Newspaper Page Text
-- -tr( r-a- -y g p J2 o.t A-LicN o.t i g E , (DR. M. VKLiarrS 1MtW Hospital, In lh Federal Block, corner or BeTenlh and F s trceta, ' 'opjfcslte the Post anil taUnt Offices, rtonm. ml 24, tip Ulri.'Wiihlngtoii, D. C. All immm of prints nature treated In the moat MlesllOff manner, and' raalcal cores ef fected In 1 eaaes. SYPHILITIC AFEEC tioks, ooxobrucsa, QIKET, STRICT URES, bEMIXAI. VAKyXSS, rr the result of TOI.UPTXTOUS'DnEAXS, or any weak ntnottbaOEXRRATirEORaAItStromnnj cauas whatever, or how long standing, thor oughly anil radically cured) alao OOtTT, nUEVlLATlSiT, XEURALOIA, noil other (WROXICDMEASESotthtXXnrES.UVS. CLES, BOXES and JOIXTS SOnOFVT.A, BLOTCHES on the FACE, ERUPTIOXS on tueZJ2and BODY, andall other ERUP TIVE VISEASF3 and DISEASES of the BLOOD, frfnn wftflrVw nlHSe thry may Imvt ariun, ArFUOTKl) ANl UKt'OKTUXA'L'K 1 No matter what your dleaae,et no falaudcl leacy prevent you from applying Immediately to Dr. Vallny, itho la acknowledged tn he ly far the most SUCCESSFUL 1TIT6ICI AN In the treatment of private diseases. Fear not to come nnd make' known yonr misfortunes, and he will speedily send you on yonr way rejoicing. HKU-'.A11U8K, That dreadful scourge of the young, Indulged In when alone, destroya the generative organs, unfits you for married life, producing weakncea of the back and ltmbe, loss of anima tion and muscular power, palpitation of the heart, nervoua Irritability, lose of memory, mel ancholy habits, Insanity, consumption, and death. YOUXM MAN I In view of the dreadful con-1 sequences of delay, do not fait to make your , rase known, Immediately, to Dr. Vellny. Yonr secrets with him are sacred, and you may con ' udently rely upon hla medical skill. I Thousands whose systems were shattered and who were ou the brink of the grave, have hrcn brought bark tn vigorous health by his skilful treatment. UAKMAUK. Married persons, or those contemplatlug I matrimony, who suspect themselves of lmpo-1 tescy, ssmlnal weakness, or any disease arising from a relaxed 'state of the genital organs, whether the resnlt of dlseaae, Injury, yonthfnt Indiscretions, or Indulgence of the nasJons In riper years, are earnestly entreated to place IhemselvtannderthecareofDr. V. Theymay rely with renalntynponaepeedyeurp,audli on being restored to full health anil vljror. He Keats with entire enccess all diseases nl females', such as LEUCORRJIEAor WHITES, LAPSUS UTERI, Ac, 4c, and In every rase guarantees a perfect CUKE. FEES moderate, and VISITS and COMMU NICATIONS strictly PRIVATE and i'ONFI-1 DENTIA1.. j Pisjoxs calling eeo no one lint the Doctor. Those at a distance may be theater by maii. by sending a STATF.MT.NT of CASE, Ac. Ac. jy 2-Cm WIM-IAM PITCH, ATTOXXET FOB CLAfXAXTS, ronNER or sevestii and r streets, Opposite the rout Ojflre, WASH I NUT ON, D. C , Proaecutes Cltlius for Pensions, Bounty Aloner, Bounty Laud Warrants, Lost Property, Recruiting Offlcera. anal all otherjuat Claims against the Row eminent. Also. Patents procured for Intentors. special attention gh en to oases before Hit- Court rf Claims I Fees reasonable In all cases, to wit: I In each Tension case tfl uu ! Bounty Money case, i . . . . . fi oo Bounty Land case, u, Pay Claim, XOu WUohs and minor children who are poor, half the aboreratei. Those who are extremely in digent, free of charge, except mere disbursements. Correspondents will be entitled to share the Tees la all cases they forward. Consulting counsel, Hon. R. H GILLF.T. Mte United States Solicitor of the Court r Claims and former Solicitor of the Treasuri . Special Iteftrenct by JWmiuioui Hon. Richard Wallach, Mayor of Washlnrton ! !,0D.YvW'N'ton(K-Mrn'.f Washington. I Lewis Johnson It Co., Bankers, WaMhlnrton. aeny fc Huck, Bankers, ajhliiKtoi7. Kx-Gover3orIunt,or Lockport, Ncir lork, I Judgri(;ariliner,of Lockport, New ork Hon. John OaiiMQ. State Snatnp. rtufrai.i v- Hin. Burt Vanhorn, memter nf longress from New ork. Hon. li. W Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Bnf- Mesitri. Hubble U. Uavls, Counsellors, Bnltalo, Judge noiven,nf Loikort, New York. Judge Woods, of Lockport. New York New V T" T' FIC lert "min,r of Congress imni Hon. John Ganson, President of the New York aud Erie Bank, Buffalo, jv. 1 . net S3 8m EOS1VRLIM MICUICATKD CI f IT OH CANDY For vttuam, . i'0US ' RRnXClIITJSt IXFLUEXZA, , , , HOAXhEXESSS Ana ( incipient Hayu of rotuumptioH. i J-or sale, wholesale and retail, b 0.80SlkmDrugtlt, I Ur Maryland avenue and Seienthfct., ni1 Z O. OILMAN, Penn. at enue, near Browns' Hotel V.l"i.,l2. A!leil w- n Fntwlilt-, P'a. ?' John R. Major, fM Smith, U.C.Major; " ' MePrsnii. J w. Nairn, 1' ' TmI j d- O'Donnel, ' Charle Stott, u. G. Ridgely. hi Georgetown by Kldwell, Sothoron, Sclssell. I and Barnard. ' I And by UriiKglst and Sutler generally. Jan IS ' , nOHTAULK MIM.K FOIl TIIK ARMY. OrrifE or Deihjt Commisiahv OF SI7IIIITENCE. Washington, D C No , ibbi Jnentor and manufacturers are Int Ited till the Rtff11.!,6 to rrcaent model and sample of Portable Mill for grinding wheat and corn for the use of the army The following are the ecntl! conditions the tnllls must combine to receh e consideration when prcaented by plan, speculation, model and sample uf B''otlo1HtflSll,,r""Bty-nve pound Jd. The erlndiiig surfaces to l '0) ourr t.,e grooved Liilllrd iron or tcl,.,.d thereneral on. tructloD of the mill to le analnrou to thtt or a toitee mill J.I. Eeihin IMobocipableof Krlndkn,&uiM,iin,u of fine flour ur uw it per hour, and to l capable oi teliig worktjd l't one man 4th. Each iittll l I e bo constructed, If i..tfKr-. that It van le tfparaUd Into two purl fr i-ouai eight, so a tu I carried by two menshuiiM tin iriigthof march, lack of transportation, or litiKUf oi the men, or other cause render Its carriage 1im uborlou for one man. tth. Each mill to be capable or Ulng attache.) to awagontongue,branchoftree,orstackofuiukkets Inventor will submit plana apecltlcation, or mod el of their mills, or sample of the mill itself, In the presence of a board of officer. 1 hey will be re quired to present Indisputable ewdcucesof iheir mill combining the essential conditions aboie enumerated by causing the mill to be worked In the pre sen oe of the said boanL. If a mill be presented containing all of the above conditions, and II cost bo sufficient!) reaaonable in the opinion of the Department to warrant its f'urchase, a large number will try prooaLJy te ought for the use ol the army ' For further information spplyat No 13Gst., Waihlngton. V C no 28 JUT IlECEIVKU OUR NEW SIOCK OF .rail and Winter CLOTHING, which w are stlllBg at very low price, at LA BEALL A CO 'S No Ml Seventh street ep 2S-jn between I and K. A T.TIM ORB AND OHIO RAILROAD, PtuMUitr Traltf from Washington I " " T - lit ' - A THE rASSENQER TRAINS WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, AND THE WEST will run i follow: Daily Trains to Washington and (A ffVif. Tw Datly Train Mirer TfoaYn nJ the West, V AitrWa!, tkre rrelM fa BaUinertr4 on to the !! followi: 7.40 e. n. end a and ft p. nl. Passengers for the West make close connections at Waahlngton Junction (Relay) "h H Baltimore ami Ohio railroad, for all point Writ, at lover rate GlUr than r any ether line tor Philadelphia end Sew For Leave, Washington. at 6 n. m, 11 a. m , and 6 p.m. For Annffvoth Leave Washington at a. m. and 1 3u p. m. FOR ALL POINTS WFST, an.l fitfttlnnak.ftnirthA Tialtlmoreand Ohio Railroad leat e Washington at 8 and 7.40 a. tn , and 3.30 p. m., ana on suuaavsai a.9up. ra. TRAINS MOVING SOUTH Leat e aw York at 7 a. m . Philadelphia at ll JO a.m.. Baltimore at 45 n.ra. Autre et Waahlng ton at 6.20 p. m, Leat e New lork at fi p. m.. Fhlladelphla at 10 SO p.m., Arrive at Washing ton nt 6 Mr. tn. ( In New ork at li p. m.. tnuaueipnii ai m a.m. Baltimore at 7.40 n,m. ArrUe at Waihlng ton ai 25 a. m. orttf Local Accommodation Tralaa lcare Baltimore at 10 a, m. and 6.10 p.m for Waahlngton; arrli e there at 12 a. m. and 7 p. m un Kiinua) iriw ana i.u . m. omj, irvm wm 1 1 more. No Annpull connection on Sunday from Daltl more or thlnj ton. PaHenjrera leirlng WaahlLxton at and 7 40 a.m. and 3 p. m mike connection at Washington Junc tion ( KeU ) with tralni on the Baltimore and Ohio nllroiul, for all polnta weit of the Ohio titer nnd for all pointi along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio ruvl. In Mar) land and Irclala. rraloa leave Annapolla for Baltimore and U aih Ington dally, except Sundaj i, ftt S 44 a. m., and 1.40 p. in. haurncf r Tralna leaving Washington at a. m., 11 m. m., and 0 p. m , and llsltlmore at 4J0 and 7.4d a. in. and ICO p. m , atop only at AnnapolU and WanhlDirtonJunctlona. Way raaieojreri mutt take the Accommodation Tralni only. W.P.SMITH, not 17 Master of Transportation, 4 DAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, V Ofllee 51 Pcnn, aitunc, Washington CUyf D. C. GREAT EASTERN, NORTHERN, ax d WEST ERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. MerchamdlM, MiMsejr. Jewalry Vavlnbla. Not, Stock, Bomm, A Torwarde With SAFETY AND DISPATCH to all accessible section of the country. Thl Company has Agencies In the principal railway towns In the rtUHl.i, .A31, 1VUI, AHU nUMIIWMl lta urlnclnsl offloea axe WASlUXOTOSD. C. jV. YORK, BOSTOX, VinLADELVUIAthALTmORE, CIX- Y1LLX, LEXINQTOX. Conneetloas are made at New York and Boston with lliiei ftipwanllBr to the Cnadaa and the UrltUh Prortncs,and with steamship lines toLlr- rrpooi, souiaampiOB. ami nvr, nu tnence vy I uivpan expresses to all prominent commercial to wna In Great Britain and on the Continent. Collection of Votes, Drafta. and Bills made at all accessible- pansoi me unura sitici. C. C. DUNN. Agent, Je 12 Waahlngton, D. C. , QOMEH UK OWN, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS AND CLAIMS. .- - Boil u tie a. Penalona BscIk Paf, OOleera if rrruitina;, sua an omcr jw cisiima, fminal Ibe Government. OFFICF-N'o. 470 SEVENTH STREET, Department Exchange,) Waihimotdk. D. C- Atiil AW. H rark Place, ronur of 2Jroadt$ayt .(. ... F.J7 ft'. Vml Refera. br ncrmlaalou. to llous. Hannibal llamlln. Vice President, Me. Martin Ralbfleisch, Mayor City of Brooklyn ; Abl Jah Mann, Jr , New York City t John N. Goodwin, M V , Me i Ttiomat M. Edwards, M. C., N. H. Ed ward H. Rollins, M. C, N. H.t Alex.ll. Rice, M. C, ilass John B. Alley, M. C., Mm ; Alfred A. Uiirnham, M. C, Conn.f Dwlght Loomls, M. C, Cnnn.1 John A. Gurler. M. C.. Ohio t James M. Ashler, M. C, Ohlot Sidney flfrerton,M. C, Ohio) John HuUhlntf, M. C., Ohio) John Corode, M. C, Pa i Robert McKalght, M. C., Pa. Justin S. Mor rill, M. C, Vt.f John F. Potter, M. C, Wis.j 2. rhaudler, M C, Mlch-i James H. Lane, M. C, Kantwis Cjrus A Id rich, M. C, Minn.) Wm. Kel- iufK, .m t., iii i atona i. niKon, pi, -., ji.j.ijuiid i.. n biraiiun, ii. (.'., n. . r. a. rouae, pi. t;., Ill i Owen Loreiov. M. C lll.t F. P. Blair. Jr.. M, (.., Mo i I Ibrldge ). Spauldlng, M. C. N. Y.t Al fred ly, M. C, N. , Major General H.B.Dur jcv, N, WjrckolT, Eso, , Pres. Wllliamsport City Bank i Shepherd Knapp, Fan., Pre. Mechanics1 Hank Jy(J6-tI l.NTKUIOK AIHHINMKNTH. 4 ml 4 Nil 4M I'ATKIl UANGINGB, or ALL ORADCSAMD miCES, Warranted Gold Band Window Shades Butt, Green, und Blue Holland Shades, all sliest made to order Also, a handsome assortment of Picture Cord and Tastels, all sizes and colors. Purchasing for cash, and allowing no old stock to accumulate, ieraons needing the awn e roods will Und It to their advantage to give rue a call. A II work executed and superintended by practical men, who Jim e sen ed a regular apprenticeship at their trade. S t tit Taction guaranteed, or no pay required. Please glte me a call. the number. JOHN MARKRITER, No. 466 Seventh street, I- Jibt door above Odd Fellows Hall, not 2tt ly rpfCKTIlt TKKTIII M. I.OOMIS. M. D, the Inventor and patentee of the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends personally at his office In this city. Many person can wear these teeth who cannot wtar others, and no person can wear others who cannot wear these. Persons calling at my office can be accommodated with any stjle aud price of Teeth they may deslrej but to those who are particular, and wish the pur est, defeat, strongest, and most perfect denture that arrcan produce, the Mineral Plate will be more fullv warranted. Room In this cltj No. 338 Pennsylvania ate- uue, iMMiTeeii nunniw jenm sireeis. aibo, wt Arch street, Philadelphia. mar 19 ly 1 M ILF, I) IT P It IS , IX OX JIALL, 340 Pennsylvania Avcuuc, Wholesale and Xttail Dealer in FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, FliEXVIt ami OEXATAX WIXES, MQUOXS, V0XDUL8, CJfAJfPAOXES, H?lA$DYfXlWtaiXt CIO AIIS und TOBACCO, Has now on hand a t fry Jine atsurtment of the above, at fair prices. SUTLKRS 8UPPLIEO. nuv W-TTAHtf It' I.. tYAI.L at CO. hat eon cooslirn 1 went, at their Rooms In the rear ol in ir Auciioil icon mi, m 1 cry uric anu cKiru Ufulockof ALL KINDS OP FURNITURE. JIULNt.KKFPlMj AKTJLXCS.ACCOmprUlOg Mtihciii), Walnut and Plain Wardrobes, U tlitut Mahogany and Plain Bureaa, Jei.n) Llnd, Trench Cottage, Plain and other Bed- sieadi, I- xteiibton and other Tables, U ulnui mid Mahogany Tete-a-ttes and Sofas, I it r line Wood-eeat Kockers and Chairs, II ur Miiick Mattranaea, Bolsters and Pillows. ,i iti.Hd featlict Beds. Bolster and Pillows Uiiti i Urge tarletyof all other goods lu ine Fiirni-hlng line, allot which will be sold at Ihe . erj km fit prlceri tu close out the stock. V L WALL A CO., Auctioneers, Pa. at enue and Ninth St.. ntW-.w South side. I iIVrrt'TIVK DEPARTMENT. I MLTkOrOLtrAN tOLlt'E, No. 5Irt EUteutli street tveat, X-ir tft corner uf I'enntylvania uHf. The public are hereby Informed, that all case reouif ing the scrt ivti of a detevtlt e officer will be promptl) and carefully attended to, "jrte tkaryeS' upon application being made at the po lice Headquarters, No. sift Eleventh afreet west, under aupervliion of W. B WEBB, uperintudei.t of Metropolitan police nov i-V 2w2m U t Jw4i.l Orritu or.T" Cnisr QtrATM aster. AMT Of TH POTOMAC, urkshlbartASi. AeDtembep SO. 1SG9. attnannta lHtIrf Ittr ViirnlaMitar tn Its use of the army of the Potoraae the foltowtnar ar ,000 ton best quality Timothy Hay, securely baled, the weight of each bale to be nthJul IhstMWiB. 2,000,000 bushel or Oats, of the best quality, In aairtifi asavMra- well aewed. 7.UW eoras imuk ana mcaurj nuw, nen mww soned and of the best quality. , taili fii.l Mitat he aenomnanled br the endorse- ment oi two responsioie person mat ine coniracis If fttr..riil will befuiniled. --- --".s-- -..... . . Bids will be opened from time to time a the ar ticle may oe necoeu, ana eoniraoi win om ewararu for t ha ouantttles needed. te the lowest responsible tilAia tin tn thai tlm tit nrwnlnr The right 1 reserved to accept all or any part of any oiu. Proposals should be endorsed M Preposal for Hay or Oats," or " Wood," a the caae may be, and en close In separate envelope. 1 RUFUS INQAilA ueut. col. and A. u. utniei iuanermasier. ep 34 tf ) H O P O M A L H . Bureau or Yard akd Docks, Nary Department, 24th November, 1862. xrttrn rnnpnAlJL.niiara4d"ProM.iala for building house at Naval Hospital, New ork," will be received at this ofllee, until noon on the 22dday of December, IBta, for furnishing all the material and workmanship required In construct ing a honea for a surreon. on the'Naral Hospital ground at Brooklyn, New York, according to plans anu spccincaiions wiucu rr iuuj(ru iui ihv vii ti Engineer, and may be seen on application to him at the Bmnklrn Narr Yard which nlans and ne- cincatlonswirite attached fo and form apart of the contract. Form cj vffer. (Flere date the offer.) I. (here Insert the name or name composing the firm,) or (name the town,) la the state of (name the State,) hereby offer to fumlah under your ad. ertlse ment dated (date of advertisement,) and subject to all the requirement of the aame. and of the plans and specification to which it refers, alp the mate rial and workmanship neceseary for the construe tlon and completion of the house for a Surgeon at the Naval Hospital at New lork, according to the flan and specifications, for the sum of (here write he amount in word,) and should my offer be ac cepted, I request the contract may be prepared and tent to the Navy Agent, at (name the agency) for signature and certificate. (Here the bidder and each member of the firm are to sign.) form o uuarantce, . The undersigned, (name of guarantor.) of (name the town.) and State of (name the state.) and (name of second guarantor, Ac.,) hereby undertake that the above named (nam the bidder or bidders,) will, if hi for their) offer as above be accepted, enter into contract with the United States, within fifteen day aRer the date of notice, through the pott of- nce, oi ia acceptance oi m iur iiirirj uurr vriure mentioned. Wltnessi (Signatures of guarantors ) I certify that the above named (here name the guarantor) are known to me tot good and res ponsible guarantor in thl case. (Signature ) To be signed by the district Judge, district attor ney, collector, navy agent, or some person known to the bureau to be responsible To guard against offers being openeJ before the time appointed, blddeia are requested to endorse on the envelope, above the addre, and draw a line under the endorsement, thuii "IVeeoseJ for Stayton'i Home for the A'try Yard at Few YertJ To the Chief pf the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C nov 241 aw4w X U O I O 8 A L S . OaDHANcc Orncr, War Department, Washington, Not ember w. ito. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received byhls Department, until 4 o'clock p. m. on the ninth day of Decern Ber next, for the manufacture and de livery of the following projectiles, til i 0,000 ten-lBth Solid Shot, l.uoo nrteen-lnch shells. 1.0U0 flfteen-lnch Battering Shot, The projectiles to be made of the kind of metal, and inspected after the rule laid down In the Ord nance Manual, with the exception of the Battering Shot, which must be made of what Is known as gun metal. Drawings of these projectiles can be seen at the principal arsenal of the United Stales, at the Ordnance Agency, No. 45 Worth street, New lork, and at thl office. The projectile are to be delivered, free of charge for transportation, at the United Mate arsenal, on Governor' island, iSew York harbor, where they will be inspected; and all such as may be re jected must be removed, by the contractor. Imme diately after the Inspection of each delivery. Bids will be receh ed for any portion of the quan tity rcnulred. not less than 6uo of anv one kind. Deilverlea to be made aa follows t One tenth, of each kind, within thirty day after notification of acceptance oi via, ana not less man one tenin week I v thereafter until all shall be delivered. Payment will be made by the, Treasury Depart ment on ine usual cenincaiesoi inspection anu reeelDt. alter each deliterv. Bond, with approved surety, will be required for the faithful Derformance of contract. No bid will be entertained unless It be accompa- toe eflect that be Is an Iron founder, and that if his piu u aecvpteu, me pnyeciur win oe maue ai turn foundrv namlnr It and It location t and the rirht 1 reserved to reject any or all bid tf deemed un- auaiaciory tor any cause. Proposal will be addressed to the undersigned at Washington City, and will be endorsed ' Pro posals for Project lie.' jam. vy. Hirmi, nov 24 tD Brig. Gen. Chief Ordnance. OAK H At I CLOTHING ROOM, No 464, Seventh afreet, below V. The subscriber take treat nleasure in announc ing to hi old Friends and Customer, that he ha npeneu a new store at no. m aevenin street, near . whs: ehe has a fine, selected stock of Clothlne to r J. 4 and Boy' wear, which they hate Just re ceived from the North, and bffer them for sale at the lowest Northern prices. sep 26 lin Clothiers, 444 Seventh street. "HALL AND WINTER OOODH. MILITARY AXD CIVLIAX, ur art aqipnilttua rr --.... i i niiii, aii.rniiiio n. vcs, nro uuo uycuuig their Fall and Winter Good, embracing One Dress Coats, Doeskin Pants, esta, A. ajViAige and well selected Stock of fine heavy Overcoat. We hate also a complete assortment of Buslnrss Suits, made In the most durable manner. Officer will find our Military uoods desirous to their wants. Heavy Woollen Blankets, for camo use at reasonable price. . WALL, STEPHENS A CO , rcimaiivauia atvout;, vciwccn oc27 dtf ' Ninth and Tenth street. GRAND ADVANCE OF TIIK All MY, and clothiers are crj log up the great advance of clothing, but we are telling at a small adtance on old price. We have a large stock on hand, and are selling them on to make more room, for we hat ea t ery large stock of Clothing at our manufac tory, and are now running off our stock at less than wholesale price to make room. We hat e al wajs been fighting against high prices, and shall continue to do so. Mr. SMITH 1 In the market all the time, and Is enabled to furnish our store with a superior stock, and we cannot be undersold by any one. We hare the means to sell cheap, and are determined lo do It at SMITH A BEALL'S, No. 30i seventh street, nov 21-4tjanl Near K street. "VTK1V YORK BUSINE6H. LAW, FINANCIAL AND COLLECTING. imOICE BILLS A BUSINESS XOTES NEGOTIATED. PnoTEtTED Note amd Defebked Accounts Bouoiit and Collected STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION. r U0YEXXMEXT CLAIMS BOUGHT, By G. Z. HOUSE, Counsellor at Law, 45 Nassau street, New York. tT Ten ) ears In State and United States Courts. Adtioe gratis. apl3 'I'll 14 IH TO OIVK NOTICE, That the X si ubscrlber hath obtained from the OrDhans1 Court of Uaahlngton count), In the District of Co lumbia, letters of administration oo Ihe iwrsonal ! estate or Benjamin P. Downs, late of Falrlax I county, Virginia, deceased. All persons having p claims against the said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the touchers thereof, to the subscriber, at the office of Andrew ylle, Yq , I In the city of Washington, on or before the 2oih dsyof November nexti they may otherwise bylaw ' be excluded front all beneluof the said estate. Given under my hand this 2oth day of November, I A, D 1W2 1- UENFLR S. WINTON, not 27 law3t Administrator. I rjIIAPKH I UltAPEH I ailAPRH I 1 2.0UJ pounds choice CATAWBA QRAFES, from Keilet's Island, thl day recelted by ' J. II CRANE, I 71 Louisiana at enue, dec 2 Iw 1 irit door east or Se, enth st, j QMITII i UK ALL, No. 3)11 HEVENTII O Street, between I and K streets, I the Cheapest J Clothing House In town Trythetu nov 2i dljanl EDWARD LVCKTT, " lkw)kblndr, No. 271 Penn. Ave , Waijumuton, D. C. Book bound In eter) stjie Turkey, Morocco, Russia od Calf. jo7. TROPO"AI.H FOR WHARF AT POltt X i HUlAIa, T Navt DcpAnvMiirr.November 25,1962 THE NAVY DKPAATMENT wtlLuntU the 23d of December, 18C2, receive) propoclttona for the ereotlan andeeaipsetlonot a Whatf at Port Royal. South Carolina, .1 contormlly with the genetal peeifleauona herewith acoompaaylngk' The proposition must state the gross amount for which the wharf, derricks, hoisting engine, scale, rail tracks, and cats will be completed, according to the plan and specification, and nam the time within which the party will agree to have It fln- trtlai intumllnvfn bid can examine the draw. Ingsta the Navy Department, and In the ofllee of toe uoiuinicuna; foigineer in me new Yard,at theonfeeof the Navy Agent at Philadel phia and at Boston. The bid must 1 accompanied by the usual guar antee that If accepted the party will execute the contract, which will be dated Trom the time the party 1 notified that hla offer Is accepted, and the contract will embrace the usual conditions. Spedjtcationsfor FI JUra) Tort Royal, S. C. The wharf 1 to be In the form of a Tt the part leading from the shore to the front will be 021 feet lonr and 42 feet lnche wldei and the front will be 901 feet long and 42 feet Inches wide. From high water mark to t " water ine oiaiance is rot leeti from7'S" depth to If t"the distance Is 140 feet i from IS' " depth to 23' " depth the distance is 70 feet, and the front wharf will stand In about 27' 6" water, all at high tide. The pile are to be of good sound heart-pine, n6t lea than ll" diameter at the butt, and must be driven to a good firm bearing they will be in row 8 feet from centre to centre, running acros the wharf, and seven pile In each row, with a fender pile on each aide, making pile in each cross row. These pile are to be barked and cot ered with sheet line, lo oi. to the square foot, from high-water mark down to f lnche below the surface of the mud, well and securely put on, to protect them from the worm. . The piles will be cut off at the proper height, as shown on the plan, and capped with hard pine tim ber 11" by It", every third pile being tennoned Into the cap and pinned, and the other secured with an Iron bolt one Inch In diameter and two feet long. Around the outside oi tne wnan mere is to oe a stringer of hard pine timber B" by 12", resting upon the cap and strongly bolted at each crossing, and between these atrtnrera there are to be hard nine Joists 4" by 12", laid 12" apart upon the caps, and astened with 4nch aptkes at each crossing. Upon ine joists mere is to oe a noor oi naru pine piana. fastened with one Wnch spike In each plank ai each crossing. Around the edge of the wharf there is io ne a cap am " uy iwrr, oi oaru pine, wen laa tened and rounded on the top to shed the rain. The fender piles are to be strongly bolted to the stringers and cap sill. Four clusters of about six f tiles each are to be driven, capped, and prepared as oundatlons for derricks, there are also to be twelve mooring post of white oak timber, 12" In diameter, well dm en and strongly secured to the wharf, at the point Indicated on toe plant these will be four feet above the floor of the wharf; and all plies are to be sheathed with zinc, as before described. At each end of the front wharf, and on each side of the wharf leading from the shore, there Is to be a landing siairve" wiae, iirongiy secureu to ine wharf, and reaching to low water mark.' The contractor will be reaulred to build a bulk head where the wharf Joins the shore, and fill up witn eann, to receive me ran traca nereinaiier ue crlhed. On the wharf, at the points Indicated on the plan, will be fourderrick for hoisting coal, similar to those used at the coal depot on the North river, provided with all the necessary falls, with sufficient rope to reach the hoisting engine, and ahleveafor change of direction, and all ready for use In hoist ing coal. A particular descrlptioaofthesederrlcks will be git en. There Is to be a hoisting engine of most ap proted construction, having four drums, and to be of sufficient power tu work the four derricks at the same time In hoisting coal. Over this engine there 1 to be a frame house, to protect It from the weather In the capsllls around the wharf there are to be iHjn.rlnar-boitaof lUlnch Iron. and rlnr 6 lnche diameter In the clear, placed at every 60 feet, and strongly lasteneu to ine sins ana stringers. On the wharf, and extending up on to the land, will be a ran track of iron, about fifty pounds lo the yard, with such branches a may be requited) fbe total length of single track bernx U. of a mllei the track on the wharf will be laid on the plank floor, with suitable chairs, and that on the land on tie 1' 6" apart, laid In the usual manner, ihia track 1 to be .provided with 12 dumping cars prop erly constructed for moving eoal. On the land near the aim re. end of the wharf, as shown on the plan, there la to be a platform scale, capable of weighing ten tons ( the rail track will pass nter this scale as shown on the plant there will alao be a amaU ofllee. eight feet square, near the scale, and two of almilar slxe on the wharf. The propositions will be addressed to the Nat y Department," and must be addressed 'Propol for Wharf at Port KojaL," that theymay I dis tinguished from other business letters. nov 2 2awt Wc23 StPKOIAl. NOTICE. ) TO THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, OFFICERS OF THE ARMY ASD AM IT. ODEON HALL, The oh! and established Emporium of Clothing, that has, for so many year, supplied the citizens of Waahlngton and vicinity with all that is es- aeetlal for the eleeanca and comfort of the oiitei man, is now supplied with the most complete and fashionable stock that we have ever had the pleas ure to oner. COATS, PANTS, and VESTS of the most desira ble styles that could be found In the market. mic asurii(ivut.ui uniuioi unA u r.noi HOSIERY. GLOVES. Ac. cannot be aurnaased and will be sold at price that do not allow of compe tition. LARGE STOCK OP MILITARY OVERCOATS. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. INDIA RUBBER GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS. VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, Ac. Ourstock of BOYS' and YOUTHS CLOTHING 1 the larsest and most lashlonanie that has eter been offered In thl city, and at the lowest prices inev can uomioit oe ouiainou in uiu cu y. t- Call and seen at ODEON HALL, corner 4 street and Pennsylvania avenue, the Great Cloth ing Mart of Washington city. nov 1 et cry Tues, Thurs. A Sat CQ TAKE NOTICE. CQ M. T. I'AKKElt, NO. 69 LOUISIANA AVENUE, ResDectfullv and cheerfullv returns thanks for the lioerai patronage nuncno reccivcu. Having every lacuuy lor uoing THE BEST HUU5E, H1UN. ANDDFCORATIVF PAINTING, Together with all work pertaining to a First class Falutlmt Establishment. H has no hesitancy In soliciting a continuance oi ine jjuuue iavui IFis Prices are Reasonable: Tht Work Unexceptionable t And particular attention Is paid to PROMPTNESS IN DELIVERY. Remember the number I fit Louisiana Avenue. oct 21 3m bet. sixth and Seventh streets, NEW YORK, November 28th. 1862. The American Telegraph Company call the at tention of the public to the language of the tax law on telegraph messages, vlxt Section 104 No telegraph company or Its agents or employees shall receive from any person, or transmit to any person, any dispatch or message without an adhesive atamn denoting the dutr im posed by this act being affixed to a copy thereof navingxne same siampea tnereupon, anu in ueiauit thereof shall Incur a penalty of ten dollars Ibccuuu fa proviue mai in auy nuu an vain where an adhesive stamp shall be used, the person using or affixing the same shall write thereupon I the Initials of hi name and the date upon which ine aame anaii not again oe useu. The Commissioner of Internal Ret enue has Kit en notice that stamp are in readiness, nnd that the lew nrw it emorceaon anu alter ine in oi uevem ber next. Stamps can be obtained at the usual places of sir, ur ai me oinces oi una compaui . Messages for which the telegraphic iharges is twenty cents or under for the first ten words re quire a one-cent stamp. Messages for which the charge la oter twenty crnis lor ine nrst ien wurus require a uirrvc-eiii siamp. oe i-iw IIRIhPUIN'H BOOK STO l K . U4I...t.,Narlli.ldr,lcl.l'4lll. I.llli.l.. Tl.f PulJlcwill Und, In tills New Establishment, A CarefultrtxUcttdAiSfntmtnt of Standout ll'oiii, In English. French, German, Italian, Spanish, Hiid the Ancient Languages, comprising miTont.THAt EU,roTav, NotEU, and jutENiLES, as well as Ctclopa?dlai, Dictionaries, Grammars, Military Vanual. Maps, and Books on the natural and other science. .... I OrierS fur Books not on ttandidarnettic or foirtipi, will lepremptly rarnJeit. no 29 lin 'HUE CHEAPFST CLOTHING HOUSE IN X town is at L. A. BEALLACO, No. U01 bet enth street, between I and K . B WHICT'H. II t i I il . Mnov 1 iINrALUBU,,., . or-in.1' i JL I 'N i"M:E"'S: 1 TBI GUKAT REUfKDT ' l ".ll V)" FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISFS, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC ' AND NERVOUS DIS0RDFRS) For all of which It la a speedy and certain reme dy, and never fall. Thl Liniment U prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet,' of Connect icut, the famous bone-setter, and hai been used tn hi practice, for more than twenty yean, with the most astonishing success. AS AS ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, It is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. Thl Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and. In thousand of case, where It has been used, It has never been known to fall. FOR KEVRALatAAt will afford Immediate relief In every caae, however distressing It wilt relieve the worst cases of HEAD AC UK in three minutes, and Is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE, alio, will It cure Instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY ASD GESERAL LAS StTUDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this liniment Is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissue, It strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES. As an external remedy, we claim that It la the beat known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should 'give It a trial, for It will not fail to afford Immediate relief, and, In a majority of cases, will effect a radical cure. 3l7ASr ASD SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment ulll never fall to cure. SPRAISS are sometime very obstinate, and en largement of the Joint 1 liable to occur If neg lected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment In two or three da) . BRUISES, CUTS, IVOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURSt, ASD SCALDS, yield readily to the won derful heaUug properties of DR. SWEET'S INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when ued according to direc tion. Also, CHILBLAISS, FROSTED FEET, ASD ISSECT BITES ASD ST1SU& DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, The Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, I know n all er the United State. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, I the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment" DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure Rheumatism, and never fall. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for SpralnsUnd Bruise DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache Immediately, and was neverknown to fall. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords Immediate relief for Pile, and seldom fall to cure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache lo one minute. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure Cut and Wound Immediately and leaves no scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT la the best remedy for Sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Ha been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I truly a " friend in need," and every family chould have It at nana. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 60 cent. A Friend lu Need. Try It. UK. SWEETS JSFALLIBLE LISIMEST. as an external remedy, Is without a rival, and will alle viate pain more speedily than any other prepara tion. For all Rheumatic and Nervoua Disorders it itrTrulv infallible, and. as a curative for Soies. Wounds, Sprains, Bruises. Ac, Its soothing, heel ing, ana powcriui, sirenginening properties, excite the Just wonder and astonishment of all who have eter given It atrial. Over one thousand certifi cate of remarkable cure, performed by It within the last two years, attest the fact. To Horse 4) truer t fin. SH'El.T'v ISFALLIBLE USIMEST FOR HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and In all cases of Lameneas, arising iruni Burama, jiruisei, ur Wrencmng, Its effect Is magical and certain, liar, ness, or Saddle Galls, Scratches. Mange, Ac, tt will also cure speedily. Spat In and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured In their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are bet ond the possibility or a radical cure. No case of the kind, howet r, 1 so desperate or hopeless nut it mayue auetiatedby this Liniment, and Its faithful application will al ways remove tne lameness, anu ename tne norie to trat el with com pa rat U e ease. Every Horse Owner should hat e this remedy at hand, for Its timely use at the first appearanceof Lameness will effectually Jiretent those formidable diseases, to which all inries are liable, and which render so many other tlse t aluable horaes nearly worthless. n r. s ir e e t INFALLIBLE LINIMENT 13 THE M O I. 1) I I. It' H FIIIKN1), And thousand hat e found It truly A FRIFND IN NFFDI Caution, TuAiuM Imposition, Qbnenetlio Signature and Ltlteut-aaor Di. Stephen Sweet on et ery label, and also "Stephen Sweet's Infallible liniment" blown In the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHahUSON i tu, Sole Proprietors, Norwich, CI MORGAN A ALLEN, Geiuril Agents, rtClltt Street New ork. r Sold by all dealers et ery where, no ll ly Dn 1W4, larW. ST XIX 0 AXXXxtfXMEXT, NRW?nYOIlK LINE ft f THE CAMDEN AND AMB0Y AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPA NIES' LINES. FROM PmZADELPIIIA TO XEWY0XK, AJW WAY rLAOES, From Walnut Street'Wfcarf and Ken slngtact Depot, WILL LEivx as roLLow, tu I Fare. At A-M., Tla Camden and Amboy C.AA. Accommodation r - 44 25 At A.M.,vUCamdeaandJerseyClty-New Jeney Accommodation S.26 At Ai M.. via Kensington and Jersey Cityi Morning Mall - -, T J 00 At iaMP.M.(viaCamdnandAmboy Accom- moeation . At S P. M., via Camden and Amboy C and " ar irr B.SU At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey.Clty tvatnln Pun.... - . . m a Camden and Jersey Cltt 3d Class Ticket - - - , 23 At W P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey Clf j i FrenlngMell - - ..,., oo At 13 P.M.,vTaKenslngtooandJerseyC!ttt Southern Mall - ,,--, r 100 At 5 P. M.,vla Camden and Amboy Accom- mociauonir-reigmanQ raaaengeri 1st class ticket - - 3 S3 5(1 Hautlnkatt . 1 Kft The B X P. M. Line runs daily, Sundays excepted. The 13 P. M. southern Mall runa'dall) . WAV LINES. XVtoflatlMxt Ta.ntA. aV -a in -J at) a aVaT - v..! .v., ticntvii) K.S., n. nuu Vf t ., and 0, 6 30 and 13 P. M., from Kensington, and Vi P. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Bristol and Intermediate Stations at lltf A. My from Kensington. " rm iBiiujrn, micnuui avriui;u uvrrny, cur lington, Florence, Bordentown, Ac, at I3f, 1, 4, 0 u v4 a a "i. i Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter mediate Stations, at 3f P. M.. from Walnut afreet wharf. BT-ataft CAa KTa. 1m1 n.l llfH V I - l.-.f.-. t ik iui aictr luiKiwiu tt my biui irnviug ncu- aington Depot, take the Car on Fifth street, above iunui, nan an nour Deiore aepanure. ine cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each) Train, run from the Depot. " ; Flftv DOUAda of BArcare onlv allowed tirh naal lengrr. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Baggage but their wearing apparel. any amount beyond 100 DoUars, except by special contract. WM. H. GATZMER. Agent. ipll TyiNTER. ARRANGEMENT. Ptilladelphla, AVIImlngton audi Baltimore II A I L 11 O A D . On and aRer MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1861, PASSENGER TRAISS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore, at 3 SO a. tn.. a IS a. m.. a. m.. (Express,) and 10.60 p, m. For Chester, at 8.15 a. m., 11.33 a. m., 3 49 and 10 60 p.m. wot iiiimingioD. at j.i a. m a.m., una. 1,1.49 and 10 60 p.m. ' For New Castle, at a 19 a. m. and 3.43 p. m. For Dover, at 8.19 a. m, and 4.49 p. m. For Mil ford, at 8.19 a. m. For Salisbury, at 8.19 a. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at B.S0 a. m . (Exm-eia. tffiii. m., I Express,) 6 20 and 7 p. m , (Express.) Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11.33 a. in., 4.15. 8.49, and B-60 p.m. ' &eate sauiDury tn a 30 p. m. Leave MUford at 4,63 p. m. Leat e Dot er at 9 a. m. and 6,10 p. m. Leave New Castle at ll a. m. and 8.10 p. m. Leate Chester at 8.30 a. m., 13.18, 4 60. and 9 30 p. m. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate station at 6JM and 7. p. m.j for Dover and Interme diate stations, at l.Ofi p. ra. TRAISS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 8.43 a. m., 1106 and 11.30 p. m. Leate Wllmlnrtnn at 4-3Q a. m.. l!!lli. tn.. uu p. m , and 13 a. m. FREIGHT TRAIN, with raisenger Car attached, will run a follows: Leate Phlladelnhla. for Perrrrllle and inlrme. dlat places, at 6.10 p. m. Leate Wilmington, for Perrytille and Intermedi ate plsces, at 7.10 p. m. Leate Baltimore, for Hat re de Grace and Inter mediate stations, at a. tn. OS SUNDAYS OILY: . At 1 30 a. ra. and 10 60 p. m., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 8.soa.m. Train from Philadelphia to Balti more will run dally, Mokdats rxcrrrtD. S. M. FELTON, Jan 3 tf President. JOIl BOSTON, VIA NEWPORT AND : FALL RIVER. By the splendid and superior iteam- rra mi-, a nuruiiiB,Marinc STATE. BAY STATE, and STATU atk uv MAIN!, of great strength and speed, but particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Sound, running In connection with the Fall river and Old Colony railroad, dlatanse of 68 mile only to Bos ton. Leave Pier No. 8, North river, near the Battery. The steamer EMPIRE STATE, Capt. Brayton, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock P. M., touching at Newport each way. The steamer METROPOLIS, Capt. Brown, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Haturdaja, at 4 o'clock P. M.. touching at Newoort each war. These steamers are fitted with commodious state room, and every arrangement for the security and CU1U4UII ui iipaaciiK vi , nuu are uoniru oy xnis ruuw uigut icii uu injaru, iuu, uu arrival at Fall rlter, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting of the accommodation at 8 A. M., by which they may reach Boston about 6.45 A. M. A baggage master 1 attached to each steamer, nanlea the aame to lta destination. A steamer runs, In connection with this line, be tween an river anu rrovmence, uauy, except sun dats, height to Boston 1 forwarded through with great dispatch by ah Express Train, which, leaves Fall river every morning, Sunday excepted, at IK o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination at about 1 1 A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at the office, on Pier No. 3, North rlter. For state-room and berth, apply on board, or If desired to secure them tn adt ance, to , WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug 17 tf 70 and 71 Weat street, N. V. w KST, IVOIITIIWKST, ANU HOUT1I. . . a TO CIVILIANS. OFFICERS, BANDS-MEN, 'SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger train from Wash ington to the Ohio river, without change of cars dally at IK a. ra. and 6 p. in., and oilers greater In ducement to the trateltngpublio that any other route, tin CHEAPER FARE, LESS CHANQTS OF CARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICKER TIME. This Is the only route that checks baggage from Washington city to the West. Tickets good until used) and passenger hate the privilege of latlng over at any point on the route. Passengers procuring tickets by this route, sate the delay and expense of Omnibus transfer. REMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure tickets, Is at the depot or B A O. R. R. Baggage received at any hourdurlng the day, and no charge fur handling baggage. augjo tf s- AFKTY, SPEED, ANU CO.MFOHT. FOB BOSTON. WORCESTER, PALMER, PITCHBURO. NASHUA, LOWELL, CONCORD, THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, AND IN. TERMEDIATE POINTS. - .TT . THE new anil-staunch steamers of JagyLUBC the Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS. TON ami CITY OF NEW YORK, leave New York dally. (8unda) a excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. m., from Pier No. so, North River, root of Vestry afreet, FOR NEW LONDON, There connecting with the Steamboat Fxnresa Train forth, abote points, via Norulchand Vor cester, Boston and Worcester, Worcester and Nathau, and New London and Northern Railroads. Freight taken at th. lowest rates. For Information, Inquire of F. S. MARTIN, my2fl tf Agent, on tho Pier, "TWANH & WATHOS'S PHILADELPHIA, SALAMANDFR. i FIRE ANU OUnULAR PROOF I SAFES. Store, 76 south Fourth street. Philadelphia, Pa Order recelted by W. I. SHEPHERD, Corner of Set enth ami D streets, Washington, D C, Jan ll ly IltNT HKORIVKUf a large and superior stock or CARPETS and OILCLOTH, amounting tu joo pieces, purchased for cash of a Northern manu facturer declining business Also, a large lot of COMFORTERS, WINDOW IIauL, Cliu(.Kt.ll, ULASS WARE and other HUVLkk.i.riSti AH IK U.S. Including Parlor, Lhaiuber and other STOVFS. All kinds or VABU aVM URSttURE, both new and second-hand, i Parties wishing lo buy will ate time and money ' vj caiims m iuv cucats caniBwio ui R. BUCHLV, 4!4S Set enth street, east side, between G and H no is lm 1U1W10ADS. JlTKW POATM-NBW CAim, FOR BOSTON. via NEW LONDON. NORWICH, ami WORCESTER PAItT, , (Snndays Excepted,) At4UC10CK, 1. M. . tftf PIER N. R-, FOOT OF VESTRY STREET. The new and magnificent steamer ClT V OF BOS TON, Wm. Wilcox, commander, from New York Tuesday. Thursdays, and Saturday and fromf New London Monday, Wednesday., and Friday. ' The new and maglfloent steamer CITY OF NEW YORK, Thoraaa O. Jewel t, commander, from New t York Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday! from New London Tuesd ay, Thursdays, and Satur day. ,Thee two new steamer have been built express ly for thl route, wit hall modern lmprovements.ln cludlng Water Tight Compartment, and are the only steamer ever built for Long Island Bound with this great life-preserving Improvement. Conductor accompany the steamer each way. . PaasengeraproceedfromNewLondonlmmedlate ly on arrival of Express Train lo Bos ton, Worcester. Lowell. Lawrence, , Fltchbur Nashua, Concord, the White Mountains, Ac. &o. Passenger returning from Boston leave the De pot of the Boston and Woroester railroad at 6 so P. M- Worcester 7 P, M., arriving at New London , .Freight taken at the Lowest Rate, and deliver ed In Boston early the next day. State Rooms in abundance can be had on hoarl fetA.m.. np viai TIab.m.. mb iru " L. m a. advance E. 8. MARTIN, Agent, iuj ii j-jer OT r,, B, GREAT CKHTRAL ROUTE For tlte West, via MUD80X XIVER RAILROAD and XK YORK OEXTXAL XAILX0AD. Ol( AND AfTEH DECEMBEn 9, 1861, Express Tralna leave New York city depots ol Hudson River Railroad dally, Sunday excepted, aa tttlnura. tbllOWt rrom Chambers street At 7 a. m. , 11 a.m., A p.m. S.1S p, m. Montreal and Buffalo Train with sleeping From SOth itrret station At 7.SS a. ru. Ii.soa. m., Slop. ra. S 40 p. m. 10 40 p.m. WrllB, IV.I0U, HI, Od Sunday, the follow! 1 Sundar. the following i ' train will be run to and from aothstreeti The Faian. m.intnar train for Albany and Troy, and the CM a. m. from Troy, and 4 43 p,m. train from Albany. Connectingat Albany with the New York Cen tral RallroaeaTor Schenectady, Rochester. Utlca. Batavla, Rome, and stations on Rome and Water town Railroad, Buffalo, Syracuse, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, Auburn, Geneva, Canaddalgua. Train in connection leave Buflalo and Suspen sion via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and Great Western Railroad, for Hamilton, Toronto. Detroit, Chicago. Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fonddti Lac. La Crosse, Madison, Prairie DuChlen, Galena. Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, Rock: Island Musta tlne, Iowa City Burlington, Qnlney, Springfield, Alton, St. Louis, Cairo, Terre Haute, Indiana jvolla. Louisville, Cincinnati. Dayton. Columbus, Cleve land, and all point West, Northwest, and South west,. ' . NORTHERN ROUTE. Connecting with Train at Troy, with Troy and Boston, and Ren s, and Saratoga Road for Sarato ga, Whitehall, Rutland, Burlington, St. Alban. Rouse Point, PlatUburgh, Ogdenaburgh, Montreal. AOaAO. O-Freight Arangementa by this route asabote without change of ears, from the Depot la Cham ber and Hydson street, are at all times a favora ble a made by other Railroad Companies. The facilities of thl great New York Route, to the Weat, commend If to the confidence of merchants and chipper for promptness and despatch. Passenger Trains, with Smoking and Sleeping Can. run in connetlon on the New York Central For particular a to local trains and freight ar rangements, Inquire at the depot, cs Warren street. A. F. SMITH, oeo 17 Superintendent. E' RIE RAILWAY. Passenrer Tralna leare trfa Purnnla Purn- frim foot of Chamber street, follows, viz t 6 00 a. ra. Mall for Dunkirk and Intermediate stations. This train remain over night at Kim Ira and pro ceed the next morning. 7.00 a. ra. Express, for Buffalo and principal In termediate station. too a.m. Milk, dally, for Otlavllle and Interme diate station. 12.18 p. m. Accommodation, dally, for Port Jert Is and Drtnclnal stations. 4.00 p. m. Way, for Mlddletown,Newburgb, and Intermediate station. fi oo p. m. Night Expreia, dally, for Dunkirk, Sul fate, CanandaTgua, and principal stations. The train of Saturday run a through to Buffalo, but doe not run to Dunkirk. 7 00 p. in. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal tatlon. The Express Train connect at HornelUvllle with railroad for Buffalo, at Flmlra with the Can and a I gua and Niagara Fall Railroad) at Bingham ton, with the Syracuse Rail road t at Corning with the railroad for Rochester and Buffalo) at Great Bend, with the raUroad for Scranton, andat Buffalo and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chloago, Ac., and the Canada railroads. CHARLES MI NOT. aep l? General Superintendent. OIIARLRN' Y'UAUMX". CORDIAL t . OrnNT, '.i I distilled In London, and put , up solely In quart and pint bot- ." ties, to meet the requirements i of DruggiT,anii inose io wnom Pure and Unadulterated Liquor 1 a Necessity or a Luxury. It Is the oldest established of all the GINS (I) which have started Into existence upon the basis of Its well-deserved and hard-earned celebrity. It ha no connection with, and 1 in nowaj like the traahy mixtures aold a "Engllah Gin." or " Old Tom," or "London Dock," or "London Gin," Ac., Ac, no matter how much "antiquity" or "respect ability" 1 assumed by their begetters. Dr. Valentine Mott,of New York, says i "It Is far preferable to even fobe HollandGln, and Is the best article of It kind I have ever seen." Soiay thousands of physicians. The New York Herald saji, "We are surprised at its beneficial effects, It Is a certain lafeguard tn health." The Philadelphia Ledger sajs: "It ha no supe rior, If an equal, In medicinal virtues." The New Orleans Picayune say: "There 1 no remedy on earth for dyspepsia equal to It." The Boston Journal aayei "A a beterage, a a preventative, or a a remedial agent, we want no other. It 1 our vademtcum," Women or Amebica, for you it la particularly adapted. In alckne or health, It 1 your greatest friend. B. BALDWIN A CO, SOLE IMFOKTEMS, Si Liberty street, New lork. Sold In Washington by LOVELL, COLLESACO, 316 K street, near Pennsylvania avenue, And by dealers generally. dec 12 ly pI.AIMS AGAINST UNITED STATES.. FINLEY BIGGER, (late Register of the United States Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlement of demand against the United States, growing out of the pres ent war, Including the Accounts and Claims of States, Contractors, and Disbursing Officer appli cations for the restoration of property illegally aelzed or captured, and for compensation fur the use of private property for Government purpose, and for damage for the Injury of such properly by the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty lands) and for dlstrtbut it e shares of money paya ble at Ihe T reatury and due to sub-contractor and other. 'Ihey will also gtte legal adtlce to claimants, contractor, and to unprofessional agents In liti- Sated cases j and prepare written argument when eslred. With non-rei Lieut Agents who may send them claims, an eqiillil ledltlsioil or commissions ulll be mtde , Undlnputid lemands will be collected and promptly remitted for a commission of from u hall to two and a half per cent., depending on the araounttand negotiations with the Department conducted on moderate terms. By prompt attention, moderate charge, long ex perience, and a minute knowledge of the ex-laus, regulations. rules, and precedents goiemlng that clasa of business at the Departments, they hope to render their services useful to claimants and public creditors. Reference mat be made tomeii)berof Congress, and officer of the (internment! and especially, by permission, to the Hon FUhHA Whittieii V.rlist Comptroller of the Tieasurt Address Meibra. BIGGER fc hllFRMAN Washington, u ( Oilke, No. 313 F street, near 'Ireasur) Hint Wil lards Hotel. not ti tin a V. tlOOUAI.I., P L V M 11 K R , AND a AN AXD STEAM t I T T E Jt, tnH Seventh ttrett, ntar Vuvul BrUir, WASHINGTON. All orders executed at the shortest notice, In th j most eubatantlal manner, and on reasonable termr. Personal attention all en to ererv department ol . the business. nor 21