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national UmMiran. WASHINGTON, D. C.i WEDNESDAY, - - NOV. 13, 1803. Br. a Very ijc the cotton states. Tho New Orleans Delta says that U Benulnc Union men of that city are all In fnvor of tho President's proclamation, and only Impatient Tor Hie day when It will mnw Into full force. It aaya also that some planters In 'ho vicinity are becoming reconciled to It, and arc prepar ing to organize their labor upon the new system of freedom and wages. They ma lw assured that they will like It, after they Utoiiic aceus tnmed to It, and will make more money than they ever did be fort. A New Orleans correspondent of tho Boston Trantttr soys that the demand In tho city for lattorcrs, to work at wotjes on the adjacent plan tations which the slave hive deserted, Is so considerable as to Interfere with tho recruiting of the Union regiments which arc being raised there. it Is to scenre freedom, by Retting within the Union lines, that slaves, now runaway from the plantitlon whenever they pan Ret nn opportn nltj. Hnt this running nway will cense when freedom becomes everywhere tho established law In Louisiana, as U will on the first diy of January, now close at hind. When that day comes we shall no longer be nkcd "Wia( U to lx done wiA freed negroes," The only dlnlculty with them arises from tho fiut that as ytt we liare freed but few, leaving the Institution of slavery Itself In full force. That Institution repels the free, of vthateuer tolor, but especially tho freed black man. If slavery did not exist In FaMern Virginia we should not hear of any such proposition as that of the transftr of flro hundred black families from Ftrtress Monroe to Massachusetts. Thilr lilior Is needed where they are, and they will nil 1h employed and paid, Just so soon as the iiltolltlon of slavery becomes n fixed aud admit ted fact. The Instincts of self Interest may be relied upon, and so long as the cultivation of Southern staples Is as profltableasttls,iAtKrlll Ik? hired when It can no longer be obtained upon the old system of coercion. There wltl he dif ficulties, of course, In the transition from ono teui to another, but they will provo In prue tbe far less numerous and formidable than the tiave seemed In apprehension. It Is In the Gulf States that It will lietheiasi et to overthrow slavery, and where It Is abtu most Important to overthrow It, because If It fills there. It Tails In the border Slates as an In evltable consequence. With Missltslpjl and Louisiana and Teas free, we an be try pi tlentabont slavery In Missouri and Kentucky, and It will require no grtat patience to wait for the end of It. When the cotton region toasts to Ik; a market for slaves, they will no longer have any value In the grain at a ten. It Is easiest to overthrow slaver on the Gulf l etause It Is there that the slates are most nu merous. In IiOtilslana, (outside of .New Or leans), and In .Mississippi, they greatly outnum terthewhUea. Tlicphyslealpowerofiheuhiten, furthermore, has been greatly wasted and ex hausted by this war. The rebel conscription has taken cv crybody between the ages of tUh- i-eu and forty five. Under such circumstances t tau need but little urging to Inducethc blacks to assert their freedom, and when they hive once gained It they will ueer give It up, and they will be abundantly able to maintain It. Their recovery of their long lost but In suable rights, will, we trust, bo peaceable, but If It Is otherwise it will lw the fault of the whites, and the blood will bo upon them and theirs, rmauclpallon In the British West In dies, where tho blacks outnumbered the whites ten to one, was attended w 1th no disorders oft lo leoce, hecaustj the whites had tho good sense to Mibinlt to what was Inevitable. In St. Domin go they struggled madly against their fate, and It w as this struggle w hlch brought on setnes, of wmeti ino horrors have so often bn described. The people of the cotton Rtalea must choose for themselves, whether they will have a peaceful emancipation, like that In Jamaica, or a bloody one like that In Haytl. Emancipation, at all events, the) must have. Tho die Is cost. tumoral of Gen, MeCIellan. The Xationul luttllujenetr rails attention to the fart that Iho removal of Gen. MrClel Ian was made November 7, while the letter of Gen, Hal lTk, which Is represented In some quarters us the cause of the rcmoaI, licars tho date of Oc tober S3. Iftheletttrwas really the cause of tho removal, tho Intellfjencer ascribes thedciay in making It to some iintxphined reasons of Mate jH,lie. It suggests, howecr, tint the Utter may not hate been the true causo of the remotal, but that possibly, while all tho eom I laints In respect to fien. MtClUIau, contained In tholcttir, may have been satisfactorily an swered by him, some new facts inayhateoc- urred since October JW, or may have Ikjcu os- ertalned since that date, which may have oc casioned tho final action of the President. The Intelligencer might hive ndded to all this latiorlous criticism this further and ry mate rial obBen atloni lhat while Gen. Uallcck't letter is dated October 23, the facts which It recites, and which were as well known totheGotcrn raent before Ilia later was written as afterwards, occurred many da) sbeforo its dato, and tspc c lally the fart that Gen. McCIell in disobeyed a jttremptory order toadtanco,glvtn to him carl) In October. The truth Is, nobod) is authorized to sa that this ktter or General Ilnlltck Is either the solo or thief cause of tho removal of General Me-- Mian. It was, to bo sure, published Just uf t r the remotal, but so, also, was the report of Hm (ominlsslon appointed to Investlgito tlio irtumhtanees attending tho nurrenderof Har lnrs Ferr). It Is dlfileult to say which is most damaging tnGuurnl MfClrllan, tho report of this Harper's Hrry rumnilsston, or General 1 lalleck's letter. General Mi Ue.lan w as not re mot Ldoit m count or either of theso things, bc arntil) or tom I lued, taken by themselves, t m, from the grad ual growth or n public sentiment unfavorable to him, and which finally readied such a point of strength as to bo Irresistible. Undoubtedly, the Northern elections preelpl tuted the result. The Democrats had partlallj succeeded In those elections, upon the Umiu which they made, that tho conduit of the war was tit t sufficiently vigorous. So far as the IHwpte endorsed this view, It clenrl) amounted to an Instruction to the President to put a dif ferent man at the head or the Army .f the Po lo mac. D- Abraham 11 Mead, n distinguished till ren of New Voik, aud for nuny years an p. praiser in uie tustom boim, died in lhat pity nn Monday lant. He was hlghl) esleeiuod. Hie a woman hi another column picking Sambucl Grapes, for Bier's Wlm. H Is an admirable article, used In hospitals, ami y ttl0 first families In Paris, Loudon aud New York, lu preference to old Fort Wine. It U worth it trial, as It gives great satisfaction. tf Miscalculation. Inbcecmbcr, 1801, Jfr. Toombs, In a conversation which Is reported In tho Atlantic Monthly, said that wars rarely brought Into the field more than a tenth of tho adult malo population, and estimating the whole number of voters In tho United States at four millions, he concluded that, In tho event of a struggle betw ecn the North and South, not more than four hundred thonsnnd soldiers would l called out on both sides. Tho loss of life, In battle and by camp diseases, ho esti mated at one tenth of tho soldiers, or forty thou sand a mere bagatelle and especially,' as he said, that those men "must die anytow, If Mr. Toombs was to make figures to-day, he would make ver) different ones. Four times four hundred thousand soldiers are In tho field. At least twleo forty thousand men perished In battle or by disease In tho single four months campaign on he Peninsula, Nobody can set Inninds to the range and wasto of war. It be comes a raging fire, wholly beyond the control of those who kindle It, and not unfrequcntly Involving them In its destructive sweep. t?" The following order was Issued by Gen. eral llurnsldc, on taking tho command of tho army i ln aeeordince with General Orders No. 13J, Issued by tho President of tho United States, I hereby assume command of the Army of tho Potomac. Patriotism and the exercise of my ever energy In the direction of this arm), aided by tho full and heart) co-operation of Its officers and men, will, I hope, under tho bless ing or God, ensure Its snecess. Having lecn n sharer ortho privations and a witness or the bravery or tho old array of the Potomac In the Maryland campaign, nnd fully Identified with them In their feeling of respect nnd esteem for General McClcllan, entertained through a long and most friendly association with him, I feel that It Is not as a strangcrthat I nssnme their command. "To the 0th corps, so long and Intimately as sociated with me, I need say othlng. Our his tories aroldcnttcal. With dlfllde nee form) self, but with a proud confidence In the unswerving loyally nnd determination or the gallant army now entrusted to my care, I accept the control with the stoadfist assurance that tho Jnstcaue musi prevail. Signed "A. E, Bchxside, "MaJ. Gen. Commanding." Krerj Wurtl oflt True John Bright, the sagacious English states man and true friend of America, In n letter to a Mr. Jewett, holds the following words : If)ou ire for the Union, and think It can ! prism til by conciliating the South, I con fess am uuurid. The) have made war upon )u, Ik-couho they suspected lhat you would yield nothing more tb them are jou to yield more nndtr compulsion of the w r, or because )ou cm lu It her conquer the South, nor )ct sul slst as nn independent State without her? If )ou!ote slater) and wish to continue it, and If )ou think )ou can build up with honor n re stored and united republic by bumbling your selT to the South, I can onl) express my snr I rise ut the dream which possesses you. You mat separate or ) ou may light out this contest and win but to kave tho slave still a slate will expose toil to the contempt of the civilized world. I npplaud the proclamation of the President, as does eterj man In Europe who Is not u foe to freedom, or mot ed by base hostlllt) to tlie American Hepubllc because it is a repub lic, ami because It 1 powerful." TIIK WAll IN THK SOt'THU EST. General Clriitft Iff lulqnarOra at L Ilmnicr. MIl.iplA FIrUI with the I leltl Federal Moveinrut Tlie Rrb. U Preparing to KvacuaCe Holly Hprlngs wlevaatatlou, 5Lr Caiho, o, 8 General Grant has made his headquarters at LaG range, Mississippi. The ruilroad from Jackson to that placets In run ning order. A telegram from Colonel Lowe, from Tort Henry to headquarters here, says there Is no doubt about General Ransom's having had a fight with the rebel Woodward's command In the vie inttj of G arret Uburg. Reports from va rious sources Indicate the rout or the relels. We have nothing definite, however. A letter from Memphis says that 00 gueril las arc In the vicinity of Colllcrsvllle, enforcing the conscription. General Sherman Issued an order prohibiting the Importation of liquors to Memphis, execjt h) gentlemen, citizens, or ofllcersfor tho ex clush o use of themsch cs or families, or by reg ular apothecaries for medical purposes, to be r tailed on ph) sle Ions' prescription, by keepers of hotels nnd licensed saloons lu limited quan tities, not exceeding, at an) omi time, oue month's snppl). In the Memj his SulltUn of tho 7th, It Is said i " A largo cderal urmy passed south from Grand Junction on Tuesday last." It further learns from a gentleman who lhes lu DeSoto etmut), Miss , that for twenty miles out on the Pigeon Boost road the rebel cavalry hao en tirely disappeared. The same gentleman says for several days past tho rebels ut Holly Springs Ime leen moving back all tho prisoners aud stores. This was understood to be preparatory to evacuating that place. It Is bclleud the) will fall bade on Grcnala. Chicago. o. 0. A special dispatch to tho Pout, from Cairo, sa)s It Is reported, on what seems good authority, that our army, on Its recent march from Corinth to Grand Junctlou, devastated the touutry through which It pissed b) tho toreh. Houses, barns and everything were swept una), Tlir XI ar In Missouri lie bet Deserters. St. Loliv, Nov. 8 We hear nothing of spe rUl Interest from General Sehofield's army. The retain do not appear to have attempted to regilu llulr lost advantages, or to repossess theiusehesof any part or Missouri. The) have been pursued In Boston Mountain and will certulnl) I o compelled to retreat beyond tho Arkansas river. Tho rebel column that was to take Pilot Knob and tape Girardeau from the southeast, by way of Pocahontas, hare not yet achieved such a result. On the contrary, they hae been drh en below Pocahontas, and portions of Gen. Steele's forces urc so disposed ut Plttraan's Ferry aqd other points, that It will be Impossible for the nem) to obtain a foothold In tliat quarter. St. Ineis, No. 10 The Venf Xevs has situ a prhate letter from Springfield, Missouri, which Ba)s that General Scbofield is moving luck to lhat point. The scarcity of forage In Arkans is Is suld to bo tho cause. I mm the New ork Poit MlMoiirl. The re turns from Missouri aro most encourag ing, and Indicate n free-soil majority in the Le gislature. Tho majority of the delegation to Congress will I o emancipationists. In the Hrst district tlieotc between Knox and i P. Bluir is closej Knox's ote being 3,007, and Blair's -i.OM plurallt) -W7. Hut there Is an armyoio yet to come In, which promises lo reverse tho results. Thesoldlersat 11 lot Knob a nie tliiisi Blair Knox Missouri Third - - - J-J a51 " Twelfth . . o jjm " Seventeenth- - 0 J43 Tho Fourth and Fifth Missouri cavalrv L'lic majorities for Knoxj also, tho Missouri bat teries. Blair's own brlgado Is, however, to bo licard front. His election Is claimed by the union n certain, no expects lo tnrow out a Wn;c majority given for Kuor by Otterhaus' dlv ielon, and to count a large majorlt) for hlm sdf given b) rcglmeuts raised under the recent (alls Knox expects to throw out this vote. thcru are alleged frauds In the districts of bi louU, Mr Knox will, In rasa the rertlll can i-hould bu conceded to Mr. Blatr, contest lie ml it rruiu irisuiHiipuiranun. we presume thai tliu ctrtllUalesof (tution will bo uwarded us (ollmtsi UtdlMrlct, F P. Blair, Conservative, Jd " Henry T. Blow , r niauelpjtlonlsl. Ikl " John W. NU, 4th " 8 H. Bo)d, Mli M(Clurg, btli Vot ascertained. 7th Not ascertained 8th ' William A. Hall, Conservative 0th " Jamta S. Itollins, " SUTr.KIlH "111 rail to purchase a CJomI ait 1 Chenp Wagon, Horses, nod Jlrnei, at t.tore under Hull r, no u u Thirteeo-aad-s-hslf and G t From the Sonth. ArarsTA, Nov. 0. The Savannah Republi can, of this morning, learns through prlvato letters that tho abolitionists were bombadlng Tampa Bay, Florida, on tho Slst. Our forces were confident of their ability to hold out tiik union roncEs in w est Tennessee. Mobile, Nor. ft. A special dispatch to tho Adivrtiser and IitftUtcr, dated Holly Springs, 6th instant, says i "The enemy have ad ran cod In force to La Grange, Tennessee, nnd aro re ported adranclng on this place Jackson's cat airy had a skirmish to-diy at Lamar. It Is probable that the enemy will give us battle, as they arc altont to make strenuous efforts to open the Mississippi by a land force under Gen. McClcrnand. He w HI be supported on land by General Grant. In tho river bv a ennboat flo tilla. The prospect of recognition Is hurrying them up." A letter from a prlvato source, which Is reliable, says that tho Union forces aro reported to be ot Monterey, in Highland county. Their force is said to consist of fifteen hundred cavalry. A YANKEE CAMP SCRmtSED AND CArtmED. A dispatch has been received hero from Gen. T. J. Jackson, stating that General Stuart, with Fltz Hugh Lee's brigade, surprised tho camp of Colonel Bayard, near Lecsbnrg, on Sunday lost, took seventy-one prisoners and the entire en campment. Richmond Knqnirert Abe. 5. A Loral Octoroon Heltlemeuf In Irglula, Correpondonee of the Frenlnjc Pot lUrriMOnc, November S, 1SC3. Atvont three miles to tho eastward of Fan- qnier Snpltur Springs, In VIrglnli, along n range of hills of considerable fertlllt), there Is A large settlement of octoroons, well to-do In this world, and an Industrious people. Its origin was In this wlsot A number of poor whites, after much scuflllng, managed to ac quire a few acres each of the hilly region In question, and took to themselves mulatto wo men for wives. The present generation, some three removes down, arc so white that It Is dlfil eult to detect any trace of African blood In their veins. About the time of Pope's occupa tion of that country, one of these settlers got inio our lines anci was arrested as a spy, anu no had hard work to provo the contrary. The whole settlement is for the Union. I hare this account from one of our quartermasters, who visited these people and lought largely from them. So much for amalgamat Ion In the Sonth 1 Cieneral PI AMtitoii'a C ominaml. A correspondent of the New York Jfcratd writes from tho headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, November 7, ns follows! General PI easan ton's command continues so far In the advance of tho arm) that his opera" tlons are seldom heird of until several da)s after their occurrence. It has been ascertained that In Its progress up the Shenandoah volte) the rebel army has lcen marching ver) rupldl), posting Its forces at the dlfft rent gaps until it bad passed, and sending small iKHlles down on this side to occupy our attention and dela) our advance. Thus Stuart came through Snicker's Gap, passed clown through tho country ovr Hit Bull Jtnn mountains, and again through Ashb) 's Gap Into the Shenandoah valley. There can be no doubt but lhat the rebel arm) Is already nt Gordonsvlllc, and will be ready to give us Imtlle when we come up with them at that place. Uen. Ta)lor'a Plantation. report latel) obtained circulation In many of the newspapers that Gen, Taylor's plantation near New Orleans was sacked by the soldiers of the Vermont Llghth regiment. Tho officers of the regiment contradict the statement In a Ver mont paper. The) say that before the troops arrived at the plantation tho overseer had run away, taking with him ever) tiling valuable be longing to the estate. The negroes of tho plan tation had, after their master left, taken osses slon of the wines and some trinkets which had not been removed by the overseer, and had la ken them to their shanties. When tho lnxps arrived the grounds were strewn wllh papers, which the negroes had taken and opened ljite front llunitliles IIealfUiirtera All us lUtiKl In the Anny," Lato Intelligence, to-daj, from General Burn side's headquarters, reports that all was irolncr on as nsuil. Of course, there was a feeling of" ticep regret mnnirested, out tlie evidences that the arm) Intend to stand bj the iTCsldeut aro ovcru helming. A strong and determined purpose Is plalnlv perceptible to-day, wherever I have mluglcu with military men, that tho Administration shall not Ins worried bj any confusion caused by political tricksters. Onward Is now the word, and let no man look back until tho foe shall havo been worsted and the Union re stored. rhUadeljJila Inquirer Postacie CiHUENCi. Tho Treasury Depart ment is now paving out tho postage, currency ev er) da) , w huh will lie a great accommodation to our tf tlzeus. It Is pild at tho 1 ashler's room In tho centre of tho Treasury Building, In sums of three dollars at a time, of tho following de nominations two fifties, four twenty-flves, six tens, HudcUht fit es. Only three dollars will bo paid to tho same Indlv Ulnal at tho same time, In tho same hour, but at tho expiration of an hour from tho first application, another three dollars ma) be obtained. Ladles can and do obtain tho currency In person. These pay ments will lm continued dally until further orders. Av FxrmmoK into Akkasbas. On Wed nesdjj last an expedition left Helena, Arkan sas, fur Cotlon Plunt, whero it was understood n rebel foreo, 2,500 strong, had gathered. They took tiro days ruttons. Nothing hns been heard from them. A cavalrv force also crossed from Helena into Mississippi, to punish rebel bands, who havo recently given great anuoj nnce b) forays on national pickets. ItrnmN or Cieokge N. Sandeks The rebel Journals havo a report that the notorious Oco. N. Hinders his returned lo the South from his hasty and secret Journey to I ugland j but the manner of his Uitt tscaj e through our lines Is notstaUd He claims to hare received great tneonracement In Fngland, OFFICIAL. ADKAIKM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To all viom 1 may concern. Satisfactory evidence having been exhibited to mo that Moiutz voi Balmhach, of Mllwati kle, has been appointed Consul of tho Grand Duchy of Sac-elmar, for the State of Wis consin, I do hereby recognize him as such, ami declare him free to exercise un 1 enjoj such fuuctlons, povicrs, and privileges, as are al lowed lo tho Consuls of the most favored na tions, In tho United States. In testlmou) whereof, I have eausod these let ters to bo ii ado patent, and tho seal of the United States to l hereunto alllxid. i.s (liven under my hand at the It) of Mafdilugton, the 10th da of November, A. D. bCii, uud of the Independence of tho United States of America, the H7lh. BRAHAM LINCOLN. II) the President t Will iam H. Sewaku, Bwr ar) of State. OFFICIAL. Depahtmest op State, Washington, Nov. 10, 180J. RekuAis from tho drift on tho ground of alienage hivt. been allowed In (ho following casesi atne. Tl here drafted John Klnslnger - Luucaster co , Penn'a. John 7cll - do do Alexander Hanisou Wilmington o do Jut ob Uodler ( otumbla m do Jacob (ratH - do do John (IleiHon - litzcrno o, do James Phillips Wavne co do Murtin Jo)u Uiilonco, Indiana. OFUCHIi. Deiahtment op Statf, Washington, Jauiur) til, lbGJ. Ihb Hctretary of State will hereafter receive intmUrsof ( ongressnn buslntsson UaturdayB, communing with Saturday, tho llrst of next month WILLIAM H. BLWAHD -!: i -nr'-L'V'girrB. w SPECIAL NOTICES. 53- German Hellef Association. The monthlr meeting of the Gerrasn Relief Association for sick nnd Wounded SoMIers, takes plsce THIS WFDNESDAYeveninr,Nor. IJth, t ?i. o'clock, In Temperance Hull, V street. lh nubile Is cor dUllr lnv itcKl to attend The orrsalzstton of the Allocation being now complete, sad Its efficiency during the psst six months fully established, Inter esting reports may be looked for from the various committed The I xecutlve Dosrd meet as usual, erery Tuesday evening, at No 417 Seventh street. Br order of the necutlve rtosrd ALFllf D SCHUCKtNG, nor 10 3t Corresponding secretary. ET-ainlue Soldiers Iletlef Association There will be s meeting of this Association on TU SD1 NINO, tiov. 11, M 8 o clock, at the office of S r. Drown, Ksq,2MF street. A full At tendance li requested I er order. oe to H no DRAKE'S PLANTATION DITTKRS. They iurlf, strengthen, and Invigorate They create a healthy appetite. The) are nn antidote to change of water and diet The) overcome effects of dlsslptlon And late hours They strengthenthe system And enllren the mind Thej prevent mUimatleandlntermlttentfersis Theypurirv the hreathamlscldityorthe stomach They cure U) tresis and Constipation They cure Durrhcet, Cholera, and Cholera Mor bus They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head- They are the best Hitters In the world They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's rrest restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Hum, the celebrated Calliaya Dark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Piirtlriilitrlr reenmmended to delicate nersons re quiring a gentle stlmulsnt. Sold hy all Grocers, Druggists. Hotel, and Ssloons P II DRAKK fc. IO-lItehUr'i Ilalr DyeThe Best In the World William A. Datchelor s celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from naturei warranted not to Injure Hair la the UaBtiremecHesthelll-eirectsofbaddves. and Invig orates the Hair for life. GRU.RtD.or RUST HAIR Instantly turns a splendid Black or iirown. leaving the hair soft and beautiful sold by all Drurgtfits, Ac. tpTherenulQcUBbrnedUM A.DATCHFLUR. on the four sides of each Imx. actory, No m narcisr street, tAte 233 uroau wayAndl9Dnnd,)New lork. ni) !-!) 53- The CJreat Peniis) lTnl Routev The quickest and safest route to the Northwest nnd Southwest Two through trains dall), and one on Sunda), Soldiers' tickets at Government rates to all the principal points In the North and West Kor tickets anil further Information apply at the of lice of the "Great Pennsylvania Route." northeast corner PonntTlVAnlA avenue and Sixth street, un der National Hotel. Otttce open from 7 a m toO u in ion sumiays io v m. 1 F O NORTON, AUg & ly Agent. t-Seflal Notice On and after TueaJn April 1, lb6i, the trains on the Uvltimore and Ohio HAllnal vvilUnmmence running dull), (Sunda) s eicepted ) leaving this station at 7 40 a tn , and toiiiiecHng at Washington Junction with Mail Train Tor nil pirts of the West via Wheeling or larkentiirg through tickets soil and baggage ebctked . r sunn, M orTrsniMrlatlonD It O It H. ap 1 ilif trr-Oruhana Fair it I Odd Fellows Hall. Tbebioc) sale will iwslttvelr le closed onsatur da) night, the Uth Instant The Ladles conducting It ask lor a continuation of the patronage so llb- eraii) Desiowra upon n, vy iwrsons oi an reiinous denouilnatlons 1 hey offer a great v arlety of use ful and fancr articles at fair nrices Substantial mesls at all hours, and the patrons have a rareon- ponuniT) oi spenuing an ngrrennie earning unn i music aiwav s in niienuance. nti a JO- The Next UrgliUr Mouthl Meellug of the Hoard of Trustees of Public Schools will Im held In the Aldermen's Room, fit) Hall, on TUr s- DA AFTFRNOON, November 11th, at 41,' o'clock WM U. DATON, no 8 3t secretar). JCf'W riton'v lroa;reaaorHlaverr Copies oftldrfuork are for isle at the office of the National Hi ul Ikati Pamphlet edition, 25 cents Dound edition, 7&ccnts WANTS. I rANTKD-A Urge room for storage, around Tf noor or basement,) lu the vicinity of Penn sylvania avenue, from Fifth to Twelfth streets Ad Iresi Union 'at this onlce no U dtf T ANTED-One Plumber ami Two Gas W Fitter, r'one but (Jood Hands need ap ply. 307 Pennsylvania avenue, do 1 1 2t Opposite the National Hotel BOM S AND CAMP GR ASF WANTFD The subscribers will pay the hit best market price for aii) quantity of Bones and Camp Grease, deliv ered at ineir mm, iooi oi u sireei oct 31-olm MOHIMN ft RIUNPHART. WANTKDAt the New lotk Employment Agency OOIee, No 611 Ninth street, near l'tnni) Ivanla avenue, TWLNT- l F. (23) White and Colored GIRLS, with good references, as Cooks, Chambermaid, Lnundresses, Waitresses, Nurses, and Sea mt rente Alio, vounff Colored Men, to wait on tables In Prh ate Families or Hotels Also wanted, bouses Immediately, with or without fur niture fuploversln want of good help, will find tt to their adv ant age to call. IDA) 28 tf N H MILLFR WANTED. For a gentleman and his wife, a Double Parlor, with tlrst-class furniture snd board Price not so mueh a consideration at a nice place The best city reference given and required. Ad dress "Danker," at the City Post Office AUCTION SALES. BY W. I. WAIJ, Si, CO, Auetloueers. FtKIMPrOia AUCTION SALK OV GRO-LtRUS.i-C THUHSUA MORNING, November 13th. at 10 oMotk, we will sell, in front of our Auction Rooms, to closo consign ment s, a number of lots of Groceries, for cash, embracing Barrels el low and Rettnud Sugar Chests Tea rteroes Cincinnati Hams and Beef lloxes Starch, ermlcelll and Maccsronl Uoxes Chewing Tobacco and Began Crises assorted Preserves and Plekles Roxes Lemons and Barrels Beans and Pork Boxes Blacking and Brushes, Barrels Nuts times Aromatic Bitters Cases Lemon and Raspberry Sirup Barrels Mrup and Inegar, Barrel Herring And a quantlt) of Small stores W.L. WALL & CO, AD It Id Auctioneers SAMS OK eUM)EM.KU HTORKsT-Uill be sold at Publlo Auction, ou THUKSDA, Nor IS, ISB3, commencing at 10 o'clock a m , at store-bouse between I and streets near SM, a lot or 1IORS AND MULF HARNESS and other tiusrtermastrr Stores, condemned as unfit for pub lie use Terms Cash, In Government funds, Ih orderof J J.DANA, Captain & A U M MARSHALL &PAGF, no e lts Auctioneers "tyAGONt WAOOJ I hav o now on hand the largest an I Iteit lot of WAGONS thateverwas itttcred In this cltj, which will le sid I low CARHIACF RFPAIRINQ of all kin Is prompt!) attended to ROB r II GRAHAM, Coachmaker, nov 10 3t 371 U and 477 lghth streets AiriNTKii IWKIUO.NH. MRS A 8PH11, 371 Va, amine, bet. Tenth and Flcventh itrttt$, Will open HINTfR FASHIONS on Thursdav, November Uth Mr 8 having procured a competent Dress maker, Is prepared to execute all orders with promptness oov 11 3t Ml A STAMP. We are prepared to furnish UNITFDSTATFSTA STAMPS AT Government rate HITTJ- NHUUht , f ANT & CO , oct 30 tin Bankers, I6J Peno avenue KOOMS TO LI T. our Kurnlihel Rooms, with or without Board, within ttve minutes' walk of Peuns)lvanla avenue Intjuhe at No 4Uf Murjlaod a enue. m. 3o-tf OID DFMANDNOTrS U H. IRr ASURYNOIM, cutrnicrrso indhiti-dnfss, And hIL U houglil at tlie lilgheat price, lit , bought at the highest price. b itll'lf NHUUSK 1 Al &p(i. ovt iJj lm Bunkers, No lOJlenn avenue ClOMhUMi COM! ALL, lOL A BfALLiCO, to get ) our Clothing, 1- urnUhing Good, 1 runk, Hats, aul Cnps, Nik JILI fhAkAntli iilMidt so 2.53)1) tetiveeu I fit K TO IS THK 11MF TO UV OUH CLOTH l liivnr I. A UlALLkCO, o Jlil tet fiith stieet, bep J5 3 m I rlwteu UK 1iPrCIAL ATTFN1ION Is CA.LL1D TO OUR U mw sloikof Fall and Ulnttr Clothing, Gents 1-un Ixblng t.ooJt, Hats, and (sps L A 111 ALL t CO, sei3 3m Clothiers, No 301 Seventh street TUB OFFICERS OF TUB AltMT. Just arrived, by direct Importation per steamer Fulton, from Furope, a, rery Dae sad Urge assort ment of Marine, Opera, Field Glasses, and Tele scopes, which I will sell ft very little above th cost la Tarts As to the Qualities, there are nons superior to be had, having Men selected purposely for this market. Also, a large sod well-Asiorlod stock of Opera Glasses, Microscopes j gold, silv er, and steel Spectacles and re Glssses, suited to the sight by the use of an Optometer. A considerable number of certificates to be seen at my office, from gentlemen who hare been suited At my establish ment 42 IVnnnyhania oivnwf, betaken uwr-fln-d- half and Aiith ttrett. My Kstabllshmcnt la up atnlra. f7aff Jilted to tmt. The trade supplied. Oct 10-1) ) ASSES ( TUB POTOS1AC. On and After the 12th Instant day nf September, passes will be required from all vessels, boats, &u , navigating the Potomac river These will be Is sued b) the Commanding Officer of the Flotilla, and mi) Ik obtained from the naval vessels sis. tloned at Alexandria, or at the mouth of the rh er. GIDFOS WFLLFS, Recretsrrof the Navj. Navt DtFARTMEirr, September 11, 1WI sepll GRNKRAb UK AlUtf AIITKUH FORARM SUPPLIKS, WIIOLtlALT AND HTTAIL. RTATIONHU, BLANK AND SCHOOL BOOKS, niLUAKi nunas, MISCFLLANIOUS BOOKS, Writing Papers, Envelopes, Portfolios, (jom rens, I'enciis, inks, c , c , Pocket Books, and Pocket Cutler). Photograph Albums In ev erj arletr, Newspapers, Periodicals, and CHFAP PUBLiCATIONS All orders I romptly attended to Call and examine No charge for shotting goods, SltFPHFRUfc RILFl, Corner seventh and D streets, nc2A Im Washington, V C VUAMK KXPHKHH COMPAN, Office 51 I'rim avenue, Wattdngton City, I). V. (iREAT EASTERN, NORTHFRN, and WFST rRN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. Slereliaitdlse, Money, Jewelry, Valuables, Notes, Stoeka, ltouits, 4t- Forwarded with 8AFLTV AND DISPATCH to all accessible sections of the countrj . This Company has Agencies In the principal railway towns tn the NORTH, t AST, WUT, ND NORTHWIST. Its principal offices are WAsnixoTox.ih a. :;. route, bostox, run. welpjiia armour, uix- 'IAA11, ft J, J,UUJ JtUUJn YILLF, LEXIXQTOX. Connections are made at New orkand Boston with lines forwarding to the Canada and the British Provinces, and with steamship lines to Liv erpool, Southampton, and Havre, and thence by uropean expresses to all prominent commercial towns In Great Britain And on the Continent. Collection of Notes, Drafts, and Bills made at all access It le prts of the United States C C DUNN, Agent, Je I) ashlngton, D C. TRW 1 URIC lltfSINKHH. LAW, FINANCIAL AND COLLECTING INVOICE BIH.ft RrSIESH NOTES NEGOTIATED. 1 hOTLkl LU NOTLS ANU DEFERRED IrCOUNTS BOUGHT AND COLILITLD STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD 1CLUMFLY ON COMMISSION flOVFRYMEXT CLAIMS H0VQUT, ByG .HOUSF, Counsellor at Law, tit Nassau street, New ork. 83 Ten )earsln State and United states Courts. Advice gratis sp!3 - OAK HALL C I O T1U NO ItOOM, No 404, seventh street, below V. The subscrlter takes great pleasure In announc ing to his old Friends and Customers, that he has opened a new store at No 4&4 seventh street, near F, where he has a Hue, selected stock of Clothing for Men an 1 Bo) ' wear, which they hav e just re ceived from the North, and otters them for sale At the lowest Northern prices J BRUO &CO, ep JV 3m Clothiers, 464 Seventh street. riTKCTIIt TKKTIlt M LOOM IS, M D, the Inventor aod patentee or the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends personally at hlsotneelnthls city. Many persons ean wear these teeth who cannot wear others, and no jwrsoncan wear others who cannot wear these Persons ctlllng at iny office can be Accommodated with any style and price of Teeth they may desire) but to those who are particular, snd wish the pur est, cleanest, strongest, and most perfect denture that art can produce, the Mineral Plate will be more fully warranted. Rooms In this city No S3S Pennsylvania ave nue, between Ninth and Tenth streets Also, 9U7 Arch street, Philadelphia mar lfr I) DIt. LEI.ANU'H ANTI-HHFUMAT1C BAND I PLRMAN NTLY CURFS RHFUMATISM In Ms various forms, GOUT And Nt URALGIA, STIFFNFSS and NFR OUS Al FCTIONS, IMpURITIrSof the BLOOD, And tho ev 11 Fffects of Mercury. It Is a convenient!) arranged Bird or Belt, con tatntng a medicated compound, to be worn around the bod), about the waist, equally ArrECTiKa all parts, wherever the disease may he, and ean beorn without Injur) to the most delicate per son ir this treatment, the medicinal properties con taloed In the Band, being of a highly aromatic and volntlle nature, and capable of being readll) ab sorbed through the pores of the skin, come Into direct contact with the Blood and general clrcula tloa, without tint passing through the process of digestion, which would tend, not only to detract from their curative powers, but to Impair the In ternal organs and derange the digestion also thus Avoiding the Injurious etlects, so often the result of Internal remedies, and effecting a perfect cure, t) purlflng and equalizing the circulation of the vital fluids, and restoring the parts attected to a healthy condition Tills Band is also a most pow erful ''Antl-Mercurlsl Agent,1 and will entire!) relieve the system from Its pernicious etlects Moderate canes arc cured In a few davs,andwe are constantly recelv log undoubted testimonials to which we Invite Inspection at our otttce -ot their eitlcacy In aggrav ated cases nf long standing !fti e, Two Dollars bent by mall upon receipt of 4 J, or 1 ) express ever) where, with all nepessa ri Instructions, from the principal office of G SMITH CO. Proprietors, 401, Broad wav, New ork N U Descriptive circulars sent free Itp-T)iU Band will not Interfere with the sol dlers duties no 10 1 G. V. GOOUAI.I., PLUM of n, (IAS AXD STEAM FITTER, WJ4 Seventh street, near Canal Itridye, WASHINGTON All orders executed at the shortest notice, in the most substantial manner, and on reasonable terms Personal attention glv en to ev er) department of the business nov 20 AV FATim NOTICK. In ConHPniieiiLp (tf the Inwneuu nr tli wnlnrln tlieGenerttl Reservoir it will lenecessar), unless great ecoiioni) of water Is practiced, for the Gov ernment soon to shut oil' the supply tu eltlzeus en tirely All lemons are, therefore forbidden lo use the It) tl rants on 1 1 nnsi 1 v anla av enue, or ou any streets or avenues under the care and supervision of the Commtsbloner of Publlo Buildings, for watering the vtreetsor pavements, or lor an) private purpose whatever And all iienonvi using the water are urgently o nvnvu iii ttv us iiuiioiiiitni in iis use ns pussiuie B B HUNCH, stp 30 Commissioner of Put Ho Buildings Q O AI K T II 1 N U N I. AV , i rTTi. Now Uthe time to t uy our Fall Clothing, at No 460 (seventh st reett where )ou can Uud all the latest stvle sroods. at Northern nrices llol ho) f r iMventh street, No 4W A Inrgelu- toicHiii lowiiiiK, ui lery low jiricrs, nu uu atv enth street, near F A new wav to save Gold! Buv lour (lothlnifHl No 4flo Seventh street, opposite Post Oitlu, at 10 per ctni ictow inw marnci price, in ireaiury notes smith's, No 400Sevinth strtet. Is the eheapeat house In town to buy) our Clothing, Furnishing t Goo is, I ruiiks, Hats, nnd Caps ep &3m 1VUlllltlI'Hntteutloitlscsilleiltooiir J nt w stock of Clothing for Men and Bov s' use. I which we have just received, and otter for sale at i very low prices, at No 461 Seventh street, near J 1 J UltUCKSiCO, Proprietors of Oak Hall Clothing Boom sep sa3m I HMT ItFCEIVKD-A I.A!ir:r nmru nv O Hermetlcslly eAled GOUUS, consUtlnir of rRUlfS, J1LL11S, MLATSFGFTABILsr&C, "mm n vim iui "iv ai now IUi"K niBrKVl llflCrS OSTHLIM BHOTlftllS. r J95 Pennsylvania avenue OriTUKIM IMcOTHKRS, ON 'Ml KIM IIHOTHK.KS, 3 PKNNSVLVANIA AVFNUE, r a PENNSYLVANIA AVFNUF, JW PENNSYLVANIA ANUF, ' j Branch of 30 SOUTH WILLIAM STRFFT, NFW ORK, 00 SOUTH WILLIAM STRFFT, NFW ORK, Importers of CHOICE RRANDIE8 AND WINES, i CHOICE BRANDIES AND WINFS, CHOICE BRANDIES AND WINES, i CHOICE BRANDIES AND WINFS, " An wholesale dealers In RYE AND BOURUON WHISKIES, RYE AND BOURBON WHISKIES, i As well ss ever) variety of LIQUORS, CORDIALS, Ac, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, Ac., t LIQUORS, CORDIALS, Ar., AndtheWst I rands of GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS. I e Also offer for snle a co nplete Assortment of HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, MFATS, fcc, HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, MFATS, Ax, HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, MFATS, fcc, xpressl) put up for camp use BEST GOODS IN THE MARKET, 1EST GOODS IN THE MARKET, LOWFSTNFW ORK PRICFS, LOWrST NFW ORK PRICFS, IOWSTNFW -VORK PRICFS U3 PKNNSM.VANIA AVKNUK, JO'S PKNNS I.VANIA AVKMTK. Uettveeu Ninth nnd Tenth streets. M I h I T A II 1 RUIUPMRNT TRUNK, AND HARNFSS M n (I K TO U Y, 409 Set flit li street, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS HALL, WASHINGTON, D. C. I manufacture of the ltt material, and hare constantly on hand, a lsrge and varied assort ment of Military ami Citizen' SADDT.hS, BRIDLES, BREAST COLLAItS, FFLT SADDLE CLOTHS, MrABRAQVFS, Faleut Feed aud Water Buckets, Spurs, Officers Haversacks, Officers' Fine Swortl Belts, Uelt Trimmings, and Field Glass Cases. l It U N K M SQLF LFATUFJi, lit OX Fit AM E, DRESit, and WOOD BOX T AS. VALISES, TRAVFLIXO BAGS, IfARXFSS, rfc. It E P A I 11 1 N (1 . As I manufacture 1 runks extenslv ely, and neces sarily hare all kinds of Trunk Material, I am better prepared to repair Trunks, &c , thorough!) and proraptly,tt)An any other establishment In the city. JAMtS S TOPIIAM oct 14 iml pVANB 4b WATSON'N PHILADELPHIA, SALAMANDf It, FIHF AND BURGLAR PROOF S A F T- S. More, 16 louth Fourth itrrer, HilUdelrM, P. Ortltr. rcch t liy W. D SIIGP1IFRD, Curner uf Sv rntli and D ilreett, Vlhlngton, U C. Jyi II 1J N7 R XV INVKNTION ARTIFICIAL CLJOPLASTIC BONF Tf FTII, without metal plate or clasps, h) OH. a. B. BIG ESMOND, UIO Broadwa),New ork and 300 Penn avenue, . between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts , WABUINOTON, D. C, Calls the attention of the publlo tu the following advantages of his Improved s) stems 1st The teeth of his manufacture will nev er cor rode nor change color by any acids, and are three fourths lighter than any other Sd No teeth nor roots need be extracted, as the artificial ones can be Inserted over them 31 The roots wfJl be made lnotlenslv e and nev er to ache 4th No temporary teeth are needed, as permanent one can be made immediate!) , thereby prcserv Ing the natural expression of the face, which, under the old system, Is frequently disfigured 6th Ttits work has been fully tested, for ov er tlv e ) ears, b many of the first chemists and physicians of this and the old countrj , Dr S has also Invented a white Indestructible metsl filling, with which the most sensitive teeth can )o tilled without pain, and can build up a per fect sound tooth on any side roots, which wilt last through A lifetime He refers to the following gentlemen: Pr. , Motti Dr 'Doremus, Professor ot Ihemlstm Hon A Mann, Juu Cspt, Crabtree. ice President of the (.migration Compauy of New lork) Hon Judge Wayne, of the Supreme Court, of Washington, li C snd thousands of others Call and examine for yourselv es nov 8 Cm fH INVISNTOUH ANU PATENTKKS. MUNN fc CO , proprietors of the Sclentlfio Amer ican! ami agents for procuring American and for eign V A T K N T S . With bixtten Yean experience in the Bitihietn. Refer to Hon Judge Mason, Hon Joseph Holt, Honi W. D Bishop. ex-Commlssloners of Patents, and to more than fifteen thousand Inventors who have had business done through Munn u Co s Pa tent lAgency Pamphlet of advice sent freely nm II Patent Laws And Regulations, fou pages, SO ci nts, mall, Noj charge for consultation, orally orb) mall Preltmlaar) t xainlnatton In United States Pn tent Offlce, BIS Oitjces, No 37 Park Row, New ork Washing ton, corner of and Seventh streets, opposltetbe Ptttejit Oltlce. mar 14 Guiif 1; I H II i- H A II U H S T H 1 AWNING, M AG, AND irxrOY TFXT FW10RY, No, A30 I'euusjlvMUln. nteitue, i. WASHINGTON, I). C. SUTLUIV AXD ARMY TEXTS OS HAND OK Wi!)E TU OHDEK Awnings, Hsgs, Tents, Mall Bags, Home Covers, sigus, Wagon Cov em, &c , timde at short notice my tf G' OLD! GOLD t-ADVANCF PRICF PAID. BV I1IT1 L Ullf MILL I 1 l l . , -. " f-lm Hunkers, 16 1 1 enn avenue PSKR'I I VHDVC1 tVIHXK 1 Mlcty(D rOCH TEAM OLD, '-"'" OF CHOICE OPORTO OIIAPE, for rnvsiciAW usr, For Female, WeaUy Ptrtont, ami JnvaUil. I v ery fumlly, At this season, should use the SAMBUCI W1NF., Celebrated In Furone for Its medicinal and benefi cial qualities as a gentle Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic, and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, used In l-uropean and American Hospltsls. sndbj some of the first families in Furope nnd AiurriCH AS A TONIC, It has no enul. causing an appetite and building up the ) stem, being entlrel) a pure wine of a most valuable fruit AS A DIURFTIC, It Imparts a healthy Action of the Glands and Kid ne) s. and Urlnir) Orgsns,v ery beneficial la Dropsy Gout, and Rheumatic affections. SPFFAS WINF. Is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is pure, from the Juice of the Portugal Sambucus grape, cultivated in New Jersey, recommended by Chemists and Phi slclans as possessing medical pro perties superior to any olher Wines la use. and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated per sons and the aged and Infirm. Improving the appe tite And ttenetlf log ladles and children ALADIFSMVINF, Because It will not Intoxicate as other wlne, ss tt contains no-mixture of spirits or other liquors, and Is admired for Its rich, peculiar flav or, and nutritive properties. Imparting a healthy tone to the digest ive organs, and a Lloomingofand healthy skin and complexion WF RFFFR TO A few well known gentlemen And ph) slclans who unta iriru uie iviuli Gen W Infield Scott,U SA Go, Morgan, N State DrJ R,Chllton,N V City. Dr Parker, N .Citv. Drs DfircjiNlchoIl.New- Dr Wilson Uth st, N 1. Dr Ward, Newark, N J Dr Dougherty, Newark N J Dr. Msrcy, New lork rn, n.j nr, raisi, rniiau'A. ICJ"None genuine without the signature of'AL FRFD SPFR, Passaic, N J,Msoverthe cork or esch bottle Ef-MAkE ONF TRIAL OF THIS WINK. for sale by Druggists and all firstlass Dealers A. 6PKLR, Proprietor. Vihev AnDPassnlc, New Jersey Orrics S09 Broadway, New lork JOHN LA FOY, Paris, nov 3 ly Agent for I ranee and Germany. SPECIAL NOTICE, TO THE UTI7ENS OF WASHINGTON, OFUCLRS OP THE ARMY AM liAl 1. ODFON HALL, The old and established Kmporlum of Clothing, that has, for so many years, supplied the cltlxen of Washington and Vlclnlt) with all that Is es sential for the elegance and comfort of the outer man. Is now supplied with the most complete ami fashionable stock that we have ev er had the pleas ure to otter COATS, PANTS, and FST1 of the most desira ble styles that could 1 found In the market. Our AJiortmentofSH HITS, DU A WKRS, Host RY, GLOV FS, fcc , cannot be surpassed ami will be sold at prices that do not allow of compe tition LARGF STOCK OF MILITARY OVFRCOATS LAHGf STOCK OF MILITARY OV RCOATS LARGE STOK OF MILITARY OWIICOATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRI SS COATS I ARGF STOCK MILITARY UR 81 COATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DKr S3 COATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS LARGF STOCK MILITARY VFSTS LARGF STOCK MILITARY V STS LARGE STOCK MILITARY FSTS INDIA RUBDFR GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS VAL1SFS, CARPET-BAGS, Ac. Our stock of BOYS' snd YOUTHS CLOTHING Is the largest and most fashionable that has ever been offered la this city, and At the lowest prices they csn possibly be obtained in this city. Ci- Call and see us at ODFON HALL, corner 4 ; street and Pennsylvania avenue, the Great Cloth ing Mart of Washington city nov l every Tues, Thurs, At Sat TIIBT THY OUH NEW NTOC1C OP fj Clothing rrom the People's Clothing store, No 460 Seventh street, near V. They out-wear anv thing)oucrtn bui and thev Are sold so cheap at J If SMITH'S, No, 4G0 Seventh street, near F. I would adv lie all to come and bu) their Clothing at SMITHS, No 4GQ Seventh street. Itjou are wUejou will come to SMITH'S, No 4Cu Seventh street, near F, opposite City Post Of fice, to buy our Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps The PfOPLI'S CLOTHING STORF, No 4C0 Seventh street, Is the best place In town to buv )our Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps J If SMITH S. CO, Clothiers, 4ui Sev enth street. Call soon and see our new stock of Fall and Win ter Clothing which we Are selling At very low pri ces, at the PFOPLL'S CLOTHING STORK, No 460 Seventh street, near F. Great attractions at No 400 Seventh street. New s'xkof Clothlngjust Arrived, and selling At our usual low prices J H SMITH At CO , Clothiers, No 4G0 Seventh street, and corner Twentieth street and Tenn avenue Great bargains In Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, on the corner ol 1 wentleth street and Penn av enue. SMITH & CO, Clothiers, First ward, cor Twen tieth street and Pennsylvania avenue, is the cheap est place In town to luv your fall and Winter Clothing Call at the First Ward Clothing store and get )our I all and Winter Clothing, Hats, Caps, Hoots, and hhoes SMITH U CO , Clothiers, Cor, Twentieth street and Penn av FIRST WARD CLOTHING HOUSE, corner of Twentiethstreetand Penns) Ivanla avenue oil can buy jour Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boot, and Shoes cheap, corner of 1 wentleth street ami I enns Ivanla avenue sep & 3u) KQ TAKE NOT1CK. f-Q M.T. FAHKElt, NO 69 LOUISIANA AFNUF, Respect full) And cheerfully returns thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto receh ed Havlngever) facillt) fordoing Till BIST HOUS, SIGN, ANDDfCORATlW PAINTING Together with all work )ertalning to A FinsT tlass Painting 1 stabllshment Hehasnohesltanc) In soliciting a continuance of tho public's favor IH ft Ft Icet me Iteaaonublej Tlie Work Unezcqithnallet And particular attention Is paid to PROM PTNI- SS IN D LI b Hi , tj-Remember the numr er I au Louisiana Avenue, oct 31 -3 in 1 et Mxth and !v enth streets DU. PIHIIUhATT, Of No 431, corner ofHghth and f streets, Oppoillethe General Post Office, Tan I o consulted on UIILUMA 1 1C A FFii TlUS S iM?J,l;iViIA UlLRtONtLAISlS illkUNir Ah e CI JOAi, as well as all Dlseascsof Imprudence. of whatever eharacter, and which msy be. declare d Incurat let j other ph) slclans He engages tomaku au Ininiedlateeure p from his lengthy practice in the science of medi cine, he Is t nablod to otter himself to tho publls as being the only one in Washington capable of adord ng speed) reHef All esses curable will be guaran tied He warrants a cure without the use oT mi i cury or an other dangerous nmliclne Recent esses cured In twoorthreedavs N B Letters RddrcssedtoDr f .at htsotllce, Nn ill, corner or V lghth and I streets, opposite Gen eral Post OUke, will receive Immediate Attention OC3 ) NoTictn ih iti:m:nv givk tiivt theCopsrtnershlpheretoforeexistliigbetueen LU U LOfrHN Is tblsdaydlssohely mutual tonsent JOHNG LLY. J A COtfIN .11 till tl lilaiitlll . .. I ..... l i... l ..... . ... ii 7 . j,wb"' vunuuurs me uusiness anno ol I stand v " i nffrJsBii iff E3 tblClm wMmmmmSS ITSSSSW3C 5 Wsshlngtou, July 21, ItiOV jy