Newspaper Page Text
?'!' J!ll'"r't''"w"auiwiwaiHs..ji.Marei -iTaitir;iari.ii.iiiiinsyiiiwiiii at. n.ii.i. i -.,.,. r . TgM W 1 SSBg ... 1 ' Aft"sjtf) i(SVRSIaTfSw f J' Vi X'J.'j i ifzwiet tt THmykfurtonir: UkrcfUck' It pubttebed every ntornlng' (Bandayt excepted) t by VT. Jxriarapar, Co, and f furnlehed lo city MUcrlbatt (by carrlere) at M ceou ptr month, n-tn. jinjf,, u; it Mill tabtcrlbera, 13.50 pec-anuum tl for Ix months, u4 II for. tare. aoMhs, Invaria bly la avatic:t t r .-.!;' v y Slngla) coptea, I cnta. . ' i.i ?mwz HA TBS. Oil. A On tqnartj thrat'daj OHtoMrrar,da. 11.00 : on. Qrfcyw,,;'riV1.'.MI V. ".Oa'-j. "0 xna Kiaura. BiK iiMwtii.uai...,a J. -! ,- 'terj other aay-adiaflUamanU, tlfty pr fbrcaehlnMrtlon. i' . Xlcht UnM orkak'cnitltnl-a!i4airi. .AdrertiimMBUibonid bonindad lo bj bin o'clock p. in. '. vf ..'WASHIaTONi i D UVOTESDAY.HPMBEilS, 1862. f!i i n i yi"m " I "j ' " i i t - - -r . 1 .. t ii - - i- 'r -- f ' , -l-.i ' I .TV .'it '' ) vol. ra.u U I 'NO 22.' v; i. A li ..Ml H rnT ,S!.l:;iM.Ilt.,.. . jl jvtli' ft VM0iJ Mi ii -?n' t -TfvA A J t'- i " ' -- ,y',,,.r,HB,1,r.t .,..::-.-, .. ? ' . ." , r ' ., i ij I Ji ' ' ! . -.,. i t!"rot t'ei'Nstlon'al ftepubiuln. ' THE BIBXB AITO'THK IIiBtA. n' - r - t nir-jCHAi. w.ptnison, ciiiiuim p. s. a. At md.tlaksbirg, when fMaven waged Th. battle or tn.piu., ,.. , A eoldr. face to to. engaged, TkreMgk emaknaad tag, and eelnyl Knelt dowabesid. hie trusty gua, Amoafthe shrieking shell, Nor pannt, olll th m dolt, ..4.w. -, trt tehd oat apoa tho trMiUlu trouad. - HbuiHni, hlplMllr ' Hit htbl on nit brHt vu found. AihtllhidttrucktkOMcndtioOkJ I a And atlrad It opmrtl . But tkra mnnat luaeod. tad took :tlfpffhihijr ' AMaMbaU. . tr.' - i.kiJL. AMI Bulk Aad lojud la kla bnwaVi il aui tmnut iqpat aMa, ; aadinifkt afnak; AaaCSUi UtIm rtk m ard fet Ifiv Md UmaJw UA wSkdrSSBar 4 V J ATtri Orraca Uawmf. j vaMaafMa,-v. t"g'"Jl W Uk the ollowlac ntraet from a wnnon" Potaatn, of Koxbnry, WaglTtkconcUdla(raaurkiofthaHrmont Bat th Fmldent't wafnlnK will sot t hrd td, It la ptMtuaed. Tbt var trill not tnn at tha Um date. Tha war, which li apparantl; and profriMdlr war for Independence on one alda, and for tha laimmilon of rshrlllnn nn tha otbtr, lot reallj and'at bottom k conflict of boatll ajitema or .Ufa and thought, will con tinue. In all probability, till one or tha other of , in .Tiiem. Ktrm away 10 ina-oppoaiia one. There U tha bane. -And thl derlrra of poli tician!, or the reeolntlona of conTantlona, or the reanlu of cleclloni, or the aaw trlnmpha ofone party or another, cannot anppmatbat luue, or anbatllnta any other In Ha placo. And that belnc the tone oreiented to ui. notonaofonrowniteeklng, but one that wa nare aciareu aa lonr at poatl&le. triad to avoid ' . by manyconccailoniof Intereat.offeallnr. and nl God forglTe at. If or principle alad, an luna IneTltable, forced upon ua It tho cannon't , month and at the point of tha bayonet one that I we hare Ignored aa lonir aa we could, bnt can- I fj not lannre any longer, bnt are ahut np to It, a i on w men aio oi u aiiaii wa range onneirear I (I Which mutt andihall preralll There can be nut one anawcr here, and that ana er muit ba for rightful gorernment oyer Inaoleut, bloody reliellloni for the principle of the father! orer the theorlea'ofyeiterdayi for hamanlty "brer comlaratlrebtrbarlamt for HbertT orer .IirrrT. inhere can be no tettled peace In title land, aa I think It la becoming mora and mora obyloua every day that there cannot, until the alare art. tern or aoclety It thoroughly crippled or wholly tupprcittd, theniJnOod'a name let It betup preeaedi tha more qnltkly and the more tho roughly, the better. The bitter for all aldea and all aectlonai for all white men certainly, for black men too wa will hope and trait, hut down It mutt go it any rata. For peace we mur kmti and not merely a nominal, tempo rary, apurloua peace, bnlettled peace. For peace 'la tha one bleating that oterrrownt 111 plhere. aad without which there can hardly be any other bleating. , If wa had been abtolately Tlclorloua In armt, and hid put down all retlitanee alx month, ago, we thould hare obtained I peace that would bare aitiifled ua. The pbjecta for which we went Into the war would hare been achieved. Wa ahonld haya got back tha Union at It waa. We thould hare been hippy and content. But It alrdoat aetata aa If the eternal Providence with held tureeea and delayed our trlumDha until tha R march of erenta thould have brought thlt other and deeper lame Into the ttrlfe. It often appear! that while men, itatetmen, general!, propote to themtelrea one object'ln a war, God la pro potlnr to hlmeelf another object to be accom- ri pllthed"br It, Men take np armt for aome grievance, tome point or nonor, ror a quet I I tlon of territory, to enforce a claim, or toma I auch thing, and they think they are lighting for that but Providence meanwhile met their patiioni ana tneir Bgntmgi ror higher pnrpotet tban'theyhad'In'mlBd to bring tome great tirluclDlo to, the Icti and etuhllih It. to remove eotne block from the path or human progrrM, to expel ome""pcitllrnt jnDuenca from the world'! moral atmotphere In a word, to ttrengthen hit own moral torerelgnty, while they only think or maintaining tbelri. We have carried on thlt war thut rar to reatnre the violated aapremacr or the national Govern ment. That waa all the end we could properly propoie to ourtelVMi but ( begin to think now that God U ctrrylDEr It on, throneh our Initru mentftUiy, to rcstora oneofthe!oit rlglitiof liumnlty,-rvd pat1 tYpedam !' Ihe-ptaoaor DODUS, ID4 put BU 1U JO KMT1U WrODff BT)1 nulunce that tu tUraady too long defiled the ftlr face of the conUnmti and that lie la com iM-lliDir na bv loo lrrrelatltila loirle or.erenu to ro-opcrite',wltb hlra la UU purpoa and, to ngui ior iiyiio.tanisura.jri Dotiwiuingij, not kDowtuieTenfor the mot parti but none Iha lata artaXltAlt IUV 7a UVVIIIJI 'lThrinoatdrcaiifu Inatrumrot la worklofoul a-buMlatfDU It maa arrayisl for mufuftl iUui htr YraiCarDafcUthrPauKhtcr)'1 - Throughout tho war. thai far. In1 all 'my nu introa! dlaconrilDfi on the iqbjcct, I bare never iwiorr nirnuourti vtivrrjr muj win ay that my illenoe hai boon my thame. But I hare not regarded alaTeryiittbertoaa the Im mediate and rightful luue presented , and X have boea nmrllUDg to aiiUt In hurrying ou i for wbea U ahould rome. If como It louit, tt would ronie fraught. I kuew not with how much horror and blood. But It hai come of It ie If now,, without any hurrying but that of military iiflctjeilty. and alnce ft haa come, I muit recognize It. Nobody can aTert or pott pone It by abutting hla eyca or holding hie tongue. , 1 baTe.nercr been au abolition lit, lu the uiual ieue of that term. The people of thla country, and of the loyal part of tt.ihw not been abolltlonl.ta In the inau. 'But if now the Almighty Provldem-a Itielf hat become roanl feitlyandactlrelr aboil tlonltt. we ahallhavo to follow lt leading and fall fn with It pur pose whether we Intend It or not, or whether we Uke It or not. Event are atronger thai, onr prejudice or our wUhe. God will not be crowed or defeated. IM trident, then, that the question between free and lerrlle labor 1 now tu Immediate pro ceiaofdecltlon, and It can be decided In only one way If freed6m prerftllt In the preient conflict, and slavery U removed, or nut Into a fair proM of removal, tbe declilon la once ror !! mat iaie yiem ouce oroiten can never revhe or return In tbli age of the world. And then what ahall binder the perpetuity of union ana peace lurouguoui an our ooruer i l uu lliv utuct imim.tuv finiwajBtHiu.uuuiii oontjuerlu thl Immediate conflict, U can be but tor a leanon. Tho old luue will be forever presenting iiscy. in conntct wui uerenewea from year to year, or from feneration to gen eration, till freedom prevail. The prlnclpleof neeaom never iim, ana neyer eurreuacrs When defeated and driven back. It rail ei aca a, It agitate till It lucceeds. It has tbe Ian s of nature on Us sluet'anltue deeper and mightier hninan inatinct on us .ae. aua uoa Almighty on It ftdet and. Ua final predominance Is only u question of time. Tills nation has post poned tbe fearful liaue a long a It could. and now against our will It I upon .is, and will push us till It Is decided, and decided aright. Then, and only then, will there be prace. For myself, I believe that we shall not Lave even a temporary and precarious peace until It Is 'decided, and decided aright. Fro ' dictions are,. Idle, yet I cannot bnt anticipate that a few mouths shall bring the end, or at least show ns the beginning of the end,, aud such an end that thl whole continent shall be blessed'tn'U, and universal humanity rejoice to It. ' J ' We cannot to-day give thanks for peace j we can only study the nature and condition of the Mac w want. W mtK itmilbqr for It, st ror u, inmr ior 11, mm u till. Tlctor Prar foul, and endnrlnf podci. all tha peopla tlr Amad, OFFICIAL. laws or TuxamTXD states, .. JTiiiMd o l TAW .lotion 0 (At TMrtl-Snmt ' - Oongtou.1- - PtjUr5lo; 1.' - AN ACT anlhortttng the holding of a tpoclil melon of tha Unlud BUtea Dlttrlct Court for tha dUtrlctrtndlua, " ... , BtUnacttibv'lhtStiuifiti Onm Sto- tnmtattf 0 Vu Cnttad Sttlu Amnion n Ctmmtt aiwiHaf, That a apecbi laaaalon .of the United eutea Dlttrlct Court for tha dlttrlct or Indiana thill be holden, atthentnalpliceof homing MM court, on taa nnt Monnay in aero ruary , In th year of oar Lord one i tnoutand tight hnndraarand alxty4hre, and to continue aaaaion ao iong aa tne ouaineee inereot may latre. tt ."a 4ia.ii ice. 2. And U tt JVrtlur Mortal. ThaTall aaltt aad procredlop of, h civil or criminal na ture now pending In'or returnable la laid court nail De proceeora in, neara, iriea, ana aeter mtntd by laid court at tald tpectal teuton In the itme manner at at a regular term or tald court. 1 Approved, December 15, 18M. Prauc No, 2. AN ACT to adjuat appropriation! heretofore made for the civil tervlea- of tha Navy Da. Krtmant to the pretent organltatlrm of that partment. Bt U ranrffd by (Ai StiuUt ami JTovu 0 Srp rramfaflHi of tat fattnl fHotit of Amtrka In Congrtu oHemWed, That the Secretary of tha Treaiury be and he U hereby authorlied and di rected to trantfer tha amonntt heretofore ap propriated for tha pay or chttft of bureau, clerk., meiiengert, and laborer! connected with the MVT iiepartmeni, to mat tney win correipond with the prrtrnt orginttatlon and pay as authorized by the act of Congress of jury niin,eignieennnnnroa ana aixiy-iwo. Far the Bureau of Euntpment and Recrul itllng, I three thousand eight hundred ond seventy-four aouars. ; For the Bureau of Tarda and Docks, ten thousand six hundred and forty three dollars. Jor tha Bureau of Navigation, three thous and and flftV't.even dollara. For the Bureau or Ordnance, six thousand nine hundred and flftyfour dollars. For the Bureau of Const motion and Repairs. nine thousand fire hundred and thirty-four dollara. For the Bureau of Steam Enelneerlnr. four thousand two hucdred and twenty-four dollars. For tha Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, tire thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight aouars. For the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, five thousand eight hundred dollars. Bee. J. aw 04 ujurvur tnocua, i na. an re maining balance shall attach to the office of tho Secretary of the Navy, and maybe etpend ed by Mm for such clerical services as he shall Judge the Interests of the Department require. Bee, 3. And bt it further $naded. that the mm of one thousand dollar, heretofore appropri ated ror the contingent expenses ortne unrean of Construction, Equipment, and Repair, be transferred to the Bureau of Steam Enirlneerlnir. and the snm of one thousand dollars to tbe Bu reau of Equipment and Recruiting. And also thai the sum of one thousand dollars, heretofore appropriated for the contingent expenses of the Bureau or uru nance, oe iransierren so inc ou rrau of Navigation. Approved, December 10, 1863. Prntic Rxmlutioh No. l.J A RESOLUTION for Increasing the bond of the Superintendent of Public Printing. Whereas the amount of money which can be advanced to tbe Superintendent of the Public Printing, under existing laws, la not sufficient to enable him to meet the current expendi tures of hie office I Therefore Hitolind by th Scnot and gut of Rcprtttut ativet of th4 Unttfd Statu of Anuria U Con arm awmMrJ, -That the said finpf rlntendent b rrqulred to furnish a ner bond In the penal snm of forty thousand dolbis. Approved, December 18, 1863. Life In Charleston Th I'nleu Feeling Tbr. The Bangor (Maine) Whig 1 furnished with the following extract of a letter to a gentleman from a relative In Charleston, B. C, under date of November lOthi !The efforts of the Confederate Government seem like desperation, hnt to any one who haa common sense, there seems very little 'chance of any successful defence. There Is a commute of citizen now at work going around from nouae to nonse wun tne purpose oi eeeing wno are Intending to go away from the city In case of an attack, aud make provision for moving such as cannot furnish means for their own re mo, a) or support there, at the public expense. Report says that they find a very small number wuo propose or wim io leave, i propnesy (uai when thl town fall Into the hands of the Fed eral Government, there will be such a different state or tilings nero iron, wnat is generally an nrongb nrg art ial aaaconruaana rr, w? win It. Miidtlm.: Wy w lor th Mac of Jrnaalm Iti Una. right- . 'jrrajforlt,a41rt many In It. The Iradera of aereulon an no (oppo w hum.,,) will l foun.1 con.t.nlly on longer ne anil they are thoroughly Vlllfd orT, "tina. f. oautier, PaoraicToa, aa faraa future lnQnenee grje8f howerertUt' novJa eolm sal Prnni)!varaaaenue. trar entli. Of no man li thero moro thorough I - detntatlontrHdayllnBouthCarollna,thinRoh'l"iriinaAva BOt We ear that our ttortla ert Uarnwrlllthett not errn Abraham Llnroln. v the Flnt wanlmiy not ha ecauiett acorn The newt of thedeathof lilt whole family would 'motion, hut do ny that we are runnlnj oir aa tin- gire more joy luan anj omer erent i roum name. "The Northern paprrt talk about the abtenca of Union fueling in the South. There ! no want of tore for tbe old tlowrnmcnt. (t It dally tX&VSiJXSi strong enough to occupy and possess the terrl- tory. Onre cite us a rhanre. and tbe pressure of the peril oir, and the welVIn will ring with joy at tho downfall of Ibe Confederate Govern ment. But aa long aa the Confoderate Govern rncnt Is the nno which ex err I so eiclnalve pow er over us as lone as Virginia stands defiantly In front of tbo Federal army so lonjr will all men hesitate to tsVo tbo risk of openly ospons ln the Union causae. It 1 bard now to find any man who will avow that bewa an original secessionist. But their pride: Is engaged lu the, conflict. That will yield to hard blow this win ter. Then let Jeff. Davl A Co. look out for a peace party at the South. They hare been strain Ing their eyea to see one at the North they may see one In tbe South before they want It. There Is no single grievance or which the Southern B tales complain, at the hands of the Federal Government, (except tho one In con nection with slavery,) which has not been ag gravated by the Confederate government, and tho common opinion here Is that, whatever the result of tho war, so far as connection with tbe Federal Government goes, the axe has been laid ai mo root oi slavery. ' I hope our next communication may be by means of tbe open port of this city by United States vessels. 1 trust that no long period mi) elapse before Iron ships may bid defiance to Forts Moultrie and Sumter, and this town once more own the sway which many of Us people )rt long to acknowledge." National Tax. The aggregate tax In Octo ber, at Lawrence, was moretbsn t91,O0U. Tbe Washington Mills paid So,500i PaciHc, t3,500, Pemberton, $3,&00i Everett, $2,000) Atlantic, $1,000. This was for 3 per cent, at valortmt on the manufacturers' sales. It Is enually heavy on the shoe towns. It Is estimated that Haverhill will pay, tn a year, $120,000) and Lvnn, probably above f'JOii ,000, liaton Trat 4 nAkf.AU'ciTHiWi,oW: yj aavtalkftraatttiaarritft,thabrlatllaar of raahloa, where yen tan Sad th'abtat tut aad made Clothing larMta aad BoyiVwear that tha market aaa predate, lad our prtiae, for cheapne.1, aad du rability of our goodidefy eoVpetlttoa. (Oar attghbor Batltht t wo doort ahora, ao long aoted for Millet clothing laai than any hooaa la tha city, In a private eoannatlan, atkaowledrad to aa that our Boya Clothing waa tht heat made and tut gooda ha aver aaw aad. If taa auiiaae of Waihtngton ware potted la tha gooda 1 have, ny etore would be orerraa with ladlaa aad gantleiiaa la want of elothlngi kid I only With to have you call and ice our beautiful auertmeateef elotkrag, and I think that our prlte. and rood, will mora than pay you tor tailing at the leadlag Ctotklai Houia, No. 44 iereath atreet, aaar'F atreev, two 'doort below mltk'a. 'Crtrykody knowi tmlth, bat, tnrtaad of calling at Ml plate, cone la two doort below. IN. Bj I have a tpectal word to tty lo tke Ladle. thai I can neaea than baiter thta'cver la Boy.' Clothing, aa my ttotk extelfanTthlag I ever had. ft ., rornerly at'odeon Hall, nov 91 dtjaot Now at Oak Kail. AC A R D. Oai UiU. CLOTMiao Room. Mr. Bruoe, (Onatrly at the fAleou Hall, hat now opened a new ttore at No. 461 Seventh atreetjuit below smlth't, where he baa a flneaeleetloo of Man and Doya'alothlog at very low prleeii ha 1. uc.1 rout of having allhli old auitomera eau on him. a. they can buy gooda at lower priori than aov other itoretntktclfy. - J. BnucK k do , Clothlrn, No. 404 Seventh itreet, near F. Call and tee Mr. Bruce, at No. tit Sneath itreet Mr. Bruce hai a Fine Stock of Clothing for Men and Boya' wear, at No. 441 Seventh itreet, oppoilte dtr Pntt OfflM. Mr. Bruce li tha m.n to pleaie the Boyi In Cloth lag, a. no. m aevroia . rt. Ev.rrbodv know, that Mr. Bruce can aell Bon' Clothing cheeper than any one el.e. No. 414 ser anth itreet, oppoilte City Foit Outce. For Men ana Bore' Clothlag call on Mr. Bruce, at Oak Hall. No. 441 Seventh street, betwcea V. and p. Mr. Bruce la the men to please you in bo r uotn- m uu 1 111, rig.Hi 9r,riiiJe iirvri, uyituaii mr lDBl UaaiC. .Miatlal fM TUB VOTERS OP WASHINGTON. X The Assessors of the illtlerent Uardj will meet at the following places from io o'clock a. m. till 3 o'clock p. m ( from the lith to the Slat uf Do ee tuber, lneluilre. to correct and register the nauee or those omitted from the poll list i isi wara. Jonn a. Hneem, m rennsyirania av enue, between 17th and ICth streets. 2d Ward. Thomas ftlewart, corner 17th and H streets. d Ward. Henry Curtis, corner or H and 12th streets. 4th Ward. Thomas w. Burch. sth street between O and II streets. 0th Ward U, T Dyer, residence. Ten Buildings. Sth Ward. George Cullard, at T. Edw. Qark'i of floe, 1rglala avenue, between Sth and loth streets 1th W ard. Peter Hepburn, No. tu south F street, between flth and 9th sf recta west. de 1S-4U1 GHAND ADVANCE OP TUB ARUVa and clothiers are cr Ug up he great adranee of clothing, but we are'selllng at a small advance on old prlcei. We" have a large stock on hand, and are selling them off to make more room, for we have a very large stock of Clothing at our manufac tory, and are now tanning off our stock at less than Wholesale prices to make room. We have al ways been fighting against high prices, and shall continue to do so. .Mr. SMITH Is In the market all the time, and Is enabled to furnish our store with a superior stock, and we cannot be undersold by nay one. We hare the means to sell cheap, and are determined to do it at SMITH k BF ALL'S, No. 361 Seventh street, nov St-dt janl Near K itreet. NOTICE. D INN Ell S, SUPPERS, Halls, Private and Public Parties. The Subscriber, at the urgent request of the Clt ltens of Washington and the Public generally, has now resumed his out-side family business, lathe supplying of DINNERS, PARTIES SVPPERSttME4TDWIESt Sent to any part of the City at the Shortest Notice, I ana win te luperimenuru vj we suoscriorr in per son. The proprietor would also beg leave to remind his Patrons el this branch, that the late Store and Saloon haa been changed to a Gentlemen's Res taurant. The Ladle who will faror him with their Patronage will find, on the Second Floor, a handsomely furnished Recentlon Room. In which Mrs. Gavtikr will be happy to receive their or- I r1aa 1 ntrinM h that trli at Dnnr CGAUTIER, norSfteolm 2W Pennsylvania avenue. JtrJTUlnjVr.-Th li subscriber and proprtetor'of t bis well-known and lonaefltabllsbed Restaurant is nanny t r to Inform hi numerous friends and patrons that lie has suc- eeeded In making tha oeoessary arrangements lu the Rrstauranldenartment. which enables him to comply with the urgent requests of the cliUeos of Washington and the pubtlo generally. Inasmuch as he has completed the refitting of the upper part of the establishment for the accommo dation of gentlemen wishing private DINNERS AND BVPPERS, c.1 arrangements have been midetosuppli the table from the markets of New York snd Philadelphia (daily) with U4l- IJII. t.n-11 fWrXia UMItnj, and all the delicacies of the season. A choice selection of UA un pieii w a nit Dlt'PD nvtrrna ,,,, ,tock , ciothlnf at the U.dln, nr.t Ward arenue, but who errr law a itore wh. re a Smith ' w.i that did not do builoent aad the reti.a It, , tb,. ,W,., n ihrlrtood. too chop. That I. I - "' -n Poor. (U-ho eve, h,..d of a Smith getting rich! I never did) We are determined to furnun au the first ward With Good Clothing. Everybody had better some soon and buy, as our neighbors, In a similar tUlaiij say that we can not stand It more than ninety day longer selling goods so cheap, but we hate a very large lot of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes left, and we are determined to run them off at great bar gains, at1 Headquarters for Clothing la the First Ward, corner of Twentieth street and Pennsylva nia avenue and No. 400 Seventh street. nov 21-dtJanl SMITH A CO. milOHAS K. MaOVl), ATTORNEY FOR'ftVAiMANTSt AXD AOKNT f OU PR0CI7RIN0 Bounty Lands, Pensions, Arrears or Pay, Extra Pay, c , WABniNQTON, D. C, Will give prompt and cfflclent attention to the frostiutlon of Claims of every description against he Government, and make no charge unless sue ceisful. Doth references and charges for services will be made satisfactory. O" Pensions secured for soldiers wounded ordts- aseu uunng tne existing warj aiso, ior ine wiuows and orphans of soldiers v ho ha. e dlwl from wounds or disease Incurred while In the United States ser Ucei also, Bounty Money for the helre-iu-Uw ol soldiers deceased during the existing war. Fees divided with attorneys or other persons for warding business. The highest prices paid for Land Warrants. Address THOMAS E. LLOYD. Attorney for Claimants, No. 478 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. N. B. Editors of Daoers nubllshtns: tha abora card will be entitled to my services to tbe amount ot ineir cnarcvi. , i., . des 12-w PftOPOIAfJI FOst IIOftflBaV I - ' 1 . t veeoT laUURTatKMASTEirf urrirr. Corner Lie Mnth and Q streets, tVashlortofl. D. C. Dee. 10, ISO. ' ACALEDimOPDaALI will ba Httelvcd at this Office ttaultaturuajr.lbe TTtta day of 1) o'clock m.t for furalibleg th QovenitMat with l,M0) twenty-are hundred Horses, or tke olio log iteseiipttoot, vlfi y v. J , CAVALRV. t Tot Cavalry, (1,600) one thousand rltv4 hundred Hones, from in Bfleen to (1) aUteen head hlfli lMtweanreauMtiitTraoiaf ofdarkeelotsi well broken t the, aaddlei eompoetly built, aad free from all delects. ART1LUCRT. ( , For Artillery, (1,000) one thousand Horsee. from JlfiH) nitecn and one-half to (t)isfxtefW hand msli, between live and eight years of ate, of dark colors! fee from all defttti) well broken to har ness compactly bull 1,0414 to Welch not lew than t,ioo pounds. , PROPOAtAi The full'' name and oost offle address of the bid der must appear In the proposal. i u m Dm oia in wi miH oi nrm, toe nanri of all the- parties must appear, or the bid will be considered a the ludlrf dual proposal of the party Pnipoiids from a IVovei parti vOt naieVfoaihV rrerf, aad ma oath of aUegUoM'iaust oeeonpany each propoelttosu . 4 rtopoeau smut epeetlY clearly whether the 44 la far Cavalry or Artillery Horses, and in n raw must both be Md for on th same paper. , If any bidder wishes to propose for both classes, he must forward two distinct proposals one for each class, compltti a iUtif and hai Ing no refer ence to any other proposal by the same party. Proposal must t atVlresied to Col. li. H. Ruck er, Quartermaster U.S. army. Waehloxton, IX C, and should he plainly marked u Propoials (or Horses." . OUARANTEC Tie ability ef the bidder to fill the contract, iould it be awarded to him. must be euaranlle.1 for two reipooslble persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee. The resnoDSlbllltr of tl tprnaeu to m Euaranier. rhe respODSlblllty of th guarantors must be shown by the olDrlal certificate of the Clerk of th nearest District Court or of the United states Dte- trut Attorney. Bidders must be nresent la oerson when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not he consid ered. Bonds equal In amount to one-half the sum to be received on the contract, signed by the contractor and both of hi guarsntors, will be required of the successful bidder upon signing the contract. A the bond must accompany the contract, It will ba necessary for bidders to have their bondsmen Wltn mem, or to nave oonai eignra in anucipiiiou a otl ready to be produced when the contract Is aimed. Blanks for bonds can be procured upon applica tion being made at this orate, either personally, by Form of Gnarantte, We, , of the county of , and State o( t nl .oftha cauatrof . and Slate of .tin hereby guaranty that li able to fulfil a con tract, In accordance with the terms of Ms proposi tion, and that should hi proposition be accepted. nc win at once rnicr mio a contract in accoruai therewith. should the contract be awarded him wa are pre pared to become hU securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate abo mentioned.) INSPECTION, DEUVFRY, Ac. All Horses contracted for under this advertise ment will be subjected to a rigid Inspection, and those not conforming to the specifications will be rejected. no iTJorr- win it rvenvru. The Horses mutt be delivered In this city, within twent; v days from the date of th contract, and no exittui ion oi time win ue granted on any pretext, Payment to be made upon the completion of the contract, or so soon thereafter a tha Depot Quar termaster shall be In funds. Any Informality tn the bid, or non-conformance With the terms of this adtertlseiueut, will Insure the rejection of the proposal. . The Horses will be awarded In lots of 13001 two hundred each, unless th Depot Quartermaster enoumueent it ior inv miereettii inn ooirrnnaat toarv the number. Tli Depot Quartermaster reserve tohlmstlf the right to reject any or all bid that he may deem too D. H.RUCKER, Colonel and Depot Quartermaster dee 15-dm Edward Everett's Reply lo nn Euajlleli gord. v romcAL fdmp. What hare we In America t We've wonder great and grand; We have the essence of the earth, The cream ol et ery land. Our mountains are magnificent, Our rivers are Immense. And each man has a kingly style, If not a king' expense. Our ships are known to all the worldi The farms cannot be beat) Our cities, full of luxury. Are famous for the at. We're orator and authors, too, With Intellect or force i ' We're railroad scattered everywhsr) Ann oat rruiesaur awn. Our girls have beauty, wit, and grace, They're charming, sweet, and tU7 But, thee, the pndtU Ihlog we have Is known a great OAK ft ALL, Where the fall and winter stock of first-elms cloth ing Is now ready In extra abundance and greatest variety. All the new-style Overcoats, sacks, Busi ness Coats, Peg-top Pants, ke , selling at prices so low that st crybody wilt buy and be satisfied. J. BRUCE (k CO, (Oak Hall,) No 464, Kerenth street near F, nov 21 di janl Two doors below Smith's. APPLICATIONS for DuplUftte Laud Warruuta. AoiAlf atlonha. lna been made under the act of Md June, tsw, for the reissue of the Land Warrants described herein, which are alleged to have been lost or aesiroyeu, nonce is ncrcov given insi, a. the date fallowing the description of each warrant, a new certificate uf like tenor will be issued if no valid obloctlon should then appear. No. SJ.7U9, for 1W acres, issued under t he act of Maroh, taw, In the nameof Arnold Harrington, and was granted Kepteiubcr 17, 1B67 January 4, law. No. 83,401, for 160 acres, Issued unJer tbt act of Manh, IBM. In the names of thu minor children of Daniel F. iWvCuoe, deceased, and was granted Oct. XMSOa-Januaryia, 185J. No. 100.617, for 160 acres, Issued under Ibe act of Mrih 1HS3. In the nameof Ansel Allen, and waa granted March IJ, l SCI January is, 18C). no. iuu.sou, iur lovacrrs, muni una it inr ivi in March, lAJ. lo the name or HaOiel, widow of Geo, Harner, aud was granted January 6, 13 February No. 67,700 for 160 acres, Issued under tha act of March 3. 1865, In the name of Win. CrUler, and was moled Februarr 6. Ifitt February 92. 1863 No. e.fitt, for BJ acres, Issued uader the act of September, isoo. in the name oi Jonathan Mciicory, and was granted July 6th, 1851 .March l. is JOSEPH H. BARRETT, Commissioner vricw von ic Bit rinksb. LAW, FINANCIAL AND COLLECTING. INVOICE BILLS BUSINESS MOTES XEOCrtaTXT). PnoTESTEn Notes and DcrcaaXD Accounts Bouohtanu Collected. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION. aOVSXXME.VT CLAIMS BOUGHT By G. Z. HOUsf, Counsellor at Law, 113 Nassau street. New York. El" Ten years In State and United Stats Court. AdvUe gratia. apis 1? IB II BAnOKNT'S AWttlNO, FLAG, AND UXI0X TEST FAOionr, No 030 Penn.rlv.ul avcuue, WASinNQTON, D. C. HUTISnS' ASD AH.VT TEX'jS ON UAMD On UIDB TO OUDER. Awnlnxi, n.Kl, Trail, Mall Digi, Homo Conn, Sigiii, W.oa toviri, ka., made at .Lort notice, wy tl CAMP STOVES I CAMPSTOVESM CAMP STOVES I II We are now manutacturlnd CAMP. COOK and HEATING STUVLS, which we will sell by the doieu or hundred as cheap as they can he bought tn Daltlmore. E. H. A H. I. CHLGORY, nov 18 3)1 Penn. avenue, near lib street. ri! F. A-SJ K A lit T E A l I flPiCEsr ait'ou(fo COY FEKBII TO B A CCOBIII A large Invoice of the above articles ore now Xing reeelred, and tor sale by D. 3. BROWN, Commission Broker, No. 8, WaiMngton Building, Seventh street and Peon, avenue. BUTLERS TAKE NOTICE! Teas In X pound packs. Teas In C, 8, io. it, IS, IS and M pound boxes. Canned Tomatoes U 1 doien boxes. Canned Peache In S dot n boxes. Pickles In a dozen boxes. Gum Drops In V pound Daper. CHrat Drop la B poubdbox'e's. Houina in boxes and X boxes. Pepper In S ounce papers and la 1 gross boxes. English Mustard In V pound papets and cans. English Most w J n and I gross boies. Preserved Cherries In bottles. Figs In Vi pound drums and I pound boxes. Lemon Syrup In bottles. PLUG TOBACCO, FINE-CUT TOBACCO, CIGARS. For sale by D. J. BROWN, No. 9, Washington Building, Is renth street and Penn. avenue, Washington, D. C. no 8 rpo TIIK OFFICERS OF TUB ARMV. Just' arrlred, by direct Importation per steamer ruiion, irom a urope, a very nne and large assort ment of Msrloe, Opera, Field Glasses, and Tele scopes, wmen i win sen a rerymtie above the cost In Paris. As to the Qualities, there are none superior to be had, having been selected purposely ior tnis marxet. Also, a large and well-assorted stock of Opera Glasses, Microscopes i gold, silver, and steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses, suited to the sight by the use or an Optometer A considerable amber of certificates to be seen at my office, from gentlemen who hare been suited at my establish ment. 435 TrnntylMHta avtnue, bttwecn Four-and-a- half and Sixth ttreett. My Satnbllakment la up at airs. Glastet JUttd to nut. The trade supplied. o.t io-iy N ATlONAt. LOAN. THE NEW BIX PKR CENT. DONDS of the UNITED STATES, PAYABLE TWENTY YERJ FROM DATE, (Or after Are years, at option of the Government ) THE COUPON BONDS, la sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS,' FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, and ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. TUB HKOMTKIIKD BONDS, In sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLL A US, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, INTEREST COMMENCING AT DATE OF PUR L'liAr;, Abd payable eiml-anmially IN GOLD. These Bombs are the CHEAPEST GOVERNMENT SECURITY nowlnthenmket, The Interest, at present price of coin, being equiv alent to 8 Pin Cent, la currency. FOR SALE BY JAY COOKE CO., BANKERS, 433 Firteeutte Street, Dealem im QOVERyilBNT BONDS, TREASVRY NOTES, CLRTtriCJTES. ARMV AND NAVY VOVCIIER9, COIN, CVRREbCY AND EXCHANGE. dee 10 if AM UV SUPPLIES. OrriCEOrTHE CfUCrQJATEAKAlTIB. 3 AhMvorTHE Potomac, , Wa:hlnaion. September V0,ISQ3. PROPOSAL are Invited for furnlshlagfor the use of the army of the Potomac the- following ar ticled ... i sjxxi tons wti qusiuy Tinu,ii.y nay, securely Laled, th well at ot each bale to be marked threou, 3.000.000 bushels of Oats, of tbe betrQuatlty, In 1 strong sacks, well sewed. 7.000 cords Oak and Hickory W bod, well sea soned and of the best quality. Each bid must be accompanied by the endorse ment of two responsible persons that the contract U aw ".MM will be ruiniled. ' Uldswtll be opened from time to time as the ar ticle may be needed, and contract will be awarded for the quantities oeoded, fe the lowest reeptmslble bidder up to the time of opening-. , The right Is resert ed to accept al or any part ot any bid. Proposals should be endorsed Proposals for Hay or uais," or " Weod," as the case may be, and en close in separate en elopes, RUFVfl INGALLfi; Lieut. Col. and A D C.,Chler quartermaster. -sepS4tf -pHOPO'IAI.8 TOR FIIKS1I BEEF $ WasHIHUT0 AUENAL, December tu, 1803. Sealed PHorostts, to be emlorsed "Proposals for Fresh Beef," will b reielv! at this Arsenal, until 10 a. m. of the SOth Instant, for the supply ot Fresh Beef for twelve months from the 1st Jauua ry.lBW. The Beef to be of goad and wholesome quality, fnaoabti and hunks tf hided. t In such ouantltles as ma) from time to time be required, not exceeding five times In etnch week, on such dtyi as shall be designated by the Acting Assistant Commissary of BiiDilsienie. "lite ncei 10 ue winm'ii at inc Ar senal. The contract will be awarded (subject lo the ap pro, al or the Commissary General) to the lowest responsible bidder, who will be required to enter Into a bond with one soli ent surety, In tbe sum ol aooo ior mo uue penoriuance oi inc coniraci. T. L "RADFORD, dec 19-dtd First Lieut, ordnance, A. A. C. S. y ATER NOTICE. eoi tho General Reservoir It will be necessary, unless great economy oiwaisr is practiced, ior uie uov ernment soon to shut olfthe supply to citizens en tirely. All persons are, therefore forbidden to use th hydrants on Pennslvanlaavcnue,oron any streets or at enues under (he care and supervision of the Commissioner of Public llulldlngs, for watering the streets or pavements, or for any prh ate purpose whatever. And alt persons using the water are urgently so licited to be as economical in Its use as iosslble. no riu ntiii p Commissioner of Publlo Jtulldlugs. E DWAIIU LYCKTT, UookbluiWr, No, Z71 Avr Vaiuioto, D. C. Book! bound In ererr it) Ie Turkrj , Morocco, Ituilla aiUCalf. Je7, EDUCATIONALV. Circli iNrriruTi, TOR. YOPNO LADIES, t ', No. 01 K SrnxtT, Naxa thk Ciactc TERMS, per Quarter of ten weeks Quarter commencing at the date of admission t -2 l ElemcataryCtaiBeslnEacUsh - - - 0500 AUVaUieaJU UHIII ID aUlgUaUl JLalteVaiUr, and Science Included .-' Elementary Claaaea in Earllsh. French, and 'w Advanced Classes In English, French and ' - Muslo i- , t4 ( It 0 Extra charge for Spanish, German, Italian. Latin. and other Languages.' ' - Dr. ZAPPONE will give Leetaret , and Mhswwl assist, whenever ha can spare time from JsUaaedV eat profession. oe MRS. A. ZAPPONE, mad pal. GEORGETOWN FEMALE SIM. NARY. "' miss KAnaorca's. r A BOARDING AND DAV SCHOOL, 181 West trarrr. Thedutleaof this InstUntlonwlitbAreaiunadAn the sth or September. Circulars may be obtained at the principal bookstores tp WMuasjtos, ot by ndareaslngt he principal, M.j.iksieMtiiv1 augto TTAAim N. TO THE PUBLIC IN OENESAL OOHLINO RESTAURANT jufilf' a T T T T PENNSYLVANIA AVKMUR, SOUTH SIDE, (Formerlr of New York.) Hai the Name ami Fame of beflfn ooe of TUB BEST KKSTAU1UKTS IX TOVX. tyOh a ui a trill, and Judf. (or rourielf.-C ErerTtlila, In tne Houm I. ol the BEST TKE MARKET AFFORDS. Don't forget th. number, HIT Pennirlranla aranu., between Twelrib amt Thlrtcrath .tri.ta, mar IS South iUe. NK W INVENTION ARTIFICIAL CLEOPLASTIC BONE TKE Til, without metal plata or clasps, by DR. 8. B. SIOEBMOND. 010 Broadway, New Vorki and SCO Penn. avenue, wtwifR iwriiuiauiu xniriccnia an , W13DINOTON, D. C, Calls the attention of the public to th following ad rant arts of his lmtrOTd si stem. 1st. Tho teeth of his manufacture will never cor rode nor change color by any adds, and are three fourths lighter than any other. 3d. No teeth nor roots need be extracted, aa tha artificial ones oan be Inserted o er them. ad. The roots will be made Inoffensive and never to ache. 4th. No temporary teeth are needed, as Tvermanent ones can be made Immediately, thereby presetting inv oaturu n the old ej stem, 1 the natural expression of the face, which, under IB PaU tl) IVUI, ( iicuucutii uiaiigurru. 6th. This work has been fully tested, for orer five years, by manypf the first chemists and physician of thl and the old country. Dr. S. haa also Invented a white Indestructible metal fining, with which the most sensitive teeth can be filled without pain, and can build up a per- irci sounu loom on ht siue roois, wnicn i ui laai through a lifetime. He refers to the following gentlemen. Dr. V. Mottj Dr. Dorsums, Professor of Chemistry) Hon. A. Mann, Jun. Capt. Crabtree, Mce President of the mauu juu -a(jt, viaunrc. i ivo irrcaiuca. w, mi Emigration Company of New York) Hon. Judge Wh) ne, of the Supreme Court, of Washington, D. nnu uiuuiauius wi viucrs. all and examine for yourselves, nov S Sn. PAOSPECTTJS or Tlra . WEEKLY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. The undertlgned commeaced, In tha month of December, 18C0, the potilleatlon, In thla cltj, of a werklr ncwipapcr, railed the National lit' publican. It li printed on a large thcet, twentr-icrcn bj forty-two Inchea, and It furnlihed at the low prtrce ttatod below. It eontalna all the original matter of the Daily Xatlonal RtpulAiean, with the exception of local nene not Interetttng to country tub- icrloen. It will giro fall reporti of the proctedlngi of Cocgreei, end of the other Depertincnti of tho National uorernment. Itcontilm all the newt of the day, foreign ant domcatlc, markctt, 4c, Ac, at well at an original correepondence from all parti of the eoantry. Tho mliccllaneout deptrtment will TcceJre tpeclal attention, and, In all reipecti, the effort will be made to eetabllth the charac ter of tbe .Vofional RqnMkan aa a Family Newiparer. Waihlngton being now the central point of tbt current military operation!, great attention will bo paid to (ornithine the reader! of the Xixllonal JtrjnMlean with foil, and etpeclally with accural', account! of the .progrett of the war for tho Union. In polltlca, the paper It Republican, tmtoln- Ing tho Admlnlitratlon of Mr. Lincoln. There li no other Republican paper In the Dlttrlct of Colombia, or In the Tlclnlty of It, and It It bettered that recent erenti hare openod to auch a paper an Important tphere of uicful effort. Tho time hai come, when tbe acta, admlnlitratlon of tho florernment upon Repub llcan principle! n 111 explode tha mlmprcecn Utloni which bare maJo tkoie principle! t dlltatcful to tbo South. Iiut It li not only here, and In thlt Tlclnlty, that tho projectoit of the 'dttonol Republican hope to make It utcful. To the whole ronnlry they offer a Journal which will dlicusi national politic! from a national 6tand point, and which will never be awened from patriotic duty by Vuy OTcrpowrrlng pretinre of local Intcrrat. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono copy, one year .... $3.00 Thrco coplci, ono year ... 5.00 Fire coplue, ono year .... 7.00 Teu codIch. one vear - - 13 00 Tnouty coulu. one) ear ... yO.OO One rouv. ilx montbi .... 1.00 Threo copies, ilx mouths ... 2.r0 Fliocoplca, ilx montha - - - 3 00 Ten coplca, ilx months ... CIO Twcntv copies, ilx moulhi - . 10.00 Payment! alwaya In advance. When a Club of inbicrlberi haa been forward ed, addltloni may bo made to It on the lime terms. It It not necessary that the inbicrlberi to a Club thould receive their papers at tho lamo poit office. Money miy bo forwarded by mall, it our risk. Largo amount! can be remitted In Treasury notca, or drafta on Boston, New York, Phlladel pbla, or Baltimore) i miller amountatngold,or In notet of solvent bankt. Address W. J. MURTAQn & CO., Washington, D. C. KTue DitlY NiTioxit RxrinitciN Is published every morning, (BuDJaje excepted,) at the following ralcii One copy, one year 13.80 Flva coplea, one yur ... 15.00 Ono copy, ilx months . . 1.75 Five coplci, ilx month! 7.50 One copy, threo monthi . 1.00 ' rvac.AaB rovk TtMi ou, - 1' ' or' onoioi' oporto qbace i .1 , ,roi MtrttciAiyejc , I far FimaUt, fYtaktv .ftTKiu, and Jiuatat. I ali.-jut .ftn1 1 I Every fsmlly, at thla leason, should use tha lAMHL'U.WIftE, &Zx2e3E2mi!nj&;iZ'- s jiafef. , f lBBBBBBBBBsHlBsl 3 ' Celebrated In Europe for It medicinal and benefit v elal Qualities as a gentle Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic, and Sudorlne, highly esteemed by eminent pfayst- a' clans, Uated In European and American Hospitals. . and by some or the first families In Europe and America AS A TONIC, It has no equal, causing an appetite and bulldloi; up the system, being entirely a pure wine of a taosi valuable fruit. , ,y AS A DtURETIC, T It Imparts a healthy aetlen of the Gland and EiJ neys. and Urinary Organs,rry beocBclal In Dropsy Gout, and Rheum alio anVcllons. SPFFR'S WINE la not a mUture or manufactoredarttele,but I' pure, from the juice of the Portugal SAtnbucua grape, cultivated In New Jersey, recommended by Chemists and Physicians as poasesnlng medical pro perties superior to any other Wines in use, and an excellent article for all weak' and'debllltated per soos and the aged and Infirm, Improving tne appe tite and benefiting ladles and children. A LADIES' WINE, Because It will not Intoxicate as otbsr wises, as It contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and Is admired forltarlch,pecullar flavor, and nutritive rropertlee, imparting a healthy tone to the digest re orgsas, and a blooming, soft, and healUiyskln and complexion. WE REFER TO A few well-known gentlemen and physlclses who hat e tneu u e winei Gen.WlnfiellScott.U.SA. I Dr.Wllson,tlthst.,N.Y Dr. Ward, Newark, N.J Dr Dougherty, Newark N J. Dr. Marcjy New York. Gov. Morgsn, N.Y. State. DrJ.R.L;mii an, Dr. Parker, N. Y. City. Drs DarcyitNlchotl.New- ara, nii. LrTrr aiai, rniiau-a. rMAn rnnln. wllhr.ut ttiA fcl.Q.tur. of'AL. FHKD SPEER. Funic. N.J.."lsoerttie cork earn bottle. O-M AKE ONE TRIAL OF Till! WIJVE. For .lie br Drunliti and all flnt-clai. Dealers. Trad, .utmlled In Baltlnore br VM. H. BIOWN a, BRO. . A. srcKK, tropnitor. ViaCTAan Passalt, New Jarny. Orricr. 50J Broadway, N.w Votk. JOHN LA POT. Parii, aov s ly Afent for Franca aad Garmanr TDST TRY OCIl NEW STOCK Ott y t riAthlnv rrotn th. PMmle. Clothlaa atore. No teo Seventb street, near F. Thar ouf.wear any IU1D you can Duy anu lory are nnn tnnp t J. II. SMJXtt'S, No. C0 Seventh itreet, near F. I would advise all to come and buy their Clothln at SMITH'S, ho. too seventh itreet. will eon. to SMITH'S, Nn MO Seventh .treat, near F, oppctlta City Peat DC nee, to buy jour Ciothlnf;, Furnishing Good. Trunks, Hits, aod Cap.. The PEOPLE'S CLOTIIlltO STORE, No. 410 etenth itreet, lithe in town to buy lour Clotnlnir, Furnlihlnr Gooda, Trunks, Hats, and Cups. J. II. SMITH CO., Clothlert, 40 Set enth .treet. Call soon and sre our new stock of Fall and Wfn. ter Clothlar, whlen we are .eiun. at vary low pri. ees, at the PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, No. 4W Sei enth street, near F. r:r..t .ttrnctlom at No. 440 Serentn street. New stock of Ciothlnf Just arrived, and Miliar at our u.usl low price.. 1. II. SMITH CO , Holhicr., No. 4S0 Seventh street, and corner Twentieth street and Penn. arena. Great bsrgMue In Clothtnr. Furnt.nlnx Goods, tuts. Cm, Boots, and snoet, on th. corner oi Twentieth street and Peon, ar.aue. SMITH at CO , Clothiers, First ward, cor. Twen tieth .tre.t and Pennsvlvanlaavenue, 1. the aheap. eat place la town to buy your Fall aad- WlnWr Clothing. Call at the First Ward Clothlnr store aad rot your Fall and winter Clothing , Hats, Cape, Boots and Shots. n SMITH k CO., Clothiers, Cor. Twentieth ttroet and FIRST WARD CLOTHING HOUSE, corner ot Twentieth street and Pennsylvania avenue. You can buy your Clothlof, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes cheap, corner of Twentieth atreet and Pennsylvania avenue. aepsor-sn ATTENTION, lOLDIEns AND SUT LKIM. Having Juit completed our assort ment of Camp Furntttire, wa would now respect. fully Invite the attention of Soldiers and Sutlara Our assortment comprises in part th. following Camp goods, Mil Camp Chest, lor mess of from four te six, Camp Tat les, Camp Stools, Camp CotsCamp Msttress.., with all other article, of Camp Furniture calcula ted to tnnke a soldier comfortable. All of which will be sold at the ery l3Vet cash prices at OHFI.N a. WILLIAMS au 31 No. 024 Seventh street, corner P. O Oil ETUI N ON E W TRY IT Now 1. tha lime to buy ) our Tall Clothing, at No. 440 Seventh strrett where joucsn flod all the latest stile goods, at Northern prices llolhol tor Set enth street, No. 440 A large tn tolceof Clothing, at very low prices, No. 40 Ser enth street, ne.rF. A new way to sat e Gold I Buyyour Clothing at No. 460 Setenth street, opposite Post Office, at 10 per cent, below the market price, tn Treasury Smith's, No. 440 Setenth strest. Is tha cheapest house In town to buy your Clotting, Furnishing Goods, irunKS, uais, .uu lap.. ep2 !m N ATlONAt. LO A N. THE NEW nrwrf ixiit six pm ce.nt. bonds of the UNITED STATES ( A'lioion or " Fm TumlUi.") Tlie COUPON BONDS In .urns of M, tOO, I M0, and tl.o, Tie RFUISTFRED BONDS In sums of , 100, (Duo, l,ooo, and f,J,ooo, (Intcrtit romnwnWno ol dur of purcAaH,! roK taut at ran ar JAY ts. CO., Ilaukere, 153 Fftcenlli Unit. These Boans are tho C'HEircsT Oovwixmiwt BiccniTr now tn the market. Merttt juydOts SMnf-annualy IM GOLD Is vault .lent, at present price of coin, lo a PL. Cent. In currency. nov sa tt DO YOU KNOW IT! II ou do not, call at SMITH k BEALL'S, No. 301 Seventh street near K street, snd buy yourself ante, suit of Cloth ing flora th.m, li they aell cliesp. SMITH fc BEALL, Clothltri, No. 301 Seventh itreet, nov8l-dlJnl Near K itreet. I ESPECIAL ATTENTION II CALLED TO OUR 'j new stock ot rail and Winter Clothing, Oenta Furnishing Goods, Hats, and taps. L. A. BEAU, k CO., it M-in ciothltrt, No. iJ seventh ttitet l v. 1' 'I I