Newspaper Page Text
THE ADJOUMNMKNT 0* COltiBEflB The resolution to adjourn on the 14th Qf Au gust, was yesterday finally agreed to by the House; and it will probably be assented to by the Senate. A proposition to assemble daily hereafter at 11 A. M , failed. Mr. HiUyer purposes introducing a bill fixing upon the first Monday in Novembor as the day of as sembling hereafter. CONGRESS. * THIRTY-THIRD CONUHKMg FIRST SESSION Senate, Tuesday, June 13, 1854. Mr. Weller presented the joint resolution of the Legislature of California, sustaining the principle of the Nebraska hill. Mr. G win presented resolutions of the same Legislature, in favor of cheap ocean postage. Messrs. Badger, Gillette, Mason, and others, presented numerous memorials in favor of a reduction of oeean postage. Mr. Fish presented the remonstranoe of the Chamber of Commerce of Now York, against any change in the existing law regulating the assay offices. Mr. Houston offered a resolution, that here after the Senate meet daily at 11 o'olock. Ob jected to, and laid over. Mr. Gwiu offered a resolution, that, from and after Monday next, the Senate shall meet daily at 11 o clock. Objected to, and laid over. Mr. Douglas introduced a bill providing for the annual meeting of Congrees, on the first Monday in October, instead of Deoember, ks at prosent. Mr. Badger's resolutions, providing for the printing of 40,000 additional copies of the ag ricultural portion of the Patent Offico report, by the Sonate printer, and rescinding fhe for mer order for that purpose, were taken up, and adopted. Mr. Fish offered a resolution, which was agreed to, calling for information respeoting the working of the mint at Philadelphia. A bill for the rolief of the widow and heirs of Elijah Beebee, was taken up, and passed. The resolution providing for the purehase of eight copies of Moulton and Mayo's edition of the Pension laws, for each new Senator, was taken up, and adapted. The Seuato then resumed the consideration of the bill making a grant of land to the sev eral States, for the relief of the indigent in sane. Mr. Cass said he would vote against this bill, and, consequently, to sustain the veto. 1 he precedent to be established by sustaining this bill, would bo a precedent applying only to the hill-, and all similar grants?it would extend no further. As be understood the rea soning of the veto message, he (terfeotly agreed with the President, but if that me sage should be construed as extending further, he would still vote against this bill, because it was un constitutional. House of Representatives, June 13, 1854. Mr. Haven, in compliance with previous no tioe, introduced a resolution to close the de bate on the Pacific Railroad bill at two o'clock tomorrow; but, after some conversation, he withdrew it, and Mr. McDougall proposed an amendment to the bill, limiting the point of commencement of the Northern routo to the same parellel as the Southern ; whioh was order to bo printed. v Mr. McDougall moved the postponement of the further consideration of the bill to the sec ond Monday in Deoember. Mr. Phelps said such postponement was ne cessary, lieuause the reports of surveys of the different routes oould not sooner be obtained. The motion was adopted, and a motion to reconsider it was laid upon the table. The resolutions proposed by Mr. Giddings requiring the exclusion of A. O. P. Nioholson, and his assistants, from the privileges of the Honne, came up in order, upon tho motion to lay them upon the table. Mr. Giddings modified his resolution, by omitting the name of Mr. Nioholson, and sim ply designating the editor of the Union. The resolutions were then laid upon the table?yeas 101, nays 32. Mr. Stanton, of Kentuoky, from the select committee on the subjcct, by consent, reported a bill to restore oivil superintendents to the United States armories. The House took npthe House bill regulat;ng the pay of Deputy Postmasters, as amended by the Sonate, which was debated at some length by Messrs. Olds and Haven. This dobate involved the question of the diminished postage, of the late increase of compensation to the Postmasters, and of the contemplated increase of postage, to meet the increased expenses of the Department. Mr. Skelton said that be would refrain from reviewing tho history of the mattor before the House. Tho question is simply what wo shall charge for tho transportation of letters, and what we shall pay to thorn who perform that duty. He argued that the Department should accommodate the public at tho smallest powi ble expense, and that, to do so, the smallest possible pay thould be awarded to the offioers, and especially in view of the fact that there is never any difficulty in obtaining < Aiders, even at the smallest compensation. He was there fore opposed to the bill. Mr. Cobb oulled for the previous question, which wns ordered. The amendment proposed by the Sonate was agreed to, and tho bill was passed On motion of Mr. Houston, a resolution was adopted terminating tho debate on the Civil and Diplomatic bill at twelve o'clock on Thurs day next. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, (at half-past two o'olook.) and Mr. Walbridgo delivered a speech on the subject of the Pacific Railroad. The Aovantaoes or a Strong Govern ment.?'Tho New York Times*ays: A jrriter in tbo Horton Couiier rx presses the hope that whenever another oue of the aei* uro of a fugitive slave may coour in Boston, it " may he tried at the navy yard or at one of ike foriunder the flag of ike United States . for to carry on such an txciting trial," he add*, u in the oentre of a populous city, for nix or eight days, causes too great a strain on ike ma cktnery of (Jovernment." He goon on' to nay that at the nary yards, and in the fori*, the Federal power ha* the means of checking din order and of keeping oat the idle and the evil disposed. Thin in another step towards bring ing thin law into oonfurmity with pohlio senti ment and the spirit of tho age. Probably we shall havo all these oa>os arising under it tried, by and by, by conrt martial. In fact, military law?tho law of the bayonet?seems in a fair way of be'ng sulmtituted for common and statute law on all mattem in which the ques tion of slavery is involved. The Federal Gov ernment would do well, before pntting these designs in exeontion, to increase the army and navy, and augment the resource* of our forts We doubt whether our Stato authorities arc ready to surrender all their functions into tho hands of the Federal power. They have prof ited somewhat by the theories of'Southern Htatesmen in regard to State Rights. Mr Cal houn's writing* may, after all, at no distant day, become a text book in MasHachusettH and Vermont. Stranger things than this have hap pened. 11^" Charles O'Connor, United States Dis trict Attorney, of New York oily, baa resigned I BY HOUSE'S PKIRTIHU TELEGRAPH ] TELEGRAPHIC CORRESPONUENCK FOIl DAILY NATIONAL KRA. Inauguration of the new Mayor of Phila delphia. Philadelphia, Junk 13.?Hod. Robert T. Conrad wan inaugurated, this morning, Mayor of the new consolidated oitj of Philadelphia, with more than the customary honor**. The oeoatiion wuh seized upon by hie partisans as well an the friends of consolidation, an the occasion for a public rejoicing Independenoe Square, as well as the street* leading to it, were pretty well crowded with men, women, and children. What with the waving of flags, the firing of oanuon, and the occasional cheers of the mul titude, the whole scene piesented a most ani mated appearanoe. The new Mayor's speech was well delivered and well received. Ho was frequently inter rupted in many passages by the cheers of the crowd. After thanking his fellow-citizens for the high evidence which they had given him of their confidence, and assuring them that he would endeavor to discharge the responsible dnt'CH of his office to the beat of hi* ability, he proceeded briefly to point out tho princi ples which should influenoe and govorn his official conduot He stated that be would noC appoint natu ralized citizen* to office. As the Mayor has about 800 appointments in his gift, this portion of his speech produced considerable sensation. He alsoBtated that bis first official act would be to olose all the dram shops of Philadelphia on the Sabbath. Cheers followed this declara tion, mingled with some slight evidences of dis approbation. Tho new consolidated city is now fairly un der way, and although there is a wide differ ence of opinion in regard to the principles and oapaoitiee of the new offiocrs, all parties unite in their congratulations on the consummation of an ovent which promises to add so much to tho business, wealth, and prosperity of Phila delphia. Baltimore Markets, 8fc. Baltimore, Junk 13.?Elliot made a beau tiful ascension yesterday afternoon. It was witnessed by thousands. The newB by the Pacific has somewhat un settled our markets, but not to the extent anti cipated. Breadstuff's?dull and drooping. City Mills flour iB now held at $8. Howard Street, #8 50?no sales Wheat?sales of 3.700 bush oIh red, at $1.93; white, 1.95 a $2 Com? sales of 8,000 bushels white at 71 a 73; yellow 77 a 80. Oats?58 a 60. In other leading articles of the market, no change to notice. New York Markets?Opening-of the Japan ese Ports. New York, Junk 13.?Private letters havo been received by the Pacific, whioh fully con firm the statement which appears in the Lon don Times, to the effect that the Japanese ports had been opened to the world, through the sole instrumentality of Commodore Perry. Breadstuff's?Flour dull; sales of 4,000 bar rels State, at $8 ; Southern, at $8 50 a $8 75. Wheat?sales of 5,000 bushels at old prices. Corn?sales of 30.000 bushels mixed, at 78 cents; yellow, at 83 cents. Cotton dull aud unchanged. Stocks slightly firmer. Ak KKH CHKRRT FKCTORAL, FOR THK RAPID CURB OP COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPINO COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA. AND CONSUMPTION. " Witulom fit all bote dtnnv to it, mid thr great of the earth shall k nerl before it.'' "J^EVER could thii he said with more truth, than * it now applies to thia remedy for affections of the throat and lunga. The exalted in learning and power acknowledge ita supremacy, while both the little and the great can foe I ita benefits. The liberal winded among thoee skilled to cure, are free to own iU mastery over distempers which have baffled their art. Those of exalted stations are not ashamed to testify to its virtues, but deem it a duty and a pleas ure to thus hold out the lamp of their experience to thoir suffering fellow men. Witness the following: [Translation] Vkrvui.i.ionvili.k, La., April, 185.1. I have of late made frequent use of your Cherry Poctoral in my practice, and sin happy to Inform you that in no case yet has it tailed ine. I have made some signal cures of Laryngitis and Bronchitis with it. and have completely cured one case of Asthma, which had withstood every other uiedieine I could employ. Accept, sir, the assurances of my distinguished con sideration Claiid Cooghrt. M. D, Late Surgeon of the Royal Marine, France Mont. !e J)r. J. C. Ayer. Kxtract from a letter of onr Minister at tho Cour of the Sublime Porte : Lkqatior or thr U. S. A., CONHTANTINOPI.K, Tl'RKKr. Dbar Sir : The Cherry Pectoral received from you for the Sultan has been delivered to bis Private Secretary at tho palace, snd you will doubtless hear from it in due season. That you were so kind as to send mo, has been given to frionds, who have in many cases found it exceedingly use'ul. Yours, respectfully, Gbo. P. Marsh, Minister Plenipotentiary U. S. A. to Turkey. Dr. J. C. Ayer. Among the eminent Editors who testify to their personal experience and knowledge of the wonderful cures and immense success of the Cherry Pectoral In their sections, we may mention? IXovghton iV Co, Federal Union. Milledgeville, Ga. h. ration. Christian Advocate, Knoxville, Tenn. J. H. Dfd>*on, American Presbyterian, Greenville, Te. J. D. Sainton, Democrat, MeConnellsburg Pa. ./ Run, jr . Shelbyville News, Tenn MarNT MrKenney, Jf Co., State Gaxette, Burling ton. Iowa. J. H h a Mi \ Co , Journal, Reading, Pa. Raymond. Harper, ^ Co., New i ork Times. ft. CoM, Christian Freeman, Boston. Wm. B. Jacob*, Christian Chronicle, Philad. Hon. J. Wmtirorth, M. C., Democrat, Chicago, III. Rev K. G. Reene, Methodist Protestant, Baltimore. IV. M. Wight man, Christian Advocate, Charleston. S. C. J. M. Magtnni*, True Delta, New Orleana. T. M. Donnell, Dally News. Savannah, Ga. Geo. P Prentice, Louisville Journal, Ky. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, M. C., South Bend Register, Indiana. A. Camming*, Christian Mirror, Portland, Me. M. II. Harihtt \ Co , Republican, Hartford, Conn. Chat/dici iV Iterry. Mariner of Peace, Lebanon, Ten. 'Fhompnan \ Co., United Km pi re and Patriot, To ronto, 0. W. CtmrU* Cool, I>emocrat, Danville, Pa. M. Hannnm, I>oinoerat, Allentown, Pa. Sherman ^ liar run, State Gasette, Trenton, N. J. Wright \ Haven, Prairie Farmer, Chicago, III. These gentlemen have not only certified to these statomonta in their papers, to the public, but have sent me their personal letters, to the effect thst they have found my preparation an article of great public utility. Space will not admit full taMitnonials here, but the agent holow named will furnish mv American Alma nac, gratis, to all who ask for it, wherein are full par ticulnrs, and indisputable proof of these statements. Prepared by I. C. AYCR, ? hewitst, Lewell, Nlaee tKlH la Washing ten by D. OIL,WAN, and by all DrtiggWtaaad Healers In Medlrlae everywhere May It?taugl IMPORTANT TO TOUfW IOFFKR for Dale npwtrili of thirty different Re eeipU, many of which have l>Nn *old the pa*t year for Ave <J?|lar? a price, and the whole comprising so many different way* to make money. In the wale of one of the artielo* alone, I have known yonng men the paet vear to make from Are to twelve dollar* per day; and in the manufacture and Hale of any one of the article*, no yoWng man of energy and ability can fail to make money. Add re** K BOWMAN, Buxton, Mae* , enclosing one dollar, and the whole no in he ? i Receipt* will he forwarded bv mail. No letter taken from the office nnlee* prepaid Mareh I. I Lays v f Liberty; OK, VKKIE8 FOR THE T]Ut8. THIS ia the title of a small volume ol choice Anti Slavery verses, oolleeted from varum* no u roes, and put iuto one little volume of fifty-four yagn<, handsome y printed, and bound in cloth. I'u lish od by BKLA MARSH, May 2? No. V Franklin street, Boston NEW LADIES' FASHION BOOK. FRANK LKHLIK S l*nt irt Gazette of Paris, Lon don, and New York Fashions. Published on the first of every month, containing all the Newest Fosh iona in every department of Ladies' and Children * Costume, Jewelry, Ornament*. Furniture, Ac. The siie in lartte quarto, being twice the nite of the Paris Faahion Book*, in printed on superb paper of the finest manufacture, uuil profusely illustrated with <iver On* llutulrtd Engravings; in addition to which, each part will ooutAin a splendid Colort.t Plate, alone worth more t-an the price charged for the whole part. Arrangements have been completed in Paris, whereby the Newest Fashions will appear in this work before the Paris Fiuihion Books are receiv ed by the steamer. No. 1 was issued on January 1st, 1854. It is by far the best Fashion Book isMied in this country. We cordially recommend it.?N.Y. Daily Tinus. Takes the highest rank among all journals ol its alass? N. Y. Tribune. This is a superb work.? Motion Transmut. Jt is the best record of the fash ions now published.??8wnday Tiuns, Philadelphia. It contains all the newest fashions, and a colored plat* of great beauty.?Home Journal. One oopy, one year, ; two do.. ; four do., $?. One copy of the Gazotte, and one copy of Harper's, Putnam s, or Graham's Magazines, one year, $5. Office No. A John street, and all Booksellers in the United States and Canada*. March 24. PHRMnLOCiai, CABIN KT. Ij^OWLERS. WELLS, ,1 CO., Phrenologists and Publishers, 1I Arch xtreot, below Seventh Phil adelphia, furnifh a'l works ou Phrenology, Physiol ogy, Water Cure, Magnetism, and Phonography, wholesale and retail, at New York prices. Provi sional examinations, with aharts, and full- written descriptions of character, day and evening. Cabinet froe. May 22?ly K. D. M.|D., W. H.milKSVV, M. 1> SURGEONS and Physicians, No. 70 West Seventh street, (near Vine street.) Cincinnati. Jan. 30 TilK PEOPLR'S P\TKNT OFFICE. THIS well-known establishment is still oarried on under the personal superintendence of the under signod, by whom all the necessary drawings, docu ments, and specifications, for Patents, Caveats, De signs, Foreign Patents, Ac., are prepared with the utmost fidelity and despatch, on very moderate terms. Persons wishing for advioo rotative to Patents or Inventions may at all times consult the undersigned without charge, either personally at his office, or by letter. To those living at a distance, he would state, that all the needful steps necessary to securo a Pat ent, can be arranged by letter, jnst as well as if the party were present, and the expense of a journey be thus saved. When parties wish to be informed as to the probability of being enabled to obtain Patents, it will be necessary for them to forward by mail a rough outline sketch and description of tho invention. No fee or chargo is made for such examinations. Private consultations held daily with Inventors, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. All consultations and busi ness strictly private and confidential. Models from a distance may lie sent by express or otherwise. For further information, apply to, or address, post paid, ALFRED E BEACH, Editor and Proprietor of the Ponple's Journal Solicitor of Atnericau and Foreign Patents, People'M Patent Office, 86 Nassau St.. Neifi York. THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL, a record of Science, Mechanics, Invealion, and Agriculturo Published Monthly. Every number contains 32 pages, beanti fully printed, ou fino paper, and profusely illustrated with splondid engravings, forming at the end of every year two fine volumes, comprising nearly 400 pages, with about six hundred elegant engravings. Terms only one dollar a year, sent by mail. Specimen Copies I2j cents. Address as above. May 8. NORCROSV8 PLANINH MACHINE. MY Rotary Ptauing Machine has just been decided not to infringe the Woodworth Machine, by the Supreme Court of the United States, and I am now prepared to sell rights to use in all parts of the UniteJ State* This Machine give* universal satisfaction. It obtained a Medal both in New York and Boston, over the Woodworth Machine, after a trial of three week*. N. G. NORCROSS. Lowell, Feb. 14. 1854 YOUNO * CARSON, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 77 Exchange Place, Baltimore, I^EEP constantly on hand a large stock of Oroce IV ries, which they offer on the most favorable terms. Baltimore. Jnn. 15 Kldridge'i Hill Boarding School, For Young'Mm and Roys. THIS Instituiion is pleasantly situated, on a higb elevation, in a healthy, woll-iuiproved, and high ly flourishing neighborhood, Salem county, New Jer sey. The Summer Session will commence on the 22d of the 5th month, (May,) 1854, and continue twenty two weeks The nsual branches of a liberal and thorough Eng lish education will he taught. Term*.?$A0 per session For circulars, Ac., address ALLEN FLITCHAFT. Principal. March 8?3tn Eldridge's Hill, Salem co.. N.J. WAU. PAPERS! WALL PAPKR*! PARKI8H A HOUGH, Manufacturers ^nd Import ers of Paper-Hangings, Borders, Decorations, Curtain Paper*, Fire-Board Prints, Ac , Ac , offer the same at very low prices, wholesale or retail. Orders promptly attended to. Address, PARRISH A HOUGH, Jan. 38?lVt No. 4 North 5th at.. Philadelphia CLEVELAND WATER CURE KMTAttLlMH MENT. HIE above Establishment is now commencing its i. seventh session. The auinber of patient* treated at the Establishment ha* been on the increase from year to year, for the past *ix years, until the last season, when the de mands of the public far exceeded our power to ac commodate them. The increasing rapidity and pro portion of cares, from year to year,-induce* the sub scriber to believe that his enlarged experience and opportunities for treatment give facilities to the inva lid rarely equalled. Disease* peculiar to females are treated with n suc cess and rapidity of cure believed to be surpassed by none. |May22.| T. T SEELYK. M D IIHOIIV, CAIM-r.R, Ttrr?R, PMll I \ AND Disease* of the Genital Organs, removed in an incredibly short time. Invalids afflicted with the above complaint* can be successfully treated at No. HA Broadway, between Second and Third streets, east side. Office hours from ten to twelve o'clock. Drs. WHITTRMORK and STOCKWELL, Dee )1 Cincinnati. Ohio. LARD ??IL,?rAR AND ADAMANTIN K CAN DLE*. 0. 1 Extra Lard Oil. well filtered and free from gelatine, manufactured for fine machinery, wool lens, and solar lamp* Star and Adamatine Candles, fall weight and prime quality, warranted to stand the climate of California, Australia, the Indie*, and Africa. Orders for an; quantity executed promptly. Apply to THOMAS EMERY, hard Oil, Star and Adamantine Manufacturer. Cincinnati. O. T N A riNK CHANCE. UNPARALLRLRD *nd honest profit*, with * small capital; for particulars, ftddresf, pout paid, Hoi OS, Crawfordnville, Indian*. April 57?(It VAH A ; OR. THK CHII ? OK AIMIPriON. v 12 mo. Pnte $ 1. IT ia the hintoryof an Adopted child, and such a hi* lory an most soften the (mart and awaken the pity of every roader. It is a story and yet a sermon Taking the little Vara by the hand, and lending hor through the corridors ot an eventful life, it loaves up on th? inind a genial and lasting impression, which will prove of trnlM, We hope to nee it circulated widely.?Uuffalo Rj-prf**. We predict for it an immense *'ile and venture to announce the anthor an a worthy addition to the few distinguished American author*. A* a work of art, we place It high. Irdeneodently of any aim of (dot, the language in both chaste and ornate, frequently pathetic, often humoroni. The characters arc draw n with great skill, and we can find original* in our mind, who Meem to be here eareftilly pictured.? NnwtrA Dai /?. A tale of exquisite p?thos.? Watchman. Written with remarkable spi ri t. ? Prtn The book will be fouqd profttahlo in every pious family.?Chnitmit CkrotnrU, j A pure and evangelical spirit runs through the en tire work.?Nrw York Qwrwr. Just published by ROBRRT CARTER A BROTH RUS, New York. Thin work will be sent by mail, pontage pre paid, to thote who iond us a dollar. May 31?St KOI>K .?UKM? \V*MTWt, fpo circulate in overy county in the Union some 1 mv?( rapid irtUvg, popular, and beautifully il luft rated auhaoription book.. A capital re.uirod Apply to HifNKY HOWE, 111 Mainstroet, Cincinnati. Ohio. lrt MWlMll'V* AUBSt'V. jracy ic Furiihuiii Meueral 1 aud Agent*, t. AMike uy Full*. YllniifMi#. THE Subscribers offer their services to Eastern capitalist. iu making investment. in We.tern '"hVw portions of the Went present so groat induce ments for the investment of c*piUI, a* Minnesota It PMMMM It highly productive .nil a beautital an. neulthy climate. aud is settliug with unprecedented rapidity. Lands will incruiuo her* in value more in five years than in many places in twenty five The subscriber* can make investments which will | net fifty and, in some oiues, a hundred per cent, a i ytar, for many yeats. . I.andn can now be had near new and thriving vil Iaires for $H, $4, and $6 \x>T acre, that in ten year* will be worth ten times that amount. . Cir mlars containing much reliable informatn/n iu ?ra u> country. "May 2? St. Anthony Falls, Minnesota. DR WESSELHOEFTS WATER CURE. URATTLKBOBOUUH, VERMONT ALL rum?r? to the contrary, continues to receive patients, for whose recovery and comfort the tin dersigned pledge themselves to spare no pains, so that taoy way maintain the fame of tho establish ment. Its provisions for hydropathic purpoie. are unrivalled, and lis supply of pure, soft water is abun dant, cool, and palatable at ail seasons, without the use of ice. _ . . ... . , Dk E. f. LbwrmtbAL. Resident Physiotan. Mrs. F Wkssklmokkt, Proprietress. Maroh 24. Tiff p? A ANVMVX ? KVrABI.IiHMKMTOF II4IKACK WATKhS, No. 333 ttroadwiyy New Yotk. TUE best and most improved Pianos and Melo deooH in tho world. T Gilbert A Co. a World 8 Fair Promium Pianos, with or without the Afolian, and with iron frames and circular scales. The merits of these instruments ure too well known to need tur ther commendation, Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, an elegant instrument for small rooms. Hallet* Um ston's Pianos, of the old established firm of Uallet A Co. Mr. W. being Bole agent lor all the above Piano?, ho can offer them lower than any other house in the United States. Horace Wators's Pianos, manufac tured expressly for him, having great power ol tono and elanioity of touch. Pianos of other make. In a word. 333 Broadway is one of the largest depots for Pianos in the world, affording an opportunity tor selections not to be had anywhere else on the Ainer ican continent Second hand Pianos at great bar gains. Price from $fiO to $175. MELODEONS. Goodman A Baldwin's Patent Organ Melodeons, with two banks of keys-a sweet and powerlul mstru ment. Prices from $76 to $200. . . S D. A II. W Smith's ut/l-knuwn awl jiutly-m fbratrd MeMtont. Prices from $60 to $150. rr-3- 'f he above makes aro the only ones tuned in the equal temperament Melodeons ot other makes, of all styles and prices Martin's unrivalled Guitars, from $-5 to $n0. Flu tenas, from $6 to $25. Accordeons from $2 to $2 Violins, from $3 to $25. Flutes, from $5 to $40. Brass instruments, aud others, ol all kinds. , Dealers supplied with the above Pianos and Melo- | deons at factory prices. MUSIC. ' This list comprises the products, of the great mas ters of both the American and Kuropean continents, and is receiving constant additions by an extensive publication of the choice and popular pieces of the dav Dealers in Music, Teachers of Seminaries and Academies, wishing to purchase any music published in the Uuited States, or make arrangements for con tinued supplies of Mr. Waters'* new issues, will find it greatly to their interest to call or forward their orders. Music sent to any part ot the United States, postage free. M?? " N ft. WIIJJAMS. AiUmfy and rttBttlitf Lj? 1% iiliiDgUii i-ltj PRACTICES in the Court* of the District of Co lumbia, and befora the Department* of the Oov ?rnment. Office over Banking Hons* of Selden, Witt ars. A Co. JnnalO-tf K. C. WALHOKN k WHOLESALE and retail premium ready made shirt and collar manufactory, and gentlemen s furnishing store, Nos 7 and V North Sixth street, Phi - adelphia. On hand a large assortment of shirts, co - |ars, dross stocks, gloves, hoeiery, Ac., which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. Shirts and wrappers made to order by measure ment, and warranted to give Jan SO?3m R. C. WALBORN K. BOWMAN, No. 117 Hanover street, Boston Mass., I MPORTER of French and Herman Toy Watches, 1 Manufacturer's Agent for the sale of Jewelry ; also. Wholesale l>ealer in Vegetable Ivory Goods,. ewuig Silk. Ac. All orders promptly attended to. ALL?AND MORK?TOOETHKH : JUST PUBLISHED, In one handy volume,all those popular ways of making money, which hav* claim ed so much attention the past year, VII ? " ? liainsou's, Bowman's, Dr. Shriner's. Dr. Xaupi s, rSSii I>r. Reese'.; H. S. Holt s. Sh.pman A Co.'s H. P. Cherry's, M. I. Cook s. 0. 0. Ando?'" * All of these have been sold, warranted to jield very heavy profits, from $5 to $10 per day. All l?'K?^ur though, it is beyond doubt certain that one, two. t three of them will suit the wishes of each persosi look^ ing out lor some liberally paying business, and thus yield correspondingly double or treble profit., To these have been added a number of nrw 1 before puldished, and equal, if not superior, to tht best of the above, and suited to the want* of any wh might possibly be unsuited in the i'st mentioned The *ork is complete. Satisfaction i* ?u?rant.' d The whole will be sent to all enclosing $ I. postpaid^t? L. M E. Cooke, llagerstown, Md. For S' U copies. $10. _ P#b *ZlL IMPORTANT TO THE BLIND. T PATIENTS may be daily seen, at Dr Knapps hye 1' Infirmary. No 140 Main street. Buffalo 1M V, who are obtaining their sight by having chemical a pors applied externally, and ra?n?g "" ^ trer. ? tlOtTMUKEKFINH HAHDWARK A^ll? FAMCt UOOIK. T A C BRRRIAN, Importers and Wholesale Deal J . ersin Housekeeping Hardware and Fancy Goods. AO I Broadway. Now York Cutlery. Silver ,md PIa^ ted Ware, .lapannery, German SUver a?i Ware, Composition, Enamelled aud Ir< n Ware. Bronred. Copper, and Brass Goods, La hi g Apparatus, Tin. Wood, and Willow * are^B ushe., Mau. Itaskets, Refrigerators, Sporting Tackle. _ Our stock has for years past been equal to ^ surpasses in variety and extent any -'m> ar ment in the country, and will ?>e sold at price, defy ''^he'auontion of Housekeepers and Merchants i. ?? ?-k'cirrus ' March IS?ly Broa^lway. New York A CHAH!WI>H BOOK. T ATELY published, in one heautifull^oTOamented L volume. 4to, Stones for Alter By a r With four exquisite designs P?lj,ed in ''"|?t Cloth, 75 cents; or ^richly colored, $ I; and with g '"This"new' hmik for children is written by I daughter of one of our most ente.^isti^ and pro n, nent merchants, who has long been kn<;wn - ?writer of very attractive powers by a large circle^of ftMends in this city, amongst whom her poems have ctrcn te<I in manusoript At their urgent request, she has given them to the public in this l^utiful v.dume; !ind we feel sure every yonng hands it may fall will be as de'ti;htedj??d ^charmed m th. many who have already ohUinsalit. * hde j pleasant a treat and so toproflng ? ** ^ ^ n.rd.Hl to children, no parent should longer let thein ^Msry'and Flower of the Family. Weeks IMigh t Mary and Florence, Leila on the Island; Leito Howe, Ueile in England . The Wind Spirit aad the Rain l^d. otBriauijr. -I ??? ' Feb. 27. 178 Che*tnnt pt., of?|iowiU Ma*oe*e llall. A. ARNOI.n. PAT KMT AN KMT. CIONMNUFS the bo?ineiw of furninhinft Drawing*, J Specification*, Caveat*, Conveyance*, and procn ring Patent-* ID attend* to alt t.imine** nraalhr re <|uircd t.o be transacted with the Patent Office. Mod el* Forwarded by K*pre**, and lettera containing a fee of Ave dollar*, are promptly attended to. Peraon* writing troin a distance *hould give their town, oonn ty, and State, legibly. Refer to Hon. Thomo* J. Hnak, Hon C. P. Jatnes. and Hon. P. Allen, TT 8 Senate Deo. ?Am IM.VKHI.I'.V * II" MHi. ? MANUFACTURERS and Importer), of Britannia Ware, Tea and Communion Set*, Ice Pitchcra, Ac., No. IOW Hare or Sa**afra* street, above Third, i opposite tka White Swan. Philadelphia Dm 1? 6m G S. W ALKKR, PORTRAIT PAINTER, HAVING limuiaii a permanent reiideut of tbi? city. respectfully Invite* the public to visit hi* Ktuiii. on.I ullery in the 3d story of Major Morfil'a buildiug. 4] street, second door from Shillingtou's. M?y 18?n>d7t JOHN S. MANN, \TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudursport, Potter county, Penn. Jan. 211. SERVANT WANTED. G1 OOD Wages will be paid to a colored woman coin I petent to do ibo work of a suiall family. Inquire over Mr. Eduiouaton's Shoe Store, 7th street, near K. Jan. 3?d3t CAMERON'S ENERAL AGENCY and Insurance Office, 3 Co ? lunibia Place, (2 doors norlb of Louisiana ave nue.) Seventh street, least side.) Washington 1>. C. Claims bofore Con|(ri)fi and the different Dopurt inents. Jan. 8?d aT^BERT G. BROWNE, /COMMISSION MRHCIIANT, and Agent of the U Boston Ileiui) Manufacturing Company. Gangs of Rigging and Manilla Cordage ; Amorican, Ruswin, aud Manilla Hemp, for sale Jan. rt?d3m No. 152 Coinmorcial st., Boston. Ktittliiiun'h Infullibit Sick lleadurhe Keuiedy. THIS preparation, by K. P. EASTMAN, M. D , of Lynn, Mass., has l?eeu us?h1 in private practice for the last four yoars, with the greatest success. A radical cure has been effected in every instance where the direotious have been strictly followed aud |?erse vered in. It is now given to the public wilji the lull confidence that it will do all that is claimed for it, and prove itself, upon fair trial, an infallible Hiri llrtulurltr liriiml u ? It is sale and pleasant to the taste, it brings imme diate relief, and all who test its curative virtues re joice in tbo reuiova of pain, and marvel at its power in alleviating so general, and often so fatal, a scourge The following is from D C. Baker, Esq , Mayor o. Lynn, and President of tho Howard Banking Compa ny, Boston: Dr. E. P. Etutmau. ^ 1>*ak Sir : A member of my family?a duughter, ten years of age?was afflicted with the sick headache, and we tried various remodies without success. W hen, however, you administered to hor your " Headacbv Powders," we found thorn to be very beneficial, and, in fact, rustored hor to health. I should, without hesitation, recommend them to those afflictod; and I beg to assure you, that I fully appreciate their value. Respectfully yours, D. C. Baicir. Lynn, August #, 1853. Dr. E. P? Eastimm. M v Dkar Sik : T avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my high appreciation of the efficien cy and value of your Sick Headache Remedy. I have linen afflicted, rinco my childhood, with very severe turns of sick headache, and have tried various rem edies which havo been prescribed, but found no con siderable relief until I tried your remedy, which, I am happy to say, has almost entirely cured me. Sev eral or my neighbors and friends have tried your med icine, and in every instance it has entirely relieved or greatly mollified the disease Faithfully vnura. John B. i WII-SON, FAIRBANK, A CO., 43 and 45 Hanover I at root, Boston, General Agonts, to whom all orders should be addressed; also for sale by all the Drug gists throughout tbo country. For sale in Washington by Z. D. GILMAN. March 3. MO, MO! tOO ARK GKTTlNG MUTl ARK YOU? WKLL, THAT IS A MISFORTUNE, and not a crime; but to remain gray wheu it is unlash ionable, and so fine an opportunity offers to restore your "rich ambrosial looks," in all their pristine vigor and beauty, in three minutes, without injury to the hair or tiin, Ify applying John A. J?nes Im proved National Hair Dye, is but little short ot crime. Therefore, don't delay. Applied and for sale by the original inventor of Liouid rlair Dye in this country. JOHN A. JONES, 23 Esst Baltimore si, bet. Front aud High. Also, for sale at all the res|iectable Druggists und Fancy Stores in every city and town throughout the Union. April IS. (i RAT IS' A FEW words on tho rational treatment, without medicine, of local weakness, nervous debility, loss of memory, love of solitude, self distrust, dissi ness, pimples on thofaso, and other infirmities of man By this entirely now and highly successful treatment, every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, aud at the It ast possible oost. Sent to any address, post Iree, in sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two pott age stamps, to DR B. DE LANki , April 1?3m 51 Lispenard street, New York. R' Dr. Nathaniel Thurston* Office, 100M No 20, in lliltnan's Temperance House, . 4, on Duvis street, Nos 80 and S2, San Francisco, California. May 8. IMPORTANT TO THE BLIND. DR KNAPP, Oculist, at No. 140 Main street, Buf folo. New York, restores sight to the Blind with cheu.ical vapors, externally applied This new totthod, causing no pain, if at once remarkable and successful. Several forms i f blindness are removed hv this treatment, that heretofore have been incur* ble March 27. ft P CIIAftK. K. MAI.l. C1HASE A BALL, Attorneys and Counsellors at J Law. Cincinnati, Ohio, practice in the State Courts of Ohio, in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in Ohio, and in the Supreme Court of the United Stales at Washington. Jan. ? Liver < oni|.lnliil, Jauntllre, I hrewlc er Nerveus lleMIUy, t?lsea?es of the Kidneys, \ND 411 diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stoin ach, Nausea, Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in tho Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Flatulency at the Pit of the Stomach, Swim ming of the Head. Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering of the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying posfure, Dimness of \ ision, Dots or Webs before I he sight, Fever and dull pain in the head. Deficiency of Porspiration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes. Pains in the side, back, chest, limbs, Ac., Sudden flashes of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant imaginings of evil, and Great llepres sion of spirits, can be effectually cured by DOCTOR HOOFLANITS CELEBRATED HERMAN HITTERS, Prepared by Dr. I M, JnrUon at Hie C.rrms Hedlrlne Mere, I'JO Arrh street, Philadelphia. - Their power over fhe above diseases is not e* celled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many eases aferskiltfnl physicians bad failed. These Bitters are worihy the attention of invalids Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of tho liver and lesser glands, eiercising the most searching power in weakness ami affections of the di gestive organs, they are withal safe, certain, and " Aforr Home Trftimorty. PlIUMLTMU, Marrh 1, 185S. Dkar Sit; For the past two years I have been se verely afflicted with Liver Complaint, Dyspepeia, and Piles, suffering constantly the pains and inconveni ences attendant upon such complaints, without oner gy, being scarcely able to attend to any business I used a great deal of medicine, without any apparent change until I used yonr " Hoofland ? German Bit ters. They have entirely cured me. I am now en tirely free from pain and ache of any kind, and feel like a new man in every respect, and unhesitatingly ? recommend yonr Bitters to all invalids Yours", respectfully, JoHW R. CotY, Dr C. M. Jarksow. No. 12 Lagrange Place. PHiusnraUtAimir* U, 1853. Dkar Sib I have used your " Hnofland's German Bitters" In my family for the last four years, for Liver Complaints and Dyspe|*ia, and am pleased to acknowledge fhat we have received the greatest ben efil from it* use. I have recommended it to a great many afflicted with similar diseases, with the same good result. I have no hesitation in saving that il i? an inxaluahle medicine, and ho|.e you will be able to introduce it into every family in the Union. Yonrs, truly, Dr. C. A/. Jurltom. HI ? ?<*> " These Bitters are rHttrrln vrfrtitMf, thereby pos sessing great advantages over most of the pre pars lions recommended for similar diseases. They possess great power in the removal of diseases of the liver and lesser glands, exercising the most potent influ ence in weakness of the nerves and digestive organs They are, withal, safe, certain, and pleasant Sold at wholesale by the Druggists in th* principal cities, and at retail by Apothecaries and dealers throughout the United Stales ??r sale in Washinglon, DC. b, 7? D GILMAN, ami in Georgetown by J. L. K ll?H ELL. April l ?3taw ? WM H. IA M VI*, ATTOKWRV AT UW, Miuliion, ("IftLLKCTlONfl promptly to. PnrtirulftT .J attention paid to *noh rlaim* a* nr? umrkeil " tf one Wmt," #<v, a?:nnM p?r*nnft rntiiliitfr in any of the Wn<tt?>rn HtaUw A<idr*M m ahnva, pout p*i<l Jan 6 UILNM'8 1IAIK DYE. The bait article ever uMd, ?? hundred* can Iontitv in thiacity and yirrounding country. Head! OIL MAN'S LIQUID HA1K DYE n*?unUaH*<m*Jy chang ?a tbe hair to a brilliant jet Mark or gloaay brown, which i* prriiuitifiU? doe* not stain or in any way in jur* the akiu. No article ever yet invented which will compare with it. We would advise all who have gray haira to buy it, tor it never fad*.? Hottun Putt. I. 1). OILMAN ,Chemist, Washington city, Invent or and Mo Psqprietor. For (ah by Druggists, Hair-Dressers, aud Dealers in Fancy Article*, throughout the United States. HKWIKIi >1 AMI INK FOR NAI.E OREAP. WK have deposited with us, for sale, one of Avery's su|?ri?r Sewing Machines, and ara authorised to dispose of the same as a groat bargain. This ma chine is considered one of the bust now iu use. We annex herewith tbe recommendation of some of the principal wholesale merchant tailors iu New Yorkoity Nkw Yokk, July 30, 186.1. Wo, tho undersigned, do hereby certify that we have examined the "./terry drift up MurJiint," and cheerfully recommend it for its simnlioity, durability, and esi ecially for the peculiar stitch made by it. The stitch ia original, and in aupeurniice ia like the most perfect and handsome " hack-stitching '' We have thoroughly tested the strength of the sewing, and are satisflfd that the stitch of thia machine makes a stronger and firmer tnim than ran br nnute hy hand. We take plea?uro iu recommending this Machine to our friends, and to tailors, seamstresses, and families generally, throughout the country : Boughton A Knapp, Wholesale Dealers in Men'a and Uoy'a Clothing, IU Courtlandt st. Lockwood A Dubois, Merchant Tailors, 568 11 road way II. A. Oould A Co., Wholesale Dealers in Clothing, 221 Washington at. J. P. Hull, Merehant Tailor. Broadway. Dickson A I'ettus. Merchant Tailors, Li2.'l Broadway. Apply at the publication otlice of tho National Era, 7th street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall. March 2. ATrKNTION ! OOLDIERS who served in the various wars, am O sailors, or their widows or heirs, to whom ar rears of pay, extra pay, bounty land, pensions, Ao may b* due, may fihd it to their udvantage to hav their claims investigated. Address A M. OANOKWBK, Attorney and Agent, W&abipgton. I> C liounty land warrants bought and sold RAZORS! RAZORS!! RAZORS !!!~ IF you want a line, smooth shave, call at Parker's, who can now furnish you with one of the celebra ted Chinese Razors, and live others of the best pat terns, of Wade A Butcher's make. Also ten new patterns of the celebrated Tally Ho Kar.ors. One j?ross of Wade A Butcher's Razors, l'or barbers, d '? oncave ground. PAKKEK'.S Pertumery aud Fancy Store, ~ under National Hotel. NEW GOODS. PAltKEK, at bis Perfumery and Fancy Store, un der'the National Hotel, Pa. avenue, is just open ing a now and complete stock of Oooda, consisting, in pafl, of? OLOVES. Ladies and Oent's Paris Kid Olovos, all sites and col ors. PERFUMERY. Extracts,from the houses of Lubin and Provost, Paris, and Harrison, Philadelphia; Genuine German Cologne. Pomatum, Boeuf Marrow ; Cold Cream, Macassar Oil, W. I. Bay Rum ; Low's Brown Windsor Soap, Cleaver's Honey Soap; Lubin's Rose and Musk Soaps; Tuyior's Transparent Balls, Ao., Ac. BRUSHES. English, French, and American Hair Brushes, in one hundrod different patterns; I, 2, 3, 4, and 5 row Tooth Brushes, London made, for our sales expressly; Nail and Cloth Brushes, Ac., Ac., Ao. COMBS. Tuck Combs, latest Paris styles ; Shell, Buffalo, English cold-proaaed Horn and India Rubber Dressing Combs; John Fen's premium ivory fine teeth Combs, and Pocket Combs. FOR SHAVING. Guerlain's, Kouaaela, and Harrison'aShaving Cream; Military Cakes, and all other Shaving Soaps; Badger s hair Shaving Bruahes, very superior. PARKER S PREMIUM RAZOR STROP. Washington, Marrh 12,184V. We, the undersigned, having fairly tested Parker's Metallic Razor Strop Powder, to which tbe Maryland Institute has awarded a premium, take great pleasure in certifying that it will keep the Razor in fine, smooth shaving order, without the use of hone. J. Macphehson Bkmuikn, U. S. Senator. W, W. Seaton, Mayor of Washington. W. S. Akuhrk, House of Representatives. Rev. T. M. Pease, Washington City. Thomas J. Rusk, U. States Senator. Hiram Walbridge, Esq., New York city. RAZORS Wade A Butcher's, of our own importation ; Tally-Ho, from 25 cents to $1.26 each. Raiors imported to order, and all warranted. Jan. 2-?d M. SNYDER^ BANKER and Exchange Brokor, National Hotel Building, Pennsylvania avenue, Washington city, D. C. Jan. 11. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. BEKBE'S NEW YORK HATS for the spring of 1864. The second supply of the above elegant Hats this day received at STEVENS'S March 7. Sales Room, Brown's Hotel. D. CAMPBELL, OADDLKR, Harness, and Trunk Maker, Pennsyl O vania avenue, a few doors east of the National Hotel, City of Washington. Jan. 2?3m FOR I'HK spring TRADE SMIIRTS ia every variety of style and quality. Oen ' tie in hi in want of a good-fitting shirt can be suit ed in itvle, quality, and price, at STEVENS'S March 7 Sales Room, Brown s Hotel. K. MATTINGLY, H AT. Cap, and Misses' Flat Manufacturer, No. 7 Washington Place, 7th street, between I) and E, Washington. D. C. Jan. 2. Boon AND SHOES, For l^idiet, Gentlemen, ami Children If EDM'?NST<>N, west side of 7th street, (nearly J% opposite Odd Follows' Hall,) manufactures to ordar. and keeps constantly on hand and tor sale, ev ery article in his line. of superior quality and at tbe lowest prices. The public are thauked for their past very liberal patronage, and are aesurod that no )>*ins shall be spared to merit a continuance of their favor* Jaa. IS. WE ARE NOW OPENING, 4 T our splendidly lighted sale* room*, on Seventh a a street. 3 doors north of Pennsylvania avenue a choice stock of rich Fancy Dross Ooads, embracing all the novelties of the season , also, Spring Styles Mantellelts, Black Lace Shawls and Ncarfa, While Crape Shawls, Cashmere Scarfs and Sbawla, French Ki t and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Embroideries, with a choice lot of Linen and Staple Ooods in great abundance-all of which will he sold at lair, low price*. We invite purchaser* to call and examine our stork Observe that ?all articles are warranted to : prove a* ropros??>ted MAXWELL, SKAKS, A COLLEY, April 10 7th street, 3 doors above Pa a*. REMOVAL! HKMRY JANNEV'8 Hoot and Shoe gtoro and > Manufactory, fur th^ la*t toa year* located on Mth *treet, near the <}ener?l Port Office. was removed to Pennaylvania A vcnno, between Brown* Hotel and 7th atreei, where the proprietor ha* spared ao pain* or eipemtf in fitting up an establishment comm< n?n- j rate with the great iinreaec in the bu*ine** uf the home * The *ubacriber tender* hi* moat cordial and grato ful acknowledgment* to hi* Irienda and patron* for their loni; continued furor*, and will he pleaaod to mm'I tbein in Mi new houi*. * I have a very well-a?*orted Mock of Boot* and 8hoea, of French, New York, Kaatern, ami my own make, embracing every atyle and variety, to which I invite the attention ?l mouther* of Concrcm, and citi ten* generally. HRNRY JANNKY, Perm nr., north *ida, between Brown*' Hotel Jan. 2 and 7th at., third door from the latter. From th# UtfitNi St/UfM Argti>. To thoae porw.n* who may viait Washington. and are in want of a boot that cannot be o*relled, either in quality or workmanahip, wo would call their atten tion to t he card of Henry .iannev. to be foond under the head of" Washington." A handsome un<l neat ly made boot it not at all time* a aouree of pleasure to the wearer, but often one of estrone torture , thi* la canned by the bungling manner in which the boot in fitted to the foot Mr. Janney ha* d?>vnt<.<l moch of hi* time in studying the construction of the human foot, in order to ascertain how a boot ahotild he cut and fitted, thai will he perfectly ea*y to all part* of the foot. In thi* he ha* succeeded. ao that it matter* not what may be the shape of. or the number of corn* on the foot, hi* boot ia iwrfcctly easy Thu* he baa cotobined beauty with comfort THE CONFLICT 0 V A U K ft! BY DR KDWARI) BKJCfHKit. Thu RtmarkabU Work hits rtacktd its F,fh Author,i, in the brief space of Four Month*! luahm">UnpreUdenUd tH rheol?g,cal Put> A *h" alrwu1' b"eD frodueod by tin, r Ki / the ??hi profound, widj reaching, and p*riuaneut. It is perfectly manifest to nil competent observer*, that we are upon Mm eve of a theological diaouewon, the most comprehensive, radical, and porteutou* tie world haa ever seeu. To this diacuaaion tbia book lead* tbo way, with a momentum irresietihle These i* not a queation in Thuology which ia not dmtir.e i to coine up for a new and thorough *ettlem?nt in the light of thia tinal development All thoae who have Theological doubt* and difE cultiea should uxamine the solution thia work aflordx. Thoae who have no doubbi, but who wish to study the history of opinions in tbo past, and to koep pm-o with the development* of opinion in the future wiJl grievously err it they negloot to make themselves fit miliar with this book. It contains the yeeds of the thinking* and debating* of tbo next hutdred yeaui '1 ho reception of thia work by the The logic*I pres.4 of the country, baa beon significant. Equally declining to accept hi* conclusion, they do it on op posite and contradictory grounds. One half of the Theological preis endorses the major premise of the argument, and denios the minor." The other half en dorses the minor, and denies the major And a* I hey arc probably both right in tbrir positive element, anil wrong in their negative, the work has received a Vir tual I ndorsement ot the most |towerfui kind. A* regards the ability of the work, and it* claims on the attention of all, tbi* followiutr oxtructi may nuflier: J From the PrihrMon Rrpertot i/?< ?/,/ School Orthodox It J* characterised by great ability, by an earnett *pmt, by frankuea*, candor, and courtesy. It ha* a special interest for us Wk iiaii. it as an au.v The author shuts bis readers up to the choice between Orthodoxy and the doctrine of Pre Kxuterine. Prom tin Uuivrrnj/ist Qiiortrr/y a?d Ot/irral Kr t'lilr, Jan , IS5j. \\ e have the novel spectacle of a man clinging with a masterly grasp to nil the fundamental* of Or thodoxy, * * * jet dealing It a blow Leneath it reel*. It would be difficult to find within the limit* of a hundred pagoa any treatise or cnay that can con. pare in importance with this analysis (B. iv) of Or thodox dootrincs. Dr. Beeoher h,is atruck upon (be right principle in hi* theory of typical interpretation, in the fifth of Roman* National Era. k#8 caaBed a groat commotion amontf tho U 1>. a In oar land. It ineritfi their attention. r N. Y". Trthu nr. The most aignifioant work on Theology which has appeared of late. Jn many respocts, thi* volume is one of the most curio a*, a* well as ono of the most suggestive, pro duction* of modern American Theology. Philadelphia Presbyterian Quarterly, N?w Softool. Able it unquestionably is. WeM mirueer Revitrw, England. The "Conflict of Ages" is, in effect, a protest against Calvinism by on# of the loading Calvinistio divine* of New England. Boston CongrtgmtionaJut. A very unsafe book for hercsiarcha to put into the hands of oither Univer?ali*t or Unitarian of real and manly mind, accustomed to deep and serioua thought. Whatever else he may be or may not be, he will never be either an ancient Socinian or a mod ern Univerulist PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, CO., May 20. Publishers, Boston. VISITERS TO THE METROPOLIS! PERSONS visiting Washington, and in want of Boots or Shoes, are invited to call and examine my stock, which comprises a* good an assortment of Ladio*,' Gentlemen's, Boys . Youth a, Misses, and Children's Shoe*, as can be found in the city. Prices moderate. JOHN A RUFF, Penn aionue, Jan. 11. Between 4 J and fith sU ,'Washington. CHA I !'S FRODSHAATS IMPROVED iiONOMETER WATCHES IN plain and hunting eases, of uvery variety of style and sice. Ladies Watches, of new and elegant stylos, just received from the manufactory of Charlea Frodsham 84 Strand, London. Al*o, Watches from the most celebrated Londcu and Swiu maker* For sale by S. WILLARD, J*?- ^?d No. 9 Congress street, Boston INDIA RUBBER COMBS ? GOODYEAR'S PATENT. AI IE have now a complete assortment of the India *?? Rubbur Combs, Of all kinds, wholesale and ro tail. Five groaa of Children * Round Combs. Five gross of the five patterns of Dressing Combs PARKER S May 2 Comb, Perfumery, and Fancy Store. COMBS! COMBS!! COMBS!!! JUST opening, a handsome assortment of ike latent pattern* ol French Tuck Combs, in shell and but falo. Also, ten new pattern shell and buffalo Drew, ing combs. Brushes ! Brushes / / Brush,? ! ! ! Just opening, a very large ai.d splendid assortment of hiiglinh, French, arid American Hair Brushen. in one hundred new stylus, among ?hich are a few fine ivory and buffalo backs. PARKKR 6 Fancy, Perfumery, and Comb Store, M*y 2- under National Hotel NEW AND ELEGANT SILKS, EMBK( I DKRIES, CLOAKS, &c. THK subscribers beg leave re-poct folly to invite the attention of the ladies of the city and vicini ty to the following now and rich Uoods. which have just been received, viz : 60 drosses extra rich Brocade Silks, for evening* 75 do. do. do. street, 26 do. do. Mora antiijue, watered . 15 do do. Moru antique, brocade 10 do. do. black Brocade Silk; 12 do. do. flounced Brocade Silk*, 10 piece* light-colored plain Poult de Soie , 25 do. very rich plaid Silks ; 25 do. Silk Illusions, for party droseee, all col * , .'?? do. watered and plain real Iriah Poplins 150 new style Paris trimmed Chemisettes a Sleeves, in s?ita. 250 do. French embroidered Collars, 50 do. French embroidered cambric Chemi sett** and Sleeve*, in set* , 75 French embroidered t'bemiaettes and Sleeves, trimmnd with Maltese lloniton, and Valuti ciennes Lacos. very cheap; 160 Hairs embroidered mii'lin and cambric Sleeve*, 2W French ?'nibroideied HaiidkT* a great variety 300 pieces Ktiglish and Froiwh Thread Laccs, 25 velvet Cloaks, latest style . 26 embroidered cloih Cloaks latest etyla , 25 plain and trimmed cloth Cloak*, 50 small Persian ScarlV, for tho neck , 50 long Cashmere Shawls ; 25 richly embroidered white crap* Shawls; Together with a great variety of new and elegant article* appropriate to the aeason , all of which we ?re enabled to offer at reduced prtces. having taken advantage i*t the advanced season to m eke our pur chaw* (.Ian 2 | BOOK. BROTHER, k CO TO THK CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS lf'4o Strk tkeir Supplies in our Marktt. ONK PRICK ONLY We an< now in our NFW STt'RK, which wa* erected expressly for a*. W? think it th<? most comfortable And bent lighted store room in the city; and with increased room. facilities, and experience, doomed quite ample, we -hull den I largely in KORKIKX AMI D01KSTIC DM (JH.DS, of e\*ry stylo. all of the best equalities, and for which we ?hall havo unr prirt only Wo shall well cheaper than we ever hare done; anil in having one price only (which, in oar opinion, ia the only fair and eqtaitald'e way of doing business) we ?hall maintain our self respect. which is above ail price or snccees. Moreover, we oxpect to retain all the trade of prompt customer* who hare made I their purchases of its for some years past, and donht les? we ?hall have a large accession ol now customers, who prefer to hoy where onr fair prrrr only it askt-H. Wo feel that oar simple word i* requisite only to satisfy onr former customers that the one price sya I fin is the correct one, and to their advantage and we do not hesitate to assert our belief thst all candid and intelligent persons will, after an impartial exam ination of prices, fabric, and stylo*, give a one priro atore tho preference. Those who are not jndges of goods cannot fail to he impressed at once with tho manifold an<l vast advantages to tho purchaser re sulting from the ado|tion in gnoH faith of the rmr pnrt m*trm , it nereasarily insure* low price* to the purchaser fori! becomes absolutely necessary to meet at the start all competition that can bo offered in prices Our scale of price* will be *o low and the profits so small, that we cannot and will not sell bat for the rath or to customer* who nay promptly. For tho -o who purchase vrry In*rfly, or to sell again, redtic tion? will bo made The public aro cordially and most respectfully in vited to call at all times and examine our stock I'KRRY k BROTHFR Central 8t/?rea. ' Jan 3?d (Op Centre Market.) Waahington City