Newspaper Page Text
. LOCAL JSEWJ5. - A QRO.rn'i Theatre. .4fffn Prb To-night Lucille Wcitern will appear aa Satan In the beau jlful protean dram, bf Madam Celerfe, entitled atan In Pari! " The performance will conclude with the lamented W. K Diirton'i treat fire of Wanted. I,0 MlUtneri Mr. Setchell M Mad ame Vanderpantt. Ttie entire oompanjr hare op portunity to dliplav their ablilt y to-night, and the entertainment It of a character well calculated to nil the houie to Iti ittmoit llmtti. Foiid'i Fuutklam Theatre, Tenth itreet, teemi to enjoy a reign of proiperltythli aeaion, far exceeding our moat aanrutne expectation!, 1 terjr ttar actor or actreu, that hai performed with Manager Ford, haa drawn Urge houaei. Whether Mr. Ford la making a fortune or not. we cannot any, fur hla liberal expenditure on hla thea tre for the comfort of hit patrons, and the tmmenie amount of money expended by him In getting up the moat expenalve plecea,muit conilderably re duce the marginal profits however, he oBen the Tery oeii iijie 01 aramauaana operaiiaeoirrtaiu ment at hi theatre, particularly to during the pres ent engagement of the lot clr J ounr prima donna, Miss Caroline Rlchlngi, and the Lngltih Opera Troupe. The operatlo spectacle of the " Fnchant ress " will be repeated to-night Wamihoton Vauietiei This new, magnifi cent hall will open for the season to-morrow even ing, with the strongest company that ha ever ap peared In this city. A glance at the names wilt at once pronounce It first-Mass ttar company. A. M. Hernandez,; the grea.eet pantomlmlst of the dari Miss Fltiwllllam. the youngest sister of the celebrated Mrs. FUtwllllams,whoftppered In this , country some years ago with the great author end actor. John Baldwin JJuckitone. This ladyeome direct from the London theatres, where ahe we an Immense farorlte at the Haymarket theatretJai. Pilgrim, the erer popular comedian and dramatist. The following, all of the Havel troupei A. Groisl, C. Lehman, At Lehman, ftiollosy, Marti net tl, M'lle Julia Lehman, Miss Whelpley, fce.i Paul Berger, Dick Bands, the beat clog danocr In the world.lhe wonderful Mo rest Brothers, whose performance has astonished every beholder In New York, Phila delphia and Boston The Ethiopians are J. W. Laodis, J. Albert Allen and the renowned Birch, and J. A. Coleman, the great original comlo singer, from the London theatres) together with ft most accomplished and beautiful corps dt better of young ladles. Such an array of talent 1 well worth the notice of young Washington to remember the opening night. Caxtekiuhv. A etv great crowd assembled last evening to witness uallettl In the new and at ftacilva hftlltt. entitled the Painter's Illusion." it. We think the ballet fully equal, If not superior, to for the display of the distinguished artiste' won- uenui lairni. ana win aiwar in 11 iu-nigni. assisted bvthe astonlshlni elaide and the full corv dt batiet. The audience last night was very enthusiastic oter the return of the popular favor ites, Misses Mortimer and Pennoyer, both of whom will appear to-night In beautiful acts of perform ance, iruiy, a great piace is me canicroury. Nikon' Circus The double troupe made de cided hit last night; at the Cremorne. A large au dience erected the oerformer. and the natrons, as well a the reclplbta of their favors, appeared well fileased. Both fbla afternoon and night the four ady riders, the three clowns, ft double company, two setts of horses and ponies, Eaton f tone, the champion rider of the world, "The Field of the Cloth of Gold," and a new pantomime will be of fered On Thursday, we understand that both troupes will appear In Alexandria. City Councils Board of AUUrmen The Board met as usual, the president In the chair. The following .bills were presented and acted upon 1 AViii iur mr re 11c 1 ui ) iur nuivuiua. nr ferred. A bill for the laying of a pat ement in square No. 6o Referred. A till for the relief of J. F. Rawlins. Passed. A bill for the relief of J. Mcpherson. Laid over. A bill providing for the paving of Intersections of streets. Passed. A bill for the relalngof a gutter from D street north to the Intersection or First street. Passed. A bill making an appropriation for paying the expenses of the several station-houses for the present er. Passed. A bill relative to the erection of station-houses for police purposes. Laid over. A bill for the relief of J. N. Locke for the remis sion of a One Passed A bill for the relief of Jas. Fstln. Committee llacharred. A bill authorizing tbe register to grant a license to Geo. Stabler to keep ft livery stable. Commit tee discharged. A bill preparatory to the Improvement of the Washington canal. Passed. Mr. Lloyd presented a resolution requesting the Metropolitan Police Board to enforce the act rela tive to the removal of free colored persons from the District. Mr. Clephane demanded the eas and na)s, and me voie sioou as ioiiows 1 Wat LlodandTurton. Nays Clephane, Richards, Plant, Sargent, Pep per, Wendell, Semmes and Brawn. His request was granted. A bill to repair the flooring of the Canal bridges. Passed. Adjourned. Board of Common Vouncit The President 11 ng absent, on motion uf Mr. Peake, Mr. IMrr was call ed to the chair. On motion of Mr. Stephens, the reading of the Journal was dispensed with. A communication was received trom tneitia)or. tnnMvlnv crtaln bill. A communication waa receU ed from the KraancU patlon Commissioners, asking permission to occu py the Council Chamber, their room being occu pied, at present, by the Criminal Court. Granted. Mr, Lewis presented a bill to repair the floors of the canal bridges, appropriating the sum of $600. Passed. Mr. Lewis also prevented a bill to repair South Panttnl afreet. PaisetT Mr. Barr presented a bill to repair a gutter across H street north, east aide of (leventh street west. Laldoier. , Mr. Utcrmehle called for the special order, being a bill to establish public hai scales and for other Eurposes, sundry amendments being mule; and the HI passed Sundry bills, from the Board of Aldermen, were taken up, and referred to appropriate committees. A bill to repair tho bridge across Rock creek, at the foot of K street north, was, on motion of Mr. Ranlev. taken from the table, and named. A bill from the Board of Aldermen, to furnish fuel for the poor, wns taken up, and Mr. Utermehle tnotrd to recede from the amendment, requiring the words "delegation to distribute the fuel." Lost and the following committee of conference was appointed. Messrs. Utermehle, Rapley, and A communication was recehed from the survey or, In relation to grading and graveling certain avenues Referred to the Committee on Congress. The bill, which was laid over from the last meet lng,grantlngJohn Hlnsley the prU liege of erecting a circus tent on Market Space, was taken up and passed. Mr. Lewis introduced a bill to grade south Capi tol street. Passed, Mr, Lloyd, from the Committee on Claims, re ported favorablv on the petition or James Redmond. m"SZ accompanied by a bill, which waa passed. iur. vicriuviiiv muiru iw icwuiiuci iu iuis rant in? John Hlmlev uermlBslon to erect a circus tent. Agreed to. Mr. V. then moird to lay the bill on the table. Agreed to. Adjourned. Criminal Court Before Judge Metrick This court met In regulsr course yesterdsy morning. ine louowing rou 01 jurors were caiieu Grand Jury John TVsn Reswlck, J. P. Slight ueorge arneu.a a i-arker.osrpn uuucy. jr , James H Boss, U- F. Moxley, D. F. Glttlogs,Thos. R. Drlfhtwell. II. G. Ritter. 9. Meade. Vm. Wur- dermann.Jas L. Owen, J J McCollum, Wm. Bur roughs, s. Lewis, waiter uoaey, . n ues, m Emmert, H. C Mitchell, F lilti, R, W. Burr,W. r. uiinrow. Petit Jurv P. F. Little. Wm Klnjr. of Wm . C R Belt,Jno Rtggles, Aug Da Is, D Lewis. J. O. Withers, Ihos Barron, Jacob Ramsburg w. P. Mohun, Wra. Parker, J. T Garner, W. H. Langlej, 11. U. urrvnwrii, i. v.. iwii, i, u, nuwiuiuu, , Barron, J F, B Purcell, H Lee, Geo. Rhodes, Jr , Wm. K. Riley, Thomas Knowlcs, Moses P. Swain, G. H Grant, W. 8, enable, G. J. Barrett In consequence of the continued Illness of Judge Crawford.hls duties de oh e upon Associate Jus tice Merrick, of the circuit court. The court addressed the grand Juf) and the) re tired to their chamber for deliberation John Johnson, William Phelps, and John Fggle ston, charged with riot, were put on trial. Ihe case was ghen to the Jurj, who retired, but soou returned and rendered a t erdict of not guilt) . Adjourned Polue MAiTcns Philip Smith, asiaultt rtned lbv Justice Druri Vita. Slgafoase, disorder!)) Hned 1 by Justice Cla) ton. Sarah A. Fletcher, drunk and disorderly) Cord $2 bv Justice Waller Peter Calhouiu for burglar) )Jall for court b) Jus tice Thompson. C. Collins, disorderly tunduct) fined $2 by Justice Thompson George pates and Win. Swayne. accessories to sisuuiog 01 an uuiccrfjaii ior coun vy justice win ter A Prentice, assault and battery (held for a further hearing by Justice Walter, Edward Williams, suspicion of arson; hr Id for n hearlne bv Juitice Walter. John Little, stabbing an ofnoerijall for court l Justice Walter. ' Robert Fenton, drunk and dliorderht fined 91 ttl by Justice Stratton J Lloms, John Tllman, James hlte, Henri Strothers, disorderly londutl) fined $1 4b) Justice Stratton Fourth Wahu Station Cases Before Juiiice H'alter ye tier day Daniel Faltej, for larccnjt or dered to leatotheclt) I John Slate, drunk and disorder!) t lined t)3 John Sandersou, assault and batter) ball, (Sun, ior lurmcr nearing Pe.somai Hon. Juhn 8 Nixon, New Jeraeyi Hun C I. allandlghain, tlhlotliou C.A.White, uhloi Hon Owen Lmejo), Illinoiag areat the Me tropolitan Hon Z. Chandler, Michigan) Hon Lot M. Mor rill, Vermonti Hon. John P. Hale, New Hampshire. are al the National. Celebration or At. Andrew's Day v the lWahinoton Society. Toasts, Speeches, fc The anniversary of the birthday or Bl, Artdrew(Mi 0f the patron saints or Scotland, occurring on Sunday, the venerable St. Andrew's So let r or this clfv celebrated Its recurrence last evening by ft sump tuotii entertainment at Buhler's restaurant, pre pared by that experienced and excellent caterer, Mr.Welaker. 1 quite ft number or Bcoua-i sons were present, anil there was no diminution in the mirth and hila rity which usually characterises these gatherings. A vn-al rrrtt was expressed that their form-r venerated president, Mr. Gilbert Cameron, was pre? vented from Joining them by absence In his native land. About BK' o'ciock xne pany ear aown, when prayer was offered ny tbe Rev, J. L. JJUott, wh 1 has officiated on these occasions for some several ear past. The prealdent, Mr. T. W, Spence, af erwards gave the command to "fall In," which hi obeyed with promptitude and earnestness. near inepresiaenx were seateu xne second vice president, Prof. McLeodf treasurer, J. P. Wilson t secretary, J, Reekie. Among those present, of the press, were Major Tien Pertey Poore and W D. Wa linen, r sq. pay master King, (son of Senator King,) John Lock wood, (nephew of the Mayor of New A ork,) and Quartermaster Calef, were also In attendance. Mr. H. B. Todd appeared In ft complete Highland costume. After ample Justice had been done the many good things spread out, the following standard toata were readi No. 1. "Thedav we celebrate, and awha honnr rtong "inei'ozie ingie," ny nr. J r wnson. No. 3. "The President of the United States " Kong "The Red, White, and Blue," by Mr. Gould. ' No. 9 "Scotland and her heroes " This toast was responded to by Mr, Ramsey, In his usual happy and eloquent style. No. 4. The army and navy or the United States the bulwarks of a nation's dignity, and the guar dian of a nation's honor." Mr. Gerrard responded to this toast In a few very interesting and stirring remarks. Queen Victoria The noble embodiment of ft wo man and ft queen. Song Bv , No. 6. America We toe It for its memory we respect It foi Its virtues, and we honor It for Its freedom. No. 7. The songs and minds which Influence the destiny of Scotland. Hong. "Soot t wha ha" By M. BL Todd In full Highland costume. No. 8, The memory of Washington. Drank In silence. No. t The Lasses Their tricks and craft hae put me dafti Hike the Jades for a' that. Song "Green grow the rushes, a'." By Mr Reekie. A number of tolunteer toasts were oflered, but the lateness of the hour precludes their publication atthlstlme. The Emancipation Commissions Vesterdar. the case of Mrs. Summers, who claims Lucy Jack son, waa before the board This is a case where the slave came to the District from Virginia be fore the passage of the emancipation act, and could not return, owing to the occupation of her owner's house bv the rebels. Testimony was iBJtcu id um CB-c uuiuu ueci-ioa mnae mine cue. The esse of Jacob G. Smoot, of Lewlnsvllle, tr ainla.who nresrnts claims for seven slates, was taken up. lie was examined on the question of loyauy, ne aammeuinaine tuieu ior secession, that he did It of his own free will. There was no compulsion at the polls In his precinct, no armed ment me people were iree 10 voie as iner saw ui. But he did not anticipate a separation of the States. He thought this course on the part of the voters of Mrglnla would lead more directly to a settlement of the difficulty. But he took theoath of allegiance, which oath he exhibited It was taken b Gen. Van Vlelt's order, before whom he had an account for damages done to his property by Union sol diers He willingly took the oath when oilercd b) Gen. Van Melt, lie admitted that when it was offered at his home by the officers who were taking testimony as to the amount of damage to his property, he hesitated and put the matter off a day or two for consideration He considered It his duty to stand by his property. No decision was made on his case The Pennsylvania Meeting Owing to some misunderstanding in relation to the meetlngof the Pennsylvania Soldiers Relief Association, which was announced to take place at 11 lards' Hall last night, but few persons were present. The meeting was called to order b) Hon. J. K. Morehead, prealdent of the association, who stated that one of the causes of the absence of members of Congress and other Ienns) Iranians was the fact that they had Just nrrUed In the em, and were ar ranging about their rooms, etc. He suggested a postponement of the meeting to a more favorable lime, so that a Rreat rally could be made to Interest all Pennsylvaniansln this Important work. Mr. H. Shotxmoedthat the meeting ailjournto Wednesday evening, the 10th Instant, at half-past seven o'clock. Mr. Katon explained the misunderstanding In relation to the meeting The executive committee were not fully prepared to report; and for this, ns well as other reasons stated, the committee had conclude to postpone the meeting, but due notice had not been git en of the postponement. The motion for adjournment nretalledt and the meeting was adjourned to the loth Instant, at the same nan, awjj o'ciock, anu ine secretary was tit- rvciru lugito iuii iihikt ui inn iiirriinK, Deaths op Soliuehi The following denths hat e occurred since our last report Corporal William H l-errla, fonipinj M, 7M Pennsyhanta, George Piatt, compatt) t, 113-1 tVnni)U antai Regimental camp S, J. Bardltt, company D, l?th Couuectkutt Ar mory hospital. R. B. ansl)kelcompan) C,?th Mlchlgint Armo ry hospital. Francis Beckwlth,iompan) H, filth New wkf Fcklngton hospital, A. Wilcox, com pan) I, With New ) nrkf KnlorHtua hospital Wm. Robinson, teamster H M. D KalorHina hospital J. W. Lowman, coiu)uin) D, WtliU, S Inftntr). RelatUes and friends of deceased soldiers tan obtain an) Information In regard to the burial place of their friends b) addressing F T, Kinds, Got ernment undertaker, No 411 F street, leteen Fifth and Sixth streets. MtrriNOO) TMEMAS1ACHLbKTTBSUUilCH' Alii Society .A meeting of this association was hel I last night at the Avenue House. Hon. U. W. McLeltan was tn the ihatr, aud J. V Forbush acted as seiretar) . Aiommlttee,i,onslstli)KOf John A Fottle, H. 11. Fernaldand. W. Hllss.ttas anpolutttl to arrange V.- . I.iiklla naalln.. tnhn t.i:i . II III...I .t II.. It ivi uuiiu mnnufji i in itnu ni , iiinrua ,in,i, on Monda etenlng.thebth Instant, to he addressed by members of CongreM, aud other distinguished aieakers It was further siifTKested that ndt'Miled ai,ount of all theoiteratlonsofthe association during Ihe past j ear will then be presented. Alter ine transaction 01 soma niner uninipnriant business the meeting adjourned to meet as abote stated. Funcrai o MajurO'Neil. lliebodvof Malor Thomas O'Nell, whose death was uientloned bj us Jesterda). was escorted to the depot jesterdat af ernoon about S o'clock, by a detachment of the One-Hundred-And-Thlrt)-finh Penn)ltanlt rcgl ment, accompanied b) General hhlelds, Captain Klelej.and followed bj a long line of carriages Major O'Nell was chief oi Gen Meagher's .taiTof the New Fngland Irish brigaJe He was a good citizen, a brave officer and n true pttrlot His brother, George O'Nell, from Boston, is here to hc comuan) his remains to Boston, tt here hla fumllj resides. MaJ. O'N. was great)) belotedb) his asso ciates and officers In the Held, tt ho mourn ihe lotd of a brate man. gRuHAWAV. About four o'clock yesterday after noon, a two-bone team became frightened at some object on K street, near the City Hall, and betom Init unmanageable, started on the run uu II Into wmn street, anu inence into rcnoititania ave nue, where It was at length stopped Some two or three vehicles were run ino and smashed In the the fearful flight of tho frightened steeds, but so far a we can ascertain, no damage to human life or limb resulted i- Death or Orriccn Leach Odicir Leach, ithn was fatally stabbed on Sunday night, died from Ids Injuries testerday afternoon, about ), o'clock nr.Lrwiiwiii a goou omcer, and ueia.ej iij an who knew hlntf and his death bns cast a shadow of gloom throughout the ttholeil! file murder er, together with his accessories, bat e been arrest ed and committed to tall, to await tlielrtiUI. which will probabl) come ott at tbe nenf.ii term of I'UUTI, Tnc Street Cars jeaterdaj weie .roudod to their Utmost capaiLt) b) au unusual amount ol stteet tratel. The south Set enth street lint- now hate a fullsuUDlvof cars, and are runnlnir nit tm minute time from the denot of the Uaitin.nrit nn.i Ohio railroad to the steamboat wharf at the foot of wtentn street. evcAl more cats lute alio bceu put on ine rourteentn street line o a StNuiNO Goods South B H Garner, of Mil towntM.Marj's count), Maryland, was airested by the Potomac Flotilla, on the charge of forward Ing goods south from a ttharf near the mouth of Wicomico baj. He was sent to this cltv jester da), and Protost Marshsl DiMer cuminiHed lilni to the Old Capitol Prison Inilux or 8u it The medical director was un usually busy yeaterda) In making protlsiou for the ub.ij trmj j a a.v.U'. J B. .... 'IU 1.IUH U lll7 large number of sick soldiers thrown upon his care bythe military mot ements In our Welnlt) About W sick men, from the tarious regiments fn amn. urr nrni with ft, . mnmn.Ut li. nut. r -.".--:-.-"" " w hospltala yeaterda) Death ui the Janitom , .k. .1.11.,.. ,n .),. era ! urn i t m SfcPrak died on Le in th. hniiiiiii RS Smllhaontau. ror ae eral ) i learn that the ianitor. M Sunday laat, at hla resilience, In the hull IIiik wa. nu um anu luuin-eaiei'iiuii ciiitcii The Navv. a hu UekAru thai the uaij-iard la now open to thu public. Aa the tararuufrom allpartaofthecltyfothonit)-)ard gale, lor the amall fee of nte tents, wo presume the tmtcl on this route u 111 lucrease rrtpldl) The Uullion Bank redeems lis notes lu U. 8. Treasury notes, when any amoant from one dollar upwards Is presented. Attention. AitlictedI Vr. Vcllnr Is rcl encaged lu an cxtenslvo practko In this city, ftUdweVould call Iho attention of iho poor, pour, emaciated victims of their uwu tins to tho beet sources of remedy. TIrat, c'fonp your.' present course ofllfe at once and forever and secondly, call on tho i moat skilful physicians, (and none are better than Dr. Vellnjr,) and be enrcdofthe disease which Is now undermin ing your constitution and lending yon to a pre- mature grave 6 , UxsKlNQ Hath, The followlue are the rate at which bankers and brokers are buying and selling gold and silver the legal tender notes ueiug mo aianaarui , Buvlmr) Selllnr. Gold - 27 per c. prem, 80 pcrc. prem. Silver .-- 20 " 23 " Demand notes 20 " 23 Banks of Issue In waahlnirton and fleorec- towm . . Washing).' Georgetown. Fanners and Mcchs Hank. Hank of Commerce, Bank of Metropolis. Bank of Washington. Patriotic Bank. Farm's A Me rclrs B'nk. WOUNDCII AND Nnf.tiiERB Pan liai their "AwYJMrif Peptrt " made out for application of il Invalid PtntUmt" Immediately upon procuring their " DiKharp," by application to Peck, Gardner, 4 vikk, jo. 88'f So-, enth street, between D and K streets, near Genoral Post Offlce no cnargeuniii now lm pension 11 procured. Oo-roWitrTEtii'RST. ill Fonusjhanla atcnue, rb obtain superior Likenesses at reduced prices. Kloe Card ignetts, formerly sold at S3 per doien, now ellimx at fti half dozens, same rate. Colored Imperials reduced from $30 to ft20j selling whole slie colored at only i6. I will excel in "CWcm! Cart tit Vitittt" having secured the services of a aunerior artiat for that iiranrh nt hmin... r iu. nesaes of many of those fallen In battle can be ob tained nerei aiso caru pnoiogrnphs or prominent men, both ch II and military, not 21 1m Desirable India Rubber Goods Mr. II. A. nan nniiuii received a 101 or umcers' Long and Light dull finished Coats also, dull MnlshecT Pon chos, extra larre sliest alio, a tat nt hlu rnviuh Talmas, very long, at 10 each) which he Is selling at manufacturers' prices, at hli India Rubber U are house, 310 Pennsjlvanla arenue, between Ninth iiu truiuiiictii. OCItfl II A Wonn or Advice Those who hae been doctoring for weeks and months without obtaining relief, should consult Dr. Fishblatt. whose office la ai no. i K. sireei. corner 01 igntn street, and b radically cured, Twenty-n e years experience ha established Dr. Plihblatt's reputation as aphjal cian. itecent cases cured in a few days. Charges No. 431 E street, corner of Eighth, Opposite the General Post Office, India Rubber Goods The place to buy your RUBBFR COATS, LFGG1NS. CAMP BLANKETS, irt - T.mj,na, ., , r nanciwa, iou evrrv anicie made from INDIA RUBBER, la at H. A.HALL'S India Rubber Warehouse, where rou can obtain them at manufacturers prices, 310 Pennsylvania avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets 00 22 Ladies', Men's, Youths', Mioses' and Children's Rubber Boots, shoes, rUndAls and Gotten; Ladies1 and Gents Buckle Overshoes, with felt lining and top) Men' Short, Knee and Hip Boots. At Allen. Clnpp&Co'i India Rubber Store, Tcnn atcnue, between 10th andllthsts. novii lm India Rubber Boots and mioes. The abote articles are sold cheaper at H A HALL'S India Rubber Warehouse, 310 Pennsylt aula arenue, than at any other store in this city or lclnit). Ihlsfi to. Call and satisfy youriclt cs. 310 Pennsylvania avenue no 22 tl 111 F.I), On the 30th, Not ember, afrer a lingering illness, Marv Maroaret, ttlfc ot Jerome Calahto, aged 23 years and 9 months Her funeral tt 111 take Dlace Tuesdat. Dec 2d. at 1 o'clock, from her late residence Four-and-a-half si reel AUCTION SALES. 1V V. I. AVAM. i, C(.,Auetloeers. Ol LKS WtAT Sil Li; Ot LOSDUMbEU IIOHSKS ASD MULLS Will b antil at t.uhll.. ait. linn Corral, near the Naval Obsertatory, Washington V. V, on MONDAY, 8th December, 1 962, n 11 urn- 1IOKSFJI AND MUUS Coiuleninfd ns unfit for the public wrtkv. Terms tah In Got eminent fiimU J. J. DANA, ipt. A. it M , U. S A. W. L. WAIL 4t CO, del iMarJ AiKtlouiers. LMIHSI KUHNII FirilNMI I'ontlnuatlun or the 1iHET AtTCTlOX SALK FIT US f With anew and splendid HHsurtment ol the n tviTEs r Firts, AT Tftf Sittet'ltoom, .Vo. 4 ftrktt Sjxice, oier the Carpet More of .T, 11. DmlMiu, On Morality, Ttiemhiy and WednenJatj, Jicctviber 1st, 1M and IU.I. Hale to utuimeiiu' each da) at lu'a n. m. and 7 p. m One of the largest and most superb stocks of I-AIHI1N' I' If It HI Fteruuerrd In thlsclt), which hatuleen rtieltcd irom one oi ine most extensile noumsin uroatl wav. New York, u 1th orders to close tbe same u It h out resertet consisting of Hudson Hi), orkfort, nnu urrmuun -,aiio .uuik, urrLinii, muiif tiirilil. riTcn,anaetrr) upscription oi iiumonanie r uhs, in CnrrlaKe ami Cardinal Capes, Talmas, Meto rlnes, Muris, Cutis, &c , Vc. Amung the stock will be tound a print tarlet) of Ml S FY mtd lIUU UHLb'S f I'is Also, a large assortment of M Igh Robes. Hating retelt ed orders from tbe House InNtW ork to sell -nt ati) price on account of a dissolu tion of partnership, therefore, the public will hut e an opportunlt) of purchasing suits of tbe best Furs at half tho price of an) bouse In the world The goods hate been manufactured this rail. La dies are ptrtlcularl) tut lied to Htlend, as eter) ar ticle t)in it sou wiinuui rraprtP. n u inis silo will bo continued MULk. IiS UNLl.ln which tlmeetert ettort ttlll bo made to clone the entire stock. O The Goods will le onen for Inspection each iU) before and until the hour of saie. Laiaiogues it in im read) on t ne morning oi sale. MARSHALL. PGF, Aucts. no '." i B V. 1,. WAIJA. CO., Auctioneers. PLBEVPTOliy AICT10A ALL 0FUR0LL- HIES On TULSUAY M0HN1NG. 'J I December. at 10 o'clock, we u 111 sell, hi front of the Auction Rooms, to close consignment, a number of lot) of Groceries, embracing Barrels ellow and Refined Sunara Tierces Cincinnati Hams andlieef Boxes Starch, Vermicelli and Macctronl Boxes Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and Clgirs Cases Assorted Presort cs and Pickles Boxes Lemons, Barrels Beans and Pork Boxes Blacking, Brushes and Nuts Case Aromatic Bitters Casu Brand) , and Salt Rlt or and other, Schnapsihc. Cases Lemon and Raspberry 3)rup Bbli S)rup and Mnegar, BI1 Herring Barrels Monongahala, Rye. Pipes, Ac , MignolU anu otner tt mantra Bbls. Brandy and Gin Terms cash W L WALL fi. CO , nov29 Auctioneers TJY J. C McGUlUE dt CO., Auctloueers. jj Br- MRTLE Or A DECREE OF THE Oil PUAbS COlRTot the county of Washington, In the District of Columbia, 1 will otter at auction, on TUFSDW.the 16th da) of December next, at i o'clock p m, on the premises, lots F and Pin West's subdltlilon of Lot one. In Square six hun dred and titeiit)-nlre, iCI ) One oi these lots fronts un New Jersey atcnue, uearl) opposite the Btlllmoreand Ohio railroad station, mid the other on First streetuest.bcttt eon Dnndl- stnets north, and they areuosirauio as uiisinessBiHmis Terms of silct One-third of the purchHiemoiu) to In naid In CAiht and the residue In two euual In staluicnts il Oand 12 months, tt 1th intereji, to be secured b annrotod notes The tonus of snle mudt bo coiiiplicJ it 1th In one week tficr sale, or the proper!) mi) le resold at the risk anl coat of the nrut purkhtaer, tfter one weed's notice HI-LII-NM JACOBS. Guar Inn of B O and Helen A We.1 J l McGUIRFfctU, Aucts. not 2fr JatvSw xyoTlor. is iikhi:u uivkn that 1 tbe Copartnership heretofore existing between l.T U COFFIN Is thisda) dissoltedb) mutual consent JOHNQ 1U1, J (OH-IN I John U Ltle still uouttiuios tho buakitois at the I . , , i ' .. i. a ..... . i Washington, July .1, iw..'. J) ."J Tilw, HniH,h. ... . 1(V. H Va JV,, T I It.. Ufc HMiKS UI I Ut H( SS AM) .. i iiujnie iknimj h 4itin nt 111 find tt much to their adtautiifre nil 1 1 1 raoiiHl vomforl (Ifruomlngoutltutiikit tin tr meals at th ell-knownand long-established Kratiiiraut Hi subscrllr haa spared no expense lu irlillmg hi rn,i'e MtaWlahuieist, Is el uai tins he Hi loraursi-tiHssueniieiuen's liesiaurani uneieuiH bafoundalllh.uiinrorl.urailtalrl.uiu. dn terj moderate terms n.ntl.iiiAi. nra .It n.l.ll..,.ll 1 Gentleman nro iirticnliirl itiiuiMt I tn lmII l?- (ore making Arrniifrenieuti eUvw here L GAUTI1-K, Hoi iw-eiiliu jftj PeitnijliauU mcuue i .,. - SMITH b ItlSAI.L, No. 301 .HKVK.NTIIt Street, between I and K itreel. Id the Cheipeit I Clothlnn Ilouie in town Trj them nov 21 dtjanl - noposjAr.H pon Indian goods. iHr-ARTMENTUr THE INTERIOR, Of-rici: Indian Arraths, - ( . i-ewr-norrii, ir. SKAIFD PHUPOsALsendorsedPropmalafor inaian Goods," (Class I, ty a, 4. as the case may be,) to be delivered In the cltyof New ork. will be received at the office of Indian Affairs until twrlre o'clock M., on Wednesday, the 10th day of Decem ber next for furnishing the following named artlnUa i ' Class No. I, Mackinac Btankrtn, Cloth, and Dry Gomti 1,000 pair a point white Macklnaoblankits, to measure 60 hi Tl Inches, and weigh 8 pounds 3,000 pairs 2j; point white Macklnaa blankets, to meaaiire 64 by fid Inches, and welch ponnrts SOU pairs 3po!nt white Mackinac blankets, to measure 43 by 66 Inches, and weigh SU pound Coo pairs Hi point HhlteMackfaaobtauketi, to , measure M by 00 Inches, and weigh U pounds lu) pairs! point white Macklnao btlnkits, to measure 31 by 40 Inches, and weigh IV Iounds 1,200 pairs 3 (Hjltit scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure Go by T2 inches, and weighs pounils TOO pairs 3; point scarlet Macklnaa blankets, to measure M by G6 Inches, and weigh pounds lu) purs 2 point son riot Mackinac blankets, to measure 41 bj 06 inches, and weigh 6v pounds, iw pairs 1 point scarlet Macklnao blankets, to measure 33 by 46 Inches, and weigh 3L pounds 100 pairs 3 point green Macklnaa blankets, to measure so by 73 Inches, and welghSpounds luo pairs 3i point gTorn Macklnao bTankt-ts, to measure 64 by G6 Inches, and weigh I pounds 1,000 pairs 3 itolnt Indigo blue Macklnao blankets, to measure GO by 72 Inches, and weigh 6 pounds 800palrs2fipointlnJlgo blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 64 by 66 Inches, and weigh 6 pounds 100 pairs 1 point InJigo blue Macklnao blankets, to measure 82 by 46 Inches, and weigh 3 pounds 600 pairs 3 point gentinella blue Mackinac blan kets, to measure GO by 72 Inches, and weigh 8 pounds 300 pairs 2if point gentinella blue Macklnao blan- kcis, 10 measure m ny go inches, and weigh 6 pounds too pairs IS point gentinella blue Mackinac oianxeis, 10 measure 36 ny 60 inches, and weigh 4 pounds 100 Dalra 1 1K)1dI rntlnella hlu, Marlilnart Man. kets, to measure 33 by 46 Inches, and weigh 3,000 yarJ. fsner Hit blue cloth ' 4,000 da grT lilt blue cloth 200 do do blsck cloth 1,000 do rdlltt black cloth 4,000 do. do blue cloth 0,M da do .oriel cloth 200 dozen cV4 woollen .haw U COOpounda linen thread, No, 40 loo do cottonthread CO Rroi. wonted gartering 19,000 jrardi calico 0.000 do Merrimac calico 23000 do luricer rea cauco blue drllllni brown drilling bed ticking atlnette plaid llnaer. unbleached domeitlc aheetlng bleached aheetlns 20,000 do 10,000 do 3.000 do 25tooo do 20,000 do 2.S00 do 10.000 do iv.vw uu vucvtva, aitiiyra. mui 10.000 do flannels, assorted check,, atripea, and pl.Ua f,Duu pounds Drown giiung itvine, no o 800 do cotton maitrc 0,000 twilled flannel shirts two dozen hickory shirts 3.0U0 calico shirts 30) dozen Canadian belts Clam No 2. Ready Made nothing VOu blue Batlnett pantaloons 2W do coats CO cadet mixed latlnett costs 300 do do pantaloons 17S frock coats, indigo blue, broad cloth 100 pantaloons do do 330casslnett coats, trimmed with red. Class No. J. Hardware, AgricvUunl Implements, 4 c, 2,100 pounds braaa kettles 40 nests Japanned kettles, (8 In a nest) 600 camp kettles, (l sizes) 300 dozen 3 quart tin pans 300 do 4 quart tin pans CO do quart tin pans 700 do tin cups 1,'JOO do squaw awls I,6oji do flsh hooka 700 do midlines 250 do coarse tooth combe 111 do floe lootheouba Gui do scissors euo do shears! ISO do weeding boes 200 do handsawfllr,.)', inches 60 do spades 3,&iiu short handle fry pans 75 dozen hasting spoons t,&ou dti tablespoons, (.rou) C1 do axes, to weigh 4'i to 6I( pounds HA0 do half axes, to weigh 3 pounds, (with handles) fioO do zlne mirror 60 do llreatrrU 6u0 jMjiinds brass wire I60 do best Chinese ermlltlon Cuu do seed beads luidozeu butcher knltcs too do scalping knires 230 do squaw hatchets 12 do 4i inch flat files j),uuo pounds tobacco. Class No. 4. Ount, Ammunition, 4 r. coo rifles, csp lock, (half ounce ball) 300 shotguns, (double barrel) ifio It firi nowder 1,000,000 water-proof caps 300 bags Traid balls 200 flasks JO0 belts 600 powder horns 3,000 flints 291 dozen gun nipples 3b0 wrenches. Cnmlanf American manufacture of tbe rea ul red st)les and mialtt) will be preferred; but, as the samples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, it will be nocoBsart . In proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds, that asample thereof shall accompant the bid. The articles to be furnished must, in ait respects, conform to and be equal with tbe Government samples, which may be seen at thla olike on and after the 24th Instant. The ar ticles will be rigidly lnsnected and compared with the samples b) nu ageitt or agents appointed for that purpose. Such as may be unequal thereto In an) particular will be rejected) In which case the contractor will le bound to furnish others of the required kind or quality within three datsior.lf that I not done, they will be purchased at his ex pense Payment wilt be made for the goods re ceived on Invoices thereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to Inspect them. It is tone un derstood that the right will be reserted to require a rreater or less ouantltvof anv of the articles named than that specified In the abote schedule! and all bids for furnishing said articles may be re jected ai tneopuonoi tne ucpanmcnti anu tnai none from persons who have failed to comply with the requirements of a previous contract with the uniteu SIAICS. ur niiu mo uut luauumviuictiui wholesale dealers In the required articles ttlll be considered t and the fact that bidders are suchman- maciurcrs or ueaiers mun uv eviucnccu. vy uicvrc tltlcate of the collector of the port where they re Blde, or where It is proposed to deliver the articles. Ihe proposals must embrace the articles, tt 1th the quantities thereof as they are arranged in the tiwtii). with the nrlcea annexed to each, in dol lars and cents, at which they are to be furnished and the amounts must vo carneu out ana looteu up for each class Said price and amounts must be so git en, without any modification, or proposed mouiflcat ion, or t arlat ion whatet er. They should be submitted with the following heading: I (or tt e) Harnr nroDose io lurnisu iur me acmce oi mo m dian Department, and according to the terms of its aoreruscments lurrcui. umtu iiuremocr i au,iw, the following articles at the price thereto a taxed, (here insert the list according to the class or classes proposed for,) deliverable In the city of New ork by the 1st da of April next, or at such time or times during the year 1663 as may be ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Attain) and If the propo sal be accepted (here Insert the words " lu whole or In ptrt, if more than one class be proposed for,) I (or we) will, within twenty da) thereafter, execute a contract accordingly, and give security, satisfac tory to the Commissioner of Indian Ailfttrs. for tho faithful periormance of the same " Fach pro posal must be accompanied with a guaranty In the follow ing form, to be signed b) two or more respon sible persons, whose sufficiency must be. certified tobt a United States Ju Ige or district attorney Vteherebt Jointly andseterallyguarant) that the abote diu Ur, (or bidders,) If a contract shall be awarded io him (or them) according to his or their bid or proposal, will execute a contract according 1) ami git e the requisite security for the perform ance thereof, as proscribed in the adt ertlsemcnt for proposals for Indian goods dated nth Not ember, l8iJj and, in the et ent of his (or their) failure bo to 00, we Iiereu) agree io umu. uursritVSi uur itciia, executors, and assigns, to forfeit and pay the United states, as damages, a sum not less than n( teen per cent, on the amount of said bldorpro ttoinl M Bonds will le required In the amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the contract, with two or more sureties, whose sufficiency must be certified b) a United states Judge or district at tome). No proposal will be considered that does not strict!) conform In all particulars to the terms anddiroctions of this adterttsement M. P DOLf, not II atawDcclO Commissioner Orricn Indian aitmns, November 23, 18U7 Miuethe aloteadertlsement, dated the 17th in stant, for" Proposals for Indian Goods," Mas pub lished, it haa been decided to take from class No 3, the 2O.U00 pounds of tobacco oalled fur, and let It lorm class No ft llliuueli there is a sample oi the tota.i.o hi mis , ,.., ; i ill... .ra r0nni..l.l tn farur.r.1 ..mnle. " nh ihilr bls lor consUeratiou I llh their bus, lor consideration ' I Hui . . ComuiUnluiicr .VKll UUD1 S atteutloiiUrallrit laour j new hock oi uoining ior wen ana uoyi' uie, which wehaiejuit reoelveti, and oUer fornle at ery low pricei, at No. 464 seventh ''r"J;0Dear F Proprietori of Oak HaUClothlnf Room. iep2o 3m, NINTH MTREET, SKAll rK.VA'.SYLrA.VIA AVK.S'VF. PKOPRITTOR. . . . ACTING MANAGER 8TAOK MANAGER MfllCAL DmrCTOR AjHAMBUNfc CO A. M. HERNANDEZ JAME9 FILGRtM THOMAS IMPON The public of Waahlngton are rtipectfuiljr Informed that thla New and Beautiful Temple of Arnnaoment, Wll.l. OPEN PUIt TIIK HRANON, ON WEDNFSDAY EVENING, DECK 3, 1882, Aud Krcry Rrenltia;, Thla splendid Hall haa a New stage, New Stienerjr, Wlrate Doxee lieautirulljr furnlahed, Orcheatra Keata arranged with eterj' comfort, Parquette with corered aeata, and a Gallery that will command a full alght of the stage The alterations mad at aneapenaeof Five Thousand Dollars, And the company engaged, comprise THE BEST TALENT IN AMERICA. A HI Iferanudtx, The great unrivalled Pantomlmlst. Mis C. Fit I Williams, The Great singer, from the London Theatre Morest Brothers, The Host Wonderful Performers tn the World. Alons. A Grosal. From Mblo's Garden, New York Moiie. C. Lehman, From Nlblo'a Garden, New York. Mntia. Stolloa)', Late of the Rarel Troupe. Dick Sauda, The Great Clot Dancer. .1. Albert Allen, Celebrated Negro Comedian. Paul Berger, TheFa-orite Actor. Jame. Ptlf-rlui, The Popular Comedian. J. W. LaudJ-s The King of Song and Dance. Tom Vance, The Popular Comlo singer. M'Ue Julia LdtniaU) The Accompllahed Danaeuie, Irom Nlblo'aGardeo, New York M'Ue Pauleu, From the Port St. Marten, Pari. Mil. Wbelpley, The Charming Actreaa, from Laura Keene'a Theatre, New Y'ork. Mail'ine aroaal, Fiom Nlblo'a Gardeo, New York. Madme Lehmau, From Niblo'a Garden, New York. Mail'ine Martlu.ttl, From Niblo'a Garden, New York. Mlaa Drake, From Arch St. Theatre, Philadelphia Mlaa Florence, From Bower) Theatre, New York Mlaa Parker, From Broadwa) i.u-lc Hall, New York. Mlaa IloMueou, From Philadelphia Theatraa Mica slmiiiouda. From Philadelphia Tlicatr.i Ml. Adaiua, From the ealern Thcatrea flHANl) CORPS DE BALLET. BALLrTalASlIR -V, UUNS A GROSS! A BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE I will be sjlt en nigntiy COW 1AXT01UMF. BEAUTIFUL BALLF.T), FTiiiorux ACTA, tivaixn, daxoivo, dr. I'arqufitpanl Kantll) Clnle J3 centa i Ort-hestra Chair W " Prliate Doxei, (holding six periom) iJ Single senti In Boxe 76 vent Colored 2o Doori open at half pait a Ix j Prrformancei to commence at quarter before eight o'clock, nor 39 AMUSEMENTS. "POMP HHW TIIKATRK, Tnlh drtrt, irlghl o&om Wiayfixntfa omtw. Manat-erarul Proprietor - Mr. John T. Ford, (Alao of Hollldar nrwt Thutrr, Balllaion.) THU JVDIEbCE tSCKCtStxa EriTBl KETKC- SEKTAT1UX I Hl'HDkEVI OF SEAT1 LSOAOEV IX ADVASCtl Th wholit dtf loud la Ita prala. of I lie R N 0 L I 8 II OPERA, And tha rnehaatlog jouu. Prima Doaaa, Mlaa CAROLINE RICIIIMO. Mr. PETER RICIIIHOS, Mr. DVHN, TU FM Cvmixmu of ChorUltrl. Hll. SOPHIE NIUEN, Mile. CATHARINE. And th. Corp. d Ballet, under tht guldanca of the f.moua MONS. RONZANI. Tl'KSDAV KVENINO, Dec.U, Second week of Balf.'a marnlltunt Operatic Spao- lacl.plh. KNCHANTItES. 1'" .TV. M'" RICHINOS Ramlr, the Pirate Chief . Mr. peter RICHINOS The arlou. charaetera, Operatic. Dramatic and Ballet.fy Te Brand Combination and Full Doutti Ompmla. PriMle and jmbllt crrtarnwlll head up Tenth atreet and around F; and on learlnr, the Theatre, head down Tenth. No turning tn front of the Thea tre, owln, to the numeroua Tchlalce alwarapreaent. 13 Ko txtra diargtfor odmUrion. tS" Secvrtd Halt tvmty-JlM ctntt litre. PRICF9 or AnMtaainw. Dreaa Circle and Parquette, M cental Orcheatra Aeata, 75 centt) Family Circle, S cental Prlrat. Ooora open at f Jo'clocki performance commen ce, at l)i o'clock. de 3 QROVltR'aj THEATRE, rtrm'a avenut, near jrtfloraV Hottl Lconaro Gaorca, Manarer. THIS (TUKJPAY) BVEKIKO, LAST XIOITT BUT FOUR of MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, When will be performed, FOR THE LAST TIME, SATAN IN PARIS. SATAN IN PARIS. To conclude with WANTED, 1,000 MILLINERS. WANTED, 1,000 MILLINERS. D. Setchell aa Madame Vanderpaota Admiaalon o, 2S, and 75 centi del VIIOK't CIRCUS, Comer Ttniuylvanla avenue and event atreet, SPECIAL NOTICE. Several large patent heatera hare been Introduced Into the Amphitheatre, and the building la at all time, warm and comfortable. F.VERY AFTERNOON AND F.VENING. Double Companr, conatatlnr of 60 MALE AND FEMALE ARTISTES, 4 STAR LADi RIDERS, O.V THE SAME EVEAHtO, MLLE IDA. MISS MARY CARROLL, MAD. SHERWOOD, MLLE ELVIRA. TWO COMPANIES OF ACROBATS AND EQUFS- TRIANS O.V THE SAME EVEKIhO. EATON STONE, THF WILD HORSEMAN OF THE PRAIRIE. . Reproduction of the Scenic Spectacle of the TOURNAMENT, OR THE Field of Iho Cloth of Gold. rj-THRFE CLOWNS AT THF. SAME TIMF jTtfwr KEi'Aotns, framc phllps IF.W. CO.MMD Flrat nlajht of the very laughable Pantomime, en titled the HARLEQUIN STATUE, Introducing all the Ballet Troupe. Great Stud of Dancing Horaea and Poutea, the whole forming one of the largeat organization ever concentrated In one eat.bll.hment. The Jrw lore Sand haa been engaged ex. preaalr for thla occaalon. Notwlthataodtng the great extra expenae Incurred In forming thla Double Companr, there will be no increaae In the prlcea. To Dreaa Circle, SO cental Social Range, S3 centa Dooraopcn at ii to 3 and f to7 o'clock) perform ance w 111 commence at S and 7K o'clock. Uu THURSDAY, Dee. 4, 1S0'4, THE GREAT DOUBLE CIRCUS will open for a ahort aeaaou at Alexandria, a THE WASHINGTON (CREMORNE) CIRCUS will remain clobeo roa one week. In order to al low the management to make Improtementa and Decoration. de 1 WANTS. 1'AMIL.Y HORSE WANTED About 111, . or IS handa night muat be free from trlckaj aultable for children to ride and drl, e Also, Har neaa, fee Addreae, etatlngage, ,toCABH, Box S7,, Po.t Offlce. dec 9 3t T ANTI D A amall Furnlahed Houae, altuated IT on north aide of Pennarlranla aienue, be- mrru runt anu iwriim iirceia Auureia, Wlin location, "AL IN," ell) po.t offlce UUV 41 II HOUSE WANTED. A commodloua houae, centrally located, with or without furniture. Addreaa Box 3iS'. Poat Onlce. nov 26 tf "IITANTED. Five Hundred Laborer., to T I work In the Commlaaary Department Ap ply in b.iiii iu..,i..Bt.iini iooi oi u aireei. A. BLCKYVITH, Col. and C S. 1TTANTED. At the New York Emolovment IT Agency Offlce, No. sit Ninth atreet, near rennayivama avenue, livtfl I v-r IVE (23) White and Colored OIRLS,wlthgood reference., aaCooka, Chambermaid., Laundreaaea, Waltreaaea, Nuraea, and Seamatreaiea Alao, young Colored Men, to wait on tablea In Private Famlllee or Hotela Alao wanted, houbea Immediately, with or without fur nlture Lmployeraln want of good help, will find it to their adi antage to call may2a-tf N II. MILLER. WANTED TO REltT, a houae of from eight V to twelt e rooma, unfurniihed, with gaa, bath and furnace heat. In a central locallti. Addreaa "1,367," fictional Republican offlce not 26 eod3t WANTED-For a gentleman and htawlfe, a Double Parlor, with urat-claae furniture and board. Price not ao much a conalderatlon ai a nice flace. The beat city reference git en and required. Ad dreaa "Banker," at the City Post Offlce. F RAN KLIN A c o., opriciijfj, Hi PEAASIsMMAM AYFML (North side,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth ats , and 3t PL.MLVAMA Al'I.MC, Under the National Hotel BRAZILIAN PEBBLE (Rock Crjetal) SPEC TACLES, XILITART FIELD OLASSES, MICROSCOPES, OPERA OLASSES, PHO TOG RMPWC IBt'Mv ASD CARTES DE I Sir', STFHLOSCOrLJi ND VII S, no , .! . In a great i allet) , and at the Ion est prUea, whole aale or retail. nor 3 T M INVKNTOHH AND I'ATK.NTKES. MUNN At CO . uroirletoraor the S.. if n title Amer ican, and agenti for procuring American and For eign 1' A T K N T H . ,th Sittttn Yean erjierience in tht Business. Refer to Hon Judge Maion. Hon Joienh Holt. Hon W D Ulihop, exCommUilonen ofPatenti, and to more than fifteen thouiandlnentor who ha. e had builnen done through Munn fc Co ' Pa tent Agenc Pamphlet of ad. Ice ieot free by mail Patent Lawi and Regulation!, fou pngea, vo Leuti, mall. No charge for coniultatlou, uriilh orb) mall Preliminarj Fxamlnatlon In United statei Pa tent omce. (& Offlcei. No. 37 Park Row, Nfw oikj nhlng ton, corner of F and se. enth itreeti, oppoiite the Patent Ottlce, mar 14 Cnilf ROOMS TO LI r -lour i urulsli.d Booms, with or without Board, within (tie minutes' walk of Penn.lianla aveuuei- Inquire at No 4T Maryland avenue oe 0-tI AMUSEMENTS. pANTERBURY HALL, LoriatAKA Arcavc, Mgaa Sixth St., In Ihe rear of Ihe Katlonti Betel J The Triumph of th. IliHa, SECOND WrFK SECOND WEEK or m UNPARALLELED SUCCESS o ' SJUfOXITA 8EN0R1TA SEXORITA SEXOMTA ANXXTTA OALLETTI, AXNETTA QALLBTTI, AXXETTA OALLETTI, ANNETTA OALLETTI, AXXETTA OALLETTI,' AXXETTA OALLETTI, SE.VOSITA ITA ITA SEKOBIT Pronounced by tha Pre., and the Public to be tt. Oreateit Female Vanteute In Ihe World, without exception. Alao, it 0X8. EDWARD VELARDE, Tne tea Mele Dancer EriaVart. TO-NIQHT, they will appear In the eplendld ballet entitled THE PAINTER'S ILLUSION. The expenae attending the engagement ot thea. GREAT ARTISTES for the ahort aeaaon will exceed 11,300. To give better effect, AN ESTISE SEW STAOE HAS SEEK ERECTED, Making It now Th. Beat Hall Ira Waanlantou. MONDAY EVENING, DtcxaraiE 1, Return of the popular and favorite aongatreaa, MISS JULIA MORTIMER. Alao the beautiful queen of Terpalchore, MISS KATE PENNOYER, AUD TBE GREAT COURT OF BEAUTY. Continued aucceaabf th. charming NELLIE TATLOR, BOB HART and LET SIMMOKS, The two great Ughta of Mlnatrelay, In NEW SONGS, DANCES, and BANJO SOLOS. The peat Eaatcrn Juggler, WILLIS ARMSTROKO WILLIE EMERSOS, The Funny Nig. J. SYLVAS CLARKE, The Versatile Comedian To-night, To-night, THE PAINTER'S ILLUSION, In which ANNETTA GALLETTA, MONS. VELARDE, and the great GALLETTA BALLET TROUPE- .will appear. Performance to conclude with the laughable fare, entitled BLACK ANTHONY. Doora open at 6 performance, 7X o'clock. Admlaalon, 2S cental Orcheatra Chalra, 60 centa. A GRAND MATINFE On SATURDAY AFTFRNOON, For Ladlea and Children. Admlaialon U cent.) Orcheatra Chalra 60 centa ile I M... TARY EQUIPMENT TRUNK, AND HARNESS M V N 11 F AOTO H Y, 490 SeTenth atrc.t, oppoiite odd riixows' ball, WASHINGTON, D. C. I manufacture of the beat material, and have conatantly on hand, a large and varied aaaort ment of Jfitfttry and Citlztnl' SADDLES, BRIDLES, BREAST COLLARS, FELT SADDLE CLOTES. SHABRAQVES, Patent Feed and Water Buckets, Spnra, Officers' Ilavcrsacke, Officers' Fine Sword Belts, Belt Trimmings, and Field Glass Cases. t it i; n ic a . SOLE LEATHER. IE OX FRAME. DRESS, and WOOD BOX TRUXaW. VALISES. TRAYELIXQ BAGS, HARNESS, dc. REPAIRINa. Ai I mtnuUcture Trunks extensively, nod uecei trlly hi e all ktodi of Trunk MtterUi.l m better prepare J to reptlr Trunk i. &.O., thoreufhly and promptly, than any other eifabllahtueiit In the city V V " JAMES S TOPHAM oct 14 3ml DR. F1S HUIaATT, 01 No. 421, corner of Elfhth and E itreeti, Oppoiite the General Poit Offlce, tai. teeomulted on RHEUMATIC At FECTIOMt, tOAU'WIJOA, LHER tOKPLAISTS CHROMC A FFLCTlObS. v, ell ai all DUeaieaof Imprudence, of whatever character, and which may be declared Incurable byother phyalclana He engaceito make an Immediate cure. From hli lenrthy practice In the iclence of meJl clne, he U enabled to ofler Uimielf to the public ai beinr the only one In Waahlnfton capable of adord In; tpeed) relief All caiea curable will be fuarau tied He warrant! a cur without the uie of raer- Surj or any other danferoui medicine. Recent cm t ured la two or three dayi. IJ. (VCllCriSMAUrTsrBCUlU .vr I.llUJIViul' 421. corner o( Ughth and Eitreeti, oppoiite Gen eral Poit Office, will receive immediate attention oa y 1?1B1I c HAHOKNTS AWNINO, rHO, AND UXIOX TEXT FACTORY, So, H34) Peuuiyli aul euue, WASHINGTON, D. C. AUTLFRV AXD ARMY TEN'ib ON HAND OK MADE TO ORDER. Awning i, FlagiiTenti, Mill Bag!, Hone Coven, Sigm, Wagon Coy en, &c , made at ihort notice III) ir-tl 1.M11 UKNT 'Deilr able furnlahed roonii, (with 1 board,) pUaiantly located to Careorgttown,fiai the cit) can To permanent tenant, termi mode rate Apply at 1S1 Weit itreet, aeir High atreet, Georgetown. nov 10 tt dor, ILrinettcally SealeJ Uioii, couililkir ol i O Fruits, Jellies, Meale, Vestatlea, Ploklaa, lie . Juat received and for sale t N.w York market prlcea tt ,tiicim BnnTiirn. ' no 13 OJTHEUI BBOT11ERI. 1 Ul m li w i m I i t l & ; ! M 1,1 I li ul t f- , .1