OCR Interpretation

Daily national Republican. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1862-1866, November 15, 1862, Image 1

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-- . .
lntioual UpttMicmL
Is published CTtry morning (Sundays excepted)
l'j W. J. MuRTioil & Co , and la rurolliil to
city subscribers (by carriers) at S3 rents per
Mall subscribers, 13 fiO per annum) fi for
six months, and tl for threo months, Invaria
bly In advance.
Blnglo copies, 3 cents.
Rational IftpnMum
Pitilg Wtt0twil nqmMtcmi
One square, three dajs ...... 11.00
One square, four days 125
One square, five days - ico
One square, six days ....... 1,75
Every other day advertisements, fifty per
ceut. additional.
Once a week advertisements charged ts new
for each Insertion.
Eight Hues or less constitute a square.
Advertisements should be handed In by nine
o'clock p. m.
NO. 303.
tS" For local matter, sco fourth page.
Trzasurt Notes. The old question, "what
bfcoinet of the pinittf may bo changed Into this
other question, "what become of th Treamry
The New York Tribune of Thursday says i
" Tho temporary 5 per cent, loan of 113,000,
000 asked for by the Secretary of tho Treasury
has been filled up, and nearly tho whole of ft
paid In, The only reason why the loan was not
wholly paid In Is tho scarcity of legal tender
notes. The banks hare been swept of them to
make tho payments already made. Thus, o
currency which It Is claimed Is In such execs
sire supply as to bo depreciated SO per cent., Is
so scarce at tho great money centre of the coun
try that, out of 1190,000,000 In circulation,
$12,000,000 cannot bo got together In two days
to meet the wants of Government. The 10 per
cent, deposit upon tho bids for the 7.30 per cent,
loan can bo made In tho checks of the parties
who contributed to the temporary loan. It
would be difficult to gettogcthcrsuQlcIentlcgaN
tender notes to make the. deposit, which
amounts to about thirteen hundred thousand
These facts socm Inconsistent with tho theory
that the Treasury notes aro piled up In the
banking centres, as the basis of a paper Infla
tion. They accord better with tho Idea, thrown
out some ttmo ago by Thompson's Bank Note
Reporter, that they aro largely hoarded through
the country, whero they have been scattered
In payment and bounties to soldiers. Many
reasons maybe gtren for their being so hoarded.
The people have more confidence In them than
they hare In bank notes, and they are tho only
currency, except gold and silver, which will
answer for tho payment of tho Internal taxes.
Tub South Rkixsei to be Coaxed. Thou
sands of votes were given to tho Democratic
party In tho recent elections, under the mis
taken Idea that the Southern rebels would lay
down their arras If the free States would only
pnt the Republicans out of power. The truth
Is, the rebels will never consent to como back
Into tho Union "anyhow," to use Mr. Toombs
wordv Tho North w 111 And Ihh out before long,
and will then feel llko the negro who rolled
over before a supposed Mr. Whitfield, who was
not Mr. Whitfield after all, that they hare
11 totted over for nothing." If New ork had
elected twenty Woods to Congress, Instead of
only two, the fart would remain unchanged,
that this war uul be fought out an 1 the rebel
Ilou crushed, or tho Union given up.
These Democrats on bended knee begging
the rebels to come back and. rule the country
only excite the ridicule uud contempt of the
Tho Richmond Dtujtatch, of November 10, In
an article on "The Elections In Vandeedom,"
"They (the Democrats) believe restoration
still possible. In this respect the do not man
ifest ttoelr usual sagacity. They hate tho In.
i rcdlble folly to believe that there still lurks
among the IkhIv of that people who have fought
against tho Union as men never fought before,
a secret attachment to tho old flag,' which Is
tho most detested of all earthly symbols to tho
whole body of the Southern people."
Over DC mi It. The romancer a ho dots up
the Warden ton correspondence of tho New
York Herald glv e tho following oecount of the
parting or Generals McClellau and Burnsldo,
which we regard as worthy of being Immortal
ized h a transfer to our columns t
" McClellau had au immediate lntcrv lew with
Burnsldo, when tho sorrowful Intelligence w as
disclosed. It Is dlfllcult to decide which wns
the more affected. Tears coursed down Me
Clellan'a features, and Uurnstdc, with his stout
and heavy frame, grieved llko a sorrowing
child. There they sat and wept."
(Jen. Noeil. The defeat of Gen. Nocll, as a
candidate for re-election to Congress froinMhv
i sour), detracts a good deal from tho recent tri
umphs of sound principles hi that redeemed
and regenerated State Gen. Noell not only
took early and firm ground for tho Union, but
be has steadily denounced tho aristocratic aud
antl republican character of the slaveholdlng
claBR, which rules supreme In tho cotton States,
Concert or Sacked Music Wo hope the
effort to raise funds for tho poor, aud for tho
sick and wounded In the hospttuls, by u con
icrt of sacred music, will bo a success. In
deed, we might guarantee It, when we see that
Madam Cecilia Young aud Professor Beukert
ure to manage and direct It, and It Is u rational
und pious manner of spending tho Sabbath
Defence or Nrw York Hahboh. Several
New York gentlemen aro here, among whom
whom Is Governor Morgan, In consultation
with the President and heads of Departments
lu regard to the defences of New York harbor.
They wish for somo Iron -clad a to bo sent there
us u means of defence.
S3P The reported order of Rottecraus, that
the slave of rebels shall be Impressed luto tho
service for fatigue dutj, does not accord with
some stories wo have had from Nashville, that
our army wus overruu with fugitive slaves Tor
whom uo work could be fouud.
Naval Orders. Actlug Assistant Patinas
ter Fairfield has iH-eu ordered to the steam gun
bout Pluola.
Actlug Master Isaac D. l.e)burn lias bet n
detached from tho W echauken, uml ordered to
the Irou-elad steamer (laleuu.
Acting Master Ben. W. Iortng bus bicn de
tached from tho Iron-clad 8 tea hut Gulcnu, and
ordered to tho Wcehaukeu.
53f" A New Jersey Journal has nominated
, f dcnerui Aicuieuau tonne varum Bcnaiorsmp
t cuused by the death of J. R. Thompson.
Ueiserai Pillow' Ntaitohs rhoSi, J ouis
correspondent of tho New Yoik Titbuim say n
that thcro are now four hundred of Gen, Pillow V
negroes now lu thut c Ity.
Geneiul Grant. It Mill be seen by u dls
puuhlu our telegraphic column thut General
Grunt is pushing forward with vlgoi, und bldA
fair, without any particular flourish, to punh
theeneui to the wall
Out Paper. Wo do not Intend to boast re-
n ec ting the mechanical execution of the Jlepuo
hunt, nor of the contents of each dull) Issue
We trut It speaks for Itsell. Ills enough for
ns to know thut It Is steadll) h;ie reusing Its c li
ulutlou, and net er fabler than iioh .
Advertisers will find It a good medium of
communication with thu public, and mo solicit
a full sharo of their putiouuge.-
All tho New York pupeis buve concluded to
advance their rates of subscription, adv ertUlug.
Theatrical Resume
Theatres and places of amusement have been
as prosperous the past week as usual; If any
change, there has been an upward tendency In
audiences, and, of course, In corresponding
receipts. Managers, It seems to us, have no
causo of complaint In this regard.
Several stars are here at the different theatres,
and these, with tho generally good stock actors
and actresses, have made the past week, to the
plat-goers and lovers of tho drama and of
amusements generally, n sort of gala time.
Mr. L. P. Barrett and Miss Lnclle Western
aro drawing large and fashionable audiences at
GrovcrV. We ore glad to know that Mr. Bar
rctt Is to remain still two weeks longer, and
we learn that somo dramas will bo put npon
tho stage In which he more conspicuously
shines than In tho rolen ho hni thus far pre
sented. Wo trust wo nro to have his recitation of
"Bhamos O'Brien" before ho leaves, cither at
his benefit or on some other occalou. It Is a
performance of great merit and unsurpassed
Miss Western will continue some week pr
two longer at this theatre, to delight the Wash
ington people with her versatile powers. There
are a number of first-class stock actors at Gro
wer's, among whom, without Invldlousness, we
moy mention Mr. Joseph Barrett, the brother
of L. P. Barrettt Mr, C. Barronj Mr. Rogers,
tho stage manager, who Is one of tho best
character actors we know In his line; Mr.
Wall, Mr. Clifford, and many others.
We cannot close this account or tho male
portion of that excellent cdmpan) without
making due end honorable mention of that un
surpassed low comedian, Mr. DanSetchell,who
only need show himself, or speak a single word,
when the entire house Is In a roar. Ho " In a
man of luflnlto fun."
There are several very excellent actresses at
this Institution, among whom we may inentlou
Mrs. Gcrmon. 'Her rendition of Coniey Carl) lo
In East Lynno w a au Intercstlngportralture of
au ancient maiden lad), and the audience did
not fall to appreciate her excellencies therein.
Miss Viola Crocker also Is n young lad),
whoso good sense and Innate qualities, glvo a
charm to all her personations on the stage.
She Isdecldcdl) n favorite actress with tho fre
quentors at Grovers. So also Is Miss Kate
Deuln, w bo, however dlfllcult her parts, Is al
ways equal to the task, and never falls to please.
She Is too well known a an actress hero as
elsewhere to need any pari leu I ir notice at our
baud.. Miss Sophie Glmbcr and the Monk
girls do well their parts. So wo maj sit down
this combination, taken all and In all, stars In
cluded, aft a first class compaii).
Nixon's New Washington Theatre Is lu n full
blaze, and Is nightly thronged with pleased
Miss Isabella Cuban holds nlghth swa) there, '
and both as nn actress and n (Jimwkv, contri
butes much to the entertainment of the people
who there do congregate. '
Tho componv there aro gcneratl), so far as
wo observe-, good uctors. Among tho more
prominent wo may mention Mr. Clianfrau, Mr.
Blalsdcll, and Miss Fannie Brown. Mr. Nixon
is exerting himself to pteise,andwe hope he h
finding this enterprise re muneratlv e.
Canterbury 1h u fixed fact among the amuse
ments of this town, mid though we rarely find
time to go there, still, u loam that It Is night
1) lUUi to overflowing with appreciative uu
dicnict. Nixon's Cln us bid fair to become a perma
nent Institution. It Is w ell filled at cue h enter
tainment, both afternoon and ecnlug. It Is,
Indeed, rare that so many persons, cadi good.
and mail) of them superb.) excellent In their
Bcerul vocations, aro grouped together In one
company of this kind. Where all dothclrparta
so well, It Is difficult to make mention of any
particular persons ai excelling In their rote.
"The Chimney Corner "Tho domestic
drama of 77i Chimney Vomer," produced at
Ford's Theatre for tho first tlmo In Washing'
ton on Wednesday night, was list evening re
peated, with an effect which, In connection
with tho largo audience lu attendance, afforded
abundant and gratifying evidence of,the In
cieuslnggcnerul appreciation of the sterling
merits of this delightful little domestic picture,
and of the thoroughly urtlstlc excellence of Mr.
aud Miss Couldock In tho person atlon of Its
leading characters. Contrastcdwlth the highly
wrought and meritorious "sensational pla)s,
upou which tho American public havo, for ten
or II 11 ecu )cars past, been feasted ulmoi t to su
tlct), "Tho Chimney Corner" Is, ludeed, u
simple production, and, casually read, might,
by those unfamiliar with tho powerful magnet
ism of S)mpathj more potent lu Its simplest
touches thuu tho moHt ostentatious affectation
heroism and dlgnlt), be regarded as cv en tame.
But even theso hasty aud most Ill-advised
critics would bo first In conceding to Its per
formance, especially with the advantugo of so
glftid an artist as Mr. Couldock, an ellect tho
moat i hid nnd most delightful which tho high'
est art. cm u when Inspired b) tho loftiest ge
nius, could produce upon the heart and mind of
llio auditor.
If Mr. Couldock reputation rested alono
Upon his personation of Peter Probll), be might
securely pride hlnihcir upon tho abiding char
acter of his fume. Undertho calm advisement
of u theatrical experience cohering tho pant
twent) )enrs, wo confidently award it u fore
most position among the most brilliant und
tender bits of natural ucttng of which the his
trionic urt In this country tun boast. It is
worth) of bclug associated with bis Luke Field
ing, and to be remembered In connection with
Charlotte Lushman's "Meg Merllles," I.)san
der Thompson's "Bob T)kc," Iturlon'a "Cup'n
Cuttle," and other graphic portraitures of char
aitir destined to lo peipeiuutud among tho
proudcht traditions of thu American singe
The pathos of this c Hot t of Mr. Couldock Is
really exquisite. Tho transition from tho dotlug
coutldemeof an Ingenumi nature, lu tho pro-
bit) of uu only ttou, to the "clucunt couWctlon
of tlut soil's utter baneiuss Is so sudden so
abruptly sbutleied tho biaulltul contentment of
the houestotd chundler's charmed circle or home
that the uudltor w ho has follow t d w 1th eurucst
sympathy tho Joyous progress of tho humble
lather Is, by tho catastrophe ot tho Ions of tho
money aosucrodl) coullded to his cure, precip
itated Into au ub)ss ol uiixletyand grief bor
dering as nearly upon the i cut as mcreslmulatlon
can porhaps attain. The frauk humor, the ha
bitual mirth, een under the oppresshe weight
of his sorrow, and tho generous Joy of Probity,
In tho eventual vindication of his sou's honor,
are bo many flashes of genius shed upon the
open pago of nature.
Graco Emery, though n charmingly drawn
and gcntlo character, affords but little scope for
the display of any marked genius, and the most
that can be said of Miss Caul dock's personation
Is, that It very sweetly realized our sympathetic
conception of tho author's Ideal. MlssCarr,as
Patty Probity, gaa a delightful nnd admirable
Interpretation of the role, verj Justly sharing
the applause bestowed upon tho gifted repre
sentative of her genial husband. Mr. Bailey
personation of old Solomon Probity, the cun
ning and senile centenarian, Is among tho
most excellent efforts of the kind ever, w Uncsscd
by us. The scenery of the piece, by Mr. Chats
S. Gctz, Is capital quite different lu Its me
chanical arrangements from anything of the
kind ever before exhibited In Washington. The
"Chimney Corner" will bo repeated lo-nlgbt.
Eaton Stoie, Esq. This gentleman has
been performing at tho Cremouo Circus for
some three consecutive weeks, und thousands
upouthousands lunc witnessed with exquisite
pleasure his daring feats of horsemanship. As
on equestrian ho has no equal In this countrj,
sure, If Indeed, his equal can bo found any
where. Wo have never seen many of tho atl
tudcA and positions which Mr. btonu assumes
on horseback, tho horso meantime at full speed,
attempted by any other equestrian, nnd jet, ho
does It alt with that seeming, If not real case,
which leads one to exclaim, Involuntarll), How
wonderful I
Mr. Stone Is not only an accomplished und
superior equestrian, but hols u thorough bred
gentleman. To bis qualities of unsurpassed
horsemanship, he adds those nobly qualities of
head and heart, which render him a perfect
gentleman In social life, mil one of the most
companionable of men.
His Is that developement of u thorough man
hood, which Is so rare an attulnmeut In this
country, but which should bo sought uflcr by
all young men who would be what God Intend
ed them, not drones, but de eloped num.
If any of our clthrcns lunenot et witnessed
Mr. Stone's fiats of horsemanship, they should
do so by all means before ho lenses the r It), as
we bellee he soon Intends to do
(ienrral CJrnnt.
Ihc St. Louts correspondent of the Nt w Vork
Ti ilmne under date of the 8lht s iy
" Tho rebels ha e too long hctd jtosswsioti of
the Interior or Mississippi, ana i) means ol inc
railways concentrating there, line been en
abled to reach all parts of the Tonfidcrjcj,
and rtceho and ship supplies att Itbdum. It-Is
of the greatest Importance that we should oh
tain possession of the great Southern railways
in mat mate, ana ino intention oi lien, (train
I presume. Is to possess Holy Springs, Grenada
Jackson, Columbus, and other points sa noon us
"Thoso places occuplid by us, bksburg
must soon fall, and thus an admirable free line
of operation will lie created agalust Tiyu, Ar
kansas, Alabama and Loutslaua.
"The rebels aro said to be lonciutrtttiu t
Holly Sprlngst but I do not believe, uu 1 Imc
said before, thut It Is their Inteution to uuku a
Bland there. I look for them to fall back to u
position they deem moro advantageous, aud to
uttempt to surprise our forces b) some strategy.
In which, I regret to sa), the) alone ippc tr to
htno bad auy success.
"Tho mcsslonlsts lu Northern and Middle
Mississippi ure decided!) uncart) In regard to
Iho future, and will make a desperate eilort to
resist tho adunce of Grant's unit) Into Iho
iitale. drum's column Is llng nipt ill) n
n forced, and he has an opportunity to obtain
ttomenrthomost substantial advantages of the
war during his present campaign, thu lmhiil
uiu e of which, at this particutir Jum tun , i un
hardly bo overestimated by those who under
Hand tho situation "
It will bo seen thut General Grant h now
doing that very thing that tho rebels fur. Ho
will soon strike the icbcllton In tint nglon to
tho heart. General Grant U tho coming nun,
tho great captalu ol tho time.
From hi it it and Japan.
Tho last Furopeun steamer brings neus fiom
China no to tho .Id of September, und from Ja
pan to the 23d of August. From the latter there
was llltio intelligence outer uiun uiu rcporieni
abatement oi uio cuoicra ravages ai .Nagasaki.
Trade was quiet, wltti complaints making aiiout
the depreciation of the Mexican dollar, which
is now convertible into oniy two iizmorm, in
stead of three aud one tenth as format).
The principal new s from China U to the edict
that u great raid has been made b) thoTueplngs
on tho thirty miles of territory surrounding
Shanghao. Tho Insurgents came up almost to
tho walls of that place, burning vllluea uud
driving the defenceless lu habitant a Into thut
city. It Is CBtlinated that as many ns oue hun
dred thousand of them sought shelter aud re
lief In Bhanghae, whero charity w a doled out
as freely as tho means at disposal would per
mit. Approaching tho deftuccs, the) wero us.
sailed by a mounted volunteer force, which
droNO tbcin back lu confuaion. It h is been a.
certalucd that their object uus to foruge for
provender. Tho latest riport w as that the) b id
retired to a distance of scvent) miles.
From Pckln tho latent ui counts report un
abatement of the choleri, after sweeping ofT
thousands of tho inhabitants Among lu Ul
tima was Monselgneur Ucrgntcr, thu Koiuuu
Catholic Bishop ot Shanghai), who had gone on
a mission to the capltul. ThoPiIuco ot Kung
had been uttaiked, but was rmneilug. Hon.
Anson BurllngHme, American MlnUtir,ludti
kcuuphlsnsldencelnPeklu. A treat) of pi ace
aud tommcicu hud bun concluded beiweeu
Portugal uud Chlnu. Business at fuiiUln was
Improving. At New chw ang, tho moat northern
open port In Chlnu, tho cholira biokcoutlutho
part of Jul), haiiug tracld lu that illntllon
troill lVXlll A. Y ComlmtHuU,
iuou Oueqo. From Uicl,ou wo hum that
tho Governor has lately n tumid lo tho Suiato
tho bill requiring tho otth of allegiance from
all whodruw money f-oiu tho Slulo luxury,
and empowering the Seiretar) ot btatu to de
mand proof of Io ally from thosu ho has reu-
pou to suspect ol thu want ol It. Die latter
Provision was (he one ol luted lo, kr urioita
icusons set forth In tho uto iniesuge The
Senate Immediately rntllmud their action on
tho bill by u otoot 1 J k -i und us thu I ill has
not been returned from the House 11s )jt, thu
question Is umticldid, thoimhllu oplulougulns
that lb it bod) will not li io tint roiulHitu tw
thirds to make thu bill u law.
Congress has been meioui allied lur Ihu
establishment ol a mint tt Portland, uhliliW
an Important measure, muih ueidedlu lew ol
the extent und magnitude ot the mludddiw lop
ing inimsportionnrineworiii inu Cbuuiibii
ineut of u mint ut Portland nnul I leuiilm
portunt feature In tho pruti irit) of that inttr
prising place, und would do muih lomUuuti
the business iutiresls guierull) ol ihU auiiou
of tho PaellU, 11 ud lieu It from its dej mdiiiei
on Ban rranclsco for suppl)lug l he ii) iwe-
1111 urtiue 01 e-oai.
Tub 1'KonutTs or AUssacuisftts I he
lion. Robert J. Walker shows, In a recent dm
ument, that If each Stutu und Terrltor) in the
Union produced us muih, ever) )ear, 1 winta,
as Massachusetts, our whole annual products
would izcted nlnt bilLons oj dolluis '
AT. All A MA.
Vessels Captured anil Prisoners Sent lo
comronoiw u hkkh justified.
A XFOltO IltarVKXT ix bittlf
The steamship City of Baltimore brings news
of the arrival of the Philadelphia slilp Tona
wnudaat Lhrrpool, with further accounts of
the depredations of the pirate Alabama. Tho
captain of the Tonawanda makes the follow
ing reportt
"The Touawandi, Captalu Julius, from
Philadelphia was captured by tho steamer
Alabama (SM0) on the 9th of October, at four
p, m , In latitude 41 degrees, longitude Mi de
grees. Captain Julius was taken on board, and
found there Captain Harrison and crew, of tho
late bark Wave Crest, from New York for Car
diff, and Captain Johnson and crew, of the
lato brig Dunkirk, from New Vork to Mibon,
all prisoners and In Irons on deck, their vessels
ha lug been burnt two days previously. The
next day tho prisoners were transferred to the
Tonawanda, aud Captain Julius alone remain
ed on board the Alabama as hostage. Ou the
11th they captured aud burned the shin Man
chester, from New York to Mterpool. Her
captain and crew were alto put on lnrd the
Tonowanda, which Captain Julius was thcnln
formed was a cartel. No more prizes were
taken till the evening of the 13th, and there
being ecr) appearance of thick weather, Capt.
Julius was put on board the Tonawanda, and
allowed to proceed, after having given a rau
som bond. AH the captains, oftlcera and crew
aro paroled prisoners of war,"
The Tonawanda had on board the following
passengers i F. A Calhoun, of St. houls, W.
T. Hacker, of Philadelphia; W. L.)alkpr,nf
Philadelphia j Henry McKay, of Now lorkj
one of whom publishes a detailed statement of
the circumstances of thotupturc, Heia)si
"On tho 11th 0( lotier, after thoeaptureofthc
Tonawanda, we fell In with a salt in latitude
41 digrccs und til minutes, longitude KS degrees
and 0 minutes, which proved to lie tho splen
did, full rigged ship Manchester, Cant. Lauder
kln, from New York to Liverpool, six da) a out,
laden with Brain and cotton, the whole valued
ut neurl) $JOO,000 The usual treacherous form
of seizure was gone through with, and she was
soou a prize to the 'Confederate man-ofwar
Alabama ' After being condemned, which oc
cupied onlv about thirty minutes, her captain
nnd crew, consisting altogether of twenty three
men, were transferred to us with their baggage,
aud about ulne o'clock p in , she was consign
ed to the names. The privateer men signalled
us to u ir ship' aud follow blm, which we did,
losing sight of the 111 fated Manchester about
half past J a. m , whlco at tho tlmo cnntlnmd
to illuminate the horizon
October 15 Thlsls a contlnuauco of the
bu 1 weather of )cstcrday, but muesli worse. A
eerie- ofsrpialls from the south have hunted us
all ua), making it very rouguanuuisugreeauie,
particularly so as the privateer continues his
scouiglngcourso to the westward, unrelenting
lu his determination io ure ana uesiroy eer)
thlug ho meets American. At twelve o'clock
in. he signalized us lo wear ship, signifying
thit he sees a sail, which wo soou discovered
from our mast's head to bo coming from the
HHithwest, moss probably from New York
wo got around ami joiucu mm in me cnase,
during which a most fearful squall strut k us,
aud tho ilmosphcro became ffo thick with rain
wo would often loso sight of tho privateer.
Clearing away somewhat, wo found the priva
teer l)lug to us It In distress, and the vessel
which wus a large, full rigged ship nulling
Into his arms, for the puriose. no doubt, of
helping him. Suddenly the ship put about,
snu lllng a rut, as wo supposed, aud steered for
tho north. To our surprise the privateer, In
stead of glvlug chase, boro straight down for
ui. where wo werohiotoawaltlna tho result.
Coming within a short distance she hove to,
lured our captain to us, with orders to set snll
uud bo off 011 ouriourse. This occurred, and
we lea tho Alabamilu latitude 40 degrees M
minute s, lougituuo oj degrees ro minutes.
' It appears while, tho privateer was waiting
for tho ship and sho u cared him, It Was taken
for a Untied States man-of-war In disguise, all
hands wero culled lo quarters, tho guns shotted,
btcam put on, prepared to glvo her u broadside
and run. Tho white cross of St. Gcorgo was
run up as usual by tho privateer, when tho ves
pct Immediately ran up her rlig, proving her to
be n tipatilsh merchantman. Although this
leuow is very nom wucn alongside a poor un
fortunate and helpless merchantman, )et woaro
Inclined to think he would much rather run
thait stand before one of our war vessels of
even a much less calibre.
M I omitted to state thut early on tho morning
of tho 11th, wo descried a vessel to the 1 ist-
ward, but which, for somo unknowu reason,
1110 privateer uiu not ciiaae. 11 . supposeu b i
wus going too fast for dm, and to put on tho
iieeessury speed to c-iti h her, ho might lose us.
I uliwmuiitea 111 mention iiiosingniaruaiiiai, into our liatula Homo with Its extensive ar
putur Captain Johnson's crew of tho brig pun- Beiial would become oura, and Atlanta could
kirk, tonsiHuug 01 uiuume-n,iwo joiuui uie.
i""1""1' "v "'""B ',' wiu.ij "!
tiilu Suumes ou tho Sumter. Ono or Hum,
bilng a deacrtcr liom tho Sumter, he Is now
under beiropunWhuienton Iward tho AUbima
U".,l"r:.., . ..,..,nfui.,..J
.BllmailM.H,wU,wu nuiiuu. rM.r-
and property have thus far been dcstro)ed l
the piivateer. It seems to bo tho Intention of
Cupt. hemmes to hover u round tho neighbor
hood of thu ports of Now Vork and Boston, di
rt ell) In the track of all outward boun I ves
sets, until ho h1nks the news of hi deirula
tlous, byway of Liverpool, per Emll) raru
liam, will reach New York, doetro) lng lu the
meantime by lire every v easel he meets, ex ipl
such as ha may require for temporary urtcN;
then, before leaving, running close Into shoio
and burning tho lightships off Boston, Niw
Vork und Pliiludelphla.
"His plaus seem to be well laid, and wi have
nst ilmilit lm will ilfi nil ItiimAnan iti ul ut uilrt
ihiiltootu (oinmertu within the next three
witkx, particular!) us now U tho seihon lor the
vuluui lu grain shipments to Europe, lu which
ull our Hue American merchantmen ure en
gaged I he udvantage tho Alabama h ih over
jttsE-ars sM
iiiiduiiirlm I ntlil I lilt tirlTiwi slin lilia I Tllli d
meesHuries Iroui tho prizes sho takes lTnles
e uil,Iii very soon slio will undoubted)) piovcto
be u teirihlu acourguto our commerce, llefon
ttiirnltiir his 1 rlzes Lunt. bctiimea takm oosid-
.Ion ot ull tho nautical lustruments aud such
eupilieiiim hU vessel may need. He has a great
iiuiilt foi chronometers ( and telescope , ol
nK hit has u large vartetv, ull lukeu tioiu
U.o vu.lous prize. Hocalls his Tesscl u ugu ,
lur nmnofwar of the Confederate States of
iiurlcii,uud teeius very curefulfodo nothing
In vloUiou of tho articles of war, ivpe-uug
Me,t pride, ot his commission.
" '
newly elected Congress to brow beat the Prcsl
dent before It tomes luto power.
A Negro Regiment lu Hat tie
A correspondent of the Leavenworth (Kan.)
Votua-vatlve, writing srom Butler, Bates county,
Missouri, October 30, gives this account of a
successful fight of ono of Senator Lane's negro
regiments t
"A detachment of seventy men from the
southern battalion, (Col. Seamen's), and one
hundred and sixty men from Col. William's,
(the latter under command of Captain G. It.
W ard, com pan) D, the entire detachment under
uoionei seaman, wno acted unucr instructions
from Major Hcnnlng,) arrived at this point on
Tuesday afternoon, having left Fort Lincoln
late ou Monday. The enemy's scouts wero seen
lu force when we arrived at this point, the res
idence of an Infamous guerilla named Tooth
mm, whose son Is now a prisoner at Fort Lin
coln. We were aiming to clean out a rendez
1 ous near here, on what Is known as tho Island,
a large, marshy, tract of land, l)lng In the
Usage, which has been tho resort of tho Jack
man and Cockcrlll bushwhackers. Wo found
the latter In force, with a splendidly mounted
and armed lody, variously estimated at from
four hundred to eight hundred men. The prob
ability Is that tho flret named was tho correct
estlmato, but since our arrival ho has been re
inforced, till his command number over six
hundred. We encumped within Toothman's
)ard, throwing up a rail barricade, and raising
a flag. We named the place 'Fort Africa.'
"Sendlnff back for cavalry and for tho re
mainder of the regiment, wo skirmished two
da)s. Ycstcrdr) morning our skirmishers shot
two scouts. Alter dinner tho enemy succeeded
In draw lug out n small detachment and cutting
It oif from our main lody. A sharp engage
ment ensued In tho attempt to rcscuo our do
tat hment. Wo lost eight men killed and ten
wounded Capt. Crew, company A, First reg
iment, K. C. V., formerly of tho Mansion
llonac, was killed. lieutenant Joseph Gard
ner w as sererel) wounded, but w 111 be w ell with
in a week or two. The enemy riport fifteen kil
led, this morning, and mut ha c as many more
"Ills useless to talk any mora of uetrro cour
age. Tho men fought llko tigers, each and c er)
one of them, and the main dilllcnlty w as to hold
them well In hand.
"We have Jut received retnforcements, and
but o Intelligence of u guerilla force that renders
limoemcnt uetessar). We have tho guerillas
hemmed In, and will clean them and this conn
t) ont. Saddle und mount Is the word.
These are the hojstn clean out the huMiw hack
ers." Kroni the New otk Tribune
oliuiel !VlUai) and lite Harper's Ferr
lb the Fditor of the Xew Yvtk Tribune
Silt i In Iho rcort of the Harper's Ferry Coin
mtsrdnii, under the heading of "Brig. Gen. Ju
llm hlte and toK D'lllaasy and Trim! le," is
the follow lng p iKsat :
"Of the subordinate otllccrsrefirred to In this
case, the Commission finds, with the exception
of Col. Thos. II, Ford, nothing In their couduet
that calls for censure."
The newspaper accounts of the surrender,
aud the evidence before the Commission, show
that Col, D'Utass) deserved something more
than this negatUe approval. It was Colonel
D'Utass) who, on his own responsibility, sent
four companies lo Maryland Heights twent) -four
hours after they had !een deserted by our
forces, and brought awa four Napoleon guns.
ueedlessly abandoned bvCol Ford, and ammu
nition enough materially to Increase the slender
stores of Harper's Hrr)- Col D'Utiss) re
peated!) besought Col. Miles to grant him lea o
to cut his way through tho enenn with his own
brigade, but w as refused. SHU anxious to avert
derate from the national arms, It wus Cot,
U'utassy wno, alter sternly opposing tne sur
render, flnntlv Insisted ou demanding more fa-
Aorable terms, and succeeded In obtaining the
"uonorsoi war."
It deserves to be remarked, also, that Col
D'Utassy regiment, the Garibaldi Guards, Is one
or the oldest In tho sen Ice, aud w as honorabl)
distinguished at Cross Keys aud elsewhere.
The personal bra m of Its colonel lias become
piowrhlal among his men, aud often his gal
Iantr) lias j ut new heart luto his outnumbered
and exhausted men
The Commlsslou could hate Intended no
plljit to an olllccr so distinguished as Colouel
D'Ctusaey, and lu whew; conduct there was oe
i a 6 Ion only for praise. But as Its office was to
administer censure, where deserved, It seems
to tune conaldeied due praise us be)Oud Its
spiero ottmi). v. iv
ols Wak Polict in that Stati. JuJgoLane,
I States Govemment In Alabama, has addressed
a Utter lo Secrctar) Srauton, dated Dam Hie,
Kcutuck), Novembers, prescutlug mi views
us to thu policy which should control tho Army
of the Ohio, now that ll is about lo advunce
Into bis Stale. He sa)s;
I uigoupon the Administration the Import
ance of the position to which Chattanooga Is
thekc). This view has often been presented
In more Impressive language than I can clothe
It. Aside from thu great fact that It will free
thousands of Io)al meiiof Eust Tiunessce, ll
is important umi inaiianooga suouiii do iah.cn
on account of the fact tint It will bo a great
blow ut this siuAon of the )car to tho entire
boutiicrn etutcd.
I-rom EubI Tc uncssee comm the cullro suii
pi) of coal for tho rcbil Coulederac). To stop
that stippl) would put an end to the operations
. of Iicariy,,u lho loundcrtes and arsenals of tho
1 golUhi To t lko tluttunoogi would bo to
luUsotl,e ..vueutttiou ot all Fust Tennessee, and
lUe ,niwUlll .Mlit o Knoxvlliu would fall
ot long bohild IIeavu)outo tlalwralo this
injour mind Tlu most accurate luiormaiion
J(IU ( , Mnln In regard to this placo will con-
f,rm uUl cimamy iorc. I am aworothitlls
,I1lortaui0iail HUi Impressed upon tho mluds
HuellandKofceiraus, and I iruU thut
t,irl W 1.0 UUl0 to C uptlirO 11
AmiEiiE8H)N oi a Ueiiel Haul Iho Hal
tlmoru correspondent ol the Phitadelphli In.
yiilrtr Ha) st
"I um lu riceli l of nprlvaluletter.datedHa
gerbtowu, )ehUrda), lu which thu writer hu)s
much alarm existed tlu ru lor a day or two pre
vious, In couseepieucu of rumors that thu rebels
had ugulu crossed the Potomac bivcrul miles
above, auu were making tueirwu) into renu-
" report prevail d of their being lu (Irccn
i istle. with u smud of taalr. but It proved
to i e erromouft i no utieiis oi iiugcrMouu
who ixieedlnly uuloiis md repuiuglorlhe
womt etttrd i), however, when my 10ms
)ondeul wrote, there were ltss apprehcnelons,
uud thu rumors billevedtoliuiinfoundcd. There
Is bt III a btroug guard ol Uuloii troops uloug
' ss M.SSKK.ta. r-1 aas
Hi 111
ll.ntl.rr Itilllluul I rid of Cell. Kell .
I ho following wu letelved ut heuluuilirs
)elerdij i
JlKincji aiiilic, Cim insati, Nov. I J MiJ
aiHUi H.Uuk, (hnaal o Aw den.
... .,,,., .. i f i ,
Kill), on tho 10H,, u.t.ikid Imlnden. camp,
eighteen mile, smith of Moon Held, H ml)
touui),i, routing liliu torn) Util), killing
umi wounding man), uud tupturlnghUcampH,
tlrt) rl.onerM. quantity of arm,, and a largo
number of homes, cuttle, hog, wagons, tc,
' H mountains II (i. right,
Major t uiu nil Lomuuudlug.
luttrrstluft Letter from Ittehmoml t.e
Gotnir, Into Winter C(uarters-TlilevrB In
Posvetslou of niehmond.
FroiA the Grenada (Mlis ) Appeal, 6th.
John H. Thompson thus writes from Itlch-
mond, on the 33d, to the Appealt
There Is talk of Ocncral Lee's falling back to
within a few miles of this city for his winter
quarters, and It Is quite possible that a change
oi position may uo auopieei, lor reasons cou
ncctcd with tho question of supplies and trans
portation. This w ould leave tho country north
of us again open to Yankee depredations, but
It must te recollected that all tho mischief the
wretches could do In that region bos already
been accomplished. The whole face of nature
has already been made desolate by themj all the
mansions have been pillaged, all tho granaries
emptied, and certainly nothing has been done
since to repair the ruin. No crops hare been
sown In tho fields blighted by Pope no return
ing fugitives havo peopled tho solitude which
ho made, and called not a "peace, but a con-
2ucst. So that the mere fact that tho with
rawal of den. Lee would a second tlmo expose
that section to hostile ravago wonld bo of no
W e hav o no city news. Garrotlng, burglary,
drunkenness, In spite of the provost marshal,
and all manner of villainy, aro on tho Increase
most alarmingly, and provisions nro constantly
advancing In price. 1 lour Is Wi a barrel here.
In sight of the largest mills In tho world, and
butter Is dlfllcult to obtain at 91.00 per pound.
On tho 24th, Thompson thus describes tho
condition of municipal affairs In ltlchmond i
Richmond Is now worse than Naples worse
than Baltimore was when A Inter Davis was
tho W likes of tho Plug Ugly swell mob of that
lawless city. No ono tldnks of going Into tho
Cimmerian streets, after nightfall, without
arms. A large and wcll-organlrcd band of
cut throats has " taken the town.' They lie In
wait at almost ev cry corner, well prov ldetl with
slung-shot, 1 lilies, brass knuckles, and all the
devilish Implements of mischief whlclrthc city
hlghwa)inan uses to disablo his victims, and
the) attack everybody that walks along, often
times gentlemen when attended by Indies. That
they aro not found out Is matter of grave re
proach to tho city police. But this corps Is so
small that they cau do llltio for tho protection
of a cit) spread over au immense surface of
ground, and without a light from ono end of It
to tho other.
That so numerous a gang cau Infest ltlch
mond at all, walking lu the streets In tho day
time, without ostensible means of support, aud
doing nothing whatever, ts a proof of the pal
pable Inefilclcncy of tho conscript law. h)
these men aro not eu rolled by tho proper o til
lers (for they cannot possibly Im exempt)
passes all comprehension. Hut u promenade
down Main street any day will show vou hun
dreds of Idlers, fashionably dressed, with over
much tawdry Jewelry, sporting watch-chains
that might and should hang them, for, be)ond
all doubt, In theso groups at the comers one
sees tho very scoundrels that rob honest cltl
rens after dark.
A few nights ago, the police mado a descent
upon one of tho dens or cribs of the gaug, and
captured sixteen, who were taken to Castle
Thunder. There aro probably more thau tw entv
times that number In the clt), and unless some
thing Is done to put a stop to their outrages
soon, there will be a prlrate patrol and some
hanging done hi the lamp post quite im
promptu. Tho firm of Hjxall. Crenshaw A, Co . of this
city, had a contract with the Government for
grinding wheat Into flour, upon which the)
made a pro tit of between five and six thousand
dollars dall). I heard,)csterda),that theyhul
refused au offer of $500,000 for tho contract.
Tho Immense amount of wheat required to keep
their wheels going has raised tho price of flour
to : a barrel wueat will no f 1 1 nustiei
here before the 1st of Januarj .
From the Phllndelihla Inquirer
A &lulncaut Historical Fact IU I V fil.
A striking commentary upou tho discredita
ble eagerness displaced bv England to Inter
fere In our affairs will bo revived b) tho recent
revolution In Greece. Many persons to whom
tho rev olt of tho Greeks against tho Turks, and
their long and unrecognized struggle for Inde
pendence, uaa become aimosi lorgotteu events,
will now bo overhauling their histories. In
doing this they will bo certain to group together
certain lucis ana uaies wmcii win piace in uroaa
and dligracsful contrast tho conduct of England
lu tho two cases.
Tho Greek revolt was that of u people who
had enjoed centurea of separata uatlonallt),
against their conquerors. It w as tho rising of u
people with whom freedom and independence
wero time honored traditions, against an abso
lute aud ruthless despotism It was a struggle
or Christianity ana civilization against via nom
danism and barbarism. Tho revolution was
preceded and accompanied, at Cyprus, at Sclo,
at Bucliarcst aud other plates, b) the most hor
rlble wholesale massacres, bv tho Turks, re
corded in history. Thcro was cvcrvthlug In
tho struggle to excite tho noblest s)inpulhlcs of
Christendom in lavor oi mo urccks, ana to
justify Intervention. But there was uo Inter
vention, uo recognition, uo sign oi syiupaui)
from the Government of Englaud,
From 1831 to 1821 tho Greeks fought ou, for
four long ) ears, when their Provisional Gov
ernment impioriu uio protection oi cngiauu,
but that Incarnation ot all that Is selfish and
heartless In the human race turned a deaf car
to their petition, und left them to battle on
alone for two vears more, until Juh, 1MJ7.
Then sho joined Fruuco and IEumI-i lu their re
cognition of the nationality of Greece. It took
nix years ou that occasion to convince Great
Britain that tho hrivu Greeks had established
a nation.
In every aspect tho revolt of tho Cotton
States against tho Union the most beiielleent
Government tho world ever saw Is tho vcrv
amlnode of iho noble struggle of tho oppressed
and outraged Greeks, and )it Fngland lu lids
case thtuks of Intervention before the mcond
yiar has cloud t
imi.EHALE Poisoning at States Hi.am.
Lad Sundav morning u man named Johu Swl-
vel, with his two ehlldreu, aged respective!)
tour vears und live mouths, residing on or near
tho Morning btur Houd, lu Northllcld, Stateu
Island, wero found dead lu their bedd, Au In
quefctwas subsequently held by Coroner Snl
sou, when It was found that Swivel aud his
children cumo to their deaths by poUou, whleh
hid been mixed In their food tho duy before.
1 tie w If o und mother esc aped, C trcuuistanc es
have t run pi red to fasten suspicion upon a cer
tulu person, and l roeeedlngs havo been tukm
w llh a v lew to a more thorough Inv Cfllgutlou of
tho mutter. .V. 1". Titbune.
Gun. McClellan Imemm to White a His-
TORV OPHlH CaVII AlONi V giiillem in tnnii
aithlugtoii Icrrllor) iniroeluied hiniH.ll I lie
deueral ould ho was sorr) to uu him undei
the. lircumstJiues No set b it ih wan made.
buiiiu ono ot bcrved, "General, uubhull biu )ou
back In a lortuhjii " buldhe,'If I never re
turn to the Ami) of llio I'otouiuc, muyl llvoto
write llrt hUtor It Is a task to which 1 shall
devote ni mil " gatn, to another t UI feel as
If the Arm) of thu Potomac belonged to me.
It hi mine. I foel that lis o Ulcers aro my chll-ilnn-ui)
brothers Ibis sepuratlou Is like a
fori Iblodlv on ool man und wife; ll U untiat
in ul " t ui. 1 htt, um,
btimtist in inn 'liiiim Uistuh r Mr
Sleeper wus surprised ut his election Mr lllie
was suiprUcd at his uou-electlou. Mr. bleeper
Id now surpriseel that ho va defeatenl, and Mr
Kin ti now surprised that ho was ihoHtu. The
ullulr wus uudU siirprlso ull round Ileum
1 lilies In a surprising semu Iho fuel thai there
U no knowing who U the muenslul luudidule
until some tlmo iiltu thu iKttloii ''
1 laimrij t,
Mh. lovEJtiv Uk ku.ctu Iho thleugo
Tribune gives tho complete vote lu Mr. Love
Jo),sdistilctIuthuttitate Mr lovejoy Is re
cleeted by JiVQ majorlt)
An Kxtcutlve Defalcation Discovered In
the New York Cuilom-ltoutf,
The Barque Mary Eenttey Suppoted to hav Ai
covered the JHrate Ateamtr Alabama
General Pleataulon Drives the lie be 1.
jackso Hovmisa ahovi ciilster GAP
From HI. Louis It Is Humored that Gen,
Ulalr will laka the Field.
(7m. Carr in Command of the .V, LonU Dlttrtct.
Tho Ilebels Retreating.
Corretion(tcaceor the Associated Pren
Headquarters, Army or the Potomac
Nov 14, 1803.
A rebel brigade, which has for several das
brcn rcconuolterlng our positions on th Rap
pahannock, left Jefferson this morning forCul-
pepcr. (Icneril Plea an ton drove their reir
guard from Jefferson
Thcro aro Indications that Iho rebels are olrout
evacuating C'utpepcr.
Jackson U said to Ihj still hovering about
Chester Gap, with not over fort) thousand men
under bis command.
Wo havo a forro on his front, which prevents
his coming down on this Idea.
All ijulct to-night.
Ut. Loi is, Nov. H. It Is rumored that Jeu
Dlfllr will take tho field lu tho coiinte of a few
dajs, at Iho head of his brladf.
General Cirr ha been ortlepd to assume
command lu this district. In place of (leneral
Davidson, who Immedlatel takes the tleld at
the head of tho troopi In tho setutheatttern por
tion of this BUte.
Advices received at headquarters state tint
General Seholletd I rapidly recovering from his
Illness, and that ho will Immediate) strain as
sume coiniii tud, in person, of hU troops
New cKk, November 14 The barque Mary
Bcutle), from New Orleau, reports on the 0th
Instant, lonir. 71 degree 40 minutes, 1st 34
degrees 40 miuutes, tdio saw a three musted
Bt earner, painted black, with re I bottom, sup
posed to be the Alabama It was blowing a
gule, and both tho barque und the steamer were
hove to. The parted at sunset. There were
no flags or signals to indlcato Iho steamer's
New York, Nov. 14 Au extensive defalca
tion In tho custom-house ha been discovered.
Sixteen clerks In tho Uiuldatlug department
hive, In lonseque-uci, heiii turipeuded. The
amount U vurlouslv stated at from tin thou
sand to a quarter of a inllllou of dollars. The
fraud waii y ineaunol faUe cutries, and subse
quent!) tho looks of record wero destroyed to
prevent discover).
New York, Nov. 14 Tho Ooverument
cracker baker), comer of Morris and Wen
streets, wai destroyed thh morning h) Ure.
Tho a li fifteen thousand dollars.
Arrlt at of the Kuiopn.
lUiirAX, November 14 The steamer Furo
pa liaA arrived with I Iverpool udvlces to the lit
Tho steamer Vend a had arrived out.
Furopeun political atlalrs presented nothing
im porta ut.
The English papers havo but little to sa) ou
American affairs.
The 77im i rcdits tho FedcraU for uu ener
gctlc construction of u uav). but quest ion lis
effectiveness for regular naval warfare.
u iron-clad rebel privateer wus reecntl)
si'okin oil Sal lo Island Vtrj Ukel) tho Ala
bum i, which a recent letter said w a situ 1)
tho Clt) of Washington on hcroutwurdtrlp 1
Tho affairs of Greece uro quiet.
The Husblin Government has ilUeovcrnl the
cxUtencoof ii Central ltcvolutloiur (.oiumll
teu ut Uursuw.
It Usall that an undrsljudliig has hecu ar
rlv ed ut betw ecu Franco and I- uglund aud Run
nl 1 1 w hk h Gri clau uff ilrsuro deprlv ed of tin ir
importance in turoie.
V Urttlsh gllllbo it IiTi heled till llio Mandj
rlu w ur Junks und rmdoin hound otlU I lUut 1 au
kau, Chin i
Freslelent Loper, ol I'arugua), U dead, uud
hU son U piovlslonully filling tho vueatic).
1 ho United Stutes gunUiut Tuscaroru arrlv ed
ut Llsloiiou tho'JMh from tho Azores.
Commercial Intelligence.
LivciuiiiiL, Nov. 1. Sales of cotton at -M
adv um o for American over tho lato depreied
imitation, and jd. for Sural Hnadsiurli
in c bti ady, Vrov Islons dull
Siui'Newb. Arrived from Ikilthm.ie, hlp
Tloia Mat donald, lit Gil rait n
I Ailvaiiieuf Our lioi- lo Holt) Spilug.
un inhFis atun 17w
SwiiUUptelitiillif M UulstMMUuwKrtt
LaGiunul, Mi- Nov I- General Graut
Hdviuucd mil oecuphd Moll) Springs to-da),
.and our lUkil uro two miles south of thsl
-E0OM lildPATCll.
Colonel lte,o! the tlrsllowu cuvalry, Uai
drlvni lu the rebel pickets at Lamkln's MUU
lour mllert soulli of Holl) Sprlugs, und cup
lured one h uud red vrleouers, among them sev
eral olllcers HiidouecuplalnouGeu VsnDom's
A brisk fkirmlah U now golug ou at Lam
klu's Mills, aud tho itbel are retreating.
General Grant is determined to drive tho reb
els to the wall, uud pin them there.

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