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?BE ILLUSTRATED JOURNALS. F0WLER8 A WELLS publish the following Pe riodic*!* They have an aggregate circulation o! ?boot One Hundred Thousand Oapies. These Popular and Professional Serials afford an excellent opportunity for bringing buibre the Public with Pictorial Illustrations all (abject* of interest, Physiologioal, Kduoational, Agricultural, Meohani otl, and Commercial. THB WATER-CURE JOURNAL, AND HERALD OK REFORMS. Devoted to Hydropathy, it* Phi losophy and Practice, to Physiology and Anatotny, with illustrative engravings, to Dietetics, Exercise, Clothing, Oooopations, Amusement*, and those Laws whtoh govern Life and Health. Published monthly, B convenient form for blading, at One Dollar a Year ??*ranoe. "Every man, woman, and child, who loves health : who desires happiness, iu direct result: who wants to lire while he does live,' 'live till ho dies,' and re ally live, instead of being a mere walking oorpse, should become at onoe a reader of this Journal. <uTd practice its preoepU."? Fountain Journal. THE AMERICAN PHRENOLOGICAL JOUR NAL. A Repository <jf Scienoe, Literature, and General Intelligence, Devoted to Phrenology, Phys iology, Education, Magnetism, Psychology, Mechan ism, Agriculture, Horticulture, Architecture, the Arte and Soieooes, and to all those Progressive Meas ures which an calculated to Reform, Elevate, and Improve Mankind- Illustrated with numerous por traits and other engravings. A beautiful Quarto, ?ultable for binding. Published Monthly, at One Dollar a Year in advance. " A Journal containing inch a mass of interesting devoted to the highest happiness and inter ests of man, written in the clear and lively style of its practiced editors, and affordod at tho ' ridioulously low price of one dollar a year, must succeed in run ning up to its present large circulation (60,000 copies') to a much higher figure.'?AW York Tribune! THB ILLUSTRATED HYDROPATHIC QUAR TERLY REVIEW. A new Professional Magazine, devoted to Medical Reform, embracing articles by the best writers, on Anatomy. Physiology, Pathology, Surgery, Therapcutios, Midwifery, etc., Reports o. Remarkable Cases in General Practioe, Criticisms on he Theory and Practice of the various Opposing Sys t?ms of Medical Scienoe, Reviews of New Publica tions of ail Schools of Medicine, Reports of the Prog ress of Health Reform in all ito Aspects, eto., eto., with appropriate illustrations. Each number contains from 1#0 to 200 ootavo pages, at Two Dollars a Year. " In addition to the widoly circulated monthly jour nals issued by Fowlers & Wells, we bavo the New Hydropathic Quarterly Review, edited by the most distinguished trembors of that school. It is filled with articles of permanent value, which ought to be --ml by every American."?N*w York TriSunt. Communications, New Books for notice or review, Advertisements, and Subscription/:, should be address ed to the Publishers, FOWLERS St WELLS, Clinton Hail, No. 131 Nassau St., New York Jan. 2?3w2d DE QUINCEY'S WRITINGS. Published by Ticknor, Reed, f Fields, Boston. 1 S? rI?S3PNS 0P ** ENGU8H OPIUM a ? E A f ER. 1 vol. 16mo. 75 ceou. Content*. The Confession*. BuspirU de Profun <2lf. JtL BIOGRAPHIC AL ESSAYS 1 voL Umo. 76 8c?C*'-ShEk"p~r* Pop*- Umb- aMth# T6^i?iIISC1!LLANE0US KSSAYS- 1 Mi 16mo. hJST'ui'jZ0*? the Knocking at the Gate in Mac beth. Murder, Considered as one of the Fine Arts. JV" on Murder. Joan of Arc The En* ii?h Mail Coock. The Vision of Sudden Death. Din ner, Real and Reputed. Orthographic Mutineers. IV. THE CJISARS. I vol. 16mo. 76 cents. ?L".BIURr EM"?>cifflcis. ? -Literary Novitiate. Sir Humphry Da UrkTi V1 Mr* 0rMlt- Recollections wlrth ? ^*ll*<lmor Coleridge Words worth. Southey. Reoollections of Graetnore. The uZtd'* wfifc. of the Lakes. Charles , Edward Irvin*. Tal fourd. The London Magasine. Junius Clare Cun ningU*m Attack of a London Jourual. Duelling a . Revealed by the Teleeoope. Modern Superstition Coleridge and Opdum-Eatiajr Tern ?* The Last Lays of Im wJmP0878 AND OTHER ENGLISH WRITERS. 1 voL lfimo 75 cents. l ?f Word^(,rth Perey By?he ShsMey. John Keats. Oliver Goldsmith William Godwin. John Foster William Hailitt. Walter Savage Laador. ' m hwtorjcal AND CRITICAL ES ?AY8. S vols lAmo. f 1 60. ^ - Philosophy of Roman History. The Philoeophy of Herodotus. Plato's Repub lta?' AUTOBIOGRAPHIC SKETCHES. I vel. ^ Cewuwjj ?The AfflieUon of Childhood. Dream *ohoeson these Inffcat Experiences Dream Eehoes ftS? lBtrod*?Mo? to the World of L,MirfctQr*- The Female Infidel I StaMteW^riA* lT^S^r# ?f*,Publ,c tool. I .*** of louden. Dublin First Rebellion in Ireland. French Invasion of Ire land and Second Rebellion. Traveiliug My Broth ?[' Fremetore Manhood. (This volume takes the place in this Series of" Ulh and Manners." It is a is printed from Mr De Quinoey'e own revision j Entirely new Volwnes, nearly ready Ri'" P" L?",K?T0 A TOUKO MAN. t aperv. 1 TOI. lfimo. 76 etotf. .. V**'*"**- Letters Greek Tragedy. Convene p1??. L*a*nH" Freock and English Manners California aad the Gold Mania. Pre.ence of Mind TKK IkST MAUAZlM. Tkt Ecltctu Magvrin? of Foreign Literature, R literary merit aad aterling worth, U without lueation til* h??t Magecine published it it auob k?wnM it eemprleee, in moderate eoinpM and con ?anient form, Km vimIUiipm?the choicest article*? tb? cream, ao to apoak, at all the leading Foreign Qaartarliea and Magftmnea. and the prod actiona of their moot gifted p?n*. la tbi* reapoot, the Kclertic hM ft decided adVftataga o?ar ail other Mag*ainea Omitting article* of or* local interact and minor Impartanoa to the American reader, iU pagee offer to Ita pfttroue ? large amount of literary wealth, of par manont value, ?t ft email price. The Keleetic la published in monthly nutubara of 144 pagea each, making thr?? large volume* ft yaar, ?ad nearly 1,MM> page*, richly embelliabod with 1J apt end id portrait* of diaUnguiahod parann* or kiatori eft! auhjccta The prim ia $& ft year The Jftnoary nam her hegiaa ft new rolurae. Now ia a good time to aabtcrihe Ordera for the work are aolicita t. It wlB be aaat promptly by mail to ail who order it . Addree* W H BIDWBLL, Wo. 1M Naaau street. New York. B3T" Bata of the work, la 9 rolamee, for tha l?at threa jraaia, neatly bound, lettered, and numbered, tuny He bad at the office af publication, aad aent to any pari of the oonntry. Jaa. 7. RtMUR oiftrmm mm mail link PR Boatoa, Worce.tar, Lowell, Fitcbburg Naahua, Concord, Bellow* Fall*. Ac , via Norwich aad We water, Worcester and Naahua, Eoaton and Wor eaftter, Now London and WUlimantie, aad Palmar Railroad* Faaaaagera by thia line I ear* pier l?o. IB, North Rraar.foat of OaurtUndt atreot, arery day at4 o'clock, F. M., (Sunday* imiHit) iiwmaSad _ IMBBCTICIT? Capt J. W. William*. will leare Raw York ovary Tuesday, Thar .day, aad "*8teMftM- WORCB9TKR, Captain William WUeox, ?iil laava New Yark erary Monday, Wadneaday. and Ffhtoff i by thiotina arrive In time ta tare the kilYa a iatoly aa the arrfral of tha atoamhoata B*k*n at the lawe*t rate* f.,r New Lon Willtaftatie, Stafford. Muneon. Palmer, FaiiaiW, iottoo. Fitahbarf, Low*II, Lawrence, ImANM. fluwid. Bellow* Fall*, aad ot her plaoe* in ? New Hampehire aad Vermont. Freight iStSlr teS^^n. ha^lre of K H MARTIN. ?aAee, MJiar IS, Worth Rlrar. foot of Court ;<M. WV Wi ?a.W aft-r clock, Jtm. U? Iw HENRY JANNEY, SBOB DEALER, ud Fashionable Boot Maker, Pennsylvania A venue, between Brown*' Hotel f ud Ueventa street, W uhln|ton Ju 2?3in J. F. ASP EH, Attorney at law, WmmI, Trumbuii eo., o. Office No. Market street Jan. 7?tl BUBLL A BLANGHARD, WASHINGTON, D. 0 have now ready for delivery MANUEL PE&EIRi; on, THE aOVUUQOB BULK OF lOUTH CAKOLIBA WITH Views of Southern Lavas, Lift, and Hospitality. Written in Charleston, S. 0., by V. 0. Adams. THE above work form* a beautiful 12mo volume ol over 300 page*, email ploa. Price?in paper, HI cents; mualln, 76 cent*. The usual discount to th? Trad*. Orders solicited- Copies sent by mail, prd paid, any distance under 3,000 miles, for 61 oente. The above work is a delineation of the scenes ant' Incidents oounected with the imprisonment, in 1852 of Manuel Pereira, steward of toe British brig Jan son, in the jail of Charleaton, 8. C. The following notioe of this work is oopied from th< National Era of February 17: "The above is the title of a work now in press founded upon that infamous statute of South Carolina, by which her citizens claim a right to imprison colorea teamen, of all nations, and sven those oast upon their shores in distress. We have perused the book in ad vanoe of its publication, and find that it gives a life like ptoture of Pereira, the vessel in which he sailed; the storms she eneountered, and her wrecked conditio* when brought, into the port of Charleston, 6. C.; to gether with the imprisonment of Pereira, several sea men belonging to the New Hngl&nd States, and two French seamen; the prison regimen, character of the Charleston police, and the mendacity of certain offi oials, who make the law a medium of peculation. The work is replete with incidents of Southern life and character, pointing Southerners to the things that call for correction at their own haada, with a force that cannot be mistaken.' The work is written bv one who has taken a prominent part in the affairs of the South, and cannot fail to interest alike the general reader, commercial man, and philanthropist ." The above work can be obtained, at wholesale prices, from Jour P. Jkwktt it Co., Boston, Mans.. Servicr J. Bates, 48 Beekman St., New York, ' Willis P. Hazard, Philadelphia, And from the publishers, BUBLL A BLANCHARD, Washington, D. C. THE HORTICULTURIST, ? And Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. THE HORTICULTURIST is a Mouthly Journal, devoted to Horticulture and its kindred arts, Ru ral Architecture and Landscape Gardening. It is ed ited by P. Barky, late Horticultural editor of the Genesee Farmer, and author of that popular work, " The Fruit Garden." To those who cultivate Fruit or Flowers, this work is indispensable, as it contains full directions for cultivation, as well as everything new on the subject, either in this country or in Eu "ThB HORTICULTURIST is heautifally printed, on the best paper, with costly illustrations on wood and stone. It contaius 48 pages, without advertise ments, and each number has a full page engraving on stone, of some rare fruit or flower, drawn from nature, by the heat living artist in this line. Tkrms.? Tieo dollars per annum, in advantm. A discount of 25 per oont. allowed to agents. I'ostmas ters and others are invited to act as agents, to whom specimen numbers will be sent, free of postage, on ap plication to JAMES VICK, Jr., Feb. 4. Publisher, Rochester, New York. * P. S. A new volume oommcnced on the first of January. NEW BOOK BY REV. JACOB ABBOTT* "R0LL0 OH THE ATLANTIC," BE AUTIFULLY illustrated with original designs. By Jaeob Abbott. " Ro'lo on the AUant;e " is the first book of a se ries to be published under the general title of Rollo's Tour in Europe. Extract from the Preface : " The books are intended to b? books of instruc tion, rather than of mere amusement; and, in peru sing them, the reader may feel assured that all tbe in formation which thoy contain, not only in respect to the countries visited, and to the customs, usages, and modes of life that are deecribed, but also in regaid to tbe general character of the ineidents and adventures that the young travellers ia??t with, ie in most striet aooordance with fact. Tbe main design of the narra tive is thus the communication of useftil knowledge; and everything which they contain, except what is strictly personal, in rolation to the aetors in the story, may be depended upon as exactly and scrupulously trua." Published by MM. J. REYNOLDS A CO., Jan. 5 24 Cornhill, Boston. CHINA, CHINA, CHINA! C8. FOWLER A CO. (store in Odd Fellows' Hall, ? 7th street) have ju*t completed opening * large assortment of CHIN A, QUEENS WARE, and GLASS, making their stock at thU time eqnal to any in the country ; consisting in part m follow*, vis: Decorated cold band and plain white French China Dinner, Desert, Tea, and Breakfast Set*, and de tached pieces, such aa Fruit Baskets, Compotiers, Caaseroles, ornaments for dining tables, and Puneh Bowls. India China, in dinner and tea seta, and detachad piects. Iron Stone China, decorated, flowing bine, and white dinner, tea, breakfast, and toilet sets, and detach ed pieces, in evory pattern and ahape. Aleo, in great variety? Dresden, Terra-cotta, Parian, and French China; Vaaes. Card Receivers, Jewel Stands; Candlesticks, Motto Caps and Saucers; Mugs, Pitchers, Ac. GLASS WARE, rich cut and engraved. Crystal straw, *tem, and Pressed Goblets ; Champagnes. Wines, Cordials, and Tumblors, Finger Bowls, Water Bottles. Spoon Holders; Toilet BoUies, Cologne Bottle*. Globes; Lamps, rich and plain Decanters, Cut and nreeaed Howls, and silvered Bowls; Solar. Euterial, Hall, and Side Lampaj Candelahraa, Girandoles, rich and plain Castors; Britannia Csff?e Urns, Tea Sett, covered and un covered ; Pitchers, Punch and Molaaaes Pitchers) Fins Cutlery and Alhata Forks, 8poons, 4c., of the most approved and latoat patterns; Also, Block Tin Coffee Urns, Biggins, Teapots Plate Warmers, Egg Boilers, Ac. With an endloses varioty of goods not named which we reapectfullv invite stranger* and citisens to sail and examine before purchaaing elsewhero. Storekeepers and country merchants will And it to their advantage to buy of us, as our fkcilities are equal to any other importing house in the United States, and we are determined to sell a* low. N- B Goods carefully put Bp for the country by an experienced packer, and delivered free of charge in any part of the city. Jan J?dtf RELIGIOUS BOOK DEPOSITORY. GRAY A BALLANTYNR, Seventh street, twe doors above Odd Fellows' Hall. Have the only Depository In thia city of the publications of the American Bible Society; Methodist Rook Concern; Robert Carter A Brothers; Presbyterian Board; American Tract Socicty; Evangelical Knowledge Society, American Sunday School Union; New England and Massachusetts' Sabbath School So cieties . and all the principal Religions Publishers It is therefore apparent that their stock of Stand ard Theological Works and general Religious Litera ture mast be unequalled They always keep an extensive assortment of all the nymns used in the different churches, family and pocket Bibles and Prayer Books, in plain and superb bindings Attractive and choice Juveniles, embracing nearly all of the most urofnl aad entertaining Books for the young, pubiiahed. School Books, of ail the kinds nsod in the eity and country schools, at New York price*. Blank Books, Staple and Fancy Stationary. Pocket Knivea, Portaronnates, Portfolios. Writing Desks. I Jan. i?d ANOTHER NEW BOOK, By lb*. Author of tkt " Widt, Wide World.' CARLKRINKEN : hi* Christmas Stocking? Bear tifnlly illustrated. Price, 76 cents , gilt, 112.1 The Bow in the Cloud; ar. Covenant Mercy for the A dieted. Numerou^sngraving*. Price, $1MI Glad Tiding*; or, The Gospel of Peace. Prioa, M eta. Popular Legends ef Brittany. Illustrated. Price, 75 cents. Spiritual Progress; or. Instructions In the Divine Life of the Aral. From the French of F'n'lon and Madame Guyon. Price, 7# cents. The Old and the New; ok The Changes of Thirty Years in the Bast. By Wm. Goodeil. Price, f 1.2*. Old Rights with Hew Eyes. Priee. $1. Conversion: Its Theory and Process By Rev. T Spencer. Priee, $1 ?. Autobiography of Itev J. B.Fhiley; ?f, Pioneer Life in thaw eat Prise, $1 Christ in History; or, The Central Power among Men. By Robert Turn^ull, D D Price, f 1.25. GRAY A BAlXAlfTYNK, 7th st, JM 4?42 2 doors above Odd Fellow*' Hall. TBS LAMFLWHrCR. Uncle Trut and LtttU Getty.' Thirty Thousand Published in Five W??ka! A GENUINE American Romance, ud a Book which will lira And be read after the thousand and one Utah/ productions of the day ahall pass into deeaetude. Rarolv bM a work appeared in America which hu received such universal and hoartr commendations from the Newspaper Press We aubioln a few brief sxtraots: The authoress of the Lamplighter haa aimed to produce an agreeabio and improaaive work of fiction. It ? bigb praiae to aay that ah* haa succeeded in the attempt.?jV. Y. Tribune. We have no hesitation in pronouncing the Lamp lighter one of the moat original, interesting. Krapbio and affecting talea, that haa lately appeared.?Button transcript. No one can study its iuatruotive and fascinating pages without being made bettor by its kindly Influ ences.?Boston At/us. The Lamplighter would do credit to any writer.? Daily Advertiser, Boston. One of the most affecting and intereating tales ever issued from the American press Daily Tribune Providence. ' For delicate and foroible delineation of obaractcr this work is hardly excelled.?Journal, Boston. This book develops a variety of characters?some of them as deeply affecting as' the best sketches of Diokens.?Transcript, Boston. It is a book which is destined to become a great Avoiite with the reading public.?Daily Herald, Newbury port. ' It oaiinot fail to suit the most fastidious taste ? Olive Branch, Boston. Here is a book dostined to hare a sale unequalled Lif^B *Unl0M W? exo?Pt Uncle Tom.?Masst Tho aged and the young will rise from its perusal with an increased love for the kindlier feelings of our nature.?Hingham Journal. The Lamplighter is a book whieh is destined to great popularity.?Daily Bee, Boston. An intensely interesting work, and, as a piece of composition, admirable.?Clapp's Evening Gazette, Boston. ' A book rich in thought, beauty, pathos, and ten derness.?Albany Spectator. It is a great book, the work of an original mind of extraordinary power ? International Journal. I Five hundred pages of just such reading as enchains the interest, the curiosity, yea, the whole soul, until the last line of the last page is finished.?South Bos ton Gazette. This is a work of surpassing interest?Alb. Argus. Tho Lamplighter deserves all the praise it has re oeived.?Commonwealth, Boston. It is infinitely superior to any American novel that we have ever read.? Waverlcy Magazine. There is no question but that the Lamplighter will rank among the first sf American fictions? Worces ter Palladium. An intensely interesting book, from title to finis,? Fort Land Inquirer. The Lamplighter is a delightful story?original breathing a true and pure spirit.?N. Y. Sun. It is unequalled in thrilling interest by any book yet published.?Spring field Post, Portions of this book are worthy the genius of Die ken*.?Hampden Gazette. It possesses the rare merit of interesting alike the young and the old .?Bangor Whig. It is a great book.?Sunday Dispatch. A work of extraordinary power and interest.?N. a. Farmer. It is a most enchanting work ?Christian Secre tary, Hartford. Without exception, one of the most deeply intereat ing tales we ever perused ? iMcrtmre Sentinel A work which has every element of popularity ? N. Y. Evangelist. The Lamplighter is a thrilling and most in teres tins ?tory.?Lutheran Observer, Baltimore. We have rarely read a work with more real pleas ure than the Lamplighter ?State Reporter, Concord A book which is destined to be popular, because it oomes from the heart and speaks to the heart ? Country Gentleman. Some of tbe best sketches in this book almost rival the masterpieces of Dickens ? Yankee Blade. In the exeoution of htr work. Miss Oummings has d:splsyed great judgment, an almost Intuitive insight into human nature, a carefhl obaervatioa of life, a fine literary taste, a sound and sensible mind, a lovely disposition, a genial heart ? Bunker Hill Aurora. Published by JOHN P. JKWETT, A CO. Boston JEWETT, PBOCTOK, k WORTHINGTON CJeve! land, Ubio. April 7?3wif SLOAN k IRVINE, Attorneys at Law, No. 184 Main street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Inferences Dr. George Friet, Alexander H. Mo Jc.1McK??sie, Graham k MoCoy. Cincinnati Ohio; Smith k Sinelair, Smith Bageley, h Co. PitU buwhiN D, Morgan, Auditor of 8tate of Ohio ; Geo N McCook, Attorney Oeoeral of Ohio, Columbus J Q Hussey, President Forest City Bank Huasev A Sinclair. Mason k Estop. Cleveland Dee!! A CHANCB TO MAKK Ullllftr. WOODWORTHS CABINET LIBRABT. embra cing o octavo and 4 duodecimo volume* full of excellent reading matter for the family, elegantly illustrated with engraving*, and tastefully bound is now offered to" agents and peddlers, at a greatly re duced pnoc. Those who wish to engage in the ssle of this popular work, and who have some $20 ort'iO at command, cannot fail to saake the buaines. profit able. Call and see, or address the publisher by letter Sample copies of each style will be sent by mail' free of postage, on the receipt of one dollar D. AUSTIN WOOD WORTH, April 1?4t 118 Nassau street. New York. nn.L smith abroad. TN PRESS, and will speedily be published, in one A elegant lSrno volume, tho Popular Suries of Let tors from Paris, contributed to the National Era under tho title of "BELL SMITH ABROAD,' en*' ftisely illustrated, from designs by Kranch artists Price $1. Orders should lie sent to s ,s JF -DERBY, Publisher, April 18?ldw 8 Park Plaee, New York. Bouit and the Eaitffa Qneitiou. ~*~ ?T RICHARD CORDCN, ESQ., M. p. W1!" intro^oct'0n by an American Citisen PEOPLE'S PATENT OFFICE, 88 Nassau street, New York. I ,0 obtain United 1J Letters Patent for Designs, are respectful ly informed that all the necessary drawing, in.) na r'r* *re exe^nud bv tbe Onder*ignrd, at the I'WO. LK f PATENT OFP1CK, 88 J??*eaa street, New 1 despatch, on very moderate terms 1 nder the Jews of the United States, Patents are granted for ornamental works and decorations of sr ery kind soch as ths ornamental designs upon stores, walls, celling*, wood and metal earrtngs, busts stst nee, composition* of all kinds in alto and basso re Hero, new forms of jewelry, watch eases, new design* for stamping on woollen, silk, cotton, or other UVri, or for any?ew impression, label, or ornament, to be article of manufecturr, or any new and origia^ shape or form of any article of manufacture Secb Patents secure t> the Patentee the eiolnsive right to inake and read tbetsmc for a period of sevei y#?w' Oovrament fee belug $16, gold. The law for Designs reqnirea the same process la soliciting, as for a mechanical invention, vis: a model or specimen of the article, duplioatsdrawings, speei ficati-ns, claims, Ac. All the papers and drawing* are cxernUd bv the undersigned Por farther in formation, which oan be had free of charge, apply to or address. ALFRFD K BEACH Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents. WILLIAM AOOBKLL, PI ni.l-ii rn, 48 Bttkmen Mrtd, New York. PR08P?(rrrp or TRR AMRRfCAN jtTBILKS. | liWty throuahout all the land, unto I all the inhabitants thereof ?Lrv. xxv, 1#. I \X7ILLIAM ROODELL.48 Bee km an street, New ??T. Prol^f?* 10 P?l?!i?h a pater of the abore I title, a specimen nnmber of which la already issued on large medium paper, quarto form. PRINCIPLES AND MEASURES. ' Slavery is criminal?Illegal?A violation of th? Constitution?The States have no constitutional rirht to maintain it?Tho American Government and peo ple are bound to suppress it?Ail the S avery ?? tbe nation is run tonal Slavery, snd the natu,n is respon aible for It?No more Compromises with S'avory, nor recognition of past Compromises ?No more slave hunting among freemen ?No recognition of slave property No voting for candidates acceptable to slaveholders. . Tsaas.?For twelve numbers, (whether monthly or semi monthly, as may be determined,) single copy, 50 cents; five copies, to one peraoa, %1, eight oenie* do , 13; f.hir y copies, do , $10. All payments la ad vance. Post Office stamps received snd given in ma king dkang*. Shdlw the paper, unexpectedly, fail of support. moneys advanced will be refunded in books written by Wja. Goodell, via: Democracy of Christianity, 3 vrts, $1.60, History of Slavery and Aati Slavery $1 American Slave Code, 75 cents; Premium Tract oa Bla-ery and Missioue, $3 per hundred: or, hi other Books and Tracts of the Anti-Slavery D??Mltory, 48 Beekman atreei, New York. ^JprUS ARNOLD'S, 84 kTRAIWD. UMSUR. I HEREBY constitute Mr. Simon Wlllard, No.? , Congrvaa street, Boston, ?ol* i|Hl for the sale of my WmoIum in the United Statea of Aiurlu. April 16, 1863. CHARLES FR0D6HAM The undersigned, having been appointed aole Agent la tho United States for the Bale of Charles Frodaham s Improved Timekeeper*, would respectfully call public, attention to hia extensive and valuable atock of Com pea?ted Chronometer Watohea, made by Charles Prods ham, and styled hi* " New Seriee. In the Watohee of the new eerie*, Mr. Yrodaham ha* *uft eeeded?by * more perfect method of compensation, a more correct adjustment in isoohaoaUui, and an en tirely new and peculiar construction of the train, by which more power is obtained without looreaee of *i*e?in producing timekeeper* of wonderfol and un rivailed accuracy The great importance of the im proved Watohes id a perfect regularity of time, under every variety of olimate, motion, and poaition. So perfect are tha adjustment* that the moat violent ex ercise?such a* horseback riding, jumping, Ac?pro duces on them no sensible efleut. They are therefore peculiarly adapted to railroad purposes. The aoientino French critic, Mon*. Borsendorf, in hia review of the Great London Exhibition of 1861, styles the contribution of Mr. Charles Frodaham a* " bearing the at&mp of peculiar merit, and a* being the fl jwer of the English sohool." The British Governmrnt havq awarded Meaara. Arnold and Charles Frodaham the Bum of ?3,170, for the excellence of the pritwipU of their timekeeper*. One of Mr. Frodahain's oerreapondaota write* a* follows:, uf ? ?? ?+;.*!:? Lohdon, April 36, 1863. Sia: I have much pleasure in giving in aooount of the Gold Compensation Lever Watoh. No. 8,836, you have made for me, and in which I expressly stip ulated that it should maintain a uniform rate of going under every variety of motion and elimate. Tnla it baa done in a moat remarkable manner; it* rate of going for the first six montha waa.five aeconda per month, and In the next aix montha it ohanged its rate a little faster, vis: olght seconds per month, and at the end of 366 days it waa found to be faat of Green wich mean time one minute and fifteen second*. Though I waa not led by any previous promise to ex pect such performance, yet I believe it is only the usual character of your improved watchea, which yon term your * new aerlea." I remain, sir, yours, respectfully, Thomas Baxtlxtt To Mr. Charlet Frodtham. The undersigned has received the following: Boston, October 6, 1868. Six: I* herewith give you an account of the re markable performance of the watch I purchased of yon, made by Charles Frodaham, No. 7,014. Ita total variation for 17 months, by weekly obaerrations, waa but one minute and fifty-five seconds. Youra, rtepeetfully, Billing* Bateea. Ib Mr. Simon Willard. Boston, September 3,1863. The Compensated Lever Watch I purchased of you, made by Caurles Frodaham, of London, No. 7,800, has varied but thirty seconds from mean time in six months, by actual daily comparison with your regu lator. Yours, Ac., Alvin Adams. Mr. Sivuni Wtllard. The undersigned is permitted to refer to the follow ing gentlemen, who, among many others, have proved the excellence of Frodaham'* Watohea a? timekeep er* : Enoch Train, Esq. Win- Whiting, Esq. E. C. Bates, Eeq. Geo. M. Thacher, Esq. F. W. Thayer, Eaq. David Dyor, Esq. E. F. Oaborne, Eaq., ) Sandusky, Eben. Lane, Esq, J Ohio. The subscriber would reepeofully state that the above Watehea are designed and executed by Mr. Frodaham and hlmaelf, especially to meet the de manda of the American public in the great essential of perfoet time, and that in this and in external beauty they stand unrivalled. All order* addressed to the undersigned will receive Immediate attention. SIMON WlLLARD, Jan. i. Ne. 9 Congress street, Boston. HUGH CAMERON, ' DEALER in Book*. Periodicals, and Stationery, wholeaaie and retail, 8 Columbia Plaoe, corner 7tb street and Louisiana avenue, Waahington, D. C. Jan 3?d Mrs Partington's Life and Sayiogi. First Edition 20,000 Copiet! NOW READY, the Life and fcaying* of Mrs. Part ington, and others of the Family, by B. P. Shil laber, of the Boston Post. " I did fynde her a woman of manye worde*, yet of a very pleasante fancio withal, and havynge mdob good couni>eile "? !>?** Di\gg hit Works : Lib. exl, Art.?" Mttttotr Unit Hfte. One elegant 13mo volume, 384 page*, printed on superfine paper, with 43 fine Engraving* on Wood, including the following full page illustration* in tint*, designed by Coffin A Brown, and engraved by Orr A Andrew*: 1. Rath Partington, a portrait 3. Paal'iGhcet. 3 Partingtonian Philosophy. 4. Peach in the H ad. "* 6. Stock of the Revelation. 6. Ike In the Co en try 7. Partington Mouae Hunting. 8. A Chriftmaa'Story. The undersigned haa the pleaaure of announcing the day of the publieatien of the long looked for vol ume, " Mrs. Partington, her Life and Hayings," in cluding those of " I'aal," 'i Ike," and other* of th* Family The large number ordered in advance more than 12 000 copies?ie the best evidence of the popalarlty of the book. W ith the hope and expecta tion that the Old Lady will be kindly received by an appreciating public, 'the Biographer placet his hand on hia heart, and bowa, aa the eartain deeoenda to alow muaie." J. C. DERBY, Publiaher, 8 Park l*la?e, New York. And for aale by Bookaellers throughout the Uaited Bute* and Canada* Price f i 26. Single copies seat by mall, poet paid, on receipt of price April 13. p k 11 r ami oimmm trkbs m plaTits. PARSONS k CO., Fluahlng, near New York, offer for tale a large and excellent aaaortmeot of xaadard APPLE, PEAR, & OTHER FRUIT TREES; Dwarf IVam and Cherriee; Ornamental Tree*. for *treet* and lawni-, Treaa and Shraba, for matting, at rednoe IJflUBS. Rc*oa of thrift/ growth, together with the a*aal variety required Tor tha lawn, tha orchard, and the garden Careful attention will ba given to tha aiaetlloa and packing of order*. Liberal diacoant* made (o all dealer* in tree*. Calalugttet aant by mail, without charge, to all en eloeing a poataga lUnp. PA It SON 8 A CO. Flvh.nt.U ?*?. 20 The Prohibitionist. Til* PROHIItlTIONIST?eiolaairalT* Tamper paper?|# publithod monthly, at Albany, by tha Ex*e?tive Committee of tha New York State Tem perance Society H Mandevilla, D. D., Editor, ar ticled br K. C Deltvtn, K*|. It ia prints, in the folio form, on a doable-medium ?hart, malting eight large foar columned pagoa to a ma id bar. It advocate* 'he 0au*e of Temperance generally, and oapeeially the Legislative Prohibition of the Traf fie In into* taating Bo*a age*. It ta iVaiunail ia apirit, arope, ?nd aim; and is rap WW becoming Nntmnnl, alan. ia it* circulation and iaflaenee. urder? resentfully aoliaitod. It will be ftirniahed at tha fallowing low price* Oae copy for one yaar - - |0.M) Three, to one addreaa, one yaar - * 1 00 Boron, do. do. - - 2M And for each additional four copiee. $1 will be aak ad, for ariy qaantity Ian than ftOy copier " For flfty oopl**, to ona addroaa - - $11 For I0t do. do. - -20 No rabacription received for lea* than one year; and in every rate the order mailt ba accompanied hv the money. Letter*, ia all caaaa, mu*t be pott paid.. Addraaa 0. SCOVlfcL, March 9. PwMiahiTig Agent, Albany. [TJ- Journal* friendlr. plaaaa puhliih X 81TDO, BARKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER Offict National Hotel Building, Ptnn*ylvar\ia Avrnw, H'atkington, D. C., DEALER in Check*, Acceptance* Draft*, Promi* *ory Note*, Bank Notea and Coin. Note* on all Mlvant Bank* la tbo Unitod State* bought and ttold, at the be*t price*. Notea, Draft*, and Bill*, in Waahiagton and George town. collected, and remittance* promptly made ia New Yo<k, Philadalphia, Baltimore, and other fund*, at n charge of one qaarter per cent. Bill* or Exchange and Bank Check*, on moat of the principal citiea ol tha t'nion, bought and *old at the beat rate*. March 29 TUB PEOPLE'S PATENT OPriCB. C\VEAT8.? Inventor* and other* deriring to ftp ply for Oaveata, are informed Chat all the neeaa tary drawing* and paper* are prepared by the nndar figned with tbo ntmo*t fidelity and deapatch, and oa the moat moderate term*. All other Patent baainea* promptly attended to Peraon* withmg for Information or advice relative to Patent* or Inv?>nttmM, may at all time* commit tha nndaraigned, witkontmargt, either personally at hi* office, or by letter. ALFRED B. BEACH, Solicitor jd^merican and Foreign Patent* PmpU'M Patmu (JfTc*, 86 Nat urn NfW York. PE0SPKCTU8 OF THK PBOHIB1TIUNIST. " If any Stat* deems the retail and intern*] traffic In ardeut spirits injurious to its citiaeus, and oaleu lated to produce idleness, vie*, or debauchery, I see nothing in the Constitution of the United States to prevent it from regulating or restraining the traffic, or from prohibiting it altogether, if it thinks proper." Ckirf Juttue Tatif, ON or before the lat of January, 18M, the Execu tive Committee of the New York State Temper ranee Society will issue the first number of a Month ly Temperance Journal, under the title of " TiOs Pao mm rioNisr." Irs Size ?It will be printed oik a doable medium sheet, making eight quarto pages, of four columns to a page; and, excluding advertisemonts, each number will oontain an amount of reading matter equal at least to that furnished by our larger-sized daily jour nals, or to that of an ordinary duodecimo volume of 160 pages. Its Objbct.?^To advocate the Cause of Temper ance generally, and especially the Legislative Prohibi tion of the Traffic in Intoxicating Beverages, to pre pare the minds of the masses for such Prohibition, by showing its expediency and.Neoe&jity, and to sooure, by all the inffuonco it may legitimately exert, the rigorous enforcement of Prohibitory Laws when ob tained. Irs Field.?Dealing with general pynciplos, with argumonts alike applicable to every community whero the traffio exists and with facts illustrative of those argument* and principles, the papor will be National in its.spirit, in its soopo, in its purpose, and, we trust, it will be National in its circulation and influence. Such is our aim and expectation. Wo dorirs to see the Principle of Prohibition established in State after State, till it becomes the rocognisod policy of the Na tion. It is our ambition to bear a part in this great work, and to this end The Proiiibitiobist is estab lished, not as tho organ of a sooiety merely, but of a Great Reformatory Movement. Its Nkcbssit*.?Tho existing Temperance Jour nals havo little, if any, circulation outside of the Tem perance Ranks. Their prioo almost necessarily re stricts them to tho friends of tho cause. The Pro hibitionist is designed for circulation (Instead of tracts) amon^ the indifferent and the hostile. For this purpose it ia put at a price so low as to enable the friends of Temperance in every school district, by j combined action and at an Innoniiderable expense, to place a copy in oach family that will consent to re ceive it. Its Pbics.?Ono capy for ono year - ? $0 60 Three, to onu address, ono year 1 CO Seven do. do. ? - 2 00 And for each additional four copies, $1.00 will bo added, for any quantity loss than fifty copies. For fifty copies to one addross - ? $11 00 For 100 do. do. - . - 20 00 No subscription received for loss than one year, and in every case tho order must be aocompaniod by the money. The paper will be under the general direction of I the Executive Committee, who have received ample assurances of literary aid from not a few of the ablest and most eminent writers in Che temperance ranks throughout the Union. The work will be steieotyped, and back numbers can be supplied to new subscribers at any timo during the year. All ordora should be addressed to 0. Scovill, Pub lishing Agent, Albany. Communications for the paper, or in relation to the interests of the cause generally, should be directod to Wm. H. Burleigh, Corresponding Socretary. In behalf of the New York State Temperance So oiety : EDWARD C. DELAVAN, President. HxenUtve Committee.?Henry Mandeville, Reuben H. Walworth, John O. Cole, I. N. Wyokoff, William Richardson, Edgar B. Day, Herinon Camp, B. P. Staats, Oliver Soovill. The Committee request all editors in tho Uni ted Statafl to give thq above ono insertion in their oolumns. To all who eomplv with this request, we wid send the Prohibitionist for one year, ioitkout an exohange, unless they ohoose to add to our obligation by sending their papers also, which would, of course, be moat thankfully received. Jan. 2?dtf THK NIW YORK. MUSICAL KGVlitW AMD CHORAL ADFOCATG IS the cheapest and best Musioal Paper in the world. This Journal, which has heretofore been published monthly, commences its fifth year in Jan uary next and thenceforward it will be published every two weeks?on every other Thursday; thereby giving more than twice as much matter, without any increaM in price. Each number contains sixteen quarto pages, four of which are new music, conaiat of glees, hymn tune*, chants, anthems, dedication and holvday pieces, and, in abort, every variety of muric adapted te purposes of religious worship, to public occasions, and to the home circle, all of which will be of a practical character, and such as oan be sung by perrons of ordinary musical attainments. In the editorial department of the Review aro engaged (in addition to Mr Cady, the former editor) gentle men of the highest talent and ripest musioal experi ence. atnong whom are George F. Root, William B. Bradburr, Thomas Hastings, and Lowell Mason; and its circle of correspondence, home and foreign, is complete. Tho Review will also be a rogular me diuin for the announcement of new musioaj publica tions by all the leading publishing houses in the Union. The subscription list of this paper is now larger than that of any similar journal in the world, and the new arrangements, rendering it the cheapest as well* as (it U hoped) the most valuable musical paper ever published, must largely Increase its al ready unp*rallelod circulation. Terms. ? One dollar per annum, or six copies for fve dollars, always in advance. 0&" The musio alone in a volume would cost over five dollars in the usual form. Beside this, tnere will be an immense amount of musical news, essays, crit icism, instruction, Ac., all for only one dollar! Ev ery one feeling a particle of interest in the cause of music will surely subscribe. Specimen numbers sent on receipt of two letter postage stamps. Address. alwaysDost paid, MASON BK0THBR8, Dee. 22. K park Row, New York. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL C. STATES MAIL STEAMERS. TIIE ship' comprising this line are the following: The ATLANTIC, Capt West. Ths PACIFIC, Capt. Nye. The ARCTIC, Cape. Luce. The BALTIC. Capt. Comsteck. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Grafton. Tbftie rhipi have been built by oontraet expressly for Government seiviee; every rare has been taken in their con traction, as also le their engines, to ia ?ure strength and speed ; and their aceommodstions for passengers ars unequalled f>r elegance and eon fort. Price of passage fone New York to Liverpool, in first eattia, $129; ia second eehm. $70. Exclusive use of axfta rise state rooms, $300. From Liverpool te New York, ?30 and ?20. An experienced surgecn attached to each ship. No berthi can be secured until paid for. rftoroeip dates or sailing. 18M. 1841. From N*o York. From Liverpool. Saturday, November 28. Wednesday. Nov. SO. Saturday. December 10. Wedneeday, Dec 14 Saturday. December 24. Wednesday, Dec. 28. For freight or paaeage, apply to IDWARD IT. COLLINS A CO., No. M Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY, A CO., Liverpoo'. R. O. ROBERTS A CO., It Kings Arme Yard, Loaden. J. ML'NROK A CO., 28 Rue Notre Dame ?!?? Ylctoires, Paris geo h draper:, Havre. The owners of these sbips will not be uncountable for g.dd, silver, bullion, specie, Jewelry, precious stones, or meta'a, unless bills of Ceding are signod therefor, and the value thereof thersin expressed Jan. 7?d T. %. ARTHl'RI HOUR MAS A KINK, over JH)fl large, double-column octavo paces ., tphani0*, Matter in a year; ai*o. fioen 11 to 14 Steel Engravings, of a high order of sue] Unoe, besides from 160 to 200 Pine Wood Enxrav ??P- ' > All for $1.25, inattbt of Four Subscriber*/ TH1 CHEAPEST MONTHLY MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD No periodical in the United States hss been more generally or more warmly commended by the Pros* thjvn the " HOME MAGAZINE." The third volume, which begins in January, 1844 will contain a new moral Story, by Mr. ARTHUR of considerable length, entitled "The Angel of the Ronwheld." , ^7&r?"m*n numhrrt. They will be furnished free of charge. Ter**, in An vance, $2 a year. Four oopies, one year, $5. of club COpi*"' on* on# 10 ***ter up [T7"The Home M^aiine and Oodey'e Lady's Book sent one year for $3 50. Addreai, post-paid, T. 8 ARTHUR A CO., *m- "? J"7 Walnut street, Philadelp PROPOSALS for making I.OM.OO? of brick, for the Albany Manual Labor University, will be receiv ed until 20th March next Alio, proposal* for laying ap ths same, either In oonneetion with the making, or as * separate job, will be received until the 1st of Jftp. Proposals should be addressed te the under sig, ed, Lee Poet Office. Athens connty, Ohio. By order Ri. Board WM 8. L1WI8, See. Albany, January 2?, 18&4. WHITEIUVIRYI" *H? ?A*WEf ?*??" DY HON CHARLES SUMNEfc Wuhi??p?udi4 B illustrations bJ Bilttnfj ??gj*** Smith. It makes a beautiful l?mor?lum? of ebo? 140 rant, bound Id oloth, Ibin beards, printed moat elegant ??yl*. ?n tha baat paper. THE ARGUMBMT. Introduction. Territory of tha Barbery Butes rL? Subject and Source* of Information. ? VChigin of Slavery. Slnv*ry in tha Barbery SUUl IL History of Wkxu Slavery il Efforts against it-bv Feniinand the Oharlaa V, by England, by Franoe, by Holland, Free dom by RMUwipturn ; Fretdoui by Lonjmrmey,.Free dow by Etowe; White Amerioan Victims to Barb ry Parallel between White and Black Slavery; Tri amphant Abolition of White Slavery. III. True CJunocter of WktU Slu^ su Borbanr. Apologies for White Slavery; Happy Condition of tb? KKt.., Better off in Barbarj than at Home; Better off than the Free Christian* ln Barbaxy; Not ertheless, Unquestionable Enormity of White Slaver? March 81. Office National Em. THE AMERICAN SLAVE CODBf IN THEOR1 AMD PRACTICE. r'S Distinctive Features shown by it* Statutes, Jn dicial Decision*, and illustrative Faot^ By WU Ham GoodeH, author of the' Democracy of Christlait lty," "Slavery and Anti-Slavery, Ac. The work contains 430 page* 12mo, neatly bound in ?lothPrios nrsr??"'j The following is an extract of a letter from Hob William Jay to tha author: 41 Your analysis of the slave laws Is very able, and your exhibition of their practical appHoation by_th? Southern courts evinces great and Your book is as impregnable against tha charge ol exaggeration as Euclid's Geometry, slnoe, like the ; it oonsists of propositions and demonstrations. Th? I book is not only true, but it is umrneetutnobly true. WATCHES. FULL Jewelled Gold Lever Watches, 18 karat casos, only $30 j Gold hunting levers, $40; Full jewelled silver levers, $14; 811vcr hunting lovers, $18; Silver Lepincs, jewelled, $? j Gold guard chain*, $12 i Gold pencils,i.50; Gold pons, silver holders, $1. Watches orjCwolrj sent by mail to any part of the United Statos with perfect safoty. All orders must j b. awomputad -iU. th. ^IBA?SjKSrP" ' No. 202 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. vry~ These arc the cheapest watches in the United States, and warranted. Jan. 28?3m THE GREAT BRITISH QUARTERLIES AND BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Important Reduction in the Rates of Postage / T EONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 64 Gold street I a Ntw York, continue to publish the fcwuwinf British Periodicals, vis: . ^ , The London Quarterly Review (Conservative. The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) , 4 The North British Review (Freo Churoh.) The Westminster Review (Liberal.) Blaokwood'a Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) | These Reprinis have now been in successful opera tion in this country for twenty yeafs, and their cirou latioa is constantly on tho Increase, notwithstanding the competition they encounter from American peri odioals of a similar class, and of numerous Eclectic. and Magasines made up of selections from foreign pa riodicftls. This fact shows clearly tha high estiinatiot in which they are held by the intelligent ro&dinf, public, and affords a guarantee that they are estab (ished on a ftrm basis, and will be oontinued withou interruption. Although thee* works are distinguished by the po litical shades above indicated, yet but a small portiot of their contents is devoted to political subieets. II is their literary character whioh gives them their chiei value, and in that they stand confessedly far abon all other journals of their class. Blackwood, still un der the masterly guidance of Christopher North, main tains its ancient oelebrity, and is at this time unusu ally attractive, from tha serial works of Bulwer and other literary notables, written for that Magazine, and ftrst appearing in its columns both in Groat Britaix and in the United States. Such works as " The Cax tons" and " My New Novel," both by Bulwer; " Mj Peninsular Medal," "The Green Hand," and other serials, of which numerous rival editions are issued b} the loading publishers in this country, have to be re printed by those publishers from the pages of Black wood, after it has been issued by Meter*. Scut \ Ce. so that subscribers to the Reprint of that Magaiint may always rely upon having the earliest reading of th .so fascinating tales. TERMS. Per an For any one of the three Reviews * $1 For any two J For any three For all four of the Reviews i ... k For Blackwood's Magaaine I For Blackwood and three Reviews ... 4 For Blackwood and the four Reviews ? ? 1( For Farmers Guide, complete, 22 numbers - i CbUBBiNe. ? A discount of 2ft percent, from th< above prioes will be allowed to club* ordering foot or more copies of any one or more of the above works Thus: four copies of Blackwood or one Review wil be sent to one address for $0, four eopies of the foui Reviews and Blackwood for $30, and so on. POSTAGE To any part of the United 8tat*s on Blackwood, S< cents per annum; on either of the Reviews, 14 cents Remittances and communications should be aiway> addressed, post paid, to the publish*!-*, LEONARD SCOTT A CO., 70 Fulton at, N. Y, Entrance, M Gold street H. B.?L. S. A Co. have recently published, and hav? now for sale, the Farmer'* Guide, by Henry Stephens of Edinburgh, and Professor Noston, of Yale College New Haven, complete in two volumes, royal octavo containing 1,6041 pages, 14 steel and B00 wood engra rings. Price, in muslin binding, $6; in paper coven for the mail. $A Sep. 29. NEW YORE RECORDER. Tenlii Velnni* enlarged, la rjunrto form. The largeet RaptUi aewtpaper In the werM. Price, In advance, br mail, t'J; br carrier*. tJ JO. lather P. Beech rr k Co., Proprietor*, 128 Naeoaii ?treet, Hew I erk IN the determination to make their journal a com plete repository of general and denominational religious intelligence, and of the news of the dny, as well as the earnest advocate of sound Christian doe trine and social progress, tbe proprietors will summon fbr these ends every available ffceility whether edi torial, or la the way of contributors and correspond ents. They have engaged able writers at homo, and their correspondence from England and Continental Europe, from Asia and every part of America, they believe to be unsurpassed. By furnishing a paper of the highest grade, from this great commercial centre, they hope to increase the paironagc with which they sre alresdv favored from every section of the United States and tbe neighboring British Provinces. The tenth volume commenced March 29. Sub scriptions ars solicited, and the present is suggested ss the best time for forwarding names, with payments accompanying. 1*. F. BEECllBR. April 14?4tdw . S. 8. CCTTING. THE INDUSTRIOUS POOR CAN now bay, for $1. in a nice votum*, all ths following Arts. Receipts, and Discover!**, vis: Dow's 7(1, Weston's 66, Bowman's 33, Cook's, Holt's, Bishop's, Shipman'a, and 80 others, which I have gone to the expense of purchasing and printing, for the benefit of those wishing *tn, loyinent. Ob* of these receipts alone cost me $10, and other* have been advertised a* yielding $6 and $12 per day, and from 600 to 1,000 per cent Addross, post paid, M. /Tcook, Marsh 18?4tw Crawfordsvill*, Indiana. AXfHO.1T LAKF, STOCK and Eiohsnge Broker, M Wall street, New York, a member of th* New York Stoek Ei change Board, will purchase and soil on omniissioB (of a quarter of on* per cent) Government and State Stocks, Railroad and Bank Stocks, Railroad Bonds, and all other securities usually sold at the Board. Orders from abroad solicited. Referenced--L> K.hV etts, Cashier Union Bank : W. T. Hooker. Cashier Continental Bank; Arthur Tap pan, K*f[., Hew York. Jan. 10. A CIIA1CK FOR THE MILLION! $50 to *1?0 per Month CAN b* easily made in selling the r<rpvlar BooLt published by Miller, Orton, A Mull g*ni ?J??**" sors to Derby A Miller, Anburn, and Derby, Ortou, * Mnlllean, Buffalo. , At no previous time has the demand for Good nooks beon so active as at pr**ent 1 be great mssse* of we Poopl*. who want and will have lh*m, are not within the reach of the Local Books'or**, and ili has become a well ascertained fact, that of th* Publications o merit ard r*al utility. fro? tiro* to Um* issuing from th* American Pnrss, a larg* proportion must b* sffld by Book Afrent*. Colporteur*, and Canvastert, or not frt Hill. To all who are d*flroas to aid! n th* dissemination of a p?r* and Whol**o?e Literature, end non* other, wa offer great inducements to engage in th* *el* of our Popular Books for th* Peopf*. W* publish (lud Book*, frell priMtd, and strongly hound, and which sell readily wherever offered. <' Catalogu** of our Pablications, containing fell par Publisher* of Popular Books, April 1?44 Aabum and Buffalo, New York. TIME umi FIlrOHIM. ( A Monthly Journal for Girl* awl Hoys editkd ?v oraox o***?wood. A PAPER. ttiwUr the tbor* title, will he publish ed Philadelphia on the tret day of Ootober next In mm end nMT*>l okvuter, this publication will rtitmHr Mr*. Mtrguit L. Bailey's lately discontinued Ft tend Youth, the plaoe of whioh it U designed U SVLTl?PI?0^^"^b* nrniYmm nbw book me imk iiotf DAYS. 20.000 ordered in Advante of Publication ' Will be rtmii Mooter, ath> Little f e r n s for fanny s little FRIENDS By the author of " Ferfl Leaves. One efejlnt iemoi 300 page,; si* Wustrertons. Price 76 cents. The same, gilt edge, $1. Copies sent by mail, poet paid, on rtcoipt <f p ^1ibl,DERB^r A MILLER, Auhurn. N | DERBY, ORTON, A MULLIGAN, Buffalo. For sale by all Booksellers throughout the l nitea States and Canada*. EStJt?1 rVBUIMKM' iNNOD rt?EM KN1 '? I* ELEVENTH VOLUME OF THE AMERICAN AGMCULTURIST THK Lit*PINO 1 Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Country. rpHB AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, a weekly X Periodioal of sixteen large quarto papon, maViug an annual volume of 832 page* of newly doublo the sise of thoie in the first ten volumes of the Agricul It to beautifully printed with type cast expressly for it, and oti the best of dear white paper, with wide margin, ?o that the numbers oan be easily stitched ?rA?copiouf Index is weekly added, which will be faU^ampllfled at the *nd of the year, for the hound Comprehensive in its Character, Each volume will contain all matter worth record ing, whioh transpires either at home or abroad, and which oan serve to instruct or interest the Farmer, the Planter, the Fruit-Grovrer, tho Gardener, and the Stook-Breeder; thus making it the inoSt com plete and useful Agricultural Publication of the dny. Correct and valuable Market Rej rt*. The Markets will he carefully reporibd, g. >A' ^* actual transactions which take place froui *> IVt* week, in Grain, Provisions, Cattle, Ac. ; thuw*?*ep ing our readers constantly and reliably advised as to their interests. During the past year, the knowledge obtained from these Market Reports alone has saved our readers thousands of dollars, by infornnng thew of the best time to sell or purchase. Such a Paper is demanded by the I'arming Community. The publishers confidently believe that 'he -ifl* cuiturists of this country are becoming too much awake to the demands of their own calMngto be longer satisfied with the slow monthly issues ol a pa per professedly devoted to their interests, or to trust alone to the irresponsible extracts in a''farmers column," so popular lust now in papers chiefly devo tod to business, politios, or literature; and they look for the united support of all the intelligent farmers of this country in their continued effort to furnish a weekly paper of a high and reliable character, wlnen ?hall be progressive, and at the same time cautious and conservative in all its teachings. , Essentially an Agricultural Paper. The Agriculturist will not depart from its legiti mate sphere to oatch popular favor by lumbering vp its-pages, with the silly, fictitious lit'- .iture, and light, miscellaneous matter of the day j it has a higr i er aim; and a small part only of Its space will be I devoted to matters not immediately pertaining to the great business of Agriculture. The household as well as the out-door work of the farm will r ?.ive a due share of attention. The humbugs anu r , *umi afloat in the community will be tried hy relu ^ sci entific rules, and their worthleesnoss exposed. i? the aim of the publishers to keep tats papei *ler the guidance of those who will make it a standard work, which shall communicate to Its reader# only that which is safe and reliable. An Independent Journal. The iloMTuun Agriculturist stands upon its own merits; and the truthfulness, teal, and ability, whioh it brings to the support of the interests of the farmer. It is untrammeled by any collateral busi ness connections whatever: nor is it the organ of any clique, or the puffing machire of any nan or thing. Thoroughly independent in all points, its ample pa ges are studiously given alone to the support and im provement of the great agricultural class. Editorial Department. The Amnrictut Agriculturist is under the editorial supervision of Mr. A. B. Allen, its principal editor for the past ten years, and Mr. Orange Judd, A. M., a thoroughly practical farmer awi agricultuf^ chemist. Ttkey will be assisted hy Prof. Na$H, who has been for a long time one of the most successful farmers of Nvw England, and Is now Agricultural Professor of Amherst College; Rev. Win. Clift, wliUJy known as a pleasing and instructive writer on gardening and other departments of practical agriculture, and, in addition to these, a number of other et.Wnt agri cultural writers. All the editors axe men practically experienced in their profession, each of whom oan ha:tdle the Plow as well as the Pen. t The Cheapest Paper tn the country, oj its char? acttr. The American Agriculturist Is supplied to regular subscribers at acost of less than four cents a number, of sixteen large pages; and to large clubs for less than two and a halt cents Each number will contain suggestions for ths treatment of soils, manuea, crops, stock, Ac , whioh will often be worth to the readeT more than the cost of the paper for a yea?. Specimen Copies. Specimen copies will be forwarded, gratis, to any one sending their name and post oflice address to the publishers. .. . Teams, Ae ?The paper will be promptly Issued on Wednesday of each week, and mailed to subscribes on th? following liberal terms; To single subscribers, at $2 a year?-$2. To clubs of three subscribers, at $1.67 a year?$?. To elube of fire subscribers, at $1.60 a year?$8. To clubs of ten subscribers, at $1 60 a year?$16. To clubs of twenty subscribers, at $1.26 a year? $26 v - The money always to accompany the names for which the paper is ordered. , , . The Postmaster or other person sendinp a elub of ten will be entitled to one eatra copy gratis. The Postmaster or other person sending a club of twenty or more, will be presented with an extra copy, and e'?" a copy of the National Magasine, Scientific American. Weekly Tribune, or Weekly Times, or any other paper or periodical in this city, aotcosti ig over two dollars per annum. Subscriptions may be forwardod hy mail, at the risk afthe nel.lishers, If enclosed and mailed in the presence ot the Postmaster. , $jr Communications for the paper should be ad dressed to the editors ; subscriptions, advertisements, and all matters relating to the busisees department should be addressed to the publishers. ALLKN A CO.. Dm. 22 18? Wster street, New Yerk FAKM FOR SALE. WILL be sold at private sale, that well-known Farm lying on Seventh street Plank Road, 1a Montgomery oounty, Maryland, about nght miles from Washington city, containing 272* acres, more or less; abont 100 in meadow, 100 in wood, and the balanco (172|) in cleared fields The Farm can be divided into several, giving a fhir proration of wood and meadow land to oaet. The whole Farm is well watered, several nerer-Wling stream, passing through it. The fencing U I ?< there to a large quantity of chestnut timber in the woods, suit able lor a further division of the JMds. In point of hea-th, beauty, and location, it is not surpassed by any farm in the State of Maryland It has always been remarkable for its beauty. The dwelling eontain* eigfl rooms, kitchen, pantry, Ac., garret, cellars. Ac., all surrounded by a neat paling, with a pump of good */ater in the yard: barn, ste ble, and other out houses; good soring-hous*, with a never failing spring of delightfully cool rater at taehed . Servants' quarters for as many hands as weald sver be necessary on the Farm. A good apple orchard, and some excellent peeen ^C^e&nitw of the very best character, produce from the Farm and manures from tfceOtty can be hauled at any and all seasons of the year. This property will he sold C.?T?L cheaper than anv other property on the road be tweeSTt and the city. With an ordinary hone, it it not more than aa hour's drive th the Any communications addressed to CHARLES V 0OHDO1I, Washington, D. C., wil^reeeWe j?iteu tien. - - ? i '.i ?TAA AM? A*AWW?tll?f CiSDLtt, AMD LARD OIL. L BARD OIL of the teest quality, In good^ shlpptns order. Star anu AdamsatineOaadles, ful weight, 16 ounces t? the ponnd Thdse eandies are -?*TO8HUSS%? on -4 Mareh $4. Candle Manufoetfrer, Cincinnati, O