Newspaper Page Text
JPEf blkb NOTIO B.f O - w . ' i "Dfe. it. VELtriT'8 Pi-Tat. itospital, In tu Faderal Block, corner of BtTenlh and F (treats, opposite the Foil and Patent Ofncw. Rooms and 24, up stslrs, Washington, D. C. AH iieuM of private nature treated I n the j most aclentlflc manner, and radical cure tT fected In all earn. SYPHILITIC AFFEC TIOXS, O0X0RRH02A, OLEET, tTRICT URES, SEU1XAL WEAKNESS, or the result of T0LUPTU0 US DREAMS,, or any weak nuaot the OEXERATirEOROAXSttom any cant whatever, or hotr lonir Handing, thor oughly and radically cured) alio OOUT, RHEUMATISM, XEURALOIA, and other SOXES and JOISTS, SCROFVT.A, BLOTCHES on the FACE, ERUPTIOXS on thXJBSand J90r,andall other ERUP TIVE DISEASES and DISEASES of the BLOOD, from uhaltvrr eaute Ihry may Jtavt ariun. AFFLICTED AND UNFOitNJNATC! No matter what your dlaeate, let no falie del' Icacy prevent you from applying Immediately r t'.n- -. i. .i i.i i .-i i 1 .us... ,uu-u .. ... . .., far the motBUCCE88FUI. PHYSICIAN in the ..,,., . , i treatment of private dlaeaaee. Fear not to come and make known your ml.fortnnea, and he will apeedlly tend yon on your way rejoicing. SEI.K.AHUSl. -v.j .. .... i i il That dreadful aeourge of the young, Indulged In when alone, deatroya the generative! organ., unlit, you for married life, producing , weakness of the back and Mmbe, lota of anlma- tlon and mnecular power, palpitation of the! brart, nervous Irritability, loaa of memory, mel. WaMngton City, D. C. encholy hablta, Insanity, consumption, and I fjlKAT KA8TEKN, NORTHERN, akd WEST death. , FRS EXPRESS FORWARDERS. TOUNd MAN I In view of the dreadful con- ,.,,, M.nTT.wUr,,, sequences of delay, do not fall to make your ' ua, atoeka, Band., ...,.-,, I Forwarded with SAFET1 AND DISPATCH to all eaee known, Immediately, to Dr. ellny. i our I acceaaible aectlona of the country. Thla Company ..r.l. wllh ,lm .r. ..rr.,1. .nt .on mar mn.1 hss Anneles iln thepHnetpal railway tjwjjslnthe Cdently rely upon his medicsl skill. Tbouaanda whose ayetema were shattered and who were on the brink of the grave, have been brought back to vlgoroua health by his skilful treatment. 1 A Kill Mil t.rri.l .r.m,. - lh... .I.mri -... r..-VHV, v. .uvu ...u,,,. ..., i matrimony, who suspect thamtelves of lmpo- tency, seminal weakness, or any dlseat e arMng from a relaxed state of the genital organs, whether the result of disease, Injury, touthful Indiscretions, or Indulgeme of the passions In riper years, are earnestly entreated to place themselves under the care of Dr. V. rely wllh certaluty upon a speedy cure, nud up on bring restored to full health and vli:or. He treats with entire success all dlsea-ca oi females, such as LEUCORRUEAor WHITES, LAPSU& UTERI, &c, A.C, and In every case guarantee, a perfect CURE. FEES moderate, and VISITS and LOMMl'. JTPATTr.Vi attrlstl. PDIV1TP nnJ Pin l TlTNTTAl" JJt.liAL. PintAHi. A.iHnr. ... An. ,.. ,. iv. ..,.. ;:::r:::r..::r.u.". .: r.v".:- .uuM.uuiauiDuiaTi.i:iiir.ijtoujuiL, l)j sending a STATEMENT of CASE.A.C, 4c. , J -' V r It. I. I A II KIT Oil, ATTOBXKY FOR CLAIAIAXTS, CORKER or SEVENTI! AND r STREETD, Otfonlt tht Pud Offlrr, WASHINGTON, D. C, FroHtcutca Llalma for Pensions, Oounti Moner, ZXSSE&XSESSShSXL rnmnt Also. Patents procured for Intentors, Special attention given to cases before the Court of Claims Fees reasonable In all cases, to wit: In each Pension case, - - - - as oo Bounty Money esse, ...... 500 Bounty Land case, 600 Pay Claim, -.. sou Widows and minor children who are poor, half the above rates. Those who are exthcmi.v in- dibent, free of charge, except mere disbursements Correspondents will be entitled to share the fees in all cases they forward Consulting counsel, Hon. B H. GILLET, late United States Solicitor of the Court or Claims and former Solicitor of the Treaun , Special Keferencti by Permlulon: Hon. Richard Wallach, Mayor of Washington. Hon. W. W, Seaton, ex-Mayor of Washington. Lewis Johnson 4k Co., Bankers, Washington Sweeny k. Huyck, Bankers. Washington x-tinverjorJunt,of Lockport, New Drk Judac Usrdlner. of Locknort. New Voric Hon. John Ganson, State Senator, Buffalo, IS. V Hon. John Ganson. State Senator. Buffalo h Y hSS: BuS VaSSirn, memSJ of Ces. from w viw, New York, Hon. G. W. Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Uuf falo Messrs. Hubbl. a, Davis, Counsellors, Buffalo, Judge Bow.n, uf Loekport, New York. Judg. Woods, of lACkport, New York lion T. T. Flsgler, ea-member of Cong reia from New Tori. Hon. John Ganson, Pr.sld.nt of the New York nd Erie Bank, Buffalo, N Y oct 28 lm BOSIVELIVS MEDICATED rnnaii c a n ii For COUOIIS. COLDS, BRONCHITIS, IXPLUEXZA, UOAR&EXE'iS, And all incipwU ttagtt of ContumpHoi. or ..!., whol.s.l. , O BOSW ELI. Druggist, Cor Maryland avenue and s.v.nth st , And Z D. OILMAN, Psnn .venue, neer Browns' Hotel Charles Allen, TV B Entwlile, D B Clark, John B Major. L M Smith, B C.Major, 11. H. Mefhcraou, J W. Nairn, 1.C Ford, J D O'Donnal, J P Milium, J F.Dawson, Charles Stott, D G Rldgslj In Georgetown br KMwell, Sothoron iKiiifll, and Barnard. And by Drugglsta and Sutler, generalh Jan 16 pOUTAHLE MILLS PUIl TIIK A MM.. Orricc or DcroT Commiuahi OF SPISUTEKCE, Washington, U C, No , I9U Inventors and manufacturers are invited till the Svth December, 1M2. to present models and samples of Portable Mills for grinding wheat and corn for The followlnc are the essential conditions the mills must combine to men e consideration v. hen presented by plan, speculation, model and cample 1st. Not to weigh over twenty-fire pounds 3d The rrindlng surfaces to be ol fcu.r 'Iwe, HW k - wot WUMJUii .... Id, Each mill to dp capable 01 griudlng 60 puundt of fine Hour or meal per Hour, aSd to te,!.tie of ik-it.aT wnrkai I.V nnp in 111. if Each mill ?obJ." obstructed, If Mle..a, , , that It can be separated into two parts or emiai weight, so as to be carried bytwo men should the Ungth of march, Isck of transportation, or ratlgue it fhe men, or other cause render itsiarrlage too laborious for one man. larwnousioroneinaii. 111. JL.acnoilll (UUVCatLiavieui utiiik uUietl iu a warontonrue.branehoftree.orMtackofmuBkel. Inventors will submit plana specifications, or mod- claof their ullla, oraampl. of the mill Itself, In the of a board of officers They will be re quired 10 present Indisputable evidences of their mills combining the essential conditions abote VBiuii.raieu vj causing in. miiliu vm tu int. presence oi in. .aid ooara If a mill b. presented eontalnlnr .11 of the al ,.,.,.. JvhiS condition., .nd It. cost be sulflclently reason. bl in the ODlnlonof the Department to warrant Its tit purchase, a large number will erj probably be tougbtoMheuMoftheartn). tor lurtner mioruisuou sp;iy ai no. '4jubi , Washington, P. V no2tt J VAT llECKIVEU OUH NEW STOCK 01- Fall snd Winter CLOTHING, which we are selling at very low nrlees. at L. A, BXALD4. CO 'S. NolaWrlnTb Street. sep 25 in between 1 and K. " I'" - JjAwufoM Atnibmo baiuioJ i ii iiiiiibiii ni illinium SSL Pa.iiger Train, from Wftehlnaiton, TUB PAMENoIr TRAINS! between ' WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, AND TJIK.WSTJ win run a. toiiowsi, r uva, IXm Daily Tnint to ITasMnyfon and A,,H(. 7W Dailu Tratru Mwtm llaiYn md tm not. On Sunday, Isrre InefM to BtUtnonnd otulollu ITVtf-a. followa: 7 ao a. m., and s and t p. m. Passengers for the Wait make cloae connectlona at WaihlnftonJunctloa(Relay)wlth the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all polnta Weal, allomr roM for PMMrlpku md Xt York Leave Washington at a. m, II a.m., end a p. m. Tor JtutcpdiiVMtV Washington at ( a. m. and S 30 p.m. FOR ALL POINTS WEST, and stations alone the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad leave YV eshlngton at and 1 to a. m , and 1 30 p. m f and on gundsrs at 3 30 p m. TRAIN! MOVING SOUTH Leaie New Vork atl a. m , Philadelphia at It 30 a. m , Baltimore at 3 49 p. m. Arrive at Washing. inn at fl ft? n rn Leare New ork at p. m , Philadelphia at 10 60 p. m , Baltimore at 4.30 a. m. Arrive at Washing- inn atEII in. Leave New lork at 11 p. m , Philadelphia at 3.10 a m , Baltimore at 7 40 a. m. Arrive at Waahlnf ton at 5J a rn. rHJal Local Accommodation Tralna leave Baltimore ai 10 a in. and 0.10 p m , (or Washington) arrlt .there at 13 a. m. ana i p. m. . , , On Sundsrs at 4.30 and 7 40 a. m , only, from Dal timnre fj0 Annapoll. coaneotlon. on Sunday from Baltt mor' or Washington. paainirralilnf Wash I net on at 6 ami? Ml m, ,,,,-- ,i.-an,toD7atW.1hlntonJune. Don (Relay) with tralna on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all polnta we it of the Ohio rlrer and for all points along the line of the Baltimore and I.r'BaumM, and Wash, Ington dally, eacept Sundays, at 6 a. m , and 3 M P raiienger Trslns testing Washington at e a. m . "a m, and op a , and Baltimore at tJOandvw . m and I no p. m , atop only at Annapolte and Vafiw'Sist take the Accommodation Train.. M.aterof.n.rut'io'n. A I! VMS EXPIIESB COMPANY, umee 01 linn, artnat, NORTH, VAST, WEST, AND NORTHWFST. Ita nrfnelnal otfleea are XTASHIXOTOSj D. C..X. TORS, BOSTOX, PnlLADELTOIA,BALTmORE, CIX CIXXATI, ST. LOUIS, LOUIS riLLE, LEXIXOTOX. Connections are made at New York and Boston with lines torwardlne to the Canedaa and th. Brltlih Prorlncea, and with ateamahlp llnea to Liv erpool, Southampton, and Havre, and thence by turoP""FI""" .'"". ,.'l""S"'.'."'''"" towns in ureal jiriiam ana oo vomiurui Collection of Notes. Drafts, and Bills made at all acctiilblepirtsot the United etate. C C DUNN, Agent, je 12 Washington, D C. OOMUS A. UllOWN, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS AND CLAIMS Ilouuiles, Peuslous, Back P , Uflleers lircniiiiugji mucrjuii - , gjalust the Gorcrninent OFFICE No 410 SEVENTH STRFFT, (Department Exchange,) Washington, D C, Ami Jo. 15 J'ark riac corner of Broadway. opposite City JIaU, Xv York. nfcra. br ncrmlsaloia. to I Hons. Hannibal Ilamlta, Ice. President, Me Martin Kalbflelsch, Mayor City of Brooklyn Api- llh Mlnn.Jr .1 hevr lorlc City i John 'C?1!.!?0. - vti . rV ..--d ii RrtHlnt. M.C.N.Hi Alex. v.. &I & i J fthii Q. AlIavM. C. Mass t Alfred A. .:".? !., c:oc,'Dwih-i .!.-.., m.c.. uonn.t Jonn A- uuriev, w. v., uniojji 'lS-',TEt!ntrnnn?''n?in' lngton.D ft, la th. OMrtook now published, 1WlS&'vS!.Ki&AVli,romiaiA ar. awl co,U, of those Till, 1I. .., I . 7Vl.Cl, I'l. ., ) Chandler. AI. C Mlch.t James H. Lane. M. C . I !.! S'K.'.4!!KeSl J.V.5.1 H'kTS.&i L.N.Mratton,M, C, N. un. in. j ii, -u ... w , ... , -u..a. ..aV-.", .-..-., V" IT-"- t P. B Fouke, M. C , 111 i Owen LoveJoy.M. C, UI F. P. Blair, Jr ,M. Ct Mo i Elbrldge u. Bpaniaing, n u . r. .tA1 irea X.iy, I1 V , n. Zl Jiinjor ucurin i. u uur yeatN. WjckotT, Esq, Pres. WUUamsport City ntii : i Shepherd Knabn. Esa . Pres. Mechanics' n.-i. v In rta If diu 4 " ' PTK''1 ADOMMMT.. i - 4ta 41,0 PAPER nANQINOS, OrALLOKADCIAND miCES Warranted Gold Band Window Shades 1 Bull, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all sliest made to order. Alio, a handsome assortment of Picture Cord and TaattAla. !! at tab andeolors Purchasing for cash, and allowing no old stock to -.(.cumulate, persons needing the above goods will find it to their advantage to give me a call. AMww.wvureiiuut i-.i.i sy.-.v... WDS h"e utrrt rfsular W-MP st 'their trade All worn execuiea ana superinieuaeu oy practical Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required. Please give me a call Remember the number. JOHN MARKRITLR, No. M Seventh street, Eight doors abote Odd Fellows' Hall nov 21 ly T rciCTIIl TEETH I Vsy TwpaW ait I ll"lXf ID XI r 111. InvantA. .nit r..,.nKA nue. tetwren Ninth and Tenth streets. Also, W7 Arch street, Philadelphia mar 19 ly tujoiua 111 Mia ... it o rr.uui)iiuia it- E1 O M I la K DUPHE, I R OX HALL. 34U l'ruiisylvaml Aeuite, Wholesale atui Retail Dealer in KINKHT FAMILY GHOCEHIKS. 1'REXC H ana GFRMAX WfXtM, LIQUORS. CORDIALS. OlIAMl'AGXFS. BRAlHDltRmrtQIXt CIOARH and TOBACCO, Has now on hand 4 icr) Jim atsortmtnt of the above, at fair prices iiUTLERS SUPPLIED, no. . nuitf no. , - T I. WALL dfr CO haie on consign' , in en t, si ineir uooms in me rear rol UI IE-IT. njioF-KSN iiAiicn finlain iliTirtM Jit . nnmnrl.lnir Iv? i V .1 1 mT, lt7.;unit-- 6 'Xah?u2.hV.n tnd Sain Bu ' Walnut. Mahogan) ana nam nureas, f la. '' O"". "' "'' "'" h'' I " . ,,.i.v.ia- f:x7Dton5'XTL,iL--iian 5J nut nud Mahogany Tetetes and Sofas, r.,r.Ior,nr S".-! "Kfufir.' anJ miL Hair, Shuck Mattrasses, Bolsters and Pillows 1 -n-.t. pis.thp ndi Uolstera and Pillows iVJi, .. i. T. ..iVta Vf : all AttSan trrvwla lit lhf . WIM. lr - f " e KOOUe IU llie I urnUhlng line, all ol which will be .old at th. t erj lowett prices to clOM out the stocv. U L WALL M CO, Auctioneers, Corner Pa avenue and Ninth st , South side. ji. (.UU.UIJ, .'i w . .tv tuiiuiui bbbv jiuit inu iuiikvicu aucr mc luin iauu uuwn ui inn uru ofthe Mineral Slate Teeth, attends personal!) at I nance Manual, with the exception of the Battering his office In this city Shot, which must be made of what is known as Many persons can wear these teeth u ho cannot gun metal. Drawings of these projectiles can be wear others, and no person can wearothers who seen at the principal arsenals of the United States, cannot wear these at the Ordnance Agenc), No 46 Worth street, New Persons calling at my ofllceuan be accommodated lork, and at this office with any style and price of Teeth they may desire 1 The projectiles are to be dell, ered, Tree of charge but to those who are particular, and wish the pur-1 for transportation, at the United btates arsenal, et, cleanest, strongest, and most perfect denture on Governor's Island, New ork harbor, where that art can produce, the Mineral Plate will be they will be Inspected 1 and atl such as maybe re more fully warranted. jected must be removed, by the contractor, Imme- T111? ,?,.4.IY,!iLMHTJCB.fcT"Vtav A- ,?by,riblii,S!11 lne1. ft?.ra JLhe. ?lpht ipromptl) and carefullj attended to, rv of Y l: . "v a i I'? IV lumhla.. lfttari of adminlatratlonnn the neraonal t.tate or Den J ami n p Downs, late or Fairfax county, Virginia, deceased. All persons having i claims againsttnesaiaueceasea,arenereiywarne4 to exhibit the same, with the touchers theruof, to the subscriber, at the office of Andrew U ylle, Esq , In the city of Washington, on or before the 26fh day of November nexfj they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate. 1 Git en under my hand this 26th day of November, ' A. D. 18C2 EBENEZER swiNTON, nov 27 Iaw3t Administrator. riMlM 'V .KV.' -V'iVpsVw urrttE ur the ihilv 4UAMwwnii, " J1J Amt or the Potomac, Washington. September SO, IBM. PROPOSALS Invited for furnUhlnf for l)t of ht Muf Of th Potomkfl th follow ln ir 5000 tont'ocif quilltr Tlmoihjr IUf. lecuMlr i balM. th weight cf cU bl to ba 4 M.olraul ihfev.n." " " ' buihtli of Ottt'of th mi quJttj-,lQ tw itronf iKjkHWtllMWtdj 7,000 corat uaK ivna mcaujry.oou, wi lODedftDtlof the bert qokUtjr. Each bid muit b ooomptnled by the endor ment of two rrtpoiu.b.e ptrtom thl the coatnuti If nwirdlwlUbefulfllld. , . Bldi will be opened from time to time u the it tleJce may be Deeded, and oontracti will be awarded for the quantlttee needed, te the loweit mponilble bidder up to the time or openlnr . , t TTe rtjht It rewrTed to accept all or any part of Propoia.4 ihould be enderted " PropotaU for Hay or Oati." or " Wood," ai the mte may be, and en Co.. in ..parat. nv.lope.RUFui! WQK Lieut. Col. and A. D. C, Chief Quertermaatcr. aep34 If PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. DcroT QuaaTEaMAavra'a Orricc. Comer 18th and G streets, Washington. D. C, Nov. M, ISO. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Ftldsy, December fl, I9M, at It o'clock n , for delivering In the city of Washington, at ucb point aa the Depot Quartermaster may direct, one million (1,000,000) Tret of Lumber of the fol lowing kind and description, vis 1 ,... seven hundred and tiny thousand ( fret 44 or one (I) Inch White rine Common Culling.. Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty three (8S.U3) feet Scantling, 3 by 4, fourteen feet long, (Hemlock.) Elghty-three thousand three hundred and thirty four (S3.334) feet scantling, 3 by 4, sixteen feet long, (Hemlock.) .... Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty three (81,333) feet Scantling, a by 4, eighteen reet long, (Hemlock ) . .... All the above described to be good, merehantabl. Lumber, aubject to the Inspection ol an agent ap pointed on the part of the Government. All the lumber to be delivered within twenty Propoaala from dlatoyal partlea will not be eon- iueru, uq an oitn ui iiri.ui;v -.. statet Core rnment muat accompany each propoil- The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, hould It be awarded to Mm, muit be gruarantled by two reepontlble penom, whose elffnaturei are to be appended to the guarantee, end taid gwranto mutt aaxmpany tht bid. The reipontlblllty or the riurantort must be anrxt-n hvthi nfrlrslal Oartlticfa f th Clerk Of the nearett Dlitrlct Court or of the United State. Dlt- trict Attorney. JL IM miliar muat he, ntwaatnt In IKfMn nhfD the Did! are opened, or the proposal! will not l-e comld- The full name and Poit Office address of the bid der must appear In the proposal If a bid It made In the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party Bonds in the sum of fl. e thousand dollars, signed tsv t ha sinti-rtnr and both of hit sTuarantors. will be required of the successful bidder upon signing the contract. .... L deemed Too high is resen ed by the Depot Quarter- The rig nt to reject any or an nu. iuhwij w master. I.fnn1.l nxnnsta.ta tarill tm rlrtfct Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edwsrd There is to be a hoisting engine of most ap JL Hart i, Assistant Quartermaster U. 5 Army, prot ed construction, haWng four drums, and to be Washington. D. U- and snonia I pisiniy mnrKcu .. . I " " . .. it altUUUUt W. ta, auau ' Proposals for Lumber.1 Form of Guaranitt. We, , or the county of, and &tte of , ana , of the county of , and state of , do hereby guaranty that it able to fulfil the con tract. In accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that, should his proposition be accepted, ne will a I oner coirr inio luuinn iu nvmiuauit Should the contract te awarded him, we are pre- nsM.1 tn haMnma hla aactirlt ! (To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate abote mentioned I DWARD L. HARTZ, Capt and Ait't Quartermaster USA. nor 23 pEXKIONHI PKNHION8II -,. a . tton and affidavit, at contemplated "At efernry ot rtgarata at navmgjuru iw .:. f ttafM tf fl3 vnirU the FORVS, wW at the fntfrwftonf often in thit pamphlet. AHL COMPLIED II Hlf "-Commihioxcii or Pensions. "The Manual of Pension, Bounty and Bountj T.nt t au ti nithltahavl hi I h rVti-irrlaona. Wllh. I prflCnUTU UJ IUC ICUBWU uuavv. . .-.-.... ,A t r..n,i . tha mtbt ht th m U ,ou want a RELIABLE OVIDE In making . . ,.. f -r, nanat-a up j our Tension, Bounty or uouniy una pspers, i as to fulfil, as wen as luuinuit dollar andjlfty ctntt and send to W . as to FORM, as well as substance, enclose one ' doi II .V O 11. worrison, wasningion, u - , uu .ip uw i I be sent by mall to any parr oi me unnea siaies, I c..- T-iA nnv 4Aatm1firihmr9t nov JiV eodGt&wSt avwiiuya; Jm J A FIIIEND IN NEED. TIIY IT. DR SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, The great external remedy of the age. prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, 01 Connect I 1 cut, the celebrated bone setter, whose fame Is un I rivaled by that of any living man It Is & certain and immediate cure for Rheumatism, Gout, Neu ralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Burns, Scalds, Piles, Lumbsgo, Headache, Tooth t ache, and all Rheumatlo and Nerrous Disorders, t xxernsi injuries, nc All suflerers should gtte It a trial. RICHARDSON h. CO , Proprietors, Norwich. Conn. . For sale bj CHARLES STOTT, General Agent for Washington, and by all dealers , reb 34 dhwly I , p J- K P A I. Obdhance Orricr. War Department, Washington, November 31, 1863 SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be received by this Department, until 4 o'clock p. m. on the ninth day of December next, for the manufacture and de U rry of the following projectiles, li 1 6,000 ten-inch Solid Shot 1,000 flftecn-lnch shells 1,000 nfteen-lnch Battering Shot. Th THrtlHMIlfl trt ha miiila T lha Iflnfi rt tiislal a .--.... ....!.. -..! I.I. .a . (.. j uiieiy aucr iuc iniuetuon ui ueui ery I Tit j required, not less then 600 of any one kind. Demerits to be made as follows 1 One tenth, of each kind, within thirty days after notification of acceptance of bid, and not leas than one tenth weekly thereafter until all shall be delivered. Payment wilt be made bj the Treasury Depart ment on the usual certificates of inspection and receipt, after each delivery Bonds, with appro. ed surety, will be required for the faithful performance of contracts No bid v, HI be entertained unless It be accompa nied by an affidavit from the part) making it, to . the eflect that he Is an Iron founder, and that if his bid is accepted, the projectiles will be made at his uiut. win w rcuvi ru lor u) poriiuo 01 av nuan- I foundn-namlnir it and Its location t and the rleht ... :. -j . r... -1. .... 'i . . ! rricrtru f ityrti auj ur an umi 11 ueemeu un- satlafactorv for any cause , at Washington City, and ill be endorsed "Pro- ' lu-iaala fnr Pmiaxllaa ivosals for Proiectllei JAS W. RIPLEY, no 26 tDB Brig Gen Chief Ordnance 'M'KtV YUIIK IIUKINRHS. LAW, FINANCIAL, AND COLLECTING. INVOICE BILLS BUSINESS N0TC3 NEQOTMTED. Protested Notes ahd Deterred At t otihTi Uouohtand Collected .STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD (ALLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION oovERXirrxT claims bought. UyG.Z HOUSE, Counsellor at Law, !4D Nassau street, New York. El Ten years In State and United state. Court. Advice gratis a13 DKTECTIVI! DEPARTMENT. MLTkoroLirAX Police, No. QUI Eleveutli street west, Xear the cormr of 2imyUania avenue Tln iiiihltn am haralii IntVirir.ail lia all ...... iCMrVe uPon PPc"on Deuig made at the Po- charge. lice Headquarters, No 1M6 lleirnth street west, under snpertislon of U R WFBU. Superintendent of Metropolitan Police, nov 26 2aw2in TTOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOVB CLOTH- XI I Ing of Lt A. BCALL ft CO , o. atl 9eT.ntli itreet, bettreea 1 &v K. sep2& 3m rOpoiiaiji for tiXnr a.t port X HU BAIal Navy DtrAHTKHHT, November 25,1962. tTHa. NAVY DEPARTMENT will, until the 31 ofiDeeember, istxt, recetva propositions for the ereetlon and completion of a wharf at Port Royal, South Carolina, in conformity with the general peetOeaUoai herewith aooompanjlnr- The proposition mutt etate Che groee amount for which the wharf, derrick!, hoisting engine. Male, rail tracks, end ears will be completed, according to the plans and peclQoatlons, and name the time within which the party will agree to hare It fin ished. Iartles Intending to bid can examine the draw lnxs In the Nary Department, and in the office of the Constructing Engineer in the New York Navy Yard, at the office or the Navy Agent at Philadel phia and at Boston. .... The bid must be accompanied by the usual guar aateethatlf accepted the party will execute the contract, which will be dated from the time the party Is notified that his offer Is accepted, and the contract will embrace the usual conditions. SptcVltatUmtfor Hro Pari Royal, S. C. The wharf is to be In the form of a Ti the part leading from the shore to the front will be (31 feet long and 43 feet Inches wldet and the front will be Ml feet long and 43 feet Inches wide. Prom high water mark to I'sl" water the distance is 33Sfeet from 7' 4" depth to IV " the distance is 140 feeti from II' " depth to 33' " depth the dlstanoe Is 70 feet, and the front wharf will stand in about 27' 6" water, all at high tide. The piles are to be of good sound heart-pine, not less than IS" diameter at the butt, and must be driven to a good Arm bearing) they will be In rows 8 feet from centre to centre, running across the wharf, and seven piles In each row, with fender pile on each side, making t piles In each cross row. These piles are to be barked and covered with sheet sine. 10 ois. to the square foot, from high-water mark down to Inches below the surface of the mud, well and securely put on, to protect them from the worms. The piles will be cut off at the proper height, as shown on the plan, and capped with hard pine tim ber isrr by It", every third pile being tennoned into the cap and pinned, and the others secured with an Iron bolt one Inch in diameter and two feet long. Around the outside or the wharf there Is to be a stringer of hard pine timber 9" by 13", resting upon the caps and strongly bolted at each crossing, and between these stringers there are to be hard pine Joists 4" by 13", laid 13" apart upon the caps, and fastened with (Vtnch spikes at each crossing. Upon the Joists there Is to be a floor of 4" hard pine plank, fastened with one 8-Inch spike in each plank at each crossing. Around the edge of the wharf there Is to be a cap sill 9" by 10", of hard pine, well fas tened and rounded on the top to shed the rain. The fender plies are to be strongly bolted to the stringers and cap sills. Four clusters of about six I -lies each are to be driven, capped, and prepared as oundatlons for derricks, there are also lobe twelve mooring posts of white oak timber, 13" In diameter, well driven and at rongly secured to the wharf, at the points Indicated on the plant these will be four feet above the floor of the wharf, and all piles are to be sheathed with tine, as before described At each end or the front wharf, and on each side of the wharf leading from the shore, there Is to be a landing stair ' " wide, strongly secured to the wharf garni raihlnr to law water mark. The contractor will be required to build a bulk head wherethe wharf Joins the shore, and fill up with earth, to recelt e the rail track hereinafter de scribed. On the wharf, at the points indicated on the plan, will be four derricks for hoisting coal, similar to tnose usea si in rou utpon vo iu nunu titer, provided with all the necessary falls, with sufficient rope to reach the hoisting engine, and shleves for changes of direction, and all ready for use In hoist- "'...' . -"- .v..r. ...-.... ...... Will ha STlrOn oi iutacicnt power io worn in iuui urrntaum iu ...nKnaln Knl.tlna mbI llft.1 Ma narine thatr is to be a frame houie, to protect It from the wtthir. In the capsltls around the wharfthereareto be Iron ring-bolts of IX inch Iron, and ring 6 Inches diameter In the clear, placed at every to feet, and strongh fastened to the sills and stringers On the wharf, and extending ud on to the land. will be a rail track of Iron, about fifty pounds to the yard, with such branches as mnj be rcquiredi the total length of single track being of a mile) me iracK on me waari win ue im uu iv jitm.. floor- with suitable chairs, and that on the land on ties 3' 6" apart, laid In the usual manner. This track Is to be provided with 13 dumping cars prop erly constructed for moving coal On the lend near the shore end of the wharf, as shown on the r Ian, there Is to be a platform scale, capable of weighing ten tons) the rail track will nan oier this scale as shown on the plant there m 111 aUo be a small office, eight feet square, near I in? icaie, ana two oi similar size on me wnan The propositions will be addressed to the " INai v flAnartrnjtnt and mil at hm avlrlpaiaaaNt "Prorifia.r for Wharf at Port Koyet,that they ma) bedis- nnguisnea rrom oiner Dusiness leiiers nor 29 sawtDecss S PBOIAL NOTICK. TO THE CITIZENS OP WASHINGTON, OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AKD NAVY. ODEON HALL, The old and eatabllahed Emnorlum of Clothing. that has. for .0 manv vera, aunnlled the citizens of Washington and vicinity with all that 1. es sential for the elegance and comfort of the outet man, is now supplied with the most complete and faihlonable atock that we hat e ever had the pleaa. tire to offer. COATS, PANTS, .nd VESTS ofthe most desira ble atylee that could be found In the market. Our aaaortment of SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSIERY, CLOVES, &e., oannot be surpassed ana will b. .old at price, that do not allow of compe tition. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS. LARGE STOCK OP MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS INDIA RUBBER GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS. VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, tic. Our atock of BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING la the largest and moat faahlonable that haa v.r been offered In thl. city, and at the lowest prices they can possibly bfl obtained In this city. Call and aee us at ODEON HALL, corner iu street and Pennsylvania avenue, the Great Cloth ing Mart of Washington city. nov I every Tuea, Thurs, at Sat NOTICK-QAVTIER'S RESTAURANT. Th subscriber and proprletorof this well-known and long-established Restaurant is happy to Inform his numerous friends and patrons that lie has ue ceeded In making the necessary arrangements In the Restaurant department, whlLh enables him to comply with the urgent requests of the clt lie us of Washington and the public generally. Inasmuch as he haa completed the refitting ofthe upper part of the establishment for the accommo dation of gentlemen wishing private DINNERS AbD SUPPERS, Jr , arrangements have been made to supply the table from the markets of New York snd Philadelphia (daily) with GAME, FISU, EAST RIVER OYSTERS, and all the delicacies of the season v A choice selection of WINES, LIQUORS, end HAVANA CIQARb, c, froin tha olJ-eatahllahed house of A. Blnlnerrfii Co . lone opposite wwartvs,) wui oe touna constantly on hand. C. QAUTIER. PstorniETon. nov 3 eolm 263 Pennsylvania avenue Nk w v o n ic , NOVEHBEK 28TII. 1862, The Amrrksn Telegraph Company call the at tention oi me puDug to i"iiDuigeui iuc iks. iw on telegraph messages, vli: Section lot No telegraph company or Its agents or emDlOYees shall receive from anr Derson. or transmit to any person, any dispatch or message without an adhealte itimu denotlnr the duti im posed In this act being affixed to a copy thereof navingtne same siampaa mere upon, anu in ueinuii inereoi snail incur a penalty oi ten uouars Section 99 nrovldea that in anv and ail cases where an adhesive stamp shall be used, the person using or a taxing the same shall write thereupon the Initials of bis name and the date upon which the same shall not again be used The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has given notice that stamps are In readiness, and that the law wui uc rmorcci on anu aurr iub ii ui irteui har next. Stamps tan be oMeiued at the usual plates of sale, or at the offices of this company. Mfiirurfa for which the telesraDnlo chances Is twenty cents or under for the ttrst ten words re quire a un etc m ibuili Mesaaa-ea for which the charte Is oter twentl cents for the tlM ten words require a three-cent stamp. i-i IIKIhPIUN'H BOOK STORE, ltr.,n Nortliaiile.liet.l'Stli 1311m.. Tl.a FuUlo will And, In ttila New Establishment ACattfvilyxiecttdAttortmmtofStandtHdttoikt, ( In English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and I tue Ancient utnguages, coropriaiug inn un , thai I . .. ua. a-i n a. i.l ritiiir fra a is jail uu Dictionaries, Grammars. Military anuali, sciences ' Ordrrt for Mooki notOHhamt,dovuttlc or fvrtlgnt will be promptly ttecvttd 'ivr AINU AOENCl WLDIER& RELIEF ASSOCIATION. OOca, No. 373 V itreet, cor Thirteenth. Communictlons to b addressed to J. W. HATHAWAY, State Ageat, oct It tf Lock box 88, Washington, D. C DB. B WKKT INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, OB EAT JIKMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAG0, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, srnams, BRUIsTS, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NrRVOUS DISORDERS! For all of which It is a speedy and certain reme dy, and never falls. Thl. Liniment I. prepared from the rlp. of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect icut, the famous bonwett.r, and ha. been u.ed In hi. practice, for mor. than twenty year., wim ine most astonishing success. AS AS ALLEVIATOR OF tAlK. it Is unrivaled by any preparation before th. public, of which the moat skeptical may be convinced by a tingle trial. Thl. liniment will cure r.pldly and radically, Rh.n111.tlo Dleord.r. of every kind, and, In thou..nd. of eaae where It ha. been used, It has never been known to fall. FOR KEVRALOIAAt will afford Immediate relief In every caae, howet er diatreaatng. It will rellet. fhe worst cases of IfCDCIfCIa three minutes, and la warranted to do It. TOOTHACHE, also, will It cure Instantly. FOR XERVOIS DEBILITY ASD OENERAL LAS SITUDE, arlalng from Imprudence or exceaa, thla Liniment I. a moat happy ana unlallingrimeay. Acting directly upon the nerrou. tissues, It strengthens .y.tem, and restore. It to el.stlolty and vigor. FOR FILES. At sn external remedy, we claim that It Is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal Every victim of this distressing complaint should give It a trl.l, for It will not fall to afford Immediate relief, and. In a majority of cases, will effect a radical cure. QVIkSY AID SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fsH to cure. SPRAtNS are sometime, very ob.tln.te, and en largement of th. Joint. 1. to occur If neg lected. The worst esse may be conquered by this Liniment In two or three dsys. BRUISES, CUTS, IfOlADX, S0XLS, LLCERS, BURKS, AID SCALDS, yield readily to the won derful healing properties of DR. SWEEPS INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, wfien used according to direc tions. Also, ClllLBLAtSS, FROSTED FEET, ADD ISSECT BITES AhD STIKOS DR. STEFllEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, The Great Natural UoneMtter DM. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is known all over the United States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never falls DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT la a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curea Burns and Scalds Immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT la the beat known remedy for Spralna anikBruliea DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure. Headache Immediately, and waa never known to fall. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Afford. Immedl.te relief for Files, and seldom falls to cure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache In on. minute. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure. Cut. .nd Wound, immediately and leave. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I. th. beat remedy for Sores In th. known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Ha. been used by more then a million people, and all praise It. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cure. Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a " friend In need," and every family ahould have It at hand ,. DR. BWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 26 and 60 cents. A Frleml Iu Need. Trylt. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LI SIX EST, as an external remedy, Is without a rival, and will alle viate pain more speedily than any other prepara tion. For all Rheumatloand Nervous Disorders It Is truly infallible, and, as a curatlte for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, fcc , Its soothing, heal log, and powerful, strengthening properties, excite the Just wonder and astonishment of all who have eter git en It a trial. Over one thousand certifi cates of remarkable cures, performed by It within the last two years, attest the fact. To Horse Owners I DR SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMEbT FOR HORSES is unrivalled by any, and In all cases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises, or Wrenching, its eQect Is msgical and certain. Har ness, or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, fcc , It will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented andcured In thelrlnclplentstsges, but confirmed caaea are beyond the possibility of a reaicsicure. no e ui iuckluu. so desperate or hopeless but It maybe alleviated by this Liniment, and Its faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness, andT enable the horse radical cure, rio caseoi ineKma. nowever, is s to f ra el with comparath e ease. Kiery Horse Owiier should hate this remeJj at hand,forlts timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually tirevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render so inaoy other wise i aluable horses nearly worthless. DR. S IV E E T S INFALLIBLE L I N I M E N.T H IJ I. O 1 K 11 KHIKNI), And thousands bate found It truly A IRIEND IN NEED) . Cautlou, To at old Imposition, obserte the Signature and Likeness of Dr Stephen Sweet on ctery label, and also ' Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" blown , ,h. ,1... of each bo.t.e.w.thout hlch non. ar genuine. H1LHAHDSON Si CO, Sol. Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. MUHQAN k ALLFN, General Ag.nt., 48 Cliff Street, New York. Cf Sold by all dealers everywhere, no 11 ly RMLKOAM, SPBjxa ARRAX.OSUSXT. NKW TURK t, I tt K .' THK CAMDEN'AND AMBOY AND PH1LADEL- MIPM t (MP. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO XEtfYdXK AND WAT PIAUESt Prom Walnut Street Wharf autd Kest. ; tatertom Depot. WILL I.IATB An rOLLOW8, VI I At A. M. Tie Cmden and A. Accommodation - o At a. m.. via uamoen ana Jersey uiy-new Jersey Accommodation - At 8 A. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City Morning Mall At lP.M.,riaCamdenandAmboy Accom modation At 3 F.Ki via Camden and Amboy C and A. Fxpress At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City Kiening Express At 4 P. Mfv1a Camden and Jersey Clt) 2d Class Ticket A AW P. M .wlaUiiialngrtnnand JeraevClll its Evening Mall - - - 00 At 13 P. M., via KenalDfton and Jersey city southern Mall ! At S P.M.vlaCamdenandAmbo) Accom- mr-ulaHAn f Ogaitrht and Paasfnrcrl 1st class ticket - JM 3d elass ticket 160 The IX, P. M. Line runs dally, Sundays excepted. The 13 P. M. Southern wayTinKw. or iiriuoi. iTenion.swi., at 7.iu tuiu a. iu.. and 6, 30 and 13 P. M , from Kensington, and 2,H 1. nit irom vViiDUiiirw.wuan, For Bristol and Intermediate Stations at 11 At M . fritm If atnalnarti-in- For Palmyra, Rlverton. Delanco, Beverly. Bur llnrton, Florence, Bordentown, to , at 12X, 1, 4, 0 and 6 P.M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter mediate Stations, at F.M, from walnut street whirl. Q- For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken slnai on Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, above vrainux, nan an nour Dciorvovpnriurv. tne ,- run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run frnm tha IV not. Fifty pounds of Baa-faff only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Baggage but their wearing apparel. aii jMggsge over nity pounas, io do nam lor cj The Company limit their responsibility for Bag to One Dollar nr tVMind. and will not be Uabl any amount beyond loo Dollars, except by special apSJ "ViriNTKU ARRAlVaEMBIfT. PhlUdelphln, Wltmlnsrton and Daltlmors) R A I I. H U A D . On and after MONDAY, NOV, 18, 1MI. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAYH PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at 3 SO a. m . 8.16 a. m . 11 38 a. m.. (Express,) and 10 60 p. m. For Chester, at 8 IS a. m ,11 35 a. m , 3.49 and 10 60 p. m. For Wilmington, at I to a. m , 8. 10 a. in , 1 1 35 a. m , 3 45 and 10 GO p. m. For New Castle, at 8.13 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. For Dover, at 8. IS a. m. and s 45 p. m. For Mllford, at 8.16 a.m. For Salisbury, at 8.16 a. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leaie Baltimore at 830 a m, (Express,) 105 p. , (l xpress,) 6.20 ana 7 p. m , (Kxpress ) Leave Ullmlnrton at 7 30 and It 33 a. m .4 16. 8.45, and 8 60 p. m. Leave saiiBDury at v sa p. ro. Uave Mllford at 4,64 p. ni. Leave Dover at 3 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Leave New Castle at 11 a.m. and 8.10 p'm. Leave Chester at 8 30 a. m , 13 16, 4.60, and 3 30 p. m. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury end Intermediate stations at 6 20 and 7. p. m for Dot er and Interme diate stations, at 1 05 p. m. TRALS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8 45 a. m , 13 05 and 11 20 p. m. Leave Wllmlncton at 4 so a. m . 25 a. m.. 13.36 p. m , and 13 a.m. FRFIOHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows! Leaie Philadelphia, for Perryvllle and Interme diate placee. at 6 10 p. m. jueavo vvumingion, lor rrrryvma anu iniennwi ate places, at 7 10 p. m. Leave Baltimore, for Havre de Grace and Inter mediate stations, at 8 a. m. OS SUNDAYS Ob LY At 3 30 a. ro. and 10 60 p. m , from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 8 so a.m Train from Philadelphia to Balti more will run dally, Mondays excepted. S, M. FFLTON, Jan 2 tf President. F OR UOSTON, VIA NEWPORT FALL RIVFR. AND By the splendid and superior steam- , .jclTfsk, era METROPOLIS MPIRE JOK STATE, DAY STATE, and STATE oP AMINE, of great strength and speed, but particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Sound, runninrtn oonneetlon with the Fall river and Old Colony railroad, distance of 68 miles only to Bos ton. Leave Pier No. 8, North river, near the Battery. IU" (.earner ,iuri-ns dawc, vjji. unjion, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock r. rti,, toucuing at r-swron acn way. Alio itcatuiit luutitvt vtiiV bBgsa. wvnu uu Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 4 o'clock r. ni.. iouoiuiii !, newiKiii cu wail-. These steamers are fitted with commodious state rooms, and every arrangement for the security and comfort of passengers, who are aflbrded by this route a night's rest on board, and, on arrival at Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting ofthe accommodation at 8 A. M , by which they may reach Boston about 8 46 A. M. A baggage master Is attached to each steamer, who receives and tlckete the baggage, and accom panies the same to Its destination A steamer runs, in connection with this line, be tween Fall river and Providence, dally, except Sun days. Freight to Boston la forwarded through with great dispatch by an Express Train, which, leaves J all river every morning, Sundays excepted, at 7K o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at its destination at about It A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at the office, on Pier No. 8, North river. For state-rooms and berths, apply on board, or If desired to secure them In advance, to WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug 17 tf 70 and 71 West street, N. V. WEST. NOKTHWICHT, ANU SOUTH. WE&T. TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS, BANDS-MFN, SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger trains from Wash logton to the Ohio river, without change of cars daily at 1) a. m. and 6pm, and offers greater In ducements to the traveling public that any other route, vix i CHEAPER FARE, LFSS CHANGFS OF CARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICXFR TIME. Thla Is the only route that checks baggage from Washington city to the West. Tickets good until used j and passengers have the privilege of laying over at any point on the route. Passengers procuring tickets by this route, sate the delay and expense of Omnibus transfer. RFMFMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure tickets, Is at the depot of B. k O. R. R. Baggage received at any hour during the day, and no charge for handling baggage. augSO tr O APKTY, HPEKD, AND COMFORT, FOR BOSTON, WOHCESTFR, PALMER, F1TCHBURG, NASHUA, LOWELL, CONCORD, THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. AND JN- TERMEDIATE POINTS. m - tIT aa THE new and staunch steamers of Smttmrn the Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS TWandTITY OF NEW YORK, leave New York dally, (Sundays excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. tn , from Pier No. 30, North Rh er, foot or eatry street, FOR NEW LONDON. There connecting with the Steamboat Express Train for the above points, via Norwich and Wor cester, Boston and Worcester, Worcester and Nashau, and New London and Northern Railroads. Freight taken at the lowest rates. For Information, inquire of E. S. MARTIN, my 20 tf Agent, on the Pier. riVANB & WATSON'S rlllLADFLPHIA, SALAMANDFR, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF S A P T, S. I store, 76 south Fourth street. Philadelphia, Fa. Orders received by w "" VD SHKPHKRD, Corner of Seventh and D streets, Washington, DC Jan 111) JgSlSSIV&&l ccoolecea. Duroh..l for cash of a Northern ' facturer declining buslneaa. Also, a largelot of 10MF0BTERS, WlhDOIT SHADES, LHOCKLRY, GLASS WARE and other i HOUSEKEEPIHO ARTICLES, Including Tartar, Ihamber and other STOVkS. All kind, of CABI-XX-r FURNITURE, both new and .econd-hand. . Partlea srlihlng to buy will sav. tlm. and money t... A.lllnv at tli. ph. an ..h .tarM )f . n mr.t. .r .4. c R. BUCHLY,43 Serenth itreet. east sine, peiwrcn u anu n 7. . RAILROADS. VKW BOATsV-HBW CARS a-SSj-Ajj STUH JIUSTyfi NEW, LONDON, NORWIClI, sad .VTORCESTEr. A1LT. (Snndays Excepted,) At 4 O'clock, P. M. raoH PIER M N. R.. FOOT OF VESTRY'sTREET. The new and maarnlflfiant steamer CITY OF BOS. TON, Wro, Wilcox, commander, from New York Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays i and from New London Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The new and maglAcent steamer CITY OF NEW YORK, Thomas G, Jewett. commander, from, New York Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays if ron. New London Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days. These two new steamers have been built express ly for this route, with all modern Improvements, In eluding Water Tight Compartment, and are the only sleamers ever built for Long Island Sound witn t nis great iiie-preserving improvement. Conductors accompany the steamers each wij. Passengers proceed from New London Immediate ly on arrival of steamers, by Express Train to Bos ton, Worcester. Lowell. Lawrence, Fltchhurg Nashua, Conoora, the White Mountains, fte. fcc ' Passengers returning from Boston leave theD potofthe Boston and Worcester railroad at 6 to P. M., Woroester 7 P. M , arriving at New London to P. M. Freight taken at the Lowest Rates, and delh er ed in Boston early the next day. State Rooms In abundanoe ean be had on boarr steamers, or at the Boston or New York o filets, it advanoe. r. 8. MARTIN, Agent, my tf Pier sa, N. R. GIIKAT CElCTnAt ROUTE For the Weal, via HUDSON IlIVER RAILROAD 'and A'All YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. On awd Afteh DicEMirn 3, 1861, Express Trains leave New York city depots nt Hudson Rlrer Railroad dally, Sundays excepted, as lOUOWS. From Chambers street From 30th street station At 7.33 a. m. 11 30a. m ,0.30 p. m. 3 40 p. m. 10.40 p. m. At 7 a. m. It a. m ,0 p.m. 3 is p. m. Montreal and Buffalo Train with sleeping ears. 10.18 p.m. ua Banaays, ins ioiiow Ing trains will be run tu and from &th street. The 10.40 p. m. sleeping car trsin for Albany and Troy, and the 6.30 a. m. from Troy, and 4.46 p. m. train from Albany. Connecting at Albany with the New York Ceu tral Railroad for Schenectady. Rochester, Utlca, Batavla, Rome, and stations on Rome and ater town Railroad, Buffalo, Syracuse, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Auburn, Geneva, Canaddelgu a, Tralna In connection leave Bufialo and Suspen sion via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and Great Western Railroad, for Hamilton, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago. Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fonddu Lac. La Crosse, Madison, Prairie DuChlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, Rock Island, Musta tlne, Iowa City Burlington Qulncy, Springfield, Alton. St. Louis. Cairo. Terre Haute. Indian, noil a. Louisville. Cincinnati. Davton. Columbus. Cleve. land, and all points West, Northwest, and South west. 1NUBTHEBN ROUTE, Connecting with Trains at Trov. with Trorand nnatAti. and ftens. and Saratora Rnadsfor Skrato. , Whitehall. Rutland, Burlington, St. Albans, Rouse Point, Flattsburgh, Ogdensburgh, Montreal, aXO , AC. tJ" Freight Arangements by this route as above without change of ears, from the Depots In Chant bers and Hudson streets, are at all times as favora- ble as made by other Railroad Companies The facilities of this great New iork Route, to the West, commend It to the confidence of merchants and shippers for promptness and despatch. rassengcr i rains, wnn amoxing ana Bleeping Cars, run in connetlon on the New York Central Road. For nartlculars as to local trains and freirht ar rangements, Inquire at the depot, 33 Warren street. a. . ami in, dee 17 Superintendent. "tfRIK RAILWAY. Passenger Trains leave via Pavonla Ferry from foot of Chambers street, as follows, viz i 6 00 a. m. Mall for Dunkirk and Intermediate stations. This train remains over night at Flmlra and pro ceeds the next morning. 7 00 a. m. Express, for Buffalo and principal in termediate stations. 8 00 a.m. Milk, dallv. for otlsvllle and interme diate stations. 13.16 p. m. Accommodation, aauy, lor ran Jems and principal stations. 4 00 p. m. Way, for Mlddletown, New burgh, and Intermediate stations. 6 00 p. m. Night Express, dally, for Dunkirk, Bui falo, Canandalgua, and principal stations. Tha train of Saturday runs through to Buffalo, but docs not run to Dunkirk. 7 00 p. m. Fmlgrant, for Dunkirk and principal stations. The Express Trains connect at Hornellsvllle with railroad for Buffalo, at Elmira with the Canandai gun and Niagara Falls Railroad tat Blnghamtoo, with the Syracuse Railroad ( at Corning with the railroad for Rochester and Buffalo) at Great Bend, with the railroad for Gcranton, and at Buffalo and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, fcc , and tne uanaua rnuroaua. CHARLES MINOT, General Superintendent. sep 13 oiiahi.es1 CORDIAL Cst-xsa. Is distilled In London, and put . up solely In quart and pint bot J ties, to meet the requirements 4 Pure and Unadulterated Liquor Is a Necessity or a Luxury. It Is the oldest established of all the QINS (I) which have started Into existence upon the basis of Its well-deserved and hard-earned celebrity. It has no connection with, and Is in no way like the trashy mixtures sold as "English Gin,' or "Old Tom," or --London Dock," or London Gin," ko , fcc , no-matter how much " antiquity" or -'respectability" Is assumed by their begetters. Dr. Valentine Mott.of New York, says 1 "It 1 far preferable to even rune Holland Gin, and Is the best article of Its kind I have ever seen." So say thousands of physicians. The New York Herald saysi "We are surprised at Its beneficial effects lt Is a certain safeguard to J health " The Philadelphia Ledger saysi "It has no supe rior. If an equal, In medicinal virtues " The New Orleans Picayune says: "There Is no remedy on earth for dyspepsia equal to lt." The Boston Journal saysi "As a beverage, as a preventative, or as a remedial agent, we want no other. It Is our vade mecum." WoMEMor AMCnicA.foryou It Is particularly adapted. In sickness or health, it Is your greatest frUnd' B. BALDWIN fc CO , SOtE lUrOETEM, 91 Liberty street, New ork. Sold tn Washington bv a.. -m LOVELL, COLLES fc CO , SIS E street, near Pennsylvania avenue. And by dealers generally. dee 12 ij plaAIMB AGAINST UMTKD STATKK. FINLEY BIGGER, (late Register of the United States Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlement of demands against the united States, growing out of the pres ent war, Including the Accounts and Claims ol States, Contractors, and Disbursing Offlcersisppli cations for the-restoration of property Illegally selxed or captured, and for eompensatlon for the use of private property for Government purposes, and for damages for the Injury of such property b the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty lands; and for distributive shares of moneys pa) a ble at the Treasury and due to sub-contractors and They will also gtte legal advice to claimants, contractors, and to unprofessional agents in lit!- Sated cases) and prepare written arguments when eslred. . . With non-resident Agents who may send tnem claims, an equitable division of commissions will be made. , ,,, , .... . Undisputed Demands will be collected an I promptly remitted for a commission of from a hall to two and a half per cent , depending on the amount) and negotiations with the Departments conducted on moderate terms. By prompt attention, moderate charges, long ex. perlence. and a minute knowledge or the ex-laws, regulations, rules, and precedents governing that class of business at the Departments, they hope to render their services userul to claimants and public creditors. . . Reference mat bo made to membersof Congress, and officers ofthe Government! and especially, by permlssion.totheHon.LLisiiAWHiTTMKYtHrst Comptroller or the Treasury. .,., Address Messrs. BIGGER fc SHERMAN, Washington, D C. Office, No. SIS F street, near Treasury and Wll lards' Hotel. nov8-ni. G. W. (JOOUAI.I., PLUMB! II, OAS AXD STEAM PITTFR, 604 Stvcnth ttrttl, mar Cmml BiUjt, . WASHINGTON. All ordera ea.cuted at the sbort..t notUe, lu th i moat aubat.ntl.1 manner, and on reaionabl. terms r.raon.1 attention given to every department ol th. business. nov S3 0$ !i .- !. I! i r . u ri... '. j