Newspaper Page Text
WASHINGTON SENTINEL. V0L3 TRIWEEKLY. CITY OP WASHINGTON, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY- 12, 1856. WASHINGTON SKNTINKI. ?> ri BUSi|Kt> TRl-WKKXLY AND WKKELY BY <kM f* K!,KY TUCK EH AND WM M. OVERTON, Ward's Building, near the Capitol, CITY ?>K WAXH1NOTUN TERMS. Tri-Weekly 5 (JO ?VWUj ? oo T'o Olius ok Indi ViDUALS, subscribing u> live or more copies? Tri-weckly per a niuin. in advance >3 0U Weekly " " 1 SO ID"" l'oMui??ster? are requested to act as agents. - ? J rr ii ??: sons ok ruu hikes, a his 1 tory of ihe Rise, Progress, and Destiny ot ihe American Party, and its probable influence ou (he next Presidential election, to which is added a Review of the Letter of the Hon. Henry A. Wise against the Know-nothings, by au Ame rican. The History ot Macon and Dixon's Line, con tained in an Addrvss delivered by John li. B. Latrobe, of Maryland, before tlife Historical So ciety of Pennsylvania, Novembers, 1854. Mirana Elliot, or the Voice of the Spirit, by S. M. H Autobiography of Charles Caldwell, M. D., with a Preface, Notes, and Appendix, by Harriet W. W urner. Ju>t received and lor sale by R. FARNHAM, Corner of Penn. avenue and 11th atreet. Feb 15 HARPER'S MAGAZINE tor September is a magnificent number, filled with superior engravings, and for Ml* al Smuuunhiom's book store. The great Illustrated Magazine of Art for Sep tember is one of the best that has been issued. Leslie's Ladies' Gazette for September contains all the new Fall fashions. The Knickerbocker Magazine for September. Goiley's Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, anb I' Mnnm's Magazine, all tor September, received ? <l li?r ?ule al SHILLINGTON'S Bookstore, rp HE EA1I.UKE of Free Society?Soci JL ology for the South, or the Failure of Free Society, by George Fitzhugh. On sale at TAYLOR & MAURV'S Book Store, near 9th street. WATER-COLOR PICTURES.? Messrs. TAYLOR & MAURY beg to an nounce that, at the suggestion of several of our citizens, the pictures now on exhibition al their store will be rallied for. Eleven prizes; sixty chances, at $5. April 12 Bookstore, near Ninth street. NEW WORK., by the Author of the Heir of Redclyfle. The Castle Builders, by the author ot the Heart's Ease, in paper covers; price 50 cents ; bound, 75 cents. Tust published and for sale at TAYLOR & MAURY'S March 31 Bookstore, near Ninth street DON'T KAIL. TO CALL AT HOOD'S it'you with to purchase anything in the way ol line American, London, or Geneva watches, (that can be relied on tor the tru? lime,) rich gold jewetry, pure silver warc,&e., dec.., and save from !.'< to 2.r) per cent, an he in now receiving hie Full supply, which will he void at the lowest whoiesnle rates. F:ne winches and jewelry repaired, and war . .< ft i?-?i 10 trive satisfaction H. O. HOOD'S ?venue, between 4J and 6th streets, sign ol r l*i ire vuread ea?le. NtEW HOOKS KUCKIVEI) AT SHIL LINGTON'S Bookstore? file Ootid Family, by Charles Lever, author of liarles O'Malley. Hehind the Scenes, l>y Lady Bulwer Lytton. The Lamplighter, one of the most fascinating ? lok-i ever written. Everything in the Book. Newspaper, and Sta "iiery line tor sale at JOE SHILLINGTON'S Bookstore, Odeon Building, corner 4} street and Pa. avenue. TO MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AND STRANGERS. WATCHES.?Members of Congress and others in want of perfect timekeepers would do well to make their selections at once, in order to test their quality before leaving the ciiy. Our assortment tor both Ladies and Gentlemen was never so complete as at present, embracing ?very description, which we offer unusually low. M. W GALT & BROTHER. Penn. avenue, between 9th and 10th streets. Jan IS DANIEL WEIWTKR Messrs. Taylor Ac MAURY hav* a lew of the original sub scribers'copies ol the works of Daniel Webster, printed on very tine imperial paper, in which Mr Webster inscribed his name. Six volumes; price $20. T. ic M. are the only booksellers in the United Slates who have anycQpies in their possession. Mar 11 Bookstore near 9th st. KIKE WATCHES & RICH JEWELRY. HO. HOOD, Pennsylvania avenue, bctwsen . 41 and 6th streets, has just returned from (he north with a good assortment of the most rich and tH!>hionabl<i Jewelry in the market, which he purchased for cash at very low prices, and now ot ter* lor sale the same, at wholesale or retail, much lieuper thau goods of like quality have ever been ?.old lor in this scclion of country. Plsase call at ?n? More, sign of the large spread eagle. N. H. Special attention paid to the repairing ol watches by W. W. Hollingsworth. 44 riOOR'S RAILROAD MAP OF THE JT UNITED STATES."?This celebra ted Map, recently eulogized by Lieutenant Mtu ry, in his "Virginia Letters." is on sale at TAYLOR & MAURY'S Dec 1 Bookstore, near Ninth street. noUTUEKl HOOK,?Origin of the Con ij mnuiion; Incorporation of the General Gov eminent by the States; as national public agents in trust, with no sovereignty ; History of Copart nership Trft-ritones from the Virginia Deed, 1784, to the Treaty with Mexico, 1S4S; Division of the Public L'litds; Specific Duties; Origin and History ?f the Puritans; Origin and Cause of Trouble be tweeu the North and South, and Jeopardy of the Republic; Legal mode of Redress pointed out; by W. B. Davis, Wilmington, North Carolina. Price Two Dollars. On Male at BISHOP'S Periodical Store, No. 216 Pennsylvania avenue, adjoining Willard's Hotel. Trehle patent improved eye- I let Machine. first patent combined on one stock. Second patent, self-feeding in the eyelets. Third patent, patent unproved fastener, riveting l>oth sides. All parties in want of a good Eyelet Machine are strongly recommended to use none but '? Lip man s Patent Improved,'' which is decidedly the best ever brought belore the public, possessing numerous advantages, viz: It is strong, durable, and not liable to get out of order. It punches the hole well and to fit the Eyelet, and iu one operation clinches the Eyelet on both sides. Ii saves time, as the papers, dec., need not be reversed or turned over to clinch the Eyelet s second time, as is the case with all other ma chines. It is useful to the merchant in filing awsy papers, ss well as to ihe attorney or conveyancer, the shomaker, tailor, miliner, and numerous others, snd is a very labor ssving machine. Agents for Washington, Taylor & maury, Rook snd Stationery Store, near 9th st. May 24 READY MADE CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICE**?As the season is advanced, we hsve determined to sell off the remaining portion of onr winter stock at greatly reduced prices ; therefore gentleman wish ing to consult economy in purchasing fine Over coats, Talmas Dross, Frock, and Business Coats; Blsck and Fancy Cashmere Pants; Velvet, Silk, Satin, and Merino Vests; Under Shirts snd Drawers, and all other ready made garments of fine quality, will find our present variety to be as well assorted as in the beginning ol the season, with the advantsge of much lower prices. WALL ft STEPHENS, 322 Pa. avenue, next to Iron Hall. Feb 24 WOOD OAS.?CAUTION. Bl? It kiiowii thai I, the subscriber ub | tamed letters patent iu December, 1651, u>r an apparatus tor the destructive distillation oi' wood, and the making therefrom ol'tar or pitch at pleasure, and gas; and that in the judgment oI competent persons the invention of an appar tua recently patented by W. D. Porter cannot Ite used by him or any other person without infring ing my said patent. And, further, that what u patented by said Porter rightfully belongs to ine, as 1 expect to prove ere long before the United States Patent Office ; and, further, that the use of said Porter's invention involves also a process which I am now claiming before the United Slates Patent Office, and which has been adjudged to Ite patentable to the first inventor thereof, and which said W. D. Porter has formally disclaimed, as ap pears upon the public records ot said office, ot which an official copy is hereto annexed, and also a copy of his claims. In the National Intelligencer of the 25th instant Mr. Porter announces thai he haa secured by U?tWtillhe "exclusive right to making gas from wood/ and tKKflllfetlS W W pant? infringing his patent. I ask how this statement comports with the fact of my patent of December, 1851, and how far the threat can intimidate under such circumstances? Mr. Porter's claim is based upon a movable perforated diaphragm, and was so understood by the Patent Office, as it appears from the records of the Patent Office that his claim was at first refused as interfering with a prior patent to Robert Foulis, of Canada, for an equivalent contrivance. This claim, as given be low, and in which the perforated diaphragm is the saving clause, is what Mr. Porter calls securing the "exclusive right to making gas from wood. The statement carries absurdity on its front, and is a libel on the good sense of the Patent Office If such a claim or right had been granted, it would forbid every coal-kiln and charcoal manufactory in the country. The following copies of correspondence and extracts from the records of the Patent Office will show the true state of the ease. Unite* States Patent Office, August 25, 1854. Sih . In reply to your letter of this date, asking " if any patent has been granted to \V. D. Porter, dated 22d August, 1854, or at any other time, or to any other person or persons, securing to him or them " the exclusive right of making gas from wood" and whether any such claim was made by W. D. Porter, under his application for a patent, which letters patent were issued bearing the above date, you are informed that W. D. Porter's claims are believed to be o n fined to bia appara tus; and, further, this office is not awart that a patent has been granted heretofore lor the exclu sive right of making gas from wo*d. It would, however, be unjustifiable to expect me to make an extended investigation to answer your re quest. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, C. Mason, Commissioner of Patents. W. P. McConaell, Esq., Care of Prof. 0. G. Page, Washington, D. C. The United States Patent Office?To all persons to whom these presents shall come, greting : This is to certify that the annexed is a true copy from the files of this office of an extract from a Eaper filed in the matter of the application of W. K Porter for letters patent, in accordance with which application letters patent were issued to the ?aid W. D. Porter on the 22d day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. In testimony whereof, I. Charles Mason, Com missioner of Patents, have caused the seal of the Patent Office to be hereunto affixed [l. s ] this 25th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fiAy four, and of the independence of the United States the seventy-ninth. C. Mason. Copy of disclaimer of W. D. Porter in his applied' tion for " an improved ttill for making wood gas"filed August 5, 1854. Letters patent issued August22, 1854. " I do not claim as my invention and discovery the improvements in inakinr gas from wood, viz: subjecting the products of destructive distillation therefrom to a high degree of heat, substantially as has been described and for the purposes set forth in the specification of W. P. McConnell." The United States Patent Office?To all persons to whom these presents shall come greeting : This is to certify that the annexed is a true copy from the records of this office of an extract from the specification of W. D. Porter's patent, issued in the twenty second day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. In testimony whereof, I, Charles Mason, Com missioner of Patents, have caused ihe seal of the Patent Office to be hereunto . . affixed this twenty-fifth day ot August, u * J .n the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and ot the independence of the United States the seventy-ninth. C. Mason. Extract from Specification of TV. D. Porter on which letters patent were issued August 22, 1854. Claim.?What I claim as my invention and de sire to secure by letters patent is : "The construction of a gas apparatus or still, consisting ot a metallic or other cylinder B, the cones E and D, diaphram plate C, and exit pipe F, substantially as described in the foregoing spe cification, and ahown in the accompanying draw The trirth of the abevemay be ascertained from the records of the Patent Office, to which all have access. WM. P. McCONNELL. By bis sttorney CHAS. G. PAGE. MORNING GOWNS.?a large and Uu assortmeat, at all price*, for sale by WALL Ac STEPHENS. UNSERVE and Preserved Ginger and t Chow-Chow, Attea sndChoong Loong, Can Ion, frr?h importation. For sale by SHEKELL BROTHERS, No. 40, opposite the Centre Market. Ij>I>WARD I.YCETT, Sen., Book-Biuder, J Potomac Hall, corner of Eleventh-street and Maryland avenue, over Clarke'a Drug store, Wash ington, D. C. Every style of book-binding executed, either in velvet, Turkey Morocco, Russia, or fancy colors oalf. Periodicals and Music neatly half bound. Mr. Lycrrr respectfully suggests to his friends that while much has been done to transmit family records, little care has been taken to preserve pa rental likenesses. He takos this method to inform his trienils, and these desirous ef perpelusting per sonal remembrances, that daguerreotype like nesses can lie inlaid on the inside covers of fami y bibles, presentation-books, or keepsakes, speci mens of which can be seen at his bindery, or he can be addreased by letter, whichwill promptly attended to. Mathematical, dictionary ana Cyclopedia of Mathematical Science, com prising definitions of all the terms employed in Mathematics, sn analysis of each branch, and ol the whole as forming a single science, by Charles Davies, L. L. L>., author of a complete course of Mathematics, and Win. O. Peck. A. M , Assist ant Professor of Mathematics United States Mili ary Academy. Just published, and for sale at lie Bookstore of R FARNHAM, QTONB <IIJARRY.?I am prepared to ftir O nish from my quarry, opposite the Little Falls and adjoining the quarry of the late Timothy O'Neale, any quantity of stone that msy be needed for building purposes. Apply to the undersigned at his house on H. between l?th and 'iOth streets, in the First ward, or to Mr. Paine, ntthe quarry. July 37 WILLIAM B. SCOTT. COMMENTARIES on the Jurisdiction Practice, and Peculiar Jurisprudence of the Courts of the United States, vol. 1, by George Ticknor Curtis. History of the Crusades, their Rise, Progress, and Results, by Major Proctor, of the Royal Military Academy. Cumming's Lectures on the Seven Chunchefc. On sale at TAYLOR fc MAURY'S Bookstore, *?y 1? nasr 9th street. PROSPECTUS or THE "WASHINGTON SENTINEL." I PROPOSE to publish in the city of Washm* ton, in September, a political newspaper, un der the name of the WASHINGTON SENTI NEL. hi doing so, it is proper I should make known the principles it will maintain, and ilie policy it will advocate. It will support cordially and earnestly the pun ciples of the Democratic party of th?e United State* it does not propose to be the organ of any Depart ment of the Government, except in so far a* an in ?lependent maintenance of the doctrines ol that party may represent its opinions and express us views. It will not be ambitious to commend itself to the people by a blind flattery of their rulers. It will seek public support by the bold avowal of the sentiment* wfticn are common to the genuine Dempcraoy of the Union, and by the condemna tion of all auch as may conflict with thein, from whatever quarter they may come. It will aeek to be (and it will endeavor to deserve the title) the orgun of the Democratic party of the United States. The Sentinel will maintain, as a fundament^ truth of that great party, that the States formed^the Union between them by the ratification of the Con stitution as a compact; by which, also, they created the Federal Government, and delegated to it, an their common agent, the powers exprexslv specified in it, with an explicit reservation of all others to the States, or to their separate govern ments. The exercise of any powers beyond these thus delegated, is, therefore, an usurpation of the reserved authority of the States by the agent ot their own creation. The Sentinel will uphold and defend the union upon the basis of the rights of th? States?under the Constitution?and thus by sedulously guarding the latter, it will the more effectually strengthen and perpetuate the former. With regard to the exercise of the powers of the Fecsral Government, the Sentinel will take as the i rinciples of its action, that Congress shall ex ercis no power which has not been delegated by the C. nstitution, according to a atrict and fair in terpret tion of its language and spirit; and that it shall nc seek to attain indirectly an object through the exei ise of constitutional power, for the direct attainme t of whieh it has no delegation of pmcer. In other words, all powers exercised must be clearly gra ted, and ail granted powers must be used for no >umose, except such as is clearlv in tended by th Constitution. In respect to the internal administration of the, Government, the Sentinel will sustain the settled policy of the Democratic party. It will labor to inculcate this cardinal doctrine of Democratic in ternal policy:?that this Government will best promote the freedom and prosperity of the people of the States, by being less ambitious to exercise Eower, and more anxious to preserve liberty ; and y leaving to the individual States the manage ment of all their domestic concerns?while it con tents itself with guarding the confederacy from external violence, and directing the foreign policy of the country to the promotion of the common interests, and defence of the common rights, and honor of the States composing it. The Sentinel will advocate such a progressive foreign policy as will suit itself to the exigencies, and correspond with the expanding interests of the country. That policy should be energetic and de cided; but should temper firmness with liberality, and make its highest ends consist with the strictest principles of justice. The real interests of the country, upon each occasion demanding attention will be its guide in the course the Sentinel wil pursue. The national policy of the world in this age is essentially aggressive. In the growing sense ol weakueasof some of the nation* of the Old World, and the ambitious restlessness of others, a com mon motive to colonial extension has developed ?elf. , . r Our settled determination tc repel interference from abroad with our domestic concerns, wil prompt us to avoid it in the affairs of other coun tries, unless by their foreign or colonial policy our peace should be threatened, our aecurity endan gered, or our interests invaded. For when the selfish interests of other nations prompt a foreign or colonial policy which infringes upon our rights, snd places in the pathway of our commerce a dangerous and unfriendly rival, such a policy must be resisted by remonstrance, and, if need be, Wy war. Our foreign policy should, indeed, be defensive, but to be properly defensive, at must sometimes be apparently aggressive. Our administration should be vigilant, watchful, and energetic. The world is full of important movements, commercial and politi'^l, deeply concerning American trade and American power. It is lime we had an American foreign policy. We must have it. We cannot avoid it if we would. We have larger interests, and a greater stake in the world and its destiny, than every other people. We occupy the best portion of a continent, with no neighbors but a colony, and ? worn-out, anarchical deipotuni. We arc the oiny people whose own land, without colonial cle fendencies, is washed by the two great oceans ot the world. Our agricultural productions are more varied and more essential to civilized lile, and t<? human progress?our mineral and manufacturing resources more vast?our facilities and capacity tor internal and foreign commerce more extended than those of any other people living under one government. A continent, to a great extent, un explored and exhaust'ess in its yet hidden wealth is at our feet. European trade seeks the great East through avenues which are at our doors, or must be made through our own limits. Europe, Asia, Africa, and the isles of the sea, lying all around | us, look to us as the rising power, through the agency of whose example, and ever widening an< extending, though peaceful influences, the bless ings of liberty, civilization, and religion, are des tined to triumph over the barbarism and supersti lion of the millions ef the world. And shall such a people refuse-to lay hold upon their destiny, and act upon the high mission to which it is called A mission so full of hope, though so laden with responsibility, whtch, if properly directed, must make our confederacy the harbinger o< peace to the world, as well as the peaceful arbiter of its destiny. The Sentinel will, therefore, advocate a bold and earnest foreign pohcy, such as the condition ot the country demands; but it will advocate it under the flag of the country?nowhere else. Its foreign policy must be consistent with the spotless honor and unimpeachable good faith of the country. To be respectable at home and abroad, and to be great in the eyes of the world, it must ask for nothing but what is right, and submit to nothing that is wrong. It must be liberal and magnanimous to the rights of others, and firm and immoveable in insisting on its own. It must, in fine, be true to its own interests, rights, and honor?it cannot then be false to those of other nations. Such, then, Is the chart by which we shall be guided. Independent and free, we shall endeavor to l>e honest and truthful. The true friends ot democratic principles we shall cordially aupport and defend. Its enemies in the field or in ambush we shall oppose, and on all proper occasions de^ nounre. To our future brethren of the press we extend the hand of friendly greeting. The Sentinel ta the rival of no press ol its own party?the personal enemy of none of the other. The present Democratic Administration haa our best wishes for ita success in the establishment ol the great principles upon which itcamejnto power; and in its honest labors to attain such an end it will find the Sentinxlita friend and coadjutor. 1ATER YEARS, t?v the Author of ?* the j Old House by the River, Mr. Rutherford's Children, second volume. Pebblea from the Lake Shore, or Miscellaneous Poems, by Charles Lelsnd Potter, A. M. General Notiona of Chemistry, translated Irom the French, by Edmund C. Evans, M. D. The Land of the Saracens, by Bayard Tayler. Brushwood picked up on the Continent; or Last Summer's Trip to the Old World, by Orville Horwitz. . , . The above are selected from * large arrival of newbookTat TAYLOR fe MAURY'S 0 p Bookstore, near JHta ?t. The New York and Liverpool United State* Mall Steamers. The fhips comprising this line are : The Atlantic.. Captain West. The Pacific Captain Nye. ' The Baltic ..Captain Coinstock. These ?h;ps having been built by contract, expressly lor government ^ service, every care has been taken in their construction, as alao in their engine*, to insure strength and speed, and their accommo dations for passengers are unequalled for ele gance and comfort. Price of paxsage from New York to Liverpool, in first cabin $130 lu second cabin, $75. Exclusive use of extra sized state rooms.... $325 From Liverpool to New York 30 and 20 guineas An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berth secured until paid for. PROroSKD DATKS OF 8 AIL IMS. From New York. From LivtrpooL Wed'day..Dec. 1854 I Saturday.. Dec. 16,1854 WoJ'day..Jan. 10, 1855 j Saturday. .Dec. o0,1&54 Wed'c ay. .Jan. 24, 1855 Wed'd.v ..Feb. 7, lt>55 Wed'da/.. Feb. 21,1855 Saturday..Jan.13,1855 Saturday..Jaw. 27, 1855 Saturday. .Feb. 10, 1855 Wed'day. .Mar. 7, 1855 | Saturday..Feb.24,1855 For fre ght or pa-sugr. apply to EDWARD K COLLINS, No. 56 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY & Co., Liverpool. R. G. ROBERTS & Co., 13 King's Arms Yard, London. B. G. WAIN WRIGHT & Co., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. The owners of these ships will not be accounta ble for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, pre ciou* stones, or metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein ex pressed. Jan 3?dtf UST KECEIVED AT TAYLOR * NAU ry's Bookstore, near 9th street? The Plurality of Worlds, with an Introduction by Edward Hitchcock, D. D. A Lamp to the Path; or, the Bible in the Heart, the Home, and the Market Place, by the Rev. W K. Tweedie, D. D. The Catacombs of Rome, by the Right Rev. W. J. Kip, D. D. Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coas of America, by Gabriel Frauchere. Corinne, by Madame De Stael, new edition Vathek, by Beckford, do Female Poets of Great Britain, do Western Scenes and Adventures, illustrated. Life of Napoleon, by Hazlitt, do SATIRE AND SATIRISTS, BY JAMES llannay, author of Singleton Fontlerov, ?Stc. Cosas de Espana, or Going to Madrid, via Bar celona. Just published and for sale at TAYLOR & MAURY'S March 6 Bookstore, near 9th street. FOR RENT, till the 15th of November next, the large built house at the corner oi l&th and K streets. Call at the " Sentinel" office. Intelligencer, Star, and Organ, one week daily' and send bills to Sentinel office. May 17?lwd 1) ROSPECTI/S.?SOUTHERN CONSER I vative Magazine.?When new aspirants for popular favor are announced, the public have a right to demand ihe grounds upon which such show of title to their patronage in made. In ac knowledgment of this, w? trace the oustoma ot parlies in the avowal of principles; of religious sects, iu the i*romulgalion of creeds; and of per sons in all pursuits of life, dependent upon the public for success, in their preparatory expositions of plans and purposes. The customs thus origin ating, though sometimes abused, are useful and proper, and should not be discarded. And when, in obedience to cuotom, new plans are proposed, those approving ought not to withhold their en couragement, as too many do, until they see that success is sure, for their aid may be needed to secure it. Such a foolish policy aa this jeopar dizes the plan they approve, and battens its failure; it has defeated many important enterprises, and has deprived the country of good and useful works. If a uew proposition of any kind is approved by the public, the support of those approving is oi right expected, their approval being solicited only in the view that their more substantial aid will not be withheld. BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE PLAN OF THE PROPOSED PERIODICAL. The Southern Conservative Maoazinz will occupy grounds but little cultivated by American magazinista. It is believed that a fiekl is open for a periodical of a new and, in some respects, a higher order than has been aimed at in our maga zine literature. In this belief, and with such an sim, we announce the Southern Conservative Magazine. The new magazine will be national and not sectional; claiming no merit by virtue of its es tablishment in the South, but aiming at a higher usefulness and a more general acceptability. It will be Protestant, but not sectarian; opposing religious bigotry or intollerance on the one aide, and infidelity on the other?laboring in its teach ings to advance a closer union between the several branches of the great family of the church. It will be political, but liberal; owing no slavish Allegiance to parties or politicians, it will advocate measures, not men, and will labor only for the success of principles. It will be progressive, yet sternly opposed to the reckless spirit of innovation so rife in the country?aiming to elevate and advance, not de press; to reform and improve, not to destroy; sacredly adhering to the true intent of our great republican theory, and laboring to advance it to Its fullest development. It wilt be truly American in tone snd sentiment, but will repudiate nothing foreign, merely because so; believing that the good, the useful, and true belong not, par excellence, to any favored people, but are the common right of all. It will be the organ of pure conservatism. It will encourage a ?igh-looed literature, and defend pure morals in all the social rulaticns ot life. And it will number in its corps of regular con tributors some of the ablest political and literary writers of the country. The magazine will be printed on the finest quality of psper, with new type, and in a plain but superior style. Each number will contain not lesa than 50 large octavo pages, made up of original articlea, con tributed and editorial ?reviews, political and scientific tysays, romances, poetry, Arc. We promise much for the new magazine, and we intend to perform it all, and more, if the read ing public will give the enterprise a liberal en couragement. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. The Southern Conservative Magazine will be issued, the first of each month, from the office of publication, Nashville or Knozville, Tennessee, and will be furnished to suscribera at four dollars a year, or three dollar* it paid punctually in ad vance. Publication will be commenced the 1st day of January. 1S56. Address orders to the editor and proprietor. W T. HELM8, Knozville, Tennvssee. May 31, 1^5S. T EAVF-M from a Family Journal, from 1 1 the French of Emilie Souveatre, author of ??The Attic Philosopher in Pari*. Mrs. Jameson's Common-place Book of Thoughts, Memories, snd Fsncies. R. FARNHAM, June 7 Corner 11th st. and I'enn. av MHS. JAMKHON'M new ROOK.. ?a common-place book of Thoughts, Memo ries and Fsncies, original and selected, by Mra Jameson. Price "75 cents. Leaves from a Family Journal, from the French of Emilie Souveatre, author of "the Attic Philo sopher in Paris." Paper, 50 centa; cloth, 75 cents. Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in water colors, iliustrsted by a aeries of V4 designs, colored diagrams of numerous wood cuts, mith two eztra plates of simultaneous contracts, by Geoive Barnard Prico $5. Juat received at TAYLOR & MAURY'S Bookatore, Jane 7 near 9th at. I VTEW MUSIC?W. C. ZANTZINGER has X i ju?t received from the publishers, Firtb, Pond 6c Co., New York, and George Willieg, jr., Baltimore, an assortment of their latest publica tion#. ^HlT* Piano* tuned, warranted to give satis faction. STATIONERS' HALL, adjoining Kirkwood House. Dec 16?3tawif VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE FOB Sale.?The block of buildings known as ' the Union Buildings,'1 and now occupied by the Union newspaper establishment. They are situ ated on E street, between 13th and 14th streets, and fronting directly on Pennsylvania avenue. The lot is 70 feel front by 159 feet deep. The property is susceptible of division and re-arrangement, and its position such as must ranjc it among the best business stands on the avenue, and is yearly in creasing in value. The time of the present lessee expires on the 1st September next, on which day possession may had. Also, that large three-story Brick House on 17th street west, (opposite the War Office, and three doors south of G street.) Also, that three-story House on 17th street west, next door to the Government Building, at the corner of F and 17th streets. Should the above pioperly not be sold at private sale prior to the I5tn of May, it will be sold on that day at public auction. Terms will be made favorable to the purchaser. Apply to CH. H. WINDER, Corner of 17th and G atreets. March 20?2awtl5May NEW LIVERY STABLE. To tht Patrons of Berkeley Springs. rpHE undersigned begs leave to inform hie I friends and the public generally, that he has erected a new aud extensive Livery Stable, for the accommodation of those who may wish to keep their horses at the Springs during the ap proaching season. The building contains about 40 stalls of extra width, and extensive Carriage Sheds. Its location is clean, dry, and airy, and convenient to Colonel Strother's Hotel, with which it is connected by arrangement. Expe rienced and reliable persons will be in attendance, and no expense will be spared to give every satisfaction to the visiting public. The proprietor will also keep for hire, several pleasure carriages and saddle horses. Having provided these ac commodations. at considerable expense, the Pro prietor hopes that he will b? liberally patronised Terms to suit the limes. JAMES A. STORM. Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, Va., July 1, 1355. July 18?tf. PROSPECTUS or THE UNITED STATES TIMES. A Weekly Newipapcr to b? pabllihtd In Wuhlnfton Ctt jr. The undersigned, expecting soon to retire from the position he has for some time held ss Superin tendent of the United States Census, intends to devote himself to the control and management oi the Review, of which, for the last nine years, he has been the editor and proprietor, and to the publication in the City of Washington of a weekly newspaper with the above title. The material for this paper will consist, in part, of selections or extracts from articles admitted into the Review, but mainly of other original lite rary, educational, industrial, and miscellaneous matters, including digests of the current eventa ot the day, home and foreign; the proceedinga ot Congress and the sots of the Government; lite rary and acientific sketches and essays upon leading and popular topics; biographical sketches of public men; d'gest of official reports, State and Federal; the state of the marketa in the several arge cities; the progress and prospects of crops; supply, demand, prices, etc.; the increase of the country as shown by statistics, bringing down those of the National Census always to date. The object will be, through careful editorial management and a 'arge and well-selected cor respondence, to establish at the seat of govern ment a Family Newspaper which shall be adapted to the wants of every community; imparting rnusement and information, and political, only to tke extent of maintaining the institutions ef the country and defending the rights and sovereignty of the Statea. ? The City of Washington, from the advantages which it preaenta for obtaining material of every kind, through the action of the Smithsonian Insti tution, the Patent Office, and the National Agri cultural Convention, etc., and tke several Bureaus and Departments of Government, from its conti guity to the Isrge commercial cities, from the ex tended, exciting, and all important intereata tbat concentrate upon it, is, perhapa, the most eligible location for such a journal, and ample guarantees of its auocess have already.been received. It will be printed in folio for the convenience of binding, and similar in style to the New York Albion. Terms: $2 pee ahnum, in advance. To Clubs, of 10 auascaiBEES, at one post office, SIS in advance. To Subscribers of DeBow's Review, not in arrears, the Review and Timea together, S6 in advance. Advertiaements on accommodating terms. In order to increase the usefulness of the Re view, which has now acquired a very extenaive circulation, it will be enlarged from 112 to 140 or ISO pages, and otherwise improved by additional editorial assistance and an able corps of contribu tore. A monthl" ittorical digest of events will be embraced in as pages, valuable for future refer ence. The subscription price of the Review will re msin at ?5 per annum, but for the convenience ot the large class of personl who may not deaire the whole work, or who may only solicit in formation upon one or more of the subjects to which it is devoted, it is in contemplation te make a separate publication of the matter relating to Agriculture t another of that relating to Alanu/ae turn; a third Jo Internal Improvements ; a fourth to Commerce; and a fifth to Education and Letter*. These publications will be but departments of the whole work, and may be subscribed for sepsrate'y at SI per annum each. They will appear monthly in handsome periodical style, of from twenty-five to thirty-two psges; constituting an annual octavo volume of 360 pages each, showiog at a single view snd in a condensed form the whole results, within the yesr, in tke particular department, in wurown country and abroad, as the Reviiw itsell will show them in all ef tke department* of indus try and enterprise. The Office of DeBow's Review will remain aa Ix*fore at New Orleans, though a branch will be located at Washington, which will be also the msin office of the other Joarnala, and may be add res* ed at sll times in regard to them. The particular address of the editor, whether Wash ington or New Orleans, will be furnished from time to time, in the work. J. D. B. DEBOW. Washington, Nov. 26, 1864. DiBow ? Industeial. Resoueces, three hsndsoinely bound volumes upon the Progress and Wealth of-the United Statea, 1,800 pages royal octavo, doable columns, clear print, library edi tion, may atill be ordered. Price 86 delivered at the expense of the authe# USE THE MAGIC IMPRES8I0N PAPER, For Writing Without Pen or IBS Ltam, PUbU, Flowors, Piotur.o, Pattcrm for ?ml?*o?d?rir, Marking I.ln ?n Indelibly, Manifold Writing. THIS Article is absolutely the beat portable Inkstand ia the known world, for a email quantity folded and placed in the pocket consti tutea a travelling Inkstand, which cannot be bro ken. No pen is needed, for any atick, sharpened to a point, writes equally as well as the best gold pen in the universe. For drawing it is indispen sable. It is, indeed, the whole art of Drawing and Painting?taught in one lesson. Any leaf, plant, or flower can be transferred 10 the pages of an album, with a minute and distinct resemblance ot nature. With equal facility, pictures and em broidery patterns are taken, and have received the highest et'logiuma from the fair sex ; ana, in deed, a more tasteful present for a lady could not be produced. _ . Thia Magic Paper will also mark Linen, or other articles, so as to remain perfectly indelible. All the washing in the world fails to bring it out Any child can uae it with perfect ease, with this Magic Paper, likewise, one or four copies of every letter written can be secured without aay additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest and moat convenient article extant. It ia used to great advantage by reporters of the public press, telegraphic operators, and hosts ot others. . Each Package contains four different colors Black, Blue, Green, and Red, with full and printed Instructions for all to use, and will last sufficiently long to obtain Five Hundred distinct Impressions. It is put up in beautifully enamelled colored Envelopes, with a truthful likeness of the Pro prietor attache*}- Each and every package war r*K7"Price $2 a dozen; or five for one dollar. Single packages 25 cents. httrRFI L Address, post paid, N. HUBBELL, No. 167 Broadway, New York. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Hubki-l's Maqic Impression Pafkr?We refer our readers to the advertisement in another col umn, setting forth the merits of this pleasing and ingenious invention. The cheapness should in duce all to give it a trial.?Philadelphta Merchant. Il it unsurpassed for neatness and utility, and should meet with the sale it richly deserves.? Triiutu. Interesting news?we have ju?t received a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES for ladies', misses', and children s wear, which we offer very low. Ladies' Gaiters from SI to #3. Misses' Boots ot every kind, in proportion. Of Children's Shoes we have every color and at vie, from 25 cents up. The inquiry generally is, Where can we find a irood assortment of shoes for children 1 We can answer all auch querists to their satisfaction they give us a call. We would also state that we are prepared to manufacture every style of boot or shoes usually worn by gentlemen, ladies, misses, or children. Also on band, every description of boots and shoes, which will be sold very low. Call and examine for yourselves before pur chasing .lOTkm .. .. Mar 1?3t No. 486 Seventh st. IANOS, PIANOS !?We have now In ? store the largest and most reliable stock ol Pianos ever offered in this city, from the justly re nowned manufactories of Hallet, J > Boston; Bacon & Raven, New York; and Kna.>e. Gaehle & Co., Baltimore; ranging in pnees Iroro $225 to $500. . . In addition to those in store, we have on exhi bition at the Metropolitan Mechanics' Fair, at the Smithsonian Institute, four superb Pianos, made expressly to our order for this Exhibition, any ol which we will dispose of on reasonable terms. Also on hand, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Accord eons, Melodeona, Banjos, Strings, Music, &c. Remember, at the Piano, Mnnic, Stationery, Perfumery, e.d F..c, ^"7^ 306 Penn avenue, near 10th street. Russia as it is, by count de gu rowskl. rB , MEMOIRS, Speeches, and Writings, ol Robert ^wBSsW. public Novel, by Caroline Lee Hcnti, with illustrations (rem original designs, in 2 vols. THE CHURCH, in a series of, by Svlvester Judd, Paslor of Christ Church. Maine. HISTORY OF OLIVER CROMWELL una the English Commenweelrti, from the execution of Charles I. to the death of Cromwell, by M. G. Guizot, translated by A. R. Scoble, in 2 vo'*; HISTORY OF THE FRENCH PROTEST ANT Refugeea, from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to our own days, by M. Charles Weiss, Professor of History in the Lycee Bonaparte, in i. V?VOICES OF THE NIGHT, by Rev. John Cuui ""v^ICES OF THE DAY, by Rev. John Cum ming, D. D. Just published and received at the bookstore el y R. FARNHAM, Apr 15 Corner of 11th st. and Penn. av. P WASHINGTON IRVING'S NEW Work, Wolfert'a Roost and other Paper*, now first collected, by Washington Irving. Scottiah Songs, Ballada, and Poema, by Herr Ainalee. Full Proof of the Ministry, a Sequel to the Boy who waa trained up to be a Clergyman, by John N. Norton, A. M. , Memoira of Lite, Exile, and Conversationa of the Emperor Napoleon, by the Count de lea Caaea, with portraita and other illustrationa. Manuel of Sacred History, by John Henry Kurtz, D. D. Juat published and for aale at TAYLOR 6c MAURY S Feb 15 Boolcatore. near 9th street A HIMTORY OFGKEDCK,? A History of A Greece,fron the earliest times to the Roman (Jonqueat, with aupplementary chaptera on the History of Literature and Art. By Wm. Smith, LL. D., editor of the Dictionariea of "Greek and Roman Aniiquitiea" "Biography and Mythology," and "Geography." With notea, and a continuation to the present time. By C. C. Felton, LL D , Eliot Profeasor of Greek Literaturw in Harvard Untverauy. The above work tainiended principally for achools of the higher claaaes. Just received and for sale at the Bookstore of R. FARNHAM, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and 11th street. Aug 21. A RT HINTS??Architecture, Sculpture, J\ and Painting, by James Jackson Jarves, author of History of the Sandwich ltlanda, Arc. Price SI 25. Waikna, or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, sixty engravinga, by Samuel A. Bard. SI 25 The Heiress of Haughton, or tha Mother's Secret, by the auther of Aubrey Caatle. Avon, dcc. Price 37| cents. Just published and for sale at TAYLOR dc MAURY'S July 21 Bookstore, near Ninth street. n XTR A Heavy-plated Tea Seta, Albats Pi Forka, Spoons, 5cc.?M. W. Gait fit Bro. have juat received a beautiful assortment of? Extra Plated Tea Sets, latent stylea Caatora, Cake Baskets, Card Traya, Src Also, superior Albata Forks and Spoona. The above are of the very best quality, and un naually low. M. W. GALT & BRO. Penn. avenue, between 9th and 10th ata. WANDERINGS IN COftHICA ; Corsica; Picturesque, Historical, and Soeial , with a Sketch of the Early Life of Napoleon, translated from the German by Edward Joy Morria. Price 91 50. Lecturea on EngKab Literature, from Chancer lo Tennyson, by Henry Reed. Price $1 25. Just published, and for sal* at TAYLOR fc MAURY'S WASHINGTON SENTINEL TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Oue square (twelve lineal 1 insertion .. . . >0 50 '? ' ? ?i " 7f 1 ? 1 00 I week 2 00 ? I aiomn . 5 00 Buaiueas carda, not exceeding aix linen, (or not less than aix woniha, inserted at hall pric?. Yearly advertisewenta subject to special ar nofasieat. Long advertisements at reduc?d ratea. Religious, Literary, and Charitable notice# in aarted gratuitously. , All correspondence on business must be prepaid TO OFFICERS, M>M)II$KS, HEAMEN Ac., OV ALL WARS, Til Kilt WIDOWS AND H1NOH CHILDRKK. S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government Claimants, WASHINGTON, D. C., CONTINUES to give prompt and personal at tention to the prosecution of Claims of every description against the General Government, and particularly to those before the Treasury Depart ment, Pension and Bounty Land Bureaus, Patent and General Land Offices, and Board ot Claims. An experience of years, and a familiarity with the means of obtaining the surliest and most fa vorable action on Claims, with his facilities for the dispatch of business, justify him in assuring hit Correspondents, Claimants, and the public gener ally, that interests intrusted to his keeping will not be neglected. Pension, Bouuty Laud, Patent, and Public Land Laws. ? He has nearly ready for gratuiious distribution among his business Correspondents, (and those who may become such,) a neat pamphlet contain ing a synopsis of the existing Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Lnnd Laws, down to the end of the late Congress, including the Bounty Land Act of 3d March, 1855, under which all who have heretofore received less than 160 acres are now entitled to additional land; said Act grants also 130 acres to all Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Chapluins, Soldiers, Wagon-masters, Teamsters, and friendly Indians, of the Army, including Slate Troops, Volunteers, and Militia?and all Officers. Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Marines, Clerks, and Landsmen, of th? Navy, not heretofore provided tor, who have served aot less than fourteen days (unless iu bat tle) at any period since 1776; and to the widows and minor children of all such persons entitled, and deceased. This pamphlet contains "Forms of Application" more full and complete than any elcewhere to be found; adapted to the wants of every class ot Claimants under the Act, with copious decisions and instructions of the Department, and practical suggestions as to the course to be pursued in sus pended or rejected cases. Parties not wishing to avail themselves of the facilities afforded by this office in securing prompt and personal superintendence of their claims at the Departments, can obtain copies of the above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents iu postBKe stamps. Inducements to Correspondents. Correspondents who prepare and forwar.l ra^es for management by this Agency will be dealt with liberally; supplied with all necessary blank* gratis, and kept constantly advised of the changes that from lime to time occur in the execution of the law. It is within the subscriber's power to direct his Correspondents to the locality of very many per sons entitled under the late Act; and having ob tained several thousand Land Warrants under former laws, be is in possession of data that wil materially assist in securing additional bounty. Fees, below the usual rates?and contingent upon the admission ol Claims. The highest cash prices givei for L-nd War rants, Revolutionary Scrip, anil Illinois Land Patents. Address S. M. KNIGHT, Washington City March 17?law2m 1GEST OP EXCHEQUER REPORTS from 1824 to 1854, inclusive, 1 volume. Williams on Personal Property, with American notes, 1 vol. The Reporters Chronologically Arranged, by John Wm. Wallace, 1 vol. The Creed of Christendom, by W. R. Greg. Habits and Men. by Dr. Duran. Guy Rivers, by William G inoreSimms, 1 vol., new edition. Bits of Blarney, by R. Sheltcn Mackensie, volume. Bartley's Poems, 1 volume. Lippencott'a Pronouncing Dictionary of the World, 1 vol., 8vo. FRANCK TAYLOR. Sept 15 ItyrY BROTHER'S KEEPER, by Mlsa A. 1VI B. Warner, author of Dollars and Cents. Mr. Rutherford's Children. Acc. JuM published and for sale by R. FARN HAM, May 5 Corner of Pa. avenue and 11th str*??. A MEW WORK on the Catholicity ot the J\ True Church.?The Golden Reed, or the True Measure of a True Church, by B. F. Barrett) price $1, just received Mav 10 R. FARNHAM OHN H. BUTHHANN, Importer and Dealer in Wine, Bran-ly, Cigars, Ate., Penp sylvania avenue, south side, between 4J and 6th streets, has received a part of his fall supplies : Madeira, Sherry, Port, of various grades and prices. Cognac Brandy, pale and dark, Irom a very high order to a fair article. Scotch Whisky, Schiendam Gia, of superior quality. Jamaica Rum, Monongahela Whisky, extra fine. Caracoa, red snd white, (Anisette of Dussal dorf on the Rhine.) Maraschino. London Brown Stout. Edinburgh Scotch Ale. Champagne of Mumm's and Mori's Ac Chan don's imperisl, Hvidsieck Ac Co., Mumm's, and Moet Ac Chandon's Verzenay and de Rougeraent. Also sparkling St. Peray. pink and white. With an assortment of Havana Cigars. Regalia El Ca?, Regalia la Viilanueva. Es la Chay, Venezulano. Viilanueva, Londres, Hiirnos. Arc. Also, a large assortment of Rhine Wine, (some sparkling) and French Wine, red and white, from the highest price to a fine Bordeaux table Wine. Dec 6 KNUU8H AND KHKNCII OOAKUIMi AND DAY SCHOOL. Ml H S BROOKE, from Philadelphia. will open her BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL lor young Ladies, on Monday, Sepitmbtr 10th, lb50, at No. 138, Penn. Avenue, corner of Seven Buildings and 19th street. Mias BROOKE will be assisted by the most competent Profes sors in every department. A French lady, recently from Paris, is engaged aa a resident governess, and every means will be used to accomplish her pupil* in that language. Drawing will be taught in various and elegant styles. RKCOMME<<DATIO<IS: "My friend, Mia* Brooke, is a moot estimable lady, of great intelligence, whose qualifiatious as a teacher, and whose accomplishments in English literature, entitle her to high consideration. ALONZO POTTER" " Mias Brooke ia well known to me as a lady who is entirely capable of conducting successfully the education of young ladies, and in every way worthy of the patronage of parents. A. DALLAS BACHE." RFFIRFNCE*: The Right Rev. ALONZO POTTER, D. D., LL. D., Right Rev. O. W. DOANE, D. D., LL. D. Professor A. DALLAS BACHE, Supt. Coast Survey. Protestor JOSEPH HENRY, Sec'y of Smith soian Institution. Gen. JOHN M ASON, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM W. CORCORAN, Esq. " JOHN S. MEEHAN, Esq , Librarian to Con gress. Hon. JAMES CAMPBELL. P. M General. Hon. ELLIS LEWIS, Chief Justice of the S. Court, Pn. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Associate Judgo of the S. Court of Penna. Hon. GEORGE VAIL, M. C., N.Jersey. Lieut. M. F. MAURY, LL. D., U. S. Observa tory. Circulars stating the terms to be had at the principal Book Stores, or of Misa Brooke, No 138 Pa. Avenue. August 30?3tawlm. AX i; >1 O V I I*.S, Varieties, and ?hrluf Pasts.?Anchovy Paste, genuiue, in jara. Anchdviea in sauce, in pickle, and aalt. Essence of Lobaters, Anchovies, and Shrimps. Just received by SHEKELL BROTHERS, Dee 13?Stif No. 40, op. Centre Mark*