both turned back, now and then stopping to wave their handkerohiefs to us. I felt sorry to leave him there ; but for the life of me I couldn't blame him." " I'm sure / don't," said the Dootor." ? Well, next year I wa at Nitisquam har bor, and, although I wua doing pretty, well in the way of fishing, I couldn't feel easy without running away north to Brador, to see what had become of my sick passenger. It was rathor early in the season, and there was ice still in the harbor; but we managed to work in at last; when, who should I seo on shore but young Wilson, so stout and hearty that 1 should scarcely have Known him. He took me up to his lodgings, and told me that he had never spent a happier winter; that he was well and strong, and could fish and hunt like a native; that ho was now a partner with the French man in trade, and only waited the ooroing of the priest from tho Magdalenes, on his yearly ( visit to the settlements, to marry his daughter. Luoille was as pretty, merry, and happy, as ever, and the old Frenchman and his wile seemed to love Wilson as if ho was their son. I've never seen him since; but he now writes me that he is married, and has prospered in health and property, and thinks Labrador would be the finest country in the world, if it only had heavy Umber trees." " One oannot but admire," said the Doctor, ?that wiso and beneficent ordination of Provi dence, whereby the spirit of man asserts its power over circumstances, moulding the rough forms of matter to its fine ideal, bringing har mony out of. discord, ooloring, warming, and lighting up everything within the oircle of its horixon. A living heart carries with it, under every parallel of latitude, the warmth and light of the tropica It plants its Kden in the wil derness and solitary place, and bows with flow ers the gray desolation of rocks and mosses. Wherever love goes, there springs the true heart"* ease, rooting itself even in the Polar ioea. To tho young invalid of tho Skipper's Story, the dreary waste of what Moore oalls, as you remember, " The diimtl rtiors Of cold and pitiless Labrador," looked beautiful and inviting, for he saw it softened and irradiated in an atmosphere ol love Its bare hills, bleak rooks, and misty sky, wero but the letting and background of the sweetest picture in the gallery of life. Apart from this, however, in Labrador, as in every conceivable locality, the arils of soil and cli mate have their compensations and alleviations. The long nights of winter are brilliant with moonlight, and the ohanging oolort of the Northern lights are reflected on the snow. The summer of Labrador has a beauty of its own. far unlike that of more genial climates, but whioh its inhabitants would not forego for the warm life and lavinh luxuriance of tropioal landscape* The dwarf fir-trees throw from the ends of their branches yellow tufts of sta mina, like small 1 imps docorating green pyra mid*, f.?r the festival of spring; and if green grafs is in a great measure wanting, its place is supplied by delicate mosses, of the most bril liant oolors. The truth is, every season and olimate has its peculiar beauties and comforts; the footprints of the good and merciful God are fonnd everywhere; and we should be willing, thankfully, to own that * He has made all things beautiful in their time,' if we were not a race of envious, selfish, ungrateful grumblers ' " Dootor! Dootor!" cried a ragged, dirty faced boy, running, breathless, into the yard. ? What's the matter, my lad ? " said the Dootor. ? Mother wants yon to come right over to our house Father's tumbled off tho hay cart, and when they got him up, ho didn't know nothing; but they gin him some rum, and that kinder brought him to.'' u n0 doubt, no doubt! " said the Doctor, rising togo. " Similia simihbus curantur. Noth ing like hair of the dog that bites you." " The Doctor talks well," the Skipper, who had listened rather dubiously to his friend's commentaries on his story, "but he carries too much sail for mo, sometime*, and I oan t ex actly keep alongside of him. I told Klder Sta ples. <?ioe, that I didn't see but that the Doctor could beat him at preaching 'Very likely,' says the F.lder, says hs ; for you know, Skip per, I must stick to my text; but the Doctor's Bible is all oreation.' " MB N0RRI8 AHD TTTE HIOHKB LAW Some Whig newspapers arc greatly exorcis ed by tlio following aontenee in the reoent eu logy ?f Mr. Norri*, in the Senate, upon bin late colleague, Mr. Athertoii: " He acknowledged no practical law higher or more sacred for hi? rule of cotodiiot here than that aacred instrument which we are all nworn to aupport." The? fay it waa a peraonal reflection upon the |x?litical ethic* of Mr. Seward Wo do not know whf t were Mr. Norria'a intenliona in pro nouncing ao admirable a sentiment; hnt sup posing he did intend to reprove all men who entertain and avow such pestilent heretics, what then!? fVtuk. Union. The most malignant enemiea of Mr. Ather ton oonld aay nothing worae of him than this saying of Mr. Noma, if it he true, Mr. Ather ton wm an Athoint, and died aa the fool dieth. and the Union, in aanctiooing the aontiment ?n "admirable," is in tho same condemnation. The iifrumption in, that man is greater than God; that Human Law, whatever it may lie, id above the Law of Nature and of God; that the only standard of oonduot for an Amerioau cit izen is tho will of a majority, us embodied in tho form of Law or Constitution. Suob miser able and impious nonueriHo scarcely deserves a word <-f comment. AHIfiTAD CLAIM. History of the Case ; Decision of the Judiciary; Connty of the various Departments >y Gov ernment; Construction of Treaties; Law oj Nations ; Natural Rights of Persons; Duty of All to Sustain the Doctrines on which our Government was Founded. SPEECH OP MR, GIDDINGS,* Delivkred in Committee or tiik Whole HOUSE ON THE PRESIDENT'S MtNHAUE, DE CEMBER 21, 1853. Mr. Chairman: 1 lino to call tho attention of this body and of the country to that portion of the President's Message which recommends to our favorable consideration the claims of cer tain Cubau slave-dealers. They profess to have owned tho people on board tho schooner Amis tad, who, by their own valor, regained their freedom in 1839. The President desires that wo shall make the necessary appropriation to, pay the slavo merchants for the loss of their contemplated profits. Mr. Bayly. The gentleman is correct, and the Committee on Foreign Affair* will report a bill for that purpose. Mr. Giddings, (resuming.) I thank tho gentleman for this open avowal of the inten tions of his committee. We may always look to slaveholders for a frank declaration of scu timents and intentions It is only the dough faces ot the North who hide behind false isuuca, and keep out of sight until kicked into view. [Laughter.] The proposition of ihe President is important. It involves the observance of our most solemn treaty stipulations, which bind ns to exert our influence to abolish the slave trade rather than to uphold and encourage it; it involves our na tional honor and the welfare of our raoe. Sir, as early as 1817 Spain took upon herself the most solemn obligations to abolish this slave trade. This obligation was oontained in her treaty with Groat Britain of that year. In |>erfeet good faith, the Crown of Spain, by its decretal order, i.-sued soon after, declared the slave trade altolishod throughout her do minions, including her Colonial possesions; and aasertcd tho freedom of all Afrieaus who should be thereafter imported into any of her National or Colonial [torts. Our own Govern ment had, from its commencement, expressed its abhorrence of that traffic. Soon alter the adoption of our Constitution, Congress passed laws so far as authorized to modify it* charao tor, and, as soon as permitted by the Constitu tion, they prohibited it under severe penalties. Indeed, we havo declared it piracy, and hang the Americans engaged in it, as unfit for hu man association. By the 10th article of our treaty at Ghent, we declared the slave trade to bo "irreconcila ble with the principle* of humanity;" and we stipulated with Great Britain to exert our in fluence and power to eradicate from the earth this Mexeorabls commerce in human flesh;" and we now sustain a maritime force on the Af rican ooast, at an annual ex [tense of from two to throe millions of dollars, with the avowed in tention to destroy forever this nefarious traffic France, too, has long exerted her influence to attain this hamanc object; and the civilised nations of the earth stand pledged to the joiri fioation of our race from a traffic so abhorrent to every fooling ol our nature. While those four great Powers, which I have mentioned, were thus solemnly committed to this poliey, while the Christian world held this flave trade in unutterable abhorrence, cer tain Cuban slave dealers oontinued to violate the laws and treaties of their own Government, the rights of human nature, and the laws of God, by importing and enslaving the unoffend ing people of Africa. In 1839 thoy imported a cargo of these inof fensive viotims to Havana, in the island of Cu ba. Aocording to the pro tf exhibited before the Jndioial Department of Government, they were seised in Africa, about the middle of April, by foroe carried on board the slave ship, and on tho 12th June of that year they were land ed in Havana and imprisoned in the harraooons of that city. On the 22J of that month, Dim Pedro Mon te* obtained a license, or permit, from the Gov ernor Gennral, to transport thre.^ u Ladtnocs,'' or legal slaves, from Havana to Principe, on the south side of the island; and on the 27th of the same month, Jose Ruiz obtained a similar per mit to transport f irty-nine " Lodinoes," or legal slaves, to the same port. These permits were obtained, at all times, by paying toe customary fee to the revenue. They were in themselves logal, giving liberty to transport only slaves ; ami the fraud <xm?iste>d in transporting Afri cans who were free, under the permits to trans port slaves. The pnrmiu* were oooclasive evi dence of the payment of the duty, as between the Government on the one side and Montes and Rui> on the other. But these Africans were in no way parties to these permits, koew nothing of their being granted: and I need not say thetr right* could not be affected in any way by them. Every member will at once see they wore in no respect admissible evidence against the negroes, who had been imported in fraud, and in of Spanish treaties and Spanish laws. I mention those facts at this time for the rea son that, in all the litigation of this claim be fore the courts, all the attorneys and agents who have advocated it rely solely upon these permits, not to show that the duties were act ually |>aid, but to show that Montes and Roii at a subsequent day, shipped ' Ladiooes, or legal slaves, under the authority of those per mits. The attempt is to mako these permits testimony of tho subsequent conduct of Montec and R.iii. And I apprehend the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs [Mr. Baylyj will bo compelled to rely upon these permits, instead of showing us proof of tho fact that these people had been actually held in Cuba as legal slaves. I bespeak his attention to this r)int. II thev had been long resident in Cuba, trust he will give us the nroof. Let us have the de|rt>sition* of those who owned them, for, if they had been owned there, soirto -ne must have owned them, and we want his evidence, or that of some person who knows tho faot. Now, I trust the gentleman will not follow the example of his predecessor, who gave ns the certificate of some individual unknown to us, who states that Monte* and Ruic were hon ortible men. I look upon such evasions as no oompliment to the common sense of this body, or to that of the people, whose money they seek 1 to anply in payment of this claim Montes and Roiw are shown to have pnr ohiued theHi people with the full kuowledge that they were Airmitnu, newly imported, tuid, of course free by the law, of Spam. Indeed! they could not be ignorant of that faot. Theao mueramo victims, at the time Montez and I^rch?8ed could not utter a word or the Spanish language; their dialect, manner, and apjtearanoe, Hhowed them to have recently come from the African ooast. Such evidence no (.^uban could uiiHunderatand. But to proceed with the Btatement of fact* : Ua the 28th of June, just sixteen days alter Uioy had b?en imprisoned in the barracoonsat Havana, they were taken therefrom and Hhio pod on board the ? Ami?tad," which tailed for Principe on the name day, with a crew com posed ol the captain, two sailors, and a cook Montiz and Ruiz were also on board. On the 1st day ot July, whilo sailing along the eastern ooaat of the island, the Africans rose aud claimed their freedom. The captain and cook attempted to reduce them to subj-o tion and were hI^Iu ; M.joteg and Ruiz. ind the tw.' sailors, nurrendercd the ship to the Africans. They immediately sent the sailors on ?hore in the boat, and retaining Montez and Ruti on board, directed them to steer the whip or Africa, But, during the darkness of night, Ji ..cli! r * r ?'mrrt0 northwardly, und t.n the 26th ot August, being sixty daye from the time ol leaving Havana, they came to aud,or ott the Connecticut coast, near the eastern fihoro of Long Inland. While the vesrel was thus riding at auchor, Lieut Gedney, of tho hhip Washington en gaged in the coast survey of tho United States, took possesion of her, and of the cargo and people ou board, and carried them into the port of New London. F Dates at this point will bo found material, before I cloee my remarks; and 1 a*k tho at tention ol the Committee particularly to the faot that on the 29th of August, 1839?beinif precisely two months and one day from the tune ot leaving the port of Havana?Montez it ? the,r 0,aun in the District Court of the United States, demandiug these Africans as their slaves Ou the 19ih September, 1839, the Africans Hied their answers to tho claim of Montez and Kuiz, setting forth the fruits as I have related them, and deuying that they were or over had been slaves U) Montez aud Ruiz, or to auy other person ? but that they were and ever had been free. Hero I will remark that the Africans were strangers in a strange land, ignorant of any language save their native dialect, without friends, without influence, and without money. One would have reasonably supposed that tho sympathies of all men and all Government ofli cors would have been onlisted in favor of thews {Norsocutcd exiles, who had been thus torn from their homes, their country, their kindred and friends. 1 he dictates of our nature are in fa vor of the oppressed, the friendless, of those who are incapablo of dotondmg thoir own rights. Vet I feel bumbled as an American, when I say that the President sent orders to the Uni ted States Attorney for the district of L'onnec , ticut, dirooting him to appear before tho court. Will in the name of the Spanish Ministor to demand these Africans, in order that they may I their pretonded owners. This order was complied with; proofs wore taken , the oase was prepared by able oounsel, i who apjHjared for the slave dealers, and fully argued it before the District Court. A ship was sent into the vicinity, where the court was sitting, with directions that if a decree were pronounoed against the Africans, they should be hurried on board and sent to Cuba, to be garrotcd and gibbeted, without waiting for them to appeal to a higher oourt I mention this fact as illustrative of the nian i n?r, Jn whij'h the Executive influence was Wielded against these down trodden strangers. It is dtie to those who come after us, that these truths be plaood upon tho record of our dc bates, in order that posterity may understand , J16*1 ttn,l feelings which guide statesmen of the present age. But,^ thanks to that Providence which gave us a Government of laws, instead of the will of a despot, to control the fate of freemen, the oonrt, after the most patient hearing and con sideration of the case, found the Africans to have been in violation of the treaties and laws of Spain?that they were freemen, aud not slaves to M>>nte? and Ruii, or to any other person?and ordered them to be set sit liberty. We should have supposed that this solemn decision of an authorixed tribunal would have Mtti-fied the Executive; but an appeal taken to the Circuit Court. The decree of the j Dutrtat Court, however, wa? reaffirmed in the Urcuit Court, and nn appeal was taken to the Supreme Court of the United States. Here, sir in this Capitol, the cam was again argued, be fore the highest judicial tribunal of the nation. The Attorney General appeaird on behalf of the hlare-dcaling pirate*, and all the influence of his reputation, his official character, and of the Rxeoutive, was again wielded in favor of this Spanish slave trade The whole oase was a^atn argued and oonsidcrod, and the decree of the District Court was again affirmed. But c in do no better here than to quote tho words of the court, who, in making tho decision said: ' It is plain, beyond controversy, if we ex amine the, that thnw negroes never were the lawful slaves of Ruix or Montet, or of any other Spanish subjects They are na tives of Africa, and were kidnapped there, and were unlawfully transported to Cuba, in viola tion of the laws and treaties of Spain, and the most solemn edict* and declarations of that Government By these laws, and treaties, and ndiota the African slave trade is utterly abol ished ; tho dealing in that trade is deemed a heinous crime ; an 1 the negroes thereby intro duced inlo the dominions of Spain are declared to l?e free. Ruix and Monti x are proved to have mads the pretended purchase of these negroes, with a full knowledge of all the cir cumstances. And co cogent and irrosintible is the evidence in this respect, that the District Attorney has admitted in open oourt, upon the record, that these negroes were native Africans, and recently imported into Cuba, a? alleged in their answers to the libels in the case " Now, sir, I a?k tho gentleman from Virginia [Mr Bayly.) when he reports his hill to reverse this decision, to show that those judges, learned in the law, did not nnderstand tho case, that they wore ignorant of their duties ; that they did not comprehend the testimony. When, sir, he attempt* to reverse this solemn decision, 1 trust he will show the error on which he relies. It he denies that these Africans were freemen?that the court were deceived on this noint?I desire him to show the fact. I hope he will make it plain to our comprehension. If he denies this fact, I tru>t he will also show that the District Attorney, who admitted them to have been recently' imported, and therefore free, and nm misunderstood the facte?-did not comprehend the proof*?was ignorant of his duties f trust he will make those things plain, before he asks us to vote for his hill. But, sir, 1 call the attention of this body to the fact, that the Executive of the United State* selected the Judicial branch of Government to decide tliin olttim. Under bin directions it wuh prosecuted before .ill our principal courts commencing with the District, and risiug to the Supreme Court. These tribunal,, spent much time in the examination, and each and all of them have pronooneod it ground'ess des titute of merit, and unworthy of our Attention And now, Mr. Ch urman, the Promdent, who has never distinguished himsolf a* a jurist, to my kyowledunder taken to amure uh that it ih a meritorious claim, notwithstanding all these decisions of a oo-or.)inate branch of Gov ernment. He says, in distinct language, that this 11 aim is b> heved to rest on the ohl,gat?ma imposed hy our existing treaties with that Gov ernment) wlnlo these courts say, in equally emphatic language, that there is no treaty wh cli imponcs snob obligations upon uh Here, sir i. an issue lietween the Executive and the Judicial department of Government, and the President appeals to the Legislative branch to sustain him I do not think the history of the country furnishes a precedent for this state of things. The Provident taken the part of tno slave dealers, the court stands by the Con stitution, by the law*, and hy the rights of hu manity. n But, sir, the President insisls that wo shall investigate the ohho, and pronounce our judg ments in regard to its merits. That has beer, done. It is uow some sx years since this claim Was presented to tho consideration of this body. I he usual bill making appropriations fur the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government, pa>wd this House and wa* to the Senate. That hody amended it b. ting an appro priation oi $.50,000 to i o.fy these slave dealers. It came back to La. hall, thus amend ed, lor our concurrence. My venerable and ever-lamented friend, John Qmncy Adams, was then just lingering upon the coutines of life; he was pale and trembling under tha weight of nearly four score years; his vo^ce was so weak that he was able to mako himself heard at the distance of only a ilfa ? "f ti k nJ C,CU8W(1 to mingle in the de bates of Uiis hall; he had, however, been fa miliar with all the details of thiB pretended claim, aud when he saw his country about to be disgraced by contributing the puhl.c funds to the payment of these Spanish slave dealers, for the failure of ihair anticipated speculations in human flesh, his spirit was stirred within him, and he once more, and for the last time, rose in defence of his country's honor, in de fencc of humanity. Members from the dis tant parts of the hall left their seats and gath ered around him, iu order to catch the last words oi the venerable statesman. The re porters, unable to hear him, rushed into the seats ot members, and crowded near, to give to the country as much as 1>0*?ihle of the last specch of the greatest man then living. He spoke briefly, but continued bis remarks until effort "J8teni aPf* ared to sink under the The vote was taken, and I think there were not hvo voices heard in favor of the amend ment. Mem tiers an^ared astonished that suoh a claim should have been presented to an enbghteuei people. But the President savs it has never been finally acted upe n. Well, sir, I know of no way in which it can be Anally aeted upon, until the final day of all things shall come. \ et, I apf rehend, the President was not aware that it had been rejected by this body, ttruj that, too, by a vote which should forever have set the matter at rest, This an peal of the President fn in that decision to the judgment or the present House of Representa tives. is of itself diitiesprctful to the Leg ml a tureol the nation. I protest agdnstit. His pic.boossor was dissat sfied with the decision of the Judiciary, and appealed to Congress , he appeal was heaid in ibis hall, and dis missed hy an almost unanimous vote; and I now the President desire* us to reverse that deo.Hon of our own body. Are the members i ot the pmont House of Representatives more competent than th<?*e who then occupied their "?Mi Are we more intelligent, more honest, more patriotic, or more familiar with the facts than they acre ? The I re-id. nt ap|iears not fo hare powaseJ i H1" P?!*' degreee of information on this sol. ject I do not believe th it be or bia Cabinet . an have examined it with that . are or attcn | tion which the Courts bestowed u[*>n it. I say this for the reason that he states in his message. I u?' " ."'a'"1 ?" believed to rest on the obligations imposed hyowrrmfrng treaty with Spain.'' In what treaty ? In what article of any treaty' Th# rcjort of a former committee of this House masted that the 8th, 9th or 10th articles of our treaty with Spain, of 1795, irn posed upon os that duty. The Oommittee d d j ?(* know in irhich artiole n<?r in which rlaum of either article such obligUi.*! could Ik round. The Supieme Court, however, as 1 have already remarked, looked very carefully through that treaty, and all other treaties be twe. n Spain and the United States, and upon solemn consideration declared that no such duty exited under that or any other treaty That Court, sir, was composed of nine able Judges, learned in the law; they had listened to the most eminent counsel of the United v Ktes, and. after full deliberation, were clearly of opinion that no such obligation existed un der any treaty. And, sir, I have more c .nfi | dence in the opinion of thosA judges, in relation j to <Hir treaty stipulations, than I have in the opinion of tho President. Well, sir, the President in?i*ts that we are bound by treaty to pay for the bodie* of the-*? Africins; and I wish to say to the Chairman : of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, that when he draws up his report, I hope he will inform "V? article, the section, nnd cla.i?\ in which ho finds such obligation ? | hoj.e the gentleman will be specific on this point Mr Bati.t. | shall he very likely to do that. Mr. Giomaos. I take the gentleman at bis word, and will hold him to bis promise. The 9ih article of our treaty of 1795 stipu Intos, that "when a ship and metohandise of either nation -hall 1* rescued out of the hands of p,rates or robbers, it shall be delivered over to the owner, on sufficient proof? Now. the C^.urt said, in order to bring the law within thai, article, it nuist be shown that tho negroes were menknnditr ' and had been rescued out of the hands of pirates or robbers; neither of whioh could he true; for it h?d been clearly proved, and was admitted by the attorney for the United States upon the record, that the negroes were Africans recently im|sirted, and thereFiirr f,e< men, and not slaves, and even in I siavcholding l.mguage conjd not >?e reg .rded as merchandise. Sec.m.lly, that being freemen, and not (?lavi's thev had a perfect right, by the laws of Nature and of Nature's tJ(.d. to their libeTtj. Vet, in i opposition to these plain dictates ol our judg ment, and in defiance of that branch of Gov ernment which, by tho Constitution, is autho rised fo give construction to our treaty stipula | tions, the President insists that we are obligated to pay these slave dealers for the blood an<1 bones and sinews of those freemen. 1 [to wr. roKct.rnien to morrow J Tin MS or WEEKLY EBA Single copy - - - $2 I Ten copiea .... $15 Three copies ? - - Single copy six months 1 Five copies . . . 8 | Ten copies six months K Payment in adviineo ix uniformly required. HtiU* of Advertising.?T?* cunts a iiuu lor the first iuaurtion, five cent* a line fur eneh sub*e?|uent one. Money to be forwarded liy until at our risk Laiyo auiuunt* may be remitted in drafts or et-rtificaUs of deposit*. When money t? seut, uotus on the batiks < f Honton, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, ar > preferred. 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Term*. from $6 to $12 per week, accorduiy to helpJessnese or the amount of care roquiied. Address W. W. BANCROFT, M. D., l?oc. 2'J. tlranville, Linking co., Ohio. ILEVLUKIt WA11.H tlha MuHUMI MRftr, THE above Establishment continues in successful operation during the winter as well as rammer. The number of patients treated at the Establishment baa been on the increase from year to year, for tl.o past aix years, until the last season, when the de mands of the public far exceeded our power to ac commodate them. The increasing rapidity and pro portion of cures, from year to year, induces the sub scriber to beltovo that bis enlarg?d experience and opportunities for treatment give facilities to the inva lid rarely equalled. Diseases peculiar to females are treated with a suc cess and rabidity of cure believod to be surpassed by none. |Pec.S.| T T SKEt.YE, M. D IWf'VKK.X'SNt.W Btllik H;K INK HOI V II.W*. 20,000 ordered in Advance of Publication. 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It is beautifully printed with type cant cxpreoslv for it, and on the bent of clear whito paper, wi' ? td'ri margin, bo that the numbers can be eujil} 4 or bound togethor. A oopiouii Index ia weekly added, which uill be fully amplified at the end of the year, for tho bound work. Comprehensive in its Charm ter, Each volume will contain all matter worth reeord i&K< which transpire* either at home or abroad, and which can serve to instruct or interest the Farmer, the Planter, the Fruit-Grower the Gardener, ami the Stock Bret-dor; thus making it the njoat com plete and useful Agricultural Publication of the day. Correct and valuable Market Reports. The Markets will be carefully reported, giving the ' actual transactions which take place fioui week to ! week, in Urain, Provisions, Cattle, Ac., thus keep ! ing our reader* constantly and reliably advised ae to ; their interests During tho past year, the knowledge ' obtained from these Market Reports alone has saved our reader* thousand* of dollar*, by informing theia of the beet time to sell er purchase. Suih a Paper ? demanded by the Farming , Community. The pnbli*ber* confidently believe that the agri culturists of this country are becoming too much ? awake to the demands of their own calling to i* longer satisfied with the slow monthly issues of a pa per professedly dovotod to their interest*, or to tru-t alone to the irresponsible extracts in a "farmer s | column," so popular just now in papers chicfiy di-vn tod to business, politics, or literature; and they look for the united support of all the intelligent farmers of this country in their continued effort to furnish a weekly pa|?r of a high and reliable character, whi. H shall bo progressive, and at the same time cautious and conservative in all its teachings. Essentially an Agricultural Paper. 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