Newspaper Page Text
u w ' LOCAL NEWS. AmuMintuii, If- ll UUimi 4HLA1L LM AIPDI Df J.W1W Mill I i em Thl evening, the beautiful and popular Min buiiuc iinitiu mil luuriir iur iii iui umr. mill tlvelv. On thli extraordinary occasion she wilt" appear in a cnaracier in wnicri the nil no equal. Tin "JackSheppard" Mil Lucille y erslon of Oil play li novel, thrll 11 n j and strictly moral It should be seen by etery boy, and Ite examples well marked The popular tnmedlan, Mr Setchell, appear a Bluetkln, We regret the departure of Mia Western more than we ere r did that of any ol her autre who hai at any time appeared In thta city. May lueceaa at tend her wherever ahe may go On Monday next, Mr. L. P Barrett, the eminent ) oung actor, will reappear, and the charming and popular comedienne, Mitt Lottr Hough, who ha Jutt returned from a successful Furopean tour, wilt commence an engagement On Monday, the great spectacular play of the " Romance r a Poor oung Man " will be preaented Gucat Saturday Night' Dill at toniV Theatre. Last night of the " i nchantreta," and the completion of the aecond week of the engage ment of the charming prima donna, Mli Caroline niching, supported, a ahe 1, In the most able manner, by Mr niching, Mr. Dunn and the Lngllth Opera Troupe Partle desiring to enjoy a grand ojwratlt and dramatic entertainment should avail inemieiret oithyi great Saturday night mu Cahtebsirv Thedlatlngulahed artlate, M lie Annette GatlettI, atlll reign a the bright particu lar tar In the Canterbury constellation Night after night doe she add to the already immense Hat of her enthusiastic admirers by her brilliant execution of the moat beautiful dance eter pro duced There li no longer a doubt that M'lle Gal lettl Is the greatest female danaeuae In the world, and that Mont elardelt by far the beat maledan cer In America The corps tie ballet, and the vari ou other artiste now performing at this favorite place Of amusement, are fully equal. If not upe lior, to any company that et er Appeared before an American nubile Mr Geo n Edeaon. formerly atage manager at the New) ork Melodeon, and more recentlystage manageratoneof theprlnclpal theatre In Detroit, ha been selected as the stage manager at the canterbury Special Announcement M He Gallettt has been In- duced to appear with Mons elarde, Julia Morti mer, anu naie rennoyer, at me granu man nee io Mgltenthlt afternoon, when ladle can have an opjtortunlti of witness! nr her sunerb dancing Washington Varieties. Continued success 1 the order of the day at this new and splendid estab lishment. The wonderful Hernandez and hit rare ly talented troupe are nightly received with shouts of laughter and applause Such a compan) of niuiii, limner ui cuurar, iuubi commnnuiargc audiences The ballets, pantomimes and Ethiopian acts are put upon the stage In the very best stile, and the scenery and costumes are not surpassed In an theatre In the country. Go to-night to the arletles and ou will be pleased NixoB'iCmct. Thl afternoon and night close 1 Mr Mxon present engagement In this eft) , as he Intends opening hi spectacular theatre In Alexan dria, on Monday evening He has leased hi prem-1 lie here one vert to Mr Tom King, In order to a I-' iow mat young manager an opportunity oi pre senting a troupe he recently engaged In New ork At the expiration of Mr King term, the building will be roofed over, the Interior redecorated, and the temple reopened with Increased attractions Mr Mxon ha done well In catering for the W ath Ington people, and feel satisfied that he can al ways command their patronage We commend him to the Alexandrian, convinced that he will give them an entertainment that cannot help but meet their approbation A Military Emeute Last Thursda), quite an amusing scene wa witnessed at the Seventh street wharf The One Hundred and Slxty-ejajhth and One Hundred and Sixt)ninth Pennsylvania regiments, composed of drafted men, t hlch arrlt ed here on Wednesday night, were ordered to embark for Fortress Monroe There appeared to bea great lack of discipline In the retlment. and as some mutinous conduct teemed to be brewing, an aid of tva ,aacy, ,pi inurcn, wa uitpatcneu to ine spot, who reported that the regiments were dlsor- ganueu anu scattering oter tne neignoornood About twenty of Scott's Nine Hundred Mvalry) were dispatched to the ground, under command of i apt u , wno collected i lie insurgents, and v. itb the aid of the colonel of one of the reaiments. the men were driven on board like sheep It is said that these regiments are composed of the very beat ma terial In the fttnte. Imt .! illv riofl. font In th right kind of offltert The men were not dlspus d In hem. t lAlnm Kilt I..1tajI fll.nlnllAA .V .'V I IVIVHf) VIA. IIHHV UAAVblJ..ttV None too Late I Theofter 1 tnade,t)ii The price of ticket to be onlj $2 for the entire public course of lessons In Professor Armea, to one hun dred ladles and gentlemen, on the only phllotopht tal and natural method known (comparatively new) for acquiring rapldl),and fastening permanently on the mind, important subjects, amoug which are historical facta, dates, events, numbers, names, ge ographical and astronomical facts, statistics, etc ( also lm olvlng ImjKtrtant principles In elocution The course to commence on edneaday night, Decemtier lo,at the central and pleasant lecture room. Ret. Mr Butlers,) corner of Eleventh and H streets, at 7 o'clock Door open at 7, to ton tlnue Ave week, one lesson per week Those wishing to Join the clas should not fait to le present at the first lesson Tickets at the bookstores of Mr shepherd, Mr. Phllp, and Mr Shilllngtou Pleaso procure them between now and ednesday night, loth Instant PrUate lessons, $3, at No 416 Tenth street, be tween G and!! deO ll Bo Rin 0eh esterdav afternoon. a oung lad, about fourteen j ear of age, named Thomas Brown, whose mother resides on New ork ave nue, while riding home from school, on the front part of one of the Pennsylvania at enue cart, when near Eighth street, fell from the car suddenly, and, before the driver coull stop, the car passed oter the to). Injuring him quite serious!) He was taken Into the drug store of Nairn U I aimer, cor ner of Ninth street, and a surgeon called at once, who dressed his wound, an 1 the bov was taken home. He will doubtless recover, but It 1 feared that a portion of one han lit so crushed as to ren- um rjiiiuuui uiic unu i i uituiiivu n tu uir der amputation neceatar) Ills thought that the uuy unnmr unit ur mini, wncu lie irti irum iiiv i iq ironi nnuonine iirsi nur ui uur aiiciioo iumjris, iar, a he say t lieu as unionsclou of the fall or1 a general ataortinent of Household Furniture, em Injury at the time bracing - Cm ip Mktimrnnv and Itnapu niul nfif) Plnn tViripi itf ... ii 1....1 t iii.Kiit will Hfcit.n in iur ui 1 1 uruirni of Prof Armes, In nfereme to the commencement of hi course of lessons for retaining what is de sirable to acquire In regard to many Important suhJeUt We may presume Prof A has had more' exnerlenca In hla itrnfeaslon than anv other man In tbecountryihl testimonials lnregard to himself, and the great utility of hi science, are of the high- est order In many placet where he has lectured. lie is called a benefactor of hi race lt will hat e been seen hi method or ststein, whateterlt maybe, ha been "weighed in the balance" publicly In this city at WilUrd Hall, and before a large audience at n church The ) outha who learned It acquitted themselves, we hear, with great satisfaction HI not some of our ubi.rihra attend upon these memory lesion t "Skedaddiing" Catain. -Tlie night patrol under Lieut franklin went to to the notorious "hotel" of Sal Austin, last Thursday night, where quite a number of arm) officers were found Those who had projerly executed passes were left un disturbed Afewwerefoundwlthoutpasses They were ordered to report themselves to the Pro tost Martha) One captain t as found without a past He wa ordered to report next morning Gave hit name a Capt hltje,of the One hundred and Set en t -eighth Pennsylvania, but could show no papers to Identify his name or regiment, and was accord ingly ordered to accomnan) the guard to tho Cen tral guard house, tut while the omcerwss examin ing the passes of other offloer In the house, the captain ' skedaddled ' to part unknon n MtETiNa or Rciuoeeb A hlghl) interesting meeting of person In thl city who hate retentl) escsped from rebel prisons, tt as held lilt night at i rmiirrance iinii Hon Joseph Segar, of lrginland set era! es caped prisoners, addressed the meeting The state ment of the latter were of thrilling Interest, as they portraj ed in simple ) et graphic language the horrible treatment of Union men by the rebels Resolution of thank to Gen Wadsworthand Mr. Wood, for their deliterancc. and urging attention to prisoner still In rebel dungeuus. were adopted. We had prepared full note of the meeting, but owing to the crowded state of our columns and the lateness of the hour of adjournment, we are com pelled to postpone the report to our next Istue LtuwiNAitLovuT lieore JuJge Men icktdrrJiij Wm Chambers, charged with assault and batter) with Intent to kill, upon Francis McNlihol f found fullty of assault only ; lined AI and costs JSorris or defence John Campbell, charged with keeping a faro bank and gaming table The case was git en to the Jury about half past two o clock Thej had not agreed upon a t erdlit at the time of adjournment The court adjourned to meet at 13 o'clock to-daj Personal. Wm R Fills, PhiPat BenJ J Haja, Newlork)R D Case), PbllaiU c Alberrcr, Bu(ralo,N Y j Iaac Hllllamt, Pittsburg, la i Jno Davis, and S H i aton. New jorkj ir 1- Gordon, B ilti mo re, and C L. Peacoik, New Aurl, the Metropolitan Gen Mott and stiff, U S A Geo B lioflrnan, Baltimore) Jas A Field, Lewi it on, Me , and Capt, Hall, U S A, are at the National Iiie PaotosT GuAauou Thursddj night arrest ed three captains, two from Penn It anla regi ments and one New orker, besl les one lieutenant They were found In place of doubtful repute, tt 1th out proper passes, and ordered to report them seltes under arrest at the office of tiio Protott Marshal jesterday morning at 10 o clock Goto Whitehvkst. 431 Pcnnt)ltanla aunue, to obtain superior Likenesses at reduced prices i ine Card t Iguetts, formerly sold at $5 per dozen, now selling at $it hAlf dozen, stme rate Colored Imperial reduced from $30 lo tfjJOi Helling whole sire colored at onlj AS 1 will excel In " Colore t .arte tie I (n, ' hit Ing secure 1 the sen Ice of a uperlor artlat for thtt branch of bualneta LlkiV uetteaofman) of those fillen In btttle can be ob laineu nerei auo cr ; pnuiiPBrnpni wi iirumiuriu nan hnlk nil II an. I mllllltl 111,1 Jl I 111 men, both clt 11 and mlliurj nut Jl tm Wounucii anu Di4ADLi.i hoi uicnt Liu hate their l decenary Papett" uade out for application or ' nifoi'WPt7itiffli,lmmedlatelj upon i rocurlng their "Diifnortre.-lly application to Pea, Oaidner a- zuIiYjK Nn ru nivA.nth.trPftt.htwnDmi F atreeta, near General pot Office No charge until pennon i j'rocureu no xvini" D Ell ft A BIX Ism A HUBBKH OOOU. Mt. H. A. Hall ha Just received lot of Officer' Lour and Light dull finished Coats also, dull finished Pon eho, extra large sites i also, a, lot of blue ingllth Talmas, very long, at 1 10 each) which he Is selling at manufacturers1 prtces.athls India Rubber Ware house, tio PennaylvanU avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets wt 37 tr A Word or Adtick- Those who hare been doctoring for weeka apd months without obtaining relief, should consult Dr. Plshblatt. whose office Is at No 431 E street, corner of Eighth street, and b radically cured. Twenty-Ore year experience ha established Dr Flshblatt'a reputation as aphysl clan Recent case cured In a few day Charge moderate. DR. FHHBLATT. No 431 Eatreet, corner of Flghth, Opposite the General Post Office. IrfiHA Rvascn Goods. The place to bur four nUDBER COATS, LLGOINS. CAMP BLANJCLTfl. HAVELOCK8,IIAFR8ACKB,and every article made from INDIA RUBBLR, Is at II A. HALLS India Rubber Warehouse, where you can obtain them at manufacturers' prices, 110 Pennsylvania avenue, bet weed Ninth and Tenth street oc23 Ladies, Men's, outh', Misses' and Chtldren'a Rubber Boots, shoes, Sandals and Galtersi Ladles' and Gents' Buckle Overshoes, with felt lining and topi Men' Short, Knee and flip Boot At Allen, Clapp aV Co India Rubber Store, Penn atentie( between loth and 1 1th at nor 44 Ira Irdia Rubber Boots and shoe The above articles are sold cheaper at 11 A HALL' India Rubber W arehouse, Stb Pcnnt) Irani a at enue, than at an other store In this city or lclnll) . This it to Call and satltfj ) mirtelt es, 310 Penntylt anla avenue no In tf Notice to Matin ere. In the approaches to Newport harbor, Rhode Island, two rocks have been discovered by Henry Mitchell, Assistant U. 8. Coast Surtery 1 Lies about 7uo yards west from the Poor-house on Coaster's Hsrbor Island, and 875 yards north by east from Red Buoy No 6 This rock Is about one acre In extent, with 17 feet at mean low water on Its shoaleit ipot, which 1 not oter e feet square At the lowest spring tides there will probably not be lea than lfl'( feet on this spot This rock lies In nearly mld-channelof the North ern Passage To clear It, hug closely the bold shore of Coaster' Harbor island 2 Lie nearh on the line between the Rose Island Spindle ami Goat Island light-house, and about 324 ) ards from the Rose Island spindle This rock ha two aharp peak lying NW and Sf ,wlth li( feet on the outer one at mean low water. To the westward of this rock the deuth Is St to the northward. 7t to the eastward, 8 and to the south ward, 7 fathoms water Tills rock lies outside of the line between the Rose Island Spindle and Buoy No S To clear It, keep on the Goat Island aide of inecununei a w UAiiir, sup't u, s coast survej Coast survl Office, Nov. 4, 186J Not Ire to Marluers. Notice Is hetebj given to mariners that the Bal tic, Captain J J Conistock, Is reported to ha e run aground, drawing 18t feet, on a shoal spot situated about 2'j miles duceat from W Inter Quarter Shoal, on the coast of Maryland, and about ll miles from the shore This shoal is not laid down on the charts, and a survey of the ground will be made at the earliest practicable moment A. D BACIIF, Sup't V s. Coast Survey. Coast sum ey Office, Nov 0, 16C3 FOll SALE OK RENT. "1?OIt HALEA three ston DUFLLINU and j. siorj fronting ine northern niaruet spate Also a vacant LOT adjoining both being desirable business stands, inquire oi dec 0 St ULSSFS WARD I7UR SACK. hea) black HORSF, years " old, sound, kind and gentle Also one wagon, harness, hay-cutter, fee , will be sol 1 together or separatel) For further particulars, cull at J THARP S, 330 D ttreet, nenr Y Ighth deco 3t IiU)H RENT Handsomely furnished apart ; ments, suitable for members of Congress, No 447 Ninth street, between t and F street, near the Patent office neat iw 1?UR SAMC-TfE LEA&L, FIXTURES. ASD : GOOD WILLotn flrst-claa Wholesale Liquor and Sutler Establishment) ha been doing a One business for two ) earsi located In tho central part of Pennsylvania avenuet will also make n flrst class restaurant For full particulars apply at the Agency Office, fill Ninth street, near Pennsylvania avenue N II MILLIR Alto, Clt) Proper t) and House t for sale no 15 tf 1TORHKXT AND NAEK-The Furniture of a . first-class Boardlnc House, with Fourteen Room, In the ery best of neighborhoods, now hav ing from fourteen to sixteen boarders satisfacto ry reason given ior scuing r or particulars appiy attheAgenc) Office, fill Ninth street, near Penn arenue N H MILLtR. de stf FOR SAEiTOne thousand set of good second hand harness One, two an 1 four horse harness Two hundred second hand MoClellan saddle cheap Fnquireof 11 S Johnston, No Til Pennsylvania avenue, between )our-and half and sixth streets, opposite the National hotel de 1 steod ROOMS TO Li T Four Furnished Rooms, with or without Board, within tit e minutes walk of Penn.)!vftnla .vinue Inquire at No 407 raaryiftna arenue oau- tf BY J. C. MeOUIHia it, CO., Auctioneer.. P1A1.0 tOHTtS, fOVTAUe SVITLS, OV tOHTLKS ANU llOtSEIIOLU IVKSITURE AT riuiiiL &Jti- uu iui juai iiiwrniUKi t-tein ber Stb, commencing at 10 o'clock, we snail sell, - .-p,, ....... .................. Roewootl Brocatelle-cotered Parlor Furniture Mahogany Hair liotn no tin Iluah-tovcred Lounge, Chairs an 1 Ottomans Rosewood and Mahogany French Bedtteadt Cottaee Bedtteadt. Chamber Chairs Mahogany and Walnut Bureaus, WaaliBtands Three Painted Cottage Hultea Hair. Husk and other Mattresses reatner Jieas, uo liters ana niiottt Urtiaaelt, Ingrain and S-ply Car et cnina. oiaat anu trntiter) ware Two Portchomlnle atea, large lot Mantel Orna ments One Refrigerator Cooking, Chamber and Parlor Slot es Together with a general a i tort men t of House hold Furniture ALSO, In the trade, at Wo clock light bale Double Comforts, of a heavy and good quality in bales of 6 d izen eaih, and will be io 1 Without reierve JAS C MiGUlR U CO , Auct dc-uO dt (Mar 'lMIUlTi UOI.LAHS HKWAUD.-Strajed J. from the Stab let, in Twentieth street near the rlter, known at the Lime Kiln, TWO HORSES one a t pot ted hone, and the other a baj or brown horte An) person returning these horses will melt e the above reward bt calling at the Colon Hotel, In Set enteenth street not A at G IIAI'KS I UllAPKS I lillAl'KS t Kelle)'s Island, this da) receltedbj 4 II blA11f , ll Louisiana at enue, First door eatt of Setcnth st dec 3 lw CtOMKONr.COMi ALL.TOL. A BEALL&CO, j to get ) our Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps, No 3b I Set enth street. Be 26 3ni between I k K 100,000 Imported Hat ana segars, Louiprlalog the choicest brand In the market, Just reielteland for ale at no li OSTHF1M UUUTIIr RS. C Ahl COAhll A full sunidv of all kinds uf Anthracite Coal for sale at lottest possible rates r"3 310 pounds to the ton WM M OALT, AH 4 Pcnnt)ltanlaatenue, il 1 Ctlf Bit i letenth and Twelfth st PAME INTO Ml PORHKSNIUN. on or Vv about the Uth of Not , a Bay Horte, with one white foott about 9 or KM ear old The owner will come forward, prote prdpert), pay charges, and innviiiiii snnj BABlUt L. LA53JJJ1, dec4 3t Cor list north and Delaware at. I?V&nI10DVHtleHtlonlcallerttoour j new stock of Clothing for Men and Boj s' use, which we hat ejutt recetted.and otter for sale at very low prices, at No 401 Seventh street, near r, J BKUO fcCO, Proj rlelurs ot 0k Ihtll Clothing Room itpiA 3ni SBIITH &, UK ALL, No, Jill K K.NTII Street, between land K streets. Is the Cheapest Clothing House In town Tr) them not 31 dtjanl I lu 11 H O . A I. . IhjerUna lit ate Uht Cmtd Diilij. by Hand Mi intthui Callan ltetthennmeol tuinenf thetlritcltlicnt 0I tvatnlngton, who hat e been restored to Iiealtli ' Gout, Pile., Neuralgia, Rheumatlam, Surty, Nertoua Complaint, and Female Weaknetea, In- tarlabh cured without fall Mn, untw Mk.i.t . , Mn' ..Rtl' K,,teit; bet weenSixth and Setenthttreett 1 N B The city car pata within a iqutre of the i aoor. nov 37 lm T 1ST OF iMCTTKHM KKMA1NIKU IN THE WASfflNOTOX CITY POST OFFICE, FRIDA1, DFCEMBFR 6, Qffl OflleUlly Published In the Newspaper I la ring, the Largest Circulation, LADiiaTusT. A. Attar, Mollle Arden, miss F DArny, Adella Alrlch, h M Anthony, rars P Arden, miss Aness, mrsC Ashford Georg'a n. uivukI) neurit itiacKiuuu.iiiwiMiBtTi, oniiir jjona, ai t, uecaeri, ivaiu uurna, mri m i Drown. M F Bradley, Arnma Brant, Elltt I wen, wary arennan, Annie uiejan, r hi Baker. Sarah Blckla. M Blttman.mrsJno t Brennan, Annie Bleyard, Flit Bush, Hcttle Buthuy,AH Barber, Phebe Bean, mr step SBartels, mra A LUabon, mr J W Batex, NM 3 Barot, Mtrgnret Rosier, mrsTho ' Brown, HarrletFRrown, Maria Burmlngham, A Brooks. C A Renter, Maria Uahcock, Mar Cross, Jennie ( lementsj mrs T Copeland, mrs J , Clark, mra A D Lolemans II Coulter, M A ' Clark, P M Croable. II M CassIdi.Mf Cook, Man Clinton. Hellen Cokelv. Rebecca Cults, 11 F Cooper, mr II KCheney, M A Chace mrIIIramCarroll, Jennie Canbi, mr L II Collins, i ll Colb). mrs Jenn) Coulter, M A Clark, mrs I'M Cocbrtan, A M Cunningham M cox, mrs jo vt coulter, m a couins, tuoii) LOiuns, pin Corn. Mar touii) i; n tenrn, mrs Cantleld.MA Clement SI Curt In. Clara Lrut, Henrietta U. Dorrlck, Emma Douglass, M F Va la, Jenn e . Dull, mra R Dougherty, M F Dwlnnell.mraJW fi?f.." .. IVfWb-J Deraughn mr. A uirw. mri rnin iseiiionner. miss t t Douglass, mrs II O Dixon, Julia Dais, Fllen Dearlng, E C DavI, Caroline Derolre. FJ Dlmlck, mr Mj Dyer, mlts Durrll, S H Durell, Hattle Dly, Mar) Drumbacker, LLDuperfn, mrs J Douglass, mr A Dares, Mar) Dat is, i mil) Deforest, Bell K. Edlln, Mar -J Iberback. C Eddleman, L I l unell, Jlna Estlnger, Jane a I), mrs P. Frew, mrs M II Fowrert.mrsAAI-orBVlh. Maria Fowler, mrsColSFouke, Mar) 1 Forrester, Jane Fenton,tnlssOI a. Gates, Sallle M Guild, mra M Galllsun Honora Gaullt, Hattle Gouil, mr BurrGrlffln, Mary Grat . mr O F Ceniberger,mrSGlbbin, t Hen Guild, mrs S A Gordon, mrs C Germain, Ann George. Sarah J GLlson, miss II LGrlfUn, Margaret uatet, Disnna r urrgory. Diary auouuaru. miss r Green, Belle Gratlntmne, J Gilaon, H L 1 II. Holt. Sophia lilnes, Mien Higglns, Adella Hinds, Llnle M Hughes, mrs Houghton. 1 Hunter, SophlaGHuahe,mri S THanson, Kmilj Hess. Mar) Hudson, mrs J HHolmes, Jane Hedrlck, mr B SHelmstead,EllenHarrl, mrs S Hall, mrs L Harklns, Fllen BHallcj, Addle Harris, Ellzab h Hunter, mr Geo Halle j , Ann Holmes, Mary B Hurstls, HsttleEHolmead, Ann Horln. mrs LA Hoot er. Julia A lleckert. mrs A Howlftnrs G Harris, HleanorHolmitedcmrjE Hall, Lauretta iiaviland, c Hanter, mrs llano, Rose Horner, Isabellallar, mrs I A Hughes, mr II Harrison, D Howard, Llnle J. Jartls, mrs L B Jackson, Rote Johnson, I Ilia C Joynet, mrsJL Johnton, Laura Johnson, mrsLM Jennet , C Johnston, mrs Jourden, mis. I Joaqulne, MarlaJackson, Delii Johnson, f lien Knox, mrs O W Knickerbocker, Keeh , Mary Ketet,mrsAB mrs B Keeier, MatlldA Kujp, mrs Jno Kenetl) , I Hen hell) , I ann) Kellogg,tnrs Hen Ladd, F E Et)ton, mrs CapLatluier, L Locks, Harriet Lltlte, mrs C 2 Loughlan, A Luck, Harriet La) ton, L L UtMeneld, mr F Lynch, lien H Ltingle) . mra AT Lied j , mra Jl I Leke, mrs L Lonagall R J Longle) , mrs AT Lent, mrs M N Lions, Mart La Mont. Addle Lee, Maria L Lisle. Marlon Llghteberger, V Lancaster, Longle), mra APLeland, CM Lanln,inr GeoS M. Moon, mr C A-4Mutguln, Mar) Muller, Host More, Bridget Muller, Rose Maltbt, mrs Geo Murrat.AP Mltcbel, Mar) Main, Mart I Mjhew,nirC Marshall, I Metx,mrCha Martonmon mlssMnjlmv, mrs Moore. Annie 1 A Moore, Jr , mr. JMenton, Mary MMcKelt ) , luUsM , in i Biii I i) , C i pi m rue ii, t r i MUler. miss P AMalont. Mart Mirneau Maxwell, J Metlar, Rathe) McDonald, mrs 3 muonr) , a u unciirii, uiivt i ucv-mi, mrs jiio i niarsn, en " iturn, im a Mlddleton,tnrsMMaton, Kale MtNcb, mrt t T Mumbaner, ( Mi Lame), 1! Munton, mlta Mantle, Louis N. Nelson, Ann P. Norton, mrs I HNorrlt, N O. Odl in, Jennie Otherda),R I. 101, mrs A Price, Lizzie H Price, mrs It B Page, Sarah Oihrr, 1 A Irk.-, HUaheth IresLOtt, M H Price, Clara L Pattiui mlssRGC Plant, Mary Pages, mrs S A Price, Amelia Peik, Mar) J- It. Reumnau, MadmRuss, miss H G Kelt) , Margt P Rlchards,MarthaHusHell, Harriet Rllee, Mary Red len, Laura lOsenttnck in lit Ray, mr Jun W Reno, mrt Gen H Ruoua, Carrie 11 Red len, L C-i Resenstock, L Ron, Polly N. Steward, utrMh'tuil)itMr) I. Gsewtll faiinle Smith, mrsU A-3Mroud, Mar) Sutton, mrs 1 Stone, Mar) smith, Liztte Nullt an, Mir) Sears, t lUabelh Man ood, Lucj Spinner, Josle t Sholes,mrsO Smallttood, mrs Schneider, A straney, mrs F J HI. toilers. Utile Swann, mrs MS Stewart, Kale sllpptr, lurt Hj Spears.mraWmPSattle, 1 Hza-J Jl Spier, mrjl PLSn)der,I Hen mij Ur, Mhhii Showls, mrs 11 OSouthttUk, 1 11 sit tins, J- mil) Swank, Lizzie Sttnart, mrt J SttTllng, 1 Scott, miss C G Shernool, t valdtng Grave tkott.mlis Nandrrton, JaiK 1. Tiali. Mart Ihomat, 11 Ihumi don IW Tuttle, iur o s lurtln. Hiza Ihomat. VV I Thompson, ll Teacle, Marj J l)ler, Cornelia Tai oott, Jane Thompson, C i nomas aarin isjior, Auu.i rinton, Llzzl riiHet Jiuieis ' . Xauhn, mrt M A. Wlnde,Mar) R Wra),Msr) Warren, A Woods, Mrs W W ood, August t W et tter, M L Wall. Fills J uaie, Jane tttlsou, niarg t W ood, mrs A M W Iber, Jaue W aiker, i llzab h Woomt.CarollDeWallace, M F Wat ten, Mart A White, Hullah Wadtworth)B Willlaint. Alike Willis, H J W t land, Sarah AW llsou, Virginia White, mrt A A Wllmot, Carrie Webster, Mary L W hlte, mr DrWW hltlmr, Mary FW ashlngton, N It H Webber, SarAh AW llton, Lucj A Ward,mr Capt W ilton, miaCaptWetcntt, MarlaL Wurts, inltsHS H Wetlfall J W . eager, Matilda oung, Annie GFNTLFMINS LIS! A Adams, Alex lldrldge,r Andersuii, I Allen, ur u c uama uain i l Aiiene, mc miClICi AMI Aah. Mlckle Am. u t a Aiorifrin. r Aiken, Lt D A Ash, Hugh W Airey, Philip Arthur, B H AnJrctta, & Allen, T Alleu. Serif O Adam, De C Anderson 11 B Allen, L B Abbott, Lt J II Aderhotd. 1 Anderton, JS Applegate.Col F Allen, J M fIIAia.vaig If AAV AlllAOAU, Ui l.n.t.An,, Inn lllk.m tet. Allbee. h H Allen.Col 1G Ba11ow,AA Brown, MM Babb, Amot Baker, AJK Butt. A B Abbott, L Adimi, Dr Z B U. Bro n, i i h BalUrd, O Bowmer, E Benjamin, LH Baron, 1 W Bramlnll. G W Batei, O H Bluder, G W Brokaw.G 3 B ickman.G Uirnet, Gen Bartoll GH Belllnger,Aug Burket, J-1 h Baxter. Surif AJ Uarnea. dtv Brooke, 111- Beaumont. FH Bradle),C)rua Baker, Co Beebe,CM Bue), Gen C Urltcoe, C C Uranham, D C Bible. DP B irbank, i dwJ Blow, Hon M T Uatea. 1 Brown. II Hi rule, J- A Birret, r Battl.Frel Brulle, I- red Backer, t Buxton, FA Urovtu, JIG B irbank, HA llaldwln H L Bar I, HII Bull HA Uennett. H Beebe, DP uecue, u r uuaiuii. r j iiurtrfbe.Cul DHBarnard. FA11 Bonner lib Brlgg,MaJ DO. Brirtholomctt , G Boggt, Col II iiernent,iiaj r ii ti uru n ur ii j- Becklej. H Benham, G C Bentle) , lit Blrchard, Jaa T Brown. Murrat ABrltbane Ihot Bogan, Jno 1 BUkealee, M J Bott en, Tho U Botkum, Jno W' Boj le, Micliael CBott le, Tho H Bellowa,J Btron, Mlchl II Bradwaj, Thot S uottman, JOtian uieaer, Aiiiciu netdiet, i it Utiawin, itaac rurauy, n n Bailey, Jat 11 Buckingham, Brad), Jno Bet K 2 Bar croft, Jno Burbrage, O H Batei, ltaac C 3Brott n O D W Bo)le, Joshua Barnard PP Broun. Jat Brvton Peter Bui han nn, T II ll) rne, Thot B)ard,Theo W ILiirlna Thru Burgm, Wm A Brontou, W B 3 Broun, Isaac 3 Barber,PM&BroBigger, Wilson S niair, Jat A uaguj, nussei nrouer, tt m n HniLi". Ja. iiradlet.Ret H Beach. W m J BueLDr JullauAlloston Robt Breaker, Dr W F Balrd.Jas B Blaln, Hotn Beach, Jno Bean R Brown, Juo A Blckler, s Barns, Jno F 2 Bridge, s J Ikndlck. Wolf Blttlnger, W m Began, Wm Brctoort Lt W M iwaru, lchh-j uacon, attiiii ii uaiirj, l.i t Beardsle) , Cap LButler, Col peedBcall, W m H Bulle), Lt W C-3 Bennett. Lt W R Bradt. Math B Bennett. 1 Bennett.DrS Uroitu.Wm Brown, M M Bacon, Saml Di 1 ling W m 11 uanx, mer'iiut uaicer, setiis uniter, ttm s Ballard. Myron Bailey, Stlllrmn Blutt, 1 1 tt W Bebee, M 0 J Bennett,sidne) PBukele, tt m Breen, Mlthl Beem, S-tm) llurfeti W C Brad) , Mlchl Brant, S m llriiu llge 7 Borgmau, Lt MOBrown.SH liitl. j Zai.1, M Balard, M)ron C. Creamer, Alb s Cronlnt, Danl Lraimr, sit (J L Conover, Aug C tochauour, Dav Cattel Get Coburn, A Corbit, Dinuett Carborg Geo kuuJTi Aug bBuicruU) uunu irauuci, ueo Chamberlaln.ARChrlttle. David Clapp, Geo M t,iiiuiwii.iUnm.iiiuc, unviu iiapi, uru ii Carter. AbrahamCampbell, Col D Cole, Capt GeoA Furguson.MA Jower.mrtR t Uher.mrsM I Dunning, Cha LDennis, Lt L O DwIght.LtColU Flutwood,8ussnlowler, mr. CoUitiKerald.Mary I Doalie,,,i MirK Dale) Mich Denver, Wm FawUa.riliabh R-3 Jole)tCatharlne DorsoMark Dllon, Motes Dalton.'wm Fawcett, Hattle Fairfield, Uate lnegan, Maria Drake ' li c rwj mui niiinn Um Flnnellr.mlssOPFoster. skrah F FairfaxKate F it,.e.' '. h.- XZi' m. KiV0V.lni I Chaer Alrln B Chlpman, Edw KChambem. H A Cornman. A D thenebro, EmeryCtark, H M I Craven, And Caldwell, Lt C K earner, H B i-urrr, wnj twicuto, t tniuns, ll f Crabbs, B tkCoy Chlpman, R Chambers, If A Compton, Bern Cook, Ewti S Campbell, Hloka Cheever. Ben) II Oobourn, F A Curn, Henry Canfleld, C W Carter. Frank Carter, H City, MaJ Gen O Cadwallader, I ECooper, H K M Cobura, F J Clements, Henry Copp, Lt Lhs D Carpenter, Frank Crosby, MaJ 11 ' Clement. Jaa O Chamberlln, MaJCoburn, H O Cheney, MaJ Chi Ul Callender, M Collatns, ChtH Curtis, MaJ O N H Herthrup Catlesrltnl. (' Cllnean. i,u r Crossln. Ira Curren, Danl Choate, Geo R totgrove. Jno Clark, Melvln coateiio, a u Converse M Carroll, Jot Conner, Martin Clarke, sidnei luiiuii) au i - iicity, v Crowley, Jo Cantrleht.M Coolldri ;rt inaj j ', John Cornish. Cant N Cummin-. Tho tiiriinr, m l. minima. Chandler. Jno J Carr. Ned Christie, Jas Chlpman. N A lAinmngnam fa Collin, Lt T II Chamber, Tho Claugh.ThotO Clark, Tho ll Connoly.Tho C Conrad, Rev T N Cooke), JnoM tanrlth, N Center, John thapln, O H Crandle. Jotet h Cur ran, C W Curtis, Joaei ft Constance, P Clt) comb, Jno Chandler, P I, Chatham. Jot Craft. Phllln Canaha, Lt T R ni " fj tlJ;'h eJl ' pfllt2ho f""onir ,llfl,!Rdl'r ?.IS,r Th.1i K tole. John took. Paul t Crocker. m Cbace, Ira t Coon, Jno Coombs, J no N Cook, Ira Cleland, Jat Look. Brig Gen PCogswell, W F-1 ttG Cole, taptWm Craford, R-4 Corbet t. H t Crawford, Robt Curr) . W m Caverly, H B Cranston, IfonW CraHdi.hobt 112 Curtis, Lit a ( ropley , Robt T Carles. Vt rli.b I .l.a Hl.n.n. 11 .( It n vmm, buuirr niniiuu, i 11 uvKiwril, ll 4 Carter. Lt Copeland, MaJ RCuttlnr, CapUm I Cllle) it Coj M Chajillne, U JtVii Ui . rt iTi ."l " " Vu,c,.''i. t ,.r kahili, Mich c line, , S) h anu. Carroll, MaJ W C SSZffsSS M Sa'-nS; 'i' ' "SKKaf." : -.: .-" .. ----- cnectman,M Dlten, Col A 1 Coombs, Sam II Clark, WmM Dickinson, Jon Dunn, Silas R Dessan.Jfl Dill. Jno P Duffield, B Dennle, B F Ds Is. B O David, Col Ja J DehavenjTheo UTUIKUi 1111 Duncan, T B Danieis, Lt C H Downs, Jno T Duell, that Doud, Jno Dewitt, C V Doray.Jot Dalle) , that t Dei Ine, Lt J F ueciB, j j Dale, T Dai is, T Seym Dawson, T Bus Doughert)tTnos Dana, cuas A auorj, lchIs uriiu, m L111UU. 1 Dortt art, Henri Dunn, Mr Derr. m T Dunn, Hiram Doe, N A Douglass, W B Dalley, Hugh Dunham, O A Dought), m Durfee, Israel C Daley, Pat Douglaas, A Dintmore, LtJ p)er, Robt Dodd, W M 6 B 3 Da) . Rlchd L J De Mott, m Donovan, Jer Dockendorfn R Dlnkman, m Diuy, Lt J M Dorman, RG Davis, Lt C Dyer, J T Dole, Capt R W Davis, m Daties, ColJM Duffleld, DrSE Dlre.Uiu Dct Ine. Jno Dunman, Sol Dice, U m Delord, LaptJW Dettey, Capt S Dodge. Wm Dlcke),Jos A Fvam.AfcJO Ehel, Fretl Ednards, Hen B Ellett, Brig Gen Eastman, Col F UIott,Jat B Alfred a 3 A 3 I "tep, Jno Flllott, C D Fmerson, G E 31- ckstone, Jno rewards, tnt r gan, rienj) - t aion, iat (MHHIUI, bll Fmcrr. Jos Fuler. Mr lllott, Gen W Mchholti.J A Ulcorn, J R Iti, Jeremiah Frnandes Mr Elrkh, .M Frederick, A Frazee, Alb Flarltt. B Fid ridge O Jer, P M 1 sler, R B Ed -tarda, SM P oter, J K Frit. F7 L 4 1 tnmel, W m i Agan, in tan, H Flanlgan. M FUher, N Ford. OD lord, fred rennlinore.CW Fllllus, GA y tiller, R D 'oresicr, en l-arell)tCli Fluster, C Faulkner Ch V l-ord& Charles r arran, Lt G D Farnum, R M I ItZKerald. Q Fulton. R M rams worth II Fowler, Col S-16 J 3 Freeman. Dr S D Flanders, HJ FIjrnn, S i letcher. J lorthaureli. T Farley, en rosier,t.aui t ruiiuuiuu, riiK,4u r isher, Edw r eat hers ton, J Fltlhugh.T roster, Hon I K3renwlck, 1 Florence, J toreman, Dr I Finn, J Fitch, Dr R falrchlld RetBox,Jos Flsher.Wm Forttet, IaIwIii Frenirl, L a. Garrcn, A U Gra), Geo W-3 Green, Jotham S GUleanle. MaJ A Lrace. G W Greinr. Jno B ; II Gamble.OHK Griffith, Lewis uuiug, u uviuuu, ny r urrruuurg, 111 nit Gllman, C L Ctallger, Hugh Green, mr Grltwold. ColCr Glbtoo, H G Gallls, P Greet, C r Clanlon, Henry Green, R M Gatla),D Gattmer, II L Gae, R Gor Ion, IMnl Gouerl) , Jas Goodell, H K Getman. St 1 Gordon. Can J AGrecort . S H ureeu, r iiuiutb uuruuu, uu muuiiiiirii v-p i Gritttn.FbenezerGorden, Jno 11 Garrett, LtW If Gordon, F C Galle, Jas ray, Wm r Green, I udloet Gordon, Dr J MGGalnes, Cap T Griffin, Frtiik ureeuieai, jer nouge, tm Pi Grores. Jackson Guinea. Wm uerue, r Gil lings MaJ G Gordon, Jas R Gibson, Wm D H imruiiii, wap J no II. Hats, Ab m Hall, Dennis Harman, Glltert Hart, Ab m-J Hubbard, 1) B S Howard, U il Hamllton.Lapt A Hickman, Hw Hanlenbeck,G W Hooter, An 1 Ha) den, Lt r Hertrlck, Geo Hastings, Albert Hem pti eld, Lt V. Hftlenberg, G B Haoe, Capt A Holdrldge, R Hote),GeoO Hulthtger, A C Houghton, F P Hermans, If C 3 lllgglnt, CaptBSHartten, t Holmes, Hon 1IL Hopxlnt, ItenJ GHcnr), Mwln Hasmer, H LA Hudson, C Hat es, F Hall, Dr H O Hambrlght,Col Hlfchlnga. Edw Holt, Dr Henry Harrli, Chat N Hertert, Kdwin Hersey, Henry Hall, Ch am Huth, t i Haw, Dr Henry Hooter, Corne's HauttlUe.TS Hoyt. Henr) li Hane),CornellusHettett,T L Huicnlns, A Hecker, Col Hentlg, CajI F Holt, Lt H Hepburn, Capt Hurl hurt, Geo F Hlte, H I Ho) e, Chat Hattle), Geo A Hyatt, J Henert, Chat Howard, G B Hooter, Jno M Humphre)s, Lt Hungerford, GWHarknett. Jno H i oi tu iiuuuaru, ucu v naaaen, ii Hart, Dan C 11 ink son. Gert Hammon. Jno W 1 Hobbss, Denard Halght, Geo Harrison, J II Haines Jas Hat Hard, DrGMHuse.Jno Hathawa), J D-3Hurd,Joho Ha)Hanl,Dr JMH)de.JB I L Haiigh,Jnn llornliiif. J T Hawet. J 11 Holbrook Jno Haughn, P Haltey. P Hatkell. P II Hrnrt , P M Haugh, R Hawkins R Kaufman U. Co) Hummel, Lett Hawka, R S i nuiigun, 4 r Hatch, Lt M 1 Hunklns Dr S C Hutchinson, Mr Heller, s Hooter, Mich Hamlli, Prof S S Hooter, J W 1U ninth j Holland J Haskell, Mi lUlzhelm S Hamilton, IW Herieh),M- Hamon, sam j io j xiut j it HAtiimar.J 11 Hutchins, M 1 Heat . Jno uaruin, uoi ni unowara ijko Hii iientffeel. J F J iieain, cot i - Match, J II Harte), M Holdcn, W D llelsted, Hon W Hamilton, NO Hall, VP Hitban, N W Hawle) , W N nanes, -ino lUUh,GenJT Hughes, J 1 HaUJno Hall, Jonathan lUUletd. O S SHelmet. Mn H mi. in Hartman, CP Hmklat.Wm Hanophy, Pat Henkle, IMaJ U in Hall, P A 3 Hanson, John I. JttJ Johnson, GreenBJanorln, DrJotl Jame. 0 T Jon. Jm Henrt Halgle), Jos Heimer, Jos James. A( Jacobs, I juiiuitiii niniiii'uiiri, iiriirj r unri4M ajr a juiiiisj, nirrisuq juuton, tiirgi Jorlau,! I Jrmte, Ira Jurmau, laul Johnt, HarrftoQ JuUton, Surg O A Ingllt, Lhia Johnton, Jno D Jenkins, II 1 Jat k to ii Catt Johnton, Jno B Johnson, R t Jonea, Lt C L 3 Joseph, Jnu F James, S Henr) June1, tharlet Jordan, Capt JnoJohnson, S M J Jenkins, Col D TJohusou, Jat Johnton, Thot I Jellej , Jno 11 Johnton, Thot Jfnuii, u L Jonntun.Jno m Jonea, Thot Johnton, Mw Jacobs, Jas Johnson, Thcs II i, Jti Johnton, Th Jackton.GeoC Jennlnga, Cap J JohntonDr W o 'Uiiui.urui juiiuiuu, tvu Jonaigu. n i r UUUIUU 11 II JolUe, m Janney, Jot IC. Kate, Augutt Konrad, Frank Kirk. Lt Jno kenned) ,A J , Kochler, F Kite, Dr Jno L Kelmer, B F Knox, Geo W Keefe, Jno Klntll, CL&G kanlee.Geo WKanet,Jno tvaaiAnerrr, iiasnciivr, uru mng, J tt Kruhlp. L C Kemn. Geo Klum. kauf mau Kendall. Lt C 3 Kaufman, K 5 Keaaler. L Kukendall.C W Kenjor.Henrj KKennedj , Lieut Kieter.LnritTi nKenj, Jaa r Keen, Lett it w Keefe, CornrlluaKeaj , Jno II U King, Lieut itipn, t- tt ivaauun, jiui tier will, M 4 r n.. i t'.. naiwiiVB. uin i nriij , n Knight t D Kemerer, J W Kellogg,! W 3Kelley,Ja W Klrkbride M B Kalopattake Dr AID Kilmer, W A Klrby.W tt Kaaer, tt di Kneplc) tt i ierne,nobi iveiiii, it Koonti.sW Kenned) , V I kelie),V Kumear.U lu Kelly, Wm L Lane, Lt h U Lyon, u U Lenkert, a I Kingston, SI Kaultman 1 King, TfC LateU, AC Lambert, Lewit.tisj AF Lang, Al Logitii, AW Lee Cant BF 3 Lowri, Hun M D 1 Leater, Mile. s Lawrence, N k Lord Capt IIE-9 Lamb, R utwrcme, 11 u lcwii, 1 L.drard.Hj' Lockwood S Lot ell, Mai C S Llnttruth, II LtontCH Lathell. )1V Latimer vrg Lane. TH Lltsi), L L i.eecn,n r Latham,TJ Lane. C H Lawrence, Lt JWLashelles, Sur- Ludlow, Col Lippmtn, I 2 Keon T 3 Lm.klln.J M Longe),Tl. Lyod.Jil Leater.WH Lai.y,Jaa Law.WH Lewi, J D Leva,Wm Lojd.JBfcCo Uke.W A Lowe, Jat Lehman.Wni Lane, J Lawrence.W II Lord, J P Ltnch Col W F u Xo, DonJ LyoU.JH lr" . .. ... .'. Low. Uii Loder, Lt J A Lindile) , 1 Lou.'. Fre 1 Lamed Cai FS Lake. J M Lacy.W B I.AathlU. U Llnthlcum F Ll)hu.,Lt Laurence, r Lied, tapl F Lambing, MJ 3 L)on WH Mtnnlck. Mv Carter, 3 Maxttell Ret JG MUlbourn F MorRan.JasH Marrinan, A L Moore, Anderson Marshall, F G Mh.ikf in.lrawM.nohaJn. L liru. ..--' I I Manner. A Manv. Edward M.iinn. inn iiinriiirr. n Mone, U H EiiS&.fil."1 1 JrIilo,.Jn0 Maybury, Frank McSchooler, Cap Mittlct, G B Meterte, I-rank DG Miner It BN Moore. F B 3 Murpht.Jno MtCHrtt.Lor McI-aiUlen,aU'Middletun,J 1 McOleett, Cor M) ers. Geo McLean, Col JTI McDonald, L H MaCullock, Geo Morelsnd Jno Manhall,( R Melllck.Geo Mackln.Juo Me) bert, Chas AMeslck, Henry Morrison, DrJ M Moore, OajtL McCanle),HB Medarlt Jno Mallumkrodt, C McKenna, Hugh Martin, J L Miller, LhrlitlanMcPhlllip, II Marthal, fergt J Martin, Capt Murnell. li G Murnhi, Jno J Mann, Datld Moore, II A McKee.Jaa tigrri-, -ui u i'iara, it v maillion, Jat A I Mustey, Dr Middle ton, II Merrill, J Fred Maher, Dennis McDowell. HughMcKey, Jnu Moody.E I McLaughlin, Ja Mow rev, Jno MaedutT,JS Martin, Marron Miller, Theodore MoLetlan. Uaae Munson, Mr Magher, TT Marehand, Cap JMoody, M D Murray, Lt Tho B McGart ey, MIchMason, Lt T I Maloney, Jno Martin, M H Mellon, Hon p McCarty. Jno McCormack.MarMlddleton, Wn Meany,Jno McCloer, MaJ McKowan .MaJ i, OS Michael, Jacob Moulton, inuuiuin. j m inicnrii. i Machely. W Murphy, J T Munton. Dr Ose McGee, Wm McKenna,Jas Martin, Dr P McCurn, W S Mansfield J T Maglnes, P H Morgan, Wm Miller, J II Moore, P II Morrison, Wm Mariarty. J J Montgomery.R BMUler, W T Miller, J P Miller, R Morris, Rer W R MolUrg, Up JnoMcCay, J 8 McLllgat, Wm Murdoch, DrJ Morin, Cap St MMoor, Wm U-o Miller, Stephen Miller, Wltlard Matteaon, J A-oManchetter, Ste McGomble, W M McMtcbael.Jno McMillan, Sam Malle, WraL Moore, J B Monday,8tephenMorgan, Col J Miller, Jno MflKenny, T J Mead, J D Maulton. T Main, W !- Moore. LtJ A Martin, T Mmse),U L Marr.JlI Martin, Tho Muster, Dr W 11 Meccall, T M 4 Martin, Col T L Mellen, Hon WP Murrai. Lt T 3 3 Miner, L L Morton. L H McGuke, Mr Morgan. Cap MRMclaln, T R Morford, Cap W 1'iiiirr, imuui piuuury, iuui l Marsh, M L Miller, TruemanMais Dr H Meher, Mlcke MtLaughUn, Jaa INetelt, And Norton, f L Mckenon Rev JSaller, ChasT Noter, GeoS I M Newton, C P 3 Nalle, Geo Newburg, Rol tB Na)lor, HonC Nickel) , Horace Neale, Smith fc Note. David Neelr, JnoT Newman SertSR Nigh, Capt Mckerton, Rue) Newell, HonW A Osborn, Ret A CUuebeck. Jo O Nelll, Robt J Olson, And o Dea, Mich O'Neill, S E Oliver, Dr Owent, Owen J-30terton,Saml Oterton, Fit Oatrom, Rom Ine O'Neal, Tho II Ongood, Jno 113 Our tier, Rich Q.uay, Capt T B O'Connor, Jno P. Potter, Anthony Palmer, Fred Purnner, J D Parker, a B Picrpolnt, G F HPtttman, Jno F Philip, Lt A E Plunkett, Pa) G Prentlas, J L Primmer, Abr 3 Peck, Geo A Prlettle) , Jno Pretton, Alonzo Pearce, Geo W Pomeroy, Lt J 3 Page, B F Pearce, Gideon Palmer, J H PIpper, BT-3 Pullen, G Palmer, Jas F Putter, C U Pearce, Geo W Plmperncll, Jno Pomeroy, Cot CCPope, Ceo A At W m Parker. C N Perkins, G Plume, Jos V Pollard, C Pendleton, Hon Pruaha, Joaenh Perry, Dtn 3 Geo H Page, Lev it Pope, Douglaa Pettch, 11 A Phillppy, Louis Paine, Rer D A Patten, Henry Prentiss, Lym 9 refers, i T Peter, Henry J Pclouze, Col L H Price, Ur Porter, II O Perkins, MO Palmer, Dr F F Persons, Hen M Piatt, mr Pratt, mr Pratt. Lt R M 3 PrentUe, Mai Peters. Michael Plumb. DrSH-3 F Pearl, Myron S Plemrfer, S L Phelps, illtrJ 1 PcrMna, mr rurseu. s? ranray, t Parker, Thos II Parks, it W J Pent, T Mortis Prince, MajW E Perkins, WarrenPoulton, Wm T neinrr, pi "Price, H Piatt, Lt R O R. Rcedker, Alcxr Reed, Harrison Richmond, mr Roloson, A J Rogers. Henry J Rathburn, M Rock. Andrew Rich, Cap H) D Roode, O M Ruggles, Dr A D Rice, Henry J Rogers, R Russell, Chas-3 Rites, Henry F Root, Rosw ell Ramsdell, Ch B Room, Cap H C Ranall, Hon S J Robinson, Danl Ritchie, lion Jas Rand, Stephen, J r nocK, r uwu nooinson, j nt,jrness, strpnen Row bo t ham, E Rill let, Jean L Ruden, Miuts Rood, Edwin H Reammersbur, J Rockwell, S 3 . Rogers, F A Russell, Lt Jas HRoads, Saul ' RadM itz, B F V Richards, Jos Richmond, Saml ( Reed, Gllmend Robinson, Jas II Rooney, Tim Richard, Geo Roonet,Jas Roraer, A Rott, Geo M Russell, Jno K Role), S Rh es, Geo C Root, Isaac A Ret nobis, Wm II Kawunes, ii Koane, col Jno J Ho Ian, wm R Retnolds, Hon G Rich, Luc If n D Raisin. M Robinson, Lt II Rogers, La far ete Randolph, M Rencherf, Henry Robes, Leantlr Ruasell, Jno Revert, Henr) S. Steelmon, A Saw jer. t D steuart, J D shoemaker, A CSplcer,! PL Scranton, J H smith, Cant I Mewart. J Sherman, A A Sampson, A A staummtL Co , FSchwleman, J tejraour, r Migars, j Soul. I- A J Snrazue. MaJ J T . sharer. Adam Swift. F 11 SummM.Jl4 Sealer. A Made. Cant F Sat erv. J C Stiles, A Sncer, U U stlllman, J J SIMe) , A H Met anton, G Simpson, J M Schrof, An 1 smith G Smith. Dr I P Set raour, Brtgadtern, G Mough, J P Gen Stevenson, G sheain, J G Slminoo, BlshopSmlth, G D siugg,Jno Seaton, Capt CWSetVUnger, H K Shine, J D smith, C U Stone, 11 L Smith, Lt J T Statford, O W Stuart, II s Stott, Jno J Scoranoe. CA Stet ens. Cant HSears. Ltinau Shretcs. C A tiiaw, itenr) nieei, motet i Shroth, Chaa Spahr, Chaa Spear, Rev V Snow, Capt Shober, that Scott. Chaa Shrodh, Chat Stanton, C II Milll, Chaa H Smith, Chas Stafford, C W (knkl. DM Sklnker, H Stocum, 11 W ShAttg.HL Snowden, H shufelt, H T Sweeor. 11 Swart wood, M Smith, M R stegmann, M i Smith, M schattell. Lt M Sthow, M Sleelman.N Sklnker, H steaw&HattlngtSell. Nil fc D K slostow, Capt J ssubject, N . Salslch.JC Shea, 1 at Sterrett, LtJ H strong, R N Sauer), J C Smith, R C Mit der, Lt J A Steen, Rot t sullltan, JII Stewart, Sargt R Savrry, J C hoi) er, Dr R Sntder, Lt J A Snow, R C Milllvan.ColJ Hsmall, Robt W Stt indler, J J Sears, R 1 springer, Lt J Hsiuston, R W Kn) der, Jno stlllwell. R Ntrotber.JS Seeh,SJ Standart, l-3 Scott, Douglass sullltan. J H HTOlin, l! Sherman I) Satote 1 stern, A Southwlck, I siiencer, shippen, Dr r simi'BOU, r n cuiiinii,d Piii4i(i, iuuij Sturtletant,CaptStack, limoth) Jsheerlrt, Win S 11 Slmms, Thos smith, Wm A Southard, Steph Siear, Thos Simpson, Wm W Sherman, Saml Smith, Col T CHSihutthas. Stet ( ns.ShermanSmlth, Ihot R Stott, W allaoe Smith, Capt S scott, Hon T A Smith, WmH Semmes, si Shaw, (ol Wm TSmalluood Wm Stalcup, Saml Sanford, W R Stocking Wm R Stockton, Col T steelman, Wm SStrozer, R W M UW skelgg, Wml Smith, Capt T T. Toner, H Tonnseud, I W Tucker, Mr Ireile C M Tomllnson, Jno Ta)Ior, MB J 1 aft, Dr Chas S 1 a) el Jos J 1 iebon, Dr N M liuien Lt U r 1 huter. Jn J ruftt Otis Simpson, t S lurenburg LdwTonntend Ja Ihompton 1 1 ntt nsend, Ed S Tucker, J W 1 hompsnn, It G Tlnkham, 1 A Tier rCnpt N C Totter, lilck Turner, Jno H Thomas, Richard t Iruxel, rellx Turner, LtJ R Tr)dln RG ihompton, Dr GThurtton, Jat S Thorn pon,T 3 u S Tuttle. Dr S ni JTat lor. Wm H tuiiie, ueu t ineiemann, i. Trail. iurner, net it it turner, i-ecii 1 rotter, Wm P Ihemnton, Wm Templet on, Capt Wm C Timet, Col W P Toh nsend, M I I Turner, MaJ H S Tulter Ue A Troomble. H 11 Tebbettl. M P lerr) , Capt IraCTucker, Dr M ' Tiirn.r. J All all 'lflilM . IMP f rAWln, Jas Townsend, M v. Unaught, Chas t' han, Capt J J Uther, RoWrl Lklhorn,Jno F lele, Lt Chat Dn nn Guttenberg, tin ortt.(;euCanmarttr. Wm Mttor 2 enangat, Chaa ulntteln, 1- an Delrteu, Dr t an m)ck urw'i au uiron, i , oi i I itt C anduger, I G an Taatell, 9 rrnon, 1- Itt ar l antlen, 11 urnon T W W elllngton, Ata W hlte, Chat W ardon, P D W echiler, A W llder, Corwln W erner, Btmn F Ware, A P W hltnej , Chas De u hit tier. Aaron Wilton. Chaa 1 Weill. GM-J ftlden, Benj S Wilbur, C II Wright, HonOW W rlgh WllCWCll BenJFW UIlOD, C J I UllUUi I t, lilt UIV Geo H ation, B II H llcnx,Chirl i EH heeler, Capt 11 Wjnkoop. B3 Ulnlleld, Lt 0 HWoodrult.Lt HII W arden, Lt ChaiU len, D ml ood, Henr) i Uooliej.LII Ward, Henr) A M, LtChliW eat, Fdu ard O W altera, Henr) W a U ilborn, 1 dw'd " llllami, 11 s tuiiiuii,v- . huu,a. . W eitzel. Conrad W alah. F A u liuon, c E " at.on, E N ll.lorr, tl c unite, llorace-v W llllama, JB U oodworth.W Woodt, Chrltp rWhltlng, 1 II Walker, J H Walth.Ja oodle),JH Mood Jno W right, WS ooillei ,ColJD w llllani., Dr L w hlte.W o Watterburi JHWclli.LS Halllng.WH Weganett.J Waller, L Whelmore, Maj WhUaker.Jno WUkf, L MW w llllaui.ou IK aruer.Cap LD W harton W 11 WoolfordJi Whltmor, MW We.tbrook,WJ Wll.on, Ja. Wharton, PA White, V 11 W hitman, J B W llklmon, Hon W hartei.W N W eilhard, Jo. Sam 1 W U.on, 11 m W eldmao, Capt W att, L Wtlker, II Juo-l Wollf. Mm Welch. II J WlllheraonJ Wlltlank.WW Wlnihlp, WB Well, J H , u.on.u m u llllama, Air W orthlngton. W W ltherbee, II II W llllama, W T W eit, Maj II A Whlton.W 11 elk, Jno A. lmene), Jcon 1. oung., JuliuiO loun?, J B aue, j u W right, J W Watt , Jno 1 I agulre, Geo I oung, HyC r)pj.recht, II MISCELLANF0U3 "A Li NN" H kCo "Officer In charge I soldiers' Retreat Commtnder of Prltoners, Sol jdiert' Rett LIWH CLIPHANI, P M rtOO 000 Domeitlc meatl0 Seara tontliting of Seed and Hal ana of the beat nualitt . nut un in .w Sted and mott detlrable tt)let, lor tale a? unuauall) low mott det prlcet at uo Vi OTHEIM BHOTHFRS kMll II di LIEAM , No. 301, Setenth street, O between I and K streets. Is the place to buj lour winter Clothing He) aellcheap Tri them ' ' ' ' not Jl dtjanl TOW IS THI TlMLT0BU 0UR CLOTH 1 ingnl L. A BFALL&CO, No 301 Set enlh street, aep - 3m between UK EDUAICD I..CKTT, Uookbluder, No 371 PCNN AtC , WASIOKOTOH, D C . Books bound In eter) tt)le Turkej, Morocco, t Russia, and Calf Je 7. AMUSEMENTS. rjROVKlVII TIIKATRR, TVnu'a amu4, ntar WUlarit' JIM. LcoitAiiD Gkovcr, M.ncr Till (HATORDAT) BVENIKO, Dc. a. SPECIAL GRAND OALA NIOHT. LAST APPEAKAMC IK HilWAOIW, POSITIVELY. of The Pt.rl of the Auertco St.;., MIB8 LUCILLE WESTERN, ho, .1 the request of m.njr .dralrere, will tp- peirthu ereatnKln A Chancltr fti uhleh the haM no rqual, JACK RIlRPPAnDi on, nil" DARIStt EAOtlSH maifllMMMA Ml.. LitiLLc'it erilon l kotel anotii.illino, .ad Abounding in Moral Adtke to the Soyt Mr S TCIIFLL ippe.r. JOE BLUEtkIN Notice will be rlren of the of Mr L. V BABHFTT MISS LOTTV IIOUOII h.. rettiraed from Europe, and will shortly ftppetr Tilt XOVAbrK OF A POOH VOIAO MAS Hill be produced on Mondfty et calor next, with new .ceoery, coBtume. .nd eflect. Adml.ilon OO, 35, .nd 7S cent. dec S LMUID1 NEW TIIEATRCf Tenth street right abov4 Pennsylvania avetitu. Manager and Proprietor - Mr John T.Ford, (Also of Holllday street Theatre, Baltimore ) OBEAT SATURDA Y NI0IIT3 BILL! S E 0 0 N D VT E E K of The Beautiful Prima Donna, Mla CAflOLINE IlICIIIKGB, And the first of the grand series of ENGLISH OPERA. THIS (SATCnDAY) EVEMNO, Dec. 6, Lett nirht of the splendid Operatic Spectacle of the KNC II ANT 11 ESS. Stella -- Mlta RICHINOS Rsmir, the Pirate Chief - Mr Petir RICHINGS The various characters, Operatic, Dramatic and Ballet, by The Grand Combination and Full Double Conpaniti Q-MONDAi ENFMNG. A NFW ENGLISH OPERA It&Sb trtra thargtfbr admission. BbT" Secured teats txenty-five cents eitra PRICES OF ADMISSION Dress Circle and Parquet te. 60 cental Orchestra Seats, 15 cents; Family Circle, 35 cents) Private ' Boxes, $6 I Doors open at o'clock) performance commen ces at ti o clock de 6 'POM KINO'S o I II C V S , X from the CITY OF NEW YORK, Will open for ONI WFEK ONLY, Commcuclue MONDAY, December Sth, T NIXON S AMPHITHLATRF, (Corner of Pennsylvania at rnue and Setenthat,) And will nrfnrm itin,- in7-itD'nii- a r ifrniM. ' -iriiiii4HV.t rtiii .)ilili. Mr TOM KINO respectful!) Informs his Wash ington friends that he has LFASED MR. NIONS PRPMISLS, And Is thus enabled to present the FINE CORPS OF ARTISTLS he hat lately brought to thl city; among whom are, Mom Iloelielle, The great achleter of the TLRHItlf LLAI' tOR LI Ft Sir. AV. J. Hralth, The equestro-dramatlc impersonator ol JOCkO, TUL A PL OF BOHSl.O M'lle Victoria, MI sa Isaulore, Meilavtne Jeuule, An 1 an immense force, under the tole direction of TOU KINO, The Champion Le sprr. W ho h 111 appear at et ery entertainment Tho Building I now TllOKlOHLT I KITED BT PATENT FlRNACIS. tf Pnees mil remain as before, $f For full ttarttndart, see stnall bills TVT I X N H tllllCl'S, Corner PetinsylaHta avenue and Sex-enth street. .Vote II armed by Itfenl Hot Air Furnaces FOR THREE DAYS AND NIGHTS MORF DOUBLF COMPAM LAD HI 1)1 R3 UUOD CLOWNS I' ll 1 C) li M 1 R S Hie of the Teoplfi who will lerform r14 AFTEKSOOV AD WOUT, Hul io da so, pernio tho small bills AVAUTS. "1 J" AN TEB Ladies and gentlemen to'coniult yy La oltlnc, a detcendant of Attrologltt to Napoleon the Great, on all aRalr of life, at 4 li Eleventh street Diseases examined and cured In a few sittings dec 6 "IITANTED. For at Geullemau and 111 M W Ue board lo some resectable family Ad- drett I ." RepuUuan office, stating terms, ho decs It A fANTEP. Atituatlonb) areij ectiblejoung woman to do cooklnt:. uashinr and Ironing, in a resectable nrltate famllt The best refer euce tan be git en Please call at 289 corner Third street ttest Matachutetts atnue dec 6 lirANTEB FIFT WOOD CUTTEnS y Good price tt ill be paid Inquire at CA3- sll.'S reeusiore, on inaiana atenur, uciurru ari; ond and Third ttrert dee C St iStarj rPCAMS W'ANTEDl TEAU9 WANTED1I I Trthtul nooJ a dlitance of two mllea over a tint rate descending road to the ferry landing, op poslte Alexandria Apply at once Bt 474 lour teenth street, opposite W Wards' Thot having teams for tile apply at the same place dec 4 Ct ROOM WANTED WITHOUT BOARD A prltate family hating an unoccupied pleas ant room, and willing to rent it at a low price to a gentleman of satisfactory referencet, may find an occupant t) addreaatng S 1 , at Republican office, tt ith location, &c dec 4 -t firANTKD TO UKNT Oil 1-UHCIIASE. A MFDIUM SIZI DWELLING HOUSE, with late lmprotemeutt, cout enlent to my atore JFSSE B WILSOS, Grower, No K7 Penntyltanla at , des dlw bet 6th and 7th sta , south aide "ir ANTED A small I-urnlshed House, situated on north side of Penns)ltanla atenue, be twren Fifth and Twelfth streets Address, with location, "A LMN,' vlt jott office not 27 tf nO USE M ANTED. A commodlout house, centrall) located, with or without furniture Addrc.s Box 3.H, Post Office. nov 26 tf -rANTED-Fltr lluutlreit Laborer to f 1 ttork In the Commissar) Department tp l4 to Capt ott, C S , at the foot of O street A BLCKWITH, Col and C S not Utltit f ANTED At the New ork Emplo)mci pf nnt) It anla at enue, TW FNT -Fl E (M) White I . .. (-ninK..i i.idih ttha-nniir.fsHnn.. .r-nir. chambermaid!, La'undre.tet, Waitretaca,Nuraea) and seamstresses Alto, ) oung Colored Men, to .. .1. 1.1.1a. In Ttwlt Vamllt mm A. Unl. ll.. null UU in uirai iu unnic ihiuiiki vi iiuicu Vliu wanted, houtet Immediately, with or without fur nlture Lmnlo) er In want of good help, will find it to their adt antage to call ma) 3-tl N II MILLLR 1"ANTEI. for a gentleman and hit vile, a T Double Parlor, with nratclast furniture and boar I Price not to much a consideration at a nice nl act The bett city reference gh en an I required Ad urett uanacr," ai ine t-ii) roit uui.-r IAMI& TO THE PHKflllKH Uf IIIK Vj Subscriber, tometlme since, a Condemned Hnt-ajt The owner It reouetted to come forward, prote property, pa) damages and R J McCLELLAN, IUde Road, Eaatern Branch AMUSEMENTS. riAKTERHUItr HALL,, LOUIIIAIf A ATCVUK, MCAM llXTH IT , In th$ rear of the Kattonat BoteL Th. Triaraplt or id. lliml' SECOND WEEK SECOND WKK 0 THE ' UNPAHALLELED SUC0E83 o flE.VOSJTA SE.VOltlTA SEXOSITA HKXOMTA SEXORITA SEXORITA AKHETTA OALLETTI, AAWETTA OALLETTI, ANNETTA OALLETTI, AJfXETTA OALLETTI, AXXETTA OALLETTI, AX.VETTA OALLETTI, ftOQOunccd by th. Pre.. od th Pubtlo to b. th. Oreateit Female Danteute in the World, . without exception Alio, MOXS. EDWARD VELARDE, The Bett Male Dancer in Srtttence TO-NIGHT, tbejr will eppur In th. ipleadld bllt entitled TUB PAtlfTBK'S ILLIIIIOII. The expeni. attendlnc th. eocicemeiit ot then GREAT ARTIITE1 for th. ihort leeioo will exceed .1,1100. To iro better effect, ak urine Kir staoe has tern crictid M.klof lt now Th. De.t In W.hla(tui. MONDAY EVENING, Dicikxji 1, ft.turn of the popul.r end f.vorlte lonfitre n, MISS JUUA MORTIMER. Alio the beiutlful queen of Tcrpilohore, MISS KATE PENNOTER, Ann THX QREAT COURT OP BEAUTY. Continued luccen of the ch.nnlnc NELLIE TAyLOR, BOB HART end IE(T SIMMONS, The two ire.t llchtl of Mlmtnllf , In NEW SONGS, DANCES, .nd SANJO SOLOS The (reit Eutern Junler, KILLIS AKMSTROt-Q iriLUE LMCRSOt., The FusEJ Nil 3 SLAS CLARKC, The er.tlle Comedlin To night, To night, THE PAINTER'S ILLUSION, In which ANNFTTA GALLETTA, MONS ELAKDF, end the greet OALLETTA BALLET TROUfi. will .ppe.r PcrformtDce to conclude with the Uugh.ble farce entitled BLACK ANTIION1. Doori open it ,) performince,1j o'clock Admli.loo, 3A centit Orcheitra Chelri, 60 centi A GRAND MATINEE On SATURDAl AFTFRNOON, For Lidlca and Children. Ailinl.a.lon la i.ent. Orcheitr. Chain 60 centi del riIIE CONKKSSIONH AND X EXPEBIENOE or AN INVALID. Publl.hen tor the BENEriT end li a wirnlnf. and A CAUTION TO 10UNO MFN Hlto .ulter from SperniatorrhcrA.NervouiDebUltr, Fremiture Deciy, etc , lupplrlnr, at the line time, THL MEANS OF SELF CUKl Bjrone who hi. cureU hlmielf.after being put to great cxpenie and Injur) through medical humbug and quicaerr lly enclo.tog a poit paid addre.ied envelope, .Ingle coplra mif be had of th. author NATHAMEL MAYFAIR, Eia nor 13m Bedford, Klngi Co , N ,M A Ft K 11 A 11 M ARKHAM S la the beat HOTFL In the Citt or W AfiiiNUTON,kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, fining Willards' Hotel, No SU, PixNsTLViNU Avrtfn The under igned hare fitted and furnlthed the abot e named hous In the beat manner, giving It all the modern lmprot ementa, including water and gat in et ery room, beda and furnishing goods not sur paiteU la any noute in the country Wbegto assure those who ma) favor u with a call In the ordinary, that It will be supplied with et ery thing the market aflordt, got up In the best style and at living price The National Republican aaya "Wtfeel It to be our duty to invite attention to thl house, and to guarantee the public agalntt eitortlon In price or neglect In attendance It will not be under th control of the servant, whether whit or black M Andweendorte It and shall carry out the fact Wecanonl) say to those coming to Washington, top at the new European Houae, atop at th tt house, stop at the house nearest the cam and the TftEAsvm. and to have the beneUt of all this, atop at MARKHAM S, 213 Penntyltanla avenue JOHN H HUDSON, F P MARKHAM, tie 6 Proprietor! -IT1LL BE OPENED TO-DAY, THF PLOPLL'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY, 483 Seventh strut t near E. frail ttif ,J W ASHINGTON, D C Terms of subscription i One month,l vol ... - - to cent do 3 do 14 ctnta do 3 do 11 W One week, .----. 10 cants Less than five days, 6 cent a dec 4 itv M AINE AQENC1 SOLDIERS' RIUEF ASSOCIATION omce, No 370 F itreit, cor Thirteenth Communicittonl to be addreaaed to J V. HAT1IAW AY, state AeaaL oot 16 tf Lock box M, Waihlngton, 0 C G' KRMAN PAPER, Before the neat dilute will appear the: ballon. Great herolc-romantlcal extra number, ulthbuutlful cutaofiome celebrated heroea Publiihed by the four Levy Mcymaa'i children, Uncle Kronenthil, lilick Blumenthal, Imck Loefcnthil, Iiaaclc sternenthal Deooratloni by Imck Llllenthal Utnce411 Ele enth atreet dec, 4t DO OU KNOIV IT 1 ir you do not, call at SMITH. BE ALL'S, No, near K itreet, and buy yourieir a nice iult of Clothlni from them, 11 they hire Juit recilred a new and iplendld iiaortmpnt nov 31 dtjinl VOTICK I IIEBKDV Oil EN THAT .LN the Col artn.nhlp heretofore ealitlnf between LLL COFFIN ll thli diy dliiolted by mutual conarnt JOHNu LYLE, con J A COFFIN JohnO Ljleatill continue, thebualneii at the old aland " " aihlngton, July 31, 1861 Jy IB IT I B 11 At HAHOBNT'H ' AWNINO, 1LAO, AND tTVIO.V TEXT FAOTORT, ol 930 PeuniylTanlft aveune, WASIUNGTON, D. C. SUTLERS' AXD ARVT W.Vii ON HAM OR MADt IO OKCIR. Awnlnga, Flata.Tenti, Mill Hani, Hon. Coven, Slgm, Wagon Co en, c , mide at ihort notice, myn tf