Newspaper Page Text
PatwiaTeproam WAniiinaTorr, n. c.i VOV IB 190" ' BATimDAT, HEN. BUnNKIDKIf AR.MV. rtoniegentlemcn, who rtturasd yesterday frm Wamnton, and who btil luJ (rood opportuni ty for Judging of tho condition nf things In dm. BurntluV army, report very favorably upon It In all respects. The soldiers are In line spirits, and In extraordinary health. There In less sickness than rrer before, thua demonslra. ting what has been demonstrated a thousand limes, llistltlitliclIstlesscouAncraeniofcaiups irhteh enfeebles men, and not the fattgnea And excitement of marching and of Impending bat lien. The Array of the Fotomac hasadranced, and Is under the command of a general who mean to do something. It la this which In spires the soldier with new life and energy., with Instructions lo assure our Gov- (leu among both nfflcera and men. Bn" r ,hc non-interference of Kngfind In 1 lere and I here an officer haa resigned from pre-1 ,he 'lestlon of Ihe w ar. The city article of the tended Indignation at the removal of Ocu. Me- LonJo ""'" ' October 37, soyai Clellan,butllleyarecIasoromcerswhol,ae...;!Il,1".i!i(1t!!,00.'l,hJ,M,", I'y?V"' who U" , , ,. , (sailed to-day In the Scotia, on his return to long been seeUng an eusc for Ihrowlng up Washington, takes out the most full assurance their commission, to aold ihe risks of fight-' that while Kngland will be eager, In concert lug. The more resignations there are of that ! ,uh ""' clvlllied nations, to adopt any step description Ihe better for ihe armv "i" IMJ' 'TV1 to F001 permanent return ucscnpiioninerjeiieriorine army. of peace, cither through a restoration of Ihe The enemy It known to be In force at Cnl-' Union on the old or any new basis, or an agree peper, but his main tody Is believed to bo at mp' f?r Wendly separation, she will, mean iinrtnnsrin. ri.. t.m,. i i . Vii wnU Individually refuse to depart one ha r Uordonsvllle. flen. Jackson it In the alley, breadth from her course of non-interference." prepared for mlschlefgeuerally, losirlkeihrough Tlie London r7!e says: me nine niuge gapsuponiuenanKonicn. Burn- side'a arnij, or lo make raids Into or towards of ralltiul dlircn.nceabeteen the Oovernment Pennsylvania, u. occasion mav offer. He will ot Washington and our own. As to Captain llnd hi. position in the Valley nn uncomfort.-! nM- ''S11'"8 '"usgress the fair bounds of ,.. ,. ,, , , , " " " warfare, his Government will repud ate . hie one, after his communication with RI(h.,ran,(n.e'.,ion, a, , ,nabef0rt,... mond, by the Virginia Central railroad, is cut ' The London Tima contains letter from ,ifT. ! Captain Horu, commanding the steamship The railroad from Alexandria lo W.rren.on Z,5FtSJ$ I. In fair working order, and the forwarding of Sock'. hy'he iJSiS. supplies to the army Is being pushed to the ut- count given by Captain Horn Is as follows i n,A.i I "The Island had been strictly blockaded bv a The country about Warrenton furulshes sup plies In a manner which will he perfectly sur prising to those who talked about starvlug nut the South. The army clique, which Is now deposed, resisted a movement upon Richmond o year ago, upon the ground that an advancing army "must carry along with it every pound of forage needed for Us animals." At the very lime they said this, every reconnolssance putb el out from Woshlogton, returned loaded with I supplies, and now at Ihls day, after another year or war, hay can lw. bought in indellnlto 'luantltlcs wiihln ten miles of Warrenton, at from thirteen to fifteen dollars per Ion, or at two-thlrda what It costs ihe Government to buy it here. COTTO.V. The English, pspcrs publish a report made on the 13th of August last, by Mr. Buncb, the English Consul at Charleston, (B.C.), upon Ihe quantity or cotton on hand at the South. He estimates the crop of 161 nt 2,750,000 bales, and that of this quantity 1,000,000 bales had been destroyed to prevent their falling Into the hands of the Union forces. This Is a much lower estimate of the crop than has usually been made, and Is, we believe, a very great ex aggeration of the amount destroyed. The crop of Ihls year, some oftt not) a pick- ril, .Mr. Bunch estimates ut 1,750,000 bales. He sj)s,hoicr,thntlheesllmatc8ordlnarHymode are lower, and some of tliein not higher than a million of bales. Upon one point, that of the quantltj which he rebels had succeeded In running through blockade, ll may be supposed that Mr. Bunch Is a ell Informed, and eipeclallj as a large part of this business Is done from the port of Charles ton. Mr. Bnnr h estimates this quantity at fifty thousand lulc, which Is not large, considering the temptation of the enormous profits which are made whenever the cotton embargo Is suc cessfully evaded. Upon the whole, Mr. Hunch roucluded lint the quantity on hand at the South, w Ith the crop of thli year, would amount to a,9W,IXl, or In round numbers, four million bales. This Is Just almut Ihoposltlon.astothequau tlt) of cotton, tint Ihe South would hae been iukt this liiue If then had bieu no rebelllou an.l uo nor, but these events have made the ainequanllti worlh uiuih mure In both value und price if It could onli be brought out to market IIKHO WORSHIP. There Is something truly pleasing and com. inendablii In the respect and high appreciation which a great and enlightened people l.tstow upon lofty genius, great sen Ices In the Held, or m the Halls of Legislature i but the Idolizing of men who hate achieved nothing of inomeut m any department, bespeak a people either w ll Inlly blind, or madlv Infatuated undtr the lead i rshlp of designing demagogues. It was natu ral that the people of Ihls country, when the war broke out, should look tor the comlug man, the general that could organize and lead our army lo victor. Jt was natural, also, that the people should rally around the Intldual whose rarlj etlorts gave promise that he was the (-real Irader, whose generalship would save thciouu try. It Is not wisdom, hut foil, to cling to un) inau whatever may havebeen Ids carl) promise, who, on trhl, shows conclusively thai he Is not, IVom nam of capaclt) or some other cause, able to lead Ihe ormy to the successful Issues of battle. There has hern iniuli effort lo make great generals out of erv small men j lo conclude not only w Ithout c Idencc, but ugalnst evldcui e, I hat Ihls man or that Is u hero, who had fur nished, by his acls, no satisfactory proof of his title to such a meed of honor. We see the re sults of this lll-tlmed exaltation of men to high nnd responsible positions, who'are in no wise, however honest und patriotic they may be, com-pi-unt lo the tasks they have undertaken. We trust now, that this folly on Iho pari of the people Is at an end, and l,al the politicians who shall hereafter attempt to make great gen irols out of verj small capital, for Prcsldentall and huckstering purposes, will he Ignored, at the start. What the country wants Is a general who can and will lead our armies to victor) : a man that can whip old Stouewall Jackson, and who will do it. The mass of the people do not care who or what he Is, what his politics are, or have been. A truce to antecedents and to pro- ii. t i . .i. . . , eut political notions, so that he can light und whip "Old Stonewall. ,. 110 ral , God Bend us the man who can do It. und it at once' We have full confidence In General Burnslde, amine no )Mce hols ihe man who III .chin. Uilorle. in Virginia W. may ho mistaken. When naro we shall ay so. We hara nono of iliat blluil faith In 111111,110110 of that hero worship for sinister ends, w hlch should I'M. I us to prefer II10 reputation of a geuerul lu iniruriny, wlioeier he may ho, lo the welfare am! salvation of our countr). We, thireforr, go fur change till weget tho right man !C It Lino to be done every month. Let 11a hate u general who can defeat Juk on and Lee and Longstreet with their ta.tenlc - malioa hordes, and capture.them,or send them howling back to Richmond. If, with our superior numbers and with eTcry- .ihlnB'10 ,8 neccssarytoconstltuteaflnearmy, J we hate no general that can do thls,'theaonner we know it the better. Procrastination has well nigh been our nitu. We trust that the time past will have. sut (Iced to have delayed the decisive blow. Let them he poured out now thlk and fast upon the hcid of this rebellion. From the N. V. El tnlac fuel. IMPOHTANT FltOM KIlnol'K. KuKlMUrAfoiilnlrrTeM1lou Policy Com moilore IVIllte-s The steamship City of Baltimore arrived here last night, from Liverpool Octolicr 99th and Quecnslown on the Blst. Her new, four days later than nrevlous advices, ts tmnnrt.tir . Ti-il I Lyons, It is confidently asserted, returns to this .. Ther. I. . ,t i,nn-ni..i.iiii- r .. ' Federal squadron, under Commodore Wilkes, Federal sqnsdron, under Commodore Wilkes, slocu September 27, on which day he entered I the harbor In the hagasslt, accompanied by the gunboat Tioga, leaving another gunboat (the ' aomora) to keep guard at the entrance of the harbor, and under pretence of coaling and re-' pairs, remained at anchor till the 2d of October, on which dsy he left, and the Somora entered and commenced coaling, and left on the 5th of October. The three esels had been In sight up 10 the day of the Gladiator Icavlne. October ?tb. cruising obout four miles from the land, nun hi uiKub uuuuuriui; lu 1110 luirway OI me rliaiinnl lmll nn t n fl, f3jvHrna .. tli.i I. -- ImDosslblc any vessel could pet cither In or , -, . . --- , r ' , uiu. .auiaiu iiuru kiicb nu aceouni OI lue ' r mallljoat Merlin having lieen fired at and brought to. and of the Gladiator havlni; been ordered to heave to. The only Brltlth man-of- war at Bermuda was tbo Desperate. Captain Horu Is of opinion that the coaling must have been mere pretence, us the souadron was onlv four days from Fortress Monroe, and that the quantity of coals taken on board by the three vessels waa not sufficient to coal one, had it really needed them." The Tm. editorially saysi j " It la certainly not for our interest, as ana- tion, to Impeoch the beulgerant right of search , and the Icderals have not actually exceeded their privileges. It w ould he Impolite, as well o II wiliest n InlosroH , ol.I - It as unjust, to Interfere with their proceedings, and we mutt say that, with the exception, pos- slhly, or the case of the Gladiator, they do not appear lo have materially overstepped their right. U, then, as we should be disposed to I snrmlec, they liav e done little more than press i their privileges as rigorously as posslhlc under the provocation given them' by .'brisk contra- hand I raffle, we think wo may a well makcaU1 lo-wance Tur their teinDtallona. and nut nnr. fUtcn In their place beforo we pronounce upon I their couduet. Y are by no means nre, at ji-i, iuui uiu rt-uiruis uave uoue. in iniliial tcr, anything more than, under similar condi tions, uc til ould hare done without any ecru- I at an.' In the city article, alto, the Time refer lo the atfalr, and mjb . The Idea that Commodore Wilkes may In tend to renew Ms experiments lu luttTnutloual law ha. greatly subsided, and the MM I, lhat his nomination to tho West India station was not intended as an affront to the neutral pon- ers or Europe, hut merely to gratify the New York populace, by enabling them to InlerDrel .-sl ! a . convcqncntlj the ordm to tho commodore enjoin him to keep within proper bounds, and that (should lie. In Hit face o them, resort lo any outrage, U will be re pudlaledlltsC thatof the Trent. The rebel Sl'dell has been admitted lo un ju dlemc with the Empt-ror Napoleon. The Murmur fntn Pari torreftpondent say that M. Oroujn do rlluyn ban evpreftbed. In erv dedded linRuaKe, nil dwlre to act with Entrand on all threatening foreign question, which, nt a clrltleal moment like the preHent, uilcht furthn dUturbthe pe,ieeef the world. What a Grut Thinker Sats. John Stuart Mill, .(bo has given other proofs of his Jiu,t appreciation f ihe mighty issues Involved in our national crlnW, contributes a very able ar ticle to the irwmftWt-r Review, in which he fiavs Should theflreonsplrators succeed lu maklu fiMiil their Inilcniniltnps Anrl ni-iaBacn1nu thorn. belvca of a part of their territories-, those nun... are iu unuieuiaio coaiaci wun Aiextco, uoiniug 1 1 to ijc epeciej out the spread or the ln-tHnlioii by conquest (unless prevented by some European potvtr) over that vatt count r) , and ultimately over all Spanish America, and if clieumMuutes permit, the conquest and an nexation of the West Indies while so vastun exteutfiou of the field for the employment of slav us w ould raise up a demand for more, v hlch vvouIJ. In all probability, lead to that reoien ln of the African slave trade, the legitimacy iitwl tipffeeiiilti fit lilsli lnirA lAnrhan nui.l a asserted bv many onrana of the fionlh. Surf, are the Issues to humani.y nhich are at lu Ihe preient contest bctneen free and slave- huldlug Aluericaj and such la the cuuso to which a majority of English writers, und of Englishmtu who have Ihe ear or the public, haeglven Ihe support of their sjmpathles. AUVICE To THE Boys. In Ihorlav of Ibis tVtIMlUf. Ill lirovcr S incaire.OU renntvlvu a. euue, "juik riiepparu," tuo louonmg lew inw are tpoken uvjuh Lutuie wewern, n tlie death rfnc, and which wo hope will be .. ...' . ... ... ." ncaru unci rememucrcu uy many 01 uic recti lens lads that now throng the city of the ciipl- tai. 1 ney are as ioiiowb i I hope the poor city lads v, 111 tuU arnlntf by iny fate, for the wages of sin la Inevitable death, moral, social, nnd eternal. Let guilt be 0 noia ami as Dmcas it tnavon tncouisiac. there It. nothluir. bat remorse and bit tern ens within." A UICH J1A1L UAHRIEH. It IS StateU tliat Ellas Howe, Jr., whose Income Is u quarter of a million a year, carries Ihe dally mall from Washington, setcn miles, to the camp of the Seventeenth Connecticut Regiment, In which he Is a private. Out of sixteen hundred men who should have reported at Camp Curtln, as drafted men round that there are not iiitllclent nrwu-nt m rni a regiment, this has caused great con- """"-Ion among those who had furnished sub- iUutea, as many, If not all, of these fiuhstl- tuus have failed to report. I S" Westeiin Wxk DEMOCRA.TS. Tho Harlforil Prtt, ib that a gentleman from Iowa, who had totcl the Democratic ticket, Mailing Con- luctlcut, iviently took up u loproflbo Hart- mctlcut, iciently took up u ropy of tho Hart i"'iTB "K ..d ,lS. hull ' mat expression, und then, pressing It lino . wad, llircn ll across the room, t-aylng, "V ilon'l liac that soil, of Democracy out WeM I' tiviHWi txisr. ISbi. u woman In another column picMug H.tiilincl (Iranes. for Sneer's AVlne. It Is un adnilrahln urllclc. used In hospitals, and In tho tlrst families lu Paris, London and New York, lu preferenco to old Fort Wine. It Is worth ' trial, as It lvea great satlefactlon. If U1-' JLETTJ-lta bskaisiko IM TIB WAIIIIKUTOK CITV PUIT OPriCIC, Krldajr, rlov.inb.r 14, ISO. oniciALLT pobushxd ix thx ran. FATES HAYIHO THX LABQMT CttCuXATIOW. I LADIES' LIST ' A Atllntos llb Andrawi.E'li'thAiltix.., Urt Authcr, Kmma Abbott, Mrs K E Jad.s Anderson.Eli'thAl.roo4,flaniy Adiuu. J.nnl. Anstla, F.U.B U Ames, Mary C Ames, Mrs QeoC Adams, Jtuals BAItso, Mrs T it II. Browa, Lettl. UHntLr, Aaulla ttrvantr, UnUt Barks, Lsresls Btursta,liB BelrlDjtcr.K stth, Mrs MIchlBatl.r, Amelia Ueohsid, Ellen V Black, airs M K RrodricsJ.MraTHmla. Mr" IE Bell, Mus A Bssuu, RUi'th Bot.r, Mrs r W Bump, Mrs Usyl.y, Alary C l!ihb.y,UriA V Bell, Loulsi Bnckfcy.Msry Bsrfoyp., Kllss Ball, Mrs J W Beator, Ssrsh S Baruham, Mjs O Boom, Mrs 11 Barks, Kllitt.lh YV Brown .HelleD. llrsdinrd, Basta Brsyten, Mn TR nojrls.Uon r Drinsaarl,, KM Blsik llsnil.tltllo.lo-, Mrs Brsrston Mrsl E Burtcn, Mrs II Meatier, liny E Uilly, EUistslh o. bubb,MliM Conway, all.eC Csulsad, Jtn. Olsrks airs Ell I'osislo.Kll.i Csrksntsr Bsr O Crrt.M r( . Censor Mr KCLsn.y.MrsKU Crs-s, L'iii. A cuitli, Mrs W nci'lsa, Csihsrln CrooMi Mrs U BCtrpeBt.tAiiisUBBt)y, sere Collins, Mtrr I Ctr.vb.ll. C.rK Coik, t aaxy, Mr LU O rbltt, Ml s LA Clsrbeut. Kd 4 Coburn, Ljizls Csrabsll, Ltzsls Cheney, Mails I U. Dunn, Msriarst Dortrr,Anoa Iroerlag, Id Orrw. Mirs Do.eb.rtr. b.'h lleg.a, Mtrr A Uktle.n, Ut D.Tl.Mn.MnlDoDxrlri.Idt, AdM. D.lanr,jlsr..-2t Cstrla, Can's Denlre Mrs Wit Detains;, F. I K. Isflihsrt.Mrs KJf.rdi.Ur.AO Win, Usrilst E Fore,MI,eE Fon.lIsrrLt Killlaa, Mary E Fcrmsa, MrsO CFoet.r, Mrs A L J 'IRQ. AUDI. .--" i.. .7. , ,. . . . , lg"".f 'U1 ",r'MWpM?lVlnV.rt,,, j .-'.tr;Vi.rj f roSm" fif, ioi'"k Oreto, 111 i. Asms ursr. Mrs WtCr iilphin.rK asn.Ute.MrsJ """" "'7 ! II. Hur.h, J.s-p'l sllmbtrfir, M Harrl'.MBfals 1 S"V."ME HSd.V'.on'l. ?uZl, "S&tiSSfo VSSStfSSi BtSffiiftfifg lUo.mtri, Muy nodjM, UikllA J Jacques,MrsvHJosoo,MIi X Jvhajon, Mtill Jacques,! -Jou-s, m jfJJ!;, ' ""'"' I, Csrvilioa J hoson, Ursa AJsaaiais, Mis N i, Louisa , King, Mrt Hsob K tgnoid,M,.UK..t.r,M.r, c Klog, Mr MA Kirs or, Mrs AKiktoh d Bib 1 Kins, nisi A Klaily. Juils H mcrs, Mrs B A Kenny. 8rti Klraoll.llM K-moll, Ittnlds I llTl ' . ka-klos, Msry Lsnao.,ME i.sihrcp, Adsilas Lord. Mrs Cat Loiergso, Mrs I.l.n., J M Lvles. KUsibtib C.w I Liva. Wsry j-ojl'v too. "? V'V L.wtoo. Mrs U A ' ' "'I. Morel". Mis MIl.r.JA Msoffwu. N-riU u ii Miller. M F Jl.iUo. Stlho inn.Mril! AMaloosr. Msry UoKtr'Mrsi-sul Usih.wJI'iMAMorglui, Jsuo Mo"ork, Jails tWffsIT, Oirol Myer, Emms MsKsIl, Ms lids nil.itso.rl J Miller, .MF Mossbs-.CS Mlllr,MrtD M.U.n, S.llle Mson.MisM W Uelleu, Basso aUDgOB, MSfglo ., .-.. ..- Ktwmu, Jenolf NitUn, Cstolluo Norton 'm,. e o I o. .Os-orr. Msry A O'Brlea.Mrs WJO'Dasceil, M I j Grsdy, U p0IriUt, ..I, Mr. r b FatmttsMrsXMfahner ujeb'nfl.l Ipe, Alice ru" Mtnba l'irediey.Mrt LC . ,. " il";,'rh''",0:.. 1' "?;,.'' d. i'.'i ",f'f "i Htt d. Cll irlOtl H W lf , AIllllll ttiltlnil , 111 II D KoI ;, ,,. Rli.,,'M.rsrrl Ms MS rd sop, Mis 0 llKotn, Kibo ou.Ms.y Bsmsey, o G eel,Mtriwt xwilt.Mir u slub;.r. Mrit Sptnr, Mrs,Msry imwsri, Akule 5SH.l?r !'"., ;? rM 'S S'oJi'S.I'mu. ,BM.IS.G.A"a 'iRr, AitP.'"i. ' mKi,JulU A a .Kaio.c bbiw.LcuHi Houiti M K It iwtt-tr. Mr- A u.lih .Uuf iii-ttb?eMllbliiUr,U4rjr -limrj., Mm YU ,Iaith, 4fll,,llP 1 :, A I R rhomu, ittiiJlrf yuott, U A Ttjmpiii, Liur ri'nttr,Uri ATirrny I lien 1 XV WcUi.Mri II tlWLtU, L.uU wumd.KA 2 Wcru, Hr J AWtabliiftoa, M .Vftdhi"., llr-l u. wtwt. Mn Jff Jviool Str.h wtCi.. K wu?. A I Wono, Annie tt'eciale , Mr.WWsple, II t West. Mrs II Wlitoea, D ' JJl"". ;Wei Willtuii. MI..M Ws.oi.l, o ' '' MBH??r" l"2'!S''.l;!.'!L,i 8 nijuuidl iHiiimu,a"'UIIIl, . Wood.M A 'Wiatiri Mm OWatklown, R A WUlt-. Mtry IV S .TrslOD, K Willi. ui, IU tVbltmx, A YonnfTiMra L nif, armo Yourj Mn J tJPNTLtMT.NH Liar A. Amidoo.At' Aibton Ch Allsu, tio Andrr i . A'a. AUsi.rnnnd Alnu OtoJ' Arker Arc1) Atln, lXnl U ffjrJ, It A uehinWclc A Amlion.Dj-il Adtim tlitle Aditi', A D Atlio, Ca DB ton & oi lo.AlU't 8 Arnol-i, tr E A ATtoa.JaE r1ri-w . V V Alrxiod r E 11-iAbrtmi. Jm Afbolh, UriR atoAlot I on E AlcvROdrm, J Atftn.1, CI rin A ill F P A mltift.JnoW Aiamest,ChC rr, KriJi ATirr.IrsM damw Lt C ilCKAitiwortb, Dr F Allen, O B Alltn.Gbu W ATt-ry, ChdK AckmtD.CX AillDH.O.oW Aiker.UoMP D. H.moit, A H jd, 0 B Baldwin. KUlot Ufgta A U llr-font Ctp C RButlttt E8 Bui , A U Hid ChM F Bltkc, Dr E T ItM-lK),., A t ll-nwn,ChMU Bttler, t( h K itlTtovv "on CB ch'llor, C F BtM, Kdwd V rfHr"w,A tj UJ l-UrDllK. tiwu in. Mm All nr3a, vjaue s unig et RruT llrrd D Btuft, Cbai l.iwiie.KK iimil, A'm i.oo'n umudcey Biiiioir, K Uurkt, A II Bawtlnf;, i h 0grt, V V Uowne, H E-S WilWj, Crrui Beoton, F f Himry. Bnj J IUUr, O II Butolitr, F II llt- I.tu.u Tin t D'ul BUckwdl 0 A ll-.r y.CteOMer FlUntw.M-J K-lBaktr, O-o A 'Utt rr, Umw"t,F.liM D Utircf (I-opJr Ilrce.O II-1. BtlisE Jr Browo. Om II IJnlkKy, H.v 0 fell, Fmaul U min, Ilea C, II A Hit.. E It W Bitter OoiW Hloipt Broidmin LJ UKV"o ' una. l.t jan n rnutu l, u ' !" ". Ooi ' .ryj'i, Js II . Bruuutll.L II 1 &llJZV"S&ffi'u, Been. Usury Beiket, Joo B I'ey.RiyNtM n. ley, II It 11 rjimla J II Uoyoun.Ovetl. Bryant, Isb;t OBlrrbtrt, JaeT Borer. Paul ll?ll$&JP&xi?,2. ..""7 Uvl?fkf ioK&TBobf O HIooey.LtllM Hcgirr Jsi Ilru-iun Itlfb lire t. Il.orr H Hr.Jev.J-oL foobtm. Bobl J nrnrr njiMii,ymisnD.i ooium rttiiiy, nenry iiiwmsn,dneitn n'li soiomia Ilixtr UL Bumetesil, JsoobH-ntheiro, H niaai. uidi 11 niiovisi. sin uoais.tTr. rt But, jiu liriwi.ttrtJooDiUtwV.ptT II Rttly.JuM lUrnnjai BjkT.TbonJr niaoticr joi i, i no (iTom Joo K ink. Jno A Brodeiiok.CsptY HUHr.. T "IS " j. o Burn, Jm N Benioo, Jo H UIvW.,HlvA utsim, ir Vf Brown Jno Beam, Wm II VtUok.Jno A 1 Brmrl.ey, Wm II U uce Jbo Bushsoso W A Brow a, J no A Umti, Wm B Broox, Joo R Kouoher. VTnj Browa, Go J QBury, Wm II b'bre. Cut L LBen-iftt. Wm II riiwi,.i. Butbr Jno II Btrtau, Ju P Ha'Itr, Hon J M fi Betjtal'i Wm ii n r j, jno ii cneia, Litr rurown, Vw m ul.lVnm -I.a ltoal, Levi Byrnes, Bcrgt W Bmt.hsi Jullui 1 corriib DrA J Corry, Alb CloagD , a a I Cam A B rnJtJi!iAA' cari, a .Irtlf, Geo A Crowtfcf.G W CretRtr G U Csrty Geo ttrili.Cspt II rhtmor,WU Cbnttn. M roach, M Cron n, r C'lCQMbU, N 8 Curlsii, N Uiiute, tol H Cinroa,U K uoulOKbftto.y Crsns.Dr II O CulberitoD, DrII Caller, J B Cooper, J M Ctuney, J T Cuttmr.JW Curtli.J ll Cot-. .lo , Crosby, Jm lifaamber'. J J 3 t!iir.ip .1 ''oxudm.'a 11 Cm.m.i,A.D cJrt7;n v cii'k.UW nlittVDir CrJu'forJ J Osl2d. Jn UlrKIUIIlj VVUAHII ft 4 S-iUUeTIJ tlU rsl tICol CA litre, Tb ClemenU.Jll EU'Vi. rt'.rJfL'.i'n w a J'f"'T',Jo '..'u llTw'." W CSLi'SS Cr wsll ol ('or.lh V OoHau.jvt Cr - ker, tin uonitiin a a conwiy Ju I'smU A Cltik., CIiH CODCtltDtHr li Co"., h T Oinnlok, I'll Clrrk KM C...W A rih-.r Jk. L under Lt II Ut'Hdi, Ueo ai'ti I.I , V Ul .'If W A Ctvc.Wm D Os ur, J u ('tDSq,Jil Uu Cocper.J Coo. Ire i'i rr, Jn.i I'rree .ler llcuiuti J 1 Clark, LUli C'l.tka J II C.ioptieli, L Crcti, L li u over Wm CimtUll,!.' 1. Al'.rd.W II U.H117 (ii.n r. n (.urn, lit r 3 rumo 11 roi.r, I.J Cle.T.Urd.Uy riTlfS"'..? KSIKr.", win.., ri... . ., u.rver Coolir.n, fat Chen 11 l( CtdyUyC Canste. OK a ' (Jormis, A Uonstir.., sir JUST lachofUo Mi i Darls.rtatJiaD VHVItHU USSJ USSDl'J (I uay, a. : u.Tia. ur lH.lloo.JK Dsnu-.T DnaldsoatColDtloeitl.Ttl Donne has. O DswnlBf.CII DaBlele, 11 11 Hr. mil, UP InsxIer.JT, Ueon.Tb. DsaultsMi.W Dyo.LIW p Dswsotl.W E ltso,WU Dlsuieb Csp DVOssjIsf, J M urory, n n Dirts. J II Dtwl.TFJ Dsttnt.JA D.nCsrlot F Dszttr.JM DsnoBiort.(lW'f Dytr. J W losn,wia DoOrsof o, OS Dftloo, JK A Co boil; r.WA VV Dill. J DnL Loo.W uurhsm Jse 2 Derr, Levi K. Uooihir.W B Eehleman.ur A sEstoo.ProfA U. Imory, Alps Fotllkta, A "1 Esier, Edw D-l Ksrle, fiobt-i Eldrldro. O It Evsss, Krto Esklss, Stml E-rlflit, OK K'lsrbrook.O WEmmool, Bitot Elwell.Crotor Ellorm, Jrn R oldridft.T B 1 KDMehl.Csot Kdwsrds. JM Edeoeee. Col W EveUoo, ChelB Fsamsl Llos Edes. WB Kdwsrds, DtTlt ElUDftr u EUlot, Col D s Evens, Muss asrst. Wm Elliot, Wn II r-mmoBS, sav a ie. Ful'er, ABiusltuFltipatrlokjJoo Fslif.lle, P B-t Fay, AG Flreotttn, J II Flueld.ltn F.leker, Astb'v Fuller, Ospt J OForoer, S.ehm'a ritlhtlb, A P Fertueoo.Dr J Frtise, Ssml rssrosf , B Frsools. Ieoas P Flowasv. Tim It'di. Bool D-IFsBlkssr, Joo Vuraer,ThM Fox.Chis Fslroslo, Jno A Fsrby, Thos Fosdlck.this FIOBimoro, Joo Fowler, Thoe W Fontr, Rdw Foley, Jno Frist, This Fuller, Em 8 V Uh.r. Csol J BFoeter, Vf m B Fowlar.FF Flersoo.JC Fo.ler.Wra K Frill, F (I Fochunitr J F. Feriuwi, W II FltlMbmto.F Fitips rlok, Ju Fsius Wm Flioh.Ff eoje.Jso 3 Ford, Wm FrsBclf.G'O 1 Flo h, Jao Fsnriel, Wm Frsatudt, 'I Fltctl. UJ01B Ferlu""0,UW Frlel, llssh Ksrr. Mlmord Full, W A Fo.ler.Lt HO Frltlell, N U Flyno.Wm FerffBSOB, JeM Fsrnc, Philip Fsnen, Wm a. GordelLArd aslllsrd.ER Gooch.Joo O.rr.n, A W 104wln, Ed Ombb.JpnW Gsmbrsl, Aid-SOrldlty Rsrl Ossl.JosL Grsas,A.W Grsef, Fled w UteffeoD.vIooS Glhalla, Asc GtltaerFH Oreeo.JW Ooil.ABfF Grsy.GooW O.icdrioh, Lt Col Gtr.t, Anrhrn Uoldeu, IP Uecffroy, Lurlger OUmore, Allied Uuldea Den'y Geasnerter, L Gtlt An-ov Garrison. 110 Utal.CtptLM Orsot Bt F Oiimt, Henry O G rder 1, Mr UstrsttsoB, H R GordOd, U L Goosslves, M J O.Uwold 0ol0k.Oresoletr.Jer Gtddsrd, Mr Ootll. Chsi E Grtbtm, Col J DOtlloup-, Dr OF Gsrrwt, ChssG Geoloer, Joo Oleao, Pst Ooeoleif, DrC Osrlo, Col Jtl GalfSB Pst R Glbeoa. Jos flr.r.Raben Gool Che unraa, lis J Qrsni, kom Grlffla. EF OelKfotr, JU Qormto Etw Gre n, Jon Gndy.BIl Uxlklo WR UJ.illelm i Kle. ler GBBttl.VrC uinen, a.e.ii.wivMi n a iiiminrr, nn Ueorso lhlE Usrrslt.WUhelroGodsla. Wm R ntdtsher, Wm Ooold.Wm Ooodsoafb, WBGIobt, Cspt WII Oohl.Wm Gilbert, Wm J Groos.Wm 11. Halloo. Frs. k Holleeorfer, J s Herilck, Msth J ll.utetlile, FJ II. cry, Joo F Htr.OeileJ . Hsily.G lloremsn, Jit Ussier, BF UtBry.Geo lltrrvsoa, Joba Htrmta. Bsm lltrt, Ctdd Iljllixso.liiselllir.y, Cspt 8D Holb.OeoK Kledliy.Jee i IlOlf.Sem nilbGeoII IIaVsrd.JN-JIIyms,S M Uabbtrd.DrGNUovVtU.Lt JH llsll.aA llodtet Gto K Hsrttnfh. J D Illiflot, Bsy SO Haulh II II Ulldielh.JooI. HsnlltOTi.Stti H st ben 11 W Usnmsi,Joo Holloa, betri A Hr y.llae.b uiller,Jteob llssuttoo, Mtjar Utlty,Jetrrty ilovee, CsutJD Genfchavler IT .SI- 1- h It.rah. T L n-.4 tu. It Okie, Jeo b Htlfbi. I K H.eiey,Jao IlBBi,JtsO oad.Tfio fltonB RrT Hi -it Rioktrm-a IUjhitll.tWB Horktr Wtaon Utddfn,WU Htm, WC Itowtli, I idii4nai.,g.i Hsa.U.JK H.ot.Jno II srtlolttoii, Joo Hirst, Jallue III IllDirito,J H.U JooB Ilenrlefi-ii.Jao Hoot GsoW llirtt. T A Iluiwd,, UJuC Ilefresbsrc Wea iiBiODiosoa, en nruiT.i. t ii.inos, wm Hartley Jis rt U.ub.Xt nofr.VYT Usl'.seuln, J.oUs.t, l.ewll 0 Illaoay, W J Hollaed Alpb BUollSBi, C W-Illrury, Hue-, A D Utn.Oo., Cyrut UUler, El. 1 H.lbt, Alex llBloblos. 0 0 Uardl. A Wew.!t.Cnie II.M.o,E1w Uelmer. a W IIsrdlubarb, CUall ic Iltll A B I. HardeB, Ed L lUpltss, Amoi Hollsod. OJ Hslhl, KB title, Lt A J lIor.,CbulM Ul UUofe, Edw ll.bon, Atdr.wllsiiey. Lbst M HsVeel.y, E M Hlibara Bsy A Hur n, Cbss llolne. Edw E Kail. A A IltwlLon.OO Henry, Bawls Uetk It, A HeUes VtOV Usltou.E N, OT IflBrd, Dr llol.!., Kdwsrd llorl.Cbfi H Uolit.UB II. h., ra Uott ..Ha., UrUsrb.Bffh.DM aouMly, Frank C I llodsuo, Daniel I d J. Jluleeoa, Us. J.bSl.EA Jibatoo,CsptJI1 A 2 Jobison, ED JsraUop,Lwll-t Jotinion, B W, EB Jouoe, Lt rrjol JeraelOeu,0T Johiisoti.E All dlert Kest) 0 Jouee, C O W Jsdeon, Dr u A, Costly B JoliMon.lly 4 J.nklns, FhlllpY JennlBee.CtdysJeritu, II V Jobejon, lion S Jime,CptCVJm.e Hemy w a Jonasvn, liaytd Jewett, Cspi JCJsocbs.flept V J.nke, D M Jobosoa,CsplJC.IorJsD, WtlKr olss, Kdwd S Irtltad, J er. B Jobnioa,Hoa IT U. K.rnsll, Asroa Kalp, kllse Kepp.tlt.JuoM Klmbslf, A B KlUblag.i'W K.nny.Jno Klock, AugUitklKBel., frrd'k K.ll.y, JpoW K03k,Biusrl Kl'Zbu'ber.F FK.lchoer, Joo Kl.g B Kuowel, Fred'k Ksntwsy Jos King Cbes K.Bnedy, F II KMrb.,Joo Kelly, Cbs KenJSlI, CdnOEE.rty, J V Ktiklsed.OM Knon.U'oW Knup, Ju II-l Kliklsad.O M Klrosy, QC Knight Joe r, Deai 11 Kerper, Om Kcel,J.o 2 Krone., DaTld VKicr, nenry 2 Koecbt, Joilsb Kemeksm.DitidKlnf, Henry V Ksrr. J Koowl.e.Ctpl tKnujht,OolJC-l Keener, Jeo II K.e.lir. Elite 8 Kspple, J.L Knee. .. K Knspp. E setos k.b.nbcrf.r, J Llrwln, Mlobsel iUoelow,Alloos.iivunD.u.Ei a unuuviiii a u Koiokfrbrook, Knspp. Lt W S KMli'.V J K-totum.QtnW UuDimsa, Win K.ll.y, rsi Kesliy.P Kl.e, Peter list), Body Kl.g S3 Kttih.TopUr Kelly, Tboi 1a. Lirn.bM,AV UilW.Jm LtdCTOl Alls Ut'lo, I.dor Look wood, Bry'iLukncr, Joo Let, B II Leonard, Joo Llf. B ij LfSWU,J00 Laibr, CLsaillerLtwU, Jo Und nay J F LUk.UW LOomii.J II -. LLf hton, 0 II LOTfJoy. J O Luiwt.t.MM tiy,OTer, Oil Ir LiiietfclDj.Dfl'S I.ODg, L'o. it LQDCfortti, R b. Lcatby, Usjbt 1 emon,Btnl Littler. B H L,ltisVia, u iiiwn., iion LU,rop,8 1i Lfsuh, DjoIu Linouur, Jci Ljmoo, Timothy LookwtXVtl.DB Luktr,JT LoMtt.T R Lcicrs Kxra Lw, j n. lVv.Eaffa Ltll.J W Lotl.rr.Oi l.t., IN L rd.G A 2 Low, J J lx,; U011 H 8 Llt , J U Lirnwsr. U 0 Lsach.JK Lookett,Tt.(i Lord.TE Low II Laif, Wm 9 Lookw -4, W U Lipe.Wm Luckm . W D Laner, Iltnrr I ynon. I B iiwitoc-J, ny (word. II C Lkirlj. Uv LjDf Joo Ltibdl, Wilson Lew. flergt Joi Lfon, W B Lkchmfca II Llli, Lieut ' an i troth W H T.wiin . C.ati Job Lutsk!. L LawtU, W II Lewis, Jscod Lambintfi M J Ituiiy A Wfl UtlTurd.D U Miliar, O W UoGrew. Altx MiUUw Dstid Msivllie,0 II a ueyer, Mr Huo e, Usnfo a McCsul-y, M a Uooc,AO klusasll, Dr HllUr, Lt II U Msurrlt.A Morne, Dvll MoElntati. II HoDjwell, Alb Mortaa, DA Mijhsw, L II Uin.lll. UtUwOn.Go 1.0 MoMUr.UN M alloy, BirnsrdUott, Kdwla Miller, II Muity. ChM MoCsrtr, E mm Mircer, Ctp J fl MoGMI, OK Mcokeit A MaLftod.Jao Matdie,Cbss Mulholund, P MscdonsM, JW Uttr(hy,GA MsKcowa Fj-ftoMorxin, J so Mtix.ou.UU Mtakert F UoDiugaU, Uoa Mar ID, D.V.1 MUQlll, Pd Jt A Miller, DB Murray, F G Mirrltl.J V HaHir'io, Col DUtrviu Qeo Miller, Jao M McKlliy.Iao Vartdith (Ji.8 Myeri.Ja rt Malctifl.JnoK MuUar.Tt Mticr, JaiT MKulr, Ju K Moulino, T MoDcgtuii.Juo Martin, J 3Isy,T F Monroe, Joaeph Mah,, Jia MgrftQ.Tho. MtUMy Ju slo ODkin.JF Mar.bstl.LtT Ml'Ur Jaall M.fg, Dr Joo JSlcior, Wm Moory, Joo Movauy, LewU Meeoti, UtyWU McDontll, Joo Mslons,L McPhtrwoa.WD Meroer, Jao a neicn, l w it MllcQ, w P 3 McKeso, Ju Mu'Ur, Lymsu Muwey, Dr Wm lUr ind.l-.SO Mlll-r, Moe F Mstqairt W8 I Mar In, Jno Mead.Miok tocKowo, WJ I Marrl't, J'WbGMtWu,CipU UMoriimtr. Wm Mu'phy, Joo fttcDooceil, M twircaa. Cap W I UcGrsw. J it Ksxscn M It J-ii aiiiwiv.ii. .Inn ftf.ii.trs. Mil llitnrittll WW MiffUl,JG MarAb,! J MoKalJo.M ucLanaJun, Ju Mt rsuisnn, P J Mo 8 had, Wm Ifcfl ibi. Jbo Murrv. Pit Matnto.h. V, Mscullt, Juo T Uete At, V.lih MuKlwct, W W McDonoofb,RTUsbeija(It II Morrow, Wm JaI MoQrrgor. It 3 Moors, Can WB Morton, lasso Moots, B M B Marqasd, W fl McScaoaler.CspttllH, Bsm MoAiUur, W J (i UfiUornn. 8 T Mtrm. W II uaooovy. u MoKelvy, CspBUusy.W ' N Nortoo, Ll II L Nlcrjole, O C N.wojmb.U N, lee, I'M I Mote, I)r W ! Neb', A-i ' Mid. Ctp I ' LP J.'i'i Jeiry K.llls, Boot lN.,Coru.Ut Norm.JueW N.lllj'.r.'llio.ll N.wton.O P NoBbftOm.MorrltNlohoiB. Up Wm I Nhhole, Wm A II.Ddll O'le.iy, 8u ( COrerloo, Lt O EOl.y, riln Oeburn, Uyrus Oley, Lt 11 11 O,lroio, Capt 1 O'Hiisj. K O'Usllortn, Ju yalari Uim Olver. fdwN OwIdji. JooW Ult, Wsrriu nrw. FW Qoluii Jae 4 Olmi.l, WinB 1 Oxley Krs k M Orr. D Llltell (illrer, Weiley Ow o,Fleteh'lQUiell,U W Ureal, Wu, FO ll'Ilrleo, r 11 Fctt. r u J H fo.H. J., H I'eok. It II , I'olliuoiui UJ I'liilllpj.l'i, Jaai'rodels, Biml IMiice Utvtd C I'.teo, Bteplieo lnl brick, ColTlof.itereo i Jew Poet, 8 A I'ane, D 8 rr.otl e, J I. Poet, 1U-I Park. Oeo A Psnoae, Jio Petty, Tho. R , Plelu.r, O 0 I'aiieiton , J o B Porter, Wm U Prince, B I." U.sPbaloo, Joo A Pilob.r, M.J Woi lliury P.I Mo. , Jno L , Porter, Lt II C Proctor, Ctp JooPhllUps, Wm U I Parker, iltory Pitcher, Lleot I'.rtjoi, W-3 iUl,AU IM.y, Jio I Dawes. An UsItoTiHlro I Oo..,Cpt BK l.fl,LtJ D I'iMkh.Bt. 11 o - n l-sntr,JsoW l'alUlp,LA ..yneilds, A F Rod,.rs, H 0 Rose, The. Rej.olde, AW Roturte, J.o - Basstll , Thas Rlohsrde, AO Rsy, DrJsT, Hslew, thos 11 HejBolde.AJ Klfley.JsoW Bs.1sll,AI Ky.nin.jBOT KMd.Wssbl'ftBi RMbsrrlsim,A-lltkleliosr,sttJ JRm.Vss T ' RtBMr, A 1 i -8 Rshn, Wm I . KMI,A !K.odsli,JitV Kilter, W P VotilasCB.Alex KeDtrts, Ju RSReytioIde, WssP Rnblss.CsMChssRobrw, Jee W - Rlldle, I.l Wss M Rea,JBOlI- Rsd.r.Wss Rofere, Cbu W Kledf , Joo K.tier, Wm II - KsadsLChs. JSRoobs, Jss Rsymtmol. W""- Roui., 0 II W Rsslk, LTl H Rssae... Wm Rsbsrlt, Chs. WR.Ub.ia, L II BtdlaM. Willis RadeUff, UeWlttRsj.H B Itult, WsrnerK R0fws,tsrl4 L Keid.l'eter RlebirdetB. Wm Koi.h, Kdw N Btlerly, P.t.r Rtr. W J W KoHreon.LtOTRHly.l'sUlok Uotblne.Wm W Rblaeebrrt, U Hjer, baml M gm V. Slosa.AJ Bpi.k, Air Swo.bsrars A fiop.r,Cspt Sebesck, G SkUI.Ch 8lbb.y,QU 8oh.lsr.Ch 8lssma,0 Sesrls, II HUT.. 1E 81 Jobs, J HfihoBnBker, J Seeley.JR Sbsld.NT 8altlb.Bh.l' 8e.r, Lt FB Beott, Bowl s DHUI1BK. rf BedKlck. Aerr fihirlck. R J K Jr HilnnlB(tr, K A Smith, RE Bheldin CspJI18m.ur,B 8Uoey,JO StBders. 8 Hbroo.r, jf B.11.B r Stui.r. B O 8 asp., DII M u B.ffonl. JP Blsrr, Col BU Smllb. It,B Btorer, rl Btrsue.BU Bersiiww,ColB S.owmtn, O A 8l.t.r, J A Boh.Ie, Dr Hwto, J O Bohoono..r D 8h.rissii,JD 8hlIdo.,Kll Sblrd.o.Js. 8tsBtht0li,0alKHUT.ns,J F U Sihaell.J le bisck, 1 a Smllb, KKt Satherued, J V Best-is, Her, T a Stsdai, ', J E 8mlui,C.ptT OBiii. muw Duwin ul nmru. An atew n'jr r Btepb.nso-i,Ju steT.oe,lloo 1' B B.yder,Frsok 8porr.ll. J N Sitter, Th A BlmM.n.Ol Bmith.jBO Blrlee TB Smi'h.OF Shtw.JW Btelahtoxs, Mil H.lsu.OA 8ml h, J 8 V-l Sobsli.U'O Styie.JL Btrstt.oG.0 Mudlh.LtJoo Bhesisr,WF 8la.r. MtJOII Sbtsl,I,t Col JDBlecoberi. W B Ullreneoo.Deo 8brlter.Lo.le Bmllb.W sl.l 81p e.Hee II K i s.edeoor, L N Bwno.y, Wm Bivloer, Uy Btmm, L Bhsoll.Wm J naiiT,uy osiia(a'7,i.B. n K Steek Iberl. Ilr Bbsllock.C.D LBstMl.. Hon WO Smllb, Hy Sibmltl, U Bmllh, Wills. Smith, IlyL Blccum,U fitolmsn.Wll Htotler, Ify 8b.lby, M II Seboeatok.r, W Sabluor, J ll Blssy, N.tbta T. Tbamu, A TIl'on.DS Ttietrt, 11L Totcle.AI' TUboo, H-JD Tstaer.llr Tbtmpoa.Cr Tokcy.E i T.yloe.ll T.yior, CM Tuto.r, FW Taron-,Jr Toml.oeoD,CB ThomM04,aW Trsder JT Tavlur, P.Dli-1 Tssh.OE Thesyr.Jno Tbom Hon, Cspt Tlffeay, Oeo Tbonunono uwi it t.yiDr,.. tour ADomuOH,s.rg Taylor,IACo ,MoUeo Ju Tocker.M Taylor, K A T.lllfW Trtpp.WmT Truuler, Bean Tibblte,cspt W Towle, N O T better TOO Thtob.r, W W Tra.wvrlhy,OAllmbr,T R Trimble, Col Wm Toa.r, Oilrtr Tresdlr., Ll J J U Tod,Ri? Thoms, YaoB Tbompeoa, Wm Thompwo, W 0 U.saV. Vo.m,AB Yasdweod.r, J Vespl.nk, R'yk., E K Vso Pbtteo, J SUkeleld.r, B V.n sr'ff, E Yon Am.teBger,Yso Mses, B V.o Bureo, llsj M Ysoborn.WII J L VsBormso, 1 Yotw, Wm O VsodUcr,IT vr Wordea, A Wsrd, Ctp H O WilJmto, Jo O Ws'.raoo AO WsldolD", II Whit., Jis Wodhull, Dr AA Wsrd, u ll W.tT.r, J 1.0 Wsra, AW Wimsn II O WlllUme.Jo. Weeks, B O-l Wslbrldf e, Oia Wllll.m., Joe K Wh.rtoa, BeoJ AWsrreD, II Woodf.u. J II Wllklceon, LlOJ W.tkllne, Joo Whsl.y, Joo,Cnu WlUisms, Jsoob,Joo II Wl lle-LS C Weber. Jsoob WUllsmi. Jo. C wiiece,t;.p iTi.usmi.jsoK wsiksr, joo J WIiIm.S, U Waltoey. E Wslk.r'E Whlltlker.F Wesley. V Wsld..uer, V Wif.lo, Iesso B w.llsoe, J. ret it . niog Llo.Uia. J AWhldsk.r. J D i.tutN,esoj TT.iaeiner, J, Ju R, Jca II Wystt, J U-1 Wrl(bt, Joo S WI!soo,Js8 Wrltht, Jacob II WUlUmi. Jao 8 Weller. Ktrl, u it WI'.no.LIK, KM Wlroh.ster, ReT W.lklue.LS Wllsoo.R-3 WW Whitforl.l. Wbli.,BlBtHtlWitUall, W U Wtrd.N W.ldso, Cspt BWles, wm II w,,t,MM-J W Wau,Wm Wymio. Dr MSWIgbt, 8 Well.e, W J Wtau, 11 W Wlldmso, T 11 Wood, Wm Wstco, Mr Ward, TO Wu.or.nrWn Wetmor., Col MW.llltme, T E WUta, W O W-J Wallace, TK Ward Wm WsUh, Mlob Wldrey, Lt r J, Webb, Wm Wbttsomb, rCOWhel.o. T Wliberow, W 1- Wsillti, l-Q WWUson.SYB W.L.c, W U r. Yeag-.r, Jesss D Ycusf, L B Youaf , W-3 Z. eelmin, Lt 0 Hlre-l.r, Chu-2 MISCELLANEOUS R ciultlof Oncer for tb. U b Arilllery. LEWIS CLKFIIAME, Fotlmut.r. N 1W BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. JUST REVKIVKD FROM XJ5XT TORKt 15wseksKxtrs BVCKfTIlEAT TLOVH. 30 flrLlns Choice Tsble BITTER M iitrt'.. SJtlP. CutLosf SVOAH. Choice New Orleans Drown SI QAH ermont MipleSVOAH New HOPS Extra Sugar-cured IlAMH. Best quality Family and Extra PLOW. New York CHEESE. try fine for tsble use. M.o, fine It'IKES and BRAKDYt and aa tine Old Bourbon and Rye WHISHYn can he had. For sale hy JtssK B WILSON, No aat Pennij h snla avenue, Bet w een lxth mid Se. enth streets, 110 lEr Jtv.ll South aldei flHl TIIIC UFFICRRH OF THK AIIMV. Juat arrt.ed, by direct Importation ier steamer Fulton, from Furope, a tery tine ana urge snort' ment nf Marine, Opera, Field Glaaaes, and Tele scopes, which I will sell a very little abo.ethe coat in Pnrta. As to the qualities, there are none superior to be had. hating been selected purposely for this market. Alio, a large and well-assorted stock of Opera Glstses, Mlcroacopes j gold, all, er, and steel Spectacles and Eje Glasea, suited to the sight by the uae of an Optometer. A considerable number of vertldcAtes to be seen at my office, from gentlemen who have been suited at my establish. ment 435 Pennsylvania avenue, betutett Four-and-a- half and hiith streett. My KstftlilUluneut Is up atalra. Glauses fitted to Mtut, The trodo supplied. Oct 10-ty "I) AHHKS ON THE POTOMAC. Ou Hud niter the 12th inn taut day of September, pasaes n HI be required from all easels, boats, fee.. navigating the Potomao river. These will be U suM by the Commanding Oftlcer of the Flotilla, and ms be obtained from the naval vesaeld it a, tiuitfti nt Alexandrln, or at the mouth of the rl. er. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy. Na v Defahtment, September 11, IOC.. sep U AV rATKIl NOTICK. In fonienuente of tho lownei.of the water lo the General Ileaervolr It will be necesaary. unleaa greni economy 01 water la prncuce.., lor ine uov ernment soon to shut off the supply to clttzena en iireij All persons are, therefore forbidden to use the hj drauta un Pennij l anla avenue, or on any at recti or a, enuea under the cara and aupervlslon of the ( ommUaloner of Public Buildings, for waterlog the itreetsor pa, ementi, or for any private purpose whatever. And all peraons using the water are urgently so licited to he aa economical In Its uae aa nou title. B. B FBENCII, nep m t'ommUi loner of Publlo Buildings. s i O M K T II 1 N G IIKW, TRY IT. Nowl. Hie time to buy) our Fall Cloth!ng,atNo. I 460 Se enth streeti where you can And all the latest style Roods, at Northern prices. llo I ho I for Sei enth street, No. 4110. A large In- I I olee of Clothing-, at very low prices, No. 460 Sev enth street, near F. A new way lo sat e Gold I Buy your Clothing at No. 4UI seventh street, opposite Post Ofllce, at 10 I per cent below Hie market price, In Treasury ! notes Smith'., No 4U)ientli street, 1. the cheapest house in town to liuyour Clothing, Furnishing LiOOile, Trunk., Hats, and Caps. aepSa 3tn I.U'KllVllOUV'M .Mention Ise.lleiltoour J new stock of Clothing for Men and 110)8' use, I whtch wehaiejust iecehed,snd otter forsslo st 1 lery low pikes, at No 4C4 Set enth street, nesr F J BRUCE A CO, I Proptletoi a uf Oak Iltll Clothing Room scp vo ani I OAK IIAI.I. U.IITII1NU ItUIIH, Nu 481, Seventh strett, below F, Hie uiib.i.rlter take, great pleasure In announc ing ttilile old Irleml. and Customers, that he h.e op, lied a new store at No. 4fil Seventh street, near K, win die list a line, selected stock of Clothing Ij r..l-mnd lIos' wear, which they hsiejust re celled from the North, and otters them for sale st the lowest Northern prices J. BRUCE A CO, sep so-im Clothiers, u Seventh street, ivntwmuj&rwK-itir?frHty'FrrrnTtvi O 8 T 11 K I M BKOTHKIIH, f 91 PENNSVLVArlIAVjtNUE', mv9 rEnnsiLVAniA AVKnut:, M91 fr.NNSTLVANIA AVKNUF, J , ' Draocli ol 99 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, 39 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, Importers ol choicFbranoieb AND, WINE8, CHOICE BRANDIES AND WINES, CHOICE BRANDIES AND WINES, CHOICE BRANDIES AND WINES, Aod wholrttle desler. in RYE AND BOURBON WHISKIES, RrF. ANb BOURBON WHISKIES, As w.U as ST.tjr yarlfty of LIQUORS, CORDIALS, Ac, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, Ac, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, Ac, v And th? bwst braoda of OENUINE HAVANA 0I0AR8, GENUINE HAVANA CI0AR8. W. alen ofler for sale s complete ssiortmCDt of HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, MEATS, Ac, HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, MEATS, Ac, HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, MEATS Ac, Expressly put up for ctmp use. BEST GOODS IN THE MARKET, BEST OOOD8 IN THE MARKET, LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES, LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES, LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. 399 PENNSYLVANIA AVKNUK, I1H.1 PENNSYLVANIA AVKNltK. Between PMuth anil Tenth streets. M1 ITAIIY KUXIPMKNT TRUNK, AND HARNESS M A N IJ !' A O T O H Y . 499 Nereulh .Ire. I, OHTMT1! ODD WILLOWS' BALI, WASHINGTON, D. C. I manufacture of the best msterlsl, snd hsva oonstsntly on hsnd, a large snd rsrlsd assort rnent of Military ami Clllitnt' SADDLES, BHIDIES, BREAST COLLARS, FELT SADDLE CLOTHS, SHABRAQVES, Patent Feed and Water Buckets, Spurs, Officers' Haversscks, Officers' Fins Sword Belts, Belt Trimmings, and Field Gists Cases. T HUNK8. SOLE LEATHER, IROX FRAME, DRESS, and WOOD BOX T AS. VALISES, TRAVELIXO BAGS, HARNESS, etc. RKPAiniNU. As I msnufscture Trunks extenshely,and necss- ssrllr hsve sll kinds of Trunk Msterlsl, I sin better prepsred to repslr Trunks, Ac , thoroughly snd promptly,thsn any other estsbllshment In the city. JAMES S. TOPHAM. oct 14 ami pVANrl tL WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA, SALAMANDER, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. Store, 16 auuth Fourth street. Philadelphia, Pa. Orders received hy W. D. SHEPHERD, Corner of Set enth and D streets, Washington, D C. jsn 11-1 j- N KW INVENTION ARTIFICIAL CLEOPLASTIC BONE TEETH, without metal plate or clasps, by DR. S. 11. 8IG ESMOND, 010 Broadway, New York; and 300 Penn. avenue. between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts , WASHINGTON, D, C, Calls the attention of the publlo to the following advantages of his Improved aj item. 1st. The teeth of his manufacture will never cor rode nor change color by any adds, nnd are three fourths lighter than any other. 2d. No teeth nor roots need be extracted, as the artificial onea can be inserted over them. 3d. The roota will be made lnotlenslve and never to ache. 4th. No temporary teeth are needed, aa permanent ones can be made Immediately, thereby preaertlng the natural expression of the face, which, under the old s) atem, Is frequently disfigured. Oth. This work has been fully teated, for over five j ears, by many of the first chemists and physicians of this and the old country. Dr. S has also Invented a white Indeatruetlble metal filling, with which the moat aensltlve teeth can be filled without pain, and can build up a per fect sound tooth on any side roots, which will last through a lifetime. He refers to the following gentlemen. Dr. V. Mott t Dr. Doreraus, Profesaor oi Chemistry) Hon. A. Mann, jun.( Capt. Crabtree. Vice Prealdent of the Emigration Company of New York; Hon. Judge Wa)ne, of the Supreme Court, or Washington, D, C.I and thou iand of others. cau ana examine lor yourselves. nov T H) INVENTORS) AND PATENTEES. MUNN k CO . nroDrletora of the Sclentlflo Amrr. lean, and agents for procuring American and For eign PATENTS. With Sixteen Yean experience in the JJutiness. Refer to Hon. Judge Maaon, Hon. Joseph Holt, Hon. W. D. Blshopi ex-Commlssloners ofPatents. and to more than fifteen thousand Inventors who hsve had business done through lMunn fc Co.'s Pa tent Agency. Pamphlet of advice sent free by mall Patent .Laws and Regulations, 100 psges, i!3 centi, mall. No charge foi conaultatlon, orally or by mall. Preliminary Examination In United Utatea Pa- urin suii;i7 pi, Offlcei, No. 37 Park Row, New York) Waihlng- ion, corner oi r anu nevenin sireeis, oppoiuc me Patent GflUe. mar 1 Gtnlf 11 1 H 11 A H A II (i K N T H 1 AWNINQ, FLAG, AND UXIOX TENT FACTOR T, No. 5Sfl 1'runi) I vul avtuur, WASHINGTON, I), (J. XUTLER& AND ARMY TENTH ON U&ND OK Mi DC TO OKDE11. Awulngs, Flsgs, Tents, Mall Bags, Horse Coers, Signs, Wagon to ers, kc , made at short notice. my 9-tf .OLDI GOLDI-ADVANCi: PRICE PAID, BY .T siTTrMiiniier pii l m V. .... ab....uwabf '.. VW , Bankers, IM Penn, avenue. OPKKH'I SAKBWCI WlrTB. I UBK, AND roUA TKABS OLD, ,. OF OHOIOK OPOnTO'OHAPK, FOR PHYSICIANS' USE, For Fnnaltt, 11 eakty iVrsons, ami TnvalUU. LS Erery famtljVaHhli Reason, should uae the 8AMDUCI WINE, Celebrated la Europe for Its medicinal and benefi cial qualltlea aa a rentls Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic, and Sudorific, highly eiteemed by eminent physi cians, used In European and American Hospitals, and by some of the first families la Furopn and America. AS A TONIC, It has no equal, causing an appetlfe and building up the system, being entirely a pure wine of a moat valuable fruit. AS A DIURETIC, It Imparts a healthy action of the Glands aad Kid neys. and Urinary Organs, ery beneficial In Dropsy Gout, and Rheumatic affections. SPTOR'S WINE Is not a mixture or manufactured article, but la pure, from the Juice of the Portugal sambucus Frape, cultivated In New Jersey, recommended by hemlats and Phralclsnsaa possessing medical pro perties superior to any other Wines In use. and an excellent article for au weak and debilitated per aons and the ared and Infirm. Improving the appe tite and benefiting ladles and children. A LADIES' WINE, Because lt will not intoxicate as other wines, as It contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and Is admired for Its rich, peculiar flavor, and nutritive rropertles, Imparting a healthy tone to the dlgest ve organs, and a blooming, soft, and healthy akin and complexion. WC REFER TO A few well-known gentlemen and physicians who uaic iricvi iiisj ii uic; Oen.WlnOeld Scott.U.SA. Gov. Morgan, N. Y. stste. Dr.J.H.Chilton, N. Y.Cllr. Dr. Parker, N. Y. City. Dr.. DsrcyiiNlcholl,New- Dr.Wllson,lIthst.,N.Y. Dr. Ward, Newark, N.J. Dr.Dougherty, Newark N.J. Dr. Marcy, New York. ars, n.a, ur rsi.i, ruumfl. tJ"None genuine without the signature of "AL FRED SPEER, Paaialc,N.J.,"lsoverthe cork ol each bottle. EJ-MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WING. For sale by Drugglats and all first-class Deslera. t A. SPEER, Proprietor. Vineyard Paaaate, New Jersey. Orrif t M Broadway, New York. JOHN LA FOY, Parts, nov a ly Agent for France and Germany. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, omcERi of the army and navy, ODEON HALL, The old and established Emporium or Clothing, that haa, for so many years, supplied the citizens of Washington and Wclnlty with all that la ea sentlsl for the elegance and comfort of the outer man. Is now supplied with the most complete and fashionable stock that we bare ever had the pleas ure to offer. COATS, PANTS, and VESTS of the moat desira ble styles that could be found In the market. Our assortment of SHIRTS. DRAWERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, fcc, cannot be surpassed and will be sold at prices that do not allow or compe tition. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVFRCOATS. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. INDIA RUBBER GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP- TIONS. VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, fee. Our stock of BOYS1 and YOUTHS' CLOTHING. is the largest and moat fashionable that has ever been offered in this city, and at the lowest prices they can possibly be obtained In this city. tt- Call and see us at ODEON HALL, corner 4H street and Penasvlranla avenue, the Great Cloth ing Mart of Washington city. nor 1 every Tuei, Thurs, k. Sat TURT TRY OCR NEW STOCK OP t f Clothing from the People's Clothing store. No. 480 Seventh street, near F. They out-wear any thing you can huy and they are aold so cheap at J. 11. SMITH'S, No. 460 Seventh street, near F. I would advise all to come and buy their Clothing at SMITH'S, No. 4 Seventh street. It you are wise you will come to SMITH'S, No. 4M Seventh street, near F. opposite City Post Ol flee, to buy )our Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps. The PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 4tU Seventh street, Is the best place In town to buy your Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps. J. H. SMITH & CO, Clothiers, 400 Se enth street. Call soon and see our new stock of Fall and Win ter Clothing) which we are selling at very low pri ces, at the PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 46U Seventh street, near F, Great attractions at No. 460 Seventh street. N w stock of Clothing just arrived, and selling at our ususl low prices. J. 11. SMITH fc CO., Clothier., No. 460 Seventh street, and corner Twentieth street and Penn. avenue. Great bargains In Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, on the corner oi Twentieth street and Penn. avenue. SMITH at CO , Clothiers, First ward, cor, Twen tieth street and Pennsylvanlaavenue, the cheap est place In town to buy your Fall and Winter Clothing. Call at the First Ward Clothing atore and got your Fall and Winter Clothing, Hals, Caps, Boots, and Shoes. SMITH fc. CO., Clothiers, Cor. Twentieth street and Penn. av. FIRST WARD CLOTHING HOUSE, corner or Twentieth street and Pennsylvania avenue. You can buy your Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes cheap, corner of Twentieth afreet and Pennsylvania avenue. sep IKS Sin fj TAKE NO TAKE NOTICE. 59 M. T. PARKER, NO. 69 LOUISIANA AVENUF, Keipect fully and cheerfully returns thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto received. Hating ever) facility for doing THE BEST HOU8F. SIGN. ANDDLCORATIVE PAINTING. Together with nil work pertaining to a First class Painting Eatabllahment. He haa no hesitancy In soliciting a kontlnusnce of the public's favor. Hit Price are Reasonable; The Vork Unexceptionable; And particular attention Is paid to PROMPTNESS IN DELIVERY, t" Remember the number t no Louisiana Avenue, oct 21 3 in bet. .sixth and Seventh streets. Dn. 01 FIN II OI. AT Tt Of No. 431, corner of Eighth ami E streets, Opposite the General Poat Office, Can be conaulted on RHEUMATIC AFFECT IOSS, CONSUMPTION, LIVER COMPLAINTS CHHOM( A FFECTWNS, as w ell as all DUeasesor Imprudence. of whatever character, and which may be declared Incurable b other ph) alclans. He engages to make an Immediate cure. From his lengthy practice lu tho uolence of medi cine, he Is enabled to oiler himself to the publlo as being the only one in Washington capable of attord Ing apeedy relief. All cases curable will be guaran tied. He warrant! a cure without the use of iner cury or any other dangerous medicine. cured la two or three dsv s. I . u. ueuer auaressca to ur. .. at nis uince, ro. i 471, corner of Fight h and E streets, opposite Gen I eral Post Office, will reiel, e Immediate attention. ' sin 9t 0.3- i NOTIGli IN IIUUUliyUlVKN'J the Copartnership ii.retotoroexlstlna; t I l.VLK A t'OFFIN Is this day dlsaolieil Cr IN IIKHUUV U1VKN THAT iff between uv mutu.l JOHN G. TALI, j m buinn I John O Lyl. still continues the business at the . 1 ... .. ' I Old BISDU. Wathluton, July si, leca JyM .N