Newspaper Page Text
gtotional gcjiwlilican. lpt m RATB8 of A DvnnTinir o'. TUB DAILY NATIONAL nBPCBUCAN Is published every momlnfe Sdnaayi excepted by W. 1. Mchtaoh & Co., and U furnished to city ubscrlbera (by carriers). at, 28 .ccntt per month. - Mall tulecrlbcr,3.M per nn'ura 13 for ill months, and U'fbr three monthi, Invaria bly la advance. ' 6lngle eoplos, 2 centji -, . On, square, three day .... $1.00 uoe aqaare, ronr days .... i.& un. square, nr. aaya - i.iiv One square, sli days j . . - - - . 1.75 ctctt ouier aay aarcnisenieDis, nuy per cent, additional. r One, a week adTerttsementa charged a. nt for each Insertion. i Eight lines or las constltnte . aqoara. Adrertlsenjents shonld be handed In br nine VOL. III. WASHINGTON, P. P., SAlTJJtpAYBECEMBER G, 1862. NO. 8. o'clock p. m. JWtattfi Heptblk wt mm t i ssssmsj- '!' Communicated. WABHwaTOif. D. C, Dec. 1803. Misans. EDltOhst IImto made the discovery or a raro bird. On Saturday last, amid the rrowd of t rangers who had flooded our city to attend the opening of the' session of Congress, I meton tho streets a man of doabtfnl hnt of a somewhat familiar look. Asecond glance associatedhlmwHllmyrccolloctlonsofashrewd political wire-worker from Mississippi, who haa been the bosom friend, confidant, and fac totum of Jefferson DstIs for serertl years, to ray knowledge. Closer Inspection convinced me that my suspicions were well founded. Tils whiskers had been dyed from silver gray to ebon blackt his hair was concealed under a dark wig; hla costumo waa that of a spruce parson fn well dusted black cloth, rellercd by an Immaculate whlto cravat) and altogether, hli dlicmlte was sufficient to mislead the casual observer. But I had aecn tho sinister leer of his eyes and bis sardonic smile, and I waa then anro that I waa not ralstakluir mr man. lie had never known me, but I had had his expres sion or countenance aagueirooiypcu upon my soul Indelibly, and I could not be mistaken. I cannot now pause to relate the Interesting cir cumstances under whlcli this stronir Impression of certain phases of his physiognomy was made, as 1 nave samnmngmoro important locommu nlcatc. " . , FalUns lnto4he rear of my human curiosi ty, I followed him to tho city post office, where he a epos ilea several jeucrs in mo .eucr dox, some of which were for trans Atlantic destination. as I supposed from a glimpse of tho stamps. I stin followed ray gome w hlnvglve nods andsmlles of friendly recognition tocertalnSen ators and Representatlvcsin Congress, whom he chanced to meet discovered that there was a sort of understanding between themobserved that he entered one or two private houses, the loyalty of whoso Inmates I' had never before suspected and I tracked him through various meanderings, until ho stopped at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Fourth street. I found that he was a boarder .there. My mind was made up at once. I called that very even ing and engaged board at the same house, and was so fortunate as to cret a room adlolnlDKhls. I felt sure that there could be nothing Improper In becoming a spy upon a spy. There can be . nothing wrong In fighting the devil with fire. My conviction was then strong, and now stronger, that my devil Is something more than a mere spvi that he Is. In fart, a minister of the rebel government, sent here to engineer his per sonal mend uavis'ineasures lorougn congress. On Sunday I managed to get possession of some of hla cipher writing, and by dint of close application and perseverance, after several hours, J found myself able to Interpret It. To day, while he was out, I copied the cipher of the following letter, which I haro written out In full. The name attached la not the writer's real name ; for tho present I withhold It, for valid reasons. When I make tt known, It will astonish the public that such a prominent rebel should hare had the boldness to take up his headquarters In the capital of the nation. Altars. Purloined Letter of a Rebel 8mi. Washtsgtox, Dec. 3, 18C3. Mr Dear Siui Little did I think, when I gar yon the partlug hand In Richmond, that I should so soon lo safely and comfortably In stalled In my new field of labor. I have had no difficulty In passing the Federal lines and making my entry Into the capital of old Abe's dominions. Claiming to bo a Southern Union Jst, and professing wondrous loyalty to tho stars and stripes, I have been received with open arms. Nobody has suspected that I brought with me such a precious burden of dts- patches for our agents abroad and for our friends In the sc eral to-called loyal States, now nave i laugueum my siceveauue creduli ty of these simple minded Union-savers I lien I set out upon my mission It was with considerable solicitude I assure you, I suppos ed that the office of a spy was one of hazard, and that It might possibly bring me to tho gal lows. But a few days of residence here have com pletely dissipated my fears. It Is not likely that the good naturcd authorities will ever suspoct me. Ifauspectcaliuall probably escape ar restespecially after tho spirit manifested yes terday In the Scnats, and on Monday In the House, expressed in resolutions onerea ny our ifiemoa-f. Powell. ValUndlffham. and Cox. It Is true thatthelrresolutlonsharenotbcenadopted, but they havo received otesT:nough, and have been supported by newspapers enough, to ren - der subsequent arrests a matter of embarrass ment to tuo Federal tio eminent. This la a step In tho right direction. I might proclaim publlely that I ha e como hero to act as a spy but that I had not yet so acted, aud according to tho positions taken by these and others of our JrUndt In Congress here, I should be allowed to walk about scot-free, for there could bo no crime proved upon met the declaration of In tention to commit a crime being no crime. You ' fiercelve the beauty of their position especlal y beautiful In war timet Hutshouldlbebothsus pected and arrested, aye, both tried and condemn ed, what penalty havo I to foar 1 Either I must take tho oath of allegiance or suffer a safe ' conduct through tho Federal lines I Of tho two, I should scloct the first altenatlve, as It would not Interfere In the least with my secret service. I should feel no compunction In taking the oalh,Tor yon know that deception and perjury are among the lngrcdlcnta of trea son. And we hold that treason against "tho old concern" Is really a virtue, on the principle that It Is meritorious to cheat the devil. Already I feci quite at home In the Federal capital. Our friends, here, met mo with open hands, and welcomed me to their hospitable boards. They had countless questions to ask about tho sayings and doings at Richmond, tho whereabouts of Stonewall Jackson, the proba bilities of a victory at Fredericksburg, and their anticipated siege of Washington. Of course, I gave answers to their questions which made them not much the wiser. There are a good many Southern sympathizers here. They manifest their disposition tn various ways, and some of them are not very guarded even In their public expressions. They havo concluded that either they will not bo disturbed for thus uldlug and abclllug our eute.priso, or that, if disturbed, they will play the martyr In some comfortable fort, and raako capital for us In that way. 1 low fortunate It Is for the Southern Confederacy that tho Feds, did not hang about a hundred of our peace tulvocatei, In the North, a year ago! My time la not much spent now in social In tercourse with our uon-ofllclal sympathizers here; but, since the session has commenced, I haro enough to do to engineer our resolutions and our cross-purposes through Congress, Dy the papers which I send you, you will see that the work Is already begun. This Is but a fore taste of what Is to followi for I really believe I shall be able to carry on your whole system of operations here, successfully through the ses sion. I hare been closclcd twice already with our best friends of the Senate and the House, and I am happy fo report progress, Iu my nevt I hope to show you that the work goes bravely on. I send you old Abe's message. You are right In what jou hae often said, that Lincoln is o Infernally honest to be approached by any cor rupting Influences, If ho makes mistakes, ho makes them honestly. Does he understand tho spirit of the slavery Institution In the South, mdging by his message I feel quite sure that ytlor opinion and mine will not differ upon that o ue t Ion, I shall labor with Herculean efforts ifckeepthoeycsof the Unionists blind to tho i c tthat this war Is a v or between freedom and javery. This, together with t lie accompanying docu ments, will go to-night by the underground route. Our postal arrangements aro now so complete that I do not fear miscarriage I have the honor to be, Mr. President, Your obit servant, CiiRiSTOriiER Jones. Ilia Excellency, Jefferson Davis, President i C. 8. A. AUCTION SALES. BY OltERN kWlUIAMI, VALUABLE SQUARE OP GROUND FOR I.ih K.lpulnnHh htwn fl.V.nth ami Et.htll streets rail, containing about o, square feet of ground. By virtue ot a deed of trust to the sub scribers, daledaoth day of Jnly, tseo, and recorded among the land records of the city and county ol Washington, D. C In lit r J. A. , no. aoj, iono. 93, M and M, we will aril at public auction, on TUESDAY, the lClh day oC December, 1813. oh the premliet, all of square number eight, hundred and ninety (wo) at ( o'clock In the afternoon. Term. or saiei une-inirum ca.n, m iu.umvj In three equal payment! In , II and 8 month., with Intereit from the day of le the deferred pay menta to be eecured by notee, eatlifactory to the tnlateei, and a lien uy ueruoi iru.i umu, u,ciu.-.. IflhaUnHib nnt ivimnlt.d With In five dan trOtO the day of aale, the property will be refold at the rlilc and expense of the defaulting purchaser, at three dare notice. Said (querela o one of the great thoroughfares leading Into the city.- It Is parro on one Blue auu i .touihkimv... . GREEN fc WILLIAMS, dec fi-eodfcds (Mar) Auctioneers, BY MARSHALL A, PACK, Auctioneers. FURSI FURSt! FUIWIII Continuation of the auction isle of fine Furs, with an entirely new and splendid assort ment, con it i tog of Hudson Bay Sable. Cardinal and half Cspcs Superb American hablo, Cardinal and three-quarte r nnd half Canes Rich French i rmlne Opera Capes Hudion Bav Wolf Sleigh Robes Mliiei' and Children! Fun, And a large sriety ot otner mn, 100 numerous to mention. Tn ! anld To be sold over B. DoJtou'i Carpet Store, No. 4 Market Space, on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, De- cember 0 and 0. ate each day at to; a. m. to 7 p. Auctioneer!. 1V MAltHIIALL A, IAK Auctioneers. XJ S aktv nr nnvi'BNMKNT HORsrs. We will ell at public auction, at tneaavj- yiratQarau.T DAY, December Bin, ai laociocura. One)oung saddle Hone One oung harneia and isddle Hone, both to be leen at the ) ard. Term caih, in Government fundi. Uy order of S. 1. DROWN, N V Agent. J MARSHALL fc PAtiF, dec 5 dti (Start Auctioneer!. BY OnRRN&.'WXDf.IAMN, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES WAGONS, CAttiaref, Carts. Harneit, Farming Utenilli, Hay, Oats, fiacfce. On MONDAY, the 8th lmt.t at 11 o'clock a. m., we ahall if 11 at the garden farm of Wm. Little, on Se.enthatreet road, near the tint Toll Gate, about two ml lei from the Centre Market, (the nag w 111 designate the place on the road ilde,) tli: Four excellent Work Honest one Two-Horse Rnad Winn and Harneist two excellent Spring Market Wagons one Family Four-Seat Carriage ; one uouDie wen oi nrrmgB nirnrH,i"unwn cart i, Jiay cutters. neat ran, riougns, narrows, Spadei, Hoes, Forki and Shore! i. About three tuna nf llsvavnil Oats In the Straw. 6lC. And manv other articles too numerous to enumerate, uted for farming purpoaei. Terms caih. GRFEN & WILLIAMS, dec d StsrJ Auctioneers, BY J. C. McOUIHK Sc CO., Auctioneers. AKD KITCHEN FURNITURE at Pllic alc On FRIDAY MORNING. De cember Sth, commencing at 10o'clock,weshsllsell, at No, no PenmyUaula Avenue, between Ninth and Tenth, up stslrs.a small lot of Houiehold ir olture,nAmlnV Mahogany llalr-Uoth Sofa uo uu Arm anu aiue i.niir Mahogany Marble-top Centre and Side Tables Two GllWratne French Plate Pier Glanes Marble Table and Bracket! Mahogany Old-faihtoned Book Ca.b Mahogany Plushotered Dentist Chair Mahogany Marble-top Washstand, Wardrobe Mahogany Beditead, Bureaus Cottage Bedstead, Bureaus, Washatand Cane-seat Chamber Chairs Mattresses, Feather Beds, Bolsten, and Pillows juailTCSK, riiiucr unu, uutiii Carpets, Oilcloth, and Matting China, Glasi, and Crockery Wat Table Cutlerv and Linen Parlor and Chamber Sto , es t'nftXr atnv ainil If1trrian litpfiltlir. Ail.. ! us-dts J.C.McGUIREhCU, Aucls, BY OHKKV 4s, WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. APMISlSTKAfTJitX SALU OF HOUSEHOLD tURSlTVRK, BLACKSMITH 4- WllEKLlVHWIl T roOUi At Auction. On FRIDAY, the fith lnitant, at 10 o'clock, a. m., we shall sell, on O street, be tween jtAty enin anu iwemn sireeis luum, me late residence of Nicholas Border, deceased, by or- derof the Orphans' Court , aii tne iwrsonnt ciiccis, oonaiiungoi iff of BUMS, LiirtsTat. inuiva, aJUUiiRc, ut-miiiiua, niu- robes and Waihstaods, tent her Beds, Pillows and Boliten, Blanket!, Sheet i, Couforti, and Pillow Caaea,Cook, Alr-tlght, and other Stoei, China, Glasi, and Crockery Ware. sofas, Chain, Tablei, Lounges, Bedsteads, Ward- hti aeii. at the corner of nn enth and B street!. immeuiateiy aiier ma rbic ui iuc luiuiturv I all of the Wheelwright aad mcktmuh fooit Iwiong- iok to inoueceaieu. 1 fe'.0." Jj lh Admlnlitralrl: Terms cnh, UHFKN fc WILL! A S, Auctioneer!. del l)V W. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers, UOVERNMKNTbALEOF CONDEMNED HORSES AND MULES will be sola at puuuo auction, Corral, near the Naval Obiervatorr. Waahlnirton. D. C.on MONDAY, 6th December, IWt, commenc ing AI IU O'CIOCK, nuinucr ui HOR8FJ4 AND MULES, Condemned as unfit for the nubile sen Ice. Tcrrai Caih In Government fundi. J. J. DANA, Capt, A. li. M.U.8. A. YV. L. WALL it CO., del star Auctioneer. -rKItK, Oil AVHICIIK 14 IT1 Who la TT there among jou that li not (n want of loniethlng In the way of Clothing, Furnishing Goodi, Hats, Capil Ad the tat place to get them Is at the moHt popular Clothing Home of J. II. SMITH ft, CO., No. 4fl0 Seventh itreet, where you can find the greatest . arlety of Clothing and Furn lihlng Goods for Men and Bo)i wear. We can safely say that our itock of Clothing excels any thing In this market, and our reputation for aelllng Good Goods Cheap la true but the old maalm,that " a nimble sixpence Is better than a slow shilling,' Is the principle that has built up our Immense trade. Our present stock of Clothing we offer at cry low prlcei, and we are all the time recelvingncw goods from our manufacturing eitabltihment, No. 40 West Baltimore street Du not fUtctcall at J. II SMITH U COS , No. 400 Serenth street, where ou can by Clothing at treuendoui bargain 4. J. II SMI1H fit LO, tlothien, No. 160 Be, enth itreet, and corner Twentieth itreet and Pa. arenuc. noi 21 dtjanl G It AND ADVANCE OF TUB AUMV, and clothiers are crying up the great adv ance of clothing, but we are telling at a imall advance on old prlcei. We have a large slock ou hand, and are selling them off to make more room, for we have a my, .toU o( aothiD, at our manufac- tory, and are now running oft our stock at less than wholesale prices to wake room. We hat e al- wajs been fighting against high prices, and shall continue to do io. Mr. SIM ITH li In the market all the time, and Is enabled to furnish our store with aiUDcriorstock.aud wecanuot be undersold by ny one, We have the means to sell cheap, and . are determined to do it at SMITH U BEALL'S, No. 301 Seventh street, not 21 dtjanl Near K street, T" K V V O II It II V H 1 N E H 8 . LAW, FINANCIAL ANU COLLECTING. INVOICE BILLS BUSINESS MOTES NE0OTUTED, PnOTCSTrn Nn-rta anu DrrrnRCD ACCOUNTS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION. GOVERNMENT CLAIMS SOUGHT, By G. Z. HOUSE, Counsellor at Law, t '$ Nassau street, New York, fcf-Tea years In State and United States Courts Advice gratis, apis OAKILALLCL4TIIINUIIOUSRtNo.404 Seventh street, near Fstreet.the Great Daisr ofFaihlon, where you can Arid the beat cut and made Clothing for Men and Boya wear that the market can produce, and our price , fdr cheapneai, and du rability of our goods, defy competition, (Our neighbor Smith, two doors a bo e, so long noted for selling clothing leu than any house In the city, tn aprhste conversation, acknowledged to us that our Boys Clothing was thebeit made and cut goods he ever saw) and, If the citizens of Washington were potted In the goodi I hate, my store would b be orerrun with ladles and gentlemen In want of clothing, and I only wlih to have jou call and see our beautiful anortments of clothing, and I think that our prlcei and goodi will more than pay jou for calling at the Leading Clothing Houte, No. 40 Seventh itreet, near F street, two doors below Smith's. Everybody knows Smith, but, instead of calling at his place, come In two doors below. N. B I have a special word to say to the Ladles, that I can pleaie them better than eer lnBoji Clothing, as my stock excel i anything I e. er had. J.BRUCE k CO, Formerly at Odeoif Hall, nor 21 ltii.l Now at Oak Hall. AG A It I). Oak Hall Ci otiiino Koum. Mr. Bruce, formerly at the Odeon Hall, has uow opened a new atore at No. 444 Serenth street, Just below Smith's, where he has a fine aelectlon of Men and Boys' clothing at very low prices) he ! deit roua of having all nil old customers call ou him. ai ther can buy goods at lower prices than any other store in the city. J, BRUCE h. CO , Clothiers, No. 404 Set enth street, near F. Call and see Mr. Bruce, at No. 481 Set enth street near F. mr. uruce nas a nne stock oi uiotning lor iieo and Boys' wear, at No. 464 $t enth street, oppWte City Poit Otnce. Mr. Bruce Is the man to please the Bo sin Cloth ing, at No. 461 Seventh street. r.Ytrjvoaj snows in a air. uruce cn sen uoym dothlng cheaper than aoroneelie. No. 464 Sev enth street opposite City Post Office. K ut incu iuu uuii LiuiuiUK tun uu .ii. ututc. ni Oak Hall, No. 4S4 Serenth itreet, between E and F. or Pien situ hots Lioia.nK can ou cm, urucr. m pit. jirucv ) ins man io pienie tou la noj' vioiu lag, at Oak Hall, No. 464 Seventh itreet, oppoilte City Poit Office. ae 2ft sm GRAND ADVANCK OF TIIEAIIMY OF THE POTOMAC, and all the stores Are cry ing up the prices of their goodi but SMITH X BEALUNo. 301 Seventh itreet. We are able to sell good clothing near) j aa cheap as eer. We have been fighting agalnit high prices for the lait year, and our stock now li good, and we ere Able to sell at low prlcei. SMITH Is all the time In the market picking up goodi at old prlcei, and that U one reason we un dersell all others. We hare the means and ability to sell cheap, and we will do it, as our customers want Good Clothing at low prlcei, and we are just the men to sell It tot hero. A call Is solicited at the CHEAP CLOTHING HOVSE of SMITH fc BF.ALL, Clothien, No. 301 Serenth street, nov 21 dtjant First door below the market. XirilO WAYH SOI We say that our store tn T T the First ward may not hare caused a com motion, but do say that we are running off an Im mense itock of Clothing at the Leading Flrit Ward Store, corner of Twentieth street and Pennsylranla avenue, but whoe.ersaw a store where a Smith was that did not dobuilneisl and the reasen Is, they always sell their goods too cheap. That li why they are alwsrs poor. ho et er heaid of a Smith getting rich 1 I net er did ) We are determined to furnish all the Flrit Ward With Good Clothing. Ever) body had better come soon and buy, ai our neighbor!, in a ilmliar bualness, say that we can not stand It more than ninety dajs longer selling goods so cl.esp, but we have a very large lot of Clothing, Hati, Capa, Booti, and Mioea left, and we are determined to run them oil At great bar gains, at Headquarten for Clothing lull.e Flrit Ward, corner of Twentieth itreet and Pennsyha nla aenue and No. 400 Serenth street. nov 31 dtjant SMITH S. CO. T)IIOIHSALH'FOII hay. Dcpot Quartermaster's OrriiE, Corner ISth and G street. Washington, December 6, l&tt. SF.ALFD PROPOSALS will be received at thli office until TUESDAY, the 16th day of December, at 13 o'clock M., for furnlahlng the Government with four thouiand (,ooo) tons of Hay. Hav to be good merchantableTiMOTiiv, put up In balea, and deltered at two thousand (t,000j pounds to the ton. . Dellrery to 1 made lu the city of Washington within twenty-Are (831 daj i-rom the date o the contract. PROPOSALS. Proposals wilt be receh ed for tit o uudred (WW) tons of Hay and upward. The full name and poit office addreai nr the Udder mint appear la the propoial. If a bid Is mad In the namo of a firm, the names of all thepartfei mint appear, or the bid will le conildered as the Individual propoial of the partner signing It, tTOpoif sals 'ronidtsloval parties uillnotbe con sidered, and ah oath or allcoi ancl mi'st accom pany each fnoroiiTiuw. Proposal! must be addressed to Colonel D H Rucker, Quartermaster U. S. Arraj, Washington, D. C, and should be plainly marked "ProtHiial for Haj.;' GUARANTFC. The ability of the bidder to flllthecontract.should It be awarded to him. must bo guarantied by two rei- Sonslble persons, u hose signatures must be appen cd to the guarantee. The reaponilblllty of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United states Dis trict Attorney. Bidden must be present In person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be consld- Bonds equal In amount to half the sum to be re eqi ntl celled on the contract, ilgned by the contractor and both of hii guarantor!, will be required of the iuc- cesiful blddtr unon alenlnr the contract. Aa me uonu muii accompnny me contract,!! win be necessary for the bidders to hate their bonds men with them, or to hat e bonds signed In anticipa tion and read) to be produced hen the contract Is ' birhi-u Blanks for bonds can be procured upon appilca. j tlon being made at this office, either personally, by Kiirf) ur u int-Brai-iii Formof Ouaiaittte We, , of the county of , and State of , and . of the county of , and state of , do hereby guarantee that Is able to fulfil a contract In accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he w HI at once enter Into a toatractln accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him, we are pre- I. (lo this guarantee must be appended the ofllcUl certificate ec?iON DFL1 IVFRY kc I INSPECTION, DF. All Hav contracted for un , All HAy contracted for under this advertisement will be rigidly Inspected, and such as do not prove of a good sound merchantable qualltj will be re- tecteJ .r.Vni'nt ,obema,!'UI "!!le0-mf I'1.0"0!..11 contract, nr n innn thereafter as tho Denot Ouar termaster shall be In funds Any intormamy mine Liu, or noo-voniormauce with the terms of this advertisement, will ensure 1 the refection of tha nronosal Delivery to be made at the Railroad Depot, or at one of the Government Whanes In the city oi Washington. The Depot Quartermaster rcsen es to himself the rigm to rejcci any or an puis mat nemayueemioo men. D H RUCKER, Colonel and Depot Quartermaster. deo 6 dtDl6 TY FFICFHS' AND SOLDIERS' GOODS rUNSION U SCOF1ILD, John ut, New Yoi k,atul 307 E tiieet, neat i UUi Ji Full assortment of Military and Fa net Goodi. Chevrons, Flan, Glotea, Stationer, and genuine Sperm Army Oil, Gun Polish, etc. Full stock of Hreworks. Bole agents lor the Colorific. 803 E streetjuncture Pennsylranla avenue, nor 21 lm. X X X VllKAM ALR. The undersigned has the pleasure of intotmlac thecltliensofWaihlnrtonand the vlMaltr,tha( he has been appoints 1 sole Agent (or the etteMated .T X X CJWAM ALE AXD rORTF.H. The superiority of this Ale Is so well known that the demand ma tor it i has been rapidly Increasing siace Us Introduction Into this citr. tt is aireaut used iv a Un a large number of prlr ate families In the Dlitrlct if Columbia. XXX OIIKAM XtK Is brewed exprenly for family use and contains none of the deleterious substances which are so frequently Introduced into the maaufactare ot Ale and Porter to aaalit fermentation, i XXX CREAM AtX Is particularly recommended as a t mild as well as pleaiant tonic. -', , ' To penoni sufterlng from the loss of appetite the XXX Cream Ale Is Invaluable as a tnost agreea ble itlmulant, giving a healthy and vigorous action to the itomach. XXX OR J? A AT ALU Is highly recommended by the Faculty, of Philadel phia and by the principal phjslclani bf Washing- A-- Y 01tRAr Ahti Is put up in pint and quart bottles and small kegs. iur lAini.r use, rou istiriiTereu io any pari oi me city, free of charge as li alio the moat superior uuaiiii iii wiiucuwiurri S. WERTIIKIHKR, 463 and 464 8ei enth street, Basement, opposite P. O. N. B. XXX Ale and Superior CtdashUways on urnuKm m v4 nnci set enin si rem. saiemenT, noT 20 Iro M' T L E It ' OOlpDS. Protliloai, - Hams, I Dried Beef, BeefTonguei, t Cheese, i sardinei, I- ngllsh Plcklei, Chow Chow, etc. Worcestershire Saiice, Leiter's Wine Bitters, Old Brandies, Madeira, sherry and Port Wines, Holland Gin, Lemon, Ginger and Raipberry Syrupi, Champagne Winn, various brands, Aiaorted Preierrei, Jellies, Old hlikiea, a large stock In eaiei, An anortment Cataupi, Canned Frulti, Potted Meats, Soupi.Condensed Milk, Ctgari and Smoking Tobacco, Brandy Chernei, London Porter and Votch Ale. For aale by . NORRIS CALWELL It CO., 313 Pennsylvania arenue, nov 30 1m Opposite WUUrds Hotel. riXWACCO AND SEOAR ATARBIiaUSE WILLIAM OROHSE, WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL EtKALEH IN TOBACCO and SEQARS,an4 MEERSIIAUM PIPES, Corner of renntylvanta avenv and birth sf., WASHINGTON, D. C. Hating recently enlarged my place of bualness, I am uow prepared to offer to the citizens of Wash ington the best brands of Tobacco and Sevan, at wholesale or retail, cheaper than scan be bought eiscwner in ine cuy. LA FAVORITA BUEXO, ELEQANTEES, LA TUSCAt FLOnDEMATO, LA ESPIXOLA, Are excellent brands, and tvery loter of good Se- gaxs are iu mi liirm. Also. Smoking Tobacco of all kinds, wholesale and retail. WILLIAM GROSSE, nor 30 liu Cor. Penn. are ana sixth at. NOTICE. JtiDdE Advocate's Orrtct, Washington City, D. C.Nov. 10, 1MX Applications bating been made by ladies, to go to their friends and famlllei In the South, notice is herebv rlTtn tnat ali aDDllcanta muat make a writ ten statement to this office, verified by osth, be tween this date and the ISth day of December next, cuing ionu . First. The name, age, and rcitdedce of the appli cant. SmoiiJ. The date when she came within the mil ttry lines of the .Untied States, for what purpose, and where aha hai since resided. Third. The place she desires to go to, and the purpose, or odjmjj iuctbui. Tha nersons to whom leave mar le muted will 1m sent with suitable escort from Waihlnrton to the United States lines tn Virginia, with iuch per sonal effect as shall be allowed to pass. No person will be allowed to take more than one trunk or uackaeaof female wcarlnf annArpl.wctarh. Ing not ov er one hundred pounds, and subject toln i spec tlon j and any attempt or frhrt to smuggle con- iraoanu propeny wui lorwit uia stuns, anu suDject the party to Imprisonment during the war. L, C. TURNER, nov It Major and Judge Adtocafe. Edward Evcrett'a lie ply tp sua Eugllsh Lord. v poetical ruMr. What have wain Amerloal We've wonder great and grandi We hare the essence of the earth, The cream of erery land. Our mountains are magnificent, Our rh ers are immense. And each man has a kingly style, If not a king's expense. Our ships ar known to ail the world j The farms tannot be beat i Our titles, full of luxury. Are famous for the neat. We'i e orators and authors, too, With Intellects of forcei We'te railroads scattered eerywheret And one Profenor Morse. Our girls hat e beauty, wit, aud grace, 1 he 're charming, sweet, and ml But, then, the grand tt thing we nave U known as great OAK HALL, Where the fall and winter stock of flrit-ciisicloth-lag Is now ready In extra abundance and greatest variety. All the new-st) le Ot ercoats, Sacks, Busi ness Coats, Peg-top Pants, &c, selling at prices so low that e erybody will buy and be satisfied J. BRUCE A CO, (Oak Hall,) No. 464, bet enth street sear F, nov VI dt J aril Tu o doors below Smith's "pilOPONALH FOR DBEF CATTLE. ;alku riiuiusALS are invited until the S2d lyiaa the L'nitea 1th B.ouo head of Statea Subsistence Department wl The Cattlo to be delivered at Washington, D C , and each animal to a erage 1,300 pounds gross No cattle admitted that welj umiitea that weighs less than looo ivounds gross. Hellers, Mars and Bulls not wanted. The first delivery to be made on or about the loth day of Januarj, lata, or as soon thereafter as the Government may direct. 600 head of Cattle per Heekwlllbe r quired to be delhered under this contract. A bond with good and lutUclent lecurlt) will he will be retained until the completion of the con tract ProuOSlIl frotU contractors who ham nreitniulv failed to comply with thslr bids, from disloyal per sons, or where the bidder Is not present to respond to his bid, will not be considered. The names of firms should be stated In full, with the precise addren of each msmharnrth.. hrm. Payment tp be made In certificates of ludebted- uriB, ur uuku umcr luow asuovernment mar nate lor disbursement All bids to be accompanied by two ruarantees and ilirtaotatfl tn fVil. A. BPrVWITlI at V n - r at U S. A , Washington, D. C, and endorsed "Prop sals for Beef Cattle." Form of Guarantee We, , of the county of , and state of, do hereby guarantee that la able to fulfil the contract In accordance with the terms of his propo sition, and that, should his proposition be accept ed, he will at once enter into a contract In accor dance therewith should the contract be awarded himi we are pre pared to become hla securities ( 1 his xuaraatee must be aDnended tn ei-h bid. l The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the Qfrtafcertlflcate of the clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United states Dia- Iirici Aiiorue). Bid which do not comply with the above will betrjected. deofl ry E T E A S I I T K A Silt SPICKS! GROUND COFFEES!! TOUACOOBll! A large Imolce of the Above artlclea are now being received, and for sale by D. J. BROWN, Commission Broker, No. K, Washington Building, Seventh street and Penn. atenue. 8UTLEHB TAKE NOTICE! Teas in V pound packs. Teas In t, S, 10, 13, 18, 18 and 20 pound boxes. Canned Tomatoes 1a 9 dot en boxei. Canned Peaches In 3 doxen boxes. Pickles in 3 doien boxea. Cuih Dropi In ii pound papers. Gum Drops In S pound boxes. FUlilns In boxes and H boxes. Pepper In 3 ounce papers and la t gron boxei. English Mustard tn pound papers and cans. English Mustard In X and 1 gross boxes. Preserj ed Cherries In bottles. Figs In H pound drums and t pound boxei . Lemon Syrup tn bottles. PLUG TOBACCO, FINE-CUT TOBACCO, CIGARS. For sale by D. J. BROWN, No. 8, Washington Building, Senth street and Penn. aienue, Washington, D. C. no 6 riH THE OFFICKIIS OF THE ARMY. Just arrived, by direct Importation per steamer Fulton, from Furope. a very fine and large assort ment of Marine, Opera, Field Glasses, and Tele scopes, which I will sell a tery little above the cost tn Paris As to the qualities, there are none superior to be had, having been selected purposely for this market. Alio, a large and well-assorted stock of Opera Glasses, Microscopes gold, sliver, and steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses, suited to the sight by the uie of an Optometer. A considerable number of certificates to be seen at my office, from gentlemen who hare beensultetl at my establish ment. 425 Fewtsylvanta avenue, between Fourind-a-half and Slztft streets. My Establishment Is sip atalrs. Glamt fitted to suit. The trade supplied. Oct 10-ly PROSPECTUS or Tile WEKKLT NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. The undersigned commenced. In the month of December, 1800, the publication, In this city, of a weekly,naw5pper, called the Xationtl Re publican. It Is printed on a large sheet, twenty-seven by forty-two Inches, aud la furnished at the low prices stated below. It contains all the original matter nf the Daily Xationat Republican, with tho exception of local news not Interesting to country sub scribers. It will give full reports of the proceedings of Congreas, and of the other Departments of the National Government. It contains all tho newa of the day, foreign and domestic, markets, Ac, fcc, aa well as an original correspondence from all parts of the country. The miscellaneous department will receive special attention, and, In all respects, the effort will be made to establish the charac ter of tho Xathnal Republican os a Family Newspaper. iiusuuigiuu unug ihih wirteuirai point oi i the current mlllt.rr omr.tlons. treat attention will be paid to furnishing the readrra of the .... .. .... . . . National Republican with full, aud especially with accurate, aevounta of tho progress of the war for tho Union. In politics, the paper Is Republican, sustain ing the Administration of lit, Lincoln. There Is no other Republican paper In the District of Columbia, or In the lclnlty of It, and It Is believed thst recent events have opened to such a paper an important sphere of useful effort. The time Las come, when the actua administration of f ae Government upon Repub llcau principles wll explode tho mlsrtprcaeu tatloua which hard made those principles a dlstatcful to the South. But It Is not only here, and In this vicinity, that the projectors of tho National Republican hope to make It useful. To the whole country they oBer a Journal which will discuss national politics from a national stand polut, and which will never bo swerved from patriotic duty by any overpowering pressure of local Interest, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, oneTycar .... $3.00 Three copies, one year ... 5.00 Five copies, one year .... 7.00 Ten copies, one jear ... - 19.00 Twenty copies, one year ... 20.00 One copy, six months - 1.00 Threo copies, six months ... 2.50 FIvo copies, six months ... 3.00 Ten copies, six months ... 0.00 Twenty copies, six months - - 10.00 Payments always in advance. When a Club of subscribers has been forward ed, additions may be made to It on the same terms. It Is not necessary that the subscribers to a Club should receive their papers at the same post office. Money may be font arded by mall, at our rlsl. Large amounts can bo remitted In Treasury notes, or drafts on Boston, New York, Phlladel - phla, or Baltimore; smaller amounts In gold, or In notes of solvent banks. Address W. J. MURTAQII & CO., Washington, D. C. ttTnE OaiLT National Republican Is published every morning, (Sundays excepted,) t .v. Miwlni rati... at the following rates; One copy, one) ear (3.50 FlTe copies, one ear One copy, six montha Fire copies, six months One copy, three months 15.00 1 l.ou 1.00 TyATKIi NOTICEj In eousequence of the lownessof the wsterln the General Resenolr It will be necessary, unless great economy of water is practiced, for the tio ernment soon to shut orfthe supply to cltliens en All'persons are, therefore forbidden to u.e the hydrantsonPennsylvanlaaenue,oronanystreets, or avenues under the care and supervision of the ana aaioon nas been changed io a uenurnieu'. , Commissioner of FubllcBuUdlngs,forwaterlngthe I taurant. The Ladles who will fstor hlin with streets or paiements, or for any prlt ate purpose their Patronage will and, ou the second I loor, a whateter. i handsomely furni.hea lleceptlon Boom, In which And all persons using the water are urgently so. Mrs. Qatii will be hsppy to recelie thelror llclted to be as economical In Its use as possible. I ders. mtranc. by the PrU ate Door. B B. FBENCH, I . C. OAUTIFB, sepao Commissioner of PubUo BuUdlngs. nov5s-olm S53 Pennsylvania avenue. EDUCATIONAL. C IB CLE INSTITUTE, ' FOR YOUlfQ LADIES, No. 01 K Strict, Near the Circle. TERMS, per Quarter of ten weeks Quarter commencing at the date of adminlon i FlementaryClaiies In Enrluh - - 00 Advanced Classei in I ngllih Literature and Science Included 00 Elemental-) Clanei in i ngllih, French, and Music .... 12 00 Advanced Claises In Fngltih, French and Muilc .. it oo Extra charge for Spanish, German, Italian. Latin, and other Languages. Dr. ZAPPONE will rive Lectures, and otherwU aiilst, whenever he can ipare time from hlamedi- oc 3 MRS. A. ZAPPONF, Principal. GEORGETOWN FEML SEMINARY I MISS IIABHOVEH'l. A BOARDIN(TAND DAY SCHOOL, 151 West Itreet. The duties or this Institution will be resumed on the 8th of September. Circular! maybe obtained at the principal bookstores In Washington, or br addreisinrthe principal, U SI 1 1 R91U M J, HARROVER. "pnOPOBALM FOIt WOOD. DEroT Quartermaster's Orricc, Corner Eighteenth and G streets, Washington, D. C, Deo. 1, 18fi. Sealed Proposals for Ihedelhery of file thou- nuu i,i.wvi i-uru, ui uuu in i ne uo rem men I win be recelied at this office until 'Ihunday, the elet- ,uiiiiiiuu.jvi m-vriuurr, low, m twelve (121 nVlfvk m. Ill m l a"Wjl f rt K tiAttit .niiml B...4 fe.Ab-L.s1 four (4) feet long, and split tn the ordinary size of The Wood to be delivered in th rltv nf IV.. h. Ington, at luch points as the Depot Quartermaster ahall direct. corded In ranks four u ft Mark, .i lUery not being considered complete until io corded, measured and lnioected. An luaprcior wm oe uesignaieu on the part of .. uu.i.ii.siiTu. u lu.pvn .uu mriiure mr woou, uu ui.u uuri uui luuiurm io iflf ADOre SltevlU' cations will be reiected. All to be delivered on or before the eleventh (11th) day of February, 1801. rat lurm iu iw miue upon ine completion ot the wuuiv tuuiiaabit Proposals. The full name and post office address of the bid- urr uiuai ajijirnr in nv propoini If a bid is made In the name of a. Arm. ih nmai of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the nartv slfnlnr. It, Proposals from dititrval paiiitt vilt not be contldered, and an oath of allegiance must accompanreach 'opbsalsfroi Drooosltlon. Projaosals must be addressed to Capt. Edward k. uni-i. Auiimui wusnermaiier, v. a. Army, Washington. D. C, and should be plainly marked " Propoiali for Wood " Guarantee. The reiDOmlbllltr Of the ruirintnn tnu.t ho s. Army, ju. v. v., uu aqouiu oe piaini' Is for AVood " Guarantee. ponslbtiltr of the rusrsntors shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dlitrlct Court or f the United States Dls- trlct Attornev. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should tt be awarded to him, must be guarantied br tWO rCSnonSlblfl nerson!. whnan Irmatm-aa to be appended to the guarantee, end said guaraniee Bidders must be Dreaent in iMrnn trhavn th hMs are opened or their proposals will not be consid ered. Bonds In the sum often thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder upon signing iliv Willi nbl. Form of Guarantee. e, , of the county of , and state of -nj , of the county of , and State of , do hereby guaranty that Is able to fulfil the contract in accordance w 1th the terms of hla propo- lllnn an.4 that hiuilillil.u..lit..l rL.'t sltlon, and that, should hti proposition be accepted, ne win ai once enier into a contract In accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded to him we are prepared to become his sureties. To this guarantee must be appended the official crriiuiHie itvir uiruiiuaru. Tho Depot Quartermaster resertes to himself io rirni in : reject any or all bids that he may deem too high. JMJWAHLf 1 MAH1Z., Captain and A. Q. M., U. S. Army. eve anu eau. deaTness. impaired" sight. noises inthe head. Affections ofthe THROAT. DISEAiFS OF THE AIR PASSAGFS. CATARRH PULMONARY i . '".'?.,"u" "re '"'" ana sacm.iuur ...., DR ON MOSCHZISKER, Oculist and aurist, 377 Penn. avenue, opp. Wlllards. S3 Numerous Testimonials can be examined at uiivuivr. iruui viticua ui tVauninglOu ry-AIl surgical operations to restore SIGHT anu riLAHinu penormeu. nor 10 im XTO TICK TO THE PUBLIC IN GFNERAL (i 03U N 0 U K HTAUIUNT fs a 4 i PKNNSl I.VAMA A VKNCK, SOUTH SIDF, (Formerl) of New ork,) Has the Name and Fame of being one of i THE REST RESTAUR AXTti IN TOWN. cj-Ghe us a trial, and Judge lor our-elf -v i ' erythlng in the House is of the BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Don't forget the number, JIT Pennsyh snla at edue, bctw een Tw elfth and Thirteenth streets, mar io South side. N E W INVENTION or ARTIFICIAL CLFOPLASTIC BONE Tt ETH, without metsl plate or clasps, by DR. S. B. SIQESMOND, OH) Broadwa) , New York and 160 Penn at enue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts , WASiirsaTOv, t. c, Calls the attention of the public to the follow tux ad i ant ages of his lrnpsot ed sj item: lit. The teeth of his manufacture will net er cor rode nor chsnge color by any acids, and are three fourths lighter than an) other. 2d No teeth nor roots need be extracted, as the artificial ones can be Inserted over them 3d The roots tt 111 be made lno&enslt e ami net er to ache. 4th. No temporary teeth are needed, as nertiutucnt ones can be made Immedlatelt . thurebv tiresert Ing the natural expression 1 tho oUrt.if Is uc oi ine lace, ttnicn, unuar uentlv red ftth Thta uni-lt haa b(Mn nillv trateil. farmer fit e I years, by many of the tint chemists and ph)sklu.i Ol litis nuu tuv uiu buuMif . Dr. S. has also intented a white Indestructible metal filling, tt ith which the most sensitive teeth can be mieu wimout pain, anu can uuim up it rer- sound tooth on any side root., uhlch will lsat through a lifetime He refers to the following gentlemen: Dr. V. Motti I VTt uvrcmua. rruira.ur u viicuii.iijt iiun. . Msnn, Jun l Capt. Crahtree, ice President of the Fmlpatlon Comjianjr of New Vorki Hon. Judge w , nej or the Su'pr,'me Courtl vl waihington, D. Dr. Doreinus, rrolesior ol I'nemuirri iion. a. I ana inou.snus oi uiuvr. Call and examine for ) ourselt es nor B-ui i "V "TICK D I N NHH S HUPPKIIS. Xl ii.ii., rni.i huii .' iinitit I The Subscriber, at the urgent request of the Clt liens of Waihtogton and the Public generally, has now resumed his out-slde family business, in the supplying of DIKNEBS, PARTUS, SVTPERS,tMi.AT PISHES, &nt to ant Dart ofthe Citr at the Shortest Notice. and will be superintended by the Subscriber In ier- 1 he proprietor wouldalw begleate to lemlnd. his Patrons ol this, that the late atore OPKBIt'B 8 AKD DO I WINK. roac, and rotrm tea.sold, OF CHOICE OPORTO OKAPE, fob riiTsiciANs" esc, For FemaUt, WtMy Pawn, ml Jruatidt. 1,- CVT- Fa ery family, at this season, should use the SAMBUCI WINE, Celebrated tn Europe for Its medicinal and benefi cial qualities as a rentle Stimulant, Tonle, Diuretic, and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, used in European and American Hospitals, and by some of the first famtllf in Europe and America. AS A TONIC, It has no equal, causing an appetite and building up the system, being entirely a pure wine of a most valuable fruit, AS A DIURETIC, It Imparts a healthy action of the Glands and Kid nej s, and Urinary Organs,rery beneficial In Dropsy Gout, and Rheumatic affections. SPEEIVS WINE Is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is pure, from the Juice of the Portugal Sambucus frape, cultivated In New Jersey, recommended by hemlsts and Physicians as poasesilng medical pro perties superior to any other V lnes in use, and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated per sons and the aered and Inflrm. Improving the appe tite ana oeneniing isoies anu cnuurrn. A LADIES' WINE, Because it will not Intoxicate aa other wines, as It contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and Is admired for Its rich, peculiar flavor, and nutritive (roperties, imparting a healthy tone to the digest- e orgam, and a blooming, aoft, and healthy ikla and complexion. WE REFER TO A few well-known gentlemen and physlclani who natetrieaire wine: Gen.Wlnflei 1 Scott.U.S A. Dr.WllsonJlthit.,N V Dr Ward, Newark, N.J Dr. Dougherty, Newark N.J. Dr. Marcy, New ork. Gov. Morrsn, N.Y. State. VT4 H.i;niir3n,r4..iiy. Dr. Parker, N Y. City. Drs. DarcykNtchOll.New ark, N. J. ur. raisi, rnnaaa. art-Nona renulna without the alanatureof MAL FRED SPEER, Passaic, N.J.," Is ot er the cork each bottle ?-MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. For aale by Druggists and all first-lass Dealers. Trade supplied In Baltimore by WM. 11. BROWN kBRO. A. SPEER, Proprietor. Vinevabd Panalc, New Jersey. Orrici 209 Broadway, New York. JOHN LA FOY, Paris, nor ly 'Agent for France and Germany. TUST TUT OCR WKW STOCK, OF fl Clothing from the People's Clothing store. No 460 Serenth street, near F. They out-wear aay thing you can buy and they are sold so cheap at J. II. SMITH'S, No 4C0 Seventh street, near F. I would advise all to come and buy their Clothln at SMITH'S, No. 460 Seventh itreet. It tou are wise i ou will come to SMITH'S. No 4S0 Seventh street, near F. opposite City Poit Of flee, to buy your Clothing, Furniihing oooos, Trunks, Hats, and Caps. The PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 4S9 Seventh street, Is the best place In town to buy rour Clothinr. Furnish inr Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps. J. II. SMITH & CO, Clothiers, 410 serenin sireei. Call soon and see our new stock of Fall and Win ter Clothinr, which we are selling at very low prl cei, at the PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 4S0 Seventh street, near F. Rtent attraction! at No. 4G0 Seventh itreet. Hvr tock of nothing just arrived, and lelllng at our uiual low prlcei. J. H. SMITH fc CO., Clothiers. p0 SbUeTCRin siren, anu corurr iwrnucin ircn and Tenn avenue. ' Great bargains In Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats, Capa, Boots, and Shoes, on the corner ol Twentieth street and Penn. avenue. SMITH h CO , Clothlets, First ward, cor. Twen tieth street and Pennsylranla avenue, Is the cheap est place In town to buy your Fall and Winter Clothing. Call at the' First Ward Clothing atore and get your Fall and W inter Clothing-, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes. SMITH ft CO , Clothiers, Cor. Twentieth itreet and Penn. ar. FIRST WARD CLOTHING HOUSE, comer of Twentieth street and Pennsylvania avenue. You can buy your Clothinr, Hats, Capa, Boots, and Shoes cheap, corner of ' went let h street am i Pennsylvania avenue. ennsj seps so am 4 TTKNTION, SOLDIERS AND STJT J LERS. Having Just completed our assort ment of Camp Furniture, we would now respect fully Invite the attention of Soldiers and Sutler i. Our assortment comprises In part the following Camp goods, til Camp Chests for mess of from four to six, Camp Tables, Camp Stools, Camp Cots, Camp Mattresses, with all other articles of Camp Furniture calcula ted to make a soldier comfortable. All of which ulll be sold at the very lowest, cash prices at GREEN it WILLIAMS, su 21 No 626 Seventh street, corner D. q O M E T II I N Q N E IV . TRY IT. Now is the time to buy your Fall Clothing, at No. 460 Seventh street ( where you can find all the latest style goods, at Northern prices 11.1 f hot for set enth street. No. 460. Alargeln toiceof Clothing, at tery low prices, No. 460 Sr enth street, near F. A new way to save Goldl Buy jour Clothing at No. 4C0 set enth itreet, oppoilte Post Office, at 10 per cent, below the market price, In Treasury notes. smiih'a. N.. icosetenth street. Is the cheapest house in town to buy) our Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps. sepSo Im N r A T I II N A ! LOAN. THE NEW TIITATT YEAR SIX PER CEST BONDS ofthe U .V TE It STATES, (Known at " Ftte Tmntiti.") The COUPON BOND3 In auma of 60, ,100, ,t00, and ,1,000, The RrUISTFRED BONDS In sums of $30, ,100, ,600, ,1,000, and $0,000, (Inltrrtt commenrino at Aate QfpureAaif,) FOR' BALE AT TAH BT JAY COOKE CO., Bankers, 453 Ftftmth ttrtrt. Theac Bonds aro the Cheapest Government Seccritt now In the irarlcet. Inlertit jayoU innnnuiiry IN GOLD 1. equli alent, at present price of coin, to 8 Per Cent In currency. noi 26-tf DO OV KNOW IT1 If ou do not, call at SMITH & BEALL'S, No, 301 Seventh street nesr K street, and buy ) ourself a nice suit of Cloth ing from them, as the) sell cheap. SMITH la UEALL, Clothiers, No. 301 Set enth street, novai dtjant Near K street I ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALUD TO OUR !j new stock of Fall aud Inter Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hals. " 'AI.Lfc co , se 26 9m Clothiers, No. Ml Seventh street. rS S .fi'SSiffiE'iJlVO