Newspaper Page Text
.! I g p.e bi:A.tflN"6r g e , piL.Hi'WJj'iwfi iiUpiUi,li n Federal Block; corner of Serenth and T streets, opposite the Poet and, Patent Offlcea. Kooms 23 and' M, np stairs, Washington, P. C r. i i , Alt dlseaeea of a prirate nature treated In the mott tclentlfle 'manner, and radical cures ef fected in all caiea. STPmLttHf AFFEC TIONS, OONORRBVCA, OLEET, STRICT URES, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, or the result of VOLUPTUOUS DREAMS, fir any weak. vtMofthtGRNERATirEOROANStromtuj came whalerer, or how long Blinding, thor oughly and radically, curedi alto QOUT, RIIEUXATISiT, NKVRALOIA, and other CHRONIC DISEASES of the NERVES, JIUS CLES, BQNES and JOINTS, SCROFULA, BLOTCHES n tbJ-PACE, ERUPTIONSon the LIMBS ml BODT, and all other ERUP TIVE DISEASES and DISEASES or the BLOOD, from wAarmr raw list may W arUen. AKFttOVED X'Nti lWF'dKT&i'ATK 1 No matter what your disease, let no false del tcacy prerent yon from applying Immediately to Dr. Velfny, who la acknowledged to he by farthemottSTJCOESSrULPnTBlCIANIn the treatment of prirate diseases. Fear not to come and make known your mUfortnnee, and he will speedily lend yon on yonrway rejoicing. SELP-ABUPE, That dreadful iconrge of the young, Indulged In when alone, deetroya the generatire organt, nnfiti yon for married life, producing weakness of the back and limbs, loss of anlma' lion and mnscnlar power, palpitation of the heart, nerrons Irritability, loss of memory, mel- ancholy habits, Insanity, consumption, and death. YOUNG MAN t In Tlew of the dreadful con' sequences of delay, do not fall to make your case known, Immediately, to Dr Vellny. Tour secrets with him are sacred, and yon may con fldrntly rely upon his medical aklll. Thousands whose systems were shattered and who were on the brink of the grare, hare been brought back to rigorous health by his skilful treatment. MAUHIAUE. Married persons, or those contemplating mstrimony, who suspect themselres of lmpo tency, semlnsl weakness, or any dleease arising from a relaxed state of the genital organs, whether the result of disease. Injury, youthful Indiscretions, or Indulgence of the passions In riper yesrs, are earnestly entreated to place themeelres under the care of Dr. V. They may rely with certalntynpon a speedyrure, and up on being restored jto full hesltlt and vigor. lie treats with entire success all diseases ol females, such as LEUOORRHEAor WHITES, LAPSUS UTERI, &:., Ac, and In every case guarantees a perfect CURE. FEES moderate, and VISITS and COMMU NICATIONS strictly PRIVATE and CONFI DENTIAL. Pzrsoks calling see no oue but the Doctor. Those at a distance may be treated by ma i l, by sending a STATEMENT of CASE, Ac, Ac J vm A FUIKND IN NEED. TIIV IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, The great external remedy of the age, prepared from the recipe or Dr, Stephen Sweet, of Connecti cut, the celebrated bone letter, whose fame U un rivaled ly that of any living man. It 1 a certain and immediate cure for Rheumatism, Gout, Neu ralgia, Sprtlni, Bruiiei, Cuti, Woundi, isorei. Burnt, Scalda, Piles, Lumbago, Headache, Tooth ache, and all Rheumatlo and Nervoui Diiorderi. External Injurlee, Ate. All lutteren ihould rtve It a trial. RICHARDSON h. CO., Proprietor!, . . Norwich, Conn. For tale bjr CHARLES STOTT, General Agent for WaihlngtOD, and by all dealer.. febSi d&wljr TV 1 1 I I A ai PITCH, ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANTS, CORNER OF BETTHTU JJD T STREETS. Oppotite (fit Putt Office, WASHINGTON, D. C , Prosecutes Claims for Pensions, Bounty Money, Bounty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Recruiting Officers, and all other just Claims against the Gov ernment. Also, Patents procured for Inventors. ' Special attention given to cases before the Court of Claims. Fees reasonable In all cases, to wit: In each Pension case, - . . 45 oo Bounty Money case, ---- e ( Bounty Land case, -... e oo Pay Claim, ---.... -soo Wldowa and minor children who are poor, half the above rates Those who are extremely is DioziiT, free of charge, exeept mere disbursements Correspondents wfil be entitled to share the fees In all cases they forward. Consulting counsel, Upn. It. H. CILLF.T. lste United states Solicitor or the Court of Claims and former Solicitor of the Treasury. Special References by Permission: Hon. Richard Wallach, Mayor of Washington, Hon. W W. Seaton, ex-Mayor of Washington, Lewis Johnson fc Co , Bankers, Washington. Sweeny k Huyck, Bankers. Washington. Ex-Governor ilunt, of Lockport, New York. Judge Gardiner, of Lockport, New York. Hon. John Ganson, State Senator, Buffalo, N. V )ln. Burf Vanhorn, member of Congress from New York. Hon. G, W Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Buf falo. Messrs. Hubble ft Davis, Counsellors, Buffalo, Judge Bowen.of Lockport, New York, Judf e Woods, of Lockport, New York. Hon T, T. Flagler, ex-member of Congress from New Yor. Hon. John Ganson, President of the New York and Erie Bank, Buffalo, N Y. octS lm BOSWEZalYN MEDICATED O O V II CANDY For COUGUS. COLDS, JlIiONCMITIS, INFLUENZA, . , , HOARSENESS, And all inctpUnt ttayet vf Consumption. For sale, wholesale and retail, by o noswi'Fr. n.,.i.. Cor, Maryland avenue end Serenlh St., D. OILMAN, Penn. avenue, nesr Urowni Hntl And Charles Allen, W. B. Fotwlile D. B. Clark, John R. SSSt' L. M. Smith, H. r. Major H. II. McPherson, J, W. Nairn, C, Ford, J D. 0,Donuel, J. P. Mllhurn, J, F. Dawson, Charles Slott, D. G. RIdgcl). In Georgetown by Kldwell, Sothoron, Sclssfll, and Barnard. And by Druggists and Sutlers generally. Jan 16 .lr'nViVrvr.;VvuJ"ifJ.""" "afllmlTI 1II11iri7Ii . !... . . 1 i.i- 360 pieces Diirchased for cash of XhmK directs. Ihusd who wish to avoid the heavy ex f7craWM " Pl.. pay wthli the SluSki rtWrar' Safs'lKSI' IndASher' A JKunlor.per cent will be allowed, under Chambe? ander, VAV i,"!?. rTOSt ChamDer ana (jther STOVLS. All kinds of CABh vrli ' ,i I' "". w'ii new and Becond-haud, Perties wishing lo buy will sate time and money by calling at the cheap cah store of R. BUCHLY,4'4it Seventh street, no 19 lm east side, between U and 11. NOTICED The Mercantile Bank, formerly do ing business at 323 Pennsylvania avenue, hat -Ing this day closed and ceased to exist, alt its bills of Issue outstanding will be redeemed, on present ation, by Justice Hazard, at his office. 337 Penusil vanlasienue. n S. HOWARD COCHRAN, Washington, D. C, President November 19, IMS. nov 20 tw TMLTIMOlUa 'aKd OlftO JlAJljlOAD. - .iSaWSBBBBBBBBQOeUeaBBG'1' tnarJHB9E3BTH9rx f PasMUajtr Trad-afta WeaaUBrssHe. , THE.PANWI!.r.!, between WASHINGTON, BALTlMOM, AND THK VYEIT -. will run as follows: lM Daily Jftoliu 10 tlaMiso od le JrVaf. TW Dally Tralnt betxtn Wath'n and thi Wnt. Oft Sundnt,Um hrttmt to 8KIrl MWl ll',tf follows: 7 to a. m., and I end t p. m. rasieniere tor the Wett make close connections St VaibtnirtonJuocllOnIIleler)wlth the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, tor all points West, tlkHxmM esrl sir aw.. ,.,. fir nuadjphli i anJ Xt fort tesre Washln(toa atta. m., Its. m., and rip. ro. ror Anpit Lease ?aehln,ton at S a. m. and a so p. m. r0R AtL. potffT, vir.iT, n.l ttlnn..lnuth. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad leare Waahlneion at a and 1.40 a. m.. and ISO p. n.) and on Sundays st sso p. m. " TRAINS MUVinu SUU1II Leare New York at 7 a. m., Philadelphia at II.SO a, m, Baltimore all so p.m. "Arrrre ai warning ton at 0 so p. ra. Leare new l ora at p. m., rmisaeipni. iiiwin fi.m .Baltimore at 4 so a.m. Amre at wasninf on at 6 90 a. m. ' Leare New York at ll p. ra.. rnuaaeipnia ai a sv a. m., Baltimore at 7 40 a. m. Arrive at Waahln, toa at .2S a. m. . f Local Accommodation Trains leave Baltimore at 10 a. m. and 0 10 p.m , for Waihlniion) arrive there at It a. m. and 7 p.m. On Sundays at 4.10 and 7.40 a. m., only, from Bat-tlmore.u-.- . . - . ' -- No Annapolis connectlona on auaqey irom nam more or Waahlnf too. k rarDaYrs1avlntWialilartnatand7t0a.m. and S p. m , make connections at Washington Junc tion (Kelar) with trains on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, tor all polnta writ of the Ohio river and for all points alona the line of the Baltimore and Ohio road. In Maryland and Virginia.: Tpilm l.r. Ann.noll. far Baltimore and Waah- Inirton dally, except Susdaya, at 0.45 a. m., and 1 to p. m. Pliitncrr Trains leasing Washington at S a. m , 11 a. m , and a p. m.t and Baltimore at 4 SO and 7.40 a. m. and S.SO p. m , atop oely at Annapolis and Washington Junctions, i War Passengers mult, take the Asoommodatlon Tralnsonly., W. P. SMITH, nor 17 Matter of Transportation., ADAJIS EXPRESS COMPANY, OOlce fit Penu. arenati Wa$hlngtm City, D. C. GREAT EASTERN. NORTHERN, amd WEST ERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Merchandise, Money, Jewelry, Valuables, Not es,'S locks, Bonds, Ac, Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to all accewlble sections of the oonntrr. This Company has Arenciei tn the principal railway towns in the Its DrlnclDaf offices are WASHINGTON. D. CX. YOBX.JBOSTOX, CiyXATf. ST. LOUIS, LOUIS' YILLK LEXJNQTOX. Connections are made at New -York and Boston with lines forwarding to the Canadas and the British Prorlncet.and with steamship lines to Llr erpooi, somnsmpion. ana iiarre, ana inence dt Luropesn expresses to all prominent commercial towns In Great Britain and on the Continent. Collection of Notes, Drafts, and Bills made at all accessible parts of the united states. C. C. DUNN, Agent, je 12 Washington, D. C T li . K O Mli K , SOLICITOR OF PATFNTS AND CLAIMS. Bomitles, Pensions, Back Pay, Officers' lierrniiiug, anu ass ointrjun t,iiimit aa;alust the GoTemment OFFICE-No.476 SEVENTH STRFF.f, (Department Exchange,) Waihinotoh, D. C. Ami JVo.-0 Park V1at. 'i0Tfir of BroaJtoay, f7oie City HaUf- AYnt ) or I, ILrTcra. bv nnlaaalon. to lions. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice President, Me. Martin Kalbnelech, Mayor City of Brooklyn Abl Jah Mann, Jr , New York City t John N. Goodwin, M. C, Me t Thomas M. Edwards, M. C, N. H. Ed- wara i. ttoinns, m, -., n. n.i aj. n. jucc, ji. C, Mass l John B. Alley, M. C-, Mass.i Alfred A, Buruhra, M. C, Conn. Dwlght Loorals, M. C, Conit i John A. Gurlev. M. C Ohio I James M, Ashley, M. C, ohloi Sidney Edgerton,M. &, ohlot John JIutchlna, M. C.. Ohlot John Covode, M. C, Pa.i Robert McKnight, M. C., 1'a-i Justin S. Mor rill, M. C, Vt. I John F. Potter, M. C, Wis ( Z. Chandler, M. C, Mich.; James H. Lane. M. C, Kansas) Cyrus Aldrlch. M. C, Mlnn.t Win, Kel lofr.M.C, 111.) John T. Nixon, M. 0NiJ. John L. N.Mraiion.M. C, N. J.l P. U. Fouke, M. Ct 111. Owen Lovejoy, M. C, lfl.1 F. F. Blair, Jr., M. fred Ely, M. C, N. Y., Major General H. B. Dur yeaiJ4J WyckotT, Esq, Pres. Will I tins port City Bank i Shepherd Knapp, Esq. PresiuechanlCB' Bank. Jy26-tf IWrKniOIl ADOnNMENTS. 4VQ PAPER HANGINGS, or ALL QIADEIAlfD miCES. WarrantM Gold Band Window Shades l Buff, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all siies) made to order. Also, a handsome assortment of Picture Cord and Tassels, all aires and colors. Purchasing noncash, and allowing no old slock to accumulate, persons needing the above goods will find it to their advantage to give me a call. All work executed and superintended by practical mrn, who have served a regular apprenticeship at their trade. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required. Please give me a call. ( , Remember the number. JOHN MARKRITER, No. 4SS Seventh street, Eight doors above Odd Fellows' HsU. nov 2 ly mKETIIt TEETH I M. LOOM IS, M. D , tbe Inventor and patentee of the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends personal!) at his office In this city. Many persons can wear these teeth who cannot wear others, and no person can wear others who cannot wear these. Persons cslllngatmyomce canoe accommodated i iL''ft?aV-- with any style and price or Teeth they may desire, and Inspected alter tbe rules laid down In the Ord but to those who are particular, and wish the pur-, nance Msnusl, with the exception of the Battering at Hrnil. strnnrest. and most nerfert denture that art can produce, tbe Mineral Plate will be more fully u arranted. Rooms In this city No. 338 Pennsylvania ave nue, between Ninth and Tenth streets. Also, 907 Arch street, Philadelphia. mar l ly pOPPEIl flCALB, , Navy Agent's Orric e, Washington. D. C. No. ember 13. 1U2. There will be sold at Public Auction, In the Unl-1 Bids will be recelrrd for any portion q( the quan ted Mates navy yard, Washington, D C.,onThurs- tltv required, not less than 600 of any one kind. day, the37thlnfltsnt, at 19 o'clock, m., a lot of Cop- ia-n ?tTaia-B niiv iiru. ti kbuiiusz luii. li a..uii a iiurm- irr DCasliT, VUUIiginiA VI nuvui w awu a, a,au n ftm mined at inr time Drerlous to the dsr of sale. per scsie, consisting 01 rdoui 00 ions 11 can ce upon application to the commandant of the navy yard The site will he subject to ratification by the De partment. S. P. BROWN, nov n lawSw Navy Agent. G1 KNKIUh 11 K A11QU A II T KItS FOR AKNV SUPPLlt S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. STATIONFRV, BLANK AND SCHOOL BOOKS, MILITARY WORKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Writing Papers, Fn, elopes. Portfolios, Gold Pens, Pencils, Inks, fcc, fcc , Pocket Rooks, and Pocket Cutlery. Photograph Albums In every variet) , Newspapers, Periodicals, and CHEAP PUBLICATIONS. All orders promptly attended to. Call and ex swine. No charge forshowiog goods, SHEPHERD 6, RILF.Y. Corner Seventh and D streets. oc25 lm Washington, it. C. tOLLlCTOR'S OFFICF, V ' Washlogtou,D. C, Nov. 13, 1862. torso: TO rAX-PA ERS, . NnttcelBhtrebyghen to all persons in arrewB ' for taxes, whether gas. Bwecla) or annua tax, that unless th saDie 1b paid at this office before the 1st I lsea and sold as the law Mail uijuiiunrj nexiiiite properly un iviiiuii inv , is due will then t.t? sdl ertlsed and Bold No ember there will be no aUtem,r wm. uixon, Collector, not 13 3taw3w JHHT HECEIVKU OUR NK.W STOCK OF Fall and Winter CLOTHING, which we. are olliniraat ierr lownrlces. at L. A. BEALL at CO.S, M.a Oat I liaiantl. .i.i sep 35 3m between I and U. CtOME ONE, COMK ALL, TO L. A. BEALL At CO , J to get your Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps, No. 361 Seventh street. se26 sm between I k K. jsjtmmmmmamii AHMj? frpPfcIK'M Ji of (toMray pht rototoso the folebtf ar- ,000 tons best qualltf Tlmothr Harttecnrtlr baled, tne weignt ot eacn oate to d marked thereon, . ," , r 8,000,000 bushels of Oats, of trie best rf.uslltj', In strong sacks, well sewed. 7,000 cords Oak and Hickory Woolf well sea soned and of the best quality. Each bid must be accompanied by the endorse ment of two responsible persons trial the contracts U awarded will be fulfilled. . l - Bids will be opened from time to time as the ar ticles may be needed, and contracts will be awarded for the quantities needed, to the lowest responsible bidder up to the time of opeBlnfr. , The right la reserved to accept all or any part of any bid. ! ' Proposal should be endorsed " Proposals for Hay or Oats," or " Wood," as the case may be, and en close in separate envelopes. RUFUS INOALLS, Lieut. Col. and A, D. C, Chief quart ermaitetA sepg-tf -pTlOPOSALS FPU I.VMDETt. Depot Quartehmaster's Or net. Corner isth and O streets, Wsshlnrton. D C, Nov. 24, ISO. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this offlee until Friday. December G, 1W. at It o'clock m , for delivering lq tbe city of Washington, at such point as the Depot Quartermaster nay direct, one million (l,ooo,oo0) feet of Lumber of the fol lowing kind and description, vlt r Seren hundred and fifty thousand (780,000) feet 4-4 or one (I) Inch White Floe Common Culling. Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty three (M,S3J) tet Scantling, s by 4, fourteen feet long, (Hemlock.) Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty fonr (43,334) feet Scantling, s by 4, sixteen feet f long( (Hemlock ) Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty three (93,333) feet Scantling, S by 4, eighteen feet long, (Hemlock ) All the above described to be rood, merchantable Lumber, subject to the Inspection ol an agent ap pointed on the part of the.Gorerument. All the lumber to be delivered within twenty days after signing the contract' Proposals from disloyal parties will not be con sidered, and an oath of allegiance to the United States Government must accompany each proposi tion. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should It be awarded to hlra, must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and tiid enereare wuW accompany the bid. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the offldal certlfloafe of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the United states Dis trict Attorney, Bidders must be present la person when the bids are opened, or the proposals will not be consid ered. The full name and Post Offlee address of the bid der must appear in tbe proposal. If a bid Is made tn the name of a Arm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the lndlrtduel proposal of the party Bonds In the sum of Are thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder upon signing tbe contract. The right t to reject any or all bids that maybe deemed too high is reser. ed by the Depot Quarter master. Inform si proposals will be rejected. Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. Hart I, Assistant Quartermaster U. S Army. Washington, D. C, and should be plainly marked ' Proposals for Lumber.' Form of Guarantee. We, .of the county of , and State of , and j of the county of , and State of , do herrby guaranty that Is able to fulfil the con tract, in accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that; should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter Into a contract In accordance therewith. should the contract be awarded him, we arc pre pared to become his securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate above mentioned ) EDWARD L. II ARIZ, Capt, and Ass't Quartermaster U. S. A. novas l)KOPOHAIl KOIl MAItHlaK TH.K. Treasury Extension, Nov. 19, 186?. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the Bu reau of Construction, Treasury Department, until December 1st, 1847, at 19 m , for furnishing and Uj ing Marble Tile tor the Halls and Corridors of the west section of the Treasury Extension. Bald Tile Is to be of the best nuallt V of Italian white vein marble and the best quality of clear black marble ( equal hardness as the Italian, and In such proportions of each as may be required, to be not less than one Inch thick on the edge, all sawed and worked square, and well laid in cement or Plaster, as shall be most satisfactory, and 'with a Dorueroi wmie marine, nui iru man uhv iimu wide, laid at the base throughout. Tha size of tile may be from 19 to IS Inches square, of uniform site tu each atorv. The amount required will be about 94,009 superficial feet when laid. samples to be furnished by each bidder, abowlng the quality he proposes to furnish, and proposals to state prico per superficial foot whenlaldi also to name price per square foot separate for the black and white marble tiles thequantltyof each kind and form of laying them to be deelded hereafter. The work of laying thctle to be done from time to time as the halls are made ready to receive it. The Bureau will reserve the right to reject any , or all the bids. If in Its opinion It be not for the In I terest of the Government to accept throw .SAIAH ROGERS, i Engineer In charge Treasury Department. no it 1 "prtOPOAI.H FOR FfaOUIl. , Sealed PaorosAL are Invited till the 3d day of December, 18&I, at 19 o'clock tn., for furnishing the Subsistence Department with S0,UU0 BARRELS OF FLOUR. T Bids will be received for what Is known as No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, and for any portion less thsn the 20,000 barrels. Bids Jor the different grades should be opon separate sheets of psper. No bid will be entertained unless the bidder is present to respond to his bid. The quantity of Flour required will be sbout 600 barrels dally, delivered either at the Government Warehouses in Georgetown or at the Railroad De pot at Washington, D. C. The usual Government Inspection will be made Just before the Flour Is received. The barrels to be head-lined Bids will be accompanied with an oath of alla riance, and be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. V C. and C. S , U. S. A .Washington, D. C, and endorsed ' Proposals for Flour." no,19 pnopoAL.s. Ordnance Orrics, War Department, Washington, November 24, IS63. SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be received 'by this Department, until 4 o'clock p. m. on the ninth day of December next, for the manufacture and de livery of the following pro;ectlles, viz 1 6,uoo ten-Inch boYid fchot. I,0u0 fllteen-lnch Shells. 1.000 fifteen-Inch Batterlntr Shot. The projectiles to be madeol the kind of metal, Shot, which must be made of what Is known as gun metal. Drawings of these projectiles can be seen at the principal arsenals of the United States, at the Ordnance Agency, No. 43 Worth street, New )ork, and at this office. The projectiles are to be delivered, tree ol charge 1 for transportation, at the United States arsenal, Ion Governor's Island, New York harbor, where they will be Inspected) and all such as mi be re jected must be removed, by the contractor, imme- aiaieiy aiier ine inspeciionoi eacn oeui cry. iiiv iruuircu. iiui trial i Deliveries to be made ss follows 1 One tenth, of : eacn amu, wiinm ininy darB after notification of a 1 a-.J J it .1 .... aiikCUlaaUk-V Ul UIU, SUIU UUI aC KlaiU UUV ITU I It w eekly thereafter until all shall be dell ered Payment will be made by the Treasury Depart ment on the usual certificates of inspection and recelDt. after each dell. err. Bonds, with approved surety, will be required iur ma ataiiiisui iicriuruisniva ui i.uuirni:i. No bid will be entertained unless it be accounts- nled byanattlda,lt from the party making it, to the etlect that he is an Iron founder, and that if his bid Is accepted, the projectiles will be made at his foundrj naming It and Us location and the right Is reserved to reject any or all bids if deemed un satisfactory for any cause. Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned at Washington Clt),and will be endorsed "Pro posals lor Projectiles." JAS, W RIPLFY, nov 26 t D Brig. Gen. Chief Ordnance. VTAVV AORNT'H OFFICE, ll Waiiiinoton, Nov 16, 106J PaorosALS will be received at this office, until Mondaj,the llrst of December next, at 3 o'clock p ro , for two hundred and ten thousand (2 10,000) ards of White Cartridge Cloth, tn width and pro lortlons, as follows, , It. u,(iuo ) arili, 19 Inches wide. J , ? AMorTUi:,rittotj.f,r 1 . . Washlnaion,vtttUrflClftB.t JvaniieAi aM invifrt fAf furntiMtatf for thi '& 10,000 23 20,000 31 J, 10,000 25), 10,000 28), 140,000 " SO 10,000 ' 31 &0,UM ' 35 210,000 To be dell, ered at the Nav) Yard, In this city free of cost lo the Government for freight or trans! , portatlon. i. P. brown, I nov 18 atl Naty Afcent. I QMITH . UKAMa, So, atti, Seventh stree), O utween I and K streets, Is the place tobuy ' jour winter Clothing The) sell cheap. Try them, nov ai-ltdcl SMITH at UKALIa, No. a (11 HKVKNTI! Street, between I and K streets, Is tbe Cheapest Clothing House 1& town. Try them, nov 21 dtdeel DtcrABTMKNT Or THK INTERIOR, . Or rut ISbiAN Affairs, , -a HI llVaTMaWs HsMJF IT. 1MB. SKAI.ED PROPOSALS, endorsed" ; Proposals for Indian Goods," (Clsss 1, 9, S, of 4, a tha ease may be.) to be delivered In the cltr of New York, will 1 received at the Office, of Indian Affairs until twelve o'clock M.a on Wednesday, the 10th day of Decem ber'' next, for furnishing the follow lag named articles! CLASS NO. t. tfedtinee Blanket, Oorti, end .Dry Gootfs. 9,000 pairs 2 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure eo by 79 Inches, and weigh S pounds 3,009 pairs 9K point white Mackinac blankets, to measure H by 64 Inches, and weigh pounds SOO pairs 3 point white Macklnae blankets, to messure 41 by M Inches, and weigh 64 pounds ' 600 pairs IK point white Macklnae blankets, to measure 3 by W Inches, and weigh 4"t pounds 100 pairs 1 polo white Macklnae blankets, to measure, S3 by 44 inches, and weigh 3jf pounds 1,200 pairs s point scarlet Macklnae blankets, to measure so by 73 Inches, and welsh B pounds 700 pairs IK point scarlet Macklnae blsnkets, to measure 64 by 44 Inches, and weigh pounds 100 pairs 9 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 49 by M Inches, and weigh t pounds. 100 pairs 1 point scarlet Macklnae blankets, to messure S3 by 44 Inches, and weigh S's pounds 100 pairs 3 point green Maskinas blankets, to measure CO by 73 Inches, and weigh 8 pounds too pairs 9; point green Mackinac blankets, to it i measure 64 by C4 inches, and weigh pounds 1,000 pairs 1 point Indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure ea by, 79 Inches, and weigh s pounds toopairs9tj point Indigo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 64 by 4 Inches, and weigh 4 pounds ' 100 pairs I point Indigo blue Macklnao blankets, to measure 33 by 44 Inches, and weigh 3, pounds 600 pairs 9 point grntlnella blue Macklnae blsn kets, 10 measure 40 by 79 Inches, and weigh 0 pounds too pairs IM point gentlnellablue Mackinac blan ket, to measure 64 by 66 Inches, and weigh 100 pairs IX pofnt 'genUnella 'blue Mscklnae blankets, to measMrer30 by 60 Inches, aod welsh 4 V poUnds loo pairs l point geatinella blue Macklnae blan kets, to measure 92 by 44 inches, and weigh 3V pounds 9,000 yards fancy list blue cloth 4,000 do grey list blue cloth 200 do do blaok cloth 1,000 do saved list black cloth 4,000 do do blue cloth .. 6,000 do do scarlet cloth 900 dosen 6-4 woollen shawls 600 pounds linen thread. No. 40 1,200 do cotton thread oo cross worsted larterlnr 73,000 yards calico o,uuu 00 raemmac cauco 4L000 do Turkey red calico ts,Q00 do blue drilling 90,000 do 90,000 do 9.000 do 96,000 do 20,000 do 3,600 do 10,000 do brown arminc bed ticking sstlnetts plaid Hnsevs unbleached domestic sheeting bleached sheeting checks, stripes, and plaids runnela. assorted 10,000 do 3,600 pounds brown gllllng twine, No. SO BOO do cotton maltre 3,000 twilled flannel shirts 600 doien hickory shirts 3,000 calico shirts 800 dozen Canadian belts Clabs No. 3. Ready Made Clothing, TOO blue satlnett psntaloons 2 do coats 60 cadet mixed aatlnett coats 260 do do pantaloons 176 frock coats', Indigo blue, broad cloth 100 pantaloon do do 330 casslnett coats, trimmed with red. Class No. 9. Hardware, Agrtmttvrai lmptementi,c. 3,700 pounds brass kettles 40 nestsjspanned kettles, (8 In a nest) 600 cample tiles, ( sites) suuaoien quart nn pans 300 dtr 4 quart tin pans 60 do 6 quart tin pans tin cups squaw nwls Clash hooks 700 do 1,200 do 1,600 do 760 do fish lines 250 do coarse tooth combs 117 do too do eoo do 160 do line tootr combs scissors shears wiHllnr hots 360 lo hand s affiles, AM Inches , IW UU yiaAHTas s 3,60(1 short handle fry pans 75 doien basting spoons l,6oo do tablespoons, (Iron) 65 do axes, to weigh 4) to expounds SG0 do half Axes, to weigh 3 pounds, (with -handles)" ' 600 do zlnerolrrors 1 60 do fire steels 600 pounds brass wire ' 160 do "best Chinese Vermillion Coo do seed beads 100 dozen butcher knives ' 100 do 'scalping knives ' ,330 do , squaw hatchets H dA4Tr Inch flat files 30,000 pounds tobacco. .Class No. 4. i , Ottas, Ammunition, t. eoo rifles, cap lock, (half ounce ball) 300 Bhdt guns, (double barrel) lLMkefSDOwder ,,. 1,000,000 water-proof caps soo nags ira.jDaus SOO flasks 200 belts 600 powder horns 3,000 flints 293 dozen guu nipples 360 wrenches. fiwM.s of American manufacture of the reuulred atylesand quality will be preferred) but, as the samples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, It will be necessary, In proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds, that a sample thereof shall accompany tne oia. ine articles io do lurnisnea must, In alt respects, conform to and be equal with the Government samples, which msy be Been at this office on and after the 24th lnstsnt. The ar ticles will be rigidly inspected and compared wjth the samples by an agent or agents appointed for that purpose. Such as may be unequal thereto In any particular will be rejected) In which case the contractor will be bound to furnish others of the reaulred kind or quality within three days i or, if that be not done, they will be purchased at his ex pense, payment win oe maue tor me gooos re ceived on Invoices thereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to Inspect them. It Is to be un derstood that the right will be reserved to require a greater or less quantity of any of the articles named than that specified In the above schedule) mi n hiria for furnishinir iald articles mav be re jected at the option of the Department) and that none irom prrsuns wiw iitttc ittiicu iu wuiyij nnu the requirements of a previous contract with the United states, or who are not manufacturers or wholesale dealers In the required articles will be considered! and the fact that Didders are such man ufacturers or dealers must be evidenced by the cer tificate of the collector of tbe port where they re side, or where It Is proposed to deliver the articles. The proposals musW-mbrace the articles, with the quantities thereof as they are arranged In the schedule, with the prices annexed to each, In dol lars and cents, at which they are to be furnished) and the amounts must be carried out and footed up for each "class. Said prices and amounts must be so given, without any modification, or proposed modification, or variation whatever. They should be submitted with the following heading: I (or we) hereby propose to furnish for the service of the In dian Department, and according to the terms of Its advertisements thereof. dated November l7th,i8G3, the following articles at the price thereto aftlxed, (here insert (he list according to the class or classes proposed for,) deliverable In the city of New York by the 1st day of April next, or -at such time or times during the yesr 1663 as may be ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs) and if the propo sal be accepted (here losert the words " in whole or In part. If more than one class be proposed for,) I (or we) will, wlthlntwenty days thereafter, execute a contract accordingly, and give security, satisfac tory to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for tbe faithful performance of the same." Lach pro posal must ue accompaniea wiin a guaranty in ine following form, to be signed by t wo or more respon sible persons, whose sufficiency roust be certified to by a United states Judge or district attorney! We hereby Jointly and severally guaranty that the above Didder, (or bidders,) if a contract shsll be awarded to him (or them) according to his or their Mil nr nrnnosal. will execute a contract according ly, and give the requisite security for the perform ance inerCUl, aa rraH.a-Wru IU UIOaMlfClliarkUlullur proposals for Indian goods dated nth November, 1843 and, in the ev ent of his (or their) failure so to tn. wn hercbv arree to bind ourselves, our heirs. executors, aod assigns, to forfeit and pay the United States, as damages, a sum not less thsn fifteen per cent, on the amount of said bid or pro posal.' Roudswlllbe required In the amount of the bid for the faithful performance ol the contract, with two or more sureties, whose sufficiency must becertlneu ny a uniieu Msiesjuage or utsirici si tnrnaair. No urooosal will be considered that does not strictly tonform In all particulars to the terms and directions oi hub auimisemem. WM. P. DOLE, nov is 3tawDeclO Commissioner OrniE Indian ArrAiai, I November 26, 1&U2. Since the above advertisement, dated the 17th In stant, for ' Proposals for Indian Goods," was pub lished, It has been decided to take from class No. 3, the 20,000 pounds of tobacco called for, and let It ' lorm class no.o. Although there Is a sample of the tobacco lu this office, bidders are requested to forward samples with their bids, lor consideration, W P. DOLF- nov 20 Commissioner. M AINU AUKNCV ANU tOLDWRV ULUEr AS10CIATI0S. Office, No. 270 V street, cor. Thirteenth, numnicattons to Le addreisej to J. W. HATHAWAY, Bt.lD AK.MI, lock box S3, WaiMDgton, I). C. 'n t TBI ' GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT. NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS) For all of which It is speedy and certain reme dy, and never falls. This Liniment Is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, or Connect icut, the famous bone-setter, and has been used tn his practice, for more than twenty years, with the most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, It Is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Rheum a tie Disorders of every kind, and, in thousands of cases, where It has been used, It has nsver been known to fall. 4 FOR StVRALatAtH wUl afford Immediate relief la every ease, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of 11 FAD ACHE In three minutes, and li warranted to do It. TOOTHACHE, also, will It cure Instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LAS SITVDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this Liniment Is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, It strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores It to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES. A an external rrmedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal." Every victim of this distressing complaint should give It a trial, for It will not fsll to afford immediate relief, and, In a majority of cases, will eflect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never rail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and en largement of the Joints Is liable to occur If neg lected. The worst case may be conquered by this liniment In two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS, AND SCALDS, yield readily to the won derful healing properties of DR. 8WEETS INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to direc tions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINQS. DR.8TEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT. The Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is known all over the United States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is tbe author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never falls. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE UNI M ENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds Immediately. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache Immediately, and was never known lo fail. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom falls to cure. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache In one minute, DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cuts and Wounds Immediately and leaves no scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is tbe beat remedy for Sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Hss been used by more than a million people, and ail praise it, DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a " friend tn need," and every family should have It at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 26 and 60 cents. A Frleiid In Need. Try It. DR. SHEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, Is without a rival, and will alle viate pain more Bpeeoiiy man anyoioer prepara tion. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders It 1b trulv infallible, and. as a curative far Sorei. Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. &c, Its smoothing, heal ing, and powerful, strengthening properties, excite incjusi wouurr iuu luuiiuuicai oi an woo nave ever given li a inai, isvcr one inousana cert lo cates of remarkable cure, performed by It within tuoiiii iwu jrr, aiiirai ine mui. . To Horse Owncrsl DR. SWEET INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and In all cases of uvmeness, ariaiDK irou. sprain b, onuses, ol in s.i it. .... !.. -I .-.a ..i i. tVrCUCslsUg. (Lat rum UalVaal aaalU tCflssaU, Mar- ness, or nauuie uiui, ocraiciics, juaage, etc., II WUl also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured In their Incipient stages, but confirmed cases are bev ond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however. Is so desperate or hopeless but It maybe alleviated by this liniment, and Its faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness, and enable thehorso 10 iravei wiin comparative ease. Every Horse Owner should have this remedy at hand, for Its tlmelyuse at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all norses are luoie, anu wnicn renaer so many other wise valuable horses -Marly worthless. oi, jiriT'j INFALLIBLE LINIMENT 19 THE Kill. U1UIWH I'UIEIIII, And thousands ha found It truly A FR1EHD IN NEEDI Cautlou. To avoid Imposition, oc-aeneth. Signature and Likeness of Pr. Mephen Sweet on eterj label, and slso " Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment " blown In the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. lUCHARDSON tt CO, Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. MORGAN tt ALLEN, General Agents, 40 CllrT Street, New York. Xf Sold bf all dealers everywhere, no It ly RAILROADS. ma. lies, SPRING ARRANGEMENT, ,v WKW YORK LINEI. THK CAMDRN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND'TRENTON RAILROAD COMPA NIES' LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. From Walnut street Wlsar and Ken- eussTion Depot, WILL LXATZ AS FOLLOW:. Til I FafC. At A. H.,vlaCamdenand Amboy CwkA. Aecnmtnniiaitli-sii . SI 2ft At A.M..TUCamdeaandJerseyCltv-New Jersey Accommodation 3.S8 At 8 A. M..vla Kensington and Jersey Clty( Moraine; Mall - . . - 100 At I5H P.M.,vlaCamdeQandAmboyAecom- modal Ion g.25 At S P.M., via Camden aod AmbqyC. and A. Express --- S M At 4 P. M.t via Camden and Jersey City Kveulnr Express - - S.OQ At 4 P. M ,vla Camden and Jsrsey City ltd Class Ticket t.SS At K Pa M., via Kensington and Jersey Cltyt Evening Mall 1.00 At 12 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey Cttyi ouumrrD piaii - iai t S P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accom modation (Freight and Passenger) tit class ticket - 2.24 9d class ticket 150 The SU P. M. Line rum dallr. Sundavs exnented. The 13 P. M. Southern Mail ruoe'dally. WAY LINES. For Brtttol, Trenton, fcc, at 7.10 and IK A. M., and 6, 6 so and 12 P. M., from Kensington, and Vi r, ! arvia n ninui aim;, wnariv For Bristol and Intermediate Stations at UK A. Mtfrom Kensington. rue arBtiuyrn, njveriuD. jjvaaaiacu, aucTsriy. our llngton, Florence, Bordentown, fcc , at IVit h 4, 6 and OK p. M. sreamDoai rrenion, i&r uoroentown ana inter mediate Stations, at 2H P. M., from Walnut street wharf. Cy-For New York, end Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the Cars on Filth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tha Cars run into tha Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. r my pouDos oi jiaggege onir aiiowea eacn pas njrer. Passenrers are prohibited from taklntt an v thing as Bargain but their wearing apparel. All Bafgage over flity pounds, to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for Baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond too Dollars, except by special contract. WM. H. GATZMER. Agent. ap ss W INTKH AHRAJIOEMElfT. Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RAIL, ROAD. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 18, IMI, PASSEXGLR TXAISS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: Tor Baltimore, at s so a. m , 0.15 a. m.f a. in., For Chester, at 8 IB a. m., 11.33 a. tn., S.45 and 10 60 For Wilmington, at S 30 a. m.. 8.15 a. m.. 11.85 a. m , 9 49 and 10 60 p. m. t or new vssue, ai o is a. m. ana w p. m For Dover, at 8.16 a. m. and . p. m. For Mil ford, at 8.16 a. m. For Salisbury, at 8.19 a. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8 SO a.m .(Express,) 1 09 p. tn.. (Exnrrss.l 6 90 and 7 n. m.. (Fxnress.. Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11. tt a. m.,416, a.9, SHU V OW II. HI. Leave Salisbury at 8 S3 p. m. Leave Mllford at 4,66 p. m. Leare Dover at S a. m. and 6 10 p. m. Leave New Castle at 11 a.m. and&ioo. m. Leave Cheater at 6.20 a. ro., 13.15, 4.60, and S 30 p..m. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury aod Intermediate stations at 6 SO and 7. p. m.t for Vo er and in term e- UaSlB latlioni, RIIUjp, Ha TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 8.43 a. m . 13 OS and 11.30 to.'m, Leave Wilmington at 4 so a. ra., 1 26 a. ra., 13.39 p. m., and 13 a. m. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows! Leave Philadelphia, for Perryvllle and Interme diate places, at 0.10 p. m. Leave Wilmington, for Perr Ille and Intermedi ate places, at 7.10 p. m. Leare Baltimore, for Havre de Grace and Inter- tneaiate stations, at a. m. ON SUNDAYS OALYi At 3 30 a. m. and 10 60 p. m., from Philadelphia to, At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 8 so a.m. Train from Philadelphia to Balti more will run dally, Mondays cxccrrrD. S. M. FELTON, Jan 3 tf President. f7H UOhVoN, VIA NEAVPOKT AND JL AL1j H1VKH. By the splendid and superior steam- - JP"a, ers M E T R O P O I, I S, K M P I R K .sHhIbsVbC STATE, BAY STATE, aod STATE UF MaIUU, of great strength and speed, but particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Sound, running In connection with the Fall river and Old Colony railroad, distance of 68 miles only to Bos- Leave Pier No. 8, North river, near the Battery, The steamer EMPIRE STATE. Capt. Drayton, Mondays, Wednesdajs, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock P. M., touching at Newport each way. Tha steamej METROPOLIS, Capt. Brown, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdajs, at 4 o'clock P. M., touching at Newport each way. These steamers are flttedwlthconnnodlous state rooms, and every arrangement for tha security and comfort of passenrers, who are afforded by this route a night's rest on board, and, on arrival at Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting of the accommodation at 8 A. M , by which they may reach Boston about 8 49 A.M. A baggage master Is attached to each steamer, who receives and tickets the baggage, and accom panies the same to Its destination. A steamer runs, In connection with this line, be tween Fall river and Providence, dally, except Sun dajs. Freight to Boston Is forwarded through with great dispatch by an Express Train, which, leaves Fall river every morning, Sundays excepted, at l)i o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving: at Its destination at about 11 A.M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at the office, on Pier No. 3, North river. For state-rooms and berths, apply on board, or If desired to secure them In advance, to WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug n tf 70 and 71 West street, N, V. WKST, NORTHWEST, AND SOUTH WEST. TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS. BANDS-MEN, SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger trains from Wash ington to the Ohio river, without change of cars dally at 7) a, m. aod 6 p. ra., and oilers greater In ducements to the traveling public that. any other route, i li t CHEAPER FARE, LESS CHANGES OF CARS', CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICKER TIME. This Is the only route, that checks baggage from Washington city to the West. Tickets good until used) and passengers have the privilege of laving over at any point on the route. Passengers procuring tickets by this route, sae the delay and expense of Omnibus transfer. RLMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure tickets, is at the depot of B. U O. R. R. Baggage received at any hourdurtng the day, and no charge for handling baggage. eug?o tf OAFE.TY, SPEED, AND COMFORT. FOR BOSTON, WORCESTER, PALMER, FITCIIBURG, NASHUA, LOWELL, CONCORD, THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, AND IN- TERMEDIATE POINTS. m - -tlTT a. THE new and staunch steamers of JsmSmkmm the Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS ToNaSOTTTY OF NfcW YORK, leave New ork dally, (Sundaj s excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. m , from Pier No. 80, North River, foot of Vestry street. FOR NEW LONDON. There connecting with the Steamboat Express Train for the abo. e points, via Norwich and Wor cester, Boston and Worcester, Worcester and N a shau, and New London and Northern Railroads. Freight taken at the lowest rates. For Information, Inquire of E. S. MARTIN, my SO tf Agent, on the Pier. ri'lllg IH TO GIVE NOTICE. That the X subscriber hath obtained from the Orphans' Court of Washington county, in the District of Co lumbia, letters of administration on the personal estate of Noah Prummood, late of Washington county, deceased. AllpersonBhalngcIaln.saralnst the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the fifteenth day of November next the) may otherwise bylaw lm excluded from all benefit of the said estate. Given under my hand this fifteenth day of No vember, A. 1). 1SC2. JOHN S. DRUMMOND, Administrator, Prince George county, MJ. Claim against the estate may be left at the office of Lemuel J. Middleton, Kq , corner of Twelfth and F streets. "ov 17 lawSw MORE 11KAUTIFUL, CLOAKS.-We hate now on exhibition the largest and best assort ed stock of LADIES CLOAKS we have ever offered to the public. Among them will be found all the new stj les of the season, and at very moderate prices. Also, Frosted Bearer, Lion Skin, Plusb, and Black Cloaking Cloth, In great variety. nov l-cod6t M. TAYLOR ot CO. .lUlLUQAPS.,,, N; KW BOATS-NICWARS. FOR BOSTON, via NEW LONDON, NORWICH, and WORCESTER DAILT,- (Snndays Excepted,) At 4 O'clock, P. M., ' rsoH PIER W rf R., FOOT OF VESTRY STREET. The new and magntnoent steamer CITY Or BOS TON, Wm. Wilcox, commander, from New York- Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays) and from New London Mondays, Wednesdays.and Fridays. The new and magiftcent steamer CITY OP NEW YORK, Thomas G.Jewett. commander, from New York Mondays,-Wednesdays, and Fridays t from New London Tuesdays, Thursdays,, and Batur- These two new steamers have been built express ly for this route, with all modern Improvements, in cluding Water Tight Compartment, and are the only steamers aver built for Long Island Sound with this great life-preserving Improvement Conductors accompany the steamers each way Passengers proceed from New London Immediate ly on arrival of steamers, by Express Train to Bos ton. Worcester. LowelL Lawrence, Fltchbuffr. Naahua, Concord, the White Mountains, ike, fcc. Passengers returning from Boston leave the De pot of the Boston and Worcester railroad at 6 30 P. M.t Worcester 7 P. M.. arriving at New London JO P.M. , Freight taken at the Lowest Rates, and deliver ed In Boston early tha next day. State Rooms in abundenoe can be had on boan steamers, or at tha Boston or New York offices, In advance. E. 8. MARTIN, Agent, my tf ner s N. R. GRKAT CENTRAL, ROUTS! For tha Was, vis HUD80NRIVER RAILROAD ind.XMY YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD, Op amd ArrxB Dcccmbcb 9 1641, Express Trains leare New York city depots ot Hudson River Railroad dally, Sundays excepted, as IUI1UWBI From Chambers' street From loth street station At 7.36 a. ra. lijoa.m.,6 Wp.m.j -3.40 p. m. At 7 a.m. 11 a.m ,6p.m. 3.16 p.m. , Montreal and Buflalo Train with sleenlnc cars.10.i6D, tn " Oil Sundays, the following trains will be run to and from sothstreett The 10 top. ra. sleeping oar train for Albany and Troy', and tha 1 30 a. m. from a roy, anu .. n. m. Train irom Albany. Connecting at Albany with the New York Cen tral Railroad for Schenectady, Rochester, Utlca, Batavla, Rome, knd stations on Rome and Water town Railroad, Buffalo, Syracuse, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Auburn, Genera, Casaddalfua. Trains In connection leave BuOHlo and Suspen sion via Lake shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and Great Western Railroad, for Hamilton, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fond du Lao, La Crosse, Madison, Prairie DuChlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, Rock Island, Musta tlne, Iowa City Burlington, Qulncy, Springfield, Alton, St. Louis, Cairo, Terr Haute, Indianapolis, Louisville, Cincinnati. Dayton. Columbus, Cleve land, and all points West, Northwest, and South west, NORTHERN ROUTE. Connecting with Trains at Troy, with Troy and Boston, and Reus, and Saratoga Roads for, Sarato ga, Whitehall, Rutland. Burlington, St. Albans, Rouse Point, PUttiburgh, Ogdensburgh, Montreal, fcOMfcc. - - ' O" Freight Arangements by this route as above, without change of ears, from tha Depots in Cham bers and Hudson streets, are at all times as favora ble as made by other Railroad Companies. The facilities of this great New York Route, to the West, commend It to tha confidence of merchants and shippers for promptness and despatch. Passenger Trains, with Smoking and Sleeping Cars, run In connetlon on the New York central Road. For particulars as to local trains and freight ar rangements, Inquire at the depot, 63 Warren street. . A. F, SMITH, dec 17 Superintendent. , iV,. - pRIK RAILWAY. passenger Trains leave via Pavonla Ferry from foot of Chambers street, as follows, vlx i SOO a. to. Mall for Dunkirk and Intermediate stations. This train remains over night at Elmlra find pro ceeds the next morning. 7 00 a. m. Express, for Buffalo fend principal In termediate stations. 9 00 a.m. Milk, dally, for Otlsvllle and Interme diate stations. ,, t 13.16 p. m. Accommodation, dally, for Port Jervli and principal stations. 4.00 p. m. Way, for Mlddletown, Newburgh, and Intermediate stations. . 6 00 p. m. Night Express, daily, for Dunkirk, Buf falo, Canandalgua, and principal stations. The train of Saturday runs through to Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. . . 7 00 p. m. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal stations. ' ( The Express Trains connect at Hornellsville with railroad for Buffalo, at Elmlra with tha Canandal gua and Niagara Falls Rallroadt at Bingham ton, with the Syracuse Rail road) at Coming with the railroad for Rochester and Buffalo) at Great Bend, with the raUroad for Scranton, and at Buffalo and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve land, Clnclnnat I, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, fcc,, and the Canada railroads. , ruiDira MrninT sep 13 General Superintendent. CHARLES' CORDIAL Jw4a GrXlXr, Is distilled in London, and put tri.:mvu up aolely In quart and pint bot t ana put not- V ,j , tf f. requirements' J lUfOHmff thu. to whom , ,., terated Liquor - tles, to meet the of Drurglsts.and those Pure and Unadulterated Uquoi rJtnjl -A!--.. UciiVr-.u 1 Is a Necessity or a Luxury. It Is the oldest established of all the GINS (!) which have started Into existence upon the basis of Its well-deserved and hard-earned celebrity. It has no connection with, and Is In no way like tha trashy mixtures sold as "English Gin '' or "Old Tom," ot "London Dock," or "London Gin," fcc, fco , no matter how much " antiquity" or "respect ability" Is assumed by their begetters. Dr. Valentine, Mott, of New York, says I ' It Is far preferable to even rune Holland Gin, and Is tha best article of Its kind I have ever seen." So Bay thousands of physicians. The New York Herfcld sajst "We are surprised at Its beneficial eflects; it Is a certain safeguard to ' health " The Philadelphia Ledger says: "It has no supe- . rlor. If an equal, in medicinal virtues." j Tbe New Orleans Picayune sajsi "There Is no remedy on earth for dyspepsia equal to It." , The Boston Journal says. "As a beverage, as a " preventative, or as a remedial agent, we want no other. It Is our vade mecum." Women or amekica, for you It Is particularly adapted. In sickness or health, It is your greatest friend. B. BALDWIN A CO., , Sols Imfoetebs, ' , St Liberty street, New lork. Sold lo Washington by LOVELL, COLLESfc CO., 316 E street, near Pennsylvania avenue, And by dealers generally, dec 13 ly m . flUUMS AQAINST-UNITED STATES. L FINLEY BIGGER, (late Register of the United States Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlement of demands against the united States, growing out of the pres ent war, including the Accounts and Claims of States, Contractors, and Disbursing Officers t appll- i cations for the restoration of property illegally; seized or captured, and for compensation for tha use of prirate property for Government purposes and for damages for the Injury of such property by the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty landsi and for distributive shares of moneys paya- ble at the Treasury and due to sub-contract oes and others. II They will also give legal atmce to ciaimams, i VUUIIakVIUIP, aaaau aw uasi'ivavwaiavaiBtB -.guesses a -a as..- Sated casesi and prepare written arguments when eslred. -, With non-resident Agents who may send tnem claims, an equitable division of commissions wlilf be maue. l Undisputed Demands will be collected and promptly remitted for a commission of from a half to two and a half per cent., depending on the amount) nd negotiations with the Departments conducted on moderate terms. By prompt attention, moderate charges, long ex perience, and a minute knowledge of the ex'laws. regulations, rules, and precedents governing that class of business at the Departments, they hope to render their sen ices useful lo claimants and public creditors. Reference maybe made to members of Congress, and officers of the Government! and especially, by t he Hon. Elish A whittles EV,t lrst Comptroller of the Treasury. Address Messrs. BIGGER fc SHERMAN, Washington, D. C Office. No. 316 F Btrret, near Treasury and WII larda Hotel. nov 8 4m. GW. OOI1UAI.I., , PLUMBER,, AMD O AS AND STEAM FITTER; 60s Snmlh itrttt, mar Canal Brltlgt, WASHINGTON. All orders executed st tbe stiorteit notice, In las most sabstsntlsl msnner, and on reasonable tenaa. Personal attention jlyen to eyery department ol the business. ot M t'(.i A .-J . r i J 1 --T' -i " I 1 ,