Newspaper Page Text
1 .1 If. SPECIAL NOTICE DR. M. VKLLNT'8 Prlvat. Hospital, In the I Federal Block, comer of Seventh and F streets, oppoelta the Poet and Patent Offices. Rooms ad 34, np stalra, Washington, D. C. Al iseeeee of a private nature treated In the moat eclentlfle manner, and radical cnrea ef fected la all cut.. SYPHILITIC AFFEC TIONS, OONORRHOJA, OLEET, STRICT. URES, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, or the result of VOLUPTUOUS DREAMS, or any weak BtnetthOENXRATIVEORQANStromnj casta whatever, or how long standing, thor oughly and radically cured) alto OOUT, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, and other CHRONIC DISEASES otlto NERVES, MUS CLES, BONES and JOINTS; SCROFULA, BLOTCHES on the FACE, ERUPTIONS on theXJGWand BODT, and all other ERUP TIVE DISEASES and DISEASES of the BLOOD, from whatever cauu they may hare arista. AVFLIOTED AND UXFORi'UNATK ! Mo matter what your disease, let no false del Icacy prevent yon from applying Immediately to Dr. Tellny, who la acknowledged to bo i.y far the most SUCCESSFUL FIITSICI AN In the treatment of prlvate'dlseaeea. Fear not to come and make known yonr misfortunes, and he will apeedlly send yoa on your way rejoicing. SELF-AB08E, That dreadfnl scourge of the young, Indulged In when alone, destroys the generative organs, unfits yon for married life, producing weakness of the back and limbs, loss of anima tion and muscular power, palpitation of the heart, nervous irritability, loss of memory, mel ancholy habits, Insanity, consumption, and death. TOUNO MANt in rlew of the dreadful con sequences of delay, do not fall to make your caae known, Immediately, to Dr. Vellny. Tour secrets with htm are sacred, and yon may con fidently rely upon his medical skill. Thousands whose systems were shattered and who ware on the brink of the grave, have been brought back to vigorous health by his skilful treatment. M VniUAtJE. Married persona, or those contemplating matrimony, who suspect themselves of tnipo tency, aenilnal weakness, or any disease arising from a relaxed stste of the genital organs, whether the result of disease, Injury, youthful Indiscretions, or Indulgence of the passions In riper years, are earnestly entreated to place themselves under (he care of Dr. V. Thcymay rely with certainty upon a speedy cure, an J up on being restored to fall health and vigor. He treats with entire snccess all diseases ol females, such as LEUCORRHEAor WHITES, j LATSUS UTERI, Ac, &c, and In every case i guarantees a perfect CURE. FEES moderate, and VISITS and COMMU NICATIONS strictly PRIVATE and CONFI DENTIAL. Pirsom calling aee uo one but tho Doctor Tr,...!...-. k i ThoaatadlUncomayboTREATEDbyMAlL, by sendlntf a STATEMENT of CASE, Ac., Ac. j a em" AIT" 1LL1AM FITCH, ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANTS, cork en or setemtu akd t streets, Oppotitt the Pot Office, WASHINGTON, D. C , rroirsuici i-.aui ior rensioni, uountv iione),i IlVslint1 lairl Vlsiranla t rtmt IW..rii- ri..... I at .T ' nuu.j . . ssaasai, auaynsi m. V):ci SB , lac VI U1IIUK Officers, and all otherjuit Claims against the Go.-i ernment j Also. Patent procured for Inventors Special attention glren to eases before the Court of Claims. Fees reasonable In all eases, to w Iti In each Pension case, - - - - &m Bounty Money case, quo Bounty Land ease, - - - . . . 6Uu Pay Claim, - sou Widows and minor children who are poor, hsll th above rate. Those who are extremcli in digent, free of charge, except mere disbursements Correspondents will be entitled to ahare the feci la all cases they forward Consulting counsel, Hon R H GILLET, late United States Solicitor of the Court of Claim., and former Solicitor of the Treasurj . ipHal Referent by rermtutotf Hon. Richard Wallach, Mayor of Washington. Hon. W. W.Seaton, ex-Mayor of Washington. Lewi Johnson fc Co , Bankers, Washington Sweeny fc. Iluyck, Banker. Washington Ex-tioveraor Hunt, of Lock port, New ork Judge Gardiner, of Lockport,New iork Hon. Jobr. Ganson, State Senator, Oufftlo, N 1 Hia. Burt Vanhorn, member of Congress f-cm t New ork. Hon.G. .V Clinton, Judge Supeilor Court, Bui falo Meaar. Hubble a, Darls, Counsellors, BuiTiIo, ' Judge Bowen, of Lockport, New York. Judge Woods, of Lockport, New York Hon T T. Flagler, ex-member of Congress from New Yor.i. Hon Jo'in Gsnson, President of the ew Ituk and Erie Bank, Buffalo, N Y oct a am BOSWELIS9 MEDICATED COUUH CA.NDY ior ooiram, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, nOAIibENE&S, And all incipient ttaget of Consumption, For sale, wholesale and retail, by O BOSUELL.Drugr.lit, Cor Maryland arenue and Seventh at , And Z D GILMAN, Pcnn atcoue, near Browns' Hotel Charles Allen, W D. Fntwlalc, D B Clar. John R Major L M. Sal, B C Major, H H McsHaeraon, J W. Nalru, 9 C. Ford, J D O'DounW, J P Mill urn, J F Dawson, Charles S'ott, D G lUJrel). In Georgetown Lj Kldnell, sothoron, iciuelJ, and Barnard And h Lraggiat and utlara generally. Jan 15 1)ORTABLE MILLS FOR TUB AIIU1. Orricr. or Dcror Commissahi Or SlTBtllTEIsCE, Washington, D C, No., . ttl laventor aLd manufacturer are Invited till the 20th Deoember, 1862. to present model and samples of Portable Mills for grinding wheat and "orn for the use of the arim Th following are the tsaentlal conditions the mills mm, combine to receive cocslderatlon when presented fry plan, speculation, model and aamnje 1st. Not to weigh over twentj -& pound 3d The grinding aurfaces to te ol burr ttont, grooved fhj.ed Iron or steel, and the general con struction of the mill to be anslagoui to tint of a coffee milt 3d Each mill to be capable of grinding 60 pound of One flour or meal per hour, and to be tapible oi being worked b7 one man. 1th Lech mill to be ao constructed, if nttesaary, that It can be aeDarated Into two Darts of rnuul weight, ao a to be carried by two men ahoulJ the lenAhof march, lack of trananortation. or 1 II true of the men, or other cause render itacarrlage too laborious for one man 6th Lach mill to be capable of being attached to awagontoogue.branchoftree.oratacknfuuakets Inventors will submit plans ai'eclflcatloR, or mol- 1 Of their mills, or sampl of the mill tteelf.lnthe presence of a board of officer. They will be re- quirdto preaent indisputable eld-ncesof their soilJ eombinlng the eaaentlal commons aboie enuuerated by cauatng the mill to be worked in the prsnoof th ald board If a mill be preseota.1 containing all of the abote condlUona, and It oot be sufflcleatly ressonable In th opinion of the Department to warrant Its t r , ...s.. .... i.i... uurcnase, m larss huwwi vsm mj jjfuuauij uv knuarht Inr th tla at the ai-RlV. For further Information apply at No ,44JGat, Washington, D. C. uo 'm JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW STOCK (JK Fall and Winter CLOTHING, which we are elilng at very low price, at , m M . I. A. BEALL X CO.S, Ho. MI 6eventh street, eep S4 3m between I and K. 'llAXTIMOIUC AMD OHIO RAILROAD. SL Passenger Trains from Washington. THE PASSENGER TRAIN! between WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, AND THE WMT will run as follows) Fin Datty Trains to Washington and the Wat. Tvo Doily Trains betmtn Watli'n and the Wttt. On SuftJoys, larva Iratns to Balttaiereand onelolhe H f a follows' 7 40 a. m , and 1 and a p. In. Passengers for the West make close connections at Washington Junction (Relay) with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all points est, at tower rout of fart ihanbv ana other line For nOatelplila end Kijc York Le art Washington at a. m , 11 a m , and ftp. in. lor Aniupoiis Leave Washington at a. m. and lain m. FOB ALL POINTS WEST, and Stations stone, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad leave Washington at a and 7 0 a. m , and S so p. m l and on Funds jrs at S.S0 p. m. TRAINS MOVING SOUTH Leave New ork at 7 a. m , Philadelphia al II X a. m , llsttlmore at s 45 p m. Arrive at Washing ton at 6 ao p m. Leave New 1 ork at p. m , Philadelphia al 10 60 p. m , Baltimore at 4 so a. n. Arrlre at Washing ton at a So a. m. Leave New lork at II p. m , Philadelphia at 10 a. m , Baltimore at 7 40 a. m. Arrive at Washing ton at 9 25 a. m. Local Accommodation Trains leave Baltimore at to a rn. and 0 10 p m , for Wsshlngton) arrive there at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. On Sundays at 4 SO and 7 40 a m , only, from Bal timore. No Aunnpolls connectlona on Sunday from Balti more or Washington. Passengers lest lng Washington al and 7 40 a m. and 4 p m , make connections at WeSminfton Junc tion (Relay) with trains on the Baltimore and Ohio Milroad, for all points west of the Ohio river and for all points along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio road, in Maryland and lrtinla. Trains leave Annapolis for Baltimore and Wash ington dally, except Sundays, at 6 49 a. m , and l 40 p m Psisenger Trains leaving Washington at 6 a m , lla m , anl 6 p. m , and lTaltlmor at 430and740 a m. and 1M p. m , stop only at Annapolis and Washington Junctions Wa Passengers must tske the Accommodation Trains only. W. P.SMITH, nor 17 Mssler of Transportation. IUM9 EXPRESS COMPANY, Office 51 teiiu. fctnu. Washington Ctty, D. C. GRKAT EASTERN, NORTHERNnd WEST- .1 LAOic.niisvniucn.itAnii rr ERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. I llerchanillse, Money, Jewelry, Valuable, noict. mt of tutu uonoia atcu Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to all accent tile sections oi tnecounm. miaiompany ban Agencies in the principal railway town In the nuHiii. A31, Yt.i, An iv nunint.i. A9I vt ., ai-is iiuninti ;. i it nrincinil nfflMi ar SmNpT0KD.C.,N.TORK,BOSTONr I'lllL.AMJLL.I'llIA. UAJjTUlUJtt;. t-VA- CINNATI, ST.' LOUIS. LOUIS. ...... .' -nv nen YILLE. LEXIXOTOX. Connect Ion are made at New York and Boston i with Itr.ei forwarding to th Canada and the Srltlth rrorinoes.andirlth steaimhlp lines to Llr ', er,ool. bouthampton. and Ha. re, and thence br Lurcpean expresses to ail prominent commercial town in Great Britain and on the Continent. I Collection of Notes. Draft, and Bill made at all I acceislMe parts of the United States C. C. DUNN. Aent. Je 12 Washington, D. C. COHKS A DROWN, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS AND CLAIMS. Bounties, Petisloua. Back Pay, Officers Itecruitltiff, and all other JnsC Claims, ngalust the .OoTernmeiit OFFICF-No. 476 SEVENTH STREET, Ami No. (uepanmem txenant,) WAIIttHQTOK, D C, ii Park Place corner of Broadway, AQIj immediate cure tor Rheumatism, Gout, Neu oppotitt City Mali. Xeui York. ralgta, Sprain. Bruises, Cuts, V. ounds, Sores, ' Rnena Sj-aldat. PI la a. IjimtlmrO. HtSi1afh. Toath- liefer, bjr pcrmtssloti, to Hon Hannibal Hamlin, Vice President, He Martin Kalbflelsch, Mayor City of Brooklyn AM Jah Mann, Jr , New York City i John N. Goodwin, M C . Me i Thomas M. Edwards, M.C.N.H; Ed ward JI. Rollins. M. C, N. Hi Alex. H. Rice, M. C. Mat t John B. Aller. M. C . Mais t Alfred A. Burnham, M. C, Conn i Dwlrht Looml, M. C, conn John A. Gurley, M. C , Ohio t James M. Ashlev. M. C . Ohio- Sidney Edrerton. M. C. Ohio I I John llutchlna, M. C . Ohloi John Corode, M. G , Pa i Robert McKnlgU, M. C, Ps.i Justin S Mor rtll, H C , Vt j John F. Potter, M. C, Wis Z. Chandler, M. C. Mich) Jame H Lane. M. C, Kensas) Cyrus Aldrteh, M. C , Minn j Wm. Kel logir, M C , 111 i John T. Nixon, M, C , N. J t John L.N Stratton.M. C , N. J J P. B Fouke, M. C, III f Owen Lovejoy, M. C , 111 t F. P. Blair, Jr., M. U . MO i i.iDriage o. spauiaing, ai -.. n. i.iai- I frcd ly, M. C , N. Y., Major General H. B. Dur- jea, N. Wyckoff, Esq , Pres. WiUUmspart City Dank t Sheuheru Knapp, fcsq , rres. mecnanioa Bank. Jy 2S-tf V TKRIOK AlHnNMKNTH. 4 NO 40 PAPER HANOI MQS. . or AixaaaDESAHD raiccs. Warrsnted Gold Band Window Shade! Buff, Grf en, and Blue Holland Shades, all sixes made to order AUo, a handsome assortment of Wet lire Cord and Taisels, all size and color. I'urchaalng for cash, and allowing no old stock to accumulate, i-eraons needing the above goods will find It to their advantage to glre me a catL All work executedand auperlnte i.ded by practical men, who hnve aerred a regular a) prentlceahlp at their trade .tltfactlon KUranteed, or no pay required. Plcaae give me a call. lie member the number JOHN MARKRITER, No 486 seventh street, tght door above Odd Fellow Hall. nuVJb ly T KKTIIl TEETH I -U LUU.'lja, ut Ut i lie tut cuiui aim yaicuivv of the Mineral Plte Teeth, attends personally at hla office In thla rlty Mfiny persons can wear thea teeth who cannot wearothera, and no person can wsarothera who cannot wear these Tcraona cilllngat my office can be accommodated with itny -trie and price of Teeth they may desire; tot t iiioae who are particular, end wish the pur eat (.lesneat, strongest, and moat perfect denture Uat nrt can produce, the Miners! Plate will be n ore fully warranted. iXooms la thin cltj No 333 Penn.jlvenia ave nue, n-tween Ninth and Tenth street Alao, 90T Arch atrect, Philadelphia mar Iff ly E ," 31 1 I : DiUMiE, IH ON HALL, HO Pcimsjlvanla Atcuue, Whttletale ami Retail Dtaler in rr.Nurr i'amh.v ghqcerik, FRENCH and GERMAN WINES. rrnrmnv nnnnTArZ nffifPAnKFft Vviw. v,., , , IWAHliY. RUM. O IN. CIGARS and TOBACCO, Haa now on hand a er Jlnt atitfrioitht of the above, at fair prices, SUTLERS SUPPUH). noi 28-TT&s.f VBIV AMJWISII'I.IFIEDMKTHOD VOB PIAr.O FORT AND SINf.ING PROF. ALEXANDER OLOWSKI, MiAlir. lOCAUSTAtSDl uMPOSEH, Hi. ui cited Ladles and Gentleman's Arternoon 1 1 u'Uuck) nd 1 . enlng (8 o'clock Mnglng Classes. ,.n ,..n.i llt.i-rnl tPrmi. Profa'stiOr U OlOWBkl Will alio explain thef ull theor) of Mu.U and Reading ' hlaajaiem .,,. .,... hj Proiessor Wolowtkl'i newmithod.a penon U lng .only a alight knowledge of umale w ill be tnaUed, in a wr short time, to read music i with giet faLllltj aud execute operatlo as well as l nslcal music with rare perfection A to the vocal part, by hi way f ocalii-atlon, nearrlirat most extraonl nar 1 1 aults, rendera he olce powerful, aud nbI"!V-K.f.m.V U h facility, acturacj, and Hue qualltj of lone i Prof Wolowekl retelvea vl-itora dally from 10 to II a m and from s to 4 p. m., at hla residence, No. t Tenth street, wtwern. anu r kJ II nrV -Irht Bfil N B Children over eight jenraof age are ac cepted. u lu. I AINK AURNV1 111 AND SOLVIERS1 niULF ASSOCIATION. Offlie, No 376 F atreet.cor Thirteenth. toiiimunicatlona to be addreased to J W HATHA WAV, oct 16 tf Lock box 88, Washington, D. C :1& , r-j A WHTMUPPt. 'tis) i ik Orrna or thi Cmar QoAnuuasiM, ABMT OrTMI POTOSCAl, Washington, September SO, lStS. PROPOSALS are Invited for rurnlshlui for the use of the army of the Potomas tha following ar tteleai . .. eJOO tons best quality Timothy Hay, securely baled, tha weight of each hale to be msrked thereon. Lonuoo buskers of Oats, of the best quality, In strong sacks, well sewed 7,000 cords Oak aad Hlokory Wood, well sea sooed and of the best quality. Fach bid must be accompanied by the endorse ment of two responsible persons thsl the oontracta If awarded wlU be fulfilled. Bids will be opened from time to time as the ar ticles may be needed, and contracts will ba awarded for the quantities needed, ta the lowest responsible bidder up to the time of opening. , The right la reserved to accept all or any part ol any bid. Proposals should be endorsed " Proposals for Hay or Oats," or M Wood," as the esse -may be, and en close in sepsral. euv.lop.. Lieut. Col and A. D. C, Chief quartermaster, sep 34 It "pilOPOSAt. H. Bvatao or Yaaos ad Docas, Nsvy Department, 21th November, 1803 SFALFD PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for building house at Naval Hospital, New sork," will ba received at this office, until noon on the 32d day of December, 1863, for furnishing all the materials and workmanship required In construct ing a house for a Surgeon, on the Naval Hospital grounds at Brooklyn, New York, sccordlngto plans and specKlcatlona Which are lodged with the Civil Engineer, and may be seen on application to htm at the Brooklyn Navy ard which plansand spe cifications will be attached to and form apart of the contract. Form q Offer. (Here date the offer) I, (here Insert the name or names composing the firm,) of (name the town,) In tha state of (name the stale,) hereby ofierto furnish under your advertise ment dated (date of advertisement,) and sutject to all the requlremente of the same, and of the plans and speclficsUons to which It refers, ell the mate rials and workmanship neeeaasry for the construe tlon and completion ol the house for a Surgeon at the Naval Hospital at New York, according to the ftans and specifications, for the sum of (here write he amount in words,) and should my offer be ac cepted, I request the contract may be prepared and sent to the Navy Agent, at (name the agency) for signature and certificate. (Hera the bidder and each member of the nrm are to algu.) - Form of Guarantee. r The undersigned, (name ofguerantor.)of (name ine lOWn.J ami state oi n.iuviuv iMbjwHituBu. 'J S2" ffft7?.rlsS'JridS? "bldde'ro wm i If hi or their) offer as abort ba accepted, enter intn nnnrts'i with th ITnitftl States, within fifteen TV.- -...'- -a. a-- -J '.- days after the date of notice, through the post ot flee, of the acceptance of Me (or their offer before mentioned. uritBMB! (lie natures of rusrantors.) I certify that theebote named (here nam th - i.lii nmaiii n. ia ha arnnA anil guaramuf ; aic -awn a v sue a Km -. -- nnnalbl ruarantora in thli cate. ., ,..,,. .,rf, ,d. ric,,U.rf,L w "" ?''"' "J "" "1 ZZ?ZJ "Z" "L- nT. fQ iMinr. ditt utm. or luaic vrnuu tuurru rriL . v.. "..:'.- .. r -!,.- Tnavnirdirtitiiioiori belli ooene.1 before the 10 ioe eurrau to aw grsjLvuisjnr. time appointed, bidder irerequeetedtoendora on the enrelope, abo.ethe addrrs,and draw a line under th endorsement, thus: Propo$li for Suryim't llow for tM IVupy Yard at j(ev 1 ork " To the Chief of the Bureau of Yard and Docks, Wasblncton. D C. no 24 law w Jf ' A FIUBND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, The great external remedy of the age, prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect!- a. aalahea ftanit (uiASk Adlta! urhns. tmmew 1st ten v.iawl htrth.t nf anv llrlntr mn. It U ccrUIn ache, and all Rheumatic and Nerrou Disorders, a,xeruai injunri, old. All sufferers should glre it a trial. RICHARDSON ft. CO , Proprietors, norwicn, ijonn. For sale by CHARLES STOTT, General Agent for Washington, and by all dealers. fcbM dfcwly --' N OAK HALL CLOTHING ROOM, No 4M, Berenth street, below F. The subscriber take great pleasure In annonac lng to his old Friends and Customers, that ha ha opened a new store at No. 464 Seventh street, near Flwhi.ehehaa a fin, selected stock or Clothing fo Taiwa. and Boys' wear, which they havejuat re cetred from the North, and ofters them for sal at th lowest Northern prices J. BRUCE a CO , sep 16 im Clothiers, 44 Seventh street. pALI AND WINTER GOODS. MILITARY AND CIVILIAN. WALL, STEPHENS at CO , are now opening l their Fall and Winter Goods, embracing fine Dreas i Coats, Doeakln Panta, Vests, . A large and we.' 1 aelected stock of floe heavy Overcoat. We have alao a complete assortment of Business Suits, mad In the moat durable manner. Officer will find our ? Military Goods deatroua to their wanta. Heavy I Woollen Blanket, for camp uae at reasonable j prices. WALL, STEPHENS h. CO , 343 Pennsylvania avenue, between I o37 dtf Ninth and Tenth atrect. GHAND ADVANCE OF THE ARMY, and clothiers are crying up the great adrane of clothing, but we are selling at a small advance on old prices We have a large stock on hand, and are selling them off to make more room, for we hai , very large stock of Clothing at our manufac tory, and are now running off our stock at leu than wholesale price to make room. We have al ways been fighting against high price, and shall continue to do ao. Mr SMITH la In the market all the time, and 1 enabled to furnish our store with a superior stock, and we cannot be undeuuld by my one We have the means to sell chenp, and are determined to do It at SMITH & BEALL'S, No. 361 Be venth afreet, nov 21-dt Janl Near K street. 1U- K W YORK UUalNEHB, LAW, FINANCIAL AND COLLECTING. INVOICE BILLS A BCSIllESS HOTtS KEOOTUTED. PaoTCSTtn Notes a kd Detested accounts Boloiitahd Collected STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCLUSIVFLY ON COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CLAIMS BOUGHT. By G. Z. HOUSF, Counsellor at Law, AH Nasiau atreet, New .ork. S3" Ten jears in State and United states Courts Ad. ice gratia apis fl'HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the X subscriber hath obtained from the Orphana' Court of Waahtngtoo count) , in the Diatrlct of Co lumbia, letters of administration on the personal estate ol Benjamin P Down a, late of Fairfax county, Virginia, deceaaed All peraona having claims against theaald deceaaed, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the voucher thereof, to the subscriber, at the office of Andrew W)lle,Eaq , In Die cltj of Washington, on or before the 26th da of No , ember next , they ma) otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate Given under my hand this 26th day of No, ember, A. D I8OT F8FM7FR S WINTON, no, 27 Uw3t Administrator 'IMIOMAH E. I. L.OVD, ATTOHNU FOH CLAIMANT, AMD A0ENT FOR PBOCCRINO Bounty Lands, Pensions, Arrears of Pay, Fxtra Pay, fce , WASHINGTON, D. C, Mil gl.e prompt and efficient attention to the iiroacutlon of Claims of ever) description agalnat the Government, and make no charg unless auc crasful Both referencea and charges for sen ice will be made a at la factor) Id" Pcnalona aecured for aoldier wounded or dis eased during the existing wart alao, for th widowa and orphana of aoldier who bav died from wounda or diaeaae Incurred white In the United States ser vice) alao, Bounty Money for the heir in law ol soldier deceaaed during the exlating war. Fees divided with attorne) s or other persons for warding business The highest prices paid for Land Warrants. Addreis THOMAS E. LLOYD. Attorney for Claimant, No 4T& Seventh strest, Washington, b C. N B Editors of paperapubllahlog the above card will be entitled to my servlcea to the amount ol their charges. I.E. L. dec 12 w CAMP HTOVEB I CAMP ST0VI-111 UAMPSTOVESM! We are now xoanufacturlnd CAMP, COOK and HEATING STOVES, which we will aell by the down or hundred as cheap aa they can be bought In Baltimore. E-n fc H I. GREGORY, nor 18 331 Penn. avenue, near 7th street. PROPOtfAX KOR VTHAAr AT PORT ROTAt. Navv DtrABTWiriT, November M,!."' I THE NAVY DEPARTMENT wUl.antU thatSd of Deoember, IBO, receive propoaitton for th erection and eompletloa of a Wharf at Port Royal. South Carolina, la conformity with th general ipeclfleatlona herewith aeeoeapaaylaf . The proposition must stata U groe tmouat or which the wharf, derrick, hotsttaf anfflae, teal, rail tracks, aad earn will be completed, aeeordtng to the plans and specifications, and nam th. time within which th party will agree to hare It II lshad. Parties Intending to bid can examine th draw ings In the Nary Department, and ta the- office of the Constructing Laglaeer In th New York Nary Yard, at the office of the Nary Agent at Philadel phia and at Boston, The bid must be accompanied by th usual guar antee that If accepted tha party will execute the contract, which will be dated from th tlm th party 1 notified that hi offer 1 accepted, and th contract will embrace th usual conditions. SptdJUattotuor Wharf at Port Jtoye, S. C, The wharf 1 to be in the form of a Ti th part leading from the hor to th front will be B31 feet long and 42 feet Inches wldei and the front will b 901 Teet long and 43 feet Inches wide. From high water mark to TI" water the distance Is 338 feet froral'" depth to Iff' 6" the distance le 140 feet i from iff' " depth to 35' " depth th diatanc Is 70 feet, and the front wharf will stand In about 77' 6" water, all at high tide. The piles are to be of good sound heart fine, not less than 12" diameter at the butt, and must be driven to a good Una bearing) they will be In rows 8 feet from centre to centre, running across the wharf, and aevea pile In each row, with a fender pile on each side, making plies la each cross row. These plies are to be barked and covered with sheet line. 10 ozs. to the square foot, from hlgb-water mark down to 6 Inches below the surface of the mud, well and securely put on, to protect them from the worms The piles will be cut off at the proper height, as shown on the plan, and capped with hard pine tim ber 12" by 12", every third pile being tennoned Into the cap and pinned, and the others secured with an Iron bolt one Inch In diameter and two feet long. Around the outside of th wharf there Is to be a stringer of hard pine timber " by t2",reetlngupon thecsps and strongly bolted at each crossing, and between these stringer there are to be hard pin Joists 4" by IS", laid 12" apart upon th cap, and fastened with sVtnch aplkes at each crossing, upon the Jo lit a there Is to be a floor of 4"hard pine plank, faatenedwlth one B-lnch aplke In each plank at each crossing. Around the edge of the wharf there Is to be a cap sill " by 10", of hard pine, well fas tened and rounded on the top to shed the rain. The fender piles are to be strongly bolted to the ilrlnrfn nrl n allli. Four clusters of about six fillet each are to be driven, capped, and prepared as oundattons for derricks; there are alo to be twelve. mooring posiSOI wtuivoiftiuuvrrs iuujiucirr. well driven and strongly secured to the wharf, at the point Indicated on the plans these will be four fee above the floor of th wharf and all pile are to be aheathed with zinc, a before described. At each end of the front wharf, and on each aide of the wharf leading from the ibore, there 1 to be a landing stair V " wide, strongly secured to the wharf, and iwafhlnr to low water mark. The contractor will be required to build a bulk- neaa wnere me wnan joins in norr, mu uu up with earth, to receive the rail track hereinafter de scribed. On the wharf, at the point Indicated on the plan, will be four derricks Cor hoisting coal, similar to thoaeuaedat the coaldepotaon the North river, prortded with all the necessary falls, with aufflclent rope to reach the hoisting engine, and shteveafor changea of direction, and all ready for use In hoi at Inr coal A partlculardeacrlptlonof thcaederrlck u 111 ha sHvn. There la to be a holatlng engine of moat ap proved construction, na ing tour uruma. anu io oe of aufflclent power to work the four derricks at the same time In holatlng coal. Over thla engine there la to be a frame houae, to protect It from the weather. In the capailts around the wharf there are to be Iron ring-bolts of l)f.nch Iron, and ring Inches diameter In the clear, placed at every W feet, and atrongly fastened to the sills and stringer On th wharf, and extending ut) on to the land. will be a rait track of Iron, about fifty pound to the yard, with tuchbranche a may berequlreJ the total length of single track being of a mile j the track on the wharf will be laid on the plank floor, with aultablechalra, and that on the land on ties a' S" apart, laid In the usual manner. Thla track Is to be provided with 13 dumping cars prop erly constructed for moving coal On the land near the shore end of the wharf, a shown on the plan, there la to be a platform icale. capable of weigh log ten tonaf tha rail track will pasa over thla acale aa shown on the plant then will alio be a small office, eight feet square, near the scale, and two of similar size on the wharf. Tha inn will be addressed to the w Narr nnirtmnl. ami must ba add rtta led "ProDoaala for Wharf at Port Royal," that they may bedls- iinguianea irom omer dusuibh letivr. nor z awi-Jews SPECIAL NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, OFFICERS OF TUB ARMT AND NAVY. ODE0N HALL, The old and eaUhlished Emporium of Clothing, that has, for ao many years, supplied tha citizens of WMhlngton and vicinity with all that Is es sential for tha eleganea and comfort of tha outet man. Is now auppUed with th most complete and fashionable stock that w have ever had the pleas ure to offer. i COATS, PANTS, and VESTS of th most desira ble style that could be found In the market. OurassortmentofSHIRTS. DRAWERS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, c , cannot be surpassed and will be sold at prices that do not allow of compe tition. LARGE STOCK OF M1UTARY OVFRCOATS. XARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS LARGE STOCK MIUTARY VEST8. LARGE STOCK MIUTARY VESTS. INDIA RUBBER GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS. VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, fcc Our stock of BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING Is the largest and most fashionable that has ever been offered In this city, and at th lowest prices they can possibly be obtained In this city. Q- Call and see u at ODE0N HALL, corner 4K atreet and Pennsylvania avenue, the Great Cloth ing Mart of WaihlngtOQ city, nov 1 every Tue, Thurs, It Sat en TAKE NOTICE. CQ . M. T. PARKER, NO. 69 LOUISIANA AVENUE, Reipcct fully and cheerfully returns thanks for th liberal patronage hitherto recelred. Having ever) facility for doing THE BEST HOUSE, SIGN, AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. Together with all work pertaining to a Firit clai Painting stablUhment. Hehasnoheiltano In soliciting a continuance of the public's favor, ifi Pricet are Reasonable: The Work Unticeptlonablei And particular attention le paid to PROMPTNESS IN DELIVERY. CT" Remember the number I SO Louisiana Avenue. oct 21 3m bet Sixth and Set enth streets M A 11 K II A M H MARKHAM'S Ib the beat HOTFL in the Citr or Washington, kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, Adjoining inHaraV Hotel, No. S19, pEitNsn.Yi.iu a. Atxnce, The undersigned ha, e fitted and furniahed the above named houae In the beat manner, git ing it all the modern Improt ementa, Including water and gas Diucd In anr houae In the count ri . We bee to assure those who may favor us with a call In th ordinary, that It will be supplied with every thing the market afford, got up In the best style anu m it. ing pricva. The National RtjmUtcan y: "We feel It to be our datyto Incite attention to thla houae, and to guarantee the public agalnit extortion in price or neglect In attendance. It will not be under the control of the aervanta, whether white or black" And we endorse It aud shall carry out the fact. We can only say to those coming to Washington, stop at the new European House, stop at the best houae, atop at the house neareat the cab and the TaEAtvx v. and to have the benefit of all thla, atop ai liiArnviiAiu , t rcnuayirama avenue JOHN H HUDSON, F P MARKHAM, dec 0 Proprietors. DETECTIVE DEPARTMENT, METROPOLITAN POLICE, No 516 EleTeutli atreet west, Near the corner of Pennsylvania avenue. The public are hereby Informed, that all caaes renulrlnr the sen lcea of a deteative officer will be ptomptly and carefully attended to, "Jree of inaroe," upon ppucauon ueing maue at in ro ute neauqumrwra, no. sin e.ievrnin street west, unaer supervision "i W. B. WEBB, Superintendent of Metropolitan Police, nov a 3aw3m NK W CURRENCY MAQIC POCKET'tOQKS A large assortment at wholraal by J. R. DILLON, 11 Ann atreet (up stairs), New York. rn saW'sCaS? , INTAIXIBIJC' ' i LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILFS, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS For all of which -it Is a speedy and certain reme dy, and never fall. This liniment Is prepared from th rrp of Dr. Stephen Iweet, of Connect icut, the famous bons-astter, and has been used la Mi practice, for mor than twenty years, with th most astonishing tuocea. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, It Is unrlraled by any preparation before th publie, of which th most skeptical may b convinced by a ilngl trial. This Liniment will eure rapidly and radically, Rhetamatta Disorder of every kind, and, In thouaaade of oases, whet It ha been used, It has never been known to fall. J FOR wUl afford Immediate relief In every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of ItEADACHEla three minutes, and Is warranted to do It. TOOTHACHE, also, will It cure Instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LAS SITVDE, arising from Imprudence or exceia, this liniment I a moat happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nerrou tlaaue, It strengthens and rerlrlflea th system, and restore it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES." At an external remedy, we claim that 11,1 th best known, and we challenge th world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should glr It atrial, for it will not fall to afford Immediate relief, and, la a majority of cases, will effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this liniment will never fall to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and en largement of th Joists Is liable to occur If neg lected. Th worst cas may bs conquered by this liniment In two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS, AND SCALDS, yield readily to th won derful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to direc tions. Alao, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND JA5i.LT BITL3 AND STIKQ3 DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OP CONNECTICUT, The ureal natural none setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is known all the United States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OP CONNECTICUT, Is the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism, and never falls. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds Immediately, DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is th best known remedy for Sprain and Bruise DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache Immediately, and was never known to falL DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords Immediate relief for Piles, and seldom falls to eure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache in on minute. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure Cut and Wounds immediately and leave no scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I the beat remedy for Sores In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Haa been used by mor than a million people, and aU praise it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. ' DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a " frisnd in need," and every family should have It at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sal by all Druggists. Price 25 and CO cents. A Friend la NeeU. Try It. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, a an external remedy, Is without a rival, and will alle viate pain more speedily than any other prepara tion For all Rheumatlcand Nervous Disorders It la truly infallible, and, as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Bpralas, Bruises, fcc , it soothing, heal ing, and powerful, strengthening propertlei, excite the Just wonder and aatonlehment of all who have ver given it a trial. Over one thouaand certlfl catea of remarkable cures, performed by It within the lsst two years, attest the fact. To Horse Owueral DR SWIErs INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES is until ailed by any, and In all cases of Lameoeis, arising from Sprain, Bruises, or Wrenching. Its effect Is magical and certain. Har ness, or Saddle Galls, scratches. Mange, Jkc., It will alao cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be eaally prevented and cured In their incipient atagea, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopelea but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and Its faithful application will al ways remove the Lamenes. and enable th horse to travel with comparative ease. Every Horse Owner should have this remedy at hand, for Its timely uae at the flrat appearance of Lameneas will e fleet ua 11 r present thoae formidable dlaeaaes, to which ; horaes are liable, and which render so many other wise valuable horses nearly wort hie a. DR. S W E ET S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS TUX SOLDIER'S FRIEND, And thousands have found It truly A FRIEND IN NEED! To avoid imposition, obsene the Slgnsture and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and alao " Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment " blown in the glaas of each bottle, without which none are genuine RICHARDSON fc CO, Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. MORGAN fc ALLEN. General Acents. ' 40 Cliff Street, New York. tf Sold by all dealers everywhere, no 11 ly railroads:- IMS. SPRING ARRANOEMBNTn NEW YORK LINE!. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHI LADE L- l-HIA AWD TRENTON RAILHUAU WUMIA MIES LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. sTrassa WalasU Btraat Wharf and Kn- ausKtem xYepat, will Lxiva as fOLLows. Tis i Fare. At A. M.vlaCamdenand Amboy CkA. Accommodation gaw At AM ,vlaCamdenandJrseyClty-New Jersey Accommodation 9 30 At .8 A. M.,vta Kensington and Jersey Cltyi Morning Mall - - - - ' - J 00 At UK P. M , via Camden and Amboy Accom modation S.S5 At P. N., via Camden and Amboy C and A. Fxprese a.o At 4 P. M , via Camden and Jersey City Fvening Expreaa in 4 P. M , via. Camden and Jersey City Sd Class ticket . . . 9SS At D.P.M, via Kensington and Jeraey Ctty Evening Malt - - - - 1 00 is i. n , via Kensington ana Jersey utyi Southern Mall S00 At 0 P. M , via Camden and Amboy Accom modation ( rreleht and Paaaehrer latclaaa ticket - - 9 35 3d class ticket - - 1.60 TheSU P. M. Line runa dallr. Sunders executed. The 13 P. M. Southern Mall ruasMatly. WAY LI NES. eor imuoi, irenTon, ao , ki i iu anu ) a. m , and 6, SO and It P. M , from Kensington, and K r. ra arum wainui sirec. wnari. For Brlatol and Intermediate Stations at Ilk A M , from Kenalngton. For Palmyra, Rlrerton, Delanco, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Bordentown, lie , at UHt 4, S andSV P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter- meoiate station t at sx r. w.t irom wainui iireet wnari. . nl If.. I. J .- t I... laaiBtBd tr tt aT ur nvw a uikiiuu 11 aj u;s, nisi iu nru- alnrton Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars ruaimtj iue L-epoi. ana on arrival 01 cast, iraio, run from tha Dcdot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each pas- avVBKcr. rasafUKcra ra runeuiicu iruiu .mkidb anything as uaggara out their waaruig apparei, All Baggage over fifty pounds, to hFbatd for extra, The Comrjanv limit their reaDonalblHtr for Barraare to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond too Dollars, except by special contract.. vim. n. uaummi. Agent. apsa TyiNTKR ARRANOEHENT. Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RAILROAD On and after MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1861, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at S.S0 a. m , 8.14 a. m., tl SS a. m., (Exnress.) and 10 60 D. m. For Chester, at 8 16 a. m , 11 3d a. m., 1 is and 10.60 p.m. For Wilmington, at 3.S0 a. m , 8 IS a. m , II So a. m , S.45 and 10 60 p. m. For New Castle, at 8,16 a. m. and S.4S p. m. For Dover, at 8 IS a. m. and S 45 p m. For Mllford, at MS a. m. For Sallabury. at 8.16 a. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leate Baltimore at 8 so a.m.(Expicss,) 106 p. m, (Expreaa,) 0 30 and 7 p. m , (Ixpreas ) Leave Wilmington at 7 SO and 1I.S1 a, m , 4 16, 8 46, and S 60 p.m. Leav Sallabury at 9 36 p. m. Leave Mllford at 4,60 p. m. Leav Dover at t a. m. and S 10 p. m. Leav New Castle at 11 a. m. and 8.10 p. m. Leave Chester at 8.30 a. m , 12.16, 4 60, and 9 so p. m. Leav Baltimore for Sallabury and Intermediate station at 6 30 and 7. p. m j for Dover and Interme diate statlona, at 1 00 p. m. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leav Cheater at 8.46 a. m , 13 06 and 11 30 p. m. Leave Wilmington at 4 so a. m , 9 SO a. m , 17 SS p. m and 13 a. m. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Paaaenger Car attached, wilt run as follows: Lear Philadelphia, for Perry vllle and Interme diate places, at 0 10 p. m. Leave Wilmington, for Perryvllle and Intermedi ate place, at 7.10 p. m. Leav Baltimore, for Havre de Grace and Inter mediate stations, at 9 a. m. ON SUNDAYS ONLYi At S SO a. m. and 10 60 p. m , from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 8 so a. m. Train from Philadelphia to Balti more will run dally, Mondays exceited. 8. M. FELTON. jan S tf President. p R BOSTON. VIA NEWPORT AND FALL RIVER. Bv the anlendld and suDerior at earn- era M ET ROPOLI8.KM PIRE STATE. BAY STATE, and STATE TnIAlRE, of great strength and speed, but particularly auapicu to uu sri(tugD oi ionr isiana douna. running In connection with the Fall river and Old Colonv railroad, distance of 68 miles onlrta Dos- Leave Pier no a, north river, near the Battery. The steamer EMPIRE STATE. Cant. Bravton. Mondays, Wedneadaya, and Friday, at 4 o'clock r. ra , loucmnK at niwiwri encu way. l-ha. ataatna. MrTDnimTII tVni ). Tuesdays, Thursdava, and Saturdays at 4 o'clock P. M.. touching at NewDort each war. These steamers are lifted with commodious state rooms, and every arrangement for the security and comfort of paasencers, who ar afforded by this ruuiuiuii icis uu mimus snalU, uu urn Tall H Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boaton early the following morning, or may remain on board until atartlng of the accommodation at 8 A. M , by which they may reach Boaton about 8.46 a. m. A baggage maater Is attached to each steamer, wuu nrarivci auu iui uaKSl, ana accom Denies the sam to its destination. A steamer runs, In connection with this line, be tween an river anu rroviaence, uany, except Hun davs. Freight to Boston Is forwarded through with great dispatch by an Express Train, which, leave t all river every morning. Sundays excepted, at 7K o'clock, fer Boston and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination at about 11 A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at the office, on Pier No. 9, North river. For state-rooms and berths, apply on board, or if dealredto secure tnem in auvaoce, to WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug 17-tf 70 and 71 West street, N. V lYrEST. NORTHWEST, AND SOUTH- f W JST. TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS, BANDS-MEN, SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through paaaenger trains from Wash in rton to the Ohio river, without ehanre of ears dally at IX m. and 0 p. m , and oilers greater ln- uuccmrnisj iu uie ifa,riaugpuiii mat auy omer rouiv, via CHEAPER FARF, LESS CHANGFS OF CARS, ri nsfD amiiMi. rinuo 1 AND QUICKER TIME. This Is tit only route that check bagffga from Waahinrton cltv to the eat. Tickets want until used) and passenger have the privilege of laying awam mt am. ue ea tfriaa a-nsitaa VI.I muj wi.t vss sun ivuit. Paaaengera procuring tlcketa by this route, aae the delsy and expense of Omnibus transfer. REMFMBFR THE tNL OFFICE to Drocur tickets, is at the depot of B & O H. n. Baggage received at any hour during the day, and no charge OAPKTY, SPEED, AND COMFORT. FOR BOSTON. ..w.L.STJH, PALMER, FITCHBURG, .NASHUA. LOWELL, CONCORD. THE Willi; Piuurr, Air,3f ahu IN TERMEDIATE POINTS. .m:trmm THE new and staunch steamers of -jBjn-snjnjjy ine norwicn Line, CITY OF BOS TflN and C1T V OF NEW 10RK, leave New aork aauy, auauivi rcruiru,j at o'cioca, p. m , from Pier No. SO, North River, foot of Vestry street. FOR NEW LONDON. There connecting with the Steamboat Exoreu Train for the abo, e points, via Norwich and Wor cester, Boston and Worcester, Worceater and riaanau, ana new ixinaon ana nonnern Kauroada. Freight taken at the lowest rates. For Information, Inquire of E. 8 MARTIN, my 26 tf Agent, on the Pier. TVANS WATSON'S PHILADFLrillA. SALAMANDFR, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF S AF B S. Store, 78 south Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Orders received by W, D SHEPHERD. Corner of Seventh and D atreet, Waahlngton, D C. Jan II iy JUST RECEIVED, a large and auperlor atock of CARPETS and OILCLOTH, amounting to 260 plecea, purchased for csah of a Northern manu facturer declining bualoeia. Alao, a largelot of COMFORTERS, WINDOW SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE and other HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES. Including Parlor, Chamber and other STOVES. All klnda of CAbl NET URNITURE, both new and second-hand. Parties wlahlng to buy will save time and money hn rtIHnsr at th Ativan ) at n rat of R BUCHLY,4S Seventh street, no IS lm east side, between G and II, niQfiiMJisi . N' W SWAT-'KV tiXki. FOR BOSTON, CflBK7 vis ' SBlSH . NEW LONDON, NORWICH, and WORCESTER DAILT, (Sundays Excepted,! At 4 O'clock, P. M , rmoM PIER IS N. R., FOOT OF VESTRY STREET. Th new and maarnlflcent steamer CITY OF BOS TON, Wm. Wilcox, commander, from New York Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays i and from New London Mondays, Wedneedaysjand Friday. luintrr nq ras-finceoi steamer viii ui -. n YORK, Thomas G. Jewett. commander, from New York Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday ifroix. New London Tuesdavs. Thursdave. and satur day. . These two new steamers have been built expres ly for t hi route, with all modern Improvements, in cluding Water Tight Compartment, and areUhe only steamers ever built for Long Island Bound witn mis great uie-prescrring improvement. Conductors accompany th steamer each way. Passengers proceed from New London Immediate ly on arrival of steamers, by Express Train to Bos ton, Worcester. Lowell, Lawrence, Fltchburg Nashua, Concord, the White Mountain, aw), fcc. Passenger returning from Boaton leav th De pot of the Boatonend Worceater railroad at ft 10 P. M Worcester 7 P, M , arriving at New London so P. M. Freight taken at th Lowest Rate, and deliver ed In Boaton early the neat day. State Rooms in abundance can be had on bo art" steamers, or at th Boiton or New York offloea, It advance. E. ft. MARTIN, Agent, my If Pier s, N. R. fi HEAT CENTRA!. ROUTE mor tha -West, -via HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD and iVrv YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD, On and A item December 9, 1841, Exprea Train leave New York city depots oL Hudson River Railroad dally, Sunday excepted, as,, From Chambers street From soth street station At 7.24 a. m. 11 so a. m.,SS0p, m. s 40 p.m. to 40 p.m. At 7 a. m. 11 a. m.,0p, m. S IS p.m. Montreal and Buffalo Train with sleeping car. iuib). id. uu Bunaaya, toe iouowi ara. ng trains will be run to and from Sdth street! The 10.40 n. m. alecDln,? ear train for Albany and Troy, and th f so a. m. from Troy, and 4 46 p. m. train from Albany. Connedlng'at Albany with the New York Cen tral Railroad for Schenectady, Rochester, Utlca, Batavla, Rome, and station on Roma and Water town Railroad, Buffalo, Syracuse, Niagara Falls, Suapenalon Bridge, Auburn, Geneva, Canaddalgua. Train in connection leat Buffalo and Suapen alon via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lak Huron and Great Weatern Railroad, for Hamlltoo, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago. Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fonddu Lac, La Crosse, Madison, Prairie DuChlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, Rock Island, Musta tine, Iowa City Burlington, Quincy, Springfield, Alton, St. Louts. Cairo, Terr Haute, Indianapolis. Louisville, Cincinnati. Dayton. Columbus, Cleve land, and all points eat, Northwest, and South weat. NORTHERN ROUTE. Connecting with Trains at Trov. with Trorand ". ;..!. .j -.-" .ti"--'ri" DUIIUU, nUU liCUli IN OasTlVKK IUJaUI lOf BHTklQ- ga, Whlthall, Rutland. Burlington, St. Albans. Rouse Point, Plattsburgh, Ogdenaburgb, Montreal. atJsC. tj Freight Arangement by thla rout aa above without change of cars, from the Depots In Cham bers and Hudson streets, ar at all times as favora ble as made by other Railroad Companies The faculties of thla great New York Route, to the Weat, commend It to theeonndenoeof merchant and shippers for promptness and deapatch. Paasenger Trains, with Smoking and Sleeping Cars, run In connetlon on th New York Central Road. For Dertlculara as to looal trains and frelrht ar rangement , inquire at the depot, 63 Warren street. a. r. smiin, dee 17 Superintendent. "pRIE RAILWAY. Passenrer Tralna leave via Pavonla Ferrr from foot of Chambers street, as follows, vli I oo a. m. Alan for Dunkirk and intermediate atations. This train remains over nuht at Elmlra and Dro- ceed the next morning. 7 00 a. m. Express, for Buffalo and principal in termediate stations. 9 00 a.m. Milk. daur. for utiaviu ana interme diate stations. ' 13.16 p. m. Accommodation, daily, for port jervls and principal stations. 4.00 p. m. Way, for Mlddletown, Newburgh, ant Intermediate stations. 6 00 p. m. Night Express, dally, for Dunkirk, .Bui falo, Canandalgua, and principal stations. The train of Saturday runs through to Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. 7 00 p. m. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal Stations. The Express Trains connect at Hornellsvtlle with railroad lor Buffalo, at Elmlra with tha Canandal gua and Niagara Falls Railroad at Btnghamton, with the Syracuse Railroad at Corning with the railroad for Rochester and Buffalo) at Great Bend, with the railroad for Scranton, and at Buffalo and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, ate, and ine canaaa rauroaus. CHARLES MINOT, General Superintendent. sep 13 OIIARLEH' CORDIAL aiN, Is distilled In London, and put up solely In quart and pint bot tles, to meet tne requirements ' of Drugglats,and thoae to whom Pure and Unadulterated Liquor Is a Neceaalty or a Luxury. It Is the oldeat eatabUshed of all the GINS (t) which have started Into existence upon the basis of Its well-deaerved and hard-earned celebrity. It has no connection with, and la in no way like the trashy mixtures sold as "English Gin," or "Old Tom," or "London Dock," or "London Gin," fee, to . no matter how much " antiquity" or "respect ability" U assumed by their begetters. Dr. Valentine Mott.of New York, says i k It Is far preferable to even rune Holland Gin, and Is th best article of Its kind I hare eer seen." Sosai thousands of physicians. The New York Herald say t "We are surprlaed at It beneficial effect! it 1 a certain safeguard to health." The Philadelphia Ledger sa)t "It ha no supe rior, If an equal, in medicinal virtue " The New Orleans Picayune says: "There Is no remedy on earth for dyspepsia equal to It." The Boston Journal says: "As a beverage, as a preventative, or as a remedlsl agent, we want no other. It Is our twfe mrun." WoHEHorAMEBicA,foryou it 1 psrtlcularly adapted. In alcknes or health, It Is your greatest friend. B. BALDWIN & CO , SOLE iMrOKTEaS, 91 Liberty street. New lork. Sold In Waahlngton by LOVELL, COLLES ft. CO , S16 E street, near Pennsylvania avenue, And by dealers generally, deo 13 ly plaAlUS AGAINST UNITED STATES. FINLEY BIGGER, (late Register of the United Statea Treaaury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN, Counaellora at Law, will devote their entire atten tion to the prosecution and settlement of demands against the United State, growing out of the pres ent war, Including the Aocounta and Claims of States, Contractors, and Disbursing Officer it appli cations for the restoration of property Illegally seized or captured, and for compensation for the uae of private property for Government purposes, and foi damages for the injury of such property by the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty lands) aud for distributive share i of money paya ble at the Treasury and due to sub-contractors and They will alao gl,e legal ad, ice to claimants, contractors, and to unprofessional agent In llti Sated caei and prepare written argument when eatred. With non-realdent Agent who may asnd tnem clalma. an equitable diuaton of commlailons will be made, . .... A . Undiaputcd uemana wiu a coiiet-ieu anu iwa and a half Mr cent , depending on -the rCinillCU IUI s fcVU-aaa.Kaua w. Iivw n -. amount) and negotiations with the Departments conducted on moderate term. By prompt attention, moderate charge, long ex perience, and a minute knowledge of the ex-laws, regulations, rules, and precedents governing that class of bualneas at th Departments, they hope to render their services useful to claimants andpublls creditor. . Reference maybe madetomemberaofCongre, and officer of the Government-, and especially, by the Hon. Elisha WniTTa.EMTl1rt Comptroller of the Treaaury. --M. Addren Meaar .BIGGER h. SHERMAN, Washington, D. C. Office. No 110 F treet, near Treasury and .Wil lards' Hotel. J!0T?im, Q-vTDAM, ,,LUMBER AND OAS AND STEAM UTTER, !M Seventh etreet, near Canal Bridge, WASHINGTON. All orders esecuted at the shortest notice, la the most substantial manner, and on reasonable terms. Personal attsntlon flven to every department ol the business. novse ' CXKJ A .fan. aMaioy .t lT-.!t .. l") A -Ji'i I Nf,, ititve I