Newspaper Page Text
' JJIIjawAJM .S-r'i LOOXt toWS. Amusement.. Till : Home ortnt DnAMA.-Ford'a theater la now th. faahlonaMe mid popular oprr lioua. of . Vif V ' .. ' "". uraraang ana operatic eatabllshmentlenowpreaentlnirthe moil attract i Ir'IrS' ""'""'oloic atyle of amusement - V """" " i. wkiiut uiirg or our cmzena, lor the aa1ormnt nf th. eha.mlno- alnvlnv nliun native prima donna, Mill Carolina Rlchlngs, In the character of the Enchantreaa. Mlaa Klchlnra haa nan years or experience In operetta slnrlnr.and liaanadthebeneuioftlie tuition of all the great natlre and foreign elnrera of the preaent day, Her acting harmonised to that alee aenae of refinement aud nature, by the tktlful tnatructlon of that vet eran manager and actor, Mr. Peter Rlehlngs who is now reforming In conjunction with hie daurb- .-,, nutcu wj iur. uiion, ine cnoriaters, ana oauei troupe. The treat comhln.tlnn. nA full (tnnhlM companlee, all to-night at Pord'a ever-popular the Caovca'a Theatre J.urt II rsfrrn a CamWt. To-night the beautiful and popular Mlaa Lucille Weatcrn appeara for the latt time but three of the preaent great engagement. Thla evening 11 In Lu cille appeara In one of her greateat character Ca milla, In the younger bumae touching work, enti tled aa before. The characterof Camilla, aa repre aentedon the American atage. haa created much excltcmentfAnd from Ita natural and heart-touching nature will ever remain popular. The entertain ment mil cnnciune1io-aiani.wiinine capital rarce entitled, "W anted 1,000 Mllllnere." CAKicaacnr. Thla pioneer muilo hall 14 now In the full tide of aucceaa. The great Senorlta Cal lettl nlghtljr attracts large and admiring erowda to ultneaahrrartlatlodanclngiiind It la only necee. .' ."-."'.""pr'wjriiuiiionoiinaimagninceni act entitled HThe Carnlt at nr vni n n h ...- Hnced that the Is without an equal In the line of nt.uuin.wii. num.,ioo,ia pronounced by the moat competent Judgca to be the beat male dancer in America) while the CVr.s da Ballet la one of the moat efficient on anystve in the world. The return of the eatabllahed fa-orltea, Mlaaea Julia Mortimer and Kate Pcnnoyer, .s hailed with great delight by the numeroua patron, if thla well conducted eitabluhment. The aplendla Pallet, the "Palnter'a Illualon," will be produced arala to night, during which the "Carnival of Venice" -vlll be danced bjr Anncttl Oallettl, Kate Pennoju, -nd Mona, elarde. Julia Mortimer will alng aeveiO of her enchanting batladai and the other membera of the company will appear In their varied acta of performance concluding with a laughable after piece, entitled "Black Anthony." WAsmrioTON VAaicTlce. Thla evening la the opening night of thla new and magnificent temple of amuaement, with a combination that la seldom aeen In any theatre whoae brilliancy haa been re ceived with marked euoceae in all the large cltlea ,n. A.m'.'Jc Tne performance will conalat of beau tiful balleta.ilnrlng.danclng.Kthloplan acte,and the world-renowned comlo IlAi el pantomimes, in which the famous panlomlmUt, A. M. Hernandei, will appear In his great character of Dechalmeau, bud ported by the well known artl.te, A. Uroesl, Leh. I"?' C.h.ra,nJ.!?",0' "!" Marllnettle, Vile ,hman, M'lle Whelpley, and a grand Corpde Bal Iff. The beat clog dancer In the world Dick Sanda -mekeehls Brat bow to aWaahlngtonraudlence. A aplendld entertainment may be expected, and we advise our frtenda to Halt the Varieties thla evening. Nixon's CatHoaac Clarva. The double troupe now appearing, both afternoon and night, at Mr. NUon'a establishment, conatltute a very attract!! e "H'n With 'our 'r riders, (all pretty and talented.) three clown. , elxty performera, a double complement of horaea and ponlea, a fine pantomimic and dramatic corpa, Mr. Nixon abould command a very liberal patronage. At a very early period, Mr. Nixon will open a theatre and eouea- ----- -----. ....-uu..n, nuu yivuutB .neciaciee of the moat gorgeous and pleaalng character. He Intend! to re-decorate the Cremorne temple here, I and keep It open until March next aa a Standard place ofamuaement In Waahlngton. . i See Tmal Ladlea and i.nll.n.n win ni. ?i"t trUli!' Bu""' Lecture Boom, corner of ........ , ..iiiih rteuoeauaynigni, ue- cember ad, to organise the daaa and receli e tlcketa .u, ...c vuiuse uiicciurea ana leaaonaoisir. Armea, on hla beautiful aclence In reference to memory and elocution. Price of Tlcketa to ault few or many. dea-lt- MiiicoHAnv W'oaa, uKura the Ai'aricEa or Z,'W """ ii..-. iii.i.tian ABSOCIATION. Last ''""h "era'0', at o'clock,the Missionary, Rev. .u- f; nXh'!l OP""? new placeof publlo worahlp In the Quartermaster's encampment near the ln teraectlon of II atreet and the railroad. Mr. Cheney, the auperlntendent, obtained a good hall, and manlfeated moat commendable tntereat In ae curlnglhe attendance of the men. In the northweatern encampment, on Twentieth atreet, an open-air aervlce waa held at lo;r o'clock. A5uitit'i?1, il avutlclpataxl, vrtll Boon he pro t ided In thla encampment. In the dining hall of the carpentera' meae houae on O, near Twenty-tint atreet, dltlne aervlce waa held at SJtf p. m., the audience being atlll larger than heretofore. It waa alao announced that The aervlce at thla hour would hereafter be held In the dining hall at the Corral, corner of E and T enty. third atreeta, and that the eenlcca on 0 atreet would be at 7 Sabbath evening, with aaoclal meeting at the aame hour Wedneaday evening. . . Al.ti',uSoUUr' ?' aervlcea at a o'clock, where It will hereafter be held by the Mlaalonary on a week evening. ' Copleaofthe acrlpturea, hjmn booka, rellgloua papera and tracta, aa furnlahed by the Bible Society, the American Tract Society, the chrlatlan Com! million, and by Individual purchaae, Here alao dlitrlhuted landthuathetruthaofthe Ooapeiwere brought to the attention of aevrral thouaanda In the employ of the Government in thla city, who would hot otherwlae have enjoj ed them. At the requeat of the Mlaalonary Board It la alated that the aubacrlbera to the auatrntatlon. fund will be Immediately called upon, and that new aubacrlptlona are aollclfed. Mr. Ballantyne, No. tia Seienlh atreet, la the treaaurer of thla fund. Police Matters. Wm. Dunn and Pat Murnan, for 1 irceny committed to Jail Tor court by Justice Drury. ' James Pool, selling liquor without a llcensei held for a further hearing brJuatlco Cla ton, JolJn B; ull, for ""n) j Jail for court by Jus tice Clark. ' John Harris, drunk and disorderly! lined 3 68 bv Juitlce Claton. ' ' Julius Medt, using threats of rlolencet security to keep the peace by Justice Thompson. H. McCall, for larcenyt Jail for court by Justice Thompson. ' Sarah Hill and Wm. Terrell, disorderly conduct! tlned $3 each by Justice Thompson. Betsey Swann and Charlotte Mason, suspicion of t heft tj all for court br Justice Thompson. J. V. Davla, drunk and disorderly) lined ai bv Justice Thompson. .. S1. Vendeme) er. carrying concealed weaponst lined $21 by Justice Thompson. . Vwdemeyer, for larcenyi Jail for court by Justice Thompson. Jamea Snowden, drunk and disorderly! lined A3 00 by Justice Walter. John feater, disorder!) ; lined $3ui by Justice St rat ton. ' Rose Donnelly and Bartlt Welsh, drunk anddls ' Orderly fined el w, Wm. Hire, disorder In lined fifiou bv J n , stratton. John Baltimore, for murderi committed to Jail by Justice Stratton. Of" The Mimuu Case A coroner's Jury was held over the body of Roundsman Leach, oit Monday. No new facts were developed beyond t hat haa al ready been atated In the Ufpubllcan. The lury returned a verdict that the deceased, while In the discharge of his duty as Metropolitan policeman, was stabbed In Marble Alley by one wuiiu.(inc, tnueuRDUkoeiieaDy wiiliam Lewayne, alias Wayne, allaa"Butcher Bill," and Ueo. Spates villi GlmrisW. An h ndrht nf ti.d iltK Mm .), which caused his death, ' ,i r icaru uii uuir, who is b uesperaie cnarac ter, has been implicated In Ave or six other murder (. It ! alan aieiM that I Itilai a.,.. n i... . ,... .... ..w ...... ...,. uiiis li iu HX1C VUIliV in posiesilon of a large fortune within a w Criminal Count, Dec. 3. J. F. Hugely was con- ictcd of assault and battery on B. V. Monley. and sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and cost of prosecu tion. The court then adjourned until to-morrow, The docket this term Is larger than eter before, the Jail docket numbering 323 cases. There are nine cases of homicide on the docket, vlxi John Johnson, George Adams. Augustus Ford, Charles Spranklin, Joseph Jones, Ira Temple, James Runk, John Anderson, and Arthur Chase. There are nearly loo cases continued from the last term to come up. In all there will be almost as many cases ioiry ai mis term as nave Deen tried during any two pre, lous terms. Arrest ron Munuca. Thomss luitinmi- waa L arrested on Sundar bv Officer oibion. nr th &.. f cuth ward, for the murder of Henry Bell. The af- Limr j.iLruci4 at ine staDieoi Joun mniley, on Flahth street. It aprma thm turn nartUi ant !..! . f dispute, whereupon Bell approached Jultluiore wn uroora in nana, wnicn he threatened lo strike Baltimore with. Baltimore being also armed Iwith a broom, struck Bell the flrst blow, Iraoturlng his skull, of which injury he died at a late hour on Monday night. Baltimore was taken before Jus tice Stratton, who held him for a further hearing. ItEOROETOWN ArrAIBS. ThffHrat maatlafih. econd session of the City Councils of (.eonretown ..ft. tSalH ! ES.I,t..e bI.. .l.i" " "rV.raelUWI llmtnarr meet In, no business at m.i.ii. !,.- ance was transacted. There was a quorum In both boards, which adjourned to next Friday nlcht. The fVaUnaMlo uHtl mu a.a.. I.. I t'j.j'. ".!"' .... ..,,. .v iuiB,ijr wu r riusy n ignis Builness about the wharves appears to be quite other goods from the North, are now unloading. aauu, uuua an tar i, nitaa e iirnujr s)iv. More Skic Ahsiiko -Va?atipliv lai-irak n.. I ber of sick were sent to this city from the arlous army corns In this vicinity. About twentj-fHe were sent from Gen. Sitrfl's pnrna. ThovgrtUi 4irrr io. mini tu Miiiuuiancvs irom ainax i.ourt JiOUie. Some Of them ara ten. ilclr. Tbv uim I n tiTltAta In tht. !. ' ' Criminal Court. Be fort Jadn Mirb.n f. iHuegley. charged with assault and bstterv, found Igulltyofassaultonly) fined $100andcosti. Jury Adjourned. T Ceaihi or soLDiEMThe following deathe laTd mniunu amce our laai reponi . . Barber, company B, lit lu St, Aloyalua honoltal. - Ldward aark, company L ftU t'a. reaer etat A eenalon hoapltaf. ., "wi mcuienano, company u, isth Wla.l at Cllfaurne hoanllal ' ' c1hM.K?Mri eompanr.H, 8th Ta. at t. Akjyil. Jamea Bromhaugh, company D, ia7th Pa.i afMt, Deaaant hoanltal. ?V.W S!""'' "Pny C, ijj.1 Pa It Mt. Pleaa- ry'0uVi5-So7o,l00rap"ir " " "Vt Judlcla .JH.rVwoanbS.r",,yA,U,h U"S- """ hoplia'l0' BuCk' comI'n'r E Wh N. V., at Carver rl.hur,ch"b,o.f.r,: "'"" "','' P"'hr" tefJoipUa"!?"' ' comP,",y r-M Va. at Union Ho-'o,,com,,,',r,:!B,ln''',I',',,, nmi!h -if'!"' """P""' . Mh N. J. at Patent uraca noapltal, Corp. Urn. Dare, company A, IJSth N. V. M. Chaffee, 14th Maia; Mlron W. Stoddard, company C, 136th N. V. Corporal Samuel Gllette, company H.llat R. !.. at Armory Square hoapltal. . Thoa. Neville, tat Maia. hatteryiat Armory Square A'4'"o".rp""y K- i"h M""" ne'.-..'nthotplt:f.,'!0mPn)r K ,0C," P','", PIel.".'1n'tUno,ipX,!.C:raP"nr I'I"lh " V-' "' """' The rouowiaa SrEciAl. Oantn waa laaued to 8EK. - .V! "f Teajerday, bj Siierlntendent Webb, of the Metropolitan ollce i Wiivun-n. Hu-i-IimAI .im Special Order, No. 75. ".,. Sergeant Cronln i I need not ear to you, and to f'.0.,il'..'v !"!w,1''r' ' '"r,or '" melancholy laio OI the late Roundaman John -h.H waa no man upon whom I more relied for intelli gent, prompt, and atrict compliance with ordera laaued from thla pfllce, and the rulca and regula tlona prracrlbed for the government of the force, than upon him. Ilia record here, hla manly del p?rv.m'.'1,.",rT.,!n"',,1,l,,n In thedlacharge or hla duty, and the worda apoken In hla pralae by .; men under hla Immediate command, and by thoae i" knew him beat, both In and out of the department, aro th- heat euloglum that could be paaaed upon hint. I hale ordered the following detail to report to you at your atatlon-houae, at ?I o'clock a. m , to morrow morning, the 3d mat , aa a funeral eicort i rTom IheFlratpreclnct.Smeni Sentnd.H, tmm. irth. Si Vinh a. ai.ii. in. c'-I.l ..' tlghth, 6 Mnth, 0j Tenth, 10; ifrRMnti, tj ami I hAtAAlinnpHitrn. Ih a,at..A.nt. ..& the Flrt precinct) una one roiimlimnn in each pre cinct to rriwrt with their men. At sooDAipVio ticAble tou will proceed with the eicort. In order or march , to the home of decerned, w here rou will be met hy the memberi of the Hourd or Police and the Superintendent. The bodr will then be received and taken in proceiilon to the Flrtt iTobj terian cniirchonFouMnd-a-MIfatrect, where the funeral Certmonle will be performed. After the cererao "'you win fln form the men In proceiilon, and, torether with all tho men detallej from vour precinct, and audi n rAmsinnmu tti .... i orderfromtheotherprecincta.eicortthebodrtothe irave. Mr. Samuel K. Arnold will be detailed to aaiut fou Vou will lelect from among our men eight to act aa pall-bearen, and iee penerallr that audi arranKCtnenta are made aawill emure rood order and decorum. nead thti order to your whole force. Bjronleri B. Wtaa- superlntendent. Ctimmunlcated. r . . t.. WASIIMOTOH,DM.S,l(lttJ. On Monday night lait weatepped Into tho church corner or EUtenth and II atreeta, to iee and hear aomethlng relating to Jhe great memory exhibition, lecture, fcc, of Prof. Arniei, io much ipoken of lately through the Journal! and eliewhero. The pro Tenor, aUbough audering from lndfaposltion, poueiici the peculiar atyle of enchaining the at tentlonof hla audience, whom he Imtructed and gratifled for nearly An hour, gtriog tho rlie. pro greaa and perfection of thii IraporUnt tclence, which la rapidly taking the foremoit ranktn the education of the maiaei In varlouaiectlona of the country. At thecloaeof hlaremarka, Prof. A. gave aome experiment! and teita by two joung ladlea and a young gentleman, ot thla city, who had de voted but a few houra attention, and the reiulta appeared not onlj aatlifactory, but lery remarka ble. Aait amount of qiieitloni were propounded to them, IntoUlnir datea (u dlfficultor remera brance) In ancient, modern, aacred and profane ht torr,etenta,aoieretgnior Kngland, etc., and ell were amwered promptly and correctly, e. Idenclng concluihely theiclencetobe of great utility and practicability. The audience further teated It through the profenor, which waa entirely ia tit factory, prof. A haa recommendationa from iome oftheflrit men of the nation, among them many protestor and teach en who hne learned the aclence of him. Hla method, It appeara, hat no Atnnlty to that of the man) tratelllnrhumbugi atyled "Mnemonic' but, aa wo learn, lion the eclectlcal principle. Prof. A, will latlifactorlly Impart hla iriteni to all oter theageof it eari, who are willing to acquire it. Hla residence la No. 415 Tenth atreet. He had a large audience, many ofwhomilgninedn wlih to metre the course of live lecture or Waion. to commence on Wednes day night. Deo. 3d, at the lecture room of Iter. Mr. Butler'a church, vomer of Klet etith and II streets. Ilia terms are ery moderate. 1 he e Idence or Its utility waa so unmistakable, I go for It heart, soul and family. h. g, k. . P. 8. I would not forget to mention that the au- dience were entertained by the performance of some very fine pieces of tnuslo. The ladles hate very clear and melodious olea, and theioung man who sang the patriotic song did iredlt to htm. man who sang the patriotic song did credit to Mm elf, aa well aa the Instrumental Derformers. ihii self, aa well aa the Instrumental iwrformers, This much Is due them, and I would like to say more, If time would allow, FlilTOH RLrirsLirANi Allow n,e,1hrough the me dium of jour excellent paper, to say that I have returned to the city, and tan, when not In court, be found at Boom No. 10, In the W ashing ton Building, corner rcnnsjlvan.! a, enue and Seventh street. Several persons commenced prot-eedlngs. under the act aupplementary to the emancipation act, to get free papera. Their applications are in mr hands. and 1 hereby notify them, and others, that there are but a few da s left during which they can per fect the e Idence or their freedom before the Eman cipation Commissioners, as their term of otiice will soon expire. fi ronoE r. h. Da , Counsellor at fjw. Released ihom tiii. ulii Capitol. The fol lowing named prisoners o( State were released from the Old Capitol prlaonjcsterda), under the follow ing circumstances. J. 8. Grltlln and Marshall Fmboi.on taking the oathorallrglanve. Wm. W, lllgirfti, Jas. K. Helm ling, Kdward Kvenau, Wm. F. McKewn and Ed ward K. Dai Is, on parole not to bear arma agaln.t the United States or gl.e aid and comfort to the re bellion during the existence of the same; to be in force until exchanged or released from the same. Wm. BaglC) , parole to he specific, Frank D. Coy Ion, uncondltlonall). II. Brock, R. Brown, llenj. Cole, F. Lucas, bnmuel Moore. J Parker and Jas R. Ashfon, (colored,) unconditional!) Goon Potatoes, Who does not enjoy the real old-faihloned country potatoes, right Irom the han est field 1 We were permitted to partake of such a feast j esterday, by the courtesy of Captain Small, of the schooner I red. Sharer, which esse) haa Just arrled from Maine, and la unloading a large supply of the finest potatoes ever seen In this market. The captain also brought a lot of line apples, which, with the potatoes, are o sale and going off" rapidly at the wharr, foot of Market treet, Georgetown. A good opportunity to lay in the winter's supply at a reasonable price. Collision. Last night, about dark, as one of the cars of the north Keienthstreet line was passing the store of Mr, Whittlesey, the pole of a wagon which was discharging goods from the depot, swung around and entered the Hindoos, causing it terri ble clatter amj rattling orglass. After vonsldera bielaber and some unnecessary "cussing," thee hicle waa extricated and the car pasted on, ha ing sustained no other damage, sau the breaking of four lights orglass and the displacement of a sash. Fire Last Nioht. Last utght, about 6 o'clock a tire broke out in a frame duelling situated iu the centre of the vacant M on Fourteenth street, be tween 8 and T streets, and In a short while the house was entirely consumed. It was occupied by two disreputable uomen, named Unce and Green and owned bj Mr. George Adams. It Is said to hate been tired bj some soldiers who had recently had a dlfllculty there. ' Nominations ion nciineer3 oftiil Fire De partment. Meetingsof the se.eral fire companies were held last Monday nl?ht, for the purpose of ineaKiuK uuuuuaiiuns iur inu unices oi enter and assistant engineers, Tne otes indicate that iim majority of the companies nrefcr J J. nf the Columbia, for chief, and Mr. Johu H. Thompson. of the Perieerance, for assistant engineer. Another Dhunuen suhulun 'I benight patrol, under Lieut. Franklin, arrested an assistant sur- feon'of the army, on Pennsylvania aenue near lxth street, Monday nlght.a little after midnight The doctor was so drunk that he was unable to take care of himself, and as accordingly taken In charge by the guard, who locked him up in the Central guard-house. A Broken Stait. Last SAturdri) , thu day patrol of the Tenth New Jenej arrested a man who called himself Lieut, A S. smith, of Gen Burn side's stair. He was found drunk and taken to the Central guard-house. A poor staff to lean upon In the present hourofdanger A Pickpocket.--A man calling himself a dis charged soldier, who Kara his name as Charles Slivers, was arrested by the provost guard i ester day morning, on the chargo of being a plcknocket He was locked up In the Central guard-Kfe Fourth Ward Station Cases litfort Justice 'alter Ytitndoy -Michael McMahonri7u.,t . Michael McMahondrunk and disorderly) fined 3. Joe Bunjer, asiaultj fined $2, AttehiioJc, Arrucnul Dr. Vcllny It yet engaged In au extensive prartlce) In this city, nd wo would call tho nttcntlon uf Iho poor, pmiT, emaciated victims of their own sins to tits beet sources of remedy. First, give op your present conraeorilfe at once and forever i and secondly, call on tho most skilful physicians, (and nono are better than Dr. Vellny,) and be cored of the disease which Is now nndcrmln lngyonrconatltotlons and sending yon to a pre mature grave. Dahkiko Kates. The following are the ralea at which bankers and brokers aro buying and selling gold and sliver the legal tender notes being the standard) nurlnr. allln Gold - - 28 nee e. nrrni. si n.. n. t...m 1 Silver ... 20 " SS Demand notes 22 ' 2A " BankSOf Usooln Waahlnirtnn and (TAnro-A. townt Waahlngton. Ceoraetown. BsnkofMetropolla. Farmers and Moeh's Bank of Washington. Bank. Patriotic Bank. Bank of Commerce. Farm's A Merch's B'nk. TlfS BULLION Bans! rdma It. t.n.. in rr a' if ni,atJ no'! when any amount from one uviio, urnmui ib jjrcacnieti. hlYV.DCD H. ""ASEEoSoLPiEas-Canhavel their H.nfinni Pii.v..ii m.a. ... r ...... .5 ' of 'nwJldrrmjmmedratelvunonurocur nif their IMchcrve," by applkatlon toi?P oSiif Zvllck, No. S'l. sfvenVh Isfrert, between DandS ' atreeta, near General Poat Offlce, No charge until pruaiun la procureu, no iw im- CO TO WlllTrtf uncr J4i hK..iu... ' 'MMn pauper oVLiEenc..,. ,Y VVduced pfl.: I Fine Card Vlgnetta, formerly sold at aa .'.. T2',","", V 'i ?'". n.e rate: Colored" Imperlala reduced from ,30 to SMI aelllna whole ,L" '?0!, .??'r. I Wlllefcel In 'fcwirJd "" ""!"'. "aving secured the sen ces of a ' superior artlat for thatranch of bu.lneaa" Llke-I ?.eiVy'i,,.n,,1J'ion"0,f f,llfn ' D""" eanbe ob talned herei alio can! photographa of prominent men, both ell II and mllrtjrj-. not-Jl-im ' DdlRARir fta-ris Duaar. ei. .. a.1 M1i.h!,A,"., "' lot of Officers' Long and choB, extra large alzesj alao, a lot of blue Engllih SiSI11 m'S.' 'l'1"'- " India Rubber WartS nd,,fen,.,hee1.r,n, "'""' """o?,0,","' i A V0"? or Al" 'ct Those who have been Lrrl!ig '?f M"1",.1!? monl1" "hout obtaining n" J aW f"".11" Dr- "'nblatt. whoae omce I. radically cured. Iwenty-flve eara exnerlance hi eatabllahed Dr. ri.hbI.(t'.r,epuUMonPH ."pnfal clan. Recent casea cured In a few daya. Charges moderate. dr. FISHBLATT, '""'" No. 431 E atreet, corner of Eighth. Opposite the General Poit Odlce. oirnHIiJi""1" Coodi The place to buy vour RUBBER COATS, LFGGIN1. CAMPBLANKI-Ta HAVKWCKiAvERiAcftandfmrlrtkft made from INDIA RUBBER, Is at n A IIali'J ndl. Rubber Warehouse, where you n obtlij them at manufacturera' prlcea, 310 Pennarivanla avenue, between Ninth and Tenth atreeta "oca Rubber Boot., shoe., Sandals and OerlT uK.'! topi Men's Short, Knee and Hip Boots. At Allen. ClappfcCo.'a India Rubber store, Penn. aienue betneen luth amttith .t. ' . . .. ,c.""r. betneen loth and nth ata. nov J Im Nuia RrasER Boots ah SnoEa.-The above i"!.cJ",;.r" lold Proper at II. A. HALL'S India Rubber Yt arehouse, 310 Pennsylvania ai enue, than at any other store In this city or vicinity. Thlsfi to. tall ami satlify j ourseh el, 310 Pennsylvania avenue. no 5j,r Ueorcetowii Marine lleporl. abrited. Schr. Matt Bedell, Rider, New lork. CLEARED. Sloop Gleaner, Woodhull, Havre de Grace. Schr. Fxchange, Fallan, Baltimore. Md f'ia" "'""ni Johnaon, st Mary'i coun- stnr. oi. jianmns, urlggs, Bobton. Schr. Moonlight, luttlv, le, lork. !chr. Wot, Nojes, St. Mary's. Schr. Albert, Fonwell, St. Man 's. Schr. Kmma, shorter, M. Mart's. chr. Bloomfleld, Ilelgbj , Baltimore. Schr. Axcess, Bennett, lenna. Schr. Active, Williams, Philadelphia. MAhlUED, iKn TrtN morning, the 2.1 instant, by the Rev, John C. Smltli. Lieutenant Wm. H. Powell, adju AwImS ln ,V'S- f' MIm Ma- HAH ETrillSON, of this lit). MAIlRini), ny,'l'u' Si?."" f nd MU "ahT t L, Mm DLETOK.jal of this city,) were Joined together in holy wedlock, In Wesley Zion church, hy Ihe Rc . J. D. Brooks. No, . 27 PhlladelphlA Inquirer and Unclnnatl Commer clal will please cop) the foregoing marriage. T "LI . , Hospital Directory, rOIt WABIHNOTOV, OEOROETOWS AND ALEXAN DRIA. Tho follow lug U a corrort list of all tbo hoa pltala, In tho nbote cltlea, y, Itli their looatlona, and tho surgeon In clmrga of each: AtccnIon-H, between Hth and 10th tniu. J. C. Dorr. Ascension Dr. Smith's Church, !Hh In u era O ami H streets. J. C. Dorr. Alexandria, 2d dl Ulon Alexandria. T. H. Spencer. Alexandria, IMdlvhlou Alexnutlilu. Kdttlu Bcntley. Canr Uth H.. near Col. Cil. O. A. Jud- son. ....t. . . ...... I LaBParlR A fit. ROUlll. edRl nf (?Jllilli.l W. v itr-. - r CllfTburnc 21st at. Ileury Bn ant. Columbian 14tli St., Col. Col. T. A. Crash, College Georgetown. J. M. Brown. Cranch K St. Baptist Churi-h.Cthand KbIs. A. Wynkoon. Cranch Unitarian Church, tith uud D Ms. A. Wynkoon. Camp, . II. Wj Camp, ex. und pur. in Is, Sejtr Alevundrla. then. Douglua Cor, I , und N. J. uu. Dim barton Strecl Oeorgetouu, II y. uurreti. Ebenezer llh, (1 M. west. K. Wa-1 ters. Keklngton Galea's house, N. V. ae. Storron. Emory 1 in. eaU of Capitol. Wm . A. Clen- Ut'UlU. Epiphany O, bet. 13th and Hth sts. James Bryan. Epiphany Baptist Church, 13th bet. ft and 11. bus. james uryan. Fairfax Semi nan i miles out AleTunririn David 1. Smith. Flnley N. V. are., uear lialca'a farm. J. Moses. Ilarowooil 7lh street, Coreoran'a farm. T. Autlsell. Island Hall Comer Virginia u euno and filh street. Wm. Hajcs. Judiciary Square E street, between 4lh and 5th. Chat. Page. Kalorama 21ft street, uear Boundary. R, J, Thomas. Mt. Pleasant Mill strict, near Boundary. C. A. McCall. Odd Fellow b' Hall K St., near Xavy Yard. W. E. Waters. Patent Ofllc ftth street. A, Thompson. Presbyterian Church Georgetown. B. Knick erbocker. Ryland Chapel Detreet, coiner 10th, Island. V. B. Hubbard. Ryland Chapel Grace Churth, I) street, cor ner 8th. V. U. Hubbard. Seminary Georgetown, Landon AV?11. Stone 1-Uh atreet, near Boundary P. Glen nan. St. Elizabeth Insane Afihiiu. Kitsi'u Kruudi. C. II. NIehoU. St. AloysluBK street, bt'tween 1st and yd. T. B. Lashclls. Trinity C street, corner 3d. A. J. Baxlar. Trinity Prlntlog offlce, corner 2d street and Indiana avenue. A.J, Baxlar. Trinity Church Georgeiow u. M. F. Bow ob, Union Chapel SOth atrctt, near Peuns)Ua nla nvpnun. w. IT. ltntlui. . union notei-uorner Brldgo aud aalilnr-1 n atreeta. Geore-ctown. nS w b,i,. " ton streets, Georgetown, Geo. Y Stipp. uancrniasicr'a inn street. DO YOU KNOW IT J If jou do uot, call at SMITH k UKALL'S. No. 301 s. .n. ...... near K itreetr ftnJ buy jounelf nice mill t nl nice iim oi Clothing from them, at they he juit recelteJ a i new and splendid assortment nor 21 dtjanl Ascension Southern Church, mh l.rtue,.,. and I Btreets. J. C. Dorr. ofdtherofthose kinds, that a sample thereof shall Armory- Armory Square, 7th at. D. W.DIIu. accompany the bid. The articles to be furnished Alexandria, 1st tlUUlon Alexandria, J, E. must. In all respects, conform to and be equal with 'Siimmcrn. the Got eminent samples, which may be seen at pitOPOflAU FOli IjTPIAM GOODS. DrrARTMEST oh Til I: IsTLatoa, UrrtcK iaDlAjf ArrAtaa, . SALr.D PROPOSALS, endorsed ' Propoaala for Indian Gooda," (Claaa I,, s, or 4, as the case may be,) to be delivered la theeltr of New York, will be f." Vl " ,h om ' Indian Affairs until twelve o'clock M., on Wedneaday, the loth day of Decem- rtl l"' furnlahlng the following named Claii No. I. Mactliue IManteU, CJoOa, nd Dry Ooodi. 1,000 palra 1 point white, Mackinac btanketa, to '"""b7TJInenee,nnd wish Spounda 3,000 palra 2). point white Macklnaf btanketa, to measure 64 byes Inchee. and welghspounda 200 palra 3 point white Maeklnae branketa, to mraaure 41 by M Inohea, and weigh v pnunda too palra l. point white Maeklnae blanket!, to measure ss by so lachee, and weigh 4V pounds 109 palra 1 point white Macklnao btanketa, to measure by 44 Inches, and weigh !( pound! ' 1,900 palra 3 point scarlet Maeklnae blanketa, to meaiureeoby7.lnchee,andwelgh8pounde 700 palra 3 point acarlrt Maeklnae blanketa, to . meaaure St by M Inches, and weighs pounds too pairs 3 point scarlet Maeklnae blanketa, to meaaure 41 by ss Inchra, and weigh '.' pounda. loo palra 1 point acarlet Maeklnae blankets, to I """ w w incnra, rdu wrian a", pounda 100 palra 3 point green Maeklnae blankets, to meaaure (U by 73 Inehea, and weigh S pounda . meaiure 64 byts Inches, and welghSpounda I' " ." "" lBdlP lut Maeklnae blaefketa, nound."" " r " ,0h"' na W"n " w iira s pomi areen macKinae blankets, pounds B)palraa point Indigo blue Macklnao blanket I, to meaaure M by u inchea, and weigh S pounda too palra 1 point Indigo blue Maeklnae blanketa, to meaaure S3 by as lnehea, and weigh tu pounda W0 palra S point gentlnella blue Maeklnae blan keta Io meaaure so by 71 lnehea, and weigh Spounda ' 100 palrallf polntgentlnellablue Macklnao blan keta, to meaenre SI by 6S Inchea, and weigh spounda 100 palra IX point gentlnella blue Macklnao blanketa, to meaaure M by 60 Inchra, and "nil - iruuuill 100 pain I point gentlnella blue Maeklnae blan kets, io measure n by incites, and weigh JV lounda 1,000 yards fancy list blue cloth 4,000 do gray list blue oloth 900 do Jo black cloth 1,000 do sated list black cloth 4,000 do do blue cloth 6,000 do do acarlet cloth 200 doien ft- woollen shawls WO pounds linen thread. No. 40 1,300 do cotton thread oo gross worsted gartering 15,000 yards calico 6,ooo do Merrlmac calico 6,000 do Turkey red calico 25,000 do blue drilling 20,000 do brown drilling w,ooo do bed ticking 3,000 do aatlnetts 25,000 do plaid Unseys 20,000 do unbleached domestic sheeting ZyMAf ao uieacnea sheeting 10,000 do checks, stripes, and plaids 10,000 do flannels, assorted 3,000 pounds brown Killing twine, No. JO 800 do cotton mattre 3,000 twilled flannel shirts fioo dozen hickory shirts 3,ooo calico shirts 300 dosen Canadian Delta Class No. 3. sou blue satlnett pantaloons 300 do costs 60 cadet mixed satlnett coats 360 do do pantaloons ITS frock coats, Indigo blue, broad cloth 100 pantaloons do do 330 casslnett coats, trimmed with red. Class No. 3. Hardwart, Ayriadturat Impltnuntt, 4 r. 3,700 pounds brass kettles u nesis jspsnnea Kettles, (a in a nest) COOcamn kettles, (3 slits) 300 dozen 3 quart tin pans too do 4 quart tin pans GO do fl quart tin pans 700 do tin cups 1,300 do squaw awls 1,600 do fishhooks 150 do fish lines 360 do coarse tooth combs 111 do tine tooth combs I coo do scissors 600 do shears! ( 160 do weeding hoea 300 do hand saw files, 4K Inches . CO do spades I 3,600 short handle fry pans j IS dozen basting spoons 1 1,600 do table spoons, (iron) I 63 do axes, to weigh 4H io fiJi" pounds 860 do half axes, to weigh 1 pounds, (with handles) 6oo do slno mirrors 60 do lire steels 600 pounds bra is wire 160 do best Chinese Vermillion coo do seed beads too dozen butcher knltes 100 do scalping knltea 230 do squaw hatchets 13 do 4W inch flat flies 20,000 pounds tobacco. Class No. 4. (luns, Ammunition, 4 c. coo rifles, cap lock, (half ounce ball) 300 shot guns, (double bsrrel) lDUKegspowuer 1,000,000 water-proof caps 300 bags Tratd balls 200 flasks 300 belts 000 powder horns 3,000 flints 293 dozen gun nipples 360 wrenches. Hill-Mis of American manufsaturn nf th rntilri1 litjles and quality will be preferred! but, as the simples of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics, thlsolflcoonand after the 34th Initint. Th tr. tides Will be rigidly Inspected and compared with the samples by an agent or agents appointed for that purpose. Such as may be unequal thereto In I any particular will be rejected! In which case the contractor wilt be bound to furnish others of the required Kina or quality wunin mree aayst or, U i that be not done, they will be purchased at his ex- nnA. Will h mad. tnr thm wuul. ?."":;""."" v;" rirM'"iz "" ceh ed on Invoices thereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to lmpect them. It Is to be un- ' derstood that the right will be reserved to require a greater or less quantity of any of the articles , named than that speclfled In the above schedule i and all bids for furnishing said articles may be re-1 Jected at the option of the Department) and that none from persons who hat e failed to comply with the requirements of a previous contract with the United Mates, or who are not manufacturers or wholesale dealers In the reoulred articles will b I I considered) and the fact that blddersare such man ufacturers or dealers must be evidenced by the cer-1 tlflcate of the collector of the port where they re- 1 side, or where It Is Proposed to deliver the artlclei. The proposals must embrace the articles, with the I quantities thereof as they are arranged In the schedule, with the prices annexed to each, In dol t lars and cents, at which they are to be furnished) and the amounts must be carried out and footed up ' iur rncii emu. miu n;r iou iidoudii mui( w so gHen, without any modification, or proposed modification, or variation whatever. Ther should be submitted with the following heading) I (or we) herebv nronose to furnish for tne service of the In dian Department, and according to the terms of Its isdvertlsements thereof, dated November lTtb.196?, Tthe following articles at the price thereto affixed, lucre insrri ine list iKcuniiug iu inncisis orciasses proposed for,) deliverable In the city of New York Ly the 1st day of April next, or at such time or times during the year 18G3 as may be ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Atlalrs) and If the propo sal be accepted (here Insert u words " In whole or In part, If more than one class be proposed for,) 1 (or we) will, within twenty da) s thereafter, execute a contract accordingly, and give security, satisfac tory to the Commissioner of Indian Atlalrs, for the faithful performance of the same.' Kach pro posal must be accompanied with a guaranty in the iouowingiorm,io DesigneuDytwoormorerespon-1 slbld persons, whose sufficiency must be cert I tied i to by a United States Judge or district attorney! We hereby Jointly and se erally guaranty that the I abo Didder, (or bidders.) If a contract thill h awarded to him (or them) according to his or their bid or proposal, will execute a contract according ly, and git e the requisite security for the perform ance thereof, as-prescribed In the adt ertlaement for froposals for Indian goods dated 17th November, BG3j and. In the event of his (or their) failure so to do, we hereby agree to bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and assigns, to forfeit and pay the United states, as damages, a sum not leis than fifteen per cent, on the amount of said bid or pro posal " Bonds will be reoulred In the amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the contract, with two or more sureties, whose sufficiency muit be certified by a United statesjudgeor district at tornei No bronosal will be considered that 1am not strictly conform In all particulars to the terms ana uireciions oi inis bui eriisement, WM. P. DOLE, nov Id stawDeclO Commissioner OrricE Impian ArrAias, November ss. I8CS. Sliut' the abo e adt ertliement, dated the 17th In- slant, for "Proposals for lliheil. It haa been decided Indian Gooda," was pub- m ih. iron cull AO J, " VclVT. ho s """" ', ana in ..""v"?- - . t Althotiah there la a sample of the tob&con in alii. oflUe, liltiders are requealed to forward aamplea u Ith their bids, lor consideration. W. P. DOLE, nov .'t, Commissioner I. ajjt-a i.iuiiuuiimuvaiisum- y Dty itock Qf q,,,!,,, for Men and , u. iliriauvitiiTii'lci a a) ( a . I which we hat ejuit receUed, and oWtt foraale at i 1 iery iow pric, i pu. m ovuji iirreT, near r. 1. nniirr n, rn ' Proprietors of Oak Hall Clothing Room. sepSS 3m IflNTII gTHJCKT, SKAlt mxifSTtVASTA. ArKS'UH. PROPRIKTORS . . . ACTING MANAOCR . STAGE MANAGER . MUSICAL DIRECTOR A. HAMBLlNfc CO A. M. HERNANDEZ JAMES PILGRIM THOMAS SIMPSON The pnbllc of Washington are respectfully Informed that this New and Beautiful Temple of Amusement, WILL OPEN FfU TUB BKASOIY, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECK 3, lfW2, And Kverj- Rvcnlng, Thla splendid Hall has a New Stage, New Scenery, Private Boxes beautifully furnished, Orchestra Seata arranged with t ery comfort, Parquette with coverrd seats, and a Gallery that will command a full sight of the Stage. The alterations made at an expense of Five Thousand Dollars, And the company engaged, comprise THE BEST TALENT IN AMERICA. A. M, IleritAUilex, The great unrlt ailed PantomimUt. Miss C. FltiwlllUins, The Great Singer from the London Theatres. Morest Brothers, The Host Wonderlul Performers tn the World. Mobs. A. Groaal, From Nlblo's Garden, New York. Slons. C. Lehman, From Nlblo's Garden, Utw York. Mona. BxoUoiy, Late of the Ravel Troupe. Dick Sands, The Great Clog Dancer, J. Albert Allen, Celebrated Negro Comedian. Paul Berger, The Favorite Actor. Jamea Pilgrim, The Popular Comedian. J. W. Laudts, The King of Song and Dance. Tom Vance, The Popular Comic singer. MUe Julia Lehniau, The Accomplished Danscuie,irom Nlblo's Garden, Ntw York. at'lle Panic u, From the Port St. Marten, Paris. M'Ue Whelpley, The Charming Actress, from Laura Keene's Theatre, New York. Mad'me Grostl, From Nlblo's Garden, titw York. Mad'me Lehman, From Nlblo's Garden, New York. Mad'me Marttuettl,, From Nlblo's Garden, New )ork. Mtsa Drake, From Ar.h st. Theatre, Philadelphia. Mtsa Florence, From Bowery Theatre, New York. Miss Parker, From Broadway usto Hall, New York. Miss Rob I u sou, From Philadelphia Theatres Mtsa fttmmouds, From Philadelphia Theatrei Miss Adams, From the Western Theatres ORAND CORPS DALLFTUASTFR DF UALLET. LIONS A. GKOsM. A BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE Will be git en night!). COMIC PAXTOMIMES, BEAUTIFUL BALLETS, FTUIOriAX ACTS, sixaixo, daxcixo, de. Paruuette anJ Famil) Circle a"a.4tiAaiat al. !.. w"""" v""" .60 " t.t.,. . n,tn...i.. Private Box, Iholdln ilx pf rionij Slogle Seati In Box 75 centa. 34 Colored Circle Doora open at half past s Ix Performancea to I conmence at quarter before eight o'clock, nor SS I AMTJI5EMENTS jnoVKIMa TIISL4TRK, Ptntfa awmw, twar irularJt' Jfottl Leonard GaovEa, .... Manaftr. TIIW (WEDNESDAY) EVENUO, LAST KIOJtT- BUT THREE or The Ablr Actrraa and Fnrlcaa Btautjr, MI88 LUCILLE WEBTEBN. W ho will appar to-nljhl In liar great character ot OASILLI, In Ihf touchlnf Frrnch nvr-aci drama, C A JIT I L t Et '. Th Fal. of a Caqaiiu, ArmaniJDural Mr. C. Barron Other characters by the Mr.swtRs or rim (meat star covrASt: EASTLrXXE, or, THE ELOPEitBXT, Wlllahortlir t rerlrad, and for the last time. Adotlailon-M, JO, and It centa. de 1 r,Hni'8 NEW THEATRE, Truth ilretl, right abovt rtnntyltania swnw. Manager and Proprietor Mr. John T. Ford, (Alao of HolMdajr street Theatre, Baltimore.) TliSJL'!i'1' 0P TUB O'SRA SWUTLY AS- JCaHIIAO ALL OUK FASIUOKASLf LADIES AT THII riRST CLASS THEATRE! The Beautiful Prima Donna. Ml" CAROLINE IUOIIINQg, And the Rrat or tha rrand aerlea of HO L I 8 II O PR ha. Thla WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dec. 3, The aplendld Operatlo Spectacle or the ENCHANTRESS. Mella ..... mi., RtrHrarn. Bamlr, the Pirate Chief . Mr. Peter niCHINQS Mr. Dunn ami a full company of Chorlstera. M'l e Sophie Nllaen, M'll. Catherine, Mon" 5 The arloua chareetera, Operatic, Dramatlo and BaUet, by Tkt Grand Omilnatlon cm) tult DoMt Companin. Private ad public carrtagti will head up Tenth atreet and around F and on learlraj the Theatre, headdown Tenth. ' HW Ab exfra thargifor aimluion. W Stcmi ttatt txmty-flvt tend extra. PRICES OP ADMISSION. ' D"a Clrcl. and Parquette, w cents: Orchestra Seata, 74 cental Family circle, 55 cents; Prlrat. uoxce, ,8. DOOrS ODen at 6!f O'clockl t-nmmmn. cea at 7 o'clock, de 3 lIO'll CIRCUS, Corner ftnniyltanta annua and Seventh ttrett. SPEC1ALK0TICE. Sereral larr. nat.nt hi.K..n i..m..... Into the Amphitheatre, and the building la at all tlmea warm and comfortable. EVERY AFTERNOON AND F.VENINO. uouDie company, conalatlnc of 60 MALE AND FEMALE ARTISTES, 4 STAR ". iws.n, w., iii6 ii.nL a.ra.Aiitu, MISS MABV CABROLL, MAD.SHEAWOOD, lll.l.b M.WKA. TWO COMPANIES OF ACROBATS AND EQUES TRIANS OS TUP. RAMI rvrvivn EATON STONE, THE WILD HORSEMAN OF THE PRAIRIE. Reproduction of the ScenJo Spectacle of the TOURNAMENT, OR Tnx Field of th. Cloth of Gold. O- THREE CLOWNS AT THE SAME TIME. JlMf I HEWOLDS, FRAKK PHELPS, ii' mi'i in ' Flrat night of the very laurhable Pantomime, en titled the HARLEQUIN STATUE, Introducing-all th. Ballet Taourc. Great Stud of Dandnr Horaea and Ponlea, the whole forming one of tho largeet organtzatlona eer concentrated In one eatabllahment. Tfte Vte Tor Brata Band haa been encaced ex pressly for this oocaalon. Notwlthatandlnr the G eat extra expenae Incurred In formlne; thla Double impany, there will be no Increaae In the prlcea. To Dreaa Circle, SO centst Social Ranre,!U centa. Doors open at H to 2 and V to 7 o'clock perform ance will commence at s and 7K o'clock. Ou TIIURRDAY,Dee.4,lM!e, THE OREAT DOUBLE CIRCUS will open for a short aeaaon at Alexandria, Ye. THE WASHINGTON (CREMORNE) CIRCUS will remain closed roa one week, In order to al low the management to make Improvements and Decoratlona. de l EQUIPMENT TRUNK, AND HARNESS MANUKA O T Oh Y , 490 Newutli atreet, OPPOSITE ODD rELLOWS1 UAXL, WASinNGTON, D. C. I manufacture of the best material, and hate constantly on hand, a large and arlad assort ment of Jfllitery onj Cilunis' SADDLES, BRIDLES. DREAST COLLARS. FELT SADDLE CLOTHS, SHABRAQVES, Patent Feed and Water Buckets, Spurs, Officers' Haversacks, Officers' Fine Sword Bella, Belt Trlmmlura, and Field Glass Cases. I it II N liM SOLELEATHER, IROX FRAME. DRESS, and WOOD BOX TRUXbS. VALISES, TRAVri.IXa BAOS, HARXESS, dc. HKFAiniNU. Aa I manutacture Trunka extenalveh , aud uecea- aarllyhae all kinds of Trunk Material, I atn better prepared to repair Trunks, blo., thoroughly and promptly, than any other establlahment In the city JAMES S. TOPHAM. Oct It 3ml FB A N K I. I N & C O., OPTICIAN i, '444 PENbSUVAHIA AVEM'E, (North aide,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth ats , and -Jan PLNSSiLVASlA AI'LhVE, Under the National Hotel. BRAZILIAN PEBBLE (Rock Crystal) SPEC TACLES, MILITARY FIELD GLASSES, MICROSCOPES, OPERA GLASSES, PHOTOaRAtllW ALBVMS AND CARTES DE I ISITE, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, ic , He , In a great variety, and at the lowest prices, whole sale or retail. nov 3 l I S 11 . H A 11 U K N T H JV AWNING, FLAG, AND UXIOX TEXT FACTOR V, No. 530 Peunaylvaula avcuua, WASHINGTON, D. C. . SUTLERS' A.vfl ARMT TEX1S ON HAND OR MADS TO ORDER. signT WagoaJot ers. 'c, male it 'short notice. my tt Awnings, Flags, Tents, Msll Bags, Horse Covers, vn. tl'.M. I'nt ... h m..1 at .liAPt .MIh Tk I" I U I T A It V aBaaaaaaaMaMaal I eaBBHHMMMHeaWiaBBP AMUSEMENTS. QAIITKRBIIRT HILL, -Lotrimna Ayiaut, iab iiitu St., In tha rear of tha XaHonal Metal. Th. Orsateat Triumph of the l.aea. SECOND WEEt -'"SECOND WXEK or TBI UNPARALLELED SUCCESS or BEA'OKITA AXXETTA OALLETTf, SEX0X1TA AJMETTA (1ALLBTTI, 8EX0RITA AXXETTA OALLKTTI, QALLBTTI, SEXORtTA AXXETTA XEXORITA AXXETTA OALLETTI, OALZETTI, SEXORITA AXXETTA Pronounced by thTreas and the Publld'to be the OrtattifEbnale Dammut tn tha JTorM, without exception. Also, .VOXS. EDWARD VELARDE, Tha Rett Mate Dancer in Existence TO-NIOnT, they will appear tn the splendid ballet entitled THE PAINTER'S ILLUSION. The expenae attending th. engagement ot these GREAT ARTISTES for the short aeaaon wilt exceed (1,490. To gire better effect, AN ENTIRE SEIT STAGE HAS BEEK ERECTED Making tt now Th. Hall In WaaUluf ton. MONDAY EVENING, Dicimmb 1, Return of the popular and favorite aosgitTels, MISS JULIA MORTIMER. Also the beautiful queen of Terpsichore, MISS KATE PENNOYER, AltD THE GREAT COURT OF DEAUTT. Continued aucceaa of the charming NELLIE TATLOR, BOB HART and IEIT SIMMONS, The two great llghta of Minstrelsy, In NEW SONGS, DANCES, and BANJO SOLOS The great Eastern Juggler, triLLli ARMSTRONO friLllE EMERSON, The Funny Mg. J. SYLVAS CLARKE, The Versatile Comedian. To-nieht, To-night, THE PAINTER'S ILLUSION, (in which ANNETTA OALLETTA, M0N3. VFLARDE, and the great GALLETTA BALLET TROUPE will appear. Performance to conclude with the laughable farce entitled BLACK ANTHONY. Doors open at et performance, 7 o'clock. Admlaslon, SS cental Orcheatra Chairs, 60 centa. A ORAND MATINEE On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, For Ladles and Children. Admls.slon 33 cent.) Orchestra Chalra SO centa del PROSPFCTUS or THC WEEKLY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. The undersigned commenced, in the month of December, I860, the publication. In this city. of a weekly newspaper, called the .Vjfltmol Re- pulltcan. ! It Is printed on a large sheet, twenty-seven I by forty-two Inches, and Is furnished at the low prlcea atated below, j It contains all the original matter of the Daily Xatlonal Republican, with the exception I of local newB not Interesting to country sub I scrlbcrs. It will give full reports of the proceedlnsrs of Congress, and of the other Departments of the National Government. It rontalns all the news of the day, foreign and domestic, markets, &c, Ac, as well as an original correspondence from all parts of the country. The miscellaneous department will receive special attention, and, in all respects, th. effort will be made to establish the charac ter of the A'afional Republican as a Family Newspaper. Washington being now the central point of the current military operation's, great attention will be paid to furnishing the readers of the Xtitional Repubhcan with full, and especially with accurate, accounts of the progress of th. war for the Union. In politics, the paper Is Republican, sustsin lug the Administration of Mr. Lincoln. There Is no other Republican paper In the Dl-trlct of Columbia, or in the vicinity of it, and it Is believed that recent events have opened to such a psper an important sphere of useful effort. The time has come, when tho actual administration of the Government upon Repub lican principles will explode the nitreprtsen tatlons which have made tkoso principles so distateful to the South. But it Is not only here, and In this vicinity, that the projectors of the .Vafiomil Republican hope to make it useful. To the whole country they offer a Journal which will discuss national politics from a national stand-point, and which will never be swerved from patriotic duty by any overpowering pressure of local interest. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year - $2.00 Three copies, one year ... fj.od Five copies, one year - ... - 7.00 Ten copies, one year .... 13.00 Twenty copies, one year ... 20.OO One copy, six months .... 1.00 Three copies, six months - - V.SO Five copies, six months - - - 3.00 Ten copies, six months. - - 6.00 Twenty copies, six months - 10.00 Payments always In advance. When a Clubof subscribers has been forward ed, additions may be made to It on the same terms, It Is not necessary that the subscribers to a Club should receive their papers at the same post offlce. Money may be forwarded by mail, atourrisk. LargeXamounts can be remitted in Treasury notes, or drafts on Boston, New York, Philadel phia, or Baltimore: smaller amounts In gold, or In notes of solvent banks. Address W. J. MURTAG1I & CO., Washington, D. C 07 Tun DalLT National RircaucAN la published every morning, (Sundsys excepted,) at the following rates: One copy, one year - $3.o0 Five copies, one year . . - 15.00 One copy, six months - - 1.75 , Five copies, six months ... 7.50 One copy, three months ... 1.00 i 1 j -r '