Newspaper Page Text
U- tQOABOTWS. . AMMantb ' BiatriT, abu Last Niobt iut out, of Mr. Goul- -dock and thajxipularyoung actress, Mite CouU I dock. .Both of these, favorite pe rfcrmers, In two great pieces, Including the pent play that coat l,S00, entitled Mxh, Advocate's Last Oiue." Mr. Couldock In th legal character of the Advocate, Antolne de Vernet Mlis Couldock Madame La .Hoes, Thefreatdramatlosuocessof tho "Chimney Uirocr, or a Story of Hearts ul Homes," will also Mrrpreseated airland Miss Couldoak aa peter Probity and Craet Entry. IA great Saturday night kill; for the benefit of Mr. BUnd. At wp have announced that the Opera li eonilng, wo now In (oral our render! that the Open will In- augurai. hi a.aaoaat rora'a theatre, on Monday night. Mill Rlchlnga, Mr. Rlchlngt, Mr.'Dunn,and a run company, wnn cnorui, ballet, ana Insreated orcheitra, will all combine their artletlo efforti to plant the Optra Irmly ai an Institution among ui, Ntxoa'e WsjninaTOn Thiatmv Wo wuh to call particular attention of our reader! to the fact that thli evening the dashing Spanish danieuie, Cubal, takes a benefit at thli theatre, and offers for the lait time the two moit lucceiiful plecet of the v. season th. "WHara satrr," and "Pocahontas," In botti of which, plecet the beneficiare will appear. In the ftrst, the will personate three character! and fight a terrific combat. In the lait pleoe, ihe will riccuie, lor me oral lime in tan city, her wild, ex oiling dance, entitled "Bat." ' ' Gloria's TntATat-Bene 0 Lvctlle flVafrns. Mill Weitern appeart thli evening In two of her very beet characters In Madame Rachel's great Trench play'orthe "Spy of St. Marc, or the Council of7eni"and Id Madame Celeste's thrllllnr Indian drama of the "Wept of the Wlih-ton-wlih, or the Maiden of the Eagle Flume," In the fint piece, Mlu Lucille appear! at La Thbbe, the great actress of Paduat and la tha second, aa the loving, brave, end devoted ftarramattah. CAMVEaauar. The successful engagement of the beautiful and talented favorttet, Mlitea Mortimer and rennoyrr, la drawing to a cloie. To-night will be potltlrely the lait but one of their appearance on the Canterbury itage, and great palm have been taken to render Ihe performance on theie lait two nights exceedingly attractive. Mlia Mortimer will itng several of hertweeteitballadi. Mlia Pennoyer will execute aereral of her faaclnatlng dancei, and will appear with Mlu Mortimer In the " Glpty'a ,ly."- Hill Agnei southerland, the Scottish night. Ingale, wilt exhibit her exoulilte vocal powers. George R. Edeson, Bob Hart, Lew Simmons, the Corpi de Ballet, and the rrit of the dramatic com. peby, will appear. Nixox't CacMoaxE Ciacva A One bill li offered thli afternoon and evening, at theCre. morne. Eaton stone will ride hit nutation acti) Reynold! and Thayer will contribute their humor- ouipoweni Mlu Carroll will execute herdaihlng acta) the Mulea will be Introduced, and the whole company will make ipeclal exertloni to amuse and edify their patroni. On Saturday, the Ponv Race will be positively brought out, with all the original lurracenei, and line music. The piece Is replete with fun, and hat alwayi drawn full houses. Nixon hai ipared neither palm nor expeaie In gelling It up, and It will no doubt pay him a hand aome dividend on Ma liberal Inv ratment. Facts About tux Boss or Tiupieanck. The order of Bona of Temperance has been In existence about twenty years, anil extends, In Ita ramifications, over the wholo of North Amer ica and n portion of Ennroe. Tho Division exercises authority over tho whole of iuu luvai uniicti oiaics, uanaua, die., and holds Ita deliberations In varloue parts of the country. The order la moat flourishing, at present, In the States of Maine and Massachusetts, where prohibitory liquor laws are In operation. The order now numbers, In North America, about 100,000 members, and 75,000 lady visit ors. There are 41 Grand, or State Divisions, which Include nearly every State In the Union, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, Newfoundland and Canada East and West. , Tho last session of tho National Division was held In Hamilton, Canada West, In Jnne last, as that waa considered neutral ground where all could meet In harmony. Only tho loyal Slates and British Provinces, however, were represented. Tho reports from these districts represent the order to be In a favorable condi tion. Returns were rccelvctl from Si Grand Divisions,' which report a total of 1,440 aubordl. nato divisions; 37,834 members admitted, 13,909 expelled, H7 deaths total membership 03,183, lady visitors 03,451, paid for benefits $19,973. Who can 'calculate, the lnSnenceof such an army, scattered thoughont the land, pledged to sobriety T Tho order In Washington was at one time In a flourishing condition, and exerted a powerful Influence upon the community. For a few years past It hat been rather on the decline, until only ono division, a noble, faithful band was left to battle with tho monster evil In so ciety. , Within a few months past this division baa been prosperous. Ita membership lias rap- ituj luvrcasou, aim us meetings spirited ana interesting. Now, a second division baa been started, composed mainly of the new clement In Washington society, which promises great usefulneaa In the noble cause of temperance. We shall take occasion to allude mora fully to tu latter uiuvcnieut m a imuro laaue. I' ... . I FoucaMATTias. trtiusdViy. Jerry Calla irhan was arrested for dlaorderlv rnmlnet. Ta. ken before Justice Drury, and fined 2 which ha paid and was discharged T. B.'Fletchcr was arrested for assault and nailery. Taken berore J ustlce Clayton and held for a farther hearlmr. Frederick Seining was arrested for creating a nuisance. Taken before Justice Clayton and fined f I.681 which he oald and waa dlachanred. Geo. Downey waa arrested for nalng threats of violence, laaxu ociore .jusuce iiiayton ana urucruu tu kivo security to Keep tne peace. Thomas Boyd waa arretted tor belnir dlanr. derly and carrying concealed weapona. Taken before Justice Walter and Hoed. t40i which ho paid and was discharged. Dr. Perkins was arrcated for an attempt at BOdcmy. Taken before Justice Walter, and luuiuiivtvu tu jiu iur a lurtuer Hearing. Jacob F. Bcuaffcr waa arrested for lareenv. Taken before Justice Ferguson and ordered to give Dd-uutj iur court, 1 1 NlW ClBOOS CoMTiNr We learn that Mr. James M. Nixon baa engaged an entire new troupe, to appear at his Cremorno Circus In this city. Among those announced aro Charles Sherwood, Madame Virginia, Miss Ida, Master Charley, and Messrs. Luke and Charles Rivera. Mr. Sherwood Is the original Impersonator of "Pete Jenkins," a character that la unctuous with real side-splitting fun. Good Judges of ai-tiug bbj tuat no renucra ' rete ' in an inim itable manner. Madame Virginia la a beautiful Spanish brunette, whilst Mile. Ida baa ability only equaled by her personal charms. Luke Rivers is a versaulo performer, good In all ho undertakes, and Lis compeer, Charles, haa no superior aa a leaper and vaulter. The old organ ization proceed to Alexandria to perform, under the auaplces of the Indefatigable James M., who ib, ucyuuu cavil, tuo napoieon 01 circua mamv Bad Bfxcihen or a Lieutenant. a few daya since a man who gave his name as Miller, but who registered his name at a hotel as "Lieut. Bernard," and who wears a lieutenant's uni form, waa arrested by tho provost guard and committed to the Central guard-house. While here, Prison Sergeant Wm. C. Knox took pity on the fellow's forlorn condition and loaned him money to got his washing done and other matters necessary to his personal comfort. When released tho bogua lieutenant started for New York, and left the kind-hearted sergeant minus bis money. It waa a mean trick, and tho fellow ought to bo punished for hla base In gratitude, If for nothing else. Tub Lono Bridoe. Under an order recently Issued by Gen. Hclntzclman, the Long Bridge will hereafter be used only for Government pur poses. Neither prlvato vehicles nor citizens on horseback will be allowed to cross It, but can go by wav of tbe Aqueduct bridge. This haa been rendered necessary on account of the pre occupation of the road by the Government rail road and tcame, as well as la conaequenoe of frequent accidents which have occurred, owing to the crowded condition of tho bridge. PmaoNEKSorWAR.W.F. Williams, Fourtli Virginia Cavalry Z. Cornwall, Forty-ninth Virginia 1 E. Colbert, Forty-ninth Virginia 1 II. tt. Simmons, Forty-ninth Virginia, were arres ted and acnt to Washington yesterday by the provoat marshal of Gen. Sickles' corps. They were committed to the Old Capitol as prlsonsra of war to bo exchanged. Domos or Tms ProvoH guAbd. Tho nla-ht patrol of this efficient guard, under Lieutenant Franklin, were quite active on Wednesday night, and made quite a ."flattering" among the gin ahops and brothels of this rum-lnrested Tncpatrirv.slted and closed lie tar room of rat. Murphy, corner 01 seventeenth, and K streets, and ordered the proprietor, to appear at the Central guard house yesterday morning, on which occasion he was tried by Justice Walter on the charge of Selling liquor tq soldiers. He wsa convicted and fined 5o. ''Immediately on the rendition of this sentence tho guard pro ceeded to Murphy'a establishment, and closing hw vs, puiku tifu uciuijoojiff, one jug ana One bOttlO Of Whl!k V, which were rnnnrfni, hla premises, which were turned over to tho Pro Tost Marshal. , Tho same night the mra-mlll of J.LonghllnS. corner of K snd Twentieth streets, was closed, and he ordered to appear at the Central guard- uvuav tu answer toe cuarge or aeiung uquor to soldiers. He also was fined $30 and his liquor conflacatcd. a ' The restaurant of James Callen came In for Its share of official tcrntlny. This estsbllth ment la located under the notorious ', Klmmel House," on C, between Four-and-a-half and oixin streets, rue people, seeing the guard, thought some more "Seceah" develonmimiB were about to be made, but It was another rebel who was being chased this time a rebel who kills more Union soldiers than the) bullet the rebel alcohol. The proprietor of the res taurant was fined $20 jesterdary morning, his liquors conflacatcd, and his establishment uosea. v The guard also made a descent on a notorious bawdy nouse. which has often hMnmmnitnn.i of by respectable neighbors. Tbe house Is lo- catea sinnHiu etrect, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, and Is kept by Miss T. Treaton. She, with three of her .employees, Kate Smith, Hattle Battle and Manr Jenkins, wcro nntenJ to appear at' tho Central guard-house yesterday on the charge of keeping a rendezvous for prostitutes nuu, -solders, tm woman and girls were ordered to receive no more vliitore, and to vacate the homo by Wednesday next.- Another noisy den of tho same Infamous character, but somewhat worse, which has shocked decency and outrancd law and order. was also called upon. Tho place Is kept by Mrs. Tsvlor at No. 298 D street. Tho woman was ordered, but failed to appear yesterday morning at tho Central guard-houao. The woman. It Is understood, has skedaddled to aiouiiuna, The house, No. 479 Thirteenth street, waa vis lied, and IT. neckner, bar-tender, Miss L. Vsl entlne. Mary Smith and Julia Miller, were or. awea to appear In the morning to answer the cuargo 01 Keeping a uawdy house. , FROM Tilt POTOMAC! Fuvrirr . Th- ri, lng named prsonere were captured by the Po- urn.,, uuuua, outs eut to mis city yesterday, for violating the blockade. Louis A. McLanc, E. W. Stewsrt. Hugh Rico, J. W. Hodges, A.B. Jones, J. fci. Wal lace, It. W. Browning, William Willis, Hugh Spencer, Cspt. L. Jones, II. B. Hodges, Joseph Dalger. J. Ilacket, and J. Laurel. Tho last two aro colored men. The last five, except tho colored men, are from Baltlmoro! AH have doubtleaa been engaged In tho contra hand trade for aome time- Thev wm, ivtmn,!,- ed to the Old Capitol, by order of Lieut. Col. Aue-ier. They were captured by the schooner T. A. Ward, gunboat Coeur de Lion and JaeAh nii i attempting to run the blockade, and embraco somo prominent men. They had with them about $23,000 In money, $9,000 of which was In gold. They wcro brought up on tho Jacob Bell, which gunboat also brought a lot of contraband goods, consisting or boots and shoes, hats, dry goods, and a thousand wool cards. ii, 1 A Valuable Boox Ws have rei.eivA.1 rMm the publishers, through the author, a copy or a work entitled "A Manual nrthe Ponilnn r .. or the United States or America, embracing all uw Mans uuuet n U1CII rCOBlOnS, UOUntlCS, SOd Bounty Lands aro now eranted. with th farm. and Instructions now In tuo In and under the authority or tho Pension Office." Ita title fully indicates its character, and as It Is complied by an officer In the Pension Office, the work Is au thentic. The Information It contains Is oartle. nlariy valuable at the present time. Sent by mail rbr $1.60. Addrcsa W. II. & O. II. Mor rUon, publishers, Washington, D, O, 1 Found Dead The bodv ofn colored man was found by Officer, Donn, or tho Fourth ward police, carlv vesterdav moraine, in rnFM al ley, between Pennsylvania and Missouri ave nues, back of Conrad's Hotel. Thonamoofthe deceased has not transpired as yet. The men haa been lodging In tho Fourth ward station for a few nlghta past and complained of being Quito unwell. There were no marlea nf vln. lence on the body, and It Is thought that the. man tinl naaraaBrlAf IntA i1b kllu I .11 a a taasa uuu vi tan sum sum WV ttllCjr UUU UlCU IrOlU exposure and 111 health. A coroner'i Jury waa sum mono J, It Investigations doreloptd no HA.V fattt 1 III I Washington. Nov. 20. ISrtQ- MessrS Editors 1 Hsvlug teen my name In the mornlnc'a turners. In connection with an affair which took place In my restaurant, where a certain robbery was reported to have taken place, ' deny that there was any robbery. Tho parties, who aro In confinement, had attacked the old insu, (what their motives I do not know,) bnt'os a law-abiding cltlxcn I did all m my jKjncr 10 queu tuo aisiuruance. Francis H. Elwood, Paid the Hack Hire. Elizabeth vn,u the gaily attired nymph Otpavt, whose case we mentioned yesterday, waa brought ont Do.'cro Justice Walter yesterday morning somewhat suueruu, ouu compeuoa to pay the hack-hire, ($4,) und also a lino or $5 for disorderly con duct, drunkenness and profanity. She then de parted, having learned a lesson by her nlght'a Incarceration, In tho proper respect to lie ahowu. lAAfflrinH nf lliila. ' Tuirteentu Stheet Sbwtk. Workmen aro now coKagou, wiicu ine wentticr Is suitable, n cxcavatlntr that nortlon nf ihla inn,, i,M.h passes under the railroad track on Pcnnsylvsnla utvuuu. iiiu sewer una nocn completed and flUod in wltli tho exception of a small portion near the canal and that over u hlch the railroad track passes. It was expected that tbo whole work would bo llulshcd this week, but tbo rain of tho past row daya will prolong the work. Careless Shootino. About 0 o'clock last Wednesday night a musket was 11 rod In the squsra south or Ihe President's, and tho ball struck tho house or Mra. Grndr. corner of Fir. teenth and E strceta, going through the aide or mo uouae ana partition auu lodging In tbe op posite wall, near where a young lady was Bit ting. Circuit Court. Thla court la still sitting In errr- Tho srguraeuts lu tho case or Har riet V. Laddo vs. Palro dc Nourso, wore conclu ded yesterday. The case or Ulysses Word vs. J. C. McQuIre and John France la on trial. Mr. Carlisle tor plaintiff and Slono for defendants. Aidino Desertion John Wesley Hopkins, or Howard county. Md., was arrested by' Col. Hathaway, or tho Ono Hundred and Forty-tint NewTork, onthochargooraldlng lu the de. sertlon or Union soldiers. He waa acnt to this city jeaterday, and committed to the Old Cap- Union Hotel. In tho caso or the arrest of the proprietors or Ihla house, mentioned by us last Wednesday, wo find we wcro mlilnrVirmn.i aa to he alczurcs made. It waa not "stolen ar ticles," but "Government property," which the record ortho provost gusrd sais was eelzed and turned over to the Provost Marshal. Oor. Boutwell. tho Commissioner of Inter. nal Revenue, has gone to his home In Maesa chuaects, quite ill. Ilia complaint Is or a bil lions character. C. F. Ettee, Esq., hla efficient Chief Clerk, Is acting Commissioner lu the Governor's absence. DI1CD, Onlhemornliiffnf timooiii Minium iv. r .v ogoda years, 10 months, and 17 daya, eldest child or A. M. and M, 8. Swan. A gardener above, In gardens of bllsi, Bought for a tlower aa sweet aa tho klis A mother glvei to her babe new boru. Whose tutt should be soft as the roiy mom. 'f pied a blonom of mundane birth! . 'Twaa growing way down In a vale ol earth And took It up with the tendereit care , n.V1.1"'4 above It ll growing there. (Iltlnoli piperi plcaie copy.J its aval '1 'i: z : : ' The Tdo-boat Tin.n. whieh .nnv. A, Indian nead about a year since by the steamer Bay State, has bean VilaSd And towed up to the navy-yard, whero sho will bo put In condition VI IU.UIV service. I- I L- . I t ' . ti renoirlfanla a . -" " "iiiitnviir, rrnnsvivania avenue, to obtain auperlor Ukeneites af reduced prices' Flae Card Vbpetts, formerly told at s per doien, now aelllna' at asi hiiiSMM. a.n,. . nniAM.I Imperial! reduced from $10 to lelllnr whole !l2 c?l0!,, st only as. I will excel In "colored Ctrtajla ruua," havlor secured th services of a superior artlit for that branch bf builnen. Like nesses of msny of those fallen In battle eanbe ot- tBincu nrrei biio csra pnotograpos or prominent men, both civil and mUltary. 1 .novll Im - - I IJ L , Attention, lArniCTin I Dr. Vellny Is yet engaged In kn, artcnslTO practice In this city, and wo would call tho attention or the poor, puny, emaciated victims or their own sins to the best sources or remedy. First, give np your present course of Ufa at once and forever rand eecondly, call on tho most skilful physicians, (and none aro better than Dr. Vellny,) and be cured of the, disease which Is now undermin ing your constitutions and sending yon to a pre mature grave. Baneino Rates. The following are the rates at which bankers and brokers aro buying 1 and selling gold and silver the legal, tender notes being thq standardi ., o ""I10- " semne:. Gold .1 29 per c. prem. S3 per c prem. Silver .M n,n 1331. '.. Demand notea 24 " S3 " Bankaoflsauoln Washington and Oeonrc townt Washington. . Oeorxetown. BsnkofMctropolli. Farmers and Mech'a Bank or Washington. Bank. Patriotic Bank. Bank or Commerce. Farm's & Merch's B'nk. 1 1 1 Tue Bullion Bank redeems their notes In U. 8. Treasury notes, when my amount from ono dollar upwards la presented. , Fbikcii abo SrAKiin. A Frenchman, a gradu ate of the Unlversltrof Parli, now a dentin one of tna public- department!, and, for aome V'ari, profenor of languages In the oily of New York, wl II open a courts of French lessoni, at Mr. Blch ardi' achool, corner of Fourteenth atreetand New York avenue, on Monday evening, the lit of De cember, b Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, from Sto IK o'clock, will , be del oted tj beginners, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday etenlnga to those who have already acquired the rudiments. Termi, $1S a quarter. ' rerionideilrouiofjolnlngeltherclanwlllpleaie apply to the teacher, who can be met every evening, at Mr. Richsrda' achool, from e to 7 o'clock. ' A realdence of atvcral ) can. In Spain and South America, ha) lng made the lame Kcnlleman famil iar with the spanlah language and literature, he alio plttre hli lert Icei to persons desirous or learn ing the Caitlllan. Arrangement! will alio bo made with penoni wlihlng to take private leisoni. no so f dec 1 Wiiiteiivbit Ualleev, 431 Penn. av., nex door to the Telegraph Office, contlnuea to attrae throngs of visitors to obtain carl! dirUUttot them lelvei and f rleudi, which are 10 truthfully produced at thli ffiae-Aonored and crUbrattd eifatutliment. Card Ukeneai of our dlltlngulshed generals and others, together with many who have fallen In battle, can be obtained. Also, portraits In oil and "'"". wruera iur nem tiewa promptly at tended to. octll-lnt Desirable Inoia Rubber Goons. Mr. II. A. Hall hss Juat received a lot of offlceri' Long and Llxhtdull llniahed Coatai alan. ilull tlnt.hrprtn- Choi, extra large sliest also; a lot of blue English Talmas. err lomr. at aioaaehi whieh hi lnn at manufacturers' his India Rubber Wsre- . '" rrnnsyivania atenue, between Ninth mu acuui iircla. CI U A Wilatn nr AtivtrrTtmaA whA haa i.. doetoiiDK for weeki ana month without ottUlnr rf lief, ihouM cooiult Dr. ihblAtt. whoM office II a. nu. . trcei. corner 01 Kignin atreet, and b r"1?-1,r ? J-' jTwntv-rive ) ean experlenea ha ettablUhed Dr. Flihbidtt'i rrputatlon a ai'hyil clan, Hect-nt caieicurtM la a tew (Jari. Clianrei moderate. DR. FISHBLATT, ISO. 31.K itrcet, corner of Klghth, UpiMiilte the General Poat Oifloe. IlfOIA ItUllEB Clin I,a. TliA litaca In inif vn,,. RUEBER COATS, LKGQINS, CAMP BLANKETS, HAVELOCK8,HAVKR9ACKJI,and every article mads from INDIA RUBBER, Is at II. A. HALL'S India Rubber WarehouiA. when, rmi .n nM.ln them at manufacturera' prices, S10 Pennsylvania avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets, oc 33 EDUCATIONAL. GEORGETOWN FEMALE SEMINARY I Mill IIARBOVEH'S. A BOARDINO AND DAY SCHOOL, 1.11 WESTSmKET. Thetmtici of this Institution will In rpai.mMtAn the 8th of Sentemben- Clrculara mivlm nhtinH at the principal book-stores In Washington, or by addreailnr the principals augso TTkittm M.J. llARROVER. CIHCLE INSTITUTE, POn VUUNU LADIES, ' No', oi KSTatr.T,NrABTiiECiiLE. TFRMS, per Quarter of ten weeks Quarter commencing at the data of admlialon t Elementary Claaaei In Enrliah - - AS 00 Advanced Claaaei In Engllih Literature and Science Included - . s 00 Elementary Classea In English, French, and Sluilif '. '. . . . 11 uu Advanced Claaica In Engllih, French and Mualo -..-....luuo Extra charge for Spanlah, German, Italian, Latin, and other Languagea Dr. ZAPPONE will give Lecture 1, anj'ollierwlie assist, whenever he can apare time from hlsmedl csl profeailun. 00 3 MRS. A. ZAPPONE, Principal. I? AIR VIEW BOARDING SCHOOL, ' NORRISTOWN, PENNA. ton TOKYO JIEXAXU BOYS. Board and Tuition, also tier term, of ten nionthi. Puplla admitted at any time. Jlcfercncet. Henry Janney, 34S Penniylvanla avenue. Dr. Tyaooi Drugglat, Ninth and L atreeti. John Hauxbural, Four-and-a-hair atreet, near F atreet louth. Joihua Newbold, Quirtermaiter'i Department, Alexandria, Virginia. UEORGE A. NEWBOLD, no 4-lm ' Principal. pilOF. ALICXANDKR WOMIWNKI, riAXINT, VOVAL1ST, AXll VOMl'OHEJl, Haa returned frum hi! proreiiluusl tour, and, by requeit of his numeroul friend! and pupils, opened a course for the Piano and Singing, by hla new and almplilled method. In Washington, on the 17th No vember, 1803. Uv Prof. Wolowski'a a atem a neraoii hai Inir anl v a alight knowledge of music will be euabled. In a very short time, to read musle with great faUlltr, and execute operatic as well ai classical music with rsre perfection. As to the vocal part, by his way of vocalization, ha arrivea at moat extraordinary remilta. rem!,,.. the voice nowerful. and enables the alnirep Imn. callie with facility, accurac), and tine quality of Ladles' and Centlemen'a Et enlnir Sloirlnir CUi.ea are opened at 0 o'clock n. ui., when Prof. Wolowskl will alao exulaln the full theorv of muile and reaiU lug uy ma aiiirui. 111a auuscriuvra 10 una llaaa are accepieu only 111s ine in 01 uecemner, Iwrr. Prof. Wolowskl receives vlitters dally from 10 to 13 a. m , at hla realdence, No. 4M Tenth street. nov IS I in fH INVKNTOItS AND PATENTKE8. MUNN U CO , uroprletorvof IheSdeDtlllc Amer ican, and agent) for prucurlntf American ami For eign l A "1" i Pi '1' N With Sixteen Yean erxrUnce in th JJatlneu Keferto Hon. JuJe Mn.on, Hon. Joienh Holt, iiuii. u, bU.svuuli. riv-v.uiuiuiii.iunt'rai 01 rnieni., ami to more than fifteen ttiuuianJ In.enton who have tiad builne. m tione through filuun U Co.'a Pa tent Agency. rain,niei ui nut kv rni ireo uy man. Patent Lawi ami He irulatluni. luo nmreai. 22 centi. mall. No charge for con.imation, orally or by mall. Preliminary Examination In United states Fa. tent Uttlce. fi. UtHcei, No. 37 Park Row, New York, Washing ton, corner of V anJ Se enth itreeti, opposite the raiem uiucv, mar n mii T AX HTAMPS, We are prepared to furnUIt UNITED HTATFS TAX STAMPS AT Uovemmeut ratett. HITTiiNllUUSK, KAN P & CO , -tn IJanlteri, 193 Peun. ateuue. NOW IS lng of IS T,IK TIMK TUIIUV YOUR CLOTH- L. A. UKALL&.CO. No. 861 Seventh street, aep 263m letween I & K. 200,000 Dumestlc iSegars, couilstlng of beeU anJ seed ami Havana ofthe best quality, put ui lu tiauarv "' ",'"1 sini a UHUSJUttliy iow prices at o i usintim iiKOTHKllS. ROOMS TO LKT. Four Kurnlahetl Kooui, with or without Hoard, within live minutes' walk of Penosylvaota aenue. inquire at No. 401 O0 30- tf muryitiau aveuuv. nMnwnaiiimliitr iSti iiiwaafBfiHnmaiii.iiaviia vunii.i r.rrm-i Erl WKW BfJCKWHBAT JVSp'ttKoeiVSD rJiOMJfXW XOKKi ir TSaaekl Extra tVCXWHZAT TLOV! ' SO llrklat Choice Table Kf TTA'I. " uxrfa5fJtPJ,,1 .W ' . , 0.1 Loaf tttUkHi c , , iChotco New Orlfaa Brown SVOAK. Vermont Maple SVOAK. NewHOP. ' " -, Kxtra Sugar-cured lUkS', ' . i nuslUy Family and liitra rlOVK. Nsm York eiltsse. venr lae for table uie. Alao, tm triSSS and BRAHDr, and as One uiii unnroou and Rya irzSKraa can be had. "'Fores! by " r 01 jrssK.n. wilson, a . 1 j No. 39T Peuaeylvaala avenue, (t Delween, sixth and Seventh atrreta, no tt-dlwlf South alde flHI T1IK UKFICKIU OP TIIK AftMV, ' Juat arrived, by direct Importation per ateamer Fulton, front Kurope, a very flaa and large aaaort medtot Marine; Opera, Fttld Glasses,' and Tele- acopea,wleh I win icll a very little above the cost In Paris. As to tbe quslltles, there are none superior to be had, having been selected purpoaely for thli market. Alio, a targe and well-aiiorted atook of Opera Olaaaei, Microscope! gold, Hirer, and steel spectacle! and Eye Olaaaei; lulled to the alght by the use of an Optometer. A eooitderable number of certificate! to bo Been at mr onto, from gentlemen who hare been lulled at my establish ment. t 425 liVaiuyiMnfa avenu, Matem Vfcr-amf-a- half and Sixth ttrttit. My KttablUtim.nt It tip atavlra. Olaim flttti to lull. The trade supplied, .Oct 10-iy , pAHSER OM TIIH POTOMAC. On and aner the 13th Inatsnt day of September, panel will be required from all veneli, boats, a,e., navigating the Potomao river, Theie will be li aued by the- Commanding Omcer of the Flotilla, and may be obtained from the naval 'veaiela ata tloned at Alexandria, or at the mouth of the river. aiDEON Welles, " Secretary of the Navy. Navy Department, September II, 1S63. aep 14 APPLICATIONS! for Duplicate Laud IVarrantaT Application hat lng been made under the act of 33d June, ism for the relasue of the Land Warranta described herein, which are alleged to hare been lost or dcitroyed, notice li hereby given that, at the date fallowing thedeacrlptlon or each warrant, a new certificate of like tenor will be laiued If no valid objection ihould then appear. No. BS, 163, for ISO acrea, limed under the act of March. I860, In the name of Rachel, widow of Thoi. Meredith, and wai granted March 3, 186B Decem ber 0,1803. No. S3.709, for lOTacrei, tiiucJ under the act of March, 1800. la the name of Arnold Harrington, and wai granted September 17, 18117 Januarys, 1803. No. 83,464, for 100 acrei, laiued uader the act of March, isoo. In the namei of the minor children of Daniel F. McCune, deceaaed, and wai granted Oct. 33.1868 January II, 1803. No. 100,847, for ICO acrea, Iuue4 under the act of March 1SA9. In the name of Ansel Allen, .n.l .. avaoted Mara' 13, 1863 January IS, 1863. NO. 100.300. tor 100 acrea. laitml under thn . nt March, 1800. In the na e of Rachel, widow of Geo. Harner, and wai granted Jaouary 3, IStti February JOSEPH H. BARRETT, Commlulooer. P" A N K L, I N CO., op rtciA yj, !I44 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, (North side,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts., and 388 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Under the National Hotel. BRAZILIAN PEBBLE (Rock Crystal) SPEC TACLES, MILITAJtY FIELD GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, OPERA QLASBEB, PlIOTOORAPlllC ALBUMS AND CARTES DE VISITE, eTC-iif i-iCCi-im.': tun mrftoimra a., a.. iauitbuovwif.1) ntiu iiiitiO) a,(j.( ( In a grat vnrtety, and at the loweit prtcei, whole aicur icimi, a ilOV i w ATKIt NOTICK. In conienuenceof the lowneaaof the water In the General Reservoir It will be necessary, unless great economy of water li practiced, for trie Gov ernment soon to shut off the lupplr to cltliens en tirely. r ' All persona are, therefore forbidden to use the h) drants on Pennsylvania avenue, or on any st reet or avenuei under the care and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, for watering the ttreetior pavements, or for any private purpose Whatever. And all persons using the water are urgently so licited to bo as economical la Ita use as possible. 11. a FRENCH, sep 3d Commissioner of PubllQ Buildings. OOHETIIINO N K W . TRY TT. Nowls the time to buvvour Fall Clothlnr.nt No. 460 Seventh street! where you can And all the latest style goods, at Northern prices. Hoi hot for Seventh street, No. 4W. Alargeln volceof Clothing, at ery low prices, No. 460 Set enth street, near F, A new way to save Gold I Buy your Clothing at No. 400 Seventh street. otiDoslte Post Office, at io per cent, below tbe market price, In Treasury notes. f,' Smith's. No. 400 Seventh atreet. ! th cheiiwut houseln town to buy your Clothing, Furnishing uoous, .vrunEi. nais, ami i,pi. aep st9m T RECOMMEND MRS. WREN'S TREATMF.NT X tor Neuralgia, sne Having1 cured me very soon, M. Johnson, Pension uttlce. Call and see how manr resnectabla citizens have been cured by my HAND MAGNETISM, of Paraly sis, Gout, Rheumatism, Tumors, Bronchitis, Piles in a weea lypno.u ever in a lew nays. i.ucnor ruuin ur iTiitsi-Bi. aurv um iur scroiuia ami .mn cers. Magnetio Plasters and Ointment. MRS. WHEN, Physician, oe 88 lm 445 K st, bet. 6th and 7th sts. A TTKNTION, SOLDI KLUIS AND HUT- il t.Kiiti Having just completed our assort ment of Camn Furniture, we would now reatnect- fully Invite the attention of Soldiers and sutlers. Our assortment comprises In part Ihe following Camp goods, It: Camp Chests for mess of from four to six, Camp Table. Camp btools, Camp Cots, Camp Mattresses, with all other articles of Camp Furniture calcula ted to make a soldier comfortable. All of which will be sold at the very lowest cash prices at au 31 No. 62a Seventh street, corner D. TCALL. AND WINTER GOODS. MILITARY AND CIVILIAN. WALL, STEPHENS fc'CO., are now opening their Fall and Winter Goods, embracing fine Dress Coats, Doeskin Pants, Veets, au. A large and well selected stock of line heavy Overcoats. We have also a complete assortment of Business Suit, made In the moat durable manner. Officers will find our Military Goods desirous to their wants Heavy Woollen Blankets, for camp use at reasonable prices. WALL, STEPHENS h CO., 3J! Pennsylvania avenue, between o27 dtf Ninth and Tenth streets. Dll, FISIIULATTi 5 Of No. 411, corner of Eighth and E streets, Opposite the General Poet Office, Can be consulted on RHKVM A TICAFiKCTtOSS, CONSUMPTION, UVKH COMPLAINTS CttttOblC A FFEUTIONS, as well as all Diseases of Imprudence, of whatever character, and which may be declared Incurable by other physicians. He engages to make an Immediate cure. From his lenicthy practice In the science of medi cine, he Is enabled to otter himself to the public as uitugiiiouuiiuurjiu vvssajji.uguia vapftDiatoi auunt lng speedy relief. Alt casea curable will be guaran tied. He warrants a cure without th uaa ..r mer cury or any other dangerous medicine. Recent cases cured in two or three days. N. B. Letters addressed to Dr. F.. at hla office, No. 431, corner or Eighth and E streets, opposite Gen eral Pott Oltlce, will receive Immediate attention. oc a y I,M)WAHU I.YCKTT, J Bookbinder, No. 371 Pchn. Ave., Waiiiinoton, D. C. Books bound In etery style Turkey, Morocco, Hussta, and Calf. Jel. fLD DKMANDNOTFS, U. slRKASURY NbTES, tniiiifibAiM ur inua.lJir unr., And SILVER bousht at the highest price, by RirTENHOUSlS, KArlTk CO , ootss lm Bankers, No. 163 Penn. at enue. 1.1 1 II SAL, K, The STOCK, PIXTURF8 and ' GOOD WILLofanrit-clsss Wholesale Uquor aud Sutler Estsbllshnientt hss been doing a line bu siness for two )ears located In the centra! part of renn. nwuuei wiiibiio make a uriKlau reaiau rant. For full particulars apply to the Agency Of tlce, Ml Ninth itrcet, aear Pa. avenue. N. H. MILLER. Alio, City Property and Houiei for lale. ao 16 -tf XiZwS ";G&? TTTTryB -AUCTION SALES.4 -u .. ,iw.iiasuAii ih sain laitant. ,-nlll'olmw,0"'",'s 1 o'clock A rKTat ?L T? "fsfhalf street and south il street, near near, ci!JK' '22,C'"u?!,K'l,b Sa'aratua, Soda rwap, candles, Sploei, BlackliuT. Aui 1 Llnunpa Brandy, Whli'ky ' Wine, Gm7k,, TlnTGuE' "'T: V? .K"H?''"of clrpenliraf a... ikVJIi '."T'-v "veis, apaoes and Plcki, ii' ."A0"! nd. Tqngl, kc J I'alntl. Olli. aid aucrn, aanonmeni Ol Ulaei In Boxen a tood aaanrf !!fL ",'i ?ru"!f ""' "" Mhe'cordi Boot SS'K' "a "pi, Wollen and CottoTlloalerv novel, Thread, spool and BaU Cotton. and mi( nooucn-ware, looacco and Clean, with a lam .n,i,m.0.,.h." 5C" w,,lc,l w dm unaeceaaary K Iftentioo or SSnl,h' '" b"kable fundi.,; airenllon or the Groceri, Dealer!, and the nublin rhel,TtPT,oP.,0rr' '1 '" ",.1" wrf" " norll ll. , C,REEN fc WILLIAMS, norll-tdi (star Auctioneers. BV J. C. MeavmK At CO.. AaetloBiTsra. rrxD.M,?,?JB,ATOU," WOP rattoNAL fcrrtcTi or am OrriccK or the u a. -f. LV'-fV AMFRNCW.'Novembe," isth, 'itlhe "T.wm1"'.? '. U MoOulre fc Co., at i o'cliik w'riii-'ilT1! ! P"sonal enecti of the late -r.. .-n.r, w. a n.t cumprtsing S,l.,ri0i.Go-,', Hunting Case Watch and Chain. Sett of Pearl studs and CurrButtoui, ' Superior Meeraehaum pipe, Sett Green studa and Cuff Buttoes, Horse-Shoe Ring, Gold PerT ' Sharp'l rune, MlllUry Belt, Several Leather Trunin, Writing Deak Larre ouantltr or..i.. At' .(. Chaeau, Mexican Spun, and lot of Military Ooth- Togetherwltli many other ankle. 0f prraooel ,., -. " A. JANyiKR, Adulnlatretor. nor30-d J.C.McOtiiRE fc to , Aucla. 1JV At O. MeOUirtK At CO.. Aa.,tl. if..tiS:isS!T'i!"hY carriage and DAV.MORNING, No,ember 53d, at loo"clk. lo front ofthe Auction Roomi, we .hall Veil ' P.l?nr1u?.VS.'l.T"!)r w fur-aeat Barouche, .'. .'.' "H1 ISnlea, In excellent condition. " "'..'M"?"''!': belonging to th. Tfrmicaih. """' By order of I he Adralnlatratrlx. novso-jt J.C.McGUIREfcCO,Aucl. CAi)knLJlfffF'""S' YrAff&i'S.lK.AJ'M. 5!K WM ,Si .sr s Vl11"" "ignac lurandlca ofthlcr own imfortatlonl l,rJ,H, L"'G'"v"nr lUrh na.oriu 1 ' Sl'I'Sr"""0' "oua rradra ' l"or wines, conilitlng ofuurejulce London Dock and ilurcundv llje Whlaklei direct from rrnmrlranla Scotchaod Ir .h Vk". ". tltt u""i me ur.i uiirure- Jamalca and St. Croix Rum ol prime qualltv '.mA2&pr,Ch""d K'"cL'" Blackberry and Peach Brandies Gin and IiraVDdV rVwlrtsiMa CllfftWlnss rn.l.lU.rn. .. . . u .. net.. i n .-.rrr.""""! w ' mtt lilTi: . Tt1 "" iiupa-nor cnaieau Winea ader Brandy ttt-JilttSSTrt OUCaf. 1QU l.namiiaTnA IV na. ...! . of rC!i:w "t""1 '""' SJI Meats, consisting or Chleken, Turkey, Cahea Tonnes. Au.. Clams H. L gow-Cnorf, snd Lobster, Green Corn. tmstJsuss.' -" "sk vwssa.-a .m - Alao, Tlie Store Fixture.. Teruia caah. Sii'-nK 2.?.'? .'.."' ' " " 'real. EBHinirS?" oecaua. me owners are The store for rent, Inquire of the auctioneers. . W. L. WALL k CO., no 19 tsun. Morn.Chron. and'star!""' g P K O A li N OTIOE DIt. M. VELLNY'S Prlvato noapltal, In the Federal Block, corner of Seventh and P streets, onpoalte tho Poet and Patent Offices. Rooms 23 and 24, up stairs, Washington, D. C. , All diseases of a private nature treated In the rnoat aclenlinc manner, and radical enrca ef- fected lu all cases. SYPIIILITW AFFEC TIONS, aoXOItlHKXA, ULEET, STUIOT USES, SEiriXAL WEAKNESS, or tho result of TOLUPTUOVS DREAMS, or any weak nassof tho GENERATIVE OliOAXStmm any cause whatever, or how long atandlng, thor oughly and radically enredj also OOUT, RHEUMATISM, NEURALOIA, and other CJlRO.YICDlSEASESotthe .VER YES, MVS. VLt:s, BONES and JOINTS SCROFULA, BLOTCHES on the FACE, ERUPTIONSon tho LIMBS and BODY, aud all other Eg Up. TIVE DISEASES and DISEASES of the BLOOD, from whatever cause they may have ariKtt. AITI.IUI'KI) AND HNKOKIUNATKI No matter what your disease, let no false del Icacy prevent you from applying Immediately to Or. Vellny, who Is acknowledged to be by for the most SUCCESSFUL PHTSICIANIu tho treatment of prlvato diseases. Fear not to come and mako known your misfortunes, and he will speodlly ecjtd you on yonr way rejoicing. HhXK.AHUHK, That dreadful acourgoof the young, Indulged In when alone, dcatrojs the generative organa, unfits you for married life, producing weakueea ofthe back aud llmba, loss of anima tion and muscular power, palpitation of the heart, uervoue irritability, loss of memory, mel ancholy habits, iusanlty, consumption, and death. VOUNU MAN I In view of the dreadful con aequencea of delay, do not fall to make your case knowu, Immediately, to Dr. Vellny. Your socnte with him are aacred, and you may con fidently rely upon Ida medical akllt. Thouaands w boae systems were shattered and who wiro ou the brink of the grave, bavo been brought back to vigorous health by hla skilful treatment. MAHHIAUK. Married peraona, or thoso contemplating matrimony, who auepctt tbemaelves of Impo tency, eemtnal weaknesa, or any diseaeo arletng from a relaxed atate of tho genital organa, whether tho result of disease, Injury, youthful Indiscretions, or Indulgence of the passions tn riper years, oro earnestly entreated to placo themselves under ttie care of Dr. V. They may rely with certainty upon a speedy cure, and up on belug restored to full health and vigor. Ho treats with entire success all diseases of females, such as LEUCORRIfEAot WHITES, LAPSUS UTERI, &c, Ac, and In every case guarantees a perfect CURE. FEES moderate, and VISITS and COMMU NICATIONS strictly PRIVATE and CONFI DENTIAL. Persons calling sco no one but the Doctor. Those at a distance may bo treated by mail, by sending n STATEMENT of CASE, Ac, &e. Jy a 6m. NOTICU. ll.e Mercantile Bank, formerly do ing tiuilncai at tU3 Penui) Ivanta avenue, hav tnjr. thli day closed and ceaaed to exlit, all ita bllla of lime outitanding will bo redeemed, on nreient atlon, by Juitlce Hazard, at hli otlke, tu Peoni I vania at enue, S. HOWARD COCHRAN, Waiiiinoton, D. C, Freildent. Not ember IS, l&K. novso lw taSBViafraMEanBiBii)iiiutBsi iibib iiiBiaia BaaMsar au" 1 xJUn- AMUSEMENTS. jRovaum TumxituH"" rnn'a meniu, near WatartW BM, LloKaao OaovM,- . . . Maaacer. THIS (FRIDAT) EVENING, NOV, II, BENEFIT OF MI88 LUCILLE WESTERN, Tkt Ptmrt cUU Aavrtom araor. .--- Appearanee of MISS KATE DENIN and the BEST AMERICAN DRAMATIC COMPANY In i Two A'ovrf, TkrUling PU)l, Hl'T Of ST. ZtAHC and THE COUNC1I. OP TEN, or, a iron r.o and Ihe ACTKESS OF PADUA. t4;'" Wea'"" aa stale Denln ...... M .... Catherine u j To conclude with Nadami CWrafs's Ortat Indian Drama. the mo.K1'.0' TItS W-TOX-WISLT. Lucille Western - . as ... . Narramattah By requeit, Jack Sheppard will be repeated. Admliilon M, 39, and n 'eenti. , nor SI -pon TIIKATRK, TVnfA sfrf, mat iVnn'd uvmu. URN HI PI T AND LAST NIOIIT BUT ONE Of Ihe dlitlafulihed actor and actreei, MR. and Mill COUIDOCK. Thl. (Pridar) Kv.Bllnc, NaT.aaber SI, By ualveraal demaad, will be repeated 7V $1,000 Play, . .. THE ADVOCATE'S LASfr CAUSE. .. , " ... Mr, Couldock MadlaRoae . . . . . Mlu Couldock After which, the Great Moral Drama of the . Li M ' K Y COIINKK, - . J,TI f HEARTS AND HOMES. Peter rroUty.afed SO . . . Mr. Couldock CraceLmery . . . . . Mlu Couldock All the Star Company In the cait. SATURDAY NIGHT. Benent of Mr. Bland. MONDAY EVENINd, Flrit alKht of the Opera Seaion. Mlu Caroline Hlchlniri, Mr. Peter Rlchln(i, Mr. Jamea Duno. A full chorua, Corpa de Ballet and an Augmented Orchealra. ' PRICES OF ADMISSION, .?.re",f,rc1 "S rWuS!tel M MnUl Orcheitra Seati, io centi) Family circle, no cendt Private Boaei. SS. Do?I.".?pf,! at SVo'clocki performance conunen ces st VS o'clock. nor 21 MIXON'S WASHINGTON THEATRE, Cor, Cand Eleventh ill., near Pent, avenue. Friday Evenlna;, November aiat, O-BENEFIT OF CUD. AS. .(J LAST NIGHT of the romantic drama entitled n II K WIZ1RD BKIFF, oa Tbe Maasaer of Bela. CUBAS will auitaln THREE CHARACTERS. Alexia, l Zlogara, the Glpaey Boy, .... cubaa Agatha. J Alao execute a GREEK DANCE, and light r A TERRIFIC COMBAT. KJ-LAST NIGHT OF CHANFRAU. JJ Laat night of the muilcal burleaqueT POOAIIOSTAI. .,.,. Fausssy Brown, A.W. K.nno, A.II.DartBp. I, And the Entire Dramatic Company. Doors open at 7 to commence at TK precUelyT "VTIXON'S CREMORItE J-1 OAROEK CIRCUa, iVniMyfronla avenue and Seventh etrtet. First appearance of the amusing Clown, JIMMY REYNOLDS. EATON STONE aa Clown, In the representation of Grlmaldl ens Horseback. Dr. J AS. L. THAYER, THE COMIC MULE, AND ALL THE COMPANY, In the pantomime of Lor. and Patantona.. MR. LUKE RIVERS, The Gifted Kqucatrlan, CHARLES RIVERS, The Aitonlihlna; Vaulter, hat e been engaged and will appear with the jveif COMPANY. nov JO GRAND EXHIBITION FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, At Odd-K.Ulwi' llill. On Friday Evening, the Slit tntlaul. OKAND CONCERT by tho MARINE BAND. PROFEiSO IIALLER, In hla wonderful feata of Magic, And the celebrated A. AI. IIERNANDEA Aaalated by hla Troupe. Doora open at 7 o'clocki commroce at Tlf . Admlaaton, 60 cental Children, 26 centi. nov REPETITION OF THE GRAND CON CERT OF SACRED MUSIC. The SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, at the urgent requeit ol many persons who eould not f:aln admittance Into the hall on laat Sunday even ng, hat e conaeoted to repeat their Concert for the Poor and the Sick aad Wounded In the Hosnltsls. on SUNDAY EVENING, the 33d Instaat, at Ono Fellows' Hall, seventh street, with a change of programme and additional force. Ihe wholo musical arrangement will be by Madam CcriLlA Youno Kbltbchmab, and Pro feasor Geo. Felix Blbiebt, of Philadelphia, will be the Director. Doora open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence At OD'CIOkK. Ticket! 60 centit Reserved Seata All Children half-price. To be had only at the mualo atore of .uiiu r. r ma, .uu ra. itrnur, anu AI ineuoor on the evening ofthe Concert. nov SI td WANTS. "lirANTUD. A large room for atorage, (ground f f iiuur ur ua.riMviii,, ,u ine viUQIiy Ol fenn- ylvanla avenue, from Fifth to Twelfth atreeta, Addreis "Union'' at thli offlce. no 13 dtf llONKS AND CAMP GUI-ASK WANTED The AJ auoucnoera win uav ine hlaheet market nrlL. for any quantity of Donee and Camp Greaae, deliv ered at their mill, foot of U atreet. octll eolm MORGAN fc RHINEHART. WANTED At Ihe New York Employment Agency Oltlce, No. 611 Ninth atreet, near Penni) li aula av enue, TWENTY-FI VE (26) While and Colored GIRLS, with good reference!, aaCooka, Chambermaid!, Laundreaaea, Waitresses, Nurses, snd Alio, loung Colored Men, to wait on table. In Private Famlllea or Hotela. Alio wanted, houaea Immediately, with or wlthmit fii. nlture. Employeraln want of good help, will Snd It to their adv antage to call. Uiay2-tf N.H.MILLER. WANTED For a gentleman and hla wife, a Double Parlor, with arab-clan furniture and board. Price uot ao much a consideration el a niV place. The belt city reference glv en and required. Ad dreis "Danker," at the City Post Oltl.e. JJKW YORK BUSINESS. "AND COLLECTING. FINANCIAr LAW, INVOICE BILLS BUSINESS NOTES NEGOTIATED. rBOTESTEU JHOTES AND UErEHBEU All OUNTS Boooiitanu Collected. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION. GOVERNMENT CLAIMS BOUGHT. By G. Z. HOUSE, Counsellor at Law, . Nassau street, Near York. O-Ten yesrs In State and United States Courts. Advice grstls. apis DIt. LUCKWOOU continue, the urae. tlie of Dentistry, In the Washington Building, corner Penniylvanla avenue and Seventh itreet. Hav loa: practiced tn the Knuthniarlv .lateen v ear.. he feela aaaured that he can glv e latiifactlon to any Ikat HiBIPBall v . Teeth IntertM on Vulcanite, Slubber, or Go Plate. Chloroform adnilisUtere.lwIlfn desired. ug i u ' 1 1 1IOM1Q WIN1I1NU to reK-te llieuiel . ea with X a Floe llarana Cigar and Iholce'Iobacco.Ju.t step In at POWk'K'S CIQAR EMPORIUM. Louiil ana avenue, adjoin log Bank of Washington, novaviw GOLD I OOLDt ADVANCE PRICK PAID. BY HlTTlCNHOUSi:, KANT h CO., oo 39 In Banken, 1M Penn. avenue. SSSSasBSssjaaaajaiajaajajjaBxa im.j..i..i.uT..tTyt,l,l,i..e1l '"mBBxtiLmr rtaUITMBatOalV HAIX, V CAjTTaamanraTHAIX,- OAMTaaiarcmT HAIX, CANTEmBIJatT HAtX, . C ANT atRBTCKT HAIX, LovtirAiA AvtrttE, biab Sixth St. The Mitel Proepertmi Place of AmtteemeM In WaehingttM. CROWDED nOUSESI DELIGHTED, , AUDIENCES I Patronlted by the i Fiait Gtmiit iBmr. Cotnrra I Now In tbe Sjee.Bd Tear of owr Glarloaa sjaieeeaal No meA' IW " Fail," Kith ui. THE LARGEST, MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN AMERICA. STAR PERFORMERS APPEAR EVERV NIOHT A NEW1 BILL' TO-NIGHT! I.AHT WEEIC of the beautiful JULIA MORTIMER, and tha eharsoloc KATE PIinOIEB. This U positively tha LAST WEEK of the QIPSY'8 LAY. CONTINUED SUCCESS op tux . SCOTTISH NIGHTINGALE, MISS AOR1I SUTHERLAND. THE COURT OF BEAUTY. Mile Usatta, Jennie Allao, LIU1. Brandon, TlUjr Forbes, Mlaa J.nnlB and Ella, IN NEW DANCES. Secoad week of OXOROE R. EDESON, Comle Vocallat and Comedian. BOB HART aad LEW. SIMMONS In Two New Negro Acts. Willie Armstrong;, Willie Emerson, Master Johnny, IN NXTV ACTS. A MEW BALLET, Produced under the direction of MONS. SZOLLOSY. TO-NIGHT, THE HAUNTED CHAMBER. 4-11--A4- A FULL BAND OF MINSTRELS. The performance to conclude with the laughable Farce entitled THE SECRET. In which Geo. Edeaon . as . . Thomas Supported by A SPLENDID FARCE COMPANY. Doora open at txi performance, o'clock. Admlaaton, so cental Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents. Monday, Kavcmatr 91 Ih, Flrat appearance of M'LLK ANNKTTA OaLUTTA, The Bat French and SpanWi Daneeuee the World I ALSO, MONS. K. VALARDE, The Bat Male Dancer in America I nov 17 LOOK OUT LOOK OUT LOOK OUT roa the OPENING OPENING OPENING OPEN1NO OPENING OPENINO or the hew or tub new . Or THE MEW WASHINGTON VARIETIES. WASHINGTON VARIETIES. WASHINGTON VARIETIES. WASHINGTON VARIETIES. A. M. HERNANDEZ A. M. HERNANDEZ A. M. HERNANDEZ IS HERE I IS HERE I IS HERE CERVI9IAMAPATIMAMFANTIBSOPTIMI3 la contNol CERVISIAMAPATIMAMPANTIBSOPTIMIS II COMlNQl 18 COMINO 1 ABJinafBonBaaa iBgleanocetf, THE SUN SHINES FOR ALL! no II tf RQ TAKE MOTlCaC en M . T. PARKER. NO. 69 LOUISIANA AVENUE. Reiiwctfualv and cheerfullr rturna thank far th liberal patronage hitherto received. naving et ery lacuiiy lor aoing THE BEST HOUSE, SIGN. AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. Together with all work pertaining to a Ft a it class Fainting Establishment. He has no hesltancv In lollcltlni? a contlnuanta of the public's favor. lilt Prices are Iicatonabte; Ths Work UiiexceptkHMllet And particular attention Is paid to PROMPTNESS IN DELIVERY. CfKemeuiber the number 1 AO Louisiana Atehue, oct 21 Sm bet. sixth and Seventh streets. BOSWKLLa'S MEDICATED CO UUU CANDY, For COUaiM, COLDS. BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA. HOARSENESS, And all incipient ttaget of Consumption. For sale, wholesale and retail, by . O. BOSWELL, Druggist, Cor. Maryland avenue and Seventh at.. And Z. D. OILMAN, Penn. avenue, near Browns' Hotel. Charles Allen, W. B. Entwlsle, D. ii. Clark, John R. Major, L. M. Smith, B. C. Major, ll. H. MoPherson, J. W. Nairn, H. C. Ford, J. D. O'Donnel, J. P. MUburn, J. V. Dawson, Charles stott, D. G. Rldgejy. In Georg'town by Kldwcll, Sothoron, Sclssell. and Barnard. And by Druggists and Sutlers generally. Jan 15 SEALED PUOPOSAaUf are Invited until the 6th of December. 1862. for furnishing (he Kuta. lstence Department with 400 TONS OF HAV in bales. The flrit dlsVirV tA tia aMinitTinr.t iii nr ahiBllt the 12th of December, and the whole qututlt) put In before the end of said month. Tne Hay to be shipped by wateranduemeredou the wharvea at Sixth street, aad weighed In Wash ington, D. C. bidders must state In their bids the price per IW pounds at which they will furnish the hay. Firms making bids must state the names of all the parties Interested. Paj ment to be made In Treasury notes, or such funds as Do eminent may hare far distribution. Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKW1TH, A. D. C. and C. S., U, tt. A., and endorsed Proposals for Ha)," nov 20 1,1 I 8 II .to HAKUENT'g ) AWNING, FLAG, AND UNION TENT FACTORY No. 03(1 leui.arlvanla s. venue, WASHINGTON, D, C. SUTLERS AND ARMY TENTS ON IlAND OR Mi.DK TO OHDtlt. Awnlnirs. Flairi.TentB. Mall Dacs. Horse Covers. Signs, wagon Covert, em., made at short notice. my ii IOU BALK Several . err tine borsee. suit all : for army officers, trained for tbe field. A brouarham iml Unrt barouche. The earrlarea are la good order,aod will be sold cheap. uiquir ataov jweiiinsircci, ueiwven u ana n streets. nor 18 at - 1 ' i . .J n ! Ml ;