OCR Interpretation

Daily national era. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1854, June 13, 1854, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053546/1854-06-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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FOWLERS A WELLS publish the following Pe
riodicals. They have an aggregate circulation of
about One Hundred Thousand Copies.
These Popular and Professional Serial* afTurd an
excellent opportunity for bringing bofore the Public
with Pictorial Illustration* all subjects of interest.
Physiological, Educational, Agricultural, Moehani
oal, and Commercial.
OF REFORMS. Deyotod to Hydropathy, its Phi
losophy and Practice, to Physiology anil Anatomy,
with illustrative engraving*, to Dietetics, Exerciso,
Clothing, Occupations, Amuseiiu nta, and those Laws
which govern Life mid lloalth. Published monthly,
n convenient form for binding, &t One Dollar a Year
n advance.
" Kvery man, woman, and child, who loves health;
who desires happiness, its direct rosult; who wants
to * liv* while he does live,' 'live till ho dies,' and re
ally live, instead of being a mere walking corpse,
should become at once a reader of this Journal, ami
practice its precepts."?Fun Mum Jour mil.
NAL. A Repository of Science, Literature, ami
Geucral Intelligence; Devoted to Phrenology, Phys
iology, Education, Magnetism, Psychology, Mechan
ism. Agriculture, Horticulture, Architecture, the
Arts and Sciences, nnd to all those Progressive Meas
ure* which are calculated to Reform, Elevate, and
Improve Mankind- Illustrated with numerous por
traits and other engravings. A beautiful Quarto,
suilable for binding. Published Monthly, at One
Dollar a Year in advance.
" A Journal containing such a mass of interesting
matter, devoted to the highest happiness and inter
outs of man, written in the clear and lively style of
its practiced editors, and afforded at the ' ridiculously
low priee ' ol one dollar a yoar, must succeed in run
niug up to its present large circulation (60.000 copies ')
to a much higher figure.'1?Nnr York Trilmtu.
TKR^Y REVIEW. A new Professional Magazine,
devoted to Medical Reform, embracing articles by t'le
best writers, on Anatomy. Physiology, Pathology,
Suigery, Therapeutics, Midwifery, etc., Reports o.
Remarkable Cases in General Practice, Criticisms on
hfl. Theory and Practice of the various Opposing Sys
tems of Mudical Science, Reviews of New Publica
tions of all Schools of Medicine, Reports of the Prog
ress of Health Rofortn in all its Aspects, eto., etc., with
appropriate illustrations. Each number contain*
from IVO to 200 octavo pages, at Two Dollars a Year
" In addition to the widely Circulated monthly jour
nals issued by Fowlers .V. Wells, we have .the Now
Uydropathic Quarterly Review, edited by the iuo*l
distinguished members of that, school. It is filled with
articles of }>oriuunont value, which ought to be read
by every American."?Nrw York Vribu nr.
Communications, New Ltooks lor notice or review,
Advertisements, and Subscriptions, should he address
ed to tbo Publishers, FOWLERS A WELLS,
Clinton llall, No. I.'i 1 Nassau St., New York
Jan. 2?C(w2d
tubhsked by TuJenor, Reed, tf FieUU, Boston.
A ? EATER. 1 vol. Itimo. 7i cents.
Ci/ntrrfts.?The Confessions. Sumuria de Profun
Contemn.? Shakspeare. Pojie. Lamb. Goetbe.
76 cents.
Cmuruts.?On the Knocking at the Gate in Mac
beth. Murder, Considered as ono of the Fine Arte.
Second Paper on Murder. Joan of Arc. The Eng
lish Mail Coach. The Vision of Sudden Death. Din
ner, Real aud Reputed. Orthographic Mutineers.
IV. THE C..KSARS. I vol. Itimo. 75 cents.
?ola. Ifimo. $1.50.
CoiitiJiis.?Literary Novitiate. Sir Humphry Da
vy. William Godwin. Mrs. Grant Recollections
of Charles Lainb. Walladmor. Coleridge Words
worth Southey. Recollections of Grasmere. The
Saracen's Head. Society of the Lakes. Charles
Lloyd. W alking Stewart. Edward Irving. Tal
fourd. The London Magasina. Junius. Clare. Cun
ningham Attack <?' a London Journal. Duolling.
NKOUS PAPERS 2 vols. Itimo. $1.60.
CoMirttts.?The Uoukehold Wreck. The Spanish
Nun. Flight of a Tartar Tribe. System of the
Heavens as Revealed by the Teleecope. Modern
Superstition. Coleridge and Opiutu-Katitig. " Tem
perance Movement. On War. The Last Lays of Im
inanuel Kant.
ENGLISH WRITERS. I vol lAmo. 76 cents
Cunirnts.? The Poetry of Wordsworth. Percy
Byaahe Shelley. John KeaU. Oliver Goldsmith.
Alexander Pojie. William Godwin. John Foster.
William Haslitt. W alter Savage Lander.
BAYS. 2 vols Ifimo. $1.64.
CvHtruJt ?Philosophy of Roman History. The
Essence. Philosophy of llurodotus Plato s Repub
lic. Homer and the llomcridir. Cicero. Style.
Rhetoric. Secret Societies.
I ft inn. 76 cents.
ContrMl* ?The Affliction of Childhood. Dream
Echoes on these infant Experiences. Dream Echoes
Fifty Years Later Introduction to the World of
Strife Infant Literature The Female Infidel. I
am Introduced to the Warfare of a Public School. 1
Kuter the World. The Nation of London. Dublin
Firut Rebellion in Ireland French Invasion of Ire
land, and Second Rebellion. Travelling My Broth
er. Premature Manhood. |Thi* volume takes tlie
place in this Series of" Life and Manncra." It is a
reproduction of that volume, with additional matter,
and is priutad from Mr De Quincey'a own revision, j
Knlireiy nno Folumrt, nearly t truly :
XIII and XIV. ESSAYS en Philosophical Wri- I
ters and other Men ol Letters. 3 vols, Iffrao. $1.60.
VottUmtt.? Hamilton. Mackintosh Kant Rich- i
ter. Issuing Herder, llentley Parr.
"?Mfl. I vol. Ifiino. 76 cents.
I Greek Tragedy Conversa
tion Language French And English Manners
California and the Gold Mania. Presence of Mind !
Jan 6
The KrUctu Mag inn' of Foreign Literature, '
IN literary merit and sterling worth, is without
<(U0?tion the best Magatine published It is Such
because it comprises, in moderate compass and con
veniewt form, the excellences the choicest articles |
t he cream, en to speak, of all the leading Foreign
Quarterlies and Mngatines. and the prod net ions of
their most filled pens. In this respect the Eclectic
has a decided adt aiit.ige over all other Magatm
Omitting articles <?f mere local interest and minor j
importance to the American reader, its pages offer to
its patrons a large amount of literary wenlth, ol i>er
maiient value, at a small priee.
The Eclectic Is published in monthly numbers of
144 page* earh, making three large volume, a year
H" "T'J l,K* rtcl?,y embellished with 12 !
splendid portraits of distinguished persons or histori
? V?<" ?? ** ? year. The Jannsrv '
?WdKr b^B^ji new volume Now is a food time
-sirJl <*dcrs for the work are solicite i. It I
will he sent promptly by msil to all who order it I
try Hoia ?f .k ? Yofk
CTT" Sets of the work, in ? volumes, for the hurt
three years neatly bound, letters,!, and .umbered
any he bad a* the office of public. and sent to
nay part of the country, ^ |
RK?vi.AK vwirco mm mail ukk
f(H>R Boot am. Wonw>?tar, Lowall, Fifchbarg, Nnakaa,
Coword, Boffawa Faila, Ae , t*? Norwich and
W?fnMl?r, WnrB??Ur and Nnahnn, Ilorton nn<i Wor
New London aad Willlmantio, and I'almar
PMWRfvn l>y tfcia itoa l?r* piar V*. It, North
River, foot of Court lan<TT "treat. every day *t 4 o elcw-k,
F. M., (fkmdaya axnaptad.)
StMMr OONNKCtlCHT, Oaf*. J. W. Williama,
will k?n Ntw York iriry Ynatdij, Thnraday, and
WORCKHTKR. Captain William Wileo*,
will toava New Vork ??jf Monday, Wodnaaday, and
Faaaaaaara ky thir line arrira in thna to rnre the
aarly Iraiiw oat of Barton.
Aa axpraaa freight train leave* Allrn'a Foint for
B?atnn Immediately on the arrival of the ateuahoata.
Paiangara taken at the loweat rata* for New Lon
don. Norwich, If Bllmanti.-, Stafford, Manaon, Palmar,
Woreawter Beaton, FiMil.orf, Lowell, Lawrrnea,
Naabaa, Coaenrd Bafloaa Fall*, and other fdacea in
W<Ht?ia N?w Ifampahire and VoraMt Freight
takea At ffb lowaat ratr?
Far farther feiforoMttion. In.mlre of K R MARTIN,
at the oiee, an ader 10, ffarth River. foot of Coart
laadt etreaa. M Blight raae Ired after if oVlook,
Jan M?Iw
henry janney,
SHOE DEALER. and Fashionable Boot M?lier,
Peunaylvania Avenue, between Browns Hotel
i?nJ Setouth street, Washington. Jan Z?3m
* TTOKNKY AT LAW, Warren, Trumbull CO., 0.
iY Office No.&J Market stroet. Jan. 7?<1
have now ready for delivery
Vitxos of Strutkem Lam, Life, <md Hospitality.
Written in Charleston, S. C., by F. 0. Adams.
TlIK above work forms a beautiful I Jrno volume ol
over 800 page*, small pica. Prioo in p?p?r, M1
oouU, muslin, 76 eent*. The usual disoount to tb.
Trade. Order* solioited. Conies sent by mail, prv
paid, any distance nnder 3,00ft miles, for fil cents.
The above work is a delineation of the scene* aiu*
incidents connected with the imprisonment, in 1H52
uf Manuel Pereira, steward of the British brig Jan
son. In the jail ol Charleston, 8. 0.
The following notice of this work is copied from thf
NiUioituI Era of February 17:
"The above is the title of a work now tn press
founded upon that infamous statute of South Carolina
by which her citiaens claim a right to imprison coIwm
tttauun, of all nations, and even those cast upou thei)
shores in distress. We have perused the book in ad
vanoe of its publication, and find that it gives a Hie
like picture of Pereira, the vessel in which he sailed
the storms she encountered, and her wrecked condition
when brought into the port of Charleston, h. C. ; to
gether with the imprisonment of Pereira, several sea
men belonging to the New England Btates, and two
French seamen; the prison regimen, character of th?
Charleston police, and the mendacity ol certain offi
cials, who make the law a medium of peculation. The
work is replete with incidents of Southern lite and
character, pointing Southerners to the things that call
for correction nt their own hands, with a force that
cannot be mistaken. The work is written by one who
has taken a prominent part in the affairs of the South,
and eanuot fail to interest alike the general reader
commercial man, and philanthropist."
The above work can be obtained, tit wholesale
prices, from
J onm P. Jkwktt A Co., Boston, Mass.,
Skrvius J. Bates, 48 Beekman St., New York,
Willim P. Hazard, Philadelphia,
And from the publisher*,
And Journal of Rural Art and Rural histc.
THK HORTICULTURIST is a Monthly Journal,
devoted to Horticulture and its kindred arts, Ru
ral Architecture and Landscape Hardening. It is ed
ited by P. Barky, late Horticultural editor of the
Oenesce Farmer, and author ol that popular work,
" The Fruit darden." To those who cultivate Fruit
or Flowers, this work is indispensable, as it contains
full directions for cultivation, as well as everything
new on the pnbject, either in this country or in Eu
r THK HORTICULTURIST is beautifully printed,
on the best paper, with costly illustrations on wood
and stone. It contains 4h jaiges, without advertise
ments, and each number has a full page engraving on
stone, of some raTO fruit or flower, drawn from nature,
by the best living artist in this line.
Terms. Two dollars /n annum, in udvanrr. A
discount of 25 per cent, allowed to agents. Fostmas
ters and others are invited to act as agents, to whom
HiKjoimen numbers will be sent, free of postage, on ap
plication to JAMES VICK, Jr.,
Keh. 4 Publisher, Rochester. New * ork.
P. S. A new volume commenced on the first of
January. _
BEAUTIFULLY illustrated with original designs.
By Jacob Abbott.
?' Rollo on the Atlantio " is the first book of a se
ries to bo published under the goneral title of Rollo s
Tour in Euro|>e.
Extract from the Preface :
" The books are intended to be books of instruc
tion, rather than of mere amusement; and, in poru
sing them, the reader may feel assured that all the in
formation which they contain, not only in respect to
the countries visited, and to the customs, usages, and
modes of life that are described, but also in regard to
the general character of the incidents and adventures
that the yonng travellers meet with, is In most strict
accordance with fact. The main design of the narra
tive is thus the communication of useful knowledge;
and everything which they contain, except what is
strictly personal, in relation to the actors in the story,
may be depended upon as exactly and scrupulously
true." Published by
jan. 5 24 Cornhill, Boston.
CS. FOWLER A CO. (store in Odd Fellows Hall,
? 7th street) have just completod opening a large
assortment ofCIHNA,QUKENSW ARE, and (ILAhS,
making their stock at this time equal to any in the
country ; consisting in part as follows, via:
Docorated sold band and plain white French China
Dinner, Desert., Tea, and Breakfast Set*, and de
tached piocos, such as Fruit Basket), Com J x'tiers,
Casseroles, ornaments for dining tables, and Punch
Tndia China, in dinner and tea sets, and detached
Iron Stone China, docorated, flowing bine, and white
'dinner, tea, breakfast, and toilet sets, and detach
ed pieces, in every pattern and sha|>e.
Also, in great variety?
Dresden. Terra-cotta, Parian, and French China;
Vases. Card Receivers, Jewel Stands;
Candlesticks. Motto Cup* and Saucers,
Mutfs. Pitchers, Ac
ULASSWARIi, rich cut nnd engraved.
Crystal itfraw, clem, and Pressed (lohlet* ;
Champagnes. Wines, Cordials, and Tumblers,
Finger Jiowls, Water Bottles. Spoon Holders;
Toilet Bottles. Cologne Bottles, (llobes;
Lamp*, rich and plain Decanters;
Cat and pressed Bowls, and silvered Bowie;
Solar. Kthorial, Hall, and Side Lamps;
Candelabras. Uirandolos, rich and plain Castors,
Britannia Coffee Urns. Tea Sets, covered and un>
Pitchers. Punch and Molasses Pitchers;
Fine Cutlery and Albat a Forks. Spoons, Ac., of the
most approved and latest patterns;
Also, Block Tin Coffee Urns, Biggins, Tenpols
Plate Warmers, Fgg Boilers, Ac.
With an endlesss variety of goods not named, which
we respectfully invite strangers and cltiten* to call
and examine before purchasing elsewhere
Storekeeper* and country merchants will find it to
their advantage to buy of u*. as our facilities are
equal to any other inijwirting house in the United
States, and we arc determined to sell a* low.
, N. B. Hoods carefully put up for the country by
an experienced packer, and delivered free of charge
in any part of the city. Jan. 2?dtl
RAY A BALLANTYNK. Seventh street, two
' I doors above Odd Fellows' Hall, hate the only
I>eiHMritory in this city of the publications of the
American Bible Society;
Methodist Book Concern;
Robert Cartor A Brothers;
Presbyterian Board,
American Tract Society;
Evangelical Knowledge Society;
American Samlay School Union; ?
New England and Masilachusetts Sabbath School So
cieties ; and all the principal Religion* Publishers
It Is therefore apparent that their stock of Stand
ard Theological Works ami general Religious Litera
ture must be unequalled.
They always keep an extensive assortment of all
the Hymns nsed in tho different ehnrches, family and
pockot Bibles and Prayer Booka, in plain and superb
bindings V
Attractive and choice Juveniles, embracing nearly
all of the most useful and entertaining Books for the
young, published.
School Books, of all the kinds uacd in the city and
conntry schools, at New York pride*
Blank Books, Staple and Fancy Stationery.
Pocket Knives, Portmonnaies, Portfolios, Writing
i Desk*. Ac. Jan. 2?d
another new book,
Hy Ike Author of tke " Wtde. Wide World.1
C1ARLKRINKEN lii* Chri*tma* Stocking* Bean
J tifnlly illvntrated. Price, 75 cent* , gilt, $1.25.
The Bow in the Cloud , or, Covenant Mercy for the
Afflicted. Nnmeron* engraving* Nm, )t.M
rtlad Tiding* ; or. The <to*p?1 of Peace. Price, N fit*.
Popular Legend* of Britten y. ItliMtratod Price, 75
Spiritual Progre**; or, lartruction* in the Divine
I?i(* of the 8w>?l. From the French of Flnelon and
Madame Onyon. Price, 75 cent*
The Old and the New ; or. The Change* of Thirty
Year* in the Kaet. By Witi. Ooodell. Price, $1.15.
Old Might* with New Kye?, Prtee. |l.
Convention Tt* Theory and Proce**. By Rev T
Spencer. Price, f I 25,
An tocography of Ret. J. B. Pin ley; or, Pioneer Life
in the Wcwit. Price, f I.
ChrUt in Hhrtory. or, The Central Power among
Men By IW.ert Tnrnhnll. f> l> Price, $1.25
UKAY 1 BAL1.ANTYNK, 7lh *t,
Jam 4?42 2 door* aboveOdd Fellow* Hall
Unite True and Little Getty/
Thirty Thousand Published iu Five Week*!
A GENUINE American Romance, and a Book
which will live and he read after the thousand
and one trashy productions of the day shall pan* into
Rarely haa a work appeared in America which hait
received ouch universal and hearty commendations
from the Newspaper Frew* We subjoin a few brief
The authoress of the Lamplighter has aimed to
fro.luce an ugreeablo and impressive work of fiction
t is high praise to nay that she hati succeeded in the
attempt.?N. Y. Trihuue.
We have no hesitation in pronouncing the Lamp
lighter one of the most original, interesting, graphic,
and * fleeting tales, thut ban lately appoared.?lias ton
'Pra uscript
No one can study its instructive and fascinating
page* without being made better by it* kindly influ
enced.?Boston Alius. '
The Lamplighter would do credit to any writer.?
D'ii/i/ Advertiser, Huston.
One of the most affecting and interesting tale* ever
incited from the American press.?Daily Tribune.
Provule no.
For delicnta and forcible delineation of character,
thin work in hardly excelled?Journal, Huston.
This book develops a variety of characters?some
of them an deeply affecting an the bent sketches of
l)icko?n.?Trautrrtpt, Host on.
It is a book which in destined to become a great
favorite with tho rending public.?Daily Herald.
Newfnt ryport.
It cannot fail to suit the most fastidious taste.?
Olive Brunch, host on.
Hero is a book destined to have a sale unequalled
by any other, unless wo except Uncle Tout.? Muss.
Lift? Boat.
The aged and the young will rise from its perunul
with an increased love for Lhu kindlier feeling* of our
nature.?Hinghom Journal.
The Lamplighter is a book which is destined to
great popularity.?lhiily liee. Boston.
An intensely interesting work, and, as a piece of
composition, admirable.?Cla-fr/i's Evening Gazette,
A book rich in thought, beauty, pathos, and ten
derness.?Albany SjieeUUor.
It is a great book, the work of an original mind of
extraordinary power. - International Journal.
Five hundred pages of just ?uch reading as enchains
the interest, the curiosity, yea, tho whole noul, until
th'o last line of the lost page is finished.?South Bus
ion Gazette.
This is a work ol surpassing interest.?A/h. Argus
The Lamplighter deserves all the praise it has re
ceived.?Corn/noMfiniltJi, Boston.
It is infinitely superior to any Auierican novel that
we have ever read.? Waver ley Magazine.
There is no question but that the Lamplighter will
rank among the first of American fictions.? IVorcts
ter Palludiurn.
An intensely interesting book, from title to finis ?
Portland Inquirer.
The Lamplighter is a delightful story?original
breathing a true and pure spirit..?ZV. Y. Svn.
It is unequalled in thrilling interest by any book
yet published.?Springfield Post,
Portions of this book are worthy the genius of
Dickens.?Hamfxlen Gaze.Ui
It possoiwes the rare nr.erit of interesting alike the
young and the old.? Bangor Whig.
It is a great book.?Sunday Dispatch.
A work of extraordinary power and interest.?iY.
E. Farmer.
It is a most enchanting work.?Christian Secre
tary, Hartford.
W ithout exception, one of the mostyleeply interest
ing tales we ever jteruscd.-- Lmercnce\Scnlii&l
A work which has every element oy popularity.?
N. Y. Evangelist.
The Lamplighter is a thrilling and most interesting
Story? Lutheran. Observer, Baltimore.
Wo have rarely read a work with more real pleas
ure than the Lamplighter?Stale Krjiorter, Concord
A book which is destined to be popular, because it
comes from the heart and speaks to the heart
Country Gentleman.
Some of the best sketches in this book almost rival
the masterpieces of Dickens.? Yankee Blade.
In the execution of her work. Miss Cuuimings has
displayed great judgment, an almost intuitive insight
into human nature, a careful observation of life, a fine
literary taste, a sound and sensible mind, a lovely
disposition, a genial heart ?Butler Hill Aurora.
Published by JOHN P. JKWETT. A CO , Boston;
land. Ohio. April 7?Swif
LOAN A IRVINE, Attorneys at Law, No. 284
^ Main street, Cincinnati. Ohio.
References: Dr. Goorge Fries, Alexander n. Me
Guffey, A. McKensie, Graham A McCoy, Cincinnati.
Ohio ? Smith A Sinclair, Smith, ltageley, A Co., Pitts
burgh; N. D, Morgan, Auditor of State of Ohio ; Geo.
N MoCook, Attorney General of Ohio, Columbus; J.
G. Ilussey. President Forest City Rank, Hnssey A
Sinclair. Maaon A Estep, Cleveland Dec. 1.
cing A octavo and 4 duodecimo volumes, full of
excellent reading matter for the family, elegantly
illustrated with engravings, and tastefully bound, is
now offered to agents and peddlors, at a greatly re
duced price. Those who wish to engage in the sale
of this |>opular work, and who have some $20 or $30
at command, cannot fail to make the business profit
able. Call and see, or address the publisher by letter.
Sample copies of each style will be sent by mail,
(Vee of imstage, on the receipt of one dollar.
April 1?4t 118 Nassan street. New York.
IN PRESS, and will speedily be published, in one
elegant 12mo volume, the Popular Series of Let
ters from Paris, contributed to the Naiimiul lira,
under the fille of " HELL 8M1TII ABROAD. ' pn
fusely illustrated, from designs by French artists.
Price $1. Order* shonld be sent to
J. C. DERBY, Publisher,
April 1.1?ldw 8 Park Plaee, New York.
Knuin ami thr Eailrrn question.
WITH an introduction by an American Citir.en
A timelv work Price 25 cents Published by
Wt Nassau street, Net* York.
DESIGNS Ac.?Persons wishing to obtain United
State* Letters Patent for Designs, are respectful
ly informed that all the necessary drawings and pa
per* are executed by the undersigned, at the PRO
PLK S PATENT OFFICK. S? Naasau street, New
York, wits despatch, on very moderate terms.
Under the laws of the United Statos, Patents are
granted for ornamental work* and decorations of ev
ery kind, snch as the ortamcntal designs upon ftovos,
walls, ceilings wood and metal carvinga, ousts, stat
ties, compositions of all kinds in alto and basso re
lievo, new forms of jewelry, watch cases, new designs
for stamping on woollen, silk, cotton, or other fabric,
or for any new impression, label, or ornament, to be
placed on any article of manufacture, or any new and
original shape or form of any article of manufacture
Such Patent* secure to the Patentee the exclusive
right to make and vend thcs*me for a period of sevei
yean, the Government fee being $16, gold.
Tho law for Designs requires the same process in
soliciting, as for a mechanical invention, via: a model
or specimen of the article, duplicate drawings, spoci
ftcatinna, claims. Ac. All the papers ami drawing*
are executed by the undersigned. For further in
formation, which ean be had free of charge, apply to
or address. ALFRKD E. BEACH,
Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents.
48 Beekman utrett, New York.
" Proclaim liberty throughout nil the land, unto
nil the inhabitant* there*f ?Lkv. xxv, 10.
WILLIAM GOODKLL, 48 Iteekman street, New
York, propone* to publish * paper of the above
title, it specimen number of whieh is already issued,
on large medium paper, quarto form.
Slavery i* criminal?Illegal?A violation of the
Constitution?The Stat e* hare no eonatitutional right
to maintain it?The American (lovornroont and peo
pie are hound to suppreM it?All the Slavery in the
nation i? national Slavery, and the nation la rerpon
sible for U?No more Compromise* with Slavery, nor
recognition of p**t Compromise* ? No more *iave
hunting among freemen ? No recognition of *'ave
property?No voting for candidate* acceptable to
Trrw*.?For twelve number*, (whether monthly or
semi-monthly, aa may lie determined,) single copy,
50 cents, five copies, to on?' person, $2; eight CopieH,
do . $.'! thir*y copiea, do., $10. All payment* in ad
vance Poet Office stamps received and given in ma
king change.
Bnould the paper, unexpectedly, fn.il of support,
money* advanced will be refunded in book* written
by Win. t)oodell, vt* : Democracy of Christianity, 2
vols, >1.60; History of Slavery and Anli Slavery, *|1;
American Slave Code, 75 cents, Premlnm Tract on
Slavery and MI?lons. f.1 per hundred, or, In other
Hooka WtuI Tract* of ihe Anti Slavery Depository, 48
Beekman streot, New York. April 8.
I HLKEBY constitute Mr. Siwoa Willard, No. ?
Huston, sole ag.-ut for the *ulo 0f
Watches in the United State* of America
. ^undersigned, having been anointed sole Agent
in the I mteil State* tor the sale of Charles Frodsham ?
Improved Timekeeper*, would rosj>ectft?lly call pui.lic
attention to hid extrusive and valuable stock of Com
peri sated Cbronouiner Watched, made by Charli-g
Irodsham, and styled hi* "New Series/' In the
watches of the new series, Mr. Frodsham has sue
ceeded?by a more perfect method of compensation,
a more correct adjustment in isochronism, and an ?*n
tirely new and peculiar construction of the train, by
which more power is obtained without increase of
?I1??-?n producing timekee|?ers ot wonderful and un
rivalled accuracy. The great importance of the im
proved Watches is a |>erfect regularity of time, under
every variety of climate, motion, and (Misition. So
perfect are the adjustment*, that the most violent nx
?jrcise? such as horseback riding, jumping, Ac.?pro
duces on them no sensible effect They are therelore
Peculiarly adapted to railroad purposes.
The scientific French critic, Mons. Borsendorf, in
?"> r?view of the Greut London Exhibition of 1851
f, ? ?8 eontribution of Mr Charles Frodsham as
'bearing the stamp of peculiar merit, and as beinir
the flower of the English school."
The British Government have awarded Messrs.
Arnold and Charles Frodsham the sum of ?3,170, for
the excellence of the prinn/Ur.of their timekeepers.
One of Mr. Frodsham s correspondents writes as
Loudon, April 1862.
f?l* -l ^ave much pleasure in giving in account
ot the Gold Compensation Lever Watcn, No. 3,326,
you have made for me. and in which I expressly stip-'
ulated that it should maintain a uniform rate of going
under every variety of motion and climate. This it
has done in a most remarkable manner; its rate of
Koing for the first six montliB was five seconds per
month, and in the next six months it changed its rate
a little faster, vii: eight seconds per month, and at
the end of 3?6 days it was found to be fast of Green
wich mean time one minute and fifteen seconds,
though I was not led by any previous promise to ex
pect such performance, yot 1 believe it is only the
usual character of your improved watches, which you
term your '? new series."
I remain, sir, yours, respectfully,
To Mr. Ck~U, MW. EA"T, "T
The undersigned has received the following.
u . Boston, Octal,,* 6, 1863.
. L herewith give you an account of the re
mark able performance of the watch I purchased of
you, made by Charles Frodsham, No. 7,014. Its total
variation for 17 months, by weokly observations, was
but one minute and fifty five seconds.
rn Y?nrVMpe0?','7' Billingb Buieos
Fo Mr. iStvum Willard. j
- Boston ScpUmlmr 3, 1863.
The Compensated Lever Watch I purchased of you,
made by Chnrle* Frodsham, of London, No. 7 300
has varied but thirty seconds from mean time in six
months, by actual daily comparison with yourreeu
The undersigned is permitted to refer to the follow
ing gentlemen, who, among many others, have proved
the excellence ot Frodpham's Watches as timekeep
Enoch Train, Esq. Wm. Whiting, Esq.
E. (. Bates. Esq. ?e?. M. Thacher/W
},h"7rr Ks,l- David Dyer, Esq
E. F. Osborne, Esq., / Sandusky,
Eben. Lane, Esq , j Ohio.
The subscriber would respecfully state that the
above Watchus are designed and executed by Mr
frodsham and himself, especially to meet the de
mands of the American public in the groat essential
of perfect tune, and that in this and in externn)
boauty they stand unrivalled.
All orders addressed to the undersigned will receive
immediate attention. , SIMON W [LLAKD,
,,an 8; No. 0 Congress street, Boston.
TVULER in Books, Periodicals, and Stationery
XJ wholesale and retail, 3 Columbia Placo, corner
7tn street and Louisiana avonue, Washington D C
Jan 3?d '
Mrs Partington'* Life ami Sayings
First Edition 20,000 Copies.'
TVTOW READY, the Life and Sayings of Mrs. Part
mgton, and others of the Family, by B. P. Shil
laber, of (be Host on lyo*t.
" I did fynde her a woman of manye wordes, yet
of a very pleasante fancie withal, and havynce much
good counsel le ? Dort. lh^ kit IVorL, L,h. < X1
Art.? Unit l]ytr.u
| One elegant 12mo volume, 384 pages, printed on
sujjerfine paper, with 43 fine Engravings on Wood
r^ln,Vhanf0i,0WJni?fuM pa*e "lustrationsin tint*,'
Andrews n Brown, and engrave.l by Orr .1
1- Ruth Partington, a portrait.
2. Paul s Ghost.
3 Partingtonian Philosophy
4. Punch in the Head.
6. Stock of the Revolution
ft. Ike in the Conntry.
7. Partington Mouse Hunting.
8. A Christmas Story.
ikJj! un^e7",Kn"l ">e pleasure of announcing
?r!J S publication of the long looked for vol
i ? Partington, her Life and Saving*," in
tT f " Ike'" and tl?
rauiilv The larg,- number ordered in advanco
more than 12 (HKI copies- is the best evidence of the
popularity or the book. With the hope and expecta
tion that the Old Lady will be kindly received by an
k K,,>H !CV the BioKr,l|>h*r places his hand
' ,"*!?' and bow?- "* ,h? curtain descends lo
slow music. J. c DERBY. Publisher,
a t f . . ? . 8 P"1* Place, New York.
?t?-? th, Uniud
y s*
I )ARSONS A 00., Flushing, near New York, offer
standard * ^ ^ e*c,,ll?nt ""ortiuent of
Dwarf Pears and Cherries; Ornamental Trees, for
streeto and lawns, Trees and Fhrul.s, for massing
at reduoed ratoc ^
fteses of thrifty growth, toother with the usnal
2 rw|'iwd f?r the ,ftwr tb' "rchard. and the
Careful attention will be given to the execution and
dealers*te?tree? ^ made te all
Catalogues sent by mail, without charge, to all en
closing a postage stamp. |?A Hs, ,Nh A (;0
blntktue, Iti mo. 20
The frtkibitiuirt.
T"K PROHn.mONlST-^xHii.ively a Temper
1 paj>er? is published monthly, at Albany, by the
Executive Committee of the New York State Ten.
|<eran?>e Society. II. Mandeville, I>. |> Kditor as
s?ste?| by K. C l>elavsn. Keq *
shMti,mIknit^, ?!!L^*,fo,,? ?n * mwlium
number four r',,aa>nt?l pages to
It advocates the Cause of Tempersnce generally
and especially the Legislative Prohibition ot the Trsf
nc in Intoxicating Bevoiagns.
.'* NtUtonn! m spirit, scope, and aim ; and is rat.
idly becoming NatiomU, also, ia it* circulation and
influence. Orders respectAilly solicited. It will |?
famished at the following low prices
One copy f,,r one year . . fn f,<\
inree, to one address, one year - ? I no
. SfY#n' do. ? .2 00
And Tor each additional four copies, $1 will be ask.
ed, for any qaantity less than fifty copies.
Por fifty copies, to one address ? S11
For 100 do. do. - - - jo
No subscription received Tor less than one year
and in every case the order must, be accompanied by
the money. Letters, in all cases, innsi he i>osf j>aid
A*JraM. ? O. ?OOVFtt,
rr^T . , . Publishing Agent, Albany
_ Journals friendly, please publish.
Office National Hotel Building, Pennsylvania
Avenue, Washington, J). C.,
DEALER in Check". Accoptance*. Draft#, Promis
sory Notes, Bank Not**. and Coin.
Note* on nil solvent Bank* in the United States
bought and Hold, at the best price*.
Note*, Draft*, and Bills, hi Washington and tle<>rge
town, collect* d, ami remittanoes promptly made in
New Yoik, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other fund*,
at a charge of one quarter per cent
Bills of Kxchangc and Bank Checks, on mo*t of the
principal cities of the Union, bought and sold at the
best rates. March 23
(^AVKATR.?Inventors and other* <lo*iring to ap
J ply lor Caveats, are informed that nil the neces
nary drawings and paper* are prepared by the under
signed with the utmost fidelity arid despatch, and on
the most moderate terms. All other Patent business
promptly attended to.
Persons wishing for information or ?dvic? relative j
to Patents or Invention*, may at all timos consult the
undersigned. ifiihtmt rhmgr. either personally at his
office, or Mr letter ALFItKD K. BEACH,
Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents.
Propl?? Patent Office, 86 Nontutv *t., Nnr i'ori
" If any State doom* the retail and internal traffio
in ardent spirits injurious to iU citiiens, and calcu
lator to produce iulcnono, vice, or debauchery, I muu
nothing in the Constitution of the United Status to
prevent it from roguluting or restraining the traffic,
or from prohibiting it altogether, if it thinkii pro|K>r."
Cki*f Juitirx Ttuiry.
|N or heforo the 1st of January, 1H54, the Exocu
' tivo Oonuniltee of the New York State Tuiu|ier
ranoe Society will issuu the first number of a Month
ly Teuiperanue Journal, under the tillo of" Tub Pro
Ith Si/.k.?It will be printed on a double medium
sheet, making eight quarto pages, of four columns to
a page; aud, excluding advertisements, each number
will contain an amount of reading matter e<|unl at -
least to that fumishod by our larger-siaod daily jour
nals, or to that of au ordinary duodecimo volume ot
150 pages.
IthObjiut.?To advocate the Cause of Temper
anco generally, and especially the Legislative Prohibi
tion of the Traffic in-Intoxicating Bovorages, to pro
paro the minds of the ftiaascs for such Prohibition, by
showing it* expediency and Necessity, and to secure,
by all the 'influence it may legitimately exert, the
vigorous enforcement of Prohibitory Laws when ob
Ith Fikld.?Dealing with goneral principles, with
arguments alike applicable to every community where
the traffic exists, and with facts illustrative of these
arguments and principles, tho paper will bo National
in its spirit, in its scope, in its purpose, and, we trust,
it will be li'atiou&l in its circulation and influonce.
Such is our aim and expectation. We desire to see
the Principle of Prohibition established in Htate after
Statu, till it becomes tho rocognisod policy of tho Na
tion. It is our ambition to bear a part in this great
work, and to this end Tiik Proiiibitiohist is estab
lished, not as tho organ oi a society merely, but of a
GrkatRkpormatorv Movkmknt.
Its Nkcbssity.?Tho existing Temperance Jour
nals have little, if any, circulation outside of the Tom
Iterance ltanks. Their prico almost necessarily re
stricts them to the friends of the cause. Thk Pro
hibitionist is designed for circulation (instead of
tracts) among tho inditferont and tho hostile. For
this pur|K>fo it is put at u prico so low a* to enable
the triends of Temperance in every school district, by
coiubinod action and at an inoonsiderablo expense,
to placo a copy in oach family that will consent to re
ceive it.
Its Prick.?One oapy for one year - - $0 f>0
Throe, to one address, ono year I (It!
Seven do. do. - -2 00
And for each additional four copics, $1.00 will bo
added, for any quantity less than fifty copies.
For fifty copies to one address - - $11 00
For 100 do. do. - - - 20 00
No subscription received for less than ono year,
[ and in every case the order must be aocompanied by
tho money.
The papor will be under the goneral direction of
the Executive Committee, who have received ample
assurances of literary aid from not a few ot the ablest
and most eminent writers in the temperance ranks
throughout the Union.
The work will be stereotyped, and back numbers
can be supplied to new subscribers at any tiino during
the year.
All orders should bo addressed to 0. Scovill, Pub
lishing Agent, Albany.
j Communications for tho papor, or in relation to tho
interests of the cause generally, should bo directed to
Win. II. Burleigh, Corresponding Secretary.
! In behalf of the New York State Temperance So
cioty El)WARD C. DELAVAN, President.
lixtrntivf Committer.?Henry Mandeville, Reuben
II. Walworth, John 0. Cole, I. N. Wyckoff, William
Kichardson, Kdgar B. Day, llermon Camp, B. P.
Stoats. Oliver Scovill.
Qy The Committee roquest all editors in the Uni
ted States to give the above one insertion in their
Columns. To all who comply with this request, we
wii( send the Prohibitionist for one year, wit bout nu
exchange, unless they choose to add to our obligation
by sonding their papers also, which wonld, of course,
be most thankfully received. Jan. 2?dtf
LS the cheapest and best Musical Paper in the ,
world. This Journal, which has heretofore been
published monthly, commences its fifth year in Jan
uary next, and thencoforward it will be published
every two weeks?on every other Thursday; thereby
giving more than twice as much matter, without any
increase in prioe. Each number oontaina sixtoen
qnarto pagos, four of which are new music, consist
ing ofgleus, hymn tunes, chants, anthems, dedication
and holyday pieces, and, in short, every variety of
music adapted to purposes of religious worship, to
public occasions, and to the home circle; all of which
will bo of a practical character, and such as can bo
sung by |?en<ons of ordinary musical attainments. In
the editorial department of the Review are engaged
(in addition to Mr Cady, the former editor) gentle
men of the highest talent and ripest musical experi
ence, among whom are George F. Root, William H.
Bradbury. Thomas Hastings, and Lowell Mason;
and its circle of correspondence, home and foreign,
is complete. The Review will also be a regular me
dium for the announcement of new musical publica
tions by all the' leading publishing houses in the
Union. The subscription list of this paper is now
larger than that of any similar journal in the world,
and the now arrangements, rendering it the cheap<wt
as well as (it is hoped) the most valuable musical
paper ever publishod, must largely increase its al
ready unparalleled circulation.
m. ? One dollar per annum, or six copies for
five dollars, always in advance.
Q~7~ Tho music alone in a volume would cost over
five dollars in tho usual form. Beside this, tnero will
be an immense amount of mnsical news, essays, crit
icism, instruction, Ac., all for only one dollar! E v
ery one fooling a particle of interest in the cause of
music will surely subscribe.
Specimen numbers sont on receipt of two letter
postage *taui|?. Address, always post paid,
Dm. 22. 23 Park Row, New York.
THK ship* comprising this line are the following :
The ATLANTIC, Capt. West
The PACIFIC, Capt. Nye.
The ARCTIC, Capt. Luc*.
Tho BALTIC. Capt Comstock.
The ADRIATIC, Capt. Graf* on
These ship* have betn built by contract expressly
for Government service, everv eare has been taken
in their contniction, as also fa their engines, to in
sure strength and speed ; and their accommodations
for passengers are unequalled for olegance and coui
Price of passage Tom New York to Liverpool, iu
first cabio, $120. in second cabin, $70. Exclusive
use of extra sir.e state rooms, $300. From Liverpool
t?? New York. .??'?> and ?20.
An experienced surge n attached to each ship.
No berths can be Been Ted until paid for.
rkoroHKtt oat** or mailina.
18M. 185J.
From York. Prom hi vrrpoo!
Saturday, Novomber 20. Wednesday, Nov. 30.
Saturday, December 10. Wednesday, Dor. 14.
Saturday. Iieceinber 24. Wednesday, )>ee. 28.
For freight or passage, apply to
No. 50 Wall streot, N. Y.
13 King's Arms Yard, London.
20 Run Notre Daine des Victoirea, Paris.
The owners of thene ships will not be accountable
for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious
stones, or metals, unless bills of lading are sign<d
therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed
?I an. 7 d
C'1 IVES over WO large, double-rolumn octavo page?
J of Choice Heading Matter in a year; also, from
12 t? 15 8te*l Engravings, of a high order of exiel
lencei besides from I.SO to 200 Fine Wood Engrav
All for #1.25, in dubs of Four Subscribers/
No periodical in the United States has bcon more
generally or more warmly commended by tho Press
than the "HOME MAUAZINE."
The third volntne, which begins in January, 1854,
will contain a new moral Story, by Mr. ARTHUR, of
considerable length, entitled
"The AiiRfl of llir lloiutholtl."
for Hpfrtmrn viimftrrn. They will be
famished firee of charge
Tkumk, in Aovancf. $2 a year
Four copien, one year, $5
Twolve oopios, ono year, $15, and one to getter up
of club.
QyThc Home Magaxine and (today's Lady> Book
sent one year for $3.50
Address, poet-paid. T H. ARTHUR A CO.,
Jan. 10. 107 Walnut atroot, Philadetp
PROPOSALS for Minking I .OOO.OOO of brirk.for tho
AI bun j Mnnnal li?bor University, will b? retir
ed until 30th Mnrnb noil. Also, Sir laying
nji thf wnino, nither in connection with tho making. or
1w n (Mijmroto job, will b* received nnl.il the I?*? of
Mny. l'ro|?iHfilM xhmilil l>0 iiddre*?*d to the iitd#
ttijrred, l/oo Pout Office, Atkin* eonntjr, Ohio.
By order B* llo??l . WM 8 LKWI8, tor
Albany, January 2V, IBM.
1>Y HON CIIARLKH SUMNER With 40 splendio
15 iUuBtrationn by Billings, engravod by Baker *
ia wk Tt makes a beautiful lfimo volume of abooi
?40 bound in cloth, thin board., printed in tl
woei olegaut style, on the best paper.
Introduction. Territory of the Barbary States Th.
Subject ami Sources of Information. Htates
I Chigin of Slavery. Slavery in the Barbary HUU*
II. History of W hue Movers tn toriary. >
Efforts ajfaiitft it?by Ferdinand the Catholic,!. J
Charles V, by England, by France, by Holland, * ree
dom by IMsmptton ; Freedom by Consynary ; . rive
dom by Escape; White American Victim* to Barb
ry; Parallel between White and Black Slavery; Iri
umphant Abolition of Whit? Slavery.
III. True Character of Whu, Slavery ?? liurixtp.
Apologies for White Slavery: Happy Condition of tbr
White Slave*; Better off in Barbary than at Home;
Better off than the Free Christians in Barbary: Nev
ertheless, Unquestionable Enormity of White blaver;
toB"fc7?,.?bT""on riSimSi?*8?'u
Tilt. aWKRICAN Sl'AVK COliK, ? * THtCOR*
1TB Distinctive Features shown by its BUtutM, Ju
L dicial Decisions, and Illustrative Facts. By W
iiam Goodell, author of the " Democracy ol Ohmtiw
itv" "Slavery and Anti-Slavery, &a. The won
crauiw 4SO ,?g.. !2mo, ^^"ul>dp'? ",^5, bT
"j'ZUr """? C&hSN.t. Kra
The following in an extract, of a letter from Hon
William Jay to the author :
"Your analysis of the slave laws is very ableanr
your exhibition of their practical application by_th?
Southern oourts evinces great and
Your book is as impregnable against the chiirge o,
exaggeration as Euclid's Geometry, since, like that
it consists of propositions and demonstrations. lbi
book i* not only true, but it is true.
fniLL Jewelled Gold Lover Watches, 18 karat
eases, only $W; Gold hunting levers, $10; Full
jewelled silver lovers, $14 , Silver hunting levers, $IH;
Silver Lepines,jewelled, $?; Goldguard chains, $1-,
Gold pencils, $ 1.50 ; Gold pons, silver holders, $1.
Watches or jewelry Hent by mail to any part ot ttie
United States with perfect safety. All orders must
bo accompanied with the cash. Address, iiost paid,
No. 202 Chestnut street. Philadelphia.
These arc the cheapest watches in the United
Statos, and warranted. im
Important Reduction in the Rates oj Pontage
I EONARD SCOTT A CO., JVu. 64 Gobi siren
I j jVtfw York, continue to publish the followinj
British Periodicals, viz:
Tlip London Quarterly Review (Cornier vativc.
The Edinburgh Review (Whig.)
The North British Review (Free Church.)
The WeHtminHter Review (Liberal.)
Blackwood'w Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.)
These Reprints have now been in successful oper*
tion in this country for twenty years, and their oircu
lation is constantly on the increase, notwithstanding
the competition they encounter from American perl
odicals of a similar class, and of numerous beJertu
and Magazines made un of selections from foreign pe
riodicals. This fact shows clearly the high eatiuuitio.
in which they are held by the intelligent readin,
public, and affords a guarantee that they are estal>
lished on a firm basis, and will bo continued withou
Although these works are distinguished by the pc,
litical shades above indicated, yet but a small portiot
of their content* is devoted to political subjects. It
is their literary character which gives them thoir elite,
value, and iq that tliey stand confessedly far abovi
all other journals of their class. lHackwod, still un
der the masterly guidance of Christopher North, main
tains its ancieut celebrity, and is at this time unusu
ally attractive, from the serial works of Bulwer auu
other literary notables, written for that Magazine, an<
first appearing in its columns both in Groat Brilair
and in the United States. Such works as " The Cax
tons" and "My New Novel," both by Bulwer; "Mj
Peninsular Modal," "The Green Hand," and other
serials, of which numerous rival editions are issued b)
the leading publishers in this country, have to be re
printed by those publishers from the page* of Black
wood, after it ha* issued Ay Messrs. Seal! iY Co.
so that subscribers to the Reprint of that Magazim
may always rely upon having the earliest reading o<
these fascinating tales.
TERMS. Per?/,
For any one of the three Review* ? $?
For any two J
For any three ? - *
For all four of the Reviews f
For Blackwood's Magazine . ... t
For Blackwood and three Reviews ? 4
For Blackwood and the four Reviews - - H
For Fanner's Guide, complete, 22 numbers - f
Cluiihino. ?A discount of 25 percent, from th?
above prices will be allowed to club* ordering four
or more copies of any one or more of the above work*
Thus: four copies of Blackwood or one Review wil
be sent to one address for $9, four copies of the fnu
Reviews and Blackwood for $.H0, and so on.
To any part of the United States on Blackwood, 2
eenu per annum; on either of the Reviews, 14 cenU
Remittances and communications should be alwav
addressed, post paid, to the publisher*.
LEONARD SCOTT A CO., 7S? Fulton St., N. Y..
Entrance, 64 Gold street.
N. B. Ii. 8. A Co. have recently uublished, and hav?
now for*ale. the Farmer's GuUe, by Henry Stephen*
of Edinburgh, and Professor Norton, of Yale College
New Haven, complete in two volume*, royal octavo
containing l.rtOO pages, 14 steel and ?0t? wood engra
vings Price, in muslin binding, $?, in paj.er cover*
for the mail. $5. R?P- 2^
Tenth Volume enlarged, In quart* form. The largc?i
HnpUit new*|m|ier in tl?e world. Price, In iidvam-e.
by in till, 1^-2 ; l?jr carrier*, KM .AO, l,nlher F. Bec^h
rr k t o.. Proprietor*, Mil Kuwait iitreel, New Vork
IN the determination to make their journal a com
. plete repository of general and denominational
religious intelligence, and of the news of the day. as
well us the earnest advocate of sound Christian doe
trine and social progress, the proprietor* will summon
for those end* overy available facility whether edi
torial. or in the way of contributor* and correspond
ent*. They have engaged ablo wnters at homo, and
their oorres|*>ndence from England and Continent*]
Europe, from Asia and every part ol America, they
believo to be unsurpassed. By furnishing a paper ol
the highest grade, from this great commercial centre,
they hope to increase the patronage with which they
tiro already favored from every section of the United
Status and the neighboring British Provinces.
The tenth volume commenced March W. Sub
scriptions are solicited, and the present is suggested
ns the best time for forwarding names with payment
accompanying L. F. BEEC1IER
April 14-4tdw S S CUTTING.
(^lAN now boy, fr?r $1. in a nice volnine, all /ht
J following Arts, Receipts, and Discoveries, vlt:
Dow's 7A, Weston's Bowman's 38, Cook's, Holt s, ;
Bishop's, Rhipman s, ami U others, which l bnve j
gone to the expense of purchasing and printing, for <
the benefit of those wishing em loymenr. One of
these recoipts alone cost me $10, and others have |
been advertised as yielding $fl and $12 |*r dsy, anil
from 600 to 1,0011 por cent Address, liost psid,
March IH?4tw Crawfordsville, Indiana.
OTOCK and Exchange Broker. 38 Wall street, New
O York, a member of the New York Stock Ex
change Board, will purchase and sell on commission
(of a quarter of one per cent) Government and h'tste
Stocks, Railroad and Bank Stocks, Railroad Bonds,
and all other securities usually sold at the Board
Order* from abroad solicited.
Reference* -D Ebbetts, Cashier Union Bank : W
T. Hooker, Cashier Continental Bank; Arthur Top
pan, Ks<, . New York. Jan 10
A CMAnCft COH Til K iVJH,|,l??!
#50 to tl.^0 per M<mlk
C^AN he easily made In Rolling the Fmmlar Hooh
J published by Miller, Orton, A Mulligan, toopm
nor* to Oorby A Miller, Auburn, iind I>rrby, Won, A
Mullipan, Buffalo.
At no predion* time hit* the demand for Wood Ilook*
been no active ivh ?t prcnont 'I he jfr?i?t mtiwM of tl /
People, who went and will bare thorn, nre not within
the reach of the lineal llook*:ore?. and it h?* become
a well-aaeertnlned fa?t, thnt of the Publication* of
merit and r?al utility,! from time to time iwuing froiu
the American Prww, a large proportion inunt be nold
by Hook Agmtt, Vmportmrt, ami Cartva/mrt, or not
at all.
To all who are danirou* to nidi n tha din*eminfitlon
of a Pur# and Whnleaorne Literature, and nono other. I
we ofTcr great indne? ment* to engage in the aale ol
our PojMilar Book* for the People. We pnMinh
(> <??! i, mil printnl, n ml Ut miff If hottvil, nml i
which *ell readily whor??ver offoro<1?
Catalogue* of our I'nblication*.containing fnll par |
Medlar*, turnirhed on application (p?:*t paid) to
Pnhltahcra of Popular Hook*,
April I?4t Anhnm and Buffalo, New Yofk.
A Monthly Journal for (lirl* an t Hoys.
A PAPER, under the above title, will be published
?t Philadelphia on the first day of October nest.
In siie and general character, this publication will
resemble Mrs Margaret I.. Bailey's lately discontinued
Friend of Youth, the place ??t" which it is ddigntd to
Terms.?Fifty cents a year, for single oopies ; or
ton copies for four dollars. Payment invariably in
All subscriptions and communications to bo ad
dressed to L. K. LIPPINCOTT, Philadelphia.
DA V*.
20,000 ordered in Advancc of Publication.
Will be ready Monday, !><< Alii.
Little perns for fanny's littlr
FRIENDS. By the author of " Fern Leave*."
Ono elegant Iftmo; lilll) pages; sis Illustrations.
Price 75 cents. The same, gilt edge, $ I.
Copies sent by mail, post paid, on receipt ?1 price.
Published by
For sale by all Booksellors throughout the United
States and (Panadas. Dec. N~ 3t
Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Country.
THE AMERICAN agriculturist, a weekly
Periodioal of sixteen large quarto pages, making
an anuual volume of 832 pages of nearly doublo tha
size of those in the first ton volumes of tho Agricul
It is beautifully printed with type cast expressly
for it, and on the best of clear whito papor, wit h wide
margin, so that tho numbers can bo easily stitched
or bound togethor.
A copious Index is weekly added, which will )>?
l'ully amplified at the end of the year, for the bound
Comprehensive in its Character,
Each volume will contain all matter worth record
ing, which transpires either at home or abroad, and
which can serve to instruct or interest the Farmer,
the Planter, tho Pruit-Gruwer, tho Gardener, and
the Stock-Breeder; thus making it the most com
plete and useful Agricultural Publication of the day.
Correct and valuable Market. Reports.
Tho Markets will be carefully rojiorted, giving the
actual transactions which take placo from week to
week, in Grain, Provisions. Cattle, Ac.; thus keep
ing our readers constantly and reliably advised as to
their interests. During the past year, the knowledge
obtained from these Market Reports alone has saved
our readers thousands of dollars, by informing them
of the best time to sell or purchase.
Such a Paper is demanded l>y the Farming
The publishers confidently believe that the agri
culturists of this country are becoming too much
awako to the deinandu of their own calling to be
longer satisfied with the slow monthly issues of a pa
per professedly devoted to their interests, or to trust
alone to the irresponsible extracts in a" fanner's
column," so popular just now in papers chiefly devo
ted to husiuoss, politics, or literature; and they look
for the united support of all the intolJigeut farmers
of this country in their continued effort to furnish a
weekly paper of a high and reliable character, which
shall be progressive, and at the same time cautious
and conservative in all its teachings. ?
Essentially an Agricultural Paper.
The Agriculturist will not depart from its legiti
mate sphere to catch popular favor by lumbering up
its pages, with the silly, fictitious literature, and
light, luiscellanoouR matter of the day; it has a high
er aim; and a small j?art only of its space will bo
devoted to matters not immediately pertaining to the
great busine;i? of Agriculture. The household as
well as the out-door work of the farm will receive a
due share of attention. The humbugs and nostrums
afloat in the community will be tried by reliable sci
entific rules, and their worthlesstiess exposed. It is
the aim of the publishers to keep this paper under
the guidance of those who will make it a standard
work, which shall communicate to its readers ouly
that which is safe and reliable.
An Independent Journal.
The American Agriculturist stands upon its own
merits; and the truthfnlness, real, and ability,
which it brings to the support of the interests of the
farmer. It is untrammeled by any collateral busi
ness connections whatever; nor is it the organ of any
clique, or the puffing machine of any man or thing.
Thoroughly indo|>ondont in all points, its ample pa
ges arc studiously given alone to the support and im
provement of the great agricultural class.
Editorial Department.
The American Agrieiiltnrut is under tire editorial
supervision of Mr. A. B Alten, its principal editor
for the past ten year*?ond Mr. Orange Judd, A.M.,
a thoroughly practical farmer and agricultural
They will be assisted by Prof. Nash, who has been
for a long time one of tho most successful farmers of
New England, and is now Agricultural Professor of
Amherst College , Rev. Wm. Clift, widely known as a
pleasing and instructive writer on gardening and
other departments of practical agriculture, and, in
addition to these, a number of other eminent agri
cultural writers.
All the editors are men practically exj>?rienoed in
their profession, each ?.f whom can handle tho Plow
a? well as the Pen.
The Cheapest Paper in the country, of its char
The American Agriculturist is supplied to regular
subscribers at acost of less than four cents a number,
of sixteen large pages; and to large clubs for less
than two and a half cent*. Each number will contain
suggestions for the treatment of soil*, manues, crop*,
stock, Ac., which will often ??? worth to the reader
more than the cost of the paper for a yeai.
Speiimen C<>ptc*.
Specimen copies will be forwarded, gratis, to any
one sending their name anil post office address In the
Ik km*, Ac.?The paper will be promptly issued on
Wednesday of each week, and mailed to snlwcrihers
on the following liberal terms:
To single subscribers, at $2 a year?$2
To clubs of three subscribers, at $1.(17 a year? $5.
To clubs of five subscribers, lit $1.(10 a \e?r--$S.
To clubs of ten subscribers, at $1 60 a y?<?r - $ 15.
To clul?s of twenty subscribers, at $ I 2.> a yoar?
The money always to accompany the names for
which the paper is ordered.
The Postmaster or other person sending a club of
ton. will he entitled to one extra copy gratis
The Postmaster or other person sending a club of
twenty or more, will be presented with an extra copy,
and also a copy of tho National Mngaiine, Scientific
American, Weekly Tribune, or Weekly Times, or any
other paper or periodical in this city, notcostingover
two dollars per anuum.
Subscriptions may be forwarded by mail, at the
risk af tho publishers, if enclosod and mailed, in the
presence of the Postmaster.
Communications for the paper should be ad
dressed lo the editor* ; subscriptions, advertisements,
and all matters relating to the businoas department,
should be addressed to the publishers,
Dec. 22 18V Water street, New York
WILL he sold at private sale, that well known
Farm lying on Seventh streot Plank Uoad, in
Montgomery county, Maryland, about right miles
from Washington city, containing 37 J j acres, more
or less; about 100 in tneadow, 100 in wood, arid the
halanco (172)) in cleared fields. The Farm can be
divided into several, giving a fair proportion of wood
and incadow land to oscb. The whole Farm is well
watered, several never-failing streams passing
through it. The* fencing is g>?od. and there Is a
large quantity of chestnut timber in the woods, suit
able lor a further division of the fields.
In point of health, beauty, and location, it is not
surpassed by any farm in tho Stale of Maryland. It
has si ways been remarkable for its beauty. The
dwelling contains eight rooms, kitchen, pantry, Ac.,
garret, cellars, ,1c., all surrounded by a neat paling,
with a pump of good water in tho yard; barn, stn
l>le. and other out houses; good spring house, with
a never failing spring of delightfully cool water at
Servants' quarters for as many hands as would
ever be nocessary on the Farm.
A good apple orchard, and some excellent peach
es, pears, cherries. Ac.'
The road being now of the very best character,
produce froui the Farm and manures froin the City
can be hauled at any and all seasons of the year.
This property will be sold per crut.
chcapcr than any other property on tho road be
tween it and the city. With an ordinary horse, it is
not more than an hour's drive to the city
Any communications addressed to CIIARLKS V.
GORDON, Washington, D. C., will receive atten
tion. Doc. 15 -ftteow
LARl) OIL of th? (Inmt quality, in good (hipping
order. Star and Adamantine Candle*. /Wi
weight, I* on now to the pound. Than* candles ara
??cellenr for all climate*, **pedlfcllY California, Ura
cil, the Kaet and W e*t Indie*, and Africa Orderx fof
any quantity executed promptly.
THOMAS KMKKY, Lard Oil and BUr
March W Candle Manufacturer. Cincinnati, 0

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