Newspaper Page Text
DR. M. TXLLNT'S Hospital, In tl federal Block, comer of Btrenth and F streets, opposite the Poet and Patent Offices. Rooms Mid 24, op elalrc, Waehlngton, 1). 0. 2?- ' ' ' ' """ " -l-Al imiei of private nature treated In the mpat BQlentlflc manner, and radical cnres ef fected In all caeea., STPHILITIC AFFEC TIONS, oonorru(ea oleet, STRICT URES, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, or the result of VOLUPTUOUS iDREAMX, .or any weak. neat or tta GENERATIVE OHO A NS from an J canaa whatever, or how Ions; etandlng, thor oughly and radically cured) alto a OUT, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, and other OBSONIODISEASESottht NERVES, MUS CLES, BONES and JOINTSi SCROFULA, BLOTCHES on the FACE, ERUPTIONSon lUZIMBSmni OJr, and all other ERUP TIVE DISEASES and DISEASES of the BLOOD,- torn vttwttvtr eausi thry may fiavt artun. APPLIOTKI) AND UNFORTUNATE ! K6 matter what your dleease, let'tio false del1 Icacv prevent you from applying Immediately to Dr. Vellny, who la acknowledged to bo by far the mostSOCCESSFULPHTSICIAN In the treatment of private, diseases. Fear not to come and make known your misfortunes, and he will apeedlly send yon on yonr way rejoicing. SKI.K-AIIUSK. That dreadful scourge of the young, Indulged In when alone, destroys the generative organa, unfile yon for married life, prodnclng weaknase of the back and limbs, loss of anima tion and mnscular power, palpitation of the heart, nerrona Irritability, lose of memory, mel ancholy hablta. Insanity, consumption, and death. YOUNG MAN I In Tlew of the dreadful con sequences of delay, do not fall to make yonr cate known, Immediately, to Dr. Vellny. Tour aecreta with him are aacred, and you may con fidently rely upon his medical skill. Thousands whose systems were shattered and who were on the brink of the grate, have bren brought back to vigorous health hyhlaskllfnl treatment. MAMUAIJK. Married persons, or those contemplating matrimony, who suspect themselves of luipo. tency, Amlnel weakness, or any disease arising from a reined state of the genital organa, whether the result of disease, Injury, youthful Indiscretions, or Indulgence of the passions In riper years, are earnestly entreated to place themselves under the cara of Dr. V. 1 hey may rely with certainty npon a apecdyenrr, and up on being restored to full health and vigor. He treats with entire success all diseases ol females, suchaa LEUCORRUEAor WHITES, LAPSUS UTERI, Ac, 4c, and In every case guarauteea a perfect CURE. FEES moderate, and VISITS and COMMU NICATIONS etrlctly PRIVATE and CONFI DENTIAL. Pxnaoys calling see no one but the Doctor. Those at a distance may be TiiiTtD by mail, hy sending a STATEMENT of CASE, ic, Ac. jy 5 .m Ty 1LLIAM PITCH, ATTOHXEV FOR CLAIMANTS, COBHIR OF BZTZXTH AKD T STREETS, Oppoilie the Po Offler, WASHINGTON, D. C., Prosecutes Claims for Prntlont. Rnnntv Mnnai- Bounty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Recrultlnc flMaasa a. I 11 A4II.A (. n.l... I i P uaaas, .mauiumn JUII bllUUI K.1a41( liltS UOV ernmtnt. Also. Patents procured for Inrentors. Special attention given to cases before the Court of Claims. Fees reasonable in all cases, to wit: in each pension oase, 45 00 Bounty Money case, - coo Bounty Land case, .. e 00 Pay Claim,' - 300 Widows and minor children who are poor, half the above rates. Those who are extremely in- aviuavn i, uc i cfltirxB, except mere aisoursements. Correspondents will be entitled to share the fees In all cases they forward. Consulting counsel, Hon. R. H. GILLET, late United states Solicitor of the Court of Claims and former Solicitor of the Treasury. apecuu Jitja-encti by 1'ermittion: Hon. Richard WsUicH, Mayor or Washington. Hon. W. W. Seaton, ex-Mayor of Washington, Lewis Johnson at Co., Bankers, Washington. Sweeny tt Huyek, Bankers. Washington tx-Grtvernor Hunt, of Lock port, New York. Judge Gardiner, of Xockport, New- York. Hon. John Canton, state Senator, Buffalo, N. Y. Hon. Burt Vanhorn, member of Congress from New York. Hon. G. W. Clinton, Judge Superior Court. Buf falo. Messrs. Hubble k Davis, Counsellors. Buffalo, , N. Y, ' Judge Bowen, of Lock port, New York. Judfe Woods, or Lockport, New York. Hon. T. T. Flagler, ex-member or Congress from New Yor. Hon. John Ganson, President or the New York and Erie Bank, Buffalo, N. Y. oct 2S am BOSAVEL1V8 MEDICATED CO HUH CANDY For C0UQUS. COLDS, BROXCMTJS, IXPLUEXZA. UOARSEXEX.Jt And all incipient ttayti of Cotitumptlon, For sale, wholessle and retail, by O.BOSWELL, Druggist, Cor. Maryland avenue and Set enth si., And Z. D. OILMAN, Penn. avenuenesr Browns Hotel, Charles Allen, W. B. Entwlsle, D. B. Clark, John R. Major. L. M. Smith, B. C. Major, H. H. MePhcrson, J, W, Nairn, S. C. Ford, j, D. O'Donoel, J. P. Mtlburn, J. F. Dawson, Charlea Stott, I) G, Rldgely. la Georgetown by Kt.lwwll, Sot Ji or on. Vlndl. and Barnard. And by Druggists and Sutlers generally. Jan IB PORTABLK MILW FOR THIS AIlMi. OrricE or Depot Comhissarv or SuasisTEitcE, Washington, D. C, Nov. , 1SCJ. inventors and manufacturers are Invited till the 5Wb December, IM2. to present models and samples of Portable Mills tor grinding wheat and corn for the use of the army. Tht following are the essential conditions the mills must combine to receh e consideration when presented by plsn, sueculstlon, model and sample 1st, Not to weigh over twenti-nvf pounds. 3d. The grinding turf sees to' be of Mirr ttont. tSSSSSSff "" """ ,0 " ""''" 3d, Each mill to be capable of grinding 60 poumN of fine flour or meal per hour, and to be capable i belLC worked bv one man. 4th. Each mill to be so constructed, if necessury, that It can be separated Into two parts of tmmi weight, so as to be carried by two men should the length of march, lack of transportation, or fntltue of the men, or other cause render Its carriage im. laborious for one man, 6th. Each mill to be capable of being attached lu a wagon tongue, branch of tree, or stack of muskets. Inrentors will submit plans specifications, or mod els ol their mills, or sample of the mill Itself, In the presence of a board of officers. They will be re quired to present Indisputable evidences of their nulls combining the essential conditions alo.e enumerated by causing the mill to be worked in the 'c-reeence of the Mid ttnani. W jmlll be presented containing all vl the atom conditions, and its cost be sufficiently reasonable In the opinion of the Department to warrant Its Eurchaee, large number will very probably be ought for the use of the army. ForfuxtAer Information spply at No. 943 Gut.. Washington, D. C no su TlUT BBOKIVBD-OUR NEW STOCK OF tlFall and Winter CLOTHING, which we are selling at renr low prtoes. at Bt - -L. A. BEALL k CO.'S, ... & No, Ml seventh street, J1st pft-Jm between I and K. -llALTIMOKKAHTl OHIO i RAILROAD. ESL P.asenger Trains front IVaahlnajtoB. THC PASSENQFR TRAINS . aa between ' WASHINOTON, BALTIMORE, AND THE WEST 'will rub as follows? ( " " m Daily Train) to WaMngion onJ vt Witt, 7to Daily Tnlnt l-twm H'aaVn and ( Wist. On Suwtayi, larre freinl la Battimartand oMtothi Mi if is follows: 7.40 a. m:, and I and 6 p. m. passengers for tne west mane cios. connection! at Washington Junction (RHaj-)wllh Ilia Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all points West, ajlrrwrt elncBiiriw. . tornUaitipkiacndlin 1 'or Leat e Washington al 6 a. m., 11 a. m., and ft p. m. For Amapola Leave Washington at 0 a. m. and lio p. ra. FOB. ALL POINTS WEST, and stations atongthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad leave Washington at 6 and 1.40 a. m., and s. p. m-i and on sundaya at p. m. TRAINS MOVINO SOUTH Leal e New York at 7 a. m., Phtladelphla at tl.M a. m., Baltimore at 1 45 p. m. Arrive at Washing ton at 6 so p. m. York at a n. m.. Philadelphia at 10.40 p. m., Baltimore at t.10 a. m. Arrive at Washing ton at S.20 a. m. Leave New TorK at 11 p. m.t rnuaaeipnia ai a.w a. m., Baltimore at 7.40 a. m. Arrive at Washing ton at .3 a. m. ISQsJ Local Accommodation Trains leave Baltimore at 10 a. m, and 6.10 p.m., for Waahlngioni arrive there at 12 a. m. and 7 p. m. On sundaya at 4,10 and 7.40 a, m., only, from Bal timore. . . No Annapolis connections on Sunday from Balti more or Washington. Passengers leaving Washington at a and 7.40 a.m. and 1 p. in., make connections at Washington Junc tion ( Relay) wtthtratnaon the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all polnta west of the Ohio river and for all polota along the Una of the Baltimore and Ohio road, in Mar) lend and Virginia. Traina leave Annapolis for Baltimore and W ash Ingtoo dally, except Sundaya, at ft.43 a. m., and 1.40 p. m. rasaenger Traina leaving Washington at a. m., It a. m., and 0 p. m., and Baltimore at iM and 7.40 a. m. and S.60 p. m., atop only at Annapolla and Washington Junctions. War passengers muat take the Accommodation Train! only. W. P. Ofltll, nov 17 Maater of Transportation. ADAMS EXPIIESS COMPANY, Office 51 Penn. sii-eikue, Wathtngton City, D. C. GREAT EASTERN, NORTIIERNYasd WEST ERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. Merchandise, Money, Jewelry, Valuables, Xotea, Stocks, Donds, Ac, Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to all accessible sections or the country. This Company has Arencles In the principal railway towns In the NORTH, EAST, WEST, AND NORTHWEST. Iti principal offices are WASinXOTOX,!). C.,X. TORKBOSTOXt PIIIlADELPHIAliALTmOREj CIX- CISXATI, ST. LOUIS, LOUIS- VILLK, LEXINQTOX. Connections are made at New York and Boston with lines forwarding to the Canadas and the urn it) n tTOmces,ana wun sieamsnip udco Liv erpool, Southampton, and Havre, and thence by European expresses to all prominent commercial i towns In Great Britain and on the Continent. Collection of Notes, Drafts, and Bills made at all ' acceitlble ptrfs of the United States. C. C. DUNN, Agent, je 12 Washington, D. C. C03IKH A. It HO UN, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS AND CLAIMS. Ilouutlea. Pensions, Back Pay, O flic era I Herrultlnc;, and sill other Jnal Clalmi. ngalust the OoTernment -OFFICK- No. 410 SEVENTH STRKET, (Department Exchange,) Wasiuhotok, D. C, And 4Vo. 2 Park Place, corner of Broadicay, 1 ojtpotite City llall, Xew York. Refers, by permission, let lfons. lUnnlbal Hamlin, Vice President, Me.t piarun Katoneiscn, Mayor miy 01 urooaivn 1 adi- U sh Mann, Jr., New York citytJonn n.uooowin. .. -., iie.( inomii m, tuwirui, in. -. , . ., vriM II. RnlUni. M. C. N. H.t Alex. H. Rice. :. c, Me.t Thomas M. Edwarus, m. u., n. it.v -a- C, Mass.t John B. Alley, M. C., Mass.i Alfred A. Burnham. M..C. Conn.i Dwieht Loo mis. M. L. Conn.i John 'A. Gurley, M. C., Ohio t James M. Ashley, M. C,, Ohloi Sidney Ednrton, M. C, Ohiot John Hutchlns, M. C- Ohloi John Corode, M. C, Pa. 1 Robert McKHlrht. M. O. Pa.i Justin S. Mor rill, M. C. Vt.t John F. Potter, M. C, Wla. Z. Chandler, JI. O, Mich. James H. Lane, M. C, Kansas; Cyrus Aldrlch, M. C, MIqq.j Win. Kel locff, M.C.. lll.t John T. Nlxoo.M. C.N.J.t John L. N.Stratton.M. C N. J.t P. B. Fouke, M. C, lll.i Owen Lorejoy, M. (L, IlLt F. P. Blair, Jr., M. Cldo.f ElbMdge G. Spauldlnc, M, C. N. Y.i Al fred Ely,' M. C N. Y. Major General H.B.Dur Seat N. .Wyckoff, Esq. Fret. Wllilamsport City ankt Shepherd Kntpp, Esq.. Pret, Mechanics' Bank. Jy26 tf f NTCUIOH ADORNMENTS. Urt 486 PAPER HANGINGS, OFALLOlaADESAHO ml CM. Warranted Gold Band Window Shades 1 Bull, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all slies) made to order. Alto, a handsome assortment of Picture Cord and Tassels, all sizes and colors. Purchasing for cash, and allowing no old stock to accumulate, persons needing the above goods wilt And It to their advantage to give me a call. All work executed and superintended by practical men, who ha e served a regular apprenticeship at their trade. satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required. Please give me a call. Remember the number. JOHN MARKH1TER, No. 466 Seventh street, Eight doors abore Odd Fellows' Hall. nor 20 !) rPEETHl TEETH I M. LOOMIS, M. D, the Inventor and patentee of the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends personally at his office In this city. Many persons can wear these teeth who cannot near others, and no person can wear others who cannot wer these. Persons calling at ray offloe can be accommodated with any style and price of Teeth they may desire) but to those who are particular, and wish the pur est, cleanest, strongest, and most perfect denture that art can produce, the Mineral Plate will be more fully warranted. Rooms in this city No. 338 Pennsylvania ate nue, between Ninth and Tenth streets. Also, 907 Arcn street, rnuaaeipnia. mar i ly HMD. K D tr PRE, IR OX HALL, ' .TIO Pennsylvania Avenue, Wholetale and Retail Dealer in riNEHT FAMILY' GROCERIES, FREXCII ad QERMAX WIXES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, CUAMPAGXFS, I RTtASDY, RUM, OIX, CIGARS and TOBACCO, Hst now on hand 1 a tery Jine atiottinent of the above, at fair prices. SUTLERS SUPPLIED. UovSd TTkStf Y L. WALLafc CO. hate on con lieu- luent, at their Rooms In thereerol ToTLiVDFfn'i: HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES. ke comprislng- Mahogany, waiuui anu riein wsruroucs, 11. U Walnut. MihOaTsnv and Plain Bursas. Jena) Lind, French Cottage, Plain and other Bed- I s lead , 1 x tension and other Tables, Walnut and Mahogany Tete-a-tetes and Sofas, Parlor Cane Wood-seat Rockers and Chairs, Hair, Miuck Mat trasses. Bolsters and Pillows. t ttruets. Beds. Bolsters and Pillows. With h large varletyof all other goods In tne FurnUhtne line, all or which will be sold at the 1 orv lowent nrlces to close out the stock.' VV L. WALL k CO., Auctioneers, Corner Pa. avenue and Ninth st.. now aw South side. mil If iu to Ol Vic NOTirt.' tii.i i. t i. -subscriber hath obtained from the Orphans' i kouri 91 v tuittiisivu vuuuij, ia me avisinei 01 l-o-itfnbla. letters or admlnUtration nn th nnnnil alsita of Benlamln P. Downs, lata fit Firfa county, Virginia, deceased. All persons having I claims agalnstthcealddeeessed, are herebywarned I to exhibit the seine, with the vouchers thereof, to the me omceoi Anurew wyue, tea., in the city of Washington, on or before the 36th day of NavaJtber next) they may otherwise by law be exclu4ttl,from all benehf of the aald estate. GU en uddr my hand this 26th day of November, A. D. HM0- - EBENEZER S. WINTON, nor 37 lawst Administrator. A HKT PPPI.IM.'t K Orr.Vor xr CHirTsWiulLy la, " AaMYOrTHE FOTOMAt, AVuKlnrten. Imtimtwrta 18C1. PROPOSALS ere Invited tor furnishing for the utvphafmoMkPouBM the following ar row) tout twit quality Timothy Hey. securely baled,' the weigMrof each bale to be mtrira mrwD. 2,000.000 bushels or Oats, or tht beet quality, U tramr tacks, well sewed. t 7,000 cords Oak and Hickory Wood, wtll sea soned and or the beat quality. Each bid mutt bt accompanied by the endorse mem oi iwo responsiDie yrr am tnai uia mnirait tr awanltd wlU U fulQUed. Bids will b optned rrom time to time at the ar ticle! may be needed, and eontraota will be awarded for the quantities needed, te the loweat reiponilble bidder up to the time or openlnr. The right la re-erred to accept all or any part of any bid. Propo.aW should be endorsed ' Proposals for Hay or Oats," or " Wood," as the oaae may be. and civ close In separate envelopes. r HUFU8 INOALLS, Lieut. Col. and A. D. C. Chtff Quartermaster. scp 24 tr "pnoposAi.B for. lumber. Dtror QuAnTEEMASTxm's Ornct. Corner 18th and Q streets, Washington. D. C, Nor. 34. 19C2. SCALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Friday. December 619-3, at is o'clock m.,for deltrertnf in the city or Washlnfton, at tuoh point as the Depot Quartermaster mar direct, one million (1,000,000) feet of Lumber of the fol lowing kind and description, til i Seven hundred and fifty thousand (750,000) feet 4-4 or one (1) Inch White Fine Common Culling. Elghtjr-three thousand three hundred and thirty three (SJ.S3J) reet Scantling, S by 4, fourteen feet lone, ( Hemlock.) Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty four 183.114) reet Scantling, S by 4, sixteen feet long, (Hemlock.) Eighty-three thousand three hundred and thirty- inree (n,iui leex acanuini;, oy , cigaivra feet long, (Hemlock.) All the above described to be good, t Lumber, subject to the inspection ot merchantable Lumber, sublect to the lnsDecuon ot an acent ap pointed on the part or the Government. All the lumber to be delivered within twenty days after signing the contract. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be con sidered, and an oath of allegiance to the United States Government must accompany each proposi tion. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whoso signature are to be appended to the guarantee, and $aid guarantee, mutt accowipanf the bid. The responsibility or the guarantors must be. shown by the official certincafe or the Clerk or the nearest District Court or or the United states Dis trict Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or the proposals will not be consid ered. The full name and Post Office address or the bid der must appear In the proposal. ir a bid Is made In the name or a firm, the names or all the partlea must appear, or the bid will be considered aa the Individual proposal or the party Bonds In the sum or fire thousand dollars, signed far the contractor and both or his ruarantors, will ( be required of the successful bidder upon signlnf I the contract. The right to reject anr or all bids that may be deemed too high is reten ed by the Depot Quarter master. Informal proposals will be rejected. Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. Hsrti, Assistant Quartermaster U. 3. Army. I Washington, D. C, and ahonlar be plainly marked " Proposals for Lumber." . Form of Guarantee. We, .of the county of, and state or , I and , of the county or , and state of, do hereby guaranty that Is able to fulfil the con tract, in accordance with the terma or his proposl ( tion, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract In- accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him, we are pre pared to become his securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate iibore mentioned.) EDWARD L. HARTZ, Capt. and Ass't Quartermaster U. S. A. nor S3 pElVRIO.N.I PKNHIONSM " So attorney wilt be regarded at having Jlted the necettary declaration and -affidavit at contemplated by the tilth tectum of the act, vnlett the FORMS, a trtll at the inetructiont given in thtt pamphlet, ARE STRICTLY COMPLIED H'lTW." COMMIssiOHE or Pensioks. "The Manual of Pension, Bounty and Bounty Land Laws, published by the Morrisons, Wash. lngton, D. C, la the ONLY book now published, ILL the FORMS In which are exact copiet ot those prescribed by the Pension Office. No other Manual to be round In the market has them. If you want -a RELIABLE QVIDB In making up lour Pension, Bounty or Bounty Land papers. 1 as to FORM, as well as substance, enclose one I dollar and Jlftg rents and send to W. H. h O. II. Morrison, Washington, D. C, and the book will be sent by mail to any part of the United states, l Poxtage Paid, nor 26 eod6tkwJt A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. I DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, ' The great external remedy of the age, prepared from the recipe or Dr. Stephen Sweet, ofConnecti , cut, the celebrated bone setter, whose fame lsun I' rivaled by that of any living man. It Is acertaln 1 and Immediate cure for Rheumatism, Gout, Neu ralgia, Spratns, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, 1 Burns, Scalds, Piles, Lumbago, Headache, Tooth 1 ache, and all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders, External Injuries, .Ve. All sufferers should rive it a trial. RICHARDSON k CO.. ProDrletors. Norwich, Conn. For sale by CHARLES 8T0TT, General Agent for Washington, and by all dealers. t feb34-dkwly p H O P O B A I. S , OanifANCE OrricE, War Department, Washington, November 34, ist. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by this Department, until 4 o'clock p. m. on the ninth day of December next, for the manufacture and de livery of the following projectiles, Ii 1 0,000 ten-inch Solid shot. l,uuonfteen-inch shells. 1,000 fifteen-inch Battering Shot. The projectiles to be made 01 the kind or metal, and Inspected after the rules laid down In the Ord nance Manual, with the exception or the Battering Shot, which must be made or what Is known as gun metal. Drawings of these projectiles can be seen at the principal arsenals of the United states, at the Ordnance Agency, No. 46 Worth street, New York, and at this office. The projectiles are to be delivered, free of charge for transportation, at the United States arsenal, ou Governor's Island, New York harbor, where they will be inspected and all such as may be re jected must be removed, by the contractor. Imme diately after the Inspection of each delivery. Bids will be received for any portion of the quan tity required, not less than GUO of any one kind. Deliveries to be made as follows 1 One tenth, of each kind, within thirty dajs after notification of acceptance of bid, ana not less than one tenth weekly thereafter until all shall be delivered. raiment will be made by the Treasury Depart ment on the usual certificates of inspection and receipt, after each delivery. Bonds, with approved surety, will be required for the faithful performance of contracts. No bid will be entertained unless It be accompa- .! t... .(441. ..It (-.,. . 1,. .. .l.l i.'i. iku v) aui Biuuaf 11 Hutu uiv fail) uintullf II, lu the eRect that ha la an Iron founder, and that If his bid Is accepted, the projectiles will be made at his foundry naming It and Its location f and the right Is reserved to reject any or all bids if deemed un satisfactory for any cause. Pronossls will be addressed to the underslrned at Washington City, and will be endorsed ' Pro- possis lor rrojecuies." JAS. W. RIPLEY. nov 25 tD 9 Brig. Gen. Chief Ordnance. X E W YORK BOSINEB8. LAW, FINANCIAL AND COLLECTING. INVOICE BILLS A BUSINESS NOTES .NEGOTIATED. PaoTtiTED Notes and Deferred Accounts Bovohtand Collected. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION. GOVERNMENT CLAIMS BOUGHT. By C.Z. HOUSE, Counsellor at Law, 35 Nassau street, New York. CrTen years In State and United States Courts. Advice gratis. apis - , 1 U ETECTIVE DEPARTMENT. MeTKorourAK police, No 610 Kl even tH atreet west, ,Veur the corner of Pennsylvania avenue The public are hereby Informed, that all cases requiring the services of a detective officer will be promptly and carefully attended to, "m of charge," upon application being made at the Po lice Headquarters, No. 510 Eleventh street west, under supervision of W B. WEBB. Superintendent of Metropolitan Police, nov 46 3aw2m VTOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR CLwTH- lngol L. A. BEALL & CO., No. 861 Seventh street, between I a. K. PROPOSALS FOR .WHARF AT PORT ! '-Navv DxrAHTstEiiT.Noremberss.lMt. I THE NAVY DEPARTMENT will, until 'the) B ui'ueeesnoer, sows, nwirs propoauiona tor tee ereetioa and completion of 11 Wharf at Port RoraL south Carolina, to conformity with the general peelftcauons herewith. acoBpaying The proposition most state the gross amount for which the wharf, derricks, hoisting eagtae, acale, rail tracks, and ears will be completed, according to the plana and spedQeattona, and name tht time within which the party will agree to hare It iln- Parilee Intendlae to idd eaa examlna lhdraw logs In the Nary Department, and in tht office of me uoDSirncung sAguiavr tne new a or nary Yard, at the offiet of tht Nary Agent at PhUadel- The bid must bt accompanied by tht usual guar nMuiiiii atcovpiMi ui v7 win execute in contract, which will be dated from tht time the party is notified that his offer la accepted, and the contract will embrace the usual oondltlona. Specification fer si Wharf at Port Royal, S. C. Tht wharf Is to bt In the form of Ti tht part leading rrom the short to tht front will be 631 feet long and 43 feet Inshes wldet and tht front will bt 901 feet long and 43 feet Inches wide. From high water mark to 7' " water the distance la 3CS fectt from 7' t" depth toll' t'Mht distance Is 140fecti from 11' " depth to 24' " depth the distance is to feet, and tht front wharf will stand in about 2T" water, all at high tide. Tht piles are to bt of good sound heart-pine, not lese than 13" diameter at tht butt, and must be driven to a good firm bearing they wilt be In rows S feet rrom centre to centre, running across tht wharf, and seven piles In each row, with a fender pile on each side, making t piles in each cross row. These piles are to bt barked and covered with sheet sine, 10 021. to tht square root, rrom high-water mark down to Inches below the surface of tht mud, wtll and securely put on, to protect them rrom tht worms. The piles will be cut off at the proper height, as shown on the plan, and capped with hard pine tim ber 13" by 12", every third pile being teononed Into the eap and pinned, and the others eeeured with an iron bolt one Inch In diameter and two feet long. Around tht outside or tht wharf there Is to be a stringer of hard pine timber I" by 13", resting upon tht caps and strongly bolted at each crossing, and between thM strlnrcn there are to be hard Dint joists 4" by 13", laid 13" apart upon the caps, and fastened with 64noh eplkea at each crossing. Upon inejoisie inereisiooeanooroi sr'narupuipinK. fastened with ont 8-Inch spike In each plank at each crossing. Around the edge of tht wharf there Is to be a cap sill 3" by 10", of hard pine, well fas tened and rounded on tht top to shed the rain. Tht fender piles art to bt strongly bolted to the stringers and cap tills. Four clusters of about six (lies each art to bt driven, capped, and prepared aa oundatlons for derricks) there art also to bt twelrt mooring posts of white oak timber, 13" In diameter, well driven and strongly secured to tht wharf, at tht points Indicated on the plant these will be four feet abore tht floor of tht wharft and all piles art to be sheathed with sine, as before described. At each end of tht front wharf, and on each side of tht wharf leading from the short, there is to be a landing stair i'" wide, strongly secured to the wharf, and reaching to low water mark. Tht contractor will bt required to build a bulk head where the wharf Joins the short, and fill up with earth, to receive the rail track hereinafter de scribed. On the wharf, at the points Indicated on tht plan, will be four derricks for hoisting coal, similar to those used at the coal depots on the North river, provided with all the necessary falls, with sufficient rope to reach the hoisting engine, and shieres for changes or direction, and all ready for use In hoist ing coat. A particular description of these derricks will bt given. There Is to be a hoisting engine or most ap proved construction, having four drums, and to be or sufficient power to work the four derricks at the same tlmeln hoisting coal. Over this engine there Is to be a frame house, to protect It from the wttinrr. In the csdbIIIs around the wbarfthereareto be Iron ring-bolts of IK loch Iron, and ring Inches diameter In the clear, placed at every 00 feet, and strongly lasicnea 10 me suis ana stringers. On the wharf, and txtendlng up on to tht land, Will be a rail track of Iron, about fifty pounds to the yard, with such branches as may be reqult-di the total length of single track being X of a mtlet the track on the wharf will be laid on the plank floor, with suitableehalre, and that on the land on ties 3' 6" apart, laid In the usual manner. This track Is to be provided with 13 dumping cars prop erly constructed for moving coal. On the land near the shore end of the wharf, as luvwn on nv pin, mere ii iowi piBwurm iciue. capable ofwelghlng ten tonsf the rail track will past oreruusacaie as snown on inepiantmere will also bt a small office, tight feet square, near the scale, and two of similar size on tht wharf. The proposltloni will be addressed to the "Navy Department," and must be addressed "Proposals for Wharf at Port Royal," that thry may be dis tinguished from other business letters. nor St 4awtDec27 S FECIAL NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF WASHINOTON, OFFICER'S or THE ARMV ASD AM IT. 0DEO.N HALL, Th. old and eatabUahsd Emporium of Clotolnt;, that haa, for ao many TCara, auppUcd th. cttlseaa of Washington and vlclnltr with all that la es sential for tb. alesano. and comfort of tho outei man. la now aupplled with th. most complete and fashionable stock that we have erer had tne pleaa. ure to offer. COATS, PANTS, and VESTS of the most desira ble styles that could be found In the market. Our assortment of SHIRTS, DRAWERS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, ac, cannot be aurpassed and will b. aold at prlcea that do not allow of compe tition. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. INDIA RUBBER GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS. , VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, to. Our stock of BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING Is the largest .nd most fashionable that has ever been offered In thla cltv, and at the lowest prices they can posslblr be obtained tn thla city. E" Call and aee ua at ODEON HALL, corner 4K atreet and Pennsylvania avenue, the Great Clothing- Mart of Washington city. nov I every Tues, Thurs, fc Sat 59 TAKE NOTICE. 59 M. T. PARKER, NO. 63 LOUISIANA AVENUE, Respectfully and cheerfully returns thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto received. Having every facility for doing THE BEST HOUSE, SIGN, AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. Together with all work pertaining to a Fi arr et, a is Painting Establishment. He has no hesitancy In soliciting a continuance of the publls's favor. HI Price are Reatotuxblej The Work Unexceptionable 1 And particular attention Is paid to PROMPTNESS IN DELIVERY. tf-Remember the number I av Louisiana Avenue, oct 31 sm bet. sixth and Seventh streets. NK IV Y O II 1C , NOVEfttaEH 38rM, 1863. Tht American Telegraph Company call the at tention of the public to the language of the tax law on telegraph messages, rlst Section 104. No telegraph company or Its agents or employees shall receive from any person, or transmit to any person, any dispatch or messsge without an adhesive stamp denoting the duty Im posed by this act being affixed to a oopy thereof having the same stamped thereupon, and in default thereof aball Incur a penalty or ten dollars. Section St provides that In any and all cases where an adhesive stamp shall be used, the person using or affixing the same shall write thereupon the Initials of his name and the date upon which the same shall not again bt used. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has given notice that stamps are In readiness, and that the law will bt enforced on and after the 1st of Decem ber next. Stamps can be obtained at the usual places of sale, or at the offices of this company. Messages for which the telegraphic charges Is twenty cents or under for the it rut ten words re quire a one-cent stamp. Messages for which the charge Is over twenty cents for the first ten words require a three-cent stamp. de I lw IIEILPRIN'K . BOOK STORE. '41. P., v North atdelb.t,l!itli 1311. sis, Th. Public will find, In thli New Establishment, A Cartf ullyStttcted Attortment of Standard It'otkt, In English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and the Ancient Languages, comprising msTonr, txav EU.roETnv, xovels, and well as Cycloptedlas, Dictionaries, Grammars, Military anuala, Maps, and Books on the natural and other ctenCel. Ordtrt for Jtocij not on hand, dometttc or fotelgn, ief be promptly executed. no Ss im fmiE CHEAPEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN J. town Is at L. A. BE ALL b CO., No. 301 Seventh street, seS 1m between I and K, ,rVR. BWBlT'jl INFALLIBLE,. u LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC. AND NERVOUS DISORDERS) " . For all of whloh It Is a speedy and certain reme dy, and never falls. This liniment Is prepared from tht recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect icut, tht famous bone-tetter, and has been used In his practice, for more than twenty years, with tht most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIS, It la unrivaled by any preparation before tht public, of which tht most skeptical may bt convinced by a single trlaL Thla Liniment will eure rapidly and radically. Rkiesunatle EHeerder of every kind, and, In thousands of eases, where It has been used, It has ntrer been known to fall. FOR SEVRALQUAt will afford Immediate relief In every case, however distressing. It will relieve tht worst eases or HEADACHE la three minutes, and Is warranted to do It. TOOTHACHE, also, will It cure Instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LAS- StTVDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this Liniment Is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, It etrengthena and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and rigor. FOR P1XE& As an external remedy, we claim that ifis.the best, known, and wt challenge tht world to product ah equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give It a trial, for It will not fall to afford immediate relief, and, in a majority of cases, will effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT art sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment' will nerer fall to SPRAINS art sometimes very obstinate, and en largement of the joints Is liable to occur tf neg lected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment In two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS, AND SCALDS, yield readily to the won derful healing properties of DR. SWEETS INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to direc tions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, The Great Natural Dot.e Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, is xnown an over me untied siaies. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, is ine autnor oi " vr, sweet's la ramble Liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never falls. DR. SWEET'SINFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns snd Scalds Immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains andrSrulses DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache Immediately, and was never known to falL DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENf Affords Immediate relief for Plies, and seldom falls to cure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache In one minute. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cuts and Wounds Immediately and leaves no scar. DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Haa been used by more than a million people, and all praise It. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera, DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a "friend in need," and every family should have It at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 36 and 60 cents. A Friend lu Need. Try It. ni cit'rrnc ivrjrrrnrr rrvrurtw . . external remedy, Is without a rival, and will alle viate pain more speedily than any other prepara tion. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders It Is truly infallible, and, as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprsias.Brulses.aLC,, its soothing, heal ing, and powerful, strengthening properties, excite the Just wonder and astonishment of all who hare ever given It a trial. Over one thousand certifi cates of remarkable cures, performed by ltwlthln the last two years, attest the fact. To Horse Owners! VR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and In all cases or Lameness, arising rrom Sprains, Bruises, or Wrenching. Its effect Is magical and certain. Har ness, or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, fro., It will alaa cure sneedllv. Srjavln end Rlnrbone nir ho essily prevented and cured In their Incipient stages, dui cuuiiiwcu ctasca i uvyuuu uc uuaauuuiiy oi radical cure. No case of the kind, however, Is so desperate or hopeless but It maybe alleviated by this Liniment, and Its faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness, and enable the horse to travel with comparative ease. Kvery Horse Uvruer should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at tht first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses art liable, and which render so many other wise valuable horses nearly worthless. D K. 5 W E E T S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS TflE ULtUIBIi'tt KHIKNU, And thousands hai e found It truly A FRIEND IN NEEDI I Cnutlou. To avoid Imposition, obsene the Signature and Llkroess of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also " Stephen sweet's Infsllible Liniment " blown In tht glass of each bottle, without which none art genuine. RICHARDSON fr CO., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, ct, MORGAN fr ALLEN, General Agents, 48 Cliff street, New York, CT Sold by all dealers everywhere, no U-ly KAILUOADS. . MP.R IN(t A RHANdtfHtfFT; -'N'KW YORK aVlXfe's,- THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON KA1L.RUAU UIMfA NIEV LINKS. . - . FROM rmLA&ELriUA TO NKVrtOHK AND, WAT PLAGES. From Walnut Street "Wharf and, Ken. -I umcrem LMpoi, WILL LRATB At FOLLOW, VII I Fare. At A. M., rla Camden and Amboy C k A. AtrommotlAllOll a afai.atw A. M., rlaCamden and Jersey City-New Jersey Accommodation - - - .2,25 A. M-vla Kensington and Jersey Cttyj Moraine Mall ,.. 100 At At 8 At lSKPaM-avfaCamdenandAmboy Accom modation - . "''' S.M At 3 P. N., via Camden and Amboy Cand A. Express a. b At 4 P. M.t via Camden "and Jersey City Evening Express " , , ., ,'S.OO At 4 R M., via Camden and JerseyClryy , ,2d Class Ticket -' ,.-..- '1.38 At 4 P.M., rla Kensington and Jersey Cltyi - EreningMaU ' - " 10 At 13 P. M.,vTa Kensington and Jersey City) Southern Mull - S.00 At 0 P.M.. via Camden and AmborAeoom- 4 modatlon (Freight and Passenger) . 1st clsss ticket - - 9.35 9d class ticket - 1.60 Tht 6H P. M. Lint runs dally, Sundays excepted. The 13 P. M. Southern Mall runsdally. wayTinei. For Brtttol, Trenton, fro., at 7.10 and H A. M.. and B, S.W and 13 P. M-, from Kensington, and 3)1 P. M. from Walnut street wbarf. For Bristol snd Intermediate Stations at UK A. Mm from Kensington. ., . For Palmyra. Ill verton, Delancd, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Bordentownko., at 13H, 1, 4, S andflXP.M. . , . i Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter mediate stations, atX p. M., from Walnut street wharf. CI- For New York, and Way lines leaving Ktn alngton Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, abore Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars run Into tht Depot, and on arrival or each Train, run from tho Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Baggage but their wearing epparcL All Baggage over flftr pounds, to be paid for extra. The Company limit tnelr responsibility for Baggage t One Dollar per pound ,and will not bt Habit for any amount beyond lOODollare.-eTk-cept by special contract. WM. 11. GATZMER, Agent. epsa TfTUfTBR ARRANGEMENT. Philadelphia, Wllralnigton and Baltimore RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, NOV. IS, 16l, PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore, at 3.S0 a. m., 8.1S a. m., 11.3d a. m., (Ex oress.. and 10 60 n. m. For Chester, at 8.16 a. m., 11.36 a. m., 3.49 and 10 60 p. IB. For Wilmington, at 3.30 a. m., 8.16 a. m., U.3S a. m., 1 4ft and 10.60 p. m. For New Castle, at 8.15 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. For Dover, at S.lfl a. m. and 1 45 p. m. For Mllford, at 8.16 a. m. For Salisbury, at 6.16 a. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 a.m., (Express,) 1.06 p. m., (Express,) 6.20 and 7 p. m., (Express.) Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11.31 a. m.,4.16, 8.45, and 8 60 p. m. Leave Saltstmry at 9.36 p. m. Leave Mllford at 4,66 p. m. Leave Dover at 9 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Leave New Castle at 11 a. m. and 8.10 n. to. Leave Chester at 8.30 a. m., 13.15, 4 60, and t.30 p. m. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate stations at 6.20 and 7. p. m.; for borer and lnterme- uiaie aiauons, ai i.uo p. m. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.49 a. m., 13.05 and 11.30 p. m. Leave Wilmington at 4.W a. m., t.35 a. m., 13.35 p. m., and 13 a. ra. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia, for Perry vllle and Interme- mats places, at o, iu p. ra. Leave Wilmington, for Perry llle and Intermedi ate piacca, at j.iv p. iu. Leave Baltimore, for Havre dt Grace and lnter- meaiaie stations, at o a. m. OS SUNDAYS ONLY' At 3.30 a. ra. and 10.60 p. m., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 8.30 a. m. Train rrom Philadelphia to Balti more will run dally, Mondays r-xcrrriD. S. M. FELTON, Jan 3 tf President. 1TOH BOSTON, VIA NEWPORT AND JL tAlsL ttlVtK. By the splendid and superior steam- - Tttv ersM E T RO PO LI S, EM PI REftfiHstHy STATE, BAY STATE, and STATE oTmAINE, of great strength and speed, but particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Bound, runnlnsr In connection with the Pail rlvtr and nM Colony railroad, distance of 68 miles only to Bos- Leart Pier No. 8, North river, near the Battery. The steamer EMPIRE STATE, Capt. Brayton, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock P. AL, touching at Newport each way. The steamer METROPOLIS, Capt. Brown, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 4 o'clock P. M..touohinrat Newnort each war. These steamers are fitted with commodious state rooms, and every arrangement for the security and cuuuvii ui iriiiiuicii) nuu am auurucu Dy inn ruuip uiut scut uu vuiiui auu, un arrival at Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early tho following morning, or may remain on board until starting of tht accommodation at 8 A. M., by which they may reach Boston about 8.45 A.M. Abasvare master Is attached to teach atamr. who receives and tickets tht baggage, and accom panies the same to Its destination. A steamer runs, In connection with this line, be tween eati river auu rryviuence,uaiiy, except nun days. Frelrht to Boston Is forwarded throiurh with great dispatch by an Express Train, which, leaves Fall river every morning, Sundays excepted, at IK o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination at about n A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at tht oiucv, ou r.rr jiu. e, norm river, ear naif-rooms and berths, apply on board, or If desired to secure mem m auvaiicv, u WM. BORDEN, Agent. 70 and 71 West street, N. V, aug!7 tr TTKST, NOHTIIWKST, AND ROUTII- TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS, BANDS-MEN, SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger trains rrom Wash ington to the Ohio river, without change of cars dally at tH d 6 p. m., and oilers greater In ducements to the traveling public that any other route, vln CHEAPER FARE, LESS CHANGES OF CARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICKER TIME. This Is the only route that checks bsggage from Washington city to the West, Tickets good until used) and passengers have the privilege of laying over at any point on the route. Passengers procuring tickets by this route, save the delay and expense of Omnibus transfer. " REMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure tickets, Is at the depot of B. fr o. R. R. Baggage received at any hour during the day, and no charge for handling baggage. aug30 tf S' AFKTV, HPKKD, AND COMFOHT. FOR BOSTON. WORCESTER, PALMER. FITCHDURG, NASHUA, LOWELL, CONCORD, THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. AND IN. TERMEDIATE POINTS. - - ilP1-. THE new and staunch ateamrreof sJaaaaS tDe Norwich Line, CITY OP BOS TONaaTcTTV OF NEW YORK, leave New York dallr, (Sundaya excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. m., from Pier No. 30, North Rlrer, loot of Vestry street, FOR NEW LONDON, There connecting with the Stesmoost Express Train for the above points, via Norwich and Wor ceeter, Boston and Worcester, Worcester and Nashau, and New London and Northern Rallroada. Freight taken at the lowest rates. For Informstloo, Inquire of E. S. MARTIN, my 26 I C Agent, on the Pier. 17VANS . -WATSON'S iniMwbi.rniA SALAMANDER, FIRE AND nut invlDun 11UHULAH PROOF SAFES, ' Philadelphia, Pa. I Ordera received by 1 11' n GUi'Dlffnti Corner ol Set enth and D streets, Washington, 1) I Jan U-ly JUST ItEOICIVKU, a large and auperloratock ol CARPETS and OILCLOTH, amounting to 360 pleera, purchaaed for cash ol a Northern manu r.fltu... dsallnln business. Al.o, a lergelot ol COMFORTERS, WINDOW SIIAULS, CKOCKKRr.OLASS WARE and other HUUSLKEEHNa ARTICLES, Including Tarlor, Chamber and other 7 OTA'S. All kinds ol CAbi I NET FURNITURE, both new and second-hand. I Partlea wishing to buy will ssve tint, aad money I ! ..Ulnar BT thaa ftVieaem jibbI. .I.p. asT j R.BUCHLY,e,S seventh street, 1 no IS lm east side, between G and H. TRAlLltQAJp. M N KW BOATtf-NBW CAIUf. FOR BOSTON, Tla 1kWBBMBBJi NEW LONDON, NORWICH, and WORCESTER DAILY, (Snndays Excepted, ' At 4 O'clock, P. M., , raox PIER St N. R., FOOT OF VESTRY STREET. The new and magnificent steamer CITY OF BOS TON, Wm. Wilcox, commander, from New York Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays - and from New London Mondays, Wednesdays-end Fridays. 'The new and maglflcent steamer CITY OF NEW YORK, Thomas G. Jewett, commander, rrom New York Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! fron. New 'London Tuesdays, Thursdays, , and Satur days. , These two newsteamers hare been built express ly for this route, with all modern Improvements, in cluding Water Tight Compartment, and are the only steamers ever built for Long Island Sound with this great life-preserving Improvement, , Conductors accompany the steamers each wa). Passengers proceed from New London Immediate ly on arrival of steamers, by Express Train to Doe-ton,- Worcester. Lowell. Lawrence, Fltchbuig Nashua, Concord, the White Mountains, fco. o. Passengers returning from Boston leart the De- Dot of tha ' natititn sinrt WAritr rtllri-iai1 at AUI P. M., Worcester 1 P. M., arriving at New London . I t M F. M. f ' I Freight taken at tht Lowest Rates, and deliver ed In Boston early the next day. ' State Rooms In abundance can be had on troat-i steamers, or at the Boston or New York orders, lb advance. K. 8. MARTIN, Agent, my tf pier W, N. R, GltKAT CENTRAL ROUTE For the West, via HUDSON' RIVER RAILROAD and NLW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and Arr DcccMacsi t, isci, Express Trains leave New York city depots ot Hudson Rtrer Railroad dally, Sundays excepted, as From Chambers street At 7 a.m. It a.m., s p.m. i.ld p. ra. Mt-tntrpts1 anil niiftkln From SOU, street station At 7.u a. ra. 11. so a. m., 0.30 p. m, 1.40 p.m. Train with sleeping ears.iu.iep. m. iu Bunaava, tne ioiiow ng trains will be run to and from soth street t The 10.40 p.' m. sleeping car train for Albany and Troy, and the SJ0 a. m, from a ruj, auu . p. in. train irom Aioany Connecting at 'Albany with the New York' Cen tral Railroad for Schenectady, Rochester, U.Mca, Batarla, Rome, and stations on Rome and Water town Railroad, Buffalo, Syracuse, Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge, Auburn, Genera, Canaddalgua. Trains In connection leave Buffalo and Suspen sion via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and Great Western Railroad, for Hamilton, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago. Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fonddu Lac, La Crosse, Madison, Prairie DuChlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, Rock Island, Musta tine, Iowa City Burlington, Qulnoy, Springfield, Alton, St. Louis. Cairo, Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Cleve land, and all polnta West, Northwest, and South west, NORTHERN ROUTE. Connecting with Trains at Troy, with Troy and Boston, and Reus, and Saratoga Roads for Sarato ga, Whitehall, Rutland, Burlington, St. Albans, Rouse Point, Plattsburgh, Ogdensburgh, Montreal, fceufce. tj" Freight Arangcments by this route as above without change of cars, from the Depots In Cham bera and Hudson streets, are at all times aa favora ble as made by other Railroad Companies. The faculties of this great New York Route, to the West, commend It to the confidence or merchants and shippers fcr promptness and despatch. Passenger Trains, with Smoking and Sleeping Cars, run In connetloa on tht New York Central Road. For particulars aa to local trains and freight ar rangements, Inquire at the depot, 63 Warren street. A. F. SMITH, dec IT Superintendent. IRUB RAILWAY. Passenger Trains leave via Pavonla Ferry from foot of Chambers street, as follows, rlz i .00 a. m. Mall for Dunkirk and Intermediate stations. This train remains o er night at Elmtra and pro ceeds tht next morning. 7.00 a. m. Express, for Buffalo and principal In termediate stations. .00 a. m. Milk, dally, for Otlsvlllt and Interme diate stations. 13.18 p. m. Aecommodatlon, dally, for Port Jervls and principal stations. 4.00 p. m. Way, for Mlddletown, Newburgh, and laicrancuiata taiiuos. 6.00 p. m. Night Express, dally, for Dunkirk, Bui Jo. Canandairua.' and Drlncfoat stations. The train of Saturday runs through to Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. 7.00 p. ra. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal stations. The Express Traina connect at Hornellsvllle with railroad for Buffalo, at Elrolra with. the Canandal gua and 'Niagara Falls Raliroadt at Blnghamton, with the Syracuse Raliroadt at Corning with the rtllroad for Rochester and Buffalo) at Great Bend, with the raUroad for Scranton, and at Buffalo and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cle re lend, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, etc., and the Canada railroads. CHARLES MINOT, Sep 19 General Superintendent. OIIAHLEH' CORDIAL 3HTXT, la distilled In London, and put up solely In quart and pint bot tles, to meet the requirements of Drugglsts,aad those to whom Pure and Unadulterated Liquor la a Necessity or a Luxury. It Is the oldest established of all the OINS (I) which have started Into existence upon the basis of Its well-deserved and hard-earned celebrity. It has no connection with, and Is In no wsy like tht trsshy mixtures sold as ''English Gin' or "Old Tom," or "London Dock," or "London Gin," fro., he,, no matter how much " antiquity" or "respect ability" Is assumed by their begetters. Dr. Valentino Motl.of New York.sarai "It Is far preferable to even rune Holland Gin, and Is the best article or Its kind I hare ever, seen." So say thousands of physicians. Tht New York Herald saysi "We are surprised at its beneficial effects) His certain safeguard to health." The Philadelphia Ledger says: "It has no supe rior, If an equal, in medicinal virtues," The New Orleans Picayune says: "There Is no remedy on earth for dyspepsia equal to It.1 The Boston Journal sayst "As a beverage, as a preventative, or as a remedial agent, we want no other. It Is our vade laerum." Wohen or AMrmicA,foryou It Is particularly adapted. In sickness or health, It Is your greatest friend. B. BALDWIN a CO., SOLE iHrOBTERS, f 1 Liberty street, New Yotk. Sold In Washington by LOVELL, COLLESftvCO., SIS E street, near Pennsylvania avenue, And by dealers generally. dec 13 ly pLAIMS AGAINST UNITED STATES. FINLEY BIGGER, (late Register or the United Slates Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHEnMAN, Counsellors atXaw, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlement of demand. against the United States, growing out of the pres ent war, Including the Accounts and Claims. ol States, Contractors, and Disbursing Officers t appli cations for the restoration of property Illegally seized or captured, and for compensation for the use of private property for Government purposes, and for damages for the Injury of such property by ine army, tor muiiaryuay, pennon i, auu uuuu.y landsj and for distributive shares of moneys paya ble at the Treasury and due to sub-contractors and others. They will also give legal advice to claimants, contractors, and to unprofessional agents In liti gated casesj and prepare written arguments when desired. With non-resident Agents who may send tnem claims, an equitable dluslon or commissions will be made. Undisputed Demands will be collected and promptly remitted for a commission of from a halt to two and a hair per cent., depending on the amountf and negotiations with the Departments conducted on moderate terms. By prompt attention, moderate charges, long ex perience, and a minute knowledge of fhe ex-laws, regulations, rules, and precedents governing that class of business at the Departments, they hope to render their services useful to claimants end public creoiiors. Reference maybe madetomembersof Congres, id officers of the Government! and especially, by permission, tothe Hon.EusiiA Whjtti-"", First ComDtroller of the Treasury. Auuress Messrs. uiuutn k oncnMAii, Washington, D. C. ....'- ... .I .r.An . a.Itranif VI lards' Hotel. uo 8 ro. G. V, OOODAI.I., P L U M U 1. H , (IAS AND STEAM B I T T X tt, W4 Stvmtlt Uriel, tuar Canal llrlclyt, WASHINGTON, All ordsrs aiecutod at the shortest notice, la th i most substantial manner, and on reasonable terms. Fereonal attention gtren to every department ol the business. hot 31 ft. HA - l T-GaiaW S jrfi 'J .!, i 1 w f