Newspaper Page Text
u- wimmjm.r t. Afvl-iint9t 'i 4:!- I iii i -"" T f I WAMIIIfUTOX, D. C.l TVEDNESDA.T MOV. , 18(13. THE POSITION. The Indications art lh,t " Intend to resist tha passage of Ilia Rappahaabock at Frtdtrlckibnrg bj oar army, without regard 10 the destruction of that ancltnt city, which anch resistance raaj InTolre. The topography I j ald to ba farorabl. to disputing tba passage or tba rlrer at that particular point, and onr forces maj ba obliged either to pais at aome other point, or to wait for tba erection of new works to force a passage at Fredericksburg Two causes of delay are, howerer, no worse thsn one, where either of them would be tie clsWe, and If our army could not more upon Richmond until the railroad from Aqula Creek to Fredericksburg is completed, It Is of no ton sequence, unM thst work Is done, that tba crossing of the Rappahannock Is obstructed. Our army at Falmouth, opposite Fredericks burg, Is now supplied by 'teams from Aqula Creek, and from Bella Plain, the last distance being only seven miles. But even, ao abort a haul as that becomes formidable, orer a road cut upan endless train if hearllr loaded army wagons. It rs confirmed that Stonewall Jackson has left the Valley, and that the enemy Is concen trating all his forces to resist the menu of Gen. Burnstda upon Richmond. The public hero manifest no ImpatlencQ upon the snbject. Confidence In the strength and bravery of the Army of the Potomac Is unlrersal.andsoalso Is the belief that It will ba pushed forward with all the speed which Is consistent with prndence. In the meantime, the movements and preparations for more ments upon the Southwest, where the most effi cient blows csn be struck, are going on with vigor. The Navy Department, too, is believed to be about to add to the already large list of victories In this war by the capture or more Southern cities. There have been amazing de lays In the completion of some of the Iron clads, but not more, perhaps, than was to be ex pected, In such large contracts, and where the vessels wsnted were of a class, In respect to which our ship builders had very little expe rience. And, after all, the navy will probably be ready quite as soon as It can have the neces sary co-operation of the lsnd forces. The arrival from Europe, announced yester day, brought Intelligence of a formal proposi tion, from Napoleon to the English Govern ment, to unite In an offsrof medlstlon between the contending parties In our civil war, and of the rejection of this proposition by the English ministers. It Is not to be supposed that Napo leon made such a proposition In form without first Informally ascertaining how it would be received In London, and the questlcfo then Is, from what motive he made a proposition for a Joint proffer of mediation which heknewwould be rejected, it tnay have been done as a pre llmlnsry to such a proffer on the part of France alone, or to satisfy some parties at home with a show of doing something, or to conciliate the favor of the South, If Its independence should at last be nchleed by Its own efforts. We shsll find out what It reilly means, as events tcveiope themselves, and not lefore. In the meantime, )t lstonsollng to know tliat (be iwenty-nve muttons, still loyal to the American Union, are able to resist all Interference on this continent from across the Atlantic. Cotton Is being pnrchased in Tennessee and Mississippi, lu the rear of our ariuv. at from forty-eight to fifty cents per pound. At this price, the cotton on hand at the South, est!. rmted (Including the current crop) at four millions of bales, will realise to the producers one thousand millions of dollars. If iho price even falls one half, by the throwing of large quantities upon the market, and a greater fall than that for a year to come Is hardly to be anticipated, the South will receive for cotton five hundred millions of dollars, wherewithal to repair the financial ravages of the war. A letter, published In the New York But, from St. John's river, (Fla.,) Nov. 10,sa)s that Florida troops are being ordered off for service elsewhere, while Mississippi troops are being marched Into Florida. This Is an imita tion of the old Austrian tactics of garrisoning Hungary with Italian soldiers,' and Italy with Hungarian soldiers. The rebel chiefs are un questionably acting upon this policy to a large extent. Virginia has always swarmed with soldiers from the Gulf, and ei en from fjr dis tant Texas. Beauregard has a large arm) In tout). Carolina, but there are to-day bouth Carolina regiments In Virginia, and at least two.underGeneralBragg, In Tennessee. It Is a great element of military despotism, to bate armies disconnected from any ttesorsjmpj Ihles with the populations among which they are located. The rebel leaders are accomplish ing that to the extent of their ability. ST The New York Tuna, of Monday, has the following mischievous paragraph i " Burnslde is on the eve of a struggle ithln the small space between our capital and the rebel capital, which will almost certalnl) de cide the fate of ono or the other of these capi tals, and may cveu decide the fate of this re bellion or of our beloved Union." The fate of this rebellion, or of the Union, Is not to be decided by any single battle, to be fought anywhere, and least of all In Virginia. We have had an Indecisive war In that State (or twenty months. Jeff. Davis says he cju continue It for twenty years. There never was but one woy to put down the rebellion, and that Is, to put down slaver), and that Is to be done In the cotton Ststes. No conceivable re sult of any campaign In the border States will end this war. i:xurm;.o Blkoeoss Appointed. The fol lowing examining surgeons have been appoint ed by Commissioner Bcrrett t Dr. Joslah S. Hendricks, Madison, Ind. Dr. E. 6. Gale, Vevoy, Ind. Dr. Wm. T. S. Cornetts, Versailles, Ind. Dr. Jas. F. Dodds, Bloomlnglon, Ind. Dr. Wm. A. Pugh, Rushvllle, Ind Dr. II. T. Bntler, Noblesvllle, Ind. Dr. M. M. Sutta, Goshen, Ind. Dr. John W. Boody, Greensburg, Ind Dr. John W. Crosks, Rockport, Ind. Dr. Jas. Bunce, Galesburg, III. Dr. Alex. Ilewetson, St. Clalrrllle, O. Dr. Chas. Beardsley, Oskaloosa, low a. A JaP The Com ml e si oner of the Internal -Revenue hs decided that an Incorporated bank does not require a broker's license, simply be came It ef III to Us customers Its checks Tor a orpins of its funds accumulated In a pot her bank Jn the same or In another place. s7Shllllngtou, who always has I lie newest things, has sent us Harper and the Atlantic Monthly for December. They are both capital numbers of those well established periodicals. prjtsowiL. Central Prentiss Is In Washing ton at WlUardV. EDITORIAL HVMHARY, StosKWAtt JaVCKsoir. In noticing tholele gram published by us yesterday morning, which . .. -. .il iii w-.v. i.vHUl rcjyun ilOB ay mTiBfj uue mum, . iu ihsu tnond, theSAsrosstenlAg saysjtt always contended tlutf, hit Would do this. jWU)that editor phrf-M4,ttifl paper- the paragraph lay which he announced this important fact I In Its Issue of Saturday evening, and then again on Mqndaxyealng,hfl Stir Insisted, that Jackson was coming down upon tedding to take Arlington, nd turn Its guns upon the city. Is not this a conrenlent after-thought of our neifchbofr-" GEOROS t'tUlciS ON'TEMrtRAkCY. Sir. Train has sent us the New York Sun, con taining some remarks of h. upon temperance and abolition. AVe bid Mr.. Train Qod-epecd In his efforts to promote the temperance cause. but his diatribes on abolition are neither wise nor just. Mr. Train may possibly live long enough, to find out that universal liberty Is the birth right of mankind, of every race, clime, and condition of humanity. We can't go for the liberty of the Irishman and the enslavement Of the negro, ha for the freedom of both alike. J err. lUviVs Dispatch. The New York Herald, of the 2Mb, says that JclT. Da tin aent the following dispatch to old Stonewall i "Ifyou do not leave the valley at once and come help us defend Richmond. It wilt not be worth your while to come tolls defence at all.' Jackson has probably obeyed, as he Is known to have gone to Richmond. There la now not probably many rebel troops In the valley) still we may expect yet further raids from their cavalry scouts. , Trial or GxaFiTZ Jonx Poktxb. The court of Inquiry Into the charges against this officer convened yesterday mornlng,r but Imme diately adjourned until to-day, Mr. Holt sta ting that the Government was not then prepar ed to proceed. Gen. Prentiss made his appear ance for the first time. This court, and also that for the Investigation of the charges against Geu. McDowell, meets at 427 Fourteenth street, near Pennsylvania avenue. As Important Movement. We shall soon know the results of anlmportant movement on the Mississippi under the command of Commo dore Porter and General McClernand. All rebel- dom In the Southwest will soon be made to howl. With such generals as Grant, Rosecrans and McClernand, and such naval commanders as Porter and Farragnt, the rebels will soon find warm work. GE5. Banks. Gen. Banks, It la said, Is very popular with the Massachusetts regiments. The General Is a live man, and will be, as be deserves to be, popular with all soldiers. He Is familiar with every phase of human life, and has an in rtlncth e knowledge of men; or rather, perhaps. we should say, he has studied men as well as books. Rebel Raid. The telegraph announces a rvbel raid Into Poolesvltle, Md., yesterday, a.m. It consisted of about CO cavalry. Messrs. Cheesy andSargeanl, Government operators at that place, were captured and paroled. They were permlttedtotelegraph this Intelligence to Wash ington. It Is supposed that these parties cross ed at White's Ford. Rather a bold move. Fens. We would call especial attention to the advertisement of Marshall & Page, It will be seen that they offer rare bargains to all who dcftlre to purchase articles In their line. Those w ho vv HI make them a visit will be sure to find aomethlug which they may need, and to get It cheap. Tuk Cabinet Makers. The cabinet makers of Philadelphia have had a meeting In that city and resolved to make a demand upon their em ployers for higher wages. The Increased price of living calls for this movement on their part. They will probably succeed. l.ELioiot s Tents. The War Department does not grant the request of the chaplains, to furnish tents for religious services, on the ground that these tents would be an unneces sary Incumbrance to the movements of the arm. Bank Kobrert. The Freeman's Bank, Brls- tol, R. I., has been robbed of $15,000 In bills of various banks, and a large amount of bonds, notes und other valuable papers, and also some specie. It Is re ported that four millions worth ofarmy supplies were returned over the Orange and Alexandria railroad to Alexandria from War ronton In a single day, Two hundred and twenty-tire cars were loaded with these stores. Tiir Ma. ok op Fredericksburg. Major Slauglter Is the mau who was released from the Old Capitol prison some six weeks ago. We trust he may Itnd himself In durance agalu at no distant day. Fraiduleit Exemptions. Assistant Sur geon Thomas C. Pollocjc has been arrested by order of Gen. Thomas, charged with Issuing false exemption papers. Balloons. Prof. Lowe has gone to Fal mouth, by order of General Burnslde, for the purpose of making observations In that vlclnlt) of rebel movements. FiiLihE or the Mail. No mail was re ceived beyond Baltimore last night by the regu lar mall train, but was brought by the eight o'clock accommodation train. Ejplluion. Rev. Charles A. Davis has been expelled from the Virginia M. E. Conference on account of accepting a chaplaincy In the United States army. Z3T J. Whltelaw Reed, Esq., of the Clnclu nart Gazette t (widely known as "Agate," ar rived tu the city yesterday and Is stopping at Wlllards. C3T We hear It btated that the Legislature of U est Virginia w 111 probably be com ened on or about the Arst Thursday In December. Election. The Democrats carried Norwalk, Connecticut, at the charter election, on Mon day, by quite a majority. IlAKTroRD. Hartford, Conn., goes Demo cratic by 224 majority at the charter election oil Moudaj, A Presentation. General Sigel's staff have presented him with a beautiful black horse as a token of their respect for hi in. Lifut. Halllck. Lieut. Halleck, of Stuart's rebel cavalry, Is said to be u nephew of our commanding general, 'IueLocht op iNquiHYluthe case of Gen. McDowell will commence Us Investigations to-day, la open session, at 11 o'clock. AsuORE.-The steamer Geo. Peabody s ashore at Hatteras lu a dangerous position. Friendly Fccliug of ti, Chlppewas. Hon. Mr. Usher, Assistant Secretary of the Interior Department, writing from St. Paul, Minn., where lie has been sometime on official business, ttates that a recent Interview with the chief of the Chlppewas of the Superior has relieved him from any apprehension of trouble with that tribe. The chief assured him that all reports of discontent amoug them were ground leas that they were provided with every com fort, contented and happy. NEW YORK COniiKBPOIfDElVrR. LMondat Evxhiho, Nov. 'J lib, 18$aV An OntOM Movement ErtxcteitVen. .V&JUt lrrf,JwWflSi JlU JroHtyn firrtf Messrs. Editors! ThcreM a dearth of news even In this metropolis, and-4.1 are watting In anxious aeipeytttIon, for. General f..Burnilde fo move upon Fredericksburg, and then upon Richmond. The cry of "On itoTOc;hrnOQr ft revived, ana many nere wno join tnis cry seem to think that this lttheon1y -way the rebellion Is to hi crmthed, - - J , 1 1 General McClellan'a presence In our cttv Is making s6me atlr In certain 'quartets but not near so bl& a boo as some of our newspapers Intimate.1 Ills lady 'received from sdnie un known source a beautiful bouquet. This Is con sidered as worthy or neinr chronicled, and hence I ghe It, not to be behind. You will notice that, at a banquet, In Syra cuse, some noodl nominated Horatio Seymour for President, This Is right, bring him out i but how will this suit little Mac's worshippers 1 There will be a good many Democratic nomi nees for the Presidency before the eventful hour comes, and then, perhaps, there will he a Dem ocrats party,' and then, perhaps, there wont I The following toast given at the above named banquet Is a rich gem i "General Burnslde, the successor to the com mand of the Army of tho Potomac, to carry out the plans of General McClellan.' That will dot There Is great activity at the Brooklyn navy yard, and every branch of business Is being pushed forward there with the utmost celerity. The Nlnh ward abortion case Is attracting some considerable attention. I don't know why It should in this great city, when such crimes are of every day occurrence I The Kxprtu of this evening opposes the arrests of persons who are known to discourage enlistments. It probably feels its own neckiu the noose. It says everybody Is loyal In New York but the abolitionists. The F.xmtu no tions of loyalty are pecuBar I Th Jnimsiil Ar frmtmtvs till A latvifMii (IsW fence of Gen. McClellan'a campaigns. There Is In It aome truth, bnt a good deal of romance. The truth bears about this proportion, vlzt " Two grains of wheat In three bushels of chaff." It Is rumored that Hon. James Brooks and the editor of the "rowdy journal,'' and Jeffer son Birch are soon to be In your city, to try their hand upon Influencing Congress and the President to make overtures for peace with the rebels. "Brother Ben and me" will also make a part of this press-gang. Theatricals are In a thriving condition here, and nowlthstandtng the Increased price of living, people somehow find money to spend on amusements. So we cor neither war. pesti lence, nor famine can check this great people in its pursuit or pleasure i ruAnos. Grover's. The reign of MHs Lucille West era at this theatre" continues with unabated, or, rather, with constantly-Increasing attractions. The programme on Monday evening was one of the very best of this engagement. In the part of the Stranger, .n "The Mysterious Stranger In Paris," as well as in that of Katba- rinejinKatharlne and Pttrnchio,"the conclud ing Dlece. she fullv equaled her very best previ ous efforts. Her uniform and decided success in each and all the extended circle of characters In which she has appeared In this protracted engagement Is ery remarkable, and her suc cess Is fast rlpenlnjr Into an ovation. Mr. L. P. Barrett has, In his recent advent here, added new and elegant attractions to this great company. His Pctruchlo was In every respect a moat admirable delineation, and his brother, Mr. J. L. Barrett, bore away decided honors In the character of Count Vanllle lu "The Mysterious Stranger." Mr. Bokee, as Captain Gasconade and Baptlsta, was unusual ly good In both pieces, In which he was noticeable for much less than usual of his tendency to stiff and unnatural action. Ills part In Jack Sheppard is his most faulty performance, except his participation In the scene at the table, In that piece, In which his excellent rtadingg has more than once attracted attention. Miss Isabella Freeman, aa Mile. Nautelle, was charming, as she Is lu all her performances. Miss Ryan, Miss Glmber, and Mrs. Germon, and, Indeed the entire corps of stock performers, did themselves credit. Setchell, In both pieces, as Crequet, and as Grumlo, was in his finest humor, and so kept the crowded house through the entire perform ance. In the concluding piece, the applauses nuauauiAW. itio uvuic tu icij vvue, nut testified the appreciation of this splendid per formance, and, as somebody has long ago eald on another occasion, many a hearty laugh the delighted audience shared, as they reflected mat, in the words or oirdonn Harrington " The 'Taming of the Shrew,' hath made a number of us so perfect that now every one can rule a shrew in our country mm A that hath her." THIS DlFFKItEKCK. The Falmouth correspondent of the New York Tribunt speaks thus of General Burnslde How unlike the course of McClellan t " All Is changed now. General Burnslde leads the van. His headquarters are amoug the moot advanced, (at present they are not a half mile from where I write.) He sends his men nowhere that he daro not himself go with them. Not that I suppose he will needlessly expose himself. He is too good an officer for that. But he Is ever with the advance, lie watered his horse In the Rappahannock on the 19th the llrst man to reach the liver.. Had the enemy's pickets not a stone's throw from him on the further shore known who the large man In the slouched hat was, they might hae tried a shot at him. Of course he knew this; but, doubtless, he relied on the probable fact that they have become bo accustomed to a Union commanding general who kept beyond long range cannon shot, they never Imagined, for a moment, that the leader of our armies would put himself within reach of a smooth-bore musket. He was safe enough, no doubt." The same writer (peaks thus of the contra bands t " Yesterday, quite a number of ' contrabands' came into tamp with their bundles ou their shoulders, having left their masters and mis tresses further Inland. It Is singular how auicklv these blacks learn where tho army Is. If they love slavery so well as the pro-slavery doughfaces of the North would have us belle e, why do they fly from It whenever, In any part or tne country, me opportunity occurs r Tub Neoro Market. The following muBt hare been an entertaining sight t The negro market has shown considerable acthity the present week, and prices have ranged well. At the salerooms of Messrs. Puillain &. Co., yesterday, a family of eight, consisting of the mother and seven children, boys and girls, oue In the mother's arms, sold for five thousand one hundred dollars, and a second family, of the same lot, consisting of a mother and lour children, bois and girls, brought two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. At the auction rooms of Hector Datis, Esq., there was a large sale of single likely negro men and women, some of the latter with chil dren. The following Is the range of prices t Likely boy, 15 ears old, $l,4b0 j common wo man and girl, 1,015 ; likely girl, 1(1 J ears old, il.?X)i woman, girl aud boy. fl.ttfOt negro woman, $780; woman and boj, 11,200; likely girl, mulatto, $1,330 HUly mulatto bo), 10 years old, 9 1,300 1 woman und two thlldren, like), $1,1)00 1 likely farm hund (man) 1,010; woman, cook, washer, and ironer, $H00. The attendance of buyers was quite large, Itkh tnond Fiiitniner, aw, 22. t7 Senators Rice, of Minnesota, Trumbull, of Illinois, and ex-Governor Wright, of In diana, haie arrived in Washington. Pobtaoe Currency. One hundred thousand dollars worth of this currency Is now furnished dally, See a woman lu another column picking Sambucl Grapes, for Speer's Wluu. it U an admirable article, used In hospital-, and by the I first families In Paris, London and New York, In preference to o.d Port Wine, It Is worth a trial, as It gives great satisfaction. tf BY TELEGRAPH. WIOM TIIIC I KADaUAIlTKH OF TUK iXy A II Ml tYgytj Lp0jT&1gLCy fe XlfepecUl Dn.tUa rU;4d JL t i.El By a private dispatch, received last evening direct from Falmouth, we learn that nothing of lnfportahce transpired tn thai locality either on J Monday or Tuesday. tOur array. Is. In prepara ltion for aome Important root em em f but It Is uppoaed, nothlngJluympprtaMwUJc. cur for several days,. LATEST KIIUM THIS UtMKUIATK KIIONT, IS TttUQth Ci. fHO V IU H PI IPS I EHR K. OliV. KLLLrS SCOVTS CAPTVRf A REBEL CAVALRY PICKETOF TU kU E ., IIOHSLS, ETC. Jackaon'e Vr Gon to Illehmonil via Front nojml OVH FORCES TO OCCUPY WINCHES iTKR IX A FKW DAYS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO BE PUT IV RISKING ORDER. Baltimore, Nov. 25. A special dispatch to the American, from Harper's Ferr), states that General Kelly, yesterday, sent out n scout from New creek, who captured a rebel cavalry picket of twelve men, with horses and accou trements,, within four miles of Winchester. Prisoners say that Jackson has started with his entire force for Richmond, by way of Front Rojal, leaving only a regiment of cavalry at Winchester, Instructed to follow In a few days. The probability la that onr forcea will occupy Winchester In a few1 nays, when Ihe work of reconstructing the Baltimore and Ohio railroad will commence, to bo completed In twenty days. , , it t ii- I.ATKST FUOM NKW OHLKANI. Oor. XHEPLEY8 -rXOCLAMATldX, THE RELEASE OF U. S. SOLDIERS FROM CAPTIVITYr SUMMARY TREATMENT OF A BAKK BY GEXERAL RUTLER. A CAVALRY RECOXXOISSAXCE. THE HERO AT.HAVAXA FOR COAL. New York, Nov. Iii. The steamship Roan oke, with New Orleans dates to the 15th Inst., has arrlTedat this port. Among her passen gers arc Gen. Arnold and his staff, en route for Boston. Gen. Arnold Is suffering under a paralytic shock. Gov. Bheple has hsued a proclamation pall ing upon the loyal electors of the first and second Congressional districts of Louisiana to choose representatives to the national Congress, and haa appointed the 3d of D ecember next is the day of holding; the election.1 One hundred and twenty-four men of the Eighth Vermont rcglmeutywho were captured by the rebels on the 4th of September, w ere re turned to New Orleans on thel Slh Inst. Seven were shot by the rebels for having enlisted In New Orleans Threw former Confederates who had enlisted in the Eighth Vermont, also Ser geantMUlsaud Private Spear, ofRoyalton, Ver mont, wcro detained at Vlcksburg, and four dud during their captivity. The total number captured was one hundred and forty. General Butler has seized and closed the Bank of New .Orleans for sending $405,000 In specie within sjxty daya to the rebel govern ment. The specie had been previously report ed to General Butler as having been sent away, which was not the fact. A cavalry reconnolssance from General Welttel1 force captured recently two cannon w Ithln four miles of Baton Rouge. The Delta, of the 16th Instant, cxposea some transactions of Ed. Grantherim A, 'Co, with the rebels, and Implicates the French consul. The steamer Hero put Into Havana, on the a fit l. ,. --.a t..i ... .1.... Jl.- A... from Philadelphia. I be weather la fine at Havana. MISTAKE IN TUB NAMIC OF TIIU KV- ROPBAN STKAMKR OFF CAP1C HACK. MAIL FROM SAXTA FJ2 DELAYED BY HEAVY MAINS. PRESENTS FURNISHED TO THE UTAH INDIANS ON THE THIRD INST. THEY EXPRESS A WILLXKQhESS l) ASSIST THE VNITLD STATES GOVERNMENT. New York, Nov. 5. The European steam er which was Intercepted off Cape Race, yes terday, was the Africa, and not the Arabia, as was yesterday erroneously stated. Kansas City, Nov. 25. The Sante Fe mall, of the 10th Instant, has arrived. It was de layed by hcary rain storms along the route. The distribution of presents, furnished by the United Statea Government for that portion of the Utah tribe of Indians belonging to the auperlntendency of New Mexico, took place on the 3d instant. Tho chiefs expressed themselves to be well'satlsflcd, and said they were desirous to unite Mith our troops In the expedition against the Navajoes, and help to conquer them into obedience to the proper authorities. All Is quiet along the route. L.teit from California. San Francisco, Nov. 25. The manufacture of turpentine and rosin has been commenced by a firm In Maysville, Eight thousand pine trees have been tapped at the foot of the hills, a few miles distant from the city, and It Is cal culated they will leld two hundred gallons of turpentine ana sixty uarreis or rosin per week, Kmbarkatlou of Troopa for Newberu. Boston, Nov. 25. Tho Eighth and Finy-flrst regiments Massachusetts volunteers embarked lor newoern mis aiternoon, licit. Pope atJMllwaukte. Mixwaukie. Nor 25. Gen. Pone and staff nave arrivcq nere. From Fortreaa Mouror, Fortress Monroe, Nov. 24. The Southern papers received here to-day contain the follow Ing Items i The Savannah Republican sayat "We have reason to ucuct e uovernment lias again put me w neels of war In motion In the right direction. which, properly conducted, will thwart all the cnerisnea pians or me ens ray. ana secure ins ovennrow ai every point to whicn tney are ui rccted. We shall hear of the result at an early day." The Dadtj SaUlntl, Augusta, Georgia, of INovemuer iv, says t "John C. Cole, u refuiceo from Missouri, has Imenlcda machine for making percussion caps w Hi en exceis anytmng or me fcina eitner liortii or South. Its superiority consists In the man ner In which the cap Is cut from the copper and formed, at a stuglo operation, without trans ferring froui oue tool to another. It Is capa bio of making by hand one huudrod per minute, and bj steam 105,000 per day." "It has been discovered in Georgia that by digging wells forty miles from the main shore, (wuere mo iiueruna, anu om oi reucaui me Yankees,) water Is obtained, of which two hundred and fitly gallons will make one bushel of salt, whereas It takes seven hundred gallons of tlde-watir to make the same quantity. "A shoemaker In Knoxvllle, the other day, charged $30 for u pair of boots. Ho was Im mediately conscripted for extortion." DEFENCE OP 0AVANNAU. "The city authorities of Hnianuali, Georgia, art making urramrerneuts to move tho non- combatants from that clt,prtparatory to the anticipated stuck of the enemy. The follow ing resolution wan unanimously adopted by the State Senate: "Resolved, That tho city of Havauuah should nftver lie surrendered! that It bhould be de fended, street by btreett until. If taken, the victors' epoua snau oe a neap oi ruioo.- Texas. SA Texas paper speaks na followt.of the Fed eral purpose to recover that State to the Unloni - Galveston, the beautiful ctty of tho Gulf, has fallen. t.Thetelnlons of Lincoln have made It their nest. and. aa wtothave seen In similar cases, there will be batched from .It, If tho ut roost vlgilanca be t not exercised, untold "mis eriesio inociaie, Aiasi wmu 4 piciureaoea our sister Btate of Louisiana not exhibit 1 Within her borders the tracks of the worse than barbarian foe are everywhere marked with blood, spoliation, and rapine many of Kne peopie exuea irom jnomea once loveiy oui now desolated. Shall we be treated with less severity than were they t -To the citizens of Texas at large we mutt and do appeal In this emergency, and we earnestly Invoke at their hands the prompt display of all their energy and of all their patriotism. From without, no help Is to be expected, and within ourselves must we find resources with which to meet and rcjwl this Invasion of our soil. Our resources happily are ample, and all rcaulred of us Is to systematize and render them effect ive at the proper time. In every county the citizens should organize companies of minute men, ready to respond to the call at a moment's notice. Every arm should bo kept in order, and supplies of fixed ammunition provided. Officers, too, thai confusion be avoided, should be chosen. If all this be properly done, wo may bid defiance to any force the enemy may send against us. un other neios. tne ran ant soldiers or Texas have taueht the robber foe what he has to ex pect 1 and If he Invade our State, It will only be upon the presumption that we are unprepared to meet him. Banish from him this delusion. Let us make ready, now that we have the chance, and should the enemy dare to Invade our State, to pollute onr homes by his hated presence, we will repeat those feats of prowess our noble soldiers have made Illustrious on the bloody plains of Gaines's Mill and Manassas, and which In all future ages will render the name of Texan an honor. Preparing for the Katt Ttuutiic Cam paign. Parson Brownlow. writing to the Phlladelnhla Prttt, under date of Louisville, November 17, says 1 General Moriran's division of the arm v. late of Cumberland Gap, Is arriving hero byregl- menu, at iaai as me ooaia can iana mem, ana here his command Is divided. He Is ordered to report at Memphis, with a portion of his command. The East Tennessee regiments are ordered to report to General Rosecrans, at nasnvuie, ana are unacraiooa 10 oe intenaea for the service of going Into East Tennessee, which will be pushed forward at once "In lorce." at least not ra line short or one hun dred thousand men. Two of our East Tennes see reglmcnta left last night for Nashville, and two others will be off to-night, and so on, as they arrive, until they are through to the main lorce. ine isi Tennesseeans are perrcctiv delighted with the Idea of going under Rose crans, and of his leading them Into East Ten nessee 1 And, as they approach that country, I advise all secessionists who have not made their peace with God to leave "for parts un- KUQWU." The rebel forces under Breckinridge. Cheat ham and others are retreating from Murfrcea boro and Lebanon toward Chattanooga, where they have an Immense rebel army, as well as large supplies of arms and provisions. Rose crans will follow them lelsarely, putting through Immense army supplies from this point, with equal facilities for transportation. The rebels are destroying the roada and bridzes as thev go, but the dirt roads were never before In finer condition, and the streama are all low. The advance can rtpalr the bridges rapidly, aud the mum igrce can ioiiow on, keeping inemseirea In srood condition. I have unbounded confi dence In Rosecrans, and the country may look out for a triumphant march Into East Tennes see, but for the spilling of much blood, and the loss of many lives on both sides, In passing Chattanooga. ' Gold. The steamers that sailed from New York on Saturday last, took out $1,500,000 In specie. It O C I. A M A T I O N . Mayor's urricc, Wathington, November 30, I8G3. WMItt another section of our country Is famine worn, and titter cltlei lie proatrate from evils dreadful to auHVr and mournful to behold, results of a blind and lawleu remittance to conatitutlonal authority and the majeity of the law, an all-aeetng rroviuence nai averted from ua thla curse or trea son, and with an unreluctant hand vouchsafed In numeroua ei ldencea of His grace. For that manifestation antf thla benediction It behoot es us to be thankful, and 1 therefore, and In compliance With the following joint resolution of the City Councils, request my fellow-clt liens to ah. stsla from secular employment, and, assembling In their respective places of worship on Thursday, 71th Instant, unite with reverent love in grateful expressions to Almighty God. RICHARD WALLACH, Mayor. Joint Resolution appointing a Day of Thanks- Siting. It Is becoming In a Christian people to return thanks to the Giver of all good for the mani fold blessings lte vouchsafes them as a community) andwnereaa is peculiarly appropriate mat the city of Washington should unite with her slater cities tn the obam aulo of a day of puMle thanks giving aud praise) tie it ihcrtjoie, Jc, That his Honor the Major la hereby requested to set apart by public proclamation Thumdaj , 37th November tnatant, aa a da) of thanksgh Ing and praise to Almighty God for the mercies of the past j ear, and of prajer for a restoration of peace and of fraternal feeling throughout the Union, inviting all citizens to ab stain Irom their usual secular employments and to unite In a proper observance of the day, ALEX. R. SHEPHLRD, Prtiidtnt of Board of Common Council. JOSEPH F, DROWN, lieiiJentoftht Board of Aldermen. Appro ed, Not ember 8, 1803. RICHARD WALLACH, no 24 aieod Mayor, TnOPUHAI. H. DVHEAU Or YAD! AMD DOIKS, Nsvy Department, 2lth November, luei. 8KALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for building house at Naval Hospital, New )ork," will be received at this office, until noon on the Kuuay 01 ueccmoer, tow. tor turnianing an ine materials and workmanship required In tonstruct Ing a house for a Surgeon, on the Naval Hospital grounds at Brook) ) n, New ork, according to plans and specifications which are lodjred with the Civil Engineer, and may be seen on application to him at the Brooklyn Navy lard which plans and spe cifications will be attached to and form a part of the contract. Fvnn oj Offer. (Here date the otter ) I, (here Insert list- name or names composing the llrm,) of (name the town,) In the btate of (name the Mate,) hereby oiler to furnUhunderyour advertise ment dated (date of adt ertlsement,) and subject to all the requirements of the same, and of the plans and specifications to which It refers, all the mate rial and workmanship necessary for the construc tion and completion of the house for a Burgeon at the Naval Hospital at New I ork, according to the Flans and specifications, for the sum of (here write he amount In words,) and should my olfer be ac cepted, I request the contract may be prepared and sent to the Navy Agent, at (name the agency) for signature and certfrtCAte. (Here the bidder and eath member of the firm are to sign ) Fvrm of Guarantee. n.i - .... s I r... . ....-. n.nBlnr t lie uiiurraiKiJcu. uniuv ui uuirnuiuiw i"" the town,) and Stale of (name the State,) and (name of second guarantor, tic,) hereby undertake that the above named (name the bidder or bidders,) will, Uhla or their oittraa abovebe accepted, enter into contract with tho United Statea, within fltleen davs after the date or notice, through the post of fice, of the acceptance or his (orthelrj oiler before mentioned U itnr.; (Signature ofguarantora ) I certify that the above named (here name the guarantors) are known to ine to be good and res ponttltilp guarantors In this case. (Signature ) To bo signed b) (he district Judge, dUtrlct attor nev, collettor, navj Hgent, or some jrson known to the bureau to tu responsible Tu guard against ottora belugopeued be lure the time appointed. LMdei s are requested to endorse on the envelope, above tho address, and draw a line under the endorsement, thus. "l'ropoat$Jor Sargron'i ihuiefor the Aafy Yard et Arte 1 ork " lo the thief of the liureau of Yard aud Docks, Washington, D C nov 24 law4w 1.MHI HAI.K.-Oii undivided Ihlrd Interest lu ) HTANLK. U. CONANl'S PULLMUKAM A, ur Gigantic lllustratloiiaofthe ar, now In successful exhibition, and was exhibited over one hundred ulghtain Uuaton Any person desiring to travel, caumake a ver) protitabla Investment For fur ther Information, address J M. STANLEY, or call, between 1 and 4 o'clock p. m , at 404 Twelfth st., bet. land K, nov 21-1 w OFFIOlAh. h y DEPAftTUMTOf'Srlw " Kaleasss! frtei thav draft, ou tlia Kro'nud of allMsgbsT4jtiDjallt)wM In the following caseat fl& 5 x&u; Thomas Needham Christian Delta -Henry Wagner - Dennis Wlaler- . William Drelsljackcr, Christian Schach - John Rathgeber Christian Baker Luzerne county, Penn Somerset, do do ao , " dft Krle, , SchuylkUt Snyder, -, M 'dd' da w Aa I do vvningMB,t. OhloJ WASniNOTOV, NOVKUbBK &l,.18G3.u NaMe. ' WKtrt dVtrtadV Dennis Bustln - -Andrew Bryden - Bradford county, Pcnn. Luzerne. ao do do do do do do do do do do do Jacob Boning j - do do do do do Wayne, Luzerne, Wanye, Luzerne, do Berks, wuuamurecn 1 rcterllart - John Uolstead - -Anthony Kellv- - John Murphy - - ratncK jucl'lean Henry Naumau John Orr - . William Smith- - John Sellhelmcr - Washington, November 2t, 1803. Name. her drafted. Louis Mudzlk, ( or Lugulck) . -, ,- Green Lake co., Wis. BarnfMlcka - - - 'do do August Ezner - - do 'do Oottlelb Kruegcr. (or Krecr)- - - do do Andreas Faust- - Dane, do Jacob W. Wajjner Wayne county, Penn. Washington, November 23, 18C3. Appllcatlon'for release In the following case has been refused! Name. Where drafted. Adolph Mettzlcr - - Dodge co., Wlsconslnj OFFICIAL. Department or Stats, Washington, January 25, 1803. The Secretary of State will hereafter receive members of Congress on business on Saturdays, commencing with Saturday, the flrst of next month. WILLIAM H. SEWARD. rpRAVEL OVKll TUB L.UNQ BHIDOB. Headquarters Defences or Washington, November 19th, 1863. General Orders, No. 8. Hereafter, the Long Bridge, over tho Poto mac, will only be used for Government pur poses. Neither prlvato vehicles nor citizens on horseback will be allowed to cross the Long Bridge, but must go by the way of the Aque duct Bridge. By command of Major Gen. HeintzelmIn. CHAUNCEY McKEEVER, nov 21 7t Assistant AdjutantGcneral. TAHSKH ON TI1K POTOMAC. On and after the 12th Instant day of September, passes will be required from all v easels, boats, fcc, navigating the Potomac river,, These will be la sued by the Commanding Officer of the Flotilla, and may be obtained from the naval vessels staa tloned at Alexandria, or at the mouth of the river, GIDEON WKLLKS, Secretary of the Jiavy. Navy Department, September 11, 1863. aep 14 T)An.Tltor single gentlemen, can be accom- .m. Hiwaicv nun ciigaui nuvtiia atiu uvaru, ! latrt House now opening at No, !I3 Four-and-a-half airrei. noriM u AC AUD .The attention of grocery mer chants, dealers, and the public In general, is respectfully Invited to the sale of Groceries, tc , fcc . which will take place on Wednesday, the With Inst., at 10 o'clock a. m , at the atore of Mr. 8. Pumphreyv near the Arsenal. The stock la large and good, among which Is a large lot of fine Tobao co. For further particulars see advertisements. UREKN fc WILLIAMS, ' nov 26 It Auctioneers. TMUlfi U'lUMIE, IRON HALL, 330 Peuusyl vu Aveuue, Wholttale and Retail Dealer in FINEST FAMILY OltOCKRIRS, FRENCH and GERMAN WINES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, CHAMPAGNES, BRANDY, RUM, O IN, CIGARS and TOBACCO, Haa now on band ' a very fine anortment of the above, at fair prices SUTLERS SUPPLIED. nov 2 TTfcSIf ponTADUS MILLS FOR TUB ARMY. On ice or Defot Commiisarv or svaiirrEKcc, Washington, D. C, Nov., 16C2. Inventors and manufacturers are Invited tilt the 20th December, 1&62, to present models and samples of Portable Mills for grinding wheat and corn for the use of the army. The following are the essential conditions the mills must combine to receive consideration when presented by plan, speculation, model and sample: 1st. Not to weigh over twenty-flve pounds. 2d. The grinding surfaces to be of burr stone, trooved chilled Iron or steel, and thereneral con. structlonof the mill to be analagous to thatof a cotteemll). 3d. Each milt to be canable of grinding CO nounda of tine Dour or meal per hour, and to be capable of uciiig woruru vy uuc man. 4th Each mill to be ao constructed, If necessary. that It can be separated Into two Darts of eaual weight, ao aa to be carried by two men should the length of march, lack of transportation, or fatigue of the men, or other cause render Its carriage too lauouous lorone man. 6th. Each mill to be capable of being attached to a wagon tongue, prancn 01 tree, or siactc 01 musaeis, Inventors will submit blans sneclflcatlons. or mod els of their mills, or samnle of the milt Itself. In the presence of a board of officers. Thev will be re quired to present Indisputable evidences of their mills combining the essential conditions above enumerates. Dy causing ine nun 10 oeworaru iu ine presence 01 ine saia uoaru. If a mill be nreaented containing ail OT the above conditions, and Ua cost be sufficiently reasonable In the opinion of the Department to warrant its Purchase, a large number will very probabl) be ought for the use of the arm) . For further Information apply at No. 443 Qtt., vvasningion, u. v. uuc NOW Id THE TIME TO BUY YOUR CLOTH' ing of I. A. BEALLItCO, No. 381 seventh street, sepSS 3m between I St K. Ty 1 0U KNOW IT 1 if j ou do not, call at -' SMITH JtliEALL'S, No.JIOl Seventh street, near K street, and bu) )ourseif a nice suit of Clothing from them, as they have just received new and splendid assortment, nov 21 dtdeel flUIE CHEAPEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN X town Is at U A. DK ALL ft; CO, No. 361 Seventh street, se 26 Jm between I and K. 500 doz. Hermetically Sealed Goods, consisting of Fruits, Jellies, Meats, Vegetables, Pickles, Ao, Just received and for sale at New ork market prices at no U OSTHEIM BROTHERS. 1?OU RENT Desirable furnished rooms, (with board,) pUasantly located In Georgetown, near the city cars. To permanent tenant, terms mode rate. Appl) at 161 eat street, uear High street, Georgetown. nov 10 tf KOOMS TO Lt. r. rour Furnished Rooms, with or without Board, within Ave minutes' walk of Pennsylvania avenue, Inqulie at No 4UT Mar) land avenue. oc30 tf I O 11 N A I, Er-The STOCK, FIXTtTRFS nd ? GOOD WILLoratlrst-clasa Wholesale Liquor and Sutler EatablUhhientt haa been doing a tine bu siness for two years) located In the central part of Penn. avenuet will also make a tlrst-tles lestau rant. ior full particulars apply to the Agency Of lice, 611 Ninth street, near Pa, avenue. N.H. MILU.R. Also, City Property and Houses for sale, no lo tf K 4-! ft-Wlth Teas Thnauuii thniichta and ar guments, I will move In the newspaper preaa only by way of advertisement.,, Thla course, however, Is expenaivr, and, when accompanied by a' lean purse, must be brief. Stilt let us go ahead, every one doing the beat he can. I am for the country, andmean,forone,TOSEE HER SAFK THROUGH, even If we have to let loose alt the terrors or war. But many people, no doubt, think I am led by the love of praise, not considering that even noos some times ar tort lndiMndent to was? their tails to the chirp of nngefeaap of any self-complacent ctt that tumj come aiong. ly raiv, It wmi cuuiu rfir lawfully.) let all self4atefat, and vanity, aad envy, and Jealousy be laid nalde whilst the great' boaom of our country Is heaving In the agony of a tirotraeted oladiatobiai; contest If a man wants 0 belittle, and mean, and selfish, now, for heaven's sske, let him lake himself out of the country, and not atckeiu her .with thi presence, . vAtl I want to express tn thla advertisement, Is to Invite peo- ne to reaa,ior ine aaaeot ine coomry, anaioruy or this, my late productions. ittc r ' Mr words Mlwavt eoms from tnv heart. (These dio- duetions are the Belarlus of Cymbellnei AnAd- Soldiers t and a recent Letter to the President, urgi Ing the Immediate, total, and uncompromising abo lition of slavery, as a national NECESSITY, and warranted by the wa power, A copy of all these can be had okatis by .calling at. No. 303 New Of If avenue, near fourth street, ar any hour' after !' o'clock p. m. 1 ahall be happy to wait upon any gentleman, la or out of the army. Gentlemen abroad, also, will have the productions remitted to them obatis on application to. me through the mall, enclosing a one-cent stamp for the pre-pay-raent bak for eec vrodacUon, as I always thus pity, considering It to be the legal requirement. . ' " FaTWICKfcvANi.' ir nov at t counsellor at law. tt- Waahlnerton Centcsuklal Itodare. Free and Accepted Masons, No. It, will meet on THl'ftS DAY Morning. Nov. iTTth, at o'clock, for the par pose or attending the funeral of Brother William Tucker, All Master Masons in good stand tog are inn tea 10 auena. vy oruer 01 ine v n an t nov 28 lt O" Adjourned Meetlavsj of Cnaplalave The special attention of array chaplains, including those on dutv at the hosDitala. Is called to the ad Journed meeting at the rooms of the oung Men's viiraaiiao. ASSOtJiailOD at 1 O'CIOGK 11MJA1. An Important report will be nresented on the subtest or the burial of deceased aoldlera. A general and ytvuipi it r nuance is most earnestly requesiea. nov e c. W. DENISON, Secretary, iv. "I a . att" Kjalsjhte Templar. Washington Com mandery, No. l, will hold a stated assembly at the Asylum,1 corner of D and Ninth streets, .thla (WEDNESDAY) Evening at t o'clock. Sojourning Knights are rrspectfollyinvltedloat tend. DANIEL BUCK, , IU mava'Aivn iiuvua n j, i. v. ' The officers and members of thla Lodge are re quested to meet on THURSDAY, at 10 o'clock, and Maryland avenue, to attend the funeral of P. O. William Tucker. By order t ' ., . JAMES, 1. MOORE, N. G. P. M. Peabson, Rec. See. nov 20 St i ' r t, j m Cat-Haaanle. A Special Communication of the M7w. Grand Lodge of F. and A. M. or the District of Columbia, will be held on WEDNESDA Y EVEN ISO, the 2tth Instant, at TK o'clock, at Masonic Hall, corner of D and Ninth streets. Punctual attendance ti requested, . AV. MORRIS SMITH, nov5t-M,Tu&W Grand Secretary, S . T , , C .0 DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. r They strengthen the system and enliven the mind They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent feveia. They purifythebreathand acidity of the stomach. They cure Drspesi and Constipation. They cure Dlarrhaa, Cholera, and Cholera Mor bus. , , , They cure liver Complaint and Nervous Head ache, t t t They are the best Bitters In the world. . They make the weak man strong, and are'exhausted nature's great restorer, Tney are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated tallsaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age pr time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons re quiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by alt Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P.,11, DRAKE at CO , 203 Broadway, New York. se 26 em - j i ..J Er-BatchelorIIklr Dys-The Ileal lu the World. William A. BMchelor's celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature t warranted not to Injure Hair In the leas tt remedies the llt-effecta of bad dyes, and Invig orates the Hair for life. GREY, RED. or RUSTY HAIR Instantly turna a splendid Black or Brown. leaving ine na Druggists, Ave. leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all ru grin s, OMJ. ti- The genuine Is signed WM. A. BATCHELOR, onfhe four sides of each box. Factory, No, 81 'Barclay etreetjfLateaaJ Broad way and 19 Bond,) New York, my SI ly ET" The Great PennayiTuala KoMte. The Sulckest and safest route to the Northwest and outhweat. Two through trains dally, and one on Sunday. Soldiers tlcketa at Government rates to all the principal pomts In the North and West. For tickets and further Information apply at the of fice of the "Great Pennsylvania Route." northeast corner Pennsylvania avenue and sixth street, un der National Hotel. Ofilce open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m ton Sundays S to 4 p. m. E. O. NORTON, aug 8 ly J Agent. O" Special Notice. On and after Tuesday, April 1, 1S63, the trains on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will commence running daily, (Sundaja excepted,) leaving this Station at 7.40 a. m, and connecting at Washington Junctloo with Mall Train for all parts of the West via Wheeling or Parkersburg. Through tickets sold and bargage checked. . r. Bin i in, At of Transportation B. fc O, R. R. I ap 1-dtf 83" Weatou'e Prosrrcas of Bl a very Copies ofthls work are for sale at the oDlee of the National Republican. Pamphlet edition, 2ft cents. Bound edition, 75 cents., FRANKLIN akr CO., OPTICIANS, 944 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, (North side,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts , and 368 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Under the National Hotel. - BRAZILIAN PEBBLE (Rock Crystal) SPEC TACLES, r : MILITARY FIELD GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, OpERA GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS AND CARTES DE visirE, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, ft., ft . In a great variety, and at the lowest prices, whole sale or retail. novi LOST TN DOLLARS' REWARD-0nh road from the Aqueduct Bridge through Georgetown to Washington, on Monday, Nov ember 34, a MEM ORANDUM BOOK, containing a Sutler's pass for V. Laudman, a discharge of ftlmon Dinkelmejer, and a letter addressed to F. Laudmann, Prescott House. The tinder will receive the above reward by leaving the above at the Prescott House, corner or Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue, nov 26 St FREDERICK LAUDMANN, D yETKCTIVE DEPARTMENT, MLTRQPOLriAN fOLICf, No. 510 Eleventh street west. Near tin corner of Penntylvania avenut. The public are hereby Informed, that all cases requiring the services of a detective offleer will be promptly and carefully attended to, Mree of charge. upon application being made at the Po lice Headquarters, No, OlO Eleventh street west, under supervision or W. B. WEOB, Superintendent of Metropolitan Police, nor 28 2aw2m IVANH A AVATHON'H PHILADELPHIA, SALAMANDER, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. Store, 76 south Fourth street, Philadelphia. Pa. Orders received by W. D SHEPHERD, Corner of Sev enth and D streets, Washington, D C. Jan U-ly OAK IIALI, OI.UTHINU UUUI1, ' No 4M. Seventh street, below V. The subscriber takes great pleasure In announc ing to his old friends and Customers, that he ha opened a new store at No 4U4 Sev enth street, near K,wh):ehehas a line, selected stock of Clothing fo Ms. j and Boys' wear, which they hav e Juat re ceived from the North, and otters them for sals at the lowest Northern prices. r J. BRUCE ft. CO , sep 25 3m Clothiers, 4J4 Sev enth street I JVVKUYIJODV'8 attention. licalUUtouur !i new atouk of Clothing for Men and Uos'uie, which we havejust received, and Oder for sale at very low prices, at No. 461 Seventh street, near F. J. BRUCE & CO, Proprietors of Oak Hail Clothing Room. ' sep 29 3m