Newspaper Page Text
A Cow federate Aoocmat oftk Rattle of . .-" Th Richmond porrtipondent of the London Timet Mti I . The raofulnr of th8 17th found General Lee strongly potted, but with no more than 45,000 men when the battle commenced. Toroncethe Federal oaxwrt. which are In the habit orreprc- s ent I off that their armies are but handifol of men lighting apalnst overwhelming1 hordes of rcoeis, ao no ciaim ibbi incir autou mwr; wm won against superior cumbers or their op ponents. How gwat th disparity waa at the commencement of the battle wai probably known to Gent McClellan. It la bcllcTed by President Davis, whose calm and dispassionate opinion will command more respect In England than the rhapsodies of the Federals, that the Southerners were outnumbered more than three to one. At noon tho ubiquitous Jackson threw him self and his dlrlslon (possibly 12,000 men) npon the right wing of the Federals. He had pre viously forced the garrison of Harper's Ferry to surrender to a man, taking all their arms, munitions of war, and cannon i and though delayed longer than was expected, he arrived noon rnongh to attack JlcClellao.' The ground won In the morning by the Federals, who n ere In tremendous force upon tlr right wing, was swiftly recorered, and held tint It the end of the day. At four In the afternoon. Gen. A. P. Hill's division came up and Joined the Confederate right. It was well that' Gem Burnslde's ad Tance on the Federal left was- ao long delayed, and was erentnally made with overwhelming numbers. The day closed with Gen. Burnslde clinging closely to the bridge, beyond which he conld not advance, with Gen,, Jackson on the same ground as the Confederates held In the morning, npon as level and drawn a battle as history exhibits. But It was fought for half the day with 45,000 men on the Confederate side, and for the remaining half with not more than an aggregate of 70,000 men, against a host which Is admitted to hare consisted of 130,000 men, and may hare been more. No battle of the war has done more to convince the Confederates that it matters little what Is the disparity of numbers between themselves and their foe. The old and Insolent contempt of their enemy originally held by the Southerners, In this war is confirmed and ratified by the ex perience of the last nineteen months. This, then, Is one of the battles with respect to which General McClellan, admitting a loss on his own side of 15,000 men, estimates his enemas loss at about 5.000 dead, wounded and missing I The reader who remembers the po sition occupied vy uenerai lee's lorces wiu smile at General AfcClellan'a credulity. I am told by the highest authority that the official statement, comprising the most minute details of the Confederate loss at the battle of Antletsm creek, estimates the whole loss In killed, wounded and missing, at 6,000 men. Raxlwjlt n Asu lfi50R. The Smyrns Mail gives an account or toe opening or tue uttoman railway to Avasolook, or Ephesus, which took tlace on the 15th of September. Mebemet Reshld Pasha, the Governor General of Smyrna, being present on the occasion. A splendid train con ducted the Governor, the representatives of the various consuls, and the officials of the railway, along the line. On the arrival of the party at Ephesus, the opening of the line was announced by telegraph to the Sultan. At the station the authorities perrormea tne mia-aay prayer, ana afterwards, near the line, the consecration prayer was read In Arabic. JoojaMtWUfcl 4 FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, The great external remedy of the age, prepared from I be recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecti cut, the celebrated bone setter, whose fame la un rivaled by that of any living man. It la a certain and Immediate cure for Rheum at lira, Gout, Neu ralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Burna, Scalds, riles. Lumbago, Headache, Tooth ache, and all Rheuiaatle aaJ-Nervoue Disorder. External Injurlea, Ave. All aulterera should rtve It a trial. RICHARDSON A CO, Proprietor!, Norwich, Conn, For ba! by CHARLES fiTOTT, General Agent for Washington, and by all dealers. lebM dkwly Dll. LELANVS ANTI-RHEUMATIC BANDI . . P RMANLNTLY CURKS niia.uitiAiiaoi in iia vanoua lorms, . GOUT and NEURALGIA, STIFFNFSS and NER OUS AFe ECTIONS, IMPURITIES of tht BLOOD, " ' And ths evil Effects of Mercury, It la a eonvenlentty arranged Baaoor Bclt.coo- uuiui wniiKBim vuwpiniuu, ID W 1TOTU arOUttU the body, about the. waist, moaulv. Arrtrrmo all pakts, wherever the disease may be. and cn be worn without injury to the most delicate per son. By this treatment, the medicinal properties con tained In tha Band, being of a highly aromatic and volatile nature, and capable of being readily ab sorbed through tha pores of the skin, come Into direct contact with the Blood and general circula tion, without tint passing through the process of digestion, which would tend, not only to detract from their curative powers, but to impair the li ivruai vwgmun nuu ur.-tuigs tue uigeBIIon a ISO inut avoiding the Injurious effects, eo often the result of Internal remedies, and effecting a perfect cure, by purifying and equalizing the circulation of the Tiiai nuuia, nu restoring m pane anecteil lo a healthy condition. Thia Band Is also a most pow erful "Autt-Meecuiial Agent," and will entirely relieve the system from 1U pernicious effects. Moderate cases are cured In a few days, and we are constantly recelvlna undoubted teatlmoniaU to which we Invite inspection at our office or their efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing Paicc,Tw0 Dollars.-- Sent by mall upon receipt of $2, or by express everywhere, with all necessa ry .uiirucuoastirom tae principal omce or G. SMITH fc CO . Proprietors, ... Broadway, New York. N B. Descriptive circulars sent Tree S3-This Band will not interfere with the sol diers duties, no 1ft ly (TOBACCO AND 8EOARB -L L For Sale at Wholesale. 230 boxes of Tobscco, light and dark, 1 pound Lumps, ) pound Lumps, i pound Lumps, and lift 200 gross Fine-cut Chewing, In tin fall, different brands, ' 200 gross Fine-cut Smoking, various brands ALSO, 360,000 Segars, suitable for Sutlers and Retailers All of which are offered at the lowest wholesale prices, by JAMES WALLACE, a ., W" street. Georgetown, D. C Goods delivered to any pari of the DlstrUt, free of charge. norl7 iw BOSWELIS MEDICATED OOUQH O A N D V For COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA. t , H0ARSEXES8, And all incipient ttagei of Contumptton, For sale, wholesale and retail, by O. BOSWfcCL, Druggist, Cor. Marylsnd avenue and Seventh st.. AE1 Z.V. GILMAN, Penn avenue, near Browns' Hotel. ?:?:,. rS.8Kjs'. CUMlMStOtt, D'od,'?",'. and B??!"" tJ KWw"' "W'Oron, M...1I, And br Driigglil. and Sullen (tntrally Jan 1ft ' S?.'tt?Pn?POSALS ' IniltedtTTTh. tin of DewmUr, lan, for furnl.hlnjth.s" litrac. IXpartment with 400 TONS or H Z .tTS.?r,iie"Tt5r,ob.c,mmnc'1 " ' about th. Htb of DMrabtr, and th whole quanlltr out In beforath. end of laid month s""ir put th. wharvn at Sixth .trMt, and welthrt in ash. I lngtottt D, C I 'Sldderi muit atatc In their hid. the price wr too pound, at which they will furnlah the W ' ' th. I partle. Interested. " firmest to be mid. In Treaiury notei.or iuJi fundi Gorerntnent miy hat for dlitrltiutlon Bldl to he directed to Col. A. 11 CK WITH, A D I C and a ., V. X A., and endoried l rropoiili fr "r." nov SO NOTICE The Mercantile Bank, formerly (lo ins: buiineil at 233 Fennirlranl. avpnii. u. . I U( thli day eloaed and ee.ied to .Hit, all in 'bill. of lnue outltaodlnf will be redeemed, on preient- atlon, by Juillco Jlai.rd, at hi. ofllee, tn Pennirl- .nl. avenue. ' ... H HOWARD COCIIIIAN, WAlHiadTO, D. C,. Iletlileul NoTrmber u, isel nor ao-iw TAIrngORKANDOklOAIUlOAI). m THE rAIUKOIft, TRAINS , WASHINGTON, 'BALTlMORaT, AND THE WEtT will ran t follow.: tXtt Daily ZVaiM to WalMngtim I t WW. m Dai 3Vo( fcrtiwm WoaVri iI tht Wnt. On Saltan, lr rreliu to BtHimortind ntltlht Paiienreri for the Wnt make eloee connection, at Weihlneton Junction JHeley)wlth the Btltlmore nil Ohio tatlroaA, for ll polnte Wnt, el Umrrntn Knc rcr Leave Washington ate a. m.lta. m, and op. m. ... lor AntsptllLMTt waihlngton at a. m. and 3.30 p. m. 1 FOR ALL POINTS WFST, n.l fit at inn. .Ian. th. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad leave WaiMnttou at and 1 40 a. m , and . p. m, una on sunuaj. ai p. m. TRAINS MOVING SOOTH bm New York at 1 a. m., Philadelphia at 11 JO - l(n m Irrlv. it Wuhlnr. V. Ill a UJIILIUIUIV . ' " Tme...w a. .uula- Leare New ork at 6 p. m , Philadelphia at 10.60 p. m., Daltlmore at . a, m. Arrive at Washing ton at 6.20 a, m. Leave New York at It p. m , Philadelphia at 3.30 a. m.. Baltimore at T 40 a. in. Arrive at Washing ton at 323a. m. Local Accommoaation itsms leavv uiuiraore at 10 a, m. and 6.10 p.m , for Washington) arrive there at 13 a.m. and 1p.m. On Sundays at 4.30 and 7 40 a. m , only, from Bal timore. , ... No Annapolis connections on sunaay iron, iiani more or Waihlngton. Passengers leaving Washington at 3 and 7 40 a m. and S p. m., make connections at Washington Junc tion (Relay) with trains on the Baltimore al Ohio railroad, for all polnta west of the Ohio river and for all points along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio road, In Maryland and Virginia. Trains leave Annapolis for Baltimore and Wash ington dally, except Sundays,, and S 40 p. ra. passenger Trains leaving Washington at 8 a. m , 11 n m,, and 5 p. m., and Baltimore at 4 90 and 7 40 a ra. and 8 60 p.m. atop only at Annapolis and Washington Junctions. , . War Passengers must take the Accommodation Tralnionly. W. P. SMITH, novl7 Master of Transportation. 1 DAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 2 Office 314 Pcatn aviani, WatMngton City, D. C, GREAT EASTERN. NORTHERN, ad WEST ERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. Merchandise, Moneys, Jewalry,Vtlsablea, Notes, Stek.a, Bonds, ., Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to all aaoesslble sections of tbo country. This Company has Agencies la the principal railway towns In the NORTH, EAST, WEST. AND NORTHWEST. Its principal offices are WASiriA'0T0ytJ. C.,X. YORKy BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, bALTLUORS.OIX CIXXATI, ST, LOUIS, LOUIS VILLE, LEXIXOTOX. Connections are made at New York and Boston with lines forwarding to the Canadas and the British Provinces, and Tith steamship lines to Liv erpool, Southampton, and Havre, and thence by European expresses to all prominent commercial towns in Great Britain and on the Continent. Collection of Notes, Drafts, and Bills made at all accessible parts of the United States C. C DUNN, Agent, je 13 Washington, D. C. -T E . S O M K H , SOLICITOR OF PATENTS AND CLAIMS. Donutles, Pensions, Back Par Officers tterraitlnc , and all other Jast Claims, against the Goreraunent. OFFICE No 470 SEVENTH STREET, (Department Exchange,) WAtniHOTOH, D. C , And Xo. 3 Parjt Place, corner of Broadway, oppostt City Halt, Xn fork. Itefera. bv ncrmlaalott. to lions. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice President, Me j Martin Kalbnelsch, Mayor City of Brooklyn i Abt Jah Mann, Jr , New ork City i John N. Goodwin, M. C, Me ; Thomas M. Edwards, M. O, N. H Ed ward II. Rollins, M. C, N. Hi Alex. H. Rice, M. C, Mass j John B. Alley, M. C , Maas t Alfred A. uurnnam, m. u, uiiid uwizu uonmim, m u.( Conn t John A. Gurler. M. C Ohlot James M Ashler. M. C . Ohlot Sldaev Ednrton.M. C. Ohloi John Hutchlns, M. C.. Ohloi John Corode, M. C, im t Kooert MCKMgni, m. u., ra i Austin a. raor rill, M. C., t. John F. Potter, M. C, Wis ( Z. cnanaier, im. u- mien t James n. iane, n, w., Kanaast Cvrua Aldrlch, M. C. Mlnn.t Wm. Kel- logg,M.C, III i John t. Nixon, M. C, N.J. i John L.N.Stratton,M. C, N. J.f P. B. Fouke, M. C, ill I uwcn iOTrjOTi . - , in r. siair.r , iu. C. Mo i Klbrldge U. Spauidlng, M. C. N. Y.t Al fred Fly, M. C, N. Y. Major General H. R. Dur- yesi n tTjtiuu, e-q , rrc. nmuiuiuvii -ij Banui vnepneni Knspp, sq , rres. wecnanics' Bank. Jya-tf TNTK1UOH ADORNMENTS. 410 480 4H TAPEK nANQINOB, OrALLOEADESAMOraiCES. Warranted Gold Band Window Shades Buff, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all alses) made to order. " Also, a handsome assortment of Picture Cordand Tassels, all sixes and colors. Purchasing for cash, and allowing no old stock to accumulate, persons needing the above goods will And It to their advantage to give me a call. . All work executed andsuperintendedbypractloal men, who have served a regular apprenticeship at their trader Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required. - Ileaae rive me a call. Remember the number iJOIIN MARKRITER, No. 488 Seventh street, Eight doors shore Odd Fellows' Hall. nov2S ly" rTKHTIIt TEETH I M. LOOM IS, M, D, the Inventor and patentee of the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends personally at his office in this city. Many persons can wear these teeth who cannot wear others, and no person can wear others who cannot wear these. Persons calling at my office can be accommodated with any style and price of Teeth they may desire) but to those who are particular, and wish the pur est, cleanest, strongest, and moat perfect denture that art can produce, the Mineral Plate will be more fully warranted. Rooms In this city No. 338 Pennsylvania ave nue, between Ninth and Tenth streets. Also, 07 Arch street, Philadelphia. mar 10 ly riOFPXIt HOAIiE. Navy Aoemt'i Orncc, Waihlngton, D. C , rtorember u. i$tft There will be aold at Public Auctlon.ln the Uni ted Statei navy yard, Waihlnston. I). C .onThun dt)tthe77thlnitant,at 12 o'clock, m , a lot of Cop per Scale, comlltlnf of about 60 torn. It can be examined at any time prevlou. to the day of .ate, upon application to the commandant of the nat y jird. The .ale will be aubject to ratification by the De partment. S. F. BROWN, nov 17 2aw2w Navy Agent. GKNEUAL. HEADUUAUTEIla FOR ARMY SUPPLIES, WHOLESALE AMD 1ETAIL. STATI0NPRV. BLANK AND SCHOOL BOOKS, MILITARY WORKS, - ' " MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Writing Piper., Envelope!, Fortfolloi, Gold feoi. Pencil!, Inki. fcc, ke , Pocket Book., and Pocket Cutlery. Photograph Albumi lnt cry variety, Newipipen, Periodical!, and CHEAP PUBLICATIONS. All ordera promptly attended to. Call and examine. No charge forahowlnggoodi, SHEPHERD fc RILEY. Corner seventh and D itreeti, uc i-lni Waihlngton, D. C. tOLLFCTOR'S OFFICE, ' l Waihington.D. C, Nor. U, ism. NOTICE TO TAX-PA rCRS. Notice li hereby given to all peraomln arreara for taxea, whether gal, .pedal or annual tax, that uolen the nme li pild at thli office before the lit uiy oi January next, me property on wmen toe lax. U due will then be advertiaed and aold aithe law directi. Those who wlih to avoid the heary ex- fenie of advertlilng will pleaie pay within the Ime ipeclfled Adlicountof Bprr cent, will be allowed, under the iawtf during the month of November, After November there will be no abatement. WM, DIXON, Collector, nor IS 3taw2w JtlUT JIECKIVED OUR NEW STOCK OF Fall aud Winter CLOTHING, which we are idling at very low prlcea, at L. A. BEALLIt CO S, ISfn tUtl Rv.ntk .. sep2&3oi between I and li. I COMK ONE, COME ALL, TO L. A. BEALLk CO , to get) our Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, i lists, and Caps, No. al Seventh street. i e3o-4m betweeaievIC Post OrricKDxrAaTMxar, BsALtoPaorotALswIll be received at this De partment until the Sftth dav of November, ISes, for furnishing one year's supply of Twine, estimated at 14,009 pounds, to be delivered at the Blank Agen cies at Washington, D. C, New York city and Buffalo. New York, free from alt cost of transpor tation. In such quantities as each Agency may. irom time to ume, ds oraerea ny ina urpanmeni. The Twine must be of three strands, well twisted, and capable of sustaining the weight of S3 pounds on a string stx feet la length) It must be put up In balls of one pound weight each and packed suitably for transportation In packages of 100 pounds weight each. The Twine must be smooth and flexible, and measure about 630 yards to the pound. As no spe elflo material has been determined upon, bidders will send samples of such twine as they propose to furnish with their bids. , Tha enntnet will h awarded to tha lowest and best bidder, the best bid to be determined, after a careful examination, for the purpose of ascertain ing which bid will. In Its practical results, be most adrantageoua to tne Department. This the Post master General reserves to himself the right of de ciding. No proposals will be considered which may be made hy persons not engsged In the manufacture of twine. Each bidder must furnish with Ms proposals evidence of his ability to comply with his bid. Two sufficient securities will be required to a contract. Failure to furnish the article contracted for promptly, or furnishing an article Inferior to that ooniraeica lor, win Docaniiucrru a uuicirui came for the forfeiture of the contract. Bids not made la accordance with these propo sals will not be considered. Pronoaila mast ba marked on the outside of the envelope with taenameof the article proposed for, name teller containing inem auamwu & inv First Assistant Postmaster General, Washington, D. a M. BLAIR, nox eo2w Post master General. A IIHY ibpFLIEl, Orncc or the Cntcr QuABTxaMArrra. ARMTOrTHE POTOMAC, Washington. September SO, 1862. PROPOSALS are invited for furnishing for the use of the armr of the Potomaa the follow In r ar ticles) 1,000 tons beat quality Timothy Hay, securely baled, the weight of each bale to be marked thereon. 3,000.000 bushels of Oats, of the best quality, la strong sacks, well sewed. 7,000 cords Oak and Hickory Wood, well sea soned and of the best quality. Each bid must be accompanied bv the endorse ment of two responsible persons thai the contracts If awarded will be fulfilled. Bids will be opened from time to time as the ar ticles may be needed, and contracts will be awarded ior ine quaniuie nreuru, to in iowcbi responsible bidder up to the time of opening. The right Is reserved to accept all or an) part of any bid. ProDOsala should be endorsed " Proposals for Hav or Oats," or " Wood," as the case may be, and en close In separate em elopes RUFCS 1NGALLS, Lieut. Col. and A. D. C, Chief Quartermaster. sep24 tf PROPOSALS FOR HIDES, TALLOW, HOOFS AND HORNS. SEALED PROPOSALS are Invited till the 86th of November, 1862, at 12 o'clock m . for purchasing all the Hides, Tallow, Hoofs and Horns of the Cattle killed by the Army of the Potomao in the territory embraced by the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers and the Blue Ridge mountains It is Intended that the contractor ahalt follow the army and collect the hides and tallow, hoofs and horns, and shall pay a certain sum for those articles from each animal, to be collected at his own risk. He will be charged with the articles In each case unless he can clearly show that he was presented from obtaining them by proper authority. A bond with good and sufficient security will be required for the fulfilment of the contract, and no bid will be entertained from previous contractors who have failed to comply with their contracts, and no bid will be entertained unless the bidder Is pres ent to respond to his bid. The articles of agreement, with a bond, will be required to be entered Into within two days from the opening of the bids The bids to be directed to Col. A. Beckwlth, A. D C. and C. 8., Washington, D. C, and endorsed ' Proposals." t f nor 7 "PROPOSALS FOR MARBLE TILK. TaEAinav ExTmstOM. Nov. II, 1862 PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVFD at the Bu reau of Construction, Treasury Department, until December 1st. 1863, at 13 m.. for furnishing and Isy lng Marble Tile for the Kails and Corridors of the west section of the Treasury Lxtensloa. Said Tile Is to be of the Iwtt qualltv of Italian white vein marble and the beat quality of clear black marble of equal hardness as the Italian, and In such proportions of each aa may be required, to be not less than one Inch thick on the edge, all sawed and worked equate, and well laid In cement or Plaster, as shall be most satisfactory, and with a border of white marble, not less than one foot wide, laid at the base throughout. The aize or tile may be from IS to IS Inches square, of uniform site In each story. The amount required will be about 24,000 superficial feet when laid. ' . Samples to be furnished by each bidder, showing ine quality ne proposes u lurnian, ana proposals to state price per Superficial foot when laid; also to name price per aquare foot separate for the black and white marble tlleci the quantity of each kind and form of laying them to oe decided hereafter. The work of laying the tile to be done from time to time as the halls are wade ready to receive It. The Bureau will reserve the right to reject any oralltheblds.lflnlUoplnlonltbenot for the In terest of the Government to accept them. ISAIAH ROGERS, Engineer In charge Treasury Department. -pROPOSAXS FOR.FLOTJR, Scaled Paorosau are Invited till the 3d day of December, 1883, at 13 o'clock m . for furnishing the subsistence Department with 30,000 BARRELS OF W 1U U IV. . Bids will be received for what is known aa No, l. No. 3 and No. 1, and for any portion lesa than the 30,000 barrels. Bids (or the different grades should be upon separate sheets of paper. No bid will be entertained unlesa the bidder is present to respond to his bid. The quantity of Flour required will be about 600 barrels dally, delivered either at the Government Warehouses la Georgetown or at the Railroad De pot at wasninrion, u v. The usual Government Inspection will be made just before the Flour Is received. The barrels to be head-lined. Bids will be accompanied with an oath of alla- Iiance, anu oe aireciea to ioi. a. jjuikwii ji, a '. C. and C S., V. 8. A , Washington, D. C, and endorsed " Proposals for Flour." no 19 -pilOPOHALH POIl mON I It UN-CLAD j. biui B'astiAiiiatiias Navy Depatmi:t, Oct S0.IS03 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until No vember 34, 1863, for the construction of one or more Iron Iron-clad Sea Bteamers, of about 7,300 tons, complete, including machinery mists, and spars' of iruu wini riniDK, iron uus.i, wim ancuors, cauies, sails, and all other equipments necessary for an el Bcient cruising shlp-of-war, excepting only the ord nance and ordnance stores. The general plana aud specifications can be ex amined at the Navy Department. The proposition must state the price for the' whole complete, and the time In which each vessel will be delivered at a Navy Yard on the Atlantis coast. Bids will only be received from parties who are known to be able to execute the work, and the con tract will embrace all the usual conditions. nov 1 ttawtNov34 w ILI.IAM FITCH, ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANTS, CORNER OF BKYENTU AND T STREETS, Oppo$Ut tht Pott Office, WASHINGTON, D, C, Prosecutes Claims for Pensions, Bounty Money, Bounty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Recruiting Officers, and sll other Just Claims against the Gov ernment. Also, Patents procured for Inventors. Special attention given to cases before the Court of Claims Fees reasonable In all cases, to witi la each Pension case, - - $0 00 Bounty Money case, --quo Bounty Land case, - u oo Pay Claim, i oo Widows and minor children who are poor, half ine aDoveraies inosewno are extremely in pioEitT.freeof charge, except mere disbursements. Correspondents will be entitled to share the fees in sll esses they forward. Consulting counsel, lion R II. GILLET, late United States Solicitor of the Court of Claims snd former Solicitor of the Tressurr. Special Reference by pertniuloni Hon. Richard Wallach, Major of Washington. Hon W, WSeaton, ex-Major of Washington. Lewis Johnson . Co , Bankers, Washington. Sweeny fc Huyck, Bankers. Washington. Ex-Gmernor Hunt.or Lock port, Nw ork. Judge Gardiner, of Lockport, New York. Hon. John Ganson, State Senator, Buffalo, N. Y, Hin. Hurt Vanhorn, member of Congress from tievr orlt. Hou. G. W Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Buf falo Messrs. Hubble & Davis, Counsellors, Buffalo, Judge Bo wen, of Lockport, New York. Judge Woods, of Lockport, New ork. Hon. T. T. Flagler, ex-member of Congress from New lor. Hon. John Ganson, President of the New York and Erie Bank, Buffalo, N, Y, oct28 lm NOTICE II HEREBY til VEN THAT the Copartnership heretofore existing between LYLE bt COFFIN Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN O XV LE, J. A. COFFIN. John G. Lyle still continues the business at the old stsnd. Washington July 31, IM3. Jy 23 ' lDtrATMtNT or ttti Imtkeiob, vr libit (. ab laiu 17, ISO. SEALED PROPOSALS, eadorseU"Preposala for inaian uooos," (viaas i, a, a, or a, aa tna case may be,) to be delivered la the city of Naw York, will be received at the Ofllee of Indian ARaffauatil twelve o'clock M . on Wednesday, the 10th day of Deoen- wr bvaii lur luiiiiiuiui iw iwhvwimi imihw articles! Class No. I, VecxiMf BUnkrti, CTotfas, and Dry Oaodt. 1,000 pairs S point white Mackinac blankets, to measure so by 73 Inches, and weigh 8 pounds ,000 pslrs 3 Jf point White Macklaae blankets, to measure M by M inches, and weigh pounds 800 pairs 8 point white Naekinae blankets, to measure 43 by M Inches, and weigh fix pounds 000 pairs IX point white Maeklaso blankets, to measure M by M Inches, and weigh iX pounds 100 pairs 1 point white Macklnaa blankets, to measure 33 by 4 Inches, and weigh X pounds 1,900 pairs S point scarlet Macklnaa blankets, to meaaure CO by 73 inches, and weighs pounds TOO pslrs SJtf point scarlet Macklaae blankets, to measure M by M Inches, and weigh pounds 100 pairs 3 point scarlet Macklnaa blsnketa, to measure 43 by M Inches, and weigh 6J pounds. 100 pairs l point scsrlet Mackinac blankets, to meaaure 13 by 4 Inches, and weigh V pounds 100 pslrs s point green Mscklnae blsnketa; to measure CO by 73 Inches, and weighs pounds 100 pairs 3tf point green Mackinac blankets, to meaaure M by 66 Inches, and weigh f pounds 1,000 pairs S point indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to meaaure 60 by 73 Inches, and weigh 0 pounds 8O0pa!rstfpolntindigo blue Mackinac Mankets, to measure 04 by to Inches, and weigh 4 pounds 100 pairs I point Indigo blue Mscklnae blankets, to measure 13 by 44 Inches, and weigh itf pounds r 000 pairs 1 point gcnttnella blue Macklnaa blan-; keta, to measure 60 by 73 Inches, and weigh 8 pounds SOO pairs H point gentlnetlablue Mackinac blan kets, to measure 64 by Inches, and weigh 6 pounds too pairs i point gentlnella blue Mscklnae blankets, to measure IS by M laches, and weigh AH pounds loo pairs 1 point gentlnella blue Mackinac blan kets, to measure 13 by 44 inches, and weigh ! pounds 1,000 yards fancy list blue cloth 4,000 do -ray list blue cloth 300 do da black cloth 1,000 do saved list black cloth 4,ooo do do blue cloth fr,ooo do do scarlet cloth 200 doien 8-4 woollen shawls 600 pounds linen thread. No. 40 I,3oo do cotton thread COaroaa worsted rsrtertna 76,000 yards calico 8.000 do Turker red calico 86,000 do blue drilling ,30,000 do brown drilling 10,000 do bed ticking 17000 do sstlnetta 36,000 do plaid limeys 20,000 do unblesohea domestic sheeting 2,ouu aa meacnea sneeTing lo,ouo do checks, stripes, and plaids 10,000 do Dsnnels, assorted 3,600 pounds brown gllling twine, No. SO 800 do cotton msltre 2,000 twilled flannel shirts 600 doien hickory shirts 2,000 calico shirts 100 dozen Canadian belts Class No. 3. RtaJjf Made nothing. 200 blue satlnett pantaloons 260 do coats 60 cadet mixed satlnett coats 260 do do pantaloons 176 frock coats, indigo blue, broad cloth 100 pantaloons do do 830 casslnett coats, trimmed with red. Class No. 1. Ifsrtf mirr, Agricultural JwipUmenit, 4C. 3,700 pounds brass kettles 40 nests (spanned kettles, (8 la a nest) 600 camp kettles, (3 sites) 900 dozen 3 quart tin pans 900 do 4 qufcrt tin pant 60 do 6qnsrt tlnpana 700 do tin cups 1,300 do squswawls 1,600 do hah hooks , 760 do fish lines 360 do coarae tooth combs 117 do fine tooth combs 600 do scissors 600 do shears in do weeding hoes 260 do hand saw files, 4)f Inches 60 do spades 2,600 short handle fry pans, 70 dozen basting spoons 1,600 do table spoons, (Iron) 66 do axes, to weigh 4( to 6 )i pounds 860 do half axes, to weigh 1 pounds, (with handles) 600 do sine mirrors 60 do Ore steels 000 pounds brass wire 160 do best Chinese vermlltlon 600, do seed beads 100 dozen butcher knives 100 do scalping; knives 230 do aquaw hatchets 13 do 4 inch flat files 80,000 pounds tobacco. Class No, 4. Gicas, Ammunition, 4c. 600 rifles, csp lock, (half ounce ball) 900 shot guns, (double barrel) 160 kegs powder 1,000,000 water-proof caps 900 bags Trald balls 200 flasks 200 belts 600 powder horns 1,000 flints 23 doien gun nipples mo wrenches. Goods of American manufacture of the required styles and quality will be preferred! but, as the of blankets and cloths are foreitu fabrics. it will be necessary, in proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds, that a sample thereof shall accompany the bid. Tne articles to be furnished must, in ail respects, coniom 10 ana ue equal wiin the Government samples, which may be seen at this office on and after the 34th. instant. The ar ticles will be rigidly Inspected and compared with the ssmples by aa agent or agents appolated for that purpose. Such as may be unequal thereto In any particular wiu De rejected) in wnicncase the contractor will be bound to furnish others of the required kind or quality within three daysi or, If that be not done, they will be purchased at bis ex pense. Payment will be made for the goods re- ceiveuon iavuivcsincrcoi,ceninci or tne agent or agents appointed to Inspect them. If la to be un derstood (bat the light will be reserved to require a neater or leas auantltv of anv of the articles named than that s peel tied In the above schedule) anuaM u.ub iur iuruiaMiiug im articles inajrue re jected at the option of the Department) and that none from persons who have failed to comply with the requirements of a previous eontrsct with the uimru vi wiiu are uut wiBuuiactuixr ur wholesale dealers In the required articles will ba considered) and the fact Outbidders are such man uiacTurers or ueaiers must ne eviuencea ny tne cer tificate of the collector of the nort where thev re- mc, or www re it is iirupuseu 10 uciiver ine articles. The proposals must embrace the articles, with the Quantities thereof aa thev are arranged in the :..- i.i .". -..: ...- "..-.. ..".i -J..I !!. .L. ..I. - a . -. . J. a cucuuiv, wiiu imo uriccs aanexru 10 racii, muoi lars and cents, at which they are to be furnished) anu iue uiuuuii iuuii w carneu uui aau iiwiru up for each class. Said prices and amounts must be so given, without any modification, or proposed modification, or variation whatever. They should be submitted with the following headinari I for we. hereby propose to furnish for the service of the In dian Department, and according to the terms of Its advertisements thereof, dated November 17th, 1863, the following articles at the price thereto affixed, (here Insert the list according to the class or classes proposed for,) deliverable in the city of New York by the 1st day of April next, or at auch time or times during the jear 1863 aa may be ordered by the Commissioner of Indian. Affairs) and If the propo sal be accepted (here insert the words " in whole or in part, If more than one class be proposed for,) I lor we. will. Within twentvdavs thereafter. execut a contract accordingly, and give security, satisfac tory to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for the faithful performance of the ssme." Esch pro posal must be accompanied with a guaranty In the following iuriu, 10 ve signra vy iwo or more respon- siuie jjrnoui.wuoie sumcicucy must ue ccruncu to by a United States Judge or district attorney) We hereby Jointly and severally guaranty that the above Didder, (or bidders,) If a contract ahall be awarded to him (or them) according to his or their Dia or proposal, wui execute a contract according lr. and aive the reaulslte securltr far the oerform. a nee thereof, as prescribed In the advertisement for proposals for Indian gooda dated 17th November, I86i srhd, In the t ent of his (or their) failure so to do, we hereby agree to bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and assigns, to forfeit and pay the United States, aa d anuses, a aim not lesa than fifteen per cent, on the amount of said bid or pro posal " Bonds will be required In the amount of tne ma ior tne launiui performance 01 tne contract, with two or more sureties, whose sufficiency must be certified by a United states Judge or district at torney. No proposal will be considered that does not strictly conform In sll particulars to the terms ana directions 01 mis sat rnisemeni. WM. P. DOLE, nov 18 stewDecIO Commissioner. TnVKHYBODY'Satteulioiilscalledtoour JLJ new biock 01 uoinug ior Men ana soys use, which we have Just received, snd offer for sale at very low prices, st no. h serentn street, near r, J BRUCE & CO, Proprietors of Oak Hsll Clothing Room, sep 26 im A fAINE AGENC 1 SOLDtER&RLUEr ASSOCIATION, ORlce. No 276 F street, cor. Thirteenth. Communications tu be addressed to J, W. HATHAWAY, State Agent, oct 16 tf Lock box 83, Washington, D. C. I? SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLFD TO OUR J new stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Gents turn lining uooos, nais, anu l-sds. L. A. BKALL & CO , se 26 In Clothiers, No. Ml Seventh street Wlft'W INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDFRS) For all of which It Is a sneedr sad certain reme dy, and never falls. This liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect icut, the famous bone-setter, and has been used la his practice, for more than twenty years, with tha most astonishing success. AS AS ALLEVIATOR or PAIS', It Is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trlsl. This liniment will euro rapidly and radically. Rhetussatlo Disorders of every kind, and, la thousands of eases, where It has been used, ltias never been known to fell. FOR KVRALQIAAt will afford Immediate relief In every case, however distressing. It wlU relieve the worst cases of IIEADACHEln three minutes, and Is warranted to do It. TOOTHACHE, also, will It cure Instantly. FOR NERVOV8 DEBILITY AND GENERAL LAS STTUDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this Liniment Is a mosthsppy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, It strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES. A an external remedr. we claim that It Is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give It a trial, for it will not fall to afford immediate relief, and. in a majority of cases, will efiVct a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fell to cure. u n-wiv fV44Hium. in j vviiutaiv, uiv vu- largement of the joints is liable to occur If neg- .A It.. . .... ... IV .........-( 1 111. IPC J JJO ska Ammtlmaa (mm. k.ll..l. , rvicw. ano nun.tiiviuij w vuatucmi UJ EUS unimeni in two or vnree aire. BRUISES, CUTS. WOUNDS. SORES. ULCERS. BURNS, AND SCALDS, yield readily to the won derful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to direc tions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STI&QS. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, The Great Natural Bone Better, DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, la known all over the United States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never falls. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds Immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache immediately, and was never known to fall. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom falls ,DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT lures rootnacne in one minute. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cuts and Wounds Immediately and leaves no scar DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Has been used by mora than a million people, and an praise it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus, and cnoiera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a " friend Id need," and every family should have it at nana. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for ssle by all Druggists. Price 26 and 60 cents. A Friend In Need. Try It. no civrrnv rvr.rriDrr nuiupun .. external remedr. la without a rival, and will all vlate pain more speedily than any other prepara- vi uu. r ur mi nucuuiiiv uu nervous visoraers It Is truly infallible, and, as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. , its soothing, heal ing, and powerful, strengthening properties, excite the Just wonder and astonishment ofell who have ever given It a trial. Over one thousand certifi cates of remarkable cures, performed by It within the Isat two years, attest the fsct. To Horse Owners! DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOB HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and In all cases of uameness, arising ironi nprains. uruisrs. or Wrenching. Its effect Is msglcal and certain. Har ness, or Saddle Galls, Scratches. Mange, etc., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be eaailr nrevented and cured In their Indolent atari. but confirmed eaaes are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of (he kind, however, is so desperate or nopeiess Dutit maybe alleviated by this Liniment, and Its faithful application will el- frsys remove the Lameness, and enable the horse 0 travel with eomparatlt e ease. Kvery Horse Owner should hate thia remedv at hand, for its timlvua at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render so many other niii 1 biu.uiv ,4ii r urt.jr nui mtna l) B. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I. TBI HOLDIKIl'S Fill END, And thouaind. hat e found It trulf A FRIEND IN NEED I Tu avoid Imposition, observe the SIrnature and ZJkeneii of Dr. Stephen Sweet on everjr label, and alio " Stephen Sweet'. Inf.Ulble Liniment " blown In the of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON o. CO , Sole Proprietor., Norwich, Ct. MOROAN k ALLEN, Central Agent., 48 Cliff Street, New Tork. Ef Bold by all de.ler. everywhere, no It Jy fcAlKfttfXBS: IMS i( 1 ,vlMilwi SPRING ARRANGEMENT, NKW TORK LINIR, THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND MILADKL- fHlA AWV'TRKNTOfl RAILKUAU 'COBirA NIKS' LINES. ' '&J Jv FROM" PHILADELPHIA TO NEW tORK AND WAY PLACES. Proast WsUamt Street Wharf 'and Ken- eingicm Depvt, WILL LCA.Y1 aa voLtnwa. tiz 1 Fare. At I A. M , vie Camden end Amboy C,a.A At A.M.,vtaCamdenandJerseyClty-New Jersey Accommodation 9 tS At 8 A. M.t via Kensington and Jersey City t MomlnaMsll . ' ' 100 At 1 Vf P. M .via Camden and Amboy Acoom- At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy C. and A. Panresa ---. sao At 4 P. M . via Camden and Jersey City Evening stxpress SOO At 4 P. M , via Camden and Jersey City N 8d Class Ticket - - - 3.26 At IK P M . via Kensington and Jersey City f . Evening Mall . 3 00 At 13 P. M , via Kensington and Jersey Cttyj Southern Mall - . - a 00 At 6 P. M. via Camden and Amboy Acoom- modatlon (Freight and Passenger) ist cirsb ucaet 3d class ticket 129 1JW Tha 8 W P. M. Line runs dally, Sundays exeepCsd. The 12 P. M. MUt hern Mall runsdallr. WAV LINES. For Brtttol, Trenton, c , at 7 10 and 9)1 A. M , and 6, SO and 12 P. MT., from Kensington, 'and Btf P. M. from Walnut atreet wharf. For Bristol and intermediate Stations at UK A. M . from Kensington. For Palmyra, Rlverton, Delanco, Beverly. Bur lington, Florence, Bordentown, Ac, at 13Kt h t and 6X P.M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown. and Inter mediate Stations, at 3l P, M , from Walnut street wharf. . Cf For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken si niton Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from tha Deoot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Baggage but their wearing apparel aii JMgxjaita orer niiypounaa,io Dopaia ior extra. The Company limit their responsibility for Baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 100 Dollars, except by special contract. WM. H. GATZMKR.. Agent. apSl TfTTOTBR ARRAKG1 TBR ARRANGEMENT. Philadelphia, AVUmtngton and Baltimore RAIL.ROAD. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1M1, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA , For Baltimore, at 3.30 a. m , 8.16 a. m.ll.U a. m., (Exoresa.1 and 10.60 d. m. i-orwmirr,iio 10 a. m ,11 as a. m , s a anu ivmi ;.:-. . .t - .... - .. .- .- For Wilmington, at 3 30 a. m., 8.16 a. m , 11 36 a. m.j S 46 and loio p. m For New Castle, at 8.16 a. m. and 1 46 p. m. For Dover, at 8.1S a. m. and 3 46 p. m. For Mllford, at 8 is a. m. For Salisbury, at 8.16 a. ro. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8 30 a. m. (Express,,- 106 p. m .(Express,) 6 20 and 7 p. m, (Express.) Leave WUmlnfton at 7 20 and il.ll a. ma.16. V-we, .K4.U Via". V. 1U. f uemya Bausoury at a so p. m. Leave Mllford at 4,66 p. m. Leave Dover at 9 a. m. and 3.10 p, m. Leave New Caatle at 11 a.m.andS.l0n m. Leave Chester at 8.20 a. m , 13.16, 4.60, and 9 30 p. m. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate stations at 6.20 and 7. p. m 1 for Dover and interme diate stations, at 1 os p. m. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE T AAA aH.AAAa a al AK m. .el a. Ai .. ew. . Leave Wilmington at 4.S0 a. m , 0 26 a. m . 12.38 p. m and 13 a. m. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows. Leave Philadelphia, for Perryrllle and Interme diate places, at 0.10 p. m. LmY9 wuminciou, ior rrrryvuie ana intermeai ata tklaeaa. at 7.10 d. m. Leave Baltimore, for Havre de Grace and Inter mediate stations, at 9 a. m. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 3.30 a. m. and 10 60 p. m , from Philadelphia to Baltimore;. " At 7 from Baltimore to Phlladclnhla. The 8.30 a. m. Train from Philadelphia to Battl- uora win run uauy, momdats excepted, S. M. FFLTON, Jan 3 tf President. pi R BOSTON, VIA NEWPORT AND ALL H1VKK. By the splendid and superior steam- . IP era M ET BOPOLIS, TeM PlTLEjMBmmmWkU STATE, BAY STATE, and STATE oP fflAlNE, of great strength and speed, but particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Sound, runnlne in connection with the Fail rirar and old Colony railroad, distance of 68 miles only to Bos- umiv iioi jit d, iiwiui iiivij ucr um omrTJ. The steamer EMPIRE STATE, Capt. Brayton, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock f ... M. M. a Wll. d. ..-.!.. n... r, nil. iviHwiuiff mwimn vaen wnjt Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 4 o'clock P. M.. touchina at Newport each wav. These steamers are fitted with commodious state rooms, ana every arrangement for the security and comfort of passengers, who are afforded by this route a night's rest on board, and, on arrival at Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting of the accommodation at 8 A. M., by which they may reach Boston about 8.45 A. M. A baggage master 4s attached to each ateamer, who receives and tickets the baggsge.and accom panies the same to its destination. . A steamer runs, In connection with this line, be tween sail river anu rroviaence, aauy, except sun Freight to Boston Is forwarded throurh with mat dispatch by an Express Train, which, leaves Fall river every morning, Sundays excepted, at IK o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination at about 1 1 A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at the omce, on ner no. a, norm river. For state-rooms and berths, apply on board, or If desired to secure 10cm in auranvc, to WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug j7-tf '70 and 71 West street, N. V. ITEST, NORTHWEST, AND SOUTH- V f WSiST, TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS, BANDS-MEN,' SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger trslnsfrom Wash ington to the Ohio river, without change of cars dally at 7) a. m. and 6 p. tn , and otlera greater in. ducementato the traveling public that any other lUUIOi II. . CHEAPER FARE, LESS CHANQFS OF CARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICKEk TIME Thli ti the only route that check. from W.ahloftoncltyto the Wcit. Tlcketi footl until uiedl anil paaaenseri have the privilege of Lying over at any point on th. route. Paiienger. procuring tlcketi by thli route, late the delay and expenae of Omnlbua tranefer. REMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure ticket!, li at the depot of U. k O. K. K. Baggage received at any hour during the day, and no charr. for handling baggage. augao tf QAPETV, HPEKP, AMD CUMPOIiT. FOR BOSTON. " WORCESTER, . PALMER, FITCIIBURO, uiauiTi T rill 1 1 t rAufAnri nuu ' linaiivni ., ww.ibwnis, It. WHITE MOUNTAINS. AND IN TFRMEDIATE POINTS. 1 UK new ana staunch steamers or TONanTcIT: tne norwicn unt. l'ity ur lias. Y OF NEW YORK. leave New York dally, (Sundays excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. in., from Pier No. 30, North River, foot of Vestry street, FOR NEW LONDON. There connecting with the Steamboat Fxpreas Train for the above points, via Norwich and Wor cester, Boston and Worcester, Worcester and Nasnau, ana new London ana Nortnern -Railroads, Freight taken at the lowest ratas. For Information, inquire of E. 8. MARTIN, my tf Agent, on the Pier rpJIIB IS TO GIVE NOTICE. That the X subscriber hath obtained from the Orphans Court of Washington county, in tha District of Co lumbia, letters of administration on the personal estate of Noah Drummond, late of Washington county, deceased. AUpcrsonsbavlngclalmssgainst the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the fifteenth day of November nexti they rosy otherwise bylaw be excluded from all benefit of the said estate. Given under my hand thia fifteenth day of No- vemner, a. u iehw. junn b, vnuiuuunii, Administrator, Frlnoe George county, Aid. Claims against the estate may be left at the office of Lemuel J, Middle ton, tsq . corner of Twelfth and F atreets. nor H law3w "a CORK BEAUTIFUL, CLOAlH Wahav SiX. now on exhibition the largest and best assort- ea stock 01 LADIES' CLOAKS we have aver offered, to the public Among them will be found all the new styles of the sesson, and at very moderate prices. Also, Frosted Beaver, Lion Skin, Plush, and Black Cloaking Cloth, in great variety. nor 13 eodot M. TAYLOR It CO. mramngr: v; , BOATft-NKW tfiia.. ' N1 FOR B4MTON nMM NEW LONDON, NORWICH, aad WORCESTER ? DAILY) S V (Snndays Exeepted,) v ? At 4 O'clock, P. M., m raoat PIER 33 N. R-, FOOT OF VESTRY STREET. The new and maamlflecnt steamer CITY Of ROftV TON, Wbu Wilcox, commander from New York . Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays! and front new AeODuon raonaays, weonesuays, anu VTioayv. The new and m agin cent steamer CITY OF NEW 4 YORK, Thomas G. Jewett. commander, from New York Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridsysi from, -New London Tuesdava. Thursdavs. and Batur days. Tnese two newsteamers hare been built express r for this route, with all modern lmorovements. In cluding Water Tight Compartment, and are the only steamers ever built for Long Island Sound with this great life-preserving improvement. inauoiors accompany ui steamers eacn way, Paaaenrera ttrooeed from Naw London lmmadlata- ly on arrival of steamers, by Express Train to Bos ton, Worcester. Lowell. Lawrence, Fltehburg Nashua, Concord, the White Mountalas, Ac. Ao. rassengcrs returning; irom uobum leave tne ir potofthe Boston and Worcester railroad at 6 30 I. M , WO 8 30 P. M. Worcester 7 P. M , arriving at New London Frelcht taken at tha rriwatt Rates. knA dellvsi d In Boston early tha next day. State Rooms In abundance can be had on board steamers, or at tha Boston or New York onces, in U(UCT. f n, MAHiin,M.i my tf pier 3?, N.H. fIREAT CENTRAL ROUTS v-" vvr n wen. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD and NIL'W YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. On amo Arrta Decimse t, 184 f, Express Trslns leave New York city depots ot Hudson River Railroad daIlr.Sundavan.ient.Ml. as From Chambers street At 7 a. m. 11 a.m., 6 p.m. , s 10 p.m. Montreal and Buffalo Train with sleeping ears. 10.tSn. m. UleUnii From soth street statloa At 7.36 a. m. 11 JO a. nu, 0 30 p.m. 3 40 p.m. 10 40 p.m. uu sunoaya, tne loiiowi ng trains will be run to and from soth street) The 10.40 p. an. sleeping ear train for Albany and Troy, and the 30 at m. from irv7,aaa9p m Train irom Ainany. Connecting at Albanrwlth theNewYbrk Cen tral Railroad for Schenectady Rochester, Utlea, Batavia, Rome, and atatlons on Rome and Water town Railroad, Buffalo, Syracuse, Niagara Falls, (niiaivH aaiuici 1HWM. H, ueruci a, VUP1WHUB. Trains In connection leave Buffalo and Suanen- slon via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and urvat vrraierH tuuuoao, ior namiiioaw loroniO, Detroit, ChAago. Toledo, Milwaukle, Fonddu Lac. La "Crosse, Madison, Pralria DuChlen, . Galena, Dunlelth Dubuaue. Peoria. Rock Island: Muit a. tine, Iowa City Burlington, Qulncy. Bprlagfleld, Aiion, i. .uiuis. tairo, ierre name, inoianapous, Louisville, Cincinnati. Dayton. Columbus, Cleve land, and all points West, Northwest, end South- NORTHERN ROUTE. ConnecUngwlth Trains at. Trey, with Troy and Boston, and Rens, and Saratoga Roads for Sarato ga, Whitehall, Rutland. Burlington, St. Albaas, Rouse Point, Plettsburgb, Ogdensburgh, Montreal. fcCjfcC. r D" Freight Arangements by this route ss above, without change of cars, from the Depots In Cham bers and Hudson streets, are at all times as favora ble as made by other Railroad Companies 'The facilities of this great New York Route, to the West, commend It to the confidence of merchants and shippers for promptness and despatch, Passeager Trains, with Smoking aad Sleeping Cars, run tn coanctloo on the New York Central '. Road. , . For particulars as to locsl trains and freight ar rangements, inquire at the depot, 63 Warren street. A; F. SMITH, deo IT Superintendent. "PRIE. RAILWAY. Passenger Trains leave via Pavonla Ferry from foot of Chambers street, as follows, Hit 8.00 a. ro. Mall for Dunkirk and Intermediate statlona, x This train remains orer night at Elmlra and pro ceeds the next morning. ... 7 00 a. m. Express, for Buffalo and principal In- t termedlate statlona. ' oo a.m. MlUt, dally, for Otlavllle and Interme diate statlona. 13.16 p. m. Accommodation, daily, for Port fervla and principal stations. 4.00 p. m. Way, for Mlddletown, Newburgb, and Intermediate stations. . flan p. m. Night Express, dally, for Dunkirk, Buf falo, Cauandalgua, and principal statlons.r Tha train of Saturday runs through to Buffalo, hut does not run to Dunkirk. , , , . . , ,, 700 p. m. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal stations. The Express Trains connect at HorneUsrUle with 1 railroad for Buffalo, at k-lmlra with the Caaaodal gua and Niagara Falla Railroad) at Blnghamton, with the Syracuse Rallroadvat Corning with the railroad for Rochester and Buffaloi anireat Bend, with the raUroad for Scranton. and at Buffalo and Dunkirk with tha Laka Shore Railroad for Clvt- land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Ac., and i the Canada railroads,! l , v iZ. CHARLES MINOT. . wnAntR tuuui, ( ICP13 uenerai superintendent. 1 'I CHAHLES' LONDON CORDIA1V . GA-XNrf Is distilled in London, and out up solely In quart and pint bot-1 ties, to meet the requirements s of Draggtsts,ana those to whom Pure and Unadulterated Liquor is a Necessity or a Luxurr. It Is the oldest established of all the GrNS (I) which hare started into existence upon the 'basis ' of Its welldeserred and hard-earned eeMbrity.t - It has no connection with, and Is In no way like the trashy mixtures sold aa ''English Gin," or "Old Tom," or "London Dock," or "London Gin," Ac , Ac , no matter how much " antiquity" or "respect ability, is assumed by their begetters. ' A'"' - Dr. Valentine Motl.of New Yorklsaysi "It Is far preferable to ereasv as Holland Gin, and Is the best article of Its kind I have ever seen.'.' Soaay- thousands of physicians. The New York Herald says t "We are surprised at Its beneficial eBects, it Is a eertaln safeguard to -health" , ( 1 ' Uw The Philadelphia Ledger sayst "It has no supe rior, If an equal, In medicinal virtues." , . . The New Orleans Picayune sayst "There la ho remedy on earth for dyspepsia equal to it.' '"'' The Boston Journal saysi "As a bererage, as a preventative, or as a remedial agent, we want no other. .It la our resworn.'? 1 WoMKNor AMEnicA.foryou. it is particularly adapted. In sickness or health, it Is ypur greatest friend. J ' zl " ' ' B. BALDWIN A CO j - . Sols luroarins, a 31 Liberty street, New York.; iu Sold in Washington by 1 , ;' LO VELU, COLLES A cd , Ut 310 E street, near Pennsylvania avenue, And by dealers generally, deo 13 ly ' ' f- - t pLAIUS AGAINST UNITRO STATES. FINLEY BIGGER (late Register of the United States Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN. Counsellors atXaw, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlcmentofdemaads against the united States, growing out of the presv ent war. Including the Accounts aad Claims of .1 States, Contractors. and Disbursing OQIcertiapplhfi catlonafor the restoration of property Illegally aelted or captured, and for compensation for the uae of private property for Government purposes, ' and for damagea for the Injury of auch property by the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty Isndsi ana for distributive shares of moneys paya ble at the Treasury and due to sub-contractors and others. J I They will also give legal advice to claimants, contractors, aau 10 unproieaaionai agenis in im 5ated cases) and, prepare written arguments when 4 ealred. t 1 With non-resident Agents who, may send them claims, an equitable division of,commlasloni will be made. Undisputed Demands will be collected and promptly remitted for a commission of from a hslf to two and a half per cent . depending on the amount) and negotiations with tne Departments conducted on moderate terms. By prompt attention, moderate charges, long ex1 perienee, and a minute knowledge of the ex-laws, regulations, rules, and precedents governing thai class of business at the Departments, they hope to render their lerrlces useful to claimants and public creditors. Reference maybe made to members of Congress, and officers of the Government) and especially, by the Hon. Euut a Wjuttluk Y.Flrst omptroller of the Treasury. , Address Messrs. BIGGER A SHERMAN, 1 Washington, D C Office. No. 316 F street, near Treasury and Wll lards' Hotel. nor a 4m, G W. UCJODAU., PLUMBER, AND . OAS ANU STEAM FITTER, 6(M Sevmlh llrftl, mar Canal Dridgt, WASHINGTON, ah at the ahorteat notice, in th I moet mbitantlel manner, and on rconable term., fenon.l attention given to every department t the buelne... nov 2 --k- ' 1 a(MAwAit fl J i IB Tai.. 'K