Newspaper Page Text
ttTatfjprfwm SBEOllXii k'utioe, i i, (, DR. M. VEIANT'S PrlTta Hospital, In the Pednl Block, rorr of Btnnth and F etiwta. oppoejt lb Port nd Patent Office.. Boonn Md 1M, gp etslrc, Washington, D. 0, All iseaeeaof a private niture treated In the molt tdeatule manner, and radical cures ff Terted la all usee. SYnULITIO AFFEC TIONS, QONORRB(EA, OLEET, STRICT ORES, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, or the result of VOLUPTUOUS DREAMS, or any wml tMtotiu.GENERATirZOROANStrom.By casta whatever, or how long standing, thor oughly and radically cured) also OOVT, RBEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, and other OBB0NI0 DISEASES ot& NERVES, MUS CLES, SOKES and JOINTSt SCROFULA, BLoTCBES on the FACE, ERUPTIONS on the MCT5antt" .SODT; and all other ERUP ' TTTE DISEASES, and DISEASES of the BLOOD, from vhaUwr rauM they may have arfn. x AFFUOTED AND UNK0R1 ONATK ' No matter what your djeeaielet no false del 1cecj prevent you from applying Immediately to Dr. Yellny, who. la. acknowledged to be by far the most BTJCCISSnJL'PnTSTCIAN In the treatment of private, diseases., Fear not to come and make known your misfortunes, and be wlil speedily aend you on your way rejoicing;. - SELF-ABUSB, That dreadful scourge of the young, Indulged in when alone, destroya the: generatlre organs, unfile yuu for married life, producing Veaknees of the back and limbs, lots of anima tion and mutcular powrr, palpitation of the heart, nervous Irritability, loss of memory, mel ancholy habits, Insanity, consumption, and death. YOUNG MAN I In Tiew of the dreadful con sequences of delay, do not fail to make your caaa known, Immediately, to Dr. Vellny. Your secrets with him are sacred, and you may con fidently rely upon hla medical skill. Thousands whose eystems were shattered and who were on the brink of the grare, bare been brought back to rigorous health br his skilful treatment, M V IU1I All i: ' i thofe FisniemnlatlniT icoee contemplating Married persons, or matrimony, who auspect themselves of linpo- tency, seminal weakness, or any disease arising irom a reined etate of the genital organs, whether the mult of dlieaso, Injury, Youthful Indiscretions, or Indulgence of the passions In riper years, are earnestly tntreated to place themielrea under the caro of Dr. V. Theymay rely with certalntyupouaspeedycuri'.andup on being restored to full health and rigor. lie treats with entire success all diseases ol females, mchtt LEUCORRHeAot WHITES, LAPSUS UTERI, Ac, Ac, and In erery case guarantees a perfect CURE. FEES moderate, and VISITS and COMMU. NICATIONB itrlctly PRIVATE and CONFI DENTIAL. PlKsoira calling aee no one but the Doctor. Thoee at a distance may be trcsted by, Ly'aendlng a STATEMENT of CASE, Ac., Ac. jy 2 am W rilil.I AM PITCH, ATT0RXEY FOR CLA1MAXTS, COHITER Or CEVEN7H AND F STAEETS, OppotUe th Post Offler, WASHINGTON, D. C , Prosecute Claim for Pensions, Bounty Money, Bounty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Recruiting Officers, and all other Just Claim aralaat the Gm - eminent. Also. Patents procured for Inventors. Special attention given to cases before the Cuurt I of Claims. Fees reasonable In all caaes, to wltt I In each Pension case, - - b oo ' Bounty Money case, suo Bounty Land case, a oo I Pay Claim, - - - - - joo WUows and miner children who are poor, half' the abore rates. Those who are extucmely i Diexxr, free of charge, except mere disbursements Correspondents will be entitled to shsre the fees in all case they forward Consulting counsel, Hon R H GILLFT, Ute United State bolleltor of the Court of Claims and former Solicitor of the Treasury. Special Reftrtnctt by Pertnltttont Hon. Richard Wallach, Mayor of Washington. Hon. W. W, Scaton, ex-Major of Washington. Lewis Johnson fc Co , Bankers, Washington Sweeny b. Hurck, Banker. W aahlogtoo i Fx-Goveraor Hunt, of Lockport, New iork. Judj;e Gardiner, of Lockport, New lork tiou. inn uanaoa, Biaie senator, uuualo, It. V li-in. Burt Vanhorn, member of Congress from New Your. Hoiub. W Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Buf falo. Messrs. Hubble A Davis, Counsellors, Butf.lo, NY Judge Bowen, of Lockport, New York Judge Woods, of Lockport, New York. Hon T T Flagler, ex-member of Congress irom New Yom. Hon John Ganson, President of the New York and Erie Bank, Buffalo, N oct 28 2m BOSWELL'fl MEDICATED CO II OH CAM)! for C0UQH& COLDS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA. And all indolent etaotl of Contvtnrttion. For ssle, wholesale and retail, by O. BOSWECL. DrnUt Cor Maryland aienue and Seventh at., Z D. OILMAN Pens arenue, near Browns' Hotel Anl Charles Allen, V D Entwule D. B,CUrk, John R. Major, L M. SmlUi, B C.Major, H 11. MePhersoo, J W Nairn, A. C. Ford, J D O'Donnal, J P Mllburn, J. r Dawson, Charles St ott, D G Rldgely In Georgetown by Mdwcll, Sothoron, 9risll aod Barssrd And by Druggists aod Sutlers generally, jan 16 PORTABLE JUILCH VOH THIS AltM.. pouTABLK MII.I4I FOR THK ARMli 1 OrnrroTDoT c.ia.i WashinTtoDNSV -, W luveutors and manufacturers are lnrlted till the RMPJ 1662J t0 Pre,o models and samples of Portable Mills for grinding whest and corn lor 1st U SI iue KIOl' The foliOWlnat are tha faafntUI pnndltlnna tha mills must oorabine to receive consideration when presented br Plni peculation, model and sauiplf 1st. Not to weigh over t n entr.fh e pounds 3d The grinding surface ij be ol Lutr -tout bTOOved chilled Iron or steel, anl the general n t ruction of the mill to be antUou tu thut oi & i ones mill id. Each mill to be capable of grinding 6o jxjiiu.1 of fine flour or meal per hour, and in I capable of teUig worked by one man. ilh F&flh will to ha 10 conktructcd. If ntcratiiri . that it can be separated into two part ol equal itnfihof march, lack of transportation, or fatigue of the men, or other cause render Its carriage too fui, iq ti ( u ciriicu vy iwo men inuuiu lllu 6th. Each mill to be capable of beimr attached lo w(itu.groD nmu. awagontongne,branehoftree,orstackofmuket. Inventors will submit plans specifications, or mod- ela of their mills, or sample oi the mill Itself, In the present of a board of officers. They will be re- quired to present Indisputable evidence of their mill combining the eaaenttal oondlUons above enumerated by causing the mill to be worked in the presence of the said board. If a mill be presented containing all of the above condition, and ita cost be sufficiently reasonable . . llaa jtf thai ru. i .. ' . ... purchase, a large number will very probably be I bought for the uaa of the armj . a aH tvtuava va .h vwyadiuYUt IW WarraOl 1IB a or mnaiT miuiiiwiwu vvi i no. 4'j u si., i Washington, D. C no 56 1 -- I TTJIT UXCKTVXD--OUR NEW STOCK OF U Fall tnd Winter CL0TJIIN0, which we are eUliigat rerylowpiicesft i.. . 1 L. A. BEALL A CO 'S, Ho. SSI Seventh tret , ( ep so-4m between 1 and K, nAivriMoujo1 and omo railroad. KiaaaaaaaBflaaaaaaHaaaV1' 1 WrBryS-WSTT Passenger TrsJnn from Vaahls.fftau. THF PASSENGER TRAINS. . etwtea' - ' WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, AND THE WEST will run a follows .fie Daily Trains; to "fi'athtngton and th Wttt, Too Daily Train between fTtfaYn and th4 We$U On 5usdys,lAr train to Batiinortand one to the HVif as follows. 1 . m , and a end 6 p. ra. Passengers forth Wesfmake clot connection! lit Washington with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all points West, at lower relet of fart than any other Itiu rf JVr Philadelphia and New York-trrt Washington at a. tn , n a. m , and s p. m. Fur AnnepoliLr Washington at a. m. and Snap m run all ruma tii.aat and Station alonfflhe BiltlmoM 1 leave Washington at end 7 40 m l ana on bunaavs ai . p. u. TRAINS MQVINQ SOUTH teat e New York at 1 h u, Philadelphia at 11 SO a m . Baltimore at s 48 p. m. Attire at Washing- ton at 6 30 p fit IAHT mtT om ai p. u , nuiiiuriiua m www . m , Baltimore at 4 30 a. m. Airlvt at Waehlng on at 6 20 a m Leave New York at U p. ft. , Philadelphia at S.S0 a. m , Baltimore at 7 40 a. m. Arrit at Washing ton at 9 24 a. tn. , Local Accommodation Tratna leare oaiumore at 10 a, m. and 6 10 p m , for Waahtn(ton arrtre there at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. On Sundaya at 4.30 and 7 40 a. m . onlr. from Bal timore1 No AnoapolU connection! on Sundar from Balti more or aihloston. Patsenzera learloi Waahlncton at and 7.40 a m. and sp.u, make connecttona at Washington .Juno- ..Ah i n.1vt Hasi ...Iab An tnA Halt Ifn ns. Bnil ilnlA tlou (Relay) with trains on the Baltimore and Ohio rauroaa, lor au poim wmi oi mc win iitci- nuu for all polnta alont; the line of the Baltimore and unio ruia, in naryiana ana Virginia Trains leae AnnanoU for Baltimore and Wash. Inrion diily, except Sunday, at 6 45 a. m , and 3 40 n II m.anrffin tn . and uVltlmorO at 430 and 7 ra ana s ou p m , nop oniy m ihh,vii u Washington Junctions ay Pn ar PuKTitrfri must take the Accommodation Trains only W P. SMITH, noi 1 Master of Transportation. A DAMS KXPHCSH COMPANY, Office ol Ptnu. mretsue, Washington Ctty, D. C. GKKAT EAflTERN, NORTHERN, akd WEST ERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. Mrrehiintllae, Money Jevtelrst ValaaableaJ No tea. Btocka, Haauta, h I orwardeJ with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to all accessible sections of thepuntn. Thla Company has Agencies In the principal railway towns In the NORTH, FAST, WEST, AND NORTHWEST. Its principal offlce are WASniXOTOA't D. C, A'. YORK, B0STOX, PHILADELPHIA, RALTIMORZ.CIX' CIXXATL ST. LOUIS. LOUIS TILLE, LEX1XQT0X. Connection are made at New York and Boston with lines forwarding to the Canada and the OrtUnh rrorlnces,and with steamship lines to Llr- erpooi, souinampion, ana narre, ana inence or uropean expresses to all prominent commercial town; Jn Cre;t BrltAln thc continent Collection of ftous, uraits.anti uuismaaeai au accessible parts of the United Slates C C. DUNN, Agent, je 1? Washington, D. C OOMES A BltOWN, SOLICITORS OP PATENTS ND CLAIMS UettulUe. Pensions, Boats PT Officer a1 fleertiltliutt aunlollotber Juat Claims, a era in at the Government. UKFICF N0.470SEVENTH STREET, , (Departmem Excnanfte,j i Wasiiinotoh. D.C. I Ami Xo. 2 Park Place, torner of Rroadvxiy, i J UrU A IlKTi IUT7irr VI ! opposite Citff IlaR, JWie York. Uefer, by parmlaaltin, to Hon Hannibal Hamlin, lec President, Me Martin KaltQelsch, Mayor City of Brooklyn i Abl Jah Mann, Jr, New York City t John N.Goodwin, M. C, Me i Thomas M. Edwards, M. C. N. H t Ed ward II. Rollins, M. C, N. H 1 Alex. H. Rlc, M. C , Mass John B. Alley, M. C , Maa ( Alfred A. Burnham, M. C, Conn i Dwirht Looml, M. C, Conn i John A. Gurley, M. C, Ohio t Jam ea M. Ashlei , M. C, Ohio; Sidney Edgerton,M. C, Ohio) John Hut china, M. C., Ohloi John Covode, M. C, i ra i Robert Mc Knight, M. c , ra t jusun s wor 1 rill, M V t Vt ; John F. Potter, M. C , Wi Z. i chandler, M C., Mich.) Jame H. Lane, M. C, I hansasi Cyrus Aldrlch, M. C, Minn.; Wm. Kel . logtr, M C , 111.; John T. Nixon, M. C , N. J t John L. N Stratton, M. C , If. J t P. B Fouke, M. C, ill I uncn lAti JQJ V v i ui r r. stur, r, .u. C , Mo Elbrtdge G, Spauldlng, M C.N. Y.t Al fred Fly, M. Cm N. Y.; Major General H. B Dur- ' TClIfl CJLUI1, CaHJ , ritl tllUllUl.Ulirv -aii Banic i fitiepnera Knapprsq, rres. mecnanics' Bank' Jys-tf YNTEniOK ADORNMENTS. 4lO 480 l'AVER HANGINGS. OF Alt OnADESAKD PRtCEl. Warrauted Gold Band Window Shades t BulT, Green, and Blue Holland Shades, all slissj made to order Alo, a lundaome assortment of Picture Cord and Tassels, all sUe aodcolor. Purchasing for cash, and allowiiik-. uo old stock to accumulate, persons needing the nbore goods will tlud it to their advantage to glre iue a call. All tarrtt-b Triitt1 avnil turMtrlnln tdbr nraftlril , men, who litre served a regular prentlceshlp at their tradt Satisfaction guaranteed, or no ruj required. Please give tue a call. Bern ember the number JOHN MARKRITFR, No. 4S6 Seventh street, Llf ht doors abore Odd Pel lows' Hall novSS lj T 'KKTlll TEETH 1 M L00MIS, M D , the Inventor and patentee cf the Mineral Plate Teeth, attends personally at his offlce in this citr, cannot wear lucse I'eraansca line ai mromce canoe acoommouaiea with any st j le and price of Teeth they ma) desire; , !r M frnATKwpt.v but to those who ate particular, anl with the pur avAiiof.rno, dajmeat. strongest, and most perfect denture t that art can produce, the Mineral Plate will be more fully warranted Rooms In this city No 333 Pennsylvania ave nue, between Mnth and Tenth street Also, 907 Arch street, Philadelphia mar is iy ; MILE DUPIIK, IRON UAL,, 390 1'cunsy-lrauta Avenue, WhoUtaU and Retail Dealer tn 1'INKST FAMII.V GHOCKHIKS, I'RFXCH and OERMAX WINES, UQUOR CORDIALS, CHAMPAGNES, MAXDT, RUM, OIX, , CI0A d' BACCO, i H now on bcJ I , , trr M attorimtnt of the above, at fair prices , auruRs BUPpLii u. nut 2-Tfcbtf iN Kt ANIiNlMFMFIEDMETIIOU FOR PIANO FORTF AND SINt.ING PROr ALEXANDER WOI.OW8KI, riAtnr, vocaust and t ovposrw, Hn uivned ladles and Gentteni. n's Afternoon f o Uoaj and Fienliig(o'clo.kj tuging Classes, uu muni noerai irriua rwinwr 'luiumai nm aUo cxplalu the full theory of Muaic and Reading b hU sjstem Ii Professor 'olowski's new method, a person lii.lnjf onh a tllirht knowledge of musla will be i ensl'led.ln aiery short time, to rend music with great facility, aud execute operatic as well as I classical muic with rare perfection As to the ocal part, bj his wa vt vocalliatlon, ! lie arrlt es at diobI extraordinarj n suits, renders the tolce powerful, and enables the singer to to calixe with faclllt), accuracj.and nne qualltj of tone I Prof Wolowskl receives visitors dally from lOto I Hi m and from 3 to 4 p m , at his residence, No I a( TV, t-tatttn V ainrl V I iiuiu auini n.rr vvh u , , N B Children over eight years of ace are ac cepted dee imd M A INF. AOICNC1 SOLDIERS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION. Offlc., No. 316 F street, cor Thirteenth. Communications to be addrcie4 to J W, HATHAWAY, Stat. Afeat, oct is ti Lock box M, Washington, V. C VIW BOATaWHMW CARv ' rjul -. lfirbk BOfTOK.1 JiHE tn bfi NEW,L01tION(, NORWICH, and .WORCXSTKfl . DAILTf ftnndari Exoepted,) At 4 O'clock, P. M . noM' firn 9 n. r., foot or vestry street. The new and mafnlflcent tteamer CITY OP DOS iuii, m, iicosa comniiNiri iron new ioik- Tueadara. Thuradaya, and Raturdajrit and from New London MondnTi, WedneadaTi, and Jftdya The new and macllltent tteamer CITY OF NEV vnA lusjuaata m criiii duiuiukuuti-, iruw iiww "York Monday , Wed oeadara, and Fiidarei from new juonaoniueaaajii isiurBuafa, ana Miar data. nd Ohio Railroad I 'f for thla route, with all modern lmprorementa, ln i a m and l so d dlnf Water Tlfht Compartment, and are the ia.mtana 'P-onlr .teamera erer tmllt for Lonv Iiland Sound i neie iwo ne w aieamera nare oeen puuv expreaa- with thla treat Ufe-Dreaenrlna lmnrorement. Conductor accompany the ateamera each way. Paiienrera proceed from New London Immediate ly on arrlTAt of ateamera. by ExpreatTraluto Boa ton, Worcester. Lowell, Lawrence, Fttchbur( Naahua. Concord, the White Mountain, Jw). . Faaeentniri returning from Boston leare the De pot of the Boston and Worcester railroad at 0S0 1. M , Worcester 7 P. M . arrlrlnc at New London SOP. M. r ,, r , ,, Frelxht taken at the Lowest Rite, and dellrer ed 1a Boaton early the next day. State Rooma In abundance, can be had on boart steamers, or at the Boston or New 1 ork offices, U adrance. E. S. MARTIN, Arnt, my tf Pler,N. R. yi nr.T afwrn at. nnttirv VT . For the U'eat, via JfUDSOX RJVEIt RAILROAD and A'A h. v h.jvv .vn.v YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. OiTamo Ar-rm Dcccmsxh 9t ltl, -....-.. KxprestTralna leave New York city depot ol Iludaon Rlret aUUroa4datly.Sundayexcepted, aa follows r t ; From Chamber street Frm nh street station At 7 95 a. hi. 11) a m., 0 90p.m. ijWp.m -- 10.40 p. ra. 11, Ap.ta s 15 p m. t Montreal and Buffalo Train with leeplnf J ull.lllip.M. 3 ua Bonaer, ue iou and from Sothatreett iTna will be run to pKJ. eleeplng cm lln t so a. m. from train for AloanT and Troy, Tror. and eM ix m. train nonvJUbanr. Conntlnra Albany with the New York Cen tral Ratirood for Schenectady, Rocheatar, Utica, , uiutr, ituu BiKiiuua uu mmh mm i iicrs town Railroad, Buflhlo, Syracuse, Niagara Fall, Suspension Bridge, Auburn, Genera, Cauaddalgua. t Traiaaia connection learn Buffalo ami suspen-.onTlalAke8iweBQe4Jo-aA4LHaHuron and OreatWeetem Railroad, lor -HseitH oo, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fonddu Lao, La Crosse, Madison, Prairie DuChlen, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, Rock Island, Musta tlne, Iowa City Burlington, Qulncy, Springfield, Alton, St. Louis, Cairo, Terra Haute, Indianapolis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Dayton. Columbus, Clere land, and all point Westf Northwest, and South west. NORTHERN ROUTE. Connect lug with Train at Troy, with Troy and Boston, and Rens, and Saratoga Roadafor Sarato ga, Whitehall, Rutland, Burlington, St. Albao. Rouse Point, Plattsburgh, Ogdensburgh, Montreal, fcc-fcc. tr-Freleht Aranrementa br this route asaLoie without change oBcats, from the Depots In Cham ber and Hudson streets, are at all times as farora- ble aa made by other Railroad Companies. The Utilities of thl great New York Route,' to the West, commend It to the confldenee of merchants andshlDoera for nromntnese and desnatch. Passenger Tram, with Smoking and Sleeping Cars, runlnconnetlonon the New York Central Road. For particulars as to local trains and freight ar- raorcmenis, inquire ai ineucpoi,ij arren iireei, A, F. SMITH, dec 17 Superintendent. IIUK RAILWAY. jjj Passenrer Trains leave via Pavonla Ferrr from foot of Chamber street, as follows, Tlx: uu i. it, iua ii tur uuiikiift ihu inicrinruimie stations Thla train remains oi er nlghl at Flmlra and pro ceed the next morning. 7 00 a. m. Express, for Bunalo and principal In termediate stations: oua. m. Milk, dally, for OtUiille and Interme diate at at Ion. 11.16 p. m. Accommodation, dally, for Port Jen 1 and principal atatlon. 4,00 p. m. Way, for Middletown, Newburgh, and Intermediate station 6 00 p. m. Night Express, dally, for Dunkirk, Buf falo, Cenandaigua, and principal stations. The train of Saturday run through (o Buffalo, but doee not run to Dunkirk. 7 00 p. ra. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal station. The Express Trains connect at iiorneus. me with railroad for Buffalo, at Elmlra with the Canandai gua and Niagara Fall Railroad; at Blngbamton, wun uie ojtcui juiuvkui m MirDiog who me railroad for Rochester and Buflaloi at Great Bend, with the railroad for Scranton, and at Buffalo ana Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleve land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Ac., and the Canada railroad CHARLES MINOT, srp It General Superintendent. -pitOPOALS FOR OATH AND HAY. Depot Quaktesm aster's Orric e. Corner Eighteenth and G streets, Washington, D C , Dec 13. 1862 Sealed proposals will be receUed at this ofllee until TULSDAl,the 23d day of December, at 12 o'clock m , for furnishing the Government with (400,000) four hundred thousand bushels of Oats and (3,000) three thousand tons of Haj . Hay to be good merchantable timotii, put up in bale, and delivered at (2,000) two thousand pounds to the ton. Oats to be of a good merchantable quality, put up tn bags of about two bushels each. Oats will be received by weight at (K)thlrty-two pounds to the bushel. Sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government. Delivery to be made In the city of Washington within (26) twenty-live day from the date of the contract, PropotaU. Proposals will be received for (600) fit, hundred tons of hay and upwards, and for (KtfiOO) fifty thousand bushel of oats and upward The proposition for the hay and oats twy be upon the same paper, but mu be made eutirely distinct from, and without reference to, each other The full name and post office address of the bid der must appear in the proposal If a bid 1 made In the name of a firm, the name of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the pirtr signing it. r ' Proposals from diiloyal paitut vtU not be contidtted, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposition. rTopu. uiusi uc auarciieti 10 loionei D n , n( . r i " ' Guarantee. The ability of the bidder to till the Lontract. should it be awarded to him. must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee The res Don slbllltv of the euarantora mu.t l shown by the cffUitl certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the United State Dit Ulct Attornej. Bidders must be present in person when the bids areopenedorthelr proposals will not be consld ered I Bonds equal lu amount to half the sum to be re i celvedoathe contract, signed by the contractor and bath of his guarantors, will be required ofthe i successful bidder upon signing the contract. As the bond must accouoanvthecontract it uiu be necessary for bidders to have their bondimen with them, or to have bonds signed In anticipation and read) to be produced when the contract is signed. Blanks for bonds can be procured upen application being made at this offlce,elt)ierperon all)', by letter, or by telegraph. Form of Guarantee. We, , ofthe county of - , aud Stale of .and (Ofthecountyof ,and . do hereby guaranty that is able to fulfil a contract In accordance with the terms of his propo sition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract In accordance I inerewnn should the contract be awarded to him we are prepared to become his securities (To this guarantee must be appended the official i certificate above mentioned ) I INSPECTION, DELIVERY, .Le. I All Oat and lla contracted fur under this ad i vertlsement will be rigidly inspected, and such as I do not prove of s good, sound, merchantable qual 1 Ity will be rejected. raymrm to ue iuue u;uu ijiv vuuiiiivuuu oi me connect, or au toon uivrranrr tuc ucpoi nuar termaster shall be In funds. Any Informality In the bid. or non-con form ance with the term of this advertisement, will Insure the rejection of the proposal Delf.ery to be made at the Railroad Depot, or at one of the Government Wharves, In the clt) of W ashlngton. The Depot Quartermaster resenes to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem too high. D.H.RUCKEK, dell dtd Col and Depot Quartermaster F ALL. ANU WIN TEH GOOUH. MILITARY AXD CIVILIAN. WALL, STEPHENS A CO , are now opening their Fell end Winter Goods, embracing fine Dress Coats, Doeskin Pants, Vests, he. A large and well- Sleeted Stock of fine heavy Overcoats We have so a complete assortment of Business Suits, made tn the most durable manner. Officer will And our Military Good desirous to their wants. Heavy Woollen Blankets, for camp use at reasonable prices. WALL, STEPHENS It CO , 399 Pennsylvania avenue, between o37 dtr Ninth and Tenth street. piAjrWAisj FOR 'WHARF AT 1PORT Navy DaranTissirT, Novesabei At, wa. THE NAVY DEPARTMENT wllL until tbeSSd of December, twa, reoriv. nrmtoattlon for the treetlon and completion of wMil Port Royal, oath CsroUna, la eouliiilW ,wf' the feneral apecueation herewith aeeomf aaytng.' The proposition must state (he arose amount tor which the wharf, derrick, hoisting engine, ecale, rail track, and car will be completed, according to the plan and specification, sad name the time within which the netir will arree to hare H fin ished." Parties intending to bid can examine lite draw ings In the Nary Department, and In the oOceof the Constructing Engineer In the New York Navy Yartj at the ofllee of the Narr Arent at Philadel phia and at Boston. ine Dia must oc aoooinpanivu vj io uiuai guar antM that if aavTitd th mrtr will eaeeuta the eoatraet, which will be dated from the time the parry I notified that hi offer I accepted, and the contract will embrace the usual conditions. SpttiJUtftontfvr a Wharf t Port Jtoyef, S. C. Thwhrf la to be in the form of a Tithe nart leading; from the ahore to the front will be 631 feet long eod 43 feet inches wldei and the front will be Ml feet long and 4? feet Incbee wide. From high water mark to V " water the dlstaoce Is 268 feet; tromTa" depth toir 4"the distance la laOfeeti from It's" depth to ' depth the distance Is 70 feet, and the front wharf will stand In about 77' 4" water, all at high tide. The pile are to be of good Mind heart-pine, not lea than 12" diameter at the butt, and must be driven to a good Arm bearing; they will be In rows 8 feet from eentre to centre, running across the wharf; and seven pile in each row, with a fender pile on each side, making pilea In each crosa row. These pile are to be harked and covered with sheet klneylo ois to the aquarafoot, from high-water mark down to Inche beafw the aurfaee of the mud, 'well and securely put on, to protect them from the worms. The piles will be cut off at the proper height, aa shown on the plan, and capped wltn bard pine tim ber If by 12", every third pile being tennoned Into the cap and pinned, and the others secured with an Iron bolt one Inch In diameter and two feet long. Around the outside of the wharf there 1 to be a trlnger of hard pine timber " by 12", resting upon the sap and strongly bolted at each crossing, and between these stringers there are to be bard Dine joists 4" by H'V laid 13" apart upon the cap, and fastened with 6-Uch spikes at each crossing. Upon toe joists lucre is to oe a noor oi r nam pine piana, fastened with one 6-lnoh spike In each plank at each crowing. - Around the edge of the wharf there II TO oescap Jl" oy i", ui iiruiinr, wvii lit tened and rounded on the top to ahed the rain. The fender pile are to be strongly bolfd to the trlnger and cap sills. Four clusters of about six (lies each are to be driven, capped, and prepared as oundatlona for derricks; there are also to be twelve mooring poets of white oak timber, it" In diameter, well dm en and atrongly secured to the wharf, at the nolata indicated on the nlani these will be four feet abore the floor of the wharfi and all pile are to be sheathed wltn xinc, aa oeiore oeecriDea. At each end of the front wharf, and on each side of the whsrf leading from the shore, there 1 to be n landing atalr 3' " wide, atrongly secured to the vkirf &nif Mahliiar to law water mark. The contractor will be required to build a bulk head where the wharf Joins the shore, and fill up with earth, to receive the rail track hereinafter de- acriuru. On the wharf, at the point Indicated on the plan, will be four derricks for hoisting coal, similar to those used at the coal depots on the North river, hrnTidpii with all the neoeasarr falls, with sufficient rope to reach the hoisting engine, and shleves for cnanjfra oi uirrviiuu, iuuu ) mi w m Mutat ing coal. Apartlcular description of these derricks talil hdfflv.n There is to "be a hoisting engine of most ap pro ed construction naving tour arums, ana to oe or aiifflffirnt nower to work the four derricks at the same time In hoisting coal. Over this engine there is to De a irame nouse, m proirci i irum iui WMtlirr. In the capsllls around the wharf there are to he iron ring-bolts of lKlach iron, and ring C inches diameter tn the clear, placed at e cry hi feet, and strongly fastened to the sills and stringers. On the wharf, and extending up on to the land, will h .nil trauk nf Iron, about flftr nounda to the yard, with auch branches as may be required i the total length of single track beinK of a mllei tha track on the wharf will be laid on the .dank floor, with suitable chairs, and that on the land on ties i' '' apart, laid In the usual manner. Thl track Is to be provided with 13 dumping car prop erly conairunea. sor dotuv cosi a On the land near the shore end of the wharf, as shown on the plan, there la to be a platform scale. capable of weighing ten tons; the rail track will mil over this acale as ahown on the olant there will also be a small offlce. eight feet square, near the scale, ana two oi ainuiar sue on uie wnan. The propositions will be addressed to the " Navy rnartinent"and must be addressed Proposals for Wharf at Port Royal," that they may be dls- linguisnea irom oiner puiuini inr. nor 2 5a wt DeoSt SPKCIAI. WOTIOE. TO THC CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, OrrCMJ OP THE ARMY AND NAVY. ODEON HALL, Th. old and ..tAbllibd mnorlum of Clothlnc. that ha., for ao nanr rcan, supplied tha cltlien. of WuMnrtoa and Tlclnltjr wllh all that la es sential lot th. eiecane. ana comion oi me ouiei man. 1. now sunnuad with tha most comnleta and lasuonabla stock that wa hare eierhadthe pleas ure to ner. COATS, PANTS, and VESTS of tha most desira ble st Jles that coma be louna in tne mantel. HoalERy. OLO VES. Sio.. cannot be lurnaaied and wUl b. aou at prices that do not allow of compe tition. LAROR STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS if I1 LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY Ml SS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS LARGE STOCK MILITARY ESTS LARUE STOCK MILITARY VFSTJ. INDIA HUBBFR GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS. Valises, carpet-bags, ate. Our stock of BOYS' and YOUTHS'-CLOTHINO Is th. largset and most fashionable that has ever been offered In thla city, and at the lowest prices they can po.albly b. obtained In this city. tj- Call and see ua at ODEON HALL, corner ) street and Pennsylvania avenue, the Great Cloth lnc Mart of Waahlngton city. nov I every Tue., Thura, ft; Sat t cq TAKE NOTICE. cq M. T, PARKER, NO.CS LOUISIANA AVENUE, Re.pcctfully and cheerfully returns thank, for the llbersl patronage hitherto received Having ever) facility for dolus THE BEST HOUSE, SIGN. - AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. Together with all work pertaining to a FiaaT i labs Painting Establlahraent. H. has no hesitancy In soliciting a contlnusnce of the public's favor. ITis Pnetl art Reasonable; Tin Work UnezceplUmablei And particular attention li paid f o PROMPTNESS IN DELIVERY. ad" Remember the number I 59 LoOiaiAHA AVENVE, oct Si la bet. sixth and seventh atresia. M A H IE H A 11 MARKHAM'S is the best HOTEL In the Citt or VAJHiOTOi,kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, Adjoining WtUardi Hotel, NO. 213, PaTlfflSTLVAMI ATCNUK, Thei undersigned have fitted and furnished the abot e named house In the best manner, giving it all the modern Improvements, Including waier and gas In every room, beds and furnishing good not sur passed Jn any house in the country. We beg to assure those who may fat or us with a call tn the ordinary, that It will be supplied with txery thing the market aflbrds, got up in the skit ittxe and at living prices. The National Hepublican says: "We feel It to be our duty to invite attention to thl house, and to guarantee the public againat extortion in price or neglect 1a attendance. It will not be under the control of the aervants, whether white or black." And wctrndorse It and shall carry out thc lact. We can only say to thoe coming to Washington, stop at the new European House, stop at the best house, stop at the house nearest the cans and the Tar Aiu rt. and to have the benefit of all this, atop at MARKHAM'S, 91? Pennsylvania avenue. JOHN H. HUDSON, F. I. MARK HAM, de. 6 Proprietors. D KTBCTIVB DKPAUTMENT, MLjKUrULUAH So, 310 Elevenths afreet west, Near the corner of Pennsylvania avenue. I The public are hereby Informed, that all cases I rainnlplnir tha IHI lca ft a ds?ta?Ctl Officer Will be ! promptly and carefully attended to, Mree of charge" upon Application being medTet the Po I lice Headquarters, No. S10 Fleventh street west, unaer supervision oi .., 1 ' W B WEBB. Superintendent of Metropolitan Police, nuv 2o 2a warn TIO YOU KNOW IT 1 If lou do not, call at AJ SMITH A BEALL'S, No. 361 Seventh street, near K street, end buy )ourseif a nice suit Clothing from them, as they have Just received new and splendid assortment nor 31 dt J anl INTALUBLI , , LINIMENT, . GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINT, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS, AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DlSORDTRSf For all of which It 1 a speedy and certain reme dy, and never falls. Thl Liniment I prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect icut, the famous bone-ettcr, end ha been used la hi practice, for more than twenty year, with the most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, It Is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be cenrlnced by n single trial. Thl Iinlmentrlll cure rapidly and radically. IUtemmatle Dlsordera of every kind, and, in thouaanda or ease,. where it ha been used, It ha never been known to fall. FOR NEURALGIA, It will afford Immediate relief tn erery case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of ItEADACHEln three minutes, and Is warranted to do It. TOOTHACHE, also, will It cure lnetantly, FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LAS- 8ITUDE, arising from Imprudence or excess, this Liniment Is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nerrou tissues, It strengthens and revirlfies t he s) stem, and restore It to elasticity and rigor, FOR PILES Aa an external remedy, we claim that It 1 the best known, and we challenge the worUJ. to produce an equal. Erery victim of thla distressing oomplalnt ahould give It a trial, for It will not fall to afford immediate relief, and, In a majority of eases, will effect a radical cure. QVISSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but n timely application of this Liniment will nerer fall to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes tery obstinate, and en largement of the Joint 1 liable to occur If neg lected The worst oase may be conquered by this Liniment In two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, 1.0HES, ULCERS, BURNS, AND SCALDS, yield readily to the won derful healing properties of D.R. SWEETS INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to direc tion. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, ASD INSECT BITES AND STINGS DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, The Great Natural Rone Fetter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, la known all the United State. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, I the author of ' Dr. Sweet's la fallible Liniment " DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure Rheumatism, and nerer falls. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT la a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curea Burns and Scald Immediately. DR. SWELT'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I the best known remedy for Sprain and Bruises DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure Headache immediately, and waa never known to fall. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords Immediate relief for Piles, and seldom rails to cure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Toothache tn one minute. DR, SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cure Cut and Wound Immediately and leave no scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sore In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise It. DR. SWEET'S INFALLD3LE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cures Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly a " friend In need," and every family should ha.elt at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 33 and 60 cents. A Friend Its Need. Try It. DR, WLFrS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remrdj.U without a rival, and will alle viate patu more speedily than any other prepara tion. For all Rhemnntleand Nervous Disorders It Is truly Infallible, and, as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruise. Ac , Its soothing, heal ing, and powerful, strengthening properties, excite the Just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given It a trial. Over one thousand certifi cates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest the fact. To llorae Owners I DR. SWEEVS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and In all case of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises, or Wrenching, its eQect 1 magical and certain. Har ness, or Saddle Gay s. Scratches. Mange, fco , it will also cure speedily, spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured In their Incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure- No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but It maybe alleviated by this Liniment, and Its faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness, and enable the horse to travel with comparative ease. DR. S H' E E T S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT 19 TUC 9 O I.. 1 1 K II H FniEND, And thousands na. e found It truly A FRIFND IN NFFDI Ask for "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment," and take no other Be not deceived by unprincipled dealers, who will try to palm off some other article on which they can make a little more profit. The Afty cent bottle contains three times as much as the twenty cent bottle, and Is much the cheapest to buy Tr It. Caution. To avoid Imposition, obsene the Signature and Likeness of Dr, Stephen Sweet on erery label, and also " Stephen Sweet' Infallible Liniment" blown In the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON A CO , Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. MORGAN h ALLEN, General Agents, 4(1 CHIT Street, New York. E? Sold by all dealer everywhere, no 11 If ' RAITiBOADS , USUI. IBM. lpntiro Ab'bXn'Ibxxxt. V nntf; roHK limbs. . THB CAMDEN AND AMBOT AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PA. "'HIES UNCI. FR01T PBHADELPIUA TO NEW TORS AND WAT rZAOES, ,'j ' Crcwa Walamt atraat Wliart d adiaartana Depot WILL L1ATB AS TOLLOWI, Til I Far. At it AM,,vlaCamdenand Amboy C.AA. lAeeommodatloa (3.3d At A. M, via Camden and Jersey City-New Jersey Accommodation 3JtS At 8 A.M.,vlaKenalngtonandJereyatyi MornlnajMall - Hjo ai tin r. m.. via carnden and Amnoy Aaooim moeatien ; At 3 P. N., via Camden and Atnboy C, and A. Eanrrea modatle; 33$ t At 4 P. M.jWa Camden and Jersey City Evening Express - - - -At 4 P. M , via Camden and Jersey City - - 100 su . laaa iioui ---At H P.M-rlaKensIngtonandJerseyClIyi .venlnf Mall , At It P. M.,vla Kensington and Jersey Cit) i SouthernMall ------ 2.24 100 too At 6 P. M ,Tta Camden and Amboy Accom modation (Freight and Passenger) let class ticket - - 3 2S 3d class ticket . Leo The 8 V P- M. Line run daily, Sundays excepted. The 13 P. M. Southern Mail runsdally. wat"IT nes. For Brlttol, Trenton, ht , at 1 10 and H A. M., and 9, AS0 and 13 P. M .' from Kensington, and H P. M. Irom Walnut street wharf. For Bristol and Intermediate Stations at UK A. M , from Kensington. For (Palmyra, Riverton. Delanco, Beverly, Bun llngton, Florence, Bordentown, fca, at IStf, I, 4, 0 Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter mediate Stations, at 2)f P. M., from alnut street wharf. EP" For New York, and Way Lines tearing h stngton Depot, take the Cart on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars run Into the Depot, and on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage onlr allowed each pas senger. Passenger are prohibited from taking anything a Baggare but their. wearing apparel. au luggage over nuy pounoa, io do paia lor ex;ra. The Company limit their responsibility for Baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond loo Dollars, exeept by special eoniraci. ap23 WM.HL GATZMKR, Agent. ... v..iir.nt 8" w INTKR ARRANGEMENT, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore HAILjROADi On and after MONDAY, NOV. 19. 1941, PASSES (J ER TRAIM LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Fof Baltimore, at 1 30 a. m 1 8.15 a. m , fl U a. m., (Express,) and 10.60 p. m. For Chester, at 8.16 a. m , 11 M a. m , s 4A and 10 U p. m. For Wilmington, at J a. m , 8.18 a. m , It 3d a, m ,145 and io oo p.m. )r New Castle, at 8.IS ft. m. and 3 4S p. m. For Dover, at A16 . m. and 3.46 p. m. For Mllford, at A16&. m. For Salisbury, at 8. W n. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leate Baltimore) at 8.S0 a.m.,(Exprea,) 106 p. m , (Exprees,) tJ20 and t p. m , (Expresi.) Leare Wilmington at 7 so and It S3 a. m ,4 16, 8.46, and 90 p. m. Leave Salisbury at 3.S6 p. m. Leave Mllford at 46 p. m. Leare Dover at 9 a, m. and C10 p. m. Leave New Castle at 11 ft. m. and 8.10 n m. Leave Cheater at 8,20 a. m., 13 16, 4.60, and 9 90 p. m. Leate Baltimore for StAlsburv and Intermediate tatlona at 6.30 and 7. p. ra.j for Dover and lnterme mill aiaiiona, at i uo p. in. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 846 a. .. 13 06 and 11.20 d. m. Leave Wilmington at 4.90 a. m-, 9 36 a. m., 13.36 p. m , turn i m. m. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Paaeenger Car attached, will run aa follow: Leave Philadelphia, for Perryrllle and Interme diate place, at 6.10 p. m. Leave Wilmington, for Perryrllle and Intermedi ate place, at 7.10 p. m. Leare Baltimore, for Ha, re de Grace and Inter mediate statlone, at 9 a. m. ON SVS DAYS ONLY: At 3 30 a. m. and 10 00 p. in., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 7 from Baltimore to Phlladelnhla. The AM ft. m. Train from Philadelphia to Balti more wui run uauy, wo a oats xxcefted. S. M. FKLTON, Jan 3 tf President, T?OH BOSTON. VIA NEWPORT AND X' FALL. H1VH. Br the aolendld and suoerlor steam ers M K T RO PO L I S, E M PI RE STATE. BAT STAIC. and STATE : oP MAINE, of great strength and speed, but particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Bound, runnlnr In connection with the Fall river and Old Colony railroad, distance of 69 miles only to Bos ton. Leave pier No. 8, North river, near the Battery. The steamer EMPIRE STATE, Capt. Bray ton, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock r. pi., loucnmg at newport cmco way. The steamer METROPOLIS, Capt. Brown, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 4 o'clock P. M , touching at Newport each way. These steamers are fitted with commodious state rooms, and every arrangement for the security and comfort of passengers, who are afforded by this route n night's rest on board, and, on arrival at Fall river, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting ofthe accommodation at 8 A. M., by which they may reach Boston about 8.45 A. M. A baggage master Is attached to each steamer, who receives and tickets the baggage, and accom panies the same to Its destination. A steamer runs, In connection with this line, be tween Fall rivet and Providence, daily, except Sun dart. Freight to Boston Is forwarded through with great dispatch by an Express Train, which, leares Fall river erery morning, Sundays excepted, at 7K o'clock, for Boston and New Bedford, arriving at it destination at about 11 A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at the ofllee, on Pier No. 9, North river. For state-rooms and berths, apply on board, or tf desired to secure them In adrance, to WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug 17 tf 70 and 71 West etreet, N. V. w KRT, NOHTIIWKHT, AND 80UTII. v n. . . TO CIVILIAN!!, OFFICERS, BANDS-MF.N. SOLDILKS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are runnlDe; through paeaeniier trains from Waah. Incton to the Ohio rlrer, without ehaoire of cars dallr at lKt-a. and 6 p. m , and oSers theater In. dueementato the traveling publlo that anjr other route, nil CHEAPER FARE, LFSS CHANGFS OP OARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICKER TIME. Thla la tha only route that checks bsntaaa from Wsihlnttoncltj-to th. Weat. Tickets good until uaed and paaKDers hare the prtrllege or laying over at any point on tha route. Passengers procuring tickets by this route, sat a the delay and expenaa of Omnibus tranafer. REMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to procure tlcketa, la at tha depot of B. a. O. R. R. Baggage received at any hourduring the day, and no charge for handling baggage. aug2o tf OAPKTY, 8PEED, AND COUPOIIT, FOR BOSTON, WolCKSTFR, PALMER, FITCHBURO, NASHUA. LOWELL, CONCORD. THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, AND IN- TERMEDIATE POINTS. m - rra. THE new and staunch steamers of JSUMfeSC the Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS. TONanTTlTY OF NEW YORK, New York dally. (Sundays eacepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. m., from Pier No. ao, North River, foot of Veatry atreet, FOR NEW LONDON, There connecting with the Steamboat Eapreaa Train for the above points, via Norwich and Wor cester, Boaton and Woroeater, Worceeter and Naabau, and New London and Northern Rallroada. Freight taken at the loweat ratea. For Information, Inquire of E. S. MARTIN, my St tf Agent, on the Pier. TjtVANS WATSON'S PHILADi'LTHIA, SALAMANDER. . FIRR AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. store, 7. south Fourth ..r..., order, received by w D, SHEpHKBD Corner or Seventh and D streets, Washington, D C. Jan 11-ly JUST RECEIVED, a large and superior stock of CARPETS and OILCLOTH, amounting to 300 pieces, purchased for cash of a Northern manu facturer declining business. Also! a largelotof COAfrORTrfiS, WINDOW SHADES. CROCKERY, GLASS WARE and other HOUMEJCEEPING ARTICLES, Including Parlor, Chamber and other STOVES. AU kinds of CABS NET FURNITURE, both new and second-hand. rartlee wlahlng to buy will aare time and money br calling at the cheap cash store of ' R. BUCHLY, Seventh street, no 19 lm east side, between G and M T)AT.TIeKJi LOCKIIOSP1TAU KSTABU8IIKU ASA HtrvaK riOH qVACSEftr 7 HE ONLY FLACE WMM1A tCHS CAN 9X0ITAIH Ct- DR JOHNSTON hasdtscoTered the moat Cer. tain. Speedy i and only Effectual Remedy In the World for Weakness of the Back or, stric tures, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, In roluntarr Dtscharcesi Imootency. Ueneral Debut- y, Nervousness, Dyspepala. sAngour, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation of the Heart. Tim- idty, Tremblings, uimnee of Bight or Glddlneae, DtaeaeeofUie Head; Throat, No or Skin, Affec tions of thai Longs, Stomach or Rowels those Ter rible Dteordera arising from the SollUrv Habits of Youth thoee srenrr and solitary practleee more fatal to their victims than thesoagof Byrensto the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their moet brll HanVhopee or Anticipations, rendering marriage, fee., impossible. luunu Mien Especially, who have become the victim of Boll- tarr Viae, that drearifiil anil rlHTmr4lt haHit tarY Vlee, that dreadful and destructive habit which annuallr sweet to an untimriv mm thnu. which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou- sands of ounr Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who mleht othrw. hia entranced listening Senate with. the thunder of eloquence, or waked to ecstasy the living lrre. may calfwlth full confidence.' - MARRIAGE. . Married Persons, or Youn Men ehntatnt.Uiin marrlagei being awaro of physical weakness, or ganic deoUlty deformities, c.f speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr, J mar relhrloualyconfide In his honor as a gentleman anff confidently rely upon his skill a n phniclan' ORGANIC WEAKNESS ' immediately Cured, and Vull Vigor Restored, j This Dreadful Disease .which rndopa tjr., ..!.,. crable and Marriage Impossible Is the penalti nald by the , victim of. Improper Indulgences. Young persons attfo apt too commit exeesee from not being aware ofthe dreadful consequence that mav ensue. Now, who that understands th. b,,h. Jecf will pretend to deny that the power of procre ation Is lost sooner br those falling into ImoroDer prlred the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the rhysloal and Mental Functions Weakened. Los of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Drspet eia, Palpitation of the lieart, Indlrestioo. Consti tutional Debility, n Wasting of theFrameVCoughs. OFFICE No. 1, SOUTH FREDERICK 8TRFF.T, Left hand side. rotW from Baltimore atrt. r.. doors from the corner. Fall not to observe name ana number. ,' Letter most be paid and contain: & stimp. The Doctor Dlptoma hang In his ofllee. ' DR. JOHNSTON.' Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleeres In ! .uaiiM . "d sreater part of whose ftifehaa been spent In the hospitals of London. Pa. v'.l ".... v"'",0"" wuecteo some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known (many troubledwlthrlngtngln the head and ears whenesleep, treat nervousnei. being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness. with frequent blush ing, attended sometimes with a'derangement of mind, were cured Immediately Take Particular Notice i, Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured them sell es by Improper indulgence and aolitary habits which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or marriage. Tn ess are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by carl r habits of youth, vlx i Weakness ofthe Back and Limbs, Pains la the Head. Dimness snnntomsof Consumntlun. Mmtaixv. The feaiful effect on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Foreboding. Avers! onto Society, Self-Distrust, Lore or Solitude. Timidity, fcc, are some of the evils produced Thousands of persons of all ages tan now Judjrs what Is the cause of their declining health, losinr their rigor, becoming weak, pale, nerrous and emaciated, harlng a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption, , VOUN0 3(EN,t Who hare Injured themselres by a certain practice Indulged tn when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the affects of which are nightly felt, eren when asleep, and If not cured renders marriage lmpoaalble,aaddestroi both mind and body, ahould apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of h! country; the darling of hla parents, should be snatched from ail prospect andenjoy meata of life, by the consequence of deviating froim iae path of nature and Indulging In a oertaln secret habit. Such persons sttrr, before contemplating " MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and bodare the moat necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed, without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage t the prospect hourly darkens to the vlewt the mlndbeconies shadowed with despair, end flfled with, the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be eomes blighted with oar own. ,n DISEASE OP IMPRUDENCK. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of Rleaaure finds he has Imbibed the eeedsof this pain it disease It too often happens that aa seme of shame,1 or dread of discovery, deter him from applying to those who, from education and respectablllri , can alone befriend him. He falls Into the band of Ignorant and deslgnlns; pretend ers, who, incapable of curing, filch, his pecuniary substance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and In despair leave him with ruined health to lgh over his railing disappointment or, by the use of that deadly poison. Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptoms of this terrible disease, such as Affection ofthe Head, Throat. Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rapidity till death put a period to Ms dresdful sufferlncs by sendlnr him to that un discovered country from whose bourne no trai eler returns. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at thla institution within the last eighteen years, and the numerous Important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the "Sun" and many other papers, notices of which have ap peared again ana again before the public, beside nls standing aa a gentleman of character and re sponsibility, Is a sufficient guarantee to the af- SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Persons writing should be particular la directing their letters to his Institution, in the following manner i JOHN M. JOHNSTON. M a, Baltimore Lock Hospital, dee 16 ly Baltimore, Maryland. pLAIMB AGAINST UNITED STATRS. FINLEY BIGGER, (Ute Register of the United States Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN, Counsellors at Law, will devote their entlreatten tlon to the prosecution and settlement of demands against the united States, growing out of the pres ent war. Including the Accounts and CUlros ol States, Contractors, and Disbursing Officer appli cations for the restoration of property Illegally selxed or captured, and for compensation for the ute of private property for Government purposes, and for damages for the Injury of such property by the army, for military pay, pensions, and bounty lands; and for distributive shares of money paya ble at the Treasury and doe to sub-contractors and others. They will also give legal advice to claimants, contractors, and to unprofessional agents la Utl- Sated cases i and prepare written argumeots when eslred. With non-resident Agent who may send tnem claims, an equitable division of commissions will be made. Undisputed Demand will be" collected and promptly remitted tor a commission of from a halt to two and a half per cent , depending on the amountf ana negotiations witn tne i Anniliifttaut nn mnalPst 4rm " the;Depsrtments By prompt attention, moderate charges, long ex perience, apd a minute knowledge of the ex laws. rcguiauouaaruica,au4 prcccucuia BuvrruuiB iuai class of business at the Departments, they hope to render their services useful to claimants and public creditors. Reference maybe made to membersof Congress, and officers ofthe Go.ernmsnti and especially, by Eermlaiion,totheHon.ELiinA1wiirTTLiitT,rirst owptroller ofthe Treasury. ,J Address Messrs. EIQGErt A SHERMAN, Washington, D. C. Office. No. SIS F street, near Treasury aod WU lards' Hotel. norS m. -pilOPOBALJ FOB HAY : Sealed proposals are Invited untli ihe Sflth day or December, ISO, for furnishing the Subsistence De partment, at Washington, D. C with 400 tons of HAY, in bales u . . The first delivery to be commenced on or about the Mh day of January, 1S3, and the whole quan tity put lu within thirty days from the first dellv The hay to be dellrered at kuth street whsrf and to be weighed and Inspected. Bidders must state, in tbelr bids, the price per 1.000 pounds at which they will furnish the Haj . Firms making bids must state the names of all the parties Interested. M Payment to be made In certiorates of Indebted ness, or such fund as the Government may hate for distribution. Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECK WITH, A. D C. and C. S. U , S A , Washington, D, C, and en dorsed ' Proposals for Hay." de II G W. GOODAIX, PLUMBER, AMD Q AS AND STEAM LITER, tM Seventh ttreet, near Canal Bridge, WASHINGTON. All order, executed at the ahorteat notice, in th. moat substantial manner, and on reasonable termi Personal attention given to et cry department ol tha buelnoea. BT"a Till. L.OC1&WOOD eontlnuee Ch. prac AJ tlce of Dentistry, in th. Washington Building, eorner Pennsylvania arenue and beveoth street. Having practiced in tha Bouth nearly sixteen years, ha feels assured thst he can give astUfactlon to any that may call. . Teeth lnaerted on Vulcanite, Rubber, or Co Plate. Chloroform adralnlstereawhen desired. aug I-tf Hi a' II If. A n , n ! lie