Newspaper Page Text
!!- , u i aiioaal ( grpnMican. ...J ' nii. a ,oao ' raUKSDAT, . . . PEC. 4, 1962., '" "OK TO mciuiunu.". i Th. Klchmond Xnqxlrtr eayti ' "The next bull, between Let and Burntldel may b a very decisive one. Anoverwhelmlng victory os the part of Lee, and the defence of Washington wouia oe gone, ana me cnrmar be captured. Such a mull should be before the eyet of our loldltrs, and be the object of the contett. Upon the next battle, therefore, de pend! whether the war (hall end or drag along In undecided battles, or mere material Victo ria." It will be seen that wo are not alone In our opinion that, ahonld the Army of tbe Potomac be defeated, Washington would be In danger, and might eren be captured. We do not say that General Borntlde would be defeated If a conteat wai to come off at once) bat we do say that our military authorities should, when the trial hour coues, hare ample forces In the Im mediate tight, whererer It may occur, and that there should also be a sufficient force held for Hie defence of Washington, so that, In the even1 of any disaster to our army under llurnslde. this city may still be Impregnable. I Many persons, and some editors, hat e been struck aback by the rlewa we hare presented npon the "on to Richmond" policy) bnt the more-we hare reflected npon this subject, the more we are satisfied of the soundness of the rlewt expressed by us. It will be seen that the g.rd to the overthrow of Washington, should Lee triumph over BarnsUe, I All reflecting people. ire think, must tike tbe t ime view, and that rerj hortlv. The Jo uk sal or Com mzrcx. This paper publishes our article of Monday, headed "Shall the Army of the Potomac advance!' In Its Wednesday's Lssne, and comments on It as though It were dome strange thing to find an Independent paper In Washington, rcrhaps It Is. It wants to know " who can Interpret this article ?" Well, Mr. Journal, we can so don't make a mare's nest out of It. Nobody 1 re sponsible bnt ourselves. The Journal of Commerce does not seem to comprehend hon a paper thai supports tbe Administration can say anything without first submitting Its editorials to tbe President and Cabinet. The Journal of Commerce, and ull others, will, then, understand, once for all, that though we support the Admlnlstratlou to the ben nf our ability, tt.ll we entertain opinions of onr own and express them as our Independent convictions, without consultation with nny bodr. This may appear strange to our vener able contemporary; but It Is never too tele to learn. h'.IIITUHIAI. xl'MMAItl. Uome captious persons complain of the 1'irs. Ident thst he did not discuss iriry queMlnn M length In his message .. .. . Mr. Lincoln, fortunate- 1 ly, understands his .lulled In this particular, much better than some of his predecessor! and Instead nf making political speeches, lontr harangues, and dictatorial mandates tn Cnn Kress, he states lu a plain wa Ids views orputi lie affairs, and lcar l the head of Depart ments the detailed statements whlrli Mon? esch in its jroier plate. This Is ur, and re minds u of the earlier and better dajs of the Reputlli Sergeant Jacob K. brtlioll, nf the Thlrtumh N'ew Jersey regiment, died in the hoi-pltal in Charpsburg, Md., Nov. 85th. He was u prin ter, and well known In New York. He was a member of the New York Typographical Snele. ty and a hlghl deemed citizen The Alar has no opinion to give of the I'resl. dent's Message. We recollect it hasnner ex pressed any opinion of the proclamation of Sept. S2d Our neighbor has not yet concluded which party Is to win the day. We published yesterday an article on the In dian massacre In Minnesota from a competent witness of those horrid barbarities. We give to-day, on our first page, a letter from Commis sioner Dole in reference to these matters e understand that Senator Wllklneon. of Minnesota, Is soon to give to the conntrv his views, In a epeech In the Senate, Papers everywhere are raising their price or reducing their size. This is unavoidable. The sudden and unexpected increase In the price of paper rendera It an Imperative nectssltj. We have not done yet whst others are doing, though we are paying double what we paid two and three months ago. It costs more to prjnt a paper In Washington than in almost auv other city lu the country. We trust our friends will not forget us. We ask only for that patronage which is our legitimate due. We give lu our paper to-day a brief abstract of the report of Ihe Secretary or War, and also of the Postmaster General. These abstracts are all we can find room for lo-daj . They are both able documents, and If we cnuld,we.Mould give them entire The Secretar) of War pro poses to deal Ith slavery In the proper way that Is, to strike It down, that the rebellion may thereby be the more speedily crtiiheil. The en tire report will make an impression upon the country favorable to liberty and a wgornus prosecution of the war. Fernando Wood assured the audience which he addressed the other ciculng, In New York, that the South was nilllnj; to toine. buk Into the Union "under Dtmocratlc rule." We don't doubt II. We conclude, however, thai should the Republicans again suecitd to potter, the South would again secede. Jt must be demo eruttc rule to keep the South. They understand their white dates In the North n well us thc (to the Mack ones on the plantation. We ehall glie, ut the earliest opportunity, General Hailed. report to the Secretin of War. We cannot pnsslbl) l.n 1 room fur It in div. The readir will not fall to niil in number column an. explanatory letter Irom Major (.1 ne ral Pope 10 Mior (Jeneral HalM I., Rumor, ivi'u her inau iuuguei, w,h bus) yesterday with u foolish statement, imlie.eirvct that General IJurnslde had beenreninwd. Burh a story has no foundation lu truth. It Is Impossible fur us, in this issue, tn glte the report of Gen. Halleck and d 1 anything like Justice to H Such an abstract as ne hate space for to-day woulft'itoi properly present the subject, and we prefer, therefore, to postpone Its publication till we rsn do more ample Jus tice to the document Tbe Committee of IU11 aud Means are wait ing for the rep jrt ot the Secretarv of the Treas ury, width is now in the hands of the printer, before they proceed to business This report Is looked for with Intense anxiety, and we ehall lay It or ita substance before our readers at a very early day. I I.ETTr.Il rnOM UKIf. POPE. I YViaumuToN. IXc. 3. 1SC2. llntnui llh jour report-published this i moraine- In th ChrtmUU hflirsnanerj la a dts patch of mine cont.tnlnn the fbllotrlur. par; , ( (' ( , Y "Bankt' corps Is Terr vrtalc, numbering liot more lhn lire thousand men, and l much de- inoraiu fa.- Tblt paragraph might seem to imply tonie re prosch upon that gallant corps, but such would be Very far from 'my Intention and very Unjust. That corps, under Its gallant leader, had fought the bloody battle of Cedsr Mountain, and had there rendered service which merits the grati tude of the country. Dut lu that tevire and hard fought action, Gen. Banks himself was so bad ly Injured as to he unlit for duty. Generals Augur, Geary, and Carroll had been badly woundedt nearlr all of the field and comnanv officers, particularly of the Massachusetts regi ments, nan ueen Kiueu or wuuuueu, uou in corps was nearly destitute of officers. After such scrrlco as they had rendered, and the broken condition In which their gallant and heroic fighting had lert them, they ahonld ror a time havo been withdrawn from the presence of the enemy until they could be rested and their officers replaced. I should hare done soat once put mat ll was impossioic at mat lime to spare a man from the front. In tho lnirrr and brerltr of a telegraphic dis patch It was not possible to explain to you why this corrs was really unlit for service. Hod forbid that I should be supposed, eren h) tnlsconcqitlou of my dispatch, to cast eren the Implication of reproach upon this gallant corps ana us inirepiu icaaer, Mtrat)ou will make this letter public, In twice to Gen. Bank and hla corps. I am. GencraL respectfully, lour ooeuient servant, .$&. w. .u.a&eft , , COrilT-MAUTIAL. OP GttN. POHTEH. WrDXEBDAY, Dec. 3, 18C2. The court met at 11 o'clock, when, Gen. King being present, an organisation took place. Gen. Porter's request for an open trial vat granted. The following charges and specifications ex, hlblted against Major Gen. Fltz John Porter, of the Volunteers of the United States Army, by B. S. Huberts, Brig. Gen. U. 8. Volunteers and Inspector General of MaJ, Gen. Pope's army, were read t Charge 1st. Violation of tho Ninth Article of War. f-peefflcatton 1st. In this i That the said MaJ. Gen. ritz John Porter, of the Volunteers of the United States, having received a lawful order on or atonl the 37th of August, 18C3. while at or near War rent on Junction, In Virginia, from MaJ. Gen. Johu Pope, his superior and com manding ofllcer, did thenand there disobey the iuiUUrder,lielng atthetlmelnthefaceoftheen tin Thlp at or near Warrenton, In the State of Irxlu.a, un or about the 2bth of August, 1562. bjxiUlmtion a. In this, that tho said Major (tenerol I-ltz John Porter, being In front of the immy ut Manassas, Virginia, on or about the morning of August 29th, lbOU.UId receive from Major Ctcueral Johu Pop, file superior and command. ng ofllcer, a lawful order, which order the said Malnr General Porter did then and ' there illsobcv This ut or near Manassas. In Ihe State of Virginia, on or ahont the 2th of Vucust, 1S0J. Awrfflraion3l. Inlhlst that the said Major General i lit John Porter, having been In front nrihecneraviinrinziuooauieoi 3ianaaas. on . ... .. ...... i . . oan .1., It . riui), liiu .am ui auusi, iova, uiu on nisi , dav ret eli e from Major General John Pope, his superior aud commanding officer, a lawful order uhlch said order.the said Major General Porur did then and there disobey, aud did fall to push forward his forces Into action either on the enemy's Hank or rear, and lu all other re spects did fall to obey said order. This at or near Manassas, tn the State of Vlrclnja, on or about Ihe Wth of August, lbOS. SprcltlcutlonWi. In that the saldMaJorGeu eraf Fltz John Porter, being at or near Manassas Junction, on the night of the 29th of August, uv, old receive irom aiajoruenerai jonu rope, his superior and commanding officer, a lawful onW Aud the said Major Genl Fltz John Por-t tor d d then and there disobey the said order, L...iiii.i...Mmu..n.ArhMhH.rfMnrhi.Mm' and did permit imo of the brigades of his com-1 mand to march to Ccntrevtlle, ont of the way ' of the field of battle, and there to remain dur- IntT the entire day of Saturday, the SOth of Au-1 " . . . ' . . ..a . . euM mis at or near Manassas station, in tne ritata of Virginia, on the S9th and ,1 5tnri rlnrst nf Aucust, lboj. SpecHlcafion Zth In this: that the said Major General I ltz John Porter, belnc at or near Ma natteas station, In the State of Virginia, on the nitrht of the 2tuli of August, 1B62, and having receded from his superior and commanding officer. Major General John Pope, the lawful order set forth lu the specification four to this charge, did then and there disobey the same, and did permit one other brigade attached to his command, being the brigade commanded by Brigadier General A. B. Pratt, to march to Centreville, and did thereby greatly delay the arrival of the said General Pratt's brigade on the Avid of battle of Manassas on Saturday, the SWh of AugUbt, 1602. This at or near Manas sas, In tho State of 'Virginia, on or about the Nth day of August, 1S62. Chspoe 11. Violation of the Firty-second Ar ticle of War. bixelflctitlvH 11. In this: that the said Malor 1,4 "'a 1 "a General Fltz John Porter, during the battle of Manassas, on rnuay, luevinni August. iojt nnd rhlle within sight of the Held, aud in full hearing of Its artillery, did receive from Slajor General John Pope, his superior and command ing officer, a lawlul order to attack the enemy, which ald order the said Major General Porter did then and there shamefully disobey, and did retreat from advancing forces of tho ncmy without any attempt to engage them, or old the troop who were already fighting greatly superior numbers and were relying on the flank attack he wa. thus ordered to make, to secure a decisive Victor) and to capture the enemy's arrmt a result which must have followed Irom said Hank nttack, had ll been made by said Gen. Porter, In compliance with the sold order which he so shamefully disobeyed. This at or near Manassas, m me Biaio or Virginia, on or abourt the SVtli orAuirust. 1862. fipecijlcatton 2rJ. In this, that the said Major Gtnerainiz John Porter, being with his army ' emciency mnei oiuinernna inrerior motues lor coip. on Friday, the SDtb of August, 1803, b- JfiJraVloSffltt twecu Manassas etatlon and the Held or a bat-1 fhe number of postage atamna laaued lo post tie thcu r ending beltt eeu the forces of the Uul I maatera Jurlnir thr ) ear was 251,307,1(16! the nuni- Sfi Slates mid those of the relieta. nml wilhin sound i,f the (,'uni, and in llm presence of the nemi.nnd knowlntr that u severe action of great consequincewus being fought, uud that I ne uiu oi ui" enrjiB wns great i uecaeu, nia ian all that U) to bring it on lo tl c held, and did himifnlU f.ill hjrk and fi-otn tli nrl- auccot the enemy without any tUUmpt to give tin m haiiba And without Luowlnc tlm funra tntm uattu.,ana witnoat uuowing tne lorces from w hirh he shaincfull retreated. Thla near Manassas statlou, lu the State of irginla, on the .JOlli of August, 1S6-2. i V 1ttlon A. In that the said Major Gtn- rrnl vu John Porter helnir wlthhla nruivcni db rrai r tz donn roner oung wiinuisarmycoips liiir the Held of battle of Manassas, on the 29th of August, 181-, while a severe adlon was be lu fonht b the troops of Major General i'ope'a (omiiuud, uud being In the belief that the troop of lliewald (jeniral Pope ncre sus t tllngr defeat and retiring Irom 'the field, did shuineiullv fall to go to th uld of -aid troops, and did Miuniefullj retreat aay uud nil butlt are liven la the report toiuhing tho optratlona of tilth 1.1 arm; to the .Manassa. Junction, and Si'lniCiolAi leanothe disaster of a presumed def. ut the ,iV,,,,"li' TrtEer. tijht huaJred and .ald ariuv, and did fall by any attempt to at tucnty-oueletteraiiadn.addreHstl.ateier taek tho enemy to aid In atcrllng Ihe inlafor i The whole number of poat orncea In the United tunes ot a disaster that would havo endangered "ales leu.atiilna; eatabllahea on the Julli June, lit. M.1J1. i,rihrn!tnlor the count Till. IW. waa ia,tn5,of which there were In lojsl Statea the hulelj or the capital or tue counirj. una aml '.,,. y,, ,nl ,),, inanrrectlonary ut or near Manassas Btatlon, lu the State of stmesaud dlatrlct there were ,w The net m- irginla, 011 thr 29th day of August, leb3. creaae In the established onlceaoier last j ear waa SiiriiJliallon4lh. In tblst that the said Major ll The number of tssss actd upon by the sp tii ni ral TUt John Porter on the Held of battle poiutmeat onice during the jear naa 1,795 ot, ... , Rnnird.. ih. SOth Aufrasi The ,0,l lacs accrued on United states sad 'V , J"'00 Saturday, tha 3Utn August, Europeanniallsdurlnethbtear amounttol,lsv lbCJ, hu ing recclt cd a lawful order irom his ojo, being a reduction Irom u.e smount of the pre superloriiiIlicrandcomuiandlngGeueral,MaJ .louajearor $717,010 of the total amount col General .lotin Pope, to cnirage the enemy'a lectedtheexcebstollecteUlnthe Lotted Msteswss lints, and 1 . earn a position near their centre sWu,un, hlch conatltutes the bslances paid to the did proceed lu lite execution of (hat order with master Genrrhl ohiecti to this cost as inequitable, unnLcessar) slowueits, and by delajs give the andpropose,lf pogtiible to relieve the Uepartmeot enem opportunities to watch and know his rom thU burden m.i.rij.Lnt mid to nretiarn ti.'mci M nttnrL The mall letting whult went Into operation on aJ,uLuJ .n r-R 7Su . .. alUc' the lit of July U.I In the western dit lifon were ef- And finally ro ftreWy fall upon the enemy's fectea on sucli favorabls terms, as compared mth lines ut to make little or no impression on tbe the urevious lettlax. that a red act loo of exDecdi. same, and did fall back and draw away his forcee unnecessarily and without making any . the icuiftu of routes wss increased by Afih.frrMfwfrinnil ffV..ia tn rallv hu i. ' ,iw milea, with an aonunl Increase of transports LfLi.TIe.nT,0m.LlJV.P. U of ld,W miles .Notwlthstaadlaj thtT la. . v. ,v v.v....- - -. .-.. ...- demanded by tne Importance of nls posU tlon. and the momentous consequences and dis asters of a retreat at so critical a Juncture of ine aay. as f Vof. The last specification of the second charge) was abandoned IffNhe Judge advocate and 'withdrawn, the Qoremment having no testlmonj Jo MTcr to sustain It. W I j H , The counsel of Major General Porter, on Ida behalf, eubtaltted jtn'e point, that 'the'mllltary (original) commission was conrened to lures titrate charees made br Malor General Pone. whilst those exhibited before this coort-martlsl (the military commission haying been .dis missed by order of the Gorernment) are charges exhibited by B. B. Roberta, brigadier general United States rolunteert, and Inspector general of Major General Pope's army, and Gen. Por ter desired the opinion of the court, whether the charges thus exhibited are to be considered, In point of law, as charges exhibited by Gen. Pope; as, In that erent, the order convening this court will be Illegal, as the law makes It necessary, where one general officer command ing brings charges against another, the court mutt be conrened by the President. The court having been cleared to consider this point, on reopening the doors It was an nounced that the objection was not sustained, and that the charges were to be regarded as uot preferred by Gen. Pope, but by Gen. Ro berts. Gen. Porter then rote, and plead not guilty to any and all of the specifications cited above. Sane nf tin wltneifiea belntr rresent. the rourt adJourned UBtU lhU morning, at eleven . , . J . ., . , , . . mi. o'clock, when the taking of testimony will bo commenced. It is uot thought that Geu. Hunter will be relieved. Til P. Mt DOWKLI. COVIIT OP IMiUlIlY. Wednesday, Dec. 3, 160S. Tho court met at 11 o'clock. Col. K. 8. Goodwin was the only witness examined. lie testified to having frequently seen Gen. McD. drunk on the streets of Washington. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. Auuutl Report of the Secretary of AVar. This report la erj voluminous, and sets out w Ith the statement that In the ten military departments In which tbe army la operating, there Is, according to recent official returns, a force of 770,336 officers and prh ates, fully armed and equipped. Since the date of the returns this number has been Increased to over 800,000 men When the quotas are filled up the force will number a million of men, and the es timates for next year are based upon that number The military operatlona In the aeversl depart ments during the year are then re lew ed at length, and various reports referred to. A review of ihe whole field of operations shows that Hhsteierili aaters the Union arm) may hare suffered at par lUular points, a great advance has neierthcleaa been made since the commencement of the ar The rpiiort recaDttulatea th md intaeca that hai e been gained during the year, and anticlpttea 1 acmemoiemenia i an can unj ia cicrj direc tion, under the leasons acquired Irom the inaction of the paaL The army Is complimented for Us gallantr), and sorrow espreaaed for thoie who Lae fallen The reaaon mi limed for the SDDOlntmenl of Dro- ,0" msrsnan inineioysi "temporary loat marshal! in the loyal States, the "temporary uf the urlt of habeas cornus. Is the opinion inter talnedbythc Secretar) of tr that the aUl and comfort of ilislo)sl iTuipstlilier tonstltuted the hopeortheboutli iJr Ihe ui talon and dlttruttuii o( the North The expenditures rar enlistments, rctrumiiK, ia - nunr. .n.i Hiii.ufen ..f ininnin. p.tni,n """" - .---" ---------- --o -i sou mums, amounts 10 9o,wr,-iot Lerfaiatlon fs auxxcafed fur keeping the old regi ments tilled uji br tolunteers The servlcea of the got ernura of tu) al Matea aie thankfully acknowledged The Quartermaster (,eneral'a repurt tsiiotUedln detail, as are thoae of other orluera uf aiippl) and theenxlnery of war The laauea of the Urdoance Depart meat are atated at I.WJ8 Held and sleee and t,w fortification can non; ttisi xun carriages, caissons, inortsr beds, traveling forges, and batter) wngouai lt?;6,G64amali armi. W7EM sets of equlument ami nCLOittrf inenti, aiKl S13 9J1.I7I rounds, oi ammunition forAnllliri and smntll arni, till e. Inj larife suppllesi or ortl- niinre tlurrs at the arsenate) and dnotti Keffrvnce Is made to Jirtor fortincstioint, v blch iac reteied tiie particular attention of the De partmeat, and It Is believed thst ctlcctul inesns " . wu,urU. . A variety of minor matters ure referre.1 to lo k.u ' The rlef. Thi Sf-rtAfr nronnifi ontrlrht to trUf ditwn the syttem of labor peculiar to tho South, and to " turn against the rebels the prodacth e power thst uitk.l'a It,. Inanauallnn )l lt las aititaA i "Y'-"1"T '.':"' 'VV: .Vi," VH.'S .... .. aT. j.uu...s. y. .. s. .. . .v ...s .mtsi T that 1ItiIaMi Urltrl Mtrtit teretts of the Union, with sllgtit aaslstsncefrom the arm), will, under proper regulation sod pov ot the greatest atkittsnce inhollios; tne territory once trioverea. 1 nc principal staples of the South are the product exciusl.el) of their labor If protected upon the lands they hai e here tofom cultivated, with aome organization, nd Willi support from small detachments of lojsl t roopt, they would not only produce much of w hat Is needed to feed our armits and their trains, but tney would toreter cut orr irom tne rebellion the resources of the country thui occupied" Bythtse measures It is believed that the rebel lion will be swiftly suppressed, and they are ac cordingly urped upon the adoption of Congress. Annual Report of the Postmaster Gene ral. The report of the Postmaster General, for the past year, exhibits a healthy financial condition of the Post Office Department We subjoin an ab stract of the main tolnts of the report. The gross reieouaof the Department for the fis cal ) car. Including the standing Trcaiurj credit for free mall matter, and a small amount appropriated lor the relief of individuals, was $9,ui.,fr.i The expenditures for the ssmejenr amounted to $11, 1S&,SU Tbe regular posts) revenue forlftHlson)) $i9,4?Meisthftult was for the fiscal) ear 1W1, dur ing n large pan 01 wnicn year revenue was paid in from all the Mat? of the Union This tact shows a large Increase In the corresjtondence of the loral States While the revenues hate been so nearlr sustain ed at the blghent standard, the f enses hav e been largely reduced lor the preceding )enr the ex lien iitnre was t2.41.3MKreater than last tear lh Department has not been for man) jears so nearly self n staining Tnls result Is largely ow ing to the suspension of postal expenditures In the Houth, which were greatlv In excess of postal re ceipts there liut not alone to that Areislon of all dUuretionar) expenses has bem made, and large reductions ordered The pa) of agents has been rt graded and equalized eeoaom has been established in the larger offices where waste was foum,. incompetency whemer found lu official , uoiltlon. haabeenivuio.edi and.ine.tbrt mud to adopt a standard of merit and of admlnlatrathe oer of ataiunetl emelopea Hat Slijaa Suu Ihe jalue of thea stamps was 7,md,iB, ib value of , 5'e. .'"" '.'l'' Al33?,.!'".'"''' overlbGl li l.HlSv The total mIuo sold was i ip6,uiu,i3i The increasluif demand on the part r the puttie tar the Mtamneu newriiiaiter uratmeri khiiuti tht their Introduction has sat Uiicd a public demand an1 promoted the com entente or lurreajpondeots. in the tirstrjuarteror the current eir,(cndlnir i aoth of September,) the number of stamp Issued to ' pott ma tern was one hundred and four millions, ihelr calls being; for about two hundred millions, I "llch W0U,1J ' n nearlj .umcient to meet t,ie utu,ii demand for a j ear This extraordinary UemaI1j aruu. fr0Ill the temporsri use of thosi utAniiisssa currenc) ij tne public In lieu of the smaller denomlostlona of specie, anj leased with ttie Introduction of the so-tailed postal currenc) fhe w hole number of dead letters rcceMed and examined during th. ear la ,244018, nMch la t-S7,(mu lees ttianin the previous rear ThiMthole nutnUr f valuable letlciu atmt out l the Dead Letter umte nas oiti Man) interesting dctalla turt roulted to the amount of tui.ouo. At the crt.a. oi .erviee. me nci asriBff la oirr woe per cent, as compared with the previous term. The report renews the recommendation for codi- lying me posiai laws. , Among the ImproTeme nts under consideration, by the Postmaster General, is that of embossing postal stamps on business and other envelopes supplied for that purpose by persons desiring to furnish their own deslrta. -HU believed thatthis Witt largely Increase the use bf stamped envelopes In Ilea of stamps, which Is an object Of great Im portsBce to the Department. r r ' Ha alio dlieouragee the use of the malls, for transmitting money, and speaks favorably of a 11 m Ited money order system and of an amendment to the regtitry system, by which a return receipt shsll be sent to the dispatching party as evidence of the fact and date of delivery of hts packare Ha also proposes to abolish many of the discrim inating rates of postage now exiitlng, approxima ting, as far as possible, to uniformity, ana Increas ing the efficiency and extent of the delivery and collection of letters by carriers In cities, i The public attention Is called to the great Impor tance of good poatalofflcers for a successful admin latrstlonof this Department. If postmssters and their clerks are selected without chief reference to their efflclencr and nersonat fitness, no amount of good legislation will secure public satisfaction. An energetic, faithful and efficient postmaster, de voted to the interests of the service, should be re tained as long as he Illustrates those qualities In his administration of tbe office. He attributes the succeia oi the Kncuan svstem larrciv to tne Derma- nent character of their officers and their familiarity with the laws and regulations, and regrets the ex tent to which other motlres to appointments have prevailed tn this country. He urges a return to the old standard of honeitr, capability, and fidelity, and antlcmatea mora Dublin utlifactlon and admin tstratlre success from tbe adoption of such a prin ciple than from any other single act of reform. tiuhtV-hkvektii conurghs. Heconil Hetalon. WrnNrspaT, December 3, 1802. SENATE. Mr. HALE offered a resolution. Instructing the Secretary of the Navy to Inform the Senate whether tbe provision of the act, passed last session, making an appropriation for the pur chase of land- ilc. In Portsmouth harbor, has teen executed, and If not, why not and also to Inform the Senate If any attempts hare been maae to negotiate aucn purcnase. Aaoptea. On motion of Mr. ANTHONY the Senate proceeded to the election of Ha standing com mittees, ine louowingis tne lie; as eiecteui Fortim Relation Messrs Sumner, Foster, Doo- llttle, Wilmot, Drowning, Davis. A right. Finance Mesars. Feisendcn, Collamer, Sherman, Howe, Cowan, Pearce, McDougall tvvmriii, iuisaii, ,ttiauca, niugi i'aufii son. of Mais . Ten Evck. Arnold. Sauliburv ujmrrs. iueasrs. inancuer, King, juomu, u- idm ,.,. m -I ..' SM,. ' k 'mil 31 fumi , ic (tary Affair ibs .King, 1 of Mass, King, Lane, of Ind., Rice, Howard, La in unu iiif iQiiuio luriiri. ttiuon, (nam, jrraiui. Aarai Affair Meiiri. Hate, Grimes, Foot, Sher man, Field, Kennedy, McDougall Judiciary Mesirs. Trumbull. Foiter, Ten Fyck, Harris, Howard, Bayard, Powell. Pott omctt and Pott Road Meairs. Collamer, Dixon, Trumbull, Rice, Latham, Henderion, Ull- Public Land Meiirt Harlan, Clark, Pomeroy, Rice. Curl He, Wright, Harding. Prirete Land Claim Menrs. Harris, Sumner, Morrill, Howard, Bayard. Indian Affair Messrs. Doollttle, Wilkinson, Lane, of Kansas, Harlan, Neimlth, Dai Is. W ilion, of Mo Pffiriont Messrs Foiter, Lane, of Ind, Howe, Wilmot, romero, Ssulsbury, Willey Hevoluiionarv Claim Mesirs King, Chandler, Llatinl Meaara Clark. Howe. Mtaiot. romeroi. 1 iiKiDiuu, iiair, i pi nui ii. Field, Arnold, Latham ' """' " " , .icu... DitrrfcroCofumcia. Messrs. Grimes, Dtxon, Mor-1 no doubt its use will become general, especially ,tiXM?dJi?cSS-.n, sum. , the price of ordinary paper I, advancing ner, Harris, Field, Ssulibury. ' so rapidly. Public UuJJIngl and Grounds Messrs Foot, An thonv. Chandler, Kennedy, llenderaon .,,, "" , TerrVoriel -Meaara w'ade, UUklnaon, Hale,. Gtv. McCtELLAI ExracTED To-DiT. Gen. Brownlnx, LanejOfKansasrCsrllle, Wilson, of Mo McClellan Is expected to arrive In this city to- To Awtu and Conrrol le Conlinerr.t Eiptnlit cflht ' . ,...-., ,,,.. Snste Mesirs Dixon, Clark, Harding da). He will testify before both the McDowell Enaroutd Bllh -Meaara Lane, oi lud srnolJ, sndlhe Fltz John Porter courts. Hsro s 11 ij On motion, the different portions of the Pre- m Immediate friends are desirous that no sldenta message were referred to the several . demoustratlon should attend his arrival here, committees. . Mr. WILKINSON offered a resolullou direct lnij the Com ml I tec on Indian Affairs to report i hill nroTldlmr for the Indemnification of the I citizens nf Minnesota who have suffered from I the late raids of the Sioux Indians. Mr. HALE objected to the form of the reso- lutloii, which was subsequently modified by Mr. Rice, no that the Committee on Indian Af- fairs be requested to Inquire Into the cxpe-' dlency of reporting a bill, at tho earliest mo- ment, providing for Indemnification to the citl-1 reus of Minnesota who havo suffered Iowa of I iropcrty, Ac. by Ihe Bloux Indians, In their reponmio mo avy uepanracnt aosentwttn late attacks upon the settlers of that State, out Dermlsslon. has IteendrnnDcd from the aer- .vaopteu. Mr.SAULSDURV offered a resolution I ha the Secretary of War be directed to Inform the Senate whether Dr. John Laws and Whltele) Meredith, or either of them, citizens of the State of Delaware, hive been arrested and Im prisoned, the charges against them, by whom Imprisoned, aud that he communicate to the tlenate all papers relating to their arrest and imprisonment. The present consideration being objected to, ?.; oYVu'i'.SirorTer.d a resolution that the Committee on Patents be requested to I inquire into tne expeaiency 01 aoousning tne i Department of Agriculture, established at the last session, and report by bill or otherwise, Aaopieu. Mr. SUMNER offered the following rcsolu tlon; Retolved, That the Secretary of War be requested to furnish to the Senate, any Information which he may possess with reference to the sale Into slavery of colored freemen, captured or selieJ by the rebel forest 1 and to ft ate what steps hsve been taken to redress this outrage upon human rights Mr. 8. read a letter from Prof. Francis Lie ben, characterizing this as a gross Innovation of barbarism upon all the laws of war among civilized nations. The resolution was adopted. Mr. SUMNER also offered the following res olution Retolved, That the-Commlttee on Military Aflalrs be directed to consider the expedienc) of pro ldlng by law for the establishment of a torus composed 01 men eipeclally enlisted for hoapltal and ambu lance service, with officers commissioned purposely to command them.who shall hat e the entire charge, under the medical officers of tbe hospitals and of the ambulance wagoni, so as to enlarge the useful ness of this humane service, and glte to It the eftietency which Is derived from organization. Adopted. Mr. HALE gave notice that he should Intro duce a 0111 repeating tne act est a miming and equalizing the grades of line officers Id the nav. 1 On motion of Mr. SUMNER, the Senate went ' Into cxecutire session after which they nd- journea. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The SPEAKER proceeded to call, In regular order, on the committee for reports. No re ports were made. Then on the States for resolutions. Mr. CALVERT moved that the Committee on Patents be directed to Inform the House what amount of the agricultural fund has been ex pended from tho 1st of January, 1862, until the time when the fund and books were transferred to tho Committee on Agriculture, specifying the Items of public expenditure; nnd also ir any accounts are to be paid Into tho fund, not claimed, what amount, and to whom due, and for what purpose. AlatA iiiAl .fia k fkt nstl.ssr sal Pnmniltfiiii I.a .. mat liiu a(,lituuuiat sLsi.iiitti.!u uo ll' to inform the Houso what amount of the agricultural found haa been expended under its direction up lo this time, specifying tho amount) and If there he any outstanding ac counts unpaid, and, If so, to what amount, uud on whose account. Mr. IIOLMAN moved that the Committee on Military Affairs be Instructed to report a bill, so amending the Mh section of the act au thorizing the employment of volunteers lo aid In enfoulug the law and protecting the public property, approved July, 101, aa to allow vol unteers who Jiavo been or shall be honorably discharged on account of wounds, or disabili ties arising from actual Bervlce, snch propor tion of the bounty of $200 as shall be appro. priaie to ine uuie oi actual service, Mr. HTLVeas moveil to lay tue resolution on the lauc. Mr. LOVEJOV raovtd to amend the resolu- tlon, so as to make It readt that the committee be directed to Inquire Into the expediency of reporting u bill, J.C. If this was done, the Home would willingly let Ihe matter go before . mmlite acomuiiuw. Mr. OLIN sad, If any objection existed to ine rcMjiuiiuu, u uruacuuiu a auuntcuo ui iue state of the finances of the Government and the ability of the country to meet the demands upon it. Ine question was, wneiuer tue mat ter should be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means In preference to the Commit tee on Military Affairs. Ho did not think tho country was In a position to adopt such a reso lution, particularly as all the volunteers have been paid bounties to an amount never paid to military volunteers before. Mr. IIOLMAN, In reply, eald that the mat ter was so manifestly right that tho committee or the House would have little or no hesitation In coming to a decision on the subject, espe cially as, daring tho last session, there won no great difference of opinion In connection there with. ' The resolution was amended, making jit a subject of Inquiry with the Committee,-and aaoptea. i k Tho House theTv adjourned. a rrausBiRs. Th Commissioner of Internal IUrenue has made tbe following dtclslon In relation to pnbllshcrsi "" "" " Pnbllshers of printed looks, raagailnes, pampblcts, newspapers, rtrlews, and all other similar publications, are liable to assessment as dealers. - If the sales of a publisher are to those who huj to sell again, or If this part of his business Is considerable, so that he procures stock and arranges his bntlness with reference to such ssles, he should be classed as a wholesale deal er, even though a portion of his sales lstothott who buy for their own use. Decision reining to the busluessof Job print ers, lithographers, and engrarers I The articles produced by Job printers, litho graphers, and engrarers, which are made upon specific orders not known as articles of com merce, are exempt from duty as manufacturers. Job printers, .engrsTers, and lithographers, Those business Is confined to theprodnetlon of articles covered by the foregoing rule of ex- emptlou, are not liable to assessment as manu facturers. Hunt or A PopuLin Actrkss. Miss Lotty Hough, the celebrated comedienne, has returned from a highly successful European engagement, and Is now la this city. Miss Hough, It Is well known, was the attraction at Laura Kcene's New York Theatre a few seasons ago, and afterwards performed a successful engagement In this city, where she won great popularity. Some of our energetic managers would do well to'eeenreher serrlces for a few weeks. Varieties. This popular place of amuse ment opened last evening. It Is truly what Its name purports, rarltlitt. Where all was so good It Is difficult to psrtlcularlic. We can only say In this connection that this place of popular amnsement bids fair to be, of Ita kind, one of the first places In Washington where dull care may be dismissed. PAFiBMannor Ikdiin Corn Husks. Com missioner Newton, of the Agricultural Depart ment, has received specimen sheets of paper tnado from Indian corn busks, which Is very ....... .1.1 a e . -n to. iv. 1 Militart Appointment. Ralston Bklnner, Esq-i " Cincinnati, Ohio, late In tho Second Comptroller's office, In the Treasury Depart- ment, has been appointed Judge advocate on ,, ,, r pA.Aan. nA v.- i-r. e-..- the staff of Gen. Roccran and has left for the " " '" uuues. - - Naai Acting Master -male George K. ruirn-A r iv. ..... ir.i.., i,..i ,M CIlfford: of hB en Houghlin, having been vice. The President has nominated, among-others, for major generals, Brigadier Generala Slocum, Butterflcld, and Sykes, and about twenty-five officers of different grades for brigadier gen- "al" Pirxoial. Hon. Thurlow Weed, New Tork) Hon. 8. Shellabarger, Hon. It. A. Harrison, '"- V- B. Horton and family. Ohio, and MaJ. 0". Tope and family, U. S. A., are at L lards. Tue Case. Jr, Kennedy Cm sured. Tho police commissioner of New York on Monday made their decision in the case of Superintendent Kennedy, charged with Im proper conduct In connection with the arrest and Imprisonment of Mrs. Brlnsmade. They find that she was arrested and detained In cus tody by Provost Marshal Baker, in 'Washing- VUU, HUU SJJ U UlUtl flUUKUt WillrT lUlkal with the request that she ahonld be detained im transportation to New uncans coma be provided for her. After reciting other facts developed by the trial, the superintendent Is censured for the detention of Mrs. Brlnsmade without Warrant or order In writing by compe tent authority! for omitting to make applica tion to the A ar Department for Instruction in respect to Mrs. Brlnsmade, and for using the station-house for an unusual purpose without the consent of the board. A final resolution declarea that the superintendent, by his earnest zeal, his fidelity, and the ability he haa shown in the discharge of hla arduous duties, haa the entire confidence of the board of police. X. Y. Tribune. OFFICIAL. DWABTMINT Or STATE, Wasblngton, January 25, 1603, Tbe Secretary of State will hereafter receive memberBof Congress on business on Saturdays, commencing with Saturday, the first of next month. WILLIAM II. SEWARD, T AHHKS ON THE POTOMAC. On sad alter the 12th instant day of September, paaiea will be required from all i enels, bosts, fee-., nallgatlng tbe Fotomae rher. These will be ls sued by the Commsndlng Omcer of the Flotllls, and ma) be obtained from the natal tesaelssta tlonid at Alexandria, ur at the mouth of the rher, CIDFON WELLES, Accretarr of the Navy. Navv Uepahtsicmt, September 11, ISW. sep 14 -yiLL. HIS OI'ICNKll TO-DAY, V T 1 11 THE PtOPLL'StlltCULATINQ LIBRARY, iSJ .vtmra arreef, tiear A,, (raif lldt,) WAbHINGTON, D C Terms of aulacrlpt ton i One month, 1 ot CO cents la cents tl oo Id cents. o cents. do do 3 do Uue week. Lets than rUed))a, dev 4 tw CtAMl! INTO Ml POHSKSHION, on or about the 11th of Nov , a Bat florae, with one white foot about 9 or lo j ears oM The owner will come forward, prote propertl, pay charges, and n.eiii . dei ' SAMUEL CASSIDY. Cor list north and Delaware at. Ug 0f the Con ention .ompoied ofdelecatca from the aneral churchca and aaaoclatlona ot color In .a .-,.. It,... urlll I, ii.i M.linurti,! nt. the Diitri.t, tieia in union ueinei a. si. e Lnurcn, Thursday ei enlnr, the sth Inatsnt, an o'clock, uullneaaof great Importance to the renersl wel- , ,, , ,,, colored people will be Isl3 before the , Conienliun lor 11 a cuniiueraiion All Inn coiorcu vjiurvtica, auviauca, anu .aauki.- tlons, whohsienot teen represented in the former meetings of the Com ention, are hereby requested ' to send hi . delerstes esch, with their proper ere- , dentists, st the time sod plsce above specified The public, generally, are Invited to atteud jiy orner oi in. lonienuou WILLIAM SLADE, President James L Thomas, Secretsry d. 3 si J-W.stou'a oft lav.iy Copies of this work ar. for ssl. st tbeotneeof the National Republlesa. Pamphlet edition, SO cents. Bound edition, 70 eents. BY TELEGRAPH,,, , IlOJt TUB ARKT Or TltTO POTOMAC. L attack nr TIIE IiKBKLB. "' M W . '' ri L''"' 'ORDER FROM OENERALTBUnNSIDE. i, v TIIE REBELS LACK 8UFPLIES. " NEW TORK STOCK-MARKET. EUROPEAN NEWS. a THE ENOLI8H TRESS ' On" AMERICAN AFFAIRS.' TIIE AIJVBAMA HEARD FROM. IlHaDQUARTKRI ARHT OF TBI POTOUIG, December 3, 1883. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning parts of two companies, numbering In' all silly men, be longing to the Eighth Pennsylvania cavalry, under command of Captain Wilson, who were stationed at King George Court House, were at tacked by about three hundred rebels, who crossed the Rappahannock In small boats. They crossed at a point aome distance thla side of tho Court House, thus getting In between this command aud the main body of the cavalry. Forty out of thealxty made their escape, and there Is reason to bellevethat more of them will yet return. Capt. Wilson Is among the missing. How many rebels were killed and wounded la not known. The enemy left three dead. Citizens living in King George county, aud who had applied for guards to protect their property, were known to bo among tho attacking party. They doubt liss gave the Information which led to the at tack. The following order waa Issued to-day by General Burnslde. All others who may be guilty of such gross neglect Of duty will thus be promptly dealt with, without reference to ranki Hejldqcastzbs Arht of tor PoTOHac, Camp near Falmouth, Dec. 2, 1863. General Orders, No. 100. Captain George Johnston, Third Pennsylvania cavalry, while in charge of a cavalry picket, on tho 28th of November, having by his negligence, after re peated warnings from hla commanding ofllcer, permitted hla party to bo surprised by the cue my and himself and a number of hla otneera and men to be captured, Is, subject to tho ap proval of the President of the United States, dismissed the setTlce for disgraceful andun-officer-like conduct. The commanding gene ral hopea and believes that a lack of discipline in the regiment and brigade to which this ofll cer belonged did not warrant him In so gross a neglect of duty. By command of Mat. Gen Burmsidc. Liwis KtcnitOKD, A. A. Gen. A flag of truce waa sent over the river this morning for the purpose of conveying two daughters of Dr. Sylvester Conway, of Freder icksburg. Deserters from Ihe rebels continue to arrive dally. They represent their army aa being very destitute, particularly In clothing, 'o salt meat has been Issued sluce they left Maryland. Last week au order as Issued by Gen. Lee that such aoldlers aa were without shoes make moc casins from the raw hides otherwise, do duty barefooted, Caxx Race, Dec. 3. The steamship China, from Liverpool, on the 23d of November, passed here on Monday afternoon. The United States frigate Saratoga arrived at Lisbon on the 17th ultimo. The intelligence of the removal of Geu. Mc- Clellau from the command of the army of tho i-oiomac, causeu a depression in American se- cnrltles, The London Times saya thla Is the first effect of the elections on President Lincoln i Mc Clellan is sacrificed to political Jealousy and by the party In power j he being known to be a conservative and opposed to the violent acta of the Executive. It questions the success of tho movement, aa It makes McClellan aconserva tlve martyr. The Arrnu and Aavu Qautle regards the re moval of McClellan as a deflanco of the Gov- ernmentof tho Democrats, and a humiliation of President Lincoln. "No moment," It says, has been more favorable for bold Confederate movements than now.1 It questions Bnrn slde's ability for the appointment. 'ino text oi tne nussian note rci using tue French proposition of mediation fully bears out the telegraphic eummsry. lucre are vacuo rumors mat i ranee nat sent another note to England, In response to Lord itusscira reply. Tho Liverpool J"w explalna that the "290" recently launched Is not for the Confederates, nut ror tne inina traae. The sale of anndrv fast-salllnfiT coastlne steam, ers, for the purpose of running the blockade, Is reported. A steamer, name unknown, recently left dhe Mersey wltn six hnndred tons of arms, etc., for the Confederates. Tbo Timet and Pott reply to Secretary Sew- aru'S reneciions on ine case oi mo Aiaoama, and emphatically deny thcro aro any grounds for the Federals to complain In the matter, wncro rney reapea tne greatest oencnia. Garibaldi. In a letter to W. Council Jewell. pledges himself strongly in favor of tho North as an opponent of slavery. Ho goca for the abolition of slavery beforo any constitutional question. The continental newa Is Important. The Timet again expatiates on the probablo effect of the Democratic success In the recent elections. It says no sudden chsnge in tho Federal policy can do anucipaieu, out it ia enongn ai present to know tho worst oi ircsiaeni uncotn'a meas ures have been condemned, and will probably be abandoned. The Horning Herald regards McClellan'a re moval as a terrible mistake of President Lin coln, both In a military and political point of view. Tbe Saturday Uevim thinks that Napoleon haa movements on foot which do not appcrou the surface of hit mediation scheme, and eats the express mention of the namo of "Confed erate States," which they selected for them selves, virtually lnvoh ca recognition, and the proposal of an armistice implies an opinion which may shortly be altered Into language moru lnteltiglblo than words. It hlnta at a pro bable alliance with the Southern States 'In con nection with the Emperor's designs upon Mexico. latest via quibnstowm. Athens, Nov. 23 The elections will com mence on the Cth and will terminate on the 10th of December. There la great probability of the election of Prince Alfred to the throne of Greece. This causes excitement among for eign ministers. The country la tranquil. Boston, Dec 3. The bark Mary, at Queens town on the 19th, from Falmouth, spoke, Oct. 13, In lat. 41, Ion. C9 30, the rebel steamer Ala bama. New York, Dec. 3. Stocks went up hlier to-day, under the rumor thai the Secretary of the Treasury will recommend an additional Issue of paper currency. FROM HOLLY BPllINON. TIIE ENEMY ON TIIE RETREAT. CntcAOO. Dec. 3. A dispatch received here from Holly Springs, Mist., states that the rebels evacuated Tallahatchie on the 1st Inst. McAr thnr't division occupied the forts there last night. There was no fighting, consequently the rebelt are believed to be in full retreat. The telegraph la working to Wyatt, Mist., on the Tallahatchie river. . arasun,, rlvl'Js ..ill li-i la Uca.'atkOTlTCaUk.taWaUalr Ar.H tlik BlMkwsit.T, tak.s th. Celebrated Pitts. bslrsx Batt.rx aisil m If timber or PT1S4iiaa era. .IT . till' The following hfr been received at Ihe head' quarters of the armyi ' FOKTaiss Mokhob, Dec". Z.-ilajoT Otniral II. W. JIMeck. OmmUtuhttft An expedition sent xut from SntTolk, yesterday, by Majot General Peck, captured tho celebrated Flttsbnrd battery which waa taken from 'onr army, ano drove the enemy across the Blackwater at Frank, lln. We have thirty-odd prisoners, and art picking np more on the roads. Many of lot enemy killed and wounded. Onr losa trifling. joim.iY. mi, jnajor uenerai. ritosi cortTiucss Moxnoe, Bontherts Items. Fortress Moxroi. Dee. 3. There Is nc newt to transmit from tbla point. Southern papers contain tho following Items Wilmikotok. N. C-rNov. 23. A dispatch te iue uaity jovrruu irom iron ifisner, inia morn Ing, aays that all Is quiet below. The Pocotall. go and Uncle Ben went to tea safely last night General D. R. Jones, of the rebel army, la It Richmond tick, and with bnt alight hopes ofc recovery. n .. . '.. '...... r "A Confederate States Navy Is now the lead log Idea among the most sagacious minds or the Booth." "The steamer Kelbla was run Into and sunk offtbe Bahamas. She was built In Scotland for running the blockade." The Charleston (S. C.) Comin of the '.'.'.111 nit. tayst The enemy have from ten to fifteen wooden vessels lying In tight of thlt city, where they have been allowed to Ito for months, j notwithstanding onr having meant ror reach j Ing and linking every one of them, with per. ices aaiety to ourselves, is air. juauory taaii lug for all of Lincoln's " Ironsides " tfPbe finished! Tho Ralelk-h ( N. C.) Dattu Proorsit of Nor. 27th aayt that Major General G. A. Smith It In Petersburg, and In 'command of a force suffi cient to protect th. approach to Richmond In that direction. FURTIIEIt FROM KtfROPE. Distress 1st Knaxlaitda.Rports)l Mlansider. .tandlnar Between Frauae. tad Eng land. Pobtland. Dec. 3. The steamer Ilibernla haa arrived. Her news has mostlr been re ceived via Cspe Race, bnt the papers received Dy ner contain some interesting aetans. There la Increasing distress In the cotton manufacturing districts of England, and It Is attracting more attention from ine uovern- ment. The accounts from Garibaldi are cheering to i Mm eVtanAa r Political offendera and returned Hungarian I remgeca naa oeen arrested Dy tne emperor oi i Austria. 3V Tbe steamers Saxonla and Itanson would take I out a lanre auantltr of arms for New York. The British Anti-slavery Society has Issued an aaaresa to call ror tympatny witntne eman cipation oi inononn. The Spanish papers hint that Mexico is dev tlncd to become a French Canada. f It is reported that there Is mnch disappoint ment in France at the course of Russia in re gard to Intervention. The London Jtrali says that the relations of France and England have assumed an nnsatts fact6ry character. English cabinet councils have become freancnt. The elections in America are the theme of general comment In England, The prevailing impression is tnat tne Democratic successes are a step towards peace. It Is rumored that an attempt had been made on tne ute or tne l-mperor napoleon. SPECIAL NOTICES. tf-MWS LUCILI.K WESTERN court. eouiif announces to the theatrical publto of W aa).- I inKioiiinainerienginy rniagemeni ot uxwreicia. i unnri Theatre- An encasement which haa been enuallr rralif. Itie I to her peraooal prltie and to her profcaaTonal am onion, win cenauuy vtoie on Saturday Krentna; next, Dec. 0. On which occaalon ihe will bid adieu to a Dubllc. whose hearty klnttoeie and liberal patronage hail iMBacatru ucr mrmury ui many vi urn lunurii ami i aappiei. proieaiionai remem oranges To thoie other friends who hare signified to Ur"! their intention of making her the recipient of a Complimentary Benefit ou .Friday, Dee. G, MIm IVftttatra Begs to be allowed this means of lirntfj-tor. her' I appreciation of their kindness, and Adding the as J surance or ner most exalted esteem ana ner fervent I t nanus tor tms additional and unexpected rat or. deo 4 2t Or KNIGHTS TEMPLAIU-The members ' ofWashington Commandery No. 1 will meet at their Asylum, corner of Ninth and D streets, at 1 o'clock to-day, (THURSDAY) to attend the funeral oi air n. r atccie. By order of the K. Commander t DANIEL BUCK, dec 4 Recorder. P EH MASONIC A special communication of fl toiumDia novai Arcn wnapicr no. id, win wnrw ai r Central Masonic Hall, at I o'clock this p.m , for J the purpose of attending the funeral of our late companion, r. nun itwii n. n. oiccir. vjui,jiu Ions In good standing are fraternally 1 lted to at tend. 8. JOHN THOMSON, Secretan . By order of the M. K. H. P. deo 4 tr-MAHOMICA sDeclal meeting of the M. WTurand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of? tbe District, will be hew this (THURSDAY) eieuk Inc. at l li o'clock, for the Duroose Darin the Inst 1 tribute or respect to the memory of our deceased 9 brother, Horatio N. Steele, W. Q, Vis. and Socre- fi tary, Punctual attendance Is requested tj dec 4 G. heeretarj . n-MASOltlO KUIfKRAI The funeral &?, Brother II. N. Steele will be solemnized TO-MOU-i ROW (THURSDAY) p.m. The Craft will aenvl ble at their Hall, corner of Moth and D streets, al l O'CIOCJC. ine procession win naitnivi o'clock. All Aiasons la good standing are most cordially lnvnea xo join uw procession. 8 , T 1 H 6 O X .- DRAKR'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They puriry, strengthen, and Invigorate. Thuu rtftt a hcalthv anntftlt. They are an antidote to chance of water and diet. h I iney overcome enecis oi uisaipauuu auu ii hotirt. . Theratrena-thenthesTstemandcnUrentheinlitJ fl They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fere) s.l .lucrpurity ueurraiunuuaciuiijr ui lUDBiuuincii ( They cure Dyspesla and Constipation. I l ney cure uiarrnaa, ivnoiera, ana vnoiera mor f m They cure Llrer Complaint and Ncrou ile-id'; They are the best Bitters In the world rhej make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure , St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Callsaya Bark, roots and herb, and are taken with the pleasure of a, beverare. without rerard to are . Particularly recommended to delicate persons re- nulrtnr a eentle stimulant. Sold br all Grocen' DruggTsts, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE fc tu , ivn jtroAuwaj'i new rors, se w m trs-ltalchclor'a Hair Dre The Best In I the World. William A. Batchelor's celebrated. Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguishes irom nature i warraaiea not itr injurs nair in int leattimnedteathe tll-etlects of bad dres. and tnlir orates tne nair tonne, unti, ncu, or nuauui HAIR Instantly turns a splendid Vlackor Brown. J learins ne nair wow anu uraumui. bum vy an CpThegenulnels signed WM. A. BATCHELOR, on the four sides of each box. Factory, nq. Ml isarciay street, (i-atr aaa uroa- way and li i iv uona,) new voric. my ' ty Cf- The Great Peuuayl vaula Iloute-The Quickest and safest route to the Northwest and outhwest. Twothroughtralnsdallr, and one ou Sunday. Soldiers tickets at Government rates to all the principal points In the North and West For tickets and further Information aDDlv at the ol- flceofthe "Great Pennsylvania Route." northeast j corner Pennsylvania aienue andSixtn atreet, un der National Hotel Office open from 7 a m to 6 p. m ton Sundays 9 ta 4 p. m v ' v K. O. NORTON, aug 8 ly Arent t3r Sneelal Notice. On and after Tuesdaw . TTl . t.aA ..A-I .V.A Dm lll n. and rik(..l April 1, 11 1, ISO?, IUV iraiua VU uiv uaiiiuiuiti un uuw Jtauroaa Will commenco iuhhiuj unj( (uuui)i, excepted,) leaving this biatlon at 7 40 a m. aiid eonneetlag at Washington Junction with MailL (n. all tistrtti nftha Wttat ila Vhtllnr nr! Parkertburg. Through tickets sold and bargsre 1 cnecxed r. siutin, M. of Transportation B. fc O. R. R ap 1-dtf