Newspaper Page Text
3H . HIGHLY, IMPOtlTAKTI I I , I .TO TftK SOLDIERS 1 rTte , UNION ARMY I -4n OnnoiVfWTaiofiOtJrtAaiVtmao(7n Nearly all the diseases Incident to camp life orlg- nste with derangement nnd Irregularity of the vs-rcia uirj ueiDgmaweaiteBl RDU D10H SUBCe P- tlble part or the human system, first feel the elTrcti of the exposure which all soldiers have to submit In during their term of active service. The best weapon of defeooe Toucan hare against all such diseases is Da. Daniel KvamY Patent ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER AND MEDICAL SAFEGUARD COMBINED. The Surgeon General and the prlnctptl Physicians and Surgeons, who hare examined the formula of Its medical preparation, hare recommended Its use by the Union soldiers. Messrs. G. G. EVANS k. CO .secured the right to sell the SAFEGUARD In the United statea.and they are now being manufactured under the super intendence, of an Able bhralrlan. anil amnsramtnta have been made to place them within the reach of every unwn somier. An agency nas neen esiao llshed In Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, when soldiers about to depart for the war can be supplied. No more appropriate present can be made to a soldier than MrmCATtD StrtacARD, Erery man should hare one. The attention of soldiers, and friends of soldiers, Is respeetfully solicited to this new Intention. It Is made of red flannel, medicated cotton being placed between two thicknesses of flannel and quilted In small diamonds. The shape of M It de signed tc lit the body. The elastic fastenings and whalebone are arranged so as to pre ent it from wrinkling or rolling up when the wearer Is In motion. THOUSANDS OF LIVFS MAY BR SAVED BY ITS TIMELY USE. Price according to site No. I, 41. Mi No. 9, All Sent by mall or express to any address, on the recelot of the nrlce Including nnitare. If hv mall. Postage on No. lf so cents) No. 2,10 cents No. 1, 10 Liberal commissions allowed agents and persons forming clubs. N. B None are genuine unless stamped Dr., D. Evans. ' Descriptive circular sent free. Send orders to G. G. EVANS Jl CO . Atrenta for United States. Room 18, Washington Building, corner rrnuif iraniii m cnue nnti ei rnin street, Washington. No. 4 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. No. 313 Broadway, New York. i'u.wi it iiinjiuu airm. uuiiuui Also, for sale by Dealers In Military Goods and Druggists. Fntered, according to act of Congress, In the year the District Court for the Eastern District of Perm sviranta. kB " n Va. . ua !.. .A- aakaA ttl MM bin"! (viuiuutii m uriciviwrei iuuu promptly all orders for books published In the uoueu maies on tb receipt oi ine aaverusea price. Send all book orders to G. G. EVANS, 439 Chesnut Street, I'M In. novo rawiftf W IL.I.IAM PITCH, ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANTS, CORNER Or SITEITH AUD T tTREKTU, OppoMt the FMt Office, WASHINGTON, D. C, rrosettit.s Cl.lm. for Fensloos, Bounty Money, Dountjr Land Warrants, Loat Proprtr, Recruttlnr Ufflccrs, and .11 othf r Just Claims against the Gov ernment. Also, Patent, procured for Inventor.. Kpeeul Attention Riven to before the Court of claims. Fee. reaeonable In all oa.ea, to wit: In each Pension ea.e, - ,s 00 Bounty Money case, ...... s 00 Bounty Land case, ......600 Pay Claim, .---loo Widow, and minor children who are poor, half the aboie rates. Those who are extremely ih dioejit, free of charge, except mere dlnhuraements. correspondent, will be entitled to share the fees In all caaea they forward. Consulting counsel, Hon. It. H. GILLET, late United 8tates Solicitor of the Court of Claims and former Solicitor of the Treasury. , Special Referencet by iVrmlsston; Hon. Richard Wallach, Ma) or of Washington. Hon. W. W.Seaton, exMa)orof Washington. Lewis Johnson k. Co., Bankers, Washington. sweeny St Hurck, Bankers. Washington. EsGovemor Hunt, of Lockport, New York. Judge Gardiner, of Lockport, New York. Hon. John Ganson, state Senator, Buffalo, N. Y. Hon. Burt Yanhorn, member of Congress from New York. Hon. O. XV. Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Buf fslo. Messrs. Hubble h. Davis, Counsellors, Buffalo, N. V. Judge Bowen, of Lockport, New York. Judge Woods, of Lockport, New York. Hon. T. T. Flagler, ex-member of Congress from New Yorar Hon. John Uanson, President of the New York and Erie Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. ot sa lm N T O T' I O K TO THB PUBLIC IN OKNKKAL (.OHI.IKH ft K 3 T A U It A N T 9. jt PENNSYLVANIA AVENUK, SOUTH SIDF, (Formerly of New York,) Hss the Name and Fame of being ooe of THE BEST ItESTAURAXTS IX TOWX. Cf-Clve us a trial, and Judge for jrourself.-fe Fverylhlng In the House Is of the BST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Don't forget the number, 9147 Fennsyhanla avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. fur 10 south side. EVK AND EAlt. DKAFNKSS. IMPAIRED SIGHT. NOISES IN THE HEAD. Affections oftiTe THROAT. DISEASES OF THK AIK PASSAGES. CATARRH PULMONARY. These maladies are excluslv fly and successfully treated by DR. VON MOSCHZ1SKER, Oculist and a, Tn Penn. avenue, opp. Wlllards'. 83 Numerous Testimonials can be examined at his offlce. from cltliens of Washington. Ky-AU surgical operations to restore SIGHT and HEARING performed. nov 10 lm riUIOMAB IS. I.I.OVD, ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANTS, AND A0KNT FOli moCUHINQ Bounty Lands, Pensions, Arrears of Pay, Extra Pay, fcc., WASHINGTON, D. C, Will give prompt and efficient attention to the rroscutlon of Claims of every description against be Government, and make no charge unless suc cessful. Both references and charges for services will be made satisfactory. Jj" Pensions scoured for soldiers wounded or dis eased during the existing wart also, for the widows and orphans of soldiers who have died from wounds or disease incurred while in the United Mate aer-. vlcei also, Bounty Money for the hclrs-ln-Uw of soiuicrs ucccaacu miring me enisling war. Fees divided with attorneys or other persons for warding business. The blghestp rices paid for Land Warrants. Afl Address THOMAS E. LLOYD. Attorney for Claimants, No. 470 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. N. B. EdltorsOfPsiiersDubllshlnaTtheaboveeard will be entitled to my services to the amount of uitMr ciusTsca. 1. ,. L dec 1J w APPLICATION for Duplicate Laud Warrant. Application harl ng been made under the act ol 23d juq, ioou. iorino rrmue oi me lami warrants described herein, which arc npt?ii tn Imtx h-n lost or destroyed, notice U hereby given that, at the date following thedescrlptlon of each warrant, a new certificate of like tenor will be Issued If no valid objection should then annear. No 86, 1S3, for 160 acres, Issued under the act of March. I860, In the name of Rachel, widow of Thos. incrcuiiii, tutu nnstirauirti in art it ?, )30 iMcem- ber 6, lbG'i. No. 93,709, for 120 acres, Issued under the act of March, 1666, In the nameof Arnold Harrington, and was granted September 17, 1867 January 4, 1863. No. 83,464, for 160 acres, Issued under the actor March, ISM. In the names of the minor children of Daniel V. McCune, deceased, and was granted Oct. 32,1868 January 11, 1843. No. 100,847, for 160 acreri, Issued under the act of March 1866, in the name of Ansel Allen, and was granted March 13, l&tiS-danuary 18, 1UU3. JOSFPI1 II. UAHUETT, Commissioner. T HE CIIEAPFST CLOTHING HOUSE IN town Is at L. A. BEALL&CO. No 361 seventh street, st 3ft 3m between I and K. 22111 rii u s r K V.T.U B I " or TBI! I CPE O.T.U S I " ' or n WEEKLY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. The nnilcratKnoil commenced) In the month of December, 1800, the publication, In this city, of a weekly newspaper, called the National Ri- publican. It Is printed on a large sheet, twenty-seven by forty-two Inches, anil It furnished at the low prices stated below. It contains all the original matter of the Dally National Republican, with the exception of local news not Interesting to country sub scribers. It will give fu'l reports of the proceedings of Congress, and of the other Departments of the National Government. It contains alt the news of the day, foreign and domestic, markets, Ac, Ac, as well ss an original correspondence from all parts of the country. The miscellaneous department will receive special attention, and, In all respects, the effort will be made to establish the charac ter of the National Republican as a Family Newspaper. Washington being now the central point of the current military operations, great attention will be paid to furnishing the readers of the National Republican with full, and especially with accurate, accounts of the progress of the war for the Union. In politics, the paper Is Republican, sustain tng the Administration of Mr. Lincoln. There Is no other Republican paper In tho District of Columbia, or In tho vicinity of It, and It Is believed that recent events have opened to such a paper an Important sphere of useful effort. Thotlmo has como, when-the sctual administration of the Government upon Repub lican principles will explode tho misrepresent tatlons which hare made thoso principles so dlstateful to the South. Dut It Is not only here, and In this vicinity, thst the projectors of the National Republican hope to msko It useful. To the wholo country they offer a Journal which will discuss national politics from a national stand-point, and which will never bo swerved from patriotic duty by any overpowering pressure of local Interest TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year .... $3.00 Three copies, one year ... 8.00 Five copies, one year .... 7,00 Ten copies, one year .... 12.00 Twenty copies, one year ... so.oo One copy, six months .... 1,00 Three copies, six months ... 2.50 Five copies, six months ... 3,00 Ten copies, six months ... 0.00 Twenty copies, six months ... 10.00 Payments slwsys In advance. When a Club of subscribers hss been forward ed, additions may be made to It on the ssme terms. It is not necessary that the subscribers to a Club should receive tliclr papers at the ssme post office. Money may lx forwarded by mall, atourrtsk. Largeamounts can ho remitted In Treasury notes, or drafts on Boston, New York, Phllsdel. phis, or Baltimore; smaller amounts In gold, or In notes of solvent banks. Address W. J. MURTAGII fe CO., Washington, D. C. D7"Tfl DaiLT NtTifWAL RirtrBUCut Is published every morning, (Sundays excepted,) at tho following ratest One copy, one; ear .... $3.50 Five copies, one) ear - ... 15.00 One copy, six months - - 1,75 Five copies, six months ... 7,50 One copy, three months ... 1.00 T P. A s 1 T K A sil T K A SIM s p I c e a i GROUND OOFFEE8II TOBACCOS! 11 A Urge Invoice of the above articles are now being recel. ed, and for sale lj D. J. DROWN, Commlsalon Broker, No. 0, Washington Building, Seventh street and Penn. avenue, SUTLERS TAKE NOTICE! Teas in i pound packs. Tf as tn , 8, 10, 12, 16, H and 20 pound boxes. Canned Tomatoes In 2 dozen boxes. Canned Peachea tn 2 dozen boxes Pickles In 2 dozen boxes. Gum Drops In pound papers. Gum Drops In 5 pound boxes. Raisins In boxes and boxes. Pepper In 2 ounce papers and in 1 gross boxes. English Mustard In i pound papers and cans English Mustard In X Q1 1 gross boxes Preserved Cherries In bottles. Figs In 3 '; pound drums and S pound boxes. Lemon 8j rup tn bottles. PLUG TOBACCO, PINK-CUT TOBACCO, CIGARS. For sale by D. J. BROWN, No. 8, Washington Building, Seventh street and Penn. avenue, Washington, D. C. nofi T)nOPOSALS FOR BEEF CATTLE. Scaled Proposals are Invited until the 15th day of Nov ember, 1862, for supplying the United States Subsistence Department with .ooo head of BEEF CATTLE on the hoof. The Cattle to I delivered at Washington City, D. C, and each animal to average l.suu pounds gross. No Cattle admitted that weighs less than I,oou pounds gross. Heifers, stags and bulls not wanted. The first delH cry of Cattle to be made on the 1st day of December, or as soon thereafter as the Gov ernment may direct. Six hundred head of Cattle per week will be required to lw delivered under this contract. A bond, with good and sufficient security, will be required. " Iwenty per cent, of the purchase money will be retained until the completion of the contract. Proposals from contractors who have nrevioualv railed to comply with their bid, from disloyal per sons, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid, will not be considered. rPaa j no names oi urms snouia De stated In full with the precise address or each member of the firm All bids to be accompanied by two amaranteea Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKWIT1I. A.VD C. and C. H , U. H. A., Washington, D. C, and en- , Form of Cuaranttt, We, -, of the count) of , and State of , ai.u , u me .-uutn) ui , ami mate of- , do hereby guarantee that la able to fulfil a contract In accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract In accordance therewith. should the contract bo awarded him, we are pre- ni cii iu mvuii tn si vs. in (lira. ITIils guarantee must be appeuiled to each bIJ ) Ihe responsibility of the guarantors must be lown dv ine omciai ceruncaie oi ine uieric oi tut nearest District Court or of the United States Dis trict Attorner Uida uhich do not comiJv uith th above will be re- jrwta, nov o T Rl-COMMFND MRS. WREN'S TREATMENT X lot Neuralgia, she having cured me v ery soon. M Johnson, Pension Office. Call and see how many respectable citizens have been cured by my HAND MAGNETISM, of Paraly sis, Gout, Rheumatism, Tumors, Bronchitis, Piles In a week. Typhoid Fever In a few days.Luchor. rhra or Whites. Sure cure for Scrofula and Can cers. magnetic Plasters and Ointment, MRS. WREN, Physlclsn 44a K St., bet. flth and 7th sti DP'" WHIST'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS For all of which It Is a speedy and certain reme dy, and never falls. This Liniment Is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect icut, tne famous bone-setter, and has been use! In his practice, for more than twenty years, with the most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OT PAIS, It Is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which tho most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, BheumatJe Disorders of every kind, and, In thousands of cases, where It has been used, it has never been known o fall. FOR NEVRALaiA,it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of UEADACIWin three minutes, and ti warranted to do It. TOOTHACHE, also, will It cure Instantly. FOR NERVOVS DEBILITY ASD GENERAL LAS SITUDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this Liniment Is most happy and unfailing remedy, Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, It strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES. A an external remedy, we claim that It la the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fall to afford Immediate relief, and, In a majority of cases, will eflect a radical cure. QVINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fall to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes ttv obstinate, and en largement of the Joints Is liable to occur If neg lected. The worst case may be conquered by this liniment in two or three daj s. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERE, MUM, anu sualdv, yield readily to the won derful healing properties of DR. SWEETS INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to direc tions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Tne ureal Natural Bone better. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is known all over the United States DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is the author or " Dr. sweet's Infallible Liniment, DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds Immediate!) . DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache lmmedlately.and was nev er known to fall. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords Immediate relief for Piles, and seldom falls to cure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache In one minute. , DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cuts and Wounds Immediately and leaves no scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sores In the known w orld. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise It, DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cures Collo, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a "friend In need," andev ery family should have It at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sate by alt Druggists. Price 26 and 60 cents. A Friend Iu Need. Try It. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMEST. as an externat remedy, Is without a rival, and will alle vlate pain more speedily than any other prepara tion. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders It is truly infallible, and, as a curattvo for bores. Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. &c, its soothing, heal ing, and powerful, strengthening properties, excite thejust wonder and astonishment of all who have ever riven It a trial. Over one thouaand certifi cates of remarkable cures, performed by It within the last two J ears, attest the fact. To Iiorse Owners I DR. SIVEEVS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and In all cases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises, or Wrenching, its ettct Is magical and certain. Har ness, or Saddle Galls, Scratches. Mange, &c, It will also cure speedily. Spavin and Hingbonemay be tSkfUy prevented andcuredln their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of (he kind, however, is so (Hiltsi(vuiB i'u usiraui iiismuu. tiuwvtcr, II BU desperate or hopeless but It maybe alleviated by this Liniment, and Its faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness, and enable the horse to iravei wiin compnraiiv e case, Every Horse Ovvuer should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render so manynther wise valuable horses nearly worthless D It V II E F. ' N INFALLIBLE LINIMENT HOhDIKlCN F H I K N l , And thousands havefoiiud It trulj A FRIEND IN NitDI Caution. To avoid Imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on ev ery label, and also "Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" blown In the glass of each bottle, without whUh none are genuine. RICHARDSON i. CO, Sole Proprietors, Norwich, U. MORGAN fie ALLEN, General Agents, 40 Cliff Street, New York. Q- Sold t)' U dealers cv erywhere. no 11 ly TnOPOSAL FOR Tl IIOPOSAM FOR TWINfc. Post Orncc Defamtment. Sd November, 1862. SCALXD PmorosALa will bs recelred at thla De- furtment until the 26th day of November, 1862, for urn lining one year's supply of Twine, estimated at S6,ooo pounds, to be delivered at the Blank Agen cies at Washington, D. C, New lork city nod otuinm, new lorx. iree irom an cosioi transpor tation. In such quantities as each Agency may, from tlmo to time, be ordered by the Department. The Tw Ine must be of three strands, well twisted, and capable of sustaining the weight of 26 pounds on a string six feet In length It must he put up In balls of one pound weight esch and packed suitably for transportation In packages of 100 pounds weight each. Ihe Twine must be smooth and flexible, an measure about tUOverds to the pound. As no i pe el no material has been determined upon, bidders will send samples of such twine as thej propose to furnish with their bids. The contract will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, the best bid to be. determined, after a careful examination, for the purpose of ascertain ing which bid will, In Its practical results, be most advantageous to the Department. This the Post master General resen es to himself the right orde cidlng. No proposals will bo considered which maj te made by persons nut engaged In the manufacture of twine. Fach bidder must furnish with Ms proposals evidence or his ability tn comply with his bid. Two sufficient securities will I required to a contract. Failure to furnish the article contracted for promptly, or furnishing an article Inferior to that contracted for, will be considered a sitRlclent cauae for the forfeiture of the contract. Bids not made In accordance with these propo sals will not be considered. Proposals must be marked on the outside of the envelope with the name of the article proposed for, and the letter containing them addressed to the First Assistant Postmaster General, Washington, D.C. M. BLAIK, nov eo2w Postmaster General. 4 II M Y flUPPIIKB. Ornrr. ortiiE Chief Quabtbjimasteb, Amur or the Potomac, Washington, Sep t em I r 20, 1862. PROPOSAL are invited for furnishing for the use of the army of the Potomac the following ar ticles: s.ouu ton best quality Timothy Hay, securely haled, the weight of each bale to 1 marked thereon. 2,000,000 bushels of Oats, of the best quality, tn strong sacks, well sewed. 7,ooo cords Oak and Htckory Wood, well sea soned and of the lnmt nimllttr. Each bid must be accompanied by the endorse ment oi iwo responsiDie persons mat the contracts tf awarded will be fulfilled. Bids will be opened from time to time as the ar- ucics may oe necueu, ana contracts will tw awarded for the quantities needed, to the lowest responsible bidder un to the time of onenlnr. The right Is reserved to accept all or any part of any bid. Proposals should be endorsed " Proposals for Hay or Oats," or " Wood," as tho case may be, and en- ciuae in arpnraie em ciopes. RUFUS INGALLS, Lieut. Col. and A. D. C, Chief Quartermaster, sep24 tr I)UOPOSAI.S FOR IHDK4, TALLOW HOOFS AND HORNS. SEALED PROPOSALS are Inv Ited till the25thof rtovemoer, hot, ai vt O'clock in , lot purchasing all the Hides, Tallow, Hoofs and Horns of the Cattle killed by the Army of the Potomac in tho territory embraced by the Rappahannock and Potomac rlv ers and the Blue Ridge mountains. It Is Intended that the contractor shall follow the army and collect the hides and tallow, hoofs and horns, and shall pay a certain sum forthoso articles from each animal, to bo collected at his own risk. He will be charged with the articles In each case unless he can clearly show that he was prevented from obtaining them by proper authority . A bond with good and sufficient security will be required for the fulfilment of the contract, and no bid will be entertained from previous contractors who have failed to comply with their contracts, and no bid will be entertained unless the bidder Is pres ent to respond to his bid. The articles or agreement, with a bond, will be required to be entered Into within two davs from the opening of the bids. The bids to be directed to Col A. lleckwlth, A. D C. and C. S , Washington, D. C, nnd endorsed M Proposals." nov 7 PUOPOHAL.S FOR IIION IHO-Cf.AI NEA HTGAMKH9. Navv Defamtment, (let. an ifliw SEALED PROPOSALS wlllbe received until No- em opt X4, iww, lor ine construction or one or more tpftn llfMAaflarl fhlaasa Hlnamaps) Af Kn.. v.hii . v.. .. v..-.. .- u.wi.iuv.v, ua uuui s,uw ivui, complete, Including machinery masts, and spars of iron wire rigging, iron boats, with anchors, cables, sails, and all other equipments necesiary for an ef- iiciciit vf usaiuK siisi-ui-wir, cacrpungoniy Tneor.i" nance and ordnance stores. The general plans and specifications can be ex amined at the Navy Department. The proposition must state the price for the whole complete, and the time in which each v essel will be delivered at a Navy Yard on the Atlantic Bid Mil onI bo received from parties who are known to be able to execute the work, and the con tract will embrace all the usual conditions. nov I 3tawtNov24 1.1 It A K I. I N A, CO., " OPTICIANS, at PESbSYLVANU AVLbVE, (North,) between Twelfth ana Thirteenth sts , and aS PENNSYLVANIA AVESLV, Under the National Hotel. BRAZILIAN PEBBLE (Rock Orvslal) SPEC TAGLES MILITARY FIELD' OLANSES, MICHOSCOFES, OFERA GLASSES, PI1010QRAPHIC ALBUMS ASD CARTES DE VISITS, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, &C, &c , In a great arlctj , and at the lowest prices, whole sale or retail. nov 3 IURNITUUK! FUIINITUHKI McUHKGOK .C CO., at their E X TENSIVE WA Ji E R O O M S , 530 Seventh street, OFFER INDUCEMENTS to purchasers of Furni ture and other Housekeeping Goods. Our stock Is large and varied. Parlor bultes In Broca telle. Rep, and Hair Lloth. Chamber Setts, In solid Oak, Walnut, Mahoganv, , and Painted, neatly ornamented. oak, Walnut, and Mahogany Extension Tables and Dining Chairs. huiwrlor Curled Hair Mattresses, Husk and other Itiaiirresaes. Also, a largo rresaes. io, a largo quantity of low-prlccd Bedsteads, rs. Tables, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Washstands, b Furniture, Blc. Chairs, Offlce Allot whicnaro maueiroin the best materials, and warranted to glv e satisfaction. Persons furnishing would do well to look through the stock before purchasing, as we are selling at prices to suit the times. prices McGregor & co. oct 8 eodOwlf 930 Seventh street. JOSWICI.IVH MEDIOATED J OOUU II CANDY, or aauaiis, COLDS, JIROXC1IITIS. INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS. Ami all incipient itages of Consumption For sale, wholesale and retail, by O. BOSWELL, Druggist, Cor. Mar) land avenue and Seventh st., And Z. D. GILMIN, Penn. avenue, near Browns' Hotel. Charles Allen, W. B. Entwlale, D. U. ClArk, John R. Major, L. M. Smith, B.C. Major, H. H. McPherson, J. W. Nairn, S C. Ford, J. D. O'Donnel, J. P. MUburn, J. F. Dawson, Charles btott, D. G. Ridgel) In Georgetown by Kldwcll, hothoron, ScUaell, and Barnard. And by Druggists and Sutlers generally Jan 10 IAI.Ia AND WINTKU UOODM. MILITARY AND CIVILIAN. WALL, STEPHENS & CO , are now opening their fall and U Inter Goods, embracing tine Dress Coats, Doeskin Pants, ests, tVc. A largo and well selected stock of fine heavy Overcoats We have also a complete assortment of Dustiness Milts, made In the most durable manner. OtMcers will Und our MUltarj Goods desirous to their wants Heavy Woollen Blankets, for camp use at reasonable prices WALL, STEPHENS ft. CO , 343 Pennsylvania avenue, between oo27-Jtf Ninth and Tenth streets. XDAVAHD hYCETT, J Uookblmlrr, No. 271 Pj-nn Av , Washington, U C Books bound in oven stile luikcj . Moiocin, Russia, and Calf. Je 7. KUUMS 1 o LET. Four FuruUhed Rooms, u 1th or without Board, within live inlnutts walk ot Pennsylvania avenue. Inquire nt ln Id J M tr) laud av fimt' tn, 30 t f OLD DEMAND NOTES, U S. TREASURY NOTES CERTIFICATES 0 INDEIHTDNFSS, And SIL TR bought at the highest price, b) HITTENHOUSF, FAN1 U CO , oct 28 im Bankers, No. tbi penn. av enue. JIA1LKOADS. 1009. STRING 103. ARRANGEMENT. N K W V O II IC LINES, TtlK CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADI L PIIIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PA- rtjavj' Lini-f. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORE AND WAY PT.AOKN. From Wnlnut Street Wharf mill Ken. ftinRion ucpot. will leave as roLLows, viz i Fare. At.O A M , via Camden and Ambov C.k A, Accommodation - 42 24 At 8 A. M, via Camden and Jersey CItj -New Jersey Accommodation 2 25 At 8 A.M. via Kensington and Jersey Cltvt Morning Mall - -.800 At flii P.M..vraCamdenandAmboy Accom modation .. 2 25 At 2 P. M , via Camden and Amboy C nnd A. Express ...... 330 At 4 P.M.. via Camden and Jersey CItj Ev eulng Express .... aiW At 4 P.M., via Camden and Jersey City 2d Class Ticket ..... 3.3s At )( P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City; Evening Mall - . . . . 300 At 13 P. M., la Kensington and Jersey Cltyi Southern Mall - . . -.100 At fi P. M., v la Camden and Amboy Accom modation (Freight nnd Passenger) 1st class ticket - . 2 2S 2d class ticket - . 1.60 The Slf P. M. Line runs dally, Sundays excepted. The 12 P. M. Southern Mall runsMally. wayTinkh, For Brlttol, Trenton, hot., at 7.10 and SJtf A. M., and ft, 90 and 12 P. M., from Kensington, and 2K P. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Bristol and Intermediate Stations at 11.' A. M., from Kensington. tor Palmyra, Kl vert on, Delanco, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Borden town, he., at I2, 1, 4. 5 and fig P.M. " ' Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter mediate Mattons. at Vi P. M., from Walnut street wharf. ty- For New York, and Way Lines teav lng Ken sington Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, abov e Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars run Into the Depot, nnd on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Baggage but their wearing apparel. All Baggage over lift pounds, to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for Baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not bo liable for any amount beyond 100 Dollars, except by special contract WM. II. OATZMER, Agent. ap 23 W riNTKIt AIUIANGKMKNT. I'll I Uriel phi , WUmlugton and Baltimore 11 'A I J, It o A D . On and after MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1861, PASSESQER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 3 30 a. m , 8.15 a. m ,11.35 a. m., (Express,) and 10 50 p. mk For Chester, at 8 15 a. m, 11.35 a. m, 3 45 and 10 60 p.m. For Wilmington, at 3 30 a, m., 8 16 a. m., 1 1 35 a. m ,345 and 10 50 p.m. For New Castle, at 8.13 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. For Dov er, at 8 15 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. For.Mllford,at815a.m. For Salisbury, at 8.15 a. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 a.m. (Express,) I 05 p. m, (Express,) 0.20 and 7 p.m., (Express ) Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11.33 a. m.,4 15, 8 45, and 9 60 p.m. Leav e Salisbury at 2.35 p. m. Leave MlIfordat4,65p.m. Leave Dover at 9 a. m.ande 10 p. m. Leav e New Castle at 1 1 a. m. and 8 10 p. m. Leave Chester at 8.20 a. m , 12 16, 4 60, and 9 30 p. in. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate stations at 6 20 nnd 7. p. m for Dov er and Interme diate stations, at 1 06 p. in. TRAINS I OR BALTIMORE Leav e Chester at 8 45 a, m , 1 1 06 and 11 20 p. m Leav e V Umlngton at 4 30 a. m , 9 25 a. m , 12 35 p. m., and 12 a. m. FREIGHT TRAIN, wllh Trtsscnger Car attached, will 1 unas follows: Leave Philadelphia, for I'trrjvllle and Interme 'dlate places, at S 10 p. m. Leave Wilmington, for IVrrj v llle and Intermedi ate places, at 7 10 p. m. Leave Baltimore, for Havre de Grace nnd Inter mediate stations, nt 9 a. in. OS SUSDAYS OSLV At 3 30 a. iu. nnd io 50 p. m , from Plitlidr Iphla to Baltimore. At7tioiiiUallliiioreto Philadelphia. The 8 30 a m Train Iron. Philadelphia tn Balti more will run dallv, Monuavs lxclkteu. S. M. FfLTOV, Jan 2-tf President. I?OIl BOSTON, VIA NKWIMHIT AND FALL RIVFR. By the splendid and superior steam ers M E T R O P O L 1 S. E M P I II K BTITI' II V ST ATI1 J oTITt' a i l of great strength aud speed, but particularly adapted to the navigation or Lonfr Inland Sound, running in connection with tho Fall river and Old Colony railroad, distance of 63 miles only to Bos ton. Leave Pier No. 8, North river, near the Batten. Ihe stcsmcr EMPIRE STATE, Capt. Drayton, Mondavs, Wednesdajs, and Fridays, nt 4 o'clock P. M., touching at Newport each waj . The steamer METROPOLIS, Capt. Brown, on Tucsdajs, Ihursdavs, and Stturdajs, at t o'clock P. M., touching at Newport each way. These steamers are fitted with commodious state rooms, and every arrangement for the security and comfort of passengers, who are a corded by thla route a night's rest on hoard, and, on arrival at Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting of the accommodation at 8 A. M., by which they may reach Boston about 8 45 A. M. A baggago master is attached to each steamer, who receives and tickets the baggage, and accom panies the same to its destination. A steamer runs, in connection with this line, be tween Fall rlv er and Providence, dally, except Sun davs. Freight to Boston Is forwarded through with freat dispatch by an Express Train, which, leaves 'all river every morning, Sunda s excepted, at 7: o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination at about it A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at the ofllce, on Pier No. 3, North rlv er. For state-rooms nnd berths, applj on board, or If desired to secure them In advance, to WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug 11 tr 70 and 71 West street, N. V. Av fRST, NOIITHWKST, AND SUUTII- VEills TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS, BANDS-MEN, SOLD I KHS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger trains from Wash ington to the Ohio river, without chango of cars dally at 1) a. m. and 6 p. m., and otttrs greater In ducements to the traveling public 1ht any other route, v Iz 1 CHEAPER FARE, LESS CIMNGES OF CARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICKER TIME. This Is the only route that checks baggage from Washington city to the West, Tickets good until used) aud passengers have the privilege of la lng over at any point on the route. Passenger procuring tickets by this route, save the delay and expense or Omnibus transfer. REMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure tickets, is at the depot or U. & O. R. R. Baggage received at any hourdurlng the day, and no charge for handling baggage aug20 tf DAF1ITY, SPEED, AND COSlFOUT. FOR BOSTON, WORCESTER, PLMER, FITCHBUHG, NAMIUA, LOWELL, CONCORD, THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, AND IN TERMEDIATE POINTS THE new and staunch steamers or the Norwkh Line. CITY OF 110S- 1 ON am cllV OF NEW YORK, leave New ork dally. (Sundavs excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. 111 , from Pier IS0.30, North River, footofVestrj street, There connecting with the Steamboat Express Train for the above points, via Norwich and Wor cester, Boston and Uorccstrr, Worcester and Naahau, And New London and Northern Railroads. Freight taken at the lowest rates. For Information, Inquire of F S. MARTIN, my 2J tf V11 nt, on the Pier, 4 TTKNTION, MOI.DIKKS AND 8UT- 2 I.KIIH. Having Just completed our assort ment of Camp Furultuie, we would now respect fully invite the attention of soldiers and Sutlers. Our assortment comprises In part the following Camp goods, viz: Camp Cheats fur mess of from four to six, Camp Tables, Camp Stools, Ciunp Cots, Camp Mattresses, with another articles of Camp Furniture calcula ted to make a sobllcr comfortable. All of which will oesoiii nt ine vcr loweaitasii prices at GIILEN & WILLIAMS, an 21 No bOl scv cnth street, corner D. I lHT IIVA VAX VAt-m OUR NEW STOCK OF fj Fall and Wlulei CLOTHING, which we aie ei ung hi itj iuw imcc'si, m I. A BEALL it CO' No. 3tl Seventh sheet, sep'.'S 3m between InndK. T a invpi Wo are pripair.1 to furol.ti UNITED S TATKS TA S r MPS Government rates ItlTTLNIIOUSFi l'ANT fit CO , oct 3o 1m Bankers. 103 Penn, avenue. RAILROADS. !HW BOATS-NEW CAIIH. NEW LONDON, NORWICH, and WORCESTER DAILr, (Snndays Kxcfptf,) AI a O'clock, P. M., FROM PIER 39 N. 11 , KUOT OF VKSTRV STHKET. Tlie new and magnificent steamer CIT V OP BOS TON, Wm. Wilcox, commander, from New York- York Mondays, Wednesday., and Fridays! from NCW London Tneaitar.. 1htira1av .nA l.inh dais. ' ' ' i nese iwo new steamers har. been built express ly for t hlB route. With alt mnil.pnlmnPAV.m.n,- In. iii.ui.iK .lain iiKut vumpanmenr, nnu are tne only steamer, eter built lor Long Sound wi.ii mi. area. iiiB-prc.crTin,; improvement. Conductors accompany the steamers each way. Passengers proceed from New London Immediate ly on arrival of steamers, by Express Train to Bos ton, Worcester. Lowell. Lawrence, Fltchburr Naahua, Concord, the White Mountains, kc. kc. Pauenger. returning from Boston leare the Dc- l. '...'.. "".lonanu Worcester railroad at a so s io p' Vorc""r 7 r- M-i arriving at New London Freight taken at the Lowest Rates, and deliver ed In Boston early the next day. State Rooms lu abundance can he had on board steamer,, or at thlMloaton or New York office.. In adi nt'J; R. S. MARTIN, Agent, jr tf Pier at), N. R. -I HEAT CKNTIIAI, ROUTE VT. "" ,h Weal, Tl JIUJJSU.Y U IV Ell UAILROAD and AT? II' YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and Arrsa Dicembcr 9, 1861, Exprcai Trains leave New York city depots of follows! ' From Chambers street At 7 a. ra. II a.m., 5 p.m. S.15 p. m. Montreal and BuJlxlo Train with sleeping cars, 10 15 p.m. From soth street station At 7.35 a. m. ll.wa.m., 6.30 p.m. 1.40 p. m. 10 40 p. in. uu Bunuajrs, ine ioiiow; ng trains will be run to and from aoth streett The 10 40p. m. sleeping ear train for Albany and Troy, and the 6.S0 a. m. from Troy, and 4 45 p. m. train from Albany. Connecting at Albany with the New York Cen tral Railroad for Sehf-npetaiir. nfwhtT im. Batav la, Rome, and stations on Rome and Water- iuwu tia.iroau, uunaio. Syracuse, isiagara Falls, Suspension Brldtre. Auburn. Cnsv. rs.ns.ii.. sal....... Trains In connection leave BurJalo and Suspen sion via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and Oreat Western Railroad, for Hamilton. Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, Toledo, Mllwaukle. Fonddu Lac, La Crosse, Madison, Fralrle DuChlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque. Peoria, Rock Island, Musta ttne, Iowa City Burlington, Huincy, Springfield, Alton, St. Louis, Cairo, Terra Haute, Indianapolis, Louisville, Cincinnati. Dayton. Columbus, Cleve- iana, ana an points west, northwest, and South west. NORTHERN ROUTE. Connecting with Trains at Troy, with Troy and Boston, and Reus, and Saratoga Roads for Sarato- Sa, Whitehall, Rutland. Burlington, St. Albans, ouse Point, Pittsburgh, Ogdensburgh. Montreal, Vct&C. fcj- Freight Arangements by this route as above, without change of cars, from the Depots in Cham- . uu iiuusuu mixtiiBrii ii iiuiraai i adora ble as made by other Railroad Companies. The facilities of this great New York Route, to the West, commend It to the confidence of merchants andshlppers for promptness and despatch. iniKuscr iraaua, wiiu amoiting ana bleeping Cars, run In connetlon on the New ork Central For particulars as to local trains and frelsht r. rangements, inquire at the depot, 63 Warren street. dec 17 Superintendent. TIUE HAUAVAV. Passenger Trains leave via Favonli Ferry from foot of Chambers street, as follows, v Iz t 6 00 a. m. Mall for Dunkirk and Intermediate stations. Tills train remains overnight at F.I mint ami urn. ceeds the next morning. 7 00 a. m. Express, for Buffalo nnd principal In termediate stations. 900a.m. Mllk,dilly,ror Ottsvltle and Interme diate stations. 12.15 p. m. Accommodation, dillj , Tor I'ort Jerv Is and principal stations. 4 Oil p. m. Wa,for Mlddletnvvn, NevvburRh, nnd Intermediate stations. 5U0p. m. Mi(ht Express, dallv, for Dunkirk, Buf falo, Canandilgua, and principal stations. The train of Saturdav runs through to Buffalo, but dues not run to Dunkirk. 7 00 p. m. Emigrant, for Dunkirk nnd principal stations. The Expreas Trains connect at 1 Cornelia v llle w it h railroad for Butlalo, at Flmira with the Canandil gua and Niagara Falls Itallroadf at Ulnghimton, with the bjracuse Railroad i at Corning with the railroad for Rochester and Bultalot at Great Bend, with the railroad for Scranton. and at Ilutlalo and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, ChtCAgo, Ice ,and the Canada rallroids. CHARLES M1.NOT, sep 12 General Superintendent CHAKLES LONDON CORDIAL o:xir. s fci .i-.iii.'b' 4intnttmdni Is distilled In London, and put up solely In quart and pint bot tles, to meet the requirements ftt Wnirirla fa-Anil IhnflA tn whnm I) UiU,M Pure and Unadulterated Liquor .wm is a Necessity or a Luxury. It Is the oldest established of all the OINS H) which have started into existence upon the basis of Its well-deserved and hard-earned celebrity. It has no connection with, and Is In no way like the trashy mixtures sold as ''English Gin." or "old Tom," or "London Dock," or "London Gin," &c , &C . no matter how much "antiquity" or "respect ability" Is assumed by their begetters. ur. vaienuoe man, oi new lorn, savsi "li is far preferable to even pure Holland Gin, and is the best article of Its kind I have ever seen." So say thousands of physicians. The New York Herald sajs: "We are surprised at Its beneficial effects) It is a certain safeguard to health." The Philadelphia Ledger sas: "It has no supe rior, If an equal, In medicinal lrtues." The New Orleans Picayune sajs: "There Is no remedy on earth for dyspepsia equal to It." "Ihe Boaton Journal sajs: "As a beverage, as a preventative, or as remedial agent, we want no other. It Is our vade mtcum." Women or America, for vou It Is particularly adapted. In sickness or health, It Is your greatest friend. B. BALDWIN fcCO, SOLE iMfORTEHS, Bt Liberty street, New York. Sold in Washington by LOVELL, COLLES&CO., 316 E street, near Pennsylvania avenue, And by dealers generally. deo li ly p HA IMS AGAINST UNITKD STATES. FINLEY BIGGER, (late Register of tne United States Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlementof demands against the United States, growing out of the pree ent war. Including the Accounts nnd Claims of States, Contractors, and Disbursing Otllccrsi appli cations for tho restoration of property Illegally seized or raptured, and for compensation for the use of private property for Government purposes, and for damages for the Injury of such property by the army, for military pav.prnslona, and bounty landst and for distributive shares of moneys ptja ble at the Treasury and duo to sub-contractors and others. They wilt also glvo legal advice to claimants, contmctors, and to unprofessional ngents In lltl- Sated cases) and prepare written arguments wheu estrcd With non-resident Agents who may send them claims, an equitable division of commissions will be made. Undlnputed Demands Mill be collected and promptly remitted for a commlaalon of from a hilf to tuo and a half per cent , dipeudlng on the amount t and negotiations with the Iepartments conducted on moderate terms. By prompt attention, moderate charges, long ex perience, nnd a minute know ledge of the ex-laws, regulations, rules, and precedents governing that class of business at the Departments, thev hmmtn render their scrv Ices useful to claimants and public VilUllUtll Reference maybe made to members of Conicress and ottlccra of the Government! and especially, bv' permission, to the Hon, Elisha Wit itti esev ,f Irat Comptroller of the 'lreasur Address Messrs. BHi( Messrs. BIGGER & SHERMAN, Wttatilntrtiii li t Ottlce, No. 315 F street, near Treasury and Wll lards' Holt I. nov (i tin. 1 ay cooicr, A to., It i K I H S . No. 433 nrtrruth Htieel, dealers In GOVERNMENT BOND. '1REASURY NOILS, ND CEHTIFICATM, COIN, CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE, Highest prlcA paid for GOLD, SILVER, AND OLD DEMAND NOTES, octsi inl DK. M. VELLNV'S Private Honpttal, In the Federal Block, corner of Seventh and F streets, opposite tho Post and Patent Ofllres. Roomt 23 and 24, up atalrt , Waahlniron, U. C. AH dleatieof a prlrnto nature treated In the most eclcntlflc manner, and radical cures ef fected Id all cases. SYPHILITIC AFFEC TIONS, OONURRIKEA, OLEET, STRICT URES, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, or tho resnlt of VOLUPTUOUS DREAMS, .or any weak na of tho GENERATIVE OROANStrom anj cause whatever, or how long standing, thor oughly and radically cared. APFhIOTKI) AND UNFOKTUNATK No matter what your dlacaso, let no f also del icacy prevent. Apply Immediately to Dr. Veil ny, who Is acknowledged to. be by far the most SUCCESSFUL. niTSICIAN In kthe treatment of prlvato diseases. Fear not to come and make known yonr misfortunes, and ho will speedily send yon on yonr way rejoicing. BELF-AUUHK, That dreadful scourge of tho young, Indulged In when alone, which destroys tho generative organs, unfits yon for married life, producing weakness of tho back and limbs, loss of anlma tlon aud muscular power, palpitation of the heart, nervous Irritability, loss of memory, mel ancholy habits, Insanity, consumption, and death. YOUNG MAN, In view of the dreadful con- sequences, delay not to make your case known to Dr. V. Your secret with him are sacred, and you may confidently rely upon his medical skill. Thousands whoso systems were shattered and were on tho brink of the grave, has he brought back to vigorous health by his skllfnl treatment. MAlUUAGi; Married, persons, or those contemplating matrimony, who suspect themselves of lmpo- tency, seminal weakness, or any disease arising from a relaxed state of tho genital organs. whether the result of disease, Injury, conse quences of youthful indiscretions, or Indulgence of the passions In riper years, are earnestly en- rcated to placo themselves under the care of Dr. V. They may rely with certainty upon a speedy cure, and full vlor restored. He treats with entire success nil diseases of females, such as IJ'COMtHEA or WHITE, LAPSUS UTERI, c.f JLc, '! In every rase guarantees a perfect CUHE. FKF.S moderate, ami VISITS and COM Ml NICATION8 utrlctly PRIVATE and ( ONF1 DKNTIAL. Personh lulling beo no one bin the Doctok 1 lioae nt dlatance may be thpateii by mail giving u STATEMENT (r CASE, v rtr. jj 2 m AC A II U . Otk Half Clothimj Room Mr. Unicr. former I v at the Udeon Hall, has now oened a new store at No. 461 Seveuth street, just oeiow Pimm s, vvnerr ne lias aiinesriet,iiuuui men and Bovs'ctothlnK at very low prlcoit he Is desi rous of liav lng all his old customers call on him, as they can huy Roods at lower prices than any othei store In thecit) J. UltUCE 8l CO , Clothiers, No. 401 Seventh street, near I Call and see Mr. Bruce, at No. 4G4 .seventh street near F. Mr. Bruce has a Fine Stock of Clothing for Men and Bovs' wear, at No. 461 seventh street, opposite City Post Ottlce. Mr, Bruce Is the man to please tho Boys In Cloth iojr, at No. 464 Seventh street. Everybody knows that Mr. Bruce can sell Bovs' Clothlmr cheancr than anv one else. No. 41 Sev enth street, opposlto City Post Oitkc. h or Men nnd Bov s Clothing eall on Mr. Bruce, at Oak Hall, No. 461 .Seventh street, between E and F. Mr. Bruce Is the man to oleaso ou In Bovs' Cloth ing, at Oalc Hall, No. 464 Seventh street, opposite niy ron umce. so m ju - rNTKIUOn ADOUNMENTH. 480 4 NO 4 i-jaffix.i i . 4 NO 7i ' 4S0 PAPER HANGINGS, OFAUaGRADElAND PRICES, Warranted Gold Band Window Shades t Butt, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all sliest made to order. Also, a nanusome assortment oi nciure cora ana Tassels, all sites and colors. Purchasing for cash, and nllowlng no old stock to accumulate, persons needing the above goods will And It to their advantage to glv e roe a call. All work cxecutedandsuierlntendedbv practical men, who have served a regular apprenticeship at their trade. Natliiacuon guaranieeu, or no pay requireu. Please give mo a call, llemembcr the number. JOHN MARKIUTER, No. 436 Seventh street. Eight doors above Odd Fellows Hall, nov 26 ly T K . H O M K S , SULllUUU Uf l'A -.! 3 AilU C1.AIKI3. Douutlee Peualons, llack Vmy, Ofllcers' Itcc rial (lug, aud mil other Just Claims, agalust the Goverameut OFFICE-No. 470 SEVENTH STHEET, (Department Exchange.) Wasiiinuton. I). C. Ami No. 3 iirfc IHaee, cortur of Ilroadway. oppotu ifUJf Jitut, cw a era. tlefers, hy peniiUalon, to lions. Hannibal Hamlin, Ice ."resident, lMe.j Martin Kultiflfiich. Mavor Cltv of Brooklvn i Ahi- Jah Mann, Jr , New ork City j John N. Goodwin, ,M. u., iue. inoniaa pi .tiwnru, m. ,., n. ii i ru waM II. Rollins, M. C,N. Ill Alex. II. Rice, M. C.t Slass ) Jonn u, Aiiey, iu. w., itiass Aiired A. Burnham, M. C, Conn Dwlght Loo mis, M, ( , Conn i John A. Gurley, M. U., Ohio t James M Aihlev. M C. Ohlot Sldnev Ednerton.M. C. Ohloi John Hutchlns, M. C. Ohloi John Covode, M t , Fa t Robert McKnlghf, M. C., Fa. Justin s. Mor rill, M. C, Vt. John F. Potter, M C, Uli . (handler, M. C, Mich., James II Lane, M I , Kansast Cjrus Aldrlch, M. I , Minn i Wm Kel loirg, M. C . lll.t John T Nlxon, M c , N J i John u t. niraiiun, ii . n i i n"ii " C iJtfiMr. IIl.i Owen Lovejoy, M C , 111 F 1 Hlilr.Jr M C.Moi Flbrldge G Snaulding, M C.N i l M C, N 1 Major General H U Pur veaiN. Wvckotl, Fm , I're Wllllamsport illy Htnki Shephcnl knapp, 1 st , 1'res Michanlcs' Dank. J --' 4 KHIKM) I.N NKI'.ll. THY IT. " lilt SWH.TS1NFAI.LIULKUNIMENI The gient I'Minittl remedy of tho age, prepired Irom tho revlpo of Ur. Stephen Sweet, otConuectt .nt, the ci lelratMlwtne setter, vvhoae fvme Is nn ilvaliil by that of any living man It I certain 4nd luunedUte cure lor Rheumatism, (sout, Neu rilgla, Sprains, BruUes, Cuts, U omuls, Sores, Burns, Scilds, I'lles, Lumbago, Headajio, luoth nthtf, and all Rheumatlu and Nervous Disorders, Exti rual Injuries, Ua. All sutU re rs should glv e It it trial. KlCHAHDsoN K CO, 1'roprleturs, Norwich, Coun, For sale by CHARLES KTOTT, General Agent for Washington, and by all dealers MQ Vra febSt dfcwly " KiTI 1 ''S m nEram-.