Newspaper Page Text
II ' i M) If v ti0al gmMumi. ft.'i'i TUB DAILY !f ATIOWAZ. nEPCDLICAN I published erery morning (Sundays excepted) by W. J. Mimnan Co., and Is furnished to city subscribers (by crrlcr) at 88 cent! per 'Month. f ,i, Mall subscribers, f 3.60 per annum) 13 for -!," six months, and $1 for three months, lnvarla. My In advance. ' Single copies, SI tents. ' THE NEWS. a -' , THJS PROCLAMATION. Onr information Is, that the Cabinet Is a unit InfsTor'of adherence totho proclamation , of September 23, with tho 'possible exception v, of L the rVMtmaster General, and we do not know but that ho also may hare given up lib objections 'to It. ''-The Secretary of Bute aid Tre mention hta 'particularly beeiuno a dlU'r- ent Impression has prevailed to some extent f la for the measure. " The President himself has, we fully believe, "put his 'foot down," to uso one of h's own plain and Vigorous expressions, and will not budge. It one Inch. The threats of lordcr State politicians, and the hypocritical com pllroenta and cajoling, of Northern Demo crate, will equally fall to more his determi nation. , PROM THE FRONT. CJ.ia. Sickles Marina; to Rappahannock 'Hlattati General flla;el Iooklnff After -Taekson. Special Dispatch to the star. mMANAwus Junction, Nor. 9. It Is under, Vtdod here that a considerable portion of Gen. SigeVa force have moved from their late posi tions In frint of us along the line of the Manas sas railroad.' I take It or granted that Its mis sion Is to attend especially to the possible move ments of Jackson, who Is believed to be still hi thfYalley.Vi Gen. Sickles Is on the i ay, to-day, to Rappa hannock station, with sufficient Infantry and artillery to iiold the Important bridge there, past peradventure, with the assistance of Bay ard's cavalry, who Jiavo had It in possession, uninjured, (though requiring strengthening to bear our Immense army trains,) for rwe nty-four hours past. Major General Burnslde, I believe, continues his headquarters at Warrenton for the time being. NKWK PROM IlKINTZrcr.MAN'S colli"!. Important Capture of Rebel Agents and ajplca8etimre of Rtippllts for llie lie. belsl 4bc, Capt. It. T, Dunham and Lieut. Harm ell, of Gen. Banks staJTi were sent by Gen. Ilclntzcl man tb the month of the Potomac to arrest (cr isis parties for smuggling goods Into Virginia and harboring rebels. They had with them a sqrtadron of cavalry, about seventy, com manded by Capt. N. D. Menken. The route of the party was along tlio Tom mac on tho Maryland shore. The force cap tured Capt, Dent, who waa formerly connected with the Southern army, and also a Mr. Bate iinan, who had carried contraband malls Into rebddom. A considerable quantity of" tho rebel mall was found with him. Another person, who had smuggled goods, was captured with them at the same time. The cavalry prosecuted thelrscarchtoChaptl icomb, where they took Mr.C. O. Spaoldlng, w ho had a lot of boxes ilreadypaeked'ilp, marked O, K., nnc)Wdcntlyjdeelgned for tho rebels, lie also hal some rebel money In hls drawers. The order tin which the goods Were brought to their position, was addressed to Dr. Randolph White, from a Mr, Samuels. Tho goods con. slstcd of boots, shoes, dry goods and drugs. 'After1 placing Mr, S. nnJcr guard,, tho force proceeded tn Lconardstown, and arrested one of the richest men there, the hro'lher'oY the prisoner, Mr. Bpauldtng. In the latter, Mr.'SjMUiaioR'a safe, with two thousand dollars In Southern funds, w ere found, ' for which gcds'had,audoubtedry been sold to i Southern parties. Goods for an nnknown des tination were discovered In his store, packed up in small bnndlcsj The parties were brought to this city, and placed on their parole by General Wadaworth. In obedlenco totho conditions of their parole, they appeared before the Provost Marshal yea. terday, and were released, the Seccah money taken from one being retained uy the Govern ment, and 1300 fine Inflicted upon tyr. C. C. Bpauldlng. Much surprise is expressed here at the light punishment inflicted upon these guilt) parties by tho Provost Marshal, here, who Is usually so severe upon offenders. WjjA. Cn . .Yea York ITeraU. bATSinOM TIIK WKHT. Tbr llctifl Attack upon Nal. 111. Gru. Jotf tli ICJoliustou A.Hute(l to tli Rebel Command lu the Weal Louisville, Nov. 10 There hud been no as sault on Nashville up tn Friday evening. No tUln had been heard of Gen. Polk, On Wednesday night, tho rebel pickets ap peared tn Marfreesboro, McMlnnvlllc, and Franklin pike and commenced skirmishing. Klght hundred of Stokes caalry charged upon Utarnt cavalry and diovo them within flq Wilts of Frankjln. Meanwhile, a rebel force. Mipposed to be Morgan', made n dash on the new railroad bridge north of Nash, 111c, but were repulsed with fearful loss. In the various skirmishes one man u as killed, thirteen wounded and three missing. McCook's advance reached Xashvlllo ou the afternoon of tho Oth Instant. It is reported that the rebels hao evacuated Murfroesboro and McMlnnvlllc, and gone to Chattanooga. Also, that Gen. Joseph E John tit on had arris ed at Chattanooga and awumed the command of tho Department of Tcnnsssec ami North Alabama. Breckinridge Is in command at Chattanooga. Xcscrters -Tom tho rebel army Buy that Bragg was compelled to destroy most of the propcrt) ctpturcd by his forces In Kentucky to prnent Its falling into Buell's hands. lT Major Gen. Hooker has been assigned lo the command of the army corps heretofore commanded by General Fltz John Porter, who ban been ordered to Washington to stand hln trial upon the charges preferred against htm h) General Pope, for misconduct at the battle of Bull Run, Naval. Acting Assistant Pa) master D F Quiutard has been ordered to tho steamer Com modore McDonough, W. II. Campbell, of Waterloo u, bus been appointed assistant Burgeon tn the ntj A Uruukru Lltittruaal. J.Uut. O, W. Watson, of the Becoud Pcunsyl ranli Cavalry, came to the city jearerday, with wagons, on quartermaster's business, and got drunk. IIo it as arrested by the provost guard und sent to tho Contra! guardhouse. Such an ofllcer'a commission should be short-lived. Wmk ftoKonol HcpttWkttti VOL. II. BY lTELEGRAPH. The Draft In Wliconalii. Mit iVACKee, (Wis.,) Nov. 1GV-Tho draft in this State, which commenced to-day, In some lrvalltle passed of! quietly and la order, but In Ogakeo county the lists were seized by a mob and destroyed, and the commission sre severely handed. They fled to thla city. In Milwaukee city there were stroig Indlca tlohs of trouble, complaints being made that Injustice had been done In some of the wards, In not giving proper credit for volunteers. A crowd of Ninth warders asscrr-.Med and marched thiough the city, olho np.nbcr of three or four hundred, In pretension. The result of the mat ter was, the draft has been postponed for the present. Ttie Draft lu Pennsylvania. IIahrisdleo, Not. 10. Tho difficulty among tho drafted men, which threatened serious re sults, hss been satisfactorily adjusted. Tho late order of tho War Department, pre venting them from organizing Into companies and regiments, according to the laws of tho State, has been revoked. Thousands are now returning to the various commands. They had cither deserted or refused to assemble, while under tho Impression they were to bo forced Into old regiments and required to serve for a longer time than that Tor which they were drafted. Political Merlins; In New York. Nsw York, Nov. 10. Salutes In honor of the Democratic triumph In this Stale wero Oml to-daj., ,, Tlicro was a mass meeting of tho Democrats In tfnfon Halt to-night. Messrs. O'Gorman and Van llurcn were tho speakers. Whenever McClellana name was mentioned, It was hailed with tremendous cheering. Tho hall was bril liantly Ulnmlnaled, and a fine band of music was In attendance. From Couneetlriit, DBcnT, Conv., Nov. 10 The Union tick ct prevailed In the town election to-day. Norwalk, Cons., Nov. 10. A salute In hon or of General llutnsldo was fired hero to-day. Also, one In honor of tho recent Democratic lttorlcs. Sleamera Bulled. Bostov, Not. 10. Tho steamcrs'Saxon, Ma tanzas and Mississippi, with Massachusects IroojM, sailed for Beaufort to-da). Flu.uel.l. New York, November 10. Jpo bank state ment shows a decrease of loans of $14,766, lu create of specie, $814,333 decrease of circula tion, $11,447 decrease of deposits, $1,475,1113. A Hoax. New York, No ember 10. Tho recently re ported challenge from Castlus M. Clay to D. C. Blrdsall, proves to be a hoax. jookluyftar Siu Alabama. New York, November 10. Tho steamship Vanderbllt'goes to sea'to-nlght, Insearchof tho pirate Alabama. Til Draft In New York. Nfw Youk, November 10. It Is now stated that tho draft In this city n 111 take place between this date and tho twentieth ln6tant. Front l?orl Iloyal. New York. Noi ember 10. The irnr.bnat Sumter has arrived from l'ortltoyal. Flrr at llartforil. IliKTFonij, Conn., November 10. Belden'a gin distillery at Llntburg has been destroyed hj fire. Lobs, I J5.000, no Insurance. Mlchl(au Klcetlou. Detroit, Nov. 10 Keturna from the upper peninsula place tho election of John F. Drlggs (Republican) to Congress, from the With dis trict, bCondu doubt. The "Stah" on McClellin. Tho .Star's dc fence of General MeClellan may bo tcry com. pllraeutory lo that ottlccr,"but it Is not so to certain high functionaries here. Tho Mar saSt "Ills subsequent mowments clearly demon strato the fact that however his proverbial rcll cenco may havo Induced him to keeD the secret of his plans In his own heart, (for fear that If auy one nere Knew mem tney mlglit possibly uiiiu iu iiiuivnonicageoi ioocncmy,";(XC.,iXc. Docs tho Slat mean to lntlinatethat the Presi dent, Gen. Ilallick, thp Btcrctarj of War, or other members of the Cublnct, would have be- tratcd Qcn. McClcllan's "plans," If he had not kept thcin locked up In his own breast ? Or, If this Is not Intended as a sweeping chargo against tho whole Administration, ought not tho itar to have specified the part) through whom It sup poses our secrets mlirht leak out to the cuemj 1 PERsoNil . Col. Ednard II. Castle, so well known lu thoearly part of tho war, In connec tlon with tho management of tho military rail roads of Missouri, has returned to Washington, after a Journey to the North, during which he has lsltcd his early and life-long friends, with th4 chief object of conferring with them In ref erence to their earnest support of tho President In tho great crisis which Is pressing upon the country. Col. Castlo took a i cry active part lu tho elevation of Judgo Douglas, having al wajs been on terms of tho greatest Intimacy with lilin A Kkiend in NiEn It la not often that we attempt to pnlf any br tho thousand and one patent medicine nostrums of the day and we are not going to do It now, but simply to state what we 1 now from actual trial, and Icavo the reader to do tho pulling. During tho forepart of tho present w Inter, wo wero sorely afflicted with a pain in the right shoulder eaused, we suppopc, by former strain In working a hand printing prcua. Ithecame so badthat wecould bleep but Utile at night, and villi) difficulty get our coat on or oil, Wo used vuilous so-called remedies, but they neio no remedies to our tioublcsomo shoulder. At last we tried a bot tle of Sweet's Infallible Liniment, and after three applications, the pain almost entirely left and In u few dajsourahouldernas as freefrom pain as II cur wan. futtfjttUti (IV.) H'afrA- miin. bEE a woman lu another io)unm picking bambini l.ruj es, for Spur's Wine. It is au admirable urlkli, usid lu hospitals, and by the first fumltlcs lu Vjrls, London and New York, lu preference to old Port Wine. It Is worth a , trlul, a It glvis. great tatlslactlou. tf WASHINGTON, NKWSj STJMSIAIIY. Gen. Lee Is ssld to said to have escaped, and It Is reported that his main force Is at Gordons vllle. "- The story thst Bragg Is at Oordonsvlllo and Is movlog therefrom with a large force Is very likely a canard. Major General N. P. Banks Is In town, and has rooms at Wlllards. It seems now to be admitted that Hon. Owen Lovejoy Is re-elected to Congress from Illinois. Tho reported capture of 3,000 rebels at Ply mouth, N. C, la now doubted. The rebels have evacuated Rappahannock Station. It was taken possession of by our forces on Friday last. Tho rebels attempted afterwards to dislodge ns, but were not able. They wero repulsed by our artillery. Rev. Dr. Berrien, rector of Trinity Church, New York, died on Saturday evening at his res ldcnco In Vartck street. Ills ago was 73. It Is said that tome members of tho press In New York attempted to pump Lord Lyons on his arrival In that city. It was no go. Ills Lordship was mum. They could get nothing from tho noble Lord respecting that request of his Government to Mr. Seward, for au armis tice Thomas Collyer, a well known ship-bulkier In New Yotk, died at his residence at Sing Sing, on Friday evening. It Is now declared that Nashville Is safe. Gen. McCook Is now thcro in full force. The Philadelphia Inquirer has a calm and well considered article on the removal of Gen. MeClellan. It Is In striking contrast to that of tho Sunday Tranicrtpt of that city. Gen. Wadsworth left this city )elerdaj, for tho front. Gen. Hooker was at Wlllards' last evening. Rumor has It that he Is to bo restored to his old command. Wo learn that MaJ. Gen. David Hunter has been appointed to tho command of an Important military expedition now being prepared for op erations against tho rebels. Its destination Is, of course, a secret. ThoNewbcrn Progrm, of Urn 1st Instant, Is received. It contains no alluslou to auy recent expedition. In relation to tho statement that tho rebels at Wilmington wero arming negroes to fight against tho Union troops, the Profptim saysi "We havo learned direct from Wilming ton, and through what Is dicnxd a rtllablo source, that such Is not the fact. Tho dlstrmt of the negro Is so great thit they dare not trust them with arms.v' The Richmond Ihtpalch saja that Gen. Beau regard has presented to Qcn. Jackson a splen did silver mounted pistol, of n new pattern, mado In Paris expressly for Jackson. It Is a revolver, navy size, constructed to thron balls as a cannon throws grapeshot. With this formi dable weapon an officer hard pressed lu action might destroy a half a dozen enemies at a "In gle, discharge. Ap appropriate Inscription Js engravod on tho sliver plating. Mrs, Lincoln nrrlt cd In Boston on Pi Ida i list. and took rooms at tho Parker house. Tho New York IftraUl does not nialo much fuss about the removal of MeClellan, It has Us usual amount of slang against those whom It Calls abolitionist; and Jacobins, prescn lng Its wonted pretended regard for tho President. Tlits It will maintain, till It suits Us purpose lo ntViW AlT It a ftiBtnilan Btiil nllnn Inu.nL tl.n president Its real feelings and sentiments. The Voter; or New York Asldo from the fact that one hundred thousand soldiers' rotes wero lost In tho recent election, It should al- waya be, borne In mind that the cities nf New York, Brooklyn, and Albany eat nearly furtr ttunuaml mojortty for tho Democrats. Leaving out these cities, whose votes are Influenced moro by rum and national prejudices than b) polltl. eal sentiments, the Republican majority In the rural counties, In the thriving villages mid small but enlightened cities Is about thirty lion land, c en without the soldiers' votes I Iu this light New York stands side by sldo with Massa chusetts. All (six) of the Republican members to Con gress are elected from Iowa. Iu all tho general hospitals of the United Btatca thero aro now BB.310 sick ond wounded soldiers. Of these 11,080 aro In tho department of tho West, and 17,514 In tho cities of Wash ington and Georgetown, Alexandria aud W chiltj. The rest aro In tho various hospitals throughout tho Atlantic and Gulf Sulci. In New Orleans thero are at present 5,000 pjllcms. The hospital for officers at Cammack Woods, Philadelphia, Is now ready to receive patients. Tho sick and wounded who now occupy tents at Smoketown, Keedjsvllle, and the vicinity of the battle giound of Sharpsburg, are to bo re moved to Washington and Eastern hospitals as fast as they aro com alesccnt. Ford's Theatre. Wo witnessed, for a short tlmo last ovenlng, Mr. Couldock's personation of Luke Fielding. Unas a capital perform anco, and what w o expected from this excellent actor. Miss Couldock appeared as Rosa FIcldlug, and the scene between her father and herself, In reading the letter of exposuro, was moht touching, life-like, and affecting. Mr, Couldock will bo deservedly popular In Washington. CouimualLated The Actor Irfiralu. Mr. Editor i I somo car3 since witnessed the performance of the part of the priest In tho play entitled, The La6t Days of Pompeii, by Mr. Loralno, and deemed It tho finest lmporson atlon of the character ever executed In this countr). I also regarded Mr. Iorain us it rls lug man In hla profession, and such, I believe, was the gcueral linpiesslou luneemlng him, at least bj competent J udgi a Tomuiliofthoforce and declamatory powers of Mr Foirc.t, he united qualities of uctlou and i xpreHslon, nut generally conceded to the Unci ciru t tils friends. Mr. Lorain was then, some the ears ago, a new man on the stage, and had not ei got tho run of tho crowd Can It bo possible, that disgusted with his profession or lacking the peraeveranco, he has oluourih surren dered tho palm Of cxccllenro which awaited him. Will uotsomeof tho theatrical managers oi tnia city look nilir Mr I nraln 1 MAHIUKD, On Thursday, October 28, bj Itev. in. J. Mann, Mr. John W. BonNETT, of Manchester, Virginia, to Miss Therfsa K. Bosshart, ol Philadelphia, Pa. May bapplnessattendthem, D. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 18G2. LOCAL NEWS. Amusements. OaotEK'a Theatre Lucille U csterk Oft wr TVui This evtnlnx we are to hs Mlis Wes tern In her great chsrseler of Naney Sykes, In the drainstlistlonofChsrles Dleksns' treat novel, en titled "Oilier Twin." As the besotted, lanoraat, and unfortunate London wanderer, ML. Western U said to hai e but few equals and no superiors She will be supported hi the entire comnani Mr. L. P. Barrett as Fsgln, the Jew Mr. Setchell ss Bumblei Mr. Barron as Bill tykes, and Mlis Sophie Glmberas Oilier Twl.t AtOroier's thestie, to- nignt. Fomi'sTheatbe Mr. and Miss Couldock nisde their first appearance her. last night, before a crowded audience the former for the first time la scleral years, and the latter for the first time, In fact. The play was Bourelcault'a alagulsrly touch ing domestic drama of "The Willow Cepst," t lected, we presume, for the purpose of presenting inr. louiaocK in tno ensraeter or Luke FlrMlng, the touchstone of Ms rrnlus In America, and en effort of reeognllcd power and excellence. HI pcraona- uon oi me sierni) nonest ol yeomsn, last night, wss full) up tohlsbillllsnt reputation Is a most remarkable one In Its sterling merits, and created a profound aeniatlon last night. The piece alao Introduced, for the first time to ourpople, Mils CouIJock, who, as Rose Fielding, seconded her father with exceeding grace and with approied abllm. The mechanical accessories were cspttsl. and the mlis en icent perfect Nixon's WASiiiaovoN Theatre Tht Frtnctt Spy This cieninr, the besutlful Cuhss will appear as the French Spj , a character In which she hss no superior. The performsnee will conclude with Brougham's burlesque of "Pocahontas" Miss Fan nie Brown as the gentle ssi age, and F s chsnfrsu as Powhatan Nixon's Cremorke Garden Clares To-nlirht. the sublime spectacle of the Meeting of the Kings of Fnglandnnd Frame, at Taints, on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, n 111 be produced at the Cremorne, under the Immediate auspices of James M. Nixon lu it, a fine regal procession will be etien. the sports of ancient times Introduced, the glorious strlfraofthe tournament depicted, and a realcar nlial represented The blooded horses, richly ca parlsoned,and the knlghts-combataot,cladln heat y armor, it 111 present a brilliant scene The arenle performances will not be abridge! Baton Stone, ur james L inaier, the whole troupe, and the comic mutes, being Incorporated In the programme. On Wednesday night, Pror Haller, an expert In de lualro tricks and cunning manipulations a second Hamburger, In fact will appear la tnnlunctlon with the other specialities that mark the superior ity onne uremorne Canterbury Those who desire to see the pop ular faiorlte, Julia Mortimer, la one of her best characters, should not rail to see her as Uzette, la the "sw Iss Cottage " The beautiful danseuse, Miss Kate renuoyer, will also appear to-night and the awect strains of the Scottish nightingale, Miss Ag nes Houioerisnu, will be an important feature of the evening's performance The programme offered la a most tempting one, and wui embrace the entire corps of talented artistes, In beautiful and tery enienaiBingacTs Cit Councils. Monda), Nov. 10, 1863. Hoard of Aldermen Tho Chair presented the petition of J. M. Nixon, that his circus tent may remain when) it Is until after tho adjourn ment of Congress. Laid on the table Mr. Rlcharda presented the petition of the Washington Literary Society, for tho use of a room In tho City Hall. Referred. Mr. Pepper presented tho petition of J. N. Rowland and others, In relation fb a pump. Referred. Mr. Pepper presented the petition of William Guntlng and others, In relation to the opening of South Capitol street. Referred. Mr. Sargent presented tho petition of E. L. Steicos.and others, relative to the laying of n footwaj from Third street to Maryland avenue. I aid on tho table. Mr. Clark presented tho petition of John , Ventz, for tho remission of a fine. Referred. Mr. Pepper presented a bill entitled "a bill for tho opening of South Capitol street." Re committed. Mr. Pepper Introduced a bill making an ap propriation for introducing gas Into tho western portion of the market-house. Passed. Mr. Sargent presented a joint resolution au thorizing tho purchase of fuel for the relief of tho poor of tho city of Washington. Passed. Mr. Pepper presented a bill entitled "A bill to grado and gravel Eighth street cast, from Pennsylvania avenuo to East Capitol street." Passed. Mr. Gordon presented a bill for tho relief of Wm. II. Lnsby & Bro. Referred. Tho Chair read tho following bills from the Board of Common Codncllt A bill for tho relief of Joseph VWilluc). Referred. A bill making an appropriation for the grav eling of tho court jardofthe Centre Market. Passed. A Joint resolution of Instruction to the Com mliteo to Attend to the Interests of the Cor poration before Congress. Referred. A bill for tho relief of James F. Larkln. Passed. A Joint resolution of Instruction to the Com mittee, on the Fire Department. Passed. Mr. Sargent presented a Joint resolution In relation to tho completion of tho pavement In Squaro 757. Passed. Mr. Brodhead presented a Joint resolution re questing tho Mayor to suspend the removal nf tno uremorno circus, rasscu. Adjourned. Common Council. Board met last night, as usual, Mr. Shepherd, the President, in the chair. Tho monthly report of the Inttndaul of the Asvlum was presented and referred. Tito Choir laid before the Board a communi cation from tho Mayor, transmitting his ap proval of certain acts. Tho special order, being tho bill to couitruct a centre building connecting tho two buildings In tho Centra Market, at Eighth street, being lu order. It was postponed for action later In tho evening. Mr. Cunlleld presented a petition lo lay a flag lootway along Maryland at cnue, between Sec ond and Third streets east. Referred. Tho bill to organize, tho flro department came down from the Board of Aldermen with sundry verbal amendments, which wero concurred In, and tho bill, as amended, passed. Mr. Wilson ollered a resolution, that tho Ma) oi bo authorized to repair and keep In order all tho fire-plugs along Pennsylvania uvenuo, provided tho consent of tho Commis sioner of Public Buildings bo obtained Mr. Gordon was In favor of tho repairs on these plugs, but ho did not w Ish tho corporation to shoulder tho expense. Ho thought It bo longed totho United States Government to keep these plugs in order, and hefatored a resolu tion rcque&tlng tho Commissioner of Public Buildings to do this work. The expenses ou l'ennsjliaulu ucuuo onco aturted b) us, and we ahull not 6ee the end of it. Mr. Wilson did not believe the Commissioner had pon er to do this w ork. o hai c lost thou aands of dollars by the ncirlcct of theso matters. and he wished to guard against fulure losses of u similar cuaracier. Mr Barr ottered au umcudmeut to the etlcct that the Commltloo of tho Flro Department be Instructed to call upon tho Commissioner of rumie uuuuiugs, ana call tils attention to tno eoudltion of the plugs on Pennsyltunlaacnue, and usk him to liaio them speedily repalied, and II ho has no fuuda under his control for that purpose, then tn ask permission for this illy to mukothoso repairs) aud If so, that the Major Is hereby authorized to repair tho same, and loi that purposo au appropriation of $VK) be luicbi. made. Mr. I'llla inoted to slrlko out the words ' Commissioner of Public BulldlUL,s" and hi nt ri "me secretary oi tno interior." i.oai. Tho bill as amended then passed. Tho order of tho day. tho bill to build an ud dltiou to tho Centre market, wai taken from tho 1JU1V. Mr. Ellis moved to strlko out the clause re quiring a superintending architect In tho eon. strnctlon of the bnllding. Carried. Mr. Gordon moved to postpone tho hill In definitely. Carried. Mr. Llovd. from the Commltt.n mi pl.ltn. made somo explanations In regard to the case of J. N. Fearson, and reported back the bill to rciunu certain rax money, with a recommenda tlon that It pass. Adopted. Mr. Mitchell offered a resolution that the Committee on Wharves examine the river front. SW.M Xf , VI.L.I. a .- ' a. v.i. ..1 biicvi u C1KUIU. AQOpiCU. Mr. Ranb moved to reconslderthevotonasseil a few weeks since, In relation to the petition of vuriaiupucr ioyie, tor permission to rmua an area In an alley. Carried. On ordering the bill to a third reading It was so ordered 7 to 0. On the third reading tho bill was lost 5 lo 8. Adjonrned. Paroled Rebels ix the Old Capitol. The following paroled rebel prisoners wore brought iu, jciciuay, ,rora oiciues'B ainsion, near hb. naaaas. They were found at Centrcvlllo and unantiiiy, and are now In tho Old Capltoli Dr. A, F. Hawbrlght, assistant surgeon, Thirty-eighth North Carolina. Sergeant Major O. 8. Tanslll, Seventh Vir ginia. Corporal 8. M. Tract, company A, Sixteenth North Carolina. W. C. Jones, II. L. Cook and Merritt Knight, Twenty-first Georgia. David Moore, comnanv E. Elcrhtpfntli Vnrih Carolina. ' Oeorge 11. Lourle, eompanj II, Sixteenth V Irglnla. J. H. Smith, comnanv 11. Twelfth rVinili far. ollna. J. M. Rhernhardt, company A, Sixteenth North Carolina. C. G. Woodev. romnanr ft. HlTippnth Ynrtli n it-- - ' ' iaruiiiin. J. R. Morrow, compauy I, Thlrty-founh North Carolina. J. W. Shehan, Thirty-fourth North Carolina. J. F. Landlno. cnmrianr A. Thtririlttlitli North Carolina. J. D. Ethcridce. coninanv K. Flriv.tlrst n-nr. la. ' ucorgo taUhrlpht, company E-Thirty-fourth North Carolina. A Nrw Place op Amcsemet. The build ing known as Gymnasium Hall, corner of Ninth street and Louisiana avenue, on Market Space, will, hy tho 33d Instant, bo converted into a splendid munlc hall, wlthuncw stage, new scenery, prhato boxes, beautifully furnish ed, orchestra chairs, arranged with every com fort, parquetto with covered seats, and a gallery that will command a full sight of tho stage. The hall, when complete, we are Informed, will seat fifteen hundred persons, and tho expense of tho alterations will be over (he thousand dollars. A merchant of this city has become the proprietor, and the hall will odcu SaturdAi e cnlng, 'h,M Instant, under the management of uiu .anioua pamomimisi, a m. ucrnanucz, who Is to present to the public a llrstclaes com pany of ballet dancers, pantomlmlsts, excellent gymnasts, tigut-ropo penormers, laughable burlesques, Ac., so that excellent performances may be looked for, and will, without a doubt, meet with marked favor by the pleasure seekers of Washington. Contracts fob Head Boards. Cant. Hartz. of tho Quartermaster's Department, awarded a contract ycsieraay, tor tne lurmsmng or y,uou head boards to bo placed at the graves of tho soldiers burled at tho Government burying ground near the Soldier's Home, from the arl ous hospitals In this city and vlclnltv. The contract was was given to Thomas B. Young, Hril.l1.4.lnl.l. .. Kill .. 1. STH-- 1....-T. are to bo of cood black walnut, four feet In length, ten Inches wide, and one aud three eighths Inches thick, with a flvo-eltrhth luch grovo across the top, and twenty Inches along mo aiue, ana to do aeuvcrca in Washington In In addition, these boards aro to be neutlv let tered with n hlto paint, giving tho name of the ueceosca, nis company, regiment, ana state, with date of death, so the friends of the deceas ed will havo no difficulty In finding the grave of the brave warrior, "who has slept his last sleep." Pardovs. The President Vspardoued from the penitentiary the following: John F. West, convicted at Juno term, 1853, of arson, and sentenced to twelve years Impris onment. Richard Maryman, couUcted at June term, 1860, of grand larceny, and sentenced to three years. John Woodcock, convicted March term, IW2, of larceny, and sentenced to two j ears. Daniel Barn, convicted of arson, March, IStJO, and sentenced to three years. The first had Bened out three-fourths of his term) tho second two thirds. The third Is a mechanic, aud tho fourth an old soldier, with but one leg. They havo all conducted them selves in an exemplary manner since their con finement. Using a Billt. We understand that Super intendent Webb, of the Metropolitan pollcee has given orders to bis force forbidding the us of this cowardly and murderous eapon. Acaso has been reported to us wherein the billy was UBcd In an outrageous manner. Seve ral sailors went to tho house of Mr. Dickson, In tho Sixth wuid, and rang the bell. A female Iu tho housowent to tho window and asked what was wantud. She received an Insulting answer, and tho sailors wero ordered away. A police officer, hearing a portion of tho collo quy, pursued the man, and, Instead of arresting him, as he ought, drew a heavy lead billy and struck him a eat ago blow ou tho head, which was dealt with such force as to break the ban dlo of the instrument. It is hoped that this barbarous system of making arrests will be abolished 1 B II Claims to be a Lotal Citizen James . WUklns. who lives near Sudley Mills. He keeps a store, and claims to bo a lo)al citizen. He had a team with him and had bout to Fred ericksburg onlj n few dajs previous. He doubless held communication with the rebels, aud It was deemed safest, during tlm active movements, to send him awa). lie wa corn in It n d to tho Old Capitol. Ari ai op Troops Since Saturday moru- iug the following havo arrived: Elghtv second IliluoU, Col. Dicker, 770 men; One lluudnd and Forty third Pennsylvania, Col. Hovt, 910 men j 1(U recruits for Eighth New York cav air ; 25 for Hhode Inland cavalry; 15 for Flm New lorh. cavuirjj wj lor Micmgau regiments, in for Sickles brigade; 2 for Tenth New orkj and 8 lor Tw cntictli Indiana Sispected Spies Damn Pulue and Dun can Spittle, a man and boj, were arrested by thu pickets ol tho Ckcutti MastuuliUMtta. niid Btut to this clt violuda) lbc wirn liminl utrjggliug nojr the llius tu i tusk.Mi-t nun. ner, pretending to bo picking up corn Hit) wore lommltiul to the Old Capitol. Prisoner op Wail tph. WW, OlmMid Crossiii, John 1. Gecr, lert.on Cnwsln, tbt lcj Crosulu, John S Hlchter, and Martin Klchtcr, tltlens living near BUckman'r. I nnl, lowardi Centrtv Hie, wero arrestul on Sunday, on suspicion ot robel soldiers They were cuit lo the Old Capitol jceterdaj, thcoMi Dia.HiCT Regiment In a ptira graph, a tew cluss since, wo Inadvcrtantlj Bald thui I.ltui ( ol 7ullck, who haii recent I j rt filgmd, wua the commanding officer of this n i:lnient It I not so Col, C, M Alexander Is the coinmuuder ol this nglmmt, utul thu uojrt ipci proua oi mm. Iue Nav. Yard. Ihe Fieeborn came up vestcrda) lrom Hampton Hoads, bringing up a ft prisoners, mail, tic. Thu tug Lesllo also (aiTiH nil I mm Plnpv IVilnt. tint rfltnrtA tint hint uf special luureut. NO. 299. rortc IUttirs. Joseph Beverly was ar- 1 wi uu ouuuay uj mincer irnmp, or tne rlral ward, for larceny. Taken before Jnatlco Drnry nnrl a..I....1 ... Itt ' ...... w jau iur conn. James E. Orldln was arrested on Sunday by Officer Tall, of tho Second ward, for being drunk and disorderly. Taken before Justice Drory and fined $2 paid and was discharged. James Gsrvln was arrested on Sunday by Ofllccr Brewer, of Ihe Third ward, for larceny. Tancn before Justice Rowland and committed to Jail for conn. John Holleran was arreBied on Sunday by Offlcer Crown, of tho Fourth ward, for using threats of violence. Taken before Justice Gib. erson and ordered to give bonds to keep tho pence. Patrick McOorey was arrested on Sunday by Officer O'Conncll, of tho Fourth ward, for be ing drunk and disorderly. Taken before Jna tlco Walter and fined $1. Thomas E. So aggott was arrested on Sunday by Officer Mllstcad. of th Fini. . .. .. .U..UUI.II, muni uciuro tiusuco rnrgeson and hdd for a further hcarlnir. trtAwt! , f -.I.... t..ju 9 ... -- ' James Lopcr was amsted on Sunday by Of. fleer Barker, of tho Sixth ward, ror larceny. Taken before Justlro Cull and fined J5.W. Andrew Carter was arrested on Sunday by Officer Barker, of the Seventh ward, for as sault. Taken before Juitlco Siratton and or dered to git e bond for bis appearance at court. Nixoi'a Washinoto Theatre. Last even ing, Cubas, for tho first tlmo In this city, In the military drama of tho "French Spy," sustain ing three characters, executing an Arab dance, and a Spanish dance, and fighting n broad sword combat. Her pantomime la very good, In fact, superior to any other artlsto that wo havo ct er seen In this part, looking and acting her different parts as If they had been created for her. Her broads ord combat drew down Im mense applause. All tho characters In the piece were ably supported by the dramatic com pany. Last ct cnlng, also witnessed tho debut of Miss Fannie Brown, one of the most fascinat ing actresses It has ever been onr lot lo sec. Sho appeared In Ihe burlesque of "Pocahon tas," which was capitally performed by Clian fraDavcnport, and tho entire company. Tho piece Is replete with music and somo beautiful singing. The same bill la repelled for this evening. Doings of tuePkuiosti.i aim ThmiAtrni of the Tenth New Jerse) regiment, under Capt. Johnson, Is doing excellent scrvlca in this city. line onr citizens are sale and asleep In their beds, this efficient guard is patroling tho streets, avenues and allies of tho city, breaking np gambling and grog shops, and other dens of In tamy, and preserving the eico of tho city gen eral!). Last Sundav nicLt. ten or tnilra nf Un worn of these dens wero entered by Lieutenant ciauitini uuu uis pairoi, anu ino proprietors being found engaged In their unlan ful praetl-1 ces, thclr houses Heru closed and the keepers ordered to the Central guard house. ' On Hntitrrfiv nt.ri.1 .i. i....Ar . i on Satnrdaj night, tho houw or a colored shoemaker 011 II street, between Twentieth and incmjMt,nai ciucrcu aim a largo amount 1 01 iioternmcnt property dlseotcrcd; consisting of shirts, drawers, shoes, stockings and blank ets. The patrol Is constantly engaged In this business, and an enormous ainonnt of property has thm been sated. Dcatiis or Soldiers. Tho follow lug death of soldiers have occurred since our last Issue: J. A. Dodge, compan) F, 50th .V. V, Engi neers, at camp. ""John W. Stalford, company F, Vth Mass. bat., Emon hospital. Ambrose Hair, company A, 7ih Battalion X, T. art , Emory hospital. W. J. Bush, company A, l'Hh N. Y. batten, Emory hospital. U: Jones, teamster, Quartermaster hospi tal. George W. Dickcrson, company 11, 45th l'aM ClitTburne hospital. James Collyer, company H, 11th Mass., Trin ity Church hospital. John Hlgglns, , :J0th New York bat tcry. Bick Soldiers. About 500 soldiers are to bo scut from tho various hospitals in this city to Philadelphia. These are conralescent patients who are not well enough to rctnrn to their regi ments. This courso is rendered necessary ou account of the largo number of sick soldiers Mho ore constantly arriving from the camps in Virginia. Theso aro left by the various divisions and brigades now on tho march, and tho sick aro sent Into this city a fast as possible. Tno hundred or moro arrived in tho cars, ou Msry land avenue, on Sunday lint. AimcHTOFA Drlnkcv Sluueon. Last Sat urday night, tho patrol, under Lieut. Franklin, arrested Assistant Surgeon Mauran of tho Third New York regiment, at a house of ill-repute on tho corner of Thirteenth and D streets. Tho Doctor was erj drunk and boisterous. Ha was taken to tho central guardhouse. Wo ha e not learned what final disposition has been made of tho besotted rascal, but ho should bo dismissed tho service In disgrace, If thero Is no uoraepeu- auy tan ue mulcted tor sucu cuipauio conduct In a man who has tho caro of our sick soldiers. Frou Fkbderick&bcrq. Isaac Illrsb, of company A, Thirtieth Virginia cavalrj, was sent to the Old Capitol yesterday. Ho claims to be a deserter, and says he was wounded at Sharpsburg and was sent to Fredericksburg, from thence) as soon us able, he started for our lines. He left F.on tho the sixth, and wascap tured at Dumitles h) pickets of I ho Sixth Ohio caalry. He reports only one battalion of c atri. nf nhnut f.fXl 111011. nt Fioilrrlrkuhiirir. ili-J lug picket dutj Ho also reports LonMreet'a illusion nt rmptpcr uiuit-uoiHc Fo SrarroRD CotM,, a T. joung men wero at thu unnoal marshal's otneo tea. terdaj.for tho purpose of taking tho uatli of allegiance. They stated that one, of them as a coaferlpt, sucl tho other had bun roreed Into tho rebel service. Tho people ol Stafford coun- le ham suft-Lrcd a deal klnLU our armv va uatcS "tbrtctalSrf Fredc eUbS'g. T?.o country Is desolate, and all tho necessaries or llfo at'fabulous prices. Many of the villages aro entirely d.scrtod, and a plcturo of iWU. tlon and want Is presented by tho uholo conn- ' i i TwitK IsirHisoNEi). Henry Degan was cap - tured about three weeks since, whllo tros.lng Ihorrurlosoineof tho lower eountles of Ma- ryland. Ho waa examined jnd sent lo tho Old Capitol. 1 cstcrdjj bo was released, when bo went lo the imy ard and demanded mir $.',U00 luVlrglnla Slalo stock, w hlcli ho a was taken lrom hlni bj somo officer on tfio Fieeborn Ho was arrested, by order of the commandant of thonaty jard.aud commlllcd to hlb old quarters In Iho Old C ipllol prison 1'MWMi -Ilrle. (mi shrlur, I b A Inn Latnliln nml I It Il.i.i.l. M ( W t mil I, . I. aud s.l.1.1. S. w ork I II II , mound and I) t .lull S, w ,.,k. anuil ihe v.,1,.,,.1 ' U I Nabe., Memphl., I, ,., e lenient I. Hughe, I'hlla I J llalhawu, DO.10U, Mass, thaa. A.Secor, Vw ork, A. Hay aid Mis. V ...., -Johiirbrenehwaseapturu, at hi. own house . t Jl nille.ia.t ofMana.. "i ." Jfl ' t1.! ' iS . B,ncr'1 C1UU'PU) ?' ' "rr'I',n .'."'n'1' hl?h W,"? '"''."r1 '" tuV I cper countj Ho was In cl ltcua' .Iress, and ffir . ran, ' ' l""ra0"r nl " lo mat ol a ranger. AtTMtnoN, AnfLie,TLDl Ur. ell u) U ji' engaged in an cxteuslto prattleo lu thla eltj, aud wo would call Iho atteutloii of tho poor, puuj, cmaelatcd tlctlma of lhelr owu slu lu tho beat sources of remedy. Hrst, (.itaupjour present courso ot llto at onco aud lorcter i and secondl),call ou Iho uio.1 skilful pb)lelans, (and none aro belter thau Dr. Villn),) aud bo cured of tho dlseaso which la now undermln- lutliotoustltutloiiandseudliiK)OU to a pre - mature, grav e, iafomrt 'pjkWm. IIATK OS A T) VKIlTIBllta. Ono square, fonr days ...... i.sis wuo, uto eiara ....... 1,60 Ono square, six days ....... 1,7s Everjr other day advertisements, nftv per cent, additional. Once a week advertisements charged as new for each Insertion. Eight lines or less constitute a square. Aavcrtlnmnta shmil.1 h. h.n in k. !... o'clock p. m. Two WAsntvoTot Bois rs tdb Old Can iol. Two young men, who may bo known to many of our citizens, wero captured by the pickets of Gen. Sickle, near Brlstow Station, and sent to this city yesterday. The name of one Is Wm. II. Daniel, of com pany F, Thirteenth Virginia cavalry, (said to be tho son of Prof. Daniel, rausls teacher, of this city.) IIo has been In service eighteen months He waa In the battles of Bull Run and Manas sas, on the 18th and 21t of July, lSOli alao at Williamsburg. Seven Pines. Peach Orchard. Ac. The other Is a son of Hon. Alexander Dlml- try, of Louisiana, lato United Sutes Minister to Nicaragua, and long in public employment In this city, where, while he was fattening at the public crib, his son was learning to turn traitor on tho first, opportunity. Tho son Is named aicx. u. uimiiry. 11a naa neen m tno reoei service ten months, havlnsr lolned tha First Louisiana battalion. He waa In the battles of Williamsburg and Seven Pines. He la now a member of the Thirteenth Vlrzlnla. and states that tho present strength of that regiment Is JVl man Tfiai Aw mav m I . t . ST1 w iucui lie j nng .uiuiuutcu iu iud uiu Caplto) Steali.c Wood. Caroline Adami and Eli zabeth Washington, both colored, were arretted yesterday, by Officer Crown and NIchola, of the Fourth ward, for stealing wood from one of their neighbors In Prattler's alley. They were tried by Justice Daraaclo, and committed to Jail for court. Fine Frut. Wo have been shown a pear 11 ft ecu Inches lu dream f.reneo and five lnchei In diameter, weighing twenty-four ounces, grown upon the property of our fellow-cltlzen, corge Kaub, Esq. It Is a magnificent speci men of fruit of tho Beuna do Luvaln variety. Bineino IUtes. The following are tho rate at which bankers and brokers aro buying and selling gold and ellrcr the legal tender notra being the standard! Dinlnc S?llinr Gold - - - 33 per c. prem. 33 per c. preni. Silver - - - SO " 23 " Demand notes 24 " 2S Banks of issue tn Washington and George town! waihlogtou Georgetown Bank of Metropolis. Farmers and Merit's Bank of Washington. Bank. Patriotic Bank. Bank of Commerce Farm's fc Sterch's Bnk. The Farmers and Merchants Bank and the Bank of Commerce Issue notes of tho den oml nation of one dollar and upwards The Bullion Bask redeems their notes In L 8. Treasury notes, when any amount from one dollar upwards is presented' 1 1 w hitiiilkit r.uusi 01 Penn at, neat ''oor to ,Iltl Telegraph Office, continues to attra. t ,hnjs n l.ltors to obtain corn da rlrtfttor then aches and frleods.w lilcliar. so truthfully iiroducl t tl. ((mfrnonoi-rJ ami (rtro.r. ctiiJllrtmr-i Card likeness or our distinguished jeneralj anl "encrs, logemcr wun many una uate fallen iu battle, can be obtained AUo, poiirtlts la oil ami water colors order nr 1U Iws promptlv t tended to x.t it im Desirable India fit bock Goods Mr It A lUUliAitJu4t rpcehed a lot of Office rV Loot aud i-udii uuu .iu...neu loru i nino, auu noiinra rou ehoi, rxtrs Urge licit also, a lot of blue FnrlUh Talmas, erj long, at $10 eachj which he U selling at manufacturers' prices, at his India Rubber W are houM, 310 Fenntlanl avtnue, between Ninth and Tenth streets oct 57 tf Woau or Adwce. Those who lute beuu doctoring for weeks and month without obtaining relief, should consult Dr Flshblstt, whose offlce U at tio 431 K street, corner of LIghth street, and be radically cured Twenti-tHe jears experience hss eitabllined Dr Flshblaft's reputation as a phi it moderate DR FlSUBLAtT. ITS. ' No t Eitreet, corner of Eighth, Opposite the General Post OCLke Imdia Ruiieh Goods The place to bur your RUBBER COATS, LLGGINS. CAMP BLAISXLTS, HA I LOCKS, HAERSACKS, and every article made from INDIA RUBBER, U at II A. HALL'S India Rubber Warehouse, whero you can obtain them at manufacturers' prices, 31 J rennsyUanla atenue, between Math and Tooth itrrats. ouR The Laat Moments of General Mltchcl. Standing by Gen. MItchel's bedside, ho reached out his hand and took mine, and look ing up In my face, ho saldi "It Is a blessed thing to havo a Christian's hope In a time liko this." An hour after he beckoned me, and feebly shaking my hand, said: "You must not stay any longer; go now, and come to me In the morning.' Major Birch, who had been untiring lu his attentions, entered almost con vulsed with grief. He had Just taken down the last will and u ishes of his belo ed commander, lie conducted the Bev. Mr. Strickland to tho bedsldo of tho General, aud beckoned me to follow. I did not hear the words of the Gen eral as tha Hev. Mr. S. stooped to speak to him ; but I did hear him say "kneel down," and theu ask Mr. Strickland to mako a short prayer. Hon Btlll ho lay w hlle that prayer went up to the throno of the God of battles I At Its con clusion, as w o rose, his eyes rested on me, and his hand was extended again. "You can do me no good," said he, faintly, 'do not stay.' His mind seemed perfectly clear and calmj but he was falling constantly. Oh 1 It Is a tearful sight to us all to see a fath er thus dying) dying In the same house with his tno sons and they not know It not permitted to look upon his lace not permitted to treasure his last v, ords, his last look that all these rnubt be given to stranger. But they are too sick j u to bear the blowt It would shatter tuemj thcie lore the must bo kept In Ignorance till a com lug hour, bcuu p. m. Gen. Mltchel haft bnathd his laut lie la gone from us. Our hopes that wero placed on hltu must be lifted higher higher. lth Victor Hugo, we must brcatlud his lab! '"'.L?, "I' V'' '5..?.'..sAral,1 " '?ldl.e,rfj """?";""""""" 9V"." ..7'ri . JVUJ "f'Uo p0,,er" "f dVhnef; 1. 1 ?in fi i '"" tn"r0 ?0"lT," ,f ' f5al"? , "h .' '.n UQ " ur '' ' ?,' m? ,.i i,Ivh ZZ ?". '""T1.! 1. , K.-iXi.nS .SJift?' I look was lo tholtet. Mr.Strlckland seeing him I 1 "tt SfiV ll3' " , llftlnK, ,hUf"'1' Lni uprr? i"1'?' J lMl be from among ; men -Port Royal Cor ' "'"" -x 'rt Hliaiieofour ltodies. , duuinctry Is ono of tho conditions of good 1 health. God knows tho bet form. Ha created i 'nan upright In Ills own Imago. Tho vital orgaus In the chest and abdomen aro ntted to erect nine. If tho upper twrllon of tha ' l''no ben I forward, as In drooping shoulders, not only U tho great nervoinarrow of tho spine. Itaelf distorted, and Its circulation crippled, ' (whleh Is a serious matter, resulting In certain common alTectious,) but tho lungs, heart, liver and stomach loao their natural place, au I per form all their duUeadlsadtanlageouolj Iterj large proportion of our many aUectlous of tlie ltal or,tarj. take thrtr rise In aiirh olsplaee. "";ia: Mt ' al ho done ? ' liuptmo tho deaks In our I al '"l1 of; eonii.lllut. our ton i,t u kit tori 0 nr ivirj ih In nttooplng (osltlon, Ihi shall be V',nlKU,l,,rVr'V,,,''hl''",l"?V,'tom" el'awn Well 1 In. ur, a. Ij .ceom P"'- l"e' ''"' "ol,'1 '. ,,',,.,IJ nllUro larKffl I "a,B,m",,11 ,,, ,uUBl produco round ihuulders, lor w Inn the organs of tho abdomen 1 1 i pushed downward, llm shoulders must drop ' ,tt lo luu,uuu lBa relations bettTfwv tho thoraelc and abdominal viscera. ... s. Tho baek legaof our ehalra mu.t boTliiii on two Inches shorter than tho front ones. The trout edgo of tho seat must not be moro than i louricin Inches high for a woman, aud sixteen , for men. This arrangement will Immediately I relievo tho back nbllo sluing, and secure a good position or tho shoulders 4. Tho habit ot walking creel, with tho alror I a soldier, must bo general!) euliivateu. V Oymnaslto culture or lias '" , Willi sueh means iho nation will becomonp, tight and vigorous. On Um, I eta