Newspaper Page Text
1 i'l rt i S'llOtMMW ADVT'S. gUPPMKSJ PUR TI1K MAItlNE SJOHPS. Q.UAkTBM&iTia'f Oritosi US ataaiia Coara ......... ,.WMlilif1M,D.O,Oot. U.lsirJ BKALKD PROPOSALS, for e3nclmrrte- ly, will be rewlvtd t this offloe until I oelo k 1 il , the Ma Hovrniber next, for tuinlhrn to the U M Merle. Oorp', during the earls3, the lol. Hi i lowing sup.Uesvtv b delivered l IM Ma if Ihe A'statant Ojiarteruie.lar of the Corps, Pulladelphls, P.nnailTsela, free ef en er lo the United Si.tea, la neti ..entities' if may, from Ha. to time, le ordered, till . f iff ' I - Cuss Ho I '. I I 14.IM) I trill Of Bay Din Elwr, til wool, free Inrn Jialr, t4 lathee wldi i to wnlgh j vunoee to tbt ysrd. (Indigo wool dyid , 6,000 yards 4lars thai Kersey, ll wool, free Irora 'Mlf.tli'cbe.wlde.n weigh SSCune sloths L jardTll dlgo wool Jytd ) 1,400 isrdl Dirk DIM 1 wilted Cloth, all wool, lor uniform ooeta (Indigo wool dred,)84lbohs . il4,toweigh2S0a.eraper yard IM yards of Bcsrlet Cloth, all wool, (coohlneal ' t '.7.4,) II Inches wldettowelgh luonaeesper w'jird'" v ' ! '. f ' CtiesrTo 1,000 yards of S-4 bark Bin lannel lor, all wool, (Indigo wool dyed,) B4 Inches wldt, towrifhllcaMMMfTard " IS JWO yards tf S4 Dark BJaa Vlaanel, (or shim, all m iiiowly'ilru0 wool dud,) ai Inchre wldt, to " """ welgn tf ounce. pr ) ard lpSwareyBlaak.tieU Wool, toelh. Tour pound, aaob, Mill letieri " U b M ," la black, (our laoaa. lg la Ibe centre lo be t teet long and I (tat wkW, aad trie from giea J ,000 pair ofWocl.a rooka, tuna iliei, properly mad. of good flaaco w ol.with double and twhtad yarn, to weigh three poaads per doztn palrt, Ire. frosa (tease Clam No 8. 8,000 yard! White Llaea torpor Is, S) Inches wilt, to weights eenoee par yard 1,000 yiruaWWte Linen, (or lhlrtl,S0 luobta wldt, to wHgh II Ooncrs par yard U,000 yard Canton rieanel, lor drawara, S7 lochia wlda, to weigh T. auaoea par yard . . CuaaNo 4. 1,400 Calfora Car. eunplet. (except Pompens ) 1,100 Pompons, red worsted, ball abapad, a Incbei la clreamf.reno 400 fatigue Caps, (with oovire,) to be made ol klaaaloth.ladlaodytd O0 Stocka. , CLaMNo 6 CO gnm Coat Battoaa, (Lag e ) too graae Jacket Oat oiu.iKmU ) 100 graai Veat RatUM, lEla) loouvln Tellow Metal CrMtnli and Soala fitrapi lntta btadlttie Balllon for Bttgeaau aod Cor- porala II COO tett Epaalelta Billion (or rrlrattl to Had Worried Sa-hea 1 an Tarda of Ttlluw Blading lyOM yaray or Bad Cord 100 Bworde tot Hergeaota oo Bworda tor Marlolaaa M Drama (tenor) complete SO Drum B log! Soo Batter Druut JJeada 60 Bnara lum lleada lou Drum Corde 10J I, te of Drum Snaree H Boxwood B ' Fl el . - Cum No o 10ttf) pilrt Array IJuou, (Ulaatry patlirn ) CUM No 7 lOO-Oaruldga Boxm ' l.totBeyonot Soabbarda loo raroaauon cap foaebat. l,n Cartrdge Box Bella. 1, 00 Bayonet Bclta !, Wallt Bella l,wWeln flatea 1,100 Bieaat Plater JM Bw vi rogt . , CuiiKei l,oo Kuapeacki ooo UaTeiaacka. rxnCaateeni WMItaiketBluigl. CLiia No 0 For raakiag and trunmlag the followlax arlldei, WaWi ocate, aergeinta, oorprila', muilelaoa , and prlfataa' ualOjrnia and fatigue com oole aadllloea panti, daoml aud Uaeo atiirl ,draen, flanoilaaoki, ana jeJandb uejakatal r bo) a The above mentioned arllelea mait conlbrm, in all rapu, to tba eeated ttaudird patiertalatbe ofllca ol the QuarteroLaatartMtiiaa Carol. Halloa bar reeke,WaibiBgton,b o, AaratabtQuirtermtrter, 'offloe Marine Con a, 1,1.1 Birioaiirret, rblladel p'lia; aad at the Uirue suu-tui, Brooklyn, new York and BOdton, MaeaQhulctti, wbtro iLey oin be examlred And, nuentrer tbeaitlclce vami-d Ibore, or any iwsitvu v euewi aMaii u vwiiNiriB dui tuujr oouformlng to aamplM, tbiy will be rtjeolad, and tlvt rco.trtvoor will fc bMW to furnish ot he. of tht rtqatrta una ft. twoe. or to utvriirmMtrr will apply ut Atiyltuey attl) expeBM ot Ih ocn ret mint will b raiitla UD'm'tht acoitkUd tMlverr or iht wbolt gturaiiU which mi jr. from linM m ubi, am wTaena, wnnaoiaiDr icn yer cent nam io pajmeat of Motaat rtudtreu usatir nit order, ua tit tweoad ordtr li filled, tad Mo fMrtoAHt from no oat rtoderctl under teoond otdt-rvnl 1 third otder v nut a, and o od aatll ooatrct U oumpuird JCacb propotmt mail be acoomfaolt-d ry thslil lowinf goanntMi form of Guarantee. Tba ttDdcnlgDd. .-. oi la thn But of I, and ,lo Ibe Hi tie of . rrrnherebr 4"W la?, fa caee tbe lag bid of, for luppuerj, m abora d ad, be aooep el, hi r they will, witbin tea. d b tbe forrtro dfsoriD 1 dfcVI tvf Hr lb receipt of lb coatraot .t m poit offloe named ejtecute tbe oontraot lr tbe itme wltti guod ana nmcieni tiareues, api in one mt ia iball fill to enter Into contrAM. afart alt. we gearantr to mike gQoJ tldhrorenoe betwrtn the oner of me ma - - ana tun waioa iajr be aooepiea. U Oiutantor J.r9Wtt... ' CP.a.arantor I hereby certlfr tint tbe abut" pemel - are known to meatmen of rruptnr.anl abut make good- tbeir gaarantv it U To be altrned by ui Unllvd 8utr llntrlot J tidge, United 8 atei Duttrtot Alton rv oi CollbrOior Wo propoeal will beconindered onteet acootapautr) I b " owvif a(w)aiBaraj iNewnDaDeina.ntharfied to unbll.ti the e,tiove will end the paper oonuinlcg tho flr. lu-rl(ou to thU offlre f r examlaailon lheldde.t'a placet of bairlneeifOrnwanfaetQiing errtebluhinent, nuut be epiolflcaly elated In the pro poeal Tba above llet of artlalei ! bilieveit to b eboot theqnantity of each article that will be required dniiagibe year, bat tbe Quuterater riervetha right of orartlag a greater or Icm quantity, houM the- latereeti of ih Krrloe reqolta It. PropoeaU to be endorsed ou tbeejTelope "Pro poeali for fiuptlieefor Uatlne Corpi for 1803," and adireeee4 to , . T liiJorWU ii ULACK, QatrUrmaoter ftl 0 , Washington, 1 C oo 1$ lewtw PROPOSALS roaHCAOBOARDS FOR GRAVES. Dirot'e Orricx, Ooror llih and U etrMU, Nor i.taoi dBALFl) 1-EOFOSALSwMt.ortoeir.dBt iLU offlon until MoudaV, Novembrr 10th, 19 3, at to o'clock, p m , eriureti'haCg to the Uviivd Siatei two thOwuaad (1,000) beadbOM di or tablet! lor srarre of the following d'tulpttan, tix, All to be ot good blaJc walnut clear of knjU and pUU, Jour (4. feet la leng h Un(i0 lnbei wide, andCLettidtb eeelghthfliPajofabloobthlcklth dreelgh h(M ol aulnchKnoTettventy(Slnebei In lei gih, and In all renytcte to correspond with a ample to be e'en at tht offlCt) All of raid boaidi to be. delirereil at lucti p Int or polntelnthe ottv or county ot Washington, ti C, ae tbe Depot Qawtcrmi.ter may direct, within thirty day- alter the awarding of be oontriot f rupoeaU froa dxtlod partiet vnU rU oontiJirtd, aod an oath of alkgUaoa to the (Jolted Statu Got eminent mast eooompiny eioft proporltl n Ibe abl Hy ol tbe bidder to All ih ooattBottoalJ It be awardid to bioa. mujt b gtiaraatiod by two rt kpoualble penooH.whobe elgnBtnrce are to be ap pended tail gBBtaatee, and 14 d gvaront mud ae LMsiMriy (Ae tid,.. , , The nipouIDltlty if Ibe gu. ran ton n-uU be hhown by tbe offlciel orrtlhoatv nf the Uleik of tbe nrr)t Dstriot umrtorof the United Statve lle tnct Attorney llldd re tuurit be prtcenl lu p r. u wtien the btJl are opened or thtlr p cposala will not be oouldered Tbe lull name aDd pofttfllceaddmeof the btd drr most appear In the propcial If a bid umade Utile feme of a Ann tbe nsnuiol 11 the paxitee most appear, or the bid will be con tldrred ae tbe ludlvldatl propOttal ot the parly slgnlrg It Bondit in the mm of one thousand dollara ,e1tf id y Uteeoutraotorand both or bis guerant rs.wlll b required of tbe lacotattul bidder upon pip nliig tbe tontmct The right to reject a yor all bid tliat maybe deemed too high Is re erred by the lepot Quarter master Inlonual pro,x als will te ffjocttd rroposa's muit I e addrewed t Caj-t Vdw rd 1. Herts, AeeleUut Quhrteruiaattr, U 8 Airny, at WaablegUn, V 0 . and ehunld be plainly marked fropoeols lor fun Uhlcg llradboard' f r Graves " ibrm Ql Ovaranfn W,.l0f tbe oountyof (aud titate o( -i Mi- i,Ptu.,ouBiyoi i aua Diaic of- ,do hereby guarantee that - - I able t lulnltbeooutraoilu accurdatiOM with iheternmi Ij proposiilou,and thatshonld bl propositi n be ao oepied,he Mill at onoeenttr luto acontraot m m oorQantta laciewun Should Ibe contract beanarjed blnitwa up e partu to booouit. bis turel kh. (TolhU nuirautee mutt be ninJ(a the cfholal certinoate above mentlunrd KUffDI.. HAltTz Captain and At-e t Qu.irit:ruutr,U S A uov a dtlOth 1BBCOUUFNDUHB Will- N H 1 UKATMLNT ler Nuraljjle, sbe hay nif cured me very so a M JouNeotf, 1'enslou OlQoe Call and h bow mar-y reipectstite cltlidoi here beencurvdtymy 1UNU MAUNblldM, cf IV ralyri, Uout Khumtlra, lumort, Braiotiltte, riitsloa week, Typhofd ever lo afewdiye, Lu norrheca or Whites Bur cure for Scrotula and Canotre MsgneUo Plasttrs and Ointmer t MK3 WKLN, Fby 1 Ud, oa 28 lm 116 K st , bet oth and Tib sU b6VMliVfiiiiJ ADVTS." pitOfOBALfl' JrOB'bATAJJP UA.V, Daror uvaBTuatatru's urno. J Denier ot tltk aad Q street. Wubiagton.D C.Oct.aliiaBl hRALKD PKOPOSALB will ba noelvsd at tail ofllM until Tuesday, tbe 11th day of Korember.U If a tflock aa.i for rarafefataa; tba Oorerameat with (too oooi thre handrail thtmsand bi'beli of oataaad (8,000) three thousand tout or 11 ay Hey to be good merehaetable Timothy, jmt up la bales, and delivered at (1,000; two tbonean i pounds to tbt toa Oats lo be of good mirohantable q.ality.put up lei base of about two bushels each. "O-ts will bi recti re by wdght. at (U) thirty two Siels lo &a I at Bis bed wltbout extra obarge to tht Government, Deliver- to be male In tbe Cite of Wet Use ton. wlthli ill) twenty five days from the date oi tba eoiiraef ruuruaaiao FroDoeali will be received fr(00) fire handred tons if bay aad npwaids. end for (eOooj fifty then ana unrneis oi oau ma oowaros- I be p rupee tlom for the be and oU may bo apoa tbe same paper, but mutt be made entirely dlsunet ironi, ana wiuiou reiereuo 10, eacu uuir IBjna nint innir In tliB t rawMSJ il a Dia u saeae ia ina nsme oi a nrm me sunn of all tLa Dirties mu.t an Dear or the bid will be .- rr; ." -. . ..' - . -.e- cone dired ae the Individual proposal ol the party algnlnglt,' . . rrotoaie from tfu vu mniel wiu not u emtaurx. ftid an oath of all glance must aeoompaey each propo Itlon rrnpoeali mart l aldressed to Cob D H Rook er.QutnermsBierU 8 Army. Wachlrgton, 1 Ot end shout l be piatoly carked "Proposals for Oats and Hay " uuaaMAiiinn 1 be abllltv of the bidder to All the coatraot. should It be awarded to hlo, mut be guarantied br two re iponsiote perron, wnoe igoaiuree mu. oa appena ed to the gnaranfee The re paidblllty ol tbe guarantor most be ebown by tbe ojj.cii.1 otrtltleata of tbeolerkof the nearest District Ccurt or of tbe United Btatee dlsuiot tutor Ulddera must be rreeent In cerson heo tbt bltfi ae opened, or their proposals will not bt ooasld fl L . .. HjDds canal in amount to niir tne mm to oe rt o ired ou tnt oontrsot, eUned by the eontraotor and bitbof his guarantors, will be required of the sue oeeefal bidder n ,n signing tbt oontreet. As tht bond murt aooompaoy tht eontraot, It will be neo snary fa bldlert to have their boadmea with them, or to bare bonds eigne I In autloipition and ready to bt produced when th contract Is signed. Blank lor bsodi can bi procured upon applleallaa being made at this oinoe, cither pergonal fy, by let ter,or by telrgrsph Fnn of QuaranUt, We .of the county vt .and State ol mid a .oltheoountTff .audi- ... do hereby guaranty that i li able to iuioi m vniro. in Mwramn wiiu u iwtum w uii tiruixxlikiu. and that, shin d his Dronoaltion bt aa uepted, be will at onoe eater Intoaeoatrsetlu ao oordanot therewith. Dnoma me oomrao. ds awsruca nin, we are pie bared to become hli etcnrlUe iTntbis fuarantet must ba appended theeffldol ceninomit aoove menuonca IA8PKCT10N, DEUVEUY, Ao Ail oata aad bar contracted lor uader this adrer tlsement will be rigidly Inspected, and suca aa do noi prove bi e RQUJ, eooaa, mrrunaniaiui qaaiiiy will ba rtlejud i'arturtit tobe made upon tte ia.., letlon of the rpniraci or soeooa ineitaner as uie istpoi vaarier mailer shall be in fund Any laiormallty la tbe bid, tr nun oenlormanei with ibetternuof thtsalvertlsrm nt wl leuiuie Ut it lo 1 in or tbe nrouosal Deliteir to bat madt at the Railroad DeDOt. or at me of the Government wharves, In the otty of aWUUlK'WU The Defot Qutrtermsster reerree to himself tht i i.fl.t toirjtot aoy or all bids that be may deem too utgo , 1 II RUCKKU, ootai tNll Col abd Drjpot Quarurmaitsr pllttfOSAl.S KOIl ItfVTIUMn VUtl 18S3. QoaBTxaiiisTBa'sOrriCBU SMC, Wtsblngton October 14, Wei HKiLI- U PROPOSALS will be received at this offloo until Sool'c,Pe m of the IBih dayof N vemberbfxr, rorfurnisblaa' rations to the u S Ma ricm, at the following stations, during tbe year IBM, VII I l'aiiitB04ih,hew UawpMblre, Char It town, Ma-stobuctt4, Krooklyn, Long I)sn4,New York, PhllideUhla, Peunsylvania, Wsthipgton, Diet riot or Columbia, Oospore near Norfi Ik Va beca ration to ooa l.t of three quarters of a pound of mtss pork, or bioou, or ote and a fourth jwuode ot iraeb or etlt bef, twenty two outtoet orbreid. made of extra super flee flour, or la lieu threoi twen.y4woouDOrsol extra .a erflnt flour, or one pound of the cpttoa of the Govern mcatf indttthe rate of eight quirts of best white beans, or in lieu ibrreol ttn pounds of roe, t pounds of good ooffee or lu lieu thereof one and a ball pounds of tea, flfteen oounds ot good Mew Or leans sugs i lour quart of vlntger. one pound ol sperm caudle, or oct and a fourth pounds oi ada nintlno caedles, or one and a half rounds of good, hard dipped tallow candles, ftur pcuodj ofgOad, bard, brown soip, two quarte ot salt, and one nun Ure 1 pounds of pjtatoes, to each hundred ratio, s Tha increased allowacroa "f four oanoee ol flour or bread, and tbe allow n nee of potatoes, as abort provided, will cas at the leimlna Ion or ibe pree cnt Insurrection and the ration be ai rovlded by law aad regulations, on tbe lit, ol July, 1901. The beer shall be dellverel oa 4be order Of tbe eommaadlitg i ffleer of eech etaUon, aether In bulk or by ttii tingle rHoo, andshillinttstot thtbei ad mo t choice pieoti of tbe carcase, the .pork to be No 1 prime mete pork, aud the groceries to be ot, tbe best quil ty til kinds named AU sutjeot to tuepeotlou AU bdi must be acoomp tabid by tht followloii jilrmcf Qtiarwdt. lht;andenJgecd, , ol -,1a the State oi . atd - of la tba State of . herebv guarantee that lu cure tbe foregoing bid of , lor rations, aa auove ueearioea, ua aowpi-a, na or inej will.wuhtn ten diyiafter'tht reoetpt of tht eon treotattbfeoRtomdJiiamrd.exeouit tht eontraot for the same, with good and snOolent saretleet and. i la oass the said shall fall to enter luto eontraot as aforesaid, wt aTuaraatet t make rood tne differ enoa between the offer of tht said and that whloa may be aooeptd. A B , Guar ante r Wl(nes O l.Unuantor K F, I hereby certify Ibat the above named an known to me as mea ol property, and able ta make good their guarantee (totxHffZdbytfu L'niled Stttet Dutriat Ju4g4, UniUA Stale Piitrict A torntv.or ttrf trior ) No propoeal will be ootuldered unless accompanied by the above guarantee (Newspapers authorised to pub ib the above will send iIm paper oontalnlng the a st Insertion to tbt omoe i-jr tjxemiu tun j ProposaU to ba endorsed Proposals for Rations lor IbuS," and addressed to the undersUue t W 11 SLACK, oo 16 law. w Mi jar and Quarter master pUOl'OHALii I-Oil HKlvK CTTt.K. SKALK1) PROPOSALS ere invited until the th day ot NovemBcr. lsei, lor supplying tne united S ales Hubsitterce Department with COoo head ot urrt u& 1 1 LiBi on ine near. The Cstile to be delivered at Wsahing ton City, U C . mil a-ioti aiaiuial ti averiire 1 300 caends art si No t atile admitted lht wvifbs 1 ss than l ooo pounu. grontt LlriM m staeii and bulls not wsi tid Ibe tiff deliveiyot CUle to Le made on tbe 1st tay uC Deoerob r,or ae soo-j tbereatter a tbe Qov tn.m?nt may dlreoi Six hurd ed head of Cattle n-r we. k will be rtqnlred to be delivered under this contract A bond, with good and sufficient security, will bt re ulred Twenty t cent of tht iurcbae money will bt reiaiLeu nmii inv oompirviuii ui iris twuiravi Proposals mm oootntotors who have previously filled ta wtlh thrlr bid. fiom disioval ner eon-, or where tte bidder is nut pre enttonepond u uu uiki, wtii uwi uw ouiuiucrcu Tbt names of liana ihould be stated In full, with mtj uiti) an iirrs vi csvii inoiiior ui um uriu All bids lo be acoimpanled by two guarantees Hid to b directed to Col A 1)CKWI1I1,A D C anil) S,U H A .Washington, 0 O , aod en- dcrstd 'PropkM.le for Utef Cattle " ibrtn of Guarantee We , of Ibe oouaty of .-, and State of of -, do hereby guaratity that--. Is able to fulfil a eontraot la aooordanoe with the trau of bit broitiwitlon. a d that should his iroDosition be ao- ceped.tiewill at once enter Into a contract in ao- OOrilSliWJ IHrVWIIU Sn ml 1 tt e rou'raot be awarded him, we art pit I nrtU U I rStWUIaT UH HJIll llltgt (I bis Ktittrantee rnunt be aniM-uded lo each biJ ) llie repont-iblllty ol ibe guarantor mut be shown ay tbe oflloial certinoate ol the Clvrk of the nearest D strict t oarl or ol tbe Uulied Mates DU triot Attorney aOutt whu.h d) rW crmjilyvith the about will bt rtafed tie 6 pASttKS ON TIM l'OTOMAC. On and after the 12th Instant day 01 oeptembor, paaseiwlll be required from all vessels, boats, Ao., navigating the Potomac river These will be Issued by the Couunandlng OOUvr wf the 1 lvfilla, and toay be obtained from tbe i aval vei eels siaUonod at Ales audrla vr the mouth of the river GlPt-ON WKLLto btwretary ol tbe Navy NaVT DatraYKTHBriT, Hpitmber 11, Imha, ! 1 miiK aiiPApKsr ciothinq house in X town Is at L IHuALLACOB, No Ml Hrveoth street ee 2i 4ra between I and K 11 0011 a 10 Lbf lour Furnished Roams, with XV or without board, within ov tntnules' walk 01 rensailvama BYCoue luquite at No 407 alary land avenue oot tt iMptlBrsvimr HiaiiiAiHPoaTAivT TO TUB SOLDI KRS AnOxmctofPrtvvnttontsxDOTtharoundof Curt! Nearly all tba diseases) totideat to amp life oi 1(1 at with dragesaal aad irregularity of the bow eU-tbey being th wvakest aad eaoet susos ruble part el tht hataaa eyauas, flret leal tha effects of tba exposure whlea all aoUtara have to eubrntt to during their term of active eervtce Tha beet weapon of dtienoe yen etn bavt against all mob dieeaea la t)R DANIEL KVANS' PATENT AMomlnil Bnpportcr anil Medical Saffgnard fill litliMa'll W BUIIiai tJ The Hwitn General and the Dtlocloil Pbvaljlana and Sargeoos, who have examined tbt lormula of lie meavoai preparauoa, nave rccommenaea us e by tht Union soldiers Metre O O EVANS A CO v cured t a tlshtto eellthe SAKtOUAltu lo ibe Unltrd aU'ee.acd Ihey are now belnar maaufaciured nndtr the sntwrm tendenoe of aa able pbyslcUn, and arraegimenle htve bsn made to plaoa them wlibla the reach of everv union soiaier. ar agency nae o en eeiao iuvd id eiumiiioD.i luiaaeiDiiia.naw lori.ina Bo. ton. where soldiers, about to deDBit for tut. war. H wv auLUBU no more uppropi-iaie prriMui can dr maoe io a soldier than a MEDICATED SAtKUfARD Kr try man tbould have one Tha attention of toldlere, and friend of soldiers, le reepectfaUy aoltoiud io thu new invention It bt made of red flannel, medicated cotton being placed between twa thlskneerea of flannel and q til ted lu email diamojiis The shape of It 1 floeigned to flt tbt body Tbe elatio fasten nts and whale boot art arrengea so is ie prevent ii iron wruaung or roiling p when tha wearer U In motion THOUSANDS OS MVF8 MAYBE SAVED BY ITSTIMELf USE. Prioa aooordlng to aUe-Nr 1, tl B, No 2. SI; No S.tWoenU Bentb mill or cxDreoj to aur addre.s.ontbe rt celpt of the price faoluding votge, if by mail ro-tageonNi 1,20 cents No s.leoents, No S.IO cent. Liberal comnlsilou allow el agents and persona forming otube, N B None art genulnt ttnleee stamped Dr D. Krajia. Deacnpuva ciroaiart sent fret Send orders to O O EVANS A CO .Agents for United Statea UoomlS.WasM0gtonBullding,oor Penn aylvanla avenue and Seventh street. Washington No S9Cbrsnutatrfe.,Phlla'elLhU No tis Hroadway,New Yoik No, BO Wasblagion street, Boston Also, lor salt by Dealers in Military Oooda and Dregs, lata r aiereu, aoooraiDK io ai oi (jonxreee, in xne year IO. beOeorge O Evans, In tht Clirk'a Offloe ol Lvo Dtatriot Ot art for tht Eastern District of Pean IIO, thai trvtvaala. sjteru u bTui onnoDCfl, as nrr'ioiore. io nil promptly all orders for book published In tbe (Jul tad States on tbe recOpt of the advertised prtca Send all book orders to O O EVANS, 439 Chestnut street, Pbila not mwAftf WILLIAM Vi TO II. ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANTS, COXNIR OP BKTENTH AND P BTREETS, OpporiU fAe PtM Qfflee, WASU1NOTON, D 0 , Prosecutes i Itlms for Pensluue, Bounty Money Bounty Land Warrant., boat Pi nixf iv, Re rnlting Offloere. and all other Juat Claims agakat tht Gov trnsaent Also. Pateata procured for Inventors Special attention gives to ca es before tht Court 01 Claims Ptea raasonatle In all caats, to wit fa each rensloa case ,,, $300 Bounty Uoncy east aoj Hounty Land caw too Fay Claim grja Wldoera ani m nor cbildrvu wbo are poor, half tbt latea Tbuse wbi are atrmulf indiant, iret ot charge, exoept mere dUbureemenu CorreepondeaU will b entitled to snare tbe fees lo all oasee they lot ward Consulting oouawl, Hon It II QILLLT.late United fllaue Solicitor of the Court ol Claims and former Solicitor ol tue Treisury Sptclal Befertncea by Permission Hon RMUard Wallacb, Mayor of Washington. Hon W.W. Seaton.ex Mayor of Washington LawU Johnson A Co , 11 soke re, Washington Swen.y e. Uuyok, Banker, Waehlegtou Fx Oovernor Hunt ol Lcckport, Nw Yoik Judge Oerdlaer. of Lock port, New Yore Hon JohnUUM)u,SUieSuator Uuo"alo,N Y. lion Burt a.harn, member of Congrtse from N Y Hon O W Clinton, Jadge Superior Court. Bur falo M'esra. Huqble A Davis, Councilors, Buffalo, N Y Judge Bawtn, ol Look port, New York Judge Woods, of Lock port, New York lien T T Flagler, ex member of Congress from N Y lion Joba Oansfttt, PrvlJnt of the New York and ii Bank, Buffalo. New York. ooiMlm Th A S 1 T E A S I I r E A Bill sriOEai anouND COFFEES!. TOBACCOS!. I A rgo invoice of tte above artlolet art cow bt lug received, aud for salt by D J BROWN, Commla Ion Broker, No Sf Wellington Building, Seventh treet and Penn avenue SUTLaKK'S TAK12 NOTIOL.! TEAB la X pound paoki TEAS In 0 S, 10. it. 18, II and id pound boxes CANNED TOMATOES in 3 dozen boxes CANNED PEACHES In 1 dozen boxct PICKLES In S dozen boxee QUU DROPS la J pound papers QUM DROPS to pound boxes RAISINS In bPxee and H box's. PEPPER In a ounce pipers asd la 1 gross boxee. ENGLISH MUSTARD In pound papers and cans UNOLISH MUSTARD In Kudl Srota boxes PRESERVED CHERRIES In bottles PIQS In H pound drums and 8 pound boxes LEMON SYRUP la bottlee PLUO TOBACCO iNE-CUT TOBACCO CIQAR8 Fvr aale by D J BHOWN, No 8, Wssblcgton Building niventb strest and Penn avenue. Wublngton.D C. E: ObtI.X H.-A.IXjT?f7"jXV. Paawenxei 1 rains Uavo u fkVLoi t rt trow foot of (JhamUre u t m fallows, tli 0 0Oa.m Mall fr Dunkirk aud Intennbdlate sta tions. 1 his trsiu remains o.r nliht at Lluilra and pro needs the next morning T 00 a m Express, ior Uuff lo and principal In termediate ataiioua 9 00 a m Milk, dally lbf Oti, villi aod laterme dute autlons. lilep m. AoouumoJatloa, dally, ft. r Port JervU and prtnolpal aUtioa 4 0op tu Way, for Mid JU town Newborgh, and in ermedlabs tatlous ft J m Night Espreee, daily, tor Dunkirk, But falo. Caoadalgna, aul ,rlnolpa a ationa The train of Saturday runs thtough to Buffalo, but deee not run to Dunkirk 7 00 p m. kmlgrant, for Dunkirk and prtnolpal stations Ihe Expre-w Trains connect at Hornellsvllle with railroad fjr Buffalo, at Elmlra with the Cauandaltrua aod Niagara Falls Kuilroed, at Uloghatoton, with tlie SyrMUM Kallroadj at Comlug will, the railroad tbr Roobeeter aud Buffalo, at Ureal Ucud with the railroad (or Hvrau ou. und at llun"lo and Duuklrk With the 1 ake bhore lttvllroad lor tlcVelaud,Lluuln catl.TolwJo Drtrult, t hloagu A.0 , an 1 the t-auada railroads OUAULfS fiUNUl, eep li General hut TAX M TAMP H. We are prepared to fumlab UNITFD STATEd TAX STAMPS at Government rales HITI-ENUOUSE, 1 ANT A CO , octStf lu Banters. N t3 Peon av mil It m TO UIVM KOI I UK. Itiat Ilia A BUDsorioer nae ootatned mm te ur( nans Court 01 WnsbloKtoa couuty, In the DUtrlot ol Co ncxed.on the personal eta(e of S.MUm Deirlng, late ot tha United States array, decease 1 jt.ll per tout hiving claims egaloit the said deoeaned art hereby warned to exhibit tbe i-amt, wlih the vouch era thereof, 10 the Bubecrlber, on or before tht twen r y fifth dav of October next ; Ihey may otherwise by law. ba excluded from all benefit of the aald estate Given under my band this twenty fifth day of Oo Utber.A D IMJ JOHN U MACKLBbE, oot8 lawlw A tor, W A 'rtee - prtOPOMALH FOR TAVINK. Poit Orrice DcrAftTMCNT, Id Nnrmtke.t tutt-t SCALrti Proposals will be recelted at thla De- Fa.rinirniuniiiiJiexuioayoi "tovember. 1803, for urnlshlng one year'a supply of Twine, estimated at pounds, to b delivered at the Blank Aaren Si?!.!1 WMMngton. d C. New lork city and BnlTalo. New York, bte from all coat of transpor tation, in such quantities as each Agency mar. from time to time, be ordered by tha Department. The Twine muai be of three strands, well twisted, and capable or auatalnlng tbe weight of 34 pounds on a string six feet in length, it must be put up in balls of one pound weight each and packed suitably for transportation lit packages of loo pounds weight each The Twine must be month and ftcvihl. nd measure about 630 ards to the pound As no ape- tu a i ci it una uwu uwicrueuivu upon, Diuaers send samples of such twice as they propose to furnish with their bids Tbe contract will be awarded to the lowest and Mci uiuurr, ine dsi oia to do oeiermineu, alter a careful examination, for tbe purpose of ascertain uk t men uia win. in lie practical re suite, te most adrantareoue tothe Denartmint Thta .he pnat. master beneral reserves to himself the right of de ciding No proposals will be considered which may be made by persons not engaged In the manufacture of fach bidder must furnish with hla propoaala t ldence of hla ability to comply with hla bid Two sufllcient aecurltlee will be required to a contract Failure to furnish the article contracted for promptly, or furnishing an article Inferior to that contracted for, will be conaldered a sufllcient cause for the forfeiture of the contract Bids not made In accordance with theae propo sal e will not be conaldered Proposals must be marked on the outside of the envelope with the name of the article proposed for, and tbe letter containing them addressed to the rirst Assistant roaimaaier uenerai, Washington, II. fl u nr i tn ' D.U nov ft eoiw Postmaster General A KMT SUPPLIES. Orricx opTitE CmEr Quartermaster, Ahm y or the Potomac, .,.. . Washington. September SO, 1863 PROPOSALS are Invited lor furnishing for the use of the army of the Potomac tbe following ar tlclee tone beat quality Timothy Hay. securely baled, the weight of each bale to be marked thereon 2 000,000 bushels or Oats, of the best quality, in strong aacks. well sewed 7,000 cords Oak and Hickory Wood, well sea soned and of the best quality Each bid must be accompanied by the endorse ment of two responsible persons that the contract a If awarded will be fulfilled Bids will be opened from time to time as the ar ucira may ue nceaeu, ana contracts will De awarded for the quantities needed, to the lowest responsible Didder up to tne time of opening The right la reaerved to accept all or any part of Proposals should be endorsed " Proposals for Har or Oata," or " Wood," aa the caae may be, and en close In separate envelopes ., . . . RUFU8 INOALLS, Lieut Col and A D C, Chief Quartermaster sep3 tf PrtOPOSAI-S FOR IIIDKS, TALLOW. HOOFS AND HORNS. SFALED PROPOSALS are Invited till the Mthof iiutrmutr, iw, ai i o'ciocx m . ior purchasing all the Hides. Tallow, Hoofs and Horns of the Cattle killed by the Army of the Potomac in the territory embraced by the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers and the Blue Ridge mountalna It la Intended that tha contractor shall follow the army and collect the hides and tallow, hoofs and horns, and ahatl pay a certain aum for those articles from each animal, to be collected at his own risk He will be charged with the articles in each case unlesa he can clearly show that he-waa prevented from obtaining them by proper authority A bond with good and sufficient security will be required for the fulfilment of tbe contract, and no bid will be entertained from previous contractors who have failed to comply with their contracts, and no bid will be entertained unlta tht. MricUr ( nt- ent to respond to hla bid iTie articles or agreement, with a bond, will be required to be entered Into within two daya from the opening or the blda The bids to be directed to Col A Back with, A D L and C S., Washington, D C, and endorsed Proposals " not 7 PROPOfsALH .roiiiiibiv iuon-clad HKA HTKAMKRS. Naiv Department. Oct SO. 1803 SFLFD PROPOSALS will be recclrMl until Na. ember S4, 1803, for the construction of one or more Iron Iron-clad Sea steamers, of about 7.900 tons, complete, Including machinery masts, and spare of iron wire rigging, iron noats, wttn anohors, cables, aails, and all other equipments necessary for an ef ficient cruising ahlp-of-war, excepting only the ord nance and ordnanoe stores Ihe general plans and specifications can be ex amined at the Navy Department. The proposition must state the price for the whole complete, and the time In which each vessel wlllbedelheredata Navy lard on the Atlantic coast Bids will only be received from parties who are known to be able to execute the work, and tht con tract will embrace all the usual conditions not 1 stawtNov2t 1MI A N K b I N A G O.. . O P I CI ASS, ? - - - 314 PENSSYLVASIA AVESVL, (North aide,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth ata , and IM FENbStLVAMA AVEbVE. Under the National Hotel BRAZILIAN PEBBLE (Rock CrysUl) SPEC TACLES, MILITARY FIELD GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, OPERA QLA88E8, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBVMS ASD CARTF DE vtsm., STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, ate , fcc . In a great variety, and at tha lowest pricea, whole sale or retail nova W1LLARDB HOTEL, Aaaembly Rooma, (Entranoe on F street SELECT DANCIlNQ ACADEMY. MR. JNO K. GOOD ALL, Profeaaor and Teacher In compliance with numerous re quests, Mr Goodall announces A QEHTLhMASys CLASS on FRIDAY AKAiVilvO, November 7th, at 8 o clock, to continue every Friday Evening for a termof TWELVL WkEKS. Gentlemen will please commence at once, ai after the drat month, Ladlea will be admitted gratuitously. Termsi ilO In advance. no 6 t TALI. AND WINTKH GOODS. MILITARY AND OIVILUA WALL, STFPHENS A CO , are nowupeniiig thelr r all and Winter Gooda, embracing fine Drvee Coats, Doeskin Pants, Vests, Ac A large an 1 well selected stockof fine heavy Overcoats We have also a complete assortment of Business Suits, made In the moat durable manner Offlcera w HI find our Military Gooda dealroua to their wanta Heavj Woollen Blanketa, for camp use at reasonable pricea WALL, STE PHE1S S fit CO , 33! Pennaylvanla avenue, ltween oo37 dtf Ninth and Tenth streets O O M K T II I N O NKW. TRY IT. Now Is the tlmt to buy your FallClothi g.atNo 460 Seventh street, where ou can find all the latest atyle gooda, at Northern prices Ho Tho I for Seventh atreet, No 460 VMige In voice of Clothing at very low prices, No 460 .Sev enth atreet, near F A new way to aave Gold I Buy our CI thl )g at No 460 Seventh atreet, opposite Post Otii e, at 10 per cent below the market price, In ireasiry notes Smith's, No 4G0 Seventh atreet, la thu heat at house In town to buy your Clothing Kuinlihng Gooda, Trunka, Hats, and Caps nrp giu JUHT HKCKIVKD OUR NLW STt)Ck QP fall and Winter CLOTHING, wl lib a.r filing at try low prices, at L. A BEALI.h 1 1 No 361 Se.cnthitieet sep o 3m between I n I K. dli '' nUUixLul on WiJupwIny neu plU Ing, tetween Sand T o clock, between the ournerol 1 and bevmHi strreis and rueytvaala areaus.a KOI I. OF U B TBEA8UKY NOTES, amoujlliig to U Ihe above reward will be aid lor tne reluru of the same lu Juils Jwlm-un No flt Loulslaua avenue, or to hqulre Walter at (Ity Hall station bouse n v $t 01 1 Dl MANU NOll-H, U A IKLAttUKY NUTKH, CKKTIpICATEB or INDKfirKDNHDB, AodaiLVKIt bought at tne highest price by UlTrfcNlMUHC.l-ANr A CO, ooiSS lm Bankers No 162 Penn avnee fiOUR ONE, COUE ALL, TO L A HI ALL v, uir , io get your i. 1 1 uuks, Hate, tuid Cape, A Co , to get your Clothing, Furnishing tloode, No 861 Seveuth atreet beiwveo 1 and tt -JiB N 0V IM lllhTIMbTOBUY YOUK CLOTH log or No aaitieventh street. is .5 3m be 1 wee u 1 h K ESPECIAL ATTENTION It) CALLED TO our new aioekof Fall and Winter Clothing, , Ueots I urnLthlng Oooda, UaU, and Caps L A BEALL a CO , ae S5-5ia Glothlera, No 161 Uerentlt street. GOLDt QOLDI-ADVANCT PUICE PAID.' by ItlTTENHOUfiE, FANT CO , octsa lm Bankers, ibi I'enn areaue RAILROADS. .irnixa AitnA.xaKMitKT. StW Y O n IC I. I X K a . .WW&AiZ&V. & ""?' NIM. ilNC.""- ".vnuu VUT,rA. FROM PIIILADKLPIIIA TO XEW T01IK From Walnnt Rlreet Wharf nl Ken. alnxlon Depot, Win. flV.V .. BA.M.- . V. At A M.rla Camden and Ambor C JiA Accommodation . . . ,,39 At A M.rlaCamdenandJerierCltr-Vcw Jeraey Accommodation ... 3 25 At 8 A M .TiaKtnilnftonandJeraerCltri MornbMall . . . . . jno VPif V"C,n',e,dAmb,r-Acc..m. At 3 P M , via Camden and Ambor C and At 4 P M.rla Camden and Jersey Clt) - -. aiiini - e 3W s,?lvl timd'n nd J"r city 4i viu, iictci - - a. J2fl At tUPM .V.r.Knt1n4An.nrl r.n.. . .""..".'' X"'' ,00 At 13 P. M , via Kenalarton and Jeriev Cltl 1 - . '-".. At 8 P M, via Camden and Ambor Accoav tnrutlflnn iraal.k. .J 11 Z. . ...inaa.a.uu (ficuu, UJU rrUBCDgrr 1st class ticket - 2 25 2d class ticket 1 60 The 13 P. M. Southern Mail runa"daily. WAV LINFS. For Brlttol, Trenton, Ac , at 7 10 and A M , and 6, 30 and 13 p itf. from Kenalngton, and 3J P M. from Walnut atreet wharf For Brlatol and Intermediate Stations at 1IW A M , from Kenalngton a?n Oalrava. tll...- .. .... ... . ii . '"". '"' "i wcianco, ceveny, uur "nfjon Florence, Bordentown, Ac, at 13f,l, 4,8 Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter "hV SUtloni' l 2i p M trom Walnut street .T vLV9JryPt)Kaa wy U" lvlng Ken '?;" pot, take the Cars on Fifth atreet, above -UUt, man am nuUr uciuic urpiriiirc ineusrs Plin IntAtli. rUfu.. .a J . . . .7 -a -m .... . .w MS jiu. .wl vn ra ai oi eacn irain, run from the Depot Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each pas aenger Paaaengera are prohibited from taking Wi?" BfcrI thrlr wearing apparef All Baggage over Oft f pounds, to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for Baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for -uiuuu.urjoim iuu uouare, except py special contract, H G TZMLr. Agent ap 23 B "w TINTEU AUnANGKMEXT. PltUadelphtn, Wilmington and Baltimore R A I g. II O A D On and after MONDAY, NO . 18, 1861, PASSESQER TRAISS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 3 30 a m., 8.18 a m , 11 33 n m , For Chester, at 8 15 a m. 11 33 a ra.3 45andi0fiO p m For Wilmington, at 3 30 n m , 8 16 a. m , il 34 a m , s.45andlOWp ra or new resile, aiu io a m and 3 Up m For Doer, at8 15 a. m and 3 43 n m For i.Illford,at8:5a m For Salisbury, at 8.16 a. m TRAISS rOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8 30 a m . (Exnrfrat... I m n m , (Lxpreea ) 0 20 and 7pm, (Lxpresa ) Leave Wilmington at T30 and 1133 a m.4 15, 8.45, and 60 p m aeave aausuur) bis sop m Leaie Mllford at 4,60 p m Leave Dover at 9 a m and 6.10 p m Leate New Castle at 11 a ra and 8 lop m Leat e Chester at 8 20 a m . 12 15. 4 60. and 9 30 p m Leate Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate at ationa at 6 20 and 7 p ra i for Dot er and Interme diate stations, at I 05 p m TRAISS tOR BALTIMORE Leate Chester at 8.45 a in , u 05 and It 20 p m Leave llmlncton at 4 30 a m . 25 a. m . ta a5 p m .and 13 a m FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run aa follows Leave Phlladelnhla. far Ptrrlll and Inform. dlateplaces.at6.10p m Leave Wilmington, for FerrjUlle and Intermedi ate placca, at 7 10 p. m Leae Baltimore, for Havre de Grace and Inter mediate atatlona, at B a m OS SVSDAYS OiNLl At 3 30 am andlOAOn m . from Phlladslnhl tn Baltimore At 7 rrom Baltimore to Philadelphia The 8.30 a m Train from PhlladelohU tn BiltU more will run dally, Mohdats Exccrrco i pi M.uun, Jan 2 tf Prraldent F OR UOflTO, VIA NEWPORT AND r- li. i r Bv the solendld and auDerlorsteam. rrs ii inurubiB.t,iiiriKi' STATE. BA STATE, and STATK . nnnir.n - . . - ATE Oi1 MaIInl, of great strength and apeed, Imt particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Sound, running in connection wnnuie au meranauid Colony railroad, distance o( M miles only to Boa wn Leare Pier No S. North river, near the Batten . The ateamer EMPIRE STATF. Cant. Ilraitnn. Mondaa, Wednesdays, and Frldats, at 4 o clock P M , touching at Newport each wai n aBMK MtTTnnDnr to fan n -.- Tuesdaj s, Thursdays, and saturdaa, at4o clock r ai , louuuna; ai. nrwport eaon waj These ateamera are fitted with commodious stato- rooma, and erery arrangement for the aecurltyand comfort of passengers, who are aObrded by this route a nights real on board, and, on arrival at ran river, pruceeu per sicamooai train, reaening Boston earlv the fo.lowlnemornlnr.ormav remain on board until starting of the accommodation at 8 a. im , oy wnica rney may reacn uoaton about 8 A M A baggage master la attached to each steamer, who receives and tickets the baggage, and accom panies the same to Us destination A steamer runs, In connection with this line, be tween Fall rh er and Providence, dally, except sun d!" . rreigat io uoaion is lorwaruea tnrougn wnn great dispatch by an Express Train, which, leaves all rlve e ery morning, Sunda) s excepted, at ly, o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at its destination at aooui ii a iu For freight or paaaage, apply on board, or at the office, on Pier No J, North river For state-rooms and berths, appl) on board, or If desired to secure them In advance, to win ouuutrt, Agent, augn tf 70 and 71 West street, N Y IVICST, NOnTIIIVKNT, AD HOUTII W WEST. TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS, BANDS-MFS, SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS THF BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger trains from Wash ington 10 me unio river, wiinout cnange 01 cars daily at IH a m and Op m , and oners greater In ducements to the traveling publlu that any other route, v is t CHFAPLR FARE, L SS CHANGFS OF CARS CLOSFIl CONNECTIONS AND QUICKER TIMF This Is the ontv route that checks baggage from ashlngton city to the West Tickets good until uaed and passeogers have the privilege of lav lug ov er at any point on the route Passengers procuring tickets by this route, save the delay and expense of Omnibus transfer REMEMBER THF ONLY OFFICE to procure tickets, la at the depot or B it O R. R. Baggage received at any hour during the da) , and no charge fir handling baggago aug3u tf F UIINITITRK1 FUIlNITirniC I McQREQOR t CO, at their FXTENSIVE WARFROO IfS, 930 fleveutli atreet, OFFER INDUCEMENTS to purchasera of lurni ture and other Housekeeping Goods Our stock Is large and v arfed Parlor Suites In Brocatelie. Hep, and Hair Cloth Chamber betta,la solid Oak, Walnut, M&hoganj, and Painted, neatly ornamented Oak, Walnut, and Mahoganv Extension Tablea and Dining Chairs Superior Curled Hair Mnttrcsnes, Husk and other Mattrreeses Also, a large quantlt) of Ion priced Chair. Tables, Bureaus, tt Aidiulx s, tt ml atHixU OUce rurnlturg,ii.c Ml of which are mndefiom tin het mitrrinls ami warranted to give s&tUiactiou P rsons furnishing would do well to look thru ugh the stot-k beforo purchasing, as we are selling At prlcfs to suit the times McCRlGORet CO, net H codfiwir ftltt Seventh stieet ATTENTION, HULDIKUH AM) HUT LEHN. Having just completed our assort mcntolCamp eurnlture, we would now respect fully Invite the attention of Soldiers and Sutlers. Our aasortment comprlsra In part the following Lamp Chests for meas of from lour to six Camp Tat les, Camp Stools, Camp Cots, Camp Mattresses, with all other artUles of Camp Furniture calcula ted ti nuke a soldier comfort a Wo All of whkh will t e sol I at the v ery lowest cash prhes at GIULN U WILLIAMit, au 1 No & fl Seventh street, turner D M AINE AUENOl SOLDILRS RLLILF iUOLIATIQ unite. No .no e street, cor Thirteenth Conmunlcatlons to be addresse 1 to J U HATHAWA, state Agent, ovt lb H l.oU loxtri, ttasliioglou, U I RAILROADS JST JEW IIOATSJ-NKW OAnft, FOR BOSTON. via NEW LONDON, NORWICH, aaut WORCESTER DAILY, (Snndsya Excepted,) At 6 O'clock, P. M , FROM PIER 31 N. a, FOOT OF VEfTRY STREET. The new and magniflcent ateamer CIT7 OF BOS TON, Urn. Wilcox, commander, from New York Tueadaya. Thursdays, and Saturdays! and from New London Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The new anil fna4r".natit rrrv nr ittf VORK, Thomas O Jewett. commander, from New New f JindnnriiBBi v nnHria.e ..i &.... oaje theae twonetraleameraharebeen bullt.ipreaa If for tale route, with all modem lmproremente, In. cliUlnit Water TIM Compartment, and are the iiit Vi ur . 4x,ne le'ano BOUna ...... ...,.. ...Biic.rTia. improTemeni Conductors accompany th. iteamera each war. Paeaenreri proceed rrom New London lmmedlate- ton, Worce.ter, Lowell, Lawrence, Fllchhurr Naahua, Concord, the White Mountalna, luttu MV.C T . '"."."a "via nviion leare tne ue t?V?"w" Bo,oaand Wonder railroad at O.M o V JJorcM,w T p M "1'lnf at Hew London -jl!r".?h,.uken .' ,he e Batea, and dellrer ed In Iloaton earljr the next dar. State Rooms In abundance oanbe had on board iteamera, or at the Boeton or New York offloee. In edtrence . s MARTIN, AjentT my tf P.r w N 'n. GI11KAT CENTRAL ROUTE 1IUDSOV KIVEIt 11AILH0AD md iTBW lUJIJi VEXTUAL RAILROAD. Oa add Arrtx Dcctxacii , 1881, Eapreei Tralne lear. New lorlcclt depot, ot Iludaon Rlrer Railroad dallr, Sundaya excepted, ai lollowit From Chamber! atreet At la m It a m ,op m From aoth street station Anasa m. Iljoa m,.Wp ra stop m. 1 13 n m Montreal and Buffalo Train with Bleeping 10.40 p ra vara, iu.iop m Od SUndavs.tha fnllAwlnrr tralnjiwlll h h. A and from aoth atreeti The ?a40p m sleep inn car train for Albany and Troy, and the 6 ao a in from iru)iuutii, ra train irom Ainany. Connecting at Albanv with th Kr ? .- - tral Railroad for Schenectady, Rochester. Utlca. Batav la, Rome, and atatlona on Rome and Water- iQwn juiuroaa, nunaio, Syracuse, Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge, Auburn, Geneva, Canaddalgua Trains In connection leave Buffalo and Suspen sion via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and uit-e., nciitfu nauruaKi, ior iiamiiton, Toronto. Detroit, Chicago, Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fonddu Lac. La Crosae, Madison, Fralrle DuChlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuaue. Peorfa. Rnrtc iiiami .i... ""ii " viiji uuiiiuMiuu, xuiui7ir, spruunieia, Alton, St Louis, Cairo, Terre Haute, Indiananolis Louisville, Cincinnati. Dayton. Columbus, Clere- tanu, sou an points west, nortnwest, aod South' west NORTHEnv nniTTI Connecting with Train at Trnt.nith Tmu , Boston, and Rens, and Saratoga Road a for Sarato ga, tvmieoaii, nutiana, uuriingxon, Bt Albans, Rouse Point, Plattaburgh, Ogdensburgh, Montreal, Cj- Freight Arangementa by thla route aa above, Without chant's of ears, from the nrvita in rs.m. bers and Hudson streets, are at all times aa favors- Die aa roaae Dy otner Railroad Companies The facilities of this great New ork Route, to the West, commend It to the confidence of merchants and shippers for promptness and despatch Passenger Trains, with Smoking and Sleeping Cars, run In connetlon on the New lork Central Road For particulars as to looal trains and freight ar rangements, Inquire at the depot, 53 Warren street A F SMITH. are 17 Superintendent Cll AIIT.B' LODO CORDIAL rj2:rc. r I t rrneTrsaB ii Is distilled In London, and put KflJ? kLttm up solely In quart and pint bot- ft ; V7TB ties, to meet the requirements p li&vkirfp of Dmgglsts,and those to whom ' 0iif Pure and Unadulterated Liquor mui-v-iaw: la a Necessity or a Luxurj . It la tba oldest established of all the GINS (I) which have started Into existence upon the basis of Its well-deserved and hard-earned celebrltr. It has no connection with, and la in no way like the traahy mlxturea sold as "Lngllsh Gin' or ' Old Tom," or "London Dock," or "London Gin,' &o , OtAi a UU lUHtlCl llll" U1UUI " HUI1IJUIIJ" Or rOSprCl' abllltv" Is assumed bv their begetters Dr valentine Mott, of New York, says 1 "It U far preferable to even pure Holland Gin, and Is the beat article of Its kind I hare ever eeen " So say muneauuB v. iiii.iwauv The New lork Herald earn "e are aurprlioil at lie beneficial eHoctsi It 1. a eertalaM.rivn.rtl tn health " The fnuaaeipnia nearer earn "It haa no eupe rlor, If an equal. In medicinal vlrtuee ' The KewOrleana Picayune aarat "There la no remedv on earth for dy ipepala equal to it " The Boston Journal aast "Aa a beveraKe. aa a pretentatlre, or aa a remedial stent, we want no other It la our rede merum " Women of Amcmica, for jou It ta particularly adapted. In alekneea or health, It la your greateat friend B BALDWIN i CO, Sole IuronTEaa. 1 Liberty street, New Yorlc kild in Waahlnrton by Lot ELL, COLLES k CO , 318 K atreet, near Feuniylranla avenue, And by dealers generally. dec 13 ly -1L.ALMS AOAINST KMTED STATEH. FINLF.Y BIGGER, (late Register of the United States Treasury,) aud CHARLLS E. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will devote their entire atten tlon to the prosecution and settlement of demands against th. United statea, growing out of the pres ent war. Including the Aecounte and Clalma of States, Coutraotora. and Disbursing Offlcerei appll. catlona for the reatoratton of property Illegally seized or captured, and for compensstlon for the use of nrtvate nronertv for Government bumoses. and for damagee for the Injury of such property by the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty lands! and for distributive sharea of moneys paya ble at the Treasury and due to sutxontractore and othere They wilt also give legsl advice to claimants, contractors, anu io unproieasionai agema in UI). Sated casesi and prepare written arguments when eslred With non resident Agents who may send them claims, an equitable division of oomml.slons will be msae Undlsnuted Demsnds will be eolloctej and promptly remitted for a commission of from a half io two auu a nan per cent , uepenamg on tne amounti and negotiations wlih the Departments conducted ou moderate terme By prompt attention, moderate ctiargea, long ex perlence, and a minute knowledge of the ex laws, regulations, rulee, and precedents governing that class of business at the Departments, the) hope to render their services useful to clslmsnts snd public erruiiors Reference meybc made to members of Coorrcs, and offlcere of Ihe c.oiernmenti and especially by remission, totho Hon Lliiiia HiTTLrsET.Ftnt omptroller of the Treasury Address Mea.ra BIGGER ASHLRMS Washington, It o Offlco, No 310 V street, near Treasury and II lards Hotel nov. fcn BOrHSSKLL'S MEDICATKD CO II oil OJM)t, For varans, oolds, ItROXOJTITIS WFLVEXZi. no mSKXESs, Ah i all itiapwit dtagtt of Cviitumptton. For isle, wholesale and retail, b o 110SWLLL, Druggl.t, Cor Maryland avenue and Seventh .t , An I 7 U OILMAN, lYnn avenue, near llronns' Hotel Charlei Allen " R Tntwlile 0 11 (Isrl. lohn II Myr 1 M Smith II t Major II 11 kPH-w .. J U Nairn, s C Fori J U O Donnrl J r Milium J I DaHson thtrles stilt 1) u llldgely In Georgetown by mdwrlt, Sothoron, lcii.ell, and Barnard And by DruKglits aud Sutler, generally Jan Id 1A1 lllUKKt, to., Il tt A A A ( II , No. 434 Klfteeiitli Ntreet, dealers In GONFRNMENT BONDS, rRFASURl'NOTl'., AND CFHTIFUATrt ARM AND NAM BILLS COIN, CUKR1NC AND JMIIANGL, Highest prtie pall for UOLD, SILVHl, ND OLD DMND NOILS, oct W lm JUST IIKLHIA L.U V si leudld it.aurtnient of imhfltt&i luv.m I lilAHS. LOinurl.lna' the most fa orlte Brandli also, a large and well-eelected stockof Domestlo cigars, sllolwhUli we otter for I rice. H11I1IM BROTHERS, .t3 l'rnnilanU Atrnue if i-.''Bai 1 "1kH .t.'. TU II SPECIAL NOTICE. 1)B. M. VPLtNY Private Uoaplul. Id the Federal Block, corner of Seventh and F itreeti, oppoelte theroet and Patent Office.. Room. 33 and 2i, np atalrt, Washington, D. 0. All diseases of a private nature treated Io the moet icientUc manner, and radical core. ef. ferted In all cues, STPHILITia AFPEC- tions, aosonnnrnx, a zest, strict. VRES, SEJII.YAL WEAKNESS, or the reanlt of VOLUPTUOUS DREAMS, or any weak neeaof the OENERATITEOROANStnm any canse whatever, or how long standing-, thor oughly and radically cured. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE. No matter what your disease, let no false del. Icaoy prerent. Apply Immediately to Dr. Vell ny, who la acknowledged tobo by far the most SUCCESSFUL PirrSICIAN lnitho treatment of private disuses. Fear not to come and mako known your misfortunes, and he will speedily send you on your way rejoicing. 8ELF.ABUBK, That dreadful sconrgo of the young, Indulged In when alone, which destroys the generative organs, nnflt. you for married life, producing weakness of tho back and limb,, loss of anima tion and muscular power, palpitation of the heart, nervous Irritability, loss of memory, mel sncholy habits, insanity, consumption, and death. YOUNu JIAN, in view of tho dreadful con- sequences, delay not to make your caae known to Dr. V. Yonr aecreta with him are sacred, and you may confidently rely npon hla medical skill. Thousands whose systems were shattered and were on the brink of the grave, haa be brought back to vigorous health by his skilful treatment. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating matrimony, who suspect themselves of Impo tence, seminal weakness, or any disease arising from a relaxed statu of ihe genital organs, whether tho resnlt of disease, Injury, conse quences of youthful indiscretions, or Indulgence of the passions In riper years, are earnestly en rested to place themselves under the care of Dr. V. They may roly with certainty upon a speedy enro, aud full vigor restored. He treats with entire success all diseases of females, such as LUCORRIIEAm WniTri. L irSUS UTERI, etc., c , and In every esse guarantees a perfect CUItF. FEES moderate, and VISITS and COMMl NICATICAS strictly PRIVATF. and COVFI- DENTIAI.. PERS0Y9 calling see no one but tha Doctor Those at a distance may bo tbeated by mail, giving a STATEMENT of CASE, dec , Ac Jl Sm" t CARD. i- Oak Hall CtoTHiva Room. Mr Bruce, formerly at th. Odeon Hall, haa now opened a new atore at No 481 Seventh atrMt, luit below Smith'., where he haa a fine selection of Men and Boys clothing at very low prlcesi ha Is deal roua of having all his old customers call on him, aa they can buy gooda at lower pricea than any other atore Intheclty 1 BRUCE k CO, Clothlera, No 404 Seventh atreet. near F Call and aeo Mr Bruce, at No 444 Set enth atreet near F Mr Bruco haa a Fine Stock of Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, at No 481 seventh street, opposite City Post Offlce Mr Bruce Is tha man to nleaee the Bova In Cloth ing, at No 4S4 Seventh atreet. Everybody knowa that Mr Bruce can eeli Boys' Clothlnr cheaner than anv one else. No 484 Se- enth atreet, opposite City Post Offlce. r ur men .au iiovb v-iotains can va iur oruro, hi Oak Hall, No 484 Seventh atreet, between E and F Mr Brue. Is tha man to cleaaa vou In Bora' Cloth ing, at Oak Hall, No 484 Seventh atreet, oppoilte my ro.t uuice se36Sni NTERIOR ADOIINMENTS. 4M 4sa PAPER HANGINGS, Or ALL OILADES ABO 1CEI Warranted Gold Band Window Shadaai Bull, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all sires) made to order Also, a handsome assortment of Picture Cordand Tassels, all alias and colore Purchasing for cash, and allowing no old stock to accumulate, pusons needing the above goods will find It to their advantage to give me a call All work execu ted andeuperlntended by practical men, who hat e served a regular apprenticeship at their trade satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required Please glv. me . call Remember the number JOHN MARKRITER, No 4SS seventh street. Eight doors above Odd Fellows' Hall novlrb ly T- C. SOMES, solicituk ur rua-aia Atu wLAiaia Bonntlee, Penalona, Back Pay, Offloir.' Itecrultlnrr, and all other Just Claims, e;lusl the Government. OFriCE-No 470 SEVENTH STREET, (Department Exchange ) Wasrihoton, D C , jtml .Vo 1 iirt ila. nrntr cf JJroedmir, opposilt City llall, Nn York. Ilcfcra, by permlaelou, to Hons Hannibal Hamlin. Ice Prealdsnt, Ms Martin KalbHiUch, Msyor City of Brooklyn I Abl JahMann, Jr.Newtork City i John N Goodwin, M C , Me l Thomas M Edwards, M. C, N H Ed wsrd 11 Rollins, M C , N II I Alex II. Rice M C , Mais i John B Alley, M C , Mass I Alfred Burnham, M. C , Conn t Dwlght Loomli, M C , Lonn John A Gurley, M C, OhloiJamei M Mhley, M C , Ohloi Sidney Edgerton, M L , Ohio John Hutchlns, M C , Ohlot John Corode, M L Pa i Robett McKnlght, M C, Pa i Juatln Mor rill, M C , Vt i John i. Potter, M C, Wis i Chandler, M. C. Mich Jame. H Lane. M C ksniasi Cyrus lldrlch, M C , Minn , Wm hel. logi, M C, III l John i'mxoi M C,N Jlehn L N altatlon M I 0 J p B rV",e' ..' ' 'llllOenLoJO),M t "I r.,P.BIVr ' J ii , mo 1 1 ibri ite li si .iw,"e. 1 1 ft ,; uA; fred l. M L N t I MJor t.ener.1 B But ieN'Mekofl E.q', Pre. Wllllamipoit CKj lliu aheiherl knll P. TM , mt niecnanica- Bank Jyss-tt s FIUKNP I NEED. TRItP 1 OK SrtLETSINFALLlDLE LINIMENT, Tti great exUrnal remedy of tbe c. prtpared rrom The rccioe of Dr. Btenhea Sweet, of Ooanectl- cut, the celebrated bone letter, whoio fame U un rl, alej by that of aor Uvlivg maa It la a certain and .nuawdlate cure for Kheumatlim, Gout, Neu ralgia. Spralni, Bruiiea, Cuti, Woundi, Sorea, Durm, ScalJi, nlei, Lumbago, Headache. Tooth ache, and all Ilheutaatlo ana lSerroui Pttorderi, L,xierntvi uijunri, c AU auBerera ihould rive It a trial RICHAKPSON k. CO., Proprletori, Norwich. Coon Fur tale bv CHARLES STOTT, General A sent for WaihiogtoD, and by all dealers, feb ...-dJiwly i r i j i . v