Newspaper Page Text
.LQOAL NEWS. uu tA IYf;eleertTnetTe,whiiA lor the lait lire iucm. 01 k. w..iuiiBane. urns rainy hmw uu favorite morti and It la not to bs wondered at, tor j- It If KtUlalf IB (Ml MfSiaMIlt OPtlt (DM- ,-" UW that ha. been preeeated In our city for y ran. The soeale enact U beautiful, ma DeglBalng to nd, u4 tha happy tertalaalloa of the piece li Uu neat Blaaalaf feature of ll. Tho dement or the fairy queen from tho eloudt, Bad thfl aaeeoiloB of Bataaella, la, ladeod, u lagealout piece of ttege efteeti ul th. BMeaaBloal appllaneee for Iti tuo eeoeful working; ahowa that a matter hand hat Cleaned Iti while the numeroua (lancet, executed y Mad. Katarlae, Nlte Sophia Milan, Mom. louche, end tha ladle, of tha ballet, reflect credit on thoea engaged lo Ita graceful execution We expect another overflowing houaa tonlght, to wit neat Manager Ford'a lait. Sett, and noil gorgeout epeetecle of " Satanella, tha rower of Lora." CAarramav. Thlt attractive plaea of amute neat atlll holda Ita own. Tha great Gallattl la uBett to nil aay public hall or theatre In tha " . paiHuiHiiH trial uv ueatj uv luiiuri if aft equal i while the splr adld Corpi de Ballet ' ara the admiration of ereiy beholder. The irtat act by Ml h Mortimer una Pennojrer Increases in attraction rery tine It It presented, and the side epltttlaf (arc which eJoee the parforaance sends every oaehoae la food spirits aad wltii a detar ntnatloa to go afala. Tha public ara oa tha cut Hm for tbt appearaaaa of this treat company of artlitaa at Odd fellow,!' Hall, on Monda y cTentnf tXta OaoTca'c TneATMTha Vnerretle maaaft awui law rvruM- iwmpiv Q) o urDl Dive prrpairu Trry enicnainmsni for Tllll tTanlaf, consisting of three excellent farces. Tha first will ba ' Uaele ku." la which Mr. Ben Rogers wuibuimiii Mo-BfrintupiucnainiiTitTri raw loilOWM by a rran4 miuleal prodaction eniiUtd "Legends of Ua Rhine,'' by Kopplti and orchestra The whlak Um Inlmltabla Setcb.ll will appaar aa Mad- Hwqnwwi unr wMtn ih araei "nurnt legal Mka." bi tha tplaadld oreheetra. tha whole to conclud with th. feree of tha "Tankae legacy," latroduoUg the popular favorite, Lotty lloufh, In ona of har varf oatt oharartara. Tho who with to enjoy an areata! of rare amueemeat ihould attend Groter'l to-nliht. - WAtmaoTon Vabictiii. Thla popular oiaca of .w wifn i.iur wim wiir puMio. aOQ each nlfhtnauercaalon of erowiled houert hire oeen la attendance. Fantorolmea ara alwara poi ular In Waahlaa ton. The comlt element It promt neat, and afforda rare entertainment. Hernandet It a mott amutlna fellowi hit talent la alien plecet cannot be excelled br anjr llilnf tcUe. The oallet of "Ut'etaceclllennan la beauUfullr arrannd by Moat. Itollotr, and recti! ed with uuoh fat or. Tha aillltjr dltnlared be the Moretta Brothera ara great featt, while tha tlnglof . danclnr , and Kthlo plan acta are well executed. To-nI(ht tha eale trated and talented Budworlh Orolhera make their Brit appearance. The verr laughable pantomime, tailed the "Coopfra," whloh waa rwelred with ahoutt or laughter lattereulnf, will la repeated, wltk Hernaadei In hit great part, lupporiedbrthe eollratroupe. - - n Poura MATTtaa Wm. II. Ortnt.'carnlag eon cealed waapont t flned n br Juttlca Drury. Wathlngion Doraer,drunk and dl-orderlr l lined (IbrJutueaDrurr. , Ckaa. Wllllama and Hlohard'll. WllUamt, lit crnr aotamltted to Jail for court by Jutllea Drurr. Jamaaiohnton, flgkllng In the llreet Snad 1M br Juatloe aaytoa. R.H. Wlllet.,dlaorderltr fined I.M by Juttlca Clayton. " Patrick Donnohoe.'druok and dltorderlr l fined tl by Juttlce Cltyton. Wra. Part, drunk and dltorderlr i fined al.64 br Jilttke Clayton. W. B. Donaldaon, larceny i commuted to Jail by Juattee Clayton. Wm. Dannenberg and Barney McPaule,dlaordcr ly conduct fined (t by Juttlca Thompaon. A. Braft, Charlea Dicier, T. Bruebacher and (pleaa,aaaaultand battcrytJaU for court by Jut Ilea waiter. HUhard Wlatert, attault and battery with intent to kill i Jail for court by Juttlce Waltrr. Hamilton Dorcey, drunkennett fined (I by Jut- - JonnKarlr, tutplclon of larceny t Jail for court by Juttlca Walter. r ' Samuel Johntoo, Thot. Larklaa, Edwar J Flynn, diunk and dlaorderly fined i by Juttlca Waltrr. Timothy Mccarty, attault and battery aacurlty for a further hearing by Juttlca Fenruton. Miry E. Rolilnton and Jotephlna Mllei, larceny, committed to Jail by Juttlca Stratton. John Addamt, attault and battery t tecurlty for court by Juttlce Stratton. Edward Brallee. Robert Lynch, Jat. McLaughlin and John Krlaaw, dlterderly conduct I lined I.M .' u,.w s.,a,uu. vti,o, uui anu aitoroenr I nnea Sl.vt Roae-Donaelly and Mn. Mortarty, dltorderlr fined 3 by Jaatfce Stratton. ' iti FOl'BTM Wabd Statioi CAtra Btroac Jftricr Waltm YrrrcBDAV. Jimrt Thompton, aatault with a raxori flned aio. a aj tieicner, wiat vrtgnt, carrying concealed weanontt Sned 020. ' Patrick Kelly, hiving ttolen goodt In hit potiea aloni ball for a furtherhearlng. au riiji uujing tioicn gooati oau lor a near log. - " John MeCauley, tutplclon of larccnyi Jill for court.' t Joarph Fletcher, attault and battery! fined 19. A. Kockler, irtllnc liquor to aoldlerti fined J JO. Jaa. roteon, dlaorderly conduct! fined si. Patrick Kelly, telling liquor to toUlerii held for a hearing. " The Nioiit Patbol of tha Tenth NtwJerley waa commanded, latt Monday night, by Lieutenant Horner, who, with hit command, arretted Lt. Col. Saohehltela, Vlfty-eeeond New York regiment. He had papert itattng that hit dlMharge ptpert had been received, hut on account of being reported "ebteut without leave," no action had been taken on thtm. A ctntaln of another New York regttnent wat found in a bawdy houae without a pait. Two lieutenant! of other New York reglmentl were alao arreated for being without proper pattet. Oua had a paaa written In the German language, but not correct, aa read by a companion. AU tha above were ordered to reDOit to tha oro- w?r.ii ' Man KitLtD on the Citt Bilroad Between and 7 o'clock on Monday Dlght, a young man named Morrli RlcuardMn, employed la tbe nary yard, waa accidentally killed by a city paaicager ,ar, near the north gate of tha Capitol. Ad iDoiiMt wi beU, and the Jury returned a vci dkt thai he waa accidentally run operand killed, and attaching no blame to the driver. It being In evidence that at tha ipot where tha occurrence took pleat It wai 10 dark that he could not eee the deoeeeed. fUcbardeon was aged about twenty-nine yrari. and for a year pait naa worked In the macblnlita1 department, (navy-yard.) Ha leatei a wife aod two children, whom he had moved here from SaUI mora only a few week ilnce. Cojttbact Scroioki. Quite a number of aur- Jeana,ln tntf army and hoinlttla, ara hlrrd.fora Lmlted aeaaos, on luob certlflcatee ai may be ao ceptable.and ara lent to duty wltnout a regular aaamlnaUon. Many of these doctore prove to be ettteleat lurgeont, and find their way to regu lar oommUslout yet, a larger number are ineffl cleat, and their eontracta are belnr annulled aa Cut aa their demerits are aacertained. Six of tnrae lurgeona wart cumiiiM curing tne rut Heek. a CHXIArCAU AND OHIO CANAL. Tilt folUwlOj? boati arrlrM at Ueorgetown yeaterday: R. O. VlUtt, wood. Capttota, U. ., ao tone coal. Gov. Shaw, Cumberland company, lit tone coal . . INfoM, noop-polei. J. F. MeCulloa, 116 tone coal. The following departure! are reported. China Sales and Ida F. JUynoU. ... Wovxni TatrriirvLLY 8 k etc Hto. Several of our noapiMis nave, 01 late, been vialted by a sol dier artist, who. with treat akill and -jscurocv. and for a trlfllog compensation, sketches the ounds of oua pauanis wno mar oeiiro u, git ing IDS exact awoetawaaa aaaaBijv, . aaaar, 41 tuau) ! ant borne by the soldiers to serve as Interesting mementoes for the friends and rslatlt ei of the dls aiiea soiaiers. a ii i I i Rrrnm to take the Oatit. r, V. Dorscy went to the office of the provost marshal ) ester day, and applied for a pass to go to Virginia. Tha rasa waa made out and he was requested to sign he usual oath not to furnish aid or Information to the enemy. This he refused to do. He was very properly committed to the OU Capitol prison, a J VIUII tip all J'lVTWai Mllllalt CniMlNALCoVRT. BtfortJuJiitMttrlil. Phas. A. Uradler. uharsed with aaaault and ha.1 terjr witn intent to kill, upon elemlng Jordan, found I. ,uii7i avaitweeaio iwo years ana six monins in he penitentiary. Norrls for defence. junanuei n. uosweu. enargeu witn an attempt to poison hla own child by giving poisoned tigs, not hih;i awisautrj ivruiicucr, The Wo tTNOEo. Ample provl.lon has been made for comfortably tranaferrlng the wounded, as thav mav arrive onihat tM-iata. tn tha uaHnu. hni. pit all. would It not be ft ell, howei er, for a por- liuu ui uuivnitcui,t.i ivaasi. w IUtfi Iir WOUaUfQ uien as ther arrive, and dlsnanaa to than, mrth tlmulants or delicacies as their condition may re Twenty cai-wam of wounded were jeatenlay tUUg)gu kiuiu ji,uiavini, u Mint (juustiiui uj in iraHiMirigjunu j. n anw r anu Jtinn iuafri The Juniata arrived .here, jesterday, with a . number of wounded, and the Hfekland vv as expect- a. I tit ua hava nnf. nn tn tiid lira.anl lima nfl ed, but we have not, up to the present time of WriUUX, 4jer U alr ear II I e. Sick Men mo m Sian.'i Conn Last Monday plght, about 11 o'clock, two hundred tick men ar rived at the Mxth street wharf, from Alexandria, by steamer. They were sent up from Fairfax sta tion in aoniequrnce of the movtng of General sal gel's corps. tS av Sf B, mM A BTHItfA iaeB A tVaa iTnltetfrlei. I A church, left the city nn Sabbath latt, for Frederlckt- " lKre. lt I ..Id. h .nMul fHn(nt rvli In prot IdUg comfort, for our wound! J. OtATiit or souitat-Tliilolk)wlB( dcttlit kara occurred llnoe our lait report - W. Holland, company G.tth ttanton Boepltal. y, . Ej'l altht company A, M laf. at Patent Offlea T. D.v'ounf,compaoyP, Patent Otfoa notpital. Geo. Hofaeker, tompaay o,tltt Pa. (at Mount Reaaant hotpltal. .. ,, , Aaron BerteiilretMr, mm Pa.) at Ecklnglon hotpltal. Jacob Myert, company I, mth Pa.t at Cartaf laOepltalal. -tw Itobert O. Luckenbell, company K, inth Pa. at Carrar hotpltal. . , f Mfihew lawton, company t, Itt Mlnn.t at Car- verhoantlal. ' Ceo. M, While, drummer, company C, 1 1 Ilh N. Y. at Kalorama hotpltal. Levan T. Belcher, eemptny 0, nth Mleh.tat Dumbarton llreet hotpltal. . iW( """Pi company 6, rath P. at Douglat hoe- Ludwlg Brewer, company A, lead N. Y. el Ml, Pletiant hotnllkl. Geo. Lawaon. company D, TJIh N. V. at Mount Fleatint hotpltal. Jtl. tftlllh Mninin- A ItlltlLf xl-. .,.. k.nii: -'-- " "" " "" "'" I I I PraioKAf. Cen. Glbhont, Geo. MaCall, Brig. Gen. strong, and Col. witwell, U. a. a. i Judge ftnon, Ohloi Judge a. B. Rugglea, N. V.j Hon. """Cameron, pa- Hon. C C. Chafiee, Matt., are ,.TttcJ""' 'rapidly drying oa ouritreett, to that It haa become pottlble to mora about the principal w-iiu,uiHn nimuyi mtUlttl a OOtl 10 aaTI' gate the poolt of filth. DEtlBABf.l Inn, A !.. flnnn, f If A Hall hat juit received a lot of OOcert Long and "i-iuiui nn.anca toaiai aito,auil nnlabad Pon chot, extra large alteei alto, a lot of blue Engllth Talmat. verr lone, at aio eaehi whlrh h ! Tiin at manufacturertpricrtgathlt India Rubber Ware- uuum, iu renntyirania avenue, between ninth and Tenth ttreeta. octn tf . i A Woao or Adticc Thoaa who haya been doctoring for weeka and montha without obuinlng relief, ihould contult Dr. rithblatt, whoaa omoe It m'S:fn E ,in,h ruer of Eighth ttreet, and b radically cured. Twenty-are yean experience ha ettabllthed Dr. PlthbUtt't renutttlnn at tnhvil Clin. Recent caaet cured In a few dart. Charaea moderate. DR. riSHBLATT. No. an E ttreet, corner of Eighth, Oppotlte the General Pott Office. LAOira, Men'l, Toutht', Mlitet' and Chlldren'a Rubber Boon, Shoee, Stndalt and Galteni Ladlet' and Gentt' Buckle Orenhoet, with felt lining and topi Men'e Short, Xnee and Hip Boon. At Allen. Clapp k Co.'a India Rubber Store, Peno. avenue, balBren 10th and llth itt. nor 21 lm Ihdia Rvaaxa Goont. The place to buy your 5V?.BJ,R,2AT.?' lEGGINS CXMP BLANKETS, HAVELOCKS,HAV-RSACKs,and every article made from INDIA RUBBERlt at H. A.IIALL'S India RubberiWarchoute, where you caa obtain them at manufacturer!1 prleet, S10 Penntylvanla avenue, between Ninth and Tenth atreeta. oo 33 i , IaniA Rraara Boon 'Ann snort Tha above article! ara told raeeaer at II. A. HALL'S India Rubber Warehoute, lib Fennt) Iranla avenue, than at any other atora la thla city or vicinity. Thlt ( eo. Call and tatltfy yourtelrct, 310 Pcnntylt tola avenue. - I10 -" lanu Ruitia Goont U It not necetitryfor Mr. II. A. HALL to enumerate the different atylea and Linda of Rubber and Gutta Fercha manufae turrra he keept (he hat them all) on hind; and a glance Into the beautiful ttore or flat of prim gh en by hit attendant!, wilt conrlnoe any one that hie eitabllthment ll rra7y the only Jadta Jruober H'arrteur, and la located at 310 Penniylvanla ave nue, next door to Mritrt. Htrper k, MltcheU't Dry Goodt warehoute, between Mnth and Tenth ttreett. 8" Goto WuiTliitTBiT. all Penntjlvanla avenue, to obtain auperlor Hkeoeitci at reduced prleet. Pine Card Vlrnettt, formerly told at S3 per doien, now telling at 111 half doienl, tame rate. Colored Imperlala reduced from to i aelllog whole lire colored at only aa. I will excel In "cUerrd Carl it VUlIn," having aecured the tervloet of a tuperlor artltt for that branch of butlneti. LlLe neaiet of many of thote fallen In battle can be ob tained here; alio card photographa of prominent men, both clt II and military. nov 31 lm WovHDtn and DicAaLtDSoLDtCBt Can have their "ArrrtjaryPtfcrt-i" made out for application of "JaMMrfFr-Mtoiij," Immediately upon procuring their Dleraarw," by application to Vet, Ganfaer, t Zullet, No. 489X seventh ttreet, between Dand E atreeta, near General Pott Office. No charge until pention it procured. no sa im' Attsjitios, ArrLiCTEn! Dr. Vellny la yet engaged In no eittntlre practice In thla city, and we would rail the, attention of tho poor, pnnv, emMlated Tlrllraa of their own tint to the beat tonrcct of remedy. lint, elra no vonr rpreaent conns of life at once and forever and ccuuuiy, can on ino uioat ikiiiui pnyticiani, (and none are better than Dr. Vellny,) and be cured of the dlaeaie which la now undermin ing yonr contlltnllona and tending yon to s pre mature graye. Communicated. DllLOYAITT STILL Exim IB EpirHANvratfaan. oatiom. The church of the Epiphany, which haa been for tome monthi uted aa a hotpltal, having been recently git en up by tha Government, waa on waltlna In tha lobbv for a teat, we u era much mr. prlaedfohear Southern aantlinentt at boldly ex- prettedatlf the church wat la Richmond. Aladyll) r ureiiru, waa laiamg aoout tne T. and declared that tha honad the fog waa ao thick that It would preent our troopt from seeing where to lire. Two men were talking about the damage done to the church, and declared that fit a hundred dollars would not pay for lt. "We Intend," said he, "to send a bill la to Government for this and for rent, but that la all the good It wilt do.' "That's so," Mid another, 'for they can't pay these soldiers, let alone paying us." i uufiii miie Baora iui i nraru) mis win sumce. s the beautiful service of the church nrocecded. I f1t elllPA t rv Sit Atl t Iai aaanmAnt Ind ait a.MUaa t this eientful morning, would not be forgotten, Wt 1 was again dlsAppelnted. The prsjcr for the President, In the regular course, was read, but that for Congress, which Is ordtrtd to be read during sessions of Congress, was omitted. Lo) al pastors do not forget our brave defenders on the Held, or the wounded and d lng, the widows aid the fatherless, and several beautiful prayers bare been Incorporated Into the service for the purpose but these were studiously omitted. In his sermoot the rector alluded to their return from exile, and satd that the church had been taken from them aa a punishment for lukewarmneas in Christ's cause. He said that their duty as a church was to attend solely to the promotion of spiritual matter., taking no part In the unhappy struggles now going on around us. On this lovely Sabbath morn, whan one of the most deadly battles eter known to this country was going on almost within hearing when hun dreds of men were pouring out their life's blood In defence of the beet Government that God ever made be could And no word ot hope, no word of consolation, for those who watch for every Hoe, as lt flashes over the wire, lest It bring oews of the death of some dear one. lie could stand there and utter cold homilies, when the loyal people of this city and the whole country are w siting breathless ly for tidings fraught with the deepest Import to ail. He said that the church depended not for sup port or prosperity upon any Government, but ex Iited Independent of atl. IIow long would his ohurch exist, or he revive Ms pay for uttering treason, were not our troops standing betneen him and those who are seeking, v. 1th traitorous hands, our life's blood 1 a i i ! Communicated. HoaaiatE Condition or the Pavement at the Post Office. Was ever a city of such pre tentions as Washington sodligraced with streets such as we For several months pait, a man and a boy have been amusing themselves, making fretence of laying a sidewalk. A man fell Into be hole prepared, and nearly lost his life, but that was not enough the trap Is beautifully laid for hundreds to do the same every dark night. The Ingenuity of the person In charge seems strained to its utmost tension to catch the unsuspecting jiuujav; ifiiwi are i.u rixnt acroaa ine pan.' war and a narrow ulank. crease with clar. la placed Invitingly, to make the descent easy aod rapid Into a ten-feet hole. If the concocter of the scheme could be hurled down there, lt would be a great delight to Manv Citiicni. Prof, Armea Lectures. Among numerous letters, from all direction, expresifve of the practical Importance of the le. soni, a course of which Is now being gh en In Ibis clt) , Is the following, in prut, from Col. Theodore Hyatt, Principal of the Military School, formerly located at ' Wilmington, Del., Nov. wd, isw. Rev. Dr. G. F. Wiiewell, DCAnSia: Permit me to Introduce to you Prot. J. Armes, an experienced lecturer on educational suMects. home jeers since, be gave a course of lectures, ranentlallv on memory (having no analogy to any old method styled MnmoniVi), to a large cists In Union College, Schenectady I was one of his pupils, aud was much gratified at the results, as waa the entire class. Prof. A. has recently given a covrse of lessons on his Improved system to about one hundred students In my Institution. The plan Is simple, ingenious, and Is the true one, it being founded on the only on which a philo sophical system can rest. Prof, A.'- method of DreaentluK it Is not onlv such as to make hla haar. crs understand lt, but to coo. luce them of its availability, WecanhcrMy avoU waking vtc of M$ icienci ,,i our tnitavort to trmurt up font, c.7l c. g ..... a a . ijL 't..T. . uatTti aiujrciic. uu uir iiiiuu luurs niaionoei events, dates, he . than, as It seems to me, I would have done In a llfe-ttmo by the ordinary mot hod; and I have no hesitation In saying, I have never attended a course of lectures on any subject that has aHorded aio so mucH pleasure and mental prottt. Very respectfully, ac, JZ-Jt-rK. "fl""' ft? " lesson will be re- frt: ?ofu:r;vft:4oHJi;'nv,Vm,8ri?Vs. ,,ckf f ,gr wsBmsmasamBrnmssssBissss JL"?r: "ra tha Doird of TruttMe of VI SchooUrurtuaat to call, a luedal mealing pf tha Board of rublle Sahoola waa held latt even. '" !".!'' Aldemen'a welah tha tnarlta of a aatem Mlui lw rw.r Amea for a mora perfect aid la.ild recolleotloa of t "a1., " a quorum or nemoera, now vrr, not being preeent,-notalsf daSalta trana- Blred. Among he (aw there, wt aotlaad Hit Honor it Mlror. Tha Profeaaor gave as lafomal apeel !!5..0J.,U, l "P " ' I"0 rlla whom he hid with him, and the retult waa very tatltfaetory, and all evinced much pleaaurewlth the performance. The Profettor will afford a aomewhat mora en ' eihlblllon at tha regular tlttlnr of tha Board, to be convened tha aeeond Tueaday after noon of next month, when teachara of public achoolt genertlly are requetted to attend, i . i Binccra IUtii. The followlnir an tha rate. at which bankers sad brokers are buying and elllnf cold and illver the legal tender notes being the sUndardi Buying. Selling. Gold SO per c. prera, S3 per c. rnm. Bllyer- . SS " S5 Demand notes S3 " W " Dtnkt of Inue In Wathlnrton and George town! Wathlngton. Georgetown. Bank of Metropolis. Farmers and ileco'l Bank of Wathlngton. Bank. Patriotic Bank. Bank of Commerce, rami's A Merck's B'nk. Tbi Bcluoh Buik redeems Us notes InU. B. Treainrj notes, when any amount from ons dollar upwards la presented. Georgetown Marin. Uat. ABBIVAU. .steamer h. I. Derenny, Drlttow, rhlla., Mer- Sohr. Iran Smith,, fu River, Govern, meot ttoret to Aleaandrla. Schr. Lourlne, Owent, toultbury, Md., wood. srrABTvsit. .k- lk.4 B.J. It .,..( . k . -w.i. .uu,, ovumi, Nr.i.ii.ri. i.iarmyouai. Sleamcr C.C. Alger, Fenfon, nlla.,marohaaalie, MAnnicD, VstSltiI'JV. ISth Ifiataint hat thai Bn kfa II - -V'"""l "a".m, v; 1UV nil, 4ig, AKUrTU, Mr. L. A. Hritf. ti. Ml. Jur r,. ....,.. -I jAhi..7J ""- --"i - V4 nitsn. Ontha lfith lnsta&f. Tf tawrnarrt Mrtnrs sKrsvt year, e months and 30 days, youngest child of ""tl Dim araaaa auu AliUlllfau. SPECIAL NOTICES. O- To AV hole sale Denlera In Prodace The schooner Heroine, from Connecticut, now tj tug iui iima ut i4Cfiuiu aircci, tin- 600 bbls. Apples of the choicest rarlctles 400 bbla, rotatoes, best kinds loo bbls. Jtew Cider, pure 900 bbls. Connecticut Onions 9.000 lbs. Choice Vermont Biitfr. The above are prime goods, in splendid order, nn.l aaH II Ka ant.4 (nmSt .(.! 'rll - t a ' taaaia nut a srva aatuicwaattCIJ. ,( UU VOSFUa d0 11-3t ftt" Chanlailua fawPlaaaa rmmfir anil attanr the adjourned meeting at the .oung Men's Chris- nan ABBDciBieOn. rooma, ai i o'ciook lo-asr, dee 17 C W. DF.NISON, Secretary. Att-d TE PrvV SiLi'JSIA SQLVIEXS XKUEF ASSOCIATION wm noia k pa Dug mrciingin nev. ur. aunoerianu'S Church, Fourand-a-half street, between C street ana .Louisiana avenue, on WEDNESDAY EVEN ING. Dec. 17. at 7 W o'clock. The Committees of the Association will make full reports of their labors during the last sU months. Interesting and eminent speakers will be present and address the meeting. All the Members of Congress from Pennsylvania ana resiaenTs una sojourners irom that state in imacaiji ruiumji waonaraiaegooa 01 our SICK ana wounded soldiers at heart, are urgently requested J. K. MOOR HEAD, President. J. M. SotUVAic, SecrsUrr. dee 16-dtd O" Smltheoulan letnra. Acourseof leo- mrrs wm vw given iy rroi. u, men, or canaaa, UU r.lill(UilKIa a'luuuaj, urv. iii, nuiyrct. ine AiierrQ Itaces. Wednetday, Pea. 17. Subject The Maritime Races. Eridar. Dec. It. Sublect The Otirin of Pit-Hit . llOOa Monday, Dec. 32. Subject The Hlstorle and Unhlstorla Races. The lectures will commence at ft o'clock. Ad. auuance iree, ine puojic are inutea. dee 10 , - T, 1860 X, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS They purify, strengthen, and Invigorate. Thev create a health amatlte. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. Thev overcome effects of diBaloatlon and Ut notirs. Tneyitrenginentnesyitemand enliven the mind They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fsveis. They purlfr the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspesla and Constipation. Thev cure Diarrhoea. Cholera, and Cholera Mor. bus. They cure lit er Complaint and Nervous Head ache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure Bt. Croix Rum, the celebrated Call-ay a Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to are or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persona re Iulrlng a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, TOggfats, Hotels, and Saloons. P. II DRAKE fc CO., $03 Broadway, New York. se SO m rtBaUhelore llatr DyeThe lleat In (ha World William A. Bachelor's celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature) warranted not to Injure Hair In the least, remedies the Ill-effects of baa dyes, and ln lr aaoves. andinv r- orates the Hair for life. GREY, RED.or RUSTY oraicsi leiajjuur mr ui unj. i, iw.u. or nuan tl A ID la.l.alla m anlaaM tl a .1. - ll iininiuaiBuiij luiuia ii'ivuum axavk ur uiuWDi leaving the hair soft and beautiful. Sold by all vrunisiii avo. irl-l'hecenutnelBBlrnedWM.A. nATrHELOH. ontne four sides of each box. Factory, No. 81 Barclay street, (Late S33 Broad wayandlBond,)New York. my33 ly " The Great Penusrlva.ii la. Ilt.ul..Tha Iui ok tit and safest route to the Northwest and outhwest. Two through trains dally, and one on Sunday. Soldiers' tickets at Government rates to all the principal polaU In the North and West. Tor tickets and further Information apply at the of fice of tho "Great Ptnnsflvanla Route," northeast corner Pennsylvania avenue aud Sixth street, un der National Hotel. Office open from! a. m. to p. m.on Sundays 3 to p. m. c iv. nuniu.'t, aug8 ly Agent. Ej-npeeisu noiicer un ana alter Tuesday, ninii , iw.. iuv iraiua uu in OAiiimure BJliuniu Railroad will commence running dally, (Suodays excepted,) leaving this Station at 7.40 a.m. and connecting at Washington Junction with Mall Train for all parts of the West tla Wheeling or Farkersburr, Turough tickets sold and baggage checked. . r. sail in, M. of Transportation B. 4. 0. R. n. ap l-dtf tt AVeston'e Proerreaa of Hlavrv rnnUa of this work are for sale at the office of the National Republican. Pamphlet edition, 20 cents. Bound dUlonf70oents. WU AVAtX St CO. Are now receiving on commission from the nonnern A VFRY LARGE ANO EXTENSIVE STOCK or FUHNITUHE, comprising I Mahogany, Walnut, and Imitation Wardrobes Walnut, Mahogany, Marble-top, and Plain Bu reaus Sofas, Tcte-a-tetei. Arm, Easy, and Parlor Chairs Jenny Llnd, French, Cottage, Plain, and other Parlor, Cane, and Wood-seat Chairs and Rock ers Hair and Shuck Mattresies, Bolitcrs and Pillows Co m fort i, Blankets Book Cases, Writing Desks, and Tables Card Tables, Centre Tables Cottage Setts large variety Marble-top Tables, Children's Chairs Mahogan) and Walnut Sl.Wboards Whatnots, Ftageres, Hat lUcks Marble-top and Dale Waihstands Ingrain. Three-ply. and other Carpets, 01k loth U Ith a larre . arlcfr of Gooda In tha elite, ewi ui mt uiuai w auiu iu cioa out ine stock, and offers Inducements to parties buying, as and SDaclous sale-rooms, in tne rear of thir ant?. ihiuuuuiiib ut Bnu ijitniaij, -n ni iiirir large Hon rooui. w. L. WALL k CO, , Auctioneers, de 11 3 w South cor. Pa, av. and Vth it. N E W Y O II K II II B I N E S S . LAW, FINANCIAL AND COLLECTING. IXTOICZ DILI A BUIINIIS MOTES MEOOTUTID. : raOTCITED NOTLI AND DcrEBBED ArrOt'NTI Bovohtano Collected. ' STOCKS AND BONDS SOUGHT AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION. I aorERXMEXT CLAIMS BOUOIT. By Q. z. HOUSE, Countcllor at Law, 91 Nattati ttreet. New Vork, Cf Ten yean In state and United statet Count. I Aurice griui. apl 3 KTOW IS THE TIME TO BUY VOUR CLOTH, ll Ing of L. A.BFALLkCO, No. !l Seventh meet. up JJ-sm between I fc K. AUCTION" SALES. TY J, C, HeOCIRK . CO- Anetlositera X MILVKR fLATSD WAKZ AT AVCTlO.VOn Thursday morning, December IS. eommenclnjg at It oeck, we shall aell, on the eeoond floor of the aueUcasoome, a varied neeortaent of sliver plated ware, eonalgnment front on of the- beat manu faetnrers In New York, embracing In part tuw ai awojun aa knit vvue tf is 01 lour. l saa uivtBwgj wmvu Coffee and Tea Urns, Walters Cake and Berry Baskets . .. 'gg ttands, with Cups and Spoof. ,r br Boiler . Combination Caitors.wlth Butter Pish and Fruit atani. Table Castors, Cut and Pressed Bottles Maiid Perfumerr Itand Bimer Dlshei, sugar Bowls, tyrup and Crt am Wine stands, Cups and Goblets, ao. Terms cash. JAS. a McOUIRE It CO., dec 17-dfi Auctioneers. TlY ORKE1V atWILLUHI. Anellnnara. VALUABLE SQUARE OF GROUND FOR sale on H street north, between Seventh and Eighth streets east, containing about eoooo square feet ol ground. By virtue of a deed of trust to the sub scribers, dated 90th day of July, iseo, and recorded amoagthe land records of the city and county of TsaaiaUlglUD, AS, t in UDtle, A s ilO. UWt, IOUOS ), M and K. we will sell at public auction, on TUklDAY, the Ifth day of Deoember. 103, on the premises, all of square number eight hundred and matj.r iowj, at ix o'ciock in ine aiiernoon. Terms of sale 1 One-third lneash.and the balance In three equal payments In a, 11 and 11 months, with Interest from the day of sale the deferred pay menu to be secured by notes, satisfactory to the trustees, and alien by deed of trust on the premises. If the terms be not oomplled with In five d . s from the day of sale, the property will be re-sold at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser, at three days' notice. Bald square is on one of the great thoroughfares leading Into the city It Is paved on one side and Is about the proper grade. S. A. PEUGH, tJ1,. JOS. SMITH, J1110"' GREEN fc WILLIAMS, dee ft-oodJida t Start .Auctioneers. EJ-The above Rale Is postponed until TtJLSDAY, the sad Instant, at 4 o'clock p. m. Siy order ot the trustees. GREEN U WILLIAMS, deo 17 eoWs (Star) Auctioneers. BT W. I. WALL. 4b CO- Auctioneers. AUTTIOS SALS Or QRQCCMES, AD Lh QV0RStT0DACC0AKDSEQAnS.Oa.TVMDAX morning. 18th instant, at 10 o'clock, we will sell in front of the Auction Booms, a lot of Groceries, fee, comprising Barrels Refined and Yellow Sugars Tlercss Hams, SO barrels I lour Boxes Starch, Candles, Vermicelli and Maciaronl Cases and kegs assorted Pickles and Preserves Cases Aroma t lo Bitters, Lemon and Raspberry syrups Cases Brandy, Wine. Whisky and Bitters Kllklnlck, John Anderson's Solace and Sonny Side, and various brands Tobacco Assorted brands Segara Barrels Mooongabela, Magnolia, Pike's XXX, and Old Bourbon WhUky Barrels Brandy and other Liquors Also, a quantity of small stores. Terms cash. W, L. WALL h. CO., deo 1 Star. Auctioneers. WANTS. TTTANTED Immealttelr, Bfty (M) litxvtrt lo T V work la the QuartermMtere Department at Aqula Creek, Va. Applf to C. 11. Soow, corner TwrolV'tecond and (J ttreett. . J. D.NA. Cipttla A. . M , V. 8. A. deoie-St Star. QUABTEBMAtTCB'l DrrOT. ALtialBiA, V., lleo. H.I0S3. TirANTKDI VANTKDI-lOOEvperlenced CARrNTERSfer the Quirtermatter'i De- rtrtment at Alexandria, Mrglnla. Appllcitlont o be made to Mr. J, Dougherty, superintendent, at thlt depot. li a TEKUL'SON, dee la lm Captala A. J. Jl., U. s. Army. TTT ANTED Five Hundred good, tober, and I V einerlenced TEAMSTERS, for the quarter matter'i Department In thlt city. Apply to c. H. Snow, Genertl Superintendent, at lilt onice. J.J.ONA, lie IS I m Capt. and A. Q.M., U. S. Army, fEAJIH WANTEDI TKAMf)-VANTKDII X Tobautwooda dlttancoof two mllet over ft flrtt rate deeeendlng road to the ferry landing, op poitte Alexandria. Apply at onoe at 474 Vour teenth ttreet, oppotlte willardt. Thote harlnz teama for tale apply at the tame place. deell-t WfANTEU.-I.Klln and gentlemen to contult T T La Voltlne, a drtcendtnt of Attrologltt to Napoleoa the Great, oa. all affxtrl of Vie, at all Fleienth ttreet. Plteatea examined and cured In a few tlttlngt. dec S HOUSE WANTEDA commodlout houte, centrally located, with or without furniture. Addrrti Dox WXi rott Office, nov S-tf WANTED At the New Vork Employment Agency Ofdce, No. oil Ninth ttreet, near PenntyU tola a cnue, T WENTV-Fl VE (2a) U hlta and Colored GIRLS, with good referencet,ai Cookt, Chainbermtldt, Laundrettri, Vattrrttetturet, and setmttrci.ei. Alio, young Colore.1 Men, to wait on tablet la rtlvate l amulet or Hottlt. Alto wanted, houtet lmmltitelv. with or wlthnnt fur. nlture. Employer! la want of good help, will Had It to their advantage to call. may s-tx M. II. M ILLER. WANTED For a genllemaa aod 1.1. If., a Double Parlor, with tlrtwlait tiralture and board. Prlco not to much a contlderatlon Manic place. The bett etly rcfereooe given and required. Ad drett "Banker," at tha City rott FOR SALE OR REXT. ROOMS TO LET. Four Furnished Rooms, with or without Board, within fire minute.' tvaJk of Pennsylvania avenue. Inquire at Vo. V7 uirjeMiu cnue. oc -w F RANKZ.IN CO.. or T I CIA ITS, 14 TBSXSriVASU ArESCE. (North tide,) between Twelfth and Thlrtaentb it. , and ass rcsssrirAxu aveuve, Vndir tha National Hotel, Offer to the public for tha ApproelllUr Holidara, their richly atiortcd ttock of GOLD SPECTACLES and ErE-GLAeaES, with genuine Btailllin Pebble or Pcrltcopic Catci, correctly tutted for c cry tight. MICROSCOPES, OPERA GLASSES, MILITARY FIELD GLASSES. rilOTOOHAPUIC ALBUMS, CAUTES DE i'lSlTE, If., fr, 4c., at tha lowett prleet. decli GRAND ADVANCE! OF THE ARMY, and clothleri are cr Ingup the grett advance of clothing, but we are telling at a imiU advance on old prleet. We have a Urge ttock oa hied, tad are telling them off to make more room, for we I have a f cry large ttock of Clothing at our manufac tory, and are now running off our ttock tt leu thin wholetale prleet to make room. We hat e al- wayi been fighting agtlntt htgh prlcea, tnd thill continue todo to. Mr. SMITH It In the market all the time, and li enabled to furnlih our fitoro with a tuperlor ttock, and we cannot be undcriold by any one. We have the meant to tell cheap, And tie determined to do lt at SMITH k BEALL'J, No. 301 Seventh ttreet, nov 21-!tjanl Near K ttreet. T VJ INVENTOR AND PATENTEES. MU.NN k CO.. proprietor, of the Scientific Arnrr. lean, and tgcntt for procuring American and or elgu i- a a b, a i' Wtlh Slitttn Ytari trperlewt in Vic Dutlntu. Refer to Hon. Judge Maton. Hon. Ja.enh Halt. (ii.u. ... ... ui.uvki s..uwuiii,iunrri UI r.iruie, and to more than fifteen thou. and Intentort who hive hid butlne.t done through Muna k Co.'t !'. tent Agency. fl.. 11. n fll.knn .w..nn.l.l -I.... .. i ampnjci oi aut ire teni iree ly mail. Patent Lawt and Reaulatloni. Ico niir... ?5 rent.. mill. ' No chtrge for comultttlon, orally or by mill. Preliminary Examination In United statet Ta lent omce, S. Oincet, o. 17 Park Row, New Vorki Wt.hlng ton, comer of K and Setenlh ttreett, oppo.lte the SMITH Jt HEALL, No. 301 HEVENTII Street, between I tnd K itrecti, . tht rhetpr.t Liothlng rtou.e in ton n. Try thru. I novSl-dtJanl I EDWARD tYCETT. ll Bookbinder, No. J7I Pehn. Ave., Waihisotok, D. C. Booki tound In every ityle Turkey, Morocco, , Puma and Calf. J7, -nr-UWUC, OH .tVIIEIlE IS ITI Vholl "i there among !ycm'(that la not la waot of aomtthtng la Ihe way of Clothing, ruralthlag Ooodt, Halt, Captt And th bait place to g,t then la at tha mott popular Clothing noute'of J. H. SMITH k CO., No. 400 Strtnlh ttreet, whers yon eaa Bad tha greataat variety ot Clothing and Furn' lthlag Ooodt for Meo sod. Hoys' wear. Ws caa safety tay that our lock ef Clothing any. thing In thla market, and our reputation for telling Good Gooda Cheap li truej but ths old maxim, thai " a nimble sixpence It better than a tlow ihllllng,' It ths principle that has built up our lmmanaa trade. Our rretcnt ttoek of Clothing wt offer at very low prices, and ws are all the time receiving new good! from our manufacturing eitibllihment, No. 40 Writ Baltimore ttreet. Do not fall to call at 1. 1L SMITH t CO"!, No. 440 Seventh ttreet, whera you can by nothing st tremendous bargains. J. II. SMITH k CO., Clothleri, No. 4(10 Seventh ttreet, tad corner Twentieth street and re. aveoue. sovsi-dtjtnt CAMP STOVKS I CAMP STOVES 1 1 CAMPSTOVE1III we erenow manuracturina c-aaip, luok ana HEAT1NO STOVES, which we wUl tell by the doiM or hundred at cheap at they can be bought In tummore. .11. fcii. i. unuunir, nov IS m Penn. avenue, near 7th street ILITARY EtCIPUEHT, TRUNK, AND HARNESS MANUFAOTOnV, 400 RaTentli atreet, orroiiTE odd reLLOws' dill, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 manufacture of the bett material, and hare contUatly on hand, a Urge and varied tuort ment of Unitary and Clrtrmi' SADDLES, BRWLES, BREAST COLLAiS, FELT SADDLE CLOTHS, SUAJUIAQUES, Patent Feed and Water Bucket, 8pnr, Offlcers' Tlareraacli, Offlcrra' Fins Sword Belli, Belt Trlmmlnpt, and Field Gists Csics. T It U NK S . SOLE LEATHER, JRoy FRAME, DRESS, and WOOD BOX TRV.VKV. VALISES, TRAYELIXQ BAOS, 17AR.YESS, it. REPAIIIINO. Aa I maaul.ctura Trunkt and n. ttrlly have all klnda of Trunk Material, I am better prepared to repair Trunkt, ke., thoroughly and iiwuiyi.jr,,u.unujuiiirc..t.uii.nDirQ. inula cuy AiUI.9 B. lUrjIAfl. Oct 14 3ml "nnOPOSALS FOR IIC at-rui HiflBi im-nnuiM, wi tict. Corner Eighteenth and Q streets, WaiMnrton. D. C. Dm. IS. iHirL SEALED PROPOSALS will h rwlvJ st this offlce until Saturday, tha 2Tth day of Deoemher, at m dciock oi., ior luroiiQiDK ine uoverntoent witn it,ow) iwoni7nTs nunorea iiorses, oi tba loUow Ifltrdoiertptlons, .In CAVALRY. For Cavalry, (1,500) one thousand lira hundred Hones. from (Id. fllteento (181 slxtMn han.! hih between five and eight J ears of aget of dark colors; well broken to tha saddloj oomnactly built, and UN MUM Alt UVAITtlS. ARTILLERY, ror Ariuicry, ii.wvi oag inouaanu tioilM, irom flam flfleon and one-half to (10) slateen hand hlzh.betweta flvaaudalfht years of are) of dark colors fir from all deftots, well broken to hsr nsi ooDipaetly built, and to weigh not less than ,.wjjuuiws. The full nama and tioit offlce sutJrttia nf ths. (.(. oer auu appear in me proposal. If a bid Is inula lo tha nsms of a firm, the names of all the parties mutt appear, or the bid will be considered as the ladl. liusl proposal of to psrty llmULfflt. ' l'opo-sls from ittloyal partt via not bt wuid (T, snd an oath of ailcgianoa must aeoompsoy each proposition. Proposals must specify clearly whether the bid Is for Csvalryor Artillery Horses, and in no cot must both bo bla for on toe same paper. If any bidder wlihes to propose for both classes, ha must forward two dlitlaet propoiMi one for each ilttt, fiompUit in uulf and balns no refer anca to any other proposal by tha same party. Propcstls must oe addieised to Col. D. II. Ruek er, Quartermaster U. S. army. Waihiajton, D, C, and should bo plainly marked "Proposals for Horses." GUARANTEE. Th ability cf tha bidder to fill the contract, hould it ba swarded to him, must be rua rant ted by two retponslbla persons, whose signatures must b appended to tb truarantee, tho rsspon-lMilty of tha ruarsntors must bo shown byths official certificate of tha Clsrkof the oearast District Court or of the United States Dis trict Attorney. Didders must ba present la person w haa the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be consid ered. Bonds equal la amount to one-half the sum to be received on tba contract, tlrned by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will ba required of the successful bidder upon tlcnlng the contract. As tne bond must aeoooipany the contract, lt will be Decenary for bidders to hate their bondsmen with them, or to have bonds signed in anticipation and ready to be produced when the contract Is slrned. Blanks for bonds can bo procured upon applica tion balnc made at this office, either personally, by letter, or cy telegraph. rorm a OuaranUt, We, .of the county of , and State of , and of the county of , and state of , do hereby guaranty that Is able to fullll a con tract, In accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that should his proposition be accented, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance tnercwitD. Should the contract be awarded him we are pre pared to become his securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate above mentioned.) INSPECTION, DELIVERY, ic. All Horses contracted for under this advertise ment will bo subjected to a rigid Inspection, and those not conforming to the specifications will bo rejected. No .Vjrri will be received. Ihe llorsrs must be delivered in this city, within twenty davs from the date of the contract, and no attrition or time will bo grant M on any pretext. Pa) ment to be made upon the completion of the contract, or so soow thereafter as tho Depot Quar termaster bhall he la tainU. Any Informant) In the bid, or non-coufnrimnte with the terms of thla adverlUcmcnt, will insure the rejection of Ihe propuial. The Horses Hill ba awarded In lots of (TOO) two hundred each, unlets tee Depot Quartermaster should deem It for the lulerttit vt the Go, eminent to ary the number. Tho De.wt Quartermaster reaervee to himself the right to reject any or alt bid that he may deem too high. D. II. RUCKFR, Colonel and Depot Quartermaster. dec 13-0tS7 OAK KALI, ULUTIUNO IIUUM, ba 491. Se. euth atreet, below F. The subscriber takes great pleasure tn announc ing to hi old Friend aud Customers, that ho has opuoed a new ..tore at fto. 4m Seventh street, near F, whs: thelitis a line, selected stock of Clothing to r.J ind Hoys' wear, which they ha.ojuit re ceived Irom the North, nod oilers the in for sale at the lowest Northern prices. J. BRUCE h CO, sep So-3m Clothiers, U tie , enth street. ai DI A It V , FaoM ,MAcn 1, 1931, to Nov cmicr I?, ISC, y ADAM Ql'UOU'.ltl . Prlee, .vHSItFRIN'S BOOK MORE, I deljjir Mirenaave. AMUSEMENTS. pORD-a NExv THEATRE, , Tnlh ttrni, right ocom TmruytvaAU simue. Manager sad Proprietor Mr.iohaT. Ford, (Alto of HoUldiy street Theatre, Baltlmors.) CJ- OREAT HIT Pl-THJa IEAION. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Dgc. 17tfl, third moor or The Weird Spectacle, (ATANEL.I.A. MR. aBtt SIlii RICUMOa, I!!.E. B0!,r'" "AtLET TROUPE. TOCrVUCUOKVSnd DRAMATIC COUtAST Mr. C. n. tUahop and atlas arahaans,, O- Preicnted with Mtgnlncent leenery, 3 PRICES OF ADMISSION. Drtei Circle and Parquttta, M eeatti Orthaatra Seatt, 78 eentii remlly circle, 23 eentti mrata Doxei, S. Doort i open st V o'clock) performance oommtn cet at l o'olock. da 17 Q.ROVEIl'S THEATRE, fniUY'Mnts Amut, near ITUUril' Until. Leonard Grover ..... Manager. A NIOUToT MIRTH. This (Wednesdap) ETanint;, Daa. IT. IN, THREE OREAT PXEOSSI Tha trrttlitlbl, fare of UNCLE (AUI The great Burtonlaa piece i WANTED, 1,000 aflLXINERtl Legends of ths Rhine . . by . . KopplU. MRS. HOUGH'S peculiarity, th, YAJKEEJLEGACY. 8ETCHEIX, BOOERS, BARRON, lottt nouon. Jlrs. GERMON, 80HUE QIMBEK, And lbs raomblned DOUBLE COMPANY. EMFATICAUT the Excelsior Dramatic Comblnallou of AMERICA I PRIOES OF ADMISSION A IlErORE. dec 17 Star TTTASHI.IOTOX THEATRE, Comer o EUrmth anil C ttrttti. Lettect Sutlnen Mtntger . Mteder k Co. J. II. Gonon. MONDAT, Die. 23d, Thejuitly celebrated Comedian, AIR. FRANK DREW, Will appear In TWO OF HIS CREATES!' CHARACTERS, Supported by A STAR COMPANY! D7 Feu. riftnctxaits ureai-tei. deo 17 it NIXON'S CIRCUS, (Pennsylvania avenue and Seventh streeL Second and last weak of T03X KING'S CIRCUS. Open Ibm AUrnoon and Itnlng, SEVERAL NEW ARTISTS WILL AITEAR. A host of ACROBATS, GYMNASTS and EQUESTRIANS. TIID CONRAD BROTHERS. WILLIAM SMITH, MLLE. ISIDORE, The fascinating Dancers, FRAN? THELTS, The people's Gown. . WILUAMCONBAD, The Comic Clown, And a haU oftaltnUd ArtUtu The building le now warn and comfortable. dee IS An MY 8UPPL ES Orncc or the Ciuir QoABTsaMasTziu abmt orTuc Potomac, Waihlngton. September 30, 102. PROPOSALS are Invited for luralahlni for the use of tha army of the Potomac the following ar 1,000 tons beat quality Timothy Hay. securely baled, tha weight of each hale to be minted incrvoa. 3,000,000 buihels of Oats, of the bett Quality, In atronr sacks, wall sawad. 7,000 cords Oak and Hickory Wood, well sea soned snd of the best quality. Each bid must ba accompanied by the endorse if ainudad will be fulfilled. BaSBi oi iwu rtwiniiM.Ditj itrtoDi uii Uasi aaniitxnt. mas wiu dc openea tram time to time as the ar ticles may be neodad, and contracts will be awarded for the Quantities needed, t the lowest rMrrousibU bidder up to the time of opening. xne ngnt n reservca w accept au er any pan ot Protsosals should be endorsed Pronotats far Ilav or Oats," or " Wood," a the case may be, and en close la separate envelopes. RUFUS INGALLS, Lieut. Cot. and A. V, C, Chief Quartermaster, aepat tf TJIIOP09AI.S FOR FIXES U SEEF. WAiamoTOJ AastXAt, December 10, 66i. SiALto PsorosALB, to be endorsed ' Proposals for Fresh Seef," Hill ba received at this Arsenal. until 10 a. m. of the 90th instant, for the supply of Fresh Beef for twelve months from the 1st Jaoua ry.isea. The Beef to be of good and wholesome quality, (necks and shanks excluded,) In such quantities as may from time to time be roqutred, not exceeding flva times in esehwotk. on such dsvs as shsll be designated by the Actlnr Assistant Commissary of suuimcnce. ? streiio ve utuvorcu si ine u aeoitl. The eontraet wltl be awarded fsuhlect to the so- provalof the Commliiary General) to the lowest responalble bidder, who will be required to enter into a bond with one solvent surety. In tho sum ot saw ior ine uuo innonaauce oi ins oomraoi. T. C. BRADFORD, dec 13-dtd First Lieut Ordnance, A. A. C, S. DR. Of; FI81IDLATT, Of No. CI, corner of Eighth and E streets, Opposite the General Poit Offlce, -au ws ivuiuiivv wa, ttua, v.-iat ib srrdi.1 111,14, CONSUMPTION, LIVER COMPLAINTS CHRONIC trrn-rtftK 9 !! alt i.j... 'WI , 114, eaeraau sivvraaca) UI (Ulfl UUVUVV. of whatever character, and which may be declarrd Incurable by other phj slclans. He engages to make an Immediate cure. Front his lengthy practice In the science of medi cine, he Is enabled to orror himself to the public as being the onlj one In Waihlngton capable of atlord Ing apeedy relief. All cases curable will be guaran tied. He warrants a cure without the use of mer cury or any other dangerous medicine. Recent ensse cured In two or three days. N. B. Letters addressed to Dr. F.. at his offlce. No. 121. corner oL Eighth and E streets, oppoilte Gen eral Post Offlce, will receive immediate attention. uj y XTOTICK. .VE.VflEaW Or COSQRESS AND i blllASQLHS VISITING WASHINGTON Will find lt much to tholr advantage and nersontl comfort (If rooming out) to take their meals at this well-known and long-estiibllihcd Restaurant. The aubsorlber haa spared no expense In refitting his entire establishment, m hich is intended excluali ely for a flrat-clais Gentlemen's Restaurant, where may be found all the comfoits of a j r.tate home, and on , 7rj UIUUCIIIS ICtUsa). Gentlemen are particularly requested to call be fore making arrangement elaen here. UAl ilLit, nov J eolBi Sfi3 Pennsylvania at enue, NK W C I) II R E N O Y MAGIC rOCKET-BOOKB. A largo aiaortnent (or the Holliliyt. al nholctile. J. H. U1LLO.N, 9otemiDUf.oturtr, No. 11 Ann ttreet, (uiatalri,) leolJ-lw Newrork. 4 CARD .The und.rtKQCl begt leave lo In 1. lurmhla frlcndt and the publltthtt ba hat tiought the Intere.t or Nit. Hlne. aha) log and iiaiiMiret.ingeatatll.hmeoir.o.iiscentntireei. u,.( iu. tvru.r UI u. iu'ih..ii. iu. I .ifu. UUI..,) where he will contlouo to earry 00 the Shaving aod Ilalrcuttlog hu.loe.t In the Ittett ttvl Tht nkfui lor pait ftvort, h. wonld tollclt a there 01 iu. puoue rtrticultr attention paid toruttlor children'! hilr. WILLIAM L. IflEEMAN. da S-lm 'AMUSEMEM5ij. TtTAIlEDtaTOit VAHTETtatT, Ato Hrm, near Iivutftmia- mm'iit. PROPAIETOM A.HAUlLINkCO ACTINO MANAGER . . . A. M. HERNANDEZ BUSINESS MANAGER . . . JAMES PILGRIM BEIT COMPANT IN AMERICA. cxonvrD and diuootzd AvomtctL LOOS AT THE i ARBAT OS IALXNT. Tht Wonaerful A. M. HERNANDEZ, AUD BIS TALtNTtD TtOVTt. Wbom Entertainment far Ecllpta la Splendor and Magnitude anything of the kind hereto fore attempted. , , riRJT APPEARANCE Of the Celebrated EthlopltaCoBledlani, j I J. O. BVDtVOtTH. J. II. BCDWOttn, J. H. BVDWOtTH, J. U. IVDWOHTlf, 1, if. BVDWOXTU, J. H. IVDWOtTU fT. . BVDWOKTH, ir. x, tVDwonTir, w. s. bvowomtV, Who will eppaax la their highly popular Nests Plecet.- OPEN EVERT NIOHT. Disk atsds, Tha Woadtrfol Clog Danaar. saUaey'aB.amtlalBaU.t Traap. Maraata Bratkera, Ths Orsst Aarobats and Oysuarts. PUgrtm aad Pan! Bergar la a, New Aa. J.W.lAiidla, a.Mlasausi ad J. A. Allen, eke. Tha entertainment will aommanos'wlta tks Bur. leans enutled, CN BAIXO IN MAIOIOEKA. Pete, ths Doorkeeper . Manager ...... Comic Song . . . LaZlngarella . . . Banjo Solo La Fate CeecllUesns . J. W. Laadla .... Paul Itaigir .... Mr. Colman Mill SUM Maraaal . . Albert Allan By tha Corpe da Ballet FRENCH DANCIXO MASTER. Profettor of tha Art. .... A. M. Heroaadas Flrtt Lady of lnitruetlon ... M'lla Wheipley Lover . . rsuiDcrger The laughable Interlude entitled, PADDY OO EAY, THE I0V TROM TUUEOARRAT. Paddy Go Eaty . Mr. Slimetlght Mr. Jamee nigrlai ilona, P.Begr HANLT EXHIBITION OF GRACE, STRENGTH ANDAOIUTY, Dy tht aoknowladgt auperlor Acrobat and Ona out, Sloreet) On tho Horizontal Bar Celebratod Clog Dance ... Dick laadj Breakneck Act, or the Nigger's Leap for Honor. Bt J. W. Landla and J. A. Laadle La Savoyards M'UeJuUa Lehman and M.SsoUoey The Old Sestoa, In oharacter Paul Bswer WUeWhsipIrr D.W,Xerej Msglc Echo (Cornet solo) Mill LUCY AT THE SO IBEX. By A. M. Hernandei, Miss Marshall, and Company, Comlo Song . Mr. Colman Polka - M'Ue Julia Lehman DONNTBUOOK FAJJli OR, LIFE IN OULD IRELAND. Dannie MeCarty, Colman, Wok Sands, MoraeU Brothers, A. Lehman, aad Ladlee. The two Roman Gladiators Morcata Brother To conclude with tha Comic Pantomime of THE COOPERS. Fanltr A.M.Heraand Several lsrra Patent Hesters hiva kMa lntrrw dueed Into the hall, and the building la now warm Parauetto and Famlir Circle . - . . . Meant?. Orchestra Chairs ao Private Boxea aa tingle Scats In Boxes Woent Colored Circle -----. --so -h Doors open at ev o'clock I Performanoe to oom menoe at tx o'clock. deo 1 c ANTEIlBUnT UALL, boviaAn. AI.V. .... pixtb OT., h On rear 0IA1 A'odonol MM. INCATASID ATTRACTION FOR THIS WXXSt O A I, A WEEK At tba Oraat Canttrbarri With Ita DOwerful Combination 0 Artt.t.ueh an Imrnenae array of Seeuty tad Talent upon ona ttage, without a preoodaat In the Annalaof Amuee meat. THE CROWDED H OUSTS Aoeorded to It, by the publio, daoianu an aeknowl. edgmentol LnpahAlleLlu pathonaoc. ITSTANDS ON Til HOCK or rOBLIC oriw ION, which It the tnlld foundation of tuccatt. TUE CANTEtHVtr ifAHU AU LxrCHlE To obtain tba Uat Talent In tha oouatry--Ior here AU tlj. Or. at glare oaTUia tragVaalan rirat make appueatloa for engagement. Immenre eucoaaa of iCILE AXXETTA OALLETTL AXXETTA aAlLETTI. AiWETTA. OALLETTI, 3PLLB ll M'LLi The fteclnatlng French and Spanlth Dq4um,wU hta no equal In the preteat day for graoe, Mlaat aad beauty. The Oreat OONCRESS ArtitUt ara la (etaloB at TUB OANTERDDttT. UVUDUEVS TDRXEDAIVA Y EVBRY EVE-VINO. MONDAY r.VIMNO, DtCEMOER inh, ISO. U'UX AHNETTA QAU.BTTI, MONB. EDOUAKD VELABDE, The Worul-renown4 Lfancara. In eontequeeee of the great auooete of tbata Oela brtted Artlitaa, tbiy have been prevailed upon to remain a thort tlua longer. They wUl appear avtryeve&lnglothe magntneeat ball.t arraDgt4 by MON8. RON2ANI, tha great Maltre da Ballet, entitled KAT AZURE, oc THE STUDIO OF SALYATOM ROSA. Ettarue.afemtlobaedlt Mlle.ABantaO.JbMt aalvator kota, aa artlit Moat. Bdouud Veltrda BRILLU.VT SUCCESS Or M1B3 JULIA MORTIMEB, The great sougttre... SI1S3 KATE VE.NNOYEB, Tba bewitching Daowu.e. MIES NELLIE TAYLOE, The charming Melodlit THE GREAT BAiLET TKOUTE, oVc., 4c, &c. Third week of the champion Qog Dancer of tha world, T. . HATE6, Whole iu.cceu haa beou unparallelftl. Mr. Hllicnall.nge. th. world. OLuiac a. lphos. Tha Talentl Comedian, Pantomlmlit and Cou2 Vocalltt. Engagement of uigur rjuor, The Negro Comedian. H. JCAH CLOSV, Tha tenitllt rcrlormer. BIILY litEUOit, The Ethiopian Momut. J. jytt AS CLARKE, and the C'OSrV VETUlOtE. THE COURT OK UUAUTY, Composed of the foUowlng Talented and ibautlful Younr Ladlea 1 MISS BRAKUlSil. tf 133 JtBllti 411.17. NHS KATE UARR1S0S. HISS Tiur TORIES, itliSASXIE UARRUOtr, ICC. ,0C, ilc, Every night thlt wak, tht OVPSVS LAY. ; The parform.oee will coacludo wltk tha laugh lng burletta entitled A CONJUOAX, LESSON, OU, A MCIfT WITH TUE I. 0. S. il. Simon Lullaby Mr. Oeorg, Edeton Doori open at 0 Vl perroroanee.1V o'etoek. Admit. loo, so cental Orcbettra Chtlrt, SO oante. SrtctAL N0Tics.The management take pleat re la tnformlnr their patron! aad tha nubile ure In informing their patrom aad tha publle aeneraUy, that on th. TWL.NTY-SECONO OF DL. CUMBER, the CANTERBURY HALL will be CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK, for the PUTDOM of ro nle!tag, painting tnd deooratlng. The management are d.tenninw to make tha Canterbury one of the mott muulnceotmuilohilli In the country, aod have concluded to expend tba turn of J,ooo for tho purpoie. There will be a new raited parquette, a tpaciout galluy, four Bagnio, cent private boa... tie., ti la He Interim tha 4ler Ornipoay ctu will five a, eerlee of grand perform.nee. at Ihe OOM ELLOWS' HALL. SEVENTH STREET, thereby enabling ladlee and children to wltue.i the performaneea of thlt un parallell eompany. LadTw are aaaurad that than will ba nothing allowed by tha minegeaeot In in above perlormauwi to offend the taetet of tha moit faiUdlout. 0 1J li -i li