Newspaper Page Text
g P aOIALlWOiTIO E DR. X. VlfWS frtTM RmMt IB tl Federal Block, corner of SerenU. and F etrette, oppoelte Uii FMt and Patent Offices. Rooms ad" 34, op stairs, Washington, D. C AI .seeeeeofaprlTeUneiure treated In the noet'aer,' and radical cum ef. fected In aff case. BYPB1LIT10 AFFEC TIONS, oonorrhosa, oleetJbtbict- UBES, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, or the rctnlt of VOLUPTUOUS J) BEAMS, or an weak neu of the GENERATIVE OROANStmm ant cania'Whaterer, or how.lonr standing, thor oughly and radlcallj cured) alao GOVT, BREUMATISM, NEURALOIA, and other SOXES and JOINTS SCROFULA, BLOTCHES on the FACE, ERUPTIONStm ih LnrBSinA BODT, and all other ERUP TIVE DISEASES and DISEASES or the BLOOD, from afatmr nw ley may have arisen! AFFLICTED AND 'UNFORTUNATE 1 No matter what jour disease, let no false del IcacTprerentjon'froni applying Immediately to Dr. Vdlny, who la acknowledged to be by far the most BDOCUBrCIUTStCIAN In the treatment of priTatsdiaeaae(.Fesr not to come and mikekMwpyonrinUfortqoM, and he will peadll; aSSf yon owyonrway rejoicing. ' SELF-ABUSE, That drcadrareconret of the young, Indulged la when) alone; "ducreyi' -the generalise organs, units you for married life, producing weakness of the back and limbs, lota of anima tion and tnnscnlsr power, palpitation of the heart nerroaa Irritability, lou of memory, mel ancholy habits, Insanity, consumption, and death. TOUNQ MAN I In view of the dreadful con sequences of delay, do not fall to make your rase known, Immediately, to Dr. Vellny. Your secrets with him are aacred, and you may con fidently rely upon his medical skill. Thousands whose systems were shattered and who were on the brink of the grate, have been brought back to rigorous health by his skilful treatment. MARRIAQE. Married persons, or those eoutemplsllng matrimony, who suspect themselves of Imro rncy, seminal weakness, or any disease arising irom a relaxed state of the genital organs, whether the result of disease, Injury, youthful ndlscretlons, or Indulgcnco of the passions In riper years, ara earnestly entreated to place themselves under the care of Dr. V. They may rely with certainty upon a speedy cure, and up on being restored to Rill health and vigor. lie treats with entire success all dlsessca ol femalea Mnchu ZEUCORRHEAor WHITES, IUTSUS UTERI, &c, &c, and In every case guarantees a perfect CUKE. FKES moderate, and VISITS and COMMU. NICATIONS strictly PRIVATE and CONFI DENTIAL Fnscms calling see no one but the Doctob. Those at a distance may be tbiatid by mail, by sending a STATEMENT of CASE, &C, &c. JJ .ov- "IIXII.I.IAM FITCH, ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANTS, COaatS OF BIVIMn AXD BTRtZTS, OppotUi tin FMt OJJUt, WASHINQTON, D. C, Proaeeutee Claims for Pensions, Bounty Money, Bounty Land Warrants, Lost Property, Recruiting ODeen, and all other Just culms aialnat Ihs Goi crnment. Also, Patents procured for Inventors. Special attention given to cases before the Court iCTalma. Fees reasonable la all eases, to wltt In each Pension case, ,5 00 Bounty Money ease, aqo Bounty Land case, a.00 Pay Culm, -.- J.O0 Widows and minor children who are poor, half as .mi. laim inwfwno r CITISHEIT IS- Dl.Ewr. freoof eharse.axeeDtinsrdlibitr..m.nt. Correspondents will ke entitled to share the fees In sll esses they sorward. Consulting counsel, Hon. R. II. OILLKT, lats United statu Solicitor of tha Court of Claims and vnuc pouuior id. i reasury. Sptdal Beftmea iy Ftrmiutoni Hon. Richard Waltach, Mayor of Washington. Hon. W. W.SeaUn,ex.M)Orof Washington, LewU iohaaoa at Co., Bankers, Washlngtun. Sweeny k Hurck, Bankers, Washlngtou. Ex-Uoveraor Hunt, of Lockport, New York. Judge Gardiner, of Lockport, New York. Hoc John Ganson. Stat senator. n. v. Hn. Burt Vanhorn, member of Congress from Hon. G. W. Clinton, Judge Superior Court, Buf falo. Messrs. Hubble a D,vt Counsellors, Buffalo, Judge Bowen, of Lockport, New York. Judg. Woods, of Lockport, Nsw York. Hon. T. T. FlagUr.ea-raeniber of Congress from New Yora. Hon. John Gsnson, President of the New York and Erie Bank, BuSelo, N. Y, BOaWKLIa MEDICATED COUUII CANDY or couans. COLDS, BRONCHITIS. INFLUENZA, , HOARSENESS, And all incipient itaget of Cantumpllon. For aale, wholesale and retail, by ,. .. . BOIWfctL, Druggist, Cor. Maryland avenue and Sev.olh it., And z. D. OILMAN, Penn. avenue, near Browns' Hotel. Chsrles Alien, w. B. Entwlsle, V. B. Clark, John R. Major, L. M. SmIUi, B .C. Major, II. H. Mcpherson, J. W. Nairn, 3. C. ForJ, J. D. O'Donnel, J. P. MUburn, J, p. Dawson, Charles stott D. U. Rldgely. In Georgetown by Kldwell, Sothoroo, Sclisell, and Barnard. And by Drugglits snd Sutlers generslly, an IS nOIXTADLK MILLS POIl TIIK AI11IY. Orrirc or Dcfot CoMMissaar or Suaiirrcarc, Waihlngton, D. C, Nov. , 1SC1. Inventors and manufacturers are Invited till the atrth December, I8CT, to present models and samples ni Portable Mills for grinding wheat and corn for the use of the army. The following are the essential conditions the .mills must combine to recelie consideration when presented by plan, speculation, mold and ample: 1st. Not to weigh over twenty-tlie pounds. 3d. The grinding surfaces to be of turr tione. grooved chilled Iron or steel, and the general con struction of the mill to be analagous to that of a ixiffve mill. l. Each mill to be eapaUe of grinding 60 pounds of fine nour or meal per hour, and to be capable of being worked by one man. sth. Each mill to be so constructed, If necessary, thst It can be separated Into two parts of enual weignt, so as to be carried by two men should the length of march, laik of trsosnortatlop, or fatigue or the men, or other cause reader Its carriage loo laborious for one man. cm. Each mill to be capable of being attached to -. auu.wuaiir, urancuouree, orsiaca 01 musaers. Inventors will submit ttlani nM-lfl..llnna. np mn.1. els of their mills, or sample of the mill itaeir, lu the presence of a board of oflleers. They will be re quired to present Indisputable erldrncesof their mills combining the essenllsl conditions sbove enumerated by seuslng the mill to be worked In the presence uf the said bosrd. "" Hf !r"ented eontslnlng all of the above conditions, and Its eoit be sufflcleally rrssonsble In the opinion of the Department to warrant Its txuehase, a large oukr win vsry probably be bought for the use otths army. ' v''dU!!l'"r ',,!rl,""0,' W'lr "O-3 O at., .. v....M.vv, nu ;n, JUST 1UCCK1VKD OUR NEW STOCK OP Fell and .Winter CLOTHING, witch we are riling at very )ow prices, at i ' f, l. a. beall a cas. No. HI Seventh street, scp U-tm between I snd K, n AXTlMOn JLK9 JWO lUpftOtU. PnaMiepef TriUftiflrwn Waakla.t. THE PASSENGER TRAINS - -" j itttweea WAllUNGTOIf, BALTIMORE, AND THE WEST will ran as follows. It Daily Train to yWgto and 0 Wttt, Tw DaUy Train Uivstek WatWn an&th ITI. On Sunddvi.thrtt frcfM to Bolttmortand out to tot BVrf foliownT.W i m., nd 1 nd 6 p. m. Passengers for the WMfmika clot connection! tVthlMJUMtloo(IUJi7)wltklhBjatlmr and Ohio railroad, for ill points West, a lover rate r ey f other IH. f or nuMpHU n4 New rerfc Lear Washington at a. m. 1 1 a. m., and p. m. For AnnopolitVw Washington at a. m. and t.SOp. 01, FOR ALL POINTS WEST, ami Statlona along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad leave Washington at and 7.40 a, m., and a.) p. m.t and on Sunday at UO p. ra. TRAINS MOVING SOUTH Leara New Yotk at 7 a. m., Philadelphia at ll.JO a. m., Baltimore at MS p. m Arrive at Waahlng toa at B.W p. m. Leara New ork at 8 n. m.. Fhlladetnhla at It 60 p. m.. Baltimore at 4 a. ni. Arrive at Waahlng- ib ai w. n. m. Leave New York at 11 o. m.. Philadelphia at S.10 a. m.. Baltimore at 7.40 a. m. Arrlre at Waahlnf ton at 1 35 a. m. , Local Accommodation Train leave Baltimore at 10 a. m. and 0.10 p.m.f for Washington) arrtt e there at is a. m, ana i p. m. On Sundays at 4.V) and 7.40 a m., only, from Bal timore. No Annapolis connection! on Sunday from Balti more or Washington. Paucngeri leivlng Washington at S and 7.40 a m. and S p. u., make connections at Washington Junc tion (Relay) with tralna on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, for all point writ of the Ohio river and for all polnti alone the Ha of the Baltimore and Ohio road, In Maryland and Virginia. Tralni leave Annapolis for Baltimore and Waih lnfloa dally, except Sundaye, at 6 49 a. m., and 3.40 p. m. raascnger iraini .ravins nuuuiiua a . , 11 a. m., and 6 p. m., and Baltimore at 4 SO and 7 4u a.m. aadiM p.m.. atep nly at Annapolu and Waahtnrton Junettoni. War PaMenrer! muit take the Accommodation TralnSonlr. W.P.SMITH, nov 17 Maater of Trauportatlon. ADAMS KXPTtKSB COMPANY, Ofltce511 Pcuu. Kteuue. WatMngtvn CUy, D, C GKEAT EASTERN, NORTnEUN, akd WEST ERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. Merchaudlee, Money. Jewel ry Valuable!, Not a. (Hoc hi, Bonda, fte Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH to all eceeealble aectlona of the count rr. Thli Company hai Atf nclr In the principal railway towni In the NORTH, EAST WEST. AND NUHTHWKST. He principal oRlcea are WASMXaToS',!). t, A. YORK, BOSTON, rHTI.ADEt.rinAtBALTIMOnE,CIX- CJXXATI, ST. LOUIS. LOUTS- VILLK. LKXLYOTOX. Connection! are made at New York and Boaton with Unea forwardlnf to the Canada! and the Brltiah Provlnoea, and with eteamihlp Unea to Liv erpool, Southampton, and Havre, and thence by European expreaeei to alt prominent eommerclal town! In Great Britain and on the Continent. Collection of Note!, Draft!, and Bill! made at all accrulbie prti ot the unite Maiea. C. C. DUNN. Ajeat. je 13 Washington, V. C. COMES BItOtVN, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS AND CLAIMS. Bonntles, Peuslons, Baels Pap. Oflleers n..M.lili.B ll tkikatfllMaS gVt-a; tj uuitigaai .. aaaa wsiava jiait aaaa.e.sei aa;alust tti. Govemmcnti OFFICE No. 118 SEVENTH STREET, (Department Exchenge,) WAsnlHOTOif. D. C. Ami No. 3 Xfcrl itore, "rortwr or Broailaay, oppottti Ctty Hall, Neu lor. Refers, by permission, to Hone, Hsnnlbal Hamlin, Vice President, Me. Martin KelbOHcn, Mayor City of Brooklyn I AM JahMann,Jr,Newlork City I John N. Goodwin, M. C, Me. Thomas M. Edwards, M. C, N. Il. Ed ward H. Rollins. M. C, N. If 1 Alex. II. Rice, M. C, Mass. John B. Alley, M. C., Mess.) Alfred A. Burnham, M. C, Conn.; Dwlght Loomla, M. C, Conn.t John A. Gurler, M. c., Ohloi Jamee M. Ashley, M. C, Ohio; Sidney Edgerton, M. C, Ohio) John Hutchlns, M. C., uhlorJolm Covode, M. C, ps.t Robert McKnlrht, M. u, ra. jusiiu a. mor rill, M. C, VM John P. Potter, M. C, Wls. z. cnanuier, m. u., mien. jamrs n. uiar, m. ., Kansasi Cyrus Aldrlch, M. C, Minn.- Wm. Xel- ma n" Sll . - err! ui..tA 1 HJ T a tAV.-. lurr, Hie v.a ..lefUUta . m-VWU. -. '-'a a-aai.i -wnia I N. Stratien, M. C, N. J.i P. U. Fouke. M. C, 1...I UWIU UIIUU.1U. . U. - assaiiiins us. CMo ; Elbiits u. tspauiaing, M. C. N. V.i. Al fred Kir, M. C, N. V.i Major General H. B.Inr. yea; N Wrekolf, Eiq., Pree. Wllllaminort City Bank. v ' JyTO-tf XMTK1UOR AIKHNMKNTS. 88 -2-TV 480 4sa PAPER nANGINOB, orAUeOaADiiANnraicEi. Warranted Gold Band Window Shadeit Buir, Green, and Blue Holland Shadet, all tliMj made to order. Alto, a handaome aaaortment of Picture Cord and Taaacla, all alxea and colon. Purchasing for caah, and allowing no old atock to accumulate, pertoni needing the above goodi will and It to their advantage to give me a call. Altworkexecutedandiuperlntendedb) practical men, who hat a aerved a rrgular apprentueahlp at their trade. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required. Fleaee give rue a call. Remember the number. JOHN MARKRITF.R, No. 46 Seventh atreet, Eight doori above Odd FeJlowa' Hall. nov2-ly riEETHI TEETH I M. LOOM IS, M. D, the Inventor and patentee of the Mineral Plate Teeth, attend! peraonally at hlaofftoelnthla city. Many pertoni can wear theae teeth who cannot wear otheri, and no peraonean wearotheri who cannot wear theae. Feriona caning ai my omce can re accommotiatea but to thoae who are particular, and with the pur eat, cleaneit, itroogett, and moit perfect denture that art can produce, the Mineral Plate will be more fully warranted. Roomi In thli city No. 333 renni)lvanla a.e nue. between Ninth and Tenth itrecti. Alao, f07 Arch itreet, Philadelphia. mar inly T1 U 1 L E DirpRE, irox It All, W40 Peunaylrania Aveuuc. WholttaU ami Rttuil Deattr in FINEST PAMILV ailOCKIHE?, FRRXCUand QERMAX WJXKX, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, CJIAMPAQXES, RRAXDTfRU3f,aiXt CIOARSand TOBACCO, Ilea now on hand a very Jin atsoilmnt of the above, at fair prlcei. BUTLERS SUPPLIED, nov 2$-TTfcStf N TRW AMD fUHPLIFIRDHRTIIOD FOR pianu eUHTr; aho binuimu. PROF. ALEXANDER WOLOWSKI. riANIST, VOCALIST AND COMPOSER, Hat opened Ladle and Gentlemen! Afternoon (4 o'clock) and Evening (firo'clock) singing llaae, on mot liberal terwt. Profeaaor Wolowakl will alao explain the full theory of Muale and Reading by Ma ayatem. By Profraaor Wolowakl'a new method, a peraon hat ing only a alight knowledge of muale will be enabled, lu a cry abort time, To read muale with great faellll), and eareule operatic ai well aa claaaldal rautlc with rare perfection. Aito the vocal part, by hit way of localization, he arrive! at moat extraordinary reiulta, reuden the voice powerful, and enabteithe linger to io eallie with facility, accuracy, and fine Quality of tone. Prof. Wolowikl recelvei . Ultora dally from 10 to II a m. and from to 4 p. m., at hie revldenee, lSo. 40t Tenth atreet, between E and F. W. B. Children oier eight jean of age are ac cepted, tletr Imd. M A INK AGENCY A Nil kOI.DlERU RVLIEF JKSWIATMN. Office. No. 'jrts V atreet, cor. Thirteenth. Communication! to be addreaaed to J, W. HATHAWAY, mate Agent, oct 1ft tf Lock box 3, Waiblogton, D. C rr-zs llA,ttROADS? a,t,irf XTBW,BOAT-lEWCAIt. .-ar ron boiton, riaaaaaaan MCW LONDON, NOKWICIt, and WOHCESTEI 1 SAILTi (Sundays Excepted,) t . At4fftkxktr. M., raoM MER UK.IU FOOT Or VMTHV STREET. Tha nsif and magiUucent steamer CITY OP DOS vn, itu iviinjXf suniinBaurr, iranmw xuik Taesdaya. Tbnrsdsys, aad 8stutdayst and fron Nsw Lond.D Moadsyg, WMnenUysand Frldsys. The uw sad mHinet nt stemne r CITY OP NEW TORK, Tbotnas O. Jtwett, eommandfr, from New Yerk Moodsys, WednetdsTS, and Prldarit froK New London Tuesdays, Thursdays, and BMur days. These two new stesmers hsve been built expreu Ir for this route, with all modern Improvements, tn eludlnr Water Tlcht Comnartment. sad are the only steamers ever built for Lone Island Sound with this crest llfr-preterTlns; Improvement. Conductors accompany the steamers esch way, Pasienrers proceed from New London Immediate ly on arrlral of steamers, by Express Train to Bo toa, Worcester, Lowell. Lawrence, ntchtmrg Nashus, Coneord, the White Mountains, ae. ac. Fanrnsera returnlnf from Boston leave the De pot ofth. Boston and Worcester railroad at 6 an p. M.. Worceiter 7 P. M.. srrlrlne at New London ejo p. M. rreleht taken at the Lowest Rates, and deliver ed In Boston early the next day. State Rooms la abundance can be had on boerf steamers, or at the Boston or New York offices, tr adranoa. E. S. MARTIN, Agent, my-tf Mer S3, N. It. GltKAT CEXTnAE. IIOUTE ror ttie Vcat. via UUDS0X TiirER RAILROAD and V2.1I YORK qSXTRAL RAILROAD, On and Am DcciMitm 9. 18C1, Expre ii Tralna leave New York cite depot! ol Hiidaon Hl er Railroad dally, Sun-aye excepted, ai follow! i From Chamber! itreet From -0th itreet itatlon At 1a.m. At7.Ma.rn. 11 a. m., 6 p. m. ll.aoa. m., tt.Mp. m. xisp. m. a.40 p.m. Montreal and Btiffalo Train with ileepinf 10 40 p.m. can.iaiSp.ra. Od sundajra, the followinf tralna will be run to and from -0th itreet i The 10.40 p. m. tlerplng cm train for Albany and Troy, and the .) a. m. from Troy, and iM p. m. train from Albany, Cunneetlnr at Albany With the New York Cen tral Railroad for Schenectady, Rocheater, Utlca, Batarla, Rome, and atatlona on Rome and ater town Railroad, Buffalo, Syracuae, Niagara Falli, Suipemlon Bridge, Auburn, Genera, Canaddalgua. Tralni In connection leave Buffalo and Suipen Ion via Lake Shore, Buealo and Lake Huron and Great Weetern Railroad, for Hamilton, Toronto, Detroit, Chleajro. Toledo, Mllwaukle, Fonddu Lac, La Crone, Madlion, Prairie UuChlcn, Galena, Dunlelth Dubuque, Peoria, Rock Uland, Muita tine, Iowa City Burllnrton, Uulncy, Sprlngfleld, Alton, Rt. Louf., Cairo, Terre Haute, Iniflanapolla, LouiirlUe, Cincinnati. Da) ton, Columbui, Cleve land, and all polnteWeit, ISorthweit, and South weit. NORTHERN ROUTE. Conaectlnc wltn Tralna at Troy, with Troy and Bo t ton, and Rem, and Saratoga hoadi for Sarato ra, Whitehall. Rutland. Burllnrton, St. Albana, Home Point, PlMtiburj Ii, (JKdenaburtli, Montreal, rf- Frelfht Arancementi by thli route at above without change of can, from the Depot! In Cham ten and Hudeon tree ta, are at all timet aa faTora ble aa made hy other Railroad Companlei. The fadlitlei of thii zrrsl New York Route, to ihe Weat, commend It to the confidence of merchant! and ahlppera for promptneaa and deipatch. Paatenger Tralni. with Smoking and Sleeping Can, run In conneilon on the New lork Central Road. For particular! at to local tralni and freight ar rangement!. Inquire at the ilfpot.U Warren street. A. F. SMITH, dec 11 Superintendent. lHIR RAILAVAV. Paitengcr Tralni leaie Ha Paronla Ferry from luut wi s,iiauiafrt- iirT-ii Miununi, iui 6 00 a. m. Mail for Dunkirk and Intermediate atatlont. Thli train remain! ot er nicht at riruira and nro eeetlt the next mornlnr. 7.00 a. m. Expren, fur BiittXlo and principal In termedlale at at ton t. 9 00 a.m. ai otiivine and interme- uinie euauoos.. ia.14 p. m. Accommodation, daily, lor Fort Jervli and nrlhciital atAtloni. 4 .oo p. m. Way, for Mlddlelown, Newburgh, and iniermruuatv ainiiuai. D oo p. m. Nlf ht Kxpreti, dallr, for Dunkirk. Bul falo, Canandaigua, and principal atatlona. The train of Sat unity runt through to BulTalo, but tloei not run to Dunkirk. 7 00 p. m. Emigrant, for Dunkirk and principal IKlaUiiei. The Kxpren Tralni connect at Hornelliville with railroad for BuitaJo, at Elm Ira with the Canandai gua and Niagara Fall! Railroad, at Blngbamton, with the Syracuse Railroad j at Corning with the railroad for Recheater and ButlXloi at Great Bend, with the railroad for Scranton, and at Buffalo and Dunkirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Clere ltnd, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, fco.,and the Canada rallroadi. CHARLES MINOT, lep 13 General Superintendent. )I(OPOSALS FOR OATS AND HAY. DrroT QvAaTEnMAiTca! Orricc, Corner Eighteenth and G atreeti, Waihlngton, D. C, Dec. IS. tstS. Sealed propoaala will be receUed atthiaotUce until TUESDAY, the sidday of December, at 12 o'clock m., for furniihlng the Government with (404,000) four hundred thouaand buahela of Oati and (3,000) three thouaand torn of Hay. Hay to be good merchantable timothy, put up In balea, and delivered at (2,000) two thouaand poundi to the ton. Oati to be of a rood merchantable quality, put up In bagi of about two buaheli each. Oati will be received by weight at (K) thirty-two pounda to the buthel. sacki to be furnlahed without extra charge to the Government. Dellven to be made In the city of Waihlngton within (2j)tvcnt).hedi)i from thetltteorthe contract. rronoaali. Propoiali will be it eel, ed for (500) five hundred torn of hay and upward!, and for (ro.iuo) fifty thou ttand buaheli of oatt and upwardi. The propoiltlom for the harandoa'a .euybe upon the aarae paper, but muMbemaue entirely dUlinct from, and without reference to, each other. The full name and pott olTlce addreaa of the bid der muat appear In the propoeal. If a bid la made In the name of a firm, the namea of all the partleimuit appear, or the bUwlll be conaidered ai the Individual propoial of the party ilgnlnglt. ' Propoaala from dMoyal partUi ui'f rot be contldfrrJ, and an oath of allegiance muit accompany each propoilt ion. Propoaala muat be addrened to Colonel D. It, Rt;cRcn,Uiartermaater, V, s. Army, Waihlngton, D. C, and ahould be plainly marked "iToiaotala ror Oati and Hay." Ouaranfft. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, ahould It be awarded to him. muat I guarantied by two retpontlble penoni, whoae algnalurei muat be appended to the guarantee. Ihe ret no nil tilt I ty of the guarantor! miut be ahown by ibv ojpiial certldiateof the Clerk of the neareat Dlatrlct Court or of the United State Dla trlct Attorney. Bidden muat be preaent In peraon when the bide are opened or their propona! will not be conald eid. Bonda equal In amount to half the aum to be re ceived on the contract, aigned by the contractor and both of hti guarantor, will be required of the luoceiiful bidder upon algning the contract. A the bond mutt accompany the contract, It will be necetaary for bidden to have their bondamen with them, or to ha. e bonda aigned lu anticipation and ready to b produced when the contract li algoed. Blanki for bonda can 1 procured upon application lelng made at tniaonice, either peraon ally, by letter, or by telegraph. Form of Guarantee, We,- , of the county of , and State of a and . ,of the county of ,and , do hereby guaranty that la able to fulfil a contract In accordance w 1th the ternie of hit propo ilt Ion, and that, ahould hli propoilt lou be accented, he will at once enter Into a contract In accordance therewith. Hhould the contract be awarded to him we are prepared to become hli tecurltlei. ( I o thle guarantee muat be appended the ojflcial certificate atore mentioned.) INSPECTION, DELIVERY, Ac. All Oat and Hay contracted tor under thli ad vertisement will be rigidly Inipected, and auch ai do not prove of a good, lound, merchantable qual ity will be reject d. Vav ment to be made upon the completion of the contract, or to toon thereafter ai the Depot Quar ter maiter ahall be in fund. Any Informality In the bid. or nonconformance with the terma of thli advertisement, will lniure the rejection of tha proposal. Delivery to be made at the Railroad lVpot, or at one of the Gov eminent Whvrvei, In the city of it nuieJa;iuu. Ihe Depot Quartermaater reervei to hlmaelf the right to reject any or all bid that he may deem too high. D, II. RUCKEH, de la dtd Col. and Depot Quarter ma iter. TjiAMe, AND 1VINTKR GOODS. MILITARY AXD CIVILIAN. WALL, STEPHENS At CO, are now opening their Fall and Winter Gooda, embracing fine Drei Coat, Doeskin Pant, Vesta, kc. A large and well elected Stock or fine heavy Overcoat. We have alto a complete assortment of Buslnea Bulls, matte In the moat durable manner. Ortlcer will find our Military Gooda dealroui to their want. Heavy Woollen Blankets, for camp use at reasonable price. WALL, STEPHENS Ik CO , 341 Pennsylvania avenue, between dtf Ninth and lenthttreeti ?VX&'WJ?T ' KAVTBcpAtirrtrrRKoTnbW5,lM THE NAVY DEPARTMENT Will, until the fail oi aWeemDer, low, receire propoeiiioni toe ,ne treethm and eompletloa of a Wharf at Port Royal, oath Carolina, la eoaformlty with tl KtaeraJ peetfleettoaa herewith aceompeaylag . Thepropotrttton mtut ttate the ttoee unonnt for which the. wharf, derrleka, hotetlaw engine, eoale, rail tracka, andean will be completed, aveeordinc to the plana and apeetfleatlona, and name the time within which the party will agree to hart It fln- Partlee Intending to bid can examine the draw rage mine Nary uepanmeaf, ana ia xnm omeeoi the Conatructing Engineer In tha New York Nary Yard, at the offlee of the Narr Aeeat at Phlladel phta and at Boiton. i ntj Did nun d gcnmptniTU vj inv Ueruai piip aitteethatlf accented the nartrwlll exeente the eoatract, which will t dated from the time the party li notified that Ma offer Ii accepted, and Ihe contract will embrace tha iiiual condition!. SptctycattOHtfot Wharf et tori Jtoyo, 5. C. Thai ir.e.r-f Its In be In the farm ftf n Ti Ihe nart leadrng from the ibore to the Iront will be Ml feet long and 43 feet lnchea wldet and the front will be 301 feet long and 41 feet lnchea wide. From high water mark to 7' 6" water the dlatance Ii X08 feeti from 7'!" depth to If C'Mhe dlitaneela IWfeeti from ll" " depth to 26' " depth the dlitanee la 70 feet, and the front wharf will atand la about 71' f water, all at high tide. The pllee are to be of good aound heart-pine, not leaa than 12" diameter at the butt, and muat be drlren to a good firm bearing) they will be In rowi a feet from centre to centre, running acroae the wharf, and aeven pllei In each row, with a fender pile on each aide, making pllei la each croei row. Theae pllei are to be barked and corered with iheet tine, 10 oxi. to the tquare foot, from hlghwater maraoownio a lncnea ociow ine aunace oi ine mud. wrll and aecurelr nut on. to nrotect them from the wormi. The pllee will be cut off at the proper height, aa ahown on the plan, and capped with hard pine tim ber 12" by li", every third pile being tennooed Into inv cup atnu pinnru, ami in uinvrai grcajuim wiin ma Iron bolt one Inch In diameter and two feet long. Around the nut.lda of the wharf there la to be a at ringer of hard pine timber I" by l2",reitlngupon inecapeanunrongiy uonru at eacn croiiuir, ana between these itrlnrera there are to be hard Dine JoUta 4" by 12", laid 12" apart upon the cape, and Tsstened with (Mnch iplkea at each crotilng. upon ine joiaia inrre niouf nwor oi vnavru pine pianK. faitened with one 8-lnch iplke In each plank ai each cronlng. Around the edge of the wharf there i! to be a cap illl 9" by 10", of hard pine, well fa tened and rounded on the top to ihed the rain. The render pllei are to be itrongly bolted to (he Irlngenandcap tllli. Four cluiten of about ila pllei each ate to be driven, capped, and prepared aa foundation! forderrlcktt there are alio to be twelve mooring poaia oi wiaie oak iimDcr, v in uiaroeier. well drlren and atronrlr reeared to the wharf, at the polnti Indicated on the plant thee will be four feet above the floor of the wharf; and all pllei are to be ahealhed with xine, aa before deacrlbed. At each end of the front wharf, and on each ilde of the wharf leading from the ahore, there la to be a landing italr a' ("wide, itrongly eecured to the wharf, and reaching to low water mark. The contractor will be required to build a bulk head where the wharf Jotna the ahore, and All up with earth, to receive the rail track hereinafter de crltscd. on me wnarr, atine poinia indicated on ine plan, will be four derrick! for holt ting coal, almllarto thoaeuerdat the eoaldepotaon the North river, provided with all theneceeaary falla, with luUlcleni rone to reach the holitlng endne. and ahlevea for change! of direction, and all ready for ute In holit' ingeuai. AparTicuiaraeacripiionoiuiraeucrricai will be glren. There la to be a Jiolallng engine of moat ap proved construction, h Ing four drumi. and to be of tomclent power to work the four derrlckiat the ame t lutein holatlngcoal. Over thli engine there ii to be a frame home, to protect It from the weather. In the capalllt around the wharfthereareto be Iron ringboltiof IS'lnch Iron, and ring S lnchea diameter In the clear, placed at every 60 feet, and itrongly fattened to the atlli and itrlngera. On the wharf, and extending up on to the land, will be a rail track of Iron, about flftr pound t to the yard, with auch tranche! ai may oe requlredi the total length of ilngle track being U of a mllet ine iriCK on ine wnnri win ue ism on ine piaua floor, with aultable chain, and that on the land on ilea a' fi' a nart. laid In the uaual manner. Thlt Irack li to be provided 1th 12 dumping can prop erty conairucieu lor ingi ina; coai. On the land near the ahore end of the wharf, at ahown on the plan, there U to be a platform acale, capable of weighing tea tona, the rail track will pnia orerthla acale aa thorn on the plan, there will alao be a imall olllce. eight feet tquare, near the acale. and t no of eimliar alxe on the wharf. The propoilt lone will be addreaaed to the Navy Department,1' and nunt tte addreaaM "Propoaala for Wharf at Port Hoal." that they may be dle- linguiinru irom oinrr puainria iciirra. nov2 aawtDecaa S PECIAL NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, OFFICER? OF TllF. ARMY JKD AM IT. ODEON HALU The old and established Emporium of Clothing, that haa. for aomanv lean. auDDlled the citizena or Washington and vicinity with all that la es sential for the elegance and comfort of the outei man. li now supplied with the most complete and fashionable itock that we hare ever had the pteae ure to oiler. COATS, PANTS, and VESTS of tha moat dealra- tle atjlettnat could tse found in the market. HOSIERY, GLOVES, kc, cannot be surpassed and will be sold at price that do not allow of compe ls, ion. LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS. I.AKUK STUCK UK MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK OF MILITARY OVERCOATS LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRE84 COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY DRESS COATS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VFSTS, LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTH. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. INDIA RUBBER GOOD OF ALL DFSCRIf. TIONS. VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, Ac. Our atock or BOYS and YOUTHS' CLOTHING la the lartreat and most fashionable that haa evar been offered In thla city, and at the lowest prlcea iney can nosviuir uv uuimnru in una cur, B3" Call and aee us at ODKON HALL, corner 4 H lireetauu rnnai.tuii avenue, wie ureal cioiii lug Mart of Washington city, nov I every- Turn, Thura, k Sat cq TAKE NOTICE. en M. T. PAKKEK, NO. 69 LOUISIANA AVFNUF, Respectfully and cheerfully return! thanki for the noerai paironage nuncno receiv eu. Hav log ev ery facility for doing THE BEST IIOUSF, SIGV. AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. Together with all work pertftlMoe; to a Fiarr- l r.ASi rainiing fjnauiisumeni. 11 haa no hesitancy in soliciting a continuance oi ine publics larur. i Prices art Reasottalltt The Work XTnexecptionuUtt And particular attention Is paid to PROMPTNESS IN DELIVEnY.a J3"Remember the number I Oil Louisiana Aveuuc, oct 21 3m bet. sixth aod &ev enth streets. IM A 11 K II A M MARKHAlaPS lithe beat HOTEL In the Cirr or WAtMiN0TON,kept on the EUROPEAN TLAN. ALjonln.j WUardt Jfot,lt No. 212, Pehmstlvanii Avenue. The undersigned have fitted and furnished the abov e named house In Ihe best manner, gii Ing It all the modern lmprov ementi, Including water and ga In every room, bed and furnishing goods not .sur passed In any bouse In the country. We beg to assure Ihose who nvvy favor us with a call lulhe ordinary, that It will be iupplled with every thing the market affords, got up In the acrr !T i c and at living prices. The National KcpuUlcon tsy t: "We feci it to be our duty to invite attention tothla house, and to guarantee Ihe public against extortion In price or neglect In attendance. It will not be under the control of the servants, vvhetherwhlte or black." And we endorse It and ahall carry out the fact. We can only lay to thoae coming to Washington, atop at the new European House, atop at the beat house, atop at the house nearest the cans and the TacAscav, and to have the benefit of all this, atop at MARKHAM'S 912 Pennsylvania avenue. JOHN 11. HUDSON. F, P. MARKHAM, dec 0 Proprietor!. DETECTIVE DEPARTMENT, MMHOPQUCAN FOLtCE, No, 510 Kleitutli atreet weat, .V..ii the corner of PmntyleanU avenue. The publlo are hereby Informed, that all case requiring the sen Ices of a detective officer will be promptly and carefully attended to, re of tharst," upon application being mad at the Po lite Headquarter, No. 010 Klerrnth itreet weat, under auperv Itlon of W. B. WEBB. Superintendent of Metropolitan Police, nov 8S-4awint DO YOU KNOW IT 1 If you do not, call at SMITH k BEALL'S, No. 301 Seventh itreet, near K itreet, and buy joutielf a nice suit Clothing from them, as they have just recelred new and tplenJldaisortment. nor 31 dtjani b . no'AixiBi.a' LINIMENT, GREAT REMEDY it A rOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUM BAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS. AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it li a speedy and certain reme dy, and never rails. Thli Liniment U prepared from tha recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connect lent, tha famoui bone-tetter, aad haa been used In hli practlee, for mora tkaa twenty yean, with tha most astonishing luecesi. AS AS ALLEVIATOR OF FAtff, It la unrivaled by any preparation before tha publle, of which tha most skeptical may be convinced by a ilngle trial. This liniment wilt cure rapidly and radically. Rkewmatla Disord re of every kind, and, In thousand! of eaaee, whera It haa been used. It haa aever been known to fait FOR NEURALGIA! It will afford Immediate relief In every ease, however dittreaalng. It wUl relievo tha wont eases of HEADACHE la three mlautei, and li warranted to do L T00TMCE, alio, will It cure instantly. FOR SERV0VS DEBIUTY AND" GENERAL LAS SITVDS, arising from Imprudent or, thli Liniment la a moit happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nerrooi tissues, It strengthen! and revivifies the iytem. and reitorei It to elasticity and v Igor. FOR PILES. A i an external remedy, wa claim that It la tha best known, and we challenge tha world to produce an equal. Every victim of thli distressing complaint ahould give It a trial, for It will not fall to afford immediate relief, and. In a majority of cases, will effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT ara aometlmei extremely malignant and dangeroui. but a timely application or mis uniment win never fall to cure. SPB ItW sir a kit mat Hen skat vaaa-a atul tna. kn. large ment of tka Joint la liable to occur If neg- ivcicM. i am worst eaee may oe conquercu vj mil uaimcnt in two or tnree oayi. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS, AND SCALDS, yield readily to the won derful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFAL LIBLE LINIMENT, when uaed a wording to direc tion!. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND 1ft VLIT BITES AKB STINGS, DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, The Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT. Ia known all over the United Statea. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, la the author of " Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curea Rheumatism, aud never falls. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Ii a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curea Burns and Scald Immediately. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT I the best kaown remedy for Sprains and Brulaea DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE UNIMENT Cures Headache Immediately, and wai never known to rail. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE XINIMENT Afford! Immediate relief for Pile, and aeldom falla to cure. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curei Toothache In one minute. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Curea Cuti and Wounds Immediately and leave no acar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE UNIMENT Is the beat remedy for Sore In the known world. DR. SWEET'S INFALUBLE UNIMENT Hai been used by mora than a million people, and au praise it. DR. SWEET'S INFALUBLE LINIMENT Taken Internally, cure Colic, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera. DR. 8WEET8 INFALUBLE LINIMENT I truly a " friend In need,' and ev ery family ahould hare It at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALUBLE LINIMENT It fur aale by all Druggist. Price 25 and (0 cent A Friend In Need. Try It DA. SWEETS INFALUBLE UNIMENT, ai an external remedv. la without a rival, and will alle vlate pain more speedily than any other prepara tion, ror an ni.vun.augai.ii ticrrouaxnsarueriit 1 truly Infallible, and, aa a curative for Sore, Wound, Spralaa. BruUea. kc., It soothing, heal ing, and powerful, itrengthenlogproperttei, excite thejust wonder and aitonlihmentof all who have aver glren it a trial. Over one thousand certifi cates of remarkable cures, performed by It within Uiciisi iwu )a.ra, .; ,u .am. To Horse Owner! DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOB HORSES li unrivalled by any, and In all case of lameness, ariiing ironi vprains, uruise. or Wrenching. Its etteet li magical and certain. Har ness, or Saddle Galls, Scratche. Mange, kc, It will also cure apeedlly. Spavin ana Ringbone may ba eaauy prevemeu anu surra ia mcir incipient atagea, hut confirmed eaiei ara beyond tha poaalblllty of i radical mre. nu vBarvui imvk.uu. uuwvvcr.ia ao daBncrata or honeleaa but It bit m allevlatsid hv thla Liniment, and lta faithful application will al ways remove (he Lameness, and enable the hone to travel wiin comparative rise, DR. Sir E ET S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS TUB SULDIUn'B FniKTND, And thousands hara found It truly A FRIEND IN NEED! Ask for "Dr. Sweet'i Infallible Uniment," and take no other. Be not deceived by unprincipled dealer, who will try to palm osteoma other article on wmen inry can mate m ikijb more pruui The fifty cent bottle contain three time a much a the twenty cent bottle, audi much the cheapest to buy. Try It ToaroM Imposition, observe Ihe Signature and Llkeneai or Dr. Stephen Sweet on erery label, and also "Stephen Sweet1! Infallible liniment" blown In the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine, RICHARDSON fc CO, Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. MORGAN k ALLFN, General Agenti, 40 CHIT street, New York, O- Sold by all dealers ererywlmt. no II ly RAILROADS; ,f IMfl. , stfnixa ARRAX0XMEXT, liaVW YORK tllfll. THE CAMCTN AND AMBOV AND PHlLADEL . PHI A IAND TRXHTON RAILROAD COM PA- NKsP LINE. TROStPmTsApKLPmA TO NEW YORK Prom AVnlamt Btreet Wharf and Ken- i. y -; taTUSa.AMMt. .WILL LIATB AS FOLLOWS, TIX I -Fr. At AaMtlaCaamdenand Aniboy C.kA. Aeeomaaodatlon 2M At A.M.,vlCamdnandJerseyClty-New Jersey Accommodation Jt25 At I A. M..TU Kensington and Jersey Cltyi Morning MaU - - - 1.00 a ii h r. m..Tia vvamoen anu Amooy Accom- anneJallnn IM At S P. N.. via Camden and Ambov C and A. Express a.30 At 4 P.M.. via Camden and Jersey Cltr Evening Exprea - 1,00 At 4 P.M., via Camden and Jeraey city . Claia Ticket 3.90 At ; P.M., TlaKenakigton and Jersey Cltr Evening Mall - . - . 1 0Q At 11 P. M.. via Kenilarton and JeraeT Cltrt Southern Mall S.M At S P. M.,Tla Camden and Amboy Aocom- mDOaiiian muni mna antaaeinrari 11 clan ticket - - 2.M Sd class ticket . - 1.60 The Bk P. M. Lin runs dallr. Sundava executed. The IS Pi M. Southern MaU rundally. WAT LC NES. For Bristol. Trenton, fca.. at 7.10 and i A. M.. aad a, C and 12 P. M., from Kensington, and H r aa. iivebi w iirui airvt w nan. ror Bristol and Intermediate Statlona at Ilia A. M . from Kenilneton. For Palmyra, Rlverton. Delaaco, BcTerly, Bur lington. Florence. Bordenfown, kc. at Kt U B andOVP. M, Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Inter mediate stations, at 8 P. M., from Walnut atreet wharf. . CJ- For New York, and Way Line leaving Ken inrion Awpoi, iaae ine uara on inn aireei, aoova wainut, nan an nour Dcioraocparture. ineiar run Into tha Depot, and on arrlral of each Train, run from tha Deoot. Flftr DOttnds of Bimn onlr allowed each naa- aenger. Passenger are prohibited from taking QTining lasafiin uui tnvir witrior appRrvi. All OTVr HUT pUUDUS, IO D Ia14 IOr CKIXaV. The Comnanr limit their resDontlbllltr for Banaro to On Dollar per pound, and will not ba liable for any amount oeyonu iuu uoiian, except oy special VOnUHVW IV in. fie jIAI.aflaVH, Age; tab apsa TITIKTJSR AKUANOl INTKH AltnANGKMKNT. Philadelphia. IVIInalnsrton and Baltimore RAILROAD On and after MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1641, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore, at S so a. m., 9,10 a. m.. I1.S5 a. at., f CcnrsMajV and 10 BO n. n. For Chester, at 8,16 a. m., 11.15 a. m., S.45 and 10 CO p. m For Wltmlnrton, at 3.30 a. m., 8.15 a. m., It 39 a. to., 3 4S and low p. m. For New Castle, at S.15 a. ra. and 3 49 p. m. For Dover, at 8.15 a. m. and 3.4a p. m. For Ml I ford, at 8 15 a. m. For Salisbury, at 8.15 a. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.30 a. m., (Impress,) 1 05 p, m.. f Exnresi.) S.90 and 7 D. m . f Fxnress 1 Leav a Wilmington at 7.W and It. 31 a. m.,4.15, 0.4O, nu 9mm p. in. Leave Salisbury at 3.33 p. m. Leave Mllfrdat4,6op. m: Leave Dover at t a. m. and 8. 10 p. tn. Leave New Castle at 11 . m. and iLiu d. m. Leave Cheater at 8.30 a. m., 13.13, 4.60, and 30 p. His Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermedial atatlona at 5.30 and 7. p. m.j for borer and Interm- Uleeie BlelllUDa, Ht I.W ( HI. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leara Cheater at 8.45 a. m , is 05 and 11.90 p. m. Leara U llmlngton at 4.30 a. m.j t s&a. m., li.15 p. ID., fuiu I au. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Paatenger Car attached, will run aa followai Leara Philadelphia, for PerryvlHe and Interme- Uiaipiaoea.(o.iup. m. Leave Wlhnlngton, for Pern villa and lntermedl ta tilaiea. at 7.10 n. m. Leave Baltimore, for Havre de Grace and Inter mediate atatlona, at a n. tn. OS SUNDAYS ONLY: At 3.30 a. . and 10-W p. m., from Philadelphia to luuiimorr. At 1 tram Sat tl more to Phtladalnhla. The 8. a. m. Train from Philadelphia to Balli- mor win run uaiiy, mohdati Exrarrcn. . M. FELTON, Jan 3 tr President. poi R BOSTON. VIA NEWPORT AND FALLH1ER. Br the inlendU and lurwrlor steam en NKTROFOLIS.EMP1RE STATE. BAY STATE, and STATE onraNEI of great strength and apeed, but particularly adapted to the navigation of Long Island Sound, runninar In connection with tha Fall river and Old Colony railroad, distance of 63 mile only to Boa- ion. Leave Pier No. 8, North river, near the Battery. The iteamer EMPIRE STATE, Capt. Brayton, Monday, Wednesday, and Frldayi, at 4 o'clock P. M.( touching at Newport each wav . The iteamer METROPOLIS, Capt. Brown, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 4 o'clock P. M touchier at Newoort each war. Theae teamera are fluedwlthcommodloui state rooms, and txtry arrangement for tha security and comfort of passengers, who are aflorded by tbia rout a night rest on board, and, on arrival at Fall rlv er, proceed per steamboat train, reaching Boston early the following morning, or may remain on board until starting of the accommodation at 8 A. M.t by which they may reach Boaton about 8.45 A baggage maater la attached to each iteamer, wnoreivraBuuiicaaciBj ubuIm in" aocom i.anlaa thaaama to lta destination. A iteamer runa. In connection with thli line, be tween Fall rlrer and Providence, dally, except Sun ilavi. Freight to Boiton 1 forwarded through with great dispatch by an Expreaa Train, which, leav ea Fall river ev ery morning, Sundays excepted, at ? o'clock, for Boiton and New Bedford, arriving at Its destination at about II A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or at tha office, on Pier No. 3, North rlv er. For state-roomi and berths, apply on board, or If desired to aecuro tnem in aurancr, a WM. BORDEN, Agent, aug 17 tf 70 and 71 Weat itrcat, N. V. TirET. NORTHWEHTi AND SOUTH- j v an.a a TO CIVILIANS, OFFICERS, BANDS-MEN, SOLDIERS, AND OTHERS. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD are running through passenger trains from Waah lngton to tha Ohio river, without change of can dally at 1) a. m. and 8 p. m., and oiler greater In ducement! to the traveling publle that any other route, ia i CHEAPER FARE, LESS CHANGFS OF CARS, CLOSER CONNECTIONS, AND QUICKER TIME. Thtila the onlr rout that checks barrare from Washington city to tha West. Tickets good until used) and passengers hare tha privilege of laying B Vr at MUJ leuiua uii iuv iwu iv. Passengers procuring tickets by this route, save the delay and expense or Omnibus transfer. REMEMBER THE ONLY OFFICE to Procure tickets, U at the depot of B. fc O. R. R. Baggage reccireu mi any jiuuruunug iuv uay, tun no cuarge for handling bargAce aug20 tf CAFBTV, BPKKD. AND COMFORT. FOR BOSTON. WORCESTER, PALMER, FITCHBURG, nAmiUAi iiUiir.uiH vunvunu, im. WHITE MOUNTAINS, AND IN TERMEDIATE POINTS. mSmmm THE nevr and staunch ateamen of JjiBmWmi ,h Norwich Line, CITY OF BOS- iUNtnauii urna.iv lunn., leave new iom dally. (Snndaya excepted,) at 4 o'clock, p. ra , from ner no. w, r.ora wver, loot oi vrairy iircei, There connect lint with the Steamboat Exnreaa Train for tha abov a polnti, via Norwich and Wor cester, pouou anu Worcester, wurcraiar anu rtaanau, na new ijoouoq ana nonnern naiiroau. Freight taken at th lowest rates. For Information, Inquire of F.. S. MARTIN, my 24 tf Agent, on the Pier. E VANS WATSON'S SALAMANDER, KIRK AND BUBULAR FROOP SAFES. Store, 78 louth Fourth street. Orderi received by ' W. D. SHEPHERD. Corner of Seventh and D itreet, Waihlngton, D C. Jan It tr . TUST RECEIVED, a large and superior stock J or CARPETS ana UH.b.uri,aiuuununK 10 S60 piece, purchased for cash of a Northern manu facturer declining business. AUoValarxTVrfof COMFORTERS. WINDOW MUDES? CUdCKKRY.GLASI WARE and other HQUSLKKXrittu amuim, inciuuiog ranor. Chamber and other, &TOVES, All klod-of VAI NET kURNITURE, both new and aeoond-hand. Parties wishing to buy will sat time and money bv calling at the cheap cash itore of y p. BUCHLY,da8 seventh itreet, no I lm east Ilde, between G and II lAXTUCOIUs. LOCK IlOff PITJaX. .ifvl mt i r.i UTABUirtSD At A UPVaB PBOM tttfACSMT. TiioHtrriuctwiuiajuft)M(CAHtoTAirD- tain. Speedy and only EJlVtuiJ . Remedy la tha WaYI In Wakua At tJ.4 SksaiiAr m tlMafaa 4p4a. tare. Affection of tn JUdnaya and BUdder, In voluntary JUseharge, Impotency. General Deblll tr,NerToaiaelura,LaiiMur, LowsLrltp , Coaruilon or Idea. PaJpltailoa ot Uva Heart, Tin , wiy, TnmDung. uimnese oi ngni or uioaine. , Wseaaeortllead, Throat, Not or SJa, Aft- ' tlona of tha LtingSi Stomach or Bowel thoa Ter Hble Dlsordera arlilng from tha Solitary Habit ol Youth thosa sttftET and aolltary practice mora fatal to their victim Uian thiongof Syrens to tha Mariner of Ulyiiea, blighting their moat bril liant hopea or anticipations, rendering marriage, 4).,tniposlble. ' luunu mm,n Especially, who hare become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and dettracttvw habit which annually aweep! to an untimely grave thou landi or Young Men of the most exalted talenti aod brilliant Intellect; who might otherwise have nt ranee.! llatenln Srnatea ttflh tha lhtini1r nt eloquence, or waked to ecitaiy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. 1 NARRIAGE. Married Peraoni.or Younsr Men eontemnlattnr marriage, being aware of physical weakneta. or ganic debility, deformities, Ac, peedlly cured. nt wag piaoea oiiaarii unucr tn careoi ur.J, mar relUrlously aonfld In hli honor aa a gentleman. and confidently rely upon hi aklil aa n physician! ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured and Full Vigor Restored. ' .TMa Dreadful Diaeaaa which rendm Ufannia. erabl and Marriage Impossible la th penally' paid oy tn Ticum oi improper, inauifene. YoungprBonaaitoapttooeommltnteifrm ' not being awar of tha dreadful eonaeqoenee that mar ensue. Now. who that nnderataiula tha mh. Ject will pretend to deny that tha power ot proer atlon la lost sooner by thoa falling Into improper naou tnaa dt am pruornti nruoea Deuur da prlved th pleasure! of healthy offspring, tha ma erloui and deatructlve symptom to both body and mind art. The ayatem become deranged tha Physical and Mental Function Weakened .Lou ot ProcrMtlv Power, Nerroua Irritability, Dyspcn Ha. Palpitation of th Heart, Iitdlgeatlon, Consti tutional Debility, a Waiting or tha Frame, Coughs, Consumption, Ac. OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Left hand aide. cln from Baltimore atr-t. a rw door from th corner, Fail not to obaerre nam anu nuniisrn Letter muit be paid and contain a a tamp, Tha Doctor Dtplomae hang In hi office. . DR. JOHNSTON. Member of tha Ro) at College of Surgeons, London. graduate from one of the most eminent CoHegea la the United States, and tha greater part of who 111 has been apent tn the hospitals of London, Pa' rli, Philadelphia and elsewhere, haa effected some of th most astonishing cure that were ever known t many troubled with ringing in the head and ear when asleep, great nervouineas, being alarmed at sadden sound, baahrulne. with frequent blush Ing, attended sometime with a derangement uf mind, were cured Immediately. --' Tak Partlcatlar Notle I Dr. J. addressee all thoa who hara Injured them i aelv ei by Improper lndulgeno and aolltary habit which ruin both body and mind, unlit ting the for eltherbulneu,studf.ocIety ormarrlage Titxsr are aome of the sad and melancholy effect produced by eaflrhablU of youth, vlst Weakneas of the Back and Limbs, Pain la tha Head, Dlmnt of Sight, Lois or Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dypepla,Nerroua Irritability, Derange ment ofth Digeatlra Function. General DebiUTr, Symptoms of Comumptlon. " Mmtally. Th feai ful effect! on the mind are much to be dreaded Loea of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depretaion of Spirita, Evil Forebodlnga. Av erslon to Society, Self-Distrust, Lore or Solitude. Timidity, fee., are ome or the evil produced. Thouaarula of persons of all ages can now Judge what Is the cause of (heir declining health, losing their rigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a lingular appearanoeabout tha eyei, cough and lymptomi of consumption, YOUNG MEN, Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from erll companions, or at school, th effect of which, are nightly felt, even when aaleep, and If not cured render marriage Impoailble, aad destroy both mind and lody, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, th bop of his country, the darling of hi parent, should ba snatched from all pruspeet and enjoyment! of life, by the consequence of deviating from tha path of nature and Indulging In a certain secret habti. Such persona must, before contemplating r CARRIAGE, reflect that aabundmlnd and body are themott necessary requisite to promote connubial happl neas. Indeed, without theae, the Journey through life become a weary pilgrimage; tha propct hourly darkens to the view i the mlndoeoomes shadowed with despair, and filled with tha melan choly reflection that tha happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. " When the misguided and Imprudent votary ofj Rleaaure finds he hat Imbibed th seed of thl pain ii dtaease, It too often happens that an llMimed tent of ahame, or dread of dleeorery, dtra him , from applying to thoe who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. Ha falls. Into the hand of Ignorant and designing pretend er, who, incapable or curing, filch hi pecuniary, autrstance, keep him trifling month after month, or aa long as th smallest fea can be obtained, ana In despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment ( or, by tha use of that deadly poison. Mercury, ha it en tha constitutional, symptoms of this terrible dlaeaae, such ai Affection of the Head, Throat, Note, Skin, etc- promising iv 1th rrlghtful rapidity till death put a period to hla dreadful sufferings by sending him to that un discovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thouianda cured at this Initltntton within the laat eighteen years, and the numerous Important Surgical Operation a performed by Dr. Johnston, wttneed by the reporters of th "Sun" and many other papers, notice of which hare ap- feared again and again before th public,- betide i standing aa a gentleman of character aad re tpontlblUt), is a lutflclent guarantee to tha at- SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Penoni writing ahould b particular In directing their letters to hli In t Hut ion, la tha following tnsiinwl " JOHN M. JOHNSTON. M P., Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.1 dee IS ly pLAIMS AGAINST UNITED BTATKX. FINLEY BIGGER, (lata Register of the United States Treasury,) and CHARLES E. SHERMAN., Counaellor at Law, will devot their entire atten tion to th prosecution and acttlementof damanda.t against the United state, growing out of the pre at war, including th Accounts and Claim (.l(, State, Contractor, and Disbursing Onlcem spplWlw cations for th restoration of property Hlagally' cited or captured, and ror compensation for th use of private property for Government purpose, ; and for damages for th Injury of mch property by the army, for military pay, pension, and bounty land and for distributive shares of money pay bl at tha Treasury and dua to aub-eontraetors and others. " They will alto glr legal advice to claimants, contractors, and to unprofessional agents In Utl Sated cases) and prepare written argument what eslred. With non-resident Agenti who may send them claims, an equitable division of commissions will be made. Undisputed Demands wilt b collected and rromptly remitted for a c-ommlnlon of from a half o two and a half per cent., depending on the einounti and negotiation! with the Department conducted on moderate terms. ' 4 Rr nromnt attention, moderate chanres. loor ex perfene, aad a minute knowledg of fba a4awy regulations, mica, anu urcctrucuiai iuicriuu toaa claaa of Dullness at th Department, they hop to render their services useful to claimants and publlo creditor. ' Reference maybe mad to meraberaof Congress, and officer! of the Government) and especially, by 1.ermit.lon,totlilIon.EuiiiAYHiTTi4:ii:r,rirtt Comptroller of tha Treasury. Address Messrs. BIGGER A SHERMAN, Washington, D. C. Office. No. US F street, near Treaauryand WlV larda1 Hotel, nor-m. "PROPOSALS FOR HAV. Sealed propoial are lnv lted until the 29th day of December, ItuK, for fu ml thing the Subsistence de partment, at Washington, D, C,twth 400 ton ot HAY, in bales. A t , ,. The first delivery to be commenced on or about th 6th day of January, 18W, and th whole quan tity put lu within thirty daj s from the first deliv ery. Th hay to be delivered at Sixth street wharf and to be weighed and Inspected. Bidders muat state, In their bids, the prtopr l.ouu pound at which they will furnish tha Hay. Firms making bids muat state the name of all tha tta.rllea la ft re tail. a-Payment to ba made In certificates of Indebted ness.orsuch funds as tha Government may have for distribution. Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH A, D. C and C. s. U.. 3. A., Washington. D. C. and en dorsed " Propoir.ti for Hay," de It G XV, PLUMBER. OA8 AND STEAM SITTER, 604 Seventh itreet, near Canal Drltlge. WASHINQTON. .i. ail npil.r. executed at the shortest notice. In la. most substantial manner, an4 on reasonable terms, rersonsl attention elven to everr deparlm.nt ot th. business. noris TVIt. M1CICWOOD eontlnue. th. prae. XJ tic. of Dentistry, In ths Wsshlngton Bulldlnr, Turner Prnniylranla arenue and aerenth street. IIa Ing prectlceil In the Boutn nearir sixteen rears,' he feels assured that he ean airs satisfaction to an thst may call. .. Teeth Inserted on Vulcanite, Aubber, or Go Plate, Chloroform sdmlnlstered when desired, .U. ..1 ii.. ....t 4 ' . - Vfcl( -