Newspaper Page Text
in L, K- n mw i i . LOCAL MBWB. 4 jUama.eaeiat.a X - . T",,UT1 " "' THEATaK. the highly at Jfc -ftrertlre and entertaining opera ofthe "Daughter ' ofta. Regiment "will be performed for the lett v t tlme.'SDrtplte the crowd! houeee it haa Inn, after to-night It muit give war to other norrltlee, that here bcnwHki and even montha In prepare Hon ConreQuentlr, thla rrening will betheonlr chance to wltneee It Loreraof the opnt thould anil themtelree of Ihe opportunltr. Mitt Rich" Inge It an eetabllehed favorite of lh capltali and . aha will appear again on Monday night, for the Orat . lima, In taaotwraof uftatanella,wnloh.weunder- etend, la to ecllpee la beautv all other negalncen I epectadee. None louctie, from the Theatre Ro vat, Copenhagen, will make hla Drat botr to an Amarl- aan audience, at tord'a, tonight, In a new Mi ee i eVee, "" Gaorca'a Theatre The unparallelfad auceeai ofthe great plajr, the "Romance of a Poor.loung , Man," and the urgent dealre of manr of our leading cltltena to have II repeated, haa Induced the man ager! to preaenl It onee mora. II will therefore conatltute the performance at Grovrr a aplendld tbeatr. thla evening, for the laal time, poeltlvelr. The aplendld eaat of charaetera for tMa evening r Will embrace Mr. U P. Barrett aa Manuel, Mr Dan etchell aa lie Berannea, and Mlaa Kate Denla aa Marguerite, On Monday evening anew and novel plav will be produced at tMa excellent eetabllah ment. VVAIHlaOTOif VABimca Crowded houaea nlghtlr attend the arletiea The "Battle of Farn. borough," with Hrrnandel and Berger aa aavera andHeenan, la great) and the tet-to for the Chan . plonahln would aatonlah the knowing onea "The French Dancing Matter" la a very clever piece, and one of Hernandei'e beat charaetera. In the laugh able Interlude called "Pnddv Go katy," Pilgrim la verjr funnr. and keepe the houae tn a roar of laugh ter The ''Jig of Donnrbrook" la rood anif the comle paatomlma of "Deehalumeaux" galna night- c ir la public favor, In which llernandea haa a great l part, and la well aupported br fiouoav, Groatl, Lehman, Mile Lehman. Kate Merihall, kc The artlttlc dancing Mr the Corpa de Ballet la wonder fully pleating The entire performance la fully equal, if not tuperlor. to that uiuallr offered In our theatrea -J. W, Landle la becoming a great favor He The full company appear to-night. , CaaTraacav. The dlatlngulahed Annette Gal lettl haa created a greater eenaatlon In thla city than any artlate who haa ever preceded her, and every night the audience find aomethlng new (a ad mire In her gracefully executed danoee f he ap pear, to-night, for the laat time, In the magnificent ballet, "La Boquetlere," aaalated by the ttleoled elarde and the efficient Corpa de Ballet. Mlaaea Mortimer and Pcanojrer will appear In the celebra ted act, the "Glpay'a Lari" and the varlout other membera of the fmman.e Mmninv In v.rv .t- trectlr. bill, concluding with a laughable alter- picw. Nixoa'a Ciacva. The enterlalnmenta thla after noon ana nigni wiu. we opine. Drove extremely Mr. Klng'a troupe will appear for the laat time. Mona. Rochelle will achieve hli Lean r for Life, on rtchtttt Mr Smith will enact the Ape of Borneo The rhelpa alaten. Mlaa Ida, Madame c IrglnU, Charlea Sherwood, Frank Phelpt, Mlaa Carroll, and all the valuable annua roroea, will figure In the programme A great novelty wtll.we "wi yaaaaau, yo uutiTV vu iUUUUIJ UCKi JoHNaB. OotGH'a Lxxtvkc The lecture of thla dlatlniruUhed orator laat nlxht. at Dr Sunderland a church, drew together a large audience Long be fore the appointed hour the houae wm Ailed, and warn ine jeotur coinmrncea mere wni no. an available apAce in the room. We learn, alao, that n numufii were mrneti awar, , Theypeakerwaa Introduced to the audience by Mr. Henry Beard, the president of the Young Meni Chrlatlao Aaaoclatlon. Mr Gough, In commencing, atated that the aubject on which he waa. to lecture thla evening had been left tohlmaelf 'He would prefer to apeak on hia favorite theme. M Temper ance," but. by Ihe advice of frlcnda, he had chosen aa hla aubject, London " He rave a brief view, In figure, of the magnitude of that city. The me tropolis of Greet Britain la now four times the altc of New York city, and Increaalng at the rate of I.ooOper week, and Is sixty mile in circumfer ence There -are paved street a in the city, making an aggregate of S7,ooo miles of pavement, which coat 910,000,000 There are SSOOoo houaea, 1 1,000 miles of gas-pipe, fee He then spoke of the famous Thames, the treat aewer of the metropolla, and presented a comical view of the Brit lib Par liament In summer, when the Thame emitted lta usual atench He then described In the most amusing strain of satire a London fog It was dense, cold, and clam my It geta In the windows, through the door, and down the chimney. You cant escape It. It a eve rywhere, producing gloom and darVneaa Fvery body looks, feels, and acta dlaagreeable during the fog He described It aa a "aea of Illuminated pea aoup" He then conveyed hla audience to Hjde Park and described this laahlonable drive, where he gave briefly the personal appearances of Lord Palmerston, Lord John Russell, Sir Bulwer Lytton, John Blight, (applauae) Henry ane, Cha Dlckena, and other noted KnglUhmeo He also described Queen Victoria and paid her a high compliment The pureat court in Europe li presided ever by the - purest little woman In the world In passlnsThe Said bis respects to preachers, and presented a lu Icrous picture of preachers "not called of God ' The London Timet waa denounced aa unreliable and unworthy of the notice we give It The com mon people of England are right on the American Siueatlon, and there waa no danger of Intervention, or the people have more power tn England than we t hi nit they have He then closed with an allusion to ouroreacnt struggle, and a moat thrilling exhortation to deter mine what 1 the right course, and then stand by It The orator was listened to with breathless Inter est In hla pethetls pasaages, and greeted wHh up roarious laughter and applauae tn hla Inimitable eUaceuuivB, irTrnicit wnn sucn appropriaienesa and newer It Is Impossible to present even a faint concep tion of hla eloquent address In the brief aketrh wnicn our umueu apace compels ur to make AnaEST or a Lieotekaht. On Thursday night, aa the Sfttrol under Lieut Franklin waa on Its usual round of duty, a houae on Twelfth atreet, near the Avenue, waa y lalted, and ae. eral officers found In the Darlor with " the ladiea " Amonr the number waa a Lieut Cleaveland, of company H, Fiftieth Pennsylvania, who refused to snow any paaa or give his name He became quite noisy, and swore that the patrol officer had no right to arrest him or demand a pass Lieut Franklin took hold of the Impudent officer to take him to the guard house The officer resisted and struck at Lieut. , who drew his sword and commanded the prisoner to yield to that authority. Quite a serious affair was anticipated The women screamed and were coo aider ably frightened Cleaveland waa conv Klled to go to The Central guardhouae, where eut. Franklin ordered him to beeontlned. No sooner waa Lieut, Franklln'a back turned than the officer In charge released Lieut C, The patrol found him again, and he waa again committed. s We learn that such unauthorlxea releaaea at the guard-houae have become frequent of late. An In vestigation will, doubtleas, be made, Caix to Re. E. L. Maooon, D D, or New i oaK The conxrerAtlon of the Calvarv Bant lit Church, which at present worships In Temperance nan, lasinigm voieuioexiena acaiiTO ine ttev. E. L. Maroon. D D .of Albanr. N. Y. Dr. Maroon is well known throughout the country as a moat auieuivine, anu win, ii ne accept, prove a moil valuable acoulaitlon to our Waahlnrton mlnlatrv Hon. Amos Kendall was appointed chairman of ine iu wait upon .net gentleman, ur Magoon several years ago was pastor of the Second Baptist Church In Richmond, Va.t the same church which was the first to give Its bell to be cast into cannon, afterwards called the Second Bant 1st Church batter). The "good brethren" of the church became alarmed on learning that their pas tor felt a s) mpathy for hla brethren of a darker stun, anunewascompeueu toiea.emecuy Polic Matte ei R. t. Lowder, drunk and dls- orucriy nnru ai ia oy aiuaiioe urury II .Logan end A. Sullvsn, drunkenneait committed to wrorlr-houaa bv Juatlea Drurv Mary L. Easton and Fllia J Richards, lar ceny f jail for court by Justice Clayton Frama Marshall and Wm Marshall, disorderly conduct fined 81 00 by Justice Clayton A. Brown, larceny Jail for court by Justice Thompson , Wm O Harra. aaaault and battery held for a further hearing by Justice Walter H, Johnson, assault fined $1 94 by Justice Strat ton Jamea Dlggs and John Lee, vagranta committed to jail by Juatlce Stratton Bottle or Molasses, Boots, fcc , Received Thsouoh tub Mail. Since Gen. Burnalde lasued hla order Interdicting articles being brought within his lines by the ditterent express companies, those wishing to send such articles have resorted to the novel method of transmitting the same through the mall All kinds of articles have, in conse quence, been received at the Washington post office Among other things, a day or two since, was a bottle of molasses, alao a pair of boots, on which the sender had placed the United States postage currency In payment of pottage Unfor tunately for the owner. In thla Instance, postage currency la of no t sine when thua uaed i m A Small. Pox Case Yeaterdar afternoon, a large crowd gathered on the corner of Pcnns) Iva nia avenue and Twentv.flrat atreet On examina tion aa to the occaalon of lt, we found an uniortu nate negro man on hla kneea, leaning against a tree, nuwuvr ut yrui irura inacrowawiio were gazing at him On cloaer observation, It waa found that the man waa afflicted with a severe attack of the amell-pox He waa frightfully broken out and crazy wuu me uiavaar a surgeon was sent lor, and by hla order the man waa conveyed to a more suitable locality for the treatment of auch a dlseaae DavNK On Thursda) night, Capt Johnson's in fantry patrol found a man, who gave his name aa Lieut Jonea. of the SUtv first Pen mr Iran la. but who has been discharged, on Twelfth street, craiy drunk and disorderly. He at 111 wore the uniform of a lieutenant, anu was aaurrv biriii inis waiauoui Jo clock In the morning.- tie had been tn a bawdy house, but waa so drunk and noisy that he was turned out doora, and when found, he waa trying to re-enter the house He waa taken to the Central guard houae and locsea up tor ine nignt Munc im ova Public Schools Profeaaor T, H, Daniels, professor of music In our public schools, Is on a visit to Baltimore for the purpose of ex amining Into the system of musical Instruction taught In the publlo schools of Baltimore by Pro fessors Cleveland and Root Deaths; or So u is: ft. The following deaths have occurred since oar last report I Andrew Shields, company B, (lit Ohio; Carver hoiDltal. j , Daniel Wolfram, lth NewlortuSt Aloyslus hospital ' Newman 1111, compaoy O, 3d New Hampshire; Judiciary hospitaL f1 f .u.. fl eat. ..' al ItlL te-1 -L I-.. . ftafp.l It mwuni vunanrae,uj ej, 1 1 1 14 ifllVIUMMIll lAwberton Street hospital. , rraakUa Efface, company H, UTth New lorkj rial lal J. F. LamDlac. comoanr F. 7th Mlohirani rtnnrv hoipltal. .wnn rviivT, companr n, ivin wonnecneuil Columbian botpltal i Jacob Blala. company" c, 143.1 Prnmrltanlai Mount neatantho-pitai. it, a Hajrnri. torn pan r 1. t)i New Hampthlrci PatantOmeihoiplUL Wainlnrtoa Allen, eompan) A, IWth PenniTl ranlai Patent Offlea hotpltaU Mrreant Wlllard a. Cook,companrC,toUiMlchl ganiCarreriaOapital ' a Latajrette Me Far Ian. eompanr I. lS6th New 1 orki Carver hospital. t- R. Doane, eompanjr D 4th U a art titer jr. BenJ Gregory, company E, 37tn Indiana i Cliff nurne hoantUl. Corporal Wni. Corwln, company M, Soott'a Nine Hundred aamn hoanltal. John C. Canon. company P, Slit New lork i Douf (tta uuetLiitai Nelion Cfilft company L. 6th New ork artillery. PtaaOH a L, Colonel Burcen and wife. V. S A , Colonel R. C, Curlcht, U, 8 A . Wm C. Moore head, Ohio. K. Y Coburn. Illlnoli, are at the Na tional i II D .Bullock, Maiiachuaettt, F II Drake, Connecticut, Thomai H Peaie. Connectl- cui, i. r raine, unio, r ii uretiin, unio,unanei Dam, Philadelphia, are at the Metropolitan) Captain Ritchie, U. , N . Judge Plerpont. New otk. General umlua M. Clay, U. 8 A , are at WllUrda. . t Cheiaftake ann Onto Canal. The following rati! mreu at urorsTiown Teateroay i &, u Hartler. wheat and flour. C. Wataon. flouriJ J Wataon, wood. Dr. 11. A. lioughertr, 108 torn coat The following departure are reported t E. D. Hart ley, L. 8. Nina, K. Watien, Highlander, DrEA, Dougherty, and J J. Wataon. Owing to tome die arrangement In the locki above Georgetown a wig numixr ui Duaia, isurnwiin cobi, were un able o each the city ) ecterday. Lao in ArroiNTEp in the Qvabtchmaitek UEKcnAL'i urncE. muijuua wucok. nui fcm- ma Sedgwick, and Mra HAgner-all of thla city, have been appointed to clerkablpi lift he Quartermaater Generari Office, at a salary of $600 each. Prof. Loomla, who formerly kept a Young Ladiea' Seminary on the corner of t and Thirteenth itreetf, htt alio received an appointment In the tame bu reau Salary 11,200 per annum. AaaLiror Orriccns at Houses or III Fame. On Thursday night the provost guard arretted one major, one captain, and several lieutenants In dif ferent houaea of 111 fame Being without proper Saasea, they were ordered to report themselres un rr arrest at the office oft he pro oit marshal, yes terday morning The usual course was pursued toward them Cam imalCoukt Before Judge Mtrrkktyfttfrday Geo Becker, charged with passing counterfeit mo ney Case postponed, Cordelia Butler, charged with aiding and abetting In a rape upon the person of Ictoria Dunlop Not guilty. Adjourned Dies on the Boat The Government under taker waa called, yeaterdey, to bury the body of private John Dunton, company F,TMrt) fifth Mas- BAcnuaeua regiment, wno uira on ooaru oi ine Government traniDort ateamer Zephvr. I vine at the sixth street wharf Camfbeli. Hosfitai- This hospital, which Is situated on CaDltol Hill, will be ooen to-da. or Monday for the reception of patlenfa It Hill ao- womouiie a mjui seven nuoureu, anu win ue in charge of Dr J, II Baxter. Sick Semt Away Five hundred sick soldiers will be acnt, to-day. to Philadelphia, from the va rious hospitals In Washington and George to n GEonaETowN Mabinc List arrtwJ Schr Urn Severe, Sanders, coal, Havre-de-Grace schr Magellan, Burchell, hay for Go.ernment Attemtioh. Afflicted! Dr. Vellny Is yet engaged In an extensive practice In this city, and we would call the attention of the poor, poor, emaciated vlcilma of their own sins to the best sources of remedy. First, five up your present course of life at once and forever t and secondly, call on the moat skilful physicians, (and nono are better than Dr. Vellny,) and be cared of the disease which Is now undermin ing your constitutions and sending you to a pre mature grave. a Bakkino Rates. The folio wine are tho rates at which bankers and broken are buying antl selling gold and silver the legal tender notes being the standard t Bujlng Selling Gold - - - SO per c. prem S3 per c, prera. Stiver- - . 23 " 21 Demand notes 2J " -W " Banks oflMuo In Washington and George town.1 . Washington Georgetown Bank of Metropolis. Farmers and Mech'a Bank of Washington. Bank. Patriotic Bank. Bank of Commerce. Farm's A Merch's B'nk. Tne Bullion Bank redeems Its notes In U. S. Treasury notes, when any amount from one dollar upwards Is presented. Deiikable India Rubber Goons Mr. If A. Hall haa just received a lot of Officers' Long and Ltrhtduli finished Coata t alao. dull ndiahetT Pon chos, extra large slzeai also, a lot of blue Engllah Talmas, very long, at $10 each) whlvh he Is selling at manufacturenrpricea,at hla India Rubber Ware house, sio Penna)lvanla avenue, between Ninth ana irnin iiiwn ucixi ii A Word or Advice Those who hae been doctorlog for weeks and months without obtaining reuci, anouin consul! ur runnnu, la at No 421 F street, corner of Flghth street, and b radically cured Twenty-lh e years experience hi eatabllshed Dr. Flshblatt's reputation aa aphyal clan Recent caaea cured In a few daya Charges moderate DR FISHBLATT. No 431 E street, corner of Eighth. Opposite the General Post Office Ladies', Men's, Youths', Misses' and Children'a Rubber Boot a, Shoea, Sandals and Gal ten j Ladies' andCenta' Buckle Overshoes, with felt lining and iopj men's non, noee anu nip uooia at Alien, ClappfcCo'B India Rubber bture, Peon, atcnue, between loth and llth ata nov 24 lm Imdia Roaarn Goods The place to buy your a it nil cd rrt a fa irnntua niaiuni a uv cie HAVELOCKS.HAVFRSACKS.and everv article made from INDIA RUBBER, Is at II A HALL'S India Rubber Warehouse, where iou can obtain them at manufacturers' prices, Sib Pennsylvania avenue, oci ween ninin anu icnui sireeis oon - eat Imdia Rusber Boots Ahu Shoes Ihe aboie articles are sold chtaper at H A HALL'S India Rubber Warehouse, sill Penns) 1 anla avenue, than at any other store In this clt) or vicinity. This it to Call and satisfy ) ourael . ea, 310 Pennsrlvanla avenue no 23 tf India Rubbcb Goods. It Is not necessary for Mr. II A HALL to enumerate the different styles and kinds of Rubber and Gutta Percha manufac turers goods he keeps (he has them all) on hand and a glance Into the beautiful store or list otyrieet given by his attendants, will conv lnce any one that his establishment Is r tally the onlj India Uvltxr H arehowe, and Is located at 310 Prnnsv Ivanla av e nue, next door to Messrs Harper fc Mitchell a Dry Goods warehouse, between Mnth and Tenth streets dM " ,r Goto Whiteiiuhst. 434 Pennsylvania avenue, to obtain superior Likenesses at reduced prices Fine Card Vlgnetts, formerly sold at $5 per doten. now selling at 84t half dozens, same rate Colored Imperials reduced from 30 to $30) selling whole slxe colored at only 80 I will excel In "Colored Cartid VlttUt," having secured the services of a superior artist for that branch of business Like nesses of many of those fallen In battle can be ob tained heret alao card photographs of prominent men, both civil and nulltar) . nov 21 I m Wounded ahd Disableij Soldilrs Can have their "beceiMary Paper" made out for application of " Invalid Pentioni," Immediately upon procuring their DUcrVaroe," by application to Peck. Gardner, 4- Zvlick. No 4MK Sev enth street. between Dand V streets, near General Post Office no cnarge uuiu peaaion is procured no .n lo," rpilK CONFESBIOIVB AND KXPEHIKNCK INVALID. published for the sen hit and aa a warning and A CAUTION TO 1UUNU MFN who suiter from Spermatorrhea. Nerv ous Drbllltj , Premature Decay, etc , up plying, at the aame time, THF MEANS OF SELF CUR By one who haa cured hlmseir. after being put to great expense and Injury through medical humbug and quackery By enclosing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may I e had of the author NATHANlr L MAY AIR, I 84 nov 29 d3mlf Bedford, Kings Co , N Y. flUlE CHEAPEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN L town is at L. A BrALLfcCO, No JttlSeventlistreet, between I and K. se96 m SMITH A DEA.LI,, No, 361, Seventh atreet, between I and K streets, Is the place to buy your winter Clothing They sell cheap Try them nor 31 dtjanl II Of IHT.THHa i UtUiJNIllU IN THE M WASMNOTOy CITY 108T OVVWE FRIDAY, DICf MDFR 13, 1B63 OC1elally,Pnb,he In the lfewapetr 1 1 viae; the Iargat ClrctUattoH. LADIES' LIST. a. Ayton, R VI oca Ardcn, mlif a Anthony, mra 11 nuiKuvu)!. Aiiuirii, uri urr Anderaon, 9 D Anderaoo, raraU n. Buah, lUttle Drook.Catha Bremen, mra P Burna. llfa Buh. Horatio Bradford. Moll I e Brown, Caroline Buah, Hattle UeUowa, mra HR Bull, mra H t Daaka, latba .Burllngame, mn iivnu,miHB iKwncr. mil a a v-ii Beale, Anna Brawn, mra A S Ulrena, mra A Burna. Lathart'eBuah. Hattle Bent let. Julia Brown. Cvnthla Bowher. Sarah Baldwin. Julia M Brown, Rebecca Bennett,mtaaMEBurnham,mraAA will av.vuia urooaie, Anne uenneiijniaaoi Burch, Mary Blnkealcr. 11 K Baland, mra Brown. LItzle A Baumann, C Bowman, C njfiu, auuw irgtmrTi mn r tinnier, Anna Bell, Maria Hoi well, Sarah J Bally, Sarah M Bright, Amanda Boram, mra Btiggi, Wii abe h C. Connel), mra Curren, Helen Church, F N 4 Conner. Mary ark, mriCA Carver, MA, Caolk, mra Cen liter, M C Chew, Mary Curran, M Coon, mlaa MC Collier, C Coatea, Ann Carner, Man Clark. 8 J Crnicun. A Cornell, mra K Condon. M Crumbacker,mra b n i Caav. Man Cauldwell, Mary Carroll, mrl W Coleman. L. curia, Annie Corner, mra G YY Carter. Sarah Cralr, mra S Corley.LR Corkrln.C Chew, Mary F L-unia, ii D. Dame, mlaa H P Dyer, Joaephln DaIa, A Donee An, mra Decker, mra i Duval I, Harriet Duval, Rebecca Daley, M DUley, Loulaa Duper),mraHA ' K. Fvana, mra Egan, mra C V l.rimlra, mra II SlJelln, Mary F a p. Ford, mrs T H Foater. M C Faurelet, mra Foley, Katie Foadlck, R Fora)th, linma Fowler, mrs Sam a. Gould, M A Gtlson, Nellie Gllllsple, mrs Hy Ofoux, mrs M AGsrvln, Mil Chi II Goof, mrs F L Greenlesf, Lucy Grinder, D A Green, mrs OD-2Craham, E Grannes, mrsH A Gllman,rars S AGUllsple, mrs DrUartrell, Martha li. Ha rn, Margaret Houghman, mra3Hebert, mrsA N HU1. Nancy uuavaii, i naming, mrs ka Hudson, K Howaid.H Hays, Julia F Hall, mrs Hy nuwoer, mar) Harris, n a H Howard, mrs STHelfcn, H nowe, mra w i Horn, Harriet Hlty, mrs D R Horn, Marg Hall, N Hlckey, Susie nannon, misa ucneuen, mr. u J Hsrrell, miss CAllumphreis, H H Hetiel.mraMJ Harrlman.nirsW Ha) den. mra I s Haifond, L Holley, Anna I a u.l J. Jonca, miss Adle Jenkins mra MJackaon, Chart Jones, Carrlemra McK Irwin, Mary D Jourl, Mary M Jackson, mrsAnnJenkina, Ann F jonnson, jiea Jenny, Marianne Jacoble, miss AH Jenkins, Jane K. Kuchen, Joseph Kenle) , Kate Kennedy, tura Keese, Henrietta Kelly, Susan h FKintle, mrs R A Klmhall, Belle Kelly, Bridget Kahn, mra M Kelly, Bridget Lee, mlaa Kath Lendelo. mlaa L Let ton. Laura Lamb, Martha Lucchese, Mar Longley, mrs AR lenavc, uira (Vatuuuu, tiru ii ituiiire, mra i wii.uuLuiicri Dins joa-anuer, mra Lake, Phebe A Leplnl, Mary A Leonard, Addle Leach, mra J R Lecompte, Kate Lewis, Julia A Lee. mlis Lanman, mrs DTLymon, Darius Leslie, Jenny Leonard, Addle Leidi,Fmrea lynch, Sarah D Lomax, mlaa l. Lit lagatoo, R A Ltech, mra DDT 91. Marka, Julia Mosler, Delia McGlnneaa, Kate Moore, James M Mellne, miss MMMcKeloy, miss Morse, Llua L Marlow, 1-ronla M P Moore, SWA Meloln, mrs D L McLean, mrs CL Menger, Kate Miller, mrs Jno McCullough, mra McLrrln.lteubenMclBcnhel ler, J III Myers, mra AG-SMshony, Hanna McCabe, mrs Max.ell,mraJnoMunson, mrs C Mcknew, Lmma M) er, r mma Moses, mrs U B McLure, I lora Mllbautk, mrs Mullett, mrs AUMcPherson, mra R W McDollln, mrs Morgan 1. Norton, mra Geo Norton, mra C O Newell, mrs Dl Noleo, Nans) Nixon, Jane P O. 0Donoell, MaryOtherds) , Roae-0 Couoell, Kate Overton, mra M anna I. Parker, mrs MA Padeo, mra S S. Prentiss, sarah I Phillips, mrs J J Parker, Isabell Pe) ton, Lutlen Prltchard, mrs FPtnter, mrs UHParrls, mrs s a. rearaon, mra wiineison, ivaie 1'umpnre) , nit Pennoyer, Kate Porent, Joaeph-3Parru, mrs SF Pass) , Kate i. Roberta, mma Reese, Relet.t,a RAue) , iuUsML Roe, Dai Id, A Roach, Kate Robinson, tlusan Read, mrs A W Roach. Cnth Rutda-e. mrs A a. nuuu, mrs auk ciutti, Lime Kjan, niiasaioiin noaa, iixaoein iticnarus, mrsLrH)an, liaio u Roach, i Hi th Reynolds J 1- Ruiaell, Mar) J S. Stone, mra Smith. Mar) Stour, mrs Ro) sbecklcs, turs T Smith, Louisa Slmonda, Csth Meeuer. mlaa Slmuaon. mrs it-vu, lure iv " Sholes, Rosa D Hplnner, Josle C Surg George Steele, Nancy Sampson, Sarah Spalding, mra A Smith, Martha at George, Mar) C Smlth, Rebecca Sidndler, Mlna Mijder, iurs M Shaw, mlaa J B shechan, tlleu HUe.lna, AL Seybert, HellenLslason, mrs C A Straushall, M Sprague, Mary MStewart, mrs J Steeg, Maranda ahlii. 1 mma Mlnfen. mra II llStcwart. Luci Steel, Martha Stale) , MargaretSweetser. Abb) R Steele, mra J U Stufelbeau, M A sherwsrd, fc.muia Smith, Florence Stevens, mrs ColMater, Sophia Spotts, Louisa 1 hi urges, mra R T, Towne, Mary Towusend, mraHlhomusou, Marl Topic) , Mar) Treace, Lvn 1 rlmbuke, mra A i eror) tn) nmia i einj ie, inert a u i nomaa, mrs a V. an Tendt, mraj aughn, Ada an V yck, miss oaa,Mar) au M)ck,mraL M Ward, Sarah A Walford, Mary Willson, Mar) W ebster, 1 IHMliW ebber, Sarah A Williams. M E Weston. Han h nriit ciuiii Walsh, mrs D Waters, Mary 8 tt a a h 1 n g ton, Wrller, mra J Wood, Phebe H miss 11 Whorle), mra A Ward, mrs Jas H Walker, A H W alborn, Uixle Wall, Alice Wllklns, Carrie W llllama, Majy Well a, Idiiii Wilson, Chss F Walerbur) mrs Williamson, Wilson, iurs NM 8 Waller, Ann A Wilkinson, mrs WlUon, Lliiie Williams, Suaan t 4 V and '. loung.MA 3 Zublln, Phebe OENTLFMEKS UBT. ArWgast, A O Alger, Alonso Arnold, A R Aniens. 11a beta Aakew, Jordan U A rmatrong, Anderaon, Jaa Moore, Purvl- Ablen,Jease K Abbott, Jas B an(.ek Abell, U H Ames, Hon (J Authon), P Anderaon, Pat Armor. I rof Anthony, Chas TAdmers, J D Abrama, Dan'l t Allen, Joshua Auains, uaviua auuuu,. r Pplegate,ColEFAlexander,J P Albert, Robert ltxander. i ltasArrlson. Jos U Abbot. R H 1( Adams, Lt G Allen, Cap J D Andrews H Allen, llenr) Andrews, Jas Adama, S3 Anderson, Hon H Austin, Maj J M Ashwell, T J Abbott, Jos Allen, Thos Armstrong, Jno Antone.J Allen, Thos G Allen, Isaac B Allen, J B Archer, Thos T Albert, John Alnsworth.Cap SAllen, Corp W J Allen, Jno Aymone, M Allen, W m R Armatage, J W Andrews, mr Andrews, W T 7 Allen, Jno W 3 Atuell, OJ Attrldge,Wm Anderson, u Bates, Amoa 0 Barrett, Altrert Brook, Chas K Ball, AW Bowman, MaJ AUrasnaiKC Burrows, AT W Baker, C L llarnea, Capt A Belcher, A 1-red Burell, Chas U Blakeman.AA SBrown, A Bacon, C L Boaa, A J Browne, Hev B Barre), Chas Beale, A M Boweu, Chaa C Bond. Dr C 6 Brlggs, Aurla D Barcla),CB 3 BorofT, Chaa Black, A W Bacon, SCJr, BaU),C Baxter, A J Brink, Chss A KBlake, C S Buckle, 1- Brooka, Chas Bockstawg, C N Ballev , C C Uuecklog, G Byera, Capt J 3 Blake, Capt O MBoardmau,GW Boswell, J H Branham, Hon DBuemont, Geo Iknjsmln. J M C Bennett, G r Breogle,J lumber, Dr Brokaw, J J Brodhead J A Bingham, Col DUlodgtitt, Capt Uilutler,JF Baltimore. J Biglow,JB Bcroth.J liroulllet, Rev Brasmsn, L J Uatcheller, II Beshe, L U Ball, II U11BS, XUABier & HI ., fi u Bronr. iAw Bryant. 11 O Brunei!, 11 11 Brockctt, H Urcssler, H C Babt.Oik,ll U Bowman, 1 J Baker, Ft Bradlr), Fredk Blitz, i b-3 Bogert, F D Be) mer, F R Uatcheller, 1 Uurr. I- i livrnum.J F 3 itigelow, Ur J R UraIlC).JJ Ulodgetf.JJ Brown. H T Blow, lion II T Uutlcr, Jacob Baldwin, 11 C 3 Hue II, Lt J L lirubnker, 11 M Bumstead, J Itordon, ii d lutruw, j nmwn. Lea Becker. II Bogsrt, Jas Bllthrow,U W Hcslt). HO uvatija II w HUIIPI a II Baldwin, Capt Huromell, Isaac iiusn, lieo Baker, G S Brenner, Geo uenneii, n ucirum, jno Bailey, J II Brintoo,SurgJH Benjamin, J M Sllatemsn, J Breittnahan, J Barton, Jno Buckingham JTBalli,Joa BArnc), Jai Ba)ington,J Blodgett. J Baker, J S Uroderlck, J H Iht) ley, Jno Brad) , Jos Urannin, 1 1 J M Vrkker.CauJ HDUke.J C Bettel, Robt 3 DurJi W ra II Uagby, R B Bennett Lt W R Biteman, RobtMlMkcr, Wm3 Bowling, RlchdQBaile) , W alter narrow a, u n Brush, GO Br) ant, Geo Bnaa, Gordon Baldwin, G D Bradley, Q Uossard, I Blake, JoaC Brown, Jacob Bell, J no 1 Breast. Jas-3 Blair, Jaa A Brown, Jas F Beckett, S O aiauari iiiwi Brevoort, LtWM Baker, Wm G Bartlett WD Birnle, Wm Dllss, Dr W Bell, Wm uuuge, a j Buaick.SA Bright, Jno Brunk,JacobA Brundsgc, S Brown, Dr J T Butler, Col 3 Blair, Lawyer Bonzone. s Beck, Leonard Bunre, Sidney L' Bradley, mr , fllgelow, SurglLBordman, WmA rtennett. Michael Borden, 8 n Blair, Wm N-3 Bonier, Mahlon Bowen, 8 II Brown, Wealey Rrundage. M BurweU, Rami B Bailey, Lt Wm 0 Bartlettjif K-4 Brown, Cap S L Burch, Wm II aiuruiu. mr marrawina "'Kite, " a Buller, Michael Brown, ST Brown, Wm Bartlett, mr Brown, Lt S S Baldwin, M m W Bumongis, mr Barnes, u n sonner, wm Butterilf Id, M Bergstresser, S LBaughman, V 1 Bachelder, 0 P Bibcock, 8 ft M Beyers, Oliver M Boucher, T F Baker, rt R Baker, b s narrvu, u u lieu, anos u "oya, v m n Hurwe.ll. T Brown, W H Beaty, Thoa Blodgett, Lt W O Boyea,Thos Bsyless, Wm Brown, Thoa C Bannan, Wni Barber, P M Barrer, P R Brchtle, Peter uoyie, r v Brown, Patrick Benger.WmB Baldwin. LtWH nruvTDi n u nrown, un tsranci, .t ii Bingham, Rlohd Byrne, Walter Bailey, .Zachsr Blisa,7enas Clock, Auguatle Cohen. Darby Cromwell, H C Cole. A Chandler, DD-4Craughrn, Hugh Clarke, Aaron J CI ark a, Fph Champlln, Jacob Campbell, U II Crawford, Carson, J M viviiiiui uriij vuipinnn,i o vinuiiuuie-itmri Clark, B F Cape, mmor B Ch amber 11 n, Dr ntriion, uenj-s (.larar, MW i ja Clark, Burnh mLCrane, Eugene Crawley, Jno C Coles, Lt ButherCawton, K L Coleman, Kev J CatUn.DrBS Crowe) I, W Cummlnga,JT Cole, Capt Curtle, Mraond Clo-era.Jun Clay, Major Gen Cartel, Edward Candy, Jno 8 was m msnee, e earner, i Calvert, CWF Calller,Col FH ChrlschlU, HnJ CaXf mr at mrs C Capron, G C Coder, Jas Coplln.Chaa Ctfit, Geo Charles, HonJW Cane, Capt Chandler, Q 0 Crocker, Jas I- Cats, Calvin P Copenhelver, Q Condor, Jas 5 Coon, C B-9 Coggahail, IIM Carroll, Jaa Clarke, Chas D Cleaveland, Ueut Coleman, Jno H Col ton, Dr C M 11 E Cormady, Jno Collins, Cul'n Conrolas, Hen'k Catbeman, Jos Collins, Charley Cameralre, H Calwell, Jno K Crouch, Chas V Cullen, Lt H Cummin rs, Jno Cook, Chas H Cowles, Harvey Clancy, Jas Cullen, Chris H Chandler. HP Cheney, Jas T Colt, O Munnlng Cole, H H ColUaa, Jas Cameron, CairtDCobura, HG9 Croabey, Jas 8 iiaauiruuru, WaVU liVllli ncniT Lrrvil, eino n Utssltt, Lt D Coy, Hutch'nV Chanler.Hon JW CurtU, DrJ Cochran, O CroOoril, Th Chapman, 04 Clark, TL tllrfbrd, 6 M Creaa, T Cranme.Capt P Cl, Hon T II H-flr Cauller. TO CmhalL P (Vanlv.Th narjr, anu Crane, J 03 Child, J K Chase. Jas Curt In, J NN Coy.Measra Loo-CuJhane, Pat Carney, Hon T-l mis at cnoaie,uip h- unton,T n Colbert Capt L Cooper, Robt Clark, T e Carr, J R Crawford, R Cheatney, T O Coppenger, Capt Caverty, R B Carr, Tb-4 J J Oreiaer, R B Corning, TV Cain, Jno Crawford, Lt R Cranston, Hon Cise,JnoW-4 P t W II Camn. Jos vary, na uoier.uu w-4 Cleveland, R Cook, Wm Corson, R R Corwln, Warren Lopeland, H M Coon. Wm Cabeen. R B Cole.Wm Chase, Jno Clark, Jas Clark, J Cloreland, mr Co ler. Col W N Coverlv , R B Carpeeter.U m ra.n.rnii Mat Aar.nlt Llnl. fWu.. tl viHieivuUi.ivi VIHII) IUIU bll7VU, Ua Conrr.UoKa Cutta, SC Cumbaok.Hoo W Cavaoaugb. M-9 Cavauer, flam Chambera, w H Cummloga, M A Cearnrv, H u CrenaeU.WH Clark, M L Carpenter, 8 D Clark,W D toolbaugb, MJ Clark, Slanl) Campbell, WO Carter, W a Clark, Hon i CrawforJ,WL-5 Clark.Mlch Clark, V Clegg.w L Culver, Morrla Coleman. S 8 Cattcll.Um Cablwell. mr Clark. S R Croaby, V) 01 coroof, aianin cawpatnen, s cole.wu Cablll, nllch Chrlatle. mr vrouae, urti ugaweu,vv r Ca) too, Sam Cotan.Capt WW Cumailnge, TC Chrlaman, m Chaplain, N A Cornellua, N CUrk, Wm D. Dean, Augustus Dudley, Jos Dame, Albert L Dean, Israel 9 De Camp, Lamb t Dsvla. LetlT jjurpee. uurun nuavis, jas Dittman, Loula Dove, Capt BM-3Dorman,Jerem'hDaly, Lawrence Daniels, L Downing, Jno B Demereat, Mau Daywalt, Chaa Djer, Jno C ryei Dout, Lt Col Darling, Jas T Denlcke, Lt M Durkee, D H Dalley, Jas Duckworth, M Do.e, DC Domlnce, Jno Donaldson, M DeMyrlIea,MaatDouglasa, Jas L Dunlap, M H Danl Duprey, Joi Darling, M Davenport, FL Duthrle,Jaa Durgine,NDB Dudle) , Flmer Dunlap, Jno Deforest, Col O Draper, Frank M Dillon, Jno J Dorman, O M De Cot er. t M-3Davy, Lt Jno M Dlller, O M 3 Daniels, F B Dugen. Jno Dunton, Dakar Dorman, Frank Darrell, Dr Jno Dingle, B H Dlrclnga, FB Davis, Jas Drane), Phellx Bro's Dixon, JHkCo Dulahatr, Pat'k Dralney, Felix Docppted. Jno Dwyer, Lt P 3 Doughty, Geo C Dickey, Her J C Davis, Lt Robt Deiouog, Capt Dooley, Jno Dockendorft, R G W J Denny, Capt JnoDana, Saml J iJicnerauro v, imiin,4no ay, aami , Davis, Gilbert Davis, Joshua Davis, Haml Demarce,GUb't Deeter,JR Davidson, Silas Uft) . Purser H R Dealy, Serg Jaa Dorsey, Saml Do) Ie, Hugh Dant, Josh M Duncan, MaJ T Uanton, Hose) Dunn, Jno Dealing, Dr T H De i oung, II Day. Ira Davis, Hon TT-3 Duncan, Johne) Do) le, Jaa De Marbala, T L Dale, Jno G Drew, Jno W Dutcher, WiUie Delany, T B Duhamel, Dr W Duncan, V m M Donald, Thos J C k. Co DeJean, nlney Douglass, Capt Dearer, Wm H Dodd, W M-fl W H Dyer, Wm R D) mond, W m Degeane, W m R Doyle, Hon W P Donaghy.Wm 3 Doyle, Wm A 3 Duncan, w McF Dempsa),WH Dalston, Wm B Fnus, MaJ A G Erlckaon. Capt Elder, Perry G hlera. Oil Julius K Elliott, RS Lmlle, Clav el therldge, Jss I ngland, Thos H Ellia, Cv rus Egan, Jas Elden, T 8 hrhardt, Carl Emery, Joe Evans,TW4vCo Edmonds, Fred EFtchlson, L G Fvsns, Thos C vana, Geo Erbe, Louis Emmons, Wm H inerson, Geo F vans, Mr rwln, W H y aler, Geo Edgerton. Mr jiton,lr, W m T I-Utcott, (.(J v ans, Messrs fc 1 mmell, Wm Ibrlcht, Hear) Co Ullott, U 7, W vans, Jno P. Foe. Master A P Fltzcerald. D uller. Srrt H Ford, Andrew Flanders, DanlNFarnham, Henry I r iriu, itniiMu r raja tuavau r rirv, n Frless, C Fleming, Uwd Frlel, Hugh Volk,Chas 1-relderlck, E s Paris, Hartahorn Faench, Chas E Fuley, Edwd L-3 Fulton, Joseph Fentoo, Chaa M Freburger, Edwd Fowler, J J j Fur man, RevCFFalrman.O W-3 Fuller, laaao P 3 Furn, Gottlieb Furguaoo, larael Fuller, Capt 3 Freeman, Lt G PFannlng, Jno erguson, u i euner, teo - rraucn, jno Frankenstein, LtFllllnr. Geo A loltz,JasM Julius M Joot.DB a Fauth, Julles Foote. Isaac Fitzgerald, RobtFawkes, W 3 Flag. Jos G t towler, Walts Field, Jno C France, Robt 3 Flood, Mai W G Ford, Jas P Foater, Robt Fleming, W m Ferguaon, Lt ColFrcooh, Robt Fullerton, Wm J Itlnk, Lewis F Fuery, Robt 1-erguson Rev Fowler, M 8 Franks, Col R R Wm M Fetter, Mayn K Flood, Saml Franklin. Wm Fen t ado, ManuelFlrat, Solomon Fraser, Vvm Florence, Oscar France, 8 H lerguaon. W 3 Feller, Peter Fugan, Salvator I arris, Urn F Fr), P F Farnaworth.WHForwood, Dr W tallk, Phil K netcher, W m I H taulkner, Robt a, fioodna, AndrewGaxley, Col C 3 Gross, Harry W Given, Artbur.JrGeiat, Lt Chas P Grlawold, H C 3 Gager, Rev A 11 Grlnnell, D C Gorton, Hen W Grover, MaJ A Gordon, Danl Gibson, H G Grubb, A J Grennell, Ds Grafton, Cpt HD Gelger, Lt Aug Gate, Danl 3 Graves, Hor W Gum, Alex Gould, Dant L Gatzmer, H 8 Gemlock, Aug Griffin, WW Galmares, Jos 3 Gross, BenJ Grover, F W Garrison, Jacob (.luck i man, B Glrard, F J Gawen. John 11 Green, Bryan uiasser, F Goodaii, J K Glroux. B Gehrhold, Geo Gsrsldes, Irad L Gunn, Capt C S Gellahan, Geo Gardner, Jno II (.Idord, Capt Gullck, Geo A Galbralth, Jas G Glenn, Chas Gardner, Geo Greenwood, Jas Grc), Chas A Grimes, Geo D Gullck, Jas Gardner, Capt Gelsse, G C, Jr Gregon , Dr J R Goulding, Capt CGrelner, Henry Gibson, J H Garthwait, I O Griffith, L P Galloway, Hon 8 Graham, Jno Gale, Dr L H Uoulart, T B Gibson, JosorJa-Grace, jafayetteGllllan,Thos cob Greenlee, N D Glllmore, Wm Gregor),J If 4 Garlss, Nelson Goodnough.W H Greenwood, Jno Gllman, Dr O WQouge, W W 3 Gibson, J H Gotr, 4 u a r t e r -('Jorge, Lt W T Glllett,J B master GaurLWm Gsrns, J W Gart, P W Cwlltim, W R Gross, LtJR Gerry, P A Glbbs, W Grant, Isaac 3 Goldterle, Peter Gay lord, W E Gw)-nn, J s German,811as Gentr), W t Guest, J W Grim, saml Grant, m Green, Jno 3 Graham, 8anfordGodfre),CapWm Gross, L E 3 Gardner, Cap 8 Granger, LtW W Green, Littleton Gatten, Saml Galllgher, W D II. Hamilton, An- HolTmaster, B Hurdrek, F II thony 3 Hawley, HB Hepburn, Fred Haien, A D Harrls.Cmpt Hogsn.Frsnk Harrington, AndHurd, Lt O H Haag. Fred Hallman, Aug Hughes, C L Hentlg, Cap F G HaHast, Aug Hlle, OS -3 Holbrook, Am Henry, Dr C A Holler, F K Harris, Cap A G Hoops, ColemanHon", G W Hulahlzer, A C Harris, D H Hughes, G H Havlland,AB Hall, Dr Harvey, Geo Hastings, A H Harmon fc Davy Hallow ell. G R Holland, A B HotTman, Cap F Haasenmeyer, G HalUkrr. A Hall, F P Hazard, G Av Harria, A L Hayes, Edgar Hsrland, G C Hulllngs, A F Hensey, E W Hodge, G C HarwQod, AW Hartv,Edw Huxley, J Hollraah, Henry Hunt, Irving S Henry, Stephen Hollomsn, Hen Hires, J C Howell, 8 H Hltts, Hiram O Heath, Jas F Herman, S Hazard, HH Hall, J W Hullo, S M Kilborn, Julius Hague, Jackson Hsthsw a) , Col S Hazeton.JC 4 Hall, J 8 G HoDaon. Jas A Hazleton. LA Hare. 8 W Hendrlck, Jno Hunt, Lewis C Hart, Phos Harris, J T Howard, LG Haskell, T F 1I...I--II f H . tin.... I ... .!-.. ..t. 1 Henderson, J Howard, Dr L W Handle, al I Housman, Jas Hitchcock, LB Harvey, W 11 Haslem, Jno Hatch, Lt M F Hill, WW Hartman.Jno Hook, L Hill. WmJ Hanscom, Jno llemailngwai.MHjden, W H Honnanan, Jno Haslup, J llerle) , W ash I H)dareth, Lt J HHetly, Martin Hayden, Sgt WH Henr),Jaa Howell, M L Harden, Col WD I Hasklna, Jno Howard. M Hollows) , W R Hudson, J Haley, Nathan Huntington, W H Harper, IssaoF Harris, N R Howard, W H Howard, Hon J M Howell, Lt N Horner, Wataon Holston, Dr JGFHall. PA Holdcn W D-3 Hildebrand.Jao HelskeU, DrPHHelmns, W B Harwood, J K Holle, P Vender Hopkins. W H Hlppenakel, J F Hrnea, Peter Horner, W H Hervey.Capt JosHlcer, R C Horton, W 01 1 Harry, Jos Hall, Richard Hobbs, W m ffradv. W II iiaimca llsgail, Jito Huaaey, J II Hurlla. Jas HUI, Jules Hood, J R Howe, Jno W" Hodges, Jno T Herbert, 1 K Hamlltdn, R P IUU, Wut De W- Hoyt, R B lloyt, W B Houae, It Hamlet, Wm Howard, Sam Healer, Wm A Harris, S R Howlaud, W P Hobbs, Hats ' House. W P Hays, 8am K r Heodrlck; W H Hanck, Sam H unkings, J )LJ Jeeob,JC Irons, J T Jamea, Alb Jones. A J Jones, Mites R Jodktos, R I . es, Reuben Jillson, ac Jlllson. Beth Jones, C p i m lay, j no Jenkins, Col D Johnson, JD T-S Jenkins, Joel Johnbomboy.DR Johnson, J H Jones, TYT Ingeraoll, J R Jones, Dr FP Johnson, J O Johnson, Dr WO jaos:som,w a Jaekson.W II Jonea, Wm J ante son. WL Irwin, Wash Jones, Sere W Inavlner, W juaiua, ut Jay, Joe Johnson OW Jones, Isaae tsrgrr, Surg HH Jones, JF Jordon, HP Jones, Jos Jennings, JTH JeflrleSfTB James. J a Jones, Moses R K. Kr) s, A II King, A T Kidder, B A Kelly, B F Keeler.CC King, C A KreFs, C W Kleekner.Ch Kline, Hy Knspp.Htram 1 Klnner, Jesse Kllkelly, J Kergan,Jno Kerrtean. J Koch ler, Lor9 Kaaon, mr Kenchel, mr Kelly, Sere W J Krahmer,Cap U Kin. Uacar Kohler, Jno Kearna, R N Kennedr.Caot J Knarca. Lt RC Kemmerer,C J Klng.C B Keller CM Kappule,D Kinney, r 8 Kuhne.F Knighton. J H Knowlea.SR Kennedr,HonJPKarre, Peter Klnr.JL KingUde.S Kenney, S Kelly, Sam Kerl.TM King, J W King, Wm 8 S Kahler,WH Klsley, Capt W Kelly, Jno Kirk, Lieut J KUnie, J Q Klink, Jno aTVIFK, U n W AUUl, efDi Kcmble. Dr O 8 Keln. J H Kurtz, II y Knessle, K Knowles HP Knapp.JH Kinney, Hor U L) ons, Adolph-4 Lord, Geo A3 Lubruinbe. L alUBOI, aUCIIJ itKDVt U LrmTIB iwrrutT, HI Lee. B F Lerois. GeoECanLelton. M H Lawrence, M B-3 Lewis. BenJ F Laselle, CapH W Leeds, Mark Leggett, B T Letts, Henry Lawrence. N Lawrence.CH Lowe), Horatio Laphara, Oscar Laurott,Chas Luteham.JnoJ Llnehan, Patrick Lespese, Cap Luker, Jno Ladew, Peter Lusby it Chand- Landes, Jno Lawrence, R II ler, Messrs-4 Lander, Jean M Locke, Ranson Lent, Cornelius Locuard, Jas Legrow, Rlchd B Love, Chas 8 Lougheau, Jos P Lowry, R H Lokeman, Col C Luxler, Jno Lawrence, Sam Llttlefleld, C UarthonathanUUard, 8 Lerois, Chaa Lewlth, Jas Latimer, Stan O Lord, Chas F Longshore, Joa-3 Lockwood, 8 W Llak, Chaa W Lauton, Jas LeiherrThos M K Loden, MaJ Dan Llppman, 1-3 Lewls,Thoa IXKkwood, DB Looegan, Jno-3 Lewis. Wm Lincoln, Dan Lester, Jas 11 Leland, Wm Lukron, Danl H Levmour,Jas M Lacy, Wm B Leather, David Lelmbach.Jno Loroe, WmJ Leach, Danelan Leightham, Jos Leach, WmF bj TIIVi S 1U b.HiriIIU aaHlinil tl iiauu Lookabaugh,F ELlvlngston, J L) nde, Hon W P UTi Km .TTUIS aUUCKF, 4 T Locke, f W Lee, Jas Locke, Col F 8 Leach, J E-3 La t orge. Fred Larne, laaao Larver, Fred Ljman, L W Luther, Geo P at. Luckey, Sergt W Lynde. Urn Pitt Long, West Ltw, WmH Mn iter, A J Wokalne, DanlelMIghels, Cap HR .nailer, a n aiassry, imdici mccieiiaua, a u Miller, A P McGUmore, Lt DMayhew,-Cap H Mason. DrAB Mann. David Mclntlre. 11 U McDonald, And Maas, Edw Maynard, Harria niouraw, .apArMomuiien, zcnoamaiiacK, n tt niaipas, li Aii'uoiorns, a. a mcuture, n mccture. n Melsan. Hanrr Mai or, A Mash, Lt F C Melaney, Arch'dMcClure, Mr McDonald, A P Morrla, Edw Munrevan. Ant Mumbr. F H Macdonough.HR xucnure . now ard moorr, a n Murnhr. And Mattlnsly, dw MoWaahlngton, Macombr. V. C Jno McLaughlin, A Moore, t B Mack. Can O A Marde. FA Me Bride, tionJ R itiCLuray, jas MWllliams,JW McGurk, Jno MoLeod, Jno Machamer. J Moore, B Myera, Fred Miller, BenJ Maxwell, G W Murphy, C A Meet ague, Geo Moore, Cap C Mapea, O W Muaon. Chaa Maahler. G K McKell, Lt J C iiacivuiiri, vuaa inuiuBuuu, m ii mcviuiri. Moon. Can C A 1 McDonald. Jaa McTher son, Chss Morrison. G A McGlaugh, J D Merrick, Chss Murray, Gordon McFarland, J P Morrison, C G McHackman, Can Met call, u Miller, Jos Murray, Lt Geo Moore, Lt J R McFarland, O P McPherson, Jos maiuru, ..lias iiiBguuit, vu uniucnuti), Murry, Chss Marley, G W Morris, no Murnh. . Chas Markward. G WMllls. Thos Malurd, Chas Malane, C N McBlaln, Geo McGunnlgle, LU iriduiium, u DicAiuin ufo mcare, wai Muthersbrugb, DMcKnlght, Geo Mclnamee, Jas Melv In, D L McLane,tapQ WMorford, J W McDonald, D Morgan.Uen GWMUler, McCllnch. Dan McClauKhUn.H CMcGlncan. J T Morris, Joseph NoQuade, Mlcal McLeshler, Ihoa munay, non jno mct-uiism, mr moore, i Morris, Jas R Morris, Martin McNamara, T 3 Murph) , Lt J 9 Mitchell, M Mo Arthur, Thos Morton, Isaac Mills, Wrm Miller, Capt T Manser, Isaac McCormlck, M Morris, Dr W B MUiiuiUf n iiiajrr. wivui 4 lonruuaii, t Mitchell. J N Merritt. N Munroe. Dr W F Morrison, Jas M Morrison, O H McCann, W A 3 Mat thla i. Jno McMuiiv. Lt ui Mount, w g a OiaiUtlal, alE Mlllrr.JC o TOaser, Wesley T Martin, J B Miller, Lt Jos Marriot.Joo Mvers. Jno iiiariiu, rrirr iiuui;uinrry, n Meyer, Peter Meeker, W H Murp. Pat McCowell. Wm Mamper, Peter Morgan, Col W Montcomerr. RB J 3 Masters, Jno Morrison, Dr J MMontcomery, R Mallany, Mai W Miller, J Elliot Mackenzie, Lt R H Mitchell, Jas 8 MoMthon.W Mitchell, J D Martlndale, Sam Mortimer, W Marks, Rev J J McBain, 8 A Mann, MaJ W 8 Manson, Dr K O Miller. Sam McDowell, W A Martin, Jas B 4 Mansthroup,S AMlssemer, Lt W Minor, Mav In McMlllen, Sam M Mltcbtll HIV Merrll, M A Mange, M -3 Martin, M L Matune, Mr Morgan, M A Middle ion, s Murray, vv a Mills, Thos Munder, Wm Mevllle, Thos L Msade, W H McLaoe.Thos MehaOer, Ur W MoUullen, T W R Ma)hugh, T N. Nlohola. H F Nkhola. S F Naab, Dr A Norton. Co L C B-3Nlrhtlnrale.H S Nixon. Sim NichoU.LIt 'J Netter, J N Noonan, T H-I 11UV1UU, 1 Mlea. TB Nettleton,Earl Noyea, ha Neal.Geo Nichols, J H Norbeck,GF Nocho.J Nouglec, Geo Nichols, M S Nichols, Gld Nichols, O Norton, Geo Nichols, O C MlUgar. T s Nanea.W E Nevrcomb.U J ftewb) , wni U. 0Connan, Rev Oree, Parte J M Otuan, Sam O Brleu, Jere Owner, m Ohare, And Uaburn, L U Neil. Dan Oatman,GB 3 OHallotan,J ODonnell, I. O'Brlon, S OriLGen EOC Owena, Lem Obenteulter, Lt Olkurom, M J 111 O Bryan, M Owen, Jno B Urdway, N S uaDcry, vvm Owetney, W A Orr.Capt W O'Conner, Wm UuldvoU, Col W uanurn r 0'Blrnf, J B Pane. Dr A Oagood, O 8 1 O'Brien, Wm uwen, n u-nara,vpi V, n.a.t.tA rul'lk.ln. r its' I elllllUir, 1 eTIlCILIB, Jke7 al -al Pelton, Henry Pare, Dr J W 3 Patton, A A Prltchard. Berrj Pierce, Sft HM Prior, Isaak R-2 I'easlee, C K Phillips, Corp H Perham, Jos Parks, Cah In M Preuis, Hen C Patterson, Jno S Peterman, Chas Phllps, Harlow Paten, Loula Vitvintrer. Conrad Pat ton. Cast H DParaona. L I Preaton, Chand Perce 11, Jno Pelouie, Col L H fomeroy, vy vv iraDWiv, -no ei rrinici, 01 it Packer, Chaa H Potter, Judaon FPerry, U 2 Pierce, Thas Prusha, Jos Park, Orlando Potter, Capt C HParker, Jno W Potts, Robt Phillips, Dav 1 1 Palmer, Jaa P Patterson, H J Price, MaJ i L Prentiss, J L Parsons, R T Pierie, C Perkins, Jno M CPounds, S II Palmer, i rastus Fa fault, Jas A Pierce, S B Pearl, Wv Pranauer, J Picking-, S N Peters, i red W Plttenton, Jno Payne, S A Philips. Fielder Peters, Jno li Peyton, Saml Prlch, jtrfo Parker, Jacob Pollock, Sam J Phumphrev , GeoPrelsa, Jno Price, T L Potter, Geo H Potter, Jno C a Price, T K Pearce.Geo W-3Perr, JnoB,HonPoor. Wm Price, Geo Phllllpa, J Pool. Wm O Price, Geo W Pepersack, Jno Pen field. W H Pullen, Ur G J Patten, Jno D Price, W'm Petti , Ceo K Palmer, Jos V, Pease, W S Peters, ueo Palmer, J A Pood, Wm F Pancroat, I)r G 8 Patton, Sartrt J SPecran, W W Palmer, H C Parker, J v Patterson, W m Plcksrd, Hiram It. Howe, A H Renter, Fred Rial, Jss Hrntt. Mai A J Ramser. Geo W Rake. Jno Ruggles, Ir A D Ranson, Gllman Read, Jos S Randall, Alex Reed, Gllman Reefo, Jeremiah Rennlngton, A ARlchardson, G WRobb. Jonas M Reeslde, A J Reading, Geo Ranch, Lerl H Rice, Uenj Rolf, O V Russell, L B Rodenhaven U RLnrgold, Geo Ray mind. Liberty Ross, BenJ Richer, Geo Rorty, Lt Rose, Clav ton WRhodes, Lt G H Robev , M 3 Howe, Chas W Kan 11, H-3 Kelly, M r Robinson, C L Rhoades. Cap 11 Reed, Lt W A Ryan, Cornelius Roath, H G Redtleld, O D Robins, Cap C MRoehr, Henry Rankin, O M Rowe, Chas Ruggles, H U Robinson R B Rathburn, C B Rodeamlel, 11 D Ross, Robert R Relnhardt, C Revees, Henry Round, Revel Koblnson, ChAs Raymond, Jno Ruby, Robt R Rudolph, C F Rosekrans, IsaacRhodes, Saoi Kenshrtw, David Richards, Jno 0 Rush, Nam Robinson. DsnlelRonv, Jas Rogers G Rswson, ('G 2R)ttenberg, Jos Rand, 1 host Kiciiarason, j ncu)tineo Rumadell, V W millet, J L Rodgera, W lu Rood, L H Robinson, Jno R Rj an, Wm Remington, I- Rowland, J Rlngrou.Wm Rlcharuson, L J Rogers. Lewis F Rengcr, W in Ritter, 1- Rosenthal, 12 Ronger. W m Hot an, w red Rosaboerow, Jss Rose, W m M Re) nolds. Fred ARollens, Jas S Ross, Wm B Richmond, 1- Rlssel, Jno W Randolph, W m M Rile) , Frank Reehlll, Jas Hilej , w m M Hlce, F Leman Russell, J K Robertson, W M Ryan, Francis Ross, Jas Roblson. W m B Rj an, Frank Reed, Jos S Raceh,WmH Randal), tol F Rice, Jas A Rumse) , m T 8. . Smith, A Saunders, L Seaman.FrankH swan, A M Sautmyer, Chs ASchroe, Frank Shaw. Alt steel, Calvin Smith, Frank J Stlppln, M A Sharsback, Con, j r Sheales, A S sherbrooke, C G March, Frits Boilers, A SUnegar, Chris sperande. Freak Sinner. Alex , smith. Dr C B Seaman. F H sureres. Albert Sherbette, C Stevenson, Fred story, a r sneuon, unss iamiio, ueo n Sampson, Lt A MSeaburg, Chas W Stanford, Geo W Scales, Anthonj Spragcn, C C Smith, Geo D stlner, Abrahams! j er, David 3 Smith, Geo W Sloans, Augustusstowell, Ma) D PSIerrer, Geo W Fpenctr, A C Stanton, Surf D Stuart, Oeo Hsrriaon. Rev JJHall, It H Shullz. AnthonySmlth, Danl A RjydeL Geo W Snook; Alex J fttandart, Iefor NmlthVciIman P Seaman, Capt BFHchellluger, D M star Ion, O , Smith, B BulUvan, E Ralisburr. G R Smith tt Bradley steeiman, E Btockwell, Geo B taton,CptCWprague, DrE Hshaw,GeoE Strong, UCS Starr. Edward Spalding, Geo M Shaw, Chss B Ppauldlng.SurgESalibury, Geo staflord,CW T ' Seamsn'oeoT teely, Sergt Ch PSloat, Ellas sweng, Geo viiw, vi( w iimtnoD,!. anow, ueo vv starn, Chas Skill man. E A Stunts, Geo R Itaflord, C W SUcox, Asst SurgSnyder, Geo W Sherwood, Chas Smith, Capt E J stone, lly L Swain, Capt D G Sands, Ed smith, Rensag 8heton,ChasP Swartwood,F DSimmoaa, If Senkind, O Spauldlng, t Shaflatall, Hf Re ho n born, F T Shoemaker, Lt 1 South wick, M R llirra, Clarke k n shepard, Otis Hull Slar.JW Sanlee, Peter Smith, Halfleld Smith, Jacob Skinner. R d v. Schell, Dr H 8 Slott, J i s m-k Smith, H) Smith, J L Spear, R P Starr, Hy Smith, J W smith, RP Smith, Hon F II Steel. J R wangey,SH Stevens, 11 Sldellnger, Hy Southard, HL Scott, U H shryock,J F Sparrell, J N Stetser.JN ""'""i ;j oirri, i u nniCK, earn apravt, j n stogecKl, s v Miles, J D stanbaugh, 8 C Stubba. Jos vahlman, 8 stotz, Jno Sweetwood, 811 Shaw, J W Smith, 8 F Hauler, J li sammons, S smith, J Leavitt Stuart, Th Sim1. Han J RinlmL, T P Somerset, Jacob Smith, Jas C Stevens, Lt Th singleton, Gen J Swap, J 1 Stuard, Th 3 W Schenk, Lap J F Shaher, T C 8eriver,Ira Hohrink,CaptJ StahLTB seanett, J W St Mary, Hon L 8 to well, W t Sterling, J W Stephenson, L Scott, Wm 8tonVB . ..eSrte,tI B a a"lf Wm, Spangler, Lt W Bayer, L Stone. W H nniriaa, j r Stoakely, Jas Shaw. Levi Street, Capt W Steelman. J naaie,Lwis selby,Wm H stetson, L M urges, W R Shoemaker, J K aanger, job Samson. J tt Strous, Leopold Smlth.W T snyarr, u v rtokes, W m Spall neer Jno Simon, Lewis Smith. MV iroK, vvn Singleton, Gen, WmH Scales, W W stokes, Lt WC Stevenson, WE Steele, W O Scott, W In field stoops, W m Surdall, Wm smith, W B Hchrlner, Jno Sheahan, M Sullivan, J J speakan,M 8nldlcer,Jr , IS schuler, mr Schleebt, Jno Sroda, mr Senter, Lyman Scott, mr shanberry. J Spahr, mr Stoddard, J W-3 Sullivan, M Stewart, J E Smith, MR Shanr, John Sullivan, M Stevens, J A storm, mr Thotnpeon, Bat Turner, HubberJTrantum, O O 9 ana tt irtan. hodt Talbot, Capt B PTaleott, H II Tweedjr, R D lurarr. laii i ironaon. jno .' lerrv. s 11 Tlllett, Chaa Terrjr, Capt J C Tennant, samlT Trgar.CliaaV Townaend, JaaHTrip, aaml B luiiuu, (.naa a. I nyraDurgn, i a inompaoo, ineo Thomaa, Col Tlee, Jaa liQ TurnerThoa a tucacr,i.ibnaBt.iurpen, jno iu town, ino.a Tobia. Cant T.vfor.Lol J M LTretdlne. Lt J J Tarr, bs Tucker, Jno II Thatcher, W m T Tomea, Dlckln- 'Torbut, Jno P Taylor, w m eon fc Turner, Rev J D Troxel, Wa . Trlab, Danl. Tha)er,DrJaa lhompeon, H'L Tarlton, E H Teel, J L Tar lor, II m H Towaon, Edard Thompaon, K Tullr, trailer Thomaa, Edw OTlrrall, L H Thorne, Or II' H Talbot. Capt E S Tabor, Le Roy Thompaon, ir L Tellarda, Capt F Thomaa, Lt L TrowbrlJge, II B Tuckerman, CaptThorn, Lam K rTung, II m Geo a Tlreaton, Lerl Tuttel, H m TuthUl, O K Thompaon. MarkTappan, II Travera, Geo V Tabb, Maiiton Thatcher, Capt Truetdell, CaptGThomaa, M B II 113 Taylor, beo W Tucker, N A Trotter, Hm B Taj-lor, Henrr Tjrrell, NJ Turner, II in F Tlmford, HJ Tai lor. Net aon H V.V. aleotlne, A B V alentlne, Ham an Buren, Capt on.urn, Alb VanAmburgh, H Robt I an Derreer. A an Horn, Jno an Dereater, 3 lttum, BF 3 Yoaburgh,Jno C lnnble.ChrlatlananTrne,JaoS an lfatter,SD-3 Van rfagoner, C I an Fleet, Jac ir anaandt, 3 L L Underbill, Jno olger,Theodore ernon, Chaa Mele,LS J Underwood, Srgt Unklea, LtDS on Schnencke, IP J anSantwood, Mr Uhler, Capt Hm Ret Dr andoxen, PTP J ettell, Eugene arno, Ramie ogelton, lira W lldet, Hon A W alker, Capt ll'lllet, Geo H C 3 Wathington, C II ell., G Morgan Willing, A J U elier, C IFelr, Geo H W orka, A J U lllaon, Chat I. II hltlng G H-3 U olt erton. AP-3Wrlght, Chan'g H ork, Capt O T lUIama, A K Woodj-ard, Cab 1 Hllllamt, Htrrj Nation, A Wood, Charley llettemore, H Wilder, Abra'm Wltmer. Calvin Hrrckmuler.HO alker, A H ellea, Rev C M II alker, Hy U Warner, A 8 -HlUlama, D H ITaahlngton, Hr Walker, Hon A Wright, Gen D RHhilev, H Wheelock, A A Ill-ham, D IK dlTrlght. H B-fl Waahburn.MaJAHhltr, DR ll"hlte,HC J W upon, Albert trheeler, Ldvr Hoodword,Sarg Wright, Abe ITUM-nan, Hon Hy Uormer,ACan ED IThaUng, Henrr V, urth, A Tata, Capt I. R Ifegfcl, Henrr L Wrner,ColSS W arrtner, Rer FIThlte, Hon H Walton, Able n llhlte, I F irood, Henrr, II Whiting, A B lletterilt.r Mlmer.JB Nation, Bf He-Ion, FB HalUce.JnoF U adhaura, Bo) d irhlte Eieklel II ryer, Jno II Wllllama, C Hllcoa, t ug'ne ITheelwrlght, JS Waldron, Capt llllklna lAwN H allace, Hon J C Wliuame. cap! rfllaon, Eug'ne 11 Uberham, J J Chaa It T-3Flelande, I F Worthlngtou, Hlnet, Ellaa ITatera.JnoG Capt Chaa Wheeler, Edw HlUlama, Joe C Walker, C II' Hilton, Capt EC Winter, J II White, C A II urth, F s Wlnana, J B Wllaon.Chaa Iteeacbek Co. FWlliou.Jno Whlttemore, St R Halton, Dr JnoT Chaa B H ella, Geo II eacolt, Joel Winder, Corwln Hlnalow, Ueo D Whltnej , Lt I Wlleon, J P U filer, Dr 8 II lid, Robt Warlord, taptJP Wheelock, L P II ood, Ruben H Wilklna,Jno Wilton, Morrla llllaon, Robt Wright, Jaa II Wllaon, Mr II llkeaan, MJ SH Wlnaton, I A N llllooi, Ul II eaver a. Singer Wathington, JZ Walton, M H hite, Sam H Walker, TR II orater, Mr II llllama, G A Wealey, Jno H otahoute, II II eaton, Simon Wilaou.Jaa 3 Wllllard, MaJ II ebater. Slaney Urldun,Jaa HlUlama, Mr Hade, Thoa Wllaon, Jaa W Wright, Nalh 9 II atera, Thoa Wheeler, Capt J H elch, O II H oodard, Thoa wear, Lt J P H lllard, PS ll elier, Trace) Ware, Jas A Wolf, Julius Wall. Jno Wrlffht, Jaa Weller.Jno Ware, Joseph Watt, Jno 11 anner, Rich II lckra, T M H right, Ruben-SHakeneld.Theo "llUla iiUVTU-'jrrelB.tugiu. IlltV WlsoOaCantPB Kclham,Thos i ooa, h n iiaman, J u iralker, Lt R W irhealen. Thos H alker, RR Helbel, T H lltsel, Hobt intmer, Toblaa (I end-on, Robt H alker, Thos J Writ ht Jacob Wrlf ht, Jacob ITheeler, R C H ellsted. T H Watklna. LS 1 Hatldnson h. Co Wllltt. Thoa A West,ernonB Worth Injtoo, LtWada worth, Hon tiever, al A Walker. W M Wood, H th M W ade, W ni Wullnel, H' H Wlllman, Lt W CWataon tt Co Wllaon. Km Wllaon. W R Wheeler. Wm 2 Wrtfht, IT H Wright, W W Wadsworth, W H iiuiuo. nm n i ncrirr, t,ap n vvooa. v a, W arner, It s F Welch, W H Willson, ir s W adsworth, W m Walker, W J A oung, Andnr H oung, Ld ates, Cap ork, Geo K ounr.CamDbellouns'. Ht oung, Saml H oung-, Saml J ounc, Wm ounr. W . Jr-3 vard, C Yates, Jno F i ates, Klsa toungs, tvoDcri Z. Zlgler, Jno Zerely, s u MISCLLLANLUUS Cheanj's Lxpress Coj A L, elmley ExpresaCoj tveponer oi ina nouic, yvrniui rniieausipiua tv qufrerj A Lt Agent NewJeraey Expreaa Co. Editor of the Constltutloni AOOi New Jersey Lxpress Cot Proprietor of No 668 Eleventh street, Island, Agent Earl, Express Coj A Gj Garden Express Co LEW IS CLEFHANE, P M F RAN KLIN O O., OPTICIANS,. J44 PESSYLIAMA AEMLt (North side,) between Twelfth and Thirteenth ata , and JSS PEMiSYLVANU AILNLE, Under the National Hotel, Otfer to the public for the Approachlus; Holidays, their richly assorted stock of GOLD SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, with genuine Brazilian Pebble or Periscoplc Cases, correctly suited forever) sight MICROSCOPES, Ol'EKA GLASSES, MILITARY FIELD GLASSES. rnOTOGRAPlllC AllllMS, CARTES DE V1STTE, 4c, , Jy, at the lowest prices dec W HH 1NVENTUU& AND I'ATKNTEKS. MUNN it CO ,i rojirictoriofthebcientlflc Amcr Kau, and agents ior procuring American and lor elgn ' PATENTS. lYtth Sttteen lean erperienct in the Sutiiuu Refer to Hon Judge Mason, Hon Joseph Holt, Hon W D Bishop, ex Commissioners ofpatents, and to more than fifteen thousand Inventors who hav e had business done through Munn ei Co 's Pa tent Agency. Pamphlet of adv Ice sent free by mall Patent Laws and Regulations, 100 pages, S3 cents, No charge for consultation, orallj orb) mall Preliminary Lxamlnatlon tn United states Pa tent Otnce. to Offices, No &? Park Row, .Newlork; Washing ton, corner of F and Scv enth streets opposite the Patent Olflce mar It Cmlf "I F U O 1 T T L U M B K K A11D SIXTII STREET, liouth of Peuusylranla Avenue, dec 13 tf AMILSEMENTSj .. 'A i.arannuHl HAaitt, LOUUIAMA ArXaU-C, NBA. BI.TM K , In Iht rear ofttt JTdM'aW, Increased attraction for this weeki UAL, A We'eK At tla. Or.avt Gt-,mt.rbairrt W Ith lta powerful Combination of Artlate auch an Immeaae array of Bautr and Talent upon on. atage, without a precedent In the Aonala of Amuae ment. THE CROWDED HOUSES Accorded to It. by the nubile, demand aa ackjiowl edgmentof UrlPARALLELED PATRONAGE. IT STANDS ON THE ROCK OF PUBLIC Of IN. ION, which le tha anil l foundation of eucoeae THE CASTCHBlur SPAUCS SO XXtlKSE To obtain the beat Talent In the country for here All the CJreat ajtare of tha Profeeetaai Flrat make applleaUon for engagement. Immenee feueceaa of U'LIK ANtfBTTA OALLETTI, it'LLK AXNXTTA. "OALLETTI, M'LLE AWSTTA OALLETTI, The fatclnatlng French and Spanlah LHnaeuae, who. haa no equal In the preaent day, for Grace, Talent and Beauty, and everywhere aba appear, la the chlefTvrpelenoreen eenaatlon of tho day All who hare eeen her will remember her soft, winning appearance, and all-excelling modeatar M'LLE OALLETTI la the earn, who waa the chief feature th. principal Carel of tha Rarela during their recent tour through thla country, sh. la now reeelrlng THE GREATEST WEEKLT SALART raid to any one artlate before the nubile for a con inued engagement. Continued engagement of MO If S. EDWARD VELARDE, Tae-Sttt JSale D-mcer l Me Wtrrti. hPLLE OAUETTl and XOIiS KEUJIDE are nightly received bycaoWDCD and rAanioirA ill At-Di-ciKKa. In ooaJUACtlon with the ex traordlnary attraction, the eweet and un- proachable roeallat, MISS JULIA MORTIMER. Tha premiere Danaeuee, MI88 KATE PEKNOTER. Tha pleaalng Songatreai, MI83 NELLIE TATLOB, Together with Tae Oreef Star Company of Me CanUrbvry, Who will appear ererr evening in a choice .elec tion or BALLADS, DANCES, NEGRO COMICALITIES, etc., . Flrat week of the charming FLORAL BALLET, arranged by Mona. E. Velarde, entitled . L.A BODDXTIIRE, In which M'LLE ANNETTA OALLETTI and M0N3. EDWARD VELARDE ill appear, aupported by THE OREAT BALLET TROUPE. Return of the Wathington Favorite, DICK PAKA-EK. DICK PARKER VICE PARKER, The Great Negro Comedian t. u flirts, The Champion Clog Dtncer of tha World Mr Hayra Challengea the World Man and money ready at any time MR GEORGE R EDESOS, The Talented Comedian, Pantomlmiat and Comls Singer Re-engarement of M JLAK CLOSK1, The wonderful jig dancer and Ethiopian delineator THE COURT OP BKACTY, MISS LtLLlE BRAhDOK. MISS JESSIE ALLES, KATL HARRISON, ASHIL IIARRISOS. TILLY FORBES, IU JLSSIE, LA PETITE ELLA Rerlral of the Great OVPST'B LAY, OTPST'S LAY, OYPSY'S LAI , Br MISSFS MORTIMER and FFNNOiER DULY EMLRSOK, J. SILVAS CLARKE, and the CORPS ITETMOPL, Formlog In all TH) GREATEST BILL EVER GIVEN In anyone eatabliahment In the country. To conclude with the .creaming farce of THE MERRT COBBLES, WAX re?TTN8EL. Chrlatopher ------- Mr Geo R. Edetoa Doora open at M performance o'clock Admlaalon, 3S cenfa, Orcheatra Chalra, M centa dec "nrASHlNOTON VARIKT1KS, AintMtreet, mar Mrtnmylvania ainue. PROPRIKTORS - . ACTING MANAGER BUSINESS MANAGER A.HAMBLINfc CO A M. HERNANDEZ JAMft PILGRIM Second week of the TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS of the eminent artlate A U. IIcB-BBUsdes, A. tt, Hernauadei, A. U. IIerasusleait Who will appear In the comic burlesque, entitled the BATTLE OF FJUUfBROUOH, and the comic pantomime of VOL.AU-VBNT, In which he will perform upon fourteen dlflerent musical instruments First appearance of U'lle Pauline, M'lU Pauline, M'lW Paollne, MOle Pauline, The Beautiful and Accomplished Danseuse U'lle eulla. Lthman, MUe Julia Itunan, The Beautiful Spanlah Danseuse L"1" AVhelpley, Miss WltsluUv-, Miss AVbelpley, Miss Whelple), The Graceful Danseuse and Pantomlmlst First appearance of Miss Kate Marshall, Miss Kate Marahall From the Winter Garden, New lorlc New Ballet, entitled THE FAlRIEs. Characters by M'lle PAULINE, M lie JULIA LLH- MAN, Moos SZOLLOSl and GRAND CORPS DE BALLET. Comprising the most beautiful young ladles, under the direction of Mona Szollosy FRENCH DANCING MASTER. Professor - AM Hernandez NFW SONGS, BANJO S0L04 Paul Berger, Paul Berger. J. AV. Laud Is, J. IV. Laud Is. J. A. AUrn, I. A. Alleu. Dick Nauds, DlcU Sands, Dick Bauds. J. Colcmau, J. Colemau, The Celebrated Comlg Singer Moreste Brothers, Moreate B.Ttlirs, Moreste Brotkere, Moreste Brothers, Whose daring performance astonish every beholder, THE BEST TALENT IN THE COUNTRY Appear nightly at THIS GREAT TEMPLE OF FUN. Admission - -Orchestra Chtlrt' - 26 cents -60 " Doora open at X o'slock , Performances to com menct at 7V deo i