Newspaper Page Text
a: $Wiiiril jrf jrifctiff K. ; fflii . '-- -r"" 'as DAILY RATIONAL, RKPUBUC-JI, . ia (nbllshad tytrj morning (Sundays excepted) , by W J. Mtmtion A Co., tad la tan-shed to city subscribers (by curlers) at 88 cent, per month. Mill subscribers, $3. SO per annum) 13 for six month, and II for Hum months, Inverts bit In advance. Blnglo copies, 3 ccnu. K RATKI UP ADVasBTlalaTO One square, throe dajs ? rj-y t rll.00 On. square, four days --- 1,35 One square, Are dars ---..-. 1.G0 On.sqnsrs, slrdays i 1. . Vr s 1.75 KTT'othsr laarikdrmlaetneata; tttj per cent. addlUonal I . i ;. Once a wesk ailutUsemenU. charged aa new for each IsaoUoa. , r... Eight llnss or lew constltut. a square Aarrrtlseroenta should be banded In ot nine o'clock p. m.- . t, VOL. III. WASHINGTON, -D. C.,' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 18(52 . NO. 14: ' i ' '" crib I', .tO e aHtir-T j: 3 -f ' ft Xi : , A flapper at Alexandra Daunaa'e A writer In Bcntlcj'sJitttKafip thus describes sapper given by Alexandre Dnmasi "yesterday, at eleven o'clock In the arming, a crowd of artists, literary, and even' learned men, as also of pretty women, friends of the poet-romancer, crowded the gronnd Boor, which, decorated for their reception, was danllng to contemplate. The most beautiful gilt mediae ral statuettes, works of modern fancy, detached themselrcs all round from the garnethuod pa fer hangings, which were here and there sober y rellered by great golden nUi whilst on the rest chimney the antique "Thief," In bronze, four to Bre feet In height, raising up Ita arms between two Immense china rases, lowing over with flowers and leaves, heaths and creepers, seemed to applaud the great Venus of JIllo, who, white and serene, stood opposite, to him - on the top of a sculptured pedesta1,domlnatlng U the- other statues. " "An oaken frieze extended from the floor to -the height of the elbow all round beneath the garnet-nued paper hangings, our one side of which was an admirable Gothic prU Ditu with colored sculptures of the Annunciation) on the other, a slde-tabl. loadod with bronzes of Baryl, crystal, and China) at each side an Algerian divan f beyond oaken arm-chairs carved In pointed arches, and on each side of tho Venus of Mlto, who stood opposite to the fire place, were tyro colossal Jare full of plants and flowers. Ample curtains, of a deep-toned scarlet, hung before tho three windows and the doorway. These were spoil brought away by the poet from the shoulders of smugglers of Malaga and of Seville, to whom they served as capes during the day and as beds at night. "In tho centre of the floor, covered with a great Java mat, with many colored designs, was extended the terrible sdoIIi of arrest white bear of the lev ocean, that had perhaps seen the brave and unfortunate Sir John Franklin pass by under the Arctic Pole. , And, then(1over all these beautiful thuurs. lmaeine floods of lleht poured forth from Lampsof all forms and by my riads of wax candlca, modern lamps with ara besqnes, antique candelabra, In the style of louts xm., fixed to reflecting mirrors) In the centre a lustre or uonemian glass, witn leaves of green enamel, and lotus flowers In opal with golden stems. "But It Is time to go to supper) the oysters are opened. Let us descend Into the little win ter earden. which the noct had constructed and decorated, where was before the court-yard of the bouse. Figure to yourself a light dome of gtass, ciotnea witn grscczui cumDers ana creep crs, tropical plants with exotic flowers amid wnicnuumnungDirasiuneaioanairo, wnust nightingales warbled In the leavea t burning lampe and candelabra twisting their golden branches amidst the follagei and lastly, boneath this vault of light and verdure, a feast of Bel shazzar. Snpper was laid for sixty t tho long table flllexLthe winter garden and the vestibule that preceded It, ancTwhlclr was adorned with Chinese lanterns, Japanese rases, cabinets of lacquer yataghans, knives and oilier arms. "But Instead of the sixty guests that were ex- fleeted, some eighty to a hundred had come. It s always so at Alexandre Dumas's, where each friend has a right to bring his friends to do hon or to the French proverb. The great table had the good fortune to possess all the, ladles Bel gian, French and Spanish and they did Justice to their host's hospitality. The viands, the pates, the fish, the melons, the dishes of fruit and flowers, circulated with a wondrous profu sion. Rhine wines were poured out In floods as an accompaniment to oysters of Ostend i the Bcannedlddntvtoanearlr similar extent to theatea d' Amiens ) champagne frapee attend- eauponwaioDsiersj wnust me grapes or aiaia era and the oranree of Valence were kent com. pany bribe golden vintages of Xerxes, Val de ten, Rota, and Fajercte, compatriots of the aarpry irnlta and of the scnores and of the se noraa who were Imbibing them In our com pany." '" l A Shot from the night Quarter. It will be remembered In America and Eng land that eight years ago, an "Address" was sent to the women ot this country, signed by ,ha)( a million of their British sisters, Imploring 1 xaiem to use all their Influence to abolish negro slavery In this country. This remarkable docu ment, splendidly Illuminated on vellum, with all the signatures, was bound up In twenty-six folio volumes, and sent to Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, to be promulgated far and wide In Amer ica; 'Among the 'ladles who first put their names to the "Address" were the wives of Lord Pslmerston, Lord'haftesbury, Lord Cowley, the Puke of Bedford, the Duke of Argyle, Earl Russell, Baron Parke, Lord Ruthvcn, Mr. Glad stone, and other well-known British celebrities. The-husbands of most of the signers to this address having1 thrown all their Influence In favor Of the South against the North, and bolstered up slavery with all thelrpowerful sup port, Jjrs. Stowe baa written "A Reply" to this "Address," which will appear In the Janu ary number or the Atlantic Monthly, .and she will lay before the ."many thousands of the wo men of Great Britain," In her forthcoming pa per, the inconsistency of their appeal. It will be a document that will stir the English heart or we are greatly mistaken 'In the trenchant power of Mn, Stowe's eloquent pen. .V. 1. Eve. roil.. Rcllcffbr tha a ueashlr. Operatives. $190,000 ALREADY CONTRIBUTED. Good nrosress Is maLlmr In the subscrlDtlon of funds for the relief of the suffering operatives In the cotton manufacturlnir districts of Eng land. Ichabod Washburn, Btate8enatorof Has- sacnusetta, naa written to tne nrm ofjUarsu, Brother & Co., of this city, to nut on board the ship Hope, offered by R. P. Buck ife Co., at his expense, one nunarea tarrcis or nonr ror the sufferers. Gerrit Smith adds one thousand dollars to tbo International Itellef Fund. Joseph Bhlpley gives a like sum. ' The subscriptions reported up to last evening were as follows t International Relief Fund, $80,219 30 Produce Exchange Fund, 20,825 00 sruisn nesiacura r pna, io,joa w Total, $119,337 90 Theee figurea are understood to be exclusive of some miscellaneous onenngs, a. r Awn ing Pott. Tbb Lino est IIotkl in tbk Wqrld. The LlodeU Hotel, at fit. Louis, la finished, and la the largest In the world. It la equivalent to eight stories high, contains 515 rooms, 31 par lors, ST acres of plastering, 7 acres of flooring1, 33 miles of bell-wire, 91 miles of base-board, 12 miles of gas. steam and water pipe, lmlles or 1,080 yards of hall. 810 windows, and 14,000 feet of painted Imitation of cornice. The quan tity of bricks used in the building Is 8,000,000, In the basement there Is a railroad running the entire length for the transportation of heavy ar ticles, and above are two Bteam. elevators for lifting fuel and baggage from the ground to the floors above. Silver Coin in Canada. Tho Montreal OastU mentions jtaat upwards of $50,000 In United States silver coin wero Imported lately by the American Express Company. Paring the past two months the average dally" receipt has been 930,000 worth a day. At first the sil ver was easily worked off Into the country In grain purchases, but now the farmers are ro turnlng It, and the market has become so gtut ed that the brokers aro buying It at M to 3 per cent, discount. A Rkbil Colonel Resigned. CoL Daucan K. JlcRae. of North Carolina, former Consul at Paris, has resigned hi commission In the rmy, because, as he says In a letter to Governor vance, ne can no longer, consistent wun nis sense of dignity and self-respect, serve the Gov ernment of the Confederate States, The editor of Th Alta California has been presented with a sack of potatoes, containing three only, each weighing 20 pounds 1 pSXIIOMII PENSIONS II "Noattomev t-UI se regarded flf kavina Med the neceuar. declaration and aMiatUt, aa contemplated , In lb srcflm of tne act, tains lie FOKJll, a veil at th instruction qivtn in Ihil pamphlet. ARE STRICTLY COMPLIED If IT II CoMMtuiOBCR or Pensions. "The Manual of fVnilon. Bountr and Bountr Lead Laws." Dubllshed br the Morrisons, Wash. burton, D. C., Is tha ONLY book saw published, iUXtherOKAfSuwhlch are exact npitt of thosa prescribed by the Pension Offloe. No other Manual to be found In the market nss taem. If rou wsnt a RELIABLE OVIDE In making up your Pension, Bounty or Bounty Land papers, as to FOKAf, as well as substance, enelos. on dollar and ffli centi and send to W. H. fc O. II. Morrison, Wainlntton, a. c, anu tne nook win be sent by mall to any part of the United States, Toataot Paid. nor 2ft eodStAwIt NOTICE O J tTlEB-S KESTAVRjtNT.-Tha subscriber and proprietor of this welt-known and lonseitsbUshsdRestsursnt Is hsppr to Inform Ms numerous friends snd patrons thst he has suc ceeded In msklng tha necessary arranrements In the Restaurant department, which enables hlra to comply Wlin ins urgent reque.i. di u Washfnrton and the publto t-enerally. eomplr with the urcent requests of the citizens of rssninzron ana we puDuo Kenernur. Inasmuch as he has completed the refitting ofthe upper part of the establishment for the aooommo- illouol Keniiemcn wi.hidk private , iratHJ ABU SVri'LHS, fc , arranxemsnts hare been made to supply the tsble from the merkets of I4sw York snd Philadelphia (danj. 'AMEyFlSll. EAST RIVER OYSTERS, 1 the ttcucacie of the teaton. witn And all the A cnoice Beiection 01 WfVFC UQbORS. and HAVANA CIGARS. If.. from the old-r UbtlihpdhouM of A. BlolDfcrAv Co , (oppoilte VVHUrd'i,) will b found eoMUntlj- on Uml. C. OAUT1ER, POFirr0, nor 2 olm 363 Pc ontflrtaU renu . NoTicsu-MHaeji or congress and STRANQkRS VISIT ISO WASHINGTON Will And it much to their advantage and personal comfort (If rooming out) to take their meals at this well-known and long-established hestaurant. The subscriber has spared no expense In reflttlnr hla entire establishment, which la Intruded exclusively for a Unit-class Gentlemen's Restaurant, where may be found all the comforts of a private home, and on very moderate terms. Gentlemen are particularly requested to call be fore making arrangements elsewhere. C. QAUTIER, nor 29 olm 283 Pennsylvania avenue. NOTICEa DINNKUH, 8 UPPKIIH, Balls, Private and Public Parties. The Subscriber, at the urgent request of the Clt- tiene oi Washington and tne ruDiie generally, naa now resumed his outride family business, In the supplying oi DINNERS. PARTIES. SVMERS,-ME AT DISHES, fint to anr rtfti-t of tha Cllr at the fihorteat Notice. and will be superintended oy the Subscriber 1q per son. Tha proprietor would also beg les.e to remind hla Psatroni of this branch, that the late Store and Saloon has been changed to a (.entlemen'a Res taurant. The Ladies who win is.or mm wun their Patronage will find, on the Second Floor, a handsomely furnished Reception Room, tn which Mrs. Gavtieb will t. hsppr to recelrs their or ders. Entrance by the Prll afe Door. C. GACTIER, nor 39 eotm S3 Pennsylvania avenue. N ATIONAL LOAN. THE NEW SIX PER CENT. BONUS ofthe UNITED STATES, PAYABLE TWENTY YEARS FROM DATF, (Or after lit e years, at option of the Go, eminent.) TUB COUPON BONDS. In sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, .and ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. TUB RBOISTBRED BONDS, In sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ONF. THOUSAND DOLLARS, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and TEN THOU3AND DOLLARS, INTEREST COMMENCINU AT DATE OF PUR CHASE, And payable semi-annually IN GOJ.D. These Bonds are the CHEAPEST GOVERNMENT SECURITY now In the market, The Interest, at preaent price of coin, being equiv alent to fen LENT, in currency. FUR SALE BY JAY COOICE CO., BANKERS, 499 PI ft ecu til Ntreet, DEALatatattN GOVERNMENT BONDS, TREASURY NOThS, ttVTVt l CERTIFICATES, ARMY AND NAVY VOVCHERS, COIN. CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE. aee io u I -piipPOIALS FOIl WOOD. Dcror tJuAHTiK A? En's On ice, AiaTaniit-lai- V . Iai. Its 1JUM SEALED PROPOSALS will be receded at this office until Wedneedai, the l?th instant, at 13 o'clock a., for the delivery to the Co. eminent of ten thousand (10,ou0) cords of wood. . The wood to be hard, sound and merchantable, 4 feet la length and split la the usual manner. De liveries to be made In the city of Alesandlrla, and along the llnee of the Loudoun and Hampshire and Orange and Alexandria railroads, at such points on said roads and within said city, aa the Depot Quartermaster inaj dl recti and not to be considered complete until the wood shall have been corded In ranks, four feet high, and Inspected and measured. The whole of the wood to be de livered within forty days after the date of the con tract. A Government inspector will be designated to measure and Inspect the wood, who will reject such as does not strictly conform with tka above specification!. , Payment to be made upon the completion of the whole eon tract. The full name and .post ottlce address of bidders must appear In the proposals, and also the names of all parties eomposing a Arm of bidders. An oath of allegiance must acoompanj each pro posal to insure Us consideration. Proposals 'must be addressed to Capt. C. B Fer guson, Assistant Quartermaster V. 8 army, Alex andria, Va., and plainly endorsed " Proposals for Wood." GUARANTEE. Thefollowlnsformof ruaraDtretnusitairiiMiinnanv each proposal, signed by two responsible persons. whose resDonslbilltv must be shown lr the otflcla certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of a United states District Attorney Bonds In the sum of fifteen thousand dollars will be required of th succesful bidder upon signing his contract, signed by the bidder or bidders and his or their guarantors. tot hi of Guai unlet. We, , ofthe county of , and State of , and , ofthe county of -, anil Mate of, do herebvruarantvthat is able to fulfil his (.on In .nnpitani.n with thit tasfiTiB fit hlfl nrnniaaj and that, should the same be acieutrd. he will at once enter Into contract In accordance therewith. i enter Into contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded to him, we are I J ... , .. ... ... prepared to become his sureties Payment to be made upon the completion or the To this guarantee must be appended the official contract, or so soon thereafter as the Depot Quar rtlflc.tebo,ementloned. ' I'TMSW, ,. ThAunaerairnea reserves ine rutin Toreecianv and all proposals for informality or exiesslve npi, Capt. Ain't Quartermaster, u. 8 A. deo U-dtd I7DWARD LVCBTTj It Uookbluilcr, No. 971 Penn. Ave , Washington, V. C. Books bound In every style Turkey, Worooco, Russia and Calf, Je 7. DO YOU KNOW IT 1 If you do not, call at SMITH a. BE ALL'S, No. 301 Seventh street, near K street, and buy yourself a nice suit Clothing from them, as they have just received new and splendid assortment, nov 21 dtjanl yj BTcath itrtet, near FitrtttheGre, Br orFsiihlOD, whre fouean find th twit out and mada Clothiof for Man and Dojra' wear that tho taarktt can produce, and our prldei. for eharapnt? and du rabtlltjr of our goodt, defj1 competHloo. (Our neighbor Smith, two doora abovr , 10 long noted tor aelllBi clothing leu than aojr houa In tbt city, In a private conversation, acknowledged to ua that our Boyi Clothing wai the beit made and cut good ha eter aawand, if tha oltliena af Washington were posted tn the goods I have toy atora would be overrun with ladles and gentlemen In want of clothing, and I only wish to have you ealland ace our beautiful assortments of clothing, and I think that our prices and goods will more than pay you for calling at the Leading Clothing- House, No. 4 A4 Seventh street, near F afreet, two doora below Smith's. Everybody knows Smith, but, instead of calling at hla place, come In two doors below. N, B I bare a special word to say to the Ladles, that 1 oanplease them better than ever In Boys' Clothing, aa my stock excels anything I ever had. J. BRUCE k CO , Formerly at Odeon Hall, nov 3t iltjrxol Now at Oak Hall. AC A n D. Oak Hall Cloth i no Room. Mr. Bruce, formerly at the Odeon Hall, has now onenedanew store at No. 4M Seventh street. Just below Smith's, where he haa a Una selection of Men and Boys clothing at very low prices i ho is desi rous of havlnr all nls old customers call on him. as tney can ouy gooas at lower prices man any oiner eiorvio invciiy. si. onuv.w , , Clothiers, No. 40 Seventh street, near F. Call and see Mr. Bruce, at No. 44 Seventh street near F. a Mr. Bruce has a line Stock of Clothlnr for Men and J3oye' wear, at No. 464 seventh street, opposite VII T aVUSi VaUCV, Mr. Bruce la the man to please tha Boys to Cloth lnr, at No. 44 Seventh street. Kverybody knows that Mr. Bruce can sell Boys' Clothing cheaper than any one else. No. 464 Sev enth itraMt. ODDoalta Cltr Poat Offlcfl. For Men and Boys1 Clothing call on Mr. Bruce, at Oak Hall, No. 164 .Seventh street, between and F. Mr. Bruce Is the man to please you In Boys' Cloth ing, at Oak Hall, No. 464 Seventh street, opposite City Post Office. se 2i-3m GRAND ADVANCE OP TUB ARM Y OP THE POTOMAC, and all the stores are cry ing up the prices of their goods but SMITH fc BE ALL, No. 301 Seventh street. We are able to sell good clothing nearly as cheap as eter. We have been fighting against high prices for the last year, and our stock now Is good, and we are able to sell at low prices. SMITH Is all the time In the market picking up goods at old prices, and that Is one reason we un dersell all others. We hwe the means and ability to sell cheap, and we will do It, as our customers want Good Clothing at low prices, and we are just the men to sell it to them. A call is solicited at the CHEAP CLOTH ISO HOUSE of SMITH at BEALL, Clothiers, Ho. 301 seventh street, nov 31 dtjanl First door below the market "IITUO HAYS SO J We say that our store In 1 T the First ward may not have caused a com motion, but do say that we are running off an Im mense stock of Clothing at the Leading First Ward 7 Store, corner of Twentieth street and Pennsyh anla avenue, but who ever saw a store where a Smith was that did not do business, and the reasnals, they always sell their goods too theap. That Is why they are alwaj s poor. (W ho e, er heard of a Smith getting rich 1 Ineterdld) We are determined la furnish all the First Ward with Good Clothing. Everybody had better come soon and buy, as our neighbors, In a similar business, say that we can not stand It more than ninety days longer selllog goods so cheap, but we have a very large lot of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes left, and we are determined to run them on at great bar gains, at Headquarters for Clothing in the First Ward, corner of Twentieth street and Pennsylva nia avenue and No. 460 Sei enth street. DO, 21 dtjanl SMITH & CO. pnOPOSAIaH FOR HAY. Depot QiMMinMASTEn's Omile. Corner ISth and G streets, I Washington, December 0, lb. 1 tritrn pnnpnsna win k .! uat . .hi. office until TUESDAY, the ISthday of December, at 13 o'clock M., for furnishing tha Government with lour tnousana (,uwj ions oi nay. Hat to be good merchantable timothy, put up In bales, and dell , ered at two thousand (2,ooo) pounds to the ton. Dellverr to be made In the cltr of Washington within twent)-flie(S5)dajs om the date o the contract. PROPOSALS. Proposals will be rebelled for the uudrcd (UW) ions oi nay iuu upwarua. The full name and post office address of the bidder must anuear In the uronosal. If a bid Is made In the name of a Arm. the nainea .of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be I considered as the Individual propoialof the partner sKU.Ilg II. Proposals roaiutsiojal parties will not be con sidered, and an oatk or ALLcaiANiE must accoh- PAHT EACH PROPOSITION. Proposals mutt be addressed to Colonel D H. Rucker. Quartermaster U. S. Armr. Washlnxton. D C, and should be plainly marked ''Proposals for nny. GUARANTFE. The abllltyof the bidder to All the contract, should It be awarded to him. must be guarantied by two res- nsinie persons, wnose signatures must Deappen d to the ruarantee. led to the guarantee. The responslbllltr1 The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States Dls- trlet Attornev. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or ineir proposals win not De coniia- erea, Bonds equal lu amount to half the sum to be re cetved on the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the sue- cessful bidder upon signing the contract, As the bond must accomoanvthe will oe necessary lorine piuueraiu nate ineir uonu.v men with them, or to ha. e bonds slirned In antlclna- tlon and ready to be produced when the contract Is UKDCU. Blanks for bonds can be procured upon applies- iDDllca- tlon being made at tills oftlce, either personally, by i ai iiiib oiiicp, rum egraph. Form of Guarantee lener, or oj teiegrapu, We, , of the county of , aud State of , and . of the count) of , and State of- -, do hereby guarantee that Is able to fdllil a contract In accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter Into a contract in accord a nee therewith Should the contract be awarded him. we are rre- i pareu to Become nis securities I (To this guarantee must be appended the official eeruncaie aoore mrmioneu i I INSPECTION. DLLIYFRV. fcc. .i i All Ha contracted lor under this advertisement t will be rigidly Inspected, and such as do not prove wl" be r piaKooaiounu wrKiiauinimrquauii) wm w rr- ....,.,,, ... ,i.v .UH. ..uuu...y. .... t " pl I the rejection of the with the terms oi this advertisement, will ensure he rejection oi the proposal. Delivery to be made at the Railroad Depot, or at one ofthe Government Wharves in the clt of Washington. The Depdt Quartermaster reerv es to himself the right to reject any or all bids that be may deem too high. D H. RUCKER, Colonel and Depot Quartermaster dec 6 dtDlS FF1CFHS' AND SOLDIERS' GOOD. I FUNSTON l SCOFIELD, John a , bew York, and 803 ttreet, near II UjrrfY Full assortment of Milltarv and Vnnev (laada. Chevrons, Flags. Gloves, Stationery, and genuine I Sperm Army Oil, Gun Polish, &c. Full stock of ' lurnuiaM. ovic acuta iui iud tvviorinc. SOS E street, juncture Pennsylvanu avenue. nor 27 lm X X "X CHBAli ALK. The understmed has the ttleasureof fnformlne tha cltltens of Washington and the .vicinity, that he has been appoint et sola Agent for the calibrated XXX CHRAM ALE AND PORTKR. The suDerlorltr of this Ale Is eo well known that the demand for It haaeeu rapidly Increasing since Its introduction Into thla cllr. It la alreadr used by a large number of private families la the.Ustiict of Colombia; - - -- ( X XX CRS AM ALU la brewed expressly for family uw and contains none of the deleterious substances which are ao frequently introduced into the manufacture of Ale and Porter to assist fermentation. XXX CREAM ALB Is particularly recommended m a mild aa well aa pleasant tonic. 4jj persona euaering irom ina loaa oi apperne in Xaa Cream Ala Is lnvaluAhle aa a moat arrA ble stimulant, giving a healthy andtlrorous acuon to the stomach ' XXX ORE A At AhB U hlchir recommeoded by th. Faculty of Phlladel- ton. XXX OH HAM ALU is put up in plat ana quart bottles and small ken, for family use, aad ts delivered to any part of the city, ires oi cnarrei as is also the most snperlc quality of Bottled Cider. s. wrsrirwEn," see and set aerenti street, Basement, opdosII. T. o. N. B. XXX Ale and Superior CUar always on uiaucut m .au . ..Tenia .van, mommMMi. novao-tm 7 3 V T Ia b n GOODS. Provisions. 4 Hams, f Dried Beef, ' Beef Tongues. Cheeae.Tr Sardines, Fngllah Pickles, Chow Chow, etc. Worcestershire Sauce, Lester's Wine Bitten Old Brandies, Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines, Holland Gin, Lemon, Ginger and Raspberry Syrups, Champagne wines, various brands, Assorted Preserves, " ' Jellies, Old Whiskies, a large stock In casaa, An assortment Catsups, 'Canned Fruits, Potted Meats, .ups. Condensed Milk. Cigars end Smoking Tobacco, Brandy Cherrtee, London Porter and Scotch Ale. For sale by NORRIS, CALWELL tx CO , 311 Penney! vanla avenue, nov 20 I m Opposite WiUarda Hotel. rpOBACOO AND SEGAR WaRBHOCSE WILLIAM OROSSE, WHOLESALC. AMD X ETA IX DBALXR IN TOBACCO and StGARS.cndMEERSUAVM PIPES, Comer of JVntuyfvonM avtnvt and Sixth it., WASHINQTONi D. a HavlnaTrecentlrenlarredmrnlacaof business. 1 am now prepared to otter to the citizens of Wash tngton tne best brands of Tobacco andSegart, at wholesale or retail, cheaper than can be bought eisewncre in to aij. IA FATORITA BVRNO, ELEQANTEES, IA TUSCA, FLORDEMAYO, LA XSPINOLA, Are excellent brands, and every lover of good Se gara are to test them. AUUi DUigIU UUM(W U, BUI aVUSUI) WAUinslK id retail. WILLIAM GROSSE, nor 20 lm Cor, Peon. ave. and Sixth at. N OTICK. JUUOE ADVOCATE'S orricE, Waahlnaton Cltr. D. C.Nov. IS. 16S3. AoDllaatlons bavin: been made br ladles, to eo to their friends and families in the Bouth. nottcels hereby .riven that all amilUaat must task a writ ten statement toUl offloe. verified by oath, be tween mie oaie ana in Tin,aay oi lweemoer neav, tttlnr forth First, me name, age, ana residence or th appli cant. aeoono. Tne eat wnen aa earn wnain tne mil itary lines of tha united states, for what purpose, UU WlMfP aWa U NlWf ITHUfliirf Third. The place she desires purpose or object thereof. ' Tne persons W whom leave u to go to, and the Dersana to whom leave tnav be (rented will besentwltk aultahle aavorttfroisi Washington to the United State Hate In Vlrglala, with such per sonal effects as shall be allowed to pass. No pvrsoa will be allowed to take more than on trunk or package of female wertnapparel,wIgh- ing not over aunarva poonae, sum auiuee io in spection 1 and aay attempt or taTntt to amuggle oou traband property wlU forfeit th aamei and subject in pany a unpruKWiurnt Bunog iwwu. In c TTJRNCR. nor IT Major and 'Judge Advocate. Kdward Bverett'e Reply to an Kagllaki Uird. av POETICAL rilMf. What have w la America I W'ye wonder great aad grand) We have the essence or th earth, The cream of every land. Our mountains are magnificent, Our river are Immense. Aad each man has a kingly atyle, If not a king's a pane. Our ships are known to all th world The farms cannot b beat j Our cities, run of luxury: Are famous for the neat. We1! e orators and authors, too, With intellects of force l We've railroad scattered every wher And one Professor Mors. Our girls have beauty, wit, and grace, They're charming, sweet, andraUj But, then, the eren&at thing nave Is known aa great OAK RaLL, Where th fall and winter stock of flravclass sloth ing Is now ready In extra abundance and greatest variety. All the new-style Overcoats,Sacks, Busi ness Coats, Peg-top Pants, ike , selling at prices so low that everybody will buy and be satisfied J. BRUCE at CO, (Oak Hall,) No. 464, Seventh: street near F, nov 21 dt Jant Two doora below Smith's -pilOPOSALB FORDKKF CATTLE. SEALFD PROPOSALS are invited until the 22d da) of December, t&Oi, for supplying the Inlted States Subsistence Department with 8,000 head of Beef Cattle on the hoof. The Cattle to be delivered at Washington. D C , and each animal to average 1,300 pound gross. No cattle admitted that weighs less than rooO pounds The first dellverr to be mad on or about the 1 day of January, i&3,oras soon thereafter as the Government may direct, coo head of Catile per week will be r quired to be delivered under this contrast A boner with good end sufficient security will be required Twenty percent, of thepurchase noney win ne retained unm ins completion oi tne con ProDOstala from contractors who hava nrevliuslr failed to comply with their bids, front disloyal per sons, or wiirrr iuc muurr is not present IO rnpunu tn hli bid. will not be eonif drJ. The names of arm. should be stated In full, with the precise address of each member of the tiru Payment to bemad in certificate of indebted ness, or such other funds as Gov ernment mar have fur disbursement. All bid to be aoeompanled by two guarantees and directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. I). C , andC. S U. s A , Washington, D. C, and endorsed "Propo sals for Beef Cattle." Form of Guarantee. We,. -,of the county of , and State ol- doherebv guarantee that Is able tofulnl the contract In accordance with the term of bis propo sltlou, and that, should his proposition be accept ed, h will at once enter Into a contract in accor dance therewith. should the contract be awarded him, we are pre pared to become hi securities. (Itils guarantee must be appended to each bid ) The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate or the clerk of the nearest District Court, or o( the United States Dis trict Attorney. Bids which do not comply with the above will &erccL deofi fl fi , fl ll ' . ill i nf ' i m jh '- i - T K A a I I rt, n n , T E A S I I I 8 F I C E 8 I GROUND O O F r K E8II T O U A CCOBIII A large Invoice of the above articles are now ).ng recelred, and for sale by D J. BROWN, Commission Broker, Ho S, Washington Building, Seventh street and Penn, "avenue. SUTLERS fA'rtr NOTICE! Teas tn X pound packs. Teas In 6, S, 10; 13, it, 19 and 80 pound boxes. Canned Tomatoes In 3 doien boxea. Canned Peachea In 3 doien boxes. Pickles In 3 doien boxes. Gum Drops In X pound papers. Gum Drops tn A pound boxes. Ralelne In boxes and Jtf boxes. Pepper In 3 ounce paper and In 1 gross boxes. English Mustard U X pound papers and cans. English Mustard In H snd 1 gross boxes. Preeerved Cherries In bottles.' Figs In itf pound arums and I pound boxes. Lemon Syrup In bottles. PLUG TOBACCO, TINE-CUT TOBACCO, CIGARS. For sale by D. J. BROWN, c tio. S, Washington Building, Seventh street andFenn. avenue, Washington, D. C no o fX THE OFFICERS OF TUB ARttT. Just arrived, by direct Importation per steamer Fulton, from Europe, a very fine and large assort meet of Marine, opera, F110(G1ab, and Tele scopes, which I will sell a r cry little above tha cost In Paris. As to the qualities, there are none superior to be had, baring been selected purposely for this market. Also, a large and welVaaeorted slock of Opera Glaatee, Microscope i gold, silver, and steel Spectacles and Eye Glaatea, suited to the eight by th use of an Optometer. A considerable) I number of certificate to be seen at my office, from gentlemen who have been suited at my establish ment. 425 Ptnnifylvmnla avenue, between Foiir-and-a- hafnd Sixth ttruti. Mr EatablUkraenjt l-ir atalrm. Otatttt JUtd to tutt. The trade .supplied. Oct to iy J PROSPECTUS or the; WEEKXr NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. The undersigned commenced, In the month of December, i860, the publication, tn this city, of a weekly newspaper, called the National itV pttbliean. It Is printed on a large sheet, twenty-seven by fortj4wo Inches, and Is furnished at the low prices stated below. It contain all the original matter ofthe Daily National Republican, with the exception I ui iuvai uvwr uui luicrvvung w cuuuiry auu crlbers. It will glye full reports of the proceedings of Congreas, and of the other Departments of the National Government. It contains all the news of the day, foreign and domestic, markets, Ac,, fcc, aa well as an : original correspondence from all part of the country. The miscellaneous department will receive special attention, and, In all respects, the eSbrt will be made to establish the charac ter of the National Republican as a Family Newspaper, Waahlngton being now the central point of the current military operations, great attention will be paid to furnishing the reader of the National Republican with full, and especially with accvraU, accounts of the progress of tha war for the Union. In politics, the paper ts Republican, sustain ing tho Administration of Mr. Lincoln. There Is no other Republican paper In the District of Columbia, or tn th vicinity or It, and It Is believed that recent events hare opened to such a paper an Important sphere of useful effort. The time hsa come, when the actua administration of tho Government upon Repnb llcan principles will explode the mlinpreaen tatlons which have made those principles a dlststeful to the South. But It Is not only here, and in this vicinity, that the projectors of tho National Republican hope to make It useful. To the whole country they offer a Journal which will discuss national politics from a national staud-polut, and which will never be swerved from patriotic duty by any overpowering pressure of local Interest. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year ... Three copies, one year Fire copies, one year Ten copies, one year - Twenty copies, one year One copy, six months ... Three copies, six months Five copies, six months Ten copies, six months Twenty copies, six months - S2.00 5.00 7.00 12.00 20.00 1.00 3.50 300 6.00 10.00 raymems aiwaya in aavauco. When a Club of subscribers has been forward cd, additions may be made to it on the same terms. It Is not necessary that the subscribers to a Club should receive their papers at the sam postTfflce. Money may be forwarded by mall, at our risk Large amounts can be remitted In Treasury notes, or drafts on Boston, New York, Philadel phia, or Baltimore smaller amounts In gold, or In note of solvent banks. Address W. J. MURTAGH & CO., Washington, D. Cv at the following rates- One copy, one year -Five copies, one year -One copy, six months Five eoples, six months One copy, three months 13.60 15 00 1.75 7.W 1.00 XITATEll NOTICE. In consequence of the lownessof the water in the General Reservoir It will be necessary, unless , treat economy of water Is practiced, for the Gov- HH CtOIHIUf HI HIIVI 11 MVI1VN. tUW I1W UU 1 ' foment sooa to shut olTtb. supply to cltlx.QS tn- irunci tirely. mv, All n.rson. ar.. thsrsfor. forbidden to u.. th. 1 hydrant, on Ienns Ivsnl. avenue, or on anjrstrsets or avenues under the oar. .ad supervision of the tommli.toner of Publlo Buildings, lor vsUrlnf ths streets or pavements, or for aa) prlvata purposs waai.vvr. And .11 persons using the water ar. urgently so licited to b. s economics! In Its use m possible, B. & FRENCH, sep so Commissioner of PubU. Buildings, EDUCATIONAL. CIHCLE IN8rjTU-, FOR YOUNO aLADIKN. No. 01 K Stkeet, Near the CiacLE. TERMS, per Quarter of ten weeks Quarter commencing at th date of admission I ElementaryClasse la English Advanced ClaseeaJit Kaglieh Literature and Science included Elementary Classes in Fngllsh, French, and Mualo -. i ! m Advanced Classes tn EngUah, French and Muslei - - . . (100 too 13 00 1(00 Extra charge for Spanish, German, Italian, Latin, and other Languages. 'Dr. ZAPPONE will aiva Lectures, and otherwise assist, whenever he can spar time from hlamedl cu prgicBiioa. oo maa. a. AArrunr rnncjpau. GCORQITOWN flMALft SlMIHARYl ansa HAJiaorxa's. A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 191 West Stseet. The duties of this Institution will be reaumrdon the 8th of September. Circulars may be obtained at the principal book-store in Waahlngton. or by adiresslngthe principal, aug;o--i iambi M. J. HA RR OVER. N' TO CHE PUBLIC IN GENERAL f I 0 S L I N 0 K E 9 I'AOBAMT a a a T !ft PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, SOUTH SIDE, (Formerly of New York,) Has th Nam and Fame of being one of TEE BEST RESTAURANTS IX TOWN, Kr"Glre us a trial, and Judge for yourself.Cs Everything In the House Is of the BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Dont forget the number, . aT Pennsylvania avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, mar 10 South side. N UW IMVKMXION or ARTIFICIAL CLEOPLASTIC BONE TEETH, without metal plate or clasps, by DR. S. D. SIOEBMOND, 910 Broadway, New Torkj and soo Penn. avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth st , WAtUUKOTON, D. C, Call th attention of the publlo to the following advantagei of his Improved s) stem t 1st. The teeth of hi manufacture will never cor rode nor change color by any adds, and ar three fourth lighter than any others 3d. No teeth nor roots need be extracted, aa the artificial ones can be Inserted over them. sd. The root will be made Inoffensive and never to ache. 4th. No temporary teeth are needed, a permanent oaea ean be made lauaedlately, thereby preserving th natural expression of th face, which, under iv om jBieiu, m irvQucuiir uiaagurcu 8th. This work has been fully tested, for over five yean, by many of the lint chemists aad physicians of this and th old country. Dra. ha also Invented a white indestructible metal niliar, with which the most sensitive teeth can be filled without pain, and can build up a per fect sound tooth on any side roots, which will last thraufh a lifetime HereferstothefbllowlnggentlementDr.V.Motti Dr. Doremus, Professor of Chemistry! Hon. A. Mano, jun. capt. crabtree. Mo President or tn Emigration Company or New Torki Hon. Judge Wayne, of the Supreme Court, of Washington, D. C t and thousand of others. Call and examine for yourseivea. nov 8 em A PPL1CATIONS for Duplicate f.a Xl. wsarrskiii. Application having been made under the act of ZSd aiuuv, amsw, iu asm insiu. ua iud .aui , auiatuif described herein, which are alleged to have been losi or oes iroycu, nonce is nercor given mat, at the date fallowing thedescrlptlon or each warrant, a new certificate of like tenor will be Issued If no valid objection should then appear. No. W,7oe, for 120 acres. Issued under the act of March, i860. In the name oi Arnold Harrington, and was f ranted September 17, 1837 January 4, 166J No. 83,4, for 1C0 acres, Issued under the act of March, 1866. in th names of the minor children of Daniel F. McCune, daeeased, and was granted Oct. r.,1848 January It, 1803. No. 100,847, for HO acre. Issue under the act of March 1&&S, In the name of Ansel Allen, and was granted March 13, ISW-January 18, 1863 No. 100,MO,for lfo acres, Issued under the act ol March, 18&6. tn the name of Rachel, widow of Geo Harner, and was granted January S, l8i February B, 1863 No. 117,700 for 160 acres, Issued under the act of March a, 1853, In the name of Wm. Crlsler, and was granted February , 1867 February 33, 183 No. 9,666, for 80 acres, Issued under the act of September, I860, In thename of Jonathan McHenry, and was granted July 6th, 1861 March l, issa JOSEPH II. BARRETT, Commissioner. troposais. Depot QuAKTcnMASTcn's Or net. Corner 18th and O street, Washington, Dee 10, 183. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Saturday, December 20, 1863, at 13 o'clock m.for the Burial or Persons dying while In the military service of the United States, In the city of Washington, and also within three miles of said city, from the 1st of January until the sotb of June, Specifications for all the requirements of such burlaw can be seen at this office PROPOSALS. The full nimi and Poit Office addreis of the bid' der must appear In the proposal If a bid Is mad In the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the IndUldual proposal of th party signing It Proposals from ditloyat partittwiU net 6 contid ered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposition Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. Hartz, Assistant Quartermaster U. 9. Army, Washington. D. C , and should be plainly marked "Proposals for the Burial of Persons dying In the military service ofthe United States " GUARANTEF Th responsibility or the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or or the United States Dis trict Attornej. The ablltt) of the bidder to fill the contract, should It be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, end taid guarantee mui accompany the bid. Bidder must be present In person u ben the bids are opened, or the proposals n ill not be consid ered. Bonds In the sum of one thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder upon signing in comraci lot ni of Guarantee I We, , of the county or, and state oi , I and ,01th county of , and State of-, do hereby guaranty that Is able to fulfil the con tract, in accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that, should his proposition be sccrpted, he v. HI at once enter Into a contract In accordance therewith. should the contract be awarded to htm, we are prepared to become his securities? (Jo this guarantee must be appended the oUkUl cerunciie auoi e mentioned i . ITl.c Depot Quartermaster le.ene to MLsbili the right to reject an) or all bids that he ma) deem too high rDWABrj l. HARTZ, Capt and Ass't Quartermaster,!, 8 A 1:1 I S II SAHUKNT'H 1 AWNING, (LAG, AWD U.YIOX TEXT FACTORY, No. 530 Pennsylvania arcnui, WASHINGTON, D. C. SUTLERS' AND ARlCY TE.Yli ON HAltD OB MADE TO ORDCR. Awnlnn, Flsrs, Tents, Msll Bar Horse Cuter. Sign., Wagon Cot rs, as , made at short notice, my ft tf N OTICK IS HKHKUY UIVEN THAT th. Copartner.hlpJieretoIoreeil.tlng between LYLE COFFIN I. thlsdsydl..ohedbrmutusl consent. JOHN O. LYLE, , JphaG L)lestlU eontlnues tho business atth.j Washington, July t, ISM. 'J33 SPKKRri AAIBtlCl WlrV. suai,AD.rou,Aasou, ' OF CHOICE 0POKT.O, ORAPE, ron PHrsrclANS'-usC, 't For FrmaUt, Weakly Ftrnmt, and'InwMi. - c VSiaBaaaaBaAlaelc aJaPsaaarMgm jfaratatSk f c aHE.JaSMilS'l i IttHaaa t R " mLmmmmmWLwBrih tmmTmma. C & rJBJpBJBJBija&aj2Q4 Every family, at this aeon, should use the SAMBUCI WINE, Celebrated In Europe for Its medicinal and benefi cial qualities a a gentle Stimulant, Tonle, Diuretic, and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, used In European and American Hospitals, and by aome of the first families tn Europe and America., A8 A TON1C, It ha no equal, causing an appetite and building up the system, being entirely a pure wine of a most valuable fruit. AS A DIURETIC, It Imparts' a healthy action of the Glands and Kid neys, and Urinary Organs,very beoeflclal in Dropsy Gout, and Rheumatic affections. " SPEER'S WINE Is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is pure, from the Juice of the Portugal Sambucus grape, cultivated in New Jersey, recommended by Chemists and Physicians as possessing medical pro perties superior to any other Wines tn use. and an excellent article for ail weak and debilitated pet- son and the agea ana innrm, improving me appe tite and benefiting ladles and children A LADIES WINE, Because it will not intoxicate as other wines, aa It contain no mixture of spirits or other liquor, aad is admired for its rich, peculiar flavor, and nutritive FTOpertle, Imparting a healthy tone to the digest ve organs, and a blooming, soft, and healthy skin and complexion. WE REFER TO A few welt-known gentlemen and physicians who nave ineu ire wine: Gen.Wlnflel I Scott.U S A. Dr.WUoa,Uthat.,N.Y Dr Ward, Newark, N.J Dr Dougherty, Newark N.J. Dr. Marc y. New tork. uov. raorgiTi, n . sine. DrJ R.CbIr W.N T City. Dr. Parker, N.Y.Clty. Dr Darcya.Nlcholl.New. ark, N.J. ur. ram, rnuaa'a. rt-NoDerenuina without tha slrnatureof "AL FRKD SPF R, Passaic, N J ," is over the cork each bottle O-M AKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. For aate by Druggists and all first-class Dealers Trade supplied In Baltimore by WM. H. BROWN &.BRO A. SPEER, Proprietor. ViMEVAai Passaic, New Jersey. Ofticc 208 Broadway, New York. JOHN LA FOY, Paris, nov ly Agent for France and Germany. JUHT TRY OUR NEW STOCK O Clothing from the People Clothing store, No 460 Seventh street, near F. They out-wear any thing you can buy and they are sold so cheap t No. 4C0 Seventh street, near F I would adtlse all to come and buy their Clothln at SMITH', No. 480 Seventh street. II you are wise you wtUotn to SMITH'S, le eo Seventh street, near F. opposite City Post Of flee, to buy your Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Cap. The PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 460 Seventh street, I the beat place in town to buy your Lioining, r airnumog oooua, i un, mis, ins, 410 and Caps. J. H. SMITH . CO., Clothiers, Seventh street. Call soon and see our new stock ot Fall and Win V41I .uuu aaaa a m uui ... vvvu. hb rw a. - r Clothing, which we are selling at very low prl , atth PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 460 ter C ces. i Seventh street, near F. Great attractions at No. 4G0 Seventh street. New stock of Clothing just arrived, and selling at our usual low pricea. J. H.SMITH h. COUothlers. No 460 Seventh street, and corner Twentieth street and Penn. avenue. Great bargain In Clothing, FUrolaaiag Goods. Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, on the corner ol Twentieth street and Penn. avenue. SMITH h. CO , Clothiers, First ward. cor. Twen- tuth atrast mnA PtnosThrtanlaanretiue. 1 aa,i, s the cheap- est place in town to buy )0ur tall and Winter nothing. Call at th First Ward Clothing store and get your Fall and Winter Clothing, Hits, Cape, Boots, and Shoes SMITH a. CO, Clothiers, Cor. Twentieth street and Penn. av FIRST WARD CLOTHING HOUSE, corner of Twentlethatrect and Pennsylvania avenue. You can buy your Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoe chiap, corner of Twentieth trt said Pennsylvania avenue. sepsa im ATTENTION, SOLDIERS AND SUT LERS Hai Ing Just completed our assort ment of Camp Furniture, w would now respect fulif Invlt thai sattrntlon of Soldiers and Sutlera Our assortment comprises in part the following , Camp goods, vis: Tables, Camp Stools, Camp Cots, Camp Mattresses, with all other article of Camp Furnitur calcula ted to make a soldier comfortable. All of which will be sold at the very lowest cash prices at , GRELN h. WILLIAMS au 31 No. 636 Seventh street, corner D. OOUETHI N ON E W TRY IT Now Is the time to buy your Fall Clothing, at No. 460 Seventh street, where you can find all the latest atyle goods, at Northern prices Ho r hoi for Seventh street, No 460 Alargeln voice of Clothing, at very low prices, No. 460 Sev enth street, near . A new way to save Gold T Buy ) our nothing at o. 460 Seventh street, opposite Post Office, at 10 per cent, below the market price, in Treasury Smith's, No. 460 Seventh street. Is the cheapest house In town to buy your Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps. sep 39 3m N ATIONAL LOAN. THE NEW TWENTY YEAH SIX tER CEKT. BONDS . of th. V X T TED STATES (Known at " Five Tuentiei.") The COUroN BONDS In sums of f&O, ,100, gSOO, I and ,1,000, I Ths ItEOISTERED BONDS In sum. of ,90, ,100, two, ,l,ooo, snd $9,000, (Inttrtit commencing el dc't of purchate,) TOR SUE AT Tilt BT JAT COOKE CO., Danker., 453 Fifteenth Itreit. Iheis Bonds sr. the Cheapest GoviiumEST Seccritt now In the msrket. ' Intettit payalle irmi-annvall IN GOLD Is equivalent, at present price of ooln, to I V fin Cet. tn currency. novastf DO YOU KlaOW IT 1 I J ou oo not, call at SMITH - BEALL'9, No. 301 Seventh strset I nesr K street, snd buy yourseltanlce suit of Cloth ' lng from them, .s ther sell cheap. SMITH h BEALL, Clothiers, No uat ieventh streert, nov dtjanl Near K street. T7SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR I Jli new stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Guts Furnishing oooos, '""'J?, al 'ol CO selo-Sm Clothiers, No. Ml b.Tto stmt