Newspaper Page Text
TUB DAILY 1-JS UWltMiM pnbphed eYasy BonidJj (ftiiiUjnf if opfld) j w; XVykWii'A Cd.Vind'Ii' iWsWkd to cltr 4nW.1Wrt (br urrltnVat'fa WsfW c)UU'iJbcrtbrp,MJO,,per.nniini,aorl My In drance. -(i , u i W t FA.thaNatlnutafmi.aa- f'l to.ODlHOOUNTH T..' t .,., Br,ttraa.. Onr country, dear country," i i-HowJongerM"wpy . II '.JJowreDdlarthrbcuom, , -, KtjSentrththyfoet' 7 , i , Tho tear and the treasures, , -, , From hcarte pur, end trie, " 'Onr country, nflowltn ' t In tarranta for Ton.. The rock end the mountain!, Though tUent shall rnonrn, Onr father! and brother -I ' 1 .3 i- T3 i wnaitor-naar torsi leiDieounganareiihrni,-' ' ij " P.r-h tiar taUtJr A" ttil 1 i J I o c , whoioiratcnwrd;foTer ' " , ."Onropd-Uherty." ' 'Then'wik'on, Ot rtion,"-:- ci .And stem tho stern Ud;? ' - Lead armlet to conquer, i i f - ' i For right's on onr side, t , ,. OnrioriwlUdeVwoTner'.. 4 ,! Thonch eln be unfurl M ..-a . ,And mike her onrfeV. The bride of the world., ' r. , Washington, D.C., 1868.- ' C"- - ' Am IaeU.-t of B-talo . Col, M'Jfell at out- Masuatala, , CoL Hngh M'Nell, of the famous ''BnckuU" regiment, who wae killed at the 'tattle of An. tlstam, weaoaecf the mott accomplished offl k cera of tho federal service-, A aoldler relatee an exploit of hie at South Mountain, which 1( worth recording.. "' ' 1 Durlnr the battle 'of Bonth "MomiUln-the rebel held a very strong position. iTheywrre potted in the mountain pan, with Infantry on - the lulghts on every side. Onr men were com pelled to carry the place by atorm. The poil tlonaeemed Impregnable) large icrany rock protected the enemy on erery aide, while onr jam were exposed to a galling nrsv. . , " A band of rebel occupied ledge on the ex jtreme right, aathe'colonelapproached with a few of hi men; The nnteen force poured upon them a Toller. M'Nell, on the Instant, gave the command! - ."Four ydor lire upon those rock " The Bncktalla hesitated) It wa not an order that they had beenaccuitomed to recelrei they had always picked their men. -"Tire I" thundered the colonel, "I tell yon to fire at those rock I" The men obeyed.- For some time an Irregu lar Bre waa kept up t the Bncktalla iheluring themeehe as beat they conld behind trees and rocks. On a sudden, It'NeU,'(aughtlghtof mu rucu pcCTiujc suiuuku an opening in me work to get an aim. - The eyes of the men fol lowed their commander, and half a doten riles were Welled In that direction. "Walt a minute," aald the colonel,' I will try my hand. There la nothing like killing two birds with one stone." The two rebels were not In line, but one stood a little distance back of the other, while Jut In front of the "foremost waa a slanting rock. Colonel M'Nell eeited a rile. raised It. glanced a moment along the polished barrel) Kiwi luMuwGu, inu uom wo reoeia aiaap peared. At that moment a lond cheer a little distance beyond rent the air. " All right now," cried the colonel) " charge iuo tuvai. The men sprang np among the rocks in an instant.) The a a aanghtea rebel turned to run. Kn( Mnm.lM MMk.alwJ. .fll.. V..U.II. and were obliged to surrender. J Not a man of them escaped. Erery one, aaw the object of mo roionei oruer 10 nre ai ranaom among the rocks. n had aent a party around to their rear, and meant this to attract their attention. irwaa a perieci success. ine two reoeis, ny mo opening in the ledge, were found lying there stiff and cold.'.. Colonel M'Nell'a bnllet had struck the slanting rock In front of them.' glanced, and passed through both their heads. There It' lay beside them, flattened. The colonel picked It up and put It m ms pocaei. Mn. Fusudu's aruoii In the Senate, on Thursday last, on Gorernment arreeta, la wide lv commended for Its Strang- seme ami HIsIm. tic power. ' We hare only apace for the follow ing paragraph cnt from a condensed report of his remarks i Ee waa willing to admit that something had 1een done, apparently without law. There has been a great cry that the country la In danrer. tint vrKam Vm vr what thai am muvha tu . w n HtH sav Hin n um u vijr t,wo 11 uiUi JJ7 regarded It no mora than the cry of a pack of wuuea. luocry comca irom newspapcra wno have assailed the Gorernment and thrown all the obstacle In the way that they could, and. from men who are known to be In sympathy with the rebellion.- If he (Fessendeni-anould And any fault, It would be that the President haa not been quite strong enough ) he should hare stricken down the great heads of disaffec tion instead of the smaller parties Ifanygreat paper advised the military commander to aelte , the Government, he should strike down that. He waa afraid there waa more solicitude for In dividual In this chamber than for the Interest Of the great masses in this struggle. There are msny things which may be done and done, In times like these, which, in ordinary times, could not 'be allowed." Doea anybody doubt the patriotism or the President' of tho United States t Does any one pretend he bat not done what he thought waa best to suppress this rebellion and preserve the country, or that he haa wilfully violated the rights of any cltl rent RnnHuixcis or TniDnsootunoAsiiiHis. tu,tiov.-Q en. Scott, In his rejoinder to Ex-Prcs. Ident Buchanan, essentially disposes of his pre text that the-arme ahlpped to the Southern States during the latter part of his term were distributed as the quota due those States, or were condemned arms. He states that while the rebellion was Impending, 115.000 stand of . , arms were transferred from Northern deposita ries to Southern arsenals, of which 05,000 were new percussion muskets, 40,000 altered parens, j slon muskets, and 10,000 percussion rifles, all arms or as good quality aa those distributed to the army. He also shows that atthat time, while Rhode Island, Delaware and Texas had not drawn their quotas of arms for 1800, and Mae sachuaetts.Tennessee and Kentucky onlyln part, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Al abama, tonlilana, Mississippi and Kansas were supplied with their quotas for 1801 In advance. This distribution was In addition to tho 115,000 is, stand mentioned above, which were merely r stored In the South, aa Mr. Buchanan eaya, to equalize the deposits among the different States. ViXUNDioiUH, TheBucyrns, Ohio, Jmna haa the following Incident of Mr. Yallandlg. bam'a late visit to Mansfield, Ohio. After the speakers bad concluded, three men entered an omnibus to ride to a railroad station, and aat down. An unknown person wss In the vehi cle. One of them asked another, "Did you hear Vallandlghaml" "Nol" replied the other Indignantly, "It would be morecredlta. Me to hear Jeff. Davla himself than that con temptible traitor, Vallandentootlnham." Here the stranger started up, and, putting on a se vere look and an extra amount or dignity, said, fiercely, "IamMr. Vallandlghaml" "Itdon't make a bit or difference," firmly replied the gentleman, "I haro nothing to take back." This completely cowed the butternut, and lie kept entirely silent during the remainder of the trip. L XOTAID. the French acrobat, receh es a sale- , ry greater than the Income of the Archbishop 6f Canterbury, and three times that of the it Premier, forurnplng from one rope to another," r t the risk of his neck.' It Is twice as mnch ai '. that of the President of the United States i sit time that of any of hi Secretaries. Msrini . - -- t . I . ;. w ll9B!t,,-va1ll1 '' -i LOT?i.n. mill ,IJ .J. I... I .,. Mariartng to 'colored trooyt at Baaisfari. - The following. is rrom a, letter to tturfcw Tork ImUpmdmt, dated Nov. 7i This is a great day for the Inhabitants of Beau fort white and blaokj soldier and citizen. , 3 o'clock p, m. I hare been to see the mus tering In of the first company of South Carolina volunteer. They were marshalled before the headquarter of Gen. Barton a stalwart band proudly shouldering their gun, aa they stood In their red pants, blue coats, ana capa. , f Gen. Barton, (one of God' noblemen,) whom the world will honor, cameout and stood before tham. In i military costume. ,. Grouped 'around were parties oi soomng aoiaiera nfre ana uiero an officer, whole curled Up and upturned nose told the whole story of his patriotism and.phl,-lanthropy-whlle groups or negroes of all ages and altea Oiled up the circle, watching with star lng eyea for this atrange ceremony. .General Baxton I tall, with: a finely molded figure, straight aa an arrow, very graceful In his mo tion and exceedingly active., After showing them the first movementaof the drill, and hav iigitham follow him for few momenta, be ad dressed them idling thera in plain but very understandable languago what would be ex peotadoCthemaaaoldlera. . , He then administered the oath, and turning towards the crowd of sneering officers, soldiers and lackeys, with a clear voice ha pronounced them all, free they." their wives, children, fathers, mothers, brothers, and sister J' and all your relations," he addedi "and you have as good. a right, to freedom a t have, or any other living man. OoD sbvir uu x mix to a a a-orz." - Aa he aald this, aa with one tumultuous reel ing of enthusiasm, every man In the company sprung bis hat from his head, and swinging It high In air, gave three, of the most tremendous cheer I ever hesrd. "No ono had prompted this, or hinted at It. It came aa the rushing of waters, and there waa nought to hinder. Theywerefree. Governmenthadacknowledgcd their manhood. , . Shall we call this year or war a year apent In valnl It has emancipated forever. through the confiscation law, millions of slaves. It has made the, colored man a United State aoldler on the Sea Islands of South Carolina. It haa established achoola within sound of the rebel guns of Charleston and Fort Sumter. un I tuat tne wnoie norm couio. iook into Beaufort Baptist church, thla day, and aeeone hundred and sixty children learning the first lesson of freedom from the black-board. It has done more. It baa brought two brave gene. rah Major General Mltchel and Brigadier General Rnfne Saxton, born at the North, and educated at West Pointto take their stand on the aide of Justice bravely before the world loenierinecuurcneaoi ineemancipaiea slaves, and to speak to" them of the Inalienable rights of man, aalf they stood in the presence of a manhood that would do them honor. F. D. Gioi. Miscellaneous Items. Tub NaviaarioH of tux Yixa-rsE-KiaNO. A gentleman residing at Hankow, In a letter Huwun ncyvcut uyt , eaj a uh m-uud lion American steamer arrived out there at the be ginning or the week, lor river-tramc, ana tne centaia save a. itrsuu uauuuci on uoaru tosu the .Europeans In Hankow. She Is a msgnlfi cent boat, with splendid saloon, elegantly fitted np, of about 3,000 ton register, and beat Dent X Co,' raetcat steamer in tne trip rrom iian kow to Shanghai. Tux En KCiranoM Muoxm in tux Mis iOURl LHiBummi A classification of the member returned to the 'next Missouri Legis lature shows 59 emancipationists and SS con- tlon or two emancipation' United State Sena tors, nd the adoption of measures which must relieve the State of the burden of alarery. WniSKT Is selling In Augusta, Georgia, ac cording to the doleful compTalnta of the oen1 tut, at "fifty cents a drink." The&nffne! addsi '"None bit a Congressman or a major general can afford to get drunk at the present prices. Any poor man who made himself a toper for lack of sense will hare to become sober for the lack of cents." A native Fhlladclphlsn, Mr. Joseph Rodney Croskey, baa offered himself as a candidate for the British Parliament from Southampton. Mr. Croskey was formerly an American consul at that port, and has been for some years engaged In extensive business In London. Cool. The mercury .fell to 10 below zero yesterday morning, and waa below tcro most of the day. With two feet of snow on the ground, this will pass for winter. Bangor Whig of Wtdruidoy. An Irishman Just from the sod was eating -''- U1U VUGVD. IfUQU UO IUIUJH bW IU UUU that It contained living Inhabitants. "Bo J beri," lie exclaimed, "doea your chazo In tbla country haye chllder 1" Tms Cincinnati Gazette suya that Randolph Roger, tho dlitlngnlthed America, aculptor from Italy, arrtred there on Bat n relay Ian on hia way West, A new manufacture of socks, made of cotton and cow-halr. has been commenced at the South. Thy are soft and durable, and possess the ad vantage of not wetting easily. Tb London IXmsM authoritatively declares that Prince Alfred will not accept the throne of ureece. jus moiner ia.n.a u wouia noi ue proper. Tub Cuban Suaiu Chop, A well Informed correspondent, writing from Havana under dato 6th Inst., says the crops of sugar ara unusually large. The weather la uncommonly severe In the flouth. There's snow on the ground beyond NashTllle. "PROPOSALS FOIL WOOD. DErOTQUAHTMMABTEft'S OrrUE, Alexandria, Va.,, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this offlce until Wednesday, the nth lastant, at 13 o'clock u , for the delivery to the Goternmentof ten thousand (10,000) cords of wood. The wood to be hard, sound and merchantable, 4 feet In length and split In the usual manner. De liveries to be made in the city of Aleaandlrla, and along the lines of the Loudoun and Hstnpshlre ad Orange and Alexandria railroads, at such Klntsonsald roads and within said city, as the pot Quartermaster may direct; and not to be considered complete until the wood shall hate ben corded la ranks, four feet high, and Inspected and measured. The whole of tho wood to be de livered within forty days after the date or the con tract. A Got ernment lusppctor will be designated to measure and Inspect the wood, who will reject such as does not strictly conform with fke aboe specifications. Payment to be made upon the completion of the whole contaact. The full name and post offloe address nf bidders muas appear In the proposals, and also the names of all parties composing a firm of bidders. An oath of allegiance must accompany each pro posal to Insure Its consideration. Proposals must be addressed to Lapt. C B Fer guson, Assistant Quartermaster U. s, army, Alex andria. Va , and plainly endorsed " Prouonuls for Wood." GUAIUNTFi:. The following form of guarantee must accompany each proposal, signed by two responsible persons, Whose responsibility must be shown by the otttoial certificate of the Clerk or the nearest District Court or of a United sutes District Attorney. Bonds In the sum of urteeo thousand dollars will be required of the suooesful bidder upon signing bis contract, signed by the bidder or bidders and his or their guarantors. Feral nf Guarantee. We, , of the county or-, and State of , and , of the county of , and btate of , do hereby guaranty that Is able to fulfil his con tract In accordance with the terms of his proposal, and that, should the same be accepted, he will at once enter Into contract In accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded to him, we are prepared to become his sureties. To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate above mentioned. The undersigned resen es the right to reject any and all proposals for Informality or exceiilyp prlea. A , CB. FERGUSON. . .-.C' Ass Quartermaster. U. S. A. deo tl dtd ' -. .. f-5? "" - -y3: - i., i 4-. M . ..: - -MZZZMC fj ' x , Ir': ', iivnrVKv.-ipW ) 'iirareiiiiL 11. W' "xiVm'!wfj!wJ&)tir 4& IwnAnaVJew iWf VST' WlSlilNGTOWP OAK IIAI4 ClaOTHINO IIODBK, Ko. 44 1 tsrenth street, near V stivet. the Ortat fiuar of Fashion, where you osn (lad the best oat and made Cloth tn for Men and Doyi wear that thetaarket cao produce, and ouf prices ,'for cheapnet.y and du rability of (our goods- iry comjJttltlon, (Our neighbor Smith twq doors abortLso Ipng noted for selling clothing less than any house tn the city, in a private eonrersstlon, acknowledged to us that our Hoys Clothlngwasthebestmsdeandcutgoo-s he erer sawiand, If the citizens of Washington were posted i In the goods t hare, my store would beoremm with Udtes and gentleinen In want of clothing, and 1 only wish to have you call and see our beautiful assort men ts of alothlng , and I think that our piieerJ and goods will more than pay you for calling aft he Leading Clothing House, No. 46 Seventh street, near F street, two doors below Smith's. " Everybody knows Smith, but, Instead of catling at his place, come In two doors below. N. JJ. I have a special word to ssy to the Ladles, that I catvplesse them better than eter InBojs' Clothing, as my stock excels anything f ever had. J. BRUCE k. CO , Formerly at Odeon Hall, Now at Oak Hall. AC A II D. Oak IlALLCLOTiiiaa Boom. Mr. Bruce, formerly at the Odeon Hall, has now opened a new store at Ho. 404 Serenth street. Just below Smith's, where he has a tine selection of Men and Boys clothlnr at very low prices! he Is desi rous of having all Ids old customers cull on him. as they can buy goods at lower prices than any other store in the city. ' J. BHUCK.VCO, -JULmci-, No. 46 Seventh street, near F. Call and see Mr. Bruoe, at No. 4M Seventh street near F. Mr. Bruce has a Fine Stock of Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, at No. 464 Seventh street, opposite iir rvii iuio. Mr. Brace li the man to please the Boys In Clotb- lng, at No. 484 Seventh street. LTerrb-tdr knows thut Mr rto. BfTcnin -irvri. verybody knows that Mr. Bruoe can sell Boys' Clothing cheaper than any one else. No. 444 Sev enth street, opposite City Post Offlce, nn sireei, opposite city ros. umce. For Men and Boys' Clothlna? call on Mr. Brace, at uaK Hau, no. 4S4 Bventn street, between K and F, Mr. Brace Is the man to pleaee you In Boys' Cloth lng, at Otvk UtU, No,4l Seventh street, oppoilte i un nu,nuw aT rrnin street, opponi. Post Office. i2 Ira vujr il KAND ADVANCK OP TIIE1 AlUIY OF - THE, POTOMAC, and all the stores are err ing up the prices of their goods but SMITH & BE ALL, No. 361 Seventh stmt. We are able to sell good clothing nearly as cheap as ever, We have been fighting against high prices for the last year, and our stock now Is good, and we are able to sell at low prices, SMITH Is all the time In the msrket picking up goods at old prices, and that Is one reason we un dersell all others. We hare the means and ability to sell cheap, ind we will do It, as our customers want Good Clothing at low prices, and we are just the men to sell It to them. A cnll Is solicited a't the cheap cLormso house of SMITH & BEALL, Clothiers, No. 301 Seventh street, nov2i dtjanl First door belowthe market. "IirilO HAYS SOt We say that our store tn W the First ward may not hate caused acorn motion, but do say that we are running off an Im mense stock of Clothing af the Leading First Ward Store, corner of Twentieth street and Pennsylvania avenue, but who erer saw a store where a Smith was that did not do business T and the reasen is, theyalwa)s sell their goods too cheap. That Is why they are always poor. (Who erer heaid of a Smith getting rich t I never did) We are determined to furnish all the First WarJ with Good Clothing. F. erybody had better come soon and buy, as our neighbors, In a similar business, say that we can not stand It more than ninety da)s longer selling goods so cheap, but we have a ery forge lot of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes left, and we are determined to run them oitat great bar- ,.ln., at lle.d,u.,..r. fo, Clothing In the First Ward, corner of Twentieth street andPcnnsjla nla avenue and No, 400 Seventh street. nor.l-HltJanl SMITH fc CO. "PROPOSALS FOR HAY. Depot Quartermastcm's Urrirc, I Corner 18th and Q streets, I Washington, December C, lb6. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recehrd at this oraceuntllTUF.SD Y,theJCthday of December, at ' 13 o'clock M , for furnishing the Government h Ith I four thousand (4,000) tons or Hay r thousand (4,000) tons or Hay. av to be good nierchsntableTiMOTUVs put up ivies, and delherrd at two thou. and i'J,ooo) II A II In bales, nounds to the ton, Delivery to be made In the city or Washington i within twenty-fit e(V3) days om the date o the contract. t PROPOSALS. ProjKJi.aU will be receh ed tor it. e uuJreJ (fiou) i tons of Hay and upwards. ' The full name and post office address oi the bl Ucr ' must apnea r In the proposal. If a bid is made In the name of a lirm, the .mines i of all the part Its miut appear, or the bid will be ! considered as thelndirlrttiftl proposal of the partner signing It. (TO ronosals romdlaloral parties will not be eon sldered, andAN oath or alxeuiance must aicobi- FANV EACH rHOrOSITION. Proposals must be addressed to Colonel D. H, Ruckrr, Quartermaster U. 8. Army, Washington. D. C , and should be plainly marked Proposals for Hay." GUARANTFF. The ability of the bidder to Mil the contract, should It be awan?d to him. must be guarantied by two res ponsible persons, whose signatures must be appen ded to the guarantee. The responsibility of the guarantor must be shown by the ottlclal certltkafe of the clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United Slates Dis trict Attorney. Didders must be present la person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be consid ered. Bonds etiual in amount to half the sum to be re celved on the contract, signed by thecotftractor and both of his ruarsntors. will be reautred of the iie- cessful bidder upon signing the contract. Aathe bond muit acomDaniths will be necessary for the bidders to hare their bonds men with them, or to hat e bonds signed in anticipa tion and ready to be produced when the contract Is signed. tUanks for bouds can be procured upon applica tion being made at this office, either personam , by letter, or by telegraph. ' We, - r vi m ui i i u (Hrr. , of the county of ', and btate of . and of the county of. . . .. ami State of, do hereb) guarantee that Is able to fulfil a contract In accordance with the terms o his proposition, and that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter Into a contract In acoordance therewith. Should the con; r act be awarded him, we are pre pared to become his securities, (To this guarantee must be appended the offlclal certificate above mentioned ) INSPFCTION, DELIVERY, &c. All Hay contracted for under this adiertl.ement will be rigidly Inspected, and such as do not pro e of a good sound merchantable quality will m re jected. ., pa) ment to l made upon the completion of the contract, or so soon thereafter as the Depot (Quar termaster shall bo in funds Any Informality In the bid, or non-conformance with the tenflsofthls advertisement, will ensure tha rejection of the proposal. Delivery to be made at the Railroad Depot, or at one of the Got ernment Uhartes in the cm of Washington. Tho DeDOt Quartermaster resen es to hlmnelf tha right to reject any or all bids that he may deem too Hift .fkh. D. II. RUCKFR. Colonel and Depot Quartermaster deo fi dtDIS QFFICrRS' AND SOLDIERS' GOODS FUNSTON fc SCOFIELD, John t , Htm York, and 103 E ttrttt. near W.UarJt Full assortment of Military and Fancy Goods, Chevrons, Flags. Cloies, stationery, and genuine Sperm Army Oil, Gun Polish, c. Full stock of Fireworks. Sole agents ror the Colorific. 903 E street, juncture Pennsylvania airnue. nov 27 im '. -Jr ; s! f Iniawril, 07. i i 'jr n3F r : JITSfi mmm WlH f rn anrtanlJ ' ' ' t --.fTt-!-.l- 1 " ! The undersigned ha th ulsssaiaoC laomlng the eltlsena of Washington, and O Ttaultr,Xhal he haa been appolntel tolaigaal na-th ealeVrttsd - TIaupruritroItaAItMws-swatW the dnaand for tt haa torn reaialr laarewlnt c Its Introduction Into this eltf. Rts atrcsS-n l uy i.raauuu.roipnTaieianiuimniMiTnn OtColnmMa.-' i jj, J&Hf -a XXX ORHJLM -! la brewed eipmslf tor I ul f lis and contain none of the deletertou. isMSmmi wtilnli im aa fra insnUf Introdilwd lotott).aasMsstur. el AI.,, , - "1.1 XXX 'illlr. Is partlsularlf rsomi imiMiulljsa a, alliu wall aa .To persons snfltrlnr (roes h foas oI.ppetIM tt XXX Cream Alels IpyaluabU aa -)m l asaaa bl. stimulant, siring a haalthr and rtgoroustten. tothastoussb. - , j SJJOI v XXX OSSAM-AtJ! ,"i Is hlfhlr recommed br tl raauttr o rhlladel' phla and bf th. principal phnMan. of Wsahlari ton. w j ."" i xxx asslje-XAs, U put UD In Dint and euart ttlM at aJ ill' tun; irtartlM eopssios for familr use; and ts deUrered to'aarpar city, free or eharrej as la also t nsos as quautr or Homed cutr. i i -r nai - AVUtTiUlMCV sal sad 4U Serentt street, - Basement, opposite J, a N. B. XXX Ale'and luMrurad-lsliraon drantht at Kl and at. eath ptre, Baieai;t aorro Ira -i aljar" e. s V T V K K I,' -QO Oj )ft-g Provisions. r '" Hams, Dried Beef, Beef Tongues, t Cheese, Sardines, Y Fnglish nkles, Chow Chow, tts. WoreestersbUre Sauce, Leeter'a Wis Bitters, Old Brandies, Madeira, sherry and Fort Wines. Holland Glo, ' Lemon, Ginger and. .Raspberry Syrups. Champagne Vlaea, various brao-J, Assorted Preserree. 7 Jellies, ' Old Whiskies, k Urge stock In cases, An assortment Catsups, Caanea Fruits, Potted Stents, Soups, Coctde&sed Milk, Cigars and. Smoking Tobacco, Brandy Cherne , London Porter and Scotch Ale. For sale by f NOfiRISCALWKLL fcCO , Sis Pennsylvania . novso Im .OpposlU .WUiatds' Hotel. rpoBAoCO AND -OAByAHIWtypi j W(i.iilAjauisuB, WHOLESatc AKDrrl(ziAl-a rWi TOBACCO tniSIOAS,m4kttlSIUVfrrH!S, y writer oj t7iiMyinmt wnnw. ono 01ZI.1 K., WAsllrNOTOM. n.rl ' ' " Harliut recentlr enlamd mr nlac. ot SuslnVas. 1 am now prepared to offer to the cttUa&i m Wash Ington th beat brands of Tobacco mndsmars, at wholesale or retail, cheaper than saa'M'roiht elsewher.lntheltjrr Mt,d 1( ' LA FATOMTA BUXNO, ELKtiAlTTBES, LA TUSOA, FLORDXiUTO, LA jBSPlmLA, Are excellent branda, and every lorff iOf good 8 s;ars are to test them. . . , , Also, Smoking; Tobacco of all kinds, wholesale WILLIAM OROMC norSO Im Cor. Fann. ava. and. Bath at. N1 UTICE. ivooB AnrocATX's Orttcz. Washington City, D. CHar. IS, StS. Applisatlonsharinr been made by litflaa. ta i IC4US,tOgO to their friends and families In tba South, notice Is ij lurir ifecuu iuti iaiuut;iii iw ouuku. uvukv is hereby given that all applicants must make a wrtt ten statement ta tblBiOflIcerwlfledbyoath,b iwswo ini oaia uus is uay v. vwcmoer next, setting forth- r-f..v First. The name, age, and residence oftheappU- Seeond.'The date when aS earns within the mll- uary lines oi me uniiea iaws, ier wpat purpose, and where she has since resided. Third. The place she desires to go to, and the purpose or object thereof. ' The Dtrioni to whom leir mar be -rit trill be sent with suitable escort fro mj Washington to S.ut..n.ialVwV.. - no prsoa win do aiiowea u imae more man one trunk or package of female wearing appareLwelgh- spectlonj and any attempt orsyflrt t sawttle coo traband property will forfeit tb aame, and susiMt the patty to Imprisonment darl&t tha war. ' nov IT Major and Judge Advoeate. Edward Everett'a Reply toau Kugllalt t-ord, ar poetical tvur. What have we In America 1 We're wonder great and grand , We have the essence of the earth, The cream of every land. Our mountains ar magnificent, our rivers are Immense. And each man has sj kingly style, Jf not a klng'a expense. Our ships are known to all the world i The farms cannot be beat) Our cities, full of luxury, ' Are famous for the neat. We've orators and authors, too. With Intellects of-forcei We've railroads scattered everywhere) And one Professor Morse. Our girls have beauty, wit, and grace, They're charmtnr. street, d mil, men, iniyrfiiMK . t " ..-V. :-:. - i tklrur wa hai Is known as great OAK HALL, Where the fall and winter stock of (trst-dass cloth ing is now ready In extra abundance and greatest arlety. All the new-style Overcoats, Sacks, Busi ness Coats, Peg-top' Pants, Ac, selling at priceso low that e errbody will buy and be satisfied. J, BRUCE h CO, '(Oak Hall,) No. 464, Seventh street near F, nov 31 dtjanl Two doors below Smith's, -pUOpOSAI-9 FORUJBKF CATTLK. SEALFD PROPOSALS are Invited until the S2d usy oi uecemuer, iee, iop supplying SUtea Subslsteooe Department wlthj, th UnltAd .000 head of unit baiuo uu tuguuvi, , . - " tf Th. Cattla to be delivered at W.sblnjton, U C, and each animal to ar.rat.l00tiound.Kross. tta cattls admitted that wtlxha (ess than 1,000 pounds frosa. Heifers, Slap and Bulls not want!. Th. first delivery to ba mad on or about tha 10th day of January, lrt,oraa aoon thMwaftcr as th. Government msr dlreot. aosr head of Cattl. par week will b. r. quired to h. dflliared undtr taia 'u- A bond with good and sufflMMt security will b required Twntyp.rnr.ofthpuraaa.iaon.y will be retained until da oaqpleUna o(lb. con trset. , Proposals from contractors who hare previously failed to comply with their bldsv from aisloysl per sons, or where th. bidder 1. ftt preMBt to respond to hi. bid, will not be r.laerM. The name, of arm. ehould bet stated In full, with th. precise address of each member of the Una. F.) ment to bemad to cerUttcetr. of. Indebted ness, or such other funds a. Oovernmeat may har for disbursement. " All bid. to be accompanied by two guarantees and directed to Oil. A. lufcKWlTH, A.U.C, and C. B. U. 8. A , W.shlngton, D, C, and endorsed "fropo sals for Beef Cattle.1 Form o Quaranttt. We, , of tha county of, and Bute of , do hereby guarantee that la able to fulfil th. contractln accordance with tha terms of his propo sition, snd thst, should his proposition b. aett b ed, he will at one. enter Into acontraot la accor dance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him. we are pre pared to become hi. securities. (This rusr.ntee must be appended to each bid I The responslbnity of-tha guaraatara must tx shown by the cMnaiMrtlEeate of th. clerk of th. neareit Dlstrtct Court, or of th United state Me tric! Attorney. , , BiittcklchSiintitmmflywUhlliiclKMmllxnjvtti. deed lie -- -Hke ifvmton t- jtTAif'no ttiii'a 1 1 && C TJ j t il c- r 4 T, x .A an i T E A (III SF I OE8I iOHOUND OOFFKE81I TOBAOOdslll 1 A lartVufole or th. adore articles ara now ' hur netted, and lor sal. by '' ,li" ' D. I. BROWN, " Commission Broker, 1 Noi R, Waahlattot) Bullous;, Sereoth Street aod Teoa. arenu.., ! SUTfcKBs'KE'bTJOtl Ffsea, X pound packs. " ' ,Tea tn (, a, W, II, tl, tl and 30 pound boxes. Caaned Tomatoes In I doxen boxes. -Ousted Feeehaa In 9 do sen boxes. nsUss U S doien boxes. Ou Drops lax pound p.p. rs. ,u Gust Drops isKponnd boxes. '. Raisins In boxes and H boxes. NptferloTl ounce J)ap.rVand In I ,rdB boxes. Xnflisn u.tard In M pound papers and eans. s(lls htustartta hjiitil tross boxes. Fresen ed Cherries In bottles. ' Flsja J pound drums and1 pound boxes. Lemoij Sjrup'ln bottles'. tLVO TOBACCO, TINE-CUT TOBACCO, CIQARI. For sale br D. Ij BROWN, No. , Waahta(ton BulkUnc aartnth street and Penn. arraue, ' - tWaahlnfton, D. C rvo Tins omcEHjop the armt. Just arrlved.'br direct ImDortatlon i Pulton, rrom Europe, a very Una and large assort ment of Marine, Opera, Field Glasses, and Tele- Hopts,wro i will sen a very utile aboe the cost la Puis. A. to tb. qualities, there are none superior to ha hsd. harlni been .elected rmmos.l. for thli market. Also, a large and welt-assorted siocitor opera gismm, Microscopes gold, sliver, and suet spretacle and Eya GlaaM., suited to the Sight hy thau I. of aa Optometer. A considerable number of certificates to beseen at my offlee, from genOemen who bsve been suited at my establish ment. 425 iVmuy'Mmia errmuf, bttwtm faur-anj-a. 1 Mfani SMhUrttu. My EaUklUment ta tsp atalra. Olossta JUttd to nil. The trade supplied. DCS 1C1T PROSPECTUS or the WEEKLT NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. The undersigned commenced, In the month of December, 1860, the publication, la this city, of a weekly tiepaper, called tho AoMonal Jfe puoltron. It Is printed on a large sheet, twenty-seven by forty-two Inches, and Is furnished at the low price stated below. It contains all the original matter of the -Daffy Xatlonai Bepvilkan, with tho exception of local newa not Interesting to country sob crlber. It will give full report of the proceedings of Congress, and of the other Departments of tho Natlonsl Government. It contain all the new of the day, foreign nd domestic, markets, c, &c, as well as an original correspondence from all parts of the country. The miscellaneous department will receive special attention, and, In all respects, the effort will be made to establish the charac ter of the JVaflonat Republican as a Family Newspaper. Waahlngton being now the central point of the current military operations, great attention will be paid to furnishing the readers of the National Republican with full, and especially with ocrurafr, accounts of the progress of tho war for the Union. In politics, the paper la Republican, sustain ing tho Administration of Mr. Lincoln. There Is nootlcr Republican paper In the District of Columbia, or In the vicinity of it, and It la believed that recent events have opened to such a paper an Important sphere of nsefnl effort. The time has come, when the actna administration of tho Government upon Repub llcan principles will explode, the mlsrtprcscn tatlona which have made thoso principles s dletatefhl to the South. But It la not only here, aud In this vicinity, thst the projectors of the Xattonal Republican hope ta make It useful. To tho whole country they offer a Journal which will discuss national politic from a national stand-point, and which will never be swerved from patriotic duty by any overpowering pressure of local Interest, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. On copy, one year .... ,3.00 Three copies, one year ... 5.00 Fire copies, one year .... 7.00 Ten copies, one year .... 12.00 Twenty coplee, one year . - . 20 00 One copy, alz month . . - - 1.00 Three coplea, six months ... 3.60 Fire copies, six months ... 3.00 Ten eoples, six months ... 0.00 Twenty copies, lx month - . 10.00 Paymenta alway In Advance. When a Clnb ofaubscrlbers bss been forward ed, additions may be made to It on the ssme terms. It Is not necessary that tho subscribers iw .v-u u.t. t .,. v lo a Club should receive their papers at the same VUWk U 'UifJC, M6uey may bo forwarded by mall, at our risk, Large amounts can be remitted In Treasury notes, or drafts on Boston, New Tork, Philadel phia, or Baltlmorej smaller amounts In gold, or In notes of solvent banks. Address W. J. KURTAGH A CO., Washington, D. C. 07" Tn DiiLT National Ripdblican la published every morning, (8 an days excepted,) at tho following rates i One copy, ono year .... 13.50 Five copies, one year - - - 15 00 One copy, six months - 1.75 Five copies, six months ... 7. SO Ono ropy, three months ... LOO W ATEU NOTICE. In conseouenceof the lownessof the water in the General Resen olr It will be necessary, unless great economy of water Is practiced, for the Gov ernment soon to shut off fhe supply to cltirens en tirely. All persons are, therefore forbidden to use the h) drants on Pfnnsyli enia avenue, or on any streets or avvuur- unwrim r u iurMiiuu ui mo Conuaisalonsr of Publlo Bulldlocs. for waterln the streets or par.m.Dts, or tor soy prlrate purpose waateraK Ana all persons using tbe water are urgently so- lldtcd to b as economical In its us. aa possible, B. B.rjtMCH, Commissioner of ruMloBulldlnt. sep ' I . . .." y.,w -I. IJtzjic- ,!!.-, Tn i ftyrae.; ' " EDUCATXQNAIir H pihCL INSVITUTS, 7 f, I V FOR YOUMO MtllCS. ' No. 01 K SrnccTf Nun the Ciactx. TEAMS, per Quarter of ten weeks Quarter commencing at the date of admission t XUmentary Classes In Fnglish - at 00 Advanced Classes In FnglUh Literature and flclence included - oo jLimnvaiai issinjvogiin. srsncn.and MUSIC .. 0o Advanced a asses In English, French and -Mwslo- .aa. f 00 Extra charge for Spanish, German, Italian, Latin, and other Languages. ! 'Dr. Z APFONE will ir tefiira. i Ath.ii assist,-whenever he can spare time from hlsmedl- on -i-t MR. A. ZAPfONI', rrlncip.- I GCORCETOWNSaM.L SIMIN.Ryi miss uaaaorxa's. A BOARDING AND DAI SCHOOL, 151 Wot trrnr.iT. The duties of this Institution tell) U. rutnl An the 8th of September, ctreulara mar b. obtained at tb. principal book-.tore. In Wasblnrton. or by addressing; the principal. W 4W IISHDI M.J. HARROVIR. NOTICE TO THK PUBLIC IN GENERAL 0 o a 1. 1 n u RKSPAUttANT a 4 7 --S-' a 7 7 U 7 . PrNVVAMIA AVENUE, 10CTH SIDE, ( t formerly of New Vork,) Ha. the Nameand ram of being one of THE BEST XESTAUBAKTS IX TOWS. i O-Glre us a trial, and judge for youra.U.lj Everything In the House I. of the BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Don't forget the number, 37 Fenosylr.nla avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, mar 10 South side. NK W INVENTION ARTIFICIAL CLEO PLASTIC BONE TEETH, without metal plate or clasps, by DR. H . it. Rtnr.Hirr.Nn 910 Eros-way, titve Torkf and 360 Penn. avenue, TTA8HLK0T0K, D. C, Calls the attention of the public to the followlna advent ares of hirimDroved aritcrat lit. The teeth of his manufacture will never cor rode nor chance color by any adds, and are three fourths lighter than any other. 3d. No teeth nor roots need be extracted, as tha IAtl n , ., . l ' i iiuwioi vik . i fc gii.srrieu sjyrr mrm. SJ. Tbe roots will be made Inoffensive and never to ache. 4th. No temporary teeth are needed, as permanent ones can be made Immediately, thereby preservl x tne natural expression of the face, which, under I the old syatem. Is freauentlv dlsflrured. 6th. This workhasbeenfullyteated,foroverflre J wmtw. vj uuaujr ui tun urn uyenuill UQ pnysictans of this and the old country Dr. S.has also Invented . whit Indestructible metal fllllnr, with which tha most sensitive teeth can be Ailed without pain, and can build up a per fect sonnd tooth on any tide roots, which will last through a lifetime. He refers to the following gentlemen: Dr. V. Mott i Dr. Doremus, Professor of Chemistry; Hon. A. Diana, juu. ?, iraDiree, ice rresiaeni of in Fmljcratlon Company of New Vork; Hon. Judge Wayne, of tha Supreme Court, of Washington, D. Ci and thotis-ida of other.. Call and examine for yourselves. nor a 4ta APPLICATIONS ror DapUeate -.and . Wr--- Appllcatlon having been made under the act of 23d June, 160, for the reissue of the Land Warrants described herein, which ara alleged to hare beem lost or destroyed, notice Is hereby given thst, at the date folio win thedescrlDtton oi each wurikat. a new certificate of like tenor will be Issued jf no valid objection should then appear. Ho. 93,700, for 120 acres. Issued, under the act of oaarcu, wxkiuinaasuneoiArnoianarr-igiOB, ana was granted September 17, 1867 January 4, 186.. tiu. iH.wn, mi imai.i't;!, iiaucu uuurr iuc act 01 March, l-M, la the names of the minor children of uaniri . racinne, oeceasea, ana was granted Oct. 4. io Mununry it. iai. No. 100,847, for 160 acres, issued under tha act of liinrcn iooo, in ine nameoi Ansei Alien, ana was ranted AUrch 12. 183 Januarr 18. ISO. No 100,360, for 1C0 acres, Issued under the act ot maroji, iooo, ininoo-meoi nacnri, wiuow oi ueo. Hatner, aud was granted January , 18 February 8. 1863 No 67,700 for 160 acres. Issued under the act of jiiarcn -, iodo, id ine nine oi m. -Tisier, ana was grnniru rDrur o, iooi trrusrr(, lOM. No.Mffor (to acres. Issued under the act ol September, i860. In the name of Jonathan Mc Henry, nod was Granted July fith. 1891 March 1, 1861. JOSFPH H. BABBITT, Commissioner. p u o p o a A L H , Dcror QuAaTcaMASTca's Orricc, Corner 18th and O streets, Wa-hlnrton. Dee. 10. 1H SCALED PROPOSALS Mill be received at this office until Saturday, December 20, 1862, at 13 o'clock ui . (ui tuc uurtaiui reriooi ujuik "- iu me Military ser Ico of the United States, In the city of tt -iuuiuu, mu niu tt ii ii in .iirB uiucivi niu city, from the 1st of January until the 80th of June, 1863. Specifications for all the reaulrementaof such I uuririii -no uv seen ni mis oiuce. PROPOSALS The full name and Post Office address of the bid' der must DnT In the nrottoial If a bid is made in the name of a Arm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of tho party signing It. Proposals from tliUowU pari tpu7 net tx CPuud ernl, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposition. Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. Harts. Asslstsnt Quartermaster U. S. Army. Washington, D. C , and should be plainly marked " Proposals for the Surlst of Persons dying In the military sen ice oi ine unucu siaies " GUARANTEE. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the olUclal certltkafe of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of tbe United States Dis trict Attorns r. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should It be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and said evaranttt mutt acctmjtany tka bid, ZUdders must be present In person when the bids arr opr, or inn propoiaia win noi om coaiia' rxi. Bonds In the sum of one thousand dollars, signed "J ne "Dirwr icu worn ot iu tuiruwrf, i b tMujr-d ot the successful bidder upon stcnlnc lilt; a;uiiiBvi Form of Quaranttt, We. . ot thecouutv of -.and State of - and , of the county of , and state of , do hereby guaranty that Is able to fulfll the con tract, In accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that, should his proposition be accepted. he v, ill at once enter Into a contract in accordance therewith. Should tho awarded to him, we are prepared to become his securities. (lo this guarantee must be appended the official ?t?rttflftsj .bm mention J ) the Depot Quartermaster rcsetres to himself iiiv rigni io rrjrci any ur an uiu iukv iiv accm ioo nixn, EDWARD L. HARTZ, Capt. aud Ass't Quartermaster U S. A, .ieo 11 F IS II - HA It GENT'S AWNING, FLAG, AND L'XIOX TEXT FAOTOItT, No. 530 Pennsylvania avsnut, WASHINGTON, D. C. SUTLERS' AXB AR3TT TEX'iS ON HIND OR 1I)I TO OEBIR. Awolngs, Flsss, Tents, Mall Bas, Horse Covers, SlKas, V acn Covers, Stc.. made at short notto.. rar-tl NOTICE IS 1UIHEUV GIVEN THAT tha Copartnershlp-lieretoiore exlsUaf between LYLK St CUFriN is mis aar mssoirea ur mutual Mb? ED consent ! JOHN Q XYLE. J A. COFFIN. - ' John O. L) I. still continues the business at th , oUslsnJ. Waihlntton, Jut y 21, 1861 jxt " i s in .rlliiiJeim . , , 1ITKII.OI' UDVCETIIUH One Kinue, fcrardsr :-...-- ul One square, Bre daj -....-. 1.60 Ojwaqoarrtatt'dsT . u .... l.n -IVert-Wbar d.T adTertUementsflftyper wiu aacnuoixa.' -"iossm irsrm)saeiiu charged a neir (oral tisettMai.rri.rtsr l i.wl , " eirtfUnea ar le tcnratlteto a nroatsv ri -j AdrertUetrmUa stxmld be handed la bj pin. o'clock p. ....-; n - STkKkl)!llilltD01IWIIS. trr,ao rota'tCAnsoi-D,' ' br'tjnOIOB-OPbllTO" OKAPE. "" rf)BHTSlClANS DJE, a ' For Femalei, Weakly, Arsons, and Invalid!. f. g?j IS ntSti Erer? fitnnf.a(tnli lesion.'Ifiouldtue tl - sgAHBUOt W1NE,J' - Celebrated In Enrape floT t ta medicinal- and bene A clal qualities u B gentle Stimulant, Tonic, Dlurtt le , and Sadortfle, highly esteemed by eminent physl elanS, uesd in X Uropean nd.Ametieso Hospltali. and by sme o( the first families In Europe and ., " .Aa a TfiNir. It haa no equal, causing an appetite and buUdlnr up the system, being entirely a pure wine of a most valuable CrulL . -t . A A DIURETIC, It imnarta a nealthr action of tha Glans and Kld- ntys.s -Urinary drgans.very'sieneflcl alia Dropsy Gout, and RheumatlQ affections. . PEER'S WINE ksnota mixture ror manufactured article. but Is pure, from the Juice of the Portugal flambucue 'pvt,cmuTBi--in icwrfcrfcytr-comiacaaei oy bemlsts and PtirslLlans Sa Boesessliir medical oro- perttM superior to any other. U lues la use, and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated per sons and the seed and Inflrtn improving the appe tite s)n4Voanung jadies and children. A LADIES WINE, Becauae It will not Intoxicate as other wines, as it w-iauia sv uisASi aa (usa- t umic. uuuuiii svu Ja admired for itartsh, peculiar flavor, ana nutriuve iropcrues, impanLasj a neanoy tone ro in oigesi ve organs, and a blooming, soft, and healthy skin and complexion. WE REFER TO A few well-known gentlemen and physicians who have tried tie Wine i 0uWlx.ell Scott, U.S A. Dr.Wilfon.Uthst ,N.V Gor. Morgvn, N.Y. State. Dr. Ward, Newark, N.J DrJ.ILC-Utra.N.Y.CIty. I Dr Dougherty, Newark Dr. Parker, N. V, Cit j . N. J Drs. DarcyiNlchoU.New 1 Dr. Marey. New Tork. ark, N.J. I Dr. Palst, Phllad 'a. Er'None genuine without the signature of "A L FRED 8PEER, Passaic, N. J ," Is overthe cork eactsbottle. jTTMAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. For sale by Draggtsts and all first-lass Dealers Trade supplied in Baltimore by WM. II. BRO Wit K BRO. A. S PEE It Proprietor. Vincvabd Passaic. New Jersev. Orrirc SOS Broadway, New Tork. John la fot. Paris. nov-ly Agent for France and Germany. JUST TRY OUR NEW STIKK OS Clothing from the People's ClothlmfTtore, No 40 Seventh atreet, near F. They out-wear any thing you can buy and they are sold so chvep at J. H. SMITH'S, No. 460 Seventh street, nesr F. I would advise all to come and buy their Clothln at SMITH'S, No. 460 Seventh street. It you are wise you will come to SMITH'S, No 4C0 Seventh street, near F. opposite City Post Of floe, to buyVyour Clothing, Furnishing Goods Trunks, Hats, and Caps. The PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 4b0 Seventh street, is the best place In town to buy your Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Hats, and Caps. J. H. SMITH b. CO, Clothiers, 4Q Seventh street. Call soon and seeour new stock of Fall and Win ter Clothlnr, which we are selling at very low pri ces, at tha PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, Ho. 460 Seventh street, near F Great attractions at No. 4u Screnth street. New stock of Clothing Just arrived, and sellings at our usual lrtw prices. J. H. SMITH -CO, Clothiers. No. 460 Seventh street, and corner Twentieth street and Penn avenue. Great bargains in Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats, Cspe, Boots, and Shoes, on tha corner oi Twentieth street and Penn. avenue. SMITH & CO , Clothiers, First ward, cor. Twen tieth street and Pennsylvania avenue, Is the cheap est plac In town to puy your tall and Winter nothing. Call at the First Ward Clothing store and get ) our Fall and Winter Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, SMITH h CO .Clothiers, Cor. Twentieth street and Penn-av FIRST WARD CLOTHING HOUSE, corner of Twentieth atreet and Pennsylvania avenue. You can buy your Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, aud Shoes cheap, corner of 1 went let h street and Pennsylvania avenuo. scpsfi im ATTENTION, SOLDIEHt AND BUT IE18 Having just completed our assort ment of Camp Furniture, we wontd now respect fully Invite the attention of Soldiers and SuQers Our assortment comprises In part the following Camp goods, vln Camp Chests for mess of from four to six, Camp Tables. Camp Stools, Camp Cots, Camp Mattresses, with all other articles of Camp Furniture calcula ted to make a soldier comfortable. All of which will be sold at the very lowest cash prices at au 31 No. 636 Seventh street, corner D. lOMBTlIINO NEW tbTTTt Now Is the time to burvour Fall Clothln. at No 460 Seventh street where you ean find all the latest atyle goods, at Northern prices. Ho f ho I for Seventh street, No. 460 A Urge in voice of Clothing, at very low prices. No. 460 Sev tath street, sear F. . new way a save uou i y j uur -ijiur at No. 460 Seventh street, orrooslte Post Offlee. at 10 per cent, below the market price, In i Treasury notes.f , Smith's, No. 460 Seventh street. Is the cheapest house In town to buy your Clothing, Furnishing uooas, iruDiu, nau.n aps sepvo m "iV-ATIONAI ATIONAL LOAN. THE NEW rirjTirr year stx per cist, bonds of tbe U XI TED BTATEB (Khovn as "Five TVenlUi.") Tbe COUEON BONDS In .urns of M, ,100, S5o0, n4l,W, Th. BrcisTrarp bonds u sums of so, iuu, ,eoo, ,t,ooo, and ,ooo, tkterett eemiacAci'nf at date if purcKtu,! roa i -t ras r JAY COOKE & CO., Da-k.r., ' -453 .fVilA ttreit, Tb... Bonos ar. tba CaxarcsT Gomsam Siccruir now In th. msrket. tRlereit payable etmtonnutUy IN GOLD Is equivalent, at present price of coin, to si Pan CiNT la currency. nov 36 tf DO YOU KNOW IT 1 It you do not, call at SMITH h DI ALL'S, No. 361 Seventh street near K street, and buy yourself a nice suit of Cloth, lng from them, as they sell cheap. SMITH & BEALL, Clothiers, No 301 Seventh street, not .ll-dtjant Ker K street. ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR new stock of rail and W Inter Clgthlng, Cent. Furnish!., Co.", ""i'itJ-X.L k co , l( jm Clothiers, No. 311 Seventh stmt a s 1' lisfffsFsTTiti ii rtr'T 8 "? 4UV9Trv&"''3 (. -i 'lfeWB-y-'v ' R HK 5 HHIM (J l'iK' JVt' h !l.'li-n---LW'-s 9HHBndaM fMIrTM4 . HNr. i a 1