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td In the werlerVda, Sand three yartvro1 11 Into the service of the V, being an aehrKIonat (red .or the fiscal 'year HMrtfalb, eighteen Jura- tf9i'.th net approved 30,000,000 00 T-llno eighteen hundred K to secure pay, bounty, j to officer and men1 Be- Fred in the wMtrttrIe. r department of Missouri, filing, appropriation to F contingent fond of the tfUeerelary of the Treat-J-g compensation of addl- 100,000 00 j , ,wlu may lie employed ' the" exlgencleof the 1 be, and for iefflporary current fiscal year, and ung jane, iniruein, M and sixty-three, lor the employment ru in ine ,tmc ot surer at Bt. Louis. ontlngent fund of Secretary of the Uonal clerki author- T twenty-terenth. .. -. .. J Vy clerks In the Trearory I j for the year ending Uie, eighteen hundred and Fclerk In the Treaeury for the year ending Jnne yrteenhundred and sixty- H417 furniture, stationery, jonsequent upon the in imical foroe - 'iiarlet of the chief cleric lilstant clerka Is the office ant treasurer at St. loul si year ending Jane thlr een hundred and slxty- king provialon for railing , the United Btatee sunk rt thereof. t Secretary of th Nary jj with inch person or per 'ball deem but for the vie for ralalng anch Tee r armament, atoree, or ,H, belonging to the United ijtf sunk in the water .taking approprlatlona for Ice on post rontea estab he preeent session of Con- trvlee on such mall route I by the present Congress (master General may deem ind necessary i prorlde internal revenue the goreniment and to' ft on the publlo debt. salaries of the Commit- internal Revenue and fi to procure dies, stamps, stamps, paper, printing ji regulations, advertising, ther expenses of carrying Ito effect poking appropriations for it of the army for the year e thirtieth of June, elgh lred and sixty-three, and appropriations for the Jig thltleth of June, elgh trod and sixty-two, and for poses. recruiting of the amy , 1 -r. llistment of recruits, for j fuel, stationery, straw, junks, compensation tocit- 1 teens for medical attend- JO.JJO 00 103,000 00 7,000 00 3,000 00 100,000 00 150,000 00 300,000 00 importation from rendez- rpots, and all other expen ' J;iut in march to join regl- 180,000 00 o of books of tactics and sn for volnnteers 90,000 00 i,ho army - . 8,005,318 00 tuition or omcers' auDsiat- Uatlon of forage for officers 'lit in lieu of clothing for wrvauts.- - volunteers, under acts of 1,674,1B 60 283,414 00 71,630 00 cond and twenty-firth July, hundred and sixty-one 22,283,282 00 ence and kind for regulars jateera 78,38J,60 60 t supplies of the quartermas Mirtment, consisting of fuel j facers, enlisted men, guard, storehouses, and offices; V In kind for the horses, ut oxen or the quartermas- 1 aiiwciih ni iugK,v(u iwih F ons, and with the armies lu L; for the horses of the seve I tents of cavalry, batteries of 1 ana such companies of lu ' 1 may be mounted, and for norixed number of officer's jhen serving in the field and 4ie outposts, including bed ) the animals ; of straw for ' Ixnldlng, and of stationery, g blank books for the quar ira1 department, certlflcates 'argedjwldlers, blank forms jtay and quartermasters' de lta, and for the printing of jana department orders ana .111,912,000 00 ficldental expenses , of the 'natter's department, consist 'ittage on letters and packet and sent by officers of the publlo service; expenses of lartlal and courts of inquiry, g the additional compensa judge advocates, recorders, M, and witnesses while on that j hnder the act of March six eighteen hundred and two; py to soldiers employed, uu. (direction of the quartermas Jnrtment, in the erection of M, quarters, storehouses, and Is, in the construction of nd on other constant labor, jodt of not lest than ten days, he acta of March second, elgh- inarea ana nineteen, ana au iarth, eighteen hundred and r, including those employed u ai division ana aepanment anera; expenses ot expresses rrom the rrontler posts and in th field: of escorts to Iters and other disbursing offl. ad to trains where military cannot m lumisnea; ex. of the interment of officers a action, or who die when on V thn field, or at posts on the rt, or at other posts and place ' ordered by the Secretary of ind of non-commissioned offl id soldiers; authorised office sro; hire of laborers In the Irmaster's department, includ. e hire of InterpreUrt, spies, )ldes for the army ; oompensa ,' clerks of the officers of the -master' department; com- 'ion oi lorage sw wagon mas. frthorlicd by the act of July 'lghteen hundred, and thirty, jor the apprehension of de. and the expentot incident to kureult; and for the following lltures required for the several tuts of cavalry the batteries t artUlero, and tnch companies ntry as may be mounted, iris ( urchase of travelling forget, mltha'andshoeing tools, horse )iil Flini-4 and nails, Iron and pr shoeing, hire of veterinary ms, medicines for horses ana upickrt ropes, and. for shoeing irttes of the corps named ; also, illy, the proper and authorised Wet for the movements and ppe- III All UIT UVSLKpfCWBJJP.- i I 4 4 to any other department, ... 20,834,750 D0 For the purchase of cavalry essd fcrttti lery hf4Ttfnf.....S ., For "mileage, or the allowance mada to oasorrs of the army for the tTaaspor-" I iBitllM Itf tt.mAlwA WtA SKaI ..- 8,400,000 00 i i I gage, wften travelling on duty with' '' 1 'troops. eacortsVor animHe , 1.21.600 00 Pot transportation of the army, In-1 ciuaing tne baggage of th troop when moving either by land or wa- ter ; of clothing, camp and garrison equipage from the depots at Phila delphia nd New York to the several posts' aod army depots, and from those 'depots to the troops in the neiaand subslsUnce from the places 'of purchase and from the placet of dellrery under contract, to tuch placet at the circumstances of the service may require them to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms from fouuderlet and armories' to the arsenals, fortifica tions,' frontier posts, and army de pots; freights, wharfage, tolls and ferrlaceti for the nnrchase and hire of horses, mules, oxen, and harness, and the purchase and repair of wag ons, carts, and drays, and of ship and other aea-golng vessels and boats required for the transportation of supplies' and for garrison purpose ; for drayage and cartage at the aeve- " 'rat posts ; hire of teamsters ; trans portation of fundi for the pay and other disbursing departments ; the expenses of tailing publlo transports on the Various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico,1 and the Atlantlo and the Fa cile; and for procuring water at tuch potts as, from their situation, require that it be brought from a dis tance ; and for clearing roads, and removing obstructions from roads, harbors, and riven, to the extent which may be required for the actual opatloerna of the troops in the Held. 40,000,000 00 For hire or commutation of quarters for officers on military duty; hire of ' quarters for troops ; of store-houses for the safe-keeping of military stores ; 01 grounds tor summer can tonments ; for the construction of temporary huts, hospitals, and sta bles; and for repairing publlo build inn atetUblUhVdnofu. 4,434,000 00 For heating and cooking stoves......... 90,000, 00 For maintenance of gun-boat feet proper........ ' 'iSk iX. For maintenance of steam rams. ......... 180$ For contingencies of the army.....- 600,000 00 For clothing for the army, camp and garrison equipage, and for expense Sf office aid arsenals .... 39,3SX3 Si For constructing and extending the leiegrapn ror military purposes, anu for expenses Is operating the same. 900,000 00 For the medical and hospital depart ment, including pay of private physi cians, purchase and repair of surgi cal Instruments, purchase of extra hospital bedding, clothing, Ice, pay of male citisent at hospital attend ants; the maintenance of tick and wounded soldiers placed in private house or hospitals ; and other ne cessary comforts for the sick and rpitau.::r.z...:::..:r.r. 6,705.84 oo Por contingent expenses of the ujn- (lnv Ttanialsi .rl etna ft m Ant aVl AnTafart ment headquarter... M 3,000 00 Vn .HTHkllu tHHaeiAttiilmi and raVTa -: v. wyi'Uiiari uijviiwh . non ia oi prisoners ot war - 'a'S,! !3. For armament of fortifications..... - 1,043,600 00 For the current expenses of the ord nance service-.... - 732,600 00 For ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies, including Horse equipments for ill roounted troooa. 7,380,000 00 For the manufacture of arms at the na- tional armory - I i.wu.wu w For repairs, and improvements and new machinery at the national ar mory at Springfield, MassachutetU. 150,000 00 Vm IK nnfffiiM fit mm rait Wis ft r sUltl lead....- ...-. 1,100,000 00 For additions to and extension of thop room, machinery, tools, and fixture 600,000 00 For the purchase and manufacture of arms tor volunteers ana regulars, and ordnance and ordnance stores. . 13,000,000 00 For turveyi of military defence! - Zif22k JX rot purchase and repair oiinsirumenw 'UC, JS For printing charts of lake surveys... 10,000 00 For continuing the survey of the north ern ana nortnwestern taxes, uciua- ina- Lake Superior 109,000 00 For completion of Fort Clinch, Amelia ... island, Florida - "0,000 00 For secret service fund, and to reim burse the contingent fund oi tne army - uv.wu w For pay of bounty to volunteers, and to the widows ana legal neirs oi tucn ax may die or be killed in the ter vice of the United States, authorised by the fifth and sixth sections of an act entitled "An act to authorise the employment of volunteers to aid in enforcing the laws and protecting publlo property," approved July twenty-second, eignieen nunarea and sixtr-one -.-. 20,000,000 00 For collecting, organising, and drilling volunteer!, in aooiuon 10 any turn heretofore appropriated for that pur pose ... For nrovidlnc for the comfort of 'dis 6,000,000 00 charged soldiers who may arrive in the principal cities of the United States to disabled by disease, or by wounds received in the service, as to be unable to proceed to their homes, and for forwarding destitute soldier to their homes ; to be applied and expended under the direction of the President of the United States 2,000,000 00 Vnr .ntiroinr. ranairlnp. and furnish ing the northwest executive building, 20,000 00 For grading and improving that part of Judiciary square, in the city of Washington, upon which the general hospital of the United States it lo- ifd in h. .vn.nded nnder the di rection of the surgeon general.-.--. 4,000 00 For salaries of one clerk of class one and one clerk of class two in the of fice of the Surgeon General ; twenty clerks of class one and twenty clerk of class two in the office or the ray master Oeneral; four clerks of class two, six clerks of class one, and ten other clerks, at a monthly compen sation of sixty dollazs each, in the office of the Adjutant Oeneral 91,200 00 For payment of one-fourth of the bounty authorised by section fire of the act "to authorise the employ ment of volunteer to aid in enforc ing the laws and protecting publlo property," approved July twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty one ; and section five of the act " to Increase the present military estab lishment of the United Btates," ap proved July twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, immediately after enlistment to every soldier of the regular and volunteer forces hereafter enlisted during the contin uance of the existing war. 7,500,000 00 For service of the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hun dred and sixty-two: For the construction and maintenance of the gun-boat fleet proper 400,000 00 For purchasing, construction, and maintenance of steam rams 400,000 00 For pay of private physicians, purchase nd repair of surgical instruments, purchase of extra hospital bedding, clothing, Ice, and other necessary comforts for the tick and convales cing soldiers in the various hospitals 125,000 00 For the contingent expense of the Pay. master Oeneral' office .- 1,000 00 By the act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and for I ulfiUlag treaty stipulation with va rious Indian tribes, for the year end ing Jane thirtieth, eighteen hundred and jlxty-three. , jFor the current and contingent expenses or ine Indian depart ment, namely i For pay of superintendent of ladtaji Bc ioT -ij V .affairs and of the several, ladtaa . '"iu rl,,' . agetssfper an et nnn nti .igs- .,,u ,u MotJJ .. wvnmjnarea ana wiji, , , , (r lo , u v eatht February, eighteen hundred, - t, j J .A . aBi.ynej.M.tny.urswuv.eii (tatll o,.ajv teesihundred and fifty-four S.ti0rlT ,a ,)n. H, March, eighteen hundred and fifty- n five; eighteenth August, elghteea, nlcfl , ,jv nusorea ana nnysix ; wira ssarcn, lu ,t L eigawen nunarea ana nny-teviisnrt?(f U"-1" nineteenth June, eighteen hundred ,' u "0 i) "thirteenth -February, elghteea hnsi j ,, jx jw v dred and sixty-one ; and per, fit " . -,(, v ' April, eighteen hundred and fifty-,-... .j. eight, with the Yanctons . .-..-.-l'SJ.SSO , For the pay of the several Indian tub- agents, per actor tmrty-nrstaiy,.--., , eighteen hundred and flftr-four- apWjff For the pay of clerk to superintendent at,-St. Louis, Missouri, par act of,j , twenty-seventh Jnne, eighteen hun dred and forty-six For the pay of Interpreters, per acta of . thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and ' r thirty-four ; twenty-seventh Febru ary, eighteen hundred and fifty-one; " and eighteenth August,-elghteea -hundred and fifty-six For pay of twenty laborers for reterra- - tlcms In California..... ..... .'..-. For presents to Indians- ..... . For provisions for Indiana.-. r-.. For buildings at 'agencies and repair thereof- ; -v For contingencies of the Indian depart-' ' ment ...:......-! For the employment of temporary clerks by superintendent! of Iadlaa affairs on such occasions and for suoh -periods of time as the Secretary erf a? the Interior may deem necessary t - the public service .:.....'.!. .r.. For fulfilling treaty stlpulatleat' with the various Indian tribe I Blackfoot nation. For seventh of tea instalment tn annuity, to be ex- "laoooo 3.-14J VA 34,100 c 11,000 40 i. 6,oo m u.toooo Jll 10,000 ' t 89,540 .:o I 1 i i.j m 6,000 penaea mine purchase or sue gooot, provisions, and other usefol'artlcle as the President, at hit discretion, may from time to time determine, per ninth article of the treaty of sev enteenth October, eighteen hundred and fifty-fire ...... For seventh of ten Instalments a an nuity to bo expended In establishing and instructing them in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, and la ed ucating their children, and promot ing civilisation and Christianity, at the discretion of the President, per tenth article of the treaty of seven teenth October, eighteen hundred and fifty-five Chatta, Bcota, and Umpqua Indiana, For eighth of fifteen Instalments of annuity, to be expended a directed by the Pretldent, per third article treaty eighteenth November, eigh teen hundred and flfty-fonr For eighth of fifteen instalments for the pay of a farmer, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hun dred and fifty-four For eighth of ten instalments for pay of physician, medicines, and expense of care of the tick, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eigh teen hundred and fifty-four 20,MO 11,000 3,000 0 1,000 1,900 For eighth of fifteen Instalment! for pay or teacners and parens or books and stationery, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eigh teen hnndred and fifty-four. Chlppewas of Lake Superior For two thirds of twenty-first of twenty-five instalments in money, per fourth ar ticle treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, " eighteen hundred and fifty-four ...... For two-thirds of twenty-first of twenty-five Instalments for the pay of two 'carpenters, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, elghteea 1,H00 8,338 nunarea and sny-ionr For two-thirds of twenty-first of twen 8,333 ty-live instalments ror the pay or two carpenters, per fourth article, treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth 'article treaty thirtieth September, elghteea hundred and flftv-four .J- 0,00 For two-thirds of twenty-first of twen ty-live instalments In goods, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Sep tember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four- - -. For two-thirds of twenty-first of twenty-five instalments for the support of tchools, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four...., ...-. For two-thirds of twenty-first of twenty-fire instalments for the pay of two farmers, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four.-. .. . For two-thirds of twenty.firtt of twenty-five instalments for the purchase of provisions and tobacco, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eigh teen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Sep tember, eighteen hundred and fifty four ......- For eighth of twenty instalment in com, goods, household furniture and cooking utensils, agricultural imple ments and cattle, carpenter's and other tools, and building materials, and for moral and educational, pur poses, per fourth article treaty thir tieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four For eighth of twenty Instalment far 7,000 1,333,83 6846J 1,33a 19,000 six smites and assistants, per second and fifth articles treaty thirtieth Sep tember eighteen hundred and fifty four .... For eighth of twenty Instalments for the support of six smith's shop, per second and fifth articles treaty, thir tieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four -. For sixth of twenty instalments for the seventh smith and assistant and tup port of thop, per second and fifth ar ticles treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four For support of a smith, assistant, and (hop for the liols Forte band during the pleasure of the President, per twelfth article treaty thirtieth Sep tember, eighteen hundred and fifty four -. - For support of two fsnners for the Volt Forte band during the pleasure of the President, per twelfth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty four ... Chlppewas of the Mississippi. For out taird of tweoty first of twenty-fire it stalments la money, per foarta article treaty fourth October, elghteea hundred and forty-two, and eighth artiela treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four . For one-third of twenty-first of twenty, five Instalments for the psy of two car penters, per fourth article treaty foarta October, eighteen buadred and forty, two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty, fotr - - . , For one-third of tweoty-lrst of ttraaay. Use instilments in gooJs, per fourth article treaty fourth October, eight hundred and forty-two, and eight arti cle treaty thirtieth September, eight hundred and fifty-four ,- For one-third of twenty-first of tweedy, five instalments for the support of tchools. per fourth article treatr fourth i.040 Miooo 1,044 1,040 l ,900 4,160 3,600 October, elghteea hundred aad forty two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth tttptember, eighteen hupdred and fiftr- four tV f-Vr4 of tweaty-artt of twttv. l. - ipisus asm tseaoao, per warii aroeie irtwty iont utawer, wane tetawaa i 41 lMM.hM kai .11,14 kal. - ''" ItxrHefh September, elgkteetl tad filty-i 1100 117 Ftteae-talrd of tweoty-firtt of twenty- av awcaiaseaia lor tmm nppen f IW. tttaHke'skovt.leldlMta.Buo(isr ) 4 tank iai atsistaatt, aid fwiltg he) tod atteL oer fosrtk artUU tnatr ,jthOetor,4tttMO aoadrfd aad, pttHr, tad elgktt artleU treaty ' Vtktnietk BeptemWr, tlgsteea hundred CG6C7 rar.tetHUrd of twentf-first ot iwettj- v aastauneai tor pay or two Itnners, f per anna areoMireuy lot muctOMr, ,Jsteea! hundred aad forty-two, and !tlgatk artleU treaty thirtieth Beptem- .er.elaMeen hundred and fiftv-ibnr Far eighth of twenty instslmentt of aa- or eixasa oi iwvniy i "aulty latnooey.pert ' twettyseeood Febru dred tad fifty-fire er taira article treaty bruary, eighteen bun- BftT-cre ... 30,000 OUttMwat, Pillager, and Lake Wianiba- Ciata otnus. ror cigaia or uirty i tahatata of annuity In nttsy, per third article treaty twecty-eeod Feb ruary, eighteen hundred aad fifty-fir For eighth of thirty !ostlmeeta,of to ' aaity In goods, pet third article) treaty twMty-eeeosd February, eighteen kan- "dred and fifty-fire - Far eighth of thirty Instalment tor pur pose, or utility, per third trtlele treaty ' tweatyseeood February, eighteen hun dred aod fifty five Far eighth of twenty Instalments for par i pet of education, per third article it ttaaiy twenty-eeoobd February, elgh teea kuedred and fifty-five -For igktk of fifteen Instalment for the aufort'of twotmltha and smiths' thept, per third article treaty twenty .". iteond ' February, elghteea hnndred . aad fifty-five For pay of an engineer to grist and saw lOCCCO 00 U.000 4,000 00 , 00 3,000 iv 00 2,120 000 bVletewta of Saginaw, Bwsn Creek, sad xuaea surer. r or teveau i tea equal Instalments I eoln, to be distributed " per capita,! the usual manner of pat -log tanaltitt, per second article of the treaty of second August, eighteen hun dred dI fifty-five For etveath oi ten Instalments fr the rapport of on blacksmith shop, per seised article of the treat of second Aatutt, eighteen hundred and fifty five 10,000 1,340 1,600 3,000 00 CabMewaa, Moaomnatt, Wlnnebagoes, aaa w Ton Indiana. ror education, daring tk pleasar of Congress, per fifth utiele treaty eleventh August, eight hundred and tweoty-teven Chlekaaaws For permanent annuity In good, per act of twenty fifth February, eventeen hundred od ninetv-oino 00 Choctaw, For permanent aunalty, per eeona article ireaty suietnu novem kr, eighteen hundred aad five, and thirteetth article treatr twenty -eeeood June, eighteen hundred.and fifty-fire For permanent annuity fur tupport of Ught-Bortetaen, per thirteenth article treaty eighteenth October, elghteenhun- dred and twenty, tad thirteenth article treaty twenty-second June, eighteen kuedred aad fifty-five For permanent provision for education, Sr second artiela treaty twentieth auary, elghteea hundred and twenty, five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty eeoed June, eighteen hundred aod fifty five For permanent provision for blacksmith, per sixth trtlele treaty eighteenth Oc tober, elghteeu hundred aad twenty, and thirteenth article treaty twenty second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five - For permanent provision for iron aad steel, per ninth article treaty twen tieth January, eiakteen hundred and 3,000 ooo 6,000 r,oo 330 00 110 twenty-five, aad thirteenth trtlele of treaty twenty second June, eighteen hundred and fiftv-lv . 33 For Interest on five hundred thousand dol lar at fly per centum for education, support of the Government, and other beneloial purpose., to be applied under the direction of the general council of tk Ckocttars, in conformity with the provisions contained In the tenth and thirteenth article of the treaty of ttreatt-aeeond Jnne, eighteen hundred aod fifty-fire ... 00 33,000 18,000 7,000 1,600 3,000 20,000 840 370 600 810 Camaoebet, Kiowas, and Apaches, of Ar- aans surer. r or nulla or ten instal ments for the purchase of goods, pro viaiona, and agricultural implements, Sir sixth artiela treaty twenty-seventh air. eifhteen hundred and nftv.three 00 For expense of transportation of the suaui ei sen msxaunenia oi gooos, pro visions, aod agricultural Implements, Ssr sixth article treaty tirenty-esveBth alv. ate hteen hnndred and flftv-ilirMi . 00 Creek. For permanent annuity in mo ney, per louru arucie neaiy sevenu August, seventeen hundred and ninety, aad filth article treaty seventh August, lihieen hundred and fiftv-sli ; For permanent annuity in money, per' sasDowt aruoio treaty sixseeaia June, eighteen kundred and two, and fifth artiela treaty seventh August, eighteen kundred and fifty-six For permanent annuity la money, per fourth artiel treaty twenty-fourth Jan- ru atrial treaty twenty-iourui Jan y, eighteen kundred and twenry-tlx, Btry. eighteen kundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, ahltvktaaMI tinftttrsksl ami 4tntalw For permanent provision tor blacksmith ana bssisuuk, ana lor stop and tools, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred aod twenty, til, aad fifth article treaty seventh Au nst, elthteen hnndred and flftv-alx For permanent provision for iron and steel 33 or taop, per eigntu article treaty tweaty-foirth January, eighteen hun dred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen kundred aad fifty-tli ... Fee permanent provision for the pay of a trkeelwngkt, pr eighth artiela treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen horn dred ad twenty-aix, end fifth artiela treaty seventh August, eighteen kundred aad fifty-six . For blacksmith and assistant and shop aad tools, daring the pleasure of the ttj. .... .aw .-.r.i- . 00 00 seventh Angust, elghteea kundred and fifty-tlx .... For Iron and steel for shop, daring the pleasure of the President, per fifth 44l IpuI. Am..,....!!. Vk. eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and Ink article treaty seventh Angust, eighteen hnndred sod Ifty-tix For wagon-maker, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen kundred and thirty-three, tad fifth trtlele treaty Mveatk August, eighteen kundred snd fifty-sli .... For assistance in agricultural operations, during the pleasure of the President, Sir eighth article treaty twenty-fourth anuary, elthteen hnndred and twenty, six, aad fifth article treaty seventh Au gust, eighteen hundred and fifty-six . For education, during the pleasure of the Pretldent, per fifth article treaty four teenth February, eighteen hundred aod thirty-three, and fifth article treaty eventh Atgust, eighteen hundred snd fifty six .... For the sixth of seven additional instal ments for two blacksmiths, assistants, shops and tools, per thirtieth article treaty twecty-fourth March, eighteen hundred sod thirty-two, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hun dred ind fifty-tlx For the sixth of seven additional Instal ments for iron snd steel for shops, per thirteenth article treaty twenty fourth March, eighteen kundred and thirty, two, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-tlx Far tklrty-temod or thirty-three instil , meats for education, per fourth article treaty fourth January, elghteea hun dred and forty-five, aod fifth article treat seventh August, eighteen hundred adfiftyrilx , . , For nineteenth of twenty Instelraants for "ednealioB, per fourth article treaty ,.torti Itniury, eighteen hundred and c forty-five, and fifth article treaty str- 00 00 00 07 400 00 00 M4T nth August, eighteen hundred and fifty. For five per centum Interest On two hue! ,, '""d dolltra for purpose of redwttlun, per ilxth trtlele treaty v. nth Animt, eighteen hundred and fifty. Dttewarra'-For life snmilly to chief F J"l" reio io supplemental Tl fr-furlh September.lgh teeo hundred and twenty-nine, to treaty of third October, eighteen hundred and "4 ... Foriliiterest on forty six thousand and,,HHTg per centum, oeing .tk value of thlrty-tlx sections of land, set apart by treaty or eighteen hundred and tweaty-nloe for education, per re olutlon of the Senate of nineteenth January, elthteen hundred and thlrly elght, and fifth article treaty sixth Msy. 333 33 lowat For Interest In lieu of Investment on a ity-eeven tnoussnd II ve hundred dol Ian, balance, of one hundred and fifty, seven thousand fire hundred dollars to the' first July, eighteen hundred tnd tUty-three, at fire per centum for edu cation or other beneficial purposes, un der the direction of the President, irer second article treaty nineteenth Octn ier, eighteen tundred and Ihiity-elghU and ninth article treaty seventeenth , Msy, eighteen hundred aod fifth four -antta For interest In lieu of Inreif ment on two hnndred thousand dolUrs, at five per centum, per second article treaty fourteenth of January, eighteen 00 00 00 Klckapooa. For ninth Initalmint'ofinterl ., ... uid rr centum on one nunared thousand dollars for education, per sec ond article treaty eighteenth Msy, elgh- teen hniunj I an. r.- 00 Fornlnth instalment on two hundred thou- se paid In eighteen hun dred and sixty-two, per tecond article tretty eighteenth Mty, eighteen hundred 00 00 Ifenomoneet. For seventh of twelve In' taiments ror continuing tnd keeping ii a blacksmith shop, and providing the usual quantity of iron and steel, per fourth article ireatyelihteeiithOctober. eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and third article treaty twelfth May, elgh- ln hniiMj ..I tr. t 00 00 00 00 For seventh often Instalments of annuity n'H innuuuutra inouaanu aouars, OSI ance of three hundred and fifty thousand! dollars for cession of Isndt, per fourth, article treaty eighteenth October, eigh teen hundred and forty eight, and third article treaty twelfth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four . . For seventh of fifteen Instalment for pay ofmiller, per third article treaty twelfth Msy eighteen hundred and fifty-four . Hlamles 01 ICtnua tin. n ,.,,..., n.n '"' it oiacasmitn ana assistant, ana Iroo and steel for shop, per fifth article treaty sixth October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, snd fourth srticle treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty- fftite 00 oo 00 oo 00 For permanent provition for miller, lu iwu oi gunsmun, per linn article treat) sixth October, eighteen hundred snd eighteen, fifth article treaty twenty third October, eighteen hundred aud thirty-four, and fourth srticle treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty- fnnr For Interest on fifty thousand dollars, at vi miHui, ii,r ruucnuunii pur poses, per third article treaty fifth of JllllM. .ItfllfAAn k.inJ...I ..J ... f..... For third of twenty instalments upon two uuuuicu uiouaana onuars,per miru arti cle treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred anil flflv.fmi. Hiamlea of Indiana. For interest on twi'i uuDoroa ana iweoiy-iine tnouiaod two hundred and fifty seven dollars and elgbty-tlx cents, uninvested, at live per centum, for Miami Indians, of Iodlsns, per Senate's amendment to fourth arti cle treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and flflv.fiiir Hlamles, Eel nver. For permanent an- tinltv In anrkAm n. nil... .... a... ?...,. article treaty third Angust, seventeen hlinnrj inJ nlnl. It.. -. . utui; uo ... For permanent annuity in goods or other- -MV, kii uuru article treaty tweniy first Jtnirnit jkt.h,..n t.J.1 ..J fl.. For permanent annuity in goods or other- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -tl' " mu win srparaw arucin to treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and nine NUqnally, Puyallup, and other tribes and bonds of Indians. For eighth Instal ment to part paymentfor relinquishment of title to lands, to be applied to bene ficial objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hun dred anil fin-fnn. For eighth of twenty InsUlments'for psy fll In.!, .1.. t.L l , , ' . i.ikiwwi, uiuii, puysiciau, carpen ter, farmer, and assistant, if necessary, Kr tenth article treaty twenty-sixth of scomber, eighteen hundred and fifty four . . . . Omahaa. For the fifth ot ten Instalments of this amount, being second of the se ries, in money or otherwise, per fourth article treaty sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and flftv.four . For eighth of ten Instalment for support ui wilier, per eigntn article treaty six teenth March, eighteen hundred and flftW-fftMO For eighth of ten instalment for support v, wmwauiiu man aMisiaui, ana iron ana steel for shop, per eighth article treaty sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. .... For eighth of ten Instalments for support w, iuw, jier cigutu article treaty six teenth Msrcb, eighteen hundred aud fiftr-four For keeping In repair the grist and stw -- rB V.. WVIHIMIU saw mill provided for by the elthth article of the treaty of sixteenth March, eigh teen hnndred and fifty-four For supplying the smith's shop with tools. aad keeping the same In reus r, per piputii arucie oi ine tresty ot suteentn March, eighteen hundred and fit fane the tresty of sixteenth For an enirlneer Osoges For interest on aixty-nine thou sand one hundred and tweoty dollars, at five per centum, being the value of fiftr-four sections of land set spart sec ond June, eighteen hnndred sna tnent) five, for educational purposes, per Sen ate resolution nineteenth January, eigh teen hundred and thirty-eight - Ottoes and Missourias Fifth of ten in stalments, being the second aeries in money or otherwise, per fourth srticle treaty of fifteenth March, eighteen hun dred and fifty-four For eighth of ten instalments for psy cif militia, per seventh article treatr fif teenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four .... For eighth of ten instalments for black smith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per seventh article treaty fif teenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four . , . , For eighth of ten instalments for farmer, per aeveuth article treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred aud fifty-four For keeping In repair the grist and aaw mill provided for by the seventh srticle of the treaty of fifteenth March, eigh teen hundred snd fifty-four For supplying the smith's shop with tools, and keeping the tame in repair, per seventh article of the treaty firteeuth March, eighteen hundred aud fifty-four For an engineer . Ottawas and Chlppewas of Michigan For seventh of ten equal annual instil ments for educational purposes, to he expended under the dire lion of the President, according to the wishes uf the Indians, so fsr as may be reasonable tnd Just, per second trtlele of the trealy of thirty-first July, elghteea buudid andfifty.five . For seventh of ten Instalments for 1 1 support of four blacksmith shops, per second article of the treaty of thirty first Jul), eighteen hundred tnd tlflv fire , For seventh of ten instalments of princi. psl, psyahle annually for ten leart, tu bo distributed per capita, lu ((, Q1 planner of pa) log annuities, per tecond article of thn treaty thirty-tint July, elthteen hnnd-Ail mnA Sfl..h 370 00 600 00 2,000 00 oo 1,080 00 540 00 ,.0OP0Q Fnrlnterett on two hundred aud' thirty- i siiouiinu aouars, unpaid part or the piintipal turn of three hundw' and tli ttttataaakSa .4a1.m fatl'hj m.a: V .. a.A- 3,000 00 thousand dollars, frirorTyMrtIfiv,TCTC3'T m "iw (TBtnm per tnnum, hum Ink J!, .tkui.l sv va, j , .. -...,. , (Dn iiutBV ..UfivuDm. (lutswil per rpu-j, in ino mui tnhnner of put n "iiutimri, prr iTona riicin or irift ' tnalf of Ihirtjr-firit Jul.el-thti n hmu aMwl sknii nri. . . . M.An ,. 10,000 00 Fori teventk oY uvn1 ..' l"!? i .. t s' BienUod thirty ttelhn.i5liil.r. ta J il il U U . J J. lien of former tresty stipulatlo it, to be ' paid per capita, lo the rfrand H ver Ot Uwas,perseeondarticleoftheirestyiif , ih'"'-B"t J"lr;etlteen-hunOred ihd ,,,'f ' I 100 00 Ottjwtsof Kantat. Forthelrpr, portion, -- , r----- mnr, in money, good., or otherwlte.-piytbltr nnder tne fourth srticle of the. tretty of third Au gust, seventeen hundred tnd ninety-fire, second srticle or the tretty f.r seven-' teentb November, eighteen hundred tnd seven, fourth trtlele or the tret y of se venteenth Heptember.elghteen liuodrrd tnd olghteen, and fourth artiel.. or the treaty of twenty-ninth August, i-lgh(een 3,301 00 nnnii.M ,., . .. . .. . . Ptwneea For last of five Inttalnients In ' guiui nuu sucn articles at ma be ne cenory for them, per tecond article treatv twenty-fourth September, elgh- tnen nnnifreit mnA fir,...-.-. For support of two manual labor schools 2.87.1 00 10,000 00 5,000 00 0,000 00 '.111! fill 20,000 00 nuuuaii, uuriog tne pleasure Jof the Pretldent, per third article trealy tweo- ty-fourth September, eighteen hundred t and fl rtvAv.n ' ., '. 10,000 00 1 ' pay of two teachers, under the diroo- VIA, nr lit fl. -fl-a ... ., ... ,un x lesiuonr, per in ru article! treaty twenty-fourth beptember, eigh teen hnnAwA nA en. ...- " t or purchase nf Iron and steel, and other r---- "" --.uuj,,WuimKiiw plea sure of the Pretldent, per fourlli article - -.-...u,,pc, ivuriiiniticie treaty twenty-fourth September, ,1,1,. teen hundred and fiity seven For psy of two blicksmlths, one of whom , i? tTnmlth and tintmlth. per fourth article treaty twenty-fourth Sep tember,' eighteen hnndred and fifty- Mvn ' For compensation of two striker, nr ap-' j.... ,u .uup, per lourin article treaty twenty-fourth September, eigh teen hundred and fl fty-seven For fifth of ten In.tslments for farming utensils and stock during the plesturn of the President, per fourth artiela trea ty twenty-fourth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seten . For pay of former, per fourth article trea ty twenty-fourth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-eeven . ror fourth of ten instalments for pay or the discretion or the pjetl dent.per fourth article trealy twenty, fourth September, eighteen hundred and fifty teven For fourth of ten instalments for pay or su engineer, st the discretion f'th. rretident, per fourth article treaty September, eighteen hun dred and Afty-tereu For compensation to apprentices to assist In working the mill, per fourth article treaty twenty-fourth September, eigh teen hundred and filty siveu I nttawatoiniet -Kor permanent annuity In Hirer, per fourth article treaty third August, seventeen hundred and ninety- For permanent annuity In silver, per third srtlrle tresty thirtieth September, eigh teen hundred and nine For peraisneiit annuity in tilver", per third srticle triiny rerl.nd Ocb.brr, eighteen buudrrd and eighteen , For bermnnent an.iiilfv tn Hw...... ..' tlOO 00 010 00 1,00 Oil ,:,io oo 7,.'H) 00 11,0(12 80 roo oo 2r,0 00 X0 (Hi 1,000 00 0,700 00 :,ooooo (KM) 00 1110 00 COO 00 300 00 coud article tre.ty tHentieth SVptem ber, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight r or permanent annuity lu tpecie, per . eond article treaty twenty-nlnth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine . 1-orlife annuity to chief, per third article freaiy twentieth October, eighteen hnn dred snd tblrty-twn For life annuity to chief., per third article" treaty twenty-sixth September, eigh teen hundred snd thirty-three I or education during the p'easure of Con grets. per th rd artirta treaty sixteenth October, eighteen In. .drod and twenty. six, sen.nd hit.cle treaty twentieth Mepteinber, eighteen hundred and twen-ty-ensrht. and fourth article treaty twen tyieventh Oeb ber, eighteen hundred and thirty two . . For permanent provision for the. psimeat uf money In liru of tobacco, iron, and If?. J"! "f""1 .,rticl' trNlt' " tieth September, eighteen hundred aud 'r""'iX.f ,h,'nd teotn "f411" 'retly or the fifth and seventeenth June, elgh- teen hundred and forty-tlx For permanent provision for three black smith! snd assistants, per third article treaty sixteenth October, elghteeu hun dred aud twenty-six, second article trea . ty twentieth September, eighteen hun dred snd twentj -eight, and second arti cle treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine For permanent provision for Iron and steet for shops, per third article trealy six teenth October, eighteen hundred and twot'-'l. tecond article treaty twen tieth September, eighteen hnndred and twenty-eight, aud second article treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twentv.ninn For permanent provition for fifty btrrels ... .., per irounu article tretty twenty ninth July, eighteen hundred and twen- tv-nlnn For interest on six hundred and forty- u.oo tuuuMua uousrs, at nve percea tum. per seventh article of the treaty of the fifth aod seventeenth June, eigh teen hundred and fort,-.!. . Pottawatomles of Huron. For perma- ' nuuuuy in money or omerwiae, per second article treaty seventeenth No- VMfntiMP. AinrStaan rinnJn.J 1 Qatpawi. roreducation dating tlieplea- lira if th. D..-..1... . .if. . .t . ......... t""., per tnira arucie treaty thirtieth May, eighteen hundred and For blacksmith and assistant,' thop and -wi, miu ..uu nuu sieei ior snop, dur ing the pleasure of the President, per third article treatv thirteenth May, elgh-,' teen hi.ndrAit n.l fl.1.1. .1 ' 300 00 1,200 00 For former during the pleasure of the i iciiucui, per tuiru arucia treaty thir teenth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three Kogue Eivert. l'or ninth of sixteen Inl stalments In blankets, clothing, farm. in utensils, and stock, per third arm I, treaty tenth September, eighteen Uu dred aud fifty-three Sect and Foxes of Mississippi. For per manent annuity in goodt or otherwise, per third article treaty third November, , eighteen hundred au.l four . For Interest on two hundred thousand dol lars, at five per centum, per second ar ticle treaty twenty.firtt October, eigh teen hundred and thirty teven For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per tecond article tresty eleventh October, elgh- :i,4.v oo 111,000 00 IJO0 00 IMOOO (ioo oo noo oo Sacs andFoies ofMlssouri Forinterest on one Hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred dollars, at fire per cen tum, under the direction of the PresI dent, per tecond article treaty twenty first October, eighteen hundred and thirtv-jeven Semlnoles For the smth. of ten instal ments ior tne support of tchools, per eighth article treaty tovenlli August, eighteen nml l,f!u.l. .100 00 l.'.'Otl 110 For the sixth often Inttalmentt for sgri'- eiiiiurai niBisiaure, per eigbtu article treaty seventh August, eighteen huu- dred ami flfv air For the sixth of ten instalments for the sinitlis oud smitht'ibopi.per eighth article treaty seventh August, eivhtrien u...l Oft.. -. " ..uu I1I.J-VI, , r or live per centum interest on two hun- ri.OOU 00 uiti auu nny tnousand dollars, to ba paid as annuity, per eighth article trea ty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fiffw r For interest .in two hundred nod fifty t.'.'io oo luuusnim aouars, at nve per centum, to be paid as annuity, they having Joined their brethren West, per eighth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hull- dreil And Senecas. For permanent annuity in spe. 10,000 00 cie, per lourtu article treaty twenty- ninth September, elghteeu hundred aud stventeen . k -4 ' r mio i i- 1 ' ..- , " l.J I ! il MO 00 1,290 00 4H0 00 130 IV COO 00 IKK) 00 1,300 00 Al V -00 00 1,000 00 iVX) 00 SI0O IK' 3.01HI OJ 18,000 IN' 300 on oj 300 oo -M60 00 fifiO lJ vao oo 33,ir.0 00 400 00 1,000 d 1,000 01. tiOO 01 3,000 Oi 1,000 0 10,000 IM 40,000 ou 7,870 no 3,000 00 3,K0 o 3,300 l'.'.r.oo o i 1300 (i 000 0't '" 7 r -J-t vw-fl' -w- aiil -tl-.-. . . , .-