Newspaper Page Text
-X $itiomri k)ubliruu hdcXl, NEWS. Amiiaetneuta. loan's TittATiir AgreatSaturdt) nlgM'a till moat attractive entertainment In the cit) the i-reat moral la) of the Oilmne) I orner," and tl e stlrrlngdramaof the"Floatlng Beaton " Mr and Miss Couldotk, the eminent stars will p.) lear(atat, the entire ttthkiniupaii) Remember tori i tint claas theatre Nixon's Washington Theatre Last evening, Vnnrlta Cuba took her first ! nerlt, an 1 the houte iui crowded to repletion We never w this gifted eriiftJic with no much Igor as on this ace t Inn she seemed to net with her n hole soul Thla ev enlng, the rrfeats the same n rformance for ioa Itlvely the last tlme,appearlng Inthree characters In the French Spy "executing an rabdinee and lighting a brnadaword combat, la which ahe has no eijiial on the American atage Pitcahontaa, with tannic Drown, Chanfrau, nd Davenport, In the principal hartcers constitute, theevenlng j n jrramme OHorcM aTniMHtJaikfihrjtpatJ The thinn ing )onng nttre-, Lucille Wentern apptMra tt nlfht, for tloelghteenth time. Two ver popular rkccaniltlio performed "Jack heppard,tr the Hold Hli;hayinin, and the Mumm), or the li quor of life In the Aral place. Miss Lucille tt pear as JackMicppard anl Sotthell as Blueakln In the last pie. the ftmii) etched af h ar as tht Muntm) (in Mondav will be produced the gran lromnntlc drama f the Wizard SUIT ' Thla piece nat orlllnalh the property of Mvliroe Celeste lut now w iti nil lt music &.c , Ut , It hrlongs to the pearl nf th AtneTk n stage Miss Lucille extern Nixon a ChemoriO G.ncr Ciacts Thl fifteriiooii a aartfullj-arrangedprugraiume, replete with attraction of the moat IrresWtllle character will b offrred for the peelal attrommodatlonnf la die hildrcu, aud (jinllj Rattle To-ulght, the Touruanei t un tie n 11 of the Cloth of (.oil, EM on Stone Pr James L Thajtr Professor Hol lar ar.1thebln.,eof Mr Mxoos artlitlcstaif Canterbimv The three btautlful and talented tara Mlstei Peunojtr Mortimer ami souther Und were hilled, last nlpht Mth demonstration of Infinite delight, and ever) performer, u the vi nous beautiful acta inwhlchthf) appenr,met with tmoatenthuilastio welcome To-nUlt the great programme uf bat night vv ill Le tepeate 1 WASHrNOTOs and Georgetown Railroad Yesterday afternoon, by invitation of the offi cers or the Mreet railroad, we accompanied them, with a party of Invited quests, on a trip to examine the railroad on Seventh street, from the Avenue to the steamboat wharf In the party wo observed II D Cooke, Eq , the pentlemanly president of the road Mr G. Gideon, the superlnttndcn, W. Wharton, Jr , J TI Bradley Esq. Col. TV W Seaton ller man Uoyd Councilman Uterraehle, "Mr Hnd nii Tavlor Mr Morehead, and Mr. ander werkcu, with representatives of the clt tress The trip was on agreeable one, and the work appears to have btcn done very thorough!?, t bourn the track had not been cleaned n a to allow the car to run smootlilv The people along the line appeared hihl) (fratlCel l f ine car an inuicauon inai una great conve nience of locomotion was open to theni also. We leam that cars will be put on this I ranch on Monday, and will run on time suited to the travel That r, if the amount of tratel will warrant It, the cars will run a often i cverv nvr minute Rebei Prioneks Farlv 0Ltcrda inormug the missing r mpanle of the Becoud DiMrlri regiment under f apt F. ttarrell. arrlvid in this tlty, linltig in charge alioul 140 ercHi prisoners, who wcro ufiutli tattnrtil In and about WarreMunanl tiulhoretn den Palri(k, o be Imprisoned until echaugetl (hieulomt. from Altbama and tald in Im i member of ontfMrectft mjIT: three lleutcn mt iil nul ho cjj tains, time hpionl lleultiiints, and leu u mirgeoii un In iln purl) rl (apiund ti r-i i up surgeon in not rejnini at n nt rs of wir but as It U not deemed rudeiii o iiirn Urui loOfe to ul (jut valuible luforma mil, ihe wtre kej t close js the othtr prN ner inev were in taken to the rroon Marshal s offici., und from thence fcnt to tht i apitol Tin j haie the siime snrn, dirt), rugged, forlorn lookwhUh th ulels usuallj nsem Mam of the part wore old United Natea nnllorni" although the butternut' predominate-! tun ng tin-be ragul ranger ehiois ifnotFatai At c iuent. Tliurada) afliruoon a t-rv nud'actidenl happineil at the hoUM" of Mr Hatiliv, etove dialer, Seventh ireet, neir II. Mr Hanlcv's work ship covers the ,ard In rear of the building the roof of the name being used b lilsfamil) fordoing clothes, ti Mr. Haulm's sister, a beautiful young ndv w ta upon the roof (which has a skylight nine four fict long, with a common sash, and noguird our it,) when the slipped, filllngi head forunopt upon the sah, pncipilallng hir itlni cellar uudir thest in., a libtanceof i-ome ntmtv Imp feet SIjp wastakeu up verj much itiised an I ut bi tin I rokiti j.lass, but fcrtu ii tch no i oiiii broken In the fall,Miei'truik I rl nk it the firfitofthe cellar stairs. Atj-j rt-rdi hlit wan In qiilli h crilltaltondltlon.Hnd i It is thouL'h! shi. has uttnlniil sirious Internal njun It H a gnat ileie of negllgenci to lim a i3-T unirotected on a roof thills dillv tti iihe and tills moM fortunate tscape Iran deith Kliould be a caution to othtra whomn i p -Imltarlv situated i A oNrriri(ATr Pisa trlind who re entlv ecied from Dixie hm klndh allowed UK to cop, a pass, gUeu to him in Petersl urg, a tn allow hlin to go out Into tht rnuntn. Iltlnt, u cf ni ni t be forgot to riturn, I ut ic t iratghl nu until In re b,tl lbs "liinkn linen" Tin paa la parth written and partly printed on a sinull iece of toarso wruiplng pi(r, anollur ivIdeiKt that iht Corn-feda aro : hard up " Tht following la a top ol ijp Incument, lea ing out the iiuti t ( ovrrnenATE States or Amthica, I'roiMt Mtr?mV (JJtce Petersburg, Nov, Ul, In ,' IVrmlshluii is grantid to isiti ioii honor not to lommunleate In I wrlllni; tr vt-rlallv, fur publication, anv flit I isnrtulnel, which, if known to ihi eunn, might I c Injurif us t On ( oufedirati Ut iter ul Wnerlca NlTT, Foi Cid v Panmli , , Provost UartLal ' AiiTfFicuL Limbs roit SotDicns. The com mission appointed by Surgeon General Ham inond to direct the expendltuie of the tun 1 ap tropriated l Congress lor the purchase of innbs fur soldiers, held u meeting In this entl, and resolved to allow ihe patleut tlftv. dollars for a leg and twentv Ge dollars for an i in The commission consistej of the f llo n distinifuishe 1 surgeons Doctois Mott, Dache, Gross, iiotterlte, an I J M YAarren The gentltnitn, afur taicfullv i xamlnlntr vnrlous specimens of workmanship u this hn selected the following tnanufar mrers to supih llmrs, vir Dr. F. D. Hutson, Dr DgngUfcLU and Mr belplm, or New "ioil i Dr. Jewetl tfMisai hu-eii and Mr Palmer if Pennsyh niu The patient b ut hbcrtv io upph to either of these parties, but If the prirethe) demand fora limb exceeds the sum allowed)', the roimnls ' slon, thepitlent or hih fnend i(int mile up thetlefielenev Sick boimtni to be Sent or v bum hnn l red And lift convalescent soldiers nhoun bio to be jemoved, but who art Mill too hlih 1 1 be able to Jolu their icgimenia lursevtrtl la)a, will be sent North to di I Ivi bun lred k to Ik1 sent to Philadelphia from the follow ug hospitals Fniorv, 200; olumbla ( ollei 0 Cplphau), V)) Hurewood. H0, aud Mnuiu PleuaaDt, 100 The above will 1 1 trausnoite I over the railroads hwharge of Dr P. Oral tn 11 cb Idea the hf VJ ate to be bent to Portsmouth Grove, Rhode Ihlaud, in tht Miamer luterprlsi , which will i mini url Iruiollit Wafliltighm wharf to-tla) tine or a Cm KIM Ihe UsiuiblvV (Pnh bylerlau) Churili, lurntr of Hftliumllftrieta, uh sold, Thursday afltruoon, bj Mefsra. Mi tjiilreA, Co f to Henrj btkknev, or HirBiptN iltnoinloaliou, for $1,000. UXCUANOB Or PHI80NER9 OF WaK All Hit I rlsoners of war now lu Washington w bo w i h to ms exchatiged, will Ikj sent to(eu. DIv ut Fortress Alonroc to-day, to be sent to Richmond. Deaths or Soldiers The following deaths hive occurred since our last Intuit iu 4 t in .iAU A.nn. li iwtl vr... Albert A. Illstlrtow, rompnii) D, lKtli Vim., lrlnltrliosnltal. ... iirtiifii Kutoi. rnninnnr j. iiir i'i. ice.. Ecklnirton lioPltal, InaacM. Bmkrr, mmpim F, IfHIi Pa., For reitl Hall hoopltal. J Mank, coinpaiiv 1, 10.Mli Pi , hi. Alo)slus hnnpital J no. McWIlliams. rompnii) 1), l"1th Pa. r ranela Clark, rnmpinj F, IJOtli N. V., t r. o...i- .,..,. r-n. nn. I.ouU8tcffanuT.innipiii) .rlPa .Hire- 1 1 anltal - - - wnou iiospiiai ifi;iiUK!i C0Inp"nj K w'.. union Hotel hospital Jacob (J raft on. Sd Maine Batten. Hvland vnapei nospuai. Robert Baker, company (1, 147th X. Y., Arm ory &uarc hospital. m. F.Branch, compan M. Scott's tKX), at Camp. Albert B. Ryder, companv B, lih Me,, Regi mental hospital. Stewirt Parke, companv H. 147th X. V.. Pits- bvtcrian Church hoBpltjl. Clias. A. W ood, romp invK, fMh X.H., Union Hotel lioepttal ucortce Jtoninion, nnree, Mrit House. Police Matters. Lnclnda Richards was ar rest cd on Thursday by Ofllcer Crump, of the First ward, for larceny. She was taken before Justice Drury and committed to Jail for court. l. II. beiccome w as arrested on Thursday by OtHcer Parker, of the Second w ard, for larceny. He was taken before Justice Clayton and com mitted to jail for court. A. Brunei was arrested un Thursday by offi cer Mattlngly, of the Second ward, for creating a nulsince He was taken before Justice Clay ton and fined Hi which he paid and was dis charged. John Coleman and John I vie were arrested lij Officer Talor, ol ibo Third ward, for being drunk and disorderly. Thti were taken I efore JuMlcc Thompson and fined W tarlij which they paid and wire discharged. lUur Tower nas arrested oil Thursday by Oftlctr Cook, of the Third ward, for using threat of Woicnce. He was taken before Jus tlce Barnado und ordered to give security to keep thepeace, Charles Egger was arretted on Thursday b) Officer Pendell,of the Fourth ward, for assault. Hw was taken before Justiee Walter and held to ball for further hearing. fleo Taylor was arrested on Thursda) by Officer Athton, of the Sc enth ward, for larcenj . He was taken before Justice fitratton and ordered to give security for court uommuQicatea The District Volunteers. A laudable exertion Is being made under the nnsolces of lcadlntr irentlemen of this cltv. to I rocmc for the District volunteers a supply of lunds snl&clent to purchase many articles of rotmon wnicn incy greatly neea, sucn as exira clothing for those tn the field i and delicacies for the sick This effort is certainly worthy of encouragement nytne citizens oi inc unmet, aud it la but Jut to the brave men who have foneont from this community to fight the na tion' battles They should be midc to fetl that the aa well as the soldiers from other tprti ns of the countrv, hive friends at home who are ever mindful of them With the view of promoting this object, gentlemen above al ludM to hav e invited Prof. Armcs, w Iwe sclcn tiuc luithod of jlding the memory has gained f r him an honorable reputation throughout the tountrr to five one of hh entertaining und In structive ehlb!tlons, with a lecture, al Wll lard Hall, on Monday nleht, Nov. 17th He has Iptnehe, cordially conenttd to d so and i ht declines an remunerallon for his III fl ;', lu " Irihl. ulnVcl Mmllar hv l'rof Arn,.n,l c-au tcftlfj io i lie grtai tavor wan which iiipj were re eividbv Hrge.dlscrlmlnatlhgand fashionable ..... " . audicuifi Prof A. U au attractive sneaker. . aud hi t) lanathms of Ida method arc tceed-1 theollltpof the been tar of State, aittles the liurU ut;ri-iat le The occasion will I e enliven- matltr ol the i IfUtoiiof Mr. Rice, as the Gov ed ! iniiii tif tourse, every gentleman and j trnnr's ( nunc It. liitonutlngtheMiiea, will con his wife will want to go tn witness those novtl sldtr tlie amtndtil rtlurii an the tnu oup from itiniM I) i hi v ouo;; ladies und l,puih (f tint ward -.iwi Titntmlt vatiiiiiLinn ino iitiua fiioui i nnvt men two i w b it lln v ire Tur yiMnirn' FRiri Communlcateil NoVEMHCK, 14, 1NTJ Onareient visit to the "Harewood" liooj l t tl, to look alter the wounded and sick, I barn id of it ml v noble act, on thtlr pin or thu patkiiih of Ward II, towards one or their sur gtou, wh jeiluileaaaa tturgion.aud man hive uiutli endeared hlni to Ulthout his knowledge, tin at I was (ouumui tted, and lie was railed from hi leut, Bomitliiip afit r night fall, to one of tht it uta of his ward, to be the recipient of a line regulation sword, sash aud ucit, wmiii waa tiui) resented to ut ii. vv Owen, now olio of Ihe surgeons of I Ian wood .,... .y.uun,. ., .i..., . ...,..,. ull. ram muuui mioii unto nils irihiiiiioi n Bpe(t u tiiieildelici lu ItKilt ul IhcLluJ fiilluK ofthu Mi.iilK tow ard. out, w hoe Ren i cs urt dulj ni prcluttil Ii Hum, and of nioreiuhn. to hi... than all thai can h. ..Id bj lUm to hl.u. i.w...1iu..m.)iiuuk ioluiliuaiUVit auu touching Simth, whlchwan bred) ll plied to ings of Hit givers, a he dots the gift M. Yttentiqj, AriuCTLD' Dr. tlluy Is yet tuJLed In an tUenshe nraitlco In this cltv. ,. i .. A .. , ..1,1 . ii n ...nntin r .t. ...- andwewould call the attcn on of the lioor, K!n? .T"l?t V2 !Si-0r tKf III !t "", " ":r:r.fcr"r ,rrr: ":;'&"' M y"" iu ' tin uittitiitlon und sendlu ' voit to a i u. luatiirt tavi. ' - IUMvInoHatis The following are ihe rates at which bankers until rokerB are bujlng and Mlllug gold und tdlver the Ugal lender notes liingtht hlandard DujinK SelliHK dold ,Hi j er ( . prem. 0l r t. nrtm. Silver - ,M " -d Diinand ikjIih i-l JS BaiiWsot luMit lu Washington and deorge- town YUldi.tjii Hank or Melror oils Bank of ashlngtou. Pitrlotie Bank Farm's A: Men h's Bnl tteorjetutvit farmers und Mtih'a I'ank Bank of Commerce Tur Bllli jn Bam: redeems their notea In L , ti Treasury notes, when any amount from one doll ir upw ards Is presented TA HiTLiiLH'T Ualilhv, 43t Prnn av , tiex t or I tto Ulrgrirli Oill e, cinilnues toattrai, if rutin ut iltor lu ol nuCitr title nii'col theia lvt utlfrUudi itfUhareautruthfullv i rodu,ed fit ttiia finif honouJ and tthWuUd tHaClhtiment t.rU 1 In tj ii our ciilliituiheJ gent-mli aud tthir- t t,Lihit Willi nau) who have fallen In ttiiir- t I,-1 he i Willi nau) wno nave lanen in I ittle c ii outlined Al-o, portraits in oil an 1 iter loi or Icrs for fiel I views promptl) at- It uU oct ll-lm - Ul i ii i . ia hiuivH Uooim Mi It A II ill hid iu 1 1 .ntd i lot of Long ur. 1 l iBin mo i uui i l tuia niso, mill iiutaite i i on- i inon txirinitri aizet mm sin m i uie r UKiiaii lilr.a ,e.j 10ech HtuhUU aeTllng at nianutaiturtra rlccs.athls Indit itut I -r ue- I oute aiu renitaj n till niriut irinrpii iiiiiii and lei 111 titUt-fe o,t . If io ol, rcicni j nria '. Church lioptal,anil " Ti.'i .. i . . iV. T. i.Y'. 1 T . ii oncL ro rA..PAi km prerlou.1 bS appointment of Go,.' Tod or ""' f1 r" ' " W, ''V','! '"Ll "''' "'n- !,.., tu all p.r.on. lu rr..r. Ohio, aMnnt .aWon of thw Biuut).iinii lil oWer, un ler a ontrart .llhtheriot. flirt.,w, Ili.t ri. !..'.. i ,v i. .ii i..i 'l.ii. rnmcnt Ou.lilimlroliilidllilnrthoiianmlaro I uufrollit. imel. nMnt thUottli. b.ror.thr lit cond c 5 o he mostkl fu phvVl lins, h The Oshkosli C-r..,, Dcmd- irAS$iSMMTHiwrbVBM i an lnni.J rl I,hip il r vlSnt Jn I l. tralll, is luellntd to concede the eleitlon of i suL LkArULIt, SHOiVAkLHV TOdLS AbA in . H A L V I hfih t. VaI?3.V. f.rr.1 Blimne.RipuHI. ui.llHhoriftlil ongrtaaiunal ' M KMriH. Al 'All JWS-Un MONDAY, the eiuttliiltlit iha. iP.e which Is now liu leniiiu .i.urhi nth instant, at loodotk.A M . we shall sell, on K mu ll VltKL-Iluae Who I file I ei it I I kLAIJHV XTlhhloK, NbV U iii UictJ. , iViJeakiortd months withuul l taming i HOI s U S WILL lit HKtlUUM the hu 1 luf It ilUuiiriult Ut H.MHtl u I . te otlae la ' reA I ; .aim l..ii llrii.ui) lVmrtiiiiiil until i i utrit-t. turrit r ut li hiii air. . t nn I I l idle ill iitl lutut) tive )(.nrs.Aierleiict ha I idle i I nt: luwit) tHe) na , . til ittbi I lahtlaft'arei 1.1101 aa phj .1 ' f. i a f. w .lava lllaigrs . Ui l UK MMHIIAll i l I alrret . f HpMh 'I 1 t,te the Ci Hi I al 1 1 al WJlke i mt VM Mi amino- ImLtnt. ul 1111. 1 iihim r t itrUi t idtr ,rtlviilailv thuai anictt I Ulll. Hiij i Mil tUi.t i ililin to tit cur 1 uf Dr i,i MojLhlakei tin mil ki mil I uruj t in IKii I til in I iilisl line niiiLiaa in tl . rft. rnliun i I MMht to tie bin 1 o, I ii -.ii,, i 11 final ha In- .t. i.i vu un irn-jii h . i i us .r.... n,...u .ui.' Hre Hlllklvl Willi iiuj ii-iltl) oi il lj,i out na . ..... . .. a .... i. ... i i. ..... . . . i itHiihdl .iiii- ii -ii niiiiiiu-t i tint to ii.itll tl fiiiat he i I IU skill lit the licit i nut ,,i biKh litlilfn wr mm id una nn 1 1 1 Ub u huIh I i ppnMN WHUnU I -it Imjh ItLuiil h tji iit lie place In I nv u. It UBUr K CO IS, LH.G1NS C -VMP BLANK! Is imiiiiMOi UtUksALkH. and evirv artlLl i.ttlelroui INDIA RD1JU1-R, la at II A MALI it India Rnller Uarthouac, where )ou can ohtaiu I h in at iiianutacturers price, 310 Pennsjlvanla avenue, Utween Ninth and Tenth atrectt oc i IubBecohdOibtrictReoiukhtBackAoair. Thw companies of this rcRlmcnt who have1 u;u Rone po ioni( inai rriuns iubiiivvij roil- hem (o teoder of reb0ldomf have returneil to thla cltv snfo and sound. , . . . . . They were In chanrc of nlont 00 conva lescents, stragplcrs, ite., who were eut down iroin Harper's rcrrr io uen. juinmuie neaq nunrtcrs. When they crosscil the rlvrr nt llerllu, they nau orucrs io rrpon mine iieiuiuaners oi inc Army of the Potomac, with their charge. They pasflcu iiirouun ioveiiaviuc, neaiianu, nee- tortown and Salem, to Warrenlou, where they ,in. i . ... n t ..,(. . it r iiiviii uiu iu iicu, i. uilk.iv fit if UI t I'll- to Tn cnnWHiiifneonftho rhflLnhi thtienm. mand oflho arm), they were detained until t.... .- .i. 1- .-. ,i ... Thursday, when they were sent down on the military railroad with the lot of sreesh prison! era mentioned In another article. Celebrating the Restoration or Free Whukv. The lowers of the 'ardent were jubilant over the rc-Inaugu ration of King Alco- noi, issi nigni. l nc hotel ana other bar rooms w ere crowded, aud the deotces nt the shrine of Bacchus were enthusiastic lit the praises of iiicir resurrtttett deity. Later at night the worshippers were setn prostrated In many n cosy gutter, still muttering, In thick ned ac nnts, their gratitude for "frtc liquor. Perionil, Joqn J. Curtis and Paul Curtis, Boston. Mas.( Hon. Henry Wilson, Mass t Col. Wm. H. Allen, U. S.A.t fY. II. Holllsler, Litch field, Conn . are at the National Capt. O. W. Holnifs, Jr., and Lieut. W. L. Abbott, U. S. A.t Thomas Lawton, New Haven, Conn t Col. Ruger, U. S. A i W. H. Taylor and B F. Parrls. Phlla , arc At the Mctnpoll tan A BAt " Aid." About o'clock, on Tucs day night, the provnt guard found n Captain Law renci, who professes to lc an aid to Gen. SlckUs, at u gambling houso on D street. He was arrested and ordered to rcKrt himself at the offiot of the Prowt Marshal the next morning, fcuilian officer oucht to!ean"ald" In some Gotcrnment penitent larj. Cointehfeit ONES,on the Farmers Bank of Bucks count, Pennsylvania, arc In circulation here. They bear t he follow lng figures t On the right, ho) with sheaves, rake, basket, Wash ington! on the left fimale llgure, standing Beware of them. Rri eased. Wc learn that the clerks In the tnr Department, who were recent Ij arrested lor some iranuuient transactions in connection with their duties, hare all been released, as nothing criminal could I e alleged against inein Netvs Iteiiiv. The Removal or Ge. McClellan - -The Cleveland (Ohio) Herald says that thla jet of I the Administration will, of course, le received with varied pomiiipnt- but. at the Went, the change of commanders will meet with the heartr annrnral of ihe crreat mn nf the i-rt In heartvapprovalorihegreatm3Sorthet-cnc command of the army can be committed to more efficient hands During the lac t fiscal vear our consuls lure paid Into the Treasury $00 000, derived from the three months' extra seamen's wages, against $10,000 from the name fource In the preceding jeir an increase cf W (er cent Ktarim: specimen of British "neutralitv uu . ..., uu..j, .u. " - -- .. on the part of i large English firm Is seen In the followlne. whlfh Is the ropj of a tag or I manufacturer's label, which was attarhtil to a bale of bUnkets, forming part of the cargo of ihCMeamert oiumnii, captured while cnriiav- nrlnglurnn the llockale, and the cargo oflrpKV DOI.I.AKH HKU'AIIU WILL BK wuit 11 was isiei) soui 11 minion 111 .ew iorkt " M V'r?-'' ''5 J"; .V Sor,l, I.oc,H, for '"' 1!""' ' " ' h-irlc-lo... ( s. A." Mlt BlCEFLECTFn is THcTlllKD DiSTltli l. The derision of the Board of tdermeu, to for ... .. ' . war! the amended return from oni ward Twelve to i W-Ittr lu tin I dillblirg AVeirwrotilli ilia I tht pn rl of (in at llritulii and Ireland lu' lVt it twtntvuiiif tli lusiinl millions or dol- ,.. . hlfh I. .Il ! 0U0 io each I'LATroiiMS Hit piuiiurm oi the pirtj or the Union Isi "The Umcin in itr intuiritti abot e all thin s else, fit t, I mt, and fb a er." The present platform of ihn Oemocracv U, "The Union as it war Wte iawry ruled , an 1 TnE Constitition At it !, awry m- terjMit. lPctt,"a vcueial It rat, a great favorite with Commodore Nutt, died at Muiuhchter on Sat- urdav inornln' last, aired 3! vears an I 4 months tlrm in Phlladel hialatngairedlnlhtman- fh ..,,. 11 Ine tnfA .hT .1 All P-ltfAnf M Irtf K FfiflATnltllm ..I " I l.un. nllltli.u l.lvrrfl.ij una.olJ . th. lw Trssrfri: liOTirnor J htiioii lian Tho. to mouth, .x- asked, hj T.iiutn.eean., to uppoltit u tin for pen., of aut.rtliluir will pl.a.. pj within the tin) clietlon of Mimhirs of Contrr H D I lluic ivtlrttil W or. I. talk. 1 of a, a . aodhl ... In the M. .... , '"X4 h. mSitir.V" "m", t i .... .. ifIlvnHUdtiril. nin(.Ul nn.l e,nnHl Jorit TLo MW counties gave Llutol. a ma jority of VJ,4Vt There are clghtem counties vtttohear from. t... .. . ...... ... iatuhi mt juieat rciurua 01 me vv is- j election give the Republicans elghtetn " J Democrat, fifteen members of theStat" , i m I'm itrau WlUIum Ja)ue la thtleddelt- gitulo Congreaa from Dakotah ttrrltorv, b sMien maJorli over his competitor Mr. Juiuc Is ihe brother in-law of benator Trtitn- bull, and u staunch dmlnistratlon limn " " - l ' if ii -t i. a.. in muu, MMUiin huu A. ti I. ODD ILI ol a tlrsUUas Uholeaale Lluiuir und Suth r rutabllkhuient Im. l-i n ilnluir h Hum l.u. Hlneaa for two )iara( h nit ted la tht tent ml art of 1 1 nu it i ii in-( mil mm mi kr n iirsi ia resiau- faui or nm paiticuiirs a i) lothr geia) ui- lice 611 Miithatitet near 1 it i untie N M MIILlll Alu Ul) Impel l uu 1 tlonae I ir il no IS tf 'I'KAMN WINTK11I L TIJAMS WANT LI) It Afuodprut wilt be paid for drawing wood Ituiu a point nlout three inllea aouth of tht I mane j luin, to the Potomac o olte Alexaiilrla Ul tame twomlles over a llrst rate letel roa I Carta ran te worked 1 1 (tdvuutite l atome at 471 luiirteentli aluet oiuu.ili Wlllirda Hotel n)l;,-ll N " l r. i t ov i: 1. 1 i An c ahihttfoh ol tl t i mn lo .. p m era ut luriuu i'i "e'"j,ol"'tf. 1-idlea ai.j ruth mi ii i f ptoi. i Leu.g the ola.liortatlei ton 1 i , ,-", ' r T '. . , V. . !",lc ' !,r0M uxr ?,a f1'1" ,uiVltllnr111 V "' , " V ll , " l 7 f,,V ..i1 i i111 turtapiiuirUtcdtotl,ertilof tl. Ulalrkt clua "' " 'V'.V l " iastrumenta I.a ''''rf.11' or "tJu l,Kt,. on, fcouutortle iiuu- 1 ' iibb-ilwe in iu ""1,1- ' J1 ' ' Bo"k v:- ----- . -- -; -.- i " i " j . ,, jj ,"' I iii-lli tllertlll) ,: ",: ,,,',;.., rit-i Vi.n " " " 'leli l U H(imJ U OR M HI11.K TII.I "t ,'"'"'""" ."" ',",," '"' '' ll? nl,r, ' VJ?"1!!'.11. . .. , ," "? u " tut V n T1 tiilltMtl u "'"' trhuiwll. SMllltf,iil LcLmarlh l . j ia l,.rdtr.. a.11 Italian, inir Maitilc 111. Irthe llalld and lorildma i f the i fciritt.i. ia. tuua .1 rt t IIPII t ll)J nil I in) In audi nrui ttitUtiia I etuh h niiV t e riniilrt d (ft Id ..ill leaa tl an ut i mill tt kk mi tin ttitft nil aamu nu i ui ihtiib nan a 1. 1 v. i n in vi it.ei.l tl PUatrr ua l ll l-i ii oat LatUtat toi) anlultti n liiktil hilt inailU lut h as tlmn n lit) I Plaatt-r itailaH hi it oat catUtattui) an I vv Itti tt . I. . till lit 11 I t. Ilui iiffl tt 111 ale ( I Ul. 1 1 1 1 lni i 1 l Io On. I ta pi u I ui 11 jiiuhIi limuliilm lit tin tut i. itilit- I vc ill I . nl .. .1 iaai.ui irhcial Ui I .vlunlil vun. L.i.i. i ...a.i.. i i .., 1. 1 . 1 1. .i, ... ... ' . .. a .. . .... . ' theii iibt) hi i iMfUfatiituriiUI tulliuj t.tati rlbi. ti u ul il ii 1 t idiiilul n imt i rlit tr aiuan It 1 bi j ti ii. I tr ll u ii.ii irlu ur biiiiart I I i ti U. I ,r li . Mi.L. nil I H lint I I ill li 1 llci II c iiilili i mil ultltt it ill h INcai tl c inlil) i I i uh kind nut luitiiol la)liig llin to i. l II ll.uaihi I l.i UbikullHliinlhi tlletuL. I i liunlli ,l tit e na the hill ate I m It rent) 1 ikilic It Mi linn joi will leservi Itu u hi to it itt.1 mn i i 11 It e I i U. If III It oi huoii 11 It nut tur tl t in tut l l ll e Govt nu lent totted 1 1 them IsAIAII KOG1 Its 1 u-ni err hiih-irfee Ireimrj Upartmeiit wi lot tho Home, the Republican malorli) . ., ... ........ .. ...... OFFICIAL. Department or State, Washington, January 25, 18G2. The Secretary of Slate will hereafter receive nn mhera nf Congress on business on Saturdays, commencing with Saturday, the first of next month. WILLIAM II, SEWARD. N ATHI.NAI I. O A N , 1..10 ll o u it a. PJtOI'OlALS will be recehed at this Department until IJ o'clock of Mon lay, the 11th Init, and then opened, for TMRTFFS MtLUOSS, FOlR flA- DRLD ASD rili.'Vn TIIOISASD, HIE tA DRED ASD FlfTi DO&ARS, ($11, 420,660,) being the whole amount of 7 W THREE 1 EARS B0SDS author) ted by law, and remaining undlapoaed of. Theae tonda w 111 te of the Issue of Cktober 1, 1841, and will Ime the coupon, due April 1, 1903, at tached The accrued Interest from (Xtoher 1, 1863, to dale of payment, will be required to be pal I In fol 1 eoln or I nlte I Mates legal tender notea Of fers for an amount not lesa than one bond of Fifty Dollars will be tonaldrrcd,butthe Department will be at llbert) to decline all proposals not regarded aa advantageous to the Government TX.V PIR CLST nt each amount offered muat be dejwilted with an ASSlSTiST rREASlRER, and w HI be forfeited In case of acceptance of propo sal and non-pa) ment of the balance w llhln ten da) s fromilateof niltrof acceptance All depoaltson account of propoaala not acieptet will tc Imme diately returned to the offerers Un retching depoalta the Aaalatant Treaaurera will, when any depoalt ma) be made, lue DIP LI C4Tr CKHTIHCATFV, the original of which he will delh rr to the otterer, bj whom It must be sent, with his proposal, 1 1 the fcccretar) i f the Treaa ur) a i roiHjaal will be considered In abaence of auch a certificate) nor will any propoaal t re ceh ed after tweh e o'clock of the daj Used for the opening S p CHASf, no IS Secretary of theTreaaurj. s- ALE OF CONDEMNED PUULIC PRO PER TV, I tliE AltlSTANT Ql'AHTEBMAITtJI, V. S AlUi. Alexandria, I a , ov II, 1362. 1Tll,,p.lltttoJJl?lVuc,i1Vi,hl.i 1 ,K va w edaeaday, the liMh inatant. at 11 o'clock n.uantit) of condemned Public Proper. coninuuL' u- jjaHonei id Mules 111 ack smith's and Catpenter's Tools frorirc. rtiller) llsmes shovels sod Spades Axes and Hatchets Scales, ho , fco I a) ineut to be made, before dellv erj , tn rreaiur j uotea, and all articles ptirchaahed to te rrmov e.1 li , me.1 lately after the aale d) t.. Jij, u.nil all the proertv ladUpneloi ( w J I HGUSON, ine anie win ne una oj en 1.1111 iiummiei ironi ( a tain Aaalatant iuartermaatcr, t.o is .tt I u 1 Army X ptijto an) neiMiu witu tan give me tntorma- ;.. "lV'uLl'ii , 'J;, I'.'iu n.'lRht J llS. TnK and by the name of South Caro- w, Duan)-naireu, amaii-e)eu man, l...lhl IIaAAh.A 1.11 AtMnA Hi it ii 1 1 1 re 1 iu lie ik ii ir iniur iiiiu inj uiiivv, lunar Vtoud and t streets, on lhursda) nlfiht Uai.tuaeeai.ian b the name or John rajne, and ut.lla.lltlnir Ih.r. u ltlntf. IK IWii In. uai i all.! ou Hn , t)(t. oe)fri, itolr anJ ChTTix ntr with him a nalr of uew Umic Boota. a Monitor Hat. and a Flan- uel Coat bel infriug to the Doctor. He also carried ott a alise belonging to a gentleman, which waa left In cure of the Doctor, whfbh contained several valuable articles, all of which he made waj with I will eive the almve reward for hla apprehenalon l-lt UK JUHNJONKS, (colored) t K KH A I. II K A II T Rn H VJT IOH AKM hUPPLH s, STAT107nLANK VnD lESttfr BOOKS, iimiahi vuwa, MISCELLAM-OU3 BOOKS. UrltlnK Tapers, Fnvrlopes, Portfolios, Cold fens, Pencils, Inks, fcc , uo , Pocket Uooks, and Pocket Cutler), Thotograph Albums In ev ery v arlet) , Newspapers, Periodical, und CHLAP PUBLICATIONS All orders prompt!) attended to Call and examine No charge forahowlngirooda, iilPHFKDfc BILF., Corner Seventh and 0 streets, oc36 lm Washington, D C 101 LFCTOR S OI-UCK Uaahlngton,D C.Nov l. lbC2 Nov emer ttiere will Ie no atiatement ttW DlON, Collector iiov 13 ataw.'vv XTORIOLK oiSTtRS Jii.t retelved per lx 1.1 press Come earl) to the Central Hotel Rea taurant, southwest cormr of Peuna)lvanla avenue and Mxth atreet, (not tne tsement Hotel en- i ranee on mxiu ainei " " GELSTON, -t Proprietor Central Hotel I llteenth street, tetween ermout avenue and 1 direct, Mrat ward at the late residence of Joseph Quhn, deceased, l order of the Orphans Court, all tht) personal etteits, consisting of Uoots, hhoes, hole Leather, bhoemakera' loola And some Household Hirnlture U) order of the Administratrix, lerma.eash OntlN & WILLIAMS nov 14 Jt Auctioneers D,U:UNU'.S ANTI RHUJMATIC BAND I IfRMANiNTL CUK1S Rill UMATIsM In Ita v arlous forms, l.OUl and N URALGIA, S III- FNt SS and NI R OUS At Ft CTTIONs, IMPimiTH-Sof thellLOOU, And the ev 11 i Itects of Mercur) It la a convenient!) arranged Bano or DtLT, con taining a medicated compound, to be worn around the hod), about the waist, equail afilctinq ai i farts, wherever the disease ma) le, andean It worn without injur) to the most delicate jer- lij this treatment, the medicinal properties con tained lu the Haul being of a high)) aromatic and volatile nature, m. I tapatle of being readll) al sorhel through tie i urea of the skin, tome Into ,loll uithout Hrat pnsalng throush the proteaa of action, which woull lend, not oul) to detract frSm their curstive powers, Lut to Impair the In- direct toniaci iiu inenioouanu general circuia- tei nai organs anuuerange the mgesiion also tnus ,aioidlng the Injurious etteeta, so cfen the result r internal reme lies, and eliciting a perfect cure, t) purirylng andequalliing the ilnufatlon of the mAdafand reatorlog the parts afletted to a j .althy condition This Rand la also a most now- erful tfAnti Mercurial Agent," and will entlrel) relieve in ajairiii .rum na periutioua metis Moderate cases are cured in a few davs.andwe aie voastantl) receiving uudout ted testimonials I to wliKh we Invite inspection at our ortlce of Ihrlr etllcat) In aggravated caaea of longstanding Pan r, Two Doilars fentb mall upon receipt ut as or hj ex reaa ever where, with all neces ata ri Hut ructions, from the piiiult air tike or Ci SMITH kLO, Proprietora, 101, liroadway, New tork N liDeai.rlptlve circular sent net O This liaul will not Interfeu with the sol dleFsditlea nu 16 lv -,, KTII I Ti-KTIII M 1UUMIS. M D. tht inventor miiI imteuttt ol the Mlntral 1 late leeth atlrii I J eraonallj at ' mce " "' "! tvt ui ulhtrs, ard im iiraoiiLdii near other who i. un ot tt eae 1 1 raoua callliiEal lnv oil li l. hi Iw tiLiJiiiHiLnlnte 1 vviihau) atjlv aud rKv M I.tlhthtj ma) tit aire t ill 1 1 Uiu w ho urn i trtUular. an 1 wWh the pur Hlthaii) tj It and rice of In lit tht) ma) dtalre ill ilti.ii.l m, I iu,.l ..Arliinl .Inn I., r. II il ait c tn irohit,e tht Mineral 1 1 tie will he ' "H " "1 waiianuu Kuoi ia In 1)0 iltv Nn JW Pt-niiKVlVNiila ave- ,!,".1,.,tt,1H,1J.V1"V'1',,.u1l "lreeu Also, tUbslnet Phllatltlphl . uail-l) iiiii titwien Mutt, ami li ulh alreela Also, I7 IISIIIM 1.1 I Hi A 1 A It CI. STOCK Ot f Ht i n.f llvnll) healed UUODS. t.onaltlug of 1-KLI1S J1LLHS, MtAls J-C.L1 AUL S, c , wl ith we unt-r for salt at New . ork market prices OSTH1-1M BHOTHtRS, oct J. Mi Pennaj Ivaula av enue . SPECIAL NOTICE. r PreachtMjr mt Nlxosa'a Clreta DnUd Insr, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh street, on SABBATH Afternoon and veningati and ly o'clock , , The Her. J, o DUher.thenewmlaaloflaryof the Young Men's Christian Association, will enter upon his work on Sabbath, and preach at the abov place soldiers and cltltens cordial!) tn Ited no 15 It fJ3Aaaembva PreabyftrUu Church Ret.T B McTalls will preach to-morrow, the 16th Inst , at ll o clock a m , Rev. i. C Smith, D D , at p m On the 23d Inst , Rev J C Smith, D D, at II o clock a ra, and Her. T B McFatls ati'ip m t and so continue to alternate until the Fourth Presbjterlan church Is relinquished by Govern ment no 16 It Ejr"Masonlc.A special communication of the W. Grand Lodre.of F and A M .of the District of Columbia, will be held at Maaonle Hall, corner ui luiuiu.'iBi wit, vr iiciu n i'.noiii a mil, cut tier of D and Ninth streets, on FDNFSDA ev enlng, hip iv. ii ui novemver, i i o cioch. Punctual attendance ta requested D) order of t he M W. O M W. NORM'! SMITH, nov 14 it Grand Secretary. KJ- Sunday Kvenlua flervlce. A meeting for religious service will be held to-morrow tveu lnir. rsuNDA.) November 16. In U 11 lard a' Hall. F ai reel, oei ween ouneenin aou i-uun rrnvn airreia, when a sermon will he delivered by Rei M!llam iirnrj vnnnoing nuurui rricr, i. no 15 It Kl"PRlNCIPLESAREFTRNAL.-llectlonsare thebubbles on the ev er-changtn ocean of politics Moral grandeur will et overcome the corruptions and follies of the ballot-box The success of the streets Is not the teat of an after-vote in Congress. Here the whole public sentiment Is most like!) to be regarded Let the com muni tr read the recent letter of the undersigned to the President, urging the Immediate and total abolition of slavery. It ma) be had prd,at most of the book-stores on Seventh, between D and F streets KSTYUCK FVANS, nor 13 3 1 Counsellor at I aw S . T . I H 0 (1 X. DRAKV'S PLANTATION BlTTKR. They purify, strengthen, and Invigorate They create a healthy appetite They are an antidote to change of water anddlt t The) overcome effects of dissipation and late hours The) strengthen thes) at em andenllv en the mind The) prevent miasmatic and lntermtttentfeveis The) purlfvtha breath andacldlt y of the stomach The) cure Dv spesla and Constipation The) cure Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Cholera ftror h'is Ihe) cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head ache They are the tst Bitters In the world They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer The) are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Callaa) a Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to are or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons re quiring a gentle stimulant Sol 1 by all Grocers, Oruggfats, Hotela, and Saloons P II DRAKF k CO , -U3 Broadway, New Tt ork se 26 m rC?-IUtrhelor'a Hair DjeThe Beat lu the -Worhl William A Batchelor's celebrated Hair D) e produces a color not to be distinguished from nature) warranted not to Injure Hair In the least) remedies the Ill-effects of bad dyes, and Invig orates the Hair for life GHL.RFD.or RUST A HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the hair soft and beautiful old by all Druggists, &c. Cf-Thegenulne Is signed W M A. BATCHFLOR, on the four sides of each box. Factor), No Bi Dvrelav street, (Late 233 Broad w a) and 19 lion 1 ) New ork my 231) 93Tlie Ureal Petiiiaylraula Route. The nuicktat an I safest route to the Northwest and s uihiveat Twothroughtratnri4lly, and one on bund). Soldiers' tickets at Government rates to all the principal oluts tn the North ami West Y or t Icket a and further Information apply at the of fice of the "Great Pennsylvania Route.1 northeast corner Penns) Hants avenue aud Sixth street, un der National Hotel Office open from? a m to a P m ton Sunda)s2ta 4 p in. to NORTON, aug tt ly Agent ET"Hpclal Notice. On and after Tuesday, April 1, 186.' the trains on the Baltimore and Ohio Hallroal will commence running dal)( bundaya excepted,) leaving this Station at 140 a m , and connecting at Washington Junction with Mall Train for all parts of the West via Wheeling or Parkershurg Through tickets sold and baggage checked W. P SMITH, M orTranaportatlon B kUR II ap 1-dtr rCJ-W e atoll' lrofr f Hla try .Copies ol thlswork are for saleattheohlceof the National Republican Pamphlet edition, .Scents Bounl edition, "3 ceuts IMi(!(.TUh I. CI EORQETOWN FEMALr StMINtRYl J MISS habrover's A BOARDING AND D SCHOOL, 111 West Street. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on the 8th of September Circulars war be obtained at the prlncli al book-atorea In tt ashlngton, or bv ad lresslng the principal, ug.i i ias-iin M 3 IIARROMR "1IRCLE INSTlTUTt, V FOR AOUNH LAUIKS, No ill K Street, Near the Liat ic T HMs, er (Quarter of ten weeks Quarter com nit nclng at the date of admission i llementar) Cliaata In Ir ngllah - - $C 00 Advanced Claaaea In I nglUh Literature and .science Included fl oo frlementar Llaasealn nullah, French, ami MuaU - - IJ oo Advanced Claaats In Ir ugllah, French aud Mualc 16 bo I-xtra charge tor Spaniali, German, Italian, Latin, and other Languages Dr AWONt will give Lectures, and otherwise aaslat, whenev er he can spare time from his medi cal profession oc 3 MR1 A 7APP0NI-, Principal 11 AIR VIEW UOARDING SCHOOL, NORRISTOWN, PLNNA IOH YOUXG HEX AXD liOY,S. Hoard and Tuition, $U0 per term, of ten months 1 ii) Ha a imitted at an) time liejerencen 11. nr) Januei,.MN Peuuavlvanla avrutie Dr I j son, DrugKlt Ninth and L streets John Hauxhurst, I-our-and a-half street, uear V street south Jusliua Newloll, Qunrtermaster'a Department, Alexsn Irla, Virginia GIORf.1- A NFWUOLD. nu 4 liu Principal WANTS. WANTKD, A Urge room for storage, (ground floor or bailment,) In the vlclnltv of Penu Mvlvanla avenue, from Fifth to Twelfth streets Address "Union 'at this oltlce no 12 dtf BON SAND CAMP URFASr WANTFD The uhscrlbera will paj the highest market price far ant niiBotiti of Dones and Cnmo Grease, tieliv- ere I at their mill, foot of G street , (Ktai-roln. MORGAN & rfHINlHAHT lUANlEDrAt the New inrk fmplorment M Agencj Oillce, No fill Ninth street, near renuajivanm avruue, irnu-tii o) twine and Colored G 1RLS, vv 1th good referent es, as Cooks, j Chambermaids, Laundressea, ttaltreaaea, Nuraes, an I Seaniatreses AUo, louug Colored Men, to i watt ou tahtes lu Private ramllleaur Hotels Also wanted, houspa Imincdlateljr, vv ith or without fur niture l-iiiulojeralu want of good help, will fin 1 f It to their auvaut age to call ma JS tl N II MILLfR , "lfrANTEli.l-or a gentleman and hla wife, a J 11 Double Parlor, with nrst-class furniture and 1 oard l rice not so much a tonal Irratlon as u nitf i place Ihobtat cit icftrence given and leqnlrtd Ad dies ' buiker," at the Cit) Poat Otllce V'EU iOHK UHH1NI.KS, Lt rINANCIAl. AND COLLFtTINH. INVOKE IlILLa 4 ULfalNEflH NOTES KfUOTUTEH i PaoTCrtcn Nutisano DcrcRaEU Artoi hts llOUUHTAND COUECTLU MOCKS AND BONDS BOUt.HT AND MUD t(lUSlILa ON COMMISSION atll'FttVWVT CLAIMS BOUGHT. By O HOUSfr, Counsellor At Law, 4t Naaaau street, New ork Xf leu )ear lu Matt and I'nlted states Courts tv ue gratia M 3 V. tJtIODM I pi iniiirK U S I U A fF i 1 FTTFIt, M Sri tilth rtrett1iui tan ll Jti id fe, WASHINGTON All oi ler exeiute 1 at the short t at notice, In the i it at aubatantlal manner, and ou reaaunat le terms 1 1 raonal attention elvrn to ever) ilepartmeut of Iheluaines nov 20 1 hUCIAL A ITI NTION 1SCAILJDTO OUR Vj new stock of tall and Winter Clothing bent mrnl.hlngGoois Hata.audiaiHi L A BJ ALL it CO , e .ifi 3n clothlrra, No 3CI seventh street m AIUSEMENTS. T?Oni ItEW T1IRATI11C, Tenth itreeff abort iVnnti ownw. JOHN T. FORD . . Proprietor and Manager (Also of Holllday Street Theatre, Baltimore ) HUMPHREY BLAND . . Acting Manager (1HLAT SATVHDAV MQ11T BILL. Two entertainment. In one DltlLLIAXT ATTItAOTIOY. The grcAt moral plft , THE THRILLING MELO-DRAMA. Sixth night of the eminent actor MK.C.W.COULDOCK, and hi. charming daughter, MISS COULDOCK Vho.eartl.tloparonatloni are now DRAU'I.NG CROWDLD AUDirNCLS. Tim (SITUHDAY) KVKXlXa, Xov. 15, TUB GBrAT MURAL IIOMP PICTUR11, That 1. creatine a .en.atlon far exoeetltng that produced by "Panchon the Cricket," entitled the CHIMNEY CORNER, A 8TOR V OP IIFARTS AND HOMt IS Peter Prohlt) , - Mr. COULDOCK Grace Inter), ---- - MI..COULDOCK All the atar compan) In the cast. After which the STAHTLINI7 MKLODRAMA FT. OAT r.V (1 ItFAV O X. UK BISHOP, HH HHISK, MISH CAXH, and all the atar enmpan) , IfllEVl MBPK roftD-V THEATRE PRICF3 OP ADMISSION urea. L.rc.e ana rarq.urtte, oo cent.. Orchestra Beat., 7S cent., ramtly circle, 25 cent.. Colored Parterre, M cental Prli ate Box.., . Doora open at 61 o clock! nerfnrmanc. mnm,n. cea at IK o'clock nor 10 pttOVKRIl T1IKATHK, renna aveiiut, Hear U'fWartla' HottX, LEONARD GROVFR Manager. THIS (SATURDAY) XIOITT, Xm. 14M, MISS LUCILLE WESIT3RN, LUCILLE WESTERN, AMI The Best Companj In Waehlngtou, IN MISS tlCUtf'aS Mil I E RSI Ob JACK SIIEPPARD; on, tiic AOI.D HOVBFt; AXD IliailWAYMJiX. LUCILLP WESTfRN D SFTCHFLL Jack Sheppard . Dlneskta To conclude with the M U M M Y ; OR, T 11 F I I U U O It OF L 1 F F. SfTCHLLI. a. The Mummy IV HKHEARSAlr-rilK mZAHDSKIFFi (Muilautc Celc.le'a original piece) or, the MASMHt 0 7 HE ORP1 k A r SC'IO pnict 9 OP ADMISSION Dre.a CIrile, CO cental Orchestra Chain, 75 cent.j family Circle, 20 cental Colored Gallery, SO cental Colored Parterre, 60 cent.. Prh ate Doxra, ,e seat, ma) be secured during the day without extra charge Doora open at c1 nMocki irformance com ruenceaat.1, nov ti NIXON'S c ItKMOUNK uAnoKN emeus, lemityhaiita aieHVt and Seventh Btreet, luo performance. To-da) GLORIOUS SUCCESS of the F1FL1) OF THE CLOTH OF HOLD, Unh eraally acknowledged as tl.o most Gor. arot s Spectacle ct cr produced In Washington. Third tlmctif the WONDERFUL HALL) R Dr JAS L. THAI tn AND HIS MULFS t ATON STONF. IN A NEW RAPID ACT All Ihe Arlltla UM Day aud MuM On MONDAV NIGHT next, T 11 E P O X Y It A V E ,S . 1.0. 14 LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK GUI ion THE OPENING OPFNINO OPINING OPENING OPINING OPhNING Or THE NEW OF THE NEW Ol THE NEW WASHINGTON VARIFTIFS WASHINGTON AKH-TI1-S WASHINGTON VARUT1JS WASHINGTON VAR1T1S no 12 tf AIPLJSI APPLI-SII APPLJSIII J Iv c hundred barrels choice Rochester Apples, of different varieties Just received and for aale lu lots to suit purchasers R GI-RRIJ, Commission Merchant, turner of Sev tnth and D streets l.ovl33t Star XTAW AGFNT'S OFFICJ, 1 W ashlngton, Nov ember t), 1WJ PROPOSALS will he received at this otllce until Sivturdaj .the 16th Instant, at 3 o'clock p m , for Six hundred (6tX) tons No 1 Thomas Pig Iron, or Irouof quality equallv suitable robodeltveredat the Washington Navy ard, free of coat to the Gov eminent for freight or trans portation nor 15-t 8 P BROWN, Navj Agent DH. W1CKAVOOU rontluues the prac tice uf Deutlstr) , In the Washington Building, corner Pennaylvania avenue and Seventh street Hav Ingpracticed lo the South nearly sixteen years, he feels assured that he can give satisfaction to any that may call lerill Iliarriru unmii.c, uuuuri, ui uu Plate Chloroform administered when desired aug 1 tf 1?OIl 11KNT Deilrable furnlahed rooms, (with 1 board ) plaaaantl) located In Georgetown, near the city ears To permanent tenant, terms mode rate Apply at 151 West street, near High street, Georgetown liov 10 tf CI0ML0NJ.COM ALL.10L. A BFALLfcCO, ' to get ) our Clothing, J urntahlng Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps, No SCI Seventh street. be .63111 between I k K 4 DAMS ICPIIGSH COMPANi, 2. Onleeftl Ptnu, avtuur, Washington City. J), tV. OREAT EASTERN, NORTHERN, and WFST FRN EXPRESS FORWARDFRS. Merehauttlae, Rlouey, Jewelry, Valuable, Notea, Ntocka, Bond, te., forwarded with 1AJH1 AND DtSPAICH to all accessible sections of the countrv. This Company ha Agencies In the principal ratlwaj towns In the NORTH, t AST, W J ST, AND NORTHWFST Its principal oitlces are WAsmxarox,) i,x yoke, jiostox. PHIL KHELVHlK.UKtTIMQHE, C. CJXNATJ, AT, LOUIS, LOU Is. VILLF, LEXIXafOX. Conneitlouaaru made at New ork and Uuatou with line lurwardlng to the Canada and tht British Provinces, and with steamship lines to Liv erpool, Southampton, and Havre, and theme by Juropean expree to all prominent commercial towns In Great Britain aud on the Continent Collection of Notes, Drafts, and Bills made at all aecesaihle parts of the United states C C DUNN, Agent, je it Washington, D c AMUSEMENTS. XnXOITH WABHIlCaTOIff tiieatrr, t7or. 0 and Eleventh ttt.t near Frnn, avenue. O-liV CObSEQVEbCE OF THE ORAT DIS APPOtbTMVbT OCCASIONED BY MAbV WHO WERE VSABLE TO GAIN ADMt StON TO Tim THEATRE OS THE OCCA SION OF CVBA&V BENEFIT, THE SAME BILL WILL BE REPATED THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Nov. 15, FOlt THE LAST TIMF.I CUBAS! CUBAS! Last time of th. FRENCH SPY AND POCAHONTAS, CVBAS IN THREE CHARACTERS CVBAS lb A DRAMA I CVBAS IN AN ARAB DAbCEt ( VBAS IN A SPANISH DAbCEt CVBAS IN A BROADSWORD COMBATt The fascinating comedienne FANNIE BROWN, CHANFRAU, A. It. DAVENPORT, A. W. FENNO, J. W. ALBATJGH, 3. RYAN, MRS. BERRELL, ANNIE WILKES, And the beit dramatic COMPANY ever seen la the cit), will appear In Brougham's musical burlesqued POCAHONTAS, Replete with bEW AbD BEAUTIFUL SCEbERYt LOCAL HITS, tc t4c. In active reotuhSal, the romantic Drama of TIIF WIZARD SKIFF, Taken from tho original manuscript In th possession of Madame Celerte, Doors open at 1 to commence at IK precisely Seats ma) be secured from 10 to 3 o'clock, by ap plying at theabox office nor 16 CANTERBUnV HALL, Louisiana Aveitue, near Sixth St. XEW BILL I XEW BILL t The HIGHTJMPLE of AV I T AND BEAUTY, This Is the recognized STANDARD PLACE OF AMUSEMENT. SVCLLttS la emblazoned on our Banners I There la no such word as FAIL with us First appearance of QEOIiOE ), EHESOX. The talented Pantomlmlst, Comedian and Comic ocallit. Unabated success of the established favorite, MISS JULIA MORTIMER, To-night ahe will appear In New Songs, Till. OIPS 5 LA r, And as Llzzette, in the Farce of the SOLDI! R'S RLTURN The Scottish Nightingale, MISS AGXES SOUTHERLAXD. The beautiful Queen of Terpsichore, MISS KATE PEXXOYEH. First appearance of the pretty Danaeuse, " MISS FLORENCE RIVERS, TIIK COURT OF 11EAUTV. M He Llnetta, Miss Florence Rlv era, Miss Utile Brandon, Miss Lauretta, Miss Jennie Allen, Miss Ella WILLIS ARMSTRONG, The most Versatile Performer living. MOX&, SZ0LL08Y, If i ou want to Laugh, Just come and see the Fun ny Nigs, BOB HART and LY W SIMMONS, In their side-splitting Drolleries THE GIPSY'S LAY, by Misses MORTIMFR and PLNNOYJ R Willie Immerson, J Sjlvas Clarke, Master Johnny, Mons Sol, And the MAMMOTH COMPANV, T IN A NMV BlU- Performance to conclude with the laughable frarce entitled THE SOLDIER'S RETURN. George H, tdeson . as Natz Miss Julia Mortimer as .. Llzzette And a r VLL DRAMATIC COMPAb 1 Will appear. Doora open at 6)(t performance,, o'clock Admission, 26 centsj Orchestra Chairs, W cents nov 10 CtONCFHT OF SACRJD MUSIC The Societies j of St Mncent da Paul respectfully announce that their annual concert of Sacred Music for the relief of the poor of this city, and of the sick ami wounded In the hospitals, will be glv en at Odd Fel lows' Hall, Sev enth street, on Huutlaycvemuff, loin mat am. tdtvlnr aecured the best Amateur Musical talent of the District for this occasion, with the most effi cient Orchestra, the) will present to their patrons the richest programme of the seaaon i ncouraged b) the liberal patronage heat owed upon their for mer efforts, they promise that the expectations of the public will he fully realized The whole Concert will be arranged and conduct ed by Madame Cecelia loung Krctschmar, under the direction nf Professor George Jellx Benkert, of Philadelphia Tickets (Mtcenisiciiiiuren ceutsj) may tie naa at the principal Hotel, Music and Book Stores of thlac iuv, ami i ml at Dr Kidwell a Drug Store, George- KJWIl Ooora nnrn at 7 u'clockt Concert to commence at b Tickets of admission W cents; children half price nov 12 4t 200,000 Domestic St gars, consisting of Seed and Seed and Hav ana of the beat qualit) , put up In most desirable st)lest for sale at unusuall) low prices at nu n GTH IM BROTHJ RS cOO dot HermetUall) Sealed Goods, consisting of Lf riiiia, aiTiitva, inrnii, . -arriai4rat riiri, bi. Jitdt recelvtd and for sale at New tork market uricea nt no IJ OSTHFIM BROTHFRS M aim; auicncs AND SOLDILRV HHIt, ASSOCUHOb Otllce, No xlO y street, tor Ihlrteenth communications to be addressed to J W HATIIAWA!, State Agent, ot IB I r Lock 1 ox (W, Washington, D C MOW IS1III T1MJ fOBU iOUR CLOTH- lng ul L. A B ALL fit CO, Nu S61 Sev enth street, between UK af p J 3ui 100,000 Imported Hav ana begars, comprising the choicest brands In the market, Just received and IOnoVa 0STHE1M BROTHERS,