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Daily national era. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1854, March 24, 1854, Image 1

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VOL. I. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1854. NO. 71.
The Daily National Bra is published every even
ing, and couttt.ius the reports of the proceedings of
Congress up to thaoe o'clock.
Tbo Office of Publication in on Sevonth otpeot, be
tween D and E.
Daily paper, for term of eight months - . . $6 (Ml
Hates of Advertising in Dytly
One square, (tou linos,) one insertion ? ? - $0.50
Do. do. - three insertions ? ? 1.00
I>o. do. oneweok .... 1.60
D?. do. two weeks .... 2.60
Do. do. one month .... 4.00
Do. ' do. two months.... 0.00
Do. do. thrse months - ? ? 8.00
A liberal discount for long advertisements, and to
those who advertise for a lunger time.
a. bauIkt, eniTOH and pwophuctom.
Tho National Era is a weekly uewspajKjr,
devoted to literature and Politics.
In literature, it aims to unite the Beautiful
with the Truo, and to make both immediately
subservient to the praetioal purposos of every
day life.
Id Politics, it advocates the Rights of Man,
and the Equality of Rights, and opposes what
ever violates or tends to violate them, whether
this be Involuntary Personal Servitude, Civil
Despotism, Spiritual Absolutism, Class Legis
lation, the Selfishness of Capital, the Tyranny
of Combination, the Oppression of a Majority,
or the Exactions of Party.
It holds no fellowship with the Whig ana
Democratic organisation^, believing that the
main issues on whioh they hove been arrayed
against each other are obsolete or sottled, and
that* they are now chiefly used by tho Sectional
Interest of Slavery, to impair tho love of Lib
erty natural to the American mind, and to
subjugate the American People to its rnlo. Dirt
claiming all connection with them, it yet synw
fiathfaes with those of their adheronts who are
tonestly seekiug through them to advanoe the
substantial interests-of tho country, although
it must believe that they have not ehoson the
bettor way. ..."
It is a supporter of the Independent Democ
racy, which holds that tho Truths of the Dec
laration of Independence are practical, that in
their light the Constitution of the United
States is to be interpreted, that to them the
laws and institutions and usages of the coun
try should bo conformed?a Party, whose
motto is, Union, not for the sake of Union,
but for the sake of Freedom and Progress;
and Imw, not for the sake of Law, but for the
Protection of Human Rights and Interests?
the only sure foundation of order and oonoord.
In no sense is it the organ of a Party, or a
- mero Party Paper, but absolutely " free and
independent," claiming to sneak " by author
ity'' for nobody except its eaitor, and recogni
sing no authority in any quarter to prescribe its
eourso and poliov.
The Eighth Volume of tho Era will com
mence on the first of January ensuing, and be
enlarged by the addition of four columns. We
havo neglected no means that could promise to
make it an agreeable companion for the House
hold, and an efficient co-adjutor to the enlight
ed Politician. It has secured able correspond
ents at home and abroad, and no journal in
the oountry can surpass the Era as it respects
contributorslo its Literary Department.
The Era publishes condensed rejnirts of the
proceedings of Congress, explains movements
in that body, the causes of whioh do not always
lie upon tho surface, and from its position is
enabled to keep a constant Watch upon the ac
tion of the Federal Government in relation
to all questions at issuo between Liberty and
The poly journal at the seat of the Federal
Government, representing the Anti-Slavery
Sentiment of the Republio, while the Pro-Sla
vcrv Sentiment is represented here by four
daily papers, nearly all of them being liberally
sustained by Governmental patronage, it asks
tho support of all who believe, in sincerity, that
the Vmon was formed to secure the blessings
of Liberty, and not to perpetuate tbo oune of
Payment in advance is invariably required.
To prevent annoyance and loss to ourselves
and readers, to preserve their files unbroken,
and to onable us to know how large an edi
tion of the paper to issue, all subscriptions
should be renewed before they expire. We
have no Rredit-subscribors on oar books.
Singlo copy S2
Throe oopios ... 5
Five copies ... 8
I Ton oopies - - - IA
Single copy six month* ? 1
T?u copies six months - ft
Those are the ternw for both old and new
lubecrihcrs, forwarding their own subscriptions.
Agent* are cntitlod to fifty cents on each new
yearly sulmoriher, and twenty-five cents on
each rtneipfd snl?ecriber?erupt in the uim of
A olnb of three subscribers, one of whom
may I* an old one, at i5, will entitle the per
son making it np to a copy of the Era for three
month*; a olub of five, two of whom may be
old one*, at $8, to a copy for nix months; a
stab of ten, fivo of whom may bo old ones, at
i!5, to a copy for one year.
When a club of snbecrilioni has been for
warded, addition* may be mado to it, on the
same terms.
Money to be forwarded by mail at oar risk.
Large amounts way l?e remitted in drafts or
oertifiaatCH of deoowite When money is sent,
notes 00 the "Hanks of Boston, Now York, Phil
adelphia, or Baltimore, are preferred. New
Yorit Statu notes, and theso less than Western
P. S. Newspapers friendly to oar enterprise
will please notice or publish our Prospeetus, as
they may see proper.
I shall issue, on the 2d day of January en
? suing, the Daii.y National Kra, a Political
and Literary Newspaper
In Politics, it will advocate the Rights of
Man, and tho Kquality of Rights, and oppose
whatever violates or tends to violate them.
. whether this be Involuntary Personal Sorri
tndc, Civil Despotism, Spiritual Absolutism,
("loss Legislation, tho Selfishne.4* of Capital,
tbo Tyranny of Combination, the Oppression of
a Majority, or the Kx ietions of a Party.
4t will hold no fellowship with the Whig
and Democratic organizations, believing that
the main ii>sue? on which they havo boon ar
rayed ogainst each other are obeolote or settled,
and that thev are now chiefly used by the Sec
tional Interest of Slavery, to impair the love of
Liberty natural to tho American mind, and to
subjugate the American People to its rule. Dis
claiming all connection with them, it will yet
sympathise with those of their adherents who
are honestly seeking through them to advance
the sulmtuntial interests of the country, although
it must believe that they have not chosen the
better way.
It will Im a supporter of the Independent
Democracy, which holds that the Truth* of the
Declaration of Independence are prattical ; that
in their light tho Constitution of the United
States is to lie interpreted; that to them the
laws and institutions and usages of the country
should be conformed?a Party, whose motto
in, Unian, not*for the wake of Union, but for the
itln of Freedom and Progress; and Loir, not
for the sake of Law, but fo? the protection of
Human Rights and Interests?the only mire
foundation of order and concord.
In no sonsc will it be the organ of a Party,
or a mere Party I'ajier, hut alisoltitoly '? free
and indej?endent," claiming to speak hy " au
thority " for nobody except its editor, and 4eo
ognising no authority in any quarter to pre
scribe its course and policy.
In Literature, it will aiig to unite the Beau
tiful fcith the True, and to inake both immedi
ately subservient to the practical purposes of
evory-day life.
Able correspondents, at home and abroad,
have been secured, and ample provision has
beeu made for its Literary Mieeellany.
It will publish oondensod reports of the pro
ceedings of C.mgreas, explain movements in
that, body, the cautes i f which do not always
lie upon the surfaoe, and from its position be
able to keep a constant watch upon the action
of the Federal Government in relation to all
questions at issue between Liberty and Slavery.
The extensive t*u Inscription of the Wttkly
Era. which, during the year about to close, has
reached the number of twenty-eight thousand,
must make it an eligible medium for advertisers.
The Daily Era will be issued on a sheet as
large as that of the Daily National Intelligencer,
on the 2d day of January, 1854, and daily there
after, uptil the 1 dt of September, 1854, (or long
or, should Congress continue in session,) at
the result then warrant, the publication will
be resumed on the 1st of September following,
by tke year,
As but sixteon days intervene between this
and' the 2d of January, it is important that
subscriptions bo forwarded at once.
Payment in advance will lie invariably re
quired. (i. BAILEY.
Washington, December 15, 1853.
Having assembled in National Conten
tion as the delegates of the Free Democra
cy of tlie United States, united by a com
mon resolve to maintain right against
wrongs, and freedom against slavery; con
fiding in the intelligence, patriotism, and
tbe discriminating justice of the American
people; putting our trust in God for the
triumph of our cause, and invoking his
guidance in our endeavors to advance it,
we now submit to the candid judgment of
all men the following declaration of prin
ciples and measures: m
I. That Governments, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed,
are instituted among men to secure to all,
those inalienable rights of life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness, with which they
were endowed by their Creator, and of
which none can be deprived by valid legis
lation, except for crime.
II. That the true mission of American
Democracy is to maintain the liberties of
the people, the sovereignty of the States,
and the perpetuity of the Union, by the
impartial application to public affairs, with
out sectional discriminations, of the fun-"
damental principles of equal rights, strict
justice, aud economical administration.
III. That the Federal Go vernment is
one limited powers, derived solely from
the Constitution ; aud the grants of power
therein ought to be strictly construed by
all the departments and agents of the Gov
ernment, aud it is inexpedient and dan
gerous to exercise doubtful constitutional
IV. That the Constitution of the United
States, ordained to form a more perfect
union, to establish justice, and secure the
blessings of liberty, expressly denies to
the General Government all power to de
prive any person of life, liberty, or prop
erty, without due process of law; and,
therefore, the Government, having no inhre
power to make a slave than to mnke a
king, and no more power to establish sla
very than to establish monarchy, should at
once proceed to relieve itself from all re
sponsibility for the existence of slavery
wherever it possesses constitutional power
to legislate for its extinction.
V. That, to the persevering and impor
tunate demands of the Slave Power lor
more slave States, new slave Territories,
and the nationalization of Slavery, our dis
tinct and final answer is?no more slave
States, no slave Territory, no nationalized
Slavery, aud no national legislation for the
extradition of slaves.
\ I. That Slavery is a -wn against God
and a crime against man, which no human
enactment nor usage can make right; and
that Christianity, humanity, ami patriotism,
alike demand its aholitiou.
VII. That the fugitive Slave Act of 1K50
is repugnant to the Constitution, to the
principles of the common law, to the
spirit of Christianity, and to the nenli
inentM of the civilized world. We there
fore deny its binding Ibrre upon the
American People, and demand its imme
diate and total repeal.
\ III. T^at the doctrine that any human
law is a finality, and not subject to modi
fication or repeal, is not in accordance
with the. crced of the founders of our Gov
ernment, and is dangerous lo the liberties
of the people.
IX. That the acts of Congress known
as the Compromise Measures of 1850, by
making the admission of a sovereign State
contingent upon the adoption of other
measures demanded by the spccia! inter
est of Slavery ; by their omission to guar
anty freedom in free Territories.; by their
attempt to impose unconstitutional limit
ations on the power of Congress at|J the
people to admit new Slates : by their pro
visions for the assumption of live millions
of the State debt of Texas, aud for the
payment of five millions more, and the
cession of a large territory to the same
State under menace, as an inducement to j
the relinquishment of a groundless claim, j
and by their invasion of the sovereignty
ol the State* and the liberties of the |>eo- :
pie, through the enactment of an unjust, |
oppressive, and unconstitutional Fugitive
Slave Law, are proved to be inconsistent |
with all the principles and maxims of De
mocracy, and wholly inadequate to the
settlement of the questions of which they
are claimed to be an adjustment.
X. That no permanent settlement of
the Slavery question can he looked for,
except in the pructical recognition of the
truth that Slavery is sectional, and Free
dom national; by the total separation of
the General Government from Slavery, and
the exercise of-its legitimate and consti
tutional influence on the side of Freedom;
and by leaving to the States the whole
subject of Slavery and the extradition of
fugitives from service.
XI. That all men have a natural, rig lit to
a portion of the soil; and that, as the use
ot the soil is indispensable to life, the
right of all men to the soil is as sacred us
their right to life itself.
XII. That the public lands of the Uni
ted States belong to the people, and should
not be sold to individuals nor granted to
corporations, but should be held as a sa
cred trust for the benefit of the people,
and should bo granted in limited quanti
ties, free of cost, to landless we tilers.
XIII. That a due regard for the Federal
Constitution, and sound administrative
policy, demand that the funds of the Gen
eral Government be^kept separate from
banking institutions; that inland and
ocean postage should be reduced to the
lowest possible point; that no more reve
nue should be raised than is required to
| defray the strictly necessary expenses of
the public service, and to pay off the pub
lic debt; and that the power and patron
age of the Government should be dimin
ished by the abolition of all unnecessary
J offices, salaries, and privileges, and by the
election by the people of all civil officers
in the service of the United States, so far
as may be consistent with the prompt and
efficient transaction of the public business.
XIV. That river and harbor improve
ments, when necessary to the safety and
convenience of commerce with foreign
nations or among the several States, are
objects of national concern, and it is the
duty of Congress, in the exercise of its
constitutional powers, to provide for the
XV. Thai emigrants and exiles from
the Old World should find a cordial wel
come to homes of comfort and fields of
enterprise in the New ; and every attempt
to abridge their privilege of becoming
citizens and owners of the soil among us
ought to be resisted with inflexible deter
XVI. That every nation has a clear
right to alter or change its own Govern
ment, and to administer its own concerns
in such manner as may best secure the
rights and promote the happiness of the
people, and foreign interference with
that right is a dangerous violation of the
law of nations, against which all independ
ent Governments should protest, and en
deavor by all proner means to prevent;
and especially is it the duty of the Ameri
can Government, representing the chief
j Republic of the world, to protest against,
and by all proper means to -prevent,
the intervention of Kings and Emperors
against nations seeking to establish for
themselves republican or constitutional
XVII. That the independence of Hayli
ought to l>e recognised by our Govern
ment, and our commercial relations with
it placed on the footing of the most favor
ed nations.
XVIII. That as, by the Constitution,
" the citizens of eacli State shall be en
titled to all privileges and immunities of
citizens of the several Slates," the prac
tice of imprisoning colored seamen of
oilier Slates, while the vessels to which
they In-long lie in port, and refusing to
exercise the right Co bring such cases be
fore the Supreme Court of the United
States, to test fhe legality of such pro
ceedings, is a flagrant violation of the
Constitution, and an invasion of the rights
of the citizens of olther States, utterly" in
consistent with the professions made by
the slaveholders, that they wish the pro
visions of the Constitution faithfully ob
served by every State in the Union.
XIX. That we recommend the intro
duction into all treaties, hereafter to be
negotiated between the United Slates and
foreign nations, of some provision for the
amicable settlement of difficulties by a re
sort lo decisive arbitration.
XX. That the Free Democratic party is
not organized lo aid either the Whig or
Democratic wing of the great Slave Com
promise party of the nation, but to defeat
them both ; and that repudiating and re
nouncing both, as hopelessly corrupt, and
utterly unworthy of confidence, the pur
pose of the Free Democracy is lo lake
possession of the Federal Government,
and administer it for the better protection
of the rights and interests of the whole
XXI. That we inscribe on our banner,
Free Soii., Free Speech, Free Labor,
and Free Mew, and under ii will fight on
and fight ever, until a triumphant victory
shall reward our exertions.
XXII. That upon this Platform the Con
vention presents to the American People,
as a candidate for the office of President
of the United States, John P. Hai.e, of
New Hampshire, and as a candidate for
the office of Vice President of the United
Slates, Gkorke W. Julian, of Indiana,
and earnestly commends them to the sup
port of all freemen and parties.
^ ovw 5"'" large, double column ootavo page*
VI of choir? rolling matter in a year Alio, from
12 to 15 Hoot engraving*, of a high oritur of excel
lence, beiridei. from 150 to 200 wood engraving*, nil for
$1.25, in club* of four ftulmrrihvni. The cheapen
Monthly Maganine in the World* The Third Vol
urn? begin* in January, IK54, And will contain a now
story, or nouvettrtte, by Mr. Arthur, entitlod "Thk
Akmii. ok tiik Hoo?holI)." Terra*, in advance
$2 a year; 4 oopuw, one year, ?5; 12 eopie*, on* year
*15, and on? to getter up of club. m*.
hrrt furnmhrd frtr nf rhoigt. I.ady* Rook and JfotM
Maga?ine, one year, |f 50. Addreiw, po*l paid
Jan ?ow 107 Walnut at, Philadelphia.
1.MNE chance for young men thin winUr. Addreaa
Nov. X. M J. COOR, Omwfordfvilla, Ind
Tim Senate consists ot two Senators from each
State. Thar* are thirty one Stales, reprrgented by
tixty two Senators.
Whigs, in Italic; Old Line Don?oerala, in Roman.
Those marked I. U., Independent Democrats; IJ.,
those elected on Union men; 8. K., those elected as
Southern or State Uights mon.
President - - David R. Atchison
.Secretary - - Aubnry Diokins.
Tenn expire*. Term expire*
Benj. Fitz|t&triek- . 185(1 Stephen Adams, (1 J ) 1857
0. C. Clay 1869 A. O. Uronrn .... |n$9
H. VV. Johnson* - - 1856 David R. Atchison - 1865
Win. K. Sebastian ? 1859 Henry ?N. (leyet . . JH6y
Truman Smith - ? 1856 Mont* Norris, jr - . 1865
Isaac Toucoy - - - 1867 Jar?l W. Williams- 1859
William M. Owin - 1855 Wm. N. Seward ? . 1855
John B. W el lor - . 1857 Hamilton /?'/*// - . 1867
James A. Bayard - 1857 J. K. T)iorn|?nn - - 1867
John. M. Clifton . 1869 William Wright - - 1859
Jackson Morton . - 1856 (Jrorfc B. Hut err- 1855
Stephen R. Mai lory 18*7 Viu-aiiey * - 1859
OKORUIA. Oil In. '
Hr. c. Dawson - - 1865 8. P. Chase (1.D.) . 1855
Robert Toombs (II.) 1859 Henjamin /?' Wade 18^7
John Potit 1855 James Cooper - . 1 1855
Jesso D. Bright - ? 1857 Rich'd Brodhead, jr. 1857
James Shields - - - 1865 Charles T. James 1 1S57
Stephen A. Douglas 1859 Philip Allen .... IC59
Augustus C. Dodge- 1855 A. P. Butler (S. R.) - 1866
George W. Jones - 1859 Josiah J. Kvana. - - 1859
Archibald Dixon ? - 1855 James C. Jours - - 1857
John If. Thompson 1859 John Be/1 1859
John Slidoll .... 1855 Tlioiuas J. Rusk - - 1857
./. Benjamin - . 1859 Sam. Houston - - 1859
Ilannihal Hamlin - 1857 Vacancy 1855
Wm. P. Fegsenden - 1869 Solomon Foot - - - 1857
Chs.Sumner (I. D.) 1857 J. M Mason (8. R.) 1857
Edward Everett - - 1859 R. M. T. Hunter " 1859
James A. fearer ? - 1865 Isaac P. Walker - - 1855
Thomas C. Pratt - 1857 Heury Dodgo - - - 1857
Lewis Cass 1857
Ohas. E. Stuart - - - 1859 ?
* By Governor's appointment. The Legislature
of Alabama will have two Uuited States Senators to
elect during tho coming session
The House consists of two hundred und
Uiirty-four Members and livo Territorial Dele
gates, ono new Territory having lately been
formed. viz: Washington. Tlia Delegates,
however, liavo no vote, *
Old Line Democrats.?-Philip Philips, S. JkV.
Harris, Wm. R. Smith, George S. Houghtou
W. R. W. Cobb, James P. Dowdell.
Whig-?James Abereromhio.
Old Line Democrats.?A. ti. (ireonwood, E.
A. Warren.
Old Line Democrats.?J amen T. Pratt, Colin
M. Ingersoll, Nathan Belcher, Origen S. Sey
Old Line Democrats. ? J. A. MoOouuall
Milton S. Latham.
Old Lint Democrat.?George R. Riddle.
Old Line Democrat.?Augustus E Maxwell.
Old Line Democrats.?J., L. Seward, A. H.
Colquit, David J. Bailey, Win. B. VV. Bent, K.
VV. Cbastain. Junius Hiilyer.
Whigs.?David A. Reese, Alex. H. Stephens
Old Line Democrat?Bernhardt Hcnn.
Wh/g.?John P. Cook.
Old Line Democrats.?S. Miller, W. H. Eng
lish, C. L. Dunham, James A. Lane, Thos. A.
Henricks, John G. Dtfvis, Daniel Mace, Nor
man Kddy, E. M. Chamberlain. Andrew J.
Whig.?Samuel VV. Parker.
Old Liue Democrats.?John Wentworth, VV.
A. Richardson. James Allon, William H. Bis
sell, Willis Allen.
Whigs.?E B. VVashburno, J. C. Norton,
James Knox, Richard Yates.
Old Line Democrats ? Linn Boyd, Jamos S.
Chrism an. J. M. Klliott. J. C. Breckenridire, R.
II. Stanton.
Whigs.? Benj. E. Gray, Presley Kwing,
Clement S. Hill Wm. Preston, Leander M.
Old Line Dcmocrtds ?\\ m Dunbar, John
Perkins, jr.
If A>?4.-s_Theodore G. Hunt, John B. Smith, j
Old Line Democrat ?Nathalurl P. Banks.
Whigs.?Zono Scudder, Samuel L. Crocker,
J. Wiley Edmunds, Samuel H. Wallsy, Wil
liam Appleton, Charles W. Dphaiu, Tappan
Wentworth, P.dward Dickinson, John Z. Good
Independent Democrat.?Ale*. DeWitt.
Old Line Democrats.?David Stuart, David
A. Noble, Sitfhuel Clark, Hestor L. Sl<*phenB.
Old Lint Democrats ?Mows McDonnld, Sam
uel Mayall, T. J. D Puller.
Whigs.?E. Wilder Parley, Samuel P. Ben
son, Israel Washburn, jr.
Old Line Democrats. ? Daniel B. Wright,
Wm S. Barry, O R. Singleton, Wiley P. Har
ris, Wm Barksdale.
Old Line Democrats,-*}acob Shower, Joshua
Vansant, Henry May, Wiu T. Hamilton.
Whigs. ?John B. Franklin, A K. Sollers
Old Line Democrats. ? Thomas H. Benton,
Allretl VV. Lamb, John S Phol|w.
Whigs.?John G. I.indloy, John G. Miller,
Morde?;ai Oliver, Sam Caruthers.
Old Lioe Demotral.?Henry M Rioe,
Ohi Line Democrats.?Jan. Maurloe, Ths VV.
Cumming, Hiram Walbridg#, Mike Walsh.
William M. Tweed, John Wheeler, William A.
Walker, Pranoisll (Tutting, Jared V. Peek,
William Murray, T. K. VVestbrook, Gilliert
Dean, Rnfus VV. Pwkliain, Cbarh?s Hughes,
Bishop Perkins, Peter Bowe, Daniel T. Jones,
Andrew Oliver, John J. Taylor, Goorge Hast
ings. kenlten E Kenton.
If'hifrs.?Mussel Sage. (Jeorgo A Simmons,
(Joorge W. ('hase, O. B. Matteson, Henry Ben
nett, Edwin B Morgan, David Carjtenter,
Thomas P. Flagler, .Solomon (J. Haven, Benja
min Prtnglo. 1
Indepemlent Democrats.?CerTit Smith, Ca
leb I.yon.
Old Line. Democrats? Nathan T Strntton,
Charles Skeltou, Samuel Lilly, George Vrail.
Whig?A. C. if, Pennington
Old Line Democrats?George W. Kittredge,
George W. Morrison, Harry Hibhard.
Old Line Democrats.?H. H. Shaw, Thomas
Kuttin, Wai. 8. Ashe, Burton S. Creig, Thomas
L. Clingman.
Whig*.?Sion H. Rogers, Johu Kerr, Rich
ard C. Puryear.
Old Line Democrat.?Jose Manuel G^llegos.
Old Line Democrats.?I)avid T. Disney, M. H.
Nichols, Alfred 1*. Edgert >11, Andrew Ellison,
Frederick W. Green, Thomas L. Ritchie, Ed
! son K. Olds, Wui. I>. Lindsey, Harvey H. John
son, Wilson Shannon, George Bliss, Andrew
Whigs.?John Scott Harrison, Aaron Har
lan, Mohob B. Corwin, John L. Taylor, W. R.
Sapp, Edward Ball.
Iiulependent Democrats.?L. D. Campbell,
Edward Wade, J. R. Giddings.
Old Line Democrat.?Joseph Lane.
Old Line Democrats?T. B. Florence, J. Rob
ins, jr., Wiu. H Witte, John McNair, Samuel
A. Bridges, Henry A. Muhlenberg, Christian
W. Strauh, H. B. Wright, Asa Packer, Ga
lusha A. Grow, James Gamble, Win. H Kurtz,
Augustus Drum, John L. Dawson, Michael C.
Trout, Carlton B Curtis
Whigs.?Joseph R. Chandler, William Ever
liart, tssac E. Heiater, Ner \liddloswarth,
I Sanuiel L. Russel, John MtCollooh, David
I Ritchie, Thomas M. Howe, Johu Dick.
Old Line Democrats.?Thomas Davis, Ben
jamin B. Thurston.
' State Rights Democrats.?John MoQuoen,
| William Aiken, L. M. Keitt, P. S. BrookH, Jas.
, L.Orr, W. W. Boyce.
Old Line Democrats.?Brookins Campbell,
(deceased.) Wm. M. Church well, Samuel A.
Smith. Geo. W. Jones, Frederick P. Stanton.
Whigs.?William Cullom, Charles Ready,
R. M. Bugg, Felix K. Zollikoft'er, Emerson
Old Line Democrats.?Geo. Y. Smyth, Peter
H. Ball.
Old Line Democrat.?John M. Bernhisel.
Old Line Democrats.?T. H Bayly; J. M. Mill
noil, John 3. Ciiskie, William O. Goode, Thos
S. Bocoek, Paulus Powell, William Smith,
Charles J. Faulkner, H. A. Edmondson, John
Letcher, Z. Kid well, J. F. Snodgrass, Fayette
Whigs.?Jiirned Meaoham, Andrew Tracy,
Alvah fciabin.
Old Line Democrats.?Daniel Wells, jr., B.
C. Eastman, John B. Maoy.
CF"" The following is a liut of the Free Dem
ocratic and Anti-Slavery papers published in
the United Stated:
Inouirer, Portland, Me.; A. Willey; $2 per annum
Intl. Democrat, Concord, N. H.; G. G. Fogg; $2. '
News, Keene, N. H,; 8. Woodward; $1,257
Democrat, Manchester, N. H.; J. H. Goodale; $1.50.
Messenger, Portsmouth, N. II.; T. J. Whittam , $1.
Freeman, Moutpelier, Vtj D. P. Thompson,' $2.
Obm-nrer, MorrisviUe, Vt.; J. A. Sowerby; $1.26.
Telegraph, Springfield, Vt.; L. T. Guernsey; $1.75.
Democrat, Brattle borough, Vt.; W. Nichols; $1.50.
Brandon Pout, Brandon, Vt.; P. Welch; $1.
Courier, Burlington, Vt.; O. C. Samson, $1.50.
Commonwealth, Boston, Ms.; J. D. Baldwin: daily
$5, weekly $2.
Sentinel, North Adams, Ms.; A. D. Brock; $1.50.
American, Lowell, Ms.; W. S. Robinson; tri-week.; $3.
News, Fitchburg, Mans.; R. F Rollins, $1.50.
Essex County Freeman, Salem, Ms ; J. Euimett;
semi-weekly, $3.50.
Republican, Greenfield, Ms.
Spy, Worcester, Ms.; J. M Karl*; $3.
Standard, New Bedford, Ms.
Courier, Northampton, Ms .
Wazette, Dedhaiu, Ms. ; Henry 0. Hildreth; $2.
Democrat, Dedham, Ms., E. G. Robinson; $2.
i Sentinel, Lawrence, Ms ; John Ryan A Co., $2.
1 RhiHle Island Freeman, Providence, R I ; Crawford
A Harris; $1.
Republican, Hartford, Ct.; Bartlett A Iiawley; $2.
Herald, Ellington, N Y.; A. S. Brown.
Evening Chronicle, Syracuse, N. Y ; H R. Raymond
daily $.'{, weekly $1.50.
! Spirit of the Age, Norwich, N. Y.; J. D Lawyer; $1.
Wyoming Co. Mirror, Warsaw, N Y.; A Holley ; $2
Telegraph. Oneida, N. Y.; D H Frost; $1.25.
Banner of thp Times, De Ruyter, N. Y.
Free Press. Wellaville, N. Y , A. N. Cole, $1 50
Frederick Douglass' Paper, Rochester, N. Y.; Fred
erick Dougla**; $2
Free Press, Gouverneur, New York ; Mitchell A Hul
bert; $1.
"Herald, Jamestown, NY.
Carson League, Syracuse, N Y., J. Thomas; $1 50
American Banner, Cb< rry Valley. Pa.; Jonh B King
Courier, Coneantville, Pa.; (I. W Brown.
Olive Branch, Norristown, Pa ; Joseph Moyer. $1.
Saturday Visiter, Pittsburgh, Pa ; Jane G. A William
Swisahelm; $1.50.
Freeman, Mercer, Pa ; W. T Clark , $1.50
Weekly Crescent, Erie, Pa.; Caughey A McCreary;
$1 50.
The People's Journal, Condersport, Potter county,
Pa., Dougall, Mann A Hnskell , $ 1.50.
Dispatch. Pittsburg, Pa . Foster A Fleeson, daily
$3, weekly $1.
Clarion of Freedom, Indiana, Pa.; Moorhead A Me
C'laran; $1.
Die Frie Press, Philadelphia, Pa.; F W. Thomas ; dal
ly $*?
The Christian Statesman, Mansfield, 0 , Rev Ed
waid Smith
The Oberlin Weokly Times, Oberlin 0 ; Reed.
llome-l?nd Journal; Salem. 0.; A Hinksman; $1.60.
; Christian Press, Cincinnati, 0., $2.
True Democrat, Cleveland, 0., Thomas Brown , dai
ly $rt, weekly $2.
Ashtabula Sentinel, Jefferson and Ashtabula, 0.; W.
C. Howell, $?'.
Mahonintr Free l>emocrat, Youngstown, 0 , M Cullo
tan. $1.50.
I Commercial, C1e\eland, 0.; H M Addison; $150.
Journal, Wellington, O., George Brewster; $1 50.
! Western Reserve Chronicle, Warren, 0.; E 0. How
; , aril, $2.
Telegraph, l'ainsville, 0.; Gray A Doolittle ; $2
Ohio Times, Mount Vernon, 0.; Chapman A Thrall,
Independent Democrat, Elyria, 0,; Philemon Bliss;
Columbian, Columbus, O., L. L Rice.
, Free Democrat, Chardon, O., J S. Wright, f 1.
Star, Ravenna, O.; Lyman W Hall $1.60.
Herald of Freedom, Wilmington, O , J. W. Chnffin ,
$1 50
True Republican. Greenfield, O.
Williams Democrat, West Unity, 0 i Wm. A Hunter.
Free Democrat, PrtmiT, Mich.; 8 H. Baker; daily
$5, weekly $1.
: Free Democrat, Indianapolis, Ind., R Vaile, $1.60.
Western Citiien, Chicago, III ; Z. C Eastman; daily
and weekly.
Journal, Sparta, III.; I. S. Coulter; $1.26.
Western Freeman, Oalesburg, 111., W J.Lane; $2
5 Standard, fiwpwt, Ill
Free Democrat, Wnukesha Wis ; S. M Booth, dai
ly $4, weekly $2.
Telegraph, Kenosha, Wis ; Sholes A Frank; $2
Free Prexs, Jane?ville, Wis , Joseph Baker $1.50
Free Preos ShAtoygnn Falls, Wis.. J. A Smith; $2
Advocate, Racine, Wis.; C.Clements, $2.
Kentucky News, Newport, Ky.; W S Bailey, $1.
True Democrat, Mount Pleasant. Iowa, J. W. Howe;
Der Demokrat, Davenport, low*; Th Gulich; $2.
Pacific Staleuiuan, Sun Francisco, Cal.; J. 11. Purdy.
Der National Demokrat, Washington^ D O.j Fred.
Schmidt, editor; Buell A Blanchard, publishers, $2.
Liberator, Boston, Ma ; Win- Lloyd Garrison; $2.60.
Pennsylvania Freeman, Philadelphia, Pa-; C. M. Bur
leigh; $2.
National Anti-Slavery Standard, New York, N. Y.;
S. H. Gay A E. Quiitcy; $2.
Anti-Slavery Bugle, Salein, 0.; M. R Robinson ; $1.50.
Voice of the Fugitive.
Life of Isaac T. Hopper?price $1.2!), postage 21
Uncle Tout a Cabin?price :i71 iwuk, postage oenu;
five eopiea for $2, postage paid.
Uncle Tom's Cabin in German?price 6?t cents, post
age 16 cents. *
Key to 11 nolo Toot's Oabln?price 50 cents, postage 111
Whito Slavery in the Barbary States, by Hon. Charles
Sumner?price 60 oeuts, postage 12 cents
GiddingB'a Speeches, one volume 12mo?prior $ 1, post
age 26 cents.
Goodull't American Slave Code?price 75 cents, post
age 18 cents.
Manuel Pereira?price in oloth 76 oents, postage 13
cents; in paper 60 oents, postage 10 oents.
National Era Offioe.
FOR Widows, and Claims for EXTRA PAY for
Army and Navy, in California and Oregon, from
1811) to 1852, prosecuted by F. E. 11ASSLER.
Otfuio on Four-and-a-Half street, near Pennsylvania
avenue, Washington, 1). O. Sep. 22
NOW ready, published by TICKNOR, REED, A
FIELDS, Boston:
Autobiography of an Aotress, by Mrs. Mowatt;
$1.25; 8th edition; just out.
Do Quincey's Letters to a Young Man. and othor
Papers ; price 75 cents.
Haps und Mishaps of a Tour in Europe, by Giacu
Greeuwood; $1.25; 5th edition ; just out.
Essays on Philosophical Writers, by Do Quincey;
2 vols, ltinio.; price $1.50.
Momoirs of Whoaton, by his Sitter; $1.
My Two Sistors, by Emily Judson; 60 cents.
Poems and Parodies, by Phebe Carey; 75 cents.
The Good-Natured Boar, by R. 11. Horue; 76 oeuts
Passion Flowers; 75 conts , 2d edition.
Memoir of Mrs. Hamlin ; $1; 3d edition ; just out
Pooms by George Luut; A3 cents.
Art of Prolonging Life; 75 conts.
Prior's Life of Burke, $2.
The Young Voyageurs, by Captain Mayne Rcid; 75
oents; 3d edition.
The Barclays of Boston, by Mrs Harrison Gray
Hand Book of Familiar Quotations
New Volume of Pooms, by Robert Browning.
Atherton?a New Story, by Miss Mitford.
Miss Mitford's Dramatic Works
Memorable Women, by Mrs. Oroeland.
Sermons, by Dr. Lowell
The works of Edmund Burke.
A New Work, by Henry Gilea.
The Poetical Works of Alice Carey.
Tho Saint's Tragody, by Charles KingsUy.
Bailey's Essays on Opinion and Truth.
Feb. 27?at
A New and Improved Volume.
upon the Ninth Year of its publication, with the
January Number. This Magazine has acquirod the
name of the "Young Peoples Favorite. It has
become a household word. Its articles comprise an
almost endless variety ; all, whether grave or humor
out, udaptod to instruct at well as entertain, and the
whole porvaded by an air oi pure and healthful mo
Author of "Uncle Frank's Home 8tories," "Theo
dore Thinker's Tales.'* "Stories about Animals, Ac ,
is still th? Editor. The January number contains a
choice variety of articles, including some of the best
Puctles over |>uhlisbod. v For engravings, we have
Portraits of Washington Irving, Daniel Webiter on
his Farm, and a host of others; among whieh is our
Frontispiece, executed at great expense, in the high
est style of the art The picture is a perfect gem,
itself worth the price of the entire volume.
which have aided materially in swelling our sub
scription list since the Editor's roturn from abroad,
will bo continued Ihrough the year 1854. Wood
worth'* Youth's Cabinet wilt be found to bo ias
it has been called by a London publisher) docidodly
Richest Dollar Magazine in the World!
It embraces nearly A0<) pages, forming two beauti
ful volumes, illustrstod with upwards of 75 fine eu
gravings. Now is the time to subscribe. Send and
get the January number, if you aro unacquainted
with the work, and judge for youraelt We will send
this number to any address, when required a* a tpeci
' ww, for six cents, or two postage stamps
thrift of Wwodwo* th t Yttttfh'i Cabinet, only One
Dollar a Year.
Four copies, 871 cents, - - $3 50
Five copies, 80 cents, - - i 00
Eight copies, 76 ceott, ? ? - 6 00
tnd for a club of eight or more, an extra copy will be
sent to the one who gets up the club.
Ail subscriptions must commence with the begin
ning of a volume, and must be accompanied with the
money. Address, post-paid,
D. A. WOODWORTH, 118 Naaaau itreet, N. Y.
will be employed to travel in different parts of the
| Union, for the purpose of prosuring subscribers, and
, selling the hound velumos A liberal per rentage will
bo allowed to those who apply, suitably reoom mended
Addresa, as ab<?e,
D A. WOODWORTH, Publisher.
Jan 19. 118 Naaaau street, New York.
Informntion for Slurried or Sinele l.ndif*.
\ LABASTER STARCH GLOSS ? The most pure.
l\ glossy, and finest, snow-white starch, <in the
world. The cost of this starch is about the same as
common starch, the entire cost not exceeding five
cents per quart, and is made just as qutak. It pre
serves the clothes, and gives them a glossy and cnatn
oiled appearance, that no othor starch can do. This
is an entirely new discovery, ami the first time ever
offerod to the public. I ask a fee of only one dime
for imparting the knowledge how to mako this starch .
and I expect to make more out of it at that low prioe
than I could by soiling it to a few of the rich for ftve
dollars, which has been done Now. ladies and gen
tlemen, send on your dimes, and get thia information,
which some of you woal<l not be without for fifty
times its cost. Copy the addresa, and *end for the in
formation when you have leisure Better pay post
age both ways, by sending a stamp along with the
dime. Address, post paid,
March A Xenia, Ohio.
Profitable and Honorable Employment!
THE Subeeriber it deeirous of having an agent in
each county and town of the Union. A capital of
from $5 to $10 only will he required, and anything
like an efficient, onorgotie man. can mako from three
to ftvo dollars per d?y , indeed, some of the agents
now employed aro realising twice that sum Every
infofmation will Vie given by addressing, postage
Feb. 11. Box A01, Philadelphia Poet Office.
SLOAN A IRVINE, Attorneys at Law. No 184
Main street, Cincinnati. Ohio.
References l>r George Fries, Alexander H. Me
Ouffey, A M, Ken tie, Giaham .? McCoy, Cincinnati,
Ohio, Smith A Sinclair,Smith. Bagelny. A Co Pitta
i burgh, N D. Morgan, Auditor of State of Ohio ; Geo.
N McCook. Attorney Oeneral of Ohio, Columbus; J
G. lluteey. Proaident Forest City Bank, ilustey A
Sinclair, Mason A Ratep. Cleveland. Dec. I.
Single copy ... $2
Thro# oopiea ... -6
Five copies ... 8
Tea copies . - ? ?
Single copy six months 1
Ten oopie* viz months 8
Payment in advance is uniformly required.
Rata* of Advertising.?Ten cents t lino for th* li*t
insertion, five cent* a line for ouch subsequent one
Money to be t.>rwauled by mail hi our risk Largo
amount* ui*y be reiuittid in dru.ll* or certificates if
deposit* When uioney in toot, notes oil the bank*
Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, are
preferred. New Knglarid notes aro at lone diacoui>t
than New Vork State note*, and these leu than
Western notes
All communication* to the Era, whether on busi
ness of the paper or for publication, should be ad
dreasud to G. BAILEY, Washington, D. C.
THE Proprietor! of the POUT, in again coming be
fore the public, would return tbauks for the gen
eorun patronage which has placed them far in ad
vance of every other literary weekly in America ; an 1
as th* only suitable roturn for such (tee and hearty
support, their arrangements for 18M have been made
with a degree of liberality probably unequalled in
the history of American uewspapor literature. They
have engaged, as contributors for the ensuing year,
the following brilliant array of talent and genius :
Mrs. Suutkwortk, Emerson Bennett, Mrs. Deni
km, Grace Greenwood, and Fanny Fern.
In the first paper of January next, we design com
mencing an Original Novelet,?written expressly lor
our columns, entitled
By EMERSON BENNETT, author of 'Viola,"
''Clara Morel and,'' "The Forged Will,'' etc
This Novelet, by the popular author of ''Clara
Moreland," we dosign following by another, oalled
By Mrs. MAUY A DENISON, author of' Iiome Pic
turos, ' " Gertrude lLuuiiell," eta.
W e have also thn promise of a number of
Whose brilliant and versatile pen will be almost ex
clusively employed upon the Post and bar own "Lit
tle Pilgrim.
Mrs. Southworth -whose fascinating works are now
being rapidly republished in England ? also, will
maintain her old and ploiuunt o?niiention with the
Post. The next story from hnr gifted pon will b? en
Miriam, The Avenger; or, The Fatal Vow.
By EMMA D. E. N. 80 U Til W OUT 11, author of " The
Curse of Clifton,'' "The Lost lieireas," '* The Desert
ad Wile," etc.
And last?not least?we are authorized to announce
a series rf articles from one who has rapidly risen
very high in popular favor. Tbey will be entitled
By FANNY FEliN, author of "Fern Leaves," etc.
We expect to be able to commence the Sketches by
Fanny Fern, as woll as the series by Grace Green
wood, in the early numbers of the coming year.
Engravings, Foreign Correspondence, Agricultural
Articles,' The Nfews, Congressional Reports, The
Markets, etc., also shall be regularly given.
Cheap Postagk.?The postage on the Post,
to any part of the United States, whon paid quarterly
in adrauco, is only 2tt cents a year.
TERMS.?The terms of the Post are two dollars
per annum, payable iu advance.
Four copies, $5 per annum.
Eight copies, and one to the gettcr-up of the club,
$10 jier annum
Thirteen oopiea, and one to the getter-up of tbe
club, $15 per annum.
Twenty copies, ar.J one to the getter up of the oluk,
$20 per annum.
The money for clubs, always, must be sont in ad
vance. Subscriptions may be sunt at our risk When
the sum is large, a draft should he procured, if pos
sible?the cost of which may be deducted from the
amount. Address, at ways vost paid,
No. flfl South Third street, Philadelphia.
N B Any person desirous of receiving a copy of
the Post, as a sample, can be accommodated by noti
fying,the publisheis by letter, poet paid.
fry To E/iitort.?Kditoi? who give tbe above one
insertion, or condense the material portions of it, (the
uoticesof new contributions, and our terms,} for their
editorial columns, shall be entitled to an exchange, by
sending us a mailed copy of the paper containing the
advertisement or notioe Dec. 1?eoSt
January numbm.r just pubuimkd.
8o pronounced by the entire Press ot the U. States.
GODEY'S I.ADV'S Bllllk FttK 1S?4
Twenty-fourth Year.
0NB HUNDRED PAGES of reading each month,
by the best American Author*.
certainly the mast intensoly interesting one ever
written, entitled
B-Y. T. S. AI1THI H.
will be commenced in the January number.
upon which any reliance can be placed, received di
rect from Paris, and adapted to tbo taste of Ameri
can Ladies by oar own " Fashion Rditor," with foil
DKESS MAKING ?Oar monthly deedHption of
Dress Making, with plans to cut by. None but the
latest fashions are given The directions are so
plain, that every lady can be her own drees maker.
EMBROIDERY. ? An infinite vacifty in every
DRESS PATTERNS. ? Infants and children s
dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All
kinds of CROCHET ami NETTING work New
with full direction*. Every new pattern, of any por
tion of a lady's dress appear* first in the Lady's
Dook, as we reoeive consignments from Paris every
two weeks.
THE NURSERY. ? This subject is treated upon
0<tdeyf? Invaluable Receipts upon cu ry Subject.
Indispensable to every famdy, worth more than the
whole cost of the book.
MUSIC.?Three dollars worth in given every year.
DRAWING ?This art oan be taught to any child,
by a series of drawing? in every number for 1861.
MODEL COTTAGES?Cottage plana and cottag*
furniture will he continued as u?ual.
in every number They are always to be found in
GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK contains precisely that
for which you would have to take at leat>t three other
magasines to get the same amount of information.
The Lady's Book Is ? periodical literary treasure
to the fair sex of America. Ei-cry lady .should be a
subscriber every citixen should see that it graces
the table of bis wife or daughter. It is a fountain of
unexreptionably pure and instructive literature, and
an unfailing source of the purest intellectual enjoy
ment. Godey adopts for his motto, " Rjrr:'no? .
more elevated, and his umiralled enterprise is vin
dicating its propriety.? "Ensiort Clarum.
One copy one year $3
Two copies one year 5
Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the
person sending the club . .10
Eight copies one year do. do. do. - 15
Eleven copies one year, do. da. do. ? 20
03^ Godey s Lady's Book and Arthur s Home
Magasine will both t>e sent one year for fS 50.
No. 113 CheMnnt street. PhilaJelphia.
ft~y Specimens sent if desired D<v 22.
T1IE TIME HAS COME, and he that ha? energy
and ability can roap a rich reward A site way
to mako tnonoy The followinit Receipts, with foil
directions for the manufacture, lor only one dollar:
1st. A superior Black Ink. that will cost only five
cents per gallon.
2d. A superior transparent Soap for shaving.
3d. A wator proof Dlacking, excellent for leather.
4th. Washing Liqukl
6th Burning Fluid.
Either of the above will pay very large profit*.
fith An article warranto.! to restore colors, wheth
er taken out by acids or the s*n.
These Receipts will bo sent to any otic who will
enclose one dollar, poet paid, (o the subscriber. All
the articles for the preparation of tbo above Receipt*
can bo obtained at drug stores generally.
I have sold single receipts of tho above for |S(.
Doe. 22. M R DOW. Manchester N. II.
?. m. rrrriKiiiiu * ??.,
Newspaper advertising agents, arb
the agents for the Nattona' Bra, and are author
tied to receive advertisements and subscriptions for
ns at the lowest rates Their receipts are regarded as
payment*. Their uti. es are at New York, 122 Nas
sau street j UoatoK, 1? State street. Jut S4

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