Newspaper Page Text
p UJ- .JUIWUJUJ -L1 "" II .. . m l.1.! '.". '.j- J-.S.Z iAn.tir)L . - -n.) .-" -afc""- " f-i , wLiti ,u gthtioriiU UpnHi(mi. l WASHINGTON, U. C.I MONDAY, - DEC. 15, 1B62. . n- Th OSh of lb ItetLiaal Rtpnbll. can 1 at 811 K,nltilreet, between Penn. erlranla mini and D atre.t, (Op Rtalra.) THE POSITION, The public Interest It completely absorbed In """" th eTentt t Frederlcktbur j. At Ibit present nrltlng, cur latast dispatch It that sent from the field at 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon, at which hour the battle of the pre ceding day had not been seriously renewed It hat been constantly reported, that donlo the time of the battle, opinions were divided among our officers, at to whether the enemy would light at Fredericksburg, or retreat with out lighting to tome point nearer Rich .nnnd, or to Richmond Itself. The consequences to the rebels of a defeat at Fredericksburg, and especially of any defeat approaching the character of a rout, would be mod damaging. A distance of nearly sixty miles separates them from the fonlflcailons of Richmond, which they could not, In tuateycut expect to reach without a lose of, perhaps, half their numbers, and of nearly all their material of war. On tha other hand, they had this temptation to light at Fredericksburg, thst If decisively rlclorlous, they might expect to destroy our army, which now has a deep rlrer In Its liutne. dlate rear. It la obrlous that riew of this kind must hare influenced the rebels, and, Indeed, this Is positively proTed by an article from u Richmond paper of November 24, which wc print on our outside, and In which this advan tage for them of lighting at Fredericksburg Is distinctly pointed out and Insisted upon. Thus, then, relying upon the strength of their position not unreasonably confident that the bravery of their troops would prevent de feat and forced retreat from degenerating Into a rout, and foreseeing the advantages tu be reaped from any marked success the rebels decided to abide the Issue of the battle on the banks of the Rappahannock, which was fought on Saturday, and It la not Improbable that they may also have decided to risk a repetition and continuance of It. The indications of jester day forenoon were decidedly that way, but the rebel leaders are so apt In masking their move ments, and In doing one thing while they term to be doing another, that It Is impossible to predict their movements with any rertaintv nnv. r at. Mntrair.!. This able Senator, who represents the loyal people of Maine In tha Senate of the United States, made a telling speech In that body, the other day, on the resolution Introduced Into the Senate, maklne Inquiry of the Seeretaryof War why certain persons hate been restrained of their liberty. His rsbnrke or Senator Powell Is thorough, pointed, manly, and, what Is more, that Senator merits It by his conduct. A man aympathltlng with the Government of the United Statea aa thla man aympathlres with that of Jefferson Davis, could not lire an hour In Richmond. Yet thla Senator Is permitted to hold his seat, draw his pay, while his heart and sympathies are all with the South and with tha rebellion. Such men thould be denounced, and Mr. Morrill doet It In the following terse and pointed manner i Now, Mr. President, let me advert to some of the current history of thla country In Ulna, tratlon of what I am aaylng. The honorable Senator from Kentucky seems to take the lead la denouncing the President and the Govern ment. It Is not new with him. Let me Illus trate the subject somewhat by reference to his own State. What la the condition of Kentucky? He stands here to tell you that at least 5,000 of the citizens of Kentucky hare been, first and last, arretted by this Administration and re strained of their liberty, most of whom hare since been aet at liberty. Now, sir, from what we know of the current history of Kentucky, what Is the Inferenco 1 What is the inference the honorable Senator would have the country draw ? That the President has arrested so many lojal Union loving citizens, all patriots! That is w hat t he honorable Senator would give ua to un derstand. Now, what Is the probability! I have reason to believe that three out of every four of the able-bodied men of Kentncky, the men of war, are In the rebel ranks fighting the battle of the rebels agalnstthls Constitution, against this Government, and against the anthorityof the President Whatlstbelnfercnrefromthatt Do we not know that Kentucky, from the begin ning, his been a nest of traitors ? Do we not know that nobody has been left In Kentucky except the old men and the women and the children? Do we not know that all such who could light, and could get out of the State, have Joined the rebels ? Under such circum stances, tho Senator from Kentucky cornea here to ask the commiseration of the Senate and he himself, from the beginning of this rebel lion down to the present time, has stood here to denounce tho Government, stood by the aide of his late colleague, who denounced It from the beginning to the end of his career here, until he marched over to Join the ranks of re bellion, and now heads a brigade agalnat the Government of hla country. 1 honor the man- llnrs of the man who follows the logic of his on nlont and the 10EIC or Lis teachings. and goes where he belongs rather than linger to adrocste the cause of those who are fighting agalnftthe Government of their country, and who has no word of denunciation whatever to wards men who are In arms against the Govern' down to now , no word has escaped that honor- The peneral lmrtraailnn vnnftm hv Ilia rii. nhla nnattr ilannnetAtm-Tnf thaanemlp nf his nf Ffttnrdiv. as indri nf i h rt-t.ncr .1 ,. I countrvt but from the beginning thla Govern- 6 J , ,,, tit. Hnn nn irt vhil,rH In milntiln Ihn Is, that Gen Burntlde handles his troops rather with a skilful and cautious prudence, than with a view to accomplish a desired result without regsrd to cost or risk This Impression will Federal authority that hat not been denounced br him. From his stand-point, Mr. President, I'do not know that anything else conld have been expected. He doet not believe In the au- skflaliBi f slits flAravnmanii la A Attm tint friaaltaawa h. .m.,11 trill, .llUr.tlnn K..1,. - ,., ,t.T,......... -. r. ......... , ...v ...,, mil this tiorernmenl isanytuinc more man a as It exhibits In our commanding general a 1 sort nf peace establishment, lie thinks that correct appreciation of the position. For us, with onr superiority In numbers In the field, and In population from which to recruit armies, even drawn battles have the effect of victories. It It the enemy who mutt fall first In this war from the effects of exhaustion, and who may prefer to that certain fate the chances, even If less than equal, of success In a tingle engage ment npon which everything should be staked. During yesterdav, Gen. Burnslde received re inforcements from Gen. Slgel, the probable ex tent of which It would not be prudent to state. A not less important circumstance, Is the fact that our troops, who have behaved admirably throughout, were fall of courage and epirlt, and ready, and even eager, to renew the battle. HUMORS AND ntSPATCIlt. It was rumored yesterday that General Banka was at Harrison's Landing, General Slgel'a force was within elghtien miles of Fredericksburg on Saturday, and Is supposed to hare reinforced General Burnslde yesterdiy, The following dispatch was received by the President at 4 o'clock Sunday morning1 ' HUDQCIBTEBS ABUT OF THC POTOMAC. Dec. 14. We have carried the first line of the enemy's works opposite the tows and three milts below, and hope to gain tho crest of the hill tc-dar. . Our lost In killed and wounded Is estimated about five thousand." Onr wounded of Saturday have been removed from the field, and attempti w ere made to bring off our dead who fell near the enemy'aworka In the charge of Saturday, but the rebels opened fire on our men sent out for this purpose KmxoiuAtnimMARY.. .. L ATEST BY TELEGRAPH. UaUVKKAX. JHKUD1TH, Ul JUUiaua- UIMftl and tallant officer, has been amlgnWl aixint- tnawl of the flrti Dlylakm pf Beyn61dJ? corjk HeVMlatheflgtior Saturday,1 andVlll gtw igitariportoM$l $ , Jjj 'Tn CniantAi DimrajeL We understand that Mrs. C. B. Smith la meeting with great success in raising funds for thetlhrlatraaa dluner. She has ah-eady obtained over 19,000, five hundred from Providence, R. I., and a large snm from Indiana. This estimable lady's labors In be half .of the tick endwoundedaoldlert Ju our hospitals, hare been untiring. The blessings of many will follow her through life. Liti Intelligence from Newbern, N. C, la to the effect that our troops there are making preparations for a movement. Destination not known. TwiXTT-rtTB HCKDRtn DoiXABt were col lected in Philadelphia, on Saturday, In aid of the Christmas dinner to be got np by Mrs. Secretary Smith. Twenty-five thousand dollara have been ralaed In that city for the suffering operatives of England. Tnc reader Is referred to our first page for tome particulars of the fight of Saturday, which we take from the Sunday Morning Chrvnktt. Btoiewall JicKtoif denies, In the Rich mond Fnquirtr, that he la the author of the poem entitled "My Wife and Child." Mandamn Ward, late a general lu the Chi nese war against the rebeU, was a native of Salem, Mais. Ha waa only thirty-one yean of age. Hit life ha been a romantic one. He waa a lieutenant In the French army during the war In the Crimea. It appean that Rev. J. Wesley Green, the " confl&nut tnanf'ubo attempted to practice tome of hla gamea npon President Lincoln, It a consummate villain, ne has already spent some twelve months la the Eastern penitentia ry. He has several altaua. TnEATBiCAta In Washington hold their way right on. Crowded houses, a desideratum pleas ing to managers, la still the order. At Graver's, beside an excellent stock company, there la Mr. L. P. Barrett. The " Romance of a Poor Young Man" haa been played there, during the paat week, to full bouses. This week they present the " Babe In the Wood," " Paurrette," and other excellent piece. Mr. and Miss Rlehtngs and Mr. James Dunn and other fine actors are still at Ford's. The past week they have presented "The Daughter inent From the beginning of this contests of the Regiment." This week the public are to vour Constitution provide for nothing more than a neace establishment! that In time of war it lias no power aim no auinoniyi ana -o, , , d, , and oymolXt t a burden. r-nm tia hiwrltinlnir tf tMa ralkAlllnn. ha haa I ' witness the weird spectacle of "Satanella.." The Varieties continue to draw full houses, and Is fast becoming a permanent Institution. Go and aee the pantomime and the clog dance, by Mr. Sands, well worth the price of admis sion alone. Canterbury It, at usual, crowded every night to Its utmost capacity. It I to close for a short time, to make some Important repairs. We uave uad delightful weather now for Mpeelel Bi.paUht ta the Republican, I il sal I Onr jam4'osMrhr New Yo, Dec. 13. A pecll dispatch to the Tntmm, from Nashville, dated on th 12th Inst., aaya i Gea. Stanley ha returned from a dash Into Dixie. He left our front yeaterday by the Franklin bike, -with a strong force of (Cavalry, and disturbed the enemy early In the day, fight- stood here to denounce the authority of the Government, to denounce coercion, aubjuga tlon, and all that sort of thing, as unconstitu tional, Illegal, without authority of law, a usur pation. I oiiowing lue logic oi tucu opinion, he must, of courte, denounce the President, ana denounce all measures calculated to restore the supremacy of the Government and to maintain the Federal supremacy everywhere. It does oue good to read aucb sharp rebate of traitors at such a time as this, when these men In and out of Congress are doing all they can to overthrow the Government. Mr. Mor rill's Wom sore well laid on, and Uie aubject of them ought to al!nk away with Breckinridge and Join the rebels. It Is his proper place. Maine may well be proud of her two noble Senators, and may well rejoice that while ehe has aent thirty thousand of her aona to the battle field to meet the rebels in fierce atrlfe, she has also men In Congress able to meet the conspirators against the Goverument In the councils of the nation. Look at the loyalty of Maine, and then at what we see In Kentucky. Hoss. Bixj.min F. Flamdibs and Michael Halm, the representative elect from the first and second representative districts of Louisi ana, are said to be atroog Union men of the chool of Col. Hamilton, of Texas. This Is a great triumph. Grx. BrnxslDE Is showing great skill and maaterly generalship, and Is, In consequence, winning "golden opinions from all sort of people." If, however, any reliance Is to be placed upon the declarations of the Richmond Ezamintr, an extract from which we publish- on the outalde of this paper, the rebels mean to contest every Inch of our way to Richmond, Tbebe is TO be a dinner at the convaleacent camp on Chriatmas day. Arrangement are being made, and the benevolent will be appealed to In aid of this good work. The plan of those who have thtt matter In charge will be laid be fore the public In a few daya. It., considerable cavalry Jorce and driving them acrou the road. After he had blvoacked, he Intended to sur prise Frankllni but, during the night, he was discovered, and, finding a surprise lmprtttlca hie, he made a daan at Franklin thla morning, and was aharplyrcsltted by the enemy (hooting from the honaea. Mator WrnkooD. commanding the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry, charged In a brilliant manner inrougn tne town, ana aiure iub reoeii clear out. After destroying flouring mill ana other DrooertT nseful to the rebel army, the expedi tion returned tttlifled, losing In the affair only one man. Three rebela. Including a lieutenant, were killed, ten wounded, and twelve prisoners taken, and a large drove of teceth horses captured. It vu d sr-nrered that there la no large force of rebela aa far west a Frsnklln. Then It a heavy force or rebels near Nash ville and another near Mnrfreesboro'. and a considerable force at and on this aide of Btew ard'e creek. Morgan la dashing about promlscously with fire thousand men. The cnemv Is awaiting an tuck. All It quiet In front. ine enure reDei torceaoes not execea seventy thousand. MtrBTBEiaBOBi', Dec. 13. The rebel Jkmntr, of yesterday, admit a lost at IltrUvllle, In two rebel regiment of over 800 men. Bragg sent 1,733 paroled Union prisoner to our Hue yeaterday. They were mostly cap tured at nartaTflle. MORE PI.UI-DKRIR Q OF THE PIRATE. STATEMENT OF CAPTAIN MELI.EN. An Gnajllsli Barque Supplies the Pirate with Coal. New Yobk, Dec. 14. The brig NewhU, from Point Petre, Guadeloupe, brought Capt. Mellen, late of the ship Levi SUrbuck, aa pas senger. Capt. Melleu' statement la corrobo rative of that already published. The pirates plundered and burned the vessel. Capt. Mellen states he wat on an English barque, laden with four hundred tone of coal, at Port Royal, the captain of which went on board the pirate, and, after contnltatlon, the barque weighed anchor and sailed that night, undoubtedly for tome rendezvous to supply the pirate with coal. ,. Capt. Lincoln, of the C. B. Walker, with his passenger, Intended going to New York, by the way of Havana. ROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF MORE TREASURE. STEAMER NARRAGANSETT AND THREE WAR VESSELS AT PANAMA. New York. Dec. 14. The steamer ChamDlon. from Asplnwall, haa arrived at this port, bring ing even hundred thousand dollsrs In treasure from California. The steamer Narraganaett w at Panama. with three American vessels of war. t onr French vessels were to tall for Mexico immediately. EXTENSIVE WRECK AT BEA. New York. Dec. 14th. The brig Keaka has arrived. She reports that on the 12th mat., In latitude S8 65, longitude 73 40, ahe ran through an Im mense maaa of boxes, with some pieces of board resembling the piece of the bulwark of a veatel'a gangway, atage, &c. These boxes extended for six or seveu miles, literally covering the water. The Keaka picked np a new cork fender and fifteen boxes, which contained army bread, ap- fiarently not more than fifteen or twenty hours n the water. They were marked "U. S. Bub alatence Department" and "Union Mechanical Baklag Company, New York." ADJUTANT DODD NOT KILLED. Lt. Patrick Callahan, 69th N. Y. wounded. LL David Burke, tth N.T. wounded. U. Patrick Carrey, company A, 69th N. Y. wounded. i Lt. Birmingham, company A. 09th N. Y.i wounded.) 14, , , , U. M. P.'Brennon, company B, G9th N, Y. wounded. Lt. Mansergh, company K, fi9lh NY. wounded. v Lt, Patrick Buckley, company F, 69th N. Y.i dangerously wounded. , Lt. Murphy, company C, 09th N. Y.i wound ed. Major Cavanaugn, acting Lt. Col. of tha C9tli wonnded In the hip. Lt Bcnlley, 69th N. Y. wounded. It will be seen that the loss of officer In the brave Sixty-ninth New York waa heavy. Onl four officer were left In the entire regiment one captain and three Untenant. Capt. Cortwrlght 03d N. Y.i wounded. Lt. G. N. Rtrty, Capt. W. G. Mitchell and Lt. Parker, all of Gen. Hancock's staff, are wounded. Col. Cross, 6th N. II. wounded. Col. Miles, 81st N. Y. wounded. Gen. Klmbal complimenta the 21th and 28th New Jersey regiments, which, though new troops, fonght splendidly. Major Phllbrtck, 15th Mast) wonnded. Dr. Chapln, 18th Mass.) wonnded. Capt. Meyler, 7th N. Y. killed. The 7th N. Y. suffered terribly. COURT MARTIAI, OF OEK, PORTER. Saturdat, December 13. The court met at 11 o'clock. Tho cross-examination of Gen. McDowell by the accused waa continued. Nothing material ly differing from the testimony given the day before, waa elicited, except the belief of Gen. McD. that had Gen. P. obeyed witness's orders, the battle of the 29th would have resulted favor ably to our cause. The accused (ought by the cross-examination to show that lt waa Impossible for Gen. P. to bring up his artillery, and an attack by Infan try alone at the time would hare been very In Judlcloua. The court meets again this morning at 11 o'clock. THE MiDOWELI. COURT OF INQUIRY. Satcrdat, December 13. The court met at 11 o'clock, but the presence of Gen. McDowell being required aa a witness before the Porter court martial, It adjourned without transacting any bualness. We wocld caution our readers against 1 placing any rellanco upon the rumor that Gen, Banka Is at Harrison's Landing. The story 1 evidently bogvt, a had Banks' expedition gone to that point his transports would have been 6een In the rlrer some days alncc. We see no reason to anppose that Bank Is going to co operate In the reduction of Richmond or In aid of Burnslde. Indeed, we believe that his destl nation la quite a different field. The NORrouc Congressional District. In a printed address (Dec. 0) to the t oters of this district, urging them to elect a representative to the present Congress, Gen. Dlx saysi " The Government of the United States has thought proper to visit with heavy forfeitures those who continue in hostility to It. It 1 In your power to avert all these consequence of tne war wagea agaiusi iue .ousiuuiiuu auu ur Union. Your own separate action la all that Is needed to turn these evil from your own Up to this hour (6 o'clock p.m. )lt Is thought doors. It Is not necessary that other portions here, from dispatches received, that there u as no decisive battle on Sunday. There was no fog on Sunday. ArroisTHEKT or Examining Surgeons The Commissioner of Pensions has made the following additional appointments of examin ing aurgeons 1 Dr. D Hudson, Marshall, Mich ; Dr. John W. Emery, Paw Paw, Mich. 1 Dr. Wm M. Herron, Alleghany city, Pj 1 Dr. P. II. Lov ing, Kenton, O. s Dr II C DIggs, tlagluaw , Mich Dr. U. 0 Jarvls, CUremout, N II. 1 Dr. Phlneas Spaldlpg, Haverhill, N II 1 Dr O. W Plerie, Winchester, N. II. 1 Dr JatobE. Stlckney, Lancaitcr, N II , Dr. Samuel Wort, Brownstown, Ind, 1 Dr. D. IV. Haselton, C at endish, Vt Dr. II P. Clark, Ashland, O Dr. Chester Hsrd, Ottowa, 111. 1 Dr.G. TA Bur rsll, Dodgevillo, Wis 1 Dr. II. S. Conklln, Syd ney, O t Dr T Bowen, Akron, Ohl". Giii. Wadjwortu, jetlerdjy morning, left for the from, accompanied by oue of his aids, Capt Todd Capt. Ellsworth, another or his olds, will Join him to-day. It Is said be will immediately be assigned an Important com mand Gen Wadsworth Is u gallant and effi cient officer, and we have no doubt will, if an opportunity offers, display the tame ability In the field that he has ehown in the management of our nffalrs as military governor, and win for himself an enviable reputation of your State should participate with you In a recognition of the anthorityof the Government. Vftn mat. nrtr&niTft in vour Lanrreu uiiinci. and by electing a member to the House of Rep resentatives in time to laae ms seat ny me isi of January next, you may resume your place In the Union with the full enjoyment of all your right us cltlrens of the United States. To en able you to do to an election will be Immedi ate!) ordered. If, by abstaining from the ex ercise of the elective franchise, the election shall be defeated, the result will be regarded a a determination on your part not to recognise the authority of the Government, and as volun tarily courting the penalties of dlaloyalty." Bj the "full enjoyment of all jour rights as citizens of the United States," Gen. Dlx, as Is apparent from the context, means nothing more or lest than the sacred "constitutional" right nf holding negro slaves. It Is precisely that which he 1 romlees, as the most efficient bribe, to In duce the virtuous people of the Norfolk district to vole for j member of Congress The tempta tion will be strong, If not Irresistible. Hlhmgn or Rev. Mr. French. At will be seen, our reporter gives a sketch of the sermon prt-jched li) this gentleman at the Capitol yes terday It will be read with lute rest. There was a little too much of the negro In It to suit certain shoulder-strapped gentlemen, aud others, clerks In tome of the departments, and the) manifested their disapprobation by leading the hall lu high dudgton The pro-slavery eenslilvenens of these gentlemen waa ap parent to all The) , probably, never tonslder tint they oue their present position of good Ford' Theatre. Mr. and Miss Richlng Introduce to-night the fourth week of their brilliant engagement at Mr. Ford' elegant and fashionable establishment, by the production, for the first time In Washington, of a new ope ratic spectacle, by the celebrated Balfe, entitled "Satanella," a sparkling, splendid, and mysti cal piece, combining In one magnificent effect the distinctive and moat fascinating elementsof a grand opera, a delightful apectacle, and an exceedingly attractive and Interesting dram. The Incidental features of the production, Its dances, ballet action, magical tranamogrlflca tlons, mechanical Illusions, tableaux, and deco rative surroundings, are said to be of a sur passingly lovely and agreeable charactir, an effective and animated blending of the beauti ful, the picturesque, and the grotesque. Its scenery 1 aldto ba especially worthy of atten tion, embracing, as It does, some of the most magnificent lllustratlona of the dramatic In acene painting, ever exhibited upon the Ameri can stage. Its performance will tax the full resources of the establishment, requiring the united services of Mr. and Miss Rlcblngs, an enlarged orchestra, under the baton nf Mons. Fenelon, a most brilliant muslclau, a ucnly or ganized ballet troupe, directed by Mons. Ron zanl, and the entire dramatic corps of the the atre, strengthened by the addition of talented Miss Annie Grabame, and Mr. C, B. Bishop,! from Ilolllday Street theatre, Baltimore. taw auju., isw. a uuuhhwu mat dispatch ha been received here from Adjutant Doaa-or me rum newriampsnire, to ineel feet that he la alive and uninjured. There wa an ofticer at the Metropolitan, last evening, late from the scene of strife at Fredericksburg, who told some pretty hard Btorlesofthererersesofour troop In the battle of Saturday. We did not learn hla name and we were loth to believe hla stories. 07" Roland G. Curtln, Esq., of Phlla., has been appointed naval storekeeper at that port. SPECIAL NOTICES. - rnMTlvanl4Ut Attend. THE PKSS tTrJiVJ SOLDIERS' HELILy ASSOCIATION will hold pnblltj meeting la Rcr. Dr. undetliod'a Clnuvtu PwMHtbd-ft-hftir IttMt, betmen C tlrm and touliUn trcBiM, on WEDNESDAY EF.N INO; dm. it. at 1H o'clock. ' ThaOomakittaMtaMhti AHavntHkUan will mftk full report of their Ubort during tha Uit alx moathi. Intereitloir and eminent awaken will be rreaent una aadreit the meeting. Col toll and aoj wounded Midler at heart, are unrentlT requested All tha Members of Ckinrra from Pnnotlv&nl and reildent and aojouraera from tht ttate la thli eltr. and all whohara tha rood of our atek and RUUNN auii to be present! J. M. Sullivan, Beeretary. J. K. MOORHKAP, Prealaent. dee is uta ft flaallhaatilaii f.tiiaaAAnitraan7l,u km will be (tven by Prof. D. V llion, of Canada, on Etbnolory. , , Monday, Dee. IS Subject The Lettered RAees. Wedneidar. Dee. 17 auhleet The Marttltna Raees Friday, Dee. It. Suhjeet-The Orltin of CI villi a tlon. Monday, Do. 23. 8utdect The Hlstorto and unhlstorls Races. ' The lectures will commence at S o'eloelcv Ad mittance fre.. The publlo are Invited. dee 19 krt" Jekla B. Oonah will rlva his latest and best lecture, on " aJoquenoe aud Orators," on MONDAY, December isth,at Dr. Suaderland'a Church. Four-and-a-half atreet. above Pennsylva nia avenue. Doors open atTf lecture to commence ate Tickets. 60 cental reserved seats, ait to be had at BalUntyoe's book-store, 408 Seventh street, below K. This will be the only opportunity to hear Mr. Gourh In this city. dee 13 2t . - DRAKK T. 1800 'X, S PLANTATION BITTERS, They purify, strengthen, and lnvjgorate. , They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to chance of water and diet. iTher oreroome elTeeta of dmlDatlon and late hours. , They strengthen the system and enliven the mind They prevent miasmatic and lntermtttentfereis. Theypurlfythe breathand acidity of theatomaoh. They cure Dyspesla and Constipation. Thev cure Diarrhea. Cholera, and Cholera Mor. bus. ' They cure Liver Complaint and Nenoua Head ache. They are the nest Bitters la the world They mske the weak man atronr, and are exhauated nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St- Croix Rum, th. celebrated Callasya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleaaur. of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. arueuiariv recommenaea 10 aeiicnia ncriona r urrlnr a gentle attmulant. Sold by all Orooers, irrlstl CO , tin Broadway, New York. P. H DRAKE fc at 2 era n-Da.Uhelor'1 Hair Ore The Beat In tha World. William A. Baiehelor'a celebrated ry, No. 81 Barclay street, (Late 333 Broad- 1 It Bond,) New York. my 33 ly Hair Dye produeea a color not to be distinguished from natural warranted not to lnlure Hair in the leastiremedles the 111-enXts of bad dyea, and tnvlg- oraies ine nair lor me. unci, nbiAor nvnii nAininiiuiiT iiuni a ivkuuw wauaur nnian. leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all airurf-ais, - t r- The nnulse la aimed WM. A. B ATCHELOR. r . - . . on The lour slues 01 racn poxi 1-aotoi way and Or Tne Oreat Pennarlvanla Route---The Sutekest nd safest route to the Northwest and outhwest. Twothroughtraloa dally, and one on Sunday, soldiers' tickets at Government rate to all the principal points in the North naa west. For tickets and further Information annlr at th. of- m d . -.-,. nn...-,r....k.... UCVIH liiv urea. icwiijiiMii. nwutr, uuiiii.ui corner Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth atreet,un der National Hotel. Office open from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m ion sundaya 3 le 4 p. m. F.. O. NORTON, aug 8 ly Agent. Q- Special Nolle. On and after Tuesday April 1, 1S63, the tralna on the Baltimore and Obli Railroad will commence runnlne dallr. f Sunday excepted,) leaving this station at 7 46 a. m , and ennnatttlar at Waahlnrton Junction with Mall Train for all parts of the West via Wheeling or Parkersburg. Through tickets sold and barrage cneckeu. v. r. axniirt, M. of Transportation B. st o. R. R. ap 1-dtf rj Weatrna' Frojgrea. of Slavery . Cople. oftniawork are for aaleattheofQceof the National Republican. Pamphlet edition, 30 eenta Bound edition, 70 cents. rxin WAtuHojW, oloBuXTbVrl 'iiro ALgJCAr. 4 dria. The following 1 a correct Hat of all the ho pltalaj In the ebon! vdtlef. with' their loestlons, and the urgeotl In charge of eachii . . Ascension -It. between fithBnd 10th atreet. J.CDorr. . .... -,,,t, Ascension Dr. Smith's Church, 9th between O and II streets. J7C. Dorr. ' 1 Ascension Southern Church, 8th between II and I streets. J, C. Dorr. ' Armory Armory winare, Tin si. v. VY.uiits. Alexandria. 1st division Alexandria. J. E. Summers. ,m Alexandria, Sid division Alexandria. T. R. Bpencet'.'wi'v,t,1'Wfc- --- Has Alexandria, 84 division Aleiandri. , Edwin Dentley. Carver 14th St., hoar Col. Col. 0. A. Jud- aon. r - 1 I Caaparl A st. tooth, east of Capitol. -W. X. Water. 1 - . Cllffbnrne 81st st. Henry Bryant. j Columbian 14th it., Col. Col. T. A. Crosh. College Georgetown. J. M. Brownw d Cranch E St. Bantlat Church, nth and R ata. A. Wynkoop. , n j m Cranch Unitarian Church, nth andiD.tata. A. Wynkoop. ... 1 Camn. ex. and nar. t.rle.--Ner Alaxandrla. J. H. Wythe. 1 . 1 i iatugia ;or. 1 tt. and N. J. are. Dnnbarton Street Georgetown. I1..C. W. Burrett. . ' , Ebcneacr 4th, near G tt. wett. W. E. Wa ter!, r ii t Ecklngton Galea's house, a. T. ave. S. A. Storron. I ... ii - Emory 1) ra.'.east of Capitol., Wm. Cleu denln. ift - --t Epiphany O, bet. 18th aud 14th ate. James Bryan. r 4 Epiphany Baptist Church, 18th bet. G and H. ata. James Bryant t - r" loin rainax seminary 1 mile out Alexandria. David P. Smith. Flnley N. Y. are., near Galea' farm J. Moses. ji) iihr- Ilarewood 7th atreet, Corcoran' farm. T. Antlsell. t - 1 Island Hall Corner Virginia avenue and 6th street. Wm. Hayes. Judiciary Buare-rE street, between 4th and 6th. Chaa. Page. - r Kalorama Sltt street, near Boundary. It. J. Thorn. 9 lit. Pleasant 14th street, near Boundary. C. A. McCall. Odd .Fellow' Ball K U, near Navy Tard. W.E. Waters. ,,, Patent Office 9th street. A, Thompson. PreebyterlanChnrch Georgetown. B, Knick erbocker. , 1 ityland Chapel D atreet, corner 10th, Island. V.B. Hubbard. Ryland Chapel Graco Church, D street, cor ner 8th.. V. B. Hubbard. Seminary Georgetown. Landon Well. Stone 14th street, near Boundary P. Glen nan. St. Elliabeth Inaane Aaylum, Eaat'n Branch. C. lt. Nichols. o St. Aloyslus K street, between 1st and 3d. T. B. Laahella. Trinity O street, corner 3d. A. J. Baxtar. Trinity Printing office, corner 2d street and Indiana avenue. A. J. Barter. Trinity Chnrch Georgetown. M.F. Bowes. Union Chapel Both street, near Pennsylva nia avenue, W. II. Butler. Union Hotel Corner Bridge and Washing ton streets, Georgetown. Geo. W. Stlpp. Qnsrtermaster'a 17th street. l N ATlUlf'Ar. LOAN. For the Republlcen. Decimbzr 12, 180 J. Diar Sib 1 On terdar. Gen. McClellan entertained the Kentncky delegation, with the exception of that truly loyal man, Casew, with a amner in a private room at miiaraa-i Rep resentative "Somersault" Cox, from Ohio, Little Mae's fugleman, acting aa master of cere monies. They are running thla McClellan presidential team In great ahape. Splendid team thlai Powell, WlckllrTe, Cox and McClellan. Blrda of a feather, Ac Ed. Rep. uen. .Martiuaaie, who has been m Uuk as i. t , ,1.. .. r, i,,i 1, .., i. rr m mlUttry gOTeraor during th. absence tf Gen th,j oui,, probabl), never hate got above Wadiwonli, will now probably u , r,nicJ Ultir i ei-thclrcle of bool-blackt. The ne- to that command. Tut Babkbcpt Law. Thlt measure comes up In CoDgrest agtln on the 18th, and we trum It will beputuponlls passage and soon become u law. It la a measure of urgent necessity, and tht whole country, creditor as well as debtor, should tld to Influence the sdoptlon of this bill We cm tee no valid objection to its Immediate pttiage, but, on the contrary, we do aee many cogent reatont why It should become a law Why should thousands of the best business under a marriage engagement, which would men in the country be kept under when a mea. have been consummated In about u month. If ture like this will relieve them, and thua add I his life had been spared to th substantial wealth nf the country ' gro hus enabled them Jo put Government money in their pockets, to spend In Idleness about our hotels, and in places of questionable repute. It was meet that they should show contempt for the humane senilments expressed by the I readier Gen IUyird This general, who fell glo riously at Frederlckaburg, wos very young, considering his rank and services. He was only (boat twenty-eight years of age. He was See a woman in another tolumu nlcklnar Ttiiei)Owxu.t.oiJBi or irtgciBr will here. Bambncl Grape, for Speer' Wne. It Is an after hold Its tetilont In the commodious and ' admirable article, used In hospitals, aud by the comfortable room over the restaurant on the I first famllle In Pari, London and New York, eonthwest corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and In preference to old Port Wine. It it worth a Fourteenth street. I trial, at lt give great satisfaction. tf CAr.TERBt.RT. The fact that thla place of amusement has been filled six nights In the week for more than a contlnuoua year, and that, too, rrgardleta of the condition of the atreeta and weather, la quite sufficient to ludl- i ate the remarkable attractiveness of the per formancea. "Hare yon been to see the mar veloua dancing pirouette and pantomime exhl bltloua or the inimitable Gallettl, Velarde, and Pennoyer 1" Is now the question on the tongues of all who delight In what Is most graceful, elegant, and enchanting In this line of wonder fully accomplished performancea. The man agement of thla theatrical establishment have amply maintained their determination euun elated at Its opening to employ the best artistes and furnish the best performances In their line of amusements the country could afford. Not only do )ou see their music und poetry sbadoned out before juu In graceful, fairy-like attitudes, movements and forms, but you are delighted also with the most sweet and delight ful melody of the "human voice divine." "Drunkard'a Dream," Bang by the modest and graceful Miss Nelly Taylor, at our last visit to this establishment, waa a neat gem In Its kind, aa waa " Down the stream bo merrily," which ehe tang on being vociferously recalled before the curtain. After reveling In these faaclnstlng, dream like scenes, one Is reminded, when they are gone, of the fine verse of Anacreon, In which be describes himself a having dreamed that he wat punning a beautiful damsel for a kiss and nnhspplly waked a moment too soon " Whn, as I sought to snstch a kiss, The vision fled the sleep of bllssj And left alone, I felt In vain The torturing wish to sleep again." ARRIVAL. OF WOUNDED FROM THE BATTLE-FIELD. Last night, about nine o'clock, the steamer George Weems, from Aqnla Creek, arrived at the Sixth street wharf, bringing 350 officer and soldiers, who were wonnded In the battlea of Frederlckaburg. Ambulances were promptly In attendance, and the sufferers conveyed to the various hospitals with unusual promptness. These men are not dangerously wounded, but are principally auch a were able to walk, and thus managed to be the first to get to the boat. The following officers came up In the Weems. They remained on board last nlghti Brig. Gen, Gibbon, wounded In the hand by a piece of a shell. Brig. Gen. Kimball, of Indiana, wounded In the thigh severely by a section of a shell. Col. Robert Nugent, Sixty-ninth New York) contusion of tho side by a shell. A rifle ball ttruck the handle of hla platol by bla aide, breaking the wooden portion lu pieces, and wounding him also. Major Bardwell, llCtli Pa. wounded In the left hand. It waa thought amputation would be necessary, but there la hope of saving the hand. .Major O'Nell, 03d N. Y.j wounded in the right arm Just below the elbow. Capt. Thoe. Leddy, acting major of the 69th N. Y. arm. Capt. Toal, company K, tHHh N. Y. right arm and aide. Capt. Moore, company A, 03d N. V. arm. Lieut. O'Nell, company D, 69th N. Y.j arm. In addition to the above, the following caau alttea are reported 1 Lieut. Col. Godmaat, 4th Ohio, wounded In the leg, ererely. Capt. Wallace, company A, 4tn Uhloi se verely. Col. Wiaewell, 28th N. J. wounded lu the month and throat, severely. Col. Snyder, 7lh Va, wounded In the head, severely. Capt. Houghton, couipau) 0,14th Ind.j leg, slightly. Lieut. Joseph R. Hwlgent, aid to uen. Klm bal) thigh. Capt. Kelley, company A, 14th Ind.) killed. This brave officer had Just recovered from a wound received In the battle of Antletam. Capt. Been, company n, ltth Ind.i leg, slightly. Llent. Baker, company A, 14th Ind 1 leg ahot off below the knee. Lieut. Berry, company C, 14thlnd.i Ughtly. The 14th Indiana regiment suffered terribly In the beginning of the engagement, losing half It number. The entire brigade of Gan, Kimball Buffered In the same proportion. Major Horgen, 88th N. Y. killed. Capt. Burke, 88th N. Y. wounded In the hand. Capt. Hart, of the B8th N. Y., acting Assist ant Adjutant General to General Meagher; wounded. vr e w ounitEMor MAOIC POCKET-BOOKS. OFFICIAL. DXPABTMXBT OP STATE, Washington, January 25, 1862. The Secretary of State will hereafter receive members of Congress on business on Saturdays, commencing with Saturday, the first of next month. WILLIAM II. SEWARD. A Isrre sssortment for the Hollda)a, t wholesale J. R. DILLON, Sole manufacturer, No 17 Ann street, (uMtslrs,) deo IS lw New York. TO THE VOTERS OF WASHINGTON. The Assessors of the different Wards will meet at the following placee from 10 o'clock a. m. till 3 o'clock p m , from the 14th to the tlst of De cember, Inclusive, to correct and register the names of those omitted from the poll list 1 1st Ward. John A. Rheem, 173 Pennsylvania av enue, between 17th and 18th streets 3d Ward Thomas Stewart, corner 13th and H streets 3d Ward Henry Curtis, corner or H and ltth 4th Ward Thomas W. Burch, 6th street between Gand llstrret fithWnrd. It P D t r. residence, Ten Buildings bih vt .rd George Collard, at T. Edw. Clark's of- nce, yirirlntaaienue, Deiweenvinanaiuinsirrcia 7th Ward. Peter Hepburn, No. 85 eouth F street, between 8th and 9th sireets west, de lt-dtai TO INVENTORS AND PATENTEES. MUMM i CO . nronrietorsof the Sclentlflo Amer ican, and agents lor procuring Amrrlcan and For "1 . With Mxtten Yean ttperienet in the Jiutitusi. Refer to Hon. Judge Maaon, Hon. Joirph Holt, Hon W. D. Minor, exCommliiloneri of Patent!, nf. tnmoi-A thin nlttta thouiaod lore titort who have had builneaa done through Munn fc. Co ' Pa tent Agency, Pamphlet of advice aent free by mall. patrnt taws and Regulations, 100 pagei, 23 centi, No charge for consultation, orally or by mall, preliminary lamination la United States Pa irni uuitTtr. tjv Offices, No 37 Park Row, NewYorkt Washing ton, corner oi anu net cum .,.is;;i, uyiuaivs nm Patent Offlee. mar 14 mlf illU rnNFHHfHONB AND ujaiii.iaaiinub or AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a warning and A CAUTION TO 10UNG MFN who sutler from Spermatorrhea, Ner ous Debility, Premature Decay, etc , supplying, at the same time, THE MEANS OK SELF CUJU.. Dy one who has cured himself, after being put to great expense and Injury through medical humbug and quackery By enclosing' a post paid addressed envelope, sIokIc ccplea may be haa of the author. NATHANIEL MAI PAIR, Esq not 29 03 ml f Bedford, Kings Co , N. Y. "PROPOSALS FOR IIOIIBKS. Depot QuAKTXBMAarEK't Orricr, Corner Eighteenth and O streets, Waahlnrton, D. C, Dee. IS, 18G3. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Tuesday, the 3M day of December, at 13 o'clock m , for furnishing the Government with (3,600) twenty-Ore hundred Horses, of the follow Ine descriptions, lu CAVALRY. For Cavalry, (1 sCOO) one thousand five hundred Hnrua. from lis. fifteen to f 1C1 sixteen hands hlch between five and eight years of age) of dark colors) well broken to the saddlej compactly built, and free from all defects. ARTILLERY. For Artillery, (1,000) one thousand Horses, from (tK) fifteen and one-half to (16) sixteen hand high, between fit e and eight years of aret of dark colors i free from all defects ( well broken to har ness compactly built, and to weigh not less than 1,100 pounds. - PROPOSALS. The full name and post office address of tle bid der must appear In the proposal. If a bid Is made In the name of a Arm, the names nr nil th nirtua must aDDear. or the bid will be considered aa the Individual proposal of the party Proposals from 4UUtyal pariltt will notbtccmid crrd, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposition. . proposals must specify clearly whether the bid is for Cavalry or Artillery Horses, and in no cat must both be bid for on the same paper. . If any bidder wishes to propose for both classes, h en. ! ftirwaid two dial In el iiroiosals--one for each class, compUtt in Utet and having no refer ence to any other proposal by the same party. Proposals must n aaurrssea io uoi v. n. nut.. er. Quartermaster U. S. array. ashlogton, D. C , and should be plainly marked " Proposal for Horses " GUARANTEE. The ability ef the bidder to fill ihe contract, should It be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsible pesons, whose signatures must be -JC. ikl It.. ..? ls Mi.nlnH mini h. ine reapuuaiiM-jr u. . au"i"u.wir "---.: mtwi cenincaie THE NEW , SIX PER CKirr. BOND of the " N unitkd' STATES, PAYABLE TWENTY YEARH FROM DATE, (Or after five rears, at option of the Government ) TITO COUPON BONDS, - !n euma of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, and ONE,TH0USAND DOLLARS. THE REGISTERED BONDS, In euma of FIFTY DOLLARS, ' ONE HUNDRED' DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED, DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, .. and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, INTEREST COMHENCINO AT DATE OF PURCHASE, And payable Beml-annually IN GOLD. These Bonus are the CHEAPEST GOVERNMENT SECURITY now in the market, The Interest, at present price of cola, bains; equiv alent to 8 Pea Cert. In currency. FOR SALE BY JAY COOKE at. CO., BANKERS, 45f FlrseeiaMt Street, DKALCat IN aoremiMSKT bonds, TREASURY NOTES, ' CEnTIFKATES, ARMY AND NAVV VOUCHERS,'- COIN, CURRENCY AND tiXCHAbOE. deo 10 if ' - " ij W T IDOl annun hv tht (ifrli nearest District Court or of the United states Die- let Attorney. ... Bidders must be present In person when the bids us eredi i will not be consld- W. uuninehh. "and collecting. Cnpt. John Donavan, C&th N. Y. wounded. I door. TJKW O It K LAW, HNANCIAL INVOICE BILLS BUSINESS NOTES NEGOTIATED, PnoTCiTcn Notes awd Def-eered Accounts Bouohtand Collected STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD FXCLUSIVFLY ON COMMISSION GOVERNMENT OLAIMS BOUGHT. By O.K. HOUSC, Counsellor at Law, 45 Nassau street, New York. Or Ten years lu State and United States Courts. Advice gratis apl S pEHSONAI. lloptitts C'tiiei art being Cured Daliy, by ijtitl Magnetltm, Call aud sve the names of some of the first citizens of Washington, who tn e Uen restored to health. Gout, Piles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scuny, Nervous Complaints, and Female Weaknesses, in y arlahly cured without fail MRS. WREN, 446 K street, between Sixth and Seventhstreets. N-D The city cars pass within a square of the nov 7 im certificate of the Clerk of the trlct Attorney. nidderi mui are opened, or their proposal nnnrtai uiiisl tn atmntint to onvhl1f the Sum to be received on the contract, signed by the contractor and both Of his guarantors, will be required nf the successful bidder upon signing the contract As the bond must aocompany the contract, it will be necessary for bidders to have their bondsmen with them, or to have bonds signed In anticipation and ready to be produced when'the eontract is Blanks for bonds can be brocured upon applica tion being made at this office, either personally, by letter, or by telegraph Form oj uuaranw. We, , of the county of , and state of , tD4 . of the county of , and State of , do hereby guaranty that Is able to fulfil a con tract, In accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that should bis proposition be accepted, he will at onoe enter into a contract In accordance therewith. , M Should the contract be awarded hlu we are pre pared to become his securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate above mentioned ) INSPFCTION, DELIVERY, fcc. All Horses contracted for under this advertise ment will be subjected to a rigid Inspection, and those not conforming to the specifications will be rejected Ma Mnrtim ur41l Kst ?..' ml Tt.. lines. must h 4llvr(d In this CltV. Wltttltt twenty days from the date of the contract, and no txtnuion oi time win oe buic to u ? v.tjan.n tn it mail., iiDon the comoletlon of the contract, or so soon thereafter as the Depot Quar- lermasier snaii u iu iuuui. Anitifnptntiittf in tha bid. or non-conformance with the terms of this advertisement, will insure "MffiJRTKwsitaioUof .aoo. two hundred each, unless the Depot Quartermaster should aeemiwor inewxerwui .iisiuinn." The Depot Quartermaster reserves tohlmself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem too nign D H. RUCKER, Colonel and Depot Quartermaster. deo lfr-dt23 JDWAIIUI.YCKTT No. 311 Penh. Ave , Washington, D C. Books bound In eery style Turkey, Morocco, Russia and Calf. JeT. OH1TJI . BEAX..U No. 381 SEVENTH O 6treet,btweenIandKstreets, Is the Cheapest Clothing House In town. Try them. nov 21-4 tnti U WALL. A. CO. Are now receiving on commission from the Northern Manufactories A VERY LARGE AND EXTENSIVE n, STOCK OF , FURNITURE., , oomprlslnf i Mahogany, Walnut, and Imitation Wardrobes . Walnut, Mahogany, Marble-top, and Plain Bu reaus Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, Arm, Easy, and Parlor Chairs Jenny Und, French, Cottage, Plain, and other Parlor, Cane, ami Wood-seat Chairs and Rock ers Hair and Shuck Mattresses, Bolsters and Pillows Comforts, Blankets Book Cases, Writing Desks, and Tables Card Tables, Centre, Tablet. ( Cottage Setts large variety Marble-top Tables, Children's Chairs Mahogany and Walnut Sideboards Whatnots, Etageres, Hat Racks Marble-ton and Plain Washstands Ingrain, Three-ply, and other Carpets, Olluoth H With a larre variety of Goods In the Furnlshlor H line, all of which must be sold to close out the M stock, and offers inducements to parries During, as the Goods are of good quality. Call at their large and spacious salesrooms, In jthe rear of their auc t ton room. irtf f Auctioneer, de s?W South corj Pa. av. and &th at. -KT01lCBU.DINNEnS. BUPPK X lulls, Private and Public Parties. KB, j The Subscriber, at the urgent request of the Clt em of Waahlnrton ana the PUDito reneraiiv. nas now resumed his out-eide family business, In the supplying of DItftERSt PARTIES, SAPPERS, MEAT DISUES, aero lu aiiy liartut luu viit ....-..'.-, .. ad will tie superintended ty the Subscriber tn per- J Theproprletor'woul(llsOt)eleare to remind-! hlB ratrons ot this branch, that the late Store K and Saloon haa been changed to a Geotlemen'a Res- f taurant. The Ladles who will faror him with il.i. n. ..fill flml nn ttia fiaionnil rlfti-ir " mcir -iniu.KB w. .,-. a--. ..--., - handsomely furnished Reception Room, In which Mrs. Gavtieb will be happy to receive their or ders. Fntrance by the Prlt ate Door. C GAUTIER, novsaeolin 2M Pennsylvania avenue TAT(JHKK,JKVELny.ANDBII.VEH- I have now on hand a One and well selected as sortment of Gold Jewelry, a large stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, tAnd all kinds of STAXV41W SILVER-WARE, r r ' ifmirfium mtmuiALture I Silver-nil ted Goods. Table and Pocket Cutler) t 1 Gold, Silver,' and steel Spectacles, and a varlet) of u oiner aooa. aw wniituuj mtiin6 "" supplies of all new articles as fast as they appear In the market, and elwaj a at .he lowest rates Please call and examine my '"..,. fla 1. HWUi deo It lw No. 333 Penosj lvanla avenue. - ' bet. Ninth and Tenth sts 'H T?VURYBODVSttenUonlacaUetltoour J AJ new etocic oi morning tor euta im jxjjti- u which we have Just recehed, and oiler for sale at very ow sepM tm proprietors of Oak Hall Clothing Room? -VM . -1m V