OUR ILLUSTRATED JOUEMAll. FOWLERS * WELLS publish the following Pe riodioals. They have an aggregate circulation of about On* Hundred Thousand Copies. ThoM Popular and Professional Serial* afford an eioullent opportunity for bringing before the Public with Pictorial Illustrations all subjects of interest, Physiological, Eduoational, Agricultural, Meohaiu oal, and Commercial. THE WATER CURE JOURNAL, AND HERALD OF REFORMS. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Phi losophy and Practice, to Physiology and Anatomy, with illustrative engravings, to Clothing, Occupations, Amusements, and those Laws which govern Life and Health. Published monthly, n convenient form for binding, at One Dollar a ?*ar "'Mtverv'man woman, and child, who loves health, who desires happiness, its !??? to ' live while he does live, live till he dies, and re ullv live instead of being a mere walking oorpse. uractice Its nreoepU."? Fou Htain Juanud.. TJ1K AMERICAN PHRENOLOGICAL JOUR NAL. A Repository of Science, Literature,* and General Intelligence; Devoted to Phrenology, Phys iology, Eduoation, Magnetism, Psychology, Meohan isin Agriculture, Horticulture, Architecture, the Arts and Sciences, and to all those Progressive Meas ures which are calculated to Reform, Elevate, and Improve Mankind. Illustrated with numerous por traits and other engravings. A beautiful Quart", suitable for binding. Published Monthly, at One Dollar a Year in advance. ? ? Journal containing such a mass of interesting matter, devoted to the highest happiness and Inter ests of man, written in the clear and lively stvle of iU practiced editors, and afforded at the ' ridiculously lowVico ' ol one dollar a year must warnedit. run nine up to its present large circulation (6JM00 copies ) to^f muoh higher figure '?/Vwr York Tnhun*. THE ILLUSTRATED HYDROPATHIC QUAR TERLY REVIEW. A new Profeesional Magaiinc, devoted to Medial Reform, embracing articles by the best writers, on Anatomy. Physiology, Pathology, Surgery, Therapeutics, Midwifery, etc.. Reports o. Remarkable Cases In General Praotloe, Criticisms on tha Theory and Praotice of the various Opposing Sys tuna of Medioal Science, Reviews of New Publica Hons of all Schools of Medicine, Reports of the Prog rats of Health Reform in all its Aspects, etc., etc., with appropriate illustrations. Each number oonUina from 1W to S00 octavo pages, at Two Dollars a \ ear " In addition to the widely circulated monthly jour nals issued by Fowlers A Wells, we have the Now Nwrfrnuathic Quarterly Review, edited by the most (Ustiraufrhed members of that school. It is filled with Xticles of permanent value, whiohought to be read by every American."?New 1 ork Tribune. Communications, New Books lor notice or review, Advertisements, and Subscriptions, should be address ?d to the Publishers, FOWLERS A WELLS, Clinton Hall, No. 131 Nassau st., New York. Jan. 1?Svtfd ? ? DE QUINCEY'S WRITINGS. Published by Tuknor, Reed, (f Fulds, Boston CONFESSIONS OF AN ENGLISH 0P1UM ? EATER. 1 vol. l?mo. 76 cents. Contnxt ?The Confessions Suspirta de Profun 1 n. BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS 1 vol. 16mo Tj Content *? ? Shakspeare. Po^r. Lamb. Goethe. Schiller. in. MISCELLANEOUS E8SAYS. 1 vol. l?mo. Content*.?On the Knocking at the Gate in Mac bath. Murder. Considered as one of the Fine Arts. Second Paper on Murder. Joan of Aro. The fcng jijt. Mail Coach. The Vision of Sudden Death Dm Bar, Bfal and Reputed Orthographic Mutineers. IV. THE CJBSARS. 1 vol. lftmo. 75 oents. V and VL LITERARY REMINISCENCES. 2 vote, lftmo. (1.66. ? _ Content*.?Literary Novitiate. Sir Humphry Da ?wj William Godwin. Mrs. Grant. Recollections of Charles Lamb. Walladmor. Coleridge Words worth. Southey. Recollections of Grasmere. The Saracen's Head. Society of the Lakes. Charles Lloyd. Walking Stewart. Edward Ir^ng. Tal fourd. The London Magazine. Junius. Clare. Cun Attack df a Londun Journal. Duelling. VII and VIU. NARRATIVE AND MISCELLA NEOUS PAPERS. 1 vols, fcfc $1-M Content*.--Tha Household Wreek. The Spanish Nun. Flight of a Tartar Tribe. System of the ^>>TT^T u Revealed by the Telescope. Modem Superstition. Coleridge and Opium-Eating. Teai ueraaeeBlorement On War. The Last Lays of Irn manuel Kant. , IX. ESSAYS ON THE POETS AND OTHER ENGLISH WRITERS 1 vol. l?mo. 76 cents. Content*. The Poetry of Wordsworth. Percy Bysrike Shelley. John Keats. Oliver Goldsmith. Fopa. William Godwin. John Foster William Haalitt. Walter Savage Landor. X and XI. HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL ES SATbT Ivols. Ifimo. $1.60. Ctmttntt p||iiftaopby of Roman History. 1 .>? iMiniir Philosophy of Herodotus. Plato's Repuli Ha. Homer and the Homeridsi. Cieero. Style. Rhetoric Secret Societies. XH. AUTOBIOGRAPHIC SKETCHES. 1 vel. lftmo. 76 oents. Contents. The AHieUon of Childhood. I>reaiu Eshots on [inn Infant Experiences. Dream Echoes a Years Later. Introduction to the World of Infant Literature. The Female Infidel I am Introduced to the Warfare of a Public School. I Enter the World. The Nation of London. Dublin. First Rebatltoa in Ireland. French Invasion of Ire Inin* and Second Rebellion. Travelling My Broth sr Premature Maahood. (This volume takos the nine* in this Series of" Life and Manners. It is a JfZ^Mtioi of that volume, with additional mat it, and is printed from Mr. De Quiacey s own revision.) Entirely new Volumet, nearly ready : HII and XIV. ESSAY8 on Philosophical Wri ters aad other Men of Letters 2 vols, lftmo |I.W. Content* Hamilton. Mackintosh Rant. Rich tor. I esslng Herder. Bentley. Parr. XV. LETTER TO A YOUNG MAN, and other pissn. 1 vol- Itmo. 76 oents. Content*. ? Letters. Greek Tragedy. Conversa tion. Language. Freueh and English Manners. California aad tha Gold Mania. Preeence of Mind Jm.lk _____ tni anr magazine. The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, E literary merit and sterling worth, is withont ja set ion the best Magazine published. It is sach, because it comprises, in moderst* compass and c.-n veaieat form, the excellence*- the choicest articles - tke ere am, so to speak, of all the loading Foreign (joarterites aad Magazines, and the productions of tbair most gifted pons. In this respect, the Eclectic bos a decided advantage over all other Mscitslncs of mere local Interest MK1 minor _ to tha American reader, its pages offsr to Hs patrons a large amount of literary wealth, of per naast vales, at a small price 1 The Eclectic Is published in monthly numbers of 144 pages each, making three largo volumes a year, oad nearly 1,?M pages, richly embellished with 12 splendid portraits of distinguished persons or bistori 0*1 subjects The price is $6 a year. The January nabtr begins a new volume. Now Is fc good time M snbsaribe Orders for the work are solicited It | win bo ssat promptly by mail to all who order it ? s||l,ii W H BIDWELL, No 120 Nassaa street. New Yoifc.H By gate of the work, in V volumos, for tho last thn* years, aoatly bound, lettered, and numbered, an b* had at tho effice of publication, and sent to part of tho country. Jan. 7. | mvLkti vmrmt ?t?tb mail link l Boat on. Woroertor. Lowoll, Fitchburg, Nashua, , Bellows Falls, Ac , vim Norwich and Jotoester and Nasbna. Boston and Wor London and Willlmantlc, and Palmar , by this Una leave ptor Ho- M, North I of Conrtlandt street, ersry day at 4 o'clock, Capt. J. W. Winiams. i Saw Yerk ovary Tuesday, Thursday, and ? W0RCR8TER, Captain William Wilcox, I Mem York every Monday, Wednesday, aod f this line arrive In time to aav* the ? mwmm leaves AII/h's Point for on the arrival of tie steamboats at tha lowwst rats# for Now Lon (HaSord, Munson, Palmer, burr, I? C Til E HORTICULTURIST, And Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. milE HOBTICULTURIST. is a Monthly Journal. I devoted to Horticulture and its kindred arts, Ku ral Architecture and Landscape Gardening. It is ?stage paid, and enclosing a atamp. Write the name plainly. Addroaa WM. A. RICHARDSON, Deo. 2if?St Seventh street, Washington, D. 0. WATTKD IK TOLEDO, OHIO, A PARTNER, who ia a practical Druggist, and can bring a cash capital of from five to ten thouaand doliara, to inveat in a well eatabliahod wholesale Drug House, at one of cho best points in the Western coun try for a large jobbing trade. It is about four years since this house was firs! opened and has done a large and profitable business from the start. I purchased and have conducted the businosa for over two years, during which time the trade has steadily increased from over fifty per cent during the first year's business to ono hundred and fifty per cent, the past year. And, with my facilities for business, Western acquaintance, Ac., the trade can be made, with the additional capital required, to roach from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousandjiollars annually. For further particulars, address the undersigned, its above. All letters of inquiry will ineot with prompt attention. I. M. ASHLEY. Jan. 28?Idlw CAVEATS. Pboplb'h Patkht OrriOR, 8? Nassau st., N. Y. INVENTORS aud others desiring to apply for Ca veats aro informed that a lithe necessary drawings and papers are prepared by the undersigned with the utmost dispatch, and on the most moderate terms. All other Patent business promptly attended to. Persons wishing f r information or advioo relative to Patents or Inventions may at all times consult the undersigned without charge. either ttersonally at his office, or by letter. ALFRED K. BEACH, Fob. 3. Solicitor of Patents, 8? Nassau st., N. Y GRANVILLE INFIRMARY AND WATBRCUKE. THIS Institution has been in successful operation throe yoars, and its proprietor, having devoted twenty five years to the management of the sick, is now enabled to judiciously select, and skillfully ap ply, such curative agencies as are best adapted to each case. Female diseases, in all their forms, ro | coivo particular attontion; and tboso even who have been confined to their beds from one to twenty years, with spinal, uterine, or anomalous disease, are assur- | ed that thore is still hope for them We especially invite such to correspond with us, as unrivalled suc cess has given us confidence of their curability. D? rangement of the nervous system, liver, and digestive organs, are generally relieved. Terms, from $? to $12 per week, accordiny to helplessness or the amount of care required. Address W. W. BANCROFT, M. D., > Granville, Licking co., Ohio. CARD. THE subscriber is prepared to Lecture, the present season, on the new method of Building, with the gravel wall, in the Octagon and Hexagonalf orms. Address I. H. STEARNS, Jftn S- Abington, Mass. THK OHIO FAKMKR FOR 1*64. THIS elegant and popular Weekly Agricultural Family Newspaper will oommence its third vol- | ume on the 1st of January, 1854. It will be illustra ted with numerous engravings of Domestic Animals, Farm Buildings, Farm Implements, Trees, Shrubs and all the important affain connected with Horti culture, Agriculture, and Stock. Each number will contain, besides Foreign and Domestic News, selections from the most interesting Publications of the day, Stories, Wit, History, Biog raphy, Poetry, Essays on various subjects, Market Reports of Cleveland, New York, Cincinnati, Ac. In short, nothing will be left undone which may be thought necessary to render " The Ohio Farmer " the best Family Paper for the Farmer, Gardener, Me chanic, and Stock Breeder, that is published in the United State*. Tb&t the circulation may be general we have made the terms low. Terms.?One copy, $2; three copies, $5; five cop ies, $8; ten copies, $15; twenty copies, $25; and at the same rate for six months. Address THOMAS BROWN, Proprietor, Cleveland, Ohio. D^" Editors friendly to our enterprise, who will oopy the above advertisement, and send a paper marked to us, shall have the Fanner tha comma year, with or without an exchange. Deo. 22 4t | A NEW VOLUME FOR THE HOUSEHOLD. PUBLISHED BY WILLIS P HAZARD, 178 Ches nut street, above Seventh, Philadelphia. COOKERY AS TT SHOULD BE A new manual of the dining-room and kitchen, con taining original recipes in every branch of oookery domestic beverages, food for invalids, pickling, Ac Together with bill of fare for every day in the year rules for carving, Ac., by a Practical Housekeeper and pupil of Mrs. Ooodfellow. With appropriate 11 lustrations. 12mo, oloth or balf-bound, 76 cents Cookery as it should be ? Ah, well, that's a pretty bold title ! And a dubious ono, too, oxclaims another, for if the authoress is going to tell us what it should be, that will be nothing new, for we all know by daily experience what it should and could he, but what It is not. Wall, she tells you what it should be and how to make it so; and in short, plain, practioal, and simple rules, such as the result of a long and constant ly active experience in providing for the daily wants of a large household, enables her to do in the very bout manner. Every one who han eaten at our au tboress s board will bear ample testimony to the er cellont qualities of the many good things she daily sets before them, prepared under her own superin tendence, and the rules for making which sho herein sets forth. The recipes of the world-renowned Mrs. Ooodfel low, for cakes, pastry, and sweetmeats, are now for tho first time colleoted together for the benefit of all who desire to be good housekeepers. In short, this new Cook Book is offered to the pub *,c ?? ^ which has ever been prepared, and the publisher invites all housekeepers to purchase it and give R a trial, confidont that they will recommend it to their friends as the only practical Cook Book of which they ean make daily use in all their household d?tiM ; Jan. 21. A N KW "ME HOOK, by J. R. WOODBURY, A nt hm of " Dulri>im," eie. THE COLUMBIA GLEE BOOK { or, Music for tho Million, in three parts. 90inrr'?inIC the largest number of choice Glees, Quartettes, Trios, Songs, Opera Chorusos Ac., ?vor published Part 2?consisting of Sacred Anthems. Choruses, Quartettes, Ac , for select societies and concerts. Part 3?containing most of the old popular Contl nental I'salin tunes. Making the most complete col lection, in all it* features, ever published. For sale by FRANCE TAYLOR, Washington, D. C JEWKTT, PROCTOR, A WORTH FNOTON, Cleve'and, Ohio. MOOItK, ANDERSON, A CO., Cincinnati Jan 2?ld.tw ^ Ohio. A REFORMATORY PAPER FOR CHILDREN. THE JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR. Edited by Uncle Luctu*, Syrtutm, N. Y. TBR want of a paper for children, of a reformatory character, has long been felt The juvenile pa per* of our land do not meet the demands of thecom inanity. They please the eye and interest the reader, but do not instruct and enlighten the mind with ref erence to the great sins of the day. Reformers 1 The Juvenile Instructor is intended to meet this demand. It ia the paper for children for Sabbath schools and Day sehools. The Instructor is published every other week, or t wenty six numbers per year A new volume com mences January 6, 1854. A Corresponding Editor *"1111 Her writings for ohildren are al "jj*{ known and admired by many. Illustrations Will be given in every number. No reasonable ex pense will be spared to make it attractive. Five thou sand subscribers were added last year. Out Term*?i nvanahly in aAvawe*. For single copies - - . . ? $0 25 Five to one person - . . . | on Ten to one person - j 70 Twenty do $3.00- postage paid - $96 Thirty do. 4 20 do. . 5 A4 Forty do. 5 40 do. . 7 32 Fifty do. ?00 do. . 840 One hundred do. 12.00 do. . lfi.80 This is only twelve rent* a ropy< where fifty oopies are taken ; which is as cheap ss any other children's paper in the country, and cheaper than manv of them. Addrem. _ ? MJOJUS 0. MATLACK, Syracuse, H. Y. P. B. Specimen numbers sent, free of charge. Jan. 7?2m Aaifltif Powli. rjV)R SALE, at auction prices, a choice lot of Asi atic Fowls, consisting of the Bra' ma Pootra, CMtlagong, Gray Shanghni. an.l Cochin China vari ?tirs, all joung fowls, and warranted In he of pars blood, and of the largest breeds. Per pair, f 1$. Two pullets and a conk, $15. Cooped and sent by express, to any part of the United States, promptly, on receipt of the money. The above prices are extremely low, the ordinary charge for the same birds being $20 to $3? per pair ALFRED K BEACH, March 11 4tw 8/1 Na?san St., New York. Reference P T Ramnm, R*, . President of tfc* National Poultry Society W0IPBCTU8 UP TilK PROHIBITIONIST "If any State deeuia the rotaii and internal traffic in ardeut spirits injurious to iU citiiena, and calcu lated to produce iulono**, vice, or debauchery, 1 nee nothing in the Constitution of the United States to prevent it from regulating or restraining the traffic, or front prohibiting it altogether, if it thinks proper." Cktef Justin Taney. ON or before the 1st of January, 1864, the Execu tive Committee of the New York State Teinper ranoe Society will imtuu the first number of a Month ly Temperance Journal, under the title of" Tub Pro HIBITIOKIST." Its Sizb.?It will be printed on a double medium sheet, making eight quarto pages, of four columns to a page; and, oxoluding advortisemeuts, each number will oontain an amount of reading matter equal at least to that furnished by our larger-siiod daily jour nals, or to that of an ordinary duodecimo volume of 160 pages. It? Objbct.??'To advocate tho Cause, of Temper ance generally, and especially the Legislative Prohibi tion of the Traffic in Intoxicating Beverages, to pro pare the minds of tho masses for such Prohibition, by showing iU expediency and Necessity, aud to secure, by all the influence it may legitimately exert, the porous enforcement of Prohibitory Laws when ob its Fikld.?Dealing with goneral principles, with arguinentaaliko applicable to evory community where the traffic exists and with facta illustrative of these arguments and principles, the papur will bo National in its spirit, in its scopo, in its purpose, and, we trust, it will be National in its circulation and influence. Such is our aim aud expectation. We desire to see the Prinoiple of Prohibition established in State after State, till it becomes tho rooogniflbd policy of tho Na tion. It is our ambition to boar a part in this great work, and to this end Thk Prohibitionist is estab .lished, not as tho organ ot a society meroly, but of a Great Rbpormatobv Movkmkn r. Its Nbcbbsity.?The existing Temperance Jour nals have little, If any, circulation outside of tho Tem perance Ranks. Their prioe almost neoessarily re stricts them to tho friends of tho cause. Tiik Pro hibitionist is designod for circulation (instead of tracts) among the indifTeront and tho hostile. For this purpose it is put at a prioe so low as to enablo the friends of Temperance in evory school district, by oombinod action and at an ineonsiderablo expense, to place a copy in each family that will eonseut to re ceive it. Irs Prick.?Ono copy for one year - - $0 60 Threo, to one address, ono year 1 00 Seven do. ? do. - - 2 00 And for each additional four copies, $1.00 will be added, for any quantity loss than fifty copies. For fifty copies to one address - -$11 00 For 100 do. do. - - 20 00 No subscription received for loss than one year, and in every case the order must be accompanied by the money. The paper will be under the general direction of the Executive Committee, who have received ample assurances of litorary aid from not a few of the ablest and most eminent writers in the temporance ranks throughout the Union. The work will be stereotyped, and back numbers can be supplied to new subscribers at any time during the year. All orders should be addressed to 0. Soovill, Pub lishing Agent, Albany. Communications for the paper, or in relation to tho interests of the cause generally, should be direoted to Wm. H. Burleigh, Corresponding Secretary. In behalf of the New York State Temporance So ciety : EDWARD C. DBLAVAN, President Executive Committee.?Henry Maudeville, Reuben II. Walworth, John 0. Cole, I. N. WyckofT, William Richardson, Edgar B. Day, llermon Camp. B. P. Staats, Oliver Scovill. Qy The Committee request all editors in the Uni ted States to give the above one insertion in their columns. To all who eomply with this request, we will send the Prohibitionist for ono year, without au exchange, unless they chooae to add to our obligation by sending their papers also, which would, of course, be most thankfully received. Jan. 2?dtf THK NSW YORK MUSICAL RKVIBW AND CHORAL ADVOCATE JS the cheapest and best Musical Paper in the world. This Journal, which has heretofore been published monthly, commences its fifth year in Jan uary next, and thenceforward it will-be published ?very two weeks?on every other Thursday, thereby [iving more than twiee as muoh matter, without any ncrease in prioe. Each number contains sixteen quarto paces, four of which are new music, consist i og of glees, hymn tunes, chants, anthems, dedication and holvday pieees, and, in short, every variety of musie adapted to purposes of religious worship, to public occasions, and to the home oirole; all of which will be of a practical character, and such as can t>e sung by parsons of ordinary musioal attainments. In the editorial department of the Review are engaged (in addition to Mr Cady, the former editor) gentle men of the highest talent and ripest musical experi ence, among whom are George F. Root, William B. Bradbury, Thomas Hastings, and Lowell Mason; and its circle of correspondence, home and foreign, is complete. The Reviow will also be a regular me dium for the announcement of new musical publica tions by all the leading publishing houses in the Union. The subsoription list of this papor is now larger than that of any similar journal in the world, and the new arrangements, rendering it the cheapest as well as (it is hoped) the most valuable musioal paper ever published, must largely increase its al ready unparalleled circulation. Ternut. ? One dollar per annum, or six eopies for five dollars, always in advance. The musio alone in a volume would cost over five dollars in the usual form. Beside this, tnere will be an immense amount of musical news, essays, erit icism, instruction, Ac., all for only one dollar! Ev ery one foeling a particle of interost in the cause of music will surely subscribe. Specimen numbers sent on receipt of two letter postage stamps. Address, always postpaid. MASON BROTHERS, Deo. 22. 23 Park Row, New York. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL U. {STATES MAM, STEAMERS. THE shins comprising this line are the following The ATLANTIC, Capt West. The PACIFIC, Cajrt. Nys. The ARCTIC, Capt Luce. The BALTIC, Capt Comstoek. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Grafton. These ships have been built by contract expressly for Government service, every care has been taken in their eon'truction, as also in their engines, to in sure strength and speed . and their accommodations for passengers are unequalled for eleganoe and com fort. Prioe of passage f.om New York to Liverpool, in first cabio, $120, in second cabin, $70. Exclusive use of extra sise state rooms, $#00. From Liverpool te New York, ?30 and ?20. An experienced surge<>n attached to each ship. No berths can be secured until paid for. runroRBo datbs or sailinu. 186S. 186*. From N*ip York. From Ijtverjiool. Saturday, November 2ft. Wednesday, Nov. 30. Saturday, December 10. Wednesday. Dec. 14. Saturday. December 24. Wednesday, Dec. 2H For freight or passage, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS A CO., No. Ml Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY, A CO., I Liverpool. R. 0. ROBERTS A CO., 13 King's Arms Yard, London. J. MUNROK A CO., 2ft Roe Notre Dame des Victoires, Paris. GEO. II. DRAPER, Havre The owners of these ships will not bo accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious stones, or metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. Jan. 7?d T. V ARTHUR* HON It M AO A7.I* K, GIVES over POO large, double-column octavo pages ? of Choice Reading Matter in a year; also, from 12 to 16 Steal Engravings, of a high order of exael lence, besides from 160 to 200 Fine Wood Engrav ings. All for Si.25, in diihs of Four Sub*cril>era! THE CHEAPEST MONTHLY MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD ' No periodical in the United Stales has been more generally or more warmly commended by tho Frees than the 'HOME MAGAZINE." The third volume, which begins in Jannarv, 1864, will contain a new moral Story, by Mr. ARTHUR, of considerable length, entitled "The Angel of the Houiehold." tiy ft"!d Jor Specimen nntnhert. They will be furnished free of chaqge. Tubus, in AnvaNCB, $2 a year. Four eopies, one year, Twelve eopies, one year, $16, and one to getter up of club. tt^The Home Magatine and Godey's Lady's Book sent one year for $3 60 Address, post-paid, T. 8. ARTHUR A CO , Jan. 19. 107 Walnut street. I'hiladelp PROPOSALS for making 1,000,000 of brick, for the Albany Manual Labor University, will he receiv ed until 20th March next. Also, proposals for laying np the same, either in connection with the making, or M * separate job, will he received nntil the 1st of Msy. Proposals should bo addressed to the under I sigt ed. Lee Post Office, Athens county, Ohio. By order Ex Board WM 8. LEWIS, 8er. Albany, January 2?, 1864. HONEY HI nil). ANY person who will tend his address, and oat dollar, in an envelope, postpaid, to E. JORDAN, Newbury, Vermont, ahull have wot him by mail, post puid, in return, a paper informing him?let, how to make four qualities of feed for bees, coding irom 3 to A cent* per lb., from which good honey ia pro duced ; 2d, giving information how to use the feed with any ooininon hire, with drawera; 8d, giving in formation how to prevent fighting and robbing while in the proceas of feeding Knowing that multitude* are deairoua to obtain the above information, and that it ia more than an equivalent for the dollar aaked, no apology ia needed for thin notice. Please send a gold dollar, or a current bill on some New England bank, when possible. Nov. 17. E. JORDAN. IMPORTANT DISCOVERT! RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES .' ! BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFBR8 ar? unlaillng in the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchi tis, Bore Throat, Hoarseness, Diffioult Breathing, In cipient Consumption, and Diseases of the Lungs.* They have no taste of medioine, and any child will take tbem. Thousands havo been rostored to health that had before despaired. Testimony given in hun dreds ol ouaea A single dose relieves In ten minutes. Ask for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers?the original and only genuine is stamped " Bryan." Spurious kinds are offered for sale. Tw?nty-flvs oents a?box. Sold by dealers generally. J. BRYAN A (X)., Roch ester, N. Y., Proprietors. Wholesale by R.S. T. CIS SEL. Druggist, Georgetown, D. C., and C. W IMS MAN, Druggist, Baltimore. Oct. 20?Sini MININO AflKNCY, New York, 110 Broadway, Roonu Not. 8 and a THIS Agenoy is established for the purchase and sale, on ooinmisaion,, of unimproved Mines and Mining Stock in Companies organised and ?t work also, for tarnishing all kinds of Machinery and Mining Tools, as ordered; also, the Chemical Analysis of Oret and other substances, as forwarded from any part ol the country. _ . .. ... . A printed ciroular, giving fuH explanations, will b? sent in answer to any poet-paid letter enolosing on* three cent Post Office stamp. I. ft BARBOUR A CO., July 21. No. 110 Broadway, New York. NEW STORY BY OKORGK L1PPARO. THE undersigned will commence, on or about the 1st of February, in the " Philadelphia Sunday Mercurythe publication of a thrilling and interest ing story, written expressly for that paper, by George Lippard, entitled ELEANOR; Or, SLAVE CATCHING IN THE QUAKER CITY. The story is founded on J'ucU connected with the operations of the " Fugitive Slave Law " in the city of Brotherly Ijove, and in point of interest is fully equal to Mr. Lippard'soelebrated work, " The Quaker City " A new volume ol the Mercury commences with the New Year, and all who wish to subscribe to one of the beat family newspapers published in the United States, should forward their names without delay. TKKHS: I'copy, onei year $lj>J 6 copioa, do. *? J 10 copies, do. 20 copies, do. - 20.00 Addresi, UPHAM A JONES, Publishers " Sunday Mercury," Philadelphia, Pa. Jan. 5 - . ~THE GREAT BRITISH QUARTERLIES AND BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Important Reduction in the Rates o) Postage . T EONARD SCOTT A CO., No. M Gold Mreet I j New York, continue to publish the following British Periodicals, vis: . The London Quarterly Review (Conservative.) The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) The North British Review (Free Church.) The Westminster Review (Liberal.) Blackwood's Edinburgh M&gaxine (Tory.) These Reprints have now been in successful opera tion in this country for twenty year*, and their circn lation is constantly on the increase, notwithstanding the competition they encounter from American peri odicals of a similar class, and of numerous Eclectic and Magasines made up of selections from foreigp pe riodicals. This fact shows clearly the high eetimatiot in which they are held by the intelligent reading public, and affords a guarantee that they are eatab fiahed on a firm basis, and will be continued without interruption. .. .... Although these works are distingumhed by the po litical shades above indicated, yet but a small portior of their contents is devoted to political sublecta. Ii ia their literary character which fives them their ohief value, and in that they atand confessedly far abovt all other journals of their class. Blackwood, still un der the masterly guidance of Christopher North, main tains its ancient celebrity, and is at this time unuau ally attractive, from the serial works of Bulwer ano other literary notables, written for that Magasine, and first appearing in IU columns both in Oreat Britair and in the United States. Such works as " The Cax tons" and " My New Novel," both by Bulwer; " Mj Peninsular Medal," "The Green Hand," and other serials, of which numerous rival editions are Issued bj the leading publishers in this country, have to be re printed by those publishers from the pages of Black wood, after it hat been ieeved by Meter*. Scett \ Co. so that subscribers to the Reprint of that Magasms may always rely upou having the earliest reading of these fascinating tales. TERMS. Per a,. For any one of the three Reviews $f For any two J For any three - - - - - * ? J Per all four of the Reviews f For Blackwood's Magasine ' Por Blackwood and three Reviews ...? For Blackwood and the four Reviews - - I# For Fanner's Guide, complete. 22 numbers I Cmihuinm. ? A diseonnt of 26 percent, from th? above prices will be allowed to dnhs ordering foot or more copiea of any one or more of the above works Thna: four eopiea of Blackwood or one Review Will be sent to one addreas for $V, four copiea of the Ton' Review* and Blackwood for $30, and so on. POSTAGE To any part of the United States on Blackwood, 2? cents per annum ; on either of the Reviews. 14 cents Remittances and nonxnnnications should be alway addressed, post paid, to the publishers, LEONARD SCOTT A CO., 79 Fulton at, N. Y., Entrance, M Gold street. N. V.?L. S. A Co. have recently published, and hav* now for sale, the Farmer"$ tSuule, by Henry Stephens of Edinburgh, and Professor Norton, of Yale College New Haven, complete in two volumes, royal octavo containing l,fi?0 pages, 14 steel and *00 wood engra vings Prioe, in muslin binding, $0; in paper covers for the mail. $& Sep. 2V. PR?M?ricmn or the inukpendbnt. Volume Sixth?1854. THIS well known and widely circulated Journal, conducted by Pastors of Congregational chnrches in New York and vicinity, has completed its fifth year 11 is now enlarged; is published in a quarto form, and contains sixteen oolumna, or f/ty per rent, more reading matter than ever before, being the lor feet religum* ptiper in the world ' . In acdltion to the regular editorial corps, Rev. G B Cmkkvka, D D., Rev. IIenbv W*mi? Usui h*?. Mrs. H. B. Stowx, Rsv. C. L. Brack, and "Minsix MrnTUt," are stated contributors, engaged to write weekly, and will be assisted by most able Correspond enta at home and abroad, who will do all In their power to make thia Journal an interesting religion* and family paper. Terme. Notwithstanding the immense addition of at losst |8,000 to the yearly expenaea of the paper, the prioe will remain the same? TWO nOl.I.A** Pr.R ANNUM, if itaid strictly m advance, or $2,60 if not paid within three montha. No new namea entered without the money. ? _ . A gent*.?Clergymen and Poatmasters are antho rlsed Agents, and are aolicited to engage in the work of extending our circulation. Fifty cents commission on each new subscriber will be allowed them. Any person wishing to subscribe, will pleaae enclose in an envelope two nouwiBs, and addreaa JOSEPH 11. LADD, PrBl.lftHK* OF TH* IuuKPIfnnRNT, No. 10 Spruce ttreet, New York, Prepaying poategc; and money ao sent will be con sidered at onr risk. QfJ^The paper will be aent In exchange for one year to any newspaper or monthly periodieal that will pub lish this Prospectus, including thia notice. New York, Jan. 6, 1R64, UNPRECEDENTED sale of the Steel Plate En graving of the Lord'a Prayer. Agent* Wanted.?The subscriber is now publish ing a splendid Steel Engraving of the lord's Prayer, which is meeting with a large and rapidly increasing sale. The business offers rare inducements to active and energetic men, as there is no competition, and as a profit of 100 per cent A small cash capital r renuired. Apply, by letter or otherwise, to E L. BUSHNELL A CO., No I Oonrtiand street. New York, successors to George W. Frank. Among the many testimonials which the publisher has recrtved In its fsvor, he subjoins the following from the Re*. J. 0. Lord, D. D., of Buffalo, N. York: " I have examined the beantlftil Steel Plate En graving of the Lord's Prayer, and think it superior to anything I have ever seen, and well worthy the pat ronage of the Christiaa public. J. C. Lord. Jan 2?Id&w K L BUSHNELL k CO WHITEIiAVKRIf I* MAT!** XJY HON. CHARLES SUMNER- With 40 K iUiutratiom by Billinga, engraved by Baker * ??wl! u!nakea a beautiful 16mo volume ol ?b??< 140 pages, bound In cloth, thin boarda, printed in tb moat elegant atyle, on the best paper. v TUB ARGUMENT. Introduction Territory of the Barbary States. Tb? Subjeot and Source* of Iuforination. , I Origin of Slavery. Slavery in the Barbary StaUi II Hvstory of White Slavery m Barbtry, 1Kairl) KfforU against it-bv Fetriinand the Cathollie, bj | Charlea V, by England, by France, by Holland, Free doin by Redemptwu; Freedom by 'JJ?* doin by Escape, White American Victima to Barb ry ? Parallel between White and Black Slavery, Tri umphant Abolition of Wl?iU> Slavery. III. True Character of White Slavery +**arhal\ > Apelogie. for Whitu Slavery (Happy CondUionoHb, White Slaves; Better off in Bsxbarjr than ? Better off than the Free Christiana Barb***' Nev erthelesa, Un.iueationable Enormity of White Slaver. SbS&J. (Lioloalon M~lJ>*y?gft" Tit uutiT (ORiSSrwTiSIie* wi* MKS. BEN DABBY; o&, TIIE WEAL AND WOE OF SOCIAL LIFE. One Volume 12mo, $1. TIIK object of thin tale ia to exhibit in different phases, in high life and low life, the accursed effect* of intemperate drinking, the banc of social life, the curse of civilixod man. The characters are well aud sharply drawn, and the various scones arc described with much spirit and graphic cffcot. * * We are disposed to regard the book as the beta of its kind that has yet appearod.?Boston I ravelin . It is not often that we read a story of any kind, but we have broken our practice, and have read this book, not only with pleasure, but with a gratification which but very few novels havo ever aflorded us. It is a uuiet and simple, but still striking and effective picture of American sooial life.?Chicago vrthun Written with marked ability.?Zauesviih Courin. A thrilling picture of tho effects of that infernal bane of social lifo, intemperanco.? Richmond Jul Uidtum. Tho style is attractive and fascinating ; there is a freshness and originality about it, that is very pleas ing. * * + One of its chief merits ia the excel lence of its conversations.? Enquirer. llaa so many thrilling passages and well drawn characters, thatyoa read it with absorbod attention. It cannot fail to achieve for Mrs. Collins an enviable popularity. She takes us with her to the drunkard's home, and tolls of the hunger and the fear, the toil and the suffering, that are there. Sho paints, with a woman's delicate skill, the meok patience, the long-abused, but unchanging love of the drunkard's wife, touches the deepest chorda of the heart, and makes them vibrate with pity and with indignation. Christian Herald. Though Mrs. Collina has already hosts of admi rers of nor literary productiona, thia work, we pre dict, will increase that number ten-fold, and give her a reputation worthy of her high talents.?yffeir Albany Tribune. The style ia easy, natural, beautiful, chaste, and at timea very eloquont. We would oomutend it es pecially to young ladies, that they may see to what dangers they are exposed, in forming alliances with the fashionable in high life.?Ohio Organ. A deeply interesting and poworful work. It vivid ly portrays some of the terrific exploits of strong drink in both high and low lifo. Nor are auch scene* aa it depicts either imaginary or few. Let this book circulate. It has a boncficent aim, and is the vehicle of admirably old and moat aalulary loaaona.? Prrs bytrrian. # * * Has sketchod it in its daintiest form of fascination, as well as in its grim and dismal aspect of open degradation. Rarely haa a woman ventured to hold the torch to such a dark recess of human woe.?Daily Times. ( We know of no passage, anywhere, more uniqaely beautiful, more intensely absorbing, more overpow ering in tho pathetic, than the thirty-fourth chapter. It is indeed a gem. We doubt whether the celebra ted chapter devoted to the death of Eva, in Uncle Tom'a Cabin, ia auperior. ? ? * It is certainly the most powerful temperance tale that we have ever perused.?Journal and Mtsseuger. Beautifully written. ? * ? A work of great atrength and i>ower.?Gospel Herald. * * * The incidents dramatic, and the inter est intenae to the end.? Ohio Statesman. Wields an easy pen, and aketchea mas and man ners to the life.?Presbyterian Herald. Graphic, truthftal, chaste, and deeply affecting, the atory winds itself into our feclfhgs, and we become absorbed in tbo plot, as if we behold before our own eyos the realities of the author's delineations.?Dai ly thin. RECENTLY PUBLISHED: POETRY OF THE VEGETABLE WORLD: A Popular Exposition of the Scienee of Botany, in its Relations to Man. By M J. Scblciden, M. D, Professor of Botany in the University of Jena. First American, from the London edition of Hon frey. Edited by Alphonso Wood, M. A, author of the "Class-Book of Botany." One vol. 12tno. Il lustrated. Second edition. $1.25. It ii as interesting as tho most attractive romance, as boautifhl as nature, and as pleasing aa the fined poem.?Boston Atlas. LIFE OF THOMAS CHALMERS. D. D., LL. D. By Kev. Jauiea C. Moffat, D. D., Professor of Latin and Lecturer on History in Now Jersey College, Princeton One vol. l2mo; pp. 486. With a fine Portrait on steek Third edition. $1.26. As An orator, a philosopher, a professor, a philan thropist, a successful parish minister, and a learned divine, Dr. Cbalmors stood foremost, not only among the groat men of Scotland, but of Christendom. Co mmerrial. THE THREE GREAT TEMPTATIONS OF YOUNG MEN. With several Lectures addressed to Business and Professional Men. By Samuel W Fisher, 1>. D. One vol. J2mo; pp .13*. Third thousand. $1. We shall put the book by upon one of the choice shelvea of our private library.?Boston Congrega tionaliet. HART S VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. One vol. 12mo ; clotb ; HH cents. A succinct compilation, from authentic documents, of facts in the history of lh?_Mi*si**ippi ValUy to the latest dates. The work bear* the inarka of industry and discrimination. ? TV. )'. Tribune. SCENES AND LEU ENDS OF THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND. By Hugh Miller, author of" Foot prints of the Creator," Ac., Ac. Fourth thousand. One vol. 12mo; pp. 43?>. $1. Home stories and legends in their native costume and in full life.? The Indejiendent. THE COURSE OF CREATION. By John Ander son, D. I). With a GlossnVy of Scientific Terms, added to the American edition. With numerous Illustrations. A popular work on Ueology. Third thousand. One vol. 12mo; pp. 3H4. $1.26. A treatise of aterling merit.? N. I'. Tribune. The simplest, most lucid, and satisfactory exposi tion of geological phenomena we have had the gooil fortune to meet with.? VhUtuUJphui Chronwie. JUST READY: EARLY ENGAGEMENTS. By Mary Eraser. One noat vol. l2mo. THE LIFE <>F BLKN.NERHASSRTT: Comprising an authentic Narrative of the celebrated Expedi tion of Aaron Bnrr, and containing many addi tional facts not heretofore published. By William II. Safford. One vol. lJmo; cloth. MOORE, ANDERSON, A CO., Publishers, Cincinnati. Qy For sale by Booksellers In Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, and throughout the country. Dec 16?.Iteow TH K AiVfKKK.'AN SLAV K CODE, IN THROR* Ann practicic. ITS Distinctive Features shown by its Statutes, J a dicial Decisions, and Illustrative Pacts. By Wil liana Goodell. author of the " Democracy of Christian ity," "Slavery and Anti Slavery,'"ii. The wort contains 430 pages ltmo, neatly bound in cloth. Pric# 76 cents per copy, postage 18 cents. For sale by June LCLEPnANB, 0?ee Nat Era The following ia an extract of a letter fro* Hon William Jay to the author: " Your analysis of the slave lawa ia very able, an*1 your exhibition of their practical application by th? Southern courts evinces great and careful reeearch Your book I* aa impregnable against the charge oi exaggeration as Euclid's Geometry, since, like that it consists of propositions and demonstrations. Th# hook is not only true, but it ia untnestUmably tr?.' 7 WATCHES. IMJLL Jewelled Gold Lever Watches, IR karat ' cases, only $30: Gold hunting levers, $40; Full jewelled silver levers, $14. Silver hunting levers, $l?; Silver Lepines,jewelled. $0; Goldgnard chains,$ll; Gold pencils, $1 Ml; Gold pens, silver holders, $1. Watches or jewelry sent by mail to any part of the United States with |>erfect safety. All orders tnnst be accompanied with the cash. P*'