Newspaper Page Text
Trey IT" T . !f a-A i .(.-f. . a ikilM f al-ilfM ft-i WrkinCramlMMWPb,h,MM 4 "B tiiieti Ttb rtllff of LI'i1.'Clonel -t nmnrixea dt rMoritmr tT' It i w-preaniiTe 'Ol'jsay - ltd. eliktM knniui'l - I . .--.. T M(" IjSOOOO : t on fene armi-T.aliit-ai-;'T;'; id front of thaiPnMAMftt- -' '--' ) . I -v. . i n,eoow I Preal dent to rjerrvefct-to trss f r U emaiieipatle f ?we-jisin-ioiuita-ie,aiia if." - ; "" 7 "TTTLm T . i--a- n nnDirvn ami UM.00OC0 il-i 'm lh -eeoai didst-d land -1 - ".MolfM, b. dls- Renter at a Tate net ex' ; m diHIa-a ir dv. from the AA telOAMmbnr. iLehteen , I sixty-one, to tie tttrtleth' ' , Hteeo hundred ind stity II J 1.C33 00 d sara'saloner ,Vd Intf 4 '' i under the " act fir the V ' Id rlkli'on of the liwi of Ike obia," approved May n hundred and -lxty 3,000 00 ear endh-i thirtieth iguana ena eixry- u tn warm the Library aee nut of a deft -lienor .1 rear ending June thirtieth, -nired and llty-two, and heot fiscal year ","' - n .1 the P tent Offl-e, to Irup- ' i ne existing nnder tbe act 1,200 00 kom, nt-n nana red ana ttdWd "Anact la addition prboioU toe of the ," . i., vi 00,851 49 Seleueiea to tbe1abproprla.v s oi ourveyur ueoenti e vn- brnt,riel, bouks, stall.-' "' t uf messenger ,1-. ' n inch if tbe route autho- Act eaUbliibl.. addition- t-e " aa la the opiate, of tbe Department may be nte.s- uiig ... ' i In e-rrylnf Into eT et tbe iOreatlMu.!n fur the top. . Ih ile trade ' ' . -ise of artiloial limb for Nmeo disabled in the aer- .United States, to be rxprnd- e direetlun vf the Burgeon 2,000 00 10,000 00 15,000 00 15,000 00 BIB,493 49 itiim for payment of the ex tbe joint committee of Con InV d to ioquiie Into tbe eon war t - -' xpenera of the Joint eommlt trnrto inquire Into the eon- present nar rriolnttnn antborltlnc the ol the Nary to teat plM and 10000 00 or rrnarnug ttupe or noeting 'irulni'rabte. oie of tettlng plana aad ma- ' rendering shipa and Aoatieg irulnerable - 25,000 00 itlon fer tbe relief of the effi fommiationed offitera, a d ' tbe battaiiun of mtnaea on Mnnipiirt Gorern. on the vorember. ljht.n bnndrad I , t'e the rdiccri, iinn4omoit :ira, and priratea who com , marine hattalma attached to total naval expedition tinder ir Dai ont fr the louet of their fci by thef ntidenngof tbe urrrno-, in which they were , on tue third ut .November 7,163 51 Mtion to proride for the pre If JtMedili of H mor " to tbe en of the army ant rolnoteer bare diitloffuithrd or mar In battle dnriog it ion-limn. ' Jl ilI i f n.wor." with imbl-m4tie derire. to be ;ii tbe nnme of Cungra to I mmiuioni-a me ri ana pa hall dutiugui.n tbrmaelvee a Untry In ction, and other . qoaiillea, duilnr ihe preaent utiun mihlog further appro mr ihf current aod eoutin- 10.000 00 nief of tbe Indian Department ,fUiui retyiti(n'at'ou with u Indian tribea, tor the yenr :ne tiirticti. emLteen huadred ?hr-e. Trice In Nerada Ternt iry. i mierp eter 500 00 e ot uioJ ud cli'tiing tiln oe exuei.ded br tbe aonenn- llndiw Affiira al exo nei in Nerada Terl jdmg offlM and trar.lling ei- lerrlce in Colorado Territory. t iuteip e er a uf goieii aud o'nthlni to lo be rxpeiidd by tbe lupenu f ludiau Afflra lai expo ie in Colorado Ter icludug ttBce and travelling 5,000 00 2,000 00 500 00 5,000 00 . .' Indian aervlce in U'ahTerr!- 2,000 W Tor Ibe baeil rear rndma June i-lh. elgbteei hundred and threes eter for Shoibonea eierlirUtb 1,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 eter fur Kuby Valley acrnry er "I xort u wrfer agency eter for Spttnib Fork a&ner itl of gooda and clothing to to he emended bv the nih.r- V if Indan Affalra r,,ooo oo ital eipena a m Ut-ih Temto- iding olDce aud travelling ex- 2,000 00 $V5,500 OH for the relief of tbe owner ef Iib ahip Perfiibira. ion by the United Statei a team, acbuaetta, In June liar, under run mat a no n jj unlawfully lhe blockade of the port of Mo- 1,000 00 "for the relief of William Y. hnunt pa d Into the ouU a Tree- Itht twdvy-ieventh of J.nasrj, p ounaria aua lony-nre . CO 00 : Tor the relief of Z B Caverlv. Icretiry of Legation at Lima, Irylcet and exprni! at iperial erirnm L,ima to vvanine(ou,iu I nunoreamimrjliy-u iie,eiinteen I ar d ilxty, and eighteen hundred y-one ... 1.988 00 t forFth relief of tbe owoen, ana cr iw i,i me uauiin barque Loieutien. net oecaiion-d by reason of the iliezure and deteotloo of laid by tbe Murnl g Light, a vaiel Uultoa Qtat-a blnekailirig squad the month of Dei ember list, rull romo niatioo tj the maater. lid crew ofsald barque t-far-tbe relefr the ownera. 1,850 00 ."andlcrew of the Spaniih baraue dencU." . , g'luccMioned by reason of tbe ul s-iture aud u-t'Dtioo ot taia br a steamer of tho United hliiebatlin ntiailmn. in the Lof November last, anj as. full la'ion to tbe maiter. male, and , r -U k..... "T ;L A r ),g, 2.791 01 I aaiv iaitjuv It fir the relief nf John Bklrring, hrf tcea tn mas.lng df atgns, draw- l-i-l iue-fureujen in aud about bl c bu I ,inja lu the city of Waih- aod o'ner expenani alter atrg . .vwbir tee oirectun hi the oa-rof Puilic B lildings.fiam tf ai4bteea ba idred ana (urt)-two year eighteea hundred and fifty- t.142 aa r Tfn i l""tr . a ) -icallh it m .- ' wbjt .--, t . Charles '. Huff, of the United 8Utes arnir ,. "-"' Fortke p.j anil emihnoe-ts due him for the toon 11 i r lurch and Apt!', one tho-isaed egbt hnndndand alitj-one, at major ot thu rrslment of monnted , 'rifl-meo. United States army. . 419 00 Br the act for the rrlief of lieutenant 1 riju-i 8. Orant, rorlouof public fundi tneft; on the nliht i f the alxteenth of ,Jaue, Kg item hundred and jottj-lght 1,000 00 Br the ae. I rtbrli-fcf now'lf.IIirte, " u,i ....ri?j.iii wt ' For eeftaln papera crrpared by htm. br direetlun of tbe Cummluioner of Fat rnti, lilt 'tratlre, uf the " Pmtreti of Agrlealti n-lo IticUmt-dH'atri durlni trn rem " and for an article entl ltd "It.ilrivtfi nrtbe Uniud SUttl tn eigh teen hundred and Bflr" . , 274 60 By th ao i or lhe rrli'f of the f uffireri by - ibe burn mg of the Wa bingtiin Infiima rr vn the) niiiht of Nor'tnber third, eigh teen hunf rrd and tlxtr-ime. Fur tbe amount of pr"pm t; loit by each of tne oiiieri oi unailty ana leamie ler rante eidpliyrd In the Waihington In firmary at tbe tine of Iti eonfligraltun 620 00 By the act for tbe rlirl of Commodore 1 I lltram Paulding For Hi expenara in dileidlng hlmielf aralnat a tuit bmucht agnnit him for taking Charlea MrD maid (i neof Wm. Wa ker'i fiUiwer) from the atrauier " Mo gal," at 8'D Juan del N.irte. In Nlcaraa:ea, and lending him on board the United Statri ih p " data'oia," In the year eighteen hundred and fl tyeveu - Br the act to nar B. Y. Bbeller for hli 100 00 eiaim ana troprnveuienu'aKen irom mm by the Umaha reaervation in the Terrl lorv of Nebra.ka. . . . w ... i t, Fer all claim, of laid Bbeller agilnit the Oovernment oi tbe Umt-d Hia'ea lor 1 hli M claim" and Improvement! thereon, which were taken inm him b) th Uni ted Sutra 6 r the OJha rriervatlon in Nebra.ka Territory, In the year eigh teen hundred and fifty-five . By the act for Ihe relief of J. W Nf e. Fur balanee due ferumlal 1 g h Tiea and carryalli, and hauling b x.ianl other art e ea fur tbe iie of tbe II' ii of He preienutlvei for tbe twentyahtii Con a irri, under a written contract with be Po.tmilter of tbe Houie ot Urpreaen Utlvea.datrd Januir) tbe fifth, eighteen bui.dredaiid forty.f.ur . For balance due for Improvementa'made oi th-i bptauieal aardn lot and fur dam agea .u Jttln d by aaid J. W. Nye 1 1 be In deprived uf iheueanl occufation of tbe tot according tn tbe termi and coi dilicJia contaiued in a certain leaie from the Preaideut or the United Btatei to laid J. W, Nye . 1,315 00 1,451 84 3 432 44 $4 887 28 By the act for the reliefer Brigadier Gen eral Joseph O Totteo. For money advanced fur the benefit of the United Mtatei in the purchue i f certain lind of (William Aapiuwall for furtlfioa- tlooa oti Stattn IilaLd, in the hrbor of New York - , 2 By tbe relolutl-n In relation to tbe claim or Manh.ll O. Roberta for the loaa or tbe i eamerS ar of Ihe West Furctinpeiiastino for the loaa oHbe ateam ahlp btar or the Weit, while in tbe aer vie and under the direction ot the Uni ted State! Indefinite. $894 904.97J 34 BECAPITULATION. Legislative, executive, Judicial, and mis. crllanefus Army, rut tbe year ending June 30, 1-62 . Army, for the year ending June 30 18b3 , Navy, for the year ending June 30, 186M , Navy, for the tear endliig Juuo3j,lr63 , D plumailo aud c niular . Indian d-arlment . . Post Offite Department . rll lury Academy .... $13 997194 56 23864').438 77 54J346340 55 3U.48il,2')4 00 4274I.3AS U 115 8-9 8 2 1l7,90i 04 14,744 800 00 150211 00 7,015,000 00 1,450,600 00 44 497 06 roiUDtaaoa . . rvalid and other oersioos Treaty with the kingdjm of llanovtr $8J4 9U4 72 34 II. OrFICSES CRE1TED A5S TUX SlUKIEa TSXEEOr. By the aft (Chap. I) to further promote the efficiency 01 tne navy, approveu ieuemuer t, icui. The President may select any officer from the grade! of captain or commander in the navy and assign him to tne commanu OI a squaaron, witu uie ran auu iiiiu vi a "flag-officer," to receive "the pay to which ho would have been entitled If he were on the active list of the Ty" Jjy tne act (Lnap. IV J to proviae lor allotment ccniu- cates among me toinnteer lurces, appruveu octcui- ber24, IStil. The President 1 authorlied to appoint, for each State hiring volunteers In the service, three commissioners for procuring allotment certificates for the families of volunteers. No pay allowed by the act. By the act (Chap. VI1IJ to promote the efficiency of the aead-icuer omco, approveu uautuu-y ai, iou The Postmaster General Is authorised to appoint twen- ty-flve additional clerks, at an avcrago salary ofJSOO per aunum, no one to receive over ei,iu. By the act (Chap. XJ to authorise the President to ap point two additional Assistant Secretaries or War, approved January 22, 1861. The President may appoint two additional Assistant Secretaries ot War, whose eaiary shall each bo $3, 000 a year, to continue for one year. By tne act (unap. ah,; auiuonzing an increase oi tue clerical forco In the War and Nary Departments, ap proved January 27, 18b2. The Secretary of War Is authorlied to appoint as fol lows : In tho office of the Secretary o! War, four clerks of class one, at $1, 200 a year each. In the office ot the Adjutant Ueniral, eighteen clerks ot class one, at $1, 200 a year eachaud two niiscngcrs. Pay not stated. In the office or the Quartermaster General, tin clerks ot class one, at 1, 200 a year each, and one niesenger. Pay not stated. ' In the'offica ol tho Surgeon General two dirks ot ilass one, at 41, 200 a year each, and one laborer. Pay not stated. In the office ot Chler or Engineers, one cltrk of class one, at (1, 200 a year. In tbe office of Chler or Ordnance, three clerks ot class one, at II, 200 a year each. In the office ot the Commissary Oeneral, three clerks or class one, at SI, 200 a year each, and one laborer. Pay not stated. The Secretary ot tho Navy Is authorlied to appoint fonr additional clerks or class one, at $1, 200 a jcur each. Br the act fChan. XVlto anthoriio the President otthe United States, In certain cases, to take possession or railroad and telegraph linos, aud for otner purposes, anDrovod January 31. 1S0J. The President may appoint, by and with the advice and cousent of the benate, three commissioners to as sess tho damages suffered by any railroad or telegraph company, and tjie compensation for the same, each com missioner to lie allowed 48 per day. By the act (Chap. XXXVI) fixing the number of the IIouso ot Representatives from and after thu 3d ot March, 1863, approved March 4, 1802. Bight additional members, as follows t One to Penn sylvania, one to Ohio, one to Kentncky, one to Illinois, one to Iowa, one to Minnesota, one to Vermont, and one to Rhode Island, to receive thu pay and mileage of mem bers of Congress. By the act (Chap. XXXVHJ to provide for tho appoint ment of additional clerks In the office of the Assistant Treasurer at New York, and for other purposes, appro tod March 6, 166.!. The Assistant Treasurer at New York may appoint. from time to time, with tho consent of the Secretary of tbe Treasury sucli oilier clerks, messengers, ana watcu men, in addition to those already employed, as tho pub lic business may require, their compensation to be fixed By tne (secretary of tho Treasury. The Assistant Treasurer at New York Is also authoriz ed to appoint from among hU clerks a deputy assistant treasurer, whose compensation shall not ),0l0 exceed per annum. Byithe act (Chap, XLI) making appropriations for the legislative, executive, aud Judicial expenses ot the government for the year ending JuneiUO, 1863, and additional appropriations tor tne year enaing June Jd, -5--; JU62. aobrOTod March.,14, 1862. k.v.-i f"K-iqi4,rflf i- b c.tli ilUtilt.nrttA In fctinolnt. bv and WlthM, the advice an.t conaent of the, Benale,nd-'ASiliuat . a K.I e. .- ..- -, IOJI.1. Socrotary df tbt InU-rlor, at in aftnhal .alary ot j,vw. By the act fChari XLI1IJ for a Joint eommlsilon for ho proaerTallc j ot the Atlantic 'fHhereJJ'apfrbrr March . n-iM u :.!. I. nil,n.l,t lnanrnfn h eoramllsioAer tomoot.t h commliloncr a may WippolntM bj Oreat Briti in ana France, to Kifin vu i for the pre erration of the Attanuc njoerica, wsmj. fhll act inl noffock the uni of J,uw appropnawu.,, , Br the act (Chap. XLVIi; to proviae' wr me rawe I mentof intlera In the volunteer aervloo, and a deBno their dn lc, approred March XV,1$C1 aira't It in ton e tho duty of oath-commanding officer ota it-..i. in .AMi. a K tM.ud br the commiuioncd ori- coni Of each regiment one tutlar for.thojeglmentf.and eachVclrdeno of volnntoen lliall hive pno auUer, and Jio more, viho shall U- the lole'TOtler U that regiment. Ry the acUfChap. XLVIII) to provide for the appoint. merit oi BierKi in too oiaco ui mo .......... at Bostdn, to fix their aalaxiei, and provldeirortthe abiencelof tho A!tant yTreaaurer,' and (or 'other purpoicl, approved March 19, 18112. " f-1'1. c. -' In lieu bf the clcrki heretofore authorlied, tad Aa istant Trdaanrer at Boston aothorlied to appoint, iit, it.. .t.nrM.ttnn nf the eWretaiT of the Treasury, one chief elerk, at an annual Hilary of HIdOO; oie djaJ bursing clrrk, at a eaiary oi eiiDvu waaa clerk, nt tl,200 per annum, and" one messenger it' a alary of 1700 per annum. L "; cVi , A By the act fChap. LIVJ for the release of certain pr loni held to lerrlce or labor la tho District of Colum bia, approved April IS, 1602. - , ' The Preildent ihall appoint, byand with the advice and consent of the Senate, three comnilaslouen, who .1..1I t.a. mA Atermlnt all claims tiresented .under this act, and shall receive u componsatlon for their eerrices, upon filing their report, the aum. of, 13,900 each. - - ". The said commissioners may appoint a dork, ,who shall receive JO0 per montu.i t r By the k (Chap. LV) to reorganlte and Increase tho efficiency of the medical dtpartroont of the army, , ,tt lrt lO.'O . a approvcu April iu, icu. - - There shall be added to the preaont iraedloali corpa of the army ten surgeons ana ten nesisinm anrgevua, i lui nrnmnlMl mid Annolntcd nnder eitstlnci laWS. Ihere shall bo appointed twenty medical eadctsj'who Ihall receive 30 per montu ana oou.raiion a oj-. Tt . .1..11 t .nttni...! nimnne hMTiltil stewards as the Surgeon General may consider1 Accessary lor the publlo sen ice, whose pay shall be W peT montn. The Surgeon Oeueral to be appointed under Hill act hall receive' the rank, pay, and f tnolnmenls of atrlga dler general. tr , n . , There shall bo appointed eight inedical Inspectors. with the rank, pay, and cmolcmuiiU of a lieutenant iUnnI fir i-nvilrv. a There shall bo an Assistant Surgeon General and a Medical Inspector General, with the rank, pay, and emoluments each of a colonel of cavalry. Medical purveyors aro also provided for by the act, l.nt ll nnmlwr and rnmnentation are UOt Stated By the not (Chap. MX.) to establish ft branch mint 'of tho unltea Mates at uenvtr, m tne icrmurj vi uv." rado, approved April 21, 1862. The President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a superintendent of tho mint, at a salary of $2,000 per onnuni j an aesayer, al 81,S0U per annum , amelter and refiner, at tl.SOO per annum; and a coiner at 81,b00 per annum. " The sujierintcndent shall appoint as many clerks, subordinate workmen, ind laborer", under the direction of tho Secretary ut the Treasury,' is may bo Required. Compensation l.ot stated. By the act (Chap. LXVII) to establish a port of entry in the collection district ot Beaufort, South Carolina, approred May 13, 1S6-. There 1iall 1 appointed a cullector of the customs, who shall real lo at said port, at " annual salary ol ei.uOO. The Secretary ot the Treasury may appoint such in spectors, weighers, gaugcrs, measurers, aud other offi cers as may be necessary, whose compensation shall not exceed the rates now allowed to similar officers at other ports ot entry and delivery, lit-tl,e nrt Thin. LXXI) to Termlate tho time of hold. lng the courts of the United States for tho district of Kentncky, ana Tor otner purposes, approveu. mt au, A clerk shall be appointed at every place ot holding circuit and district courts in Kentucky. Compensation lint stated. By tho act (Chap. LXXII) to'rttabllsh'a Department ot 4lllCUi,Ul', UJIJHOItUW. , .-v.. The President shall appoint, by and with tho adTlerj and consent of thj Senate, a Commissioner nt Agricul ture, who shall 1 the chler exocntlvo officer of the D(V partment ot Agriculture, and receive an'annuil salary t.t at iiiui The Commissioner may appoint a ciiicf ,clcrk, at 2,000 per annum ; and may olsc) appoint sucbotker employed, including ihemlsts, botanists, find others skilled In the natural sciences pertaining tongrujeuturv, n Cnnim aa may. from timu to time, urovlde. Uy tne act (Uiiap. i, mtuciuL, appropriations to reimburse tho contingent fund of the office of the Sec retary r the Treasury, includinir compensation or ad ditional clerks, who may be employed according to the exigencies ot the public sen lie, and tor tempo rary clerics for the currc nt fiscal J ear, and for the year ending June 30, 1663, and to provide for the omploy ment ot additional clerks in the office of the Assistant Treasurer at St. Louis, approved May 20, 1802.' The Secretary of tho Treasury Is authorised 'to cm nlov temporary clerks, ("number not stated) and cla slfy them according to the character ot their serylces, and allow them such compensation as he shall see fit, which shall In no caso exceed l,-Oil per annum. After the 30th day of Jnne, 1862, thero shall be,em- ployed in the office of the Assistant Treasurer 'at' St. Louis a chler clerk and teller, at 81,800 per annum, and an assistant clerk, at 1,200 per annum. Tho clerks authorized by this act aro to bo in tho place ot all other clerical force now authorized for tho said office. By the act (LXXV1I.) to provldo for tho publlo Instruc tion of jouth In primary schools throughout tbe eonnty of Washington, in the District of Columbia, without tho limits ot the cities or Washington and Georgetown, approved May 20, 1602. The levy court ot tho county or Washlncton. shall appoint seven commissioners or primary schools for said county, ttho shall have power to appoint a clerk and a treasurer ot the school fund, who shall each be allowed on annual conniensation of elOO There shall also be appointed three trustees and a collector for each school district. By the act (Chap. LXMXJ to provldo for the codifica tion of the laws of the District of Colombia, approred May 20, 1S6J. The President is authorized to appoint, by and with tho advice and consent ot the Senate, three snltable per sons to revise and codny the Iatvs or the Ulstrlct or Col umbia. No compensation allowed by the act. Notb. The act (Chap. CLXXXH.) making Bupplc mental appropriations tor sundry c,ivil expenses ot tho government fur tho year ending Juno 30, 18W, and for the year ending Juno 30, 18C2, and Tor other purjioses, approved July 16, 1662, reduces tho number of tho commlislouers to one, and appropriates i3,0UO for his pay and Incidental expenses. By the act (Chap. LXXXJ to authorize tho appoint ment of medical storekeepers and chaplain of hospit als, approved May 20, lHnZ. There shall be added to tho medical dgpartment of the army six medical storekeepers, who shall have tbo pay and emoluments ot military storekeepers in thequarter lnaster's department. The President Is authorized to appoint, it he shall deem It necessary, a chaplain for each permanent hos pital, whose pay shall be that ot regimental chaplains in tho volunteer force. By the act (Chap. XCIJ to allow the State ot California an additional representative In the Thirty-seventh Congress, approvi a June -, jsu.. Tho State of California Is allowed an additional repre sentative In Congress until the beginning of the Thirty-eighth Congress, to rcceltp the usual per diem and mileage of a menibi r or Congtess. By the act (Chap. XCIIJ abolishing certain collection districts and reducing compensation ot officers of cus tom in California, approved June 2, 160.1. There shall lie appointed an Inspector at each uf tho following places- Monterey, San Diego, Hacramonto, Beniclo, Stockton, and ban Pedro, at an auuual com pensation each of $1,000. By the act (XCIl ) to prevent and punish fraud uu the part protniers Intrusted tilth making ot contracts tor the government, appiovcd June 2, 11402. The Secretory tit the Interior is required to provldo In his department a" returns office," In v. hlch are to bo filed al contracts of tho government, and he Is author ized to appoint a cienc lor sail otuce, at au annual sal ary of Jl.zoti. Note.-. Tho operation oi mis act us suspenaea nntu the first Monday In January, 1863, by tho act approved Jnly 17, 1602, Chap. CCIII. By the act (Chap. XCIV) to establish a land office In Colorado Territory, anil fur other purposes, appruved June 2, 1862. The President is authorized to appoint, by and with the advice aud consent of the Senate, a register and re ceiver ot publlo moneys for 'the Cclorad6 district, who shall receive the same compensation as ls'alloy,ed by law to register and receivers in Kansas. . . ....J . J -i . 'tne united Btatei to appoint diplomatic represent- 1 LtlreV tne republics oi uayu ana. idbena, respce. -inrored Jnne 6. lAA2r n, a ..' "TttoTrf ldcnt Is aathorliadyby and with the advice it of inn Renate. to antwttnt a eAmmlaalrmne and. rbnsi arlSconiui general to each of the'republlcs of Uaytl and Liberia, whose compensation! shall be, according to the act oi August in, looo, f i,ouv, trot ini commissioner to Liberia hhall not recclro tnore thutHOOO per an nunu (,, By the act;(Chap. XCVIII) for the collection or direct taxes In Insurrectionary districts within the United etatea, approred June 7, 1B02. .Tho President Is authorised to appoint, br ind with the advlco'and consent ot the Senate, a board of three tax commissioners for each State in which Insurrection exists, at an annnal salary each of 43,000. t -, -.The commissioners may employ a clerk, whose com pensation shall be (1,200 per annum. , jiy.tne act (unsp. u.wij to change the port of entry) tor in district oi urunswicic, ueorgta, approved June .20.-18C2. i c Thero shall bo appointed a deputy collector to reside at uanen.ana to exercise such powers u the secretary 6f. tho Treasury may by law .prescribe. Compensation not stated) f ' By the' act (Chap. CX1XJ to provide Internal revenue to support 'the government, and to pay Interest on '-'the public debt, approved July 1,'1862. " Tho i'rceldeni is authorized to appoint, by ana with the advice and consent of thd Senate, a Commissioner of .Internal Revenue, with an annual salary or $4,000. Aud the Secretary ot the Treasury may appoint In the office of the Commissioner as many clerks as he may deem necessary or the public, service may require. .number ana compensation not stated. , ''The President shall divide tho fctatcs and Territories and the District of Columbia into convenient collection districts, and appoint, with the advice and consent of the senate, an assessor and a collector tor eacn district. Bach assessor shall divide his district Into a conve nient number of assessment districts, and appoint one assistant Assessor for each district.- Each collector Is authorlied to appoint as many dep uty collectors as he may think proper, to be compensa ted by him for their services. ' u Te) each! assessor there shall be allowed and paid (3 per day for each day employed In making necessary ar rangements and giving Instructions 'to assistants, (5 per day for every day employed in hearing 'appeals, making lists, Ac, and $1 for every hundred taxablo persons contained in the tax lists as returned to the Commissioner. Lach assistant assessor shall receive $3 per day for every day actually employed in collecting lists and making valuations, and $1 for every hundred taxable personsonthetax list as returned by him to tne assessor. Tho Secretary of the Treasury may fix such additional rates or compensation to the assessor and assistant as- ssors In California, Oregon, and tbe Territories, as ho may deem Just ana reasonable. To each collector, In full compensation for his services, and that of his deputies, there shall be allowed a com mission ot four per centum on the first hundred thous and dollars, and two per centum npon all sums above that amount, to bo computed on the moneys paid over and accounted for to tho Commissioner! but the whole compensation shall not exceed $10,000, excert In col lection districts embraced In more than one congres slonaUllstrict. There shall be designated by tho collector In every assessment district, where tho same may be necessary, ono or more inspectors, n ho shall recelt o such lees as may be fixed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. By the act (Chap. CXX) to aid In the construction of a railroad ana teicgropn line irom tno Missouri river to the Paalfic ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes, approred July 1, 1862. The President shall appoint two directors on the port of the government, In addition to those appointed by tbe stockholders or the company, ana ne snail aiao ap point throe commissioners to examine and report to him whenever the company shall hare completed forty consecutive miles of railroad and telegraph line ready for servioe. No compensation allowed by the act. By the act (Chap. CXXIII) to provide for tho appoint ment or an lmuan agent in uoioraao Territory, ap proved July 1, 1802. The President Is authorlied to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an agent for the Grand Rlrer'and Wlntah bands of Indisns, in Colorado Territory, at an annual salary of $1,500. llythe act (t;nap. uaavujio proviao lor aciaiuonsi medical officers of tho volunteer service, approved Jul 2, 1862. Tho President is authorized to appoint, by and with tlto odtlco and consent of the Senate, forty surgeons and one hundred and twenty assistant surgeons of vol unteers, who shall hare the rank, pay, and emoluments pticorrospondlug grades lu the regular army. .. Instead of ono assistant surgeon, as now protided by law, each regiment of volunteers shall have two as sistant surgeons. By the act (Chap. CXXIXJ to establish a land district '"in tho Territory of Nevada, and for other purposes, I approved July 2, 1862. The President Is authorised to appoint, by and with tho advice and consent of tho Senate, a register and receiver for the district of Nevada, who shall be allowed the somo compensation allowed to similar officers under the act of April 20, 1818. By the act (Chap. CXXX1II) making appropriations for the support ot the army tor the year ending Juno 30, 1663, and additional appropriations for the year end ing June 30, 1862, and for other purposes, approved July 6, 1862 Tlin President la anthorlzed to appoint not more than forty major generals and two hundred brigadier gener als, and all acts and parts of acts authorising a greater number of officers of theso grades In the army are re pealed. Enlisted men in tho ordnance department known aa pinaster workmen," are to be designated as strgtantii those known as "armorers," "carriage makers," and J blacksmiths," shall be designated as cornorofsi "arti ficers" as pricatti of the Jirit claui and "laborers" as pnmln "J lie Kcena clan, no cnange oi pay is provi ded by the act. There shall be added to tho clerical force of tho Snr geon General's offico ono clerk of class one and one clerk of class two. To tho clerical force of tho Paymaster General's office, twenty clerks of class two, and twenty clerks of class one. To the clerical ond oteer force of tho Adjutant Gener al's office, four clerks or class two, six clerks ot class one, and ten other clerks at a monthly compensation or $60. The Adlutant General may detail ten or more non commissioned officers of the army to act as clerks In his office. The President is outliorized to appoint, by and with tho advice and consent of the Senate, as many military storekeepers in the quartermaster's department of the army, not exceeding twelve, as tho publlo servico may renulre. Compensation not stated. llythe act (map. i...iv l to reorganize tne navy Department oi tno unltea etates, approved July o, 1802. By this act all offices existing In tho Navy Dcpart- mret are abolished, and in lieu thereof tho following have been crcatea: A Bureau of Yards and Docks, a Bureau of 'Equip ment and Recruiting, a Bureau ot Navigation, a Bureau or Ordnance, a Bureau or Construction and Repair, a Bureau ot Steam Engineering, a Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, a Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, to each ot tthlch there shall be appointed by thu President, bv and with the advice and consent ot the iBenate, a chief, whose salary shall be $3,000 per annum, and who shall hold his office during four yuan. The Sucretary or the Navy shall appoint clerks and other officers, as follows t In the offlie ot tho Secretary ot tho Navy, a chict clerk, at a salary oi bz.uuu per annum. One clerk, at a salary oi $1,800, who shall also be dlsburs uc clerk, at 8200 per annum. five clcrKs, with a salary oi ci,uiai eacn; tnree clerks, with a salary ot $1,400 each; four clerks, with a salary of $1,200 each: one messencer. at 8900: one asslstaut messenger, at $700; and two laborers, at $600 per annum each. In the Bureau ot Yards and Docks, one civil engineer, at a salary or $2,000; one chief clerk, at $1,800; one clerk, It $1,600; three clerks, at $1,400 each) one draughtsman, at $1,400; one clerk, at $1,200; one messenger, at $840; and tno laborers, at $600 each per nuiiumf In the Bureau ot equipment Ind Recruiting, one chlet c)erk, at a salary of $1,800; two clerks, at $1,400 each) one chirk, at $1,200; and one messenger, at $340 per annum. In the Burtau of Navigation, one chief clerk, at a salary of $1,800; one clerk, at $1,400, and one at $1,200; and a messenger, at $640 per annum. In tllo uureau of Urelnance, one assistant, to oo se lected from the commissioned officers of the Navy, at a salary of $3,000; one draughtsman, at $1,400; one clerk, at $1,400J one messengor, at $840; one laborer, at $600. and ono at $460 por annum. In the Bureau of Construction and Repair, one chler clerk, at a salary or $1,800; one draughtsman and firo clerks, at a salary each or $1,400; one clerk, at $1,200; one messenger, at $840; and one laborer at $600 per annum. By tWactVChap. XCVI) to aothorlzo the President of .Til t 4 "".'' J n,tho Bureau of Steam Engineering, one citlcf'clezk Olie Chief Cleik. A. at ft MUrr of il.800: one daffhtinuui and one cUrk. at fl400 each; one Militant idriughUnun, at fl.SOQ; mi Iiimi.ww- .1 eoan. ..z .... .1 AcnA . outturn; In the Bureau of Provialona and f-lothlnp. an chief clerk; at' salary of $1,800; four clerki, at $1,400 each; on clerk, at $1,200; one messenger, at $840; and one laoorer, at m w per annum. In tho Bureau or Medicine and Surgery, two clerks, at' $1,400 oach, one messenger, at $840; and ons labor: er, at row per annum. For the protection of the building there shall be ap- i l!nf-1 on A Mr.!, tm.n ml !-, l1.l h.I.Cm.h .1 r pointed one day watchman and two night watchmen, at a salary ofi $600 each t and for the care of the building,' iuruce, icon grounds, inero snail as appointed ono iaJ borer' at,$600, and one at $360 per annum. 1 ' aiyine act (Uh.p. tj.L) to carry into effect the treaty between the united States and Iter Brlttannic Majesty for tho suppression of the Afrloon slave trade, ap prored July 11. 1862. The President is authorised to appoint, br and with the advice and consent of tho Senate, a Judge and an,, arbitrator to reside In tho city of New York; tho Judge , .t.. 11 t. h.U l !. .. e aO RAi . .L. t-l.-. ' auaa - j,,., mh i.iv ui v,vv, biiu lieu n-uii.netir at tne rate oi i,.i.n. per annum. He shall also appoint, by and with the advice and! eonsent of, tho Senile, a juelge and an arbitrator, to ro- side, respectively, at Sierra Leone and the Cape of Good Hope; each of said Judges shall be paid at the I rate of $,KK per annum, and the arbitrators, each, at the rate of 12.000 per annum. 'The Judge at New York shall have power to appoint H clerk or registrar, who shall be allowed the same fees aa aro allowed to the clerk ot the' United States court for tho southern district of New York for similar ser vices. By tho act (Chap. CXL1H) making further appropria tions for sundry civil expenses of tho government for -, the year ending June 30, 1863, and additional appro priations for the year ending Juno 30, 18C2, approred July 11, 1802. For compensation of fonr additional drawkoepers for the draws at the Long bridge, an aggrcgato of $3,066. By the act (Chap. CXLIVJ making appropriations for the payment of the bounty authorized by the sixth section or an act entitled "An act to authorize the employment of volunteers to aid In enforcing the laws and protecting public property," approved July , 32, 1861, and for other purposes, approved July 11, 1862. For twenty additional clerks to bo employed in thu office of the Commissioner of Pensions, viz : fifteen clerks, at $1200 each, and firo clerks, It $1,400 each $25,000. By the act (Chap. CL) to aothorlzo the Secretary of the Treasury to appoint a deputy collector of tho customs at Chlncoteague island, In the btato ot Virginia, ap proveu juiy ii, i- The Secretary of the Treasury Is authorized to appoint deputy collector of customs at Chtncoteazuo Island. Virginia, whoso compensation shall bo the legal fees of his office. By the act (Chap. CM) relating to schools for the edu cation or colored children In the cities of Washington and Georgetown, in tho District of Columbia, ap prored Jnly 11, 1662. A board of trustees, consisting of three members, Is created, and the Secretary of the Interior Is authorised to fill vacancies in the said board as tho same may occur. No compensation provided by the act. By tho act (Chap. CLXIVJ making appropriations for the naral service for tho year ending 30th June, 186J, and for other purposes, approted July 14, 1662. Tho third sectloti ot the act provides that thero shall bo ono clerk to tho navy agent at Mare Island, Califor nia, at $2,000, and ono clerk at $1,500 per annum. At the navy yard at Mare Island thero shall be one clerk to the commandant, at $1,500 ; ono clerk ot tho yard, at $1,500; one clerk to the paymaster and Inspector of provisions, &c, ot $1,500; ono clerk to tho naval con structor, at $900 ; one clerk to the civil engineer, at $900; and one draughtsman to the civil engineer, at $1,200; and one steward to the paymaster, at $750 per annum. The President Is authorized to appoint, annually, ten acting midshipmen at the Naval Academy, to be selected from the sons of officers or aoldlors, and of officers or men In the naral or marine service, who have distln- Snlshcd themselves In the servico of the United States, y the act (Chap. CLXVIJIto grant pensions, approted July 14, 1862. The Commissioner of Pensions Is authorized to ap point, at his discretion, civil surgeons, to mako the bi ennial examinations of pensioners, required by law, and to examine applicants for pensions ; for such exam ination he shall receivo a feo of $1 50, to bo paid by tno pensioner or applicant. The Secretary ot tho Interior Is authorized to appoint S special agent for the pension office, to aid In detecting irauas against tne pension laws, at an annnal salary or $1,2U0. By the act (Chap. CLXIXJ to further provldo for tho collection of the revenue upon the northern, north western, and northeastern frontier, and for other pur poses, approved July 14, 1862. The Secretary of the Treasury Is authorized to ap point, In cases where ports may bo opened within Ju surrectlquary States during the rebellion, special reve nue agents of the department at those posts, who shall receive the same compensation heretofore allowed by law for similar duties in such ports. By the act (Chap. CLXXXIJ to amend an act entitled "An act to create a metropolitan police district of the District of Columbia, and to establish a police there for," approved August C, 1861. Approved July 16, 1862. The board of metropolitan police may appoint an offi cer to be known as tho "property clerk," who shall receivo an annual salary of $1,200. The board may appoint from among the police a sani tary company to consist of not more than ten persons j and they may appoint not more than three surgeons of police, who shall receive, each, a salary of $-00 per annum. The board mar also appoint not more than six de tectives, who shall receivo a monthly compensation of flu eacn. By the act (Chap. CLXXXIII; to establish and equalize tne graae ot line omcers oi tug unltea states navy, approveu juiy so, iod-, inf. Nine rear admirals, who shall receive, when at sea, $5,000; when on shore duty, $4,000; on leave of absence or waiting orders, $2,400. When at sea, or at tached to a sea-going vessel, one ration. Srcdnd. Eighteen commodores, who shall receive, when at sea' $4,000 ; on shore duty, $3,200; on leave of absence or waiting orders, $2,400. When at sea, or attached to a sea-going vessel, one Mtion. Third. Thirty-six captains, who shall receive, when at sea, $3,500; on shore duty, $2,S00; on leave or waiting orders, $2,100. When at sea, or attached to a sea-going vessel, one ration. t'uurtlu Seventy-two commanders, who shall receive, when at sea, $2,600; on shore duty, $2,240; on leave or waiting orders, $1,680. When at sea, or attached to a sea-going vessel, one ration. 'ih.. One hundred and forty-four lieutenant com manders, who shall receive, when at sea, $2,340 ; on shoro duty, $1,875 ; on leave or waiting orders. $1,500. When at sea or attached to a sea-going vessel, one ration. SijiA. One hundred and forty-four lieutenants, who shall receive, when at sea, $1,875; on shoro duty, $1,500 j on leave or waiting orders, $1,200. When at sea or attached to a sea-going vessel, one ration. Seventh One hundred and forty-four masters, who shall rccelte, when at sea, $1,500; on shore duty, $1,200; on learo or waiting orders, $000. When at ssa or attached to a sea-going vessel, ono ration. Eighth. Ono hundred and forty-four ensigns, who shall receive, when at sea, $1,200; on shore duty, $970; on leavo or waiting orders, $768. When at sea or at tached to a sea-going vessel, one ration. Xmth. Midshipmen, who shall receive $500, and when at sea or attached to a sea-going vessel, one ration; their number shall bo two for each member and dele gate or the IIouso ot Representatives, two fiom thu District of Columbia, aud ten "at large." The President may also select, annually, three mid shipmen from boys enlisted in the navy, and who have been at least one year In the service, six mouths of which shall have been sea service. The President may select from the list of captains, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and placo upon the retired list, of tho navy nine rear admi rals, whose annual pay shall be $2,000. Upon the recommendation of an advl-ory board there sliall be selected from the list of captains and placed upon the retired list eighteen commoelort s, whoso aunuol pay shall bo $1,600. Canjalns, when retired, shall receive $1,600! com manders. $1,400: lieutenant oomniandi n. $1,300; lieu tenants, $1,000; masters, $800) and ensigns $500 por annum. By the act (Chap. CC) to define the pay and nmolu ments of certain officers of the arm), and for other purposes, approved July 17, 1862. There shall bo added to the adjutant general's depart ment, by regular promotion of its present officers, ono colonel, two lieutenant colonels, ami nlno majors. By the act (Chap. CCIJ to amend thu act calling forth mo militia to executo tue latts oi tn union, suppress Insurrections and tepel Invasions, approved February "8, 1795, and the acts amendatory thereof and for oth.r rjnrooses. arjnro. ed Jnlv 17. 1862. Tne President (holt appoint, by and with the advice I Z; i6 ' t vmw tw-vi, vuv-v iTriititM too ae vice ana consent 01 uio Benaie, a Indge ad- IS itaa jl ........ .. llh ill. r; nV ! A t,...-r . MiI-f .....' ' ajrjt I il for each array in thefieldihe thalL by and ri.t - .L - ,--. . -.1 -.' .. ,vor ate, -with the rank, pay, and emoluments of a major of cavalry. By the 1 3th section of the act each army corps ihall have attac ed to It one assistant adjutant general, one ind. mnun t nf Itts. fUnttm Mtt.T. k-s.t- f quartertna ter, ono commissary of subsistence, and ene i I, ,r, 1 inspector eenerai, each with the MnX of lieutenant col-. , oncl, who ihall constitute the staff of tho commander. 1 ai.i. uy tne inn section of tho act I'ach regiment of car- slry shall lave one colonel, on lieutenant colonel, three -. . '...!. . ' majors, ono snrgeon, one assistant surgeon, one regi mental adjutant, one regimental quartermoiter, one reg imental edmmissary, one sergeant maj6., fc-no quarter master sergeant, ono commlssaiysergeaiit, two hospital stewards, one saddler sergeant, 'ouo'chlef trumpeter, and ono farrier; or blacksmith, and ?onlit of twelvo compa nies or troops, re, By the actj (Chap. CCII) to, allow and pay to the Stair of Missouri the amount of money expended by said . State Inhearmlngand paying of.troops employed In tho sut(prcsslon.or lnsnrgectlon against tho lawi of the United States, approved July 17. 1862. Tho Secretary or War is authorlied to appoint acorn-. mission to eiamlno and mm .. n,. -i.i -4-..' State for money ixpended In thu military defence of' the Dnitod States; tho number and i compensation of tho commissioners not staled In By tho act (Chap. CCIV) for th in tne act. the better ffore-nmnnt of the narj of tho United States, approved July 17, 1862. The Secretary of tho Navy Is authorised to appolnt'a prize agent, or employ counsel, In any ease In which he' may deem It necessary to protect tho Interests of rap tors, at such compensation as' he my deem Jnst 'and reasonable. , ' By tho resolution (No. 14 providing a stenographer for the Joint committee to Inquire Into the conduct of tho war, approved February 22, 1862. The Joint committee on tho conduct of ihe war' Is au thorized to appoint a stenographer, to receive the same pay as that received by tho reporters of tho Cangrcs sional Globe. By tho resolution (No. 51 to suspend all payment un der ithe act approred March 25,, 18C2, entitled "An act to secure to the officers anil men actually employed in the western department, or department of Missouri, their pay, bounty, and pension," and for other pur poses, approved Jnly 12, 1802. Tho President Is authorized to appoint, by aud with, the advice and consent of the Senate, three commission." eri to examine tho claims arising under tho act, who . shall receive such compensation as the Secretary of War shall think Just and reasonable'. By tho rcsolntion (No. 71 J making further appropria tions for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipula tions with various Indian tribes, for the year ending Juno 30, 1863, approved, Jnly 17. 1862. p' An Interpreter for Indian sen Ice in NevodaTerritory, at $500 per annum. ' -in Interpreter for Indian servico In Colorado Territo ry, at $500 per annum. In Utah Territory. An interpreter for tho Shosho- nees, at $1,000 per annum. ' An Interpreter for the Utahs, at $1,000. An Interpreter for the Rnby Valley agency, at $500. An Interpreter for tho Fort Bridger agenoy, at $500. An Interpreter for the Spanish Fork agency, at $500. III. orricrs me saiirixs ot ttmen navx bebx ix- CHEASEO, WITH THE -.MOtTjr Of SCCK IXCKKASt. By tho act (Chsp. XVII) making appropriations for the consular and filplomatlo expense- of the government fur the year ending Juno 30, 1863, and additional ai prorrlatlons for the year ending Juno. 30, 1802. ap proved Fobruary 4, 1662. Tho salary of tho consul at Bremen Is Increased from $2,000 to $3,000 per annum. The salary ot the consul at Picton, Nova Scotia, Is changed Irom fees to $1,500 per annum. Tim salary of tho consul at Bwatow, China, 1. chaured from fees to $3,500 per aunum. The salary of tho consul at Port Mnhoon Is changed from fees to $1,500 per annum. The salary of the NeHcastlo-upon-Tyno Is changed from fees to $1,500 pfer annum. By the act (Chap. CXLIII; making further appropria tions for sundry civil expenses, of the government for tbe year endliir Jnne 30. 1663. and .,l,uii-! .-.-,. prhttions for the year ending June 30, 1802, approved July 11, 1862. r Tbo .alary or the Tre.eiir.rnf ilwi ITnli.!Ri-i. i. in creased from $3,000 to $4.ihhJ per annum. uytuo aciicnap. m; making appropriations for mo natal servico lor me year ending June 30, 1$63, and for other purposes, approved July, 14, 1862. The pay of secretaries to rommanderi of nona-l-cma U increased from $9011 :.nd $1,000 to $1,600 por annum. By tho act (Chap. CLXXXI) to amend an act entitled --in act to create a metropolitan pollcediatrict of the District of Columbia, and to establish a polico there for.'I approved August 0, 1661, approved July 16, 1862. Tho clerk to thelward of Jnetronolitnn police la tvl: secretary, and his salary Increased from $1,000 to $1,200 per annum. By the act (Chap. CXXXII; making supplemental ap- Juiueiun- ior suujr.-civu cxpensi-oi tne government or tho vear cncVng Juno 30, 1863, and for tho year ending Jnne CO, 1862, aud for other purposes, ap proved July ie, 1862. The salary of the Assistant SocreLarv of ttm TV.. ... nry Is Increased from $3,000 to 4,000 per annum. By tho act (Chap. CCIV) for tho better government of tue uavy oi me uniloa stales, approved July 17. 1862. r The annual salaries of district attornoys, prize com missioners, and marshals aro Increased, but such in crease is not to exceed for prizo commissioner $3,000, and for marshals and district attorneys $6,000 per an num. By the resolution (No. 10) to regulate tho compensa tion for paying pensions, approved July 17, 1862. The aggregate compensation of pension agents, de rived from commissions on disbursements, Is Increased from $1,000 to $2,000 per annum each. JUST PCULISHUU. Raff'i Manual of Pentium, Bounty, and Pay. k MANUAL OF PENSIONS. BOUNTY. ANIl PAY, O. Contain-jg ibe Laws, Forms and R gnlat ons relating to Pin-ions, Bounty Land Bounty Money, Par, Cldms for Horses d oihar Property d strayed, eto. ee i whh tl e Opinions of ibe At orneja General, and the tfflcial re nlat'oiw and daemons pertaining to these snberts liyUxoitor W. 1 vol. 19m. 1-1W Sheep.- Sa. Will be lent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the price. OpimtH of Jos II BiRKtrT, Commuiiorur tf ftntuti: It la emlne-llt dnetotbeabl iliyandfiJelity with which title Manual baa been prepared, lliat I should xprea the gie I satisfaction which I have found lu Its pernsal, and uy s use of in t ery ureal value. In truth. I know of no other work that ao nearly er-pr-actiea mt Idtid or a convenient ind rein b work in Peotinua and the rtUtd topics and it baa my cordial commendation. BUnki for Obtaining Fcbiuhi Arrrarr ..( Pti, Bounty -tfeaiy, etc. There forma are printed on roe fall abeet of heavy paper, aud conform in everj re pact 'o tlie U eat requ's t una or the Pension aod - eeoed Andl or'e Offices They alio contain foil " Inatroclloua for Flllil -." ' Power oi Altoi-iav." l.cta.. tl of ti e Applicant, ' Ctetk'a Certificate " ' Affidavit of n itneMjes. am. ft c. I'-' Fot-i'.'ce7. ou ptrQ n. Sent by mail, p.epald, on rerelpr of prieu , KOU..UT l.'LAKKK 4- CO. Publl-tiera. W t -'north otrett, Oiuclpnstl, Ohio. Foi su'e in Washington by nov 17 It FltANCK TAYLOK. CALLAX'B MILITAUV LAWS. TUE MILI I'AKY LAWS nf t Uu.teJ 8Utei )0Uliu to tti Arm, VJaurs, Militi,M.ud to Bounty Laud aud PtMitloDP, from the foiia Juti n of (tie Goveruoeiit to Hit year Ijfl, To which urv p eQieil the CoiiItQtIun n tit UQ-Kt-LStht- (with it. iiiiltix Mrtto) aud ntyi.oj.nii nf tli Military Lfgieiuiioii uf Congrpii darluK tbo l voladoiiary war. Uy Jr-ia V, Cullan, Clerk to th MUlUry Commit te of tb Uu (ed Hut en Juut publ-ilitd, uud tor Mia nt PUILP fe SOLOMONS' tt PeaaijWaoU aTsono, betwtwu oct .' U Wil. and JOtb ureeu. RAVF'rt NUWWOKK ON PKN8IONS-A Mintwl If Peoelont, L-ouuti, find Pay contHini g tbo 1art, iruia,und lejcuUtloui relutinv t P. minim, Uuoty Lund, Uouiity Money, Pa?. CUinn tor one., mid oh property de-ttroyed, etc. eto , with the o iiiioim-f tbe Attoniej Gei.erul MUa tho i tSiiitl r?Ku u in nt d dud fiu iirUiitliK Ui lt.e object by Oei-rifi U MutT, of Ciuclaaail j prko f i Ju-t nublished mid for Mtl at 1 ' uiiiTu i, onrnuriVi. Metropolitan Bookstore, J3J Peon; Waul avenue, W 3t hetwMit 9th una HMi utreet 1IENUY WARD HEECHEU'S NEW BOOK. EYES AND EARS, by Henry Ward Reeobcr t oo tiandwnie volume, lSiuo. Priu ft-'r Itcodtalinmoiti Mn aie hundred of Mr. Beeclwr'a mwt iparkIttK and read able papers TbJ roenn of Oliver Windell Holm In oue nttat blut and KyM Yolotoe, Price B cent. Jtui pabiUhed and for tale mt PUILP feSOLOUONH, I Xtt Penuylvaoia avenue, between ot!---J 3t 4khiu41(Hh (Timet .mtji "l I'l-ol '- 'I tiller i ,i .'kilul il..r I ' -i .' ft t r. r s e i. IV