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I flj IV 1 1'. OFFICIAL., , ... r bji. APPB0PBUTI0N8, NEW OFFICERS, 4c. ' ' i ' BTAttKIXt SH0WIIO . Appropriatumt'tnadt during tht Second iraU 0 Ac TBfaStvtrttVCtmorui. , ' . (Mfaro trtaMd onJ eafaHei tArree. Tht office tht 10ariet of which Aar lw increases', ' ' wiiA lit amen! nth inertau during tht sums ptrltd. Aboost 21, 1861. Prepared under tne directiotf o'f the Secretary of XWL " Senate nd Clerk of the' House 'of RepTeiontatlvee,'"' In compliance With, the ilxth sectlonioMhe "Art to authorlie the appointment of additional paymasters, and for other purposes, approved, Jaljr -4, 1835. . armorauTioxt mam iruro t ioost" eiasio:. o TBI THrTT-tXVXXT fOJOMM. By tht oel lo further prvmott 1ht e0fei C cy (JU mnf i It & To enable tht Secretary 0' the) Nary to cause two hundred "medal of hon or" to be prepared, with taltible emblematic devices, which thill be bestowed upon' inch vjettyofficers, teamen, landmen,' and. marines, as thall most 'distinguish themselves by their gallantry in action and other seamanlike qualities during the present war. - 1,000 CO By tht act making on appropriation for gunboati on tht wtllern rirerl. For gunboats on the western rivers.... 1,000,000 00 B) tht act making appropriation! for tht payment of invalid and other pin lieal 0 tht United Statetfor tht year ending tht thirtieth of Junt, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. For invalid pens'01" under various jrt, , 640,000 00 For pensions under arts of eighteenth March, eighteen-) hnndred and eighteen; fifteenth May, eighteen hnndred and twenty-eight ; and sev enth June,' eighteen hundred and thlrty-two .....?. 25.W0 00 For pensions to wldowa of those who served in the revolutionary war, un der the third, section of the act of fourth July, eighteen hundred and thlrty-alz; the acts of teventh July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, third March, eighteen hnndred and forty-three) seventeenth June, eigh teen hundred and forty-four; sec ond February and twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and forty-eight; and second section of act of third February, eighteen hundred and fifty-three 2o0,ooo CO For pensions to widows and orphans, under first section act fourth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six; act of twenty-first July, eighteen hundred and forty-eight; first sec tion act of third February, eighteen hundred and fifty-three; and act third June, eighteen hundred and fifty-elght... 340,000 00 For navy invalid pensions 4S,OoO 00 For navy pensions to widows and or- 1 phansi under net of eleventh Au gust, eighteen hundred and forty eight....!. 200,000 00 For privateer Invalid pension COO 00 By thf act to proride Jor the protection 'of oiertand emigrant! to California, Oregon, and Wathington Territory. For the protection of emigrants on the overland routes between the Atlan tic States and California, Oregon, and Washington Territory 25,000 00 By the act to pay tht expenm of the p cial comnitttt of the lloust of Reprt tentative!, appointed July eight, eigh teen hundred and sixty-one, to ascertain and report in regard to contract with any department of tht Government for provisions, luppliet, transportation, i-c. To pay the expenses of the speclsl committee of the House of Represen tatives, appointed on the eighth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty one, to ascertain and report in regard to contracts made with any depart ment of the Government for provis ions, supplies, transportation, 4c... 10,000 Do By tht act making appropriation! for the consular and diplomatic exptnsts of tht Government for the year ending thir tieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty three J and additional appropriations for the year ending thirtieth June, eioh tien hundred and tixty-two. For salaries of envoys extraordinary, ministers, and commissioners of the United States at Orcat Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Spain, Aus tria, Braitl, Mexico, China, Italy, Chili, Peru, Portugal, Swltierland, Rome, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Turkey, New Grenada, Bo livia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Gautcma la, Nicaragua, Sandwich Islands, Costa Rica, Honduru, Argentine Confederation, Paraguav, and Ja pan 301,000 00 For salaries of secretaries of legation.. 45,310 00 For salaries of assistant secretaries of legation at London and Paris 3.000 HO For salary of the interpreter to tbo le gation to China 6.0uO 00 For salary of the secretary of legation to Turkey, acting as Interpreter 3,000 00 For salary of the interpreter to the le gation of Japan 2,600 no For compensation to an interpreter to the consulate at Kanagawa l.JOn 00 For contingent expenses of alt the mis sions abroad SO.OOO Oil For contingent expenses of foreign In tercourse 100,(KJll ou For expenses of intercourse with Bar bary powers 3.0O.P 00 For expenses of the consulates in the Tnrkish dominions, namely, Inter preters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Constantinople, Smyrna, Candla, Alexandria, and Beirut , 2.5u0 OU For the relief and protection of Amei -lean seamen in foreign countries 2o0,(ioo 00 For expenses which may be Incurred in acknowledging the services of the masters and crews of foreign vessel In rescuing citizens of the United States from shipwreck 7,400 00 For the purchase of blank books, sta tionery, arms of the United States, seals, presses, dags, postages, and lor the payment of miscellaneous expenses of the consuls of the Uni ted States, including the preserva tion of the archive of the onsu lates. 41,000 1111 For office rent for those consuls gene ral, consuls and commercial agent, who are not allowed to trade, inclu ding loss by exchange thereon ii7.37n oil For salaries of consuls general at Que bec, Calcutta, Alexandria, Constan tinople, Havana, Frankfort-on-thc-Maln , consuls at Kanagawa and Nau- gasake, In Japan, Liverpool, London, Melbourne, liong Cong, Glasgow, Mauritius, Singapore, Belfast, Cork, Dundee, Demarara, Halifax, King ston, (Jamaica,) Leeds, Manchester, Nassau, (New Providence,; South ampton, Turk's Island, Prince Ed ward's Island, Havre, Paris, Mar tellies, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Ly ons, Moscow, Odessa, Revel, St. Pe tersburg, Matanzas, Trinidad de Cuba, Santiago d Cuba, San Juan, (Porto Rico, ) Cadiz, Malaga, Ponce, (Porto Rico,) Trieste.'Vienna, Aix-la-Chapelle, Canton, Shanghai, Fou chou, AmojyNingpo, Beirut, Smyr na, Jerusalem, Rotterdam, 'Amster dam, Antwerp, Fonchal,i Oporto, St. Thomas, ELslneur, Genoa,. Basle, Ge neva, Messina Naplea, Palsrmo.r telpslc, Munich, 'Leghorn, ShfVf gardt, Bremen, Hamburg,. Tafters, I Tripoli, Tnnls, Rio de Janeiro, Par. nambuco. Vera Crua, Acapuloo, Cal. lao, Valparaiso, Buenos Ayrea, San Juan del Bur, Atpinwall, Panama, Laguayra, Honolula, Lahalna, Cape Town, Falkland Island, Venice, Stet. tln;CoayHs, Cypress, Bataria, Pay aL Santiago, (Cape de Verdet, Stint Croix, Bpezzla, Athens, Zanglbsr, Bahla, Maronham Island. Para, Rio Grande, Matamoras, Mexico, (city,) Tampico, raso aei none, laoasco, 1 Paita, Tumbei, Talcahuano, Cartha gena, Sabantllo, Omoa, Guayaquil, ' CobIJa, Montevideo, Tahlta, Bay of Islands, Apia, Lanthala, Bristol, Cardiff, Malta, St. John, (Newfound land,,) St John, (New Brunswick,) Picton. (Nova Scotia,) L Union, Btrbadoes, Bermuda, Antigua, Nantes, Napoleon, Vendee, Nice, Lisbon, Oottenburg, Tehauntepec, Santos, St. Catherine, Bailie, Gaspe Basin, Valencia, Fort Mahon, Mar tinique, Taranto, Santander, Galatz, Bilbao, Sclo, Paramaribo, Macao, Stockholm, Ancona, Otranto, Swa tow, La Paz, Bergen, Trinidad,- Bar-i relona, Quebec, Maracalbo, Algiers, Port-au-Prince, San Domlngo,(elty,) Monrovia, Cape Haytlen, Aux Cayes. and New Castle-upon-Tyne , com-j lnerrlal agents at San Juan del Norte, ' St. Paul de Loando, (Angola,) Ga boon, St. Marc, Curacoa, and Amoor river .'. 351,650 00 For Interpreters to the consulates In, China 4,600 00 For salaries of the marshals for the consular courts In Japan, China, Slam, and Turkey 7,000 00 For rent of prisons for American con victs In Japan, China, Slam, and Turkey, and for wages of keepers of the same 9,000 00 For compensation and Increased sala ries to sundry consuls under the act of second August, 1861 Hill VI To meet an extraordinary emergency which has arisen In bringing from' Sidney, New South Wales, eight seamen belonging to the ship "Ju nior," charged with the crimes of mutiny and murder, a guard of sev en men, and also eleven of the crew as witnesses ., 16,007 92 By the act mating apppropriatiom for the eupport of tht iulitary Academy for the year ending tht thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three.. For pay of officers, Instructors, cadets and musicians 100,000 00 For commutation of aubslstence 4,161 00 For forage for officers' horses 1,440 00 For pay in lieu of clothing to officers' servants 60 00 For current and ordinary expenses, as follows : repairs and Improvements, fuel and apparatus, forage, postage, stationery, transportation, printing, clerks, miscellaneous and incidental expenses, and de pa rtmentt of inttruc- tlon 36,000 00 For gradual Increase and expense of If -h brary 1,000 00 For expenses of the board of visitors... 1,600 00 For forage of artillery and cavalry horses 6,000 00 For supplying horses for artillery and cavalry practice 1,000 00 For repairs of officers' quarters 1,600 OQ For targets and batteries for artillery exerclse 160 00 For furniture for hospitals for cadets.. 100 00 For annual repairs of gas pipes and re torts 300 00 For warming apparatus for academic and other buildings 3,000 00 For kitchen of cadets' mess hall 1,000 00 For latrines at cadets camp ground 1,000 00 By tht act making an appropriation for tht purchatt of cotton and tobacco seed for general distribution. For the purchase of cotton seed 3,000 00 For the purchase of tobacco seed 1,000 00 Bt the act to authorixt the construction of twenty iron clad tteam gun-boati. For the construction, by contract or otherwise, twenty Iron clad steam gun-boats for the use of the navy of the United States 10,000,000 00 By the act making an appropriation for completing tht defences 0 'Washington, and for other purpose!. For completing the defences of Wash ington . 160,000 00 By tht act making appropriation! for the ionstruction, pracrvation, and repairs of certain fortifications and other wo,s of defence, for the year ending thirtieth of fune, eighteea hundred and nxly three, and additional appropriation Jor tht year ending thirtieth June, eigh teen hundred and lixty-two. For Fort Montgomery, at outlet of Lake Champlaln, New York 100,000 00 For Fort Knox, at narrows of Penob scot river, Maine 100,000 00 For fort on Hog Island ledge, Portland harbor, Maine , 100,000 00 For continuation of works at Fort Scammel, Portland harbor, Malue... 76,000 00 For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Mas sachusetts 76,000 00 For Fort WInthrop, Boston harbor, Massachusetts 60,000 00 For fort at New Bedford harbor, Mas sachusetts 100,000 00 Tor fort at Willett's 1'nlnt, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York 200,000 00 For fort on site of Fort Tompklus, Staten Island, New York 200,000 00 For fort at Sandy Hook, New Jersey... 300,000 00 For Fort Delaware, Delaware river 60,000 00 For Fort Carroll, Baltimoie harbor, Maryland 200,000 00 For Fort Calhoun, Hampton Roadii, Virginia 200,000 00 For Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida... 200,000 00 For Fort Jefferson, Garden Key, Flor- Ida 200,000 00 For fort at Fort Point, San Francisco bay, California 200,000 00 For Fort at Alcatrai Island, San Fran cisco bay, California 160,000 00 For contingencies of fortifications, in- , eluding field works Soo,000 00 For bridge trains and equipage for ar mies In the field 260,000 00 For tool and siege trains for armies lit the field 260,000 00 For fortifications on the northern fron tier, Including fortifications at Og densbnrg, Oswego, at the mouth of Genessee river, Niagara, Buffalo, Detroit, Fort Gratiot, Mackinaw, and theSanlt Ste Marie 760,000 00 For Fort Montgomery, at ontlet of Lake Champlaln, New York 60,000 00 For Fort Knox, Penobscot river, Maine 60,000 00 For fort on Hog Island ledge, Portland harbor, Maine 60,00(1 oo- For Fort Winthrop and exterior batte. rles, Boston harbor, Massachusetts... 60,000 00 For fort at New Bedford harbor, Ms- sachus.tts 60,000 00 For Fort Adams, Newport harbor, Rhode Island "... 60,000 00 For Fort Schuyler, East river, New York 26,000 00 For fort at Willet'a Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York 50,000 00 For Fort Richmond, Staten Island, New York 25,000 00 For fort on site of Fort Tompkins, Staten Islsnd, New York 50,000 00 For commencement of casemate at bat tery on Staten Island, New York.... 100,000 00 For new battery at Fort Hamilton, at the Narrows, New York 100,000 00 For Fort Mifflin, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 25,000 00 For new fort opposite Fort Delaware, on Delaware shore 200,000 00 For Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, Virginia 60,000 00 For Fort Tayloreyfett, Florida, ... 100,000 00 For Fort Jefferion, Garden Key, Flor. Ida ....L , iOO.OOO 00 For additional fort at the Tortugas, "Florida ......., ' '200,000 00 For fort at Ship Island, roast of Missis. . slppl ' i... '100,000 00 For contingencies of fortifications , 100,000 00 For bridge trains and equipage... - 260,000 00 For defence In Oregon and Washington " Territory, at or near the mouth of Columbia river 100,000 00 For the erection of temporary worka In r Matue and In the harbor at Ports mouth, New Hampshire 660,000 00 For the erection' of temporary worka In Narragansett bay 200,000 00 By the act making appropriation to il luminate the public buildings. To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to carry out the order of Congress for (he Illumination of the publlo buildings on the twenty-sec- ond of February, eighteen hundred andslxty-two 1,000 00 By the act making appropriations of the signal service of the United States army. , . For the manufacture or purchase of signal equipments and signal stores, ' to equip and unpply the forces now In the field 20,000 00 For contingent expenses of the signal department..; '.. 1,000 00 For the manufacture or purchaae of signal equipments and signal stores, for countersign signals, to prevent the collision of friendly regiments... 34,950 00 By the act making additional appropri- J lions for the support of the army or the year ending June 30, 1862. For pay or two and three years' volun- tcira 60,000,000 00 For payment to discharged soldiers for clothing not drawn 60,000 00 For subsistence In kind for two and three yean' volunteers ., 26,668,902 00 For transportation of the army and Its plies .... , 14,881,000 00 For the purchase of cavalry and artil lery horse 1,661,040 00 For clothing, camp, and garrison equip age 12,173,646 77 For regular supplies, Incidental ex penses, transportation, barracks and quarters, clothing, camp and garri son equipage, keeping, transporting and supplying prisoners, and other supplies and services of the quarter master's department, to the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and alxty two, and to lie divided among the ' said several heads of appropriation herein named, as the exigencies of tho service may require 76,600,000 00 For the armament of fortifications 834,000 00 For the current expenses of the ord nance servlci. 200,000 00 For ordnance, ordnance atores and aup plles, including horse equipments for all the mounted troops 1,924,000 00 For purchase of arms for volunteers and regulars, and ordnance and ordnance stores 7,600,000 00 For the medical and hospital depart ment 1,000,000 00 For amount required to refund to the States expensea Incurred on account of volunteers called into the field.:.. 15,000,000 00 By the act to authorise the issue of United States notes, and for the re demption or funding thereof, and for funding the Hosting debt of the Uni ted States. To enable the Secretary of the Trea sury to carry this Into effect 200,000 00 By the act making appropriations for sundry civil expensea of the govern ment for the year ending the thlrtl- " eth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and additional appropri ations for the year ending tho thirti eth of June, eighteen hundred and alxty-two. Snrvey of the coast. For the survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States (including compensa tion of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding pay and emoluments of officers of the army and nary, and and potty officers and men of the navy employed on the work) 178,000 00 For continuing the survey of the west em coast of the United States, (In cluding compensation of civilians en gaged In the work) 100,000 00 For continuing the aurvey of the Flo rida reefs and keys, (Including com pensation of civilians engaged in the work, and excluding ray and emol uments of officers of the army and navy, and petty officers and men of the navy employed on the work)..., 11,000 00 For publishing the observations made in the progress of the surrey of the roast of he United States, (includ ing compensation of civilians em ployed on the work) 6,000 00 For repairs of ateamers and surveying schooners used in the coast survey.. 5,000 00 To supply deficiency in the fund for thereliefofslckanddlsabledseamen, 200,000 00 For the discharge of auch miscellane ous claims, not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, 5,000 00 Light-house establishment. For the At lantic, Gulf, and Lake coasts, viz: For supplying the light-houses and beacon lights with oil, glass chim neys, wlckt, and other necessary ex peuses of the tame, repairing and keeping In repair the lighting appa- ratu 164,698 t)0 For repairs and Incidental expenses, refitting and Improving all the light bouses and buildings connected therewith....'. 102,200 0(1 For salaries of lire hundraand nlue-ty-slx keepers of lighwiouses and light beacons and their assistant 213,193 3.t For salaries of forty-three keepers of light-vessels 23,900 00 For seamen's wages, repairs, supplies, and incidental expenses of forty-five light-vessels 170,967 70 For expenses of raising, cleaning, painting, repairing, remooriug, ad supplying losses- of beacons and buoys, and for chains and sinkers for the tame 112,350 00 For expenses of visiting and inspect ing lights and other aids to naviga tion 2,000 00 For the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington, For supplying nineteen light-houses and beacon lights with oil, glass chimneys, cha mois skins, polishing powder, and other cleaning materials, transporta tion, expenses of keeping lamps and machinery in repair, publishing no tices to mariners of changes of aids to navigation 17,270 00 For repairs and Incidental expenses of nineteen light-houses and buildings connected therewith 10,000 00 For salaries of forty-three keepers and assistant keepers of light-houses at an average not exceeding eight hun dred dollars per annum 25,00 00 For expenses of raising, cleaning, painting, repairing, remooriug, and supplying losses of floating buoys and beacons, and for chains and sinkers for the tame, and for color, lng and numbering all the buoys.... 10,000 00 For maintenance of all vessels provided for by the act of eighteenth August, eighteen hnndred and fifty-six, for transportation of supplies ond mate rials, and for repairs of light-houses jnd buoys service, and for inspect ing purposes 30,000 00 For commutation of fuel and quarters for officers of the army serving on light-house duty the payment of which is no longer provided for by the quartermaster's department 5,239 79 For compensation of two Inspectors' of customs acting as-superintendents for the llfe-navlng stations on the coasts Of Long Island and New Jer sey ..... .......,.....!,,, ,.'iM 3.OOOT00 For compensation of flfty.four keepers "" "' of stations, at two hundred dollars each... ..,i ,.,, 10,800 00 For contingent expensea of the HfeJ taring stations on the coasts of Long Island and New Jersey. 20,000 00 ' For hire of carts on the public grounds, 1,095 00 For purchase and repair of tools uied ( in the public grounds , 200 00 For purchase of trees and tree boxes, to replace, where necessary, such as have been planted by the United States, tr whitewash tree boxes and fences, and to repair pavements In front of the public grounds 3,000 00 For annual repairs of the Capitol, wa ter closets, public stables, water pipes, pavements, and other walks within the Capitol square, broken glass, and locks, for the protection of the building, and keeping the matnapproachestoltunencumbered, 6,000 00 For annual repairs of tht President's ' House and furniture, Improvement of grounds, purchase of plants for garden, and contingent expenses In cidental thereto 5,000 00 For fuel, In part, of the President's" House 2,400 00 For llghtlngthe Capitol and President's House, the publlo grounds around them, and around tho executive offi ces, and Pennsylvania avenue, Bridge and High streets, in George town, Four-and-a-half street, Seventh and Twelfth streets, across the mall, 60,000 00 For additional fixtures and lighting and repairing the building and footwaya of the custom-house and post office In Georgetown in the District of Co lumbia 250 00 For purchase of books for library at the Executive Mansion, to be ex pended under the direction of the President or the United State 250 00 For repairs or the Potomac, Navy lara, ana upper triages, ana me roads appurtenant thereto For repairs or Pennsylvania avenue and watering the same For publlo reservation number two and Lafayetto square For taking care of the gronnds South of the President's House and keep-. lng them In order i. For repairs ol water pipes For cleaning out the sewer traps on Pennsylvania avenue and repairing the same t For repair of all the furnaces under the Capitol For repairing Delaware avenue, north or Catreet north 6,000 00 10,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 300 00 600 00 1,000 00 For paying one half of )he expenses of sewer traps at the intersection of Fourth street west with K street north 200 00 Government hospital for the insane. For life support, clothing, and medi cal treatment or the Insane or the army aud navy, and of the revenue service, and of the District of Colum bia, at the asylum In said District... 40,600 00 For finishing, furnishing, heating, aud lighting or additional accommoda v tiont In the east wing 6,000 00 For Improvement or the grounds about the hospital and farms 2,000 00 Patent Office. For collection or agri cultural statistics, Investigations for promoting agriculture aud rural economy, and the procurement, prop agation, and distribution of cuttings a,nd seeds, of new and useful varie ties, and for the introduction and protection of insectivorous birds, and for investigations to test the practi cability of preparing flax' and hemp as a substitute for cotton For expense or receiving, arranging, and taking care or copyright books, charts, and other copyright matter.. Exploring expeditions. For preserva tion or the collections or the explor ing and surveying expeditions or the government .-. Botanlo Garden. For grading, drain ing, procuring manure, tools, ruel and repairs, purchasing trees and shrubs for botanic garden, to be ex pended under the diredtlon of the Library Committee of Congress For pay of horticulturist and assist ants, in the botanic garden and greenhouses, to be expended under the direction or the Library Commit tee of Congress Snrvey of the publlo lands. For sur 60,000 00 1,600 00 4,000 00 3,800 00 5,121 50 veying the publlo lauds, (exclusive of California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Utah, Dakota, Colorado, and Neva da,) Including Inoldental expenses and island surreys in the interior, and all other special and difficult surveys demandingaugmentedrates, to be apportioned and applied to the several surveying districts according to the exigencies of the public ser vice, including expenses of selecting swrmp lands, in addition to the un expended balances of all former ap propriations for the same object, which will be absorbed by work un der contract 10,000 00 For Burveylng the publlo lands and private land claims in California, to be disbursed at the rates prescribed by law for the different kinds of work, 10,000 00 For surveying the public lands and private land claims In New Mexico.,. 5,000 00 For surveying tho public lands In Kan. sas aud Nebraska, also outlines of Indian reservations 10,000 00 For salary of the clerk detailed tor the special service In the General Land Office to attend to the unfinished surveys In the States where the offi ces or the surveyors general have been closed For surveying tho publlo lauds In Ore. gon, to lie disbursed at the rates au thorized by law For surveying the publlo landi in Washington Territory, at the rates authorized by law For surveying the publlo lands in Da kota Territory For surveying the publlo lands aud private land claims confirmed in Col orado Territory i For surveying the publlo lands and private land claims confirmed In Ne voda Territory 2,000 00 6,000 00 5,000 IK) 5,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 For the necessary expenses In carrying Into effect the act of seventeenth July, eighteen hundred and sixty one, and rhe ret of the fifth August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, In addition to the appropriations made by those acts 150,000 00 For support, care, and medical treat ment of rorty transient paupers, med ical and surgical patients, In some proper medical institution In the city or Washington, to be selected by the Commissioner or Public Buildings... 6,000 00 To supply a deficiency or appropriation for repairs of the Capitol, made by W. S. Wood, late Commissioner or Public Buildings 934 78 To enable the Commissioner of Publlo Buildings to pay for the purchase and repair of plate and repair or gas fit tings for the President's House 2,613 00 For the necessary expenses In carry ing Into effect the act of seventeenth July, eighteen hundred ami sixty one, and the act of fifth August, eighteen hundred and tlxty-one, In uddltton to the appropriations made bi those acts for those object 100,000 00 For amount required for clerks and messenger in the office of the assist- ant treasurer atBoaloa,,frasn,tnti.-. Tr , January, to'the thirtieth Jrirfc, elgli-H JXU t i teenhundrkl aud tlxty-two,...;. ......' 1,500 00 For amount required for clerks, mes senger, and watchmen In the .office, of the aeelttant treasurer at New. York, fromj Ant January to the thir- , , tleth Junel eighteen hundred and ' , sIxtyltwo:..m 1 6,200 00 For amount (required for clerks and ,. . messenger In the office of the osstst-i 1 . ant treaaurer'at Bt. Louis, from first . . . January to the thirtieth June, elgh- , ..,,-, teen hundred and tlxty-two...t 1,800 00. To enable the Commissioner 'of Publlo Buildings to pay for painting In the Interior of the Capitol, and for gen eral repair ; 3,200 00 To enable ths Commissioner of Publlo Buildings lo have the' old furnace under, the library' of Congress re moved and. a" new one erected, iti Its r . place 1......... , 325 00 For a deficiency on 'account of paper ing and painting the President's House in the autumn of eighteen hundred aid sixty-one .4,600 00 To enable th4 Commissioner of Publlo Buildings to pay the bill of William j II. Carry! '& Brother for furniture for the President's House,. .- 6,858 80 To enable thj Commissioner to pay a bill of P. i T. Berry for granite work and materials for the north ' .front of the Patent Office building... 7,093 '13 To enable tbej Commissioner to pay fire per. cent, on eight thontand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars 'and ten cents, retained on that aum due "' P. & T. Berry on granite work on the west wing or the Patent Office building, in eighteen hundred and fifty J. .- '......'..;, . 437 94 For support of patients In the govern ment hospital........... 6,000 00 To pay J. B.I Blake for. work, done by him when! Commissioner of Public Buildings.) 22 18 For expenses attending the removal to, and occupation of, building at cor ner of F and Fifteenth streets, for theSurgeonGenerol'tandPaymaater Oenal'a offices, for' the six months ending June 30, 1862 7,800 00 F01 expenses' or building corner of F and Fifteenth ttreeta, occupied 'by tho Surgeon General'a and Paymas ter Generala offices., ,: .' ' 8,800 00 By tht act to provide for the appointment (j ' of additional clerks in the office of the assistant treasurer at-New ,ForX, and for other purposes. For the compensation for auch addi tional clerks, messengers, and watch men, as the exigencies or the ser vice may require, In the office of the . assistant treasurer at New York for the current and next fiscal year.,.,.. Indefinite. For the compensation of the deputy as sistant treasurer of the United States' at New York 3,000 00 For the purchase of blank checks for the use of the sub-troasury 2,600 00 By tht act to fulfil treaty stipulation! with Hanover. To enable the President to fulfil the stlpulatlonfl contained in the third article of the treaty between the United Statos and Hanover" of -the sixth November, eighteen hundred and sixty-one- 43,454 16 To enable the President to fulfil the stipulations contained In the fourth article of the treaty between the United States and Hanover or tho sixth November, eighteen hundred and alxty one, to pay the 'Interest provided for in sold article:-..! 1,042 90 By the act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and Judi cial expenses of the government for the sear ending thirtieth' of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and additional appropriations for the year ending thirtieth of June, eigh teen hundred and alxty-two. For compensation and mileage of sena tors ' 240,430 00 For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others receiving on annual salary In the- service of the Senate, vlai Secretary of Jhe Senate 3,600 00 Officer charged with the disbursements or the Senate 480 00 Chief clerk..,'. 2,600 00 Principal clerk and principal executive clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Senate', at two thousand one hun dred and sixty dollars each 4,320 00 Eight clerks in the office of the Secre tary of the Senate, at one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars each. 14,800 00 Keeper of the stationery 1,752 00 Two messengers, at one thousand and eighty dollars each 2,160 00 One page 600 00 ergeant-at-Arms and doorkeeper 2,000 00 Assistant doorkeeper 1,700 00 Postmaster to the Senate 1,760 00 Assistant postmaster and mail carrier. 1,440 00 Two mail boys, at nine hundred dol lars each 1,800 00 Superintendent of the document room. 1,600 00 Two assistants in document room, at one thousand two hundred dollars each 2,400 00 Superintendent of the folding room.... 1,500 00 Two messengers, acting as assistant doorkeepers, at one thousand fire hundred dollars each 1,600 00 Seventeen messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each 20,400 00 Superintendent in charge of the Senate furnaces 1,200 00 Assistant in charge or 'urnaoe 600 00 Laborer in private passage 600 00 Two laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each 960 00 Clerk or secretary te the President of tho Senate 1,762 00 Clerk to the Committee on Finance... . 1,850 00 Clerk to the Committee or Claim 1,850 00 Clerk ol printing records 1,850 00 Chaplain to tho Senate 750 00 For contingent expenses of the Senate, viz : For stationery 12,000 00 For newspapers 3,000 00 To pay John C. Rlrea for printing fire hundred copies or the Diplomatic (CONTINUKI) IN THR SUPPLEMENT JJH. 8IGEHMOND H AB HEOPENED HIS OFFICE, tfdu Pejn.jlv.uu MTeuuv, -wuore nil win resume MS UQlmcll NcW INVENTION OF ARTIFICIAL CHEOPLA TIC BONE TEETH, Without metsl piste or clasps, by DI. B. II. 8I0ESM0ND, 1 Broadway, New York, and 'Ml Pennsylvania av oo betwr.u liltli and Kill SU-MU, Washington. Dr. 8. call, tbe attention of the public to tbe following ad vaouirsiof his Improved sritemi 1st. Th e teeth or Ills minnfacture will utiver corrode uor change cclur bv any ucIJi, and are three fourths lighter thau soy other. vd No (Mill ur roul used be etlructed, u the artificial ones cao be Inserted over them. 'I he roots will be made inotteueb e nuj uever to ache. 4th No temporary teeth nre Defied, as permanent ones can be uitde Imaiediately. theieby preserving the natural ex u -wion ortlie nice, which under the old system, is freqne 1 ly ilnnVurril 5th. This work has beeu lully tested, for over five v-r.-, by s-any ol the flmChemlMi and Physicians of this v 1 if old country t Dr. H. has aleo Invented a white ludeetructtble metsl bliiiig , with whlrb the moet cu.iUve teeth can bt filled wnliont psiu, an,li4Ubulld una perfect sound tuoihon auysMeicde, which will lid tlircuxb a lifetime He refers to the following gentlemen lit V Moll IV I )oi emus, Proles or of Chemistry! Hon A Mann.Jr.i 11 Crablree, Vice President of the Emigration Company ol Net fork , non Juige Wayne, of the Supreme Court, WaebiiMr ton, aud thousands of others. Call and examine for yourselves, iep 17dly I I .J x &&??'' V -!'' n. ... t, eVZ.4l 4 , --- ,J-